#THIS is the post I'm gonna periodically reblog for the next week instead of the separate ficlets
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Sapphic Summer 2024 Masterpost
*note, this is just a comprehensive list with links of ficlets I wrote for this event, it is not the entire event collection
Mireille/Silvana (Noir) - prompt: flower crowns
Michiru/Nazuna (BNA: Brand New Animal) - prompt: the sunlight was made to kiss your hair
Eleanor/Drea (Do Revenge) - prompt: the mortifying ordeal of being known
Maomao/Suirei (The Apothecary Diaries) - prompt: seventeen is an inconvenient time to be in love
Iris/Zenna (Sunken Garden) - prompt: worst mistake
#behold! a creation!#mc13 writes#yuri#femslash#sapphic summer#sapphicsummer2024#god I really don't want to tag all the individual ships. so I'm not going to.#THIS is the post I'm gonna periodically reblog for the next week instead of the separate ficlets
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Oh my god?????
Okay... WOW!! This is amazing!!!
First off, as always, thank you for your amazing support!!! I know I say it so much, but I truly, deeply mean it. I'm only a few followers away from 300 followers, which is?? Insane?? The last time I was on Tumblr I thought I had a good following with 100, which I did! I mean, that's good to me lol. But that was over the course of like, a year? Maybe two? I've been posing here for like a month, so wtf (but GOOD wtf, GREAT wtf!!!) I'm not really sure what I want to do to celebrate that, but there'll probably be something. Like a fun ask game once we actually hit that milestone!
So, the true point of this post besides thank you for your support, is a few different things.
First off,
I am not closing requests. However, I have... 19 requests now... and I don't think I'd be that intimidated, except some of these stand the possibility of being written as at least a mini series, so it's more like I'm looking at 30+ guaranteed works if I factor in multiple parts to those requests.
That being said, I am now going to say from here on out
If you submit a request, I most likely will not answer you for one month from the time you submit.
Which is insane, I'm aware. But first off, I do work lol. Second off, there's a lot!! I've gotta at least get 19 works out before I can respond to new requests, so pray for me. And as I've said before in the past, I do not respond to requests until your work is ready. So do not expect a response until I've written it.
Second off,
for the next two weeks I am going on a writing break! I have a current IRL project that is now demanding my full time attention, and I also do not want to burn myself out on writing while wrapping up said IRL project. I'll still be on Tumblr probably, but it will probably mostly be responding to regular asks/shitposting/Hunger Games headcanons (I'm also so sorry to all of my moots whose amazing works I have not been reblogging. I do not have the energy for actual reading with everything going on, but I see you and I love you and i have a list of fics I plan on reading when I finally get energy 💗 I've felt so bad, you don't understand)
what's my posting schedule gonna look like after my break?
Well, I'm setting a low at minimum goal that I'm going to be posting one standalone fic and one part for at least one series every week. Once I get more time, it'll probably be more like three works per week, but that's for the future when I can breathe since I write better on days off/weekends instead of doing bits and pieces every work day. (Rememeber when I used to post like five works a week? Yeah. That was fun! Miss that!)
Overall, TL;DR
• Thank you for your support!
• Requests are going to take at minimum a month to respond to from this point out.
• I'm going on a small writing break, but afterwards I should be posting works hopefully twice a week.
I hope you all have an amazing day, week, year. I love you all. Please stay safe, and I'll see you next time for America's favorite new gameshow, "I Posted 'Princess' as a Lark and Honesty Expected 17 Notes, Period. How The Fuck Did I Get Here????"
#josh hutcherson fanfic#josh hutcherson#mike schmidt#jhutch#peeta mellark#mike schmidt x reader#mike schmidt fnaf#mike schmidt smut#josh futterman x reader
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Very Important Blog Update, Please Read if you Have the Time!
For a while, this blog that I've been running has kind of had a...primary goal, so to speak. That goal has been to write massive, long-form essay posts about my time listening to The Magnus Archives. Going forward, I'd...like to change my approach to how I utilize this blog, and explain what I mean under the cut. (Also, sorry if this is a bit short and scattered and all over the place and if the stuff I'm insinuating kind of flip-flops as the post progresses, I'm writing this in a bit of a hurry, but hopefully it'll make sense by the end.)
So…I’m gonna be honest with everyone. As much as I hate to say it…my tma hyperfixation has kind of slipped recently. Is this for any particular reason? No, I still think the show is absolutely brilliant. Does this mean I don’t plan to ever finish it or talk about it on this blog ever again? Fuck no! But…this does kind of mean that when I come back to posting about the podcast is…indeterminate until I find both the time and energy to rekindle my fixation on it…and given where I’m at in life at the moment it’s kind of hard to tell when that will be, although I hope it won’t be too long from now.
I’m really really sorry to break this news to anyone who’s been following my posts, especially after such a long time of absolutely nothing, but…this is just kind of the way my head works I guess. I sustain a massive interest in something, then it fizzles out for like…two to six months and then comes back in full force. I still love tma and want to see it through to the end, and for all I know I could start posting about it again as soon as like…two weeks from now. But…I unfortunately can’t make any promises when considering how my academic life is in a really stressful period at the moment, and how there’s just other stuff that’s taken over my brain for the time being.
