rosesbxrry · 1 year
Hyung-line when they see you being a little to friemdly to another guy?
I wish I could be more creative with the situations but I just woke up hdhdhdh
Ahhh thank you for the ask 🫶 I honestly enjoyed writing this hahahah
hard hours!
His expression would immediately fall flat, eyes so dark and lips in a frown when you keep bumping shoulders with a so called guy friend and giggling away as if whatever shit the guy was talking was the funiest thing. He would be extremely petty, flirting with other girls just to get your attention away from the guy. He’ll pull you to the side with more privacy and pin your arms above your head, shoving his fingers into your tight hole without warning, pumping his fingers in and out rapidly before pulling out when you were close to coming. He’ll fucking laugh at your face, repeatedly torturing you until you were begging and crying when he denied your orgasm again.
“Say you’re sorry or I won’t let you come.”
You better beg for mercy the moment he has that hard look on his face. Maybe you had cross the line of friendly touches to your guy friend to tease Jay. His gaze are like daggers being stab at the back of your head and you could literally feel shivers down your spine when he walks over and place a hand at your lower back, an obvious forced smile on his face directed to the oblivious guy before excusing the both of you away from the event. Brace yourself to bend over any surface because Jay is not going to stop shoving your head down and pull your hips closer to fuck you senseless in an empty room.
“Can he make you feel like this, huh? I’m going to ruin the shit out of this naughty pussy.”
Jake would not realise it until you were spending too much time with that guy friend of yours. He’ll constantly glance over your way, not even listening to Jay talking to him as his heart burst into jealousy when you place a hand on the guy’s arm to squeeze it and that was the final straw. Jake immediately marched over, gripping your wrist before storming into an empty corridor, a place where anyone can just walk into him fucking you. He’s the type to let his emotions take a hold of him, slamming his cock over your pussy until you have to clamp a hand over your mouth to muffle your moans, making him move faster when you do.
“You'd better speak up, slut, the guy you were flirting with can't hear you yet."
Once Sunghoon doesn’t respond to your questions, just know its all over. He has been observing your reaction to an old guy friend you recognise, and watching you throw your head back and place a hand on his thigh immediately made him burn with anger. He didn’t acknowledge or pay attention to you at all when you returned, only responding with grunts and sharp one words. Sunghoon’s pettiness is beyond comprehension, the drive back home was filled with cold shoulders and silent treatments. When you tell him that you were only joking, he stop driving and pull over to park the car at the nearest empty area, telling you to strip naked and bend over on all fours.
“Pull that kind of shit again and let’s see how much your pussy can take a beating.”
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So... Jimmy calling the only COD in his aquarium in New Life COLIN of all names is just the funiest fucking thing to me. I don't think I can ever stop assosiating Jimmy with cod because of empires S1 and with Martyns whole Colin-y thing going on... I dunno, I like it when stuff like this happens. Little coincidents that don't feel like a coincident AT ALL but knowing Jimmy it doesn't have any other meaning at all.
(yes, I am mad he decided to put more salmon than cod into that aquarium, my Codfather could never)
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norts-trolls · 9 months
I could be doing the funiest thing for Osha's pitch im so fucking stupid to not realize it until now
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whoevenismaria · 1 day
not sure why h**** p**** was trending earlier but im going to do the funiest fucking thing, i'll show you as soon as it's done
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luna-spacedoodles · 3 months
funiest thing abt new dw episode is that they edited the recording of pyramids of mars where sutekh is in the sarcophagus to have the background be some red cloud tunnel thing when the original looked like a badly lit disco. trying to cover up the dumpster budget and old video editing is weak as fuck
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ghxstkn1fe · 9 months
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our-song-of-hope · 1 year
So like we all agree the funiest thing FFXIV does is when it forcefully removes your headgear for a cutscene, right? Especially when you play a wol with glasses like bro I cant fucking see.
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sweetnspicy-akua · 2 years
Funiest thing was me drawing nsfw while showing friend funny improv series and not realizing how fucking wet i became.
