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kakusu-shipping · 5 months ago
My name is Emile, I'm a Proship selfshipper who loves drawing other people's Self Inserts above anything else and for this week and this week only I am opening $10 RUSH ORDER SKETCH COMMISSIONS!
Do you want a drawing of you and your F/O for cheap and don't mind it being a little rough? Consider DMing me and you could get something like This!
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For the low low price of $10 a sketch!!!
And as a bonus!! If you end up liking your sketch and would like it lined, colored, or even fully rendered, you can DM me next week and I will happily slash the price of a full piece just for you!!!
From right this very second through Thursday night my DMs will be open to anyone interested! I only have Paypal to accept payment so please be aware of that!
Thankyou for your time!
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orchid-151 · 10 months ago
Good luck with your comms. Maybe while you're at it, uplift the voices of my people who died as children and won't be able to go to a zoo.
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(I'm sorry... Is this sarcasm or are you being serious?
Below the cut is for the anonymous asker ONLY, read at your own risk as it has mentions of a suicide attempt and mentions of depression... not in full detail, but just to be safe, it is mentioned...
I am really tired of political views being put into my ask box... my thoughts on the matter are not for online viewings, and what I value is only for those who know me IN REAL LIFE...
Other than that, this blog is for a fictional world building ONLY, not for people to do this... any future asks about anything happening in real life involving politics or wars WILL automatically be deleted. I will not engage with them any further.... I will not acknowledge that you ask Something like this... Please keep your drama and political views to yourself and do not bring this back in my ask box again...
Besides, I do have a mun side blog if you want to ask me directly without cluttering up my character blog... there is a direct link in the pin post for it...)
(I have written my response to this ask over and over again... But frankly, this is all I have to say to the anon who sent this.
Take a good listen to this song And you will understand my feelings on why I don't like it when you put something like this into my ask box...
I can't do much for other children, and if i couldi I would, but saying this to me without context is a good way to turn someone OFF whatever cause you are advocating for...
This just shows you being a jackass just because someone is doing something for their children. I certainly don't look at the parents who are bringing their kids to Disney World for a few days and look at them and say this^ to them...
Those parents would rightfully get pissed off...
I don't have a lot of money to be able to do this with my children And for me to ask if it would be okay to open commissions to do so really opens up about how I really want to do this for them... I've been trying to save money to have A rainy day fund in case an emergency where to happen, But let's be Frank I'm poor as dirt and the things that I want to do with my kids cost lots and lots of money. I do vaguely still remember that my mother took me to the zoo and I got to ride the train and see the giraffes, The fact that it rained and my dad ran to get me a pancho for when me and my sister got off the train [ It's one of those little carnival ride trains but it's still fun to ride on As it goes through the whole zoo]... I still have very fond Memories of that time, And I want to do that for my kids...
As i've said, if I can't do much and if you worry about every little thing in life, you will never enjoy the little things that you do have...
I was incredibly angry to the point where I wanted to yell at this person for what they have sent, and though they are vague on what calls they are talking about... It is sad to think about the children who will never get to do things like this with their own parents.
So dear anon and I will keep them in mind BUT, Do know that I will be focusing on my children for the time being and making their lives more enjoyable every day. I do think about what would happen if I were to pass or if something were to happen to them... As a mother, this is always on my mind, and it always triggers my depression and morso as of recent... And do keep in mind I am not taking any anti depressants or any medication for this depression...
I have had those thoughts, and even once tried to act upon them... But now the very children that I am trying to make money for to give them a chance to enjoy the zoo are the reason that I am alive today...
Any future asks, as I've stated before, that are like this will be automatically deleted and will be the reason I take anon off...
Have a wonderful day dear anon...)
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capricioussun · 1 year ago
don't feel bad about self reblogs, it's always awesome to see your art on my dash and I'm sure I'm not alone with this!
Awe, that's very sweet of you to say!
Tbth i have a really strange relationship with posting online – on one hand, I love just posting whatever and really really enjoy interacting with others, but on the other hand, I'm not sure if it's RSD or what, but i experience like. Social recoil? Where i tend to immediately regret and/or worry over the perception of stuff i post (way more than would be considered normal), especially with posts or reblogs that hardly really garner any interaction at all.
I know it's normal for artists of all kinds to be disheartened by things like that, and I don't necessarily create for others, but that is why i post it online- i mean...why else would you? I see that a lot, people feeling poorly about low interaction, and others trying to encourage them by telling them to make art for themselves and to not worry about it, but that's always come across a little odd to me. No, you probably shouldn't be doing something if you're only doing it for attention, but isn't interaction the point of sharing the things you make online?
Especially so in the case of people who really want to make a living being an artist in their chosen "field". To some degree, you do have to treat it like a business. You do have to sell yourself and try to "grow your audience" if you have any chance of making any sort of income at all, just like any self employment type of job. It feels condescending to see others tell artists who get frustrated with social media constantly doing things to make it harder to have any reach at all that they should care less about the algorithm or numbers when a lot of these people don't have a choice. It feels like hardly a day goes by I don't see posts on twitter or tumblr of someone taking emergency commissions just to cover rent or food for a few days.
Got a bit off topic there, but i sort of rest in a very strange place with my art in that, skill level wise, I'm very much an amateur, but due to Life Issues I won't get into, I can't hold a "normal" job, and I've been constantly kind of battling myself for a couple years now on how to approach trying to make Doing Art Online my career.
I need to put in the work to improve my art so i can not just post more frequently but hopefully get more commission work (which i would honestly also enjoy, I love making things for others, it's one of my favorite things about being able to post online), but i also want to improve my skill level so i can make the things I want to as well (I'm also unfortunately plagued by the Kind Of Wants To Do Everything desires and also want to make plush, music, 3D and live 2D models, and I'd love to get into streaming proper at some point).
So aaallllll of this to say, self reblogging is a big thing for artists on tumblr these days, esp as i see more and more talk about how low interactions gotten on here in the past few years, it's rough! But i also feel like im not...skilled(?) enough to do Proper Online Artist things. I guess. Which is dumb but ah I do not control the chokehold whichever mental issue has on me
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z-iridest · 3 years ago
My Hero Academia: I Am Phoenix
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Chapter 1: Origins
No matter what you do to try to avoid it, nothing prepares you for the moment your life changes forever...
My Mom used to tell me that, at some point in their lives, everyone's been through a fire of some kind. She's told me that the difference between heroes and villains is whether or not they chose to rise from the ashes and use the embers to protect or destroy. The villains choose to destroy and burn down the whole world with the remaining embers that burned them, while the heroes rose from the ashes to shine bright as a beacon of hope against the darkness of despair. Those words have kept me pushing toward my goal of becoming a hero... To becoming a light of hope for those around me. But, the day my life changed forever happens to be part one of the worst memories I have, and part one of the best...
Back when I was little, it was just me and Mom. My father was never in the picture, and Mom always did her best to raise me on her own while being a pro hero. I still remember the warmth of the scarlet red in her hair, the love that was always in her silver eyes when she saw me. Because of her quirk, she had white feathers scattered in her hair, and I remember that her laughter used to bubble out of her like the melody of a song emerging from the harmonies. When I gained my quirk, I was two, and Mom was there to teach me how to use my newfound wings to fly, she was the one who gave me tips of how to control the flames I could produce.
For the next 4 years, everything was perfect... And then I turned six. I won't go into detail about what happened that day since I'm not here to dwell in the ashes of the past, but all you need to know is that my mother died and I was taken in by the man I consider to be my father. But, our real story starts 8 years after those events took place...
It was the July before my 15th birthday. The silence in class 3-C in Endor Jr. High was only broken by the sound of pencils softly scratching against paper. Our teacher had surprised us with a pop quiz about 15 minutes prior, one I was prepared for thanks to my Dad. As I sat there, I was thinking about my Dad. He was a pro hero himself, and he always did what he could to protect people. I'm aware of how cheesy it is to say that my Dad's my hero, but I can't help it. He's a great pro hero and, in my opinion, an even better father. Even if I could have chosen, there isn't anyone in my books better than the Dad I have in my life... Who is the guy I'm talking about? Well... I'll get to that in a second...
"All right, everyone, pencils down, time is up. Pass your quizzes forward." My teacher, Ms Nakamura, announced, her shout derailing my train of thought. I passed up my quiz and since I was in the back of the class, I didn't have to worry about anyone behind me. I watched as my teacher collected the quizzes, seeing that most of the students in my class looked about ready to pee themselves. It was understandable, considering it was a pop quiz and half of them don't pay attention in class or study for tests in the first place, but I was definitely not one of those students.
