miku-meeku · 5 months
miku when she stays up knowing she has a convention to go to today to buy whitney merch
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fantomette22 · 4 months
bloodborne asks : 1, 11, 19 (besides Gehrman), 30, 50 !!
Ask game from here.
Favorite boss fight
Hm good question as well XD (I'm bad at choice I love many bosses!) But my favorite is of course Lady Maria. As in the boss fight. I need to redo her for sure but I always very enjoy the most fight. It's like a dance I love it! it's hard but not too hard as well. It's impressive, frightening and beautiful all at once.
11. If stats weren't a thing, what would you wear?
Well except when I need to go in the poison swamp or fight the winter lanterns, fight a very strong boss or try a new outfit just for the drip or references I do stay all the time with the same clothes.
That mean this : +the hat
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very gender I know I love it. Wish it was real I would buy it x)
19. Favorite Old Hunter?
Besides Gehrman? Well Lady Maria obliviously duh.
😂 Ok i am joking let's not count her either. And let's not take Ludwig into account too. Well this 3 gone I would say hm Archibald and Izzy perhaps? Gratia as well. (80% of the shit I made about them are basically headcanons but it's not like 98% of the stuff I made up for Paarl jfeznfbf) + I really like Valtr, Henryk & co of course! (a bit everyone lol). But if we count like the nightmare hunters from that era my fav is literally an OC who became the beast possess soul 😭
30. Is there anything you always do in your playthroughs, even if it's not necessary to beat the game?
Hm get at least 3 Umbilical cord at least XD. and do all the bosses + try to have all the set & weapons! (items, runes etc Well the expensive weapons & outfits not all the time for sure.)
50. Tell me about your hunters!
Well I have Lucen Venator of course! (hunter on the pic above!) And I made a 2nd one for a new playthrough, I think I named her Claire bc I didn't want just a feminized version of Lucen's name lol but she's an equivalent of him for sure. One day I would need to make a third hunters for sure.
I made a couple of posts about Lucen & art + my friends did amazing drawings of him 🥺 (from Katy, Chess, Crow & Odds)
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(He looks way too much like me smt help. I need to change my icon to the small chibi one day)
SO hm what can I say... ah yeah let's go with the oblivious for me :
In my main headcanon (fic verse) He was born the night MP was summon, but far from Yharnam.
His parents came from Yharnam but flew the city
He's related to Cainhurst a bit. (His mom (Louise) & uncle are from a servant family). The amount of her stress this poor woman had to go through during her pregnancy was quite insane too.
He have an uncle (Lupin) who still live in Yharnam, an old hunter that he don't have news off since some times.
His grandpa on his father side (Blaine/Blair) was an old hunter as well, he's an old friend of Gehrman.
Gehrman literally babysit Lucen's dad (Emil) when he was a baby and save him from being crucified decades later.
Somehow Bloody Crow (Voron) was around when he was born lol. Before he return to Yharnam. Do what you want with all those crazy infos.
Either he became the next crow hunter or baby squid great one.
On my first playthrough I choose "last survivor" but I'm not very settle on what happened exactly besides he got scars on his face for it.
He's a kind individual most of the time except when it's time to kick ass if that make sense.
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kuroSHITsuji ii electric boobaloo
help i’m watching black butler for the first time in 2016 and i couldn’t handle season 2! what happens next will shock you
you may NOTICE, that some of this makes no sense. if i had an explanation, it’d go here. what these are is just weird little drabbles (is that the word? help) & stale memes i wrote up while watching (and reflecting on) kuroshitsuji ii and trying not to go insane because of how horrible a time i was having i’m sorry to anyone who liked it no offense i just did not like it didn’t think it was a good substitute for what the manga has to offer and while it has its moments, i’m generally just glad it isn’t canon. right? it’s not canon right? ? anyways thanks for reading um yeah! buckle up or.. something :) please don’t read this mom
(See the end of the work for more notes.)
Chapter 1: ciel needs help
Chapter Text
“the fuck kinda shabby piece of shit lets a fuckin spider LIVE”
claude gasps, offended. “earl phantomhive, such an opinion is not welcome in this household!!”
ciel doesn’t notice. “sebastian let’s leave you know i hate spiders more than i hate myself even”
sebastian’s mouth quirks up in one of his creepy ass smiles. “yes, my lord”
ciel turns on his heel and marches out of the threshold, butler dutifully at his heels. sebastian turns around and gives claude a two-eyed wink.
did you just … are you trying to… wink at me? claude thinks as his left eyebrow raises slightly.
sebastian flicks some spider shit off his shoulder, glancing once more at the strange bespectacled man, thinking: yes, i did. i wink with both my eyes.
that’s just blinking
NO, it’s
“o—oh god… what the hell is happening to me this is the third time today” ciel looks around the lavishly furnished entrance hall, vision swimming and stomach churning violently. his ears are full of a loud, piercing ringing and he scarcely notices when he tilts backwards into sebastian and clutches at him like a lifeline.
he scarcely notices, but indeed he does notice after a critical moment in which he has displayed weakness in front of the demon. he extracts himself from sebastian’s protective embrace and regains his balance more than a little unsteadily.
Chapter 2: alois is a pic e of basura
this chapter has some rapey shit in it. like, not explicit. you could argue that they are doing nothing of the sort. tihs is wehre that one tag up there comes in. i dont condone this stuff. in any case - be warned! skip this if it makes you uncomfortable! thank u! this thing isn't like coherent and doesn't have a coherent plot so there's no harm in skipping it :) thank u for reading this awful monstrosity
ciel’s beginning to maybe enjoy himself a little. yeah he feels uncomfortable, but when has that ever stopped him before! it’s with this thought that he crashes into a blue-clad figure holding a tray of wine. the wine is red, he notices now. it is hard to not notice it when it is in fact now covering the entire right side of his costume’s front, and dripping.
“oh! i am so terribly sorry, sir, i didn’t see you there!” the tray-carrier exclaims.
“it’s nothing, don’t worry about it” ciel says politely.
"i must get you a new jacket. please, follow me.” implores the blond in the apron.
ciel ponders this. he doesn’t have parents to tell him not to talk to strangers, so he sees nothing wrong with this situation. “ok, thank you very much, lead the way miss”
they take a few hallways and staircases and soon ciel is completely turned around. he’s even more disoriented by the fact that his vision continues to swim every so often as if he was having some kind of breakdown or something. what’s up with that
lost alone in a mansion with a person he doesn’t know, ciel continues to see nothing wrong with this situation. “so where did you say we were going again?”
the blond finally turns around to face him, this time with a disturbing smile and an equally disturbing tongue waggle. “i didn’t!!” at this the maid dress comes flying off, revealing a completely naked alois tracy. the boy then tears off ciel’s pants and—
the eyepatch practically whizzes off ciel's face. “SEBASTIAN, COME!!!”
in the painstaking twelve seconds it takes sebastian to locate him, ciel will not admit that he shed a tear or two. never in his life.
“what the hell is going on here you motherfuckers!!!”
“sebastian, stop him!” ciel is definitely crying now, fuck.
“at once.” after a brief (very brief) struggle, the blond is torn from his unsuspecting victim more violently than strictly necessary; and as if he’d been following sebastian this whole time, the other butler™ skids down the hall and grabs a hold of his young master.
“claude!” said young master exclaims.
“aloi—i mean!! your majesty, what is happening here? why are you in your birthday suit?!”
“i was just giving ciel phantomhive a warm welcome is all” the boy exclaims cheerfully, happening to glance over at—no one!
“where is ciel?!?!!?!” he roars, red-faced and ready to throw down.
ciel is already the fuck out of there at that point, pants on and also equally ready to throw down, though decidedly more scarred for life than the other party.
“sebastian, i think that might not have been a maid!”
“oh?” sebastian says, mouth quirking. “then who, pray tell, may it have been?”
ciel looks a little dead inside. “the master of this house, alois tracy. of course. he even had his name tattooed on his chest. what do you take me for”
sebastian is saved having to answer that dangerous question by the sudden appearance of alois riding on claude’s back, both of them moving at a terrifying speed towards the fleeing duo.
“you won’t escape me, ciel! i’ve waited a long time to meet you! i mean it! it’s been like two weeks, god dammit!”
ciel groans. “sebastian, you think you can get rid of them?”
“i’m afraid this may be a little out of my depth at the moment. though i do understand the sentiment.”
“hmm…” ciel quickly formulates a plan. “this is what’s going to happen, and it is an order: …"
“—and i said, ‘girl, i trusted you! i trusted you and you spat in my mouth!’ and she was having none of that, i say, she says to me , she says ‘and i’ll spit in it a thousand more times if that’s what it takes!’ … true story, by the way, this actually happened—”
ciel knows this is the smartest thing he could be doing in this situation, he really does. he hates being smart sometimes. at the current moment, it is because his calculations have led to no better solution than to be accompanied by the strange indian prince and his butler. he isn't trying to have another incident, and without sebastian ciel doesn’t quite feel … safe in this place. it's weird. but hanging out with the prince, he almost feels like he's among .. friends...
Fortunately, by the time Alois rips the wig off and puts his tongue up the side of Ciel’s ear, Sebastian is already lying in wait for the order to make this madness stop. Ciel can feel Alois lapping up his earwax and it seriously skeeves him out. Just what does this fucker want from me anyway? A whisper of some dark emo bullshit from the taller boy is the last goddamn straw.
“Sebastian!” Ciel whisper-shouts hoarsely, strategically ignoring the fact that his voice is several octaves higher than normal.
“Who are you talking to, little boy? I’m the only one here…” Alois mutters into Ciel’s ear. “I want to have you… possess you… tonight will you let me in…?"
Said little boy cringes. At the same time, his demon butler shoots past like an arrow and grapples onto him like a bird of prey. Ciel has never been gladder to see him in his entire young life.
“Get me out of here!” Ciel demands, both eyes bare and wide in terror. He feels sick. Sweat sticks hair to forehead and shirt to back.
“At once, young master.” Sebastian replies, intense disdain evident in his voice and facial expression.
In the copse behind them, Alois seethes. “Claude! Go after them! Get me Ciel Phantomhive, or there will be consequences!”
Claude is crouching in a nearby tree. He sets off immediately, not because he fears his master’s threats, but because he fears reneging on their contract. His hand itches where the pentagram sits on his skin like a reminder that this was his life now.
Ciel swallows heavily. He tastes bile in his mouth from when he spilled his guts earlier in the cellar. Powering through the pervading sick feeling that clings to him like a spiderweb, he addresses Sebastian once more.
“I want Alois Tracy dead, and I want him dead tonight. Is that clear?”
Sebastian’s mouth twists into a mock-sweet smile. “Of course, my lord."
[From “Forunately,” to “normal.” aka the ear thing, (#puke) — ]
“Who’s Sebastian?” Alois says with a frown. “I’m the only one for you now, Phantomhive. I’m gonna have you no matter wh—“
“Excuse me.”
Ciel is ripped from Alois in an instant and put behind the barrier of a familiar broad back.
“Excuse you!” Alois peers around Sebastian to leer at Ciel. “He’s mine, I tell you! CLAUDE!”
“You rang” Claude is there.
“Get me that boy!”
“Yes your majesty.” Claude says.
“Sebastian, kill Alois Trancy.” Ciel whispers.
Sebastian nods. “Yes my lord."
there is a battle between the two. who wins? who’s next? you decide! [a/n: I’m wiped the fuck out lol fangs 4 redding!!!11]
Chapter 3: ciel has amnesia
also stabby stab blood. that happens too
Chapter Text
as soon as he gets back to his manor, ciel notices something is definitely wrong.
