car-bon-ara · 14 days
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A contracted fixer DJing for a major J-Corp affiliated nightclub who is everything, except in spirit, what a DJ should be. He hates everyone, hates his job, hates his life; Solvej is very a bitter, cynical man. His misery paints a bleak outlook on the world and anyone who could possibly help him get out of his slump, but he doesn’t want to— and really— who could blame him? The shock from The Tragedy ™️, the subsequent spiralling, and the crash to rock bottom have brought him on a path through shady nightclubs, seedy motels, and exclusive invite-only events… With no sight out of this new lifestyle that he has gotten swept up in.
Solvej didn’t choose the high life; the high life chose him. In fact, the excitement and the sting of booze that comes along the ride-or-die City nightlife wasn’t his thing at first. Maybe if things had been different, he would have settled down by now. He never settles though. It’s probably out of guilt–- like he doesn’t deserve to rest. But his story isn’t special— there’s worse out there, especially in the City.
Anyone who regularly frequents the Ruby Room will know him only as “the DJ”. These are times when he’s often seen at the booth, lights blaring and music booming. And he’ll be there for hours, often nights. What’s a lesser known truth is that he’s the Grade 1 Fixer hired out there, not for combat-based purposes of course, but because of pure musical talent. The crowd whispers this tale: born of District 9, then later swung by. Even the Backstreets had him surrounded by music growing up. It’s no wonder he’s there, playing in that nightclub now.
It’s a shame what happened, really: to his office family. He was the only one who ran. It seems like he couldn’t handle living in the museum of memories that was the family home anymore, to the point where he packed his bags one day and disappeared.
And thus, he no longer had anyone to celebrate with him on the day of his promotion.
Solvej turns up the music, and loses himself in the rhythm.
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piratedllama-art · 1 year
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Quarters only, please [x <- prints here]
(done in procreate)
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nephilimbrute · 1 month
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jerma pearl (and marina) page
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gh0st-4ss · 1 year
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Your honour, he was feeling silly.
(I literally used that fucking shitpost as a reference)
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kibutsulove · 3 months
// Blood tw // — Azulon and Hama fanart
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last year I abstained,
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this year I devour.
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cinematicnomad · 2 months
I EXCHANGED NUMBERS WITH MY CRUSH!! AND!! He joined my and 2 friends/coworkers for dinner after originally turning us down. And the way he decided to join us?? Was by calling me and asking if we were at the bar we’d mentioned and if it was ok for him to join 🥰🥰
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ferberus-skull · 1 year
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approximately 30 hours into this thing 👍
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fr0guu · 11 months
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Mother of the stars amirite
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the-ceiling · 11 months
forgot to post tgis last night...
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xiaoxiongmaos · 2 years
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reference credit | yeonbintokki on twt.
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haku23 · 11 months
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The codependent besties <3 lol
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wellenklavier · 1 year
(you hear keys in the door jangling desperately and i stumble in sputtering and covered in blood & viscera of unclear origin) what tfucking. where am i. oh god
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patchesproblem · 1 year
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Wasn't going to upload this here but twitter Destroyed the quality so!! She's trying to kill someone.
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pecfertdraws · 1 year
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pickles! by me :)
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spiritedfennec · 2 years
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