#TMNT all 4-1 challenge
zprites · 1 year
June TMNT All 4-1!
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It's time. The man, the myth, the legend... It's Bayverse Raphael! This month's prompt came to me surprisingly quickly as compared to some of the previous months so I'm riding this high!
The lovely hosts: @turtle-babe83, @thelaundrybitch, and @leosgirl82 <3
Prompt I chose: “Well, that didn’t go as planned…”
Bayverse! Raph x Female! Reader - SFW
As always, the turtles and reader are both well into their 20s!
Enjoy! <333
Taglist: @turtle-babe83, @manduse, @morning-sun-brah, @crazysarah-98, @pacoholin, @iamdefinitelytheratking
Summer Loving
If words fail… She'll know what I mean If words fail… She'll just take my hand She sees me like no one else has If words fail… She'll understand When Words Fail - Brian D’Arcy James
"C'mon you slowpoke!" You called back to Raph, your voice reverberating off the  walls of the sewer. 
"You know I can easily catch up to you, right?" Raph said, keeping a modest distance between the two of you. You gathered he was being slow on purpose, probably because he wanted to let you win a race for once, but you weren't having it. 
You knew what would happen if he caught up to you. So you goaded him on.
"I'd like to see you try, old fart!" You hollered before breaking out in a full on sprint, smiling widely as you rounded the corner. 
You heard the telltale sounds of him rapidly approaching you, heavy footsteps breaking through your constant giggles until he was right behind you. He reached out and ran his fingers along your sides, knowing it was one of your ticklish spots, causing you to squeal and try to squirm out of his grasp. 
"Raph! Let me go!" You managed to get out.
He didn't let up. "What was that you called me? An 'old fart'?"
"Okay, okay! You're not an old fart! You're a young one! A baby fart even! Please! I'm gonna pee!!" Tears welled up in your eyes as your cheeks quickly began to grow sore from the enormous grin on your face.
Thankfully he ceased his attack, allowing you to catch your breath. "So I'm a baby fart now?" He raised a brow ridge at you.
You slowly collected yourself before nodding. He let out a chuckle while shaking his head. "Suppose that's better than an old one."
"I don't know, you are kind of old." You teased. 
"I'm only a month older than you. Besides, if I was really old, I wouldn't be about to do this." He promptly picked you up, easily settling you against his chest with a singular muscular arm. 
You rolled your eyes in a playful manner. “Okay show-off. You made your point.”
He gave a breathy laugh as he set out further into the sewers, fully intent on carrying you the rest of the way. 
Not that you were complaining. You planned for this after all, knowing after he caught up with you he would opt to hold you in his arms for the remainder of the walk, like he always did. You used to question it but always got a simple ‘It’s faster this way’, so you’ve learned over the years to just accept it. 
After being away for five months at a time you found yourself wanting him to carry you at every opportunity when you were back home. Like now.
You decided to go out of state for your graduate program, wanting to further your education in data science at a gorgeous university located in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains. Thankfully you only had two more semesters left and with each break you came  back to your hometown, staying with the turtles who graciously opened up their home to you since your family had moved out of the country during your previous semester. You used to live with April but since you began school in Colorado, she moved in with her boyfriend, Casey Jones. 
You didn’t mind. In fact, you were glad you were staying with the brothers who you had come to consider family. You looked back on the night you met them with fondness - April trying to shield their hulking forms in her living room when you raided the kitchen at 2am, squinting at the massive mutants behind her in the dim light, tension filling the air until you asked them, in your sleep-addled stupor, if they wanted some late night nachos. Five plates of nachos later and the rest was history. 
Over the past two weeks you spent as much time as possible catching up with the turtles. Leo joined you in yoga and meditation some mornings, Donnie enthusiastically discussed everything you learned while looking over your notes and textbooks (which you always let him keep), and Mikey was glad to have another person to paint with again. 
And Raph, well anytime you weren’t hanging out with his brothers you could be found by his side. The two of you did everything together, from watching movies to singing along while he played his guitar. However one of your favorite pastimes was when the two of you would lay opposite of each other on his bed, him knitting while you read outloud, your legs resting against his. It was comforting, those moments. 
Which did nothing to help your ever growing crush on the mutant terrapin. Soon after meeting him you were instantly smitten, feeling your heartbeat pick up whenever he glanced your way, or when he smiled at you, or when his hand would sometimes rest on your leg, running his fingers along your calf almost lovingly, causing you to stutter while you tried desperately to focus on the words you were reading to him. 
Yeah, you were fucked…
Raph was your best friend and while the others would text you everyday while you were out of state, he was the one who always wished you a ‘good morning’ when you woke up for classes and a ‘good night’ when you headed to bed. At least once a week he would call you up when he knew you were in bed, talking to you for hours until you both inevitably fell asleep to the sound of each other’s breathing. He made you feel special, as if you were the most important person in his life. 
And you supposed you were, since he told you so earlier when he tried to kiss you.
Okay, in your defense you should have seen this coming, but you figured he wasn't interested in you in a romantic sense, so you kept your feelings to yourself all those years. You told yourself that his wandering gazes and lingering touches were nothing more than what they were, just fixed looks and accidental brushes of skin. Oh how wrong you were.
For not even four hours ago the two of you were cleaning up after dinner, alone in the kitchen. You made a passing joke, one that might have been self-deprecating in nature, but it seemed to have caused something in him to snap since he took you by the shoulders and… 
Well, if you had the tiniest sliver of uncertainty in regards to his feelings for you before, you definitely didn't now.
He confessed everything, from how he was captivated by your laughter and smile from the very beginning to how you occupied his every waking thought. How he missed you when you were gone and always treasured every second he spent with you, wanting nothing more than to spend the rest of his life by your side.
If only Mikey chose to barge into the kitchen a few seconds later, not when Raph's lips were only centimeters away from your own. 
You bit your lip as you thought about that moment, remembering the sincerity in his voice, the way his warm breath tickled your face, the feel of his rough skin on your cheek. 
And you were hell bent on getting that kiss tonight, through hell or high water. You had just the activity in mind to set the mood just right for that to happen, and thankfully when you suggested it to him he agreed. 
“We’re here.” 
Raph’s voice pulled you out of your thoughts. He had stopped at the ladder that led to the more affluent part of Staten Island, shifting you in his arms as he grabbed the rung closest to him. 
“Better hold on tight, spider monkey.”
Your full-bellied laugh rang through the tunnels as he began his ascent, your arms looping tightly around his neck. Soon the two of you were in the middle of the suburban street. Using the dark of the night to his advantage he kept to the shadows, keeping the two of you out of sight despite it being almost midnight. You pointed out a house to him and he moved towards it. A quick peek over the backyard fence confirmed that this house had what you two were looking for and effortlessly hopped the two of you over the fence with you still in his arms. 
Raph finally put you down and you immediately slid out of your flip-flops, the cool grass beneath your feet felt heavenly as you walked closer to the large in-ground pool. You bent down and tested the water’s temperature with your hand.
“It’s a bit cold, but thankfully it looks like no one is home to hear you bitch.” You teased, standing back up to your full height.
He let out a huff. “I don’t bitch. You’re the one who squeals like a little girl when the water… isn’t…”
He trailed off as he watched you get out of the oversized shirt you wore over your swimsuit, letting it fall to the ground and fully revealing your bikini-clad body to him. You looked at him over your shoulder, a knowing gleam in your eyes.
“When the water isn’t what?”
His mouth opened and closed several times as his eyes raked over your form. If this were anyone else you would have smacked them or at the very least yell at them for ogling you, but this was Raph, and now that you knew how he felt, you felt nothing but flattery for the way he took the sight of you in.
“Hello? Earth to Raph…” 
He blinked and shook his head, as if he was trying to get rid of whatever mental image he had conjured up.
“Just get in the pool.” He grumbled, already taking off his gloves. 
You snickered and took a few steps back from the pool’s edge, knowing getting in the chilly water would be easier if you jumped in. So you did, cannonballing into the pool with a modest sized splash. 
Surprisingly enough your body adjusted to the water temperature rather quickly as you began moving gently across the water’s surface, seeing that Raph was now busy removing his knee pads.
“Any day now.” You taunted.
You couldn’t hear what he said in response because you went underwater, doing a few flips as you waited for him to join you. Finally he lowered himself into the chlorine water, wearing only his shorts. 
As you came up for air you were prompt splashed. Raph chuckled as you sputtered.
You were met with another splash.
“Alright, that’s it!”
The two of you started an all out war, attacking each other with never-ending barrages of water. Soon you had to surrender as there was no way to win against his powerful sprays he produced with ease while you struggled to land any hits on him. He basked in his victory, letting out several whoops while you snuck around behind him, latching onto his shell and pulling back with all your might, effectively sending both of you under the water. 
You broke the surface and giggled as you felt his hands come to your waist before he joined you, his own laughs intermingling with yours in the quiet of the night.
Eventually the amusement of the situation died down. The two of you stayed that way, simply enjoying each other's presence while crickets chirped in the distance. He was crouched in the five-foot deep water so that he was eye level with you, holding you above the surface since he knew your mouth would be submerged if you were to fully stand. Time seemed to slow down as you stared into his golden eyes. 
You decided now was the time to lure him in. 
“Did you really mean what you said?” You asked softly, voice barely above a whisper. 
He seemed confused so you clarified for him. "What you said, back in the kitchen…"
Raph frowned while you felt the hands on your waist tighten their hold. "You think I would joke about something like that?" 
You hummed, your own hands coming to run along his shoulders and upper arms in a repeated motion. "No, but I wouldn’t mind hearing it again.”
His breath hitched as you gave him a gentle smile. It took him a moment before he licked his lips and opened his mouth to speak but no words left him. This continued for a bit until he shook his head and let out a sigh. “Sorry, I’m… Having a hard time thinking right now.”
“That’s okay, take your time.”
Raph took a deep breath. “I just… There’s not much I can say that I haven’t already said.”
One of your hands moved to cup his cheek, running your thumb across the pebbled green skin. 
His gaze never left yours as you felt him nuzzle into your caress. 
“You’re everything to me.” His voice was low, as if he was afraid this was all a dream. “You… You have this way of making me feel like I really am someone; not just a giant mutant turtle, but an actual person. I know I can’t give you a lot, but I can’t keep pretending that I don’t love you. And…”
He trailed off as his eyes glanced down to your lips so quickly that you would have missed it if you blinked. 
“And…?” You breathed out.
“And I really want to kiss you.”
Got him.
"Well, good…" You leaned in a bit closer to him before continuing. "Because I really want you to kiss me."
 His eyes widened at your admission. The seconds ticked by as you allowed him time to gather his nerves. Finally he began to close the distance between you. Your heart pounded in your chest as you closed your eyes once his lips were a hair’s width from yours.
“MOMMY!! There’s a strange lady in the pool!”
The two of you froze.
“And she’s kissing an alien!”
Shit… Guess someone was home after all…
In your periphery you could see a small boy running back inside the home and several lights turn on, most likely from his mother checking to see what all the commotion is about. 
Just as the question left your lips, Raph picked you up once more and hauled the two of you out of the pool.
He gathered up both of your belongings in one arm while he held you with the other, getting the two of you back into the sewers as quickly as possible before being seen again, jumping down into the dark tunnels and replacing the manhole cover with a skill that came with years of practice.
In the dead silence of the sewers the two of you gave one quick look at each other before devolving into fits of laughter. He gently set you down before handing you your sandals and shirt. 
“Well, that didn’t go as planned…” You jested while you tugged your shirt over your head, the hem reaching your knees due to how large it was. Beside you Raph was busy securing his knee pads back on.
He chuckled while you slid on your flip-flops. “No, but that ain’t stopping me anymore.”
“Oh?” You asked, mouth curving into a smile. 
Raph tossed aside his gloves and reached for you, pulling you towards him before he promptly pressed his lips against yours. 
Yeah, definitely worth the wait…
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dilucsflame33 · 2 years
Ohmygosh, i stumbled upon your cocktails and im in love<3 may i get a raphaels fire whiskey?🐢 please and thank you!!
Pocky Challenge 🌸🔥
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I decided to do the 4-1 challenge for February and doing this request at the same time. I hope that's okay, love! ^^
Heavy kissing, teasing, and flirting but that's all. Plus, it's Raphael. This man can flirt. 🫠
Word count: 707
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It was like any other time at the lair for you. 
You were sitting on the couch, scrolling through your phone, while Mikey was sitting on the floor playing video games. Genshin Impact.
“What’s your favorite character in the game?” You asked at random while he just killed a boss for ascension materials. 
The orange terrapin hummed in thought. “There’s a lot of characters I like playable wise but, if we’re going for the storyline I would say Yoimiya.” 
You smiled, knowing the cheerful woman would be a good match for the hyper turtle. Both love kids and people. Not only that, she kicks butt. 