“okay either i had a crazy growth spurt in the past week or? i don’t even know what” his legs don't hang nearly as childlike off the edge of his bed as he remembers. ciel looks around the room. “sebastian?”
sebastian appears. thank god he was right in the corner watching paint dry or whatever the hell “yes my lord?”
“how tall am i?”
a flash of something, then, materializes on sebastian’s face. it is gone behind the pokerface in an instant, too quickly to judge its nature, but ciel is certain he saw it. “pardon?”
“how tall am i?” did i fucking stutter?
“well, let’s see…” sebastian zooms off for a moment and appears with a tape measure in his hand.
“look” ciel looks. he’s 150 cm tall. “ha ha you’re a baby”
“shut your fucking trap sebastian this is serious.” sebastian is still laughing but is trying valiantly to hide it. ciel chooses to ignore this in favor of addressing the problem at hand.
“since when am i that tall? last time i remember i was at least like 5 cm shorter!”
“you ARE a growing boy, young master”
“oh my god sebastian stop for a minute.. this is weird!! why wou—“ ciel wavers, clapping a hand over his mouth. his vision blurs like it had in the tracy manor. he’s on the floor by the time it begins to subside. the first thing he sees is sebastian’s face. ciel groans internally. ugh why as if i need the extreme closeup honestly
there’s something in the twist of his eyebrows, though, that ciel cannot ignore. he’s only kinda conscious, so maybe he’s imagining it, but sebastian looks really actually worried? what the hell??
it’s a minute before ciel realizes sebastian is saying something to him. the same something, in fact, repeatedly.
“young master!”
"young master!!”
"young master!!!”
“…uughh…” ciel tries to get up, lolling his head around embarrassingly in the process. “stop it with the exclamation points…sebastian”
that look hasn’t quite escaped the butler though, and it has ciel worried. just what the hell is sebastian hiding from him??
“Just give up already, fool! You know you can’t beat me!” Ciel spits.
Alois remains firm in his conviction. “Over my dead body!"
Lightning courses through Ciel's veins. Blood pounds out of the wound on his palm. He turns his eye towards the pitiful wreck clinging to his clothes and pants:
“So be it."
Adrenaline gives Ciel the strength he needs to plunge his sword up the other boy's soft palette, killing him instantly. He has won. The earl lets his defeated opponent drop unceremoniously to the floor in a slap of blood. He straightens up and paces out of the hall in search of his butler.
Somehow, it doesn’t feel like winning at all.
Chapter 4: its over.. isn't it
(See the end of the chapter for notes.)
Chapter Text
Hana emerges from the lake like something out of a horror movie, sopping wet hair covering her face and hunched back. Under her arm is the limp figure of Ciel. Sebastian can only stare as she floats in eerie silence to the boat in which he is waiting.
“What have you done…” he murmurs quietly. She deposits the drowned boy onto one of the rowboat’s seats. The demon trio row them to shore in what could have been an eternity for how long it feels. The boy isn’t dead, but it almost seems like…
“OH MY GOD WHAHTH TFUCK IS—“ Ciel sits up in a panic, unaware of his surroundings. He sucks in air and is confused. “I’m not… drowning.”
“Young master.”
Ciel sees Sebastian. “Sebastian! Wh…” he looks around some more.
“What the hell am I doing on this boat again, I thought we already— wait a minute.”
He sees Hana and the three amigos.
“Oh no. Oh no no no no. Oh god. I thought that was a dream. That was real? That shit really happened?” His eyes are wide. He clutches Sebastian’s shoulders and shakes them, looking up at him in distress.
“Is the seal still there, Sebastian? Is the contract still there?”
Sebastian sees the purple ring and pentagram still inscribed on Ciel’s eyeball. “Yes, my lord.” But…
“You’re a demon now Ciel” Hana says. She’s running her hand through the water. This shit makes no sense. How could it end like thi
“Umm…” Ciel looks from Hana to Sebastian, and back. “Excuse me? Did some shady deal go on behind my back or something?” Man I really need to stop passing out for these things...
“I did not go behind your back this time, sir.” Sebastian responds politely. “Hana here and her… contractee… have requested the transformation."
Ciel chokes a little. “UM, but that means LAST TIME, you— "
“You might be wondering how this is possible?” Hana interrupts. She looks bored out of her mind.
“Well, I suppose so, among other things…”
“The process is actually simple!” Sebastian points out cheerfully. He loves explaining. “First, the—“
“Will you shut up!” Hana now looks more ired than tired. “God! Now, what I was going to say was—“
“—probably too inflammatory for the young master’s ears. I cannot in good conscience allow him to be subjected to such language! As his butler, I am responsible for—“
“—nothing!! Absolutely nothing! I don’t know how that godforsaken contract is still in place, given how blasé both of you fuckers have been about the terms you set down, but I’M the one who—“
“—needs to stop it with this gag!” Ciel interjects, shaking his head furiously. “I don’t even care anymore! I’m a demon now, so what? Not like anything else in my life makes any bleeding sense!”
With that, the boy rises to his feet and dives off the side of the boat. Sebastian catches him around the middle before he goes sleeping with the fishes and hauls him back on board.
Hana’s glowing eyes fix Ciel in place. She speaks. “You’re a demon, Ciel.”
After a few stunned seconds, he responds. “I’m a what?”
“A demon, Ciel.”
“A demon?”
“Yes, Ciel.” She sighs. “You’re a demon."
“No, I’m not. I’m… just Ciel.”
“Well,‘Just Ciel’ . You’re a demon!”
“But I’m just Ciel!”
“No!!, 'Just Ciel,’ you ARE a Demon!”
“Listen here Hana! I’m just Ciel!”
“NO! Ciel, you are a DEMON.”
“Ciel, this music…” Lizzy is grimacing. “It’s creepy…”
Ciel sweats. “Uhh!! -hH!” He makes a slicing motion across his throat. Across the room, Sebastian kills the record player. "Well, you know what’s always good and not creepy?!? ..Cake!!”
“Hmm? WhAt is it Lizzy?” his voice definitely doesn’t crack.
“You’re acting really weird…”
“What are you talking about I always act this way there is absolutely no reason for alarm, and DEFINItely no reason to THINK that I, CIEL, PHANTOMHIVE, have been Magically Transformed,,, into,… a DEMON????!!! I ALWAYS ACT THIS WA??Y?”
Lizzy raises an eyebrow. “Like I said. Weird.”
Ciel is really sweaty now. “S-Sebastian!! Help!!” he whisper-shouts.
“Ah.” Sebastian glides across the room with the utmost grace. “I must apologize on the behalf of the young master. You see, when a boy reaches a certain age, strange things begin to happen to his—“
“OH!” Lizzy interjects. "I get it now.” She smiles knowingly at Ciel, who looks about 10x as sweaty as he did before he called his butler over. “Puberty can be nasty, I know. I’m sorry I judged you. We can go do something else if you don’t want to dance.”
Ciel’s violent perspiration is replaced by a sigh of relief. “Thank you, Lizzy.” Whew.
“Do you think she bought it?” Ciel whispers to Sebastian as they exit the room.
“Honestly? Probably not.” Sebastian never lies. “But I lampshaded it with all that puberty talk, so it should be fine.”
“See, the thing about that is…” Ciel looks shifty. “What exactly IS puberty?"
“So,” Ciel smirks, “how’s it feel to be my eternal servant?"
“You’re not the worst person to play butler to. Plus, I can do THIS:”
Sebastian picks Ciel up from the carriage doorstep and spins him around.
“AAAAGH! What the FUCK! You think I missed that shit the first time you did it, asshole??!” Ciel rages while being set down, face steaming in embarrassment. There are people around! People on the street! Staring! Laughing! Sebastian is laughing!
“No, no,” his butler says, “it’s just too good to not do it multiple times. Forgive me.”
The small earl turns around grumbling. He stomps away, cane in hand. Sebastian follows.
that's all i have lol
i mean maybe i;;ll writ emore garbage in the future. dont bank on it though
thank you so much for reading!!! have a nice day. hopefully this steaming pile didn't ruin it. ...have a good one!!! :D
i feel like i should've written more soma and agni, beacuse, i love them,, but i didn't want to make them doodlebobs of themselves,, and also kuroshitsuji ii didn't feature them too much,, which made me dissappointed. im so so happy they keep coming back in the manga soma is probably like.. atl east my 2nd fave. i love him
0 notes
unbelievableholland · 4 years
Love, Me: Part 3
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(Moodboard/cover made by me. Pics from Pinterest.)
Pairings: Peter Parker x Stark!Reader
Warnings: Anxiety attacks
Words: 3,737
Summary: After the events of Endgame, and the death of the three people you cared most about, will you be able to move on?
A/N: Sorry this took so long! Our exams start tomorrow, so by next week I’ll try to be as consistent as possible with uploading fics because school would be over for me by then. As for the people who requested, they might take a while to make but don’t worry! I promise I’ll get them all done.
~Series Masterlist ~ Main Masterlist~
When you woke up, you found yourself attached to multiple wires. You felt cold, hard metal on your back and a helmet-like thing on your head. There were thick cuffs attaching your hands, feet, and torso to the metal bed.
It was highly uncomfortable. Especially because the “bed” was slanted. You felt the wires digging into your skin and the metal structure of the “helmet” was pressed against your skull.
The scenario felt very familiar to you. It was always how Bucky had described them except, he had the luxury to sit on a chair instead of lying awkwardly on a slanted metal platform.
You’re not really sure on what they’re planning to do to you, but you had a slight idea on what it was. The obvious one would be mind control. Although, you’re not really sure because if they had kidnapped you for your tech, they wouldn’t be able to know how it worked without you.
And it wasn’t like they could turn you into some Winter Soldier, right? You were a really great fighter but your skills leaned more towards mechanical engineering. If they could somehow make you ten times better at fighting, mind control would make more sense. 
But they wanted your tech. If they controlled you or if they erased your memory, they wouldn’t have the advantage of knowing how to operate what they worked incredibly hard on to steal.
Your train of thoughts were interrupted though when you heard a series of footsteps getting closer to the room you were in. They sounded like heavy boots accompanied by several weapons of some sorts. By the way they sounded, they were most likely guns. 
Whoever these people were, they had been notified of your consciousness. And as much as you wanted to try and escape, you couldn't. 
Not only are you tied to the metal bed, but you’re also paralyzed. It wouldn’t help if you spent a lot of your energy trying to break free when it was clear that you couldn’t.
And for some reason, everything felt different. You couldn't exactly pinpoint what it was, but there was a slight difference in the way the air felt. It was like the atmosphere was suffocating you. Like you didn’t belong there.
The only logical reason you could think of was that you were still trying to adjust to being connected to a bunch of machines; and because you didn’t actually belong there. Maybe it was your brain going insane because of the situation.
When you heard the door open, you couldn’t see who the people were. Your head was staring straight forward and the door was out of your line of sight. They had entered the room and closed the door, then stopped walking.
They were most likely trying to hide their identities or mocking your paralyzed state.
From the right side of the room, you heard a man speak. It was commanding and emotionless, a voice you didn’t recognize. 
The words he spoke sent chills up your spine and dread to take over you as the first bead of sweat drips down your forehead.
“Miss Stark. I think it’s time we get acquainted, don’t you think?”
“What do you mean you can’t track her?!” 
Saying that Bucky was angry would be the understatement of the century. They couldn’t track you. Not even with the satellite you and Tony had created to scan the world for anyone who had the tracker implanted in them.
The satellite was to be used for emergencies only and the tracker was only activated when the satellite was. And now that they were using it, they couldn’t find you. You weren’t anywhere.
Bucky couldn’t bear the thought of you being in the hands of Hydra. Especially when they didn’t even have any clue on where to start looking.
