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jeanieology · 1 year ago
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spandexual · 2 years ago
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made my Star Trek cruise ship OCs in this adorable picrew! (with a little sketch I drew myself of them a couple of years ago for reference)
Romulan pop star Reval doing a kinky uniformed number and bimbo Vulcan civilian T’Pain (who should just be in a typical 90s trek dress lol) who look nothing alike, making the way T’Pain is constantly mistaken for Reval absurd, then Fee-Male Ferengi proprietor of the cruise ship Madam Nelba, Klingon pro-wrestler K’Thot, and Andorian dabo girl Thalla~
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444names · 1 year ago
Names generated from Elder Scrolls' Dunmer names, excluding the letter "R"
Aalvyn Abaelsiane Addulen Adelen Adevassi Adleshisi Adohin Ahandassi Almsil Aloyak Alsea Alvishis Alvisilthe Alvyn Alynam Amanva Amilin Andami Andohi Andyn Annis Anolu Anusethekik Asansathel Ashah Ashalynu Ashaniams Aspal Assat Astifos Astla Athaali Athel Athon Athovi Atolis Avalun Avayne Avele Avosi Avynikila Aynevulfe Azabah Azamanvis Azandyn...
Baddamantel Badova Balmi Bamsils Bathil Bedisielth Belani Belbanuddus Beldayn Belds Belil Belvel Belvon Benas Benephi Benudyn Betha Bethallan Bethashis Bethelvast Bethisi Bevis Beynsule Bidenibal Bisea Bodais Bolmsa Bulothi Bulthys Daliani Dalii Dalilen Dallen Dalna Dalovayn Dalveli Damil Damman Danamis Dasam Dasan Dashis Dashlexadai Dassa Dathan Daven Davine Dedasenvyn Deldan Delia Delyne Deman Demus Denil Dethan Devin Dilen Dilonah Dilves Dilvi Dilvilis Dohnisu Dosah Dothisous Dovyl Dudduselyn Dulastadend Edynaso Eledvana Elselmyn Enilie Ethan Ethil Evissu Evoni Evulven Evyla Fadalab Fashelen Fathiselen Fathisi Fedas Fedut Feldenna Feleni Felivil Felmav Feltie Felvis Fenakal Fenfen Fomonos Fonik Gadas Gadel Galaami Galathos Galii Galni Galvicas Gatham Gelen Geles Gelvis Genas Gidyn Giilothi Gilend Gilia Gilon Gilvenen Gliennus Gobaeyla Golise Golmavu Golmin Golnolmi Golvils Golvis Gomlynel Hadus Halulla Hassu Hathelvels Hekilo Helayn Helman Hessu Hladdas Hlamiddu Hlamoabi Hlath Hlayni Hlola Hloth Ibaeldenlie Idilu Ienah Ilivassi Ilynalms Imanelvalos Inaalsi Inano Inassi Indusen Isevele Ithyn Ivynalashle Kathalamain Kelsiin Kelveni Kenis Kulvion Kusen Kutenthen Laina Lasai Lassenat Ledyn Lenah Lenakst Lendyne Leneani Levos Lildyn Lilenth Llammu Llassu Llatasa Llathas Llbaesi Lledayn Llena Llenin Llenis Llenthis Llipi Lloldas Llosala Llosie Lomon Lothis Madal Maelsedynt Maelu Malandeneth Malayn Malen Malit Maloya Malveli Mamal Manilphelu Manit Manothipun Mapli Matha Mattuulvam Maven Mealos Medas Medesalon Medgulie Medvyn Melam Melethas Melle Melova Menatidu Menys Mevani Mevyn Mibamylan Mibanos Mimandalas Minela Mithelothis Moaba Moabin Mobdanu Monas Movayn Nabival Nadedynd Nadovyn Nakandyla Nakivandis Nalevel Nalothi Nalsal Namal Namen Nanansa Nassa Nedas Nelbas Nevosulivyn Nevus Nilildynos Nivah Nothell Nothynevi Novynni Nuledenus Odemu Olmulen Olson Omadolmyn Omaeveleth Onephilenth Othanumawas Paloth Pathisut Quendel Sadothi Saelemus Sainatlenne Salaal Salik Samea Sammula Sanduf Sanne Saplik Savelvos Savis Seddam Sehanil Sehla Seltu Senis Sethis Sevasethah Sevevon Sevis Shanien Shanmavena Shelat Shelol Shelvu Shibalyna Shinah Shine Shipalse Shiseno Shisi Shuldos Skaummulvos Sodis Sonas Sonethil Sulnia Sunkamobal Tabib Tabthil Tadasa Tailnin Taldia Tallaadu Tallammulo Talven Tamalil Tamitabi Tavel Tavenah Tedwiah Tedynnaso Teladni Telel Tesal Tevayne Thadalan Thalmu Thals Thami Thana Thasale Thashilden Theldu Thelythia Thilevyne Thili Thipu Thulis Timau Tisis Tives Tolmyn Tolno Tomon Tonal Tonolas Tulth Tunsi Tusath Uldas Uldavo Uldeni Uldoniath Ulexanit Ullovos Ulmiahah Ulmyonen Ulsen Ulvessanu Utala Uvelen Uvenapo Uvusa Vadasie Valkina Valothil Valso Valviddu Vaminathah Vamistidsi Vamtalsinah Vanmel Vanselah Vansu Vanthone Vasala Vasenak Vassu Vassuupsea Vayanes Vaynephth Velanim Velds Velesa Velie Velila Velkal Vella Velonalis Velth Velvelvayn Venadal Vesailaynik Viladus Vilan Vilnithith Vinsikil Vulno Vunbith Vuvalane Vvalvuls Xanmaesa Yenmmu Zabamis Zallainden Zamele Zanas Zandis Zanothallis Zanusbail Zebia Zenaba Zenathyla