"Now, I could pass out apptitude tests to see which futures you want, but I already know all of you are aspiring heroes in the making." At her words a few hours later, the entire class cheered, showing off their quirks. Knowing how dangerous mine was, I rolled my eyes, not showing off my own. What do I mean by quirks? In case you weren't already aware, some time ago, the first "quirk" appeared in a baby with a luminescent light in Qing Qing City, China. Over the years, these powers have become more and more widespread. Today, over 80% of the population has at least some type of power. A bit after the first quirk popped up, the Hero Public Safety Commission was founded, and a new occupation was set into the public's conscious... Heroes. Ever since quirks first appeared, our streets started looking like the pages in comic books. But, when the heroes rose, so did villains... As for what powers I have, my quirk is called Phoenix. In short, it basically means I can do anything a phoenix can do. Pyrokenesis, the transformation into a winged humanoid form, healing tears, regeneration, the whole 9 yards. The only problem is the drawbacks: The flames I create burn me, and overuse of my quirk results in severe burns. I also overheat easily, especially on hot days and colder and stormy conditions make it harder for me to produce them in the first place, so it's kind of a catch 22... You'd think after 12 years of having this quirk, I'd have figured out what to do about the overheating at least, but nope! "I know, I know, you all have very impressive quirks, but remember, you're not allowed to use them during school hours. Settle down now." She reminded my classmates, causing them to stop. Weird, normally, they would have never listened to her. "Now, as I'm sure most of you know already, the top school for hero students is UA High..."
"Which is a school that has a very slim acceptance rate as it is, only 0.2% of applicants actually make it in. It's very hard to know for sure if you've made it or not unless you get in by recommendations, and even then, there's only 4 of those spots." Kairi Tsukihara, one of my classmates, brought up. Miss Nakamura nodded.
"That's a good point." She replied.
"Sure, the chances are slim, but it's not impossible to get in." I spoke up, turning everyone's eyes to me.
"Oh, please, Yagi, you wouldn't be able to get in without a recommendation, not that any pro hero would give one to a loser like you." I frowned at the girl next to me. Out of everyone in class, the person I got stuck with sitting next to just happens to be the one girl who pushes me around... Kagura Shinohara.
"Wanna bet?" I asked, looking at her. "My quirk would get me closer than yours." She glared at me for that. Her quirk was called Shadow. The only thing she could really do was make shadow copies of herself and/or others, and those clones die instantly in any kind of light. A cool quirk... If she could do more with it, I'll admit that much, but you get the point. Back when we were little kids, she used to create 5 of her clones to beat me up, but since I was encouraged by my Dad to use a small flame to destroy them last time, she hadn't tried it again. Instead, she settled for verbally attacking me. She never could take it as well as she could dish it though...
"Kagura, Hinotori, that's enough." Miss Nakamura drew our attention back to her. "Just because UA's the best school, doesn't mean it's the only school out there for heroes."
"Shiketsu Academy, Ketsubusu Academy, Seiai Academy, Seijin High, Isami Academy.... All really great schools." Tsukihara added with a nod.
"Teacher's pet..." I shot Shinohara a glare for the comment under her breath, but ultimately decided to ignore her.
"That's true. I want you all to think about the heroes you want to become. There's 10 months between now and the new school year. Train and study hard, keeping that hero's image in mind, and I promise, it will lead you all to wonderful places." Miss Nakamura continued. What kind of hero I wanted to be... That thought stayed with me all through the rest of the day. It was easy, but at the same time....
I wanted to be a hero like my Mom: Selfless, brave, never backing down from a fight. But, like I said before, I also wanted to be a light of hope for everyone... To give people courage the way Dad did... When the bell rang after 6th period, I was packing up my stuff when I got a notification on my phone. There was a news article online about All Might chasing and capturing a villain they called the "Sludge Villain". Go, Dad! I thought, a smile forming on my face. For those of you currently freaking out, yes, All Might is the one that adopted me after my Mom died, and is the man I've considered my Dad ever since. In order to protect me while I was still a kid, he took me to work with him after school and let me stay in the office to do my homework while he was out doing hero work. Once I got old enough to fend for myself though, it stopped happening, and I studied at home. When Dad came home, we'd train together, eat dinner and that was usually the end of the day. That day, though, things turned out differently.
While walking home, I noticed a large crowd gathered. I blinked. What was going on? I pushed my way forward, and what I saw made my blood run ice cold. In the middle of the chaos was the Sludge Villain, and he had a hold of a boy. What the hell? I thought Dad had captured the villain.... The boy was wearing a black uniform with gold buttons, and he looked around my age with spikey ash blond hair. He was struggling, the Sludge Villain being around his nose and mouth. He got free for a split second, yelling out. "YOU PICKED THE WRONG GUY TO MESS WITH! I'M GONNA SEND YOU BACK TO WHATEVER SEWER YOU CRAWLED OUT OF!" Explosions left his palms and he yelled out, "LET ME GO!" I covered my face as giant explosions went off, barely able to hold my ground from where I was. The Sludge Villain's using this boy's quirk to cause damage.... I thought, looking around to see multiple pro heroes: Kamuai Woods, Backdraft, Death Arms, even the new hero Mount Lady, the latter having debuted just that morning... But, they were all standing around doing nothing, most of the heroes having been thrown back from the shockwaves, while Mount Lady didn't have enough room to maneuver.
"You've got so much power, I really hit the jackpot. With a quirk like yours under my control, I can take All Might down with one punch!" The Sludge Villain cackled, the heroes either switching their attention to rescue those in danger, doing damage control, or held up by a weakness of some kind. If only Dad were here... There was destruction all around the area, the buildings being badly damaged, the fires spreading... I can't just stand around anymore... Before I could even register what to do, my body started to move, my feet pounding against the asphalt of the road as I ducked the policemen holding everyone back and ran into the middle of the fight.
"Whoa, hang on, kid, it's too dangerous!" One of the heroes yelled to me as I passed him. If it was so dangerous, why were he and so many others just standing around doing nothing? I extended my hand out, willing the fire to come to me. On cue, the fires from the buildings flew toward me, covering my body. That would at least allow those in danger from the fires to be safer. I knew I couldn't take all the fire at once, but I had to try something to help.
"PHOENIX HEATBLAST!" I yelled, punching the villain and releasing a bit of the inferno I'd collected. The hit connected, but the smell of the burning slime came to my nose, and I had to resist the urge to gag. Gross.... The villain laughed, his gaze turning to me. To anyone else, it would look like my body was burning, my hair being the top of the flames that surrounded me. But, these flames didn't hurt me. If I created my own fire, that would be a different story....
"I like 'em fiery! Plus, seeing how strong you are, I think I'll take you too!" Well, I got his attention... I flipped out of the way as he struck where I'd been seconds before.
"You gotta catch me first, slimeball!" I pointed out, smirking as I dodged him again and again. He did end up landing a hit on me, which knocked me back. I flipped to land on my feet, sliding a couple feet back before I charged again, using more of the flames around me to create flames shaped like a sword. With a roar, the Sludge Villain sent an attack my way. I kicked into a slide to avoid it and on the way back to my feet, I brought my sword down, cutting through the attack. The Sludge Villain screamed out in pain, and I blasted him with more flames, focusing on a spot away from the boy he'd taken. Now that I knew my flames could cut his attacks, maybe it was possible for me to cut the boy free too...
"NO, YOU IDIOT, YOU'RE GONNA GET YOURSELF KILLED!" Death Arms yelled, startling me out of my thoughts. What the hell? I turned to see a boy who had fluffy green hair and matching emerald eyes that held a look of worry for his friend. He was only 3 inches taller than me, much to my annoyance, and he had freckles in the shape of a diamond just below each of his eyes. Plain looking compared to others I've seen, but still...
"Not this kid again..." I heard the Sludge Villain groan.
"Deku?" The blond's voice came out quiet, but the sound of it was gruff.
"YOU'RE TOAST, KID!" The Sludge Villain's yell snapped me out of my state of shock, and I blasted the lower half of him with my flames. When I turned, the kid had taken off his backpack and chucked it at the villain.
"TAKE THIS!" It hit him square in the face, which would have made me laugh in any other situation. A can fell out and got him in the eye, causing him to flinch back with a roar of pain. The flinch resulted in the blond's mouth and nose being freed, the guy coughing and wheezing now that he had air. Perfect distraction! I created another fire sword, this one shorter than the one before and started hacking away at the binds around the boy and the green haired boy started trying to dig the other guy out, but by the looks of things, the Sludge Villain had specifically thickened that area so I couldn't cut through it. Damn it... "KACCHAN!"