“The satellite says that she isn’t anywhere, Bucky. This isn’t my area of expertise so excuse me for not knowing how to find her.” 
Bruce was rarely ever this stressed. He always tried to stay calm in these situations because he believed that panicking or fighting wouldn’t help and would only slow down whatever progress they had. 
But at that moment, he was at the brink of having a breakdown. If it wasn’t obvious enough, the young Stark meant the world to them. They had loved her ever since the first time Tony introduced you to the team and they had all made a silent vow to protect you.
The guilt coursing through them now was indescribable. They couldn’t protect you from your own self-destructive behaviours and they couldn’t protect you from Hydra. They failed to be there for you when you needed them the most.
Instead, you were the one to put on a brave face to prioritize their health and safety after the blip and the war.
All of them were scared, but no one was as terrified as Bruce, Rhodey and Happy. Tony had trusted them with Y/N and they had promised to take good care of her.
They loved her to death. Being as clueless as they are now only made them think about how there’s a chance of losing the kid they practically thought of as their own.
After a few minutes of pacing, Happy had had enough. He was breathing heavily and he was trying his best not to pull his hair out. But he knew that freaking out wouldn’t be a good way of handling the situation. The priority was to find you as fast as they could.
But they weren’t really succeeding in that. All they had was a hologram, a letter for Peter and a broken fucking satellite. 
“Ok, let’s think about this. Hydra could have stolen her tech. Why kidnap her? And where would they take her? They should obviously know better than to think that Y/N’s going to tell them how this dimension shit works, right?” Sam spoke. He was, by far, the calmest out of all of them. That didn’t mean he actually was though. 
“If they have someone like me, it would make sense why they’d kidnap her.”
Everyone turned to look at Wanda as she responded. Her head was hung low and her eyes were glazed over with tears as she tapped her foot against the floor endlessly.
As the realization dawned on them, they all released a shaky breath of worry. If someone were to read your mind, they would know how to take control of your tech and would possibly see the future plans you have for it.
But that’s not what they were afraid of. Once Hydra’s got what they wanted, what would they do to you? After all, you’d be useless to them if that’s the case. 
They needed to get to you. Fast. As long as you were an asset to them, you would surely stay alive. God knows what they’d do to you, but at least you wouldn’t be dead.
“Don’t worry too much though. I taught her how to detect and resist mind reading. I don’t know how good she is, but I hope she can at least fight them off for a while.” Wanda continued, nervously fiddling with her fingers. You were like a sister to her, and she was internally freaking out about your possible whereabouts.
Rhodey and Strange, on the other hand, were both quiet. Although Stephen hasn’t known you for a while, he has to admit that he’s grown quite fond of you. Taking care of you was his own way of thanking your father for his sacrifice, and that’s exactly why he’s around the compound a lot.
“Maybe we can trace her suit?” Rhodey suggested. “Earlier in the lab, I didn’t notice her suit, so maybe she brought it with her and—”
“And the wall was closed.” Bruce interjected in realization. None of them knew about the new suit you were building or that you had built a new dimension behind your wall up until they saw the hologram you recorded. “The suit she built— it wasn’t there when we looked for Y/N. Her lab was clean and the wall where she hid the dimension she built was closed. They must have stolen it.”
“We already established that they stole her tech. Why is this important?” Bucky sassed. He wouldn’t usually be like this. Most of the time he was quiet so they were all trying to adjust to this version of Bucky they were seeing. The team understood him though. Bucky has always been very protective of you.
“They figured out how to surpass Y/N’s coding and they figured out how to break into her system. They managed to close the wall and they even broke into Friday.” Bruce takes a deep breath, knowing that the rest of the people there might not like what he’s going to say next. “Who else do we know who’s as familiar with Y/N’s tech as much as Y/N herself?”
“No!” Wanda yelled. “It’s not a good idea if we get Peter involved. Come on Bruce, give the kid a break.”
“I agree with Wanda. I don’t think Peter’s in the right state of mind to handle something like this.” For the first time since they got in the jet, Stephen finally spoke.
“We could try Wakanda? I’m sure Shuri wouldn’t mind helping us. Especially since it’s Y/N.” Happy said as everyone stared at him in surprise. A silent agreement being between everyone being made, determination clear on their faces.
Peter felt tears running down his face as he knocked on their apartment. He usually didn’t like it when aunt May saw him cry, but all he could think about now was how much he wanted May to hug him. 
He knew that May would be upset by the break-up. May thought of you as family and held you close to her heart so Peter didn’t know how to break the news to her.
May opened the door, the smile on her face disappearing in a matter of seconds when she saw Peter’s tear-stained face. It reminded her of when he had lost the “Stark Internship”.
Peter hadn’t even entered the apartment when he felt Mays motherly arms wrap around him. He instantly embraces May as well, his head on her shoulder as a new set of tears went down his face.
Pulling away, May held her nephew’s hand, leading him onto the couch and hugging him once more as Peter struggled to contain his sobs.
“She’s gone, May. I broke up with her.” 
She hugs Peter tighter after a slight gasp, burying her head more into Peter’s neck as she shed some tears herself. If she was feeling heartbroken by the news, she could only imagine how Peter felt.
They stayed like that for a while until she had heard Peter soft snores indicating that he had fallen asleep. A part of her wanted to wake him up to tell him to go rest in his room, but as she looked at his unconscious state, she thought that she’d let him sleep. 
Because she knew that when Peter was asleep, he wouldn’t feel the heartbreak. So she’d let him be, and she'd wait until he was comfortable telling her the reason for the break up. 
Peter woke up panting. His chest was rapidly going up and down and sweat was covering his body. And despite his sweating, the hairs on his arm and on the back of his neck stood upwards. 
His head frantically looked around the room, his eyes tearing up and rapidly looking at his surroundings. He didn’t know why, but his senses were heightened and his brain was going a thousand miles per hour. 
Everything felt very overwhelming and he didn’t know how to handle it. It’s never been this bad for him before. He felt like he was having a panic attack and sensory overload at the same time.
It was about 5 o’clock when he woke up on the couch with a blanket covering his body. The jolt of what felt like electricity spread all over his body and he was shaking and thrashing around on the couch.
At this point he tears were streaming down his face and his clothes were soaked in sweat. He was crying, and he was sure that he would wake up May.
His theory was proven to be correct when his aunt came rushing out of her bedroom shouting his name and repeatedly asking him if he was ok.
Peter barely felt May gently cupping his face so she could see him better because to him, everything was a blur. His whole body was on fire.
Even when May started slightly shaking him to get his attention, it didn’t work and he was still in pain. He couldn’t see May’s face properly through the tears in his eyes and May was starting to panic.
She didn’t know what was happening to her nephew and she was starting to tear up at the thought of Peter in this much pain.
So, she did the only thing she could think of. She sat down next to him and held his hand, gripping it slightly to try and ground Peter. 
She couldn’t do much because whenever she touched Peter’s arm or wipe his tears away, he would flinch back because of how overwhelming it was to feel a tiny bit of friction on his skin.
As May held his hand, she whispered reassuring words to Peter to try and calm him down. It was no ordinary panic attack. Peter had had anxiety attacks before but it was never like this. Whenever his senses would act up, it wasn’t ever this bad.
“Pete, everything’s okay. I’m here and you’re safe,ok? Nothing to worry about.” The tone is her voice was laced with fear as she whimpered those words and her eyes started to blur with unshed tears.
Slowly but surely though, Peter’s breathing was starting to become normal, and his loud cries were starting to diminish. Seeing him calm down put a smile on May’s face. She bit her lower lip to try and stop a sob from escaping her mouth. She had to be strong for Peter.
“Hey, Peter.” she whispered shakily as she squeezed his hand a little tighter to let him know of her presence. Warily, she inched closer to Peter to try and see if it was ok for him. When he didn’t flinch, she moved to pull him into a hug and smiling when she felt Peter’s arms around her as well.
“What happened, Pete?”
“I-I, I don’t know May. Everything just felt too much.”
“Is it your Peter-Tingle?”
He giggled at that, finally feeling his senses return to normal. “I honestly don’t know May. It felt...different.”
When he let go, May reached out to ruffle his hair, smiling at him sweetly before standing up. 
“Come on. Back to bed. Looks like you need more rest than I originally thought, Peter.” She put her hand out for Peter to hold on to, and pulled him up to stand.
“I’m not sure I can get back to bed, May.” 
“Well, you should. If you can’t, I won’t force you to. Just...call me if you need anything, okay? Let’s talk about what that was some other time. You need to get some sleep.” she smiled lovingly.
“Sure, May. Goodnight”
“Good night. You sure you don’t want me to stay with you?”
“I’m pretty sure I can handle myself.”
“Whatever you say, big guy.” May said before she walked over to her room, giving him one last grin and shutting the door.
Looking at the time, Peter noticed that he had a few more hours until he had to go to school. He didn’t know whether he had it in him to go back to sleep, so he decided to use his phone and mindlessly scroll through his social media until he eventually fell asleep. 
It hurt to see pictures of him and Y/N together because for a moment, he had forgotten about the break up. He had forgotten about what had happened less than 24 hours ago. It hurt more to be suddenly reminded of it.
When he saw your pictures together, it brought back good memories that only made him feel pain. He didn’t like how the happy moments of your past relationship brought him heartache. It all felt too much and tears once again filled his vision.
He had ended up crying himself to sleep, hoping that he wakes up to a much better day.
School turned out better than Peter thought. Yes, he was still heartbroken but Ned and MJ distracted him enough to get through it. Flash didn’t seem to pay much attention to him anyway as well, which is something Peter found weird but also something he highly appreciated.
He decided to take a break from his Patrols in order to cope a little better, but if he was being honest, he missed going to the compound. He even talked about it with May and she happily agreed, thinking that her nephew should take a well-deserved break.
After about a week, he was feeling good and he found himself getting over you way quicker than he originally thought. Of course, he didn’t ignore the fact that Queens seemed to have missed their friendly neighborhood Spider-Man but he’d be back to his duties after a few more days.
For the first time in a while he was actually having a really great time at school because he didn’t need to think about any of his superhero responsibilities. He guesses that he just forgot that this was life before the spider bite.
But it was also his life before Y/N.
It was weird for him that he seemed to have gotten over you in a matter of 2 weeks and it was especially strange for Ned and May. They knew how much Peter loved you, and his recent behaviors were something they didn’t expect.
They could obviously see his sudden interest in MJ and it was driving them up the wall. They supported him, but they didn’t support how he seemed to act like he was never in a relationship with you.
For Peter though, it’s been a quiet 2 weeks. Save for Flash’s annoying remarks towards him and the… attacks?
On and off for straight two weeks he would have some sort of anxiety attack or sensory overload of some sorts. After the first one happened at their apartment, it occurred almost every day.
He had noticed a pattern to it.
He always woke up in a cold sweat every 4 or 5 in the morning, then everything would get overwhelming at 7 or 8 at night.
But those weren’t the worst parts.
What he hated the most was the pain that he would feel at any time of the day. He once thought he burned his arm during History class and at times he would feel like he got punched. Whether it be on his stomach, his face, his side it would happen randomly. 
He hadn’t told May in fear of making her worry, but he had to tell someone. So naturally, he told Ned.
It was something he had been trying to figure out for the past weeks. Something was messing with his senses early in the morning and at night. 
It was something he made up to be withdrawal from almost every night patrol to none at all. 
But he didn’t know what to think about the body pains.
“Maybe it’s your spider powers evolving?” Ned asked. 
He had invited Ned over at his apartment to originally talk about MJ but he couldn’t hide anything from Ned. It was killing him to keep it to himself.
The random aches were getting worse so it might as well actually kill him if he doesn’t figure out what’s happening. 
