the-gray-ghosty · 1 year
Sam and Dean invite Cas to a movie night in the dean cave, and Cas sees dean already sitting in one of the chairs and is like "should I sit on the floor, since there's only one chair left?" And Sam's like "Nah it's fine! I always sit here" and he just sits on Deans lap [and Dean wraps his arms around Sams waist as they somehow fit together perfectly]
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hutaoscoffinn · 2 years
Do you have aftercare HCs with Rika, especially for after the more ahem, intense, sessions? If not can i request it? :3c?
The way I’m realizing I don’t have any aftercare headcanons at all for Rika omg running to write this now bc I have so many aftercare headcanons for Rika.
Warnings: nsfw theme/suggestive because its aftercare, aftercare, fluff, this is basically all fluff so, affectionate and loving Rika, very loving Rika, afab! Reader, fem! Reader, use of word girl
Character: Rika of the Elite Four
Requests: OPEN
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Rika is well aware of how intense she can get in bed so aftercare is something she takes very seriously
As soon as you are both spent Rika will tug you into her arms, rubbing your back and pressing kisses onto every area she can reach
She presses kisses to your forehead, cheeks, nose, lips, chin, neck, shoulders, anywhere
All the while she is whispering her affection for you into your ears, showering you with praises and loving words
“You did so good for me baby.”
“I love you so much sweet girl.”
“You’re my everything you know that, right?”
Rika takes her time to shower you with love and make sure you know just how deeply she feels for you
So safe to say the first thirty-ish minutes post session will be filled with lots of cuddling and kisses and lots of sweet words and loving exchanges
But after that Rika will gently ease you up so she can help you clean up a bit and get comfortable
She always helps you clean up and checks to see how sore you are
If you aren’t that sore and can stand on your own without any pain or anything she will start a warm shower or bath for you
However if you are sore or simply want more of Rika’s attention she will join you in your bath
She makes sure the water is nice and warm but not too too hot before she helps you in
She will slide in right behind you, pulling you to her chest and will almost immediately begin a second round of kisses
Her hands will run along your arms and down your body to massage your thighs as she presses kisses along your neck, shoulders and back
When you melt back into her, Rika couldn’t be happier especially because she is the one making you feel this relaxed and loved
Although its hard not to relax back against her
The feeling of Rika massaging your thighs to remove some of the soreness is heavenly
That paired with her kisses? You could honestly fall asleep against her right then and there
Unfortunately Rika won’t let you fall asleep against her in the bath and will clean you both up the rest of the way as soon as she notices your lingering drowsiness
She helps you dry off, wrapping a towel around you and will brush your hair out for you or do whatever you need to do to take care of your hair
After you have been dried off Rika will retrieve one of her own tshirts or hoodies along with some underwear for you to get comfortable in
She will swoop you up into your arms and carry you to bed
And don’t worry about her dropping you, she’s quite strong so have some faith in her okay?
Rika will help you into bed but before she gets in with you she makes sure you both drink a good amount of water
Sex especially with her is a goddamn work out and Rika is insistent on keeping you hydrated
After that, she climbs into bed with you, holding you in her arms as you nuzzle against her
She makes sure you are both tucked in and snuggled up together, plush blankets warm around you both as she showers you with her love and affection
Depending on how tired you are you two might fall asleep right there
If not, Rika is content with cuddling you close and giving you another dose of her love
She will rub your back again and press the sweetest kisses to your lips as she mumbles how much she loves you over and over
You are Rika’s sun, her moon, her everything and she will spend every waking moment to remind you of that if she needs to
Although make sure to remind Rika how much you love her too
Sing back Rika’s praises and return all of her kisses and shower her with some of your own
Aftercare goes both ways and while Rika may be the natural giver and dominant type of the relationship she needs some reminders of your love too
Play with her hair and cuddle up extra close to her
Kiss her cheeks and neck and whisper your love for her into her ears
You might even see her blush in response to all of your sweet praises and confessions
That way, you both fully know just how much you love the other
So whenever you do fall asleep in Rika’s arms you feel loved, clean, warm, and happy which is all Rika could ever ask for
And of course she feels the same knowing how much you trust and love her back
Reblogs are always appreciated <3
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cassiopeiasara · 4 months
Summary: Athena and Bobby watch their granddaughter while May recovers from the flu.
