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part-ofyourworld · 7 years ago
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My unicorn 💙💙💙 #chriscolfer #thelandofstories #tlos #tlos2 #tlos3 #tlos4 #tlos5 #tlos6 #writer #glee #lgbt #soundofmusic #struckbylightning #kurthummel #bestsellingauthor #crisscolfer #fairytales #darrencriss #puppy #newyorktimesbestseller #halloween #strangerthings #goldenglobewinner #gleecast #gleefandom #strangerthanfiction #author #newyorktimes #twentycenturyfox #broadway @chriscolfer
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jalexlo · 7 years ago
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#Thelandofstories #thelandofstories #chriscolfer #christopherpaulcolfer #glee #struckbylightning #love #iloveyou #tlos #tlos2 #tlos3 #tlos4 #tlos5 #tlos6 #writer #lgbt #soundofmusic #kurthummel #bestsellingauthor #crisscolfer #newyorktimesbestseller #strangerthanfiction #author #newyorktimes #twentycenturyfox #broadway #connerbailey #alexbailey #disney #stories (at Columbus, Ohio)
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chriscolfernews · 8 years ago
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@LePrinceKido Couvs du T5 + T4 Poche du #LePaysDesContes de @chriscolfer que j'ai illustrées. Parutions le 8 juin aux @michellafon #TLOS #TheLandOfStories 
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davidgilson · 8 years ago
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En exclusivité, voici les couvertures que j'ai illustrées du tome 5 du "(Le) Pays des Contes" et du tome 4 version Poche de Chris Colfer à paraître le 8 juin prochain aux éditions Michel Lafon. :)
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alyssaneil · 8 years ago
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Thank you @chriscolfer for the Bailey twins magical journey through our favorite fairytales and giving us a new perspective on the world many of us thought we knew!!! As well as giving us brand new characters to love and root for and villains to despise!!#thelandofstories #TLOS1 #TLOS2 #TLOS3 #TLOS4 #TLOS5 #TLOS6 #thewishingspell #theenchantressreturns #agrimmwarning #beyondthekingdoms #anauthorsodyssey #worldscollide
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migleefulmoments · 5 years ago
CrissColfer Strategy #2
This piece was posted on 2/19/20 but it is originally from 2018 prior to LM/DC. It’s always amusing to read their theories about big upcoming changes in Darren’s love life in light of the fact that Mia has been a steady force in Darren’s life for 10 years.
Here they are debating whether Lea will be Darren’s new beard- a theory that required them to ignore both Mia and Zandy. In this post we see justcantgetenoughcc using the “trust me I know more than you do but I can’t share it” strategy. Honestly, this is the one that baffles me the most. While I can see the slow-motion gifs for what they are- pure manipulation, I know that TLOS isn’t the Klaine bible they want it to be and I can understand how other’s can be conned with that evidence. What I can’t understand is why anyone would trust someone who continues to say “I know more than you do but I can’t share it with you...just trust me”.  Those very words are literally the exact words that should raise one’s caution flag. Mommas, the one thing you should teach your children is to never trust someone who claims to know the truth but can’t share any evidence. Especially if that story goes on for 5 or 10 years.
ilikesomedistance There was a discussion many years ago, that they (PR and F/ox) wanted to bring Lea and Darren together. But it never worked out for many reasons.
Guess it’s happening now.
stopandimaginelove  But whyyyyyyyyyyyyy 🤐
justcantgetenoughcc Interesting question.
The primary reason was always to break Chris and Darren up.
RM/Ricky all playing together. AB imo not that invested but to a degree (at least initially). Even beard (she realized what she can have by getting rid of Chris and why she too is very much part of the game now). Each had their own reason for being invested, as Chris and Darren in love and united as a team, made it difficult to manipulate Darren. In a way, that - Darren and Chris in love - was also their Achilles heel. Each put the other ones’ interest first - and got manipulated in giving up their autonomy. Chris had nothing to hide as he was already out. Why would he even need a beard? They were so young and so naïve to Hollywood’s manipulation tactics. I don’t think they had anyone with industry experience, with their interests at heart, to advise them or look out for them. It was too late and they were in too deep, by the time they realized what they had agreed to. They still tried to back out of some of their worst mistakes. Some day… they will tell those stories or it will turn up in Chris’s books.