After a few minutes of contemplation, he exploded and told Ned everything. And if Ned was being honest, he couldn’t take the MJ talk. He supported his best friend, but he didn’t think that moving on to someone else when his break up with you was still fresh was a good way to move on so he didn’t really mind the subject change.
“I thought about that, but I’m not even sure if that can happen. And if my powers are evolving, why would it make me have random body pains?” Peter argued.
“Maybe it’s part of the process.” Ned shrugged.
“No, Ned.” Peter slowly stood up from his place on his desk chair and began pacing, his hands gesturing wildly as he spoke. “It feels like… I don’t know! It doesn’t feel like my body’s changing. It feels like it’s coming from external forces. Like that time I felt like I was being electrocuted, or that time where my stomach felt like it was being punched. The worst was when… was when I would feel needles on my skin then my whole body would feel like it was on fire.” 
Neds stands up and places his hands on Peter's shoulders, making Peter look up at him with tears in his eyes
“Peter, calm down.” Ned began as he slowly let go of Peter’s shoulders. “Can’t you call Bruce Banner or something? Or— what about Doctor Strange? Maybe they’ll know what to do.”
“It’s not that easy Ned. I’d have to go to the compound and—”
“And see YN?” Ned interjected.
Peter could only look away in guilt. He’d take all of the pain as long as he didn’t have to see you. He opens his mouth to say something, but quickly gets interrupted by his phone ringing.
He grabbed his phone from his desk and looked at the caller I.D and upon realizing that it was Bruce, he answered.
“Hey Mr. Banner! I actually have to tell you something—”
“You can tell me when you get here, Pete” Bruce’s voice was stern. It was demanding.
“Where? At the compound?” He answers, his voice slightly wavering at the thought of possibly seeing you again. 
“No. Wakanda. We’ll send Strange and—”
“Wait, wait, wait. Wakanda?! Why??”
There was a moment of silence between the two. A worried sigh was heard through the phone after a few moments followed by two words that made Peter’s heart stop.
“Y/N's missing.”
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226 notes · View notes
reblogcentre-2 · 3 years
tw for: sh & trans stuff & blood & auto-surgery 
So you asked about my experience with auto-surgery. I actually wrote a vent fanfiction so I copy-pasted it & added more notes & stuff. The notes I added after are in ((here)) & the rest of it is my vent fanfic. The fanfic is p much accurate to the experience & any inaccuracies are pointed out ((in the)) notes.
I've dreamt about this before, but I never thought I would actually do it. It's completely an impulse decision. Well maybe not completely. I have the sense to find supplies first. Like a pack of razor blades. ...And scissors, toilet paper, rubbing alcohol, ice packs, a needle and thread, and a glass of water to keep me hydrated. I may be making a stupid decision, but I'll at least do it right.
I sit on the floor of my room, and take off my shirt. While holding an ice pack under my… on my chest ((don’t wanna say boobs)), I tie some fabric around my waist so there’s no bloody mess I have to clean. ((didn't work.)) Damn this ice pack is so cold, it almost hurts. Though, that's a good thing. It means my nerves will be numb.
I look around at my setup in confusion, I've lost my train of thought, ((adhd)) what am I doing what next- Ah, razor.
A thin piece of metal, flexible, yet strong. It doesn't glint in the artificial light. It's a matte metallic grey. I pick up my little prize, and having sanitized ((sadly not sterilized tho)) it in the alcohol and let it dry, letting down the ice pack. I bring it to the underside of my chest- but I can't see it. Disappointment. I put it down.
I need to get my fat ugly breast out of the way. Then it occurs to me- tape! ((I shoplifted this tape)) I use the tape to pull my chest up and back so I can see underneath it, or as much as I can, considering the size of it.
Now, I take up my razor. I remember reading about this one lady who gave herself a cesarean section with three long slices of a kitchen knife. She was a Mexican butcher. ((k so she had to go to the hospital after to get her intestines re-arranged I think. Also, this is what I would ask you to do, If I’m numb I won’t feel it so you can just boom three long swipes with a nice sharp chef’s knife & boom my boob is gone.))
Taking a deep breath, bracing myself for what's to come, I put the razor to my skin and pull. But I don't pull. I lift. I was too afraid, too cowardly to actually try. ((this is why I want someone else to do it)) Thankful to have lost some sensation from binding, I replace the ice pack and breathe again. Ok. I've got this. This is good. This is ok.
I lift the ice pack again, and this time I test my skin slightly. I… can't feel it. At least, not much. So, with the tape pulling back the offending tissue, I use my right hand to swipe across my left chest. It's barely a scratch. I try it again, this time closing my eyes before opening and doing the cut. It's much faster this time, and slightly deeper. How did she do it in three slices with her kitchen knife?
The blood is warm, and it drips down my chest. I unravel some tissue to dab at the blood. Then I make another cut, following inside the first, deepening it.
I can't easily reach all the way across the bottom, so I'll have to settle for my scar being slightly on the inside. ((I can legit send a pic of the scar if you’re comfy with that)) I wipe the blood, then replace the ice pack. I need some more freezing. In a moment, I get back to it with the razor.
I can sometimes feel the pain, but I try to ignore it, or freeze it away. I keep slicing, wiping, and icing my chest. ((ok so only the skin felt painful & if you’re good, you can get thru the skin rly fast with the knife)) All the way until I see something unusual.
That's not skin.
That's… something.
Subdermal fat maybe? ((I had seen this already, but this was written as a vent fanfiction)) I keep going with the razor, another slash or two. Then I take hold of my scissors. ((oh the scissors were shit)) I can pinch my loose-from-binding skin to make a slight fold where I can use the scissors. So I do.
I use the scissors to open up the hole wider, ((idk if I actually did a lot of this or only a little bc scissors were painful af)) and I can see the fat in it. It's lumpy and greasy.
I'm disgusting.
It's a yellowish ((in culinary, the paler the fat the healthier the deer/animal. I think it might have just been discoloured from the blood. Btw there was no blood in the fat bc fat doesn’t have caapillaries)) white, made up of little bubbles, or maybe they just look that way because of the mutilation I'm committing. It's covered in red blood, so it looks more of an orange pink.
My gash is about 10cm long, maybe less. Probably less. ((I can measure if u want)) I use the scissors on the fat under the skin, and surprisingly, I can't feel it. I wipe up the blood, ready to strike again, but when I pick up the scissors I've bled again. I wipe again, pick up the scissors again, and prepare to slice again, again; but like last time there is too much blood. ((ugh I remember this, it was so annoying & my rag was already blood soaked))
I try to wipe it up enough to continue with my surgery, but I keep bleeding. and my ice packs are getting warm. ((I had to ask my brother to get me another ice pack but he brought me one that was only partially frozen))
I can do this in the shower.
I'm covered in blood, but the water would wash it away, keep it clean, moist, prevent it from clotting, and the cold water could provide numbing. Yes. I'm a genius. Shifting my pins-and-needles legs, I gather all the supplies I can carry, and peek my head around the corner. Nobody is coming.
I dash through the hallway, and my supplies are dumped on the washroom counter.
What do I do now? I… turn on the tap.
The cold water is uncomfortable, but I lean my body down, supporting my weight on either end of the tub, so that the water only runs along my chest. I tense as it cools the flesh. Then I step out of the shower, thankful that only my chest is wet, and try to keep on, but it’s so bloody. ((I remember thinking it literally looked like a murder scene. I was a Sherlock fan t the time))
It would make perfect sense to just bring my tools into the shower with me. I bring in two of my sharpest razors and my scissors, as well as one ice pack. ((I didn’t want the water to warm up the ice)) I run the cold shower over my laceration again, numbing it more, and once I’m done with that, I take my scissors and I put them inside.
Repeat repeat repeat. ((ok I think here is where I try to separate my skin from my breast tissue? I got such bad bruises bc I didn’t manage to take it all out))
Soon, I’m done separating the skin and extending the opening up a little higher. I keep rinsing the blood, the water runs down my entire body at this point, but I’m used to the cold.
I use my scissors to cut in deeper, I can’t feel it in the mammary fat at all. The scissors are opened and closed in rhythm, without being taken out of me between snips, and I reveal something that looks less like skin, and less like the bubbly pale fat. It might be a mammary gland- I’m not sure. It’s a different texture though, and-
Ouch! I can feel that! Damned fuck! I mean heck! ((I think I legit tried to not swear. I hurt a lot to cut that part. If it’s just done in one swipe tho it wouldn’t be as bad))
I water my wound again. I can’t have my body in pain. Just a few more seconds of cold water, and I can get back to it. Or maybe I should use my ice pack too… The ice pack helps freeze whatever that thing is, so I can cut through it with my scissors.
I’ve made a thick cut now, but I’ve seen surgeries before, I’ve watched so many videos of top surgeries, even some full surgery videos. I know what to do.
So I take my razor from the soap-bench in the wall and run it between the skin and my tissue until I get enough space for my scissors. ((oh! no- here’s the part where I separate the skin & get bruising)) My scissors go right between them, opening and closing as I move them around under my skin. I can see my skin stretch around them, like seeing someone’s legs under a blanket.
Now that I have it separated, I could maybe cut out an entire chunk. I rinse my scissors under the shower, and put them down on the floor of the tub, then I look down.
I’m covered in blood.
I open the shower door and look in the mirror across from me. It looks like a murder scene. There, my skin held apart by tape, a gaping slash under my- my breast, blood drips coming down from it, blood spread all over my torso from the water, blood in the hole in my body, ((yes a hole in my body, kinda wish I  took a pic)) blood bright red from being mixed with the water, blood clotting on my belly. I made jokes about some things looking like murder scenes before, like when working with food colouring.
Oh how I was wrong.
This is what a murder scene looks like. I’m so bloody. Part of me wants to take a picture, ((lol I was just thinking this!)) but oh hell (I mean heck) that would be messed up. As though I’m not already messed up!
Well I can’t stare, I have work to do. Work. I close the shower door, and bend down to pick up my ice pack, but I need to be careful, I don’t want to disturb my broken chest.
Numbing my chest again, I continue with this routine, pulling out chunks of my own body and flushing them down my shower drain like the serial killer I read about a little while ago. ((I don’t remember much about the chunks. It might have been less chunks than I’m making it sound. I have memory problems so : / ))
At some point I look in the mirror again, and I’m almost disgusted at what I’ve done.
My family probably needs to use the washroom, I’ve probably been showering for an hour now, they might get suspicious.
The smell is metallic & meaty, almost fishy even.
Thankfully, when I look down at my chest, it seems like I might be slightly smaller than before. ((not rly. It partially looked that way bc of the tape)) It definitely looks smaller than the one on my right. I haven’t been using my ice pack much lately. The blue liquid in the plastic pack has lost most of its cold.
I rinse off my less sharp scissors and razor, and spray all of the leftover bubbles of fat and drops of blood down the drain, trying to get the bloody footprints and handprints ((I forgot I made hand/foot prints!! If I had forgotten them mum could have walked in to pee & seen bloody handprints lol)) from the edges of the tub where I supported myself before getting used to the completely cold shower. I rinse off my torso, too now. Blood is strewn all over it, and some has dripped down to my legs, which has now dried. As soon as I rinse it off, I bleed some more. Ah. Well.
Onto the burgundy red floor towel I step, and I try my best to dry off my bloody chest and abdomen, but of the two rags I have, one of them is wet from taking it into the shower, and the other is already soaked with blood. Neither can help. I do my best nonetheless, and decide I should move on to stitches.
I know how to sew, and I’ve gotten stitches before, I should be able to do them. ((irl I                                  had only gotten stitches once & I already gave myself stitches once))
But I can’t find my needle, ((yeah I just couldn’t find my needle when I moved from my room to the washroom)) and the water hasn’t numbed my skin enough. Inside my body, in the fat, I can’t feel it, but, seemingly, I would still be able to feel it if I were to perform my own stitches.
