#TL:DR @vernasce will be my writing account where I post my work
vernasce-blogs · 2 years
OFFICIAL: writing/work moved to @vernasce
I’ve always felt a bit disorganized with having my writing posted on the same account where I’m constantly reblogging posts or posting the most random shit.
From now on, this account, vernasce-blogs, will be my spam account, while vernasce, will be my official writing account.
Both accounts will serve their own purposes. My blogging account will my main active account for updates, asks, and interacting with others, basically a dump account. vernasce on the other hand will be my writing account. I will continue to interact with others on both accounts, such as asks, questions, and relatively anything in my inbox.
@vernasce will be my writing account, and @vernasce-blogs will be my unorganized spam account
See you all on @vernasce
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