depressocafe · 2 years
What is the real reason why Zarkon thought Lotor was weak? And why did Zarkon become power hungry after the quintessence incident?
In this week's edition of VLD Theories I hyper fixate and overanalyze the show once again but this time I think I have something really interesting, considering the fact that we're not just talking about the inner workings of the Voltron universe but we're also discussing everyone's favorite father son duo.
Something that's always irked me is the cliché way Zarkon was written (and don't worry we'll get into Lotor and his relationship with Zarkon as well as childhood trauma in a moment but to get to that we have to talk about the Emperor himself). Zarkon is written as everyone's typical, immoral, emotionless, power hungry bastard and while that is essentially what a 'bad person' is it doesn't make for good writing nor does it function well with the cannonisity of the series or even its inner workings.
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Let's go back to what Shiro said himself about Quintessence Corruption. Shiro stated "Zarkon fell to his own evil instincts. The quintessence field didn't create Them, it revealed them." This sentence states that the chemical itself is capable of sensing and seeping into hidden or strong desires. But here's the thing, Zarkon initially didn't desire war. He conquered planets because that's what his race had done for generations, that was until Alfor helped Zarkon to end his conquest and ally with several of his enemies (Alfor, Blaytz, Trygel, Gyrgan) then Zarkon put conquest behind him and worked on being a benevolent ruler who desired peace. Quite a switch but that still leaves the question, what changed? What made him power hungry? What ruined him? Well the answer is actually quite simple and was staring us in the face the whole time.
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It was the overwhelming feeling of weakness. Weakness that came with his greatest failure, the inability to support what he loves and cares for. Namely, Honerva, Lotor, his planet, his military, his citizens, and with each day watching the things he loves grow weaker, even himself.
Zarkon watched his life grow into something spectacular and then started watching it's downfall. Even when he put stabilizers into his planet, that only slowed its collapse. He struggled to make his wife pregnant and now he was struggling to keep his son, his only child, healthy in his mother's womb. Speaking of his mother, Honerva slowly and harshly deteriorated right before Zarkon's eyes and he couldn't stop it. Because his planet was dying, he struggled to feed and support his citizens as well as provide nourishment for the soldiers whose job it was to stay healthy and protect all of Galra existence. And thusly Zarkon himself began deteriorating, His mind losing its sense of morality in favor of a stronger sense of survival. He's been weakened. Powerless to stop anything, the quintessence at this point is the only support he has. And thus the only thing he can focus on. If he can harness it, he can fix everything.
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See, the quintessence didn't reveal Zarkon's evil nature, he wasn't evil to begin with. The quintessence corrupted his deepest desire. To become strong enough to support all that he cares about. To have power over all that he controls and sees. But no wish comes without a price. Power and quintessence became his biggest concerns. And turned him into what we now know as the Evil Emperor Zarkon.
But how does this tie in with Lotor? Quite easily actually! You see a lot of what Lotor is, happens to be what Zarkon once was. Lotor had a deep seated love for existence. He indulged himself in other cultures, he respected every living being, he befriended individuals other than Galra, and he believed he could harness quintessence without destruction or disrespect to life.
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But to Zarkon, that is Arrogance, Foolishness, it is Weakness beyond compare. Because he thought that way once, and it only brought Daibazaal to ruin and made him incapable of anything. But as we know, that's just Zarkon's perspective through his corrupt eyes. We, the viewers, know Lotor is right in his beliefs But his father is incapable of seeing that because of his fear, having no control over anything, no power over anything. This led Lotor and Zarkon to have an even more broken relationship than they already had, disintegrating to the point Zarkon couldn't stand his own son anymore and sent him away.
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But he didn't kill Lotor. Not until 10,000 years later. Because his son was one of the things Zarkon wanted to save. Another reason why Lotor and Zarkon had an abusive relationship has to do with the Quintessence Corruption itself. Because Zarkon desired that power and control over everything, he desired it for his own son as well because if he can't control his own child then the weakness will grow again. The fear Zarkon let die along with his friends and planet will regrow and resurface. But Lotor is not the kind of person who allows himself to be forced, coerced, or manipulated so easily into obedience. Especially when it has to do with his father's sense of Value and Morality. So naturally in Zarkon's mind Lotor has become weak and as he's said before "Weakness is an infection. Better to cut it off then let it spread." We all know what happened next.
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And if you need more evidence. Look no further than to Lotor's own corruption itself. Lotor was never good enough for anyone. And honestly saying that statement grossly understates Lotor's actual suffering. But it's still accurate. There are many things the prince wanted in his life. He didn't just want good parents he wanted his parents to be good. But that wasn't going to happen. He didn't just want to accept and be proud of himself he wanted people to accept and be proud of him. But that wasn't going to happen. His home quickly became nothing short of a survival situation and a place where he couldn't belong. So he decided he'd find that place himself and if he couldn't find it, then he'd create it with his own two hands. A place where he is accepted and everyone is proud of him. A place where his accomplishments and intellect matter. A place like the Altean settlement
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Initially yes, I believe Lotor made this settlement to save his race. There is no denying he's always had a good heart. But sadly, he's never had a sane mind. Lotor was in Honerva's womb when she and Zarkon became corrupt and it's even stated within that show that when Galra doctors did a health read on Lotor shortly after his birth, he was giving the same quintessence readings as Zarkon and Haggar. In addition, Lotor seems to struggle with letting go of a grudge. Understandable but holding onto grudges creates emotional instability which can cause problems for your mental state. Take it from me if your angry with someone, forget the pain you felt but remember the harm that was delt. Learn it and let it hone you for further down the line in your life. Lotor, didn't do that. He wouldn't forget the rage he felt, even if he could still get revenge on his abusers if he wanted. And with his hidden desires and quintessence his parents seeped into his veins, it was only a matter of time until Lotor finally lost it.
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Lotor desired a place to belong and he was going to make it happen no matter what. No matter what or who he had to sacrifice to get it. That's what the Quintessence brought out. His hidden desire for belonging. To be honest, Honerva had her desires herself. But we already understand what those are. Her desire for endless knowledge as well as control over quintessence, life itself. And we know what it made her. We've always been aware of Honerva's mind so there really wasn't a place for her in this post. This statement does exclude her actions for season 8 and that's because who she is then doesn't fit into who she once was or what were discussing.
Zarkon became what he wanted to be but at what cost? His desire ruined everything. So did Honerva's. It tore apart the universe, it destroyed their son, it slaughtered their friends. Zarkon got the power he wanted and control over his fear, but in turn it ruined everything he built. Immoral sacrifice for absolute solace.
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Post made: Feb 18, 2023
Updated: Mar 9, 2023
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balsanja · 4 months
Trigal - Baila La Rumba
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jaimeblancarte · 1 year
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@jaimeblancarte Querétaro, 2023
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zerounotvadri · 1 year
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De: Anabel Caso
Reparto: Emilia Berjón Ramírez, Abril Michel, Alberto Guerra, Nicolasa Ortíz Monasterio, Úrsula Pruneda, Gerardo Trejoluna, Memo Villegas
Guion: Anabel Caso
Producida por: Paula Astorga Riestra, Alfredo Garza Wollenstein, Lorena Orraca Martínez
Fotografía: Julio Llorente
Música: Camilo Froideval
Producción: México, 2022
Idioma: Español
Género: Drama
Duración: 115 min
Durante el verano, Sofía de trece años se traslada a la casa de campo, donde su prima Cristina la espera para pasar las vacaciones. Durante estos días de juegos y descubrimientos las dos se verán sumergidas en un triángulo amoroso con un hombre casi veinte años mayor. Su desenlace marcará el paso de la pubertad a la adolescencia de ambas.
Premios y festivales: 20° Festival Internacional de Cine de Morelia (2022): Sección de Largometraje Mexicano
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cinemedios · 1 year
¡Conoce las 10 películas mexicanas que buscarán ganar en los premios Oscar y Goya!
¿Sabias qué 6 de estas 10 películas fueron dirigidas por mujeres? Conócelas y cuéntanos cuál es tu favorita. 🎬💗🍿
Desde hace 76 años la Academia Mexicana de Artes y Ciencias Cinematográficas (AMACC) tiene el compromiso de seleccionar las cintas cinematográficas que serán enviadas para competir por premios importantes, en esta ocasión, ya se anunciaron las 10 películas que forman parte de la selección para ganar un premio Oscar o un premio Goya. ¿Por qué se creó la Academia Mexicana de Artes y Ciencias…
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camposdecastilla · 1 year
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milekael · 5 months
Some OC yapping and opinions about AUs about to go down
The other day I found my 3DS and one of the games I had is this RPG called Fantasy Life which I played the hell out of when I was a kid and I been thinking about replaying it.
So anyway I am doing that and for RPGs I like to make/adapt OCs into them than just make myself. SO late in Street Cats another main character is introduced called Trigal who I am obsessed with yet can share so little about sobs. But anyway because I like him and I don't like to separate Laurel and Olive from each other, I decided to make him in the game!!
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And man looking at my usually furry characters as humans makes me go teehee is fun :3 So between that and the game really making me visualiza his storyline as a Paladin who then finds a new path I decided to draw my boy in some fantasy/medieval AU
(For reference I also added his usual design lol)
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And made me think about like... I do like to have some sort of human AU with these characters is just that everything I can think of is kind of boring LOL
LIKE OKEY SO THIS IS THE THING ABOUT STREET CATS RIGHT?? They are basically humans, their anatomy is overall very human and their cat behaviors are mostly for gags. They are for all intents and purposes humans that just look like that because is both more visually interesting to the reader (Furry cats Vs the 10000th Detective series with normal humans) and is more fun for me to draw and design for lol Cats are cool!!!
Also, important to note, their setting is basically LATAM in the 80's so is not even a fantasy world lmao
Which made me realize huuh most human AUs are interesting because it puts the characters in real situations and most commonly in the modern day!!
But then in a case like this is kinda... idunno, senseless. I didn't set up Street Cats in the modern day because I thought that would be kinda boring! I like the conflict that comes out of them not having access to mobile phones let alone the internet. So if I try to think of a modern AU is not like their roles change significantly enough to be fun and instead it just adds the "This is the reason why the story isn't here lol". Same with medieval AU, if they are practically humans anyway then there is no reason why to make them furries be here or in medieval Europe lol
And is fun to think about because when I think "Well, DnD AU" then I realize that what makes it interesting is making characters anything else BUT humans!! Or if you have a human, is in contrast to the rest being non-humans.
And to further proof, I realize the one Human!AU of my characters I really really like is the one that makes The Most Changes Possible which is passing Venture to be a human agsgsg
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I am very attached to human Venture agsgshd in part because thinking of her in the modern day is fun no matter what!! Do they have super powers here too or not?? What form does the Guild take??
And anyway all of this is to say that my take on AUs is that I only really find them appealing if there is some big change but it manages to keep the essence of the characters... SO TALKING ABOUT ROYAI-
Basically thats why while I thought about Royai in One Piece, it actually doesn't appeal to me agsgsv. Like if its them doing the same as in FMA canon but with the World Government thats...... thats just SWORD lol which is a canon group in One Piece, and to write something like that I might as well just do it about Koby and Tashigi lol.
Then there is the option of making Royai pirates.... but then I lose the actual bits that make me like Royai anyways so eeeehhh whatever, is not that interesting to me anymore agsgsgshdh
Thats also why putting my OCs in FMA is also not very fun for me because at that point I might as well just write about Royai lol
I like the Beastars!AU because even if I keep Amestris and Alchemy as it is in FMA, adding the social complexities of that world of animal people to the wiwis makes them extremely interesting to me because it creates a new way to communicate stuff and Situations (tm) to put them through...
And I believe at the end of the day the point is those Situations (tm). Is there new situations where you can put them that will make them react in new, interesting ways while not changing their fundamental character??? Then if the answer is yes sign me up agdhshhs
Anyway please no one take this too seriously this is one guy's opinion over why I feel sad I can't motivate myself to draw my furries as humans from time to time lol
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takethebodymarc · 1 year
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omg también existe en portugués
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mircrobios · 3 months
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mas triste q: tres tristes tigres tragando trigo en un trigal
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thunderstruck9 · 2 years
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Guillermo Monroy (Mexican, 1924), Trigal en movimiento [Moving Wheat Field], 1990. Oil on canvas, 60 x 60 cm.
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angel-amable · 8 months
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Todo este trigal aún no ha germinado. Todo este gran huerto todavía no ha crecido. Este hermoso sol que quema sobre mi cabeza de hombre gay que no se apaga nunca en este día infinito que no acaba y da señales de que no lo hará. El agua para beber que pido de rodillas pero que parece que no llegará.
¡Oh! Si lloviese un poco. Solamente un poco.
En este juego de sombras chinescas que llamamos realidad, he visto mi destino: deshidratarme, desangrarme y ahogarme dentro de mi armadura. Y dicen que una noche, alguien contó un cuento con una voz que me llama y decía mi nombre.
¡Oh! Si lloviese un poco. Solamente un poco.
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tachinohana · 4 months
Están cenando en el Koketsu, uno de los restaurantes más exclusivos y caros de toda Trigal, en un ambiente pijo que no es desconocido para Kagami pues comparados a los restaurantes a los que la lleva su madre este aún podría considerarse como medio.
Sin embargo, no está cómoda. Nunca está cómoda del todo cuando están Tarou e Inukai presentes. Sabe que no solo están de su parte si no que están ahí para protegerla y guiarla respectivamente. Pero ambos hombres aún le intimidan mucho. Inukai por su aparencia y seriedad y Tarou por su frialdad y por lo cautelosamente inteligente que se muestra en cada cosa que le dice.
Tampoco debe ayudar que se ha acostumbrado a estar sola con los dos tontos de Gizaru y Kijima, con los que ya tiene familiaridad y con los que no le es nada difícil de hablar.
...Así que Takeuchi piensa que tenemos que aceptar ese trato. Comenta el líder del grupo con su voz cansada y rasposa, dando un trago a su copa antes de dar a su plato medio lleno por finalizado.
Ah... ¿Y... Eso no es peligroso? Tiene delante un suculento corte de Kobe con el que no puede dejar de juguetear. De hecho no es capaz de alzar la mirada hacia ninguno de ellos. Osea, estamos hablando de... De Erre O Ge A...
Es tan peligroso como cualquier otro negocio... Sin embargo, Suelta un largo suspiro. yo no creo que sea una decisión sensata.
¿Eh? Ahora sí que le mira. Tarou pese a tenerla a su cargo, solo suele aparecer para hacer de mensajero, para comunicarle cosas a Kagami que han decidido o Takeuchi o los otros miembros de la junta y que ésta de el visto bueno. Suele explicarle detalladamente de qué se trata y no se va hasta que Kagami no está medianamente convencida de ello.
Dentro de lo que cabe confía en él. Porque lo que ella no sabe es que su trabajo es el de hacer sentir a Kagami relevante dentro del Clan y a la vez segura dentro de este. Así que no suele decirle nada que no sea lo que se le haya cometido que diga.
Personalmente, y si me lo permite Ojou-sama, creo que una alianza con el Kozakura-gumi no nos merece la pena el llegar a molestar al clan Yamaguchi.
¡Pero si odiamos a los Yamagilís! ¡Son nuestros rivales! Rebate, Kijima, con la cara aún llena de granos de arroz.
Eran nuestros rivales. Corrige. Cuando estábamos a su nivel, pero ya nos toca empezar a asumir que no lo estamos.
¡EH! ¡Eso es una ofensa! Gizaru da un puño en la mesa mientras se come la verdura que Kagami ha apartado de su plato.
Silencio. Solo con la mirada, ya ha callado un poco a los dos alboroteadores. El orgullo no nos va a llevar a ningún lado ahora mismo, al contrario, podría ser nuestra ruina. Tenemos que ser realistas... Nuestro poder va aumentando de nuevo y nuestros números no son tan patéticos como meses atrás, podemos estar orgullosos de eso... Mira a Kagami. Pero no nos podemos permitir un paso en falso. Un ataque de los Yamaguchi, ahora mismo, es lo último que necesitamos.
