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Scrog Timeline based on Life and times here we go. Part one lil kid scrog livin in Scotland.
The extended life and times of Scrooge McDuck. Part 1 - Glasgow 1867
First. There are a bunch of stories which show snippets of Scrooge’s life as a child (usually around Christmas). These snippets can vary from a single panel to multiple pages, but they are never the main plot. Among these are:
W DD 70-01, The Search for Cyril
W DD 72-01, Secret Of The Sargasso Sea
S 63099, Chairman of the Bored
D 9044, Wait For Me
D 99078, The Quest For Kalevala
I PM 187-2, The Brotherly News. - Note: Scrooge, Gideon and Grandma are shown as kids together in Scotland.
D 92305, The Lost Birthday. - Note: Partially time travel/suggested dream sequence, partially flashback.
I TL 2442-5, The Ghost’s Treasure… Or The Other Way Around
D 2012-058, Donald's Homemade Christmas
I TL 3063-2, The Numismatic Process
I TL 3239-1, A New Christmas Carol
I TL 3369-1, The Comfortable Temptation
D 2019-039, The New Year that Wasn't. - Note: This story contains a scene in which Scrooge travels to the past to give himself the number one dime. This is not reverted.
I TL 3368-1P, A Tournament of 100 Doors
D 2020-210, In Time For Christmas. - Note: This is a time travel story, and so the snippet is actually not a flashback. The snippet takes place during the night before Scrooge leaves for America.
I TL 3448-2, A Mysterious Anniversary
H 2022-002, The Treasure of Captain Seabass
I TL 3499-1, Fame
I TL 3501-3, Clear Coin Cleaning
I TL 3536-1P, The Test of Scottishness
I TL 3550-1P, The Leap Lamp. - Note: This story interestingly contains a retcon of D 91308. This retcon consists of Scrooge getting his shoeshine box on Christmas, as Fergus couldn’t finish it in time for his birthday. No known story contradicts this.
From here we can continue onto full stories that depict Scrooge’s time as a wee lad, whether they are flashbacks or not. Stories are placed in timeline order. If not sure (so for most of them) they are placed in release order. Among these are:
W US 44-04, The Invisible Intruder. - Note: Life And Times’ depiction of this time of Scrooge’s days is largely based on this story.
B 790164, A Taste and Three Cruzeiros
B 820168, A Christmas From the Past. - While the narrative is primarily about this past adventure, Scrooge only plays a secondary role.
B 830113, The First Bin. - Note: History told by LVD. Story does not necessarily seem to take place in 1860s Glasgow.
I TL 2865-03, The Mistake. - Note: Rare one pager showing Scrooge at school. Is in conflict with I TL 2695-1 in showing something that shouldn’t yet have happened according to Scrooge’s accounts in that story.
D 2013-026, The Orphan's Christmas
F DBG 16, The Dragon of Glasgow
H 2023-183, The First Christmas Ornament. - Note: After interference of Grandma Duck by the end, this story is revealed to be a fiction made up by Scrooge.
D 2020-145, The First Adventure. - Note: This story is a direct lead-in to Rosa’s story. As such, it’s probably the only one that can be surely placed.
D 91308, The Last of the Clan McDuck. - Note: it is very well possible for any of the above mentioned stories to take place during this story, as it contains time skips.
Honorable mentions:
I TL 756-A, Klondike’s Gold. - Note: This story famously portrays Scrooge’s youth as taking place in the Klondike, going as far as having him be born here.
W DAD 29-02, The Last Laugh. - Note: Scrooge mentions shining shoes and delivering papers when he was HDL’s age.
W DD 48-02, A Bucket of Scones. - Note: Scrooge mentions having left Scotland 60 years ago.
W JW 29-03, The Good Deed. - Note: Scrooge mentions growing up in Scotland in a boys’ home. Together with HDL they also visit his hometown: Pinchpenny.
I TL 697-B, The Unfortunate Dream. - Note: Dream sequence where Magica sees Scrooge earning his first dime as a child.
S 81095, The Search For Viking Treasure. - Note: Scrooge earns his first money by plowing fields.
I am 99% certain I have forgot and/or missed stories, so please feel free to comment or whatever to add to this. This post will keep being updated.
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mostlysignssomeportents · 11 months ago
This day in history
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I'm touring my new, nationally bestselling novel The Bezzle! Catch me in TOMORROW (Apr 17) in CHICAGO, then Torino (Apr 21) Marin County (Apr 27), Winnipeg (May 2), Calgary (May 3), Vancouver (May 4), and beyond!
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#15yrsago Canadian Members of Parliament voting records (finally) online https://web.archive.org/web/20090419144031/http://www.thestar.com/News/Canada/article/620435
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#10yrsago UK Tory MP who helped kill Legal Aid is wiped out by defending himself against sexual assault claim https://web.archive.org/web/20140414232920/https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/130000-poorer-in-fees-nigel-evans-admits-regret-for-past-support-of-legal-aid-cuts-9259579.html
#5yrsago “A Message From the Future”: short film about the “Green New Deal Decade,” narrated by AOC, drawn by Molly Crabapple, presented by Naomi Klein https://theintercept.com/2019/04/17/green-new-deal-short-film-alexandria-ocasio-cortez/
#5yrsago Canadian Civil Liberties Association sues Toronto, Ontario, and Canada over the plan for a Google Sidewalk Labs “smart city” in Toronto https://www.vice.com/en/article/gy4bgj/canada-is-getting-sued-over-sidewalk-labs-smart-city-in-toronto
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eternitycomenevermore · 1 year ago
非公開ぎょうざ倶楽部プレミアム会員 @genkainerd
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posted at 00:33:18 削除
Permalink - 2019年10月28日
非公開ぎょうざ倶楽部プレミアム会員 @genkainerd
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posted at 22:21:56 削除
Permalink - 2019年02月20日
非公開ぎょうざ倶楽部プレミアム会員 @genkainerd
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posted at 14:08:47 削除
Permalink - 2019年02月18日
非公開ぎょうざ倶楽部プレミアム会員 @genkainerd
一年近く発達TLを眺めていると抑鬱 → 徐々に復活 → 慣れてきた途端に調子こき始める → チャレンジ → 抑鬱みたいなサイクルを長期・短期的に繰り返している発達ポロワーがチラホラいて、ADHDは喉元過ぎれば熱さを忘れる生き物なのだと彼彼女らが撃沈する度に再認識するし反面教師にさせてもらってる
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posted at 20:48:32 削除
Permalink - 2019年02月04日
非公開ぎょうざ倶楽部プレミアム会員 @genkainerd
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posted at 15:26:05 削除
Permalink - 2019年01月09日
非公開ぎょうざ倶楽部プレミアム会員 @genkainerd
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posted at 13:28:30 削除
非公開ぎょうざ倶楽部プレミアム会員 @genkainerd
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posted at 13:17:01 削除
Permalink - 2018年12月11日
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yatirim-analiz · 2 years ago
Tatlıpınar Enerji Üretim, TATEN Hisse Koduyla Halka Arz Edilmeyi Planlıyor
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Vakıf Yatırım‘ın aracılık edeceği Tatlıpınar Enerji Üretim, TATEN Halka arzına dair bilgileri sizler için toparlamaya çalıştık.
Tatlıpınar Enerji Üretim Halka Arz Bilgileri
  Halka Arz Tarihi: Belli Değil Halka Arz Fiyatı: Fiyat Tespit Raporu Bekleniyor Dağıtım Yöntemi: Eşit Dağıtım Dağıtılacak Pay: 66,600,000 Lot Aracı Kurum: Vakıf Yatırım Menkul Değerler A.Ş. Bist İşlem Kodu: TATEN Bist İşlem Pazarı: Yıldız Pazar
Tatlıpınar Enerji Üretim Halka Arz Özet Bilgileri
Finansal Tablo 2022 2021 2020 Hasılat 1 Milyar TL 300,2 Milyon TL 20,5 Milyon TL Brüt Kar 375,9 Milyon TL 202,1 Milyon TL 5,9 Milyon TL TATEN Halka Arz Gelirini Nerede Kullanacak? (Fonun Kullanım Yeri) - -35 Rüzgar enerjisi santrali kapasite artışı yatırımları. - -40 Hibrit güneş enerjisi santrali yatırımları. - -35 Kredi geri ödemeleri. Tatlıpınar Enerji Üretim Halka Arz Şekli - Sermaye Artırımı : 20.600.000 Lot - Ortak Satışı : 27.600.000 Lot (Hüseyin Avni İbrahimağaoğlu) - Ortak Satışı : 9.200.000 Lot (Ali İbrahimağaoğlu) - Ortak Satışı : 9.200.000 Lot (Akdeniz İnşaat ve Eğitim Hizmetleri A.Ş.) TATEN Halka Arz Tahsisat Grupları ve Başvuru Şekilleri - (Tahsisat Gurpları Güncellenecektir.) - *** Lot - Yurtiçi Bireysel Yatırımcı - *** Lot - Yüksek Başvurulu Yatırımcı - *** Lot - Yurtiçi Kurumsal Yatırımcı Tatlıpınar Enerji Üretim Halka Arz Sonrası Hisse Satmama Taahhüdü var mı? - 6 Ay, İhraççı. - 6 Ay, Ortaklar satış yapmayacaklarını taahhüt etmişlerdir. Hisse Fiyat İstikrarı var mı? ve Günlük Alım Emri Taahhüdü Var mı? - Fiyat İstikrarı Planlanmamaktadır - 5 Gün, 9.200.000 adet günlük geçerli alım emri girecektir. Tatlıpınar Enerji Üretim Hisse Halka Açıklık Oranı? - .04 TATEN Halka Arzında T1-T2 Kullanılabilir mi? - T1-T2 KULLANILAMAZ Halka Arz Ek Dosyalar - Taslak İzahname - Fon Kullanım Yeri Raporu
Halka Arz Başvuru Yerleri?
- Vakıf Yatırım Menkul Değerler A.Ş. - İnfo Yatırım Menkul Değerler A.Ş. * İlerleyen aşamalarda tamamlanacaktır.  
Tatlıpınar Enerji Üretim Hakkında
  Balıkesir sınırları içerisinde yer alan Tatlıpınar RES, 0 yenilenebilir enerji üretmek hedefiyle Kasım 2019’da 5 türbin ile (19,5 MW) faal olarak işletmeye açıldı. 2021 Yılında ise kapasite artışı ile toplamda 25 türbin ile (115,5 MW) enerji üretimine devam etmektedir. Tatlıpınar RES, son kapasite artışı ile 392.000 MWh üretim kapasitesine sahiptir. 2023 yılında yapılacak olan 79 MW Güneş Enerji Santrali yatırımı ve 33,6MW Rüzgar Enerji Santrali kapasite artışı ile Tatlıpınar RES toplamda 228,1 MW kurulu güce ve 607.000 MWh yıllık üretim kapasitesine ulaşacaktır.   Halka Arzı Planlanan Şirketler için Halka Arz Takvimimizi Kontrol Edebilirsiniz. Read the full article
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rkmb · 6 years ago
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             —————————————   𝙡𝙚𝙚  𝙨𝙪𝙬𝙤𝙤𝙣𝙜  𝘧𝘰𝘳  𝘵𝘳𝘪𝘱𝘭𝘦  𝘵𝘩𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘵  𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘦𝘯𝘨𝘦  !                              𝐫𝐚𝐩 ( self-written, 35s )  /  𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 + 𝐝𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 ( 0:00 -  1:22 )
        lee suwoong!
        he perks at the sound of his name.
        please make your way to the stage!