"What the hell? WHY ARE YOU HERE?!" Kacchan questioned the boy next to me, who was currently clawing at the sludge keeping his friend captive.
"I don't know! My legs... They just started moving!" The Sludge Villain started to recover, covering Kacchan's face again. "Kacchan, I couldn't just stand there and watch you die!"
"GET THE HELL OFF ME!" Kacchan yelled.
"Just a little bit longer, kid, then I'm done playing with you!" The Sludge Villain yelled. I pushed the green haired boy out of the way, giving a yell as I gathered as much fire as I could muster and brought my arms up in a block as the attack barreled toward me. I glared the villain down, ready with a counter attack in mind.
"SAVE THE GIRL! IT'LL KILL HER!" I heard Death Arms hell, but I knew I'd be able to take the hit. If Dad couldn't make it, I'd help them... I'd be the hero I always wanted to be... Another explosion ripped through the area as the hit connected, but... Not with me.
"I really am pathetic." A deep voice I knew all too well spoke. The boy behind me gasped a bit in shock.
"All Might. But..." He murmured. In front of me, holding up the Sludge Villain's attack, was my Dad in all his 7 foot, 2 and a half inch tall glory. His eyes were sunken in compared to his early years, his face chiseled and his muscles bulging from holding back the villain's attack, but his blond hair still stuck in the the familiar two tuffs that leaned to each side. I knew this as his muscle form and besides me, there were very few who knew about my father's "true" form. He still held that smile, and judging by the smoke coming off him, I knew he had transformed again early to help us.
"I told you the traits to make a great champion, but I see now I wasn't living up to my own ideal!" My Dad broke free of the Sludge Villain before grabbing the blond. "Pros are always risking their lives! That's the true test of a hero!" He continued, blood coming out of his mouth. He was really pushing past his limits, the way he'd always taught me.
"DAMN YOU, ALL MIGHT!" The Sludge Villain screamed, preparing an attack as Dad was doing the same thing.
"DETROIT SMASH!" Dad gave a battle cry, freeing the blond from the villain's grasp, blowing out the remaining fires and blasting the villain away in one punch. The winds that rose up caused the sky to darken and as my Dad panted to catch his breath, rain started to fall. I noticed the blood coming from Dad's mouth, looking at him worriedly.
"Holy crap... He changed the weather." I heard Death Arms say as Dad wiped the blood away. As my Dad stood tall, the crowd began to cheer. He stumbled back slightly before raising his left fist, causing the crowd around us to cheer louder. I noticed as my Dad glanced back behind us to the green haired boy passed out on the ground. After that, the pros collected all the scattered mounds of sludge and the villain went into police custody where he belonged. While my Dad handled the press, I was sitting next to the green haired kid.
"You morons. Do you two have a death wish?" Kamuai Woods asked us.
"There was absolutely no reason for you to put yourselves in danger like that!" Death Arms added. I stood up.
"Like you guys had the situation under control? It might have been dangerous, but all of you were just standing around. I'll admit that we both rushed in out of a foolhardy attempt to save a life, but that doesn't change that the blond would have died had you kept doing nothing to help him. In my opinion, that kid is a better hero than any of you." I jabbed my thumb at the kid behind me as I talked. When I was finished, I turned to the green haired boy. "Come on, let's get you home." I told him, grabbing his wrist and walking off before the heroes could say another word.
"Wait, hang on!" The boy started to protest as I pulled him up and away, but I wasn't having it. Once we turned the corner, I let go.
"Don't listen to them, you've got more guts than anyone I've ever known before. What's your name, kid?" I asked him, looking at him. He stared at me for a second. This kid thinks I'm crazy, doesn't he?
"I'm Izuku Midoriya." He told me.
"Midoriya, huh? So, what that kid called you earlier wasn't your name?" I questioned.
"Deku? No, it was a mean nickname he came up with when we were kids. He said it means worthless." He answered.
"Deku... It sounds like it could be a hero name. It's up to you, of course, but I'd suggest taking that negative name and turning it into a positive." I replied with a soft smile, though it quickly dropped when I remembered something. "Oh, right, I didn't tell you my name. It's Hinotori. Hinotori Yagi. You can call me Tori or Hina, whichever you prefer."
"It's nice to meet you, Yagi." He replied. I stared at him for a second before chuckling a bit. Despite having told him he could call me by my first name, he still called me by my last name. As we walked, we talked together. For a kid with incredible bravery, he was quirkless, and meeting my Dad hadn't gone as he'd hoped. I frowned at the sound of this. Dad met this kid and told him he couldn't be a hero? Seriously?! I need to have a talk with him... I thought.
"DEKU!" I heard that gruff voice again, cutting off my thoughts. Both of us turned around to see the blond from earlier.
"Kacchan?" Came Midoriya's response. The blond panted for a good minute before speaking up again. Had he run after us?
"Listen... I would never ask for a weakling like you to help me. Don't think you can look down on me! Huh? Got that?! I was fine by myself! You're just a quirkless failure who won't even cut it as a rent-a-cop! You didn't help me, you did nothing! Don't forget that!"
"Whoa, first off, don't ever call him Deku like that again. Secondly, you could show a little more respect to the person who you not only grew up with, but to that same kid that jumped in without a second thought to help your fucked up ass!" I fired back, turning his attention to me.
"Yagi, seriously, it's fine, he does this all the time..."
"Hang on, he's always treated you like this and you still jumped in to help him? You consider him a friend even though he pulls this shit? He's not being a friend, he's being a bully." I turned back to the blond. "And you, the next time you even raise a finger toward him, you better remember the name Hinotori Yagi, cause I will personally kick your ass!"
"I don't owe him anything! And the same goes for you, Flame Bitch!"
"Call me that again, Blasty, see what happens!" I felt my hair flare up, and I noticed Midoriya jumping back out of the corner of my eye. My quirk's flames are pretty hot, but when I get mad and let it burst, my hair bursts into flames before I allow it to extinguish.
"THEN WHAT THE FUCK IS IT, HEDGEHOG?!" We glared each other down for a second before he scoffed and turned the other way.
"It's Katsuki Bakugo, I'm gonna be number one someday, so don't you forget it!" He snapped before stomping off.
"Not with that attitude." I mumbled under my breath. With a deep breath, I let the fire in my hair go out before turning to Midoriya. "Sorry about that, but when someone I consider a friend is being treated like that, I can't exactly hold back my temper. I gotta work on that..."
"You consider me a friend?" Midoriya asked.
"Well, yeah, you seem like a cool kid." I answered. "I hope you'll consider me a friend too, but it doesn't have to be now. You can decide that on your own."
"I will admit one thing, though.. Kacchan's right. It's not like I really did anything to help, but at least I tried... Oh well..." Midoriya told me as we continued to walk. I opened my mouth to say something, but was interrupted by a booming voice.
"I AM HERE!" Dad appeared in front of us, looking like he'd been running to catch up to us. Midoriya shrieked.
"All Might?! Where'd you come from?!"
"You finally got rid of all those reporters?" I asked. While I had told Midoriya my name, I hadn't revealed my connection to All Might... Probably not the smartest thing, but Dad had warned me against telling anyone my family ties. If villains knew about my relation to the number one hero, they could use me against him. Dad's laughter boomed out of him, the laughter that used to comfort me as a child
"I stand for justice, not soundbites! Because I," I rolled my eyes as he turned slightly and flexed. "I am All Mi-" He suddenly transformed back into his true form, coughing up blood from over exertion. Compared to his muscle form, he was shorter, yet still taller than me. His hair stuck up in spikes and the two tuffs that usually stood up fell to frame his face. His eyes were still sunken in, but you could see that his eyes were blue, and his body was skeletal. Back home, this was the form he was usually in, this was the form that had raised me... At least, the form that had raised me for the past five years...
"All right, all right, Dad, could you take it easy now?" I asked, joining his side with a frown as he coughed. I placed a gentle hand on his back, but when I looked up, Midoriya was staring at me in shock. "I swear, we'll explain later, but right now, please listen to what he has to say." I promised. Once the coughing had stopped, Dad spoke again.
"Young man, I came here to thank you, and also to discuss your question from earlier. If you hadn't told me about your life, if you hadn't run into that fight... I would have been a worthless bystander watching from the crowd. So, thanks."