Alrighty then, I can just tape myself together until I dry. But the tape won’t stick. ((ugh this was so annoying! I literally used all of my skin tape)) Neither will the bandaids. I have no sewing needle. I don’t know what to do, crap! I don’t know how to fix this! The tape won’t stick! Screw this fucking hell! I mean hecking heck!
Eventually, I go to my room. I put on my faux binder. It’s an old bra with a piece of fabric of my measurements sewed on the inside to compress my chest, the bra is just for the straps. Over that loose and torn excuse for a binder, I put on bra after bra, binding my semi-detached chest down so that I might be able to sleep without causing more damage.
I have a.. A thing tomorrow. ((practice for my baking competition)) I can go to the hospital a few blocks away from my school ((20 minute walk)) and get stitches there. Maybe they’ll even say I need to get top surgery an’ the gover’ment will pay for it. Yeah that’d be nice. I can jus’ wai’ ‘ntil tomorrow... and tomorrow I can take more ibe- ibu- ibupropen- ibuprofen... ((I wrote like this for the dramatic effect in the vent fic)) I can't take any more t’day. I’ll just go to sleep now n’ then I’ll wake up for school and when mom... asks me whaveter she asks I'll just tell her I have carpentry, and I'll tell the instructor that I’m not working today. ((irl I went to culinary, then told my teacher “actually I’m going to pick up my supplies to practice with & skidaddle”)) He’ll unsterdand, it’s not like I have school, it's the teacher’s comvemtion, I’m not obligated to stay, I can lust jeave. Mum will be none the wiser. Yah. Sleepy time. Hospital tomorrow. 
((so yeah. I go to sleep & ppl always say they can’t sleep on their sides so I tried that but I couldn’t handle it so I slept on my side while hugging a pillow to make sure nothing fell. I’m shaking too. Tbh I was just thinking “I’ve been in the bathroom for an hour or more, why has nobody knocked asking to brush their teeth?” I wake up the next day & put on a button-up shirt bc ppl say they can’t lift their arms, I practice walking on google maps to the hospital, then mom drives me to school. I had my learner’s license but I didn’t want to drive bc of my injury. I go in, I tell Chef I’m leaving, he’s cool abt it. So now I’m loaded up with a huge backpack, it’s february in canada & I forgot a jacket (bc I was driving in a warm car to a warm school & busy planning other things), I also brought my fiddle bc I waited for 4 hours last time & was bored, & I have a huge toolbox & a tub of fondant. I walk 20 minutes to the hospital, get in, & I need to change from my mask to the hospital mask. I go through talking to ppl & stuff. Eventually I’m called up for triage & I tell the guy what’s up (& take my meds bc I forgot that morning & she thought I was doing drugs) & sheasks me for my healthcard number & stuff. I think she was able to put my preferred name in the notes. I’m unbuttoning my shirt & she says “actually come in here” so I go into the nurses’ station & she peels up my bras a bit (apparently I’ve bled) & she’s like “wtf bro” & I’m like “what?” & she’s really concerned that I wanted like 12 hours to come. It was like 9-10pm that I was doing it & it was probably 10am at the time I saw her idk. So she gets me into a private room immediately I think (idk I might be mixing this up with the hospital trip where I had to wait for ages. Idk whether I had to wait here too.) Oh I forgot, I also plucked my violin while waiting for triage or to get called to a private room, but I wasn’t allowed. So eventually (really soon by hospital standards) I get taken to a private room. They get me to change into a gown (all of my bras off too) & now my breast isn’t secured. So while I’m waiting I play my fiddle & look up chords on my phone. Everyone likes it. The nurses & doctors & porters are like “where’s that music coming from?” & “It’s like we’re at the beach” bc chords on violin sound like chords on ukelele despite the fact that I was singing mostly mother mother. Ppl come in a lot tbh. I think the doctor comes in but he says “my shift is over soon & you will take a long time, bYe!” also I’ve been asked so many times if this was a suicide attempt & I’m like “nah bro if I wanted to be dead I would be, I’m not actually suicidal anymore.” Eventually a porter comes to move me from my nice private room to some curtained one. I’m plucking my violin quieter but some fuckin security guard says it’s loud & might be disturbingother patients so I play a really quiet eidelwisse & then I think I might stop. The guard called me miss too & it sucked. Eventually the doctor on shift comes & asks me about things & why & he’s also got his hands on my boob. (when I saw the first doctor he asked if I needed a female doctor & I was like “nah dude ur a doctor & I’m a trans.) So he’s going to sew me up & at some point he asks “tdo you want me to take the rest off?” I’m super confused until I realize he’s making a joke: “do you want me to finish the job & take the rest of your boob off?” so I laugh & say “I wish” & he says “I’d do a horrible job” & I’m like “BRo I AlreAdy did a hOrrible job!” so that was funny. He also asked me about trans stuff bc he didn’t understand a lot (he was respectful even tho he didn’t understand) & he even suggested I claim back pain to get a reduction. I have back pain (mostly from binding). Anyways he drops the needle with novacaine or whatever the hell& needsto get a new one & nobody can touch it bc it’s sharp. A few times it hurts but it’s fine I just close my eyes. He asks “do you need more anesthetic?” & I’m like “bro I did this with only a fucking ice pack” but w/o the swears. I ask him if I can bind after & he’slike “idk” so that was fun. I have a dip in my scar now. Then a nurse comes in & puts a fuck ton of bandages & gause on me but it’s stupid bc I was lying doen & as soon as I stood up (& worse when I put on a bra) it changed everything. So they give me a bag for all my bras & I walk back to school. Now it’s like 15.00 or 3 o’clock so I get back to school… & my phone is at 1%. I text my mom “hey I’m done at school” on google hangouts but my phone dies before I know whether or not the message sent. Chef is already gone, so I can’t get into the school. I can’t call mom. I walk around for a bit, assuming she’ll pick me up when she thinks it’s time. Nope. I’m outside in the cold. I start knocking on doors asking for a phone but it’s fricking covid season! I walk to a nearby coffeeshop & borrow the phone of a nice couple. Mom got sus of that. I warm up in the nice coffeeshop, mom takes me home, but she knows I skipped practice. I think she even called my chef. So yeah that was stupid. I told her “haha I went to get drugs” but she didn’t believe me & also what kind of a lie is that? She knew I cut myself, I guess I just didn’t want to worry her or have her demand to see or cry & ask me why I felt the need to change my body. I’m pissed off that she caught me (she caught me last time I gto stitches too). I can’t jump anymore *& I’m wearing my size-up binder. The doctor told me to scrub my stitches in nthe shower, the nurse told me to wrap in in plastic wrap. I’m wearing button shirts for ages after this, I’m avoiding lifting my arms, everything sucks. Whenever I think of it, I could smell it. I smelled the blood. Every time I smelled a glass that was washed in a dishwasher, I smelled my injury. Every time I remembered it, I could smell it. I don’t get that anymore but I was literally in mild shock & I think I may have traumatized myself. There’s more to say but I forget it all & idc so good night))
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Light Raiden part 1
light Raiden tired teleported just got rid of the black and red dragon with all the other threats did not recognize my room the color of the blubs were blue rested on the bed comfortable hat off It was so nice my side of the bed slept when I came in after my self-care got in my nightgown hair down blushed seeing him letting him rest with me sensing my energy not know I live here blushed red embarrassed*In the morning*my alarm went off got ready for work he left teleported to Earthrealm his brother happy to see him*"Brother I sensed you were somewhere else with another person outside of the realm"*he did not wish to get me in attention to any of this enemies to get me silencing his brother*"Fujin my whereabouts is not your business if I was then that is fine"*they went to work fujin sensed me at the same time as him*A little later*got done with work for me the gods got there work done I just got a nap and then young shang tsung heard them slept for rest I was exaughed workout with it he got in my mind raiden sensed it shocking form the wall he loved the lights thirsty for blood he was bitten by a vampire used his influence for me he burned form my plantuim sliver necklace with a gem stone on it 2 of them moved it off once he did moved my sharktooth necklace of the way smelled my neck taking his time fangs out*"Mmm this is smells so good can't wait to taste her"*he bite me enjoying the taste suching some blood tasted like what I had to eat for lunch a cheeseburger feel my heartrate keep it up know I have to power of tech*"I must say very tasty I think I will take her for me"*he got his blood form me mark on my neck got my plantuim necklace on suching the remaining dripping taking me home to his place in outworld getting me all comfortable got me all nice kissed me slept with me bitten a little more*When I waking up*light raiden not see me in the same place concerned not seeing me in my room finding me in outworld form his brother*"Brother she is with shang tsung she will wake up soon we must get her now before he trys anything"*light raiden agreed with teleporting to outworld he was not there seeing me his bite made raiden mad he smelled them here attempted to caught him mid how to handle a snake 101 red eyes shocking him increasingly I was sleeping DNA taken for his clones meelia as well give it to them*"Speak you snake what have you done to her?!"*he laughed evil he did it on both arms while he was attacked with lighting fujin got me carryed me out away form him form the wind outside seeing I was gone not happy*"You fool she is mine I bitten her DNA to my clones just now where is she raiden?"*he answered but got his powers immortally able to go to outworld now gone burned by scorpion at the same time back to me can get me out of his influence had his now if needed now had a home in outworld the sky temple*" She that is not your concern you snake!" *soon he came home the ground shaken the clan for scorpion teleported to sub zero's temple the temple crashed his uniforms and his things now to him as It was falling the ground broken to form the pressure his pj's and his nice kimono we left to the same place the how area broke the clans did not except this fujin held me my head on him it was cold outside his clan can hold it and not us Raiden got the snakes to influence out of me felt it collecting it heart rate normal but faint but a little low on blood his fangs appeared on him taking off his glove and sleeve part give me his blood where his veins he knew this was serious bitten his wrist some blood to me I was scared he felt it fujin clamed me suched his blood fujin said*"It's ok your safe relax we are not going to hurt you"*felt me relax seeing lord raiden then fujin liu kang with his brother thunder had a ice cream to clam him down*After I returned*I was back to normal test proven I was fine blood back and normal rate the gods both there standing had some tea fujin too raiden was drained of energy for now sit down his sleeve and glove back on hands washed cleaned then see my arm but that was a concern the thing that was
on the outside*"The test showed your blood
is back your arm is a concern your blood will come back again now your own"I nodded did not get it*"Well If necessary do what you need possible"*raiden said after getting his blood IV for his type leaved when they were done went to our new home fujin it was all clean jenshi move to the up stairs area were we would talk for sit he went in gained some energy*A few months later*as I walked having tea something was up with my arms both gods were defending this realm I didn't want to make a big deal and with everything soon they come home later except raiden smelled it to me I was not scared to go to the base of course this was a serious walked out him there my arm hurt but keep going stopped me*"Goddess we need to go the base right now immediately"*I agreed my arm about to come off all not good at all*"Ok lord raiden"*teleported to the medical area his vampire senses knew I was in danger the docs feared this would happen sit down to have my arm come off I did not know how to react at all looked at it for a moment then my other then at them the docs said*"We need to do surgery for arm replacement goddess asap starts tonight"*the arm was all gone non useful oof raiden there with me seeing I was scared knew I would be fine*"Ok I am ready for it doc I trust you"*it was done the material scorpion made for jax unbreakable metal got rid of them to a medical school for the basic attacked on for life light raiden went home had my pillow slept on it smelling thinking of me after the surgery recovery began*After surgery*I recovered out of the room bed cleaned I was out during surgery jax sees me before raiden wen t to work he to see me after the arms so pretty got my blanket that was soft form my room a bouquet of flowers from him near my pillow freash ones happy to see me with a letter*"Hey goddess get better I care for you see you later love,raiden"heart emoji pic*this was before he started early my phone was still there when off at my time to walk up teleported to defend his realm smelled my blood fangs he had bitten the enemies who had clean blood not damaged or not cleaned he still had a hunger for food fujin was with his brother did not talk about me in public unless it was at the base or with his sons*A few days later* just got off work with thunder to see me tested to see if I was good to go home the test showed I was and raiden,fujin,thunder see me sensing I wake up jax sees my new things blanket and flowers freash for a long time still raiden waked in had some tea thunder came up waken up fujin missed me a lot seeing the flowers ever lasting raiden held my hand I held back see them raiden happy see the flowers from him and my blanket all soft blushing*"That was so sweet of you lord raiden I missed you"* the arms were like normal arms raiden smiled missed me as a friend I appreciated it*"Your welcome goddess I missed you too"*held my hand smooth metal cold brown hair down fujin made sure I was comfortable we went home after thunder called me*"Mom"*I replied back*"Yes thunder"*we slept together light raiden had energy and blood form his enemy cleaned for any bad stuff form a tea cup he learned form one of a medical book he had in his liberty his new home was so lovely got his staff on him money form the temple he asked on me*"Why is your arms all metal mom?"*I answered understanding he was curious that was fine fujin knew this braiding my hair Raiden drinking his tea with his mind enjoying it he cared for me the door was closed on the outside reading more medical and spells in bed deported form his blood my head on his shoulder*"Well my arm was not well and the docs fixed it at is all thunder"*thunder felt it burned with hellfire form neither warm scorpion made it himself slept and rested Raiden drink his blood and put where he was putting his books away*"Night goddess"*thunder in his pj's sleeping his head on my neck I did not mind we were friends we slept like this healing the bite mark he did on me gently*"Night lord Raiden"*fujin got comfortable tired form working hard*
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She Just Can’t Wait
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Just a little bit of Malum smut from my Pink Kink AU to get you through the day. A quick introduction to Calum’s partner Kitten, who’s as playful as her name suggests. My usual warnings: oral, anal, mmf it’s pretty short so nothing too wild
Calum walked into the apartment and immediately heard her moaning from the living room. Kitten had texted him while he was out running errands telling him how horny she was. 
