#THIS IS THE LAST ONE GUYS! 🙌🏽 (On this blog. Last 2 + 2 others are @missamericanvibes)
1dramaprincess · 1 month
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Chateau // Angus & Julia Stone (2017)
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
Hey Shaz it's my bd but unfortunately I'm not celebrating it so I came to your blog bcuz it brings me joy so I was wandering if you could mention some jikook sus moments that made you a jikooker with or without receipt. Thank you
Why are u not celebrating? 🥺 Happy Birthday my lovely!!!
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Please be happy today. No matter what.
I did not believe in Jikook because of a single moment. I talk about my journey here. I have Mizgator to thank for my current state 🤭🤭
So since that's that, guess I'll just find u some random sus Jikook moments for your birthday 😁😁
Exhibit a) Run Bts episode 133 members were supposed to identify the lips presented and Jimin did not even hesitate for a second before saying which lips were JK's
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I find that highly suspicious, don't you?
Exhibit b) Jimin messing up during a live and saying this is our room
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He corrects himself but its too late. Armys caught it. Jikook and sharing hotel rooms... An ongoing saga. Wbk 😁
Exhibit c) Jimin going from this
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To this
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Satellite Jimin at work. At least he was subtle.🤭🤭
Exhibit d)
Right. Now watch that again and notice that where JK touches is most definitely NOT where Jimin hit him. You are not in pain JK, just say you want Mimi's attention and go
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Exhibit e) Jimin is Jungkook's toy and he likes the way JK plays with him
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I.... don't even know where to begin with this one, anon...
Exhibit f) Its common knowledge in the fandom that Jimin likes to bend the candles when he prepares cakes for members
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So when JK's brother posted his birthday cake that one time....
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Two plus two is 4 minus one is 3 quick maths! 🎵🎵 man's not hot. 💃🏾💃🏾💃🏾
Exhibit g) i believe is self explanatory
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#feels 🥺🥺
Exhibit h) Is not really sus. I just wanted to throw it in here coz I find it so cute!!! Jimin didn't want JK to be left out. The way he yells for JK over and over will always be sooooo funny to me. Best part being JK's face
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He's like; babe, calm tf down, I'm here 😂😂😂
No, but this habit of Jimin always being responsible for JK amuses the hell out of me. Whether its telling him to put his toe socks away or apologising to the flying yoga teacher for JK's behaviour, I just love to see it guys. Rare moments of Jimin actually acting like the hyung he is 😂😂😂
Exhibit h) Bon Voyage 1 episode 4. As they prepare to take the photo;
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After the photo has been taken, Boom!
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I love when JK doesn't even try to be subtle. Anygays, teleport JK ftw 🙌🏽
Exhibit i) Bon Voyage sn 2 episode 3. Members are playing for pocket money and it's JK's last chance.
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He had failed before and didn't have any money so he was nervous
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Guess who else was nervous?
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Birthday anon that's kinda sus, no? Why is Jimin nervous? He wasn't nervous when other members were playing, why nervous for JK? Guess he was worried about his baby not getting anything to eat 🥺🥺
Exhibit j) Last but not least, is not sus at all, its just me throwing shade because I can 😌 Bon voyage season 4
V as JK's co-driver:
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Vs Jimin as JK's co-driver.