Relationships: Athena Grant & May Grant, Bobby Nash & May Grant, Athena Grant/Bobby Nash
For: @flaming-toads
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yesimacreepweirdo · 1 year
I swear, nothing is better than writing a fanfiction after taking a break from writing fanfiction.
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m0ssybricks · 2 years
Proposal and Promises
Word Count: 1838
Life could not have become better for Corey Cunnigham. He had finally left the town that caused him so much suffering. Your relationship has been incredibly healing to him and yourself.
The two of you have been a couple for over three years by now and both of you are so happy together. Growing together, exploring each other emotionally, intellectually, and physically. Being able to show each other the love you both deserve. Showering with all sorts of affection. Everyday you both grew closer together.
Lately Corey has been acting somewhat jittery, not completely anxious or excited but more in an anticipatory manner. You chalked it up to problems at work and took a mental note to talk to him about it.
During your lunch break at work your usual scrolling through your phone while eating lunch (today was a strawberry salad and a chocolate milk you stole from Corey) was interrupted by the notification of Corey texting you
sweet boy <3 : Hi love, are you having a good day? Did Jessi steal your lunch again ? I wanted to ask if we could go out tonight to this nice restaurant I've been wanting to try out. It recently opened and looks good.
sweet boy <3 : We could give it a try. I looked at the menu and everything looked good. I'm thinking we could walk around the city after.
You smiled at the sweet message your boy sent you
Me: absolutely that sounds wonderful love. I get out around 4 so schedule reservations about 6 ?
sweet boy <3 : Sounds perfect love, i miss you
Me: Miss you too baby see you tonight
The day seemed to move at a snail's pace as you kept anxiously looking at the clock waiting until you finished your shift so you could just go home and be with your sweet boyfriend. As soon as the wooden electronic clock on your desk flashed 4:00 p.m. you bolted out, nearly knocking a Dollar Tree pen cup over. Swiftly grabbing the black coat from your door hook and locking your office door.
“Why are you in such a rush today? '' Your coworker Jessie asked, her voice was rich with suspicion and humor.
“Going out with Corey at 6!” You called out.
Driving through Chicago's rush hour traffic has never been easy but today it seemed crappier. Despite staying in a stalemate for over half an hour the traffic wouldn't even budge so the first
place for half an hour. 4:56 . Checking the time won't make it go faster. You kept reminding yourself. The second traffic started moving, you exited and took the streets praying for a lack of red lights. The universe worked in your favor and you made it to yours and Corey’s shared apartment. The soft glow of the string light on your balcony shone bright as the sun came down and the sky turned into an orange hue.
Rapidly you climbed up the iron stairs to enter the apartment via the balcony because you needed a quicker way in aka avoiding conversations with neighbors. Finally, after making it up three flights of stairs, you unlock the sliding glass door, careful not to knock over the several plants and Corey’s red bicycle.
When you got inside Corey was in the kitchen, his work clothes still on
“Hey” he said pressing a kiss on your cheek
“Hi hon”
“I just got here a second ago traffic is horrible”
“I know right! I had to take the streets which weren't too bad but the freeway was horrendous!”
“Okay I've got to shower, I smell awful, we were out on a construction site all day” Smiling at Corey's comment you were overwhelmed with a sense of pride in your boyfriend. He had finally become a civil engineer and was in a job he loved.
“Alright baby go do that I'm showering too I smell awful”
He planted a small, chaste kiss on your head and went into one bathroom while you went into the other
While Corey and you were showering the both of you kept anticipating the evening and what you would wear. Corey knew that he would be loved even if he was wearing a potato sack but he wanted to look extra nice today. He felt very indecisive on what to wear- a problem he normally did not face but tonight felt stressed in doing so.
“Hey” a voice interrupted his thoughts. His sweet partner
“Do you need help picking something out?”
Their voice was so soft and caring Corey felt tears almost well into his eyes.