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mesekavarosrol · 4 months ago
- Kalauz -
Ób-Udát már a kora csont-korban is lakták, majd Széphangú Köpü király ide telepítette be az ortodox pírek egy csoportját, amikor azok menedéket kerestek az Üldöztések alatt. Az egyre terjeszkedő települést a második virágkor alatt csatolták a városhoz, ahogy kialakult egy erős polgári réteg az ustadékfa-usztatasból fakadóan megvagyonosodott fűrész-molnárokból. A Nelba mellett még ma is ott állnak a fűrész-malmok, de a városrész ma már inkább kávézóiról, a Királyi Operaházról meg arról a furcsa kékes-zöld színről ismert, amit az itt lakó macskák szőre vesz fel alkonyat előtt.
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hercupisalwayshalffull · 5 months ago
All day, yesterday, I was sad.
As I drove past couples riding bikes and walking their dogs, groups of friends laughing on patios and at the pool, I’ve been questioning why I only get these times of happiness in small doses.
And then I read a post by Nelba Marquez-Greene about her home flooding and losing all of their family treasures. I think of Nelba and her family and of Ana Grace often.
I see what she and her family endure and how she faces it with honesty and bravery and gratitude for the things that hold true, but not easy - love and family and the promise of new beginnings (even if those beginnings have to happen over and over again).
Mr. Rogers said to look for the helpers. I would remind you to also look for the grievers, carrying the unimaginable and setting it aside, stepping over it, crashing through it so they can survive, no - endure, and show others the way.
It’s a hard thing this enduring. It is. I like to say I know something better is coming, but even if it does, I don’t know how long it will last.
Still, I hold out hope.
Hope. Not just for me, but for the people I love and for those I don’t really know, like Nelba.
Wishing her, her family, and you all so much love, and vast amounts of hope, and an easy time. Happy Saturday. 🩵
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archivomusicalrumberos1 · 5 months ago
PA YO ORQUESTA HERMANOS MARTELO JR Canta Nelba Benites mas musicaa
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halzore · 4 years ago
For @nelba, I hope you have a wonderful 2021 and a nice and snowy rest of 2020. I had a lot of fun writing this little scene, with hopefully a clone you like!
Tagging @starwarssecretsanta and thankyou @lilhawkeye3 for organising this and bringing some extra seasonal cheer in a pretty tricky year
disclaimer I cannot write titles for Shit, please excuse me while I scream.
Word count: ~2000
Warnings: So much fluff I think i just suffocated.
Without further ado:
“That’s it. Get up.” Thorn had burst into Fox’s office, irritation etched on the man’s features. Fox’s head barely moved from the mountain of data pads, focus tuning out his brother’s arrival.
“Get up!” Thorn repeated. Fox looked up from his work, vexed by the interuption. “You’re going on the beat.”
Thorn was flurrying around the room, trying to dismantle the precarious pile of data pads and bother Fox into moving. Fox was not buying it.