Like i’m not trying to be weird around them, It was just me having something to do while enjoying our time watching together but also me being like oh wow. I need to wash this now “”
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tcbefree · 6 years
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tw : missing persons, death, murder, kidnapping, hydra ment, nazism ment
ryan : this week on buzzfeed unsolved, we’re covering the disappearance of skylar mccoy, a case for a girl that still continues to this day!
shane : this ... this is a big one.
ryan : yeah, this one really freaks me out, honestly. it’s ... it’s ―
shane : not fun.
ryan : that’s one way to say it. i’m ― not, uh, stoked about it. i remember, y’know, hearing about it, when she first went missing.
shane : yeah ... it was, like, a breakfast conversation thing.
ryan : a six year old disappearing is a breakfast conversation thing to you???
shane : like, in my house! my mom used it as a reason for me to, like, always answer my phone and come in at curfew and stuff. ‘ be careful cos even famous little rich girls can go missing, shane ! ‘
ryan : that’s what your mom sounds like?
shane : well, yeah. it’s ― she’s a mom. mom voice.
ryan : so, some background. skylar mccoy was one of half a twin pair born to doctor henry mccoy, born in his lab, actually. he made them through an... extremely intricate experiment that we’re going to glance over.
shane : what a fucking genius, that dude!
ryan : he’s ― yeah, absolutely. i was looking him up while doing this, the man has, like, six phds!
shane : holy shit! six! he’s giving stark a run for his money! six phds, oh my god. i can’t even, like, make a ... uh, what’re those dna things called from high school ?? put-it squares ??
ryan : punnett squares i think.
shane  : yeah, that!
ryan : but, yeah, born to a total genius. she was a famous kid, one of many, i guess. for her name at first, but growing up it was slowly becoming obvious that the little girl was a total genius. read at a fourth grade level, writing electron configurations, monitoring mutations, the like! and became pretty famous for just being a cool little kid.
shane : isn’t there, like, some famous photo of her and big daddy hank in his lab or something ???
ryan : big... big daddy hank... anyway! in the afternoon on july 30th, 1996, skylar mccoy went missing from her home in upstate new york. hank mccoy called police after finding out she wasn’t in their home. when they used scent to track her, they came upon a field, but the trail abruptly ended. it is assumed that it is there that skylar, who was six at the time, was last before disappearing.
shane : whoa, whoa, hold up! a field? since ... what!
ryan : it’s, y’know, not commonly known, but it’s worth noting. she was a ... an icarian kid, y’know. like, she was prone to wonder. they thought, at first, she just walked off.
shane : an icarian kid! have  ― there’s still footage of her growling at someone! she was, like, four! she was a little firecracker!
ryan : she was a genius!
shane : still a little shit! i mean, god rest her soul and all
ryan : she’s not dead
shane : isn’t it presumed dead after, like, seven years ??? it’s been eleven. and she was just a kid ― if i got lost at six years old, i’d be eaten by the coyotes!
ryan : * sigh * we’ll... we’ll get into that later. back to what i was saying ... the hours before her disappearance are well documented. there were many people in the house ; workers, fellow researchers, and family members. skylar ate breakfast at eight am and was in her room playing with her twin until around ten am.
shane : oh, god, the twin, i forgot about the twin. fuck, this is so messed up. god, is that kid, like, alright? like, are they, like, fine? this is ― ryan, can we not do this? this is, god.
ryan : she’s fine. alive and well. shane, everyone was requesting this.
shane : but ... this is so fucked up. what if she, like, comes back and sees this???
ryan : you just said she’s probably dead!
shane : i’m sorry, skylar
ryan : you test my patience. but, yeah. at around ten, skylar asked her father, dr henry mccoy, to go play outside in their yard, something she often did. he allowed her but said to be back by lunch. he noted her outfit, which was just converse and a sundress.
shane : what kind of six year old wears converse???
ryan : rich ones, probably
shane : good point ... good point.
ryan : she went to the yard. the last person that’s thought to have seen her is her twin, margot, who went with her but came in shortly after to play inside. they discovered she was missing when she didn’t come in for lunch. after skylar’s disappearance, margot admitted to knowing that skylar often left the estate and went to the field that the search team was led to, further evidence that she was taken from that location.
shane : a field??? that’s ― what kinda kid is just going to a field??
ryan : well, remember, she’s beast’s kid, got the whole giddup with it.
shane : the fangs! i remember the fangs!
ryan : yeah, so, like, the general thought was that she just liked nature or whatever, ‘cause she was so animalistic.
shane : the smartest little wolf ― ape?? what are they anyway??
ryan : i think apes. or something. but, let’s get into the theories, of which we have three for today. the first one is the current theory is one of the most popular, and of course, an obvious. it’s that skylar wandered into the woods and subsequently died.
shane : i mean, like, that’s fair, and all, isn’t it ?? she ... yeah.
ryan : doesn’t mean it tastes good.
shane : tastes good??
ryan : like, going down.
shane : ohhh. yeah.