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He he he heee 🤭🤭🤭🤭
Anyone who's watched it can confirm that this isn't me being an unreliable narrator. This actually happened. Tkk were so.... they were just there. While Jikook on the other hand were having the time of their lives. ☕☕
Happy Birthday anon! All the best 😘😘😘
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Episode 3: "if not I’m 15% screwed" ~ MJ
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Twist: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/survivorraccooncity2/686440210283839488?source=share
Challenge: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/survivorraccooncity2/686440280307679232?source=share
Results: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/survivorraccooncity2/686530464076496896?source=share
Tribal Council: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/survivorraccooncity2/686621743673147392?source=share
Els and i are pooled coins, and bought a heart key which lets us (me since i have it) know about every active alliance that the player of our choice is in. Useful for merge, not really now. Dom and Ariel recruited me for an alliance. I don’t trust Ariel but I’ll work with him lol 
How do you dread and hope to be voted at the same time? Voted out: you get time freed up, you go back to your life. Not voted out: 'Wow, guess they all dont hate me after all.' Oh no - whats next. Frankly, i was very surprised at the 1 vote for Tony! 2 people didnt show - was it one of them? Or was it one of the tiny little faces sitting in front of me? The tribe has been tip toeing around, nobody saying much - so I thot it was me going home for real and to take the stress off, i focused on my upcoming move and ttied to look at the positives. But now another twister challenge... well even tho i didnt win any challenge, i got some booze
From what I've gathered from talking to a couple of people, the majority of people seem to be leaning towards choosing ally. It is a safe choice and the likely outcome will be a joint tribal Council. I hope there are people who have made more enemies than I have. Haha I am not aware of any enemies if I have actually made any. 
Nooooo guys this was a hard challenge! You're doomed if you do and you're doomed if your not. I'm very careful not to burn any bridges here and I'm praying I won't have to. Mt trio is not very convincing that they'll vote Ally. I don't want to go to tribal, but I may find myself there this time.
So the last tribal council ending up being pretty straight forward, but now this round is a lot more complicated and I’m not gonna lie, haven’t completely grasped it yet 👀. So I get put into a trio with Ava and Jinx. MJ immediately tells me that her and Ava are close, and I’m like “hmmm interesting”. She is very clearly wanting to save them this round. She also mentioned that she’s gonna send me to the summit and that I’m safe regardless, so that’s cool. She lays out a plan where Ava and I vote Ally, and I just say sure because that’s what you’re suppose to say. I also just submitted ally as a place keeper in case I was too busy to submit later or if the others were busy to talk game today. Chatting with my fellow tribe mates, Cliftone is voting ally since he thinks the other two in his trio are gonna vote betray, Tony was saying that the Tricell tribe should all vote betray, and Els and I are voting betray. And I haven’t heard back from Julia today but I’m sure she’s living her best life right now we stan 🙌🏽 That decision came easy to me since Jinx said that they were considering letting Ava and I vote betray and then send them to tribal council. Ava seemed to be in agreement when we were chatting one-on-one but didn’t confirm the plan with me. I’m assuming Ava told MJ this since they’re close, and now MJ is trying to convince me to switch back to ally and I feel very micromanaged right now lol. And of course Ava is not responding when I asked for confirmation so I guess we’re just gonna be in limbo lmao So I dunno what I’m gonna do. I’m honestly not the most invested in this round tbh, but whatever I’ll figure something out. 
Omg! A lot has been going on. I’ll have to break it down. 1. Ava asked that can they work with me, she trusts me and she will like to work with me. We’re thinking of forming an alliance with Clefford. It’s all good for me if we have Ava in our numbers. I carried Zuki along because she’s my strongest ally. 2. I got to sit out at the next challenge and it’s been a roller coster ride. It’s an opportunity to work with my non-tribal Allies (Navi and Ariel) and that’s what I did exactly. 3. Ariel is in a trio with Clefford and Els and I love Clefford a lot to not save him lol. So I’m picking Ariel for summit and I told him he has to play in favor of Clefford. Ariel plays ally, Clefford plays betray. Whatever Els plays , Clefford isn’t going to tribal. Els looks genuine and I can sense she trust me . She also trust Clefford so we are hoping to work with her after the merge. She came to me that she was confused on what to do and I told that only one thing “you can totally trust Clefford, do what he says (for this challenge)” that way either she plays ally or betray , Clefford either sends Ariel to tribal who is already immune or Ariel technically goes to tribal (immune still) that way, Els trusts us better and we got the number going 4. Navi is in a trio with Ava and jinx. Perfect timing to get Ava to trust me more and more and more LOL. I told Navi I’m picking her for summit and she’s happy but she has to play what I instruct in order to save Ava. This time I want them to send jinx to tribal becuse more people need to go to tribal else everyone may end up in tribal LOL We agreed Navi ally, Ava betrays and jinx does whatever she wants (that way they don’t make an enemy) Navi is obviously safe. Does it make sense for me to immune a safe person without looking ridiculous? I’m still trying to make Ava and Navi see this. We have few minutes left to decide. I would prefer Ava only betray and she sends them both to tribal then it looks like I’m saving someone who is obviously down just like Ariel. I hope they see it this way and decide fast. Lastly, oh my Zuki 😭 I feel so bad I can’t help her. I never spoke to Dominique or Tony so I can’t pick them for summit (atleast not yet) which leaves my Zukiswa vulnerable. At this point I only hope she doesn’t end in tribal. I feel whoever goes to tribal tonight, the target would be on any umbrella member because only we have our numbers complete . I wish no umbrella member goes to tribal Hahaha . 