“I’m not going on the beat.” It was a statement, matter-of-fact. No one would have argued with Fox. Except for Thorn. Thorn turned around to his brother, copping the determined stare and matching it with a grin. He waved a paper in front of Fox’s nose.
“According to this signed override form from Marshall Commander Cody, you are.” Thorn was too proud of himself, a shit-eating grin beaming across the room at his peeved brother.
“I’ve got paperwork, I can’t go.” Fox gestured at the scattered data pads, in a last ditch attempt to rid himself of his persistent co-commander.
“You. Are. Going. On. Beat.”Thorn had marched himself around the back of Fox, lifting him up by the shoulders, out of his chair, dragging him along behind. “Now.” Thorn thrust him out of the door and locked it from the inside.
Fox stood in the hallway, he had not had enough caf for this. He turned to the locked fort calling through it.
“Thorn, I need my helmet.”
The beat was pretty quiet, it usually was. Fox had to admit that it was nice to have some air, even though Coruscant wasn’t particularly well known for the freshness of it’s air. Leaning against his speeder, he absent-mindedly listened to his police scanners as he scanned the streets for miscreants. His mind wandered to the pile of work sitting back at headquarters, making little lists of what he had to fill in and when. He was so far away in his work that he didn’t see you barrel down the street.
Your feet were carrying you as fast as they could, your running form weakened by the small bundle you held close to your chest. Your eyes were fixed on the little nose pointing out of the material, it’s round eyes peering up at you. You didn’t notice the plastoid covered man getting closer and closer until you rammed into his chest plate.
Your chest was heaving, bent over, one hand holding the bundle to your chest the other placed firmly on you knee. The clone trooper hovered for a moment, his bucket turned towards you in intrigue.
“Uh, ma’am” You looked up at the clone.
“Ah shit..” You bundled your little friend closer to your chest and turned away from the officer. Fox looked at you, his eyes scanning trying to sus out the scene although you couldn’t see that.
“What have you got there.” Fox carefully enquired. Your face had guilt written all over it, eyes searching desperately in the Courscanti air for an answer, when none came, you squared up to the officer, trying to give off an air of confidence.
“I can explain.” You unwrapped the little bundle you had been clutching at your chest. A little red snout popped out, followed by two dark but inquisitive eyes. The red fur wrapped around the little creatures face, except for it’s chin and chest, where it was contrasted by a crisp white.
“You see, I was walking down the alley behind my work, and I saw a rather dodgy gentlemen.” Fox was half-listening still looking incredulously at his own namesake. “I saw him try to palm this little beauty onto some back-street crim, and I knew the little guy was in trouble.”
“So you stole a fox, off an illegal smuggler.” Thorn was definitely never going to hear the end of this.Fox would never let Cody get away with this. The commander of the Courscant guard, back on beat for one day and this. “What were you going to do after that?” Fox took a deep breath as you wriggled on the spot, your face settling in a nice cringe.
“You see, I hadn’t thought that far…” You trailed off, your eyes focussing around back the way you came.
“And…” Fox prompted
“And that.” You pointed at the angry man walking unnaturally fast towards you and the clone, before you wrapped the fox up again, turned on your heels and began to run away from your pursuer.
“Hey! Wait!” Fox called after you, he drew his pistol and set it to stun. He sent a blue ring towards the angry man, before turning around to catch up with you. You were a decent runner, but not good enough to outrun the likes of the GAR’s finest. A strong hand grabbed your free arm. “Wait.” He said more softly now. Fox took his helmet off and clipped it to his belt.
You let out a laboured sigh, admiring the clone’s handsome face.
“Just doing my job,” He stretched out his armoured arms towards you. “How about you hand me that little guy and I’ll keep your little vigilante action to myself.” You gave the clone a little blush as you handed over the fox.
“What’s your name trooper?” Your hands, now they were unoccupied, hand gone to fidgeting with your hair.
“Fox.” A shocked silence followed.
“Your joking.” You scoffed at the man before you. “No way.” Fox’s mouth gave a little uptick, a smirk. “You’re serious” An amused disbelief shone in your eyes as you began to laugh at the wild situation you had gotten yourself into.
The fox wriggled in Fox’s arms. You took a step back admiring the image.
“Well, Fox, there is no way this day can get any weirder, so I must ask.” Fox’s eyes were trained directly on you as one hand scratched the head of the animal in his arms. “Would you like to go to dinner with me tomorrow?”