Initially people assumed that all that proximity and playing boyfriends onscreen - and no doubt their amazing chemistry - must be why they were together. I am sure they thought it will never last or they will get over it or get tired of it and move on to others once the itch was scratched. Like most young guys (as young gay guys - not my opinion at all - but a lot of people believe that).
But it didn’t happen that way. They didn’t break up. Instead they went and got engaged over Dec 2012/NYE 2013 (that was from when we have the pic of Chris looking at his ring standing next to his suitcase at an airport). They were serious from the get-go. They were ‘IT’ for each other.  They were even living together (even before Glee Live 2011 - in Chris’s first rented apartment in LA). I think it was Joey who once commented that he saw Darren only when he needed more clothes (Don’t quote me on it though. Ha). When Chris bought his first home in Laurel Canyon, guess who moved in there with him? It wasn’t W as most of the fandom was led to believe. There’s enough proof in their own words and since this is going to be a long post, I am going to leave some of those details out of this. And some I can’t reveal.
Why do you think LU Tour happened? It was another attempt to break them up and also to get Darren to declare his longtime gf of a hundred years. There was no way Darren would agree to it when Chris and Darren are together. And so his team came up with the clever “DIVIDE and CONQUER” tactic. Get Darren away from Chris and break him down.
Nothing ELSE came out of LU tour and so I am right in my assumption here.
A Darren who missed Chris on the road, who was mentally and physically exhausted from his days on the tour… gave in… WITH TEARS… a heartbroken Darren was FORCED to declare a gf - reading from a script, answering questions from a script, at the Toronto Radio Interview - WHILE he was already ENGAGED to CHRIS.  There are many ways I can cement the claims I am making. But they are NOT mine to share.
If you doubt me, that the intent ALWAYS was to break them up (come on guys! connect the dots!), so much has been exposed in the last two years, especially in the last six months.
Why were they forced to have beards? It wasn’t FOX (in fact there's a story not known to many that FOX was going to let Chris and Darren come out (heck they even knew of their engagement - again stories that I cannot reveal) but others disagreed/disapproved of that move and stopped it). Some of the old fandom crowd know of this. Why were their beards ALONE always allowed access to the glee set? Why were M and W paraded so much on the sets? Why was the beard woman given a job at FSO (where she did nothing really but was given free credit for work others did). Chris was already OUT. He was a grown up guy who always took care of himself even when he was much younger.
During 5.14 filming in NYC, it was clear that the film crew took care of Chris and Darren. All their needs on the set was met along with the rest of the cast present (Amber, Chord, Kevin, Lea and Darren). Even holding up their winter coats for them to slip their arms through. W didn’t do anything other than obstruct the filming (and there were a lot of complaints about W and he had to be told many times to move out of the crews way). Do you think Chris paid for W to accompany him to NYC where he wasn’t needed at all? Who had the most to gain from that decision to have W there?
The beards were ALWAYS meant to WEAR THE GUYS DOWN. To create discord between them. To grate on their nerves. To be a thorn in their side. You get the drift.  It still didn’t work. Those two guys still stayed strong.  
Yes, there was an attempt to END KLAINE early in S6 and use Darren/Blaine as Lea/Rachel’s LI and have them be the prime couple who got married to each other (instead of a Finchel wedding that RM always talked about) at the SERIES Finale. That didn’t work either. That story is known to many in the fandom. But is not mine to tell.
Look at all the attempts made to prevent Darren and Chris coming out. Since 2015.
I have repeated this so many times since 2015 and am going to repeat it ONE LAST TIME for the people who have joined the fandom since 2015.
Glee was filming the last season. Beards were barely on the set even with all the heavy make-out scenes (heavier Kliss scenes, emotional scenes, the elevator scene, the wedding, future Klaine etc). Guess everyone felt bearding was ending too as Glee only had a few more months left. We got the NOW FAMOUS BTS interview from the ranch - the day the Klaine wedding was being filmed - where Chris and Darren were interviewed by Leanne Aguilera (and not M). Where they admitted so much and looked radiant and vibrant. Best of all they admitted to being good friends in real life.