“Sadly, I don’t have her.” He sighed with yearning. “I will gladly be a Yoimiya main, if this game will let me have the characters I want. This gacha game is terrible but it’s so addicting”
“I would never doubt that.” You said as you patted his shoulder. “I wish you luck.”
Mikey laughed, knowing that he needs a lot of it for a game like this. 
And money.
“I’m guessing you’re going to see Raph, right?” Mikey said as he watched you getting up from the couch. “Take these with you. These are Raph’s and I don't want him to get mad if he finds out I took his snacks.”
You rolled your eyes as your palms took hold of the pocky sticks. Strawberry flavored. Smirk on your face, you trudged to where the brute was located.
You could hear his grunts and puffs of air when he exhaled as he bench pressed sewer man-hole covers. His strength never fails to surprise you; Raphael shows off his muscle and proved it on the battlefield. Yes, his brothers are strong but there was something about him that gets your heart pumping. He’s a blunt man, and doesn't like beating around the bush. Not only that, he doesn’t take crap from anyone. 
Especially his brother. 
You bit your lip when he grunt once again as he raised his arms with the bar, biceps bulging as he placed back to its decimated place. Raph sat up and exhaled, lifting a water bottle and swallowed the liquid inside. Your eyes can’t help but stare as he devoured the clear contents and sighed when he was done; a towel around his shoulders as he wiped the sweat from his face.
“Enjoyin’ the view?” Voice gruff and masculine, he turned his head and looked at you with a smirk. His emerald eyes hold a teasing nature in them and it makes your heart do things that it shouldn’t be healthy. 
“What if I am?” You flirted back as you stepped forward, standing in front of your red banded boyfriend. His hands, large and calloused, came to your waist and pulled you to him. “I have a challenge for you, something you can’t deny.” You know that he will never back down from a challenge, especially if it’s with you. 
His brow raised with interest. “Challenge, huh? I’m listenin’.”
That’s when he saw the strawberry pocky in your hand, knowing where this was going. And this man is enjoying the challenge already. “If you’re wanting a make-out session, you don’t need sweets for that.” He said as his hand was laced into your hair, fingers massaging your scalp. “You already taste sweet, baby doll. If you’re trying to give me cavities, I will gladly own it.”
You laughed and kissed his forehead. “Then do the challenge with me and we’ll see.”
Raph snickered as you grabbed the cookie out of the box and placed it on end to your lips, the strawberry flavoring hitting your taste buds. The man can’t help but crave the treat in front of him.
And he’s not talking about the cookie. 
With a new sense of determination, he leaned to you. His lips were about to take a bite, but he took the whole stick into his mouth and kissed you with passion. A gasp left your lips as his tongue invaded your warm cavern, hands on his shoulders as he pulled away. Completely dazed with the hot fiery passion of his lips, Raphael ate the cookie and smirked. 
“You should know not to challenge me, doll. Otherwise, I will leave ya breathless.”
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@turtle-babe83 @post-apocalyptic-daydream @tmnt-tychou @nittleboo @leosgirl82 @thelaundrybitch @happymoonangel @turtlesmakemehappy @hotredphoenix @pheradream15 @fyreball66 @scholastic-dragon @sharpwindow @rin-rin-winter @ashleighclark98 @akesdraws-blog @luna-neko-hamato
Here's my Master List!
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hitechlatte · 2 years
Game On - Rise!Future!Donnie X GN!Reader
All 4-1 Challenge Fanfiction
Prompt: Reader continually uses TERRIBLE pick up lines on your choice of turtle, trying to drop the hint.
(I may been VERY lenient with the prompt, but I hope you enjoy nonetheless)
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Warnings: Lots of Swearing
This is based in future timeline, several years after start of Kraang Invasion.
Saw some entries for this and got invested so I wanted to whip something up real quick for it lol.
ALSO WARNING! My fic is SFW and so anyone can read but a lot of the other fics in this contest are not, so just wanted to give peeps a heads up if they look at other entries, which you should if you are of age because they are rad, but warning has been given.
Challenge Hosted by: @turtle-babe83 @thelaundrybitch @leosgirl82 @nittleboo @tmnt-tychou and @post-apocalyptic-daydream
Also stole puns from here: https://thedarkestroast.com/coffee-puns/#Jokes_About_Drinking_Coffee
Game On
Clutching tightly to the mug in your hand, your steps echoed in the corridor. It had only been your second day in the NYC safe haven and some lady named Cassandra had already found you a job on base.
And of course, even in the apocalypse, you were still working as a barista.
But at least this way you could be helpful and show your gratitude. If the recon team hadn’t found you hiding in that decrepit Stock & Shop when they did…
Well... You didn’t want to think about what could have been.
As you reached the end of the cave’s offshoot, you found a large metal door built into the natural structure of the tunnel. With a perplexed look, you gazed at the panel towards the right of the entrance and pressed the ‘call’ button.
“What.” A voice curtly snapped.
“Is this uh… Derek? Your brother Mikey said to bring you some coffee.” You told the panel.
“Ah.” The voice spoke back, “And did this brother of mine tell you to play into the role of barista by perpetuating the stereotype that those who handle coffee somehow lose their ability to correctly recall a name? If this is his poor attempt to simulate normalcy when I’m already stressed out, you can inform him I’m not amused.”
Fuck... You groaned in your mind, ecstatic to be making such great first impressions.
“Did you at least get my order right? Or is that part of your performance as well?” The voice continued.
“It’s just a double espresso. It’s kind of hard to fuck that up” You commented.
“Well at least you’re not entirely inept.” The voice groaned, “Bring it to my desk.”
As you harshly cursed at yourself, you could hear the whirls of an engine. To your left, the metal door slid open, showcasing a large cavern filled with machines and wires.
Slowly stepping into the space, your eyes tried their best to take everything in. Machines flickered and buzzed all around you, while monitors stretched across the walls. The large screens lined out routes of the kraang activity and the recon teams. As you walked deeper into the room, you could hear the clattering of a keyboard. 
Following the noise, you could see one of the turtles sitting at a desk with several monitors. Numerous windows were scattered across the screens as he fervently typed away.
“Here’s your double espresso.” You flatly commented.
“Doppio, you mean?” The turtle corrected without looking away from his screen.
You rolled your eyes, “I’m surprised you actually know what it’s called.”
“I, unlike many residing in these halls, have class.” The turtle commented, “Besides, I’m the reason we even have an espresso machine.”
You let out a soft chuckle as you turned to head out of the room. However the turtle spoke up again, stopping you in your tracks.
“Has anyone walked you through how to use your communicator yet?” The turtle asked, his nose still buried in the monitors.
Turning back with a confused look you nodded, “Yeah, I got the rundown.”
“Good. I’m adding your device to a pager. Do whatever your typical duties are unless you receive a ping from me. The kitchen should already know this, but prioritize my orders. If I pass out when I’m supposed to be monitoring missions that will not end well.”
“Is that… uh… healthy?” You inquired.
“No, but what other choice do we have?” The turtle flatly stated as he seemed to read through something on his screen.
“Touche.” You shrugged your shoulders.
You went to take another step towards the exit, but then stopped once more.
“Oh guess I should apologize about the name mix up. What um. What is it actually?”
“It’s Donatello, or maybe I should have you simply refer to me as Donnie or even D. Since that may be easier for your poor mind to remember.” Donnie mocked with a devious tone in his voice.
Two can play this game. You thought.
With a snicker you commented back, “Ah Dennis? Cool. I can remember that.”
You could hear the turtle groan as he turned his chair around to glare at you. He seemed like he was going to chew you out until he saw the grin plastered across your face.
“Oh... You were kidding.” Donnie said, as he roughly rubbed his forehead, “Just go and let me get back to my work.”
“Sure thing, Daniel.” You called back as you made your way out of the room. 
Over the next several weeks, the purple turtle seemed to slowly warm up to you. Your quick order drop off with whatever name you chose to call him that day, eventually turned into longer chats. You’d stick around for a bit, asking him how his work was going or to share gossip you’d heard from around the settlement.
One particular morning, you walked with a pep in your step. The prior night's recon team returned with a bunch of fancy coffee grounds from a nearby Whole Foods. You couldn’t help but bask in the smells emanating from Donnie’s mug.
Typing your code into the panel of the lab door, the metal whooshed opened and you swiftly headed to Donnie’s desk.
“Morning Deiphobus. Got a batch of fancy new grounds this morning and I have a feeling you’ll really like them.” You smirked.
“I’m sorry, Deiphobus?” Donnie asked as he turned to you with a grin on his face, “What is this 1250 BCE?”
“I’m running out of names!” You exclaimed, “It’s not my fault you drink like 4 coffees a day. Besides, how is that any worse than Donatello?”
“Donatello is a classic.” The turtle said, puffing out his chest as he turned back to his monitor, “Besides, where did you even find that name?”
“Some Shakespeare book.”
“Someone’s getting desperate.”
“I’m sorry it's not like we still have google and I can look up one of those stupid 3 billion baby name lists.”
“Oh if anything I commend your research.” Donnie snickered, “I’m just surprised you can actually read Shakespeare. I thought baristas were notorious for their illiteracy.”
“You’re awful.”
“Or maybe you’re just jealous you’re not as witty as myself.”
“If anything you’re jealous! I’m hella whitty.” You quickly defended.
“Oh it’s Game On, asshat.” You laughed, “Just wait, next time you see me you won’t know what hit you.”
A few hours passed when you heard your pager ping again. With a smirk, you whipped up his doppio and proudly made your way over to the lab.
As you reached his desk, you loudly cleared your throat. The noise caused the turtle to turn his chair and meet your gaze.
“Yes?” He asked.
“I, as I’m sure you’re well aware, am incredibly witty.” You said as you held the mug close to your chest.
“And someone as witty as myself, knows when a schtick has to end. So here is my new proposal.”
Donnie gave you a look of disbelief as he waited.
“Hello there, Donnie.” You began.
“Ah, my actual name. How witty. He said sarcastically.”
“Shush. That’s not it. Let me finish.” You flailed.
The purple turtle rolled his eyes as he leaned his elbow on his desk and propped up his chin.
“I just wanted to say… I made this cup of coffee, espresso-ly for you.”
The purple turtle stared at you, his eyes going wide.
"No." He said.
"Yes." You smirked.
“Oh god please no!” Donnie groaned loudly and buried his face in his desk. 
Your laughing echoed throughout the room as you nearly spilled his drink. Placing the mug down on the desk, you clutched onto your stomach and tried to stifle your laughter.
“Oh- oh that was too perfect. Leo was so right.” You cackled.
“Of course he’s in on this.” Donnie mumbled into the desk.
“Hey, he's the hero of this story. He’s the one who gave me the book.”
Donnie sat up straight and gave you a perplexed look, “Book?”
“Oh yeah, you know that run to the library last week? Leo found a book of ten thousand puns.”
“T-ten- THOUSAND?” Donnie could barely choke out.
“Yep!” You smirked, “And there’s a whole chapter just dedicated to coffee.”
Donnie groaned as he planted his face back down onto the desk.
Each pun got progressively worse as you made your way through the list. Occasionally a joke would elicit a slight chuckle from the aloof purple turtle, but the other 90% of the time, he would simply groan or threaten to have you kicked out of base.
However, as the next few days turned into weeks, you began running out of material.
Or well… Material you felt comfortable using.
One section in the coffee chapter was titled Coffee Puns About Love and Romance. Every time you searched for a line to use, you always quickly skipped past that portion of the list. 
But, desperate times call for desperate measures.
Selecting the least aggressive pick up line from the options provided, you made your way over to his lab.
As you reached his desk, you placed the mug down on the surface without a word and sighed harshly.
“Ah, has the day come? Have you finally exhausted that grotesque list?” Donnie chuckled as he turned to you.
“No. But we are scraping the bottom of the barrel now.”
Shaking out your hands and taking another breath you stared at the turtle. Your lips were reluctant, but you were able to form the words.
“You’re brew-ti-ful.”
His eyes went wide and his face blushed a harsh red.
“Oh god.” He groaned, “Please tell me ‘bottom of the barrel’ doesn’t mean the only puns left are awful pick up lines.”
“I mean I could tell you that, but then I’d be lying.”
Donnie groaned as he roughly slapped his own face.
The pick up lines were much more entertaining than you expected. Seeing how madly he’d blush or stammer at your commentary was adorable, and you proudly played your part. For the days you were feeling extra adventurous, you‘d even pair the line with a wink or by blowing him a kiss.
However, when the list of lines was depleted, you did everything you could to keep the game going. On your offtime, you’d sit for hours, trying to concoct more coffee based pick up lines to try on him. You even found yourself practicing in the mirror to make sure you got the words just right.
And as this next chapter of the game continued on, you soon found yourself perplexed.