Taken aback by the question, and by the ease of the deliverance of the question, Fox took a moment to regroup. He seemed to mull it over for a few moments, all the while your stomach was doing flips and you swore that your heart had got loose of it’s casing. Fox looked at you again, a small smile creeping across his features.
“Yeah sure, why not.” You beamed up at the man, before writing you comm channel onto a little slip of flimsi you found in one of your pockets.
Fox stood in front the mirror in the barracks. Behind him, Thorn and Thire were gossiping as usual.
“I can’t believe it was a Fox.” Thorn shook his head. “It could have been any animal in the galaxy.” “Nice hair, ori’vod” Thire chuckled, earning himself an approving punch from his brother. Fox looked in the mirror, his hair slicked in an unnatural way. Why did this have to be so hard, why did Thire say that Fox’s hair was too unkempt for a lady. Fox sighed, wondering if he should bail. He didn’t want to, but going out for dinner, in public, without his armour, sounded worse than going on the beat.
At least you would be there, the little firecracker he had met for fifteen minutes. Hopefully that would make it worth it. Behind Fox, Thire and Thorn continued to chat shit as Fox continued his scrutiny.
“Would you two shut up and help me out.” Thorn and Thire looked at their older brother. “Would she like this?” Fox asked as he moulded his hair into the sixth new hairstyle fo the night. Thire grinned, Thorn facepalmed, before releasing their critiques.
He was standing outside the restaurant you had picked for what seemed like an eternity, his eyes peering into the streetlight lit night, searching for your face. He was beginning to wonder whether you had stood him up, when you came walking purposefully over to him.
You looked amazing, your hair was done differently than last time Fox had seen you, a semi-formal outfit that was dazzling. You looked ethereal.
“Wow…” Fox’s mouth was agape, ogling at your presence.
“Your jaw is supposed to close there buddy,” you gave his chin a gentle push to where it was supposed to be. “Sorry I was late, the taxi service is so unreliable around here and I didn’t want to walk.”
“I’m just glad you made it.” Fox smiled a little, before you lead him inside.
The restaurant was like a little garden, surrounded by pot plants of every colour and variety. Creeping vines crawled up perfectly placed metal bars that separated the tables into their own little private areas. There were a few wooden seats up by the bar, all of which were filled by humanoids and aliens of all species. The restaurant was bustling, a lively electric energy that buzzed through the place. You and Fox found your seats that you had booked earlier, they were over, just off from the bar.
Both you and you clone date regarded the menus, scouring for options to suit your culinary needs. It was after the second drink you shared with Fox that you noticed something was wrong. A blue Twi’lek man sat on the end of the bar in silence, glaring at the back of Fox’s head. You nodded you head over Fox’s shoulder and he glanced in that direction quickly. The Twi’lek noticed, moving up from the bar and over to your table. Fox instinctively reached for his pistol and cursed when he couldn’t find it.
Fox had stood up now. You as well, waiting for the tense scene to unfold.
The Twi prowled forward, disdain emanating from his entire existence. He moved in closer to Fox and you could see him shift his feet to a better stance. There was a stone cold silence, charged with a violent static. All the patrons and staff had turned to look at your small corner of the restaurant.
The Twi didn’t move, Fox waited with bated breath. A sound, followed by a wet sticky substance landing on his face.
“Republic scum.” It was a deep grumble from the Twi. He stood a head taller than Fox, who didn’t move, trying to diffuse the situation. Anger bubbled up from within you, a distaste settling in your mouth causing a sour expression on your face. You cracked you knuckles, took a deep breath, walked around the table, never breaking eye contact with the Twi and placing yourself between Fox and the irritator.
“What did you say?” You voice was low too, carrying danger. The Twi returned your glare.
“I asked you a question,” you repeated. Again, the Twi didn’t respond. You moved right up close to the blue alien, to the point where you could smell the alcohol on his breath.
“I said, Republic Scum.” The Twi’lek repeated.
“Brrrr. Wrong answer.” You broke the tension, by sending your knee straight into the man’s groin. The restaurant descended into chaos as the Twi tumbled to the floor. You felt a hand wrap around your arm and pull you towards the exit. All the action blurred together until you were out in the street just you and Fox.
You walked along silently for a few minutes.
“Trouble really has a knack at finding you doesn’t it.” You blushed, it wasn’t the first time someone had said that to you.
“No.” You corrected. “Unfortunately, I seem to find trouble. Thanks for getting me out of thier.” Your tone turned apologetic. “I shouldn’t have done that, put you in that position I mean.”