Okay so I switched back to Ally since I don’t have the energy to have a back and forth on this whole thing with MJ, like she is taking this shit seriously lmao. Plus voting ally had been my original plan prior to talking to everyone so I guess it worked out? As I mentioned earlier, MJ did come across as micromanage-y, but I’m cool with letting her think she controls me. I’m not telling her squat about my allies in this game like she has with Ava. I’m keep that close to the vest for now. I’m still totally cool working with her, but this has given me perspective as to how to navigate the mid to late stage of the merge should be both be there. I let Els know since they’re my closest ally that I switched to ally, so there’s that. Whatever I’m going on that summit trip, skippin tribal, and gettin dat coin so who careeeesss 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳 I’m also running on very low sleep since I had to work till midnight last night and was up by 5 this morning so that’s probably affecting my judgement but oh well!
So that happened lol Whatever, I’m safe, Ava has heat on them, and I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re pissed at MJ right now. Now to figure out how to divide these coins up…
Joint tribal joint tribal joint tribal. Haus of K-yas has been formed (Hunter, Els, and i) Hunter seems so disconnected from the others so he’s perfect for Els and i <3 Joint tribal is a slay as long as i don’t go home 
Oh man this is gettin real messy. One of the members felt betrayed in this last challenge and Im all in my feelings about that. Poor kid... Im so glad im in the game. But, I am also glad i could tell myself it doesnt really matter, so I could ward off my 'hurt' cuz certain kids didnt wanna play nice with me and my secret alliance was not there for me when i was gettin paranoid before first tribal. But its all good. I didnt reach 67 years of age for nothin... my spidey sense gave me guidance and i snaked thru. Now its tribal #3 and we're all in it! OMG! Dont know what to expect. What will the challenge be? Well, if its too hard, too many of us will fall and that wouldnt be good for the game, now would it? Maybe, we'll be secretly pitted against each other and if thats the case, I know who I wont turn on... now what were their names 😳
I AM SO DISAPPOINTED IN MYSELF. If I get voted out, I deserve it. Forgive me. 
This round is chaotic AF. Chaotic twist brings chaos. And I kind of love it??? HAHAHAHAHA well it's because I am safe. Or am i? I swear if there is another twist this round that will make one of us summit people sent home, I swear this season is just a huge chaos in hell. For now though, I am looking good as the only one who ally on our trio and Els and Clefford betrayed. To be fair I only played ally cause I already know MJ is picking me to go to summit with her and Navi. Lol. I kind of look like a wet baby chick who is save by its mother hen. Thank you, MJ. See what making connections to other tribes brings. I really love our M. A. N alliance with Navi and Mj. I am just scared that people might start to notice the 3 of us has an alliance. I know Clefford already knows. The whole umbrella tribe probably already knows. So, I am not sure if I should fully trust MJ. I think MJ's loyalty still falls on her tribe and not on our alliance. I have to watch out for that. I have a one on one alliance with Clefford, I hope people don't notice that. I just have to remind Clefford to keep our alliance low key. He kinda was hectic this round. I hope he can recover from that. Now that I am safe though, I want to protect my tribe in anyway I could. It seems like the vote is going to Tony. Which I am fine, but I would have love it more if the votes goes to someone from the Umbrella tribe cause they are staying strong as hell. Which clearly does not look good for the other two tribes unless the other 2 tribes decides to work together. Right now though, I might just have to stay low. It is not time to come out of my comfort zone yet, I think I am safe as long as I keep stay low. Ok. This confessional sounds like a mess cause I am typing it on my phone. And I don't know, forgive my typos. Anyway. Bye amping.