        “here.”  he shoves his phone into his friend’s hand.  “record me, and make sure to get my good side.”  not that he has a bad side, but y’know.
        with that, he ushers toward the stage, slowing for a brief moment to greet the attendant at the bottom of the stairs with a slight bow.  then, he’s at the center of the stage with countless pairs of eyes bestowed upon him.  something flutters within his chest -- anxiety, excitement, he can’t tell the difference, but one thing’s for sure:  he loves the attention, loves the way everyone peers up at him, waiting, anticipating.
        and so he does what he does best:  he performs.
        unlike most others he’s seen, he doesn’t start with the typical introduction.  he knows a simple “hi, my name is . . .” will go over the judges’ heads, so he has elected -- albeit jokingly at first -- to rap his introduction.  it’s a calculated risk.  he’s not the best at rap, buuut the judges don’t know that.  if he messes up, chances are the judges won’t catch on 'cause it’s his own rap;  they don’t know how it’s supposed to go, right?  right.
        his fingers tighten around a small object fitted perfectly in the palm of his hand as he starts:
mirror, mirror, don’t you see? memorize, mesmerize, this nobody. lee suwoong, didn’t hear that wrong. memorize, mesmerize, this swan song.
look at me, look into my eyes. notice the way i perform with a smile. curved lips, just can’t disguise, coming here’s a choice worthwhile.
        he slowly makes his way toward the end of the stage that’s closest to the judges, his eyes locked on one of them in particular, unwavering, unfaltering.
i know what you’re thinking, i sense your state of mind. your gaze betrays you, you’ve got results defined.
        he sinks down into a low crouch, his voice dropping an octave.
paralyze, pacify, pervade, and pray. here, take this inhaler---
        he sets the hidden object in his hand down at the edge of the stage.  it’s an actual inhaler.  how did he get one?  no one knows.
just in case i take your breath away.
        and to finish off his introduction, he gives the judges a wink before slinking up and walking back to the center of the stage.  once there, he remains in position, with his back to the audience.  now, it’s his time.
        the music begins.  it’s a rather upbeat song that he starts off by snapping along to, and as the second phrase starts  ( 0:06 ),  he swivels on his heel to face the crowd again.  the sequence that follows is a choreography he has learned from youtube with just a few modifications to enhance the playful attitude that’s reflective of his persona.  he grins, scrunches up his nose, quirks one eyebrow, then both---all in the name of being expressive  ( which is, quite frankly, the only thing he’s got going for him ).
        it’s only a second after making a surprised expression that he realizes he has missed the first two BAAM!s that he was supposed to sing.
        or shout.
        his choice song doesn’t quite showcase his vocals as much, but ah, he’s dancing at the same time, so there’s gotta be some sacrifice.
        after that blunder, he settles into a rhythm, rolling his hips and biting his lip at key points.  he sings the parts, though he doesn’t quite remember doing so once the words leave his mouth  ( practice has ingrained the lyrics into him, so that he can focus on what matters more -- the dance, the show ).  at one point, he catches a glimpse of his friend filming him and throws a finger-heart in their direction  ( for lisa, who he’ll later send the video to ).  and just as quickly as everything starts, it ends:  his chest heaves, his eyes flickering to seek approval between the audience and the judges, before finally landing on his friend who looks like they’re torn by laughter and agony.  his eyes narrow for a second.  of all reactions, he isn’t expecting this one.  
        but whatever.  
        he recasts his attention to the crowd and blows a farewell kiss, his mouth splitting into its usual grin shortly thereafter.  adrenaline spurs him to exit the stage, and he does so quickly, leaving the inhaler behind as a memoir to his audition.
        all in all, it’s . . well, it’s a performance.
        he’s sure he could’ve done better, but it is what it is.
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rkzhengting · 6 years ago
﹢cuckoo-ssi and 𝘬𝘶𝘯-𝘬𝘶𝘯
        kun is going through it.  then again, he’s been going through it since the day he was born  ( why else would he pop out crying? ).  jokes aside---he’s feeling a little more exhausted than usual on this fine monday morning, and he briefly contemplates staying in bed.  but then he remembers how much tuition is, and he’s on his feet not two seconds later  ( honestly, whoever said money’s not a motivator is a big, fat liar ).
        point is, he’s completely and utterly done with today, and today hasn’t even started.  he’s got two classes, back to back, but those are pretty okay.  he likes the instructors and tolerates his fellow peers.  but then, later in the afternoon, he has a group project meeting, and he really, truly, from the bottom of his bottomless heart, wants to shoot himself in the foot---but he won’t, because he kind of needs his foot for dancing.  annnd also for stabilization, since he’s supporting the entire project.
        but he digresses.
        the line for morning coffee crawls along, and for a moment, he’s plagued by the question of how he got here.  ( rolled out of bed, washed up, ran for the train, right. )  he stands there, arms folded across his chest, eyebrows furrowed just a tad.  and as one should, he minds his own business.  all is well until he hears the person behind him say something . . strange.  his head nearly whips around.  nearly.  “the what are crying now?”  because surely, surely he misheard.
        ---  @rkars
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analyzen · 4 years ago
Italian Fandom Meta | Most Popular Types of Pairings on EFP vs. AO3
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EFP (2001–, Fanlore) is the most popular writing archive in Italy, and it hosts both fanfic and original fiction. Under the cut you’ll find a breakdown of the most popular types of pairings on EFP in comparison to the most popular types of pairings in the Italian section of AO3.
The Italian version of this analysis can be found here.
53% of all the chapters ever posted on EFP have been deleted
49% of the registered users on EFP have deleted their accounts
M/F works amount to 60% of the whole website
EFP’s three most popular fandoms (Harry Potter, One Direction, Original Fiction – Romantic) all have a majority of M/F works
On AO3, most Italian works are M/M (56%)
F/F doesn’t have much content on either site (4-5%)
I’ve followed @olderthannetfic’s methodology from this earlier Fanfiction.net analysis. Basically, I picked a sample size of 666 chapters and organized them in four categories (M/M, M/F, F/F, Not tagged; more on this later).
Why I chose chapters instead of stories
On EFP you don’t have specific links for every single story. Instead, every chapter you post gets a unique id, which can be seen in the link itself. For example, at the time of writing this the last updated chapter on EFP was this one:
Which means that this was the 3'974'009th chapter ever posted on EFP.
Ids follow the usual numerical order, so if a link reads id=3, then there have to be id=1 and id=2, and the next link will have id=4.
So I’ve used a randomizer to select ~1200 unique ids to analyse.
Weren’t 666 chapters enough?
I started out with 700 chapters, but half of them weren’t working. That’s because 53% of all the chapters ever posted on EFP have been deleted from the website.
Thanks to the link of the last updated chapter, we know that almost 4 millions chapters have been posted on the EFP. But EFP's homepage shows different stats:
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Registered users: 602395, 205974 of which are authors Last registered user: [blacked out] Total of stories: 517083 Total of chapters: 1869573 chapters Total of reviews: 6222695 Online users: 17 logged in and 53 visitors
While we should have almost 4 million chapters, the stats show ~2 million chapters. Why? Because the stats only show the stories, chapters and users that are still on the website, and they don’t show the stories, chapters and users that have been deleted.
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(Sorry, I forgot to translate this one. It reads: Total of chapters posted on EFP between 2001 and today. Orange: deleted chapters. Blue: chapters that are still online.)
Thanks to the stats on the homepage we also have a link to the last registered user. User ids follow the same numerical order as chapter ids, so once again we know that 49% of the users ever registered on EFP have deleted their accounts. That's a lot of deleted accounts.
After selecting 666 (accessible) chapters, I organized them into 4 categories:
M/M: contains all stories tagged as “yaoi”, shounen ai” and “slash”
M/F: contains all stories tagged as “het”
F/F: contains all stories tagged as “yuri”, “shoujo ai” and “femslash”
Not tagged: which contains a) poetry, b) stories tagged as “no pairing”, and c) untagged het stories.
As for the untagged het stories, there are two issues:
Many M/F fics simply aren’t tagged
Many gen fics include untagged M/F ships
If the description made it clear that the story included a heterosexual relationship, I added the story under the M/F tag. Otherwise I left it under not tagged.
Also, on EFP “yaoi”, “shounen ai” and “slash”, and “yuri”, “shoujo ai” and “femslash” actually mean different things.
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This screenshot here is from the posting page on EFP. It reads:
Pairings * You must select at least one tag from the list, and you can choose up to three tags. Het: for heterosexual relationships Shonen-ai: for male/male relationships with anime/game characters; stories with no sex scenes Shojo-ai: for female/female relationships with anime/game characters; stories with no sex scenes Yaoi: for male/male relationships with anime/game characters; stories containing sex scenes Yuri: for female/female relationships with anime/game characters; stories containing sex scenes Slash: for male/male relationships from TV shows/movies/books FemSlash: for female/female relationships from TV shows/movies/books
The thing is. People either respect the rules and use different tags for different kinds of stories, or they use these tags interchangeably to maximise the chance to appear in other users' searches. Which means that you’ll find RPF tagged with “shoujo ai”, and Attack on Titan fics tagged as “slash”. (More info on this later.)
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On EFP, the majority of the stories are M/F.
To confirm this, I checked some specific fandoms:
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Some notes:
Because EFP doesn't have metatags like AO3, what I did was: 1) go to a specific fandom, 2) filter through every single tag, and 3) jot down the number of pages per search. Every page contains up to 15 stories, so for example searching for het in Original Fiction – Romantic gives you 846 pages, which amounts to around ~12690 stories.
The tag in red, “Nessuna”, means “no pairing”. It is used for gen fics but also for untagged M/F fics. This is especially true in some fandoms, ie. Original Fiction – Romantic, and Harry Potter.
EFP’s filtering system sucks. You can only filter through stories with specific relationship tags, but you can’t filter out relationships tag. So what you see in the graph is how often a tag is used... which brings us to some issues. For example, Harry Potter is the biggest fandom on EFP, so much that Harry Potter stories amount to 11% (!) of the whole website. But in the graph it looks like the One Direction fandom has more stories—wrong. Actually, One Direction has many stories tagged as both slash and het, while Harry Potter stories tend to be either one or the other.