Then we got the Ellen Show where Darren and Chris interacted and wrote each others names (not to mention the incident where Chord slipped up and mentioned meeting Chris and Darren. Nothing dramatic happened by way of reaction or retaliation from PR).  Then came the Paleyfest and the Mario Lopez radio Interview - where Chris was present with Darren and Mario in the recording room. We counted Chris’s laughter interspersed  - at least five times. It wasn’t edited out. We rioted over all of those events repeatedly. It was like the CC drought was finally over. They were allowed to breathe free. And acknowledge each other. Say they were good friends with each other.
[We have proof on several claims I make here and are known to a lot of people but we can’t share them yet].
We knew they went on a European vacation that ended in Paris where Darren had to attend the CON with a few other Glee cast. Darren alone didn’t stay at the hotel where the CON was held, where the rest of the cast stayed. Ask yourself why. Darren returns to NYC and starts rehearsing for Hedwig Broadway that starts mid-April. Everyone was happy and there were several SM follows of both Darren and Chris back to back by Hedwig Crew and BTS crowd. Lot of happy tweets and fun stuff.
It felt like Darren had a few more months left to freedom. Chris plans his TLOS4 book tour around Darren’s closing show at Belasco - so that he can sit in the audience and not watch from the shadows as he did during the first 119 days of the run. Alla Plotkin, Chris’s publicist, allowed it and supported it (if there were any known contracts or clauses that prohibited Chris’s presence at the closing show, Alla wouldn’t have /couldn’t have allowed it) and planned the whole tour accordingly with Chris.  
So close to freedom and to coming out… and then out of the blue, Darren’s perfectly written Broadway BIO was edited to a mess of a BIO and  ‘xos to mia’ was included. Overnight Darren’s personal life got hijacked by a scheming woman and Darren’s manager. Eleni who was a longtime good friend of Jeff Jernigan, was appointed as Darren’s assistant (watchdog) at Belasco. Darren who hadn’t even seen or heard from the beard for many months, and Darren who had never displayed any real closeness to the woman - posts a dressing room kiss (long story about that too. (Read mleigh69’s post on how the Belasco kiss was staged).
From there on, everything went to hell in a hand basket. All their hopes and plans were dashed.
From that time to the present, how closely Darren is monitored and watched and babysat…is ridiculous. Darren has more people on his secret service detail,  sometimes more than even the President himself (it feels like). He sang 4 songs in Utah recently and he had Ricky, AB, Jeff Jernigan, Eleni, beard and Ken Sunshine (the boss of Sunshine Sachs) with him in Utah.
All their attempts to coming out was thwarted. Chris wasn’t allowed to attend the Hedwig closing show even though he had timed it to end the day before, giving him time enough to fly to NYC from LA. Chris who had never made a career misstep, chose to put his reputation as a children’s book author on the line by acting drunk - just so he could get on a plane to NYC. He had to watch the closing show from the shadows but am sure that was preferable to being beaten or giving in to two conniving people.
Even the ENCAGE was partially to stop CrissColfer from coming out. See what the encage did. All of Darren’s commitments and obligations were OVER AND DONE with by then… except for the NOOSE called the encage now. That was pretty timely, wasn’t it?
Why is Darren going on a tour with Lea Michele when Lea’s album was poorly received and didn’t do well at all? All her shows failed. She really has nothing much going on.  Hmmmm…
If am guessing, let me be wrong for one last time… WHAT IF IT IS TO KEEP CHRIS AND DARREN APART? As all their attempts and excuses to prevent Chris and Darren FROM COMING OUT ARE EXHAUSTED?
So now there are tours and MORE TOURS… where Darren's TEAM THINKS he has to remain NO HOMO for the tours to sell. They quickly got him committed to a LONDON concert while ACS was still airing.
Now ACS is over.
And sure enough, just as the ENCAGE IS COMING APART AT THE SEAMS… we have THE LM/DC TOUR!!!!
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They had a tin man too!