ryan : well, the field was pretty near to the woods. the reasoning behind her going to the woods was the same reason that she was in the field, that it was a natural place that she wanted to be. the theory is that she wandered into the woods, lost her way, and subsequently died. it was summer and hot, and even if she did eat, which is possible considering her... animal qualities,
shane : you’re saying she ate... bunny ??? coyote ??? what ???
ryan : it’s not. crazy or anything. she’s a little, y’know, ape-wolf. it’d be ... instinct or whatever.
shane : instinct or not, that’s gross.
ryan : but, yeah, back to it. there wasn’t any water that was a viable source. but, let me disprove this theory.
shane : oh, here we go
ryan : to start, her scent ended in the field, and didn’t continue into the woods, which if she had just naturally walked to it, it would have. following her disappearances, people went on organized walks and searches everywhere in the area, and nothing was found. not a single sign that skylar had ever been there.
shane : so... it’s bullshit, then?
ryan : basically. this is what led to the case gaining even more attention, because it narrowed it down until only one viable and reasonable possibility could be made, that skylar mccoy did not wander off, she was taken.
shane : yikes!
ryan : yikes is an understatement. that being said, let’s get into the second theory, which is that skylar was kidnapped. she was alone and, though reports vary about her actual strength, only six years old, and reasonably defenseless. there are many a person who could have done this, however. hank mccoy is an active member of the x-men, and the enemies of the x-men are so numerous they’re practically unlistable.
shane : that’s what happens when you save lives!
ryan : and destroy stuff all the time.
shane : do you have beef with the x-men, ryan?
ryan : no, i’m just saying !! and, y’know, team magneto, and stuff.
shane : magneto was right!
ryan : but, yeah, there’s so many people that could’ve taken skylar. enemies of the x-men, anti-mutant supremacists, some people even thought it might be, like, hydra,
shane : hydra!! like, heil hydra ??? like, the nazis ???
ryan : it’s not that far off! they’re mission is, y’know, chaos, and chaos it was when everyone found out about skylar. and with that, they’re reach is so far we don’t even know where it’s at. they infiltrated shield! shield!
shane : but, like, nazis, man.
ryan : well, skylar’s asian ― korean, i think.
shane : god, fuck hydra. fuck.
ryan : that’s an understatement. but, this brings me to my third and final theory,
shane : this ― this is going to be like, aliens, isn’t it? ?? with how you present theories ??
ryan : aliens are real, shane!!!!!! we’ve been over this!!!!!! it’s not a far-off theory!!!
shane : god, i’m just saying. don’t shoot the messenger. so you’re telling me it’s not aliens??? this theory ISN’T aliens??
ryan : well...
shane :  goddamit
ryan : third theory is that skylar mccoy was abducted. there wasn’t any trace of her left, and her scent just ended in the spot, which is notably weird. there were even ufo reports that night in nyc, so. and she was entirely alone, as well. a field is, really, a staple of aliens, even though it was a field of flowers and not of corn.
shane : doesn’t make this not dumb
ryan : and, of course, skylar hasn’t been seen since. there’s been a bunch of reports all over, but nothing confirmed or nothing that has led anywhere.
shane : wasn’t there that, like, viral picture of that dirty girl in japan, or whatever???
ryan : yeah, but not confirmed. and japan is... pretty far and all
shane : but it did look like her! with the ears and stuff
ryan : well, yeah. but nothing confirmed. but, either way, the search for skylar mccoy goes on today, year after year, and for her and her family’s behalf, i hope that it’s one day unravelled!
shane : find her! stop her from eating those bunnies!
ryan : but until then, this case remains unsolved.
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hawnks · 3 years
that mental illness feel when uhhhh
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ispyspookymansion · 3 years
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badgloomverse · 4 years
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It’s been like a year and a half, but I’ll still randomly remember this comment sometimes, and immediately fucking lose it
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fuckmexicanlmanberg · 4 years
why do you want to fuck cat boy tolya, seems like you’ve got your own problems to work on Ex
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avatoh · 5 years
Me to my coworker: "Oh, your voice sounds different today!"
Co-worker: "That's cause I'm ugly."
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hanghenfil · 2 years
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@isa-ghost need u to know this is the funiest fucking thing anyones ever said about one of my ocs im losing my mind
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lillian-nator · 4 years
I’m sorry, but Tommy and Tubbo trying to do “damage control” tweeting “serious tweets” is the funiest fucking thing ever. 
Tommy telling Tubbo to say “all I know is eat, sleep, free will, repeat!” is the funiest shit I have ever read. 
I bet you that they are laughing their asses off at this - oh my god
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