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the-purest · 1 year ago
it's currently 2 am and i cant stop thinking about emo phil and missa having opposite raccoon stripes, with missa having blonde stripes and phil having black ones.
please tell me yall know what im talking about, im so sane about this.
phils 100% a skirt over jeans and fishnet gloves emo and missa is sooo a 10 belts and long sleeve under ripped t shirt emo
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coffintwink · 3 months ago
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i did not recognize this user as a porn account and i was like wow this kind of fucks
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powerbottom · 1 year ago
If i was an angel i’d be begging them to cut the wings off me just so i could be here with you darling
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rathma · 1 year ago
2,4,8,15 for Etienne
weewoo ranger time real
2. regular morning beverage (and snack) order
he drinks very particularly some sort of strong mint tea. it's like not good but he won't drink anything else. and a cheese danish
4. if they went to a modern day university what would they get their bachelor's in and do they enjoy it
he changes his major 4 times before dropping out and getting a certificate from a trade school. tbh
8. do they collect anything and what is it
he doesn't like to keep "unnecessary shit" but over time he starts to press flowers. clover especially
15. what mundane human job would they have in modern society to pay the bills and do they like it
he's the park ranger of all time but if you're looking for something real life mundane he probably has a part time position at a natural science museum. like front desk shit and guiding a tour twice a day. scripted and all
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butchdetective · 1 year ago
[ID resized for accessibility: A digital drawing of Kushina, Nagato, Naruto, Konan and Yahiko, walking on Amegakure's lake with a rainbow over them. They're all smiling, Nagato is carrying a younger Naruto on his shoulders. Kushina is wearing a teal tunic with the uzumaki crest on it. Konan is holding Nagato's free hand while Yahiko has his arms around her. Konan has a hand on her stomach, signaling that she is expecting. They're all wearing semi casual clothes of different shades of blue and teal.]
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“Uzumaki” for Nagato week
My love for the Uzumaki clan and Nagato calling Naruto little brother did something to me 😭 In an ideal not shinobi world they’d make a cute weird family.
[Image ID: A digital drawing of Kushina, Nagato, Naruto, Konan and Yahiko, walking on Amegakure’s lake with a rainbow over them. They’re all smiling, Nagato is carrying a younger Naruto on his shoulders. Kushina is wearing a teal tunic with the uzumaki crest on it. Konan is holding Nagato’s free hand while Yahiko has his arms around her. Konan has a hand on her stomach, signaling that she is expecting. They’re all wearing semi casual clothes of different shades of blue and teal.]
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wlntrrz · 7 months ago
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its the truuueeee kinda loooveee
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pikahlua · 4 months ago
I have literal zero horse in this race so good faith question: does "koi" (come) sometimes have the same potentially negative connotation as "come on/come here"? while you occasionally hear adventure-y protagonists say "come on" in an excited "come join me/let's go!" kind of way, the only way I've ever heard it used irl is in annoyance, like "come onnnn [implied hurry up], or a curt "c'mon let's go." as someone with limited Japanese skill and who knows Bakugou usually takes the shortest way to say stuff, the only thing that bothers me about the translation is the excessive ellipses the localization team uses in general—though here it feels like maybe it's meant to soften the negative implication mentioned above? also Bakugou being Bakugou him not saying hurry up or saying let's go actually feels like it's prioritizing Deku as an equal and a natural place to end. like there's no more doubt, it's just a direct statement to come join him/everyone because Deku deserves this.
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(I know you're not the same anon though, and you are far more polite about it ❤️)
Gosh you've given me so much to respond to as well. Gonna break it down for you.
1. Potential negative connotations in "koi"?
Technically, yes, the word "koi" in Japanese does have negative connotations! That's because the verb is conjugated into imperative form, which is also known as "command form." Commands in Japanese are considered to be rude. It's about more than just a casual way of speaking--telling someone to do something is considered outright rude. The more polite way to phrase this word would be in request form as "kite."
But it's Katsuki. EVERYTHING he says is in the rudest form possible. That context is super important. It's why all his classmates have to warm up to him for talking like a wannabe yakuza all the time, even to older people. At some point, they all just accept Katsuki talks like this regardless of what he ACTUALLY thinks about the people around him. And to be clear, this applies to more people than just Katsuki. It's one way socially-equal guys talk to each other in Japanese. The casual/rudeness can easily be heard as dude-speak too (I'll address this more in a moment). So the fact that Katsuki is the one saying this otherwise rude word doesn't come across as actually malicious but rather as just familiar and casual and masculine.