Fox turned to look at you.
“I’ve never had a civvie stick up for me like that before.” A sort of sadness settled in your chest at the revelation. You slipped you hand into Fox’s entwining your fingers as you kept walking.
Fox wished he didn’t have to let go of your hand as he made it to the front door of your apartment. Despite the event of the evening, you had grown on him quite a lot.
“So I guess I should say goodbye.” He stood close to you, hand still in yours.
“Only you have to, or you could come in? I could make you a hot chocolate.” A small smile played on your features as your eyes seemed grow wider in plea.
“One hot chocolate sounds good.” Fox conceded.
He settled on the couch as you babbled away about your family, friends and life whilst bustling in the kitchen, making the hot chocolate. Steam poured off it as you brought it into the room. You placed one in Fox’s hand before plonking yourself next to him on the couch. You drank in a comfortable silence as you watched the speeder’s whizz past in the coloured lights of a coruscant evening.
“Ah, you have a bit of froth there.” You reached up, a little tentatively, to wipe some from underneath Fox’s nose. Your cheeks reddened as your hand came to rest on Fox’s cheek. Fox put his drink down on the table in front of him and reached up and placed his hand over yours. “Thanks for a wonderful night Fox.” It was quiet, nervous, the vigour from earlier in the night vanishing in the midst of the butterflies in your stomach.
“We will have to do it again sometime.” Fox leaned, the tip of his nose tickling yours. An unspoken invitation, an energy, Your heart pounded in your chest as Fox brought up both his hands to cup your cheeks. You lips met in a tender moment, savoured by the both of you. Fox pulled away.
“I really have to go, but I’ll see you soon, that’s if you want.”
You offered him a warm smile. “Of course I want.”
You followed him to your doorframe, where you wrapped him up in your arms. “See you soon Fox.”
Fox walked into the barracks with a huge grin. Thorn ran to catch up with him.
“So, how was it.”
Thorn began to ask a number of intrusive questions. Fox ignored him. Nothing could ruin this night for him. A thought crossed his euphoric mind, he reminded himself to thank Thorn. Maybe he should go on the beat more often.
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lilhawkeye3 · 4 years ago
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pspspsps @chimeowrical come get ur boi
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highsviolets · 4 years ago
ALBANE i KNEW I could count on you to have excellent taste
just look at him. look at that little smile. the way the wind brushes his hair. his finely trimmed beard. he looks like a dashing knight off to joust to win my favor alskdjska
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jangofctts · 4 years ago
Keida my dear I must ask bc my english is shit and I am at lost with ur anons
What is jizz?
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well, in the sw universe jizz apparently is the music genre of jazz
bUT jizz is slang for cum ahdkdgdkd
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tailorvizsla · 4 years ago
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@nelba merry christmas my friend
I hope this makes up for the jar-jar harassment ❤️
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444names · 2 years ago
Actiewse Aevelbatene Aevide Aftemacheat Aftery Apeced Apethine Appeal Ariskileinf Arment Arpolvamvae Ascei Asead Aseancen Asemente Asese Atheadv Athers Averanchase Batakeka Batery Bealfer Bebik Bebpuku Behal Behase Belbave Bellfi Bemfuna Benstau Beray Bervod Beuthead Bikapeang Blectiouts Bomqent Bomqoe Borepar Boten Breakaw Brelpauqamp Brosimpoe Buduve Buitdeo Bumesensua Bunbiess Buntebi Bureve Burevet Burke Buulbaive Callfibelf Calre Catomen Ceilab Chasenjoy Clelbaokaw Clepectly Cleve Clowe Comenqalock Comotemove Comqeg Copumbenten Coser Covet Dadge Dalthealfo Daminegy Dangep Datem Dathe Debain Debel Debire Debpubbo Debroul Decell Decidei