EFP’s filtering system sucks, part 2. Because “shounen ai”, “yaoi” and “slash” are often used at the same time, you can't really smash together all three of the tags to get a total amount of stories. I'd say that around 50% of the stories tagged as shounen ai and yaoi probably overlap, but there is no easy way to find out because, again, EFP’s filtering system sucks. The same goes for “shoujo ai”, “yuri” and “femslash”.
Fandoms with a majority of M/M stories
While there are some fandoms with more M/M stories (ie. Death Note, Hetalia, Glee, Sherlock, Supernatural, Teen Wolf), these fandoms are simply extremely small in comparison to other bigger fandoms full of M/F fics. Which obviously skews the numbers in favor of M/F fics.
What about femslash?
EFP suffers from the same lack of femslash as AO3 as a whole. In the fandoms I've analysed, only two have a big enough number of F/F. The fandoms are Glee (which has more F/F stories than M/F stories) and Grey's Anatomy (which has as much F/F as M/F stories, with little M/M).
Original Fiction
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I thought it might be interesting to explore the original sections too, especially because Original Fiction – Romantic is the third biggest fandom on EFP after Harry Potter and One Direction. These Big 3 all have a disproportionate amount of M/F stories.
By logic, this would mean the the majority of the userbase on EFP prefers M/F stories. But then, aren't fans always complaining about “too much slash”? If “Any Two Guys” were enough to find slash appealing, wouldn't it be easier to simply write original M/M?
I think that looking at original stories might help us understand why people might prefer slash over het in some fandoms. For example, the amount of M/F stories in Original Fiction – Romantic implies that, when authors have to chance to choose what types of stories to create from scratch, they might prefer M/F stories.
This would support the theory that many people might prefer slash because of the lack of (well written/primary) canonical female characters + how well M/M relationships, both platonic and romantic, are written in canon texts in comparison to M/F or F/F relationships.
Obviously, we have to keep in mind that not all fanfic writers write original fiction and viceversa, so I'm not trying to find a universal explanation here. Also because not every website has a majority of M/F stories.
Which brings us to...
AO3 vs. EFP
As per today 20/04/21, the Italian section of AO3 contains “only” 24777 stories, divided between many different fandoms. To make a comparison, the Italian stories on AO3 amount to 5% of all the stories available on EFP. To make another comparison, the whole Naruto fandom on EFP has 20129 stories in total.
EFP has also been active for 20 years, while the boom of Italian fics on AO3 only started around 2018. We can't really make a 1:1 comparison between the two archives, but we can still try to understand the preferences of their users.
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M/M and M/F stories on EFP vs. AO3
EFP: 60% M/F, 25% M/M
AO3: 56% M/M, 23% M/F
The percentages are almost swapped.
This might be because of the archives themselves. EFP has always been the general website for any Italian fandom (and actually at first it mostly hosted M/F content), while AO3 has always had a big M/M userbase. I'm basing this statement on this AO3 analysis from 2013, in comparison to this FFN analysis from 2018 which showed a majority of M/F fanworks, and finally this AO3 vs. FFN vs. Wattpad analysis from 2019, which showed that AO3 has always been the outlier for its majority of M/M content.
Then again, M/M stories on EFP have always been subject to the “usual” type of borderline-to-direct harassment that M/M fans are used to, which is something that still happens to this day especially in certain writing groups on Facebook, where the Italian writing community is pretty active. It wouldn't be weird for slashers to move to AO3, where they know they'll find more like-minded people and less headaches. (Also, the Italian section of AO3 has a lot of M/M RPF that's banned on EFP.)
The “Multi” tag on EFP
The only thing that barely resembles a multi tag on EFP is threesome, which for some reason is often used as a synonym for love triangle. So from the tags it isn't easy to understand if a fic includes an actual threesome (as in, a sex scene), a polyamorous relationship, or a simple love triangle.
This doesn't mean that there aren't poly stories on EFP—it simply means that they're impossible to find using the search system.
And that's all, I think!
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literaticat · 3 years ago
Hi Jenn! I was hoping you could explain the difference between self-ended and color-ended end pages for a PB dummy. Thanks!
If you want the TL;DR, just click the link on the bottom of the page, it has example layouts of each type.
If you want the whole explanation:
Parts of most hardcover books, from the outside:
* book jacket --you know what a book jacket is! the cover is THE FRONT of the jacket, the flaps are the foldy bits - the whole thing is the jacket
* the spine -- where the pages are bound; often sewn together into a block and then glued to a piece of fabric
* the boards -- these are what make the hardcover hard!
* the case -- the spine and the boards are put together and covered with some kind of material. In fancy/olden days books, this is sometimes cloth. (that's why sometimes you see hardcover books referred to as "cloth"). In less fancy books it's probably paper. They might be plain, or embossed with a design, or printed on to have a different image from the jacket, or printed on to have the same image as the jacket. Those books that are jacketless hardcovers, like say, Diary of a Wimpy Kid? That's called "paper-over-board" or POB.
And the inside:
* the endpapers -- these are the pages that are glued onto the boards to help make the book block stay in the case.
* the paper -- sounds obvious, like, that is where the story is, right?
Picture books (well all books basically but whatever) are printed in "signatures" -- the process starts with a VERY LARGE piece of paper, which is then folded and cut into a 16-page bundle. That bundle is a signature. If you look at the spine of a hardcover book, you will probably be able to easily see that the pages are in these "bundles" and bound together.
This is why PBs are typically 32 pages long - that's two signatures. They could be 48 pages long - that's three signatures. They COULD theoretically be something in between, but each time you add pages you are making it more expensive, and if you aren't using a whole signature, you are wasting paper (which is expensive).
So now that you know that, you can probably understand, or deduce, the definitions you asked about:
* "Self-ended" means the first and last page of the signatures are the ones glued onto the boards. There are then at least two fewer pages in the story itself, but the endpapers can be illustrated, it's made of the same paper as the rest of the book.
* "Separate-ended" (or, I guess, "color-ended") means that there is an additional folded piece of paper on each side of the pages, and THAT is what is glued to the boards. This is often a plain color (though I suppose it MIGHT be printed with a design?) but anyway, it's typically a different kind of paper and that is why sometimes there's an EXTRA page at the front and back.
More info, as well as layouts of each type: https://www.wordsandpics.org/2019/04/illustration-knowhow-picture-book-basics.html
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helenaspencer · 4 years ago
intro to helena
Is that HELENA SPENCER-MAY? Wow, they do look a lot like PHOEBE DYNEVOR. I hear SHE is an EIGHTEEN year old FRESHMAN who are studying HISTORY  at Luxor University. Word is they are an ARISTOCRAT student. You should watch out because they can be CHILDISH and SNOBBISH, but on the bright side they can also be GENEROUS and CHARMING. Ultimately, you’ll get to see it all for yourself. [YUNI, 21, GMT, SHE/HER]
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lord knows why i did this. im sorry.
01: basic information
Full Name: Lara Helena Spencer-May
Nicknames: Helena - she insists on being referred to only by her middle name.
Date Of Birth: August 12, 2002 (currently aged 18)
Zodiac: Leo sun, Leo ascendant, and Libra moon.
Place Of Birth: New York
Nationality: American and Swiss.
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Course: History (Freshman)
02: physical
Faceclaim: Phoebe Dynevor
Ethnicity: White (Swiss, English)
Height: 173cm (5′8)
Weight: 56kg (124lbs)
Eye Colour: Blue
Hair Colour: Blonde
Distinctive Features: a tangible air of disdain for anyone who earns less than 100k a year
Clothing Preference: Helena won’t wear anything which isn’t designer, but even then, she has her preferences. Perhaps stereotypically, she adores Chanel, closely followed by Versace. Her sense of style is fairly feminine, with a lot of dresses and skirts, and she wouldn’t be caught dead in a pair of jeans.
03: personality
Positive Traits: Generous, charming, loyal, creative
Negative Traits: Childish, snobbish, insincere, judgemental
Religious Beliefs: Atheist
Helena has pretty much the emotional maturity of Veruca Salt. Which is to say, she cares about one person in the world, and that is herself. She doesn’t make long term plans, instead pursuing short term happiness - which means that whatever she wants in that moment, she will go for. And if you stand between her and whatever she wants, no matter how dumb - whether it’s a bag or a college - she reacts dramatically. She’s not above throwing tantrums, literally stomping her feet and screaming, scratching, you name it, until she gets what she asked for. She once keyed an ex boyfriend’s car because he understandably refused to invite her to his sister’s wedding and Helena had already picked out her (white) outfit. In addition to this, Helena’s sheltered upbringing has made her extremely ignorant to the world as a whole. She fails to comprehend how anyone can not be rich, since it’s all she knows, and so she tends to assume that poor people are always lazy and unambitious. As a result, she refuses to associate herself with anyone who is a scholarship student or comes from a poor family, as she insists that mindset might be contagious and drag her down. Her mood can switch very rapidly - one minute she is being sweet and charming to you, and the next minute she is screaming and crying. She’s also extremely adept at crocodile tears, which she uses on everyone she wants something from, seeing no problem with manipulating others if it gets her what she wants. She generally has a very superior outlook on herself as opposed to others, hence why she just assumes she’s going to inherit the May family’s company, over her cousins.
04: past
Lara Helena Spencer-May was born in New York to a Swiss father, Matteo May, and English mother, Margaret Spencer. Her father works for the family’s pharmaceutical company, her mother is from British landed gentry and works as a classicist for the British Museum. Helena spent the first few years of her life in New York, before moving back to Switzerland, although she continued to spend a lot of time in New York over the summer, where she would later meet Zander Driskell.
Although her first name is legally Lara, Helena forced everyone to call her by her middle name from the age of eleven. Firstly, she thought that Lara sounded common, and slightly too similar to her cousin Loren’s name, and secondly, as her classicist mother told her the story of Helen of Troy, who she had been named after - and there was nothing which sounded better in Helena’s shallow mind than being beautiful enough that men started wars over you.
Helena is her parents only child, and she was absolutely spoiled rotten from the moment she was born. Her father gives her anything she asks for, and pretty much dotes on her; her mother also treats her as if she’s the centre of the universe. As a result, Helena has become accustomed to never being told no, and has no idea of a good way to act if she is - hence her tendency to throw tantrums if she doesn’t immediately get what she wants. She’s far too used to being able to manipulate daddy with a few tears into giving her an extra 5k in her bank account.
From the age of six, Helena was sent away to attend Ecole des Roches, a prestigious boarding school in Paris. She would either come back to Switzerland over the summer, or spend summers in New York. One such summer was spent in Saratoga Springs when she was sixteen, where she met Zander Driskell - and who she began dating, with Helena deciding to stay in New York after summer ended to be closer. Despite this, their relationship quickly turned toxic, with Helena’s spoiled and selfish nature making it difficult for her to put up with Zander not giving her everything she wanted - they broke up and got back together multiple times over the course of the next year, before a particularly bad break up caused Helena to up and leave for Paris again, finally finishing her high school education in Paris.