To further elaborate, this "koi" Katsuki speaks is meant to show a change between him at the end compared with back in the summer camp arc. The "Stay back, Deku" he says before he disappears in Kurogiri's portal is ALSO spoken in command form as "kunna Deku." ("Kunna" is actually a contraction of "kuruna" btw.) It's command form of the exact same verb "kuru (to come)" but also in NEGATIVE form. The literal translation of what he says there is "Don't come, Deku," compared with at the very end where he says "Come, Deku." Now obviously those phrases just sound WEIRD in English, so of course the translators had to localize them a bit to make them sound like something an English-speaking teenager would actually say, hence we get "Stay back," and "C'mon."
And to round it all off, I'll address the dude-speak part now. Katsuki isn't the only character who says "koi," so we actually can see how consistent the translator was with this word for an entirely different character!
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The dudest of the bros, KIRISHIMAAAAAAAA!
And yes, Katsuki reaching out for Izuku and saying the exact same thing Kirishima said is absolutely a parallel, and it's the most-obviously-on-purpose parallel Horikoshi ever drew.
2. Potential neutral connotations in "c'mon"?
Now, one may argue "Wait, it's not a consistent translation! Because 'come on' is not the same as 'c'mon'!"
To which I say, "Your regionalism is showing."
Anon, I'm gonna be real, I have a real hard time believing you have only ever heard "c'mon" spoken in an annoyed or curt way. I absolutely believe that's the way you hear it the most often, but I have a hard time not believing you've heard it in other contexts but your brain just interpreted those moments for you as "come on" despite the speaker using the contraction.
But! Because I truly believe that's what you do in your head without realizing it (our brains are fantastic at quickly correcting other people's mistakes in pronunciation and grammar that don't match our internal models of our fluent languages), I'm not mad at you or anything. I just want to bring it to your attention that either that's the case or else you live in a particular region where no one uses the word "c'mon" in other contexts. But this is such a silly specific thing to hold the translator to (and you clearly don't, so kudos to you). And even if "c'mon" is ONLY spoken in an annoyed fashion, well, @bakuhatsufallinlove says it best:
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even if c'mon could sound annoyed......... it's kacchan........... his love language is gremlin fury he's a tsundere....... "C'MON DAMMIT" he yells flustered and embarrassed about how bad he wants to hold hands
It's still in-character for Katsuki to say something affectionate in such a rude manner! We just established this above! If anything, it's consistent for the translator to have contracted the word to "c'mon" because that's what they do to translate Katsuki ALL OVER THE PLACE in the story.
But if it matters to you, no, I do not read the word "c'mon" in an annoyed or curt manner. I read it as fairly neutral if a bit casual.
3. Ellipses
I'm not mad at you or making fun of you when I say this, but I just have to say it.
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watch them come back at you and be like "IT WAS THE ELLIPSES I WAS TALKING ABOUT" XD
Really, I'm serious, I am NOT making fun of you. The reason I suspected this would be some people's major gripe is actually quite fascinating. Younger generations have come to see the ellipses in casual conversation as rude or sarcastic:
For many older adults, using several dots between sentences acts as a natural break or a means to distinguish different ideas. In contrast, younger generations often perceive this habit as puzzling, finding it confusing or even off-putting. "It drives me up a wall," remarked one Gen Z user, echoing a sentiment shared by many who encounter this texting style.
No, I'm not about to say MHA was translated by Baby Boomers. I'm laughing because I too am of a young enough generation to see the ellipsis as awkward in a casual text-based conversation. It has a certain "tone" to me. But it's funny because there's something else going on here with MHA entirely.
This isn't casual text-based conversation. This is formal publication.
The ellipsis has an ENTIRELY DIFFERENT meaning in formal publication. The ellipsis used here in chapter 430 of MHA is about formatting consistency. Somehow, the people who complain about the ellipses in Katsuki's final line fail to see that the ellipses ARE USED FUCKING EVERYWHERE IN MHA. LIKE IT'S A FUCKING INFESTATION OF ELLIPSES.
Do you know how many ellipses are present in the translation of MHA chapter 430? 75, and only 8 of which are actual ellipses considered "spoken" by a character. The rest?
They're bridges connecting sentences spoken across multiple speech bubbles.
Hell, on the same damn page as Katsuki's "C'mon, Deku," ALL MIGHT DOES THE SAME THING!
