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johnbottoms · 2 years ago
there's smth so scary abt a completely white beige minimalist house . if u don't have at least some semblance of life hanging on the walls like. huh
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harrywavycurly · 7 years ago
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You were sitting in a big comfy chair far away from the bustling party mindlessly scrolling on your phone when it happened. You felt the sudden coldness on your lap before noticing it was now damp as well. That’s when you realized it was in fact someone’s glass of what seemed to be something made with whiskey that had managed to be spilled all over your new skirt. Before you could really register what happened you saw a pair of hands reaching over with a stack of napkins trying to dry you off.
“Uh normally people take me to dinner before they start messing with my skirt.” You joked and instantly the hands stopped moving. So you took this opportunity to let your eyes roam up to their wrists, past their nicely toned arms and finally reaching their face that held probably the most shocked and embarrassed expression you’d ever seen.
“Jesus Harry, leave ya alone fo five minutes and you’ve gone and spilled ya drink all over dis poor girl.“ your head turned in the direction that a thick Irish accent was coming from. “Dis is why da drinkin age is twenty one in da states. Coz blokes like you who can’t handle themselves.” You laughed at his statement, the owner of the voice was soon standing behind the man you now learned was Harry, he was getting a slap on the back by the Irishmen.
“It was an accident, I’m so sorry by tha way. Didn’t see the rug and it just tripped me up a bit. I can buy you a new skirt.” You noticed how slow and deep his voice was, it made you want to giggle at how it was like he carefully thought out each word before saying it.
You looked at the pair of men standing next to you and if you were half as tipsy as the rest of the girls were at the party you probably would’ve been immediately attracted to either of them. Harry was too heavily inked for your liking but you appreciated the art none the less. While the Irish one could easily rock the overly processed blonde on the tips of his hair you couldn’t help but wonder why he didn’t like the brunette color of his roots, it suited his bright blue eyes a bit better. You gave them both a reassuring smile as you looked down at Harry’s hands that were now just resting on top of your knees.
“I will just wash it, but thank you for your offer.” You saw Harry look as if he was waiting for you to add something so you just placed a hand over his and gave it a pat. “It’s okay.” The Irish one laughed and took a swig of the beer he was holding.
“Gosh Harry not everyone jus throws clothes away when dey get sick of em, people actually do laundry ya know.” This made Harry roll his emerald green eyes as he stood up straight removing his hands from your lap.
“Piss off Niall, don’t you have some poor girl to harass or somethin?” You laughed as you finally figured out the Irish ones name, they both looked at you as you covered your mouth to muffle your laughter.
“You two here for the holidays?” You didn’t know why you were being nosey but these two seemed interesting and quite frankly you were bored out of your mind at this Christmas party. It was your aunt’s yearly shindig and you always just attended to be polite but normally you’d sneak away after an hour or so.
“We aren’t like together.” You couldn’t help but burst out in laughter at Harry’s comment that resulted in a smack upside the head from Niall.
“No shit Harry, god she’s not a bloody idiot. I tink she was jus asking why are we in town ya knob.” Harry’s eyes went wide and you saw his cheeks get a bit pink. You stood up and brushed the few chunks off ice off your lap and reached out your hands towards the both of them.
“Well it was lovely to meet you two, I’ve gotta get going now.” You saw Niall move his drink from one hand to the other so he could shake your left hand while Harry awkwardly gave your right hand a weird little hug with both of his giant hands.
You smiled at them before turning on your heels and heading for the door of the hotel lobby. You didn’t even make it a few feet before you heard someone calling your name. You soon felt a hand on your waist and a sloppy kiss to your cheek as the familiar scent of spearmint gum mixed with cigarets hit your nose.
“Where ya off to babe?” You cringed at his choice of pet names, he knew how much you hated them. You turned your head and rolled your eyes as you looked into his bloodshot red eyes. “Don’t give me that look, it’s the holidays! Be merry and bright and all that crap!” You couldn’t help but make a face of annoyance as he spoke, you knew he would be here because there was free food and booze involved.
“I’m heading home.” You snapped at him and when he tried to pull you closer you put both hands on his chest in attempts to push him away.
“Hey love, been lookin fo you.” You slowly turned your head as Harry’s deep slow drawl came up from behind you. When he shot you a wink you gave him a small smile. You felt the hand that was on your waist drop and soon it was replaced with Harry’s arm as he pulled you into his side. “Where did ya run off to? Niall wants to go look at the Rockefeller Tree, fancy joining him?” You looked up at Harry who was giving you such a big smile that you noticed a dimple appear.
“You hang out with Pop Star boyband members now?” You shot the drunk boy in front of you a weird look as he just rolled his eyes and laughed to himself as he stumbled away. You felt Harry loosen his grip on you as Niall appeared on the other side of you.