Then came the time for college. To be honest, Helena has no actual interest in gaining a degree. As far as she is concerned, she is just going to get a degree for the sake of having one, as she is convinced she is going to inherit the family business. Still, she had ambitions to attend the  University of St Andrews  in Scotland, primarily because she knew Kate Middleton met Prince William there, and Helena would love to be a Queen one day. However, her grandparents instead gently pushed her to attend Luxor University, suggesting that Helena would benefit from some bonding time with her cousins. She instantly refused - and was thus incredibly shocked when for once, her father put his foot down, insisting that either Helena attend Luxor, or he would cut her allowance. No number of tantrums, screaming, threats to jump out of the window, or run away would work - Helena ended up at Luxor, much to her upset, surrounded by her dreaded scholarship students.
August 12 2002 - Helena is born in New York
2006 - Helena moves back to Switzerland
September 2008 - Helena is sent to Paris to attend boarding school. She returns to either Zurich or New York over the summers following.
Summer 2018 - Helena meets and begins a relationship with Zander Driskell. They have many fights and an on and off relationship.
December 2019 - After a particularly bad argument, Helena throws a tantrum and leaves New York, returning to Paris to finish her high school education.
September 2020- Helena begins attending Luxor University.... fashionably late.
05: other trivia
- Helena speaks fluent Swiss German, Swiss French, and English. In addition to this she is fluent in High French, since she attended school in Paris. Her accent when speaking English is sort of an amalgamation of American, English, and French due to her upbringing and her English mother, and it tends to change depending who she’s speaking to - if she’s speaking to someone English, for instance, it will be more on the English side as she subconsciously matches them, whereas if she’s speaking in English to a French person, it becomes more French.
- Adores the British monarchy. Especially Princess Diana. And yes, Spencer means she’s a distant relation. She won’t let you forget it.
- If you call her Lara, she will spit on you.
-She loves classical paintings, and collects art. Her dorm room walls are covered with paintings and reproductions of Greek tapestries. She dresses as Helen of Troy every. single. Halloween.
- She can play the piano, and the flute. She is constantly in a stage of quitting and rejoining the concert band though, as she joins, can’t take any criticism at all, quits, and then misses it and wants to rejoin.
- Massive fan of Lana Del Rey.
06: notable connections
Within Luxor:
- Friendships: ...
- Former Relationships: Zander Driskell
- Cousins: Loren Velazquez, Zelda Reese
- Matteo May and Margaret Spencer May: Her parents, who she has wrapped around her little finger.
07: connection ideas/wcs
Although Helena is often too childish to hold friendships for long, she can be fun for a party, so I see her having a lot of friends who she just drinks with or parties with every once for a while, without any genuine connection going on or spending too much time together
Maybe someone who is annoyed by her antics and has been on the receiving end of one of her tantrums and thus sees the immature side of her personality as an annoyance.
As long as she doesn’t perceive you as poor (god forbid), she loves a good hookup or friends with benefits.
08: tl;dr
Helena is highly immature, childish, and spoiled. She is rich to the point of not being able to understand or appreciate anything cheap or anyone poor in life, and looks down on pretty much anyone who isn’t at her level of rich as a result, seeing them as lazy. She truly believes she is superior to her cousins and that she’s going to inherit their family’s company, purely because she wants it that way.
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ariahotelresort · 4 years ago
Pháp Lý Căn Hộ Aria Đà Nẵng Hotel & Resort đã đầy đủ chưa, có an toàn khi đầu tư không?
Pháp lý Dự Án Căn Hộ Aria Đà Nẵng Hotel Resort có đầy đủ pháp lý chưa?
Đối với các dự án bất động sản, pháp lý là một vấn đề được nhiều nhà đầu tư quan tâm, Aria Đà Nẵng cũng không ngoại lệ. Theo thông tin chính thức từ chủ đầu tư, mọi thông tin về pháp lý của dự án này đều được công khai và minh bạch. Aria Đà Nẵng Hotel & Resort tự hào là dự án hoàn thiện 100% pháp lý.
Ngày 20/07/2015: Sở Kế hoạch và Đầu tư Thành phố Đà Nẵng cấp Giấy chứng nhận đầu tư số 3737208457, chứng nhận cho Công ty Cổ phần Đầu tư Du lịch Hà Nội Non Nước đầu tư dự án Khu du lịch nghỉ dưỡng cao cấp ven biển Non Nước (tên thương mại: Aria Đà Nẵng).
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Ngày 23/04/2019: Sở Kế hoạch và Đầu tư TP Đà Nẵng đã ban hành Quyết định số 116/QĐ-SKHĐT chấp thuận giãn tiến độ thực hiện dự án Khu du lịch nghỉ dưỡng cao cấp ven biển Non Nước của Công ty Cổ phần Đầu tư Du lịch Hà Nội Non Nước trong thời hạn 24 tháng, kể từ tháng 01/2019 đến tháng 01/2021 theo quy định tại Điều 46 Luật Đầu tư năm 2014. Nguyên nhân là do dự án đã chậm thời gian triển khai khoảng 4 năm, kể từ ngày 20/7/2015.
Tháng 6/2019 UBND thành phố Đà Nẵng quyết định phê duyệt điều chỉnh quy hoạch chi tiết TL 1/500 thiết kế đô thị và quy định quản lý kiến trúc, xây dựng đối với khu nghỉ dưỡng cao cấp ven biển Non Nước phường Hòa Hải, quận Ngũ Hành Sơn có tên thương mại là dự án Aria Đà Nẵng Hotel & Resort. Văn bản quyết định phê duyệt dự án với tổng diện tích 7 hecta và có vị trí tiếp giáp ...
Quý khách có thể xem thêm bài viết “Pháp lý dự án Căn Hộ Aria Hotel & Resort” ở nguồn bài viết tại đây: https://aria.vn/phap-ly-du-an-can-ho-aria-da-nang-hotel-resort-da-day-du-chua/
Ngoài ra, quý khách có thể TẢI ĐẨY ĐỦ THÔNG TIN PHÁP LÝ và tất cả các tài liệu liên quan của DỰ ÁN CĂN HỘ ARIA ĐÀ NẴNG tại đây: TẢI PHÁP LÝ CĂN HỘ ARIA ĐÀ NẴNG
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Chúng tôi là đơn vị F1 trực tiếp từ chủ đầu tư và đơn vị phân phối với giỏ hàng lớn nhất hiện nay, khách hàng sẽ được phép chọn căn đẹp cùng những ưu đãi cho khách lẻ, khách sỉ và cả các đơn vị phân phối với chính sách xúc tiến đầu tư tốt nhất hiện nay. Quý khách có nhu cầu tìm hiểu và đầu tư về dự án này vui lòng liên hệ trực tiếp đến hotline phòng xúc tiến đầu tư theo số: 0905 853 508 – 0973.313.077 hoặc truy cập vào trang web https://aria.vn để biết thêm chi tiết. Trân trọng!
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buckley-diaz · 5 years ago
Hi, hi ! So you guys seem to know a lot about 911 and what's coming.... Is it true that Eddie has a confirmed love interest coming in 3B 😱 ?
Hello nonnie! I’m so glad you came to me to ask. I’ve always wanted to be a place people have felt they could come to ask questions.
So this got way longer than I was anticipating so its going below a cut...
I swear I’ve seen something that confirmed Eddie would be getting a new love interest at some point. Granted, I go through so many posts and article clips a day that it’s quite likely I saw something a fan posted. I even dug through months of my Buddie tag to see if I could find anything. (If you want to go through my tags for yourself you can do so here: https://buckley-diaz.tumblr.com/navigation)
BUT! Do not fear. I have still come up with some interesting evidence that somewhat suggests a romantic relationship for Eddie (and for Buck).
This is from season 3A when Eddie was developing a relationship with Lena:
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It does seem to hint that Eddie will at some point engage in a new romantic relationship, but it’s not exactly confirmed.
This is more recent and is discussing the impact that Abby’s return may have on Buck:
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It hints at Buck entering a new relationship and that a big issue in that is finding the right person for that relationship.
This is from Ryan Guzman discussing Eddie’s relationship with Lena in 3A:
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This to me is implicit of Eddie coming to terms with Shannon’s death and him potentially moving on with a new love interest.
Tim Minear in this next excerpt is discussing the potential of Buddie after the season 2 Christmas episode (2x10):
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To me, him mentioning not only the scene, but their decision with making the fountain shoot up behind them is his way of saying they recognize the potential for Buddie and want to lay the foundation for it should they choose to follow through with their relationship.
This last piece of evidence is up to interpretation even more so than the others. Its from a discussion about what Aisha Hinds hinted at:
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This could be discussion Hen’s character building a better relationship with Eddie (which we’ve seen some of, especially in the Christmas episode when Hen and Denny came over). However, it could also be expressing that Eddie is working on his relationships in general, which may very well include romantic relationships.
I’m so sorry this got so long. I’m sure you were expecting a cut and dry yes or no answer.
TL;DR: I distinctly recall reading something that confirmed Eddie would be getting or attempting a romantic relationship in 3B. I cannot find what I read or if it was fanmade or actually put out by someone at Fox.
If anyone has seen an article that confirms Eddie will be getting in a romantic relationship this season please send it to me. Or if you have questions about 911 or 911 Lone Star don’t be afraid to drop an ask.
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roamanov · 5 years ago
Class 1: The social aesthetics of confession.
Required reading 
Confessions by St Augustine (extract): Found here:  (Book 4 - http://www.sacred-texts.com/chr/augconf/aug04.htm)
Confessions by Jean-Jacques Rousseau (extract)
Reality Hunger by David Shields (extract)
Recommended reading
Shannon Keating, “Am I Writing About My Life, Or Selling Myself Out?” https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/shannonkeating/personal-writing-social-media-influencers-caroline-calloway
Sarah Ahmed, The Cultural Politics of Emotion – introduction’: available in PDF on Blackboard and online via Google Books: https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=QT8YAgAAQBAJ&pg=PA1&source=gbs_toc_r&cad=2#v=onepage&q&f=false
Marshall Berman, ‘Goethe’s Faust: The Tragedy of Development’ and ��First Metamorphosis: The Dreamer’ from All that is Solid Melts into Air (on Blackboard)
‘But Enough About Me’ : what does the popularity of memoir tell us about ourselves?’ by Daniel Mendelsohn, New Yorker https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2010/01/25/but-enough-about-me-2
Class 2: The stylised self in the world. Aesthetics of the insertion of the self in the story. Style and world view
Required reading 
The White Album by Joan Didion (PDF provided)
Extract from The Birth of New Journalism by Tom Wolfe (PDF provided).
Recommended reading
'Gonzos for the 21st Century', http://www.nytimes.com/2005/03/20/books/review/the-new-new-journalism-gonzos-for-the-21st-century.html
Tom Wolfe, The Birth of New Journalism: An EyeWitness Report: http://nymag.com/news/media/47353/index6.html
Martin Amis on Joan Didion’s style: https://www.lrb.co.uk/v02/n02/martin-amis/joan-didions-style
Class 3: The writer’s subjectivity and physical space. Melding Interior/Exterior worlds.