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This is not meant to be read as "You've also... ...earned this power fair and square!!" You're meant to ignore the ellipses. All they tell you is that this is a single sentence broken up into pieces on the page. It's the SAME for Katsuki's line! For the purposes of reading Katsuki's final line, those ellipses are effectively not there. They're bridges for the visual m-dashes or commas that the multiple speech bubbles might represent.
So don't knock the translator for consistently following a standard formatting convention. That's, like, his actual job lol.
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zhivchikov · 4 months ago
I think Affogato should have been given the throne and kisses fr
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eolewyn1010 · 2 months ago
Downton Abbey Fashion 87 - evening dresses in 1925
Edith wears so much gold this season; of her 13 evening dresses, 8 are predominantly or only kept in golden shades. Farewell, lovely sage greens and corals and emeralds and peachy oranges. But let’s see what they do with it.
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And right off the bat, the first one has to be one of my favorites. No idea what’s with the Crawleys and gold lamé this season, and I can’t deny that it’s suffering a bit from the baggy top effect, but I’m so in love with the beaded V halter and the way the golden lace drapes down the sides and then merges into the curlicues over the front. Also, lovely headband. Also-also, the return of Edith’s golden spiral arm brace, curiously, even though I associate that more with her romantic situations and her beau is not around here. Whatevs.
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This is a lot more meh. Instead of drapey, it looks shapeless, and I don’t know about these big rose ornaments. They seem a little clunky and a little random. Sure, the dress sparkles and the red pairs well with the pale gold, but more and smaller roses without these huge drop frames might’ve worked better. Also, the neckline looks a tad sloppy, and I’m not sure I can blame Edith’s posture.
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Only a seated shot of this one because she weirdly never wears it again after a dinner with Rosamund, but I like this dress, for one because I’m a sucker for this neckline, but also because this shade, while a bit more pink than is typical for Edith, bids her coral dresses farewell. It’s got delicate brown flower embroidery all over, she pairs it with orange beads, her hair looks fantastic – great look.
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This is probably the least remarkable of her golden dresses of the season. It does have sequins and a zigzag hem and is apparently ideal for cuddling on the sofa, so I won’t complain too much; it just looks a little generic. And maybe a bit too shaped around her torso; this is still the mid-1920s.
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See? I said I associate the spiral bracelet with Edith’s romance arcs, and there it is when she has her first kiss with Bertie. Also, remember how much time this show spent on telling us that this woman just barely makes the lower end of “plain”? Yeah, sure. We don’t see a lot of this dress because Edith soon puts her fancy coat over it, but the gold lamé is back and paired with a bright red, and also, I love her bejeweled headband.
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The green jewel headband makes a return here and ties in nicely with the beading trim on her neckline. I quite like the wavy weave design; I’m not sure if I like the downward-curving element over her pelvis. It’s not an anachronistic element, just one that’s not to my taste. Lovely drapey skirt layers though.
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Periwinkle bluuueee… will make my dreams come truuueeee… Or not, but this is quite a lovely shade, and it contrasts Edith’s hair color so well. Wish I could see more of the skirt embroidery, but as it is, I’m stuck with mostly silver squiggly lines and these almond shapes circling around her neckline. The plain skirt under layer makes this quite a long dress for 1920s styles, but Mary and Cora also wear ankle-length this season, so it’s not out of place. And Edith picks some simple, sparkly jewelry to go with the silver on her dress.
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In a paler, more ivory-leaning shade of gold, this little beauty here is strewn with flower embroidery that accumulates to one big flower mass toward the hem. It’s a pretty simple deal, a sleeveless sheath as all the others, V neckline, and Edith unfortunately doesn’t serve me color contrasts via jewelry anymore, but I just think this flower theme is done so well here. Also, the bit of hip I can see there points at a bit of ruching or draping for the skirt.
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And here’s the beauty of the season, the counterpart to Mary’s dress in a similar seafoam color combined with gold. I think Edith’s halter design with double shoulder straps looks more charming than Mary’s golden lace with the high neckline, but that’s really a matter of taste. Edith went for a paler shade of gold which has the upside that she can more easily integrate silver jewelry such as the necklace and this gorgeous jewel star headband. The pale gold also runs into subtly shimmering ornaments over her dress, and while the dress doesn’t seem to have the pretty flaring skirt Mary’s has, I gotta admit that I like the color better on Edith. It pairs so nicely with her hair.