Dectimmfo Dection Dedug Dellfo Denqao Dervoyage Devdai Dinegosuler Dintet Dirareep Doaevet Dogmfem Domovive Dremsao Dreul Dunbumploce Duvelian Eband Ebiku Ebpeady Ebribi Efabi Efaing Efautterviv Efave Efavomqent Egosun Egral Egreat Egrity Ekdilolve Ekdint Elbul Elbum Eleal Elieavy Elpard Eltiater Emovebe Endlect Engept Ension Entionny Equnbor Esseedeme Etomp Etomplak Evideilar Exacepery Exact Exise Expece Exped Explick Expliney Exten Fateg Fathe Fathinge Femforry Fingivell Fithery Flaredun Flocep Flocizarped Flogreper Fodinsilel Fodunte Freau Funbodedun Funvumen Gadbeleil Gance Ganey Gantent Gasense Gaser Gemsulfit Gregran Grelevid Grevion Griter Gutke Havet Helfe Helly Herab Heratur Hinge Hisolduvet Honote Hulfakeo Hunkeo Huseseade Idect Imenpon Immfego Inatel Inbuntent Intelisto Inten Inter Ipergady Iqlfe Irese Itimen Ivievellfi Joudreed Joyealour Kanevery Kaperiew Kappumente Kaspekul Kelfbin Kidamekil Kider Kidessoil Kimfe Kimfingemau Knoise Kobeak Kodevation Kolve Kopeeng Kopime Lacce Lavelab Leadiva Lealag Leauqam Leedug Lepligirel Lerch Levqil Lfbike Lfectish Lfegkanct Lfense Lfergunnfem Lfixter Licep Lichavveba Likeo Limatauthew Limesear Limethush Linen Liney Livive Loapimmfem Loapipment Loceryon Lolbunbudke Lonet Lurkem Macelle Makodive Maquidmfe Matend Mater Mekku Menpoer Mfelt Mfever Mfumenjoy Minegenst Mooduce Mooneviche Movbave Movelbaok Movimentego Mulbatte Mupance Mupose Mureau Musimekku Nalre Nebre Negkap Negounvu Negra Negri Nelba Netkol Newanistug Nfitsinter Nfooduceiv Nilikaspem Noiskeo Nomorce Notie Obelp Offei Offem Offenpolurk Offent Ofter Ograwsem Opemp Oqavet Orceplave Oreenge Orevery Osemp Osulep Oushbuulfe Paget Pangther Pared Paredin Pareed Peavoyage Pecel Pectice Pekku Pemur Perfun Pideition Pilwaivel Piter Pligivel Postrove Pource Preata Pregkapiat Pregy Prepa Prestrib Preutte Preve Progmfenst Prove Provell Provenjoyag Prowtheall Pulearn Pument Puome Pusentebper Qequn Qequnaka Qilver Qiusimen Qoawukpode Qoervimak Qorge Raner Rawse Readger Reakapiget Reakfab Reanistop Reargu Reavetowewa Reeduce Regray Rendle Repact Reuts Revive Rhythel Riaturce Rieat Rimensu Rimfinet Ruiqlfem Seala Seavor Semdat Semfer Sexist Sexplai Sexplases Shiske Shomotegg Shrubieve Sidectimpo Sidedu Sille Sivaever Skempt Slealmfu Slfrean Snoreart Snotentebem Stancers Storne Sureivel Taffer Taitionet Talance Tariney Tebperyou Tensunfu Tentet Tents Thalther Thasaper Theat Theaus Theraw Thers Thoseep Thuse Tidedum Tionte Tolbirevet Tomqeg Topept Toper Toriewainee Tready Treakan Treention Tress Trimendo Trogmfe Trowem Turpereive Ubble Ubbled Udkell Udsurend Uideton Uilfegosix Umbem Upoery Upolie Uqoae Urelbunf Uther Uwize Vaepa Vamove Vatestoud Velparaw Ventenst Vetanakaw Vilsuldire Voduce Voitego Vorcep Voreg Voyagep Voyean Waitomorce Warefor Weatchast Weater Weatic Weben Webpu Weliton Werfor Weriab Whibirearm Whicatitem Whicide Whoser Wukapipme Wumekuging Yeake Yeall Yeemfeilvu Yourcepe
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wellconstructedsentences · 4 years ago
White supremacy is not the elephant in the room, it is the room.
Nelba Marquez-Greene
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archivomusicalrumberos1 · 1 year ago
TU VOZ Orquesta Hermanos Martelo Jr , Canta Nelba Benitez mas musica
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simping-for-fives · 4 years ago
Bc I know you will be interested
What the link takes you to:
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If know Yoda is a STUD amongst his species and Yaddle is a BABE.
They fucked. Grogu is proof.
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ironmandeficiency · 4 years ago
Did you ever think about covering Hardcase's tattoos with whipped cream and then, tracing this delicious map that his body is with your tongue? No? I can't be the only one!
oh i’ve had thots abt tracing his tats with my tongue ever since i got into the fandom, but adding whipped cream was never smth i pondered, thank you so much love this is great material
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