#TJ Kippen headcanon
anarcoqueer1994 · 5 months
Thinking a lot about TJ and Cyrus and have this little head canon that like a year into their relationship, TJ finds out that Cyrus used to have a crush on Jonah. And like obviously, he trusts Cyrus but he still is a little insecure so for like a month straight TJ keeps trying to up Jonah in anything they are doing and Cyrus has to stand by and cringe, and Jonah is just oblivious to what the hell is happening
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fairykippen · 5 months
high school tyrus head canon\ficlet bc i miss my boys
one night they’re having a study date at tj’s and after a certain amount of hours, tj’s eyes start watering and turning red due to his contacts being in for too long
and cyrus is like “teej? are you okay?”
tj never told cyrus he has bad vision so he’s like “yeah :D” meanwhile his eyes literally look bloodshot
so obviously cyrus is CONCERNED so he Keeps asking wtf is going on because while Yes, studying is hard, but it’s not like a question is being repeated louder and louder by your parents at the dinner table and trying to hold back tears?!
after like 5 minutes of dealing with the burning (and cyrus being a concerned bf) tj finally goes into the bathroom to take the contacts out and puts on his glasses
before tj walks out, he says “okay. you have to promise not to overreact because i know you will” and cyrus is like “??? when have i ever overreacted???”
tj can’t help but laugh
he walks out of the bathroom with wired circular frames (yk like the guy from that one disney movie)
and cyrus just gets the biggest smile on his face
tj hasn’t even SAID anything. he Walked out of the room
and cyrus is FLUSTERED
“what?” tj asks, feeling embarrassed
nobody besides his family, and one time reed by accident, has seen him with his glasses and non-gelled up hair
cyrus tries to speak but he keeps giggling
“you’re making fun of me…” tj sulks and starts to turn red
cyrus stops himself. “no! i’m not! you just look really… cute. handsome, even.” and tj’s face goes redder
he leans over and ruffles tj’s already somewhat messy hair, “you always look handsome!”
cyrus lifts up tj’s face that he previously buried in his hoodie sleeves, forcing eye contact and brings his face closer to initiate a kiss
tj kisses his boyfriend back
after detaching, tj happily exhales and grins really big at cyrus
“you don’t think i look like a geek?”
“if you look like a geek then what am i?” cyrus asks sarcastically
tj chuckles “you know what i mean! it’s just… everyone sees me as this Tough Jock. it’s hard trying to break that persona, even though i’m out and whatever, i still struggle to take down the shield. dealing with a learning disability was hard, still is, then last month getting diagnosed with adhd, coming out as a couple, and now just showing you that i wear glasses and my hair doesn’t stand up perfectly? it’s hard.”
as cyrus listens to his boyfriend, he takes in every word he says.
“i hear you teej, it can be really hard, but you don’t have to feel any sort of shame in front of you. i Love you. okay? always will. i feel so lucky to have YOU as MY boyfriend! you’re such a special person, you and all your so-called flaws. i want to be someone you can be 100% yourself with, but that doesn’t mean you always need to wear your glasses or have your hair undone… even though i really love this look on you… anyways, you’re an amazing human being and i hope you always know that”
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tjisntnice · 7 months
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spookyblazecoffee · 1 year
LGBTQ Andi Mack Headcanons (The teens)
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I forgot to add it, but Libby prefers women.
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coolestqueerguy · 2 years
Part 2 of My favorite ftm trangenders, I'm ftm trans myself so technically, once again, I am right.
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etincelise · 1 year
i have this hdc that tj’s birthday is in august and i’ve been listening to august by taylor swift on repeat last couple of days and do you know what month is it now?
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cyrus-badman · 1 year
Okay so idk if anyone is reading this but just in case (or maybe for my sanity) I'll share some of my andi mack headcanons!