You don’t know when or how it happened…
But you started meaning what you said. 
To no avail, you kept trying to pinpoint when everything changed. Was it when your generic lines became more personalized? Or was it when your supplemental teasing went from playful winks to gentle fingers tracing the edge of his jaw.
Although you couldn’t find the answer you were looking for, you did know this.
It wasn’t your fault. 
If he didn’t have such vibrant reactions, you wouldn’t have become so obsessed with the game. 
It still would have been just a game. 
Late one night, your pager beeped at you. As you tapped on the device you groaned.
“He knows it’s 4am right?”
After slowly trudging out of bed, you lethargically made his drink and headed over to the lab.
Rubbing your eyes, you mistyped your code a few times before finally opening the door.
The turtle was hunched over his desk. The taps of the keys sounded slower than usual.
“Dude, you owe me for making me get my ass out of bed.” You yawned.
“Blame Leo.” Donnie groaned, “The idiot winded up setting off a Kraang patrol unit.”
“Everyone, okay?!” You exclaimed.
“Thankfully.” Donnie sighed, “But I lost some of my search drones. Had to play distraction for a while so they could make an escape. Everything seems calm now, but I want to stay up for a bit longer just to make sure they return safely.”
“That’s good to hear.” You sighed, “Well... here’s your drink.”
“Ahh finally run out of lines?” Donnie groggily mocked as he continued to look at the screen.
His snarky attitude woke something up inside of you. 
Leaning forward, you gently grasped his chin, turning his face to meet yours. His cheeks burned vibrantly as he stared at you. With a devious gaze, your lips curled up slightly. 
“Oh I’m sorry. I almost forgot. Thanks for reminding me.” You snickered as your fingers still softly held his chin.
But while you tried to search your mind for the pun you had thought up on the way over, you couldn’t help but continually drop your gaze down to his lips. Silently cursing your tired stupor, you tried to regain focus. 
Donnie just sat there, barely breathing, as you continued to filter through your thoughts. He too, struggled to meet your gaze as his eyes continued to fall upon your lips.
However after a few more breathless moments, the line finally returned to your mind. With a slight blush on your cheeks, you smirked as you spoke.
“Words cannot express how much you mean to me.”
Both of you sat there frozen. Your eyes widened as the words left your lips. 
“Fuck I said it wrong! Sorry it’s late and-” You began to splutter.
But you were cut off by Donnie’s lips crashing into yours.
Game Over.
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madnessismylover · 1 year
TMNT All 4-1 Challenge: March Entry
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@turtle-babe83 @thelaundrybitch
A/N: This is actually SFW… I swear. Changed the wording a bit for the prompt sentence I picked because I had this idea and it kinda fit but not exactly with the way it was originally. Hope that’s okay. Little late but it's still March ^_^"
The layout for the Bay!Lair doesn’t really work for this but I wanted it to be Bay Mikey so… just pretend the descriptions I used fit?
*While this is SFW, all characters depicted and/or mentioned are 18+*
Pairing: Bay!Mikey x reader (She/Her, "Y/N" used)
“I’m new to all of this. Can you show me where to start?” -> “I’m [still] new to all of this. Can you show me [what to do]?
Words: 716
Raph was heading past Mikey’s room when he overheard the two. The door was closed, but the room was far from sound proof.
“I’m still new to all of this. Can you show me what to do?” he heard Y/N ask. It was late; he didn’t know she had decided to stay the night. She and Mikey had only started dating a few months ago and, even though the boys were all adults, Splinter still had rules for when she slept over. The door being left open was rule number one.
“Of course, babe. We gotta be quiet though,” he heard Mikey say back.
“Okay.” He heard her giggle.
“Get comfortable. I’ll be honest with you… we might go all night.” Raph’s brow shot up and he blinked. Were they-? No… they couldn’t be. As he stood there blinking at the door he didn’t notice Leo rounding the corner. The blue banded turtle tilted his head at the sight in front of him. 
“Wh-?” Raph’s hand was over his mouth before he could finish, ‘what are you doing?’ Leo pushed his hand away but before he could say anything he hear Y/N exclaim in a whisper,
“Jesus, Mike, this thing is huge!” Leo blinked and the two looked at the door. “What am I supposed to do with that?”
“Hey, you got this. I know you can take it, baby. You’ve been practicing, haven’t you?”
“Well yeah but… look at it!” They heard Mikey laugh.
“Just take it slow. No need to rush and end up getting hurt. Like I said, we got all night.”
The best word to describe Leo and Raph’s expressions was “NOPE” and the two quickly headed as far from their youngest brother’s room as they possibly could while staying in the lair.
The next morning, Raph was loudly crunching his cereal and Leo had just sat down with a steaming mug when Mikey and Y/N walked into the kitchen both looking slightly sleep deprived but extremely happy.
“Good morning,” Y/N said with a big smile to the two before moving to the fridge.
Raph and Leo glanced at each other. Raph had the excuse of his mouth being full. Leo cleared his throat. 
“So uh… you two…” Leo started.
“Uh, us?”
“Finally did it then, eh Mike?” Raph asked. Leo shot him a look.
“Huh?” Mikey blinked before it dawned on him. “Oh! Hehe, yeah. Took most of the night,” he admitted. 
“It was so hard and I got so close to finishing so many times,” Y/N said with a slight groan of annoyance. The two blinked at her.
“But she stuck with it like a champ,” Mikey said, patting her on the back.
“Oh come on, you helped,” she said.
“No no,” Mikey held his hands up. “Y/N did all the work, I just sat there and enjoyed the show.” Just then Donnie walked into the room with a mug, heading straight for the coffee machine.
“Morning Don, Mikey and I finally did it!” Y/N exclaimed. Leo and Raph watched to see his reaction and were perplexed when he didn’t even turn away from the counter.
“That’s great,” Donnie said, refilling his mug of coffee - because of course it wasn’t his first and of course he had been up hours before the rest of them.
“We recorded the whole thing if you wanted to watch it,” Y/N said.
“Sounds good,” Donnie said with a thumbs up. “Just send it to me whenever.”
“Okay, I’ll send you the link now,” Y/N said, getting out her phone. 
“Link?” Leo asked. 
“Mhm, I put it up on YouTube. It already has over 500 views!” Leo and Raph’s jaws dropped.
“Whoa whoa whoa!” Raph exclaimed and the three turned to him. “Hold up a sec… I feel like we’re missin’ something.” He looked at Leo with a brow raised.
“What are you three talking about exactly?” Leo asked slowly.
“The last boss on that game I got Y/N for her birthday. She finally beat it,” Mikey said before tilting his head. “Why… what did you think we were talking about?”
“Nope,” the two said in unison without missing a beat before escaping the room leaving the remaining three to share looks of confusion.
... ...
A/N: Kinda does and doesn't fit the theme... (Raph and Leo thought it did anyway)
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morning-sun-brah · 2 years
Here's my entry for the All 4-1 Challenge 
Hosted by: @turtle-babe83 @thelaundrybitch @leosgirl82 @nittleboo @tmnt-tychou and @post-apocalyptic-daydream
Warnings; A little NSFW, a lot more angst than I was expecting, and definitely more fluff. Also an ATLA joke thrown in for @ordin-arily
Reader and Leo are in their mid 20's. Minors DNI!!
Hope you all like this! I chose the prompt; Reader continually uses TERRIBLE pick up lines on your choice of turtle, trying to drop the hint.
Rise Leo x Reader
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On a Scale from One to America...
Leon going back to his usual charming self after a Kraang invasion had… taken a while. 
He’d still been a quippy little fucker, to be sure. But with every new threat it was as though a little piece of his joy had been chipped away. And just because Kraang had been an actual nightmare, it didn’t stop New York from being a hotspot for criminal activity. 
By the time he’d turned 17 the streets were full of rats, all under the control of some nutcase who called himself the Rat King, and he’d been almost 19 when that maniac had finally been put away for good. Then he’d spent the next three years dealing with a now adult Baxter Stockboy (who insisted he be called Stockman but like that was ever going to happen), whose mousers had run him and his brothers out of their lair and had almost killed April in the climax of it all. 
They’d had only a two month stint of peace after that, and then, on the cusp of 22, some asshole who called himself New Shredder had decided he had a real vendetta against him and his brothers (get in line bud), and he’d once again nearly died trying to save his family. He’d nearly bled out all over the new lair and Donatello and Raph had disappeared for a week while he was healing- only to return with the grim assurance that New Shredder was no longer an issue (and Leo had refused to ask for details, not with the way Donnies eyes had glinted with malice when he’d opened his mouth to do so). 
And now Leo is 24 and…. 
Fuck… had he ever been funny?
Any coping mechanisms he’d gained in childhood had turned quickly into just cope, and one liners were pushed to the side while in constant pursuit to keep his brothers alive. Make it another day. Keep breathing. Keep going. 
It’s not about me.
So when he’d met you, it had been… jarring. 
“I swear I know you,” you’d told him, standing near the harbor, the lights of Alberto Land flickering in the distance, and Leo had just raised a brow ridge. 
“I’m literally out on the streets everyday saving this city’s ass.” 
“No, no,” you dismissed him with a wave, “That isn’t it. We’ve definitely met.” 
Before Leo can answer, you snap your fingers. 
“Oh! I know! You look just like my next boyfriend.” 
Leave it to April to make friends with a comedian. 
But his brothers had all snickered, flocking to your easy wit and charm, and Leo had been unable to keep you away from them. 
And truth be told, Leo was intrigued. 
“Cat got your tongue?”
Leo glares. 
“If not I’d be happy to-” 
“Stop, no. That’s terrible!” 
But you’d laughed and shrugged, throwing your arms around Mikey when he’d lifted you off the ground and twirled you about. 
“April,” Leo had told her one night on patrol. “Your friend is broken.”
But April looked a little sad when she smiled at him. 
“You sure it’s her?” 
And yeah, that stung. Leo used to be like this. He used to be like you. Funny. Outgoing. 
Part of him hated you for being such a stark reminder of all he’d lost. 
One night at Run of the Mill, you’d bounded up to him and with all the subtlety of a rock through a window had said, “I forgot my library card!” 
“This is a pizza pla-”
“Now I can’t check you out!”
“I’ll fucking murder you.” 
But he’d been unable to hide the little smile. When you’d looked victorious, he’d drown the look in a pitcher of beer, face pinched in a tight frown.
With the passing of his 25th birthday, Leo is finding the quiet on the villain front… concerning. He knew that it wasn’t a matter of if the next threat would come, but when it would show itself. 
But the lull continued, and in it there was suddenly an abundance of free time. Free time where Mikey cooked nonstop and Donnie invented and Raph took up knitting. Free time where his brothers dragged him to bars and clubs and theme parks. Free time where he was forced to partake in comic cons and wrestling matches and art galleries. 
Free time that felt wrong. Where was the next threat? Where was the next villain- if not on the distant horizon?
And through all this free time, all these leisure activities, there you were, like a cold he couldn’t shake. Plaguing his life with unwavering joy that always seemed like a spotlight on what he used to be. 
“Pretty sure I’m getting a parking ticket,” you tell him one night in the lair, and when he doesn’t respond, just looks at you with a bored expression, you add, “because you’re so fine.”
Leo snorts. “That was awful.” 
“Did it work?” 
“It did not.” 
Maybe it had worked a little, he decides later, fist tugging over his cock in the silence of his room, the whine of your name escaping his lips. 
“You’ve gotta stop bringing her around,” he tells April, looking out at the living room where you sprawl over the couch, bare feet trying to pinch Donatello’s thigh while he growls at you to knock it off.
“Why? She loves you guys!” 
Leon’s eyes narrow. “She’s gonna get hurt.” 
“How?!” April had exclaimed. “Nothing’s going on!” 
If possible, Leo’s frown deepens. 
“Now why would you jinx us like that?”
“Leo,” April says with a sigh. “Even if another big bad shows up… she's an adult. She gets to choose if she wants to be in the line of that danger.” 
That had done nothing to help Leo’s worry. It was incessant. Nagging. Something was going to happen. Something was bound to happen. They were Mutant Ninja Turtles. They lived a life that was not at all reflected of the peace they seemed to indulge in now. 
But the peace stretched. 
“Hey Leo, I heard you have a bone to pick with me,” you asked one night, the glow of a movie lighting up the hall from the living room to the kitchen, where you’d found him. 
“If this is a pick up line…” 
“Oooooohhhh, you’re right! That would have worked! Okay wait!” You flatten your hair and smooth out your smile. 
“Hey Leo,” you say again, voice dropping to a sultry tone, cocking your hip. “I heard you have a bone for me.” 
Leo shakes his head. “That is actually terrible.” 
“No, no, you’re supposed to say; I don’t! Why would you think that? And then I’ll say; Oh then what’s that in your pants?” 