I don't like it when I'm this worked up and you’re not home. 
I'll be an hour or so Kitten, can you wait? 
The picture he'd received in response had alone been enough to make him head home right then and there.
She was crouched in front of the full length mirror in her bedroom wearing Calum's tank top and Michael's backwards snapback and nothing else. She was sticking her tongue out and he could see her bare pussy peeking out from under the hem of his shirt. The next pic she sent she'd pulled one of her tits out of the shirt and her fingers were spreading her pussy out for him in front of the mirror. 
Michael's playing Fortnite. I wonder what it will take to get him to turn off his game. Guess we'll find out 😜 hurry home daddy so you don't miss all the fun
Calum had been hard ever since but determined not to give her the satisfaction of rushing home at her whim. Let Michael get her started for him, they knew their limits. Sure enough when he got home Kitten was on the couch naked save for the hat, Michael had her feet pushed up in the air and his face between her legs. 
Calum chuckled, unbuttoning and rolling up his sleeves as he crossed the room towards them. Her eyes were watching him as he approached. 
"Did you make her cum yet?" Calum asked and Michael shook his head while his mouth noisily worked her over.
"Good," Calum crouched down so he was next to Michael in front of the couch. 
"She wouldn't leave me alone," Michael laughed moving away so Calum could take over. "I've edged her already so she's ready when you want to let her cum." 
Calum easily slipped two fingers inside her wetness making her moan for him. 
"You're so close aren't you Kitten?" Calum curled his fingers inside of her and began to start a rhythm that quickly increased in speed and intensity. 
"I want you to suck her clit and let's see if we can make her squirt," Calum watched her eyes go wide when Michael's lips wrapped around her sensitive nub once more. 
Calum was relentless, using three fingers to fuck her while Michael held her legs open as his tongue worked it's magic. 
Calum felt her clench down on him and he knew, "come on baby, let go and cum for me. Show me what a good girl you are. Come on love, give it to me." 
Hey eyes rolled back and her whole body shook. Calum felt her juices covering his hand and wrist as they kept going, pushing her harder. Calum felt her walls pulsing as he pulled out allowing Michael to lick her clean. Calum stood up unbuttoning now soaked shirt,  pulling it off and wiping himself down with it before tossing it aside. 
Michael was now sitting on the couch with Kitten's head on his shoulder and her hand palming his cock through his shorts. 
"Want me to take care of our guest now," she asked, licking her lips at Calum while Michael looked away, blushing. 
"Don't you think he should get to cum the same way you did? I want to have some fun too," Calum smirked at Michael who nodded eagerly and stood up. 
Kitten eased his shorts down rubbing his cock over her lips and teasing the tip with her tongue. She brushed her lips down his shaft before giving his balls a quick tug and suck. 
Calum pulled a latex glove before spreading Michael open and probing his tight hole with a lubed finger. He slowly worked him open listening to Michael's little whimpers and grunts. He let him relax and adjust as he went deeper while she continued to tease his cock with tiny little licks and sucks. Once he'd relaxed enough to let Calum move his hand easily Michael began to moan at the sensation. Calum kept up a slow steady rhythm as Kitten slowly took Michael's cock down her throat. Michael began to back his hips fucking himself against Calum as he worked another finger in stretching him more. Between the pleasure pain  combined with her letting him fuck her face and tugging on his balls Michael knew he was not going to last long.
Calum reached around and tapped her shoulder so she pulled back. 
"Suck his balls Kitten. Mate, jerk yourself while she does it'll feel amazing, trust me," Calum told him and he did as he was told. Michael leaned back into Calum's chest letting him wrap his bicep around his throat. He tugged his cock trying to match the rhythm of Calum's knuckles brushing his prostate. Kitten was going back and forth, swirling her tongue as she took each one in her mouth while pulling the other gently causing him to whine loudly. She felt his cock begin to tense and fill and she tapped Calum's thigh. 
He recognized the signal and pushed deep into Michael's ass pressing on his prostate. If Calum wasn't holding him up Michael would've collapsed his orgasm hit him. A strangled cry erupted from him as he made a mess of his hand, his stomach and Kitten's face. Calum continued holding him up pulling out slowly as Kitten wiped her face and licked up every drop of Michael's cum from his skin. 
Michael dropped onto the couch trying to regain his senses. Calum cleaned himself up and helped Kitten back to her feet. Calum took off his belt held onto it while Kitten quickly got him undressed all the way pulling down his boxers with her teeth leaving kisses and bites down his thighs. He was in no mood for teasing as he was achingly hard. 
"Bend over," he ordered. Kitten stood right next to where Michael was sitting and bent at the waist grabbing onto the back of the couch. 
"Such a good girl for me, letting me take you like this," Calum wrapped the belt around her neck but didn't tighten it. His other hand lined his cock up to her dripping heat before sinking balls deep in one stroke. 
Calum wasn't gentle as he slammed into her hard and fast, but Kitten loved when he used her like this. Michael reached between her legs and rubbed his fingers across her clit. Calum lifted her leg up so he could get a better angle and Michael positioned himself so he could use his mouth as well. 
Calum's groaned loudly at the feeling at Michael's tongue as he pounded into her. Between the belt around her neck and Calum holding her leg Kitten couldn't move and the feeling of complete submission only drove her higher as her climax was getting closer. 
"Oh God," she cried out, her walls grasping at Calum as he fucked her through her first orgasm. 
"Come on baby, give me another one. I wanna hear you scream while I cum inside you," Calum growled his hips slapping against her ass.
"I can't, please sir," she whined and Michael pulled away looking at up at Calum.
"Go harder Mikey, she's got another in her, i know my girl," Calum instructed and Kitten screamed when Michael hummed his lips against her clit before flicking his tongue over it rapidly. 
Calum cursed and his hips stuttered with rough uneven strokes as he came so hard he saw stars. Her pussy contracted around him as her own orgasm began and Michael sucked her clit hard.  Michael heard her whimpers turn to screams as Calum fucked her through his own orgasm and Michael could taste their sweet and salty mixture on his tongue as he continued to lick her as Calum pulled out. Calumb pulled his boxers back up and collapsed on the couch. Michael pulled the blanket of the back off the couch so Kitten could snuggle between them. 
After a little while Michael and Calum had almost dozed off when Kitten stretched her muscles and got up from the couch. They both looked up to see her walking, fully naked, into the kitchen. Just when Calum was about to get up to see what she was up to she popped her head back out. 
"Ok I put the lasagna in the oven and there's 50 minutes before it's done. Since Michael is staying all weekend I'm gone need to run to the grocery store after dinner, but first I'm gonna shower," she walked back into the living room headed towards the bathroom with her phone in her hand. "Y'all can join me if you like, or maybe just watch," she called over her shoulder disappearing down the hall
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bobasheebaby · 6 years
Don't Be a Prude (crack)
Characters: Jensen, Jared, Misha & JDM both mentioned.
Word count: 709
Warnings: language, reading of daddy!kink and dp parts (nsfw), crack!fic
Summary: Misha sends Jensen one of my smuts, Jensen is disturbed.
A/N: Ok, I don't find anything wrong with writing fic in any form, this is what I suspect Jensen's reaction to be if he found my fic, Double Dominance. I'm ripping apart myself, my own fic, which I am very proud of, but let's face it, they'd be disturbed by some of our smut we write. Slightly prompted by this post but I actually had started this. Don't blast me with hate this was meant to be funny. Ok, now I go back to writing smut.
Tags: @itsstillnotwhatyouthink @dean-winchesters-bacon @imma-winchester-addict @snffbeebee @waywardnerd67 @waywardbaby @missjenniferb @ezilyamuzed @myinconnelly1 @the-wayward-robot @time-travel-bouqet @mrsnazario1223 @imafictosexual @ladywinchester1967
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“What the fuck?” Jensen exclaimed, disgust dripping from his voice.
“Hey what’s wrong, Jay?” Jared asked concerned for his friend.
“Misha sent me something he found on Tumblr and it’s wrong on SO many levels.” Jensen replied, a shiver of disgust running down his spine.
“Really? What is it?” Jared asked, interest piqued.
“Some girl, wrote some dirty fanfic about her, I guess you, you add your freaking name, and Dean and John.” Jensen responded trying to explain.
“Here, let me see.” Jared said reaching for the computer.
“Don’t say I didn’t warn you.” Jensen stated hoping to talk Jared out of reading the disturbing fic Misha had sent him.
Jared reads and his brow starts to furrow, “wow!” He exclaims clearing his throat.
“She’s disturbed.” Jensen countered disgust written across his face.
“It’s not bad.” Jared said shrugging.
“You can’t seriously mean that! I mean John and Dean, that’s just gross.” Jensen replied, clearly horrified at the thought of the two characters fucking the same girl.
“But look at all the comments and likes she’s gotten, 81 notes.” Jared stated trying to get Jensen to see it wasn’t so bad.
“That just makes it worse, people are actually reading that sick crap! I mean come on who wants Dean and John at the same fucking time?!” Jensen exclaimed, the pictures the words conveyed etched in his mind, he was trying desperately to forget them.
“Apparently a lot of people. I mean look at her pic, it’s just Jeff on his bike, so obviously she has the hots for him, and here it says ‘John and Dean Winchester’. And her note says ‘Yea, I ignored John’s death. I can’t help it, I love him and miss him. I got it bad for the two oldest Winchester’s.’ So I mean I guess it makes sense to her. And at least there’s no Wincest.” Jared said trying to explain the authors thoughts.