“Uhm yeah I actually do.”
“How about your brown coat, white button up, black slacks, and the navy tie.
He nodded and swallowed thickly. His lover pressed a kiss to his cheek.
“I'm going to get dressed okay?” You said
A few minutes passed and you both trotted to the living room revealing your outfits to each other.
“Shit you look beautiful…” Corey mustered out looking very flustered. Some things never change. He was flustered when he first met you and you will always make him soft.
“You look perfect.” That's all you could get out. He looked handsome, radiant, beautiful. Perfect.
Corey broke the silence. “Hey we should get going, we don't want to be late.”
Huffing out a laugh you replied “Yeah lets get going baby.” The entire car trip Corey had one hand on your left thigh, your hand over his. By the time the two of you arrived it was 6:03 and were immediately seated. The restaurant was beautiful, it looked like it came straight out of a European resort. The walls were beige and had a gold trim, the floor was checkered pattern, and the tables had ivory table cloths and maroon chairs. For the rest of the time at the restaurant the both of you talked about the smallest things, Mr. Logan's new cats making a home on your balcony, old memories, shared funny stories from your day, caught up on work disscusions, the sci fi movie you watched last night, and an upcoming vacation to Canada. The entire time Corey was smiling bigger than he had before. Whenever he smiled his hazel eyes would crinkle.
“Alright that was one of the greatest meals I have ever had” Corey told you as he finished up his food.
“Absolutely we have to go again, everything about this night is so perfect.”
At that comment Corey sweetly and nervously smiled and fiddled with the ring box in his pocket. The two of you have had several discussions about spending your lives together, how you two would work out together, your values and beliefs, what your experiences with families are, etc. But Corey is quite timid and passive and you never thought that you two would actually get married.
The waiter came to place the bill at your table as soon as she placed it down, in typical Corey fashion he rapidly pulled out his wallet.
“Hey I’ll pay! You invited me out!”
“Of course I did you are the best partner, now let me pay so we could get out and walk around before it gets too late”
“Core that's so sweet but-”
Your speech was interpreted by Corey handing his card to the waitress and tossing you a little mint that came with the check. He gave you a toothy grin opening his mouth which revealed the small, green candy.
“I'm covering tips.”
“Okay that will be our deal from now. I pay you cover tip”
As the two of you were packing up you couldn't help but notice Coreys fingers jittering -something he does when he is nervous but you were confused as to why that is.
“Now come on, let's go.”
Chicago nights were beautiful. The city lights and moonlight reflected upon the Chicago River and the night life was somewhat minimal. A street musician playing jazz could be heard in the distance. The two of you lovers walked hand in hand chit chatting softly about how nice the night was and how much you both love each other. All of a sudden Corey stopped walking, letting go of your hand.
“What's the matter babe?”
“ I want to tell you something.” Corey replied, anxiety wavered his voice. He grabbed your hands, you felt his slightly calloused palms rub against your own. You saw tears well up in his eyes
“I have never, ever been happier with a person and in life than right now and every moment I am with you. You saved me. I never thought I would be alive today but when you came into my life I made the choice to live. I felt like a monster, an outcast ever since the accident. I got used to the feeling of being unloved until you came into my life.”
At this point tears were freely falling down his face.
“Honey, you are so incredibly beautiful. I remember our first meeting at the gas station. How you helped defend me, comfort me at the clinic and it wasn't a one time thing. You have always been so caring with me and everyone you encounter. You have a zest for life and are beautiful inside and out. We have grown so much together in all ways: emotionally, intellectually, and socially. I never envisioned leaving that town and going to college, becoming an engineer, making an apartment our home, loving someone, and being at peace. I feel so happy and safe with you and all I want to do is to make sure you feel the same way. I wanna live my life with you. Kiss you, sit on the balcony watching the sunset, read comics, share chocolate milk, vacation with you, cuddle and watch movies every Friday. These past three years have been the highlight of my life.” His voice wavered from the tears.
“Angel, I always tell you are that you are the best person everyday and the reason for that is because you are my person.”
By now you were crying, allowing the tears to fall freely since both hands were holding your boyfriends’.