Required reading
A Field Guide to Getting Lost by Rebecca Solnit.
Recommended reading
Anne Carson – Plainwater (extract provided)
Anne Carson – The Autobiography of Red
Fernando Pessoa – The Book of Disquiet (extract provided)
Ian Sinclair – Lights Out For the Territory (extract – chapter 8 Word doc provided)
Italo Calvino – Invisible Cities
Olivia Laing – The Lonely City – extract on blackboard
Review of Lights Out for the Territory: http://www.nytimes.com/books/99/08/29/reviews/990829.29hoffmat.html
Class 4: Writing Nature/Nature of Writing.
Required reading
'In History' by Jamaica Kincaid - PDF supplied
'Findings' by Kathleen Jamie - extract provided
'Landmarks' by Robert Macfarlane - extract provided
'A Claxton Diary' by Mark Cocker - extracts provided
Recommended reading
'The Kusi' by Jean McNeil
'Soil Turned to Song and Dance' - the TLS on Mark Cocker's nature writing: https://www.the-tls.co.uk/articles/mark-cocker-naturalism/?utm_medium=Social&utm_source=Twitter#Echobox=1574952085
'The Thoreau of the Suburbs' - feature article on Annie Dillard
'The New Nature Writing' by Jos Smith - extract provided
'The Anthropocene Lyric: an affective geography of poetry, person, place' by Tom Bristow (book)
Class 5: The self, anxiety and history – the non-novels of Sebald.
Required reading
The Emigrants by WG Sebald
Recommended reading
Reviews/literary criticism of Sebald:
André Aciman: https://www.nybooks.com/articles/1998/12/03/out-of-novemberland/
Cynthia Ozick – The Posthumous Sublime (on The Emigrants) on Blackboard
André Aciman: https://www.newyorker.com/books/page-turner/w-g-sebald-and-the-emigrants
Jonathan Coe: https://www.lrb.co.uk/v19/n06/jonathan-coe/tact
Class 6: Politics, alienation and self-displacement in South African and South American writing
Required reading
Summertime by JM Coetzee
Resistance (extract provided) by Julián Fuks
Recommended reading
Roland Barthes – The Death of the Author (on Blackboard)
Donald Powers, ‘Beyond the Death of the Author: Summertime and J. M. Coetzee’s Afterlives’, Life Writing, 2016. (on Blackboard)
Review: JM Coetzee, a Disembodied Man - https://www.nytimes.com/2009/12/27/books/review/Dee-t.html?pagewanted=all
Damon Galgut’s In a Strange Room - Galgut is a South African writer of the next generation. I've given an extract of this book, which is made up of three long novellas, here. 'The Lover' is the middle section in Galgut's trio of novellas.
Class 7: Walking and writing the city in fiction and non-fiction.
Required reading
Teju Cole – Open City
Recommended reading
Walter Benjamin �� Berlin Chronicle (extract), One Way Street (extract) and Naples.
Joanna Walsh - Hotel (PDF provided)
Lauren Elkin – Flâneuse
Review of Open City: https://www.theguardian.com/books/2011/aug/17/open-city-teju-cole-review
James Wood on Teju Cole: https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2011/02/28/the-arrival-of-enigmas
Class 8: Irony - Unreliable and self-critique as narrative drama.
Required reading
10:04 by Ben Lerner.
Recommended reading
Ben Lerner: Leaving the Atocha Station
Review of Leaving the Atocha Station https://www.lrb.co.uk/v34/n16/sheila-heti/i-hadnt-even-seen-the-alhambra
Jenny Offil - Dept of Speculation
Sheila Heti - How Should a Person Be?
Zadie Smith – Two Paths for the Novel (from Changing My Mind) on Blackboard
Zinzi Clemmons - What We Lose
Colebrook, Clare. Irony. New Critical Idiom.  Routledge, 2004
Alejandro Zambra – Multiple Choice (extract on Blackboard)
Class 9: Contemporary autofiction - two texts.
Required reading
Rachel Cusk – Outline
Amit Chaudhuri - Friend of My Youth
Recommended reading
Rachel Cusk  – Transit (extract on Blackboard)
Rachel Cusk, Kudos
Marcel Proust - A la recherche de temps perdu
VS Naipaul - The Enigma of Arrival
Geoff Dyer – Out of Sheer Rage
‘Rachel Cusk Gut-Renovates the Novel’ – profile in The New Yorker: https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2017/08/07/rachel-cusk-gut-renovates-the-novel
Class 10. Shame and the self in auto-fiction. Domesticity. The Japanese I-novel.
Required reading
Karl Ove Knaussgard - My Struggle (in whole if you can buy the book, or in extract) provided here. My Struggle: book two, a man in love, introduced by James Wood: https://www.newyorker.com/books/page-turner/the-birthday-party
Recommended reading
Extract from Yuko Tsushima's Territory of Light (to be uploaded soon).
Rowan Hisayo Buchanan, ‘The Careful Craft of Writing Female Subjectivity’ https://www.theatlantic.com/entertainment/archive/2019/03/territory-light-yuko-tsushimas-vital-i-novel/585832/
Amit Chaudhuri ‘I am Ramu’: https://nplusonemag.com/online-only/online-only/i-am-ramu/
Review of Final volume of Knausgaard: https://www.theguardian.com/books/2018/aug/29/the-end-karl-ove-knausgaard
'How Writing My Struggle Undid Knausgaard': https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2018/11/knausgaard-devours-himself/570847/
'Each Cornflake' - Review of Knausgaard by Ben Lerner in the LRB: https://www.lrb.co.uk/v36/n10/ben-lerner/each-cornflake
Class 11: The aesthetics and politics of the sexual self
Required reading
The Argonauts by Maggie Nelson
Recommended reading
Chris Kraus – I love Dick (extract on Blackboard)
Emilie Pine - Notes to Self
Catherine Millet – The Sexual Life of Catherine M. (extract on Blackboard)
Hélène Cixous – ‘The Laugh of the Medusa’ http://lavachequilit.typepad.com/files/cixous-read.pdf
‘Virgins or Whores – Feminist Critiques of Sexuality’, in Veronique Mottier, A Short Introduction to Sexuality (on Blackboard)
Henry Miller – The Tropic of Cancer
Sarah Ahmed – ‘The Performativity of Disgust’ from The Cultural Politics of Emotion (PDF here)
Chris Kraus ‘The New Universal’ https://sydneyreviewofbooks.com/new-universal/
Vivian Gornick http://bostonreview.net/books-ideas/vivian-gornick-good-feminist-solnit-rhode-cobble-gordon-henry
Kathy Acker – Blood and Guts in High School
Class 12:  Using 'real' people in fiction.
Required reading
Megan Bradbury – Everyone is Watching
Zachary Lazar –  I Pity the Poor Immigrant 
Recommended reading
Zachary Lazar – Sway
James Wood in The New Yorker on Lazar – The Punished Land: https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2014/06/23/the-punished-land
Miranda France in the Guardian on Everyone is Watching: https://www.theguardian.com/books/2016/jun/22/everyone-is-watching-megan-bradbury-review-novel
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mostlysignssomeportents · 5 years ago
Pluralistic, your daily link-dose: 28 Feb 2020
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Today's links
Clearview AI's customer database leaks: Sic semper grifter.
The Internet of Anal Things: Recreating Stelarc's "Amplified Body" with an IoT butt-plug.
Oakland's vintage Space Burger/Giant Burger building needs a home! Adopt a googie today.
Fan-made reproduction of the Tower of Terror: Even has a deepfaked Serling.
Drawing the Simpsons with pure CSS: Impractical, but so impressive.
Let's Encrypt issues its billionth cert: 89% of the web is now encrypted.
AI Dungeon Master: A work in progress, for sure.
How to lie with (coronavirus) maps: Lies, damned lies, and epidemiological data-visualizations.
This day in history: 2019, 2015
Colophon: Recent publications, current writing projects, upcoming appearances, current reading
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Clearview AI's customer database leaks (permalink)
Clearview is the grifty facial recognition startup that created a database by scraping social media and now offers cops secretive deals on its semi-magic, never-peer-reviewed technology. The company became notorious in January after the NYT did a deep dive into its secretive deals and its weird, Trump-adjascent ex-male-model founder.
(the Times piece was superbly researched but terribly credulous about Clearview's marketing claims)
Yesterday, Clearview warned its customers that it had been hacked and lost its customer database. Today, that customer database was published.
It seems that the NYT weren't the only ones to take Clearview's marketing claims at face value. Its client list includes the DoJ, ICE, Macy's, Walmart, and the NBA. All in all the dump includes more than 2,200 users, including "law enforcement agencies, companies, and individuals around the world."
Included: state AGs, university rent-a-cops, and clients in Saudi Arabia.
"BuzzFeed News authenticated the logs, which list about 2,900 institutions and include details such as the number of log-ins, the number of searches, and the date of the last search."
What does Clearview, a sercurity company, say about this ghastly security breach? "Unfortunately, data breaches are part of life in the 21st century."
Big shrug energy.
"Government agents should not be running our faces against a shadily assembled database of billions of our photos in secret and with no safeguards against abuse," ACLU attorney Nathan Freed Wessler, said to BuzzFeed News.
It is amazing that this needs to be said.
"More than 50 educational institutions across 24 states named in the log. Among them are two high schools."
They are:
Central Montco Technical High School in Pennsylvania
Somerset Berkley Regional High School in Massachusetts
The log also has an entry for Interpol.
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The Internet of Anal Things (permalink)
In 1994, the notorious/celebrated electronic artist Stelarc did a performance called "Amplified Body" in which he "controlled robots, cameras and other instruments by tensing and releasing his muscles"
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Now, artist/critic Dani Ploeger has revisited Amplified Body with his own performance, which is very similar to Stelarc's, except all the peripherals are controlled by Ploeger tensing and releasing his anal sphincters around a smart butt-plug.
He calls it "B-hind" and it's a ha-ha-only-serious. The buttplug is "an anal electrode with EMG sensor for domestic treatment of faecal incontinence," and the accompanying text is a kind of art-speak parody of IoT biz-speak.
"B-hind offers a unique IoT solution to fully integrate your sphincter muscle in everyday living. The revolutionary anal electrode-powered interface system replaces conventional hand/voice-based interaction, enabling advanced digital control rooted in your body's interior. Celebrating the abject and the grotesque, ‍B‒hind facilitates simple, plug-and-play access to a holistic body experience in the age of networked society."
B-hind was produced in collaboration with V2_, the Lab for the Unstable Media in Rotterdam, and In4Art.
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Oakland's vintage Space Burger/Giant Burger building needs a home! (permalink)
Giant Burger was once an East Bay institution, known for its burgers and its gorgeous googie architecture.
One of the very last Giant Burger buildings is now under threat. Though the Telegraph Ave location was rescued in 2015 and converted to a "Space Burger," it's now seeking a new home because it is in the path of the Eastline project.