“Oh that makes it so much better!” Jensen replied, voice dripping with sarcasm.
“Look at the warnings I mean, daddy kink? She wants to call them daddy? What the fuck?! And breathplay? So she wants to be choked, you don’t find any of this disturbing?” Jensen asked, gesturing to the screen, he never thought fans were this disturbed. Sure he knew there had to be fanfic written, but this disturbed him on every level.
“Jay, it’s a creative outlet, and the writing that bad, I mean listen to this. ‘“Yes daddy,” you cooed as you threw one leg over John straddling him. John guided you down onto his thick length and you both moaned.’” Jared stated, reciting a line of the fic.
“Come on Jared don’t read it out loud! Shhhh!” Jensen exclaimed, eyes widened in shock that Jared could be so calm.
“Come on Jay that part wasn’t even so bad.” Jared replied scanning the fic. “’ They move in tandem, Dean thrusting in as John pulls back. The pushing and pulling feels amazing, you love feeling so full. They slowly increase their speed, John pounding up into you, Dean slamming into your tight ass.
“That’s a good girl Princess. You take your daddies cocks so well. You love feeling daddies cocks inside you, don’t you princess? Love feeling so full?” Dean cooed.’” Jared read, knowing this part would really get a rise out of Jensen.
“Seriously?! Stop that’s just gross!” Jensen shouted, dropping his head into his hands trying to wipe the image from his mind.
“Come on Jensen don’t be a prude, you just have to be a little open minded is all.” Jared replied, chuckling at Jensen’s response.
Jensen looked up and glared at Jared, he wouldn’t find it so amusing if it was his character.
“Go ahead ask your wife if she’s thought about having two guys at once, I bet she has.” Jared replied, egging Jensen on.
“Two guys, fine but father and son, that’s just gross! What if it was Sam and John?” Jensen countered, Jared would be disturbed if it was his character, right?
“I mean obviously there is worse if she has to clarify no Wincest.” Jared replied indifferently, shrugging his shoulders.
Jensen rolled his eyes at Jared’s indifference, one thing was clear he wasn’t going to change Jared’s mind.
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a-rat-and-a-blob · 6 years
Drabble Arch: A Chimera’s Cry - Latching and Leeching
This is the sixth chapter of the story A Chimera’s Cry. If you want to read the previous chapters, go over to the fanfiction.net page! (link)
              3 days. It would take 3 days to get it ready.
               It's nothing more than a cave on the side of the shore, but it's far away from here and it's particularly hard to get in without my stretchy arms and legs. Those two alone made it perfect. I just need to fix anything that can go wrong, but it shouldn't be hard. That's always my job up there in Zaun. Fixing anything that could go wrong, vents, crimes, and all. Not really good at it myself, but I at least have experience.
               However, as I look around the vacant sewer room one last time with only a bag of me and Scratch's stuff, trashbag beds and one sole lantern, I feel the dreading sense of sadness looming over my shoulder, like being in the dark and cold shade of a shadow. The empty room only echoed the creaking and dripping of pipes and nothing else. I hear the echoes in my dreams and I hear it when I'm  awake. What would it be like? This place being so eerily silent as it is right now for days, months, years. Even Twitch stopped banging the door for insistence of being let in.  I can barely hear him scream at intruders or cry at failures. This sewers has been my home ever since they died, yet even days before we would leave forever, I can't even recognize it. I somewhat missed it.
               And yet look what happened. I've supported a psychopathic rat. I've went with his delusions of superiority. I've told myself a lie that he would ever get better. My parents have always told me there were good and bad people in the world. Right and wrong. Hero and villain. I've seen it myself. The chem baron that murdered my parents and now the rat that sees people as nothing more than tools. I used to be his friend. I used to call him a friend. He even plans to take over the world for crying out lo-
               I suddenly feel a slight tug at my leg. I look down to find the brown rat looking up to me with a stained napkin. I smile as I hold Scratch up. "Aw.. Look at you! You finished breakfast and actually used your napkin this time," I shout happily. "Guess you're not just a typical dirty rat anymore, huh? You're a civilized rat!" I scratch behind ears. He giggles happily in comfort, dropping the napkin on the floor. It used to be Twitch's favorite scratching spot.
               Once the scratching stopped, I place him down. I grab the napkin and throw in a separate garbage bag. "There. Just remember to put the dirty stuff in the bag, ok pal? Maybe if you keep this up, I'll buy you a bowtie. I bet you look cute in a bowtie!" Scratch just tilts his head, staring into me trying to translate what I said in understandable terms. I forgot he didn't know much about the surface. Not yet. Maybe in a safer note, he will learn more about it. He would learn how great people can actually be!
               I grab a stick of green chalk and moved over to a wall with the lantern. I proceeded to draw a small, skinny, smiling rat on the boards with a scarf, some scars, and a chipped ear. I give him a small bowtie and a cute little top hat, and, for the finishing touch, I add a small monocle. "..And there!" I said in satisfaction. "See. That's you! There's the bowtie and the hat and the little fancy eye-thing. I think you would look like a refined gentle-rat if I do say so myself. Heh.  Y'know... I have a large tie in the bag. I could show it to you if you want!"
               "..........Uh. Scratch?" I look towards him and he sits there silent, not looking at the picture, but the many others on this wall. I even forgot the many stories told here. The many drawings we made together. The heroic tales of Blitzcrank and ZAC. The heroes up against villains from evil witches to robotic dragons. There was even the drawing of the two of us, looking to the sun, to the future, in our capes and super-suits, ready for anything that the world can dish out.
               Scratch looks at me as we shared the wistful thought.
               "Heh... We'll be leaving... but that doesn't we'll forget these now, don't we?"
               The answer didn't comfort him. He looks down, forlorn.
               Suddenly, I have an idea. I go to the bag that holds all of my stuff and take out an old camera. I used to hide this camera far away from Twitch as possible in the fear that he would break it. It was my dad's old camera, and he would take pictures of him and Mom all the time to show off in the house, but in secret, he would take pictures of me growing up.
               "Hey," I call out to him. "Look at this." I showed him the pictures. "During my entire life growing up, my parents would  take these pictures. They're me when I was just a child. There's me as a little cute bloblet in a petri dish with my parents caressing me and there's me sitting on my parents lap for a picture playing with some metal toy, I think I was trying to make it form Atomic man, heh, and there's me growing to the lengths of my dad! There's the wall where I would measure my heights for all the 10 years I've been with them. I never grew ever since that day.."
               Scratch looks at the picture with wide eyes at the clearness of the detail and how real it looks. To think that ZAC was once that size.
               "And.. maybe I should do the same with you. With these pictures. So we'll remember our first times together forever." I look over to the wall. "How about we start?" I grab the camera from him and posed for a picture. I aimed for the little drawing of us two in the sunset with our superhero capes. We worked on that together. "All you gotta do is line up the shot you see in this camera and press this button.."
               "Lookie here Scratch. Our first photo," I whispered happily as I showed the phto to him. Pretty dim, but still works. "Now we can just put in on the wall with our new home."
               Suddenly, I hear the faint ringing of the bells of Zaun. One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Eight AM.
               "Oh no. Guess I'm running out of time," I said as I got up. "Don't wanna leave, but.. I can't let Zaun get any worse! Heh. Besides, I need to deal with something.." I take out the ID of Mont Grimes, plagued by multiple dried bloodstains from the incident. Even the IDs presence haunts me and Scratch. I see him shivering and backing off as I revealed it from my substance. "Hey. I'm ZAC. I've dealt with monsters before. That's what heroes do, ok?"
               I give the camera back to him. "Now. Remember the rules. No opening that door in any circumstance, y'hear? No letting anyone in. Just like those people are counting on me, I'm gonna count on you for one important task. I trust you to take pics of the best stories."
               Scratch looks up in response.
               "I'm trust your fine taste, gentle-rat! And I trust you to be my hero today! I can't wait to see what photos you take when I come back for lunch."
               Scratch nods, smiling and holding his camera up firmly and proudly. I smiled.
               "Good. Anyways. Gotta go, can't keep Zaun waiting! See you at lunch."
               I leave the room before hearing the first clicks being made. I walk to the surface, lost in thought.
               I stopped at the intersection between me and the path to Twitch's lair. I look the direction of his lair, still puzzled at the silence both in sound and emotion. I feel my first steps going in that direction, but I stopped. I was growing attached again, and I can't get attached to a delusional psychopath.
               I walk to the surface and enjoyed the soothing sewer's silence.
               The chaos would come back eventually, and I don't think I'd want to be here when it does.
               I look at the ID carefully, eyeing the tan, brown haired man carefully through the dried bloodstains.
               I didn't hear much about the metallic, crow creature in quite some time. I never heard any attacks happening in the surface. Maybe he's gone forever?
               A chill reach my spine as I said that. I remember it quite clearly. The shattering of lights and the crumbling of buildings surround me.. It could attack again. Everyone felt it. The commercia wasn't the happy place it was before. Rarely anyone goes outside, and people often stray away from the darker alleys of Zaun. Rumors spread daily of the whereabouts of this crow-man and they begins to nest and fester in my mind like the plague they are. Rumor aren't exterminated until certainty is there. Until they see this creature's corpse.
               This was my only lead, and  possibly my only suspect; it would explain how someone could invade the high class commercias, and even if he was wrong, someone gets their ID back.
               From the top of a building, I gaze up at the towers of the college of techmarturgy. Many people were eager to go in and learn from the many prestigious professors. I've never really been to school myself, but I had enough science in my life honestly.
               As I move from crack to crack and through the pipes, I sense many unique emotions to the college. Some new coming freshmen were eager to start learning. Some were excited to do a project that they would claim would be their magnum opus.
               I felt hope. Hope for a new and bright future. Hope for a nice life in the promenede or even Piltover. Hope to get their family out of the sumps. And hope that I would solve the mystery once and for all. I feel my pace going quicker and quicker as I go to the main office for their records.
               As I begin to move further away from the students, the emotions become faded. They're now just echoes fading in the wind. I only hear the faint scratching of the pen and typing of the typewriter. I move deeper and deeper until I hear nothing.
               I seep through the small cracks of the pipes and find myself hanging on the ceiling with shelves upon shelves of records below me. The only thing illuminating it all was dim lights that marked the doors, but it shouldn't be an issue. Sewers were always dark for me.
               I let go of the ceiling and let myself land on the floor.
               The sounds echos through the wide room. I froze in place. I tried to hear the footsteps of people taking notice of my intrusion. None came.
               With a sigh of relief, I begin to look at the letters marked on the shelves. It seems that it was marked by last name. I went over to the Gs...
               Suddenly, I feel a sharp presence cutting through my skin. It was undeniably strong. The intensity flooding through me quickly, driving all senses and recognition away. What was it? Anger? Displeasure? Sadness?
               I look into the direction of the aura and see the dim red light of a door.
               I steered away from it, running as fast as I can to find "Grime" on the shelves and hide in safety. I all over to scour for it.
               "Gm.. Gn.. Go... Gr.. GR!"
               I jump at the sight of finding and scour the folder. The aura became much stronger. I felt my fists clenching. My head heating. I slam the files around the shelves to search for it, but I also notice someone else. Someone who's.. quiet. And unflinching. Cold. His emotions were faint, but I could see it. There were two of them.
               At long last, I finally found Mont Grimes. I slammed the file on the floor. I couldn't hear the echoing sounds anymore. All I could hear was anger and resentment. They were nearing the door.
               I glance at the folder and it had a big red stamp that said "Expelled". I look at the files and switched between them one by one. Grades, Attendance, Projects.