Corey got down on one knee, pulling a ring box out which revealed a gold band with a small diamond. Your heart just about exploded out of excitement and admiration.
“Would you marry me?” Corey asked, passion dripping from his voice. The world fell quiet.
“Yes” you answered quietly, still in shock.
“Yes, yes, yes, yes” nodding rapidly
Corey placed the ring on your finger and bolted up to hug you. Tears spilled on each other's jackets-but nobody cared, you two were going to spend the rest of your lives together and that is the only thing that mattered at that moment.
Later that night when you two were in bed, legs and arms tangled. Corey was running his fingers on the small of you back. He looked at you, his hazel eyes illuminated by the blurred glow of the string lights hung on your window, filled with love.
“Thank you.” Those two words came out as a breathy whisper.
“For what?”
“For being you, for accepting my proposal, for everything. You are the most beautiful, intelligent, kindest person I have ever met and I am so excited to spend the rest of my life with you.”
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rainteaanddragons · 2 years
I wrote this one for @cluelesslesbian who did the sweetest piece of art that I just had to write a fic for 💜
You can find the art here 😊
Couples(?) Costume
Keith had sworn to himself, even back when he started at the Garrison, that he would never be seen at a Halloween party, especially in costume, yet here he was. Shiro had pushed him unceremoniously through the front door to Lance’s parents house insisting that it would be “fun” and that he [Keith] “needed a break”.
To Keith, the latter of those two statements was actually true. They’d been back on earth on and off for nearly a year at this point and Keith had thrown himself into his work with the Blade. It was easier dealing with the aftermath of all he’d experienced by working. By being useful and keeping busy.
Keith wondered if it was Shiro coming to check on him in his old place he’d lived in before and finding him passed out, still in his Blade uniform that tipped him off that he needed a break. Or maybe it was the week old milk in the fridge. Keith couldn’t be sure.
So that was how he ended up at Lance’s parents' place in the country, in a cowboy costume that consisted of all his own clothes, a hat he’d stolen from Lance an age ago, and a wheat stem he had collected along the way. A wheat stem he realised he would now have to remove from his mouth nearly every time he talked unless he wanted to sound strange.
Deciding that getting a drink was task one in this costumed nightmare, Keith heads towards the kitchen. Keith notices that the closer he walks to the kitchen the more whispers follow him.
“Are they-?”
“Is that a couples costume?”
“I didn’t know they were dating.”
Now Keith isn’t a stranger to whispers. They’d been his constant companion since the first time he was nearly thrown out of the Garrison, and the second, and the third.
This though?
It didn’t make any sense in the slightest. Couple’s costume? Dating? Dating who? Keith is as single as a lone plant dreaming of water in a desert. The water in this painful metaphor being Lance.
He is tugged abruptly from his thoughts by a tall squishy, purple and blue sleeping bag plastered with multiple eyes and spikes. On further inspection it turns out to be Hunk, in what Keith now can only guess is a Weblum costume.
“Is there something you need to tell me?” Hunk asks in a tone that clearly says he has more of an insight to the whispers than Keith does. Though that isn’t difficult.
“What,” Keith throws up his hands, nearly knocking his hat off, “are they talking about?”
“Oh,” Hunk looks crestfallen, “you didn’t plan this?”
“Didn’t plan what?” Keith asks in a low voice. A thousand possibilities running through his mind.
“The matching costumes.” Pidge says from behind him, moving to stand next to Hunk. They are wearing what looks like a home made copy of the official Green Lion halloween costume.
“The matching costumes?” Keith splutters.
“Yeah, more commonly known as a ‘couples costume’.” They point out gently. “You usually plan it, as a couple.”
“I’m not dating anyone. Plus these are my normal clothes!” His voice raises in pitch as he speaks.
“Calm your farm Keith.” Hunk grins.
Keith chooses to ignore the pun. “Who am I matching anyway?” He asks at the same time that his mind starts wondering where Lance has got to.
“Who do you think?” Pidge asks.
“Why do you think we got so excited?” Hunk is looking at him incredulously from the head gap in the sleeping bag.