It’s the moment he finally breaks. 
Leo laughs. 
“I hate you,” he says with a smile, and you smile back. 
“Look at that, you look so nice when you smile.” 
Something that feels like melancholy tugs at his heart. 
“Yeah… Yeah, I’ll have to try it more often.” 
And he does. 
“You guys are from Tennessee, right?”
Leo shakes his head and presses his lips together. 
“Cause you’re the only TEN I SEE… Get it? Ten I see, Tennessee?” 
“I got it,” Leo says, and he grins. 
And he does smile more when you’re around. And he laughs, and he feels a little more at ease, a little less worried. 
And his brothers notice. 
“Look at you, Leon! I don’t think I’ve heard you laugh like that since we were kids!” 
Leave it to Mikey to point it out. 
“I laugh!” Leo insists. 
Mikey gives what Leo feels is a very placating nod. 
“Yeah, sure. Don’t worry bro, I think she likes you too.”
Leo hates that his baby brother hadn’t even needed to say your name to get his point across. He has to wonder, after that, how much his brothers encourage you, because your pick up lines get progressively more risque. 
“Nice pants Leon! Think I can talk you out of them?”
“You look like you’re feeling down, want me to feel you up?” 
Halloween makes its appearance, and in line to a horror movie you turn to him and ask, “Are you a haunted house?” 
Leo squints at you. “Am I a haunted house? Where is this going?” 
“Cause I’d scream if you were in me.”
Leo turns nearly as red as the stripes over his eyes. 
“Too far?” you ask, also blushing. 
“Keep it up,” he chokes out. “Keep on playing games and you’ll find out.” 
“I don’t play games,” you tell him, both of you ignoring the way Raphael titters into his fist- clearly having heard the exchange. “I quit school cause of recess.” 
“Oof, that’s rough buddy.” 
He’s seeing your face a lot more when he jacks off though, and that is probably not a good thing. It’s there every time he closes his eyes and grips his cock, your name falling from his lips over and over like a chant or a prayer. 
Then it’s a cold and snowy winter, and you’ve apparently had time to find more material to use on him. 
“Had a doctor's appointment,” you tell him conversationally, flopping next to him on the couch, and he might be fooled if your lips weren’t already twitching. 
“Yeah? You need a lobotomy?” 
“Nah, Vitamin D deficiency. Think you can help?” 
“... Vitamin D…?” 
You just look at him, waiting, and finally it clicks. 
“Ah. Vitamin D, got it.” 
“D like dick,” you clarify. 
“It’s less funny if you have to explain it.” 
“But it is still funny, right?” 
“Mmmhmm, you’re a regular Jimmy Fallon.” 
“You take that the fuck back!” 
You’re hitting him on the arm, pressing fingers into his skin and making him laugh, and by the time his brothers join you in the living room he’s got you pinned on the couch, tickling your sides and telling you to say uncle. 
“Did we interrupt something?” Donnie asks with a smirk.
Leo shoots away from you, yelping “No!” at the same time you say “Yes!”
Leo takes a lot of hot showers that winter. 
Spring comes, and it finally happens. 
He’s supposed to stop by your apartment and portal you to the comic con, thereby avoiding all the pesky New York traffic from Brooklyn to Midtown. 
“Hold on,” you call from your bathroom. “Can’t decide on which Jupiter Jim shirt.” 
“Yeah, no rush!” 
He looks around, snooping in your fridge for a bottled water and chuckling when he sees you’ve hung up the photo booth pictures from last summer on your fridge. The two of you looked… happy. Leo looked happy. And you looked at him like he was the sun. Like he wasn’t broken or damaged.
You looked at him like you were in love.
From behind him, he hears you clear your throat, and with a glance over his shoulder he sees you standing with hands on hips and a smile. 
Something in Leo’s chest tightens. You’re so carefree. You’re so beautiful. You're his age, and you’d never had to worry about keeping your family safe. You didn’t have crows feet and a brow-chasm etched into your face from years of constant worry. Where Leo had spent the last handful of years bulking up so he’s be a veritable tank of a turtle, you were soft, pliant in all the places he was not
And yet… 
“Are you thirsty?” 
Here you were, about to use some awful, ridiculous pick up line on him. 
On him. 
“I’m broken.” 
He just says it, because he needs you to understand. 
Your smile falters a bit, lips tilting into a frown. 
“Uh… what?” 
“I’m broken. I don’t… I don’t know what you want from me.” 
And maybe that had been the issue all along. 
There is quiet that surrounds the two of you. 
“I don’t think you’re broken.” You say. 
You fiddle with the belt loops of your jeans, then add, “You know that we have met, right? Before all this?” 
Leo can only shake his head. 
“When… when Baxter sent out all those Mousers. You got a few of them off me, grabbed me up, and said- From one to America, how free are you tonight.” 
Leo can’t help but make a face. 
“Stop. I did not.” 
You give him a warbling little laugh. 
“Yeah, you did. And… even though it was a stupid little joke… I dunno. I wasn’t afraid anymore.” 
You’re just looking at him, and Leo wishes he could remember what you’ve recalled. He’d have been 20, maybe a little younger or a little older, and that tracked. Life had yet to wear him down fully at that point. Of course he’d saved some young, pretty girl, and made some dumb joke before portaling off to play hero.
“So when we met again… and you didn’t look happy… I guess I just wanted to…” 
You trail off, and Leo can’t help but ask, “Fix me?” 
“No,” you whisper with a shake of your head. “You aren’t broken. But… you’re afraid? I just wanted to make you… happy.” 
Leo does not cry. That would be stupid. In fact, he’s pretty sure he has allergies, because that is the best explanation for the way his throat seems to close up. 
He does grab you up though. Pulls you to his plastron and holds you there like you’re a life line. Like you’re a buoy in an endless ocean, shelter in a raging storm. 
He holds you tight and close, his grip on you firm, and when you rub your hands over the lip of his shell he has to bite the inside of his cheek to keep from sobbing into your neck like an actual baby. 
When he can speak without fear of his voice breaking, he clears his throat and asks, “So, on a scale of one to America-” 
Before he can finish you are pulling back, grabbing his cheeks, and standing on tiptoes to press your lips to his. 
“Forever, Leo. For you, I’m free forever.”
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mytheoristavenue · 2 years
TMNT Donatello x Reader - Stop Pretending (All 4-1 Febuary)
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Summary: Donnie finally confronts you on your ignoring of his feelings.
Warnings: Angst, anti-Valentines day, very short
"Can you drop the act?" The weight in his tone surprised you, having taken a sudden nose dive from the chipper way it had held about it previously.
"What act?" you giggled nervously with a fake smile, clutching the teddy bear he'd given you tightly. "I don't-"
"You knw exactly what I mean, (Y/N)." he reiterated sternly. Truthfully, you did know, but you couldn't bring yourself to admit that. It simply hurt too much. "Just stop pretending."
"I'm not pretending to do anything." you defended, still smiling, something that seemed to offend him to an otherworldly degree. "Honestly, I'm confused."
"No, you're not." he spat hatefully, beginning to turn his back on you. "You just don't wanna face me, that's it."
"Don, I really don't care for your tone." you informed, crossing your arms, the bear now being carelessly dangled form your hand. "I don't appreciate being accused of anything, let alone whatever this is." Your eyes narrowed as your gaze followed him with rage behind it.
"So you're really going to pretend you have no idea how I’ve felt about you, since the first day we met?” he interrogated. "I'm not stupid, (Y/N), don't treat me like I am."
You puffed your cheeks in frustration, finally tossing the stuffie to the side to place your hands on your hips snarkily. "Well I'm not either! And if you're so smart, you'd think you'd be able to hints!"
"And what hints would those be?" he rolled his eyes, glancing back at you from over his shoulder.
"Oh you know," you began sarcastically. "The kind that might lead you to think you could be pressuring someone into a relationship with you?!" you shouted, breathing heavily from the adrenaline rush. "Or maybe that you're laying it on too thick- that your just scaring away the person you're trying to pursue?!" You sighed, analyzing his expression as shock began to set in. "I need space, Donnie." You confessed, glancing away, now unable to look him in the eye. "I did really like you, but it was always hard to tell if you really wanted me or just wanted me to make April jealous."
For what seemed like the first time in his life, Donnie felt like he could form the words to say. "(Y-Y/N)..."
"Save your breath..." you advised, beginning to walk passed him to exit the lair. "I'm not saying no, Donnie. I'm just saying not right now." He watched as you drew closer to the stairs before momentarily turning back. For a second, his hope that you'd stay was restored, that was before he processed what you'd said.
"Happy Valentine's Day, Don."
@sunshinesdaydream, @helpyaw, @thelaundrybitch, @camillahorne26, @turtle-babe83, @fyreball66, @sharpwindow, @roseygardenfan, @witchofthenorthstar, @pheradream15, @post-apocalyptic-daydream, @killmewithafanfic
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Yes I chose Raphael as turtle of choice.
This is my prompt of choice for none other than Bayverse style!
Its my choice to use reader as focus. No need for OC in this case. Have fun!:
*Reader/OC comes home to their place completely infested with four mutant turtles who have gone through all their shit and are eating their snacks and watching their TV.
Reader: “We need to have a discussion about boundaries.”
All four turtles: “What for?”*
Reader is sick of 'turt of choice' manspreading. So they start doing it to them.
Me: Oh how this is going to be hysterical *Insert evil laugh*. ANYWAYS on to the beautifully funny and definitely not last piece of my work.
[Note these are aged up turtles and reader.]
Its a usual Friday night, you worked long hours at your job then thought coming home never felt better. That thought disapeared in seconds when you came home to your apartment in absolute chaos. The first thing you grab is your trusty baseball bat and enter the living room, finding none other than the four turtle brothers chilling. You sigh and toss the bat to one side and oh dear, your turtle boyfriend was manspreading on YOUR spot too!.
"Ok guys, we gonna need to discuss some boundary rules here"-
"What for?" All the brothers ask.
"Well for one this is MY home!. Maybe a warning next time you come here to crash?."
Leo gave his brothers a look and only earns a scoff from Raph who was seemingly unbothered.
"...including you over there on MY spot that's manspreading there!."
Raph simply gives you this sly smug look that sent shivers down your spine, not in a bad way either. He knew how to push your buttons, afterall he has been dating you for over a year.
You then snap out of your trance,"Oh Its on prettyboy~." The look he had made you try and fail not to snicker as you go over to HIS favourite beanbag chair YOU bought him, then proceed to take over completely.
This earned some snickers from his brothers, and a rather annoyed Raphael. It didn't last long though when he proceeded to get up and haul you over his shoulder, then as he takes you to your room decides to remind you who is the Alpha here by biting your inner thigh.
"R-Raph! Did you just bite me?. I swear If you did-."
Raph uttered a rather husky chuckle that caused goosebumps to form."Oh no you don't Doll~."
Once the bedroom door closed, you saw were his brothers seeming unbothered by Raphs behavior. The last thing you remember after that was a love making session like no other.
Your lips never leaving each others, his weight never moving and keeping you in place. You were his girl and only his girl, the fresh hickeys he left along your shoulder and neck was proof of it. Not one inch of your body left uncaressed, he even helped himself to that sweet syrup you make when you were in sheer bliss. This to him was his reward for ignoring your protests of his 'manspreading'. The rest of the night was him showing you a good time in bed.
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scholastic-dragon · 2 years
4-1 Challenge
IM DOING IT!!!! I am participating in the 4-1 Challenge written by my friends @turtle-babe83 @thelaundrybitch @tmnt-tychou @post-apocalyptic-daydream @leosgirl82 and @nittleboo (whose account for some reason won't let me tag it 🙃)
This isn't an 'x reader' fic but it is hilarious, I hope you enjoy!!!!!
Warnings: um so technically this is 18+ because it talks heavily about sex and there may or may not be a teeny tiny "smut" scene at the end, well I can't even call it that, but sexy times are heavily implied. (If you don't like smut it's under the '~~~~~' line so just skip that part if it makes you uncomfortable)
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Casey Jones had been a loyal and trusting friend of the turtles for over a year now.
He helped them with the Kraang and promised to keep their secret. He was funny, a stubborn piece of shit, and their best friend.
He often picked up takeout for them and rented movies and even went out super late with the guys to play some basketball at an abandoned court.
About two or three weeks ago, Caseys buildings washing machine finally hit the bucket, the old machine was dead and no amount of faith or new parts could bring it back.
Even Donnie had looked at it and agreed it was dead.
At first April had offered her buildings machine, and he agreed for a little bit, then when the water bill got a little too high for her liking, the boys stepped up and offered him their machine.
Now Mikey was sneaking up to the surface after dinner and rushing to Casey's place.
Mikey had misplaced his favorite pair of boxes and he was sure it got mixed in with Casey's laundry.