The Oakland Heritage Alliance is hoping someone will rescue and move the building: " Do you have an idea for a new location for this mid-century icon? Please contact [email protected] if you know of an appropriate lot, project, or site, preferably downtown."
(Image CC BY-SA, Our Oakland)
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Fan-made reproduction of the Tower of Terror (permalink)
Orangele set out to re-create the Walt Disney World Twilight Zone Tower of Terror elevator loading zone in the entry area to their home theater. He's not only done an impressive re-make of the set, but he's also augmented it with FANTASTIC gimmicks.
It's not merely that's he's created a rain, thunder and lightning effect outside the patio doors…
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Nor has he merely created props like this gimmicked side table that flips over at the press of a button.
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I kinda seriously love that he left Rod's cigarette in. The Disney version looks…uncanny.
Not shown: "exploding fuse box with simulated smoke and fire, motorized lighted elevator dial, motorized/lighted pressure gauge, video monitor playing Tower of Terror ride sequence seen through the elevator door wrap, motorized "elevator door'"
He notes, "I was once married, but now as a single person, I can do whatever I want, haha. NEVER getting married again."
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Drawing the Simpsons with pure CSS (permalink)
Implementing animated Simpsons illustrations in CSS isn't the most practical web-coding demo I've seen, but it's among the most impressive. Bravo, Chris Pattle!
(not shown: the eyes animate and blink!)
#bart .head .hair1 { top: 22px; left: 0px; width: 6px; height: 7px; -webkit-transform: rotate(-22deg) skew(-7deg, 51deg); -ms-transform: rotate(-22deg) skew(-7deg, 51deg); transform: rotate(-22deg) skew(-7deg, 51deg); }
I especially love the quick-reference buttons to see the raw CSS. It reminds me of nothing so much as the incredibly complex Logo programs I used to write on my Apple ][+ in the 1980s, drawing very complicated, vector-based sprites and glyphs.
Most interesting is the way that this modular approach to graphics allows for this kind of simple, in-browser transformation.
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Let's Encrypt issues its billionth cert (permalink)
When the AT&T whistleblower Mark Klein walked into EFF's offices in 2005 to reveal that his employers had ordered him to help the NSA spy on the entire internet, it was a bombshell.
The Snowden papers revealed the scope of the surveillance in fine and alarming detail. According to his memoir, Snowden was motivated to blow the whistle when he witnessed then-NSA Director James Clapper lie to Senator Ron Wyden about the Klein matter.
Since that day in 2005, privacy advocates have been fretting about just how EASY it was to spy on the whole internet. So much of that was down to the fact that the net wasn't encrypted by default.
This was especially keen for @EFF. After all, we made our bones by suing the NSA in the 90s and winning the right for civilians to access working cryptography (we did it by establishing that "Code is speech" for the purposes of the First Amendment).
Crypto had been legal since 1992, but by Klein's 2005 disclosures, it was still a rarity. 8 years later — at the Snowden moment — the web was STILL mostly plaintext. How could we encrypt the web to save it from mass surveillance?
So in 2014, we joined forces with Mozilla, the University of Michigan and Akamai to create Let's Encrypt, a project to give anyone and everyone free TLS certificates, the key component needed to encrypt the requests your web-server exchanges with your readers.
Encrypting the web was an uphill climb: by 2017, Let's Encrypt had issued 100m certificates, tipping the web over so that the majority of traffic (58%) was encrypted. Today, Let's Encrypt has issued ONE BILLION certs, and 81% of pageloads use HTTPS (in the USA, it's 91%)! This is astonishing, bordering on miraculous. If this had been the situation back in 2005, there would have been no NSA mass surveillance.
Even more astonishing: there are only 11 full-timers on the Let's Encrypt team, plus a few outside contractors and part-timers. A group of people who could fit in a minibus managed to encrypt virtually the entire internet.
There are lots of reasons to factor technology (and technologists) in any plan for social change, but this illustrates one of the primary tactical considerations. "Architecture is Politics" (as Mitch Kapor said when he co-founded EFF), and the architectural choices that small groups of skilled people make can reach all the way around the world.
This kind of breathtaking power is what inspires so many people to become technologists: the force-multiplier effect of networked code can imbue your work with global salience (for good or ill). It's why we should be so glad of the burgeoning tech and ethics movement, from Tech Won't Build It to the Googler Uprising. And it's especially why we should be excited about the proliferation of open syllabi for teaching tech and ethics.
It's also the reason I'm so humbled and thrilled when I hear from technologists that their path into the field started with my novel Little Brother, whose message isn't "Tech is terrible," but, "This will all be so great, if we don't screw it up."
(and I should probably mention here that the third Little Brother book, Attack Surface, comes out in October and explicitly wrestles with the question of ethics, agency, and allyship in tech).
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AI Dungeon Master (permalink)
Since 2018, Lara martin has been using machine learning to augment the job of the Dungeon Master, with the goal of someday building a fully autonomous, robotic DM.
AI Dungeon Master is a blend of ML techniques and "old-fashioned rule-based features" to create a centaur DM that augments a human DM's imagination with the power of ML, natural language processing, and related techniques.
She's co-author of a new paper about the effort, "Story Realization: Expanding Plot Events into Sentences" which "describes a way algorithms to use "events," consisting of a subject, verb, object, and other elements, to make a coherent narrative."
The system uses training data (plots from Doctor Who, Futurama, and X-Files) to expand text-snippets into plotlines that continue the action. It's a bit of a dancing bear, though, an impressive achievement that's not quite ready for primetime ("We're nowhere close to this being a reality yet").
This may bring to mind AI Dungeon, the viral GPT-2-generated dungeon crawler from December.
As Will Knight writes, "Playing AI Dungeon often feels more like a maddening improv session than a text adventure."
Knight proposes that "AI DM" might be the next big symbolic challenge for machine learning, the 2020s equivalent to "AI Go player" or "AI chess master."
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How to lie with (coronavirus) maps (permalink)
The media around the coronavirus outbreak is like a masterclass in the classic "How to Lie With Maps."
Self-described "cartonerd" Kenneth Field's prescriptions for mapmakers wanting to illustrate the spread of coronavirus is a superb read about data visualization, responsibility, and clarity.
Both of these images are representing the same data. Look at the map and you might get the impression that coronavirus infections are at high levels across all of China's provinces. Look at the bar-chart and you'll see that it's almost entire Hubei.
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Here's a proposed way to represent the same data on a map without misleading people.
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Another point that jumped out: stop coloring maps in red!
"We're mapping a human health tragedy that may get way worse before it subsides. Do we really want the map to be screaming bright red? Red can connotate death, still statistically extremely rare for coronavirus."
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This day in history (permalink)
#5yrsago Ad-hoc museums of a failing utopia: photos of Soviet shop-windows https://boingboing.net/2015/02/28/ad-hoc-museums-of-a-failing-ut.html
#5yrsago First-hand reports of torture from Homan Square, Chicago PD's "black site" https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2015/feb/27/chicago-abusive-confinment-homan-square
#1yrago EFF's roadmap for a 21st Century antitrust doctrine https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2019/02/antitrust-enforcement-needs-evolve-21st-century
#1yrago Yet another study shows that the most effective "anti-piracy" strategy is good products at a fair price https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/3kg7pv/studies-keep-showing-that-the-best-way-to-stop-piracy-is-to-offer-cheaper-better-alternatives
#1yrago London's awful estate agents are cratering, warning of a "prolonged downturn" in the housing market https://www.bbc.com/news/business-47389160
#1yrago Bad security design made it easy to spy on video from Ring doorbells and insert fake video into their feeds https://web.archive.org/web/20190411195308/https://dojo.bullguard.com/dojo-by-bullguard/blog/ring/
#1yrago Amazon killed Seattle's homelessness-relief tax by threatening not to move into a massive new building, then they canceled the move anyway https://www.seattletimes.com/business/amazon/huge-downtown-seattle-office-space-that-amazon-had-leased-is-reportedly-put-on-market/
#1yrago The "Reputation Management" industry continues to depend on forged legal documents https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20190216/15544941616/pissed-consumer-exposes-new-york-luxury-car-dealers-use-bogus-notarized-letters-to-remove-critical-reviews.shtml
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Colophon (permalink)
Today's top sources: Allegra of Oakland Heritage Alliance, Waxy (https://waxy.org/), We Make Money Not Art (https://we-make-money-not-art.com/), Sam Posten (https://twitter.com/Navesink), Slashdot (https://slashdot.org), Kottke (https://kottke.org) and Four Short Links (https://www.oreilly.com/feed/four-short-links).
Hugo nominators! My story "Unauthorized Bread" is eligible in the Novella category and you can read it free on Ars Technica: https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2020/01/unauthorized-bread-a-near-future-tale-of-refugees-and-sinister-iot-appliances/
Upcoming appearances:
Canada Reads Kelowna: March 5, 6PM, Kelowna Library, 1380 Ellis Street, with CBC's Sarah Penton https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/cbc-radio-presents-in-conversation-with-cory-doctorow-tickets-96154415445
Currently writing: I just finished a short story, "The Canadian Miracle," for MIT Tech Review. It's a story set in the world of my next novel, "The Lost Cause," a post-GND novel about truth and reconciliation. I'm getting geared up to start work on the novel now, though the timing is going to depend on another pending commission (I've been solicited by an NGO) to write a short story set in the world's prehistory.
Currently reading: Just started Lauren Beukes's forthcoming Afterland: it's Y the Last Man plus plus, and two chapters in, it's amazeballs. Last week, I finished Andrea Bernstein's "American Oligarchs" this week; it's a magnificent history of the Kushner and Trump families, showing how they cheated, stole and lied their way into power. I'm getting really into Anna Weiner's memoir about tech, "Uncanny Valley." I just loaded Matt Stoller's "Goliath" onto my underwater MP3 player and I'm listening to it as I swim laps.
Latest podcast: Gopher: When Adversarial Interoperability Burrowed Under the Gatekeepers' Fortresses: https://craphound.com/podcast/2020/02/24/gopher-when-adversarial-interoperability-burrowed-under-the-gatekeepers-fortresses/
Upcoming books: "Poesy the Monster Slayer" (Jul 2020), a picture book about monsters, bedtime, gender, and kicking ass. Pre-order here: https://us.macmillan.com/books/9781626723627?utm_source=socialmedia&utm_medium=socialpost&utm_term=na-poesycorypreorder&utm_content=na-preorder-buynow&utm_campaign=9781626723627
(we're having a launch for it in Burbank on July 11 at Dark Delicacies and you can get me AND Poesy to sign it and Dark Del will ship it to the monster kids in your life in time for the release date).
"Attack Surface": The third Little Brother book, Oct 20, 2020.
"Little Brother/Homeland": A reissue omnibus edition with a very special, s00per s33kr1t intro.