“Proper dick tha guy was, what ya doin wit a lad like em for anyways?” Niall’s eyes were glued to the back of the guys head as he watched to make sure he didn’t turn around a head back over to you. “Needs ta learn some manners.” He added before finally looking over at you and giving you a smile.
“He’s an ex of mine, always been an asshole actually.” You answered and when you saw him just nod his head you looked at Harry and then back at Niall with a big grin. “Did you two really want to go look at the Rockefeller tree?” You asked and Niall just shrugged and looked up at Harry.
“I mean we should probably leave, we did sort of crash this party.” You bent over in laughter causing Harry and Niall to give you weird looks, out of all the holiday parties going on in New York City of course they crashed your aunts.
“Don’t worry I won’t tell my aunt.” You explained as you finally managed to get your laughter under control. You saw the two of the exchange looks before looking back down at you. “Well let’s go boys.” You felt Harry drop his arm from your waist as you turned and headed for the door.
“Your aunt is hosting dis party? She must be bloody loaded they had proper pints of Guinness at da bar.” You laughed as you grabbed your coat from the woman who was managing the check in station, she’s been working these holiday parties since you could remember.
“She does well for herself i guess you could say, the Guinness was my idea since she has clients from Ireland who come to town just for the party.” You slipped on your coat as Harry held the door open for you. The cold night air made you pull your coat a little closer to your body.
“I could marry ya right here and now jus fo that love.” You laughed at his proposal as You linked your arms through both of theirs as the three of you headed towards the over crowded Christmas Tree.
You looked from Harry to Niall and as you were looking at their faces it finally clicked in your head. You knew who these two were, you found yourself wondering why the hell they were even hanging out with you but instead of questioning it you had something else in mind.
“So I have to ask.” You saw Harry shoot you a glance causing you to notice the tip of his nose and cheeks were turning pink. “Why doesn’t One Direction do the whole dancing thing? I loved watching *NSYNC dance around on stage when i was younger.” You heard Niall’s booming laugh coming from your left as Harry rolled his eyes.
“Just not what we do. We enjoy singing and Niall here plays the guitar so we just stick to what we know.” You just nodded your head and when the three of you could see the Tree in the distance you smiled, you’ve lived here a few years now but you still couldn’t get over how beautiful the city was during the holidays.
“You from here love?” You looked at Niall who was now just full on holding your hand and giving it a good squeeze, you were sure it was because you had gloves on and his bare hand was freezing.
“I’m here for school, I’m from California.” You answered and you felt Harry unlink his arm from yours and throw it over your shoulder. “You two are cuddly little things huh?” You joked and Harry just rolled his eyes as Niall laughed.
“Have a feelin we’re gonna get along swell.” You smiled as Niall spoke and Harry just nodded in agreement. You saw Harry pull a gray beanie from his coat pocket and quickly throw it on covering the tops of his ears.
“So are you a fan of ours?” Harry asked as the three of you stood in front of the brightly lit tree, you were looking up trying to see the top and just shrugged.
“Pop music isn’t my favorite,” You turned your head and saw Niall snickering as Harry shot you a playful glare. “But that one guy in your band can really sing.” You teased and by this point Niall was full blown laughing.
“Dat one guy? Love dare are five of us in da band.” You just gave Niall a look of mock confusion before turning and looking at Harry who had a playful smirk on his face.
“Five? No way! You two are just the backup singers right?” You joked and soon you felt Harry pinch your shoulder causing you to flinch a little and Niall to shoot him a dirty look.
“Oi! Don’t go about pinchin and poken at er. She’s da reason i got a bloody good pint of Guinness in da states. Might as well be royalty.” You laughed as Niall let go of your hand and loosely wrapped his arm around your waist.
“Sorry fo disturbing the Princess.” Harry joked and Niall just nodded his head as he looked down at you and gave you a big smile.
“Princess, it fits.” You were surprised how much you liked the sound of the pet name coming from either of their mouths, you enjoyed the fact they didn’t call you love or now princess in a demeaning way, they were terms of endearment.
“I like it.” You stated as the three of you looked up at the tree and to be honest you felt like you could stay there in the middle of the two of them all night and be perfectly content.
Little did you know that night was the beginning of a friendship that would go on for years. You grew to trust and love them, even though at times you wanted to smack both of them upside the head. You became the one they would call when they were bored, drunk, couldn’t sleep or just needed a reminder that someone was there who cared.
You loved being around them but also enjoyed your time with them one on one. Harry was always there with a hug and a wise word or two when you needed it while Niall was always the one with a six pack in his hand and a shoulder to cry on while he threatened to end the life of whoever was causing your tears. You now couldn’t imagine your life without them, and it’s funny to think it all started at a Christmas party with a drink being spilled in your lap.
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