Casey had agreed that Mikey could look through his basket that he had yet to put away.
He lived about 15 minutes from the lair, but with a rocket board it took 8 ½ minutes. He landed on the fire escape with a quiet thud and slid the living room window open.
"Case? You home?" Mikey peered around, stomping his feet on the mat he had placed under the window. "Don't freak out dude, its just Mikey," He called again, still not getting an answer.
Maybe he stepped out for a minute? Or maybe he just went to the bathroom?
Mikey shrugged sauntering through the rookie detectives apartment and opening his bedroom door. At the foot of the bed was a tall gray laundry basket filled with clean clothes.
Without thinking twice, Mikey started rummaging through the clothes. He saw a lot of cool band t-shirts that he wish he could steal, several pairs of very tight pants and boring black boxer briefs.
After dumping out and sorting through the whole basket, Mikey stepped back with a huff. Hands on his hips he throught for a moment, this basket was from just the other day, his underwear has been missing for over 5 days.....so he must've put them away thinking they were his!!!
In his text, Casey had said he had full permission to go through his laundry, so that clearly must mean the stuff in his dresser.
Having no shame, Mikey went up to Casey's dresser and started opening all the drawers. When he found the socks and underwear drawer he pawed through them, his underwear was a bright color so it should be easy to spot.
But something else caught his attention, as he moved a few pairs out of the way, something.....lacy.....hit his hand. Pulling out said underwear made Mikey stop, holding the pair between his two pointer fingers.
These were April's. He knew that because one time April had started her period while he was over and had texted asking for a new pair. Mikey -having no idea what a period was- had grabbed this exact thong.
Why was it in Casey's dress-
"JESUS, MIKE!" Casey yelped, coming into the room, not expecting to see the youngest turtle. "Don't scare me like that, dude," He laughed, running a hand over his hair.
Casey's smile dropped when he saw what exactly Mikey was doing....and holding.
"Why do you have a pair of her panties in your dresser?"
Mikey glanced at Casey, never had he seen him so startled, his eyes were wide and his face bright red.
He hoped the underwear was an accident, maybe something leftover from when he used April's machine a week ago, but it was clear the only mistake was someone finding them.
"Are you-?!" Mikey gasped, dropping the thong to the floor like it was poisoned, hands covering his large mouth.
"Mike, I can explain-" Casey took a step into the room.
"Have you and April-?!" Came Mikeys muffled question, still not removing his hands. He couldn't bring himself to ask the question.
Casey cringed, looking away, he wasn't sure how but Casey turned an even darker red.
"Oh my god, you guys still are?!" Mikeys hands slid up his face to cover his eyes, he turned away from Casey, groaning as if he were in pain.
"Alright just....just listen, Mikey-"
"You banged my sister?!" Mikey all but screamed, Casey sighed, running a hand down his face.
"Whose bangin' whose sister?" Casey's stomach dropped hearing Raphs voice in the living room.
He slowly turned, seeing the giant red behemoth standing about ten feet away, stomping his shoes on the mat by the window.
"Raph, what're you doing here?" Casey quickly asked, leaning on the doorframe, preventing him from entering.
"Leo sent me out to get Mikey, if he's not back soon he's gonna miss Splinters evenin' training," Raph shrugged, coming up to Casey, looking over his shoulder at a very distressed Mikey.
"What happened with him?" Raph jutted his chin toward Mikey, Casey stumbled, feeling himself start to sweat.
Casey saw his life flash before his eyes. Looking up at the largest of his four friends, April's confidant and biggest brother, and his best friend.
He saw the recognition flash across his green eyes and the scowl form on his face.
"You're what?!"
"I-I can explain, cause there's more than that-" Casey took a step back wanting to put space between them, but Raph stepped with him, entering his bedroom.
"There's more?!" Both turtles yelled.
"Can you guys please stop yelling, you're going to wake up the neighbors," Casey took a deep breath, turning so he could face both brothers.
"I can explain, and the truth is.....the truth is that....April and I are dating," Casey started rubbing his sweaty hands together, unable to meet their eyes. "We've kinda been flirting for a while now and things really took a turn about three or four months ago."
"So April letting you use her washing machine was just a rouse?" Raph crossed his arms, throwing daggers with his eyes.
"She did that because she's a good person," Casey argued. Both turtles raised an eyebrow ridge which made Casey back down. "Alright, yeah kinda, we're both busy with work sometimes and it was a good reason that wouldn't be suspicious if you guys caught us in her apartment,"
"Wow," Raph murmered, hand covering his mouth as he sighed heavily.
Casey stared expectantly at the turtle before him, he knew he was going to snap.
"Well I guess that only leaves one option left," Raph didn't meet Casey's eyes but the rookie knew he was addressing him. He spoke far to calm for what was being discussed.
"Which is?" Casey knew the moment the words left his mouth that he was fuc-
"I'M GONNA KICK YOUR ASS CASEY!" Raphs fist swung fast, but Casey had been around long enough to know when to duck. He just narrowly missed his friends fist and ducked into the living room.
"Wait, wait, Raph!" Casey tripped over his coffee table, landing on the hardwood floor. "Let's talk about this!"
Raph stepped heavily out of his bedroom, eyes in a permanent glare, he cracked his knuckles as he stepped toward him.
"Raph, just-" Casey couldn't bring his legs to stand back up, instead just scooting back on the floor.
As if the universe was truly trying to punish him, Casey's apartment doors lock started to rattle, and both men turned to see the one and only April opening the door.
"Hey, baby, I got food-" She unlocked the door with her personal key, a wide smile on her face, large brown bag of takeout in her arms. Seeing her boyfriend and brother in the living room made her smile drop instantly. "What's going on?"
"'What's going on?' What's going on?! You wanna know what's going on?!" Raphs voice rose as he redirected toward the reporter. "What's going on is I just found out that my best friend," He spat the word out through gritted teeth, glancing back at Casey before turning back to April. "Is.....is doing my sister!"
April raised an eyebrow, raising a single finger to Raph. "Watch your tone," Raph sighed heavily, lowering his shoulders. No matter how hard any of them tried, no one could 'out Alpha' April.
April sighed and gave a small chuckle in relief, clearly worried the boys were fighting about something much worse. She set the bag of takeout on the counter as Mikey slowly walked out of Casey's bedroom and stood beside Raph.
"So you guys found out...." She made eye contact with all three men, putting her hands on her hips, unsure of how to have this conversation.
"Yeah, I found your thong in his drawer," Mikey piped up.
April glanced down at Casey who was still sitting on the floor. "You took my underwear?"
"It isn't an important part of this argument," Casey blushed hard, angrily whispering and not meeting her eyes.
April rolled her eyes and turned back to her brothers. "Yes, Casey and I are dating, and I know this is unexpected, but it's my decision and, you know, I'm -surprisingly- really happy. I know it's going to take some getting used to, but please know that I wouldn't be with him if he was a genuine asshole,"
Both brothers lowered their heads, they knew she was right, April could handle herself and they would just have to learn to get over it.
Raph spared one last glance at Casey. "Break her heart I break your face," and with that he promptly turned and left for the window.
"That went better than I was expecting," April happily clapped her hands together, turning to the youngest brother with a smile. "Do you wanna get some food for the road?"
Mikey chuckled, maybe April and Casey dating wouldn't be so bad....
About three hours later after Splinters evening training and eating the food April gave him, Mikey was back on the surface heading for Casey's apartment.
In the mix of the argument, Mikey completely forgot about his underwear. But thankfully it was still relatively early so Casey should still be up.
Like before Mikey opened the window, and just headed right for the closed bedroom door.
"Hey, don't freak out, Case, you're not going to believe it but I forgot to grab my underwear earlier-" Mikey swung the door open and for the first time in his life wished he had patience and the ability to remember to knock.
April was laying on her back -thankfully under a blanket- but let out a loud scream at seeing Mikey, yanking the blanket to cover her chest. And while he couldn't see him, the large lump in the blanket in between April's knees was evidence enough that Mikey should just leave.
He slammed the door closed, covering his eyes. "I am so sorry!"
"What's wrong with you!?"
"Would it kill you to knock?!"
Those were the only things Mikey heard before rushing back out the window.
Maybe them dating was a bad thing.
tags: @strawberrycakeblog @sketch-and-write-lover @happymoonangel @dilucsflame33 @sharpwindow
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b00inazkaban · 2 years
Mikey x Reader!
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Prompt: “I got absolutely assaulted with drool since he’s trying to give me kisses now!”
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CW: fluff, Mikey being a little shit, the other boys not giving a shit, kisses 😘 💋
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It was spring again and it’s getting warmer, and you were tired of it being cold as shit as it always is during winter in New York. Today was a nice enough day not to cold but not too warm. Your boyfriend Mikey hated winter not only because it was cold but also because he wouldn’t be able to ride his skateboard. Anyways with him being all happy and clingy now that it’s spring again he’s been absolutely giving you non stop kisses, hugs and just very cuddly.
He was chasing you wanting kisses again so you were running around the lair and his brothers were confused and getting bothered they were getting disturbed from their things.
“No Mikey I’m not coming to snuggle you all day, I have things to do!” You tell while jumping over the couch
“Come on angelcakes! Just for a little while I promise it’ll be only for a little pleaseeee!!!” He says chasing after you. Finally, he catches up to you and grabs you while littering your face with kisses.
“I got absolutely assaulted with drool since he’s trying to give me kisses now! Are you boys not going to help?!” You yell to the other three, raph is only laughing while Leo is telling you that you’ll be fine and Donnie doesn’t even look up from his work. Then Mikey drags you back to his bed and yes you both did cuddle all day even tho you reminded him several times he said he’d let you go to do things.
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Here’s this for my submission for 4-1!
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@turtle-babe83 @post-apocalyptic-daydream @scholastic-dragon
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zprites · 2 years
February TMNT All 4-1
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Another month, another All 4-1 😁🐢
The Gracious Hosts: @turtle-babe83, @thelaundrybitch, @leosgirl82, @tmnt-tychou, @nittleboo, and @post-apocalyptic-daydream
I ended up doing two of the prompts, the dialogue prompt I did reword a bit but the general idea is still there. This was a lot of fun to write so please enjoy the ride full of angst and fluff!
Bayverse! Donnie x F! Reader - SFW
As always, all turtles and reader are over 20 years!
I listened to Avocado Toast by Clinton Kane on repeat while writing this... Sorry, not sorry
Avocado Toast
There are days when it feels like the world comes crashin' And I've been numbin' the pain just to keep distracted Of all the things I would fade You're the one that's lasted Avo Toast - Clinton Kane
This was a huge mistake…
It wasn’t the idea of being set up on a blind date that was the problem. In fact, you grew more excited for the evening as the past week progressed thanks to your good friend and loving coworker, April. Over the last month she gushed about how compatible you and one of Casey’s friends would be, hinting that she wanted to set the two of you up. Finally you agreed on the blind date. All you knew about him was that he was ‘handsome with long hair and abs’, (April’s words), and that he shared similar hobbies and interests with you. Despite her optimism, you were still reluctant to go but you convinced yourself to give dating another try. 
To say that dating for you was hard was putting it mildly. The longest relationship you had ever been in lasted almost two years, taking a piece of you that you still struggled to get back. Since then you tried dating but nothing ever worked out. Either they were only looking for sex or were a walking red flag. Whatever the case was, nothing ever went past the first date. You often found yourself staring up at the ceiling late at night wondering if there was something wrong with you, the phrase ‘you are what you attract’ made a home in your mind and bared its fangs at any positive notion you had surrounding dating. 
The only time you felt whole again was when you spent time with your best friend. The two of you became almost inseparable soon after meeting due to April’s insistence that you meet the brothers. That night in the lair you found your way into his lab to find him elbow deep in an engine. You asked what he was working on, following along as he spoke. The conversation soon strayed to computers, which was something you were knowledgeable in. The two of you just clicked, understanding each other’s jokes and references the other made. Honestly, you enjoyed every moment with him. You texted him throughout your day, while your evenings were often spent together either at your place or at the lair. You spent countless hours with him in his lab, working side by side and conversing well into the morning. This caused you to be almost late to work more times than not, but you didn’t mind. 
You didn’t mind it when he accidentally woke you up with a phone call about a recent breakthrough. You didn’t mind taking care of him when he came down with a nasty flu he caught from one of his brothers. You didn’t mind catching said flu, bedridden while he crashed on your couch to make sure he was there to help. You didn’t mind his thigh resting against yours under the shared blanket during movie nights. 
You didn’t mind because you were in love with him. 
