Godstiel: I'm not an angel anymore. I'm your new God. A better one. So you will bow down and profess your love unto me, your Lord... or I shall destroy you.
You know the only thing wrong with that moment is that they didn't bow down fast enough. Godstiel deserved that
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missjackil · 1 year
Supernatural Battle of the Episodes!!
French Mistake beat the stuffing out of Let it Bleed in a nearly unanimous win, we always need 1 troll vote right?
Let's see if the Season 6 Finale can take it down!
Bring it on Chuck!
Chuck: Next up we have The Man Who Knew Too Much - Cass breaks the wall in Sam's mind and Sam has to put his mind back together by confronting his Hell memories and his soulless self. Cass consumes all the Leviathan and thinks he's the New God. 🙄
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With your help, when the levee breaks can sweep the bracket
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jackexmachina · 2 years
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spneveryseason · 1 year
Gifsets that make you regret voting for tmwktm in the poll
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jacobglaser · 3 years
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I'm doing my best in impossible circumstances. My friends, they abandon me, plot against me. It's difficult to understand.
The Evolution of Castiel 9/? [Season 6 - Part 3]
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eileenleahy · 3 years
cas & crowley // my nemesis
-> phineasandferbnatural 5/?
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idlesuperstar · 4 years
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- He was attractive. His eyes were so expressive. And he was so well-mannered. He had that European politeness... And he turned to von Sternberg and said “I really have told you before I don’t think I’m handsome enough for the part. Why should she love me that much?” I was amused by that and said, “I find you most attractive, Mr Lorre.” And we were good friends right away.  - Marian Marsh (Sonya). 
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librarycard · 3 years
ok dean in s6 was kind of fun and compelling. i forgot about that
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seasononedean · 3 years
godstiel i love you baby if you asked me to get on my knees i simply would without trying to stab you sorry winchesters im built different
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ierogenvy · 2 years
season six is sooooooooooooo
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So how I feel about Cas breaking his deal with Crowley?
I feel sympathetic for Crowley. In "TMWKTM" he genuinely looks emotionally hurt that Cas is breaking the deal. Like let's be honest Crowley would always be expecting a possible betrayal, because of the anti demon bias installed in angels and Cas being friends with the boys
I genuinely think Crowley is always emotionally and physically prepared for the possibility of betrayal and had anyone else betrayed him he would have shrugged it off, because he expects it. But when Cas did it, well it hit Crowley differently. It broke through the walls Crowley had up. I don't think Crowley was expecting it to hurt
I totally understand Crowley's pain and he deserves a "that really sucks" and a hug
But I'm not angry at Cas. Cas says "I'm neither stupid or wicked" and it's interesting he said that. It was kind of like Cas was reassuring himself
After the boys interrogate Cas, that causes Cas to feel undeserved shame and guilt. It causes Cas to feel like he is wicked, because he unfortunately sees the Winchesters as the moral arbitrators
He wants the Winchesters to approve of him again. The emotions Cas was going through, like underserved shame, guilt, the fear of not being good and righteous, is why I can feel sympathetic for Crowley without being mad at Cas
The hurt Cas must have been going through also makes me sympathetic to him. He deserves a hug too
Besides it allowed for that hilarious moment where Crowley mimics Cas' voice and says "flee or die" that comedy gold wouldn't have happened without Cas lol 😂
Also it is not a decision Cas made lightly. He was looking at that jar of blood when Cas said thank you, and the look on Cas' face was conflicted. Cas was not 100% okay with going against Crowley, because Crowley helped him when nobody else would. But since Cas' self-esteem is tied to Dean's approval, well yeah sorry Crowley 😭
Even Crowley noticed, because he asked Cas if he was okay. Well okay maybe not in those words, he said "you look even more constipated than usual?" But in Crowley speak that just means he notices Cas is feeling bad and wants to know what's up. That moment was so bitter sweet 😭
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devilmns · 4 years
people often leave let it bleed off their watch lists and i don’t get it like i know gamble wrote it but cas is so crazy and so in love with dean if you skip it you’re truly missing OUT
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angelamontoo · 2 years
Cary Grant does a great job in the role ofc and i dont think anyone else would be as good, but yknow what I'm super curious about? An alternate universe where everything was the same except Jimmy Stewart played Mortimer Brewster in Arsenic and old lace
He was Frank Capras guy for a bit ofc, but he's also just so good at playing a dude who's just having a really bad and/or weird time
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jackexmachina · 1 year
okay I do totally support when the levee breaks and all hell breaks loose 1 as the final two but I also feel like the semifinals could be a little closer... tmwktm and the born-again identity are both so good too...
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samdyke · 2 years
anyways what’s something you like about your least favorite season(s) of spn i’ll start! the payoff of cas’ absence in s6 leading to tmwwbk and tmwktm is so so effective and well done. and season 13 bringing back billie as death was super inspired and cool as well even if she was done dirty later on !!
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