Had high hopes to not be heading to Tribal but man THREE IN A ROW for us here at Tricell. We are wayyy overdue for a break 😂 With the way things are looking, the entire tribe SHOULD be able to escape this Tribal unharmed. Pray for us!
This round was a whirlwind shitshow. I was very much inclined to be ally. I was going to set it and forget it. But then there was some bs about chat in Umbrella maybe going to vote Betray, so I didn't think I should trust Zukiswa. Then Els is talking about getting everyone in Tricell to go Betray, to keep our asses out of tribal for a third time in a row. Had everyone on board - except Julia - who I wanted to protect from retribution, and honestly, I loved their whole trio. Anyway, Navi and Cleftone go Ally at the end for reasons of their own, and I'm looking at a lot of pissed off people. Womp womp.
https://youtu.be/5t-m334iYBc Update: Tony is not going to try and connive. Just going to vote with his tribe and ally's. I hopefully will be safe. I will miss Tony if he goes. Sort of wish it was me. 
Fully expect to be out this week. I am frankly surprised that I made it this far, all things considered. Frankly, I would have been happier to have gone out on the merits of my performance - such as they were, than under my terrible decision to betray. It didn't help that I was called out by name in One World chat, but that's the way it goes. It will be good to have my life back.
I heard Evangelina is gunning for me. I am going to try my best to not get voted out. I have to make more effort to talk to more people because the reason I am getting targeted seems to be because I haven't had a chat with Evangelina. I tried to chat with Tony two days ago and I got no reply. I am making effort, but I am trying to connect with a manageable number of people at a time. I thought talking to too many people might create trouble for me. This joint tribal council is really putting me in danger. I hope I survive.
This week's twist was ridiculous-ly AMAZING. That is definitely what this game is about. It reveals so much about others. Currently I have a 3 person alliance and after this vote will 100 know I can trust them without wavering. I've made friends in other tribes and think this could be used to my advantage later on. If I'm not voted out tonight, then I think I have set myself up well. 
So both Jinx and I were surprised by Ava’s vote. We both assumed they would also go ally, albeit for different reasons. Turns out MJ had Ava vote betray to send Jinx to tribal, which ended up blowing back on them in the One World chat. Jinx has told me that they also found out that Ava and MJ’s tribe made the plan but the misunderstanding about their initial message to us was still correct (at least on my end). Jinx doesn’t seem made at me though so that’s a plus. I hope this means we can use this bond to potentially work together later on down the line. I’m totally cool with MJ taking the lead at this point since this will eventually get back to everyone else, and when it comes to crunch time at some point in the merge, I can use the info I got this round to potentially get MJ out if she’s a big threat to win at the end. If she’s not, maybe I would consider taking to her to the end. She seems very committed to wanting to work with myself and Ariel, so I want to keep her for now. Plus it’s still very early and a lot of game still needs to be played, so I’m cool either way. Now the vote is gonna be between Ava and Tony. MJ is going hard to save Ava, so it’s possible we may lose Tony this round. I tried letting both Ava and MJ know that Tony doesn’t want Ava to go, but MJ kinda shut that down so so much for that lol. I don’t have a vote but I’m also safe. However I don’t want to over extend myself too much to where I’m targeted the next tribal. I’m honestly more concerned about the post tribal thing that the summit leaders have to attend. I don’t like this one bit. As for the summit coin distribution, I have a given a coin each to Julia, Cliftone, and Els since I vibe with all three. I’ve been admittedly busy with work so it’s been tough trying to stay in the mix, but I’m doing the best I can!
Hey confession!! Sorry I don’t have much to say this round, there’s so much going on it’s just hard to collect all my thoughts. I definitely see myself working with clefford and MJ and I think that there is a future alliance brewing there, it looks like Tony is gonna go home and I’m also calling a swap of some kind!