And on that note, I just wanted to make sure…are people who have been following me for tma like…happy to read stuff about other things I’m into? Because like, this blog has primarily been focused on tma for most of its life and I understand that’s what a lot of people have come here for, but like…I don’t know, I initially made this blog as a way to talk about all of my interests (and to escape the constantly sinking ship that is twitter.com but that’s another story), and then tma just…conveniently became the thing I ended up talking about the most, but…I’d like to talk about other stuff if people are up for it!
Some things I might want to talk about are Hollow Knight, Undertale/Deltarune, and then…whatever else happens to come up or resurface in my brain at the moment! I’m actually hoping to get into Ace Attorney in the coming weeks when things settle down slightly for me, I’ve never really delved into the series before (other than playing through most of the first game but that was a good few years ago and I don’t remember much other than really liking it), but after catching glimpses of a…certain person known for creating some very good fan dubs live-blogging their experience with the games, I thought…”sure, why not?” And besides, I’d like it if I could appeal to a wider audience and meet some more people who are into the same things as me, especially since it’s been such a delight hearing from other people who are into tma, plus it would be nice to start…you know, actually speaking my mind here again instead of just Reblogging most of the time like I have these past few months.
Basically, the crux of the post is that…I don’t really want to treat this blog like some sort of big, exclusively tma-focused project anymore. I already have enough big projects, especially of the essay variety, to do for class. I will still definitely listen to and talk about tma when I next get a good chance and the motivation to, and try to inform people about my thoughts and my experience, and hope to do so very soon, but…I don’t really want that to just be it anymore, and…yeah, I think I might just need to put this series I’ve been doing to rest.
Like, I’ve tried to rework my format into something a bit more easy to manage, but…if I’m being real, treating a leisurely activity as a task to complete just isn’t it, and if I’m to get back into it at all I think that I might just need to enjoy it on my own terms. In fact, unless I get a sudden spark of motivation to do so, or...until they stop being a thing I have to do against my will for a while, I don't think I'll be planning any long-form essay posts for the time being, because like I said, I'm already doing quite a bit of that for school. I want both listening to tma and running this blog to be something I do for my own pleasure first and foremost, because...I could really use that right now. I don't want to get too into personal details here, but I've honestly been lacking motivation to touch any of my hobbies recently, so...I feel like I should just do something that's more easy on myself and relaxing during my free time, and hopefully that'll get me in high and passionate spirits once again. And hey, I'm sure I'll eventually come up with some new idea for a project one day, and something tma-related is absolutely on the table, although...I might make dedicated blogs for those projects just in case.
But with all of that being said...I do still value the opinions of everyone who's been following my tma posts. I've had a great time reading the comments that everyone's made and it's extremely cathartic to make people happy with my own creations, but...I just want to make sure that people would be open to other stuff. Obviously, I don't want to pressure anyone, like, don't feel obligated to comment about posts on a fandom you're not a part of just to make me feel better, but as long as people are willing to hear me out with whatever I make next, and don't expect this to be a blog that is primarily focused on one thing (other than...my brain, I guess?), then I will be extremely happy and never ask anyone for anything ever again.
Well uh...that's about it I guess. Like I said, I'm sorry if this is a little bit jumbled and all over the place, but hopefully I got my point across. Going forward...well, I don't really have much of a plan for the most part, other than to post about whatever the fuck I feel like, I guess. I'll keep this post pinned for the time being, but I think that after I start building up a wider repetoire of topics to talk about, I'll make a pinned post that acts as both an introduction to my blog, and links all of the tags for my various fandoms. I also plan to eventually upload my magnus posts to Ao3 (I am so sorry to the anon who asked me about that I know it has been a while), and...might make a dedicated blog to act as an archive (pun very much intended) for them? I don't know, that's a pretty big maybe at the moment. And uh...once again, all the thanks in the world to everyone who followed my tma posts as they came out, it was a wonderful experience, and I hope you're open to whatever I make next. And...while I can't promise that I'll post about every thought I have on every tma episode going forward...you bet your ass I will have some things to say after MAG 200 (and probably TmagP 90...whenever that comes out.) Well uh...bye, I'm going to do some studying and then continue my replay of Deltarune Chapter 2 (where I will be reacquianted with Queen who is the best character ever made and no I will not be taking criticism.)
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I posted 1,689 times in 2021
431 posts created (26%)
1258 posts reblogged (74%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 2.9 posts.
I added 1,473 tags in 2021
#anime - 270 posts
#obey me - 234 posts
#a3! - 185 posts
#a3 - 149 posts
#obey me shall we date - 146 posts
#a3! act! addict! actors! - 136 posts
#a3! game - 135 posts
#mankai a3! - 112 posts
#art - 57 posts
#humour - 49 posts
Longest Tag: 127 characters
#learn to keep it shut around other people's opinions next time bcs its none of ur business and ur not gonna change my mind lmao
My Top Posts in 2021
Here is your ninja sheep mc
93 notes • Posted 2021-04-09 13:50:16 GMT
Obey me! mc sheep pride flags!!