"Oh, no. It was my fault he was there to begin with." Midoriya looked down. "I got in the way of your hard work... I wasted your energy... And... Not to mention your time."
"I'm not done. You told me you didn't have a power, so when I saw this timid, quirkless boy try to save a life, it inspired me to act too." I straightened at those words. Was Dad about to do what I thought he was going to do? "There are stories about every hero, how they became great. Most had one thing in common: their bodies moved before they could even have a chance to think, almost on their own." Midoriya's eyes teared up and he hung his head as he sniffled. He started to sob, bending over as Dad continued. "Today, that's exactly what happened to you." Midoriya continued to sob, hitting his knees as the wind kicked up. The words we both knew were coming left my Dad's mouth "Young man, you too, can become a hero." As Midoriya was on the ground sobbing, my Dad continued, but while his next words threw Midoriya from tears to confusion, he said the words I thought were coming. "I deem you worthy of my power, my quirk is yours to inherit." The look on Midoriya's face was almost laughable, but I understood his shock. As far as the public knew, quirks were born with, not given. But, my Dad's quirk was kept under wraps for a reason...
"Wait, what'd you mean inherit? Inherit what?" Midoriya asked. Dad laughed.
"You should see your face right now. Don't worry, I'm not gonna force this thing on you." Dad walked toward him a bit. I was bracing for what was about to happen. If Dad was really gonna spill to Midoriya about his quirk, I wanted to see what the hell the freckle faced boy was gonna say. "Journalists always guess my Quirk is super strength or some kind of invulnerability. When people ask in interviews, I always make a joke and dodge the question. That's because the world needs to believe that their Symbol of Peace is just a natural born hero, like any of them. But, I'm not... There's nothing natural about my ability." My Dad extended his arms out on either side, tipping his head back. "I wasn't born with this power, it's a sacred torch that was passed on to me from someone else."
"Someone gave you this Quirk? No way..." Midoriya trailed off.
"Yes, way, and you're next. I can give you my abilities." As Dad talked, his shirt flew up a bit in the wind, revealing the scar he had gotten 5 years ago... The scar that was a reminder of the scare I'd gotten as a 9 year old kid.
"Wait, hold on, this is a lot to process. It's true there's a lot of debate as to what your Quirk actually is. Nobody's ever figured it out, it's one of the world's greatest mysteries. People are constantly talking about it online. But, well, the idea of passing on a Quirk or inserting it just doesn't make any sense to me, I've never heard anything like that before, powers are supposed to be unique to each individual, I mean since the first superpowers, no one's ever been able to just give someone else their power like a present, that's crazy...." As Midoriya went into a rambling tangent beyond my comprehension, I glanced at Dad.
"I think you broke him..." I told him. Dad turned back to Midoriya.
"Uh, sounds like you're overthinking this whole inheriting thing. Stop nerdin' out!" Dad's shout knocked Midoriya out of his ramble, causing him to look up. "You'll have to adjust your reality and accept this new truth! I can transfer my quirk to someone else, and that's just one facet of my secret abilities. The true name of my power is One For All."
"One.. For... All..." Midoriya repeated.
"Yes. One person improves the power, then hands it off to another person. It continues to grow as it's passed along. It is this cultivated power that allows me to save those who are in need of a hero, the truth behind my strength."
"But, why would you choose to give me a gift like that? What if I can't live up to it?" Midoriya asked.
"I was on a long hunt for a worthy successor, and then, I watched you jump into action with my daughter as the rest of us stood idly by. You might just be a quirkless fanboy, but you tried to save that kid."
"You acted like a hero, Midoriya." I finished, Dad nodding in agreement. Midoriya teared up, whimpers leaving him.
"Seriously! You gotta stop cryin' so much if you want my Quirk! Come on, kid!"
"Dad, ease up, would ya? It's a lot to process. I mean, you're telling him there's a way for him to be a hero when everyone else in his life said he couldn't." I pointed out. Midoriya stood up, looking determined after wiping his eyes.
"Okay, I'll do it, yes!" I smiled at Midoriya's answer.
"No reluctance, that's exactly how I figured you'd respond." Dad replied, looking satisfied.
Two days later though, as the sun was beginning to rise on Takoba Municipal Beach Park, Dad had begun to put Midoriya through one hell of a training regiment. I was half asleep, not used to being up this early on a Sunday of all days. Least it was nowhere near winter yet, but why the hell had Dad dragged me out of bed for this? I watched with furrowed eyebrows as Midoriya strained with ropes around him, trying to pull something big... With my 562 pound Dad sitting on top of it. "Hey, hey, hey, it's pretty comfortable up on this fridge, how're you doing down there?" That thing's a fridge?! What the hell?! Midoriya grunted as his legs gave out, faceplanting into the sand.
"Uh, Dad, maybe we should start with small pieces and work him up to the big stuff?" I suggested, but my words fell on deaf ears.
"It's fine, people move these everyday, y'know, and most of them don't even have any super strength."
"Most of them have two of more people with them, Dad." I deadpanned.
"Well, yeah, but..." Midoriya started to say, sitting up. "There's an extra 600 pounds with you sitting on top of it."
"Meh, 562, he was 604 before, but he lost weight due to that nasty injury." I pointed out, Dad nodding in agreement.
"In this form, at least." Dad added.
"Great, much better." Midoriya quipped, making me snort. Okay, I had to admit, the green ball of fluff had spunk when he wanted. "Why do you have me dragging trash across the beach anyway?" Dad laughed in response.
"Take a look at yourself, you're not ready for my power." Much to both Midoriya and my own horrors, Dad started taking pictures of Midoriya with his phone.
"Daaaad..." I started to warn, but it was too late.
"But, I thought you said I was worthy!" Midoriya started bawling.
"He's talking about your body, M. One For All is a lot to handle, apparently." I shot Dad a look, him nodding to confirm. He had told me what we were doing on the way there, but I didn't see why I needed to be there at that point.
"The combined physical abilities of everyone who's ever used it creates a hurricane of pure force. An unprepared body can't fully inherit it. Your arms and legs would shoot off if you tried to." Dad pointed out.
"Seriously?!" Midoriya squeaked before shaking his head. "Okay... So, this whole trash thing is really some kind of hardcore gym workout. And... You're my trainer."
"You got it! But, there's another reason, too." Dad answered.
"Dad did some online research yesterday. As it turns out, this part of the beach used to be beautiful, but it's been a total mess for the past few years." I added, watching as Dad walked over to the fridge and knocked on it once. Midoriya stood up.
"That's right... Because of the ocean currents, anything that's dropped in the water ends up here. People take advantage of that when they're illegally dumping their trash. Now, all the local avoid this place." Midoriya finished.
"Heroes these days are all about showing off and capturing flashy villains. Things were different before Quirks. Service was what mattered. Back then, heroes were those who helped the community, even if it was kinda boring." Dad told us as he crushed the fridge flat with one hand. Midoriya looked amazed, meanwhile, I rolled my eyes. Don't get me wrong, I love my Dad and look up to him, but there are times where he's nothing but a complete and utter showoff. That day, was one of those times. The trash behind him blew back from the wind pressure of the crushing of the fridge, Dad continuing to speak. "You will restore the coastline for this entire section of the beach. That is the first step on your path, young man, towards being a hero." Midoriya blinked at my Dad before turning around to see all the junk behind us.
"Um... All this?" Midoriya asked, sounding a bit nervous. "But... There's so much! That's impossible!"
"Young Midoriya, you want to go to UA, right?" Dad asked.
"Well, yeah. Of course! You went there." Midoriya replied, turning to Dad. "So, it must be the best school around, right? It's a long shot, but still.... I'm gonna shoot for the moon. UA."
"You've got a lot of spirit, fanboy. But like I said earlier, heroing isn't easy to do without a quirk. It's not fair, but that's the reality. Not to mention, UA is the hardest hero course to get into." Dad told Midoriya. "So, that means..."
"I have to prepare my body for your Quirk really fast. UA's entrance exam is in ten months!" Midoriya pointed out.
"Not to worry, we've got you covered." I winked.
"With the help of my Aim To Pass: American Dream Plan!" He did not just say that.... "Follow this to the letter and the beach will be cleaned up just in time. I also detailed every other aspect of your life while I was at it." I looked at my Dad. Didn't he think that was a bit overkill? By the look on his face, Midoriya thought the same thing as he flipped through the pages of the packet my Dad had given him.
"Even my sleep is scheduled..." He trailed off.
"If I'm being honest, this is going to be super hard... Think you're up to it?" Dad asked. Midoriya looked more determined than two days prior.
