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are-we-really-doing-this · 2 years ago
I can’t trust you motherfuckers for anything
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CM FUCKING Punk played a motherFUCKER in the wrestling show named RICKY GODDAMNED RABIES, and NOBODY thought to fucking tell me.
This is what happens when I refuse to learn thing Number One about any new television show ever
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oflgtfol · 11 months ago
banging my head into the wall i hate fucking being on register
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angel28716 · 10 months ago
9-1-1 season 7 ep 7 thoughts!
-maddie deserves the world wtf that call mustve been so hard for her
-maras brother omg?
-marisol go away neow
my site crashed wtf
-finally back. i didnt miss much. again
maddie is actually the best ever
-amir i love you
-maddie and catherine😭
-this is either gonna be a huge win or huge loss
-JUST ME AND MY SON CHRISTOPHER..funny. no mariosl mention???
-if he buys an M keychain for marisol you WILL SEE ME ON NATIONAL TELEVISION
-please do not make eddie cheat on marisol, i hate her but i hate cheating too
-fuckin stalker.
poor catherine and chloe
-eddie should buy a B keychain for buck anf then ill ascend to the heavens
-eddiemarisol bones we win
-part of me is terrified this dude is gonna kidnap maddie somehow but theres no way they would do that to her right?
-maddie you're so smart thats my wife right there. chimeny i hope you can fight
-I was so convinced buck was gonna get shot. im ready for another buck or eddie emergency
-this episode has gone by too fast
-tysons so cute wtf
-nvm its for a date with marisol
-that popcorn throw was so domestic im going to kms
-omg amir was in the fire
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wirtsroom · 2 years ago
i somehow triggered the emergency number button on my phone and it started blaring a fuckinf alarm. Which is so insanely such a bad idea whattt the fuuuck why did it Do that what the fuuuck? Scared me half to death too
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zushikun · 1 year ago
evangelion 2.0 woohoo
- is this asuka oooo
- she sounds different
- kaji speaking english…
- asuka singing lmfaooo i love that
- why is she in a provisional suit tho
- wait who the fuck is that.
- back to the graveyard scene
- is THIS asuka
- i’m getting jebaited
- misato’s poor car omfg… it’s going through hell
- poor shinji getting attacked at the get-go… some things don’t change (?)
- the lorry is driving in the middle of 2 lanes.
- misato is so funny lol
- why are the boxes stacked around shinji like that,,, he’s gonna die from getting crushed
- awww they go to school together <3
- absolute chaos lmfao what is this excursion 😭😭😭
- why is pen pen there too FK
- oh artificial meat damn…
- lmfao asuka is so real picking a fight with pen pen
- shinji is a sweetheart sia with the miso soup…
- woah the emergency course thing is super cool
- shinji is hella determined
- their pain tolerance must be off the charts bc i’d be crying and tearing tf up
- “DADDY’S BOY!!!” lol
- oh yes the teamwork is slaying
- the red sea ~~~
- yay first name basis! and interesting change in the bed sharing scene
- shinji’s awareness of the want to be praised wow… applause
- asuka finally making friends
- shinji’s homemade lunches. damn sweet srs
- misato getting disturbed by kaji…
- what’s up with this formal dinner setting with gendoh and rei
- misato spinning on the chair is so me
- new girl is american?
- kaji why did you do that 😭😭😭
- is kaji gonna die in this universe too. i’ll be heartbroken tbh (as a friend said “you’ve fallen for his womanly charms”)
- aw rei is speaking so much more :’)
- asuka cooking??? damn
- i hope asuka doesn’t ruin the dinner 🙏🙏🙏
- misato mid bath jfc sis can’t catch a break
- was suzuhara still selected or this new gal… doesn’t seem like it’s him tho
- gendoh calls seele from a green room??? he’s a live streamer damn
- asuka and rei’s elevator convo took a good turn
- i relate to asuka getting frustrated with everyone saying “i don’t know” LOL 😭
- misato and kaji’s drinking session LOL
- misato thinking of the kiddos
- asuka taking one for the team ✊ respect
- YAY to suzuhara’s sister getting discharged ❤️❤️❤️
- ritsuko with that drip
- hope the test goes well…
- i still love shinji’s breakdown and threat to destroy HQ
- omg misato and shinji’s convo before he leaves :( ouch much
- the dummy pilot is terrifying
- poor shinji :(
- omg i bet it’s the new girl piloting unit 02
- noooo don’t send 00 out it’s not in functioning state
- who even is this girl fml
- of course unit 01 rejects the dummy system… forgot about that tbh
- WHAT BEAST MODE??? why are there cheat codes bro
- sigh now 02 is all beaten up.
- rei PLEASE :((
- how is 00 still standing lol
- i vibe with specs gal just doing this for fun
- “yui, why are you rejecting me” i wonder why
- no offence but does gendoh have the right to question shinji’s offer to pilot 01. he was alr struggling to activate it fuckinf idiot
- AND SHINJI boomeranging again. a classic
- gendoh half covered in blood lol
- “give ayanami back” i sure hope it does :(
- damn berserk mode was triggered by shinji alone…
- also the way everyone is just standing around on the ground lol
- HE DID IT :’)
- is gendoh ok lmfao why is he so roughed up
- maybe shinji saving rei wasn’t the most awesome sauce idea but yay to both surviving
- ok but where is kaworu
- oh nvm the twink has descended with probably the least threatening threat ever
- very cute preview. excited for the next movie
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if0rgor · 1 year ago
Mariah Carey has officially defrosted
We're doomed.
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tombstone-ghost · 2 years ago
The pure terror that i woken up to this morning DUE TO AN EMERGENCY AMBER ALERT FOR THE HURRICANE AT 5:20 AM IN THE FUCKINF MORNING, i hate this place
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lecliss · 4 years ago
Crestoria was in maintenance until 3 and it went back into maintenance at 3:30 and now its STILL in maintenance and Im gonna go insane. I want IN. Give me the compensation gleamstones already!!! I have AP to spend!!!! Theres new story too!!!! Aaaaaaaaaaa
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httpsserene-main · 2 years ago
✈️ thinking about lo'ak hours : open
you CANNOT tell me lo’ak would not be the bf who acts like an absolute FOOL !!! like you know those tiktoks where the girlfriend (filming) is leaving and doesn’t respond with “i love you too” when their boyfriend says “i love you” and they gradually start screaming i love you at the top of their lungs IN FUCKINF PUBLIC like….that has supreme lo’ak energy™, see excerpt below <3
you and lo’ak are swimming around exploring the ocean and he signs to you a quick, “oh i promised my dad i’d come back early so he could teach me how to use a gun !!” with an excited grin on his face. you nod understandably, a grin of your own appearing at his eagerness, and the two of you start heading back to shore. when you emerge from the water, your ears are clogged with sea water so you struggle a bit to hear lo’ak’s “i love you” as he’s turning to head to his family’s marui. you nod absentmindedly at the sound of his voice, flashing him a beaming smile (cute lil dimples and all if you have them) and start heading off on your own, greeting the children splashing in the shallows. you notice as you’re walking that everybody is beginning to stare at you, and they’re starting to laugