#TPOM Donner
ask-the-agencies · 7 years
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Meet the members of each of the three agencies;
The Tux brothers who fight for what’s right, the Bells siblings who serve to learn to bring peace and joy to the world, and the most elite operatives who protect those in need. Now put in the world where super villains have escaped to, they must work under cover in normal civilian personas to do what they must to keep the world and its people safe. However, can they set aside their rivalries to work together and balance each other?
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agent-shenanigans · 8 years
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Have a doodle dump! The last one is 5 months old but I don't think I ever posted it; and I also might redraw it in my spare time just for fun!
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ask-the-agencies · 7 years
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[Skipper] We may have a swear jar but we have one for me because of how fast I fill up in one day
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ask-the-agencies · 7 years
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ask-the-agencies · 8 years
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Do not question me this is my Spanish assignment gO BIG OR GO HOME
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ask-the-agencies · 8 years
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[Mun] Ahhh here take this! Just a small thing I whipped up yesterday, trying to change the siblings slightly and trying to show their personalities off more! /u\
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ask-the-agencies · 8 years
to whoever wants to answer. 💙❤️💕(if anyone ((and everyone if u wanna)) who has a lover/crush)
Heart Asks- Characters Chosen from Random
💙- A sad memory thatmakes them cry
 I thought I was going mad.
There I sat in my hospital bed, surrounded by the hauntingand monotonous beeps of the machines in the room. My own pulse also added intothe noise, but it was the others that really got to me.
I looked to my side. There, sitting perfectly aligned withmy own bed were three others. Right next to me, Kowalski.
I watched him, seeing the soft rise and fall of his chest ashe breathed. Around his face were bruises and bandages that covered cuts. Hiseyes were completely wrapped all around, hair poking out of the bandages.
I shuddered, thinking back to the blurry memories thattroubled the back of my mind. I hold myself to keep in my emotions. I looked tothe next hospital bed. Rico.
There he was, unconscious in an oversized hospital gown.Under them and the sheets, I could see the bandages that wrapped around hischest. Under them, I knew would be scars and stitches. He was hooked up to amachine that helped him breathe, when the nurses told me his lungs were damagedbeyond repair. When they broke the news to me that he might have to be… boundto…
 “Stop thinking about it! Stop it!” I thought to myself,holding my mouth shut.
I forced myself to move my eyes away from him. There, on thefarthest bed, was little Private.
Oh god, Private.
Just like Kowalski and Rico, he was decorated with bandages.His injuries were too brutal for a five-year old to have to handle- he wasnearly dead when we arrived. He’s only lucky to be in ‘somewhat stableconditions’ now because Nigel was available for a blood transfusion.
But what got to me, somuch was the wrapping on his shoulder.
It wrapped around his shoulder. And only his shoulder.
I began to feel my face heating up, hot tears finallybreaking through the dam. I held my head in my arms, hands grabbing tightlyonto hair as I tried desperately to stop the feelings.
There I sat in my bed, only having been put into the systembecause of a gash on my side. There I sat, awake while my brothers fought fortheir lives. There I sat, the one with the least casualties.
It should have been me.I’m their older brother! I shouldhave been the one to protect, to have kept them safe from the injuries theyhave now! But here I am crying! Because what else can I do?!
I failed my mission as their big brother.
[Skipper] This may not have been a proper memory… but it was something I was forced to believe Ilived through, if you know what I mean. Every once in a while… it comes back tohaunt me as a thought.
 ❤️- A happy memory that makesthem smile
 [Manfredi] A memory that makes me smile? Well… can’t justname one but…
I remember, it was at our base.
It was a stormy night, and the thunder would roar loudlyevery few minutes, a bright light coming along.
Johnson, Nigel and I had just come home from a mission, justrelaxing in front of the warm fireplace.
Now, the reason the others weren’t with us for the missionwas because they were… uh.
They were aged back.
It was an after-effect of an encounter with Dr. Blowhole. Wefigured it should wear off in a few days. And sure, Kowalski’s turned Skipperinto a kid before a while back, but this time, they had no memories other thanthe ones they had when they were that age.
Basically, they were all Private’s age, except Private. He’snow the equivalent to an infant of maybe a few months.
Anyways, the three of us were there, thinking that the fourwere all asleep in their room. Until, we heard a cry, and in a snap, we alljumped out of our seats and were running towards their room.
There, in the room, the four had all moved from their bunksand all gathered onto one. On top of one of the low bunks, was a trembling bumpunder the blanket.
“Guys? Are you okay?” I heard Johnson ask, flicking thelight switch. But no light came. He flicked it again and again, before givingup. “I guess the lightning might have blown a fuse in this room’s electricity.”
Slowly, we walked towards them, Nigel taking the blanket andlifting it to have a head pop out from under it. And then two other heads didso similarly.
“’Fredi!” yelled the middle one.
He yanked the blanket off himself and practically threwhimself into my arms. I yelped, caught off guard from the sudden need to catchthe child.
There, arms clinging tightly around my neck was a youngerSkipper. I glanced at the other two. Private was picked up by Nigel, whocradled him in his arms to stop his crying. Johnson held a hand out to Kowalskiand Rico, who both grabbed it. He ruffled their hairs before scooping them upwith both his arms.
God, they were all so cute! I still couldn’t get over beingable to care for them in their youth again.
A small voice broke out, a bit nervous. “Ca- can we notsleep here tonight? It’s really scary outside and-and-” Kowalski asked,trembling from anxiety.
I couldn’t help but chuckle. I looked down at Skipper, whoalso seemed to have the same question. “Of course,” I stopped, thinking beforeproposing a small solution. “How about sleeping with us on the couch tonight?There’s still light there, and it won’t be as scary,” I grinned, lookingtowards Johnson and Nigel, “especially with your big brothers around to protectyou all. How about it, little soldiers?”
A suddenly rowdy Skipper and Rico nodded, Skipper chimingin, “Sleep over!” a few times.
And just like the plan, we all slept away on the cough, agiant blanket draped over all of us. As well as them. Aside from Private whoslept in Nigel’s arms, Kowalski, Skipper, and Rico were sleeping on us. Skipperwas on my chest, Rico with his head on Johnson’s lap and Kowalski leaning onhis side as he made a small burrow in the couch between Johnson and me.
[Manfredi] If you don’t understand why this memory is one ofmany that makes me smile, I don’t think you know how much I love my brothers,haha!.
 💕- A memory about theirsignificant other
Prancer (Only musethat has a close one lmao)
We were all out for training for the upcoming mission with Santaon Christmas, when suddenly, while leading in the front, Donner was shot with asort of electrifying dart that shocked his body so strongly he fell unconsciousin seconds.
Before Blitzen or I could have gotten to him, we too weredone so similarly. I passed out from the pain too, but I have no doubts thatthe others were also victim to this assaulter.
I woke up. Everything all around was so blurry! But when myeyes finally adjusted, a glance down and I gasped, horrified.
I was pinned onto a metallic bed-like surface, angled tohave me tilted. I struggled against the cold metal that held my arms down, butit was hopeless.
Suddenly, a screen in front of me lit up, showing the faceof a man as he grinned into the camera wickedly.
“Good morning, sunshine! Sonice of you all to finally be awake!” he said.
All? my eyes widened in realization. Are my brothers andsisters also in the same situation as me somewhere else?
He started talking again, and I listened.
“You all may be wondering why you are all here? Hm?” hecontinued. “Well, for years you reindeer have done one main thing in thisworld. Happiness! You are the bringers of joy to the people every Christmas.But you see,” he stopped. He turned around, a button coming onto the screen aswell.
“I don’t like that. So. I need you all to be erased fromthis world and replaced,” he pressedthe red button.
…And I was released? I looked around, walking towards thebars. No one in sight.
I put my finger to the tip of my nose, to teleport a fewfeet outside the bars. Instead, however, my body was met with painful shocks asI was unable to get past an invisible barrier guarding the cell.
I staggered, holding my head in pain.
I looked up quickly. There, coming out from an automateddoor as it hissed up, was a figure.
It was me!
Without a second to lose, it darted towards me, and I pushedmyself off the bars and out of its way. There it stood, battle stance ready asit eyed me down.
“Either lose or fight for your lives, Bells,” the man’s voicespoke one last time, but sounded more like he was interrupted as the sound cutto static.
 I gulped. I don’t knowhow to fight.
 So naturally, my only resort was to dodge. But the plan soonbecame ineffective. After evading hits and punches, it finally caught me. Forwhat seemed like eternity, I endured painful hits, ones that would surelybruise. Finally, I could no longer stand. I stayed on the ground, panting.
It made its way to me, only to pin me to the floor with onearm, the other turning into a sharp blade. And with one swift motion, impaledits left into my stomach.
 I cried out in pain, and with pain finally overrunning me, Ipassed out.
For maybe a second.
In the next moment, I was on the ground, a warm liquidclimbing up my shirt as it spewed out. I opened my eyes, slightly to justbarely see the new scene.
There, in front of me, a new figure had broken into mycell.  He, too, dodged the fast moves ofthe robot. Suddenly, when moving out of the way from a punch to his head, hegot low on the ground, and forcefully swept his leg behind the robot, knockingit to the ground. And in the same moment, before the bot could get up, he heldit down, and punched a fist into its back and pulled out something, and justlike that it was deactivated and motionless.
The man turned his attention to me, and quickly made hisway. He sat me up, back against the cold wall. I could see his face now.
“Are you okay? I’m sorry it took us a while to save youguys, but please just hang in tight until we can get proper medical equipment!”he said to me, hands on my shoulder.
Before I could respond, my tiredness ran over me, and again,I passed out.
When I awoke, I was met with his face again.
“Prancer? Oh, thank goodness, you’re awake!” he said as helooked down at me from the bed I was on.
My mind was numb. I had no desire to think of who he was.“You are…?”
“Oh! I-um, I’m Kowalski! I’m part of the Tux brothers, but Idon’t think you and I have ever properly met,” he explained to me, scratchingthe back of his neck.
“Where are the others?”
He thought for a second. “Your siblings are, for the mostpart, okay. I believe you’re the only one whose droid pulled its knife on you.”
I thought of another question. “How did you know where wewere? That we were in danger?”
“Santa called us for help when you guys never came back toyour home. Upon seeing camera footage, he saw what happened,” answering fully.
I couldn’t help but feel a tang in my chest. Anotherquestion. “You… You saved my life?”
He looked surprised, slightly hurt, but surprised. “Ofcourse, why wouldn’t I?”
“Our families hated each other.”
“They did, but not anymore! Remember last year when wefinally settled the dispute at Madagascar? We’re friends now, and our duty isto protect those on our side from, well, evil,” he explained.
“Yes, friends. I mean, at least from my side, and I hope youwould too,” he answered, tone going a bit sad.
I sat up suddenly to stop his idea that I meant I did nottheir friendship, but then a sharp pain ran through my stomach. I clutched it,wheezing and a pained tear welling up from the corner of my eye.
I felt a pair of hands on my shoulder, gently pushing meback to rest on the pillow. “Please, don’t move like that! You have a woundthere that you can easily rip open again! You don’t want to lose blood again!”he scolded. But to me… it was in an overwhelmingly caring and concerned way.
Later on in the night, my siblings would come in one by one,usually to embrace me tightly as relief came over them that “I was finallyawake.”
However, it was Donner, the first to come in, that gaverapidly spread their rumor.
Before he left the room, leaving me and Kowalski, he winkedat me. Oh god he knows.
And everyone else after that would do the same, or throwhints at Kowalski, but would always go over his head.
I had a crush on the smarty Tux brother, who saved my life,and stayed with me through the night.
[Prancer] Yes, it’s a bit of a dark memory considering whathappened to us, but… that was the  first dayI ever talked to Kowalski, and from then on only grew closer together.
[Donner] And yet, here you two are, and he’s still asclueless as ever. How much closer do you need to be until you two get together?
[Prancer] Donner, please.
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