What’s happening Is like an official welcome to survivor! Everyone is going to tribal except the summit! I don’t even know how I feel. I just have headaches and I can’t wait to end this round. Plus I hope Tony Goes, if not I’m 15% screwed lol. I5% isn’t a bad thing though hahahah
i was emo last night but this morning im back and ready to run this bitch
Twas the night before tribal and I’m feeling pretty good. I’m not too worried about the vote. Everything should work out the right way the way. Best of luck to my Tribemates. I really hope everything goes smoothly and we all get through untouched especially Tony.
So basically being more active here. Im kinda realizing I dont belong. i feel like im pissing off people and i dont mean to ever. I think tony is going home basically so hopefully he does and its not me 
Dominique starts an alliance with Adeline and Ariel
Julia posts a confessional in the One World Chat
Clefford tells his tribe (Umbrella) that they should all “Betray.” Furthermore, he thinks they should all trick their trios to “Ally” so that everyone in Umbrella is immune (despite not trusting half of them).
Evangelina is staying true to her moral compass and wants to “Ally,” in spite of Clefford’s plan
Hunter, Els, and Adeline started an alliance (House of K-yas)
Zukiswa works very hard to convince her trio to “Ally.” The betrayal will be intense.
No one listens to Clefford. They will all go to tribal council as a result.
Els convinces Tony to switch his vote to “Betray.” They try to convince Navi next
Jinx calls out Ava for betraying
Els, Adeline, and Hunter discussed targeting Ava with Jinx
Ariel, Adeline, and Dominique discuss wanting to target Tony
Clefford  and Zukiswa want to target from BSAA, but MJ wants to target Hunter for throwing Ava under the bus.
Clefford’s name is going around, so MJ, Zuki, and Clefford are trying to do damage control. They throw out Tony’s name as a way to get the heat off Clefford. They are unsure if they have the connections to make that vote work
The names going around right now are Clefford, Tony, Ava, and Jinx
Clefford tells MJ and Zukiswa about his Extortion Advantage
Evagelina expresses concern about voting Tony, bringing up that they are IRL friends. MJ says that the Umbrella tribe needs to vote Tony because, otherwise, Ava wil leave
Evagelina tells her tribe that  she is voting for DJ. MJ wants the tribe to vote together. The Umbrella tribe is a mess.
Adeline spread the Tony lie about him deceiving people. Adeline is trying to get people to vote out Tony
Jinx tells their tribe that people from the other tribe were PLANNING to betray from the get-go, pointing out that Ava was lying when they said they had “misunderstood” Jinx
Julia and Jinx bond closely. Jinx is now ride-or-die with Julia
MJ has given Evangelina, Ava, Clefford, and Zukiswa one coin each. Navi has given Els, Cliftone, and Julia one coin each. Ariel gave Adeline, Jinx, and Dominique one coin each
Evangelina bought a Summit Revealer
Cliftone tells Els and Navi in their alliance chat that he is voting for Ava because he wants to be tribe strong and thinks they’re shady
MJ thinks that the decision she will make will be a schoolyard pick. Clifford tells her to separate Ava and Els, and Jinx and Evangelina
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Clefford: OTTM5 Ariel: UTRP3 Dominique: UTRP3 MJ: UTRE2 Zukiswa: MORP3 Ava: CPN4 Julia: MORP3 Adeline: UTRM2 Els: UTRE2 DJ: UTRM2 Cliftone: UTRE2 Evangelina: MORN3 Navi: UTRP3 Jinx: CPM5 Hunter: UTRP3 Tony: MORN3
Raffy’s Winner Picks:
Adeline Jinx Els Ava
Amy’s Winner Picks:
Adeline Jinx Ariel Els
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1. MJ 2. Clefford 3. Zukiswa 4. Ava 5. Hunter 6. Evangelina
1. Julia 2. Els 3. Navi 4. Cliftone 5. Tony
1. Adeline 2. Jinx 3. Ariel 4. Dom 5. DJ
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