"Yeah, sure I am!" Midoriya answered. "I have to work way harder than anyone else to get in. So, what choice do I have, right?"
"You won't be alone either." Dad said before clapping his hand on my shoulder. "Since Hinotori has to train to get in too, both of you will be working together." There it is...
"Wait what?! That's why you dragged me out here?" I asked, my eyes widening.
"You won't be on the same plan as Young Midoriya, but you will be working as hard as him. A few hours of your training is combined with his. Part of being a pro involves working with other heroes."
"Yeah, true..." I trailed off. "Okay, then we'll both do our best, right, Midoriya?"
And so, the ten months of training began...
(Taglist: @euphorical-angel dm or comment if you wanna be added to the taglist ^^ hope you enjoyed Chapter 1 of MHA: I Am Phoenix)
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hexpea · 3 years ago
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Ch. 8 - LOV
He didn't want to admit it, but Chisaki was glad that his quirk had returned the next day. Since Kurono knew what he had done, and threw quite a fit about it, he knew that if he remained quirkless there'd be a power struggle within the Hassaikai. With his quirk back in commission, he could remain its head and driving force. And, as the days passed by, the two of you maintained a professional relationship in front of the Hassaikai. The Eight Bullets were none the wiser to your nightly visits to his room, though neither of you discussed what you "were." Despite the undiscussed feelings, it felt nice to have some kind of stress reliever at the end of the day. You figured that, at some point, he would sit down with you and have "the talk," but with the solution so close it was clear he was too busy to even begin to think of a steady relationship.
Though, because they at least had a semi-working prototype, they could begin looking for power and funds whether that be legally or illegally. That was where the League of Villains came into play. Chisaki had been contacted by one of their members that called themselves "Twice." Impressed with the power demonstrated during an attack on the Team Reservoir Dogs, a meeting was set up to discuss a potential merger. He had thought about turning it down, but Chisaki saw the potential value of being associated with the league considering their recent movements.
"You will need to stay hidden as you follow me," Chisaki stood at the head of a large conference table, each Hassaikai member seated and listening carefully the day before the meeting. "I am scheduled to see Twice downtown at eight PM. You all will need to keep your distance and be ready should something happen at their meeting point. Y/N will not be able to cover you as this one wears a mask." He then turned to his assistant with a serious look behind his eyes, "you will have the prototype, use it in an emergency. I'm counting on your intellect to scope out vantage points of the building in a quick manner when we arrive."
"Yes, sir," Kurono answered without hesitating. You kept your expression flat, but his kiss ass attitude was almost enough to make you want to gag.
"Then we're all clear?" Chisaki looked at each one of the Bullets who were all showing some kind of affirmative whether it be nodding their head or humming. "Wonderful."
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From that meeting you were told to be one of the shields. Should the LOV go on the offense, you were the back up should Kurono miss his shot. Katsukame would be the one to break down any walls and you would dive in front to stop the offender right in their tracks. Though you heavily disliked him, you knew Kurono was a good shot, so you felt like you had little to worry about for your first time heading to the surface in almost three years.
You took a deep breath as you completed the last stair, a smile forming on your face. That's what you missed out on...fresh air. Chisaki would argue otherwise, tightening his already snug plague mask.
"Make sure you put that on," he advised. "We don't know what their quirks are."
"If that's the case, maybe you should create one that's a bit more secure," you chuckled, bringing the ibis mask around your face and pulling your hood up. "You think you'd learn after dealing with me." Chisaki rolled his eyes and continued on ahead as a few of the Bullets giggled at your jab.
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The group of you carefully kept your distance as Chisaki met with Twice. He was quite the character, Twice...almost like two people in one. It looked like he struggled with his quirk, likely another person you could connect with in that regard.
You followed them through the city until you hit the outskirts where an abandoned warehouse sat and collected dust. You were all hidden amongst the trees as the pair approached the building.
"Give me a break..." Chisaki coughed, "this place is so dusty...I feel like I'll get sick."
"Don't worry!" Twice said happily. "The guys inside are already sick!" As he completed his sentence, large garage doors opened up and the pair disappeared inside.
From there, you followed Kurono who would give a signal to the others below should anything go awry. He was able to find a vantage point from high above, perching in one of the ventilation windows. From where you were crouched, you could see a few characters but couldn't make out faces very well from behind your goggles.
"You brought a crazy, big fish, huh, Twice?" A dark figure mumbled, the voice eerily familiar. You shook it off and continued listening.
"Big fish? That's ironic," Chisaki answered with a small hint of disappointment, standing well away from the four figures - Twice still standing next to his guest, "League of Villains."
"What? Is that guy someone famous?" Another character seated next to the dark figure asked, slightly leaning and holding something large. You swore under your breath at how irritating it was to visually make out anything. You wondered how much practice Kurono had to go through to be such a good shot.
"Master showed me a picture of him before. He's what you'd call 'yakuza.'" The dark figure answered, barely moving and keeping his eyes on Chisaki. "The young head of the Shie Hassaikai."
"The young head of the Shie Hassaikai? So he's the number two of organized crime?" The same figure that had asked questioned in a cheerful, almost excited tone. "Oh my, I've never seen anything like him! He smells dangerous!"
"Organized crime?" A third person spoke, a blonde girl whose tone sounded very young. "How's he different from us?"
"All right, let me tell you!" A fourth spoke, this one you at least could tell was wearing a large, brimmed hat. "In the past, there were lots of scary groups that ran the underworld. But after heroes started thriving, they were unmasked and disbanded and once All Might appeared on the scene, that era was over. The survivors who hadn't been caught became designated villain groups. In other words, they were treated like villain reserves just scraping by to make a living under the watch of the police. Frankly, they're obsolete and should be a protected species."
"Protected species, huh?" You heard Chisaki sigh. "Well, he's not wrong..."
"So, why is this impoverished yakuza boy here?" Twice asked. "Are you also on a high because of All Might's retirement?"
"No, it's less about All Might and more about the loss of All for One," Chisaki's answer caused your breathing to hitch. You really had missed out on a lot of information, mentally scolding yourself for avoiding the news. And Chisaki knew...and didn't tell you that so much had occurred. "The emperor of darkness who ruled over all the underside of society...my generation treated him like an urban legend. But our elders believed they had reason to fear him even after he was rumored to be dead. But this time, he showed up in the flesh... All Might retire and All for One was thrown into Tartarus. In other words, right now, for both those in the sun and those in the shadows, there is no leader. So then, who will be the next leader?"
"If you know who my master is, and you're still saying that..." The dark figure took a step closer to Chisaki as your brain tried to comprehend his sentence. His master was All for One...it couldn't be...could it? "Are you here to challenge me? I'm the next leader. Even now, I'm gathering my troops. Our numbers will increase soon. And with that power, I'll crush hero society starting with its head."
"Do you have a plan?" Chisaki nearly interrupted.
"A plan?" The figure's tone was slightly offended. "You little... You came here to join us, didn't you?"
"A goal with no plan is called a delusion. If you present me with a delusion, then how am I supposed to react?" Chisaki began, going on a rant about the LOV's lack of preparedness.
"Chrono..." you whispered with a slightly panicked voice as Chisaki droned on.
"Shh..." he scolded you as if you were a small child, pistol pointed directly at the dark figure - the leader of the League of Villains.
"Chrono..." you whispered again, nervously holding the long, thin beak of your mask, "who is their leader? Do you know his name?"
Chrono made a sound of exasperation and turned his head toward you. "Shigaraki Tomura. But we don't know much else other than the fact that he has ties to All for One."
"That's what I thought," you murmured and turned back to continue listening, feeling your heart begin to rush in your chest as you released your mask - not wanting to peek with any clear vision. Your mouth quickly went dry as the nerves continued to take over.
"Twice, don't bring people before checking their intent," Shigaraki quietly scolded. Twice quickly gasped, clearly feeling incredibly guilty after Chisaki tore through the LOV.
"In order to execute my plan, I need a lot of money. There isn't really anyone willing to invest in some obsolete small-time yakuza. But it'd be different if I had you guys with your increasing name recognition. Put yourselves under me, I'll show you how well I can use you. And then, I'll become the next leader." Chisaki reached out to him and made a fist, a motion of encouragement.
"Go home," Shigaraki muttered as the excited, red-headed figure began to lunge at Chisaki.