The dots connect quickly after that with a little oh occurring in his mind. Of all the people.
Keith knows Hunk and Pidge know about his feelings for Lance, he also knows Shiro knows. Suddenly Keith is wondering if Shiro knew about this costume thing from the start. This is when Hunk points to a spot behind where Keith is standing.
Keith turns around to see Lance standing there staring at him with equal confusion.
For a moment Keith can’t work out how their costumes could be a couples costume at all. Then he takes in the white sleeveless shirt Lance is wearing that is covered in what looks like hand painted black splotches and matching jeans. As his gaze is pulled to Lance's face he notices the hand made ears that are sticking up from his brown hair on either side of his head. He had even drawn a black splotch on the end of his nose.
Oh. Keith feels as a blush spreads over his cheeks and wishes the floor would swallow him up.
Thankfully, Lance comes out of his stupor first, a wide smile brightening his expression. “Keith!” He exclaims, “you said you weren’t coming.” As Lance leans in for a hug Keith notices the blush that has spread over his cheeks too.
“Shiro said I needed a break.” Keith managed a smile in return as he broke away from the hug. “Nice costume.”
Lance’s blush deepens. “Nice costume yourself.”
“I’m going to get a drink.” Keith says abruptly and heads towards the kitchen. To his dismay, Lance follows him. He had been hoping to deal with his embarrassment in peace. Once in the kitchen Keith downs a shot of whatever is closest, then turns to Lance. “Shiro suggested it, the Cowboy costume I mean.”
“Hunk and Pidge name dropped Kalternecker too a lot over the past week.” Lance narrows his eyes.
“Are you thinking they played us?” Keith was going to murder Shiro when he found where he’d very conveniently wandered off to.
Lance nods. “Strangely though, I don’t mind that they did.”
“Huh?” Keith’s heart rate goes up tenfold. What does he mean?
”It’s been a long time since I’ve seen you around. You sorta dropped off the radar after we returned to earth and everything was sorted.”
“I’ve been busy.”
“Too busy to see a friend?”
“I thought you and Allura would be busy unifying the galaxies or-”
“We broke up.”
“Oh, I’m sorry, I-” Keith quickly counters but Lance interrupts with a shrug and a smile.
“Oh, don’t! We figured out it wasn’t working, for both of us. We get along well enough though.”
Lance then sighs, and not a frustrated sigh or a I don’t want to explain this again sigh. To Keith, it seems like a ‘I want to say something but I’m not sure how’ sigh.
Keith smiles warmly, taking in Lance’s expression and loving the way his nose scrunches up a little in thought. For once the little bubble of hope in his chest grows a little.
“Lance I-” Keith says at the exact same time that Lance says “Keith I-”.
“You go first.” Keith says with a small nod.
“Keith,” he starts, but for a moment seems unsure for how to continue, then, “you remember the day I came and found you sitting on the Black Lion with Kosmo watching the sunset? The day before launch day, when I’d asked Allura on a date and I was all worried about Altean customs. You calmed me down and sent me on my way.”
Vividly. “Yeah…” Keith trails off, wondering where on earth he is going with this.
“Well I’ve thought about it a lot since then, and I think-” he pauses, nose scrunching, “I think, for a moment there, you wanted to say something else.”
Shit. Lance wasn’t wrong, he’d been moments away from telling him the truth that evening (the other truth - every word he’d said to Lance that night had been true). Lance had been so vulnerable with him, and bathed in the light of the sunset he’d looked so, so beautiful. That evening though, Keith couldn’t find it in him to do so. It would have ruined Lance’s night, or so he had thought back then. Telling that truth now though, Keith was just as hesitant, but for different reasons. His indecision must have shown on his face as Lance spoke again.
“You did, didn't you? You wanted to say something different.”
“I didn’t want to ruin your night by possibly confusing you.”
“Then tell me now.”
“What?” Keith gaped, feeling as a faint blush spread over his cheeks again.
“What did you really want to say that night?”
“Everything I told you that night is true, but-” Keith pauses, fumbling over his words.
“Go on.” Lance gives him an encouraging smile.