Kippen siblings (obviously bc kippen siblings are so fr)
Amber always teases TJ about Cyrus but she's actually really happy he's finally found someone who has made him a better person and who makes him happy
TJ teases Amber about Andi all the time but in retaliation Amber brings up Cyrus and TJ shuts all the way up
Every once in a while (more so when their parents were in a tough place financially) they'll have sleepovers (aka Amber comes into TJ's room with the cat Macaroni (I heard another author use this name in their fic and omg I can totally see TJ naming him that and Amber's like TJ what the fuck he's a CAT and TJ's like so? And so the cat was officially named after TJ's favorite meal) and lay on his bed until he wakes up to the sound of Macaroni's loud-ass purring straight in his hear and they talk about everything and nothing, but usually steer clear of anything too serious bc if they walk on that ground one of them is definitely gonna get mad and then nobody's happy) and sometimes Marty will join them (usually when he's having his own sleepover with TJ but then Amber intrudes bc she's Amber and she always wanted a little brother ("fuck you Amber!") and then TJ will threaten to hit her but he does nothing obviously bc he loves his siblings
Marty is like practically adopted by the Kippens and he's over there like 24/7 when he doesn't have track or basketball practice (he makes the freshman team when they get to high school bc I said so)
TJ and Marty share a braincell with Jonah
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partiallypearl · 2 years
a, i, o, t, y for ask game? 👉👈
A - Ships that you currently like a lot. (They don’t have to be OTPs because not everyone has OTPs.) Friendships, pairings, threesomes, etc. are allowed.
Sambea (duh lmao), Rivusa, Skylora, Scydia (my loves i miss them!!), Riarkle, Rina, Flora & Terra, Musa & Terra
I - Has Tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why?
Andi Mack. My hatred of TJ Kippen remains in my heart and most likely will never leave. Also, to a certain degree, Teen Wolf bc of the S*les/S*ydia fans.
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T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending? 
Yes! Riley Matthews has ADHD, Musa did ballet as a kid, and Terra gets to kill a man at some point 😏
Y - What are your secondhand fandoms (i.e., fandoms you aren’t in personally but are tangentially familiar with because your friends/people on your dash are in them)?
The Rookie bc of Ish, Supernatural and The Last of Us bc of Jo (I also live in one of the cities where TLOU was filmed primarily lmaooo)
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lyssini · 5 years
Already said this on Twitter but
Can i make a HC (until we find out more of his family probably)
That TJ lives with a single mom and he helps her out which adds to him being a "jerk" in S2 and he feels like he has to be the "MAN" of the house
But when he gets home he is a big sweetheart to his mom
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sandcrdriesens · 5 years
if you don’t think tj would buy knee socks with the pride flag on it, you’re wrong.
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bambikippen · 6 years
as much as i hate to say it, tj is the type of person that would say ‘xd’ out loud and-
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secretly-of-course · 3 years
Andi Mack Character Appreciation Week: Day 5 ✨ TJ ✨
Last but not least here are some of my TJ headcanons!
TJ becomes less embarrassed about his name over time. Having someone as great as Cyrus love his name definitely made TJ appreciate it a lot more, however he still doesn't tell just anybody his real name because it's something special just for Cyrus (and his family).
All the time spent working at the gym means TJ is GREAT with kids. And to everyone's surprise babies too! When Andi's little sibling is born TJ always gets the baby to fall asleep when they've been fussy and no one understands how he does this. He gets asked to babysit a lot.
TJ gets really into baking. It started with attempting to make some chocolate chocolate chip muffins for Cyrus's birthday but he ends up really enjoying it and doing it more often.
TJ's favorite color is green.
In addition to the piano, TJ also plays the saxophone and the tambourine.
After their initial struggles, TJ ends up becoming best friends with both Jonah and Marty and the dumbass trio is born. They never once hang out without breaking something.
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[imade ID: a photo of TJ sitting at The Spoon next to Trash Can Buffy. He is smiling with his mouth closed and has his eyebrows raised in curiosity.]
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fairykippen · 6 months
alex from jatp is tj’s uncle because i say so
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captainkippen · 3 years
hi aaron, hope you're doing okay :) what do you think the dumbass trio is up to these days?
They're probably about 15/16 now right? And dealing with a global pandemic! So they're probably trying to entertain themselves and causing trouble as a result
For example:
- Masks are annoying, so Marty's solution is to buy all three of them biohazard suits. They wear them to meet up in the park and scare small children away from the swings. Jonah dyed his pink by mistake.
- All three of them have gotten scary good at their favourite video games. TJ briefly fell into a Minecraft hole (and by briefly I mean three months) where he created an iron mining empire. Marty and Jonah had to stage an intervention.