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ajw720 · 7 years ago
I watched the build series interview with D and E and it was fantastic! One line that D said- be the hero of your own story and that is certainly from C’s book. WOW!
Ask 2: In the interview, I loved when darren said “every person is the hero of their own story”, that’s the exact quote from tlos
Two astute people, yes in fact that is an exact quote from TLOS4 and one that I believe is incredibly presonal:
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I always thought in so many ways Chris was speaking to Darren through this quote and saying that Darren will be the hero of his story.  And i love that Darren used this today when talking about the characters he has played and about his common denominates the he finds with the characters.
Fantastic interview, i have another ask and more to say on other aspects
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thelandofstories · 10 years ago
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Hey Tumblr! Chris Colfer will be answering your questions about his new novel, The Land of Stories: Beyond the Kingdoms.
Submit your questions in the ask box here. FOLLOW ALONG HERE.
Answers will be posted at 3pm EST/ 12 PST on Thursday, July 9th.
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part-ofyourworld · 7 years ago
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My unicorn 💙💙💙 #chriscolfer #thelandofstories #tlos #tlos2 #tlos3 #tlos4 #tlos5 #tlos6 #writer #glee #lgbt #soundofmusic #struckbylightning #kurthummel #bestsellingauthor #crisscolfer #fairytales #darrencriss #puppy #newyorktimesbestseller #halloween #strangerthings #goldenglobewinner #gleecast #gleefandom #strangerthanfiction #author #newyorktimes #twentycenturyfox #broadway @chriscolfer
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chriscolferarts · 8 years ago
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Chris Colfer and his books-kids 📚
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tr0llb3lla · 9 years ago
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@thelandofstories in the latest issue of Publishers Weekly   
Publishers Weekly issue - July 25th, 2016 
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migleefulmoments · 6 years ago
Abby characterizing Chris as a vengeful dick.
“And of course, even when the story does break, and someday it will, we will never know the whole story. I do not think Darren will ever publicly say one negative word about Mia (its not his personality though I would love to be wrong), he has let Chris do that through his books, which Chris has done beautifully.  His characterization of Morina in TLOS4 says so much- one of my favorites “I decided to share my creations…for a price” (pg 78).  Not to mentions his description of her when she looks in the mirror of truth and the reference to her as a “goat” which we all know has meaning to Chris an Darren (I Don’t Mind/Broadway Brain Busters)>  But i won’t spoil the book further.” 
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hrh-daisycolfer · 9 years ago
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2015 // 2016 I'm proud of my boy ❤
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ajw720 · 7 years ago
I believe in CC as much as you all do, and I hate to burst your bubble and bring this up, but the IG photo where Chris is supposedly using Brian to cover up the Hedwig logo on his hoodie is wrong. That photo was posted in February 2014 and Darren was announced as Hedwig a year later in 2015.
Anon, first, while I do believe he had a hedwig hoodie on in a photo from summer 2015, it certainly would not BURST my bubble if not true nor would it destroy my belief in CC.  It is circumstantial at best and while I did in fact compare the real hoodie to the one in the picture, there is no way i can prove it.  Further, I have barely mentioned that- it was one post that was done for fun because yes, sometimes it is way too serious around here and it is good to highlight lighter things.
However, I believe in CC because I have actual real facts that substantiate that it is true and real and not a figment of my imagination or my tinhatter deluded brain.
To be clear, on the photo I was referring to (when even was that posted- months ago so not sure why you are bringing it up), it is not Brian and it is not that photo you are referring to. It is a pic with TLOS4 that he published on twitter (it is not on his IG). And the fact that it was a TLOS4 book, certainly captures the time frame as summer 2015 as that is when the book was published.  I am way to lazy to look for it but it certainly is in my archive or on Chris’ twitter. Please feel free to find the actual photo I am referring to in my post.
I would suggest that perhaps before coming to me and telling me I am wrong, which I admit happens, I am not infallible, at least have your facts straight.
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dreamersdessert · 9 years ago
Does anyone have a TLOS4 book that has been signed, in 22 cm? I have one signed copy but in 20 cm, and the other books are 22 cm - my ocd screams! 
Write me a message if you want to trade - thank you! ^_^ 
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