Since you met him seven years ago, your small crush evolved into something much more profound. A deep emotion that caused butterflies to flutter in your stomach and a smile to form on your face at the thought of him. He was there for you through thick and thin, taking you out on a nighttime picnic at a park when you got your promotion and being a shoulder to cry on when you broke up with your toxic ex. He even took you to the American Museum of Natural History one night, simply saying the police owed him a favor before the two of you went through each exhibit hand in hand. Even though you realized your feelings for him fairly quickly you didn't want to ruin the friendship the two of you shared. You were certain he only thought of you as a friend so you stayed silent, bottling up those feelings and convincing yourself it was enough. It truly was. As long as you got to be in his life, you were content.
However as your feelings grew for him, you found yourself going on less dates. Maybe subconsciously you knew that no one could hold a candle to him. Yet here you were, thanks to April’s insistence, on your first date in almost a year. 
No, the problem wasn’t that you agreed to a blind date. The problem was that the person sitting across the candlelit table from you was an absolute jackass. 
Before the two of you sat down you could feel the inflated ego that radiated off him, immediately rubbing you the wrong way with a single comment on your appearance. He talked about himself incessantly, not asking anything about you or allowing you to get a word in, leaving the conversation completely one-sided. The waiter delivered your drinks, interrupting your date and giving you enough time to excuse yourself to the restroom. Your irritation turned into genuine anger as you heard your date talk down to the waiter before he ordered for the two of you, insisting that all you needed was a side salad while you were still within earshot. 
Once inside the bathroom you let out a loud sigh. 
What the fuck were you thinking? Of course he’s just like the others… Man, this place has the best steak in the city too… 
You stared at your reflection in the mirror, contemplating your next move. Despite the fact you spent the better part of your afternoon getting ready and were pretty hungry, you didn’t think you could sit through dinner without decking your date in the face. You could text April and ask her to bail you out but you knew she was at a concert with Casey, and to be honest you didn't want her to know how much of a disaster this was. At least not yet. 
That left you with one option. You knew you could count on him to get you out quickly and that he wouldn't ask too many questions. 
You sent him a quick message from your watch.
You: Hey, can you call me in a few minutes?
You thankfully didn't have to wait long for a response.
D: Hey, sure can! Everything okay?
You: Yeah. I’ll explain when I’m on the cab ride home.
D: No need. I see you’re at Maggioli’s. I’ll be in the alley next to the restaurant in five minutes. Talk to you in a moment :)
You took a few deep breaths to collect yourself before leaving the restroom. As you sat back down the man in front of you began talking about his stance on women in the gaming world. You felt your eye twitch in agitation as the words ‘women can game, sure, as long as their shirt is low cut, but they’re better off sticking to the kitchen’. Thankfully he was interrupted by the sound of your phone ringing. You gave him an apologetic smile as you made a show to check who was calling you.
“Sorry, I got to take this.”
“Really? You know it’s rude to answer your phone while on a date.”
You apologized once more and answered the call, seeing your date roll his eyes out of your periphery.
“Hey mom. What’s up?”
“Mom? Are you sure you’re okay? It’s Don- Oh… This is one of those fake calls where I play along. Um, well... let’s see. Your uh… your cat! Yes! Something happened to Tamago and uh…” It took everything in your power to not smile as he made up a fake emergency regarding your beloved pet. 
You frowned instead. “Woah, slow down. Did something happen?”
“She um… I don’t know. Oh gosh, I’m not good at this…”
You had to bite your tongue to keep yourself from giggling. You stole a glance at your date who looked annoyed. Focus! 
“Oh my god!” You blurted with a worried expression. “No no, stay put. I’ll be right there.”
“Phew, thank you. I’ll see you soon dear.”
Your heart skipped the beat at the gentle tone he used in combination with the nickname he gave you only a month ago. 
It doesn’t mean anything. He couldn’t possibly like you back…
You disconnected the call and stood up from your seat.
“I’m so sorry. My father just had a heart attack and in the hospi-”
“I’ll give you a ride.”
Oh for fuck’s sake…
“I drove here.” You lied. 
“What about the food? You need to pay for your portion!”
You rolled your eyes. “All I ordered was water. Should have thought about that before you ordered for me. It was nice meeting you but I have to go. Sorry again.”
You quickly left the restaurant, breathing out a sigh of relief as soon as the chill of the air hit your face. 
An Oscar-worthy performance. Hopefully you’ll never see him again…
You walked to the side of the building and into the alley, scanning the rooftops as you went. Once your gaze caught sight of a familiar figure you couldn’t help but wave up at your friend. He waved back before jumping off the roof, landing softly in front of you despite his size and the thirty foot drop. 
“Man, you have no idea how glad I am to see you.” You breathed out, a wide smile on your face. 
“I think I have some idea.” Donnie chuckled, rolling his shoulders as he stood to his full height. The purple-masked terrapin towered over you but you were used to the difference in height. 
He smiled down at me. “But I think I’d get a better picture if you explained what that was all about.”
You thought back to the events leading up to now and let out a groan. “Fine. How about you take me home first and I’ll order us food while I spill all the gory details. I’m starving.” 
“Well then, let’s not dawdle. Your chariot awaits my dear.” He said in a teasing tone while holding his arms out.
You swallowed down the rush of certain emotions that threatened to break free at those words. “My turtle in shining armor. Or tech gear rather.” You joked as you allowed him to pick you up bridal style. He laughed at that, holding you close as he began to move. 
“Hold on tight.”
Donnie ran across the rooftops with practiced motions, each leap jostling you slightly. Your arms were around his neck as he held you with only one arm, keeping you pressed against his plastron. Soon the two of you were on your balcony. He set you down and followed after you into your apartment. 
Food was ordered and you changed out of your clothes, opting to wear something much more comfortable. Once in your pajamas you gave your cat who was lounging across the foot of your bed a quick pet. You left your bedroom and joined Donnie on the couch. He had taken his goggles and backpack off and set them near the door to your balcony which meant he was planning on staying. Not that you minded. 
“Slow night?” You asked him while positioning your legs to the side so that your sock-clad feet rested against his thigh. 
“Yep, which is surprising for a Friday night. They’ll call me if I’m needed.” 
You nodded at that, knowing his brothers were perfectly capable of handling any situation thrown their way. “Well, thank you for the save back there.”
“For you, anything.”
Don’t say things like that…
“I am curious about what transpired that constituted me swooping in and saving you though. It looked like you were on a date based on the Michelin star restaurant and the way you were dressed.”
You let out a sigh as you thought back to the date. “Long story short, April set me up on a blind date with Casey’s friend because she thought we’d hit it off, but he happened to be a massive asshat.”
“The first thing out of his mouth was ‘Wow, I’m amazed you have the confidence to wear that with all the extra weight you’re carrying around’. He proceeded to tell me how better I’d look if I went to the gym and offered to bring me with him. He was egotistical, misogynistic, and rude, not just to me but to the server as well. He even ordered for me, telling the waiter that all I needed was a side salad since I didn’t need the extra calories.”
Donnie stayed silent as you ranted.
“The nerve of that guy! If I want to enjoy a steak, I have every damn right to! I shouldn’t be surprised really. No matter how many times I try, I end up disappointed because all I seem to attract are shitty men. Maybe there’s something wrong with me…”
“Hey, now. You know that’s not true.” He straightened up, giving you an intense look. “You're kind, beautiful, and you have an amazing mind." 
You flushed a bit at his words. 
"I know that anyone would be lucky to have you…" He trailed off before turning away with a frown. 
The silence that followed was palpable. You got the sense that he stopped himself from saying more which caused your nerves to go haywire. Biting your lip you contemplated speaking up to say that you didn't want just anyone. You wanted him, but the fear that he wouldn't reciprocate your feelings held you back.
Donnie shook his head. “You know… Leo and I talked a few nights ago.”
“Yeah.” He let out a huff before continuing. “He made some interesting points about our friendship. About us…”
You frowned in confusion. A pit formed in your stomach as your anxiety levels rose. “Us?” 
“Look…” He spoke your name as his eyes met yours. “You and I have been through so much together. You’re the closest friend I have and I cherish every moment we spend together.”
See, ‘friend’... Nothing more.
“You always brighten up my days with your jokes and your smile. You see me for me, for who I really am.”
Please, stop…
“I just need to know… How much longer are you going to keep pretending?”
“What are you talking about?” You spoke quietly, finding yourself puzzled by his question.
Donnie licked his lips and took a deep breath. “You can’t possibly have no idea how I feel about you dear.”
Your breath caught in your throat.
“I- I know I’m not good with words, but since the first night we met you somehow found a home in my heart, so much so that I can’t imagine my life without you. You’re the last thing on my mind before falling asleep and the first when I wake up. I just can’t seem to get you out of my head. I didn’t quite know what these feelings were until that night at the park a few years ago, when you got your promotion and we sat on the swings. You told me everything about your life as we freezed our butts off, but that night all I could think was ‘I love this person and I want them in my life forever’.”
What…? This has to be a dream…
“I just didn’t know how to tell you…” He paused as he began tapping his fingers against his knee, something he often did when he was nervous. “I was so worried you didn’t have similar feelings but Leo, he knocked some sense into me.”
Holy shit, he loves you…
“You deserve the world times two and I want to be the one to give it to you, if you’ll let me…”
“Please say something…”
Your mouth opened and closed, unable to find the right words to say or any words for that matter. It was as if you lost the ability to form any coherent thought. So instead, you acted on those years of repressed feelings. 
You pushed yourself onto your knees and took his head in your hands before promptly placing your lips on his. He tensed at your touch at first but quickly found himself melting into the kiss, one hand coming to rest at your hip while the other cupped your face. You poured every unspoken thought into the kiss. Donnie responded in kind, the fingers at your waist twitching as you let out a soft moan. The press of his lips against yours was almost too much. Your heart felt ready to burst, warmth spreading throughout your entire body. 
The two of you parted, foreheads touching as your breaths intertwined. You kept your eyes closed as you felt his thumb brush over your cheek, catching the single tear that you didn’t realize escaped. You swallowed and hesitantly met his gaze, soft hazel eyes full of tenderness.
“I love you too…” You whispered. 
He beamed, his smile contagious as you felt the corners of your lips twitch upward as well. He leaned forward to kiss you again.
Knock-knock knock.
The two of you jumped at the sudden rapping at your front door. You chuckled nervously as you regretfully pulled away from him and stood up from the couch. You answered the door, thanking the delivery person before setting the food on the coffee table and returning to your spot beside him.
Your stomach growled before you could say anything, the scent of the warm food filling your apartment. He chuckled and planted a quick kiss on your temple. “C’mon dear. Let’s eat then we can watch a movie.”
“Will you stay the night?”
“Of course.”
“And you’ll stay for breakfast?”
“Sure. I’ll make your favorite.”
“Avocado toast?”
“Yes, with bacon. Just how you like it.”
“...I love you…”
“I love you too dear…”
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dilucsflame33 · 2 years
Movie Night 🔥🌸
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Okay, so I decided to participate in this challenge and I hope you all love this. Now, let's go! 😌
This is not edited, so I apologize if it's terrible. It's about to be 5 AM for me, so I'm not gonna bother. 🤣
🔞 Warning 🔞 NFSW 18+ ONLY
Just crack smut because we all need humor in our lives.
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"All right, guys. You all get situated, I'm gonna check on Lily." Leo says as he heads upstairs to his and Lily's apartment suite.
It was a movie night. Usually they would have it at the Lair but, due to the snowstorm, they went with Leo's place instead. The guys made sure their father was okay and had proper heating sources for the harsh weather.
The leader heading towards the master bedroom, he knocked on the door (out of habit) and opened it. His eyes widened then filled with wanderous desire and lust as he took in his wife's form. No matter how many times he saw her, his body would always go up in flames.
Her long white hair stuck to the bottom of her back, clearly finished drying it off as she worked on her arms and breasts.
Oh, he could taste her skin ready.
"Can I help you?" Lily's tone was filled with innocent curiosity, but he knew better than to fall for it. She wasn't as innocent as she made out to be. Used to, yes, but now she's just filled with surprises.
Leonardo chuckled with some sort of mischief as he closed the door behind him. "I think you already know, blossom."
Even with the stoic face, his heterochromatic eyes were gleaming with amusement. Clearly entertained by Leo's confession. "Do I, my dearest? We have guests downstairs. You better behave."
She gasped as Leo took grasp of her; the woman's breasts pushed against his plastron and the man can't help but smirk. "Then you better be quiet."
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Raph sighed as he looked towards the ceiling. "Why are they taking so long?"
"Maybe a malfunction?" Donnie concluded as he started typing on his phone, clearly talking to his wife while she traveled to London for business purposes.
"What kind of malfunction? For clothes? This woman is rich beyond belief. I won't be surprised if she has three closets worth." Raph grumbled as he started pacing. When he got older, he used to learn a little bit of patience. But he's starting to be on edge since his wife wasn't next to him.