“But, until you’d said you were going on a date with Allura, I had wanted to say that you mean more to me than I could ever put into words. That I’d had feelings for you for a long time, and that if we made it through the end of the war that I wanted to ask you out.”
There is a long silence. Or at least Keith thinks it is a long silence. It feels like it. His heart is thudding somewhere in his throat and his stomach churns as if he needs to be sick. He places the wheat stem back in his mouth after speaking as if the act of doing so might calm his nerves. He watches Lance carefully, but his expression is unreadable. Then Lance smiles and Keith has never seen something so warm, so genuine from Lance in a moment that is all for him. He thinks his heart might burst, and if it hadn't right then, Lance’s next words were enough to make it so.
“That’s good,” Lance says, still looking at Keith like he is the world, his world, “because that is all I’ve wanted to hear from you for quite a while.”
Lance steps towards where Keith is leaning against the kitchen counter, and reaches over to gently pluck the wheat stem from between Keith’s lips with delicate fingers. Lance sticks it in Keith’s hat before leaning in slowly to kiss him.
The kiss is warm and gentle, but it is also tingling and fireworks, and when Lance’s hand rises to cradle the back of Keith’s neck and his fingers twine in his hair Keith thinks that maybe, just maybe, he is finally home. All that matters is Lance kissing him in his kitchen in silly matching costumes that up until that moment Keith had thought would be the mishap to send their friendship slowly into ruin.
“How about next year we plan a couple’s costume?” Lance asks softly against his lips when he pulls away slightly.
“Absolutely not.” Keith replies with a soft chuckle.
The expression on Lance's face when he leans back completely tells Keith that for Lance, he will probably have changed his mind on couples costumes by this time next year for more moments like this. When Lance offers him a warm smile, leans in and kisses him again Keith is sure of it.
I hope you enjoyed this, and that it was what you hoped! Thank you again for letting me write it! I hope this fic brings you as much joy as it did for me writing it!
I changed a few little cannon things because the ending of this show hurts my soul, it made sense I hope! Also I HC Pidge as non-binary, and I'm in the habit of writing them like that now, I hope that's okay!
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busterheadspace · 1 year
I know she just has her finger scar but like, I have this Breagan idea out.
So after that Brett blasts her onto the ground, Reagan gets like a giant scar. It isn’t until they try cuddling with just their undergarments (Idk what else to say.) that Brett notices and feels bad. But Reagan you know brushes it off before Brett kisses it and you know. It starts becoming a little habit. Brett having his gunshot wound and Reagan doing the same. It’s comforting to them
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zelda7999 · 2 years
Hi! I’ve not been able to fall asleep so I come to cause chaos!
Imagine you are having a soft moment with Eclipse. Maybe you were talking about small things that happened during the day, but eventually the conversation trails off. You don’t know exactly when, but you do know that right now he is holding your face gently with two of his hands. Both thumbs are tracing your cheeks softly as he gifts you the most adoring smile, his eyes kind and content. His other two arms slide from your shoulders, down your arms, until they are tenderly holding your hands, allowing himself to affectionately squeeze them for a moment. Then he leans down, his forehead touching yours, never stopping his gazing into your eyes as if the most beautiful landscape resided within them. Slowly, he brings both your hands up to his faceplate. Plants a kiss on them the best way he can, right before nuzzling you. He lets go of your face, but only to wrap his arms around you fully, as his other two keep your hands between you both, close to his chest, close to him. He could stay like this forever, holding you, knowing you are there with him. The happiness that you cause in him threatening to overload his systems from the intensity, yet your presence providing warmth and calm. The world fades around him when he gets these moments with you. He doesn’t understand how you manage to make each one better than the last. But getting to understand things is his job. So he’ll research it again, and again, and again. Everyday he gets to spend with you.
Alrighty, I think I’m sleepy now, see you tomorrow! ^_^
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The Girl with the Sun in Her Smile
Author: @airesagrado
Rating/Warning: Teen and up audience
Chapter Count: 1/1
'He’s starting to think that the stupid sun has bewitched him to the point where he delirious; all for this beautiful sparrow-girl with copper-gold hair who smiles like her body contains every single good thing in the universe.'