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rkmb · 6 years ago
﹢ let it go, 𝘭𝘦𝘵 𝘪𝘵 𝘰𝘶𝘵
       if anyone asks ( not that anyone’s asking but hypothetically speaking - if��someone does ), suwoong would tell them that he’s good at most things.  the only thing he isn’t particularly good at is staying out of people’s business.  friends and acquaintances alike would call that being nosy, but he likes to think of it as being tastefully curious in all things interesting.  and this little altercation in the middle of a family-friendly event meant to celebrate culture and bring people closer together---now, this is interesting.
        at first, he doesn’t think to interject.  he might stick his nose into everyone’s business, but he’s not stupid enough to get involved in something that’s clearly getting physical.
        except then, he does.
        granted, it’s for a good reason:  a toddler, giggling and completely oblivious to all things tense, waddles toward the pair, arms outstretched.  in the same moment, one of the guys involved moves and---”whoa, there.”  he finds his hands wrapped tight around the guy’s shoulders, stilling him just in time for the toddler’s mother to swoop in and snatch her child from being accidentally knocked over.
        and now he’s involved, albeit unintentionally.
        “come on, guys, let’s not fi---dongyoon?”  wait no, backtrack.  “dude,”  he starts again, this time dialing back his surprised tone for one that hints at familiarity.  “i’ve been looking everywhere -- seriously everywhere -- for you, and you’ve been here all this time picking fights?”  he slings an arm around his old cuddle buddy  ( ha! )  and turns to the other guy.  “sorry ‘bout him.  his dog just died, so he’s been in a really awful mood lately.  please excuse us.”  after flashing him a bright smile, he tightens his hold around dongyoon’s shoulders and leads him out.
        it’s only when they’re completely out of earshot does he finally let go.  he quirks an eyebrow at dongyoon then, almost as if asking what happened?  but instead, he says,  “what, no ‘thank you’ for getting you out of trouble?”   ———————   @floverrk
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rkzhengting · 6 years ago
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            ———————————————   𝙦𝙞𝙖𝙣  𝙠𝙪𝙣  𝘧𝘰𝘳  𝘵𝘳𝘪𝘱𝘭𝘦  𝘵𝘩𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘵  𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘦𝘯𝘨𝘦  !                𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 + 𝐝𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 ( 0:00 -  0:35 )  /  𝐝𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 ( 0:35 - 0:55 )  /  𝐫𝐚𝐩 ( 1:35 - 2:02 )
        he chews on his lower lip.  it’s a nervous habit he had picked up over the course of his time in south korea, where the winters are a lot dryer.  he knows he shouldn’t, his lips are already cracked enough, but he can’t help it;  nerves are eating him away, slowly but surely.  and if his parents on the other side of the phone have noticed how unsettled he is, then they’re quite the sadists for dragging out his misery.  it’s been five minutes, and they still haven’t gotten the audio to work.
        “it’s okay,”  he says after some time.  “you can just watch the dance portion.  my singing and rapping weren’t good.”
        his mother thrusts her face in front of the phone camera.  what did i say about that sort of talk?  she narrows her eyes.
        “my singing and rapping can be improved, so that it will be good one day,”  he responds, tone apathetic, almost as if he’s been forced to recite this for years.
        she beams.  that’s right.
        there’s some shuffling then got it!  his father exclaims from the background, turning the camera around so that kun can see the paused video of his triple threat challenge performance blown up on their tv screen.  he continues chewing on his lower lip while halfheartedly debating if he should make up a story so that he can excuse himself from this viewing.  it’s not that he’s embarrassed, per se, but there’s just something about his parents watching him perform that doesn’t sit well with him.  the video plays.  his confidence falters.
        the kun on-screen swoops into a low bow.  “my name is qian kun, and today i will be performing a rendition of christina perri’s ‘human.’  i hope you can enjoy my performance.”  and then he starts.  his movements are graceful, soft -- complimentary of his voice that carries the lyrics in practiced english:
i can hold my breath, i can bite my tongue, i can stay awake for days, if that’s what you want. be your number one.
        he flinches when his on-screen self falters a bit during the i can stay awake for days ( 0:25 ) part.  nervousness had caught him at that precise moment, and he had lost his breath.  that’s something he didn’t account for during his practices.  nerves.  right.  nerves could truly mess up a performance.  fortunately, the subsequent parts didn’t require him to carry out a tune.
        as a pre-recorded i can do it, i can do it, i can do it plays in the background, his on-screen self draws the audience’s attention with a running start that turns into a front aerial flip  ( 0:35 ).  he lands on one knee, a choreographed movement that had his knee scraped and red for days, before twisting upward and shedding off the thin outer layer of clothing to the flow of his arm gestures.
        his parents are quiet, making absolutely no sound nor movement, even at the front aerial flip part, which he believes was the highlight of his choreography.  it was intended to be the main focus, and when he had performed this in front of his dance class  ( since this choreography was originally created for an evaluation ), he was rewarded with reactions.  his parents are giving him no such luxury.
        fingers clenching into fists, he watches as his on-screen self graciously falls to his side  ( 0:52 ), before rolling onto his back.  his chest heaves, his eyes cast upwards as he begins the rap portion:
i'm the kid who's always picked last, easy to skim through and miss without noticing, i'm there when you pass.
always been the shortest in the class, i force a laugh 'cause my own friends push me to the ground and say they're only joking. i'm just hoping someone has my back, no stab.
        save for reaching up to grab a metaphorical rope, his on-screen self doesn’t move during the entire rap part.  there are too many words crammed into just a few seconds that would surely make him lose his breath if he were to layer it with dancing.  thus, he had scraped the choreography in this section in lieu of a stronger rapping performance.  compared to others, though, it’s still not as strong.  not enough feeling, he thinks as he watches his on-screen self finish off no stab in a whisper.
        the last few piano notes play as he sings ‘til i had enough to complete the verse.  if he closes his eyes, he can still feel the cool stage beneath his back, can still hear the applause that erupts afterwards.  it’s loud.  louder than the applause he had received back when he performed with the circus, which drew less than twenty audience members on most days.
        the popularity of idol companies . . how terrifying.
        and then the video cuts off, the camera shifts, and he’s faced with his parents’ reaction.
        i have a friend living in america, if you would like to move there,  his mother says.
        he blanks.  “america?”
        she laughs, waving her hand in front of her face.  so that you can pursue a rap career.  clearly joking.  his father chimes in:  don’t give him ideas.  america is too far away.  korea is already far enough.
        and though he knows that he should be happy with their indirect compliments---rap isn’t his strongest suit---he can’t help but feel . . off.  it’s not that he’s not happy, but this isn’t quite the reaction he was hoping to get  ( then again, what was he expecting? ).
        you did well,  his mother continues,  but you should work on your singing more.  singing is more pleasing to the ear.  you may even attract your future wife with singing, if you work hard to become the next li yugang.
        he can’t help but laugh at that.  “i don’t think i’ll ever achieve li yugang’s octave.”  a pause, then,  “what did you think about my dancing?”
        it was good, as always,  his father comments.
        as always.
        never better.
        he allows a tremor of a smile pass his lips.  “i will work harder.”
        and we know you will.
        they talk for another hour about his classes, about money, and about his future wife  ( whoever she may be ).  he sits through all of it with a hollow stomach, though an empty plate of food sits beside him.  always good.  his brow furrows.  never better.
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sadeceavukat · 5 years ago
ÖZET TTK’nın 1188.maddesinde belirtilen hak düşürücü sürenin geçtiği tespit ile davanın hak düşürücü süre nedeniyle reddine karar verilmesinde isabetsizlik bulunmadığından hükmün esasına yönelik istinaf nedenleri yerinde görülmemiş ise de davanın hak düşürücü süre nedeniyle reddine karar verilmesine rağmen davalı yararın nispi vekalet ücreti takdir edilmesi tarifenin 7.maddesine aykırı olduğundan HKMK nın 353-b-2, 3 gereği hükmün kaldırılmasına, davanın hak düşürücü süre nedeniyle reddine ve davalı yararına maktu vekalet ücretine hükmedilmiştir. İSTANBUL BAM 12. H.D. E.2019/2344 K.2020/180 T.12.02.2020
Taraflar arasında görülen dava neticesinde; Dairemizce verilen hükmün Yargıtay 11. HD tarafından bozularak iadesi üzerine yapılan duruşma sonunda dosya kapsamı incelenip gereği görüşülüp düşünüldü;
Davacı vekili dava dilekçesinde; müvekkili tarafından Fronting Blok Abonman Poliçesi ile sigortalanan … AŞ ye ait bakır kablo emtiasının İzmir / Türkiye ‘den Fellxstowe / İngiltere’ye taşıma işleminin … isimli gemi ile konteyner içerisinde taşıyan sıfatıyla davalı tarafından üstlenildiğini, söz konusu emtiaların deniz nakliyesi sırasında gemi kaynaklı bir problem nedeniyle sızan yakıtın emtia konteynerlerine ulaşması ve konteyner içindeki emtialara sirayeti sonucu hasarın meydana geldiğini, yapılan incelemelerde makara kenarında yakıt sirayetinin dış kablo sarımlarına kadar ulaştığının tespit edildiğini, fatura ve yapılan tespitler gereğince 48.234,53 euro (133.276,82- TL) sigortalı zararın, müvekkili şirket tarafından tazmin edildiğini, davalılara müracaatta bulunulduğunu ancak sonuç alınamadığını, buna ilişkin icra takibinin başlatıldığını, davalı şirketin borca itiraz ettiğini belirterek 48.234,53 euro (133.276,82- TL alacağa ilişkin icra takibine vaki itirazın iptaline, %20’den az olmayan oranda icra inkar tazminatının davalıya yükletilmesine karar verilmesini talep etmiştir.
Davalı vekili, taşımanın deniz kısmının İzmir Limanından Felixstowe Limanına …’ya ait konişmento kapsamında yapıldığını, müvekkili şirketin dava konusu taşımada navlun komisyoncusu olarak faaliyet gösterdiğini, davaya ilişkin icra takibinin tahliye tarihinden bir yıl geçtikten sonra açıldığını, navlun komisyonculuğu yapan müvekkili şirketin dava konusu taşıma bakımından sorumluluğunun bulunmadığını, müvekkili şirketin navlun komisyoncusu olarak hareket ettiğinden söz konusu sızıntının meydana gelmesinden sorumlu tutulamayacağını, davacının sigortalısı tarafından yapılan usulüne uygun bir hasar bildiriminin bulunmadığını belirterek aktif ve pasif husumet yokluğu nedeniyle usul yönünden reddine, esas yönünden incelemeye karar verilmesi halinde müvekkili şirketin zarardan sorumlu olmaması nedeniyle davanın reddine karar verilmesini talep etmiştir.