"Sorry, yakuza boy, we didn't come together to be under someone!" The character unraveled whatever it was they were holding. In the same moment, you and Kurono tensed and he prepared to line up the shot. Their quirk was clearly associated with magnetism, drawing Chisaki close by the metal of his beak. "I'm here because I don't want to be bound by anything!"
As his body was being drawn close, Chisaki tore his glove from his hand and Kurono stood down knowing he was going to defend himself. Why waste a bullet on a corpse?
"We will decide where we belong!" The large metal object came back as the figure continued shouting. You watched closely, completely on edge despite knowing Chisaki would be just fine.
Just as the object met his body, Chisaki used only a scratch of his finger to completely disintegrate the figure's torso - it exploding into a shower of blood in almost an instant. You winced at the sight, trying to keep the image from your mind. This was the part of being a yakuza member you detested.
"Big sister Mag!" The figure you knew as the young girl screamed bloody murder.
All of them came to a stand in defense as Chisaki recovered. You could tell he was covered in hives from the blood spatter thanks to the way he was feverishly scratching his forearm.
"You all made the first move," he muttered, slowly standing straight. "Ugh...that's filthy..." he shook his head nervously, still scratching. "That's why I hate stuff like this."
Just as he finished complaining, the figure in the large hat took a dive, Shigaraki calling out to stop the person he called Compress to no avail. Kurono took his shot then, successfully landing the needle in Compress' shoulder.
Just as his hand reached out to use whatever quirk he had, Chisaki activated his own at a much faster pace - the anti-quirk bullet immediately taking effect.
"Don't touch me!" Chisaki shouted furiously, disintegrating Compress' arm without hesitation.
"Go, this is getting messy quickly," Kurono advised you while turning around and giving a hand signal to those waiting on the ground outside.
You dove down just as Shigaraki was on the move. You had the advantage here, knowing just what to show him to freeze him in his tracks. At the same time, Kurono took a second shot - missing, which was why you dove down in the first place. You landed just in front of Chisaki who still stood hunched over from the action. He looked on as you did what you did best.
You tore your mask away and stood tall as Shigaraki's body completely halted, his red eyes widening at the sight of your clear face before the hallucination took hold. He quickly fell to his knees, heavily breathing and looking at his empty palms. You felt warm tears beginning to well at the base of your eyes as you watched your childhood friend tremble with a mix of sadness, fear, and anxiety. You could see it with him... The small dog disintegrating into ash and blood from under his grasp... A small, innocent, five-year-old boy with no one on his side - clutching and killing one of the only things in his life that loved him unconditionally.
Just as things began to settle, the other Bullets burst through the walls. The rest of the LOV stood back in shock as you gently released the hallucination, grip loosening on your plague mask that was in your hands.
Shigaraki looked up and made direct eye contact with you through the hand that covered his face. "I see..." he mumbled, voice slightly shaking with emotion as he came back to a stand. "If you started with that, it would've been a lot easier to understand what you wanted."
"That was close, Overhaul," Kurono appeared beside Chisaki. You took steps backward to meet with the two of them, leaving your sore eyes on the blue-haired figure in front of you.
"You're late," Chisaki chastised as he put his gloves back on.
"And I missed a shot," he noted and proudly held up the pistol, "but there was enough immediate effectiveness."
"Wait, where did you...?" Twice was in complete shock. "We weren't being followed!" He reassured Shigaraki who held an irritated stance, eyes still magnetized to you. It was almost as if you were holding some kind of silent conversation.
"It was probably someone's quirk..." he muttered, looking directly at you. You hadn't yet learned to use your quirk against masks, but Shigaraki didn't know that. He was thinking you had shielded the group from Twice's view as he arrived with Chisaki.
"It'll be hard to make objective decisions like this," Chisaki scratched at his arms more as he spoke. "Right, it's unproductive to cut down each other's forces, anyway. And, unfortunately, we're not even seeing as there is a corpse and missing arm on your side. It's a good time to stop. Let's cool our heads and talk again another day." Chisaki turned and began leaving. "We'll owe you a body and an arm."
"Bastard," Twice cursed, "I'll kill you!"
"Tomura, I can cut him," the girl angrily hissed with a knife in her hands, "I'm going to, okay?"
"No," he said in monotone, still glaring at you.
You were the one to break eye contact, closing your lids and sighing as you turned away - putting your mask back on and pulling your hood back up.
"Let me take responsibility!" Twice begged.
"No," Shigaraki repeated.
"A wise decision, Hand Guy," Irinaka teased while perched atop Katsukame.
"It doesn't have to be right away, but the sooner, the better." Chisaki called out. "Think carefully..." he tossed a business card in their direction. Your expression was of complete sadness as you watched Chisaki, still walking toward his side. "...About your own organization and stuff. Give me a call once you've calmed down a bit."
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popdesign-vent · 3 years ago
I hope this is alright to ask - genuine question - I'm trying to understand why (sometimes viewed as exorbitant as some) prices on designs can be considered bad or maybe predatory? When I peeked into the adopt scene years ago people were celebrating prices into the hundreds as artists finally being paid somewhat decently, especially in the hobbyist sphere (and I remember many people I know say along the lines of "well the customer is willing to pay it/thinks that's what this design is worth"), but now I'm seeing a lot of people bash on prices like that and I'm not quite sure if I understand where that's coming from? Has there been a shift in how design values are seen now? It's been a few years since I poked my head into the adopt scene again so it caught me off guard.
It actually makes me really happy to see designs sell well! And don't worry, I know it's confusing at first. It's less the initial "x thing sells for x amount" and more the dynamics around it.
It's moreso the fact that a popfur/popdesigner could make *anything* and could still price it however they wanted because they're moreso selling the name attached to it rather than the design itself. I pretty consistently see pop designers put up sketch concepts that took them maybe 20 minutes for hundreds. That's more than a professional concept artist often makes (avg industry professional concept artist hourly pay is 43USD), and often with these designs you get conditional ownership (more in the next paragraph on that)
The issue is largely the almost cult model following pop designers tend to build. I'll use maws as an example. When you join his server, or buy his adopts, you're not just getting a design. You're paying to follow a very specific set of rules and if you don't follow them well enough your design is revoked. You're not just joining his server to see his art, you're being absorbed into a community where any questioning of him is seen as inherently bad/wrong. It's a looming threat. People have come to me asking if their style looks too much like (x designer) because they're scared of getting that designer's attention.
On top of that, a lot of smaller artists can only really find success by self advertising in these pop design servers, so leaving or doing something wrong in them means losing your income and most of your customer base.
Joining his server also means having your socials monitored. I've talked to many previous server members who were kicked or blacklisted because a mod scrolled back weeks in their personal twitter and found one vaguely questionable tweet or comment and then brought it to them and questioned them extensively about it.
I have watched people say "haha spending my emergency fund on this" and a design will stand by and let them. It is absolutely predatory to knowingly let someone (especially younger/financially precarious people) spend hundreds of dollars on your work.
If someone says they are choosing between having backup money for food and commissioning me, I will deny their commission. I've never seen a pop designer do the same.
I hope that answers your questions!
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seelestia · 3 years ago
pssst hey your cool(?) virtual cousin here. would u like to visit my virtual house this weekend my husband will be cooking his signature slow-cooked bamboo shoot dish oh and also bring ur detective bf too, i'd like to interrogate talk 🙂nicely🙃 to him - yknow just some family bonding time <3 /j
pffffft i'm imagining poor zhongli having to take care of two hu taos sldkslkdls he's going to grow some white hairs lmao
childe helps him out to create a youtube channel and sends him scripts for zhongli to read.... some lines sounds a little questionable for an audiobook but what does he know, maybe it's just how young ppl these days talk? some kinda slang he doesn't really understand? but why do they all sound so romantic???
meanwhile childe cackles as he watches zhongli's latest asmr video goes trending and people are having a mental breakdown over his clueless friend's voice saying "welcome home, would you like to have a bath first, or dinner, or perhaps... a kiss?" slfjslkskdsl
hmmm i see i see *notes down on clipboard*
hhhhhhh yes i saw that trailer last night with my brother and i was like 'hmmm ok al haitham kinda cool' while he was all 'wow dehya girlboss badass'... 
i'm pretty sure they have a bot (or some kind of automation?) for monitoring the blogs :/ yeah i heard about that too hence the usual 'no spam liking!' rule on most blogs... but like, how many likes are counted as spam?? and within how many seconds?? ah well... i think i've moved for good anyway, tumblr can do whatever as long as my new blog is safe lol
me: m-mono anemo? / hyv: mono anemo :)
(pls hyv mercy i don't have any vayuda turquoise gems anymore xiao and jean and kazuha ate all of it-)
hskdjskdks probably... oh well i guess i'll just settle with seeing him from time to time on the rare times my brother kindly graces my noob acc with his fully built teams... one day, diluc will come home. that day might not be today. but one day....