"Dude, can you hear that?" Mikey said out of nowhere and that's when the brothers kept quiet and listened in. That's when their mouth gaped when they could hear moans from upstairs.
"Well there's your answer, Raph," Donnie whispered as the brothers gathered around each other as smirks were plastered on their faces.
"Man, Leo must be giving it to her good if she's making sounds like that," Mikey snickered as he rubbed his palms together. "You're thinking what I'm thinking, guys?"
Their plan was now set in stone.
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Lily couldn't hold it in even if she tried. Her beloved knew her weak points and he took advantage of it. Moans and whatever sounds came out of their throats as she gripped the sheets, her nails digging into them like a vice. His palms held on to her hips, his pelvis working wonders to her and she let out a pleasured wail of ecstasy.
"Thought you're gonna keep quiet?" He teased as his thrusts picked up speed. "You're so beautiful like this, Lily. I could ravish you like this forever if you let me."
Oh, she will definitely let him.
She knew he would take good care of her, and proved to her that he would.
With that, she held onto his shoulders as she could feel the edge of release. "Leo, I'm close!"
"Finish her, Leo!"
Leo all but stopped as he heard Raph yell from downstairs and the laughter that came with it, he knew his brothers heard everything. How could they? His wife was letting everything out and he almost felt sorry for her.
Her face says it all. She just wants to be buried under the covers.
And an idea but him, but Lily will either love it. Or he was sent to the dog house.
His thrusts continued and she gasped out at the sudden pleasure. "You heard him, little one. Come on, give me an orgasm."
She can't deny him of such a request, not when she was so close to the brink of paradise. Her back arched as she came for him and only him, screaming out his name as her small palms clutched him like her life depends on it. Leo can't help but to stagger as his release washed over him like a hurricane.
She just felt so good.
Oh, how he could just drown in this woman.
Her arms grew weak as she tried to catch her breath and his lips formed a prideful smirk.
"Fatality!" Leo yelled back to Lily's horror and the turtle brothers' laughter was heard soon after.
Oh, she could just kill a man right then and there.
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@turtle-babe83 @post-apocalyptic-daydream @nittleboo @leosgirl82 @thelaundrybitch @tmnt-tychou @hotredphoenix @happymoonangel @pheradream15 @fyreball66 @scholastic-dragon @akesdraws-blog @sharpwindow @exovapor @rin-rin-winter
If you don't want to be tagged or want to be tagged, let me know! ^^
Here's my Master List!
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akesdraws-blog · 1 year
Morning Confusion
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Since you started your relationship with the leader of the group, their mornings always started with little morning kisses on the forehead, sometimes it was Leonardo kissing your little forehead while he whispered soft words to wake you up, and other times it was you kissing that huge greenish forehead while he kissed you. you encourage him to get up (this happened only when the leader was sleeping in from a particularly heavy patrol or an intense game night with his brothers).
They both got ready an hour apart or maybe more if the bed felt more comfortable than usual.
But this time they both managed to get up at the same time.
L. -Work?-
Y/N. -Free day-
L. -It's early for you, isn't it?-
Y/N. -Don't get your hopes up, I hate when se espanta mi sueño, I can't sleep after-
L. -Just like a baby-
Y/N. -Hey!-
L. -Well, look at it this way, you have more time to take advantage of the day-
That's right, you used to be the type of person who loved to sleep his 8 hours or more if possible, your disciplined boyfriend's dream was that you will wake up with the sun with all the energy and attitude to start your day, you can only say that it will continue like this... Like a dream.
You rarely got up early or minimally at the same time as your partner.
We must say that their relationship had also reached a level of intimacy that Leonardo had even given you one of his spaces in the room so that you could leave some extra clothes, he assures that it is for the occasions when you stay to sleep, but internally it causes him a lot of happiness, because he can feel a new level of confidence.
So once they got dressed, it only remained to go out to brush their faces and teeth, you greeted the family who were already quite used to your stay.
Y/N.-Good morning, is there anything new in the news?-
R. -Nothing new, just the weather and some heavy traffic warnings-
Y/N. -What can I tell you?, There is not always news of foot soldiers or ninjas terrifying the city, sometimes it is just the "terrifying traffic"-
D. -Sometimes it is better not to listen to that news, it means a quiet day-
R. -Boring!-
M. -It means that you do our job so well that the bad guys have to take a day off too-
Y/N. -you said it-
D. -And Leo? Is he still asleep?-
Y/N. -No, he's just brushing his teeth-
L. -Did they talk to me?-
Leonardo would just come out with a little foam at the mouth while he was brushing his teeth, sometimes seeing that kind of image of "Mr. Discipline and order" was something refreshing and a little funny, or so you might have thought until your eyes focused in the brush that was in the hand of the huge turtle.
Y/N. -What are you doing with my toothbrush?-
L. -Which one?-
Y/N. -The one you have in your mouth-
L. -This is mine-
Y/N. -That's not your toothbrush, it's mine!-
L. -It's not true, it's the other blue toothbrush-
Y/N. -That's literally your color!-
L. -But you said you liked that one!-
The small revelation even caught the attention of the rest, who had stopped watching the news channel to just look at them with an expression of amusement at the situation that was happening right in front of them.
L. -Since when do you use it?-
Y/N. -Since when do YOU use it?-
R. -What is the problem?-
M. -Brother, you've both literally eaten ass enough-
D. -but do you dislike sharing a toothbrush?-
Y/N. | L. -This is not the problem!-
From then on they both marked their own toothbrushes to avoid future mix-ups.
Late but safe.
Ready this little and a little funny story for the event of the month of April.
Don't forget, the event is hosted by: @thelaundrybitch @post-apocalyptic-daydream @leosgirl82 @turtle-babe83
Tell me, do you ever lose sleep? It gets a little frustrating, right?
@post-apocalyptic-daydream . @turtle-babe83 . @turtlesmakemehappy . @dilucsflame33 . @thelaundrybitch . @scholastic-dragon . @leosgirl82 . @tmnt-tychou . @mackbunny . @happymoonangel .@lazyafgurl
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madnessismylover · 2 years
TMNT All 4-1 Challenge: February Entry
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A/N: Alrighty, entry number two! I have zero confidence that I wrote Donnie well, but I tried. This is my first time writing Bay!Donnie. I could picture him so well for this soo… ^_^” hopefully it’s not too bad.
*While this is SFW, all characters depicted and/or mentioned are 18+*
Pairing: Bayverse!Donnie x reader (she/her, “Y/N” used once)
“You’re gonna pretend like you have no idea how I’ve felt about you, since the first day we met?” & Pocky Game
Words: 738
“Hey, you ever play the pocky game before?” Y/N asked. Donnie slowly turned his head towards her and blinked. He was sitting at his computer while she was standing nearby, watching the plethora of screens but not looking directly at him. She held a box of strawberry pocky in one hand and a half eaten stick in the other.
“I know of it…” he said slowly, his tone curious but wary.
“Wanna play it?” She held up the box with a shrug. His mouth fell open and he looked around for any sign of his brothers.
“Uh- Do you know how to play it?” Donnie asked.
“No, but Mikey saw the box and asked if I’ve ever played it then he said you might know so I should ask you.”
“Oh did he now?” Elsewhere in the lair Mikey felt a sudden chill.
“It’s okay if you don’t want to, I’ll just go ask Mike-” She started to turn to walk away when he quickly grabbed the wrist that held the box.
“No!” He quickly released her wrist and cleared his throat. “We- we can play it.”
“Awesome. So, what do we do?”
“Well… you need an uneaten one,” he said and pointed to the one she held.
“Whoops,” she chuckled and ate the rest of the stick before pulling out two new ones and handing one to him. “Okay, now what?”
“We- you only need one, but uh, you put one end in your mouth.” She did before nodding and half humming around the stick,
“Okay now what?” she asked. He swallowed and rolled his chair so he was closer to her but couldn’t seem to look at her.
“Now… I put the other end in my mouth, we both eat it at the same time, and first to pull away loses…” he said in one breath. His eyes widened slightly when she leaned forward so the stick was closer to his mouth. He met her eyes and was frozen until she hummed and nodded her head impatiently. “Oh…” He gently took the other end of the stick in his mouth, eyes rapidly flicking between it and her eyes.
“Ready?” she mumbled around it and waited a few seconds - the longest three seconds of his life - before she spoke again, “go.” 
As their faces quickly grew closer he closed his eyes, prepared for the moment when she would pull away, only for them to fly back open at the feel of her lips against his. He blinked at her as she pulled back, smirking as she chewed her half of the pocky stick.
“You already knew how to play,” he said, it wasn’t a question.
“Maybe,” she said with a small shrug, smirk growing.
“Then… w-why did you-?”
“How else was I going to get you to finally kiss me?” she asked.
“You-? You wanted me to kiss you…?” She watched him blink rapidly as he processed that before he finally asked, “Why?” She raised an eyebrow at him.
“You’re gonna pretend like you have no idea how I’ve felt about you, since the first day we met?”
“Well, you did show various signs of attraction and interest when we first met, but you can probably guess why I didn’t wanna get my hopes up,” he said with a slightly forced chuckle as he looked down at himself. “I mean, what would someone like you want with someone like me? You could have anyone…”
“I don’t want anyone.” She put a hand on his face and he looked up. “Who I want is right here.” A big, silly, smile slowly grew on his face. He quickly put one end of the pocky stick he still held into his mouth, making her giggle. “You know, you don’t need that if you want to kiss me again.” He took it out with a slight chuckle.
“Oh.” He hesitated, glancing shyly from her to the ground and back. “So… I- can I-?”
“If you don’t, I will,” she said as she put her arms around his neck, stepping between his legs, bringing her face closer to his. He couldn’t help his grin.
“While I wouldn’t be opposed to that,” he said as his arms slowly wrapped around her. “I’ll admit, I have been wanting to kiss you for some time now… if this is a dream I hope I never wake up…” he muttered before their lips connected again.
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cowabunga-doll · 2 years
All 4-1 Challenge: Romance 💝💐
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Here we have it, this is my post entry for the TMNT All 4-1 Challenge hosted by the lovelies @turtle-babe83 @thelaundrybitch @leosgirl82 @nittleboo @tmnt-tychou and @post-apocalyptic-daydream
For the “Romance” challenge, i decided to do the “Pocky Game” scenario because i wanted to do a cute scenario between Leo and Aliyah where he wanted to go for a kiss using the pocky pocky in his mouth. (And i was pretty happy how it turned out ☺️☺️) I hope you guys like it!!
Leo/Tmnt (c) Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird
Aliyah Rose and Fanart (c) @cowabunga-doll (me)
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miss-andromeda · 1 year
In A Storm With My Best Dress
Universe: TMNT 2012
Turtle of Choice: Donatello
Prompt: “Well, that didn’t go as planned…”
Song Inspirations: Fearless (Taylor’s Version) by Taylor Swift, Streets by Doja Cat
Non-canon to my main story, as Andi and Don are 19. There’s no explicit smut, but it does get quite spicy - to be safe, I would consider this NSFW. Read at your own risk.
“Come in.” Donnie’s voice, laced with drowsiness, echoed through the closed door. Andi smiled to herself as she lightly pushed it open, gritting her teeth at the creaking. April’s farmhouse was definitely showing its wear at this point - considering they had been going there since they were 16, it made sense that three years and seven pairs of feet against the floorboards would wear them down. 
Donnie smiled softly at the sight of her, putting the book he was reading aside. “Hi, enchantress. What’s got you awake at 12:30 am?”
“How about we do something kind of adventurous?” She chuckled to herself as Donnie raised a nonexistent eyebrow. “Let’s go into the woods. See if we can find any plants to dissect; evening primroses, Japanese wisteria, and stuff like that. And maybe catch some fireflies while we’re at it. Like we’re little kids.”
Donnie’s confusion melted into an intrigued, slightly smug smile. “What made you want to do this, exactly?”
Andi’s confidence faded a bit as her arms went subconsciously around her stomach. “No reason, per se. I, um…” She fumbled for a reason - all while Donnie maintained that annoyingly adorable smile. “I just think it’d be fun, that’s all.” She then smirked at him, wanting to turn the tables. “I’m just surprised that you’re not jumping at the chance to go with your girlfriend into an isolated area, in the middle of the night, with no one following us.”
But Donnie didn’t fall for it, only chuckling back. “I’m not Casey, enchantress. I’d like to think I have at least 100 more IQ points than him.”
Andi laughed to herself as she nodded in agreement. “My point still stands, are you coming with me or not?” And when Donnie only smiled at her, this time genuinely, Andi knew that was her answer right there.
“It’s oddly beautiful out here, don’t you think?” 
“Definitely. Especially considering we’re not constantly facing threats from rage-bent mutants, or alien robots, or a spiteful master of ninjutsu who wanted nothing more than to destroy us.”