               The door opens. All the lights on the ceiling were turned on. I took the paper at the top and shoved the folder back in its spot. I quickly ran, avoiding their line of sight and tried to make as little as a sound as possible. Once that was done, I seeped into a crack on the floor for hiding..
               "WE MUST DO SOMETHING HEAD MINISTER! They're going to blame us for this monster!"
               "I know professor. You need not remind me of Grimes."
               "When all of our efforts to make this a reputable college is on the line? Disasters in the sumps isn't our business. Anything can happen in the sumps, but.. THIS! The higher ups will know. The students talked about it now."
               They were still conversing. I had time. I pick up the page concerning projects I dropped by my side and read.
               "Mont Grimes was an ambitious and exceptional scientist, but too ambitious. His latest projects consisted of merging alchemy and technology in ludicrous ways. He saw in animals heightened senses that could be proven useful to humans. He researched a lot on Singed and imagined what would happen if he could change the forms and senses at will, but because of mutated animals and contamination of the promenede sewers, he w-"
               "SIR!" the professor shouts, much closer now. I dropped the paper and went back into my deep crack, watching from the faint light. "I found a missing piece."
               "Well.. thank heavens. Give me that." He grabs the papers and gives it to the head minister. They both walk away from my view. "We must leave no connection professor. The sooner we destroy all record of Grimes, the faster our hands will be cleaned..."
               I hear a machine beep in the distance and then the paper shreds. Its fabric ripped easily ripped apart by steel. I flinch as it's eaten up.
               "Good. I hope you're right. Minister," the professor says. The footsteps begin to sound more faint with each step. Then the lights were out. I run back to the file, and it wasn't there anymore.
               I slump in the hollow vault, arms laying limp, with only the 6 red door lights accompanying me in the dark.
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kingsmanrp · 2 years
Hump Day reddit [MMF] success in the Windy City
I have been seeing a Milwaukee guy I met in March from a local r4r and we are having quite the adventure. I only wish I think to take more pics!
This past week we were with a beautiful specimen of a bi-man (chiseled body, model gorgeous and an all around nice guy) who was looking to explore his sexuality and be used for our pleasure. Omg, a sensual mind blowing MMF play date! We met him in the lobby of his apartment complex and rode the elevator up to the 13th floor (was this an unlucky sign?). We walk in to his apartment and I fall in love with his pup, my nerves had gotten the best of me and i start petting his cute pup and talking to the guy, ("C") about his dog. My guy ("J") makes small talk... and C invites us to move into the bedroom.
Background - We met on reddit and I had asked him to be plugged, because... lol!
He takes off his shirt and I'm like wtf.. this is sooo not real. He has Kanji (Japanese characters) tattoos. I run my fingers over his soft skin and hard body as he tells me about them. I ask him if it's ok if we kiss and I pull him in as J watches from behind me. He begins to take off my pants and J comes over and begins kissing my shoulder. I'm in heaven. But our playdate isn't about me, so I tell C to get on the bed and show me his plug. I turn and kiss J and can feel his hard cock pressed up against my hip. C is on all 4s on his bed and a purple sparkly plug is between his cheeks. I grab J by the hand and smile at him as we walk to the edge of the bed. I grab C by the hips and make an animalistic grunt as I thrust my hips into his sexy ass... digging my nails into his hips as I pull him into me. I cannot wait to be strapped and take his ass! I lean down and my lips graze his plump bottom. I press his plug to make sure it is nice and snug, whispering how much of a "good boy" he is for doing as i told him. J is behind me feeding off my energy, waiting for my direction. I tell him and he moves to the side bed, like a hungry little toy, C crawls and grabs J's dick and begins to lick and suck all of him. I take the opportunity to grab my strap on and put it on... watching the guys as if they are on a porn video.
Once my strap is on, I passionately kiss J and he strokes my "cock" as he is getting his sucked. He hungrily smiles as me as I walk to the backside of my new boy toy. I lube up, ask him to turn over on his back and carefully pull the small plug from between his cheeks. I tease his hole with my cock and hear him moan with his mouth full of J's rock hard dick. He wants it bad... all of it! I tell C to breathe deeply and slowly push in as he exales. Holding while he inhales.. carefully push into his tight ass, barely prepped by the thin plug. Slowly I work into him... it's all about pleasure, so the last thing I want to do is to hurt him. I grab his 8 inches and start to stroke as I work his ass.
J is enjoying the blow job way too much... and I don't want him to cum from it. So I signal him to come to me, kissing me and reaching down to my pussy and discovering i'm dripping wet. That's when it hits me... my new boytoy needs to taste me. I ask him to get onto all 4s again and I remove the strap and leave J behind C. I lay myself in front to C and he leans and kisses me and i take his pretty face in my hands and push him down to where he belongs... tasting my pussy. He is sooo into it... feels amazing and I wrap my legs around his muscular shoulders as J is working his hard dick into him. I feel C tense a little and I pull his head up so he can look at me. I remind him to breath, to just relax. And I smile as he does as told. J is slow, careful... and when he is inside me, I nudge Cs head back down to resume earing me out.
It felt like an out of body experience. Moaning, grunting filling the air. I can sense C tightening up a bit. I reposition myself (69) so I'm under him now. My mouth on Cs cock with the best view of J inside of him. I grab his hips and J locks his hands with mine, from above. He is in control of the rhythm. I work Cs dick in my mouth, my eyes locked onto Js hardness fucking him above me. I can feel from the rhythm that J is getting close, so I increase my speed on C as well. Hips thrusting above me... J grabs my hands harder and falls forward onto C.. he came sooo hard!!
I crawl out from under them both. He slowly pulls out of C and I tell C to lay on his back while J removes his condom and cleans up. C is rock hard and I sooo want his cum right now. It doesn't take him long with my mouth and both hands working him. He cums hard in my mouth and I am the happiest girl in the world. J returns and I kiss him to let him taste C in my mouth. Ohhh, we sooo could have gone another round, but I didn't want to assume anything with our new friend. We got dressed, packed up, made small talk before leaving. It seemed so effortless, so natural... for all of us. The elevator ride from the 13th floor was steamy... J and I couldn't keep our hands off each other. We can't wait to see him again!
submitted by /u/ChiBurbDomme [link] [comments] from Gonewild Stories https://ift.tt/sazo7Bm
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sawthefaeriequeen · 7 years
hey! i saw your spiderman!adansey au and was wondering if you had any more headcanons for it that you could share? i love the idea so much ^^
Ok so I can see Adam, after he gets his powers (gettingbitten by a radioactive spider? Getting bitten by a radioactive forest, and hecan shoot vines out of his hands? Hmmm) deciding to go into the superherobusiness to fight for the little guy, to help those who cannot help themselves,y’know? Because that’s exactly the kind of life he escaped from in Henrietta,and now that he’s ‘made it’ in NYC and especially now that he’s been saddledwith freaking superpowers, it only makes sense to give back. Because Adam is agood kid.
And at some point, he takes a (part-time?) job.  Mr. Jameson hires him to write human interest articlesand stuff, which Adam turns out to be very good at. But also,he starts bringing these pictures of Spider-man to Jameson, these amazing close up photos, and Jameson islike WTF?  And Adam is like “Oh we’revery close personal friends. I can be…persuaded get you more of these” and Jamesonis like, “Ugh, whatever, these are the best pics I’ve seen of that menace; havea raise, kid”. And that’s how AdamParrish found a way to monetize this superhero gig  and support himself even more effectively,even though LOLOL he’s  the superhero, tell no one.
Gansey is the Queen Bee ™ atthe snooty-but-very-prestigious school Adam goes to, and Adam tries to pretendhe’s not fascinated by this boy’s pride in his stupid polo shirts and shoes andhis stupid adorable geekery and his stupidstupid tendency to ‘donate’ randomartifacts he found who-knows-where to various museums. There’s also Gansey’sridiculous enthusiasm over the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man – they discusshim more than once in Adam and Gansey’s shared classes and Gansey’s like, “He’sthe hero of the people! He’s altruistic and loquacious and has a socialconscience! One has to wonder: does he have a secret troubled past that drovehim to create such a personality, or is he just inherently good? Why yes, Ihave clippings and videos of all the interviews he’s ever given! He may be evenmore interesting than Owen Glendower!” Adam is torn between face-palming andbeing insanely flattered.
Adam also gets chances to photograph Gansey several times at glossy events, and along with photos of Dick Jr. playing the Good LittleRich Boy, Adam may or may not have several sneak candid photos of Gansey cutelymessing around with his sister and friends, and sliding down bannisters like anidiot, and actually caressing a bustof Glendower at one point, what the fuck.
(Hey, it’s part of Adam’s JOB, okay?!)
Anyway! So one time the bad guys hijack Helen’s helicopterand Spider-Man manages to web her to safety on one of the buildings, but SHIT,Gansey comes tumbling down, screaming…
…only to be plucked out of the air by the webbed wonder. Acamera flashes somewhere.
Later, Spidey deposits Gansey on one of the buildings wherethe press can’t get to them just yet, and Gansey  pulls the Dick III charm on him all “how can Iever thank you? I know –you’reinvited to my mom’s charity ball this Sunday. I think she knows an Avenger ortwo: how’s that for networking? Do superheroes wear suits? I can lend you asuit. Do… wait, wait where are you going—” but whoosh, Spider-Man’s gone
The next, Adam is at school, all grumpy because the bad guysreally did do a number on him— ahem, on Spider-Man— last night, and alsobecause he thought Gansey’s washonest-to-God interested in the persona that he, Adam, worked so hard to createand that he wasn’t all about charity balls andnetworking. Ugh. Not that Adam cares.Who cares?!
Adam, quite accidentally, passes by Gansey’s locker. And rightbelow Gansey’s stuck-on pictures of his friends and of Owen Glendower, there’s…
…a giant picture of Gansey and Spider-Man looking like this.
Well, crap.
After that, Gansey keeps needing to be rescued in periloussituations that he swears up and down have more to do with him being rich andkidnappable and nothing at all to do with him rushing into obvious danger with the hopesof running into Spider-Man once more
(“What the hell do you mean by my quiddity?” Spidey says once, exasperated. They are bothstill dripping in Goblin goo, and he swears to himself that really has no time for this shit.
“Your IS-ness, ” Gansey, who really is trying to be lesspretentious, says earnestly.  “Your essence. Um, never mind. Let’s talkabout it next time?”
“NEXT time?”
“So, Spider-Man. What do you know about Welsh kings?”
Adam briefly considers webbing him to the roof and leavinghim there. )
Eventually, of course, Adam and Gansey become real friends.Maybe they meet exactly the same way they did in canon? IDK, I could use someideas here. Maybe Gansey has totally always noticed the guy with the camera who coollymakes his way through all those swanky events and refuses to get intimidated by thebig-deal people swarming around (because he’s got that Adam Parrish pride, andalso because he’s saved some of their glittery asses more than once as Spidey,so hah). And Gansey also hasn’t missed that Adamhimself  is an elegant sepiaphotograph this is the dudewith the highest grades in the school, and he’s horribly impressed that Adam isputting himself through school and doing it with so much grace and ohhh, Adam,your car is so homey and lived in unlike those soulless Ubers I takeall the time, and will you teach me to fix up this busted up Camaro I’ve got?
And the rest is history.
At some point they are close enough BFFs for Adam to bringup Gansey’s obvious crush on Spider-Man, but underneath all the teasing, Adamis all insecure because ~he has me on a pedestal and he doesn’t even know it,ooooh angst.
One day, though, Spidey rescues Gansey once again. As heswings him  off to safety, he makes asarcastic quip about how it’s getting around the city that he is now RichardGansey III’s  personal hero.
Gansey says, “Well, you and Adam Parrish both. I’d like youto meet him sometime.”
Adam nearly drops him.
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