LOL IKR shameless behavior i swear /lh and thank you!!! may all zhongli wanters be zhongli havers!!! i am crossing my fingers for everyone who pulls for the ceo of geo himself!!! hmmmm maybe i should try the 'apply element to character to increase the probability of the gacha' approach hshdjhd zhongli come home the power of money compels you
ah ok that's good! gotta eat your meals when you're still growing!! hehe zhongli wouldn't need to worry i always eat my meals altho i only have them twice per day - but i'd like to think that he'd watch contentedly as i happily nom on things tho he will probably give me a disapproving frown when he sees that i'm holding my chopsticks incorrectly oops
how dare you put the question next to the cool because i can vouch that it is the absolute truth. (/lh) i can visit but i must warn you that heizou said he is very much looking forward to it i am concerned. will our family bonding time become a heated debate... i'll go make some tea when that happens.
zhongli and constantly being surrounded by gen z's in modern au gives me life, and then we have venti who has perfectly integrated into the said generation without fail 🚶 oh, zhongli, the way you can put us all to sleep with just a few words <//3 (maleficent's spinning wheel could never fkekkdkfks) and childe definitely promised him a box of imported limited tea for it JFKWKKDS
v3.0 hype, aaaaa !! i didn't get to watch the livestream in real time, but i heard it crashed for a bit??? 2.8 flashbacks it feels like yesterday when people were fawning over inazuma's release and thinking that miko was the electro archon fwjfksjedk. sumeru just arrived, but it made me more excited for fontaine now because i just know i'm going to vibe with the city !! and it makes me think of a historical au with nobleman!ayato *COUGH*
and you're not just going to get diluc too !! tighnari and albedo will be added to the standard banner soon, so that's some new varieties to lose our 50/50 to ;D
mono anemo until there is a commission titled emergency and it's an eye of the storm FWSKDKS PHYSICAL XIAO, LET'S GO. (/j)
i usually have kokomi to heal heizou or klee when they take damage, but having zhongli will definitely and significantly increase the survivability of the team !! >:) my hp artifacts that i saved for yelan are waiting for you, grandpa. (/lh)
i shall need all the calcium and protein !! but the pride i feel knowing i'm the same height as xiao SENDS ME EVERY TIME. indeed, you are the super cool virtual cousin who has me on a leash and i thank you deeply for that, rin, nyehehe <3
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p/s: your dynamic with zhongli reminds me of the down bad enthusiastic talker + the listener who sips tea who admires said talker fjwkdkkas
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saffron-nova21 · 4 years ago
XIX. Secret Tours
Remember Me Masterlist
< Previous Chapter • Next Chapter >
Warnings: Strong language
A/N: I know, I’m so sorry about the lack of a read more, I might try to add one later, but currently, they aren’t working on my phone and my laptop is out of commission. I’m really, really sorry, guys.
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With a sweet, but sleepy, smile plastered on your lips, you step away from the train with Atsumu, your bag slung over your shoulder, finding yourself excited to meet Tetsurō in person. You might not have known him for very long, nor had you met him in person yet, but all he’d been was a good friend to you. One you had come to need and depend on, with all that had been going on in your life. All of those lonely days, who had texted you and grounded you throughout all of it? Not your brother, not any of your team mates, no... It had been a stranger you’d met through Twitter, by pure coincidence.
He was the one who had knocked some sense into you to stop giving Rintarō chances. He was the one who talked you into telling Atsumu what had happened, rather than continuing to allow yourself to be manipulated. He had been the one to tell you that quitting volleyball club and practicing on your own would be best, with the way the other team members continuously made you feel like shit and gave you the cold shoulder.
When you spot he and his best friend standing there, the latter with a game in his hands, you nearly jump out of your skin as a jolt of excitement runs through you.
Looking at who who assumed to be Kenma, you found yourself touched that Kenma continuously glanced up to search for you, immediately getting the sense that he probably didn’t do that very often.
You end up walking towards them without a word to your best friend. Though Atsumu would tease you later on, saying you were borderline running to the two. When they caught sight of you, Kenma and Tetsurō go bug-eyed for a moment. Kenma’s arms fall a bit as his attention shifts to you, completely.
Both of them were quickly able to come to one conclusion: Any pictures of you did you no justice.
As you reach them, you stop just short of them, having to retrain yourself from leaping on them both... They’d been so good to you, it only felt normal to want to hug them.
“Hi,” you grin at them both, effectively breaking their momentarily stunned silence, your smile shining nearly as brightly as the sun.
A grin emerges on Tetsurō’s face as he shakes his head and offers open arms, to which you nearly jump in, hugging him tightly. Very quickly, he had become your anchor, being there for you and believing in you, when even your team lost faith in you and you could only hope your embrace conveyed all of the emotions that you couldn’t voice.
Hugging Tetsurō felt like hugging an old friend, or an older brother you never got to see. His embrace felt warm and it made this sense of security wash over you that you hadn’t felt in a very long time.
“Ready to go?”
“Of - fucking - course I am!” Your voice attracts the attention of people around you and makes Kenma look back down at his screen, being knocked from his trance. He hadn’t been staring, he hadn’t been staring, he hadn’t been stari — “I get to come and play volleyball with some of Tokyo’s best. Not to mention, Tokyo has some other-worldly pretty setters.”
Kenma doesn’t respond, his head just shooting up to give you a brief, almost confused glance look before returning his attention to his gaming device.
Though you don’t miss the reddening of his ears.
“Yeah, I meant you, Kenma, baby.” You grin, finally slipping from Tetsurō’s embrace to look at Kenma, who looks at you again.
Momentarily, the faux-blonde looks confused, before he lets out a small exhale, opening his own arms to you. Moving forward, you embrace him, without a care in the world that you hardly knew him. And as he rests his chin on your shoulder, you miss the slight smile that forms on his lips.
Pulling away after a moment, you allow Kenma back to his game, “You guys give some amazing fucking hugs. Just thought you should know.” You inform them, before turning to face an oddly quiet Atsumu.
You always complimented people a lot and borderline flirted with everyone around you, until you and Suna started dating. And now, you were back to being your normal flirty self.
Though Atsumu was the same way, consistently flirting with everything that breathed.
You both weren’t together, you’d just been flirting, putting your past feelings out in the open, and opening the doors to a relationship between you both maybe having a relationship one day.
There was nothing exclusive between you both, as far as you were aware. Not to mention that he was still talking up a storm with his fan club, just yesterday.
But apparently you were wrong.
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You shouldn’t have been as excited as you were about touring Nekoma High. You’d be transferring for your final year of high school, leaving behind all of the people you’d met. Leaving, even if Suna could regain his memories any day now, leaving even though you and Atsumu had only just laid out all of your feelings out on the table, together.
As you approach the large gym, a smile forms on your face, eyes shining as if you’d just opened a present. Everyone around you could see the way you picked up your pace and held your head up higher, even if you didn’t quite notice it.
Entering the gym, you looked around, glancing at all of the people who looked towards you at your entrance. As much as you wanted to shy away from the attention, you couldn’t, just grinning as Tetsurō comes to stand next to you.
The realization seems to hit them, the teams walking over to speak and introduce themselves.
You were so caught up that you didn’t notice the way Atsumu watched you. Even though he introduced himself and conversed with his normal lazy smirk, he couldn’t miss the way you smiled.
For so many weeks, your smiles had been half-hearted. They hadn’t quite reached your eyes, and everyday, it seemed like you were dragging your feet, just waiting, wishing the days would come to an end. So how could he miss your first genuine smile in weeks? How could he miss the way your eyes lit up, while you looked around? How could he miss the way you spoke to them excitedly, without having to hold your tongue for fear of people attacking you for what you said? How could he miss the way you clicked so easily with these people?
That's the thing. He couldn't.
"I think you'll really like the people here, too. Of course, every high school can have a toxic atmosphere, but it hasn't really ever gotten half as bad over here as what you've had to deal with, in the past months." Tetsurō explains with a grin playing on his lips.
"Over here are some of our other clubs. I assumed you'd be signing up for the volleyball club, but in case you truly wanted a clean break, here you are." Reaching a hand to the bulletin, he pulls off one of the many sheets, filled with different clubs. "Do you want to look at the classrooms, or would you rather tour the courtyard?"