- Jonah took to trying out a new hobby every week assisted by Andi over zoom. He tried building robots for a while but his attempts were thwarted when his mom banned him from building anything that involved wiring (she had a good reason - he almost set the living room on fire with one of his creations).
- They have nightly discord conferences where they all talk over each other for hours until they're tired enough to sleep. Somehow none of their school work has suffered for this?
- TJ got a dog and they all meet up regularly to take him on socially distanced walks. Jonah almost cried the first time... he just really loves dogs, okay?!
- Frisbee in the park but wearing the biohazard suits.
- When they were finally allowed to get close to one another again they went to the park TJ and Jonah both jumped on Marty to greet him and all three of them fell into the pond.
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spookyblazecoffee · 1 year
The Dirtbike Gays headcanons
-The Dirtbike Gays are TJ, Reed, and Lester (named that by Reed after Lester came out [originally they were called The Dirtbike Gays + Lester])
-They mostly spend the night at Reed’s house because his dad doesn’t acknowledge them and his mom doesn’t mind when the other two come over (plus TJ never has to worry about his peanut allergy while there because Reed’s mom is also allergic [and Reed obviously doesn’t have to worry about his cat allergy])
-Dressed up as Spider-Man (TJ) Iron Man (Lester) and Captain America (Reed) when they were eleven for Halloween
-Watch kids shows together a lot (EX. Bubble Guppies, Team Umizoomi, Little Einsteins, Octonauts, ETC.)
-All know each other’s phone passwords (they won’t tell anyone else [I.E. TJ’s asshole dad and Reed’s asshole dad {Lester tells his dad his password because they tell each other practically everything}])
-They all named Reed’s dog (they named her Eirwen [they did a lot of research about names meaning white or fluffy]
-All watched Coco together ‘Is Big Bad Basketball Man crying?’ (Lester) and ‘No Lester!’ I’m not crying, I just have something in my eyes!’ (TJ) and ‘Pfft, yeah, tears.’ (Reed) during the end with Remember Me [they were ALL crying but none of them will admit that they were to anyone else {Reed and Lester tell Cyrus about it and TJ yells at them playfully}])
-The same thing that happened with Coco happened when they watched Tick... Tick... BOOM! with Amber, Marty, TJ’s mom, and TJ’s grandparents
-They get new costumes of the ones from when they were eleven every time they grow out of the old ones
-One time they all put on their superhero costumes and sprayed a bigot with water (the only reason it was water was if they got caught they could just say they didn’t do anything to harm anyone they just soaked them with water)
-They try all of the different Pepsi flavors and see if they like them or not (including the ones that taste like Peeps marshmallows [their favorites are the Cherry and Mango ones])
-They all have the same favorite movies (10 Things I Hate About You and Heathers)
-Bi-weekly (every other week) sleepovers (it’s mainly just Reed and Lester teasing TJ about his crush on Cyrus [sometimes Marty comes too, or, if they’re at TJ’s grandparents house he goes into TJ’s room and joins in on the teasing until TJ mention his crush on Buffy {at which point Lester and Reed start teasing Marty}])
-Out of the three of them Lester is the mom friend, TJ is the dad friend, and Reed is a reckless child friend
If I make anymore HC’s about The Dirtbike Gays I will make a separate post but title it the same
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mogai-headcanons · 3 years
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Andi Mack from Andi Mack is a demiromantic asexual unlabeled demigirl who uses she/her and ve/vir pronouns, and she’s dating Amber, a neurodivergent closeted lesbian who uses she/her, it/its, and xe/xem pronouns, and Libby, a catgender genderfae strawbefeminine nonbinary lesbian who uses they/them, mew/mews, she/her, and fleur/fleurs pronouns! Andi is friends with Buffy Driscoll, a pansexual agender person who uses he/him, she/her, and fae/faer pronouns, and the two are also friends with Cyrus Goodman, a neurodivergent gay transmasculine genderqueer boy who uses he/him and coin/coins pronouns! Cyrus is dating TJ Kippen, a neurodivergent T4T gay demisexual transmasculine nonbinary person with dyscalculia who uses he/him, they/them, and ze/zem pronouns!
dni transcript here
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