Chrissy and Eddie spend a summer afternoon out on Lover's Lake.
Tags: Alternate universe- no vecna, summer of 86', fluff, mutual pining, they're gone for each other, this is so fluffy, Eddie POV, one-shot, status: completed
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nouverx · 5 months
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*proceeds to drink the whole bottle*
Yeah Alastor you're gonna be loved and appreciated wether you want it or not :)
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katszumi · 3 months
“have you seen the abs on that man?” hagakure sat across of you. “sexy on a stick, i swear!” she giggles. she was going on and on about the guy that starred in the superman movie you girls put on last night. henry cavill was his name.
mina agrees with her statement with a nod. “he’s the hottest white man i’ve ever seen before.”
“sure, he was hot, but are we forgetting the misogynist comments he’s made? sexy is one thing, but being controversial is a whole ‘nother thing.” uraraka inserted her input.
“oh, please. i’d cook and clean for him anyday he asks.” mina retorted. both uraraka and yaoyorozu shake their head in shame.
“speaking of controversial.” uraraka murmurs under her breath, you peer over your shoulder, wondering the intent of her statement.
you notice bakugou making his way over to your desk, his eyes planted on you and you only. you shift uncomfortably. why the hell would he be coming to you? did you do something?
once he makes his way to your desk, you look up at him with a half smile.
“hey, bakugou. what’s up?”
his eyes analyze the other girls before looking back down on you.
“my pencil?”
you flutter your lashes at him. “pencil..?” you repeated in a trance of confusion.
he groans. “the fuckin’ pencil i gave you last week. i need it back.”
now it all clicks. you nod, laughing nervously because of your stupidity. you reach in your backpack and grab the black mechanical pencil that you forgot to lend back to bakugou.
your arm extends to the male in front of you, waiting for him to snatch it back.
he gently grasped onto the pencil, his hand brushing against your fingers for a small moment.
“it’s whatever. just rather not be the one to find you after i lent you something.” he shoved the pencil in his pants pockets, leaving his hands in there. “that’s one of the last pencils i have.”
you shoot your eyebrows up in defense, quickly lowering them after. your eyes falling down to your desk for comfort.
“well, hope you take care of that one.” it was a half-joke. a lame one, might you add. you were just unsure on what to say. especially since it seemed like bakugou was lingering around your desk. as if he didn’t want to return to his seat just yet.
“so, what’d you score on your test?”
“ah…it wasn’t the best, but it wasn’t horrible.”
“well?” was he really desperate to know that bad? you knew bakugou was smart, so he probably only wanted to know so it could boost his ego.
you rubbed your arm out of shame. “a seventy-nine.” you stared at his face to recognize any humility or laughter, but there was none.
he shrugged. “should’ve asked for my help if you needed it.”
right. you almost forgot that bakugou offered to help you study and go over notes with him for the next test. it was such an out-of-bakugou thing to do that you nearly didn’t take him serious.
you nodded slowly, processing his information.
“i was planning on making it up, so maybe for that.”
“fine.” his short one-worded response was dull. but what else did you really expect? “next time, don’t steal my pencil.” was his last comment before leaving your presence.
you sat in your thoughts, reeling the conversation back in your mind. what the hell just happened? it was the most simple yet confusing conversation you’ve ever had. was bakugou joking with you or was he seriously irritated with the pencil situation?
regardless, you made a mental note that bakugou was very protective over his mechanical pencils.
once bakugou returned to his seat, he unzipped his backpack, secretly opening his pencil box. within the box were a collection of pencils. there were so many pencils that he could give one to all of class 1a and 1b and still have few left.
aside sat denki who was clearly peeking inside of bakugou’s bag.
“damn, bakubro. you saving up pencils for a potential pencil outage or something?” it’s denki. of course, he never used his inside voice.
“i will literally blow you out this fuckin’ window and across the lot.” bakugou turns his head immediately, a faint pink blush spreading across the apples of his cheek.
bakugou just didn’t want you to know that the pencil was obviously an excuse to talk to you.
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