“Or a hate-fueled understudy that was bent on revenge and wanted nothing more than to finish what she started all those years ago.” Andi gave him a little smile as Donnie lightly squeezed her shoulder in comfort. “It’s fine now. She’s in the past, and she’ll stay there as far as I’m concerned.”
Donnie gave her a matching smile as he leaned in to lightly kiss her cheek. “You’re really done with her, huh?” When Andi nodded, his smile widened. “Good. You should be.”
She was about to respond, but her mind went blank as she felt a little drop against her arm. “What the…” Upon noticing it was rainwater on her skin, Andi’s eyes went wide as she stared at the sky. “You’ve got to be kidding me…”
As if to answer her question, another drop of rainwater landed directly on her forehead, making her both grimace and growl. “Don, run with me as fast as you can.”
Donnie didn’t need to say anything as he grabbed her hand and did just as she said, running as fast as he possibly could. They made it to the farmhouse in record time - but they still ended up looking like wet dogs (or at least, Andi did) by the time they made it back to the porch.
“Well, that didn’t go as planned…” Donnie mumbled as he had taken off his bandana, wringing out the excess water in it. While he wasn’t happy, he wasn’t furious either. It was just a major coincidence that the one night that he and Andi went outside into the woods to spend some time together, it rained.
Andi, meanwhile, was practically fuming as she crossed her arms, her hair matted to her face and her bow and pink t-shirt spotted with rainwater. “You think?” She muttered as she scowled at the now-soaked ground. “I should’ve researched whether it would rain tonight…such a dumb mistake…” She added, but softened almost immediately as Donnie pulled her into a hug to calm her down. “I’m sorry…I just hate that we had to get interrupted by the weather of all things…” She mumbled against his plastron, making him weakly smile as he left a kiss on her wet hair. 
“How ‘bout we go inside, dry off, and you change into something else? We can sneak out another time.”
Andi chuckled to herself at that. “What, so you want to sneak out next time?”
“Enchantress, I’ll do anything if it’s with you.”
Her heart fluttered as her smile increased and she pulled away to meet his eyes. “Let’s go.”
Donnie led her inside at the simple command and back upstairs, this time to her bedroom. “I’ll get you a towel.” He offered, making her smile softly as thanks. He then headed to the linen closet next to the bathroom, grabbed a worn but still usable white towel, and came back to her, letting her take it and wrap it around herself. “I’ll leave you be.” He smiled at her as he watched her go inside to her room, then went back to the closet to get another towel for himself. He was relieved that as a mutant, he dried much quicker than Andi did - and most of the rainwater from him was left on the porch. 
He quickly dried himself off, then tossed the damp towel in the washing machine in the laundry room. Tomorrow (or rather, in the daytime) would be laundry day, so April would take care of it while they were staying here. 
He walked back upstairs to the same scene as before. The hallway was quiet, but the sounds of snoring (likely from Mikey) echoed faintly from one of the bedroom doors. Rolling his eyes fondly, he decided to see if Andi was done yet. She normally didn’t take long to get dressed, and admittedly, there was a side of him that just wanted to hold her and go to sleep. The rain tapping against the windows was oddly comforting, and the thought of cuddling with Andi while listening to that sounded oddly soothing. 
But what his big mistake was…he forgot to knock. 
“Andi, are you-”
It was only a split second, but it was the first time he had seen her bra - white with a little bow in between the cups. 
Of course she wore a bra with a bow on it.
Of course.
“What the- Donnie, out!” Andi whisper-yelled to him as she scrambled to find a shirt, her face turning scarlet from embarrassment. Donnie did just that as he silently slammed the door, his face somehow turning a darker red than hers was. All the while, he was mumbling frantic apologies and how he swore on Darwin’s beard that he would never do anything that dumb again. 
But as he waited outside, his face still burning and his breathing a tiny bit…shallow, weirdly enough, he started to form a mental image in his head. She looked…beautiful like that. It was a weird sense of innocence and vulnerability, and even if he knew that he was not meant to see such a thing, it didn’t stop him from having an internal spontaneous combustion. Like his mind just went blank upon seeing her like that.
Maybe it was just primal instinct (he was a turtle at heart, anyway), but there was something about that image that Donnie never wanted to erase from his mind. 
In fact, there was a part of him that…almost wanted to see Andi like that again, as perverted as that sounded.
He was thankfully interrupted when Andi opened the door, now wearing a white top with pink text - saying ‘Made of SArCaSm’ - each element was written like it was part of the periodic table. But what was also prevalent was her flushed face. 
Very her. 
“So can we agree to just…never indulge that with anyone?” She asked, her voice still a soft whisper at the risk of waking someone up. 
When Donnie only nodded (his tongue felt so heavy that he could barely get the words out), Andi’s lips curled into a little smile as she led him into her bedroom, then shut the door behind her. “Is there a reason why you’re not speaking, professor?”
That nickname. Normally, it was endearing and Donnie always found himself either beaming or blushing (or both) when she used it. 
But now…it was not helping his burning face or the fact that his breathing was still a little bit shallow. 
Now she was starting to get concerned. He never acted like this; sure, he got flustered or embarrassed around her at times, but it was never to the point where he looked like he was about to pass out. 
“Hon? Are you-mmph?!”
She was cut off by Donnie kissing her with an unusual sense of reckless passion, cupping her jaw with his hands. Normally, he was much more delicate and pristine with her, always treating her like she was made of porcelain china, and the slightest jolt or drop would destroy her forever.
But here, all gentleness was out the window. And while it was a bit jarring (and frankly, startling at first,) Andi had to admit, she liked it. 
But it was over before it began; Donnie pulled away with an even redder face (if that was possible) and analyzed what he did. Her lips were a bit puffy and red, her eyes were wide and the look of confusion (but also…slight desperation? What?!) were so prominent. 
But he knew that if he said it wasn’t one of the most amazing sights he had ever seen, he’d be a liar. 
“What…was that for?” Andi breathed out as their eyes met. Judging by her tone, she was not about to start complaining, but she was more startled than anything. 
“I’m…” Donnie bit his tongue as he looked at the floor. He wasn’t about to apologize for doing that, but at the same time, he didn’t know what really came over him. 
Wait, yes, he did. 
That image.
“Andi…seeing you like…” He swallowed the heavy lump in his throat as he proceeded to explain himself. “...that, it um…triggered something…in me. I-I don’t know what, but it’s this feeling where I just want to be with you and love you like the goddess you are and-mmph…”
He was cut off this time by Andi kissing him in response - and he knew why. Partly to shut him up, partly because of the way her irises changed as he spoke. They became a bit more hooded, and he could’ve sworn that instead of looking into his eyes, she was looking directly at his lips, just waiting for the moment to make her move. 
And before either of them knew it, they were on her bed, and the kiss had gotten more feverish. Hands started to wander a bit, teeth started to collide, and with how warm they were so close together, it felt like the two of them would explode as a fireball if they weren’t careful.
Andi gasped against his lips as she felt his hand slip up her shirt and brush his fingers against her bra - likely to fuel his newfound fascination with it. She grabbed his bandana straps and ran her fingers along his neck, making him gasp and churr, before moving his lips down to her own neck.
But before he did, though, she gave him what he was clearly wanting. She pulled him away, and then slipped her shirt off, her bra free for his viewing pleasure.
This was a first. There was just something in the air that made them both want to just leap headfirst into unknown waters.
But unknown or not, Donnie’s kisses reverted to how they always were - soft, feathery, and leaving Andi sighing in contentment. He scattered kisses all across her neck; even dipping down even further to her collarbone as a little bonus. And that was something Andi always loved about him; he managed to be both teasing and gentle with her - even in the most intimate (and vulnerable) moments.
And that was never more evident than when Andi let out in between soft whines and gasps, “Is that all you’ve got?”
Never did it feel more perfect to do more. 
Letting his instincts take over fully, Donnie started to bite softly at her neck, making her finally moan into her pillow. And never did he hear a more beautiful, yet…almost carnal sound. 
He wanted more the second he heard it. 
So he found the spot that made her shudder the second he found it - and started alternating between biting and sucking softly. And when he heard her start to whimper and moan quietly as she bit her lip, something…unlocked in him. 
He liked hearing her like that. 
He loved seeing her like that. 
When he was finally satisfied and pulled away, his lips quirked up into a smirk as he saw the mark he left, but thankfully, Andi didn’t notice as he went back to kissing her collarbone. 
It was only when his hand started slipping behind her back to fumble with her bra straps did she gasp and shake her head. “Wait, Don…not now.”
Immediately, the sensual look in his eye faded and he went back to being his normal self. He nodded and gave her a little smile, handing her shirt back to her as he pulled her into his chest to cuddle. “Well, that was definitely an, um…interesting way to improvise.” He mumbled, making Andi snort quietly with laughter. 
Always such a dork with her. 
“Yeah, you’re telling me…” She agreed, but then her lips quirked downward. Something was on her mind. “Um, you’re not…mad at me, are you?” She asked, looking up to meet his eyes. 
Donnie’s nonexistent eyebrows furrowed in worry. “What? Why would I be mad?”
“Well, because we didn’t…you know…” She muttered, her face starting to turn hot at the implication she was making. 
He only ‘tsked’ and shook his head, pulling her closer. “Andi, I’m never mad with you. And I’m never going to be mad about that. I want you to be comfortable, and if you want to wait a while, that’s completely fine with me. You just let me know when you feel completely, and totally, 100% ready. Like I said, I’ll do anything if it’s with you.”
Andi’s eyes filled with warmth as she pulled him even closer to her. “How’d I get so lucky to get you?” She mumbled into his plastron.
Donnie smiled at her and smoothed her hair back, leaning down to kiss her forehead. “I’m the one that should be asking that.”
She smiled up at him, but now her eyes held a hint of playfulness. “That’s definitely one of the cheesiest things you’ve ever said in the four years we’ve been together.”
Donnie’s giggle echoed throughout the bedroom as he left another kiss on her head. 
The morning sunlight flooded the bedroom - especially considering Andi had opened the curtains the day before to watch the sunrise with Leo. But this time, she and Donnie had gleefully slept through the sunrise, still wrapped up in each other’s arms and with little smiles on their faces. 
But the quiet was broken as Mikey opened the door with a huge grin and holding a frying pan. “Hey-” But then he noticed the two were asleep, and lowered his voice to his normal tone. “Hey, dudes, come on. Breakfast is ready, made by yours truly.”
They were promptly woken up at that - Donnie yawned and stretched his limbs, while Andi rubbed at her eyes and smoothed at her hair. They looked like wrecks, but unlike normally, they didn’t seem grumpy. It was probably because of the moment they shared in the middle of the night, but regardless of what it was, the smile they shared as Andi addressed Mikey was warm and soft. “We’ll be down in a few minutes, Mikey.” She told the youngest brother, making him give them a thumbs up.
“Gotcha! Just try to be quick in case you want-” Mikey then noticed something on Andi’s neck - a red mark with a hint of purple. “Whoa, Andi, what happened to your neck?” But then he thought of something. “Ohh, did you get into a wrestling match with the vacuum trying to get your Crognard action figure back too?” He then nodded to himself, as if he just figured it out perfectly. “Been there, done that, girl.”
“What?” Andi slightly yelped, her hand going to her neck. When she ran to the little vanity in the corner of the room and peeked at the mark on her neck, she looked at Donnie through the mirror. “Really?”
Donnie only chuckled nervously and rubbed the back of his neck. “Ah, well, you know-” Before he could finish his own sentence, he booked it out of the bedroom and ran down the stairs, tittering to himself along the way. 
Shaking her head, Andi managed a little smile to Mikey. “Excuse me, Mikey. I’ve got to go kill your brother.” She then raced after him, her messy hair flowing in the wind. “Get back here!” She yelled, completely ignoring the confused looks that the two of them got from everyone else.
@leosgirl82 @thelaundrybitch @turtle-babe83 @tinkabelle19 @happymoonangel @margoteve @android-cap-007
Here's my submission for this month's All 4-1 Challenge! Hope you enjoy 😊 🩷
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Using prompt:"Why do you have a pair of her panties in your dresser?" "WHY ARE YOU IN MY DRESSER?!."
Its a typical Friday night ,and Raph upon entering his room finds Mikey of all the brothers, there at his dresser.
Mikey shot up and looks at Raph with a rather unreadable expression:"Why do you have a pair of her panties in your dresser?."
Raph was on the defenssive immediately:"WHY ARE YOU IN MY DRESSER?."
Mikey:"Uhhh look I was just looking for uh my other boxers so-."
Raph facepalms:"Yer really bad at lying Mikey."
Mikey chuckled sheepily:"Umm I was just curious as I read couples share dresser space. I wanted to see if thats true."
lets just say Raph had to have a talk with Mikey about privacy...and girlfriends🤣👀.
[Thank you for tagging me]
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