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Yet more gold; this dress comes with a more intense shade and a rose motif, and it’s nice enough. I like boat necklines, but the drop waist could have done without this beaded strand, and I don’t know how I feel about the horizontal stripes breaking the floral weave of the dress. Can we talk about Edith’s hair instead? I know I’m biased in favor of pretty curls, but yes, I like her do so much more than Mary’s, even though she braids her hair in at the back of her head instead of modernly chopping it off.
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Invited to the Ritz by Rosamund to be tricked into a reconciliation dinner with Bertie… Edith inexplicably shows up as if she was planning on stealing the show and some hearts and not, you know, having dinner with her aunt. But who’s to complain when she shows up in shiny copper and the exact shade of green that pairs well with copper because that’s the color its patina has after a few years of oxidation. Carry on; I’m in love. The romance bracelet is back, the back cutout is nice, and I love that panel design, but it puts me up to the question why these side panels weren’t used to widen the dress to the typical 1920s loose drapery. Because, while this does still have the basically right devoid-of-curves boobless shape, it is tight enough to make me wonder if sitting down will be comfortable.
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Edith brings back this color that doesn’t show up in my vocabulary, so I’ll just say it’s on the coral end of cranberry (don’t @ me). Also love this necklace that seems to imitate the exact shape of the beading around Edith’s neckline, but anyway, this is a very glittery dress with some extra floral motives and curlicues in silver, and then the skirt does this darling handkerchief draping, in double layers no less because we still need to bring in pale gold as a contrast point.
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We’ll end as we started, in gold. While Mary also had an impressive golden dress this season, it was a very stark, glittering thing while Edith’s gold shades tend to wash out more, either toward the green end of the spectrum or, as here, a pale, silver- or beige-adjacent gold. Which I’m fine with; it suits her well. This dress is covered in subtle flower embroidery and framed with a little less subtle strips of beading and sequins down both sides, the skirt does these nice staggered layers of lace, the green jewel headband is back, and she adds a pair of cute art deco earrings to it.
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nimbusthewinion · 3 months ago
*Turns on Build a Snowman singalong music*
🎶 Poseidon has a praise kiiiiink, we all know it's truuueeee, the sea god is a fucking whore, I can hear him moaning through the door, he's getting ran through like a traaaiiiinnnn!! 🎶
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percexe · 9 months ago
wild people keep misgendering sawyer (on pride month no less) when sawyer is like one of the top 10 nonbinary names
HEELELEPPPPP THIS MADE ME LAUGH SO HARD ITS TRUUUEEEE. to be fair i haven’t posted any refs or any clarifications other than a few tumblr posts. but also they’re nonbinary as fuck ok
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disregardcanon · 5 months ago
Kind of obsessed with how if you swapped Coriolanus and Sejanus’s family circumstances Coriolanus STILL would have been seething with envy and resentment. Because if he had the money and parents and a dad with deep pockets and power who would and could go to bat for him… he would STILL resent Sejanus for having the family name and the truuueeee Capitol citizenship and not holding tight to that and running with it. Instead he’s honest about the state of his family’s finances and how he wouldn’t get to go to the academy if the tuition wasn’t free. He talks about how his cousin has a shitty job that she shouldn’t have to work at not because she’s a SNOW but because she’s a person and people don’t deserve that. He refuses to be a hunger games mentor even though it could help him go to college because he refuses to participate in this system. Even though refusing is hurting his status and reputation and chances of betterment for BOTH him and Tigris!
And he keeps dragging Coriolanus’s name down with him because Sejanus is the “true” Capitolite that he’s had to hitch his wagon to in order to get ANY status with his classmates and the teachers at the school! It’s suuuchhh an indignity and he won’t stand for it. Why won’t Sejanus just shut up and let Coriolanus drag them both into glory and privilege the way that he wants and is capable of?
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annieqattheperipheral · 7 months ago
If my partner planned our wedding for when the olympics were on summer or winter-- straight up ending that relationship bc that person doesn't know me
Right now is not about us. It's about dreams. Coming truuueeee
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concorp · 1 year ago
“i guess pepito’s now the main character, ok” YES TRUUUEEEE EVERYONE CLAP FOR PEPITO
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artdcnaldson · 2 months ago
this is so random but when i think of Standford era Art, the song True (2003 remastered) by Spandua Ballet plays in my head.
HA HA HA HAAAAA HA.... i know this.... much is.... TRUUUEEEE
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purlty23 · 2 days ago
I follow for amazing art and hilarious takes! 🤭 Like the "pipe cleaners and hot glue" post lmao it's so truuueeee
Heheh you’re too sweet!
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