Mahkemece; icra takibinin 08/12/2014 tarihinde başlatıldığını, sigorta şirketi tarafından sigortalıya hasar tazminatının ödemesinin 05/05/2014 tarihinde yapıldığını, TTK’nun 1188/3.maddesinde rücu davası açma hakkı bu hakka sahip olan kişinin istenen tazminat bedelini ödediği veya aleyhine açılan tazminat davasında dava dilekçesini tebellüğ ettiği tarihten itibaren 90 gün içinde kullanılmadıkça düşeceği hükmüne yer verildiği, davacının sigortalıya ödeme yaptığı tarih ile icra takibinin yapıldığı tarih arasında bu maddede belirtilen sürenin geçtiğini, TTK’nun 1188/1 maddesinde ise eşyanın ziya veya hasarı ile geç tesliminden dolayı taşıyana karşı her türlü tazminat istem hakkının 1 yıl içinde yargı yoluna başvurulmadığı takdirde düşeceği hükmüne yer verildiğini,
ekspertiz rapor tarihinin 17/09/2013 tarihi olduğunu ve hasarın fark edildiği tarihin 05/06/2013 tarihi talep tarihinin 06/06/2013 olduğunun raporda belirtildiği, sigortalı tarafından davalıya 04/07/2013 tarihli ihtarname keşide edildiği, takip tarihinin 08/12/2014 tarihi olduğunu TTK’nun 1188.maddesinde belirtilen hak düşürücü sürenin geçtiğini, davacı vekili her ne kadar davalı şirket tarafından kendilerine gönderilen ihtarnameye rağmen geçerli ve yeterli cevap verilmediğini, ve TTK’nun 1189. maddesi gereğince hak düşürücü süre itirazından yararlanamayacakları belirtilmiş ise de TTK’nun 1189. maddesinde “tazminat isteminin muhatabı, zarar göreni dava açma süresini kaçırması sonucunu doğuracak şekilde oyalarsa, hak düşürücü sürenin geçtiği itirazından yararlanamaz” hükmüne yer verildiği,
ancak davacı vekilin bu hususa ilişkin yeterli delil ve belge sunmadığını,davacının dayandığı defter ve kayıtlarında oyalama hususunun ispatlanmasını sağlayamayacağını belirterek davanın hak düşürücü süre nedeniyle reddine karar vermiştir. İstinaf yoluna başvuran davacı vekili; davanın hak düşürücü süre nedeniyle reddine karar verilmesinin yerinde olmadığını,müvekkilinin 08.05.2014 tarihinde sigortalıya 46.307,38-euro ödeyerek TTK nun 1472 maddesi gereğince ihbar yazısı gönderildiğini, ihbar yazısına davalının cevap vermediğini ve kötüniyetli olarak hak düşürücü sürenin dolmasını hedeflediğini,
hasarın niteliği ve miktarını belgeleyen belgelerin mahkemeye sunulduğunu, konişmentoda yazılı taşıyıcıya 04.07.2013 tarihinde hasara ilişkin ihtarnamenin mevcut olduğunu, ayrıca hak düşürücü süre nedeniyle davanın reddine karar verilmesi nedeniyle davalıya nispi vekalet ücreti tayin edilmesinin hatalı olduğunu, belirterek kararın kaldırılmasını talep etmiştir. Dairemizce yapılan istinaf incelemesi neticesinde; gerek bilirkişi raporu gerek ekspertiz raporuna göre malın 18.06.2013 tarihinde hasarlı olarak tesliminin gerçekleştiği, ödemenin 5.5.2014 tarihinde yapıldığı 12.12.2014 tarihinde takip başlatıldığı davanın 12.3.2015 tarihinde açıldığı göz önüne alındığında teslim tarihinden itibaren 1 yıllık hak düşürücü süre içinde davanın açılmadığı gibi ödeme tarihinden itibaren 3 ay içinde takip talebinde bulunulmadığı, davacının sürenin geçirilmesini temin için davalı tarafından oyalandığı iddiasının dosya içeriğine göre ispatlanmadığı sonucuna varan mahkemenin takdirinde bir isabetsizlik bulunmadığı,ancak davalı yararına nispi vekalet ücretine hükmedildiği;
AAÜT 7. maddesi uyarınca davanın dinlenebilmesi için kanunlarda öngörülen ön şartın yerine getirilmemiş olması ve husumet nedeniyle davanın reddine karar verilmesinde tarifenin 2. kısmının 2. bölümünde yazılı miktarları geçmemek üzere üçüncü kısımda yazılı avukatlık ücretine hükmolunacağı düzenlendiğinden davalı yararına nispi vekalet ücretine hükmedilmesi tarife hükmüne aykırı olduğu gerekçesiyle istinaf başvurusunun kısmen kabulüyle hükmün bu kısma yönelik olarak kaldırılarak davalı yararına maktu vekalet ücreti ödenmesine hükmolunmuştur.
Dairemizin 2017/590 Esas-2017/566 Karar sayılı ve 08/11/2017 tarihli; İlk derece mahkemesinin hükmünün vekalet ücreti yönünden kaldırılmasına ve davalı yararına maktu vekalet ücreti ödenmesine ilişkin kararının, davalı vekilinin katılma yoluyla ve davacı vekilinin temyizi üzerine inceleyen Yargıtay 11. Hukuk Dairesinin 2018/1077 esas 2019/6585 karar sayılı ve 22.10.2019 tarihli ilam ile; “….6100 sayılı HMK’nın 353/1-b-1 maddesiyle, bölge adliye mahkemesince, incelenen mahkeme kararının usul veya esas yönünden hukuka uygun olduğu anlaşıldığı takdirde ve ancak bu halde başvurunun esastan reddine karar verileceği hüküm altına alınmıştır.
Hal böyle olmakla, aynı yasanın 353/1-b-2 ve 3. maddelerinde öngörüldüğü üzere, ilk derece mahkemesi kararında kanunun uygulanmasında veya gerekçesinde hata bulunması halleri ile ilk derece yargılamasına ilişkin tahkikat eksiklikleri duruşma yapılmaksızın tamamlanacak nitelikte ise bunların tamamlanmasından sonra yeniden esas hakkında karar verilmesi gerekir.
Bu durumda, ilk derece yargılaması aşamasında dava hak düşürücü süreden reddedilmiş ve davalı yararına nispi vekalet ücreti takdir edilmişken, bölge adliye mahkemesince vekalet ücreti yönünden yeni bir hüküm kurulabilmesi için öncelikle ilk derece mahkemesi kararı kaldırılıp esas hakkında HMK 353/1(b)2-3 maddeleri uyarınca yeniden hüküm tesis edilmesi ile birlikte vekalet ücreti yönünden de yeniden hüküm tesisi mümkün olacağından, istinaf başvurusunun dava hak düşürücü süreden reddedilirken vekalet ücreti yönünden kabulü ile yeniden hüküm kurulması doğru görülmemiş, bölge adliye mahkemesi kararının re’sen bozulması gerekmiştir. ” denilerek hak düşürücü süreye ilişkin olarak bildirilen istinaf sebeplerinin yerinde olmadığından bu kısma yönelik istinaf başvurusunun esastan reddine, vekalet ücreti bakımından kabulüne ilişkin hüküm bozulmuş, usul ve yasaya uygun bozma ilamına uyulmuştur.
Somut olayda; icra takibinin 08/12/2014 tarihinde başlatıldığı, tazminat ödemesinin 05/05/2014 tarihinde yapıldığı, TTK’nun 1188/3.maddesinde rücu davası açma hakkı bu hakka sahip olan kişinin istenen tazminat bedelini ödediği veya aleyhine açılan tazminat davasında dava dilekçesini tebellüğ ettiği tarihten itibaren 90 gün içinde kullanılmadıkça düşeceği hükmüne yer verildiği, sigortalıya ödeme yapılan tarih ile icra takibi tarihi değerlendirildiğinde, bu maddede belirtilen sürenin geçtiğini, TTK’nun 1188/1 maddesinde ise eşyanın ziya veya hasarı ile geç tesliminden dolayı taşıyana karşı her türlü tazminat istem hakkının 1 yıl içinde yargı yoluna başvurulmadığı takdirde düşeceği hükmüne yer verildiği,
ekspertiz rapor tarihinin 17/09/2013 tarihi olduğu ve hasarın tesbit tarihinin 05/06/2013 tarihi, talep tarihinin 06/06/2013 tarihi olduğu, sigortalı tarafından davalı şirkete 04/07/2013 tarihli Beşiktaş … Noterliğinin ihtarname keşide edildiği, takip tarihinin 08/12/2014 tarihi olduğu ve davalının davacıyı oyaladığı sabit olmadığından TTK’nun 1188.maddesinde belirtilen hak düşürücü sürenin geçtiği tesbit ile davanın hakdüşürücü süre nedeniyle reddine karar verilmesinde isabetsizlik bulunmadığından hükmün esasına yönelik istinaf nedenleri yerinde görülmemiş ise de davanın hakdüşürücü süre nedeniyle reddine karar verilmesine rağmen davalı yararın nispi vekalet ücreti takdir edilmesi tarifenin 7.maddesine aykırı olduğundan HKMK nun 353-b-2, 3 gereği hükmün kaldırılmasına, davanın hakdüşürücü süre nedeniyle reddine ve davalı yararına maktu vekalet ücretine hükmedilmiştir.
Yukarıda açıklanan nedenlerle:
Davacı vekilinin istinaf başvurusunun KISMEN KABULÜNE;
İstanbul 17. Asliye Ticaret Mahkemesi’nin 13/10/2016 tarih, 2015/155 Esas-2016/457 Karar sayılı hükmünün HMK.’nın 353(1)b-2 maddesi gereği KALDIRILMASINA;
“Davanın hak düşürücü süreden REDDİNE,”
İlk derece yargılamasına ilişkin olarak; “Alınması gereken 54,40- TL harcın, davacı tarafından yatırılan 1.595,44- TL harçtan mahsubu ile fazla olan 1.541,04- TL harcın talep halinde karar kesinleştiğinde davacıya iadesine,
Davalı vekili için takdir olunan karar tarihinde yürürlükte bulunan AAÜT uyarınca belirlenen 1.980- TL maktu avukatlık ücreti ile 12-TL yargılama giderinin davacıdan alınarak davalıya verilmesine,
Davacı tarafından yapılan yargı giderlerinin üzerinde bırakılmasına,
İstinaf yoluna başvuran davacı tarafından yatırılan 31,40-TL peşin istinaf karar harcının istek halinde kendisine iadesine, Hükümden sonra davalı gider avansından karşılanan 25-TL istinaf yargılama giderinin davacıdan alınarak davalıya verilmesine,
Davacı vekili için takdir olunan 1.700-TL istinaf duruşma vekalet ücretinin davalıdan alınarak davacıya ödenmesine,
Davalı vekili için takdir olunan 1.700-TL duruşma vekalet ücretinin davacıdan alınarak davalıya ödenmesine,
Gerekçeli kararın bir örneğinin taraf vekillerine tebliğine,
HMK ‘nun 361/1. maddesi uyarınca kararın tebliğ tarihinden itibaren iki hafta içinde temyiz yoluna başvurulabileceğine,duruşmalı yapılan inceleme neticesinde taraf vekillerinin yüzüne karşı oy birliğiyle karar verildi.12/02/2020
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