See the full post
113 notes • Posted 2021-06-01 22:08:21 GMT
Some messing up of words as obey me because I suck at talking and always end up saying some dumb stuff that makes no sense bcs I'm too nervous to sort out my words.
Solomon: I just tried to say "Justin Timberlake" out loud but it came out as "Jimber Timber"
Mc: it's going down, I'm Jimber Timber
Satan: I almost tripped over an old lady and meant to say "I'm so fucking sorry! Are you okay?" What came out was "ARE YOU FUCKING SORRY!?"
Beel: One time I went to hand belphie a bowl of hot soup and my brain tried to say "careful it's hot" and "here's your soup" so instead I blurted out
"careful, it's soup"
Levi: I tried to say "have a nice day" and "have a good one" at the same time and came out with "haven gice done"
Mammon: So, I meant to say "oh crap, I left my phone in my car" but what I ALMOST said was "oh no, I left my cone in my phar" and damn, wouldn't that have been embarrassing, but I caught myself and what I ACTUALLY said was
"Ah, my fart cone."
Belphie: yesterday at target the cashier said "your receipt is in the bag" and I responded with "you too" so I've been dealing with that for the past 18 hours but I'm slowly coming to terms with it which is cool.
Personally, I think that the brothers being downright dumbasses sometimes and having no regrets about it is the most beautiful thing I've ever thought about and it keeps my sleep paralysis demon away.
129 notes • Posted 2021-08-20 20:34:12 GMT
Demon Hibernation, think about it demons have been alive alive longer than the human race right?
So eventually they would get drained of energy. I think on average a demon hibernation would last 2 weeks to a month and as for which demons would hibernate, it would all depend on each demon (kinda like a cycle). Idk something about the thought of the demon bros asleep in blankets make me feel soft.
Omg yes! I would love to do single posts for each of the brothers and dia + barb during hibernation so let me know if that's what y'all want but anyway,
Demons in hibernation boiiiii
Let's be honest, not matter which one it is, you know they've got some sort of fluffy blanket that they use instead of an actual duvet. They just they just wrap themselves us like little burrito demons.
They just nestle in and get really soft and sweet and shy, burying their face into the blanket while you talk about like and eat snacks.
If you're lucky they'll let you under the warm covers, but depending on who it is, you'll find them constantly sat up with it over their head while they do something like with Satan, he'll have a flashlight out, reading, or levi'll be playing on his phone.
They sleep a lot during the day but at night they're a little more rowdy. After sleeping all day, they have a little surge of energy in the evening before collapsing back into bed and whining loudly about how tired they are and that they want you to say goodnight to them.
I feel like in rad, the students are all of one of the sins. Like some of the demons are sloth demons and some are greed and so on. Like all the demons of the same sin all have hibernation at the same time, sort of like when people's periods sync, that sort of thing. And they all just aren't in school for like, a month but they get sent all the work and do it when they get the surged of energy.
Of course that means not all the boys would be hibernating at once so that's a relief. I mean let's be honest, it'd be cute, but I ain't looking after seven tired, sloppy demons and an entire house no actually, mansion not to mention the man baby and his man servant. No, no, no, not happening.
But you didn't think you could get away with no responsibilities? I thought you'd have learnt by now... Welp, enjoy a sleepy demon for half a month. I think they'd probably have a shorter hibernation, idk why I just think that so yeah.
Don't get me wrong tho, you still get a soft cuddly demon. Even mammon is too tired to be a tsundere!
This is so cuteeee! I can imagine them, it's such a good headcanon! If you want individual hcs of hibernation, lmk! But that's all I can come up with rn! Hope it's as good as the ask! ❤️
146 notes • Posted 2021-09-16 22:23:30 GMT
Some rants and conspiracies of fear street:
I need a movie bout billy barker, ruby lane and Harry Rooker, man, cause I wanna know what they did to get possessed did Billy trip the guy over or what. Did ruby diss his singing voice or beat him in a rap battle or smth. WHAT DID THEY DO!
I think that Joan from part 2 at camp Nightwing is Kate's aunt because remember how Kate said, "Yeah my aunt was there and it fucked up my family for a long time." And they look alike.
And Cindy and Alice were totally gay. And Alice tried to make her jealous with Arnie. Cindy was like Sam, trying to make herself perfect. And so Cindy couldn't like Alice. The actresses even confirmed they played the characters like that.
But I feel so bad for Sarah and Hannah. Sarah is a queen.
Also, you know ruby sung "you'll always hurt the one you love." Because billy killed his brother, Tommy killed Cindy, Ruby killed her best friend and boyfriend, Cyrus killed the kids that he loved like his own, we think harry rooker's wife either died, he killed her, or he was in love and the woman killed herself because he scared her so much and she went crazy, the grifter's daughter either died or he killed her, Ryan killed his best friend heather {I think that Ryan had a crush on heather as well} and Sam tried to kill Deena. Perhaps the curse makes them kill the ones they love.
203 notes • Posted 2021-07-25 14:36:52 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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