Thinking momentarily, you roll your shoulders in a nonchalant shrug, "Honestly, you said it yourself, the Chemistry classroom was the most interesting and you already showed it to me, so the courtyard sounds best."
With a nod and a teasing smirk cast in your direction, a 'this way, your highness' came from your friend.
Walking to the courtyard with Tetsurō, you smile, "So... Kenma. He's... Interesting."
The Captain goes bug-eyed at your words, though it's hidden behind a curtain of messy black hair, from the angle you're looking at him. He quickly hides it with a discreet shake of his head. "What happened to that setter of yours, that you were so in-love with?"
Embarrassment floods you, your face growing warm as your bring a hand to rub the back of your neck. "What-?" Your feigned ignorance doesn't fly with your new friend, though, who makes you drop your 'act' with a knowing look. "Look, I love Atsumu... But am I in love with him?" You sigh. "I told him that it might be possible that I attempted to move on with him... But I know how he's going to take it, when I tell him I'm changing schools.
"I love Atsumu, I do... But I know him better than anyone else. Except for maybe Osamu. And knowing him so well means knowing that he's not going to want to accept it. He's going to think I'm abandoning him and lash out. Then he'll feel guilty, but won't apologize, because he's prideful."
Tetsurō furrows his brows, looking at you, "Then what are you going to do? Just not say anything when you disappear, next school year?"
Looking around, you smile a bit up at the bright blue sky. A few fluffy white clouds decorated it, but otherwise, it was nothing but clear skies. It almost made you forget the fact that Atsumu wouldn't be able to handle you moving schools. He'd nearly lost his shit when you had changed middle schools and the only way that he had kept his cool was knowing you'd be going to the same high school together.
"I don't know."
Tetsurō nods a bit in understanding, opting not to say much more on the topic.
As Tetsurō continued to give you the tour, neither of you noticed the texts from Kenma, warning you that Atsumu had left the gym in search of 'the bathroom' and hadn't come back.
And you would soon find yourself regretting not checking your phone.
Tetsurō honestly hopes that you and Kenma get along. He worries about Kenma, for after he goes to university, and knowing that he's leaving someone behind who will make sure Kenma takes care of himself makes him feel a lot better.
Atsumu wants you happy. But he wants you happy with him. Even if you're not dating, he knows distance can ruin friendships.
You know that you're attracted to Kenma - of course, you wouldn't call it a crush since you only just met him, but you do want to get to know him more.
I hope you guys are enjoying, still!
You guys better be eating some food, drinking some water, and taking care of yourselves mentally and physically. But remember, no matter what, I'm proud of you and I love you. You're doing great, today. Even if you just got out of bed, keep it up, because you're doing great, alright? Things will get better, I promise.
@kookie-doughs @halesandy @ermahgerd-larry-and-ziam @kac-chowsballs @saltylettuce @its-the-aerieljeane @javj @ash-levi @babyshoyo @hiraeth-z @random-fandom-girl-24 @kodzuklutz @tsukkiswifeey @thollandx @pandauniverse @starylust
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a-private-place · 4 years ago
So, it's been a really really long time since I last posted here. I just kind of... started saying a lot of the gloomy stuff on my main blog
I'm sure there's a good chance the few of you still around kind of forgot you were following this (not as in you forgot about me, as in just we tend to forget stuff when it goes of the radar for years). So no obligation to stick around or read all this, though you're welcome to if you want. Really in many ways this was always just a journal that had the advantage of maybe someone hearing it
As for what's been going on and why I'm back, I'll put most of it under a break, but here's the summary. Things are going much better for me, but I'm still suicidal and depressed because that's just probably how I always will be. It is better though
The stuff I'm about to post isn't exactly horrible stuff or anything, it's just things that are a little more honest about how I'm feeling than I want to share on my main blog. I just... as much as I'm myself there, I can't take letting the mask slip enough to say it, and I've decided here... fine, I need to say it so here will work
If I happen to discreetly mention this on my main blog, and you know me directly that's fine. I just can't bring myself to be totally open in that space, I'd be happy enough to have the people I know know this stuff
Anyway... man I suck at keeping it short, here comes the break though
Well, a few years ago with a lot of help from my dad financially (which if I'm honest I feel guilty about), I found this wonderful place 50 miles from anything in any direction, and because of that it was only $90k, which I could barely afford
It's this amazing former hotel in this town of like... 150 people, and it needs a lot of work but the worst of it tends to be like... the basement door is a mess, huge gap under it that's an insulation nightmare, and I've found a few mice that I have to take far a way to release that that's the number one suspect for where they get in
I don't really have any money, so fixing stuff is gonna fall on me, but... I don't know what I'm doing and it's hard to get started. I'm slowly working on it, but I'm nowhere near as productive as I'd like
I took up woodworking a bit before I got the house, I like it a lot. I actually have a huge commission (physically, like it's like 4 feet tall when most of the stuff I do is 8 inches) which has been done since the start of the year, but I've kind of felt too depressed and guilty about how much money I probably should ask for it given the time to took. The commissioner's been really cool though, ideal person to deal with and honestly really helped make the piece great
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This isn't it, this is actually a pretty old piece from before I moved, but I don't have a picture of the commission on my desktop so here's an example
I ended up having to let my mom move in with me. I'm not exactly happy about it, but most of the time I manage to put the past out of my mind and then it mostly works. Managed to help her get disability so that's how the bills are covered now that my money all ran out (she spent the last of my money before that happened an my account got closed like $500 in the hole, so... yeah)
Got her horrible trailer totally emptied, still going through stuff here which is hard because... I'm bad at it. I'm good at emergency clean up, just stuff the total trash into a dumpster, and everything else you bag or box fast as can be to give another pass. Haven't been able to make myself do that second pass
It was a nightmare if I'm honest. I got photos, you probably don't want to see them. The place was so badly damaged we didn't get a dime, we got an agent kind enough to ask a contact who repairs stuff to take it as is for free, and that's it
Pandemic didn't effect me cause I never leave my house anyway and I'm in the middle of nowhere. I found out that I've been living like I'm in quarantine my whole like, so that part didn't bother me, but might tell you why I'm so messed up. I don't know
Had enough room that a friend of an acquaintance on here was kicked out during the pandemic and I offered them a place to stay. I won't say it was a bad move, because morally it was probably the right thing, but a year later they're still here. Turns out despite driving cross state their driver's license has been expired 8 years, they're almost more of a fuck up than I am, and... they still don't have a new ID to apply for housing assistance with cause... I don't know, it sucks
As for me, I'm still really depressed a lot of the time, suicidal most days like I used to be. Still can't make myself get a job, mostly cause of the insomnia, and I haven't made the commission end of the woodworking come together yet
I feel pretty horrible about not having an income, really worthless and like a leech, and honestly what I'm really wanting most days is to get this place cleaned up enough (and the person I let live here moved on), and invite this friend I really like who has kind of similar problems stay here. Then I want to get my hands on a gun and blow my brains out, leave the place to her and get my worthless self out of here like I feel would be best
It's fucked up probably, but that's how I feel most days. Oh, and before you say the obvious, I'd love a therapist, but I can't be driving 50 miles for one and all the online ones say I'm too depressed to work with. So uh... just know while that's not great it's stable and I'm still here after many days of feeling that
Worry that I'm feeling that way if you want, probably the wise call, but don't worry about me being in immediate danger
Anyway, bad as that all probably sounds, this is the best I've ever done in my life. Things are more stable than ever before, I have more friends online than I ever used to, I kind of almost have one singular skill for once. It's messed up and I often feel like I don't deserve it, but in some ways I'm one of the best off people in the US right now, which sucks that everyone else is on such shaky ground. Thing is though, I've got no mortgage, and because of that the disability just covers the utilities and groceries (though it's been tight covering my cat's chemo these past few months, it was pretty ok before that)
Well, if you read all this I hope you're doing ok yourself. Good chance we don't know each other really, only like one or two people from my main knew about this one, the rest of you were strangers more or less but I appreciated you
I'm... I'm tired a lot, like an unreasonable amount, but if you ever need to talk, just shoot me a message. Once I'm awake enough I'll be happy to respond. I'm not good at much, but I can listen
Really hope you're doing alright whoever you are. Probably more to come, though... I haven't slept all night and this took longer than I expected and I don't want to slap down some of the feelings that made me want to come back here. I need... I don't know, the right frame of mine
Oh yeah, also been doing Irish the past few years on duolingo. I'm not really able to speak like a child yet, but uh... know a few things in it
Take care
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