Eso... Eso tiene sentido, claro. Es... Sensato. No es tonta ni inculta, pero cuando habla con Tarou le gusta usar palabras más correctas para que vea que no es una niña. Además, pese a lo nerviosa que está, entiende su punto. ¿Y con lo que puedan aportar los Kozakura no es suficiente?
Los Kozakura son legales en nuestro clan pero no irían por los Yamagilís y menos por nosotros.
Lo único que tienen son compinches en la policía portuaria... Así que son capaces de hacer que se ignoren uh... "Mercancías sospechosas".
Son útiles pero no indispensables. Además, a cambio de eso piden más influencia en Yodogawa, Kita y Chūō... No creo que sea una buena idea rodearnos de ellos y menos dependiendo de lo fuerte que hagamos esa alianza temporal.
Ya veo.. ¿Y cómo... Las haríamos entrar si no es por el puerto? E-Es decir, no es como si pudiéramos rechazar un plan sin aportar otra solución...
Suelta un suspiro y se estira hacia atrás en su asiento. Y no podemos, no... Tengo contactos en Hirano, podríamos rodear por ahí, tengo que acabar de concretarlo... Se inclina hacia adelante, con los codos en la mesa. Pero de momento... Solo quería saber si estabas de acuerdo en rechazar esa idea.
¿Eh? Oh... Vuelve a mirar a su plato, la mirada directa de Tarou la intimida demasiado. S-Sí... Sí claro. Creo que tienes razón, por lo que dices... Prefiero... Traga saliva, asiente lentamente y alza la mirada hacia él pero no la cabeza. Cubrirnos las espaldas primero.
Perfecto. El hombre no muestra ni una sonrisa, ni un gesto de aprobación, así que pese a sus palabras Kagami sigue nerviosa en su asiento.
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milleiros de horas nas tempas da soidade sol lembro é a súa fondura doce de tribo reflicto das ondas golfiños esperando como anxo de cruceiros entulleiras da tenrura choiva e dorso dos remos do azucre ebrias de sentir follaxe da ollada outonal do mar alcol e eixo da carne reverberan xunto ao equilibrio do amor dependencias da lediza hálito extenuación azul da escuma na súa blancura trigal oceánico e sesta de novas oídos tendidos en fuga puntiaguda fauna dos faros convertidos en mans fraxilidade do torno hoxe voz da luz onda da pel que nos bebe
© Manoel T, 2023
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kamas-corner · 2 months
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"Desde que te conozco, hay eco en cada rama que repite tu nombre; en las ramas altas, lejanas; en las ramas que están junto a nosotros, se oye. Se oye como si despertáramos de un sueño en el alba. Se respira en las hojas, se mueve como se mueven las gotas del agua. Clara: corazón, rosa, amor… Junto a tu nombre el dolor es una cosa extraña. Es una cosa que nos mira y se va, como se va la sangre de una herida; como se va la muerte de la vida. Y la vida se llena con tu nombre: Clara, claridad esclarecida. Yo pondría mi corazón entre tus manos sin que él se rebelara. No tendría ni así de miedo, porque sabría quién lo tomaba. Y un corazón que sabe y que presiente cuál es la mano amiga, manejada por otro corazón, no teme nada. ¿Y qué mejor amparo tendría él, que esas tus manos, Clara? He aprendido a decir tu nombre mientras duermo. Lo he aprendido a decir entre la noche iluminada. Lo han aprendido ya el árbol y la tarde… y el viento lo ha llevado hasta los montes y lo ha puesto en las espigas de los trigales. Y lo murmura el río… Clara: Hoy he sembrado un hueso de durazno en tu nombre."
-Juan Rulfo, Cartas a Clara.
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cinemedios · 1 year
Reseña | 'Trigal'
'Trigal', de Anabel Caso, es un coming of age que se separa de las convenciones del género.
Durante el verano, Sofía de trece años se traslada a la casa de campo, donde su prima Cristina la espera para pasar las vacaciones. Durante estos días de juegos y descubrimientos las dos se verán sumergidas en un triángulo amoroso con un hombre casi veinte años mayor. Su desenlace marcará el paso de la pubertad a la adolescencia de ambas. El coming of age es un género que usualmente sin importar…
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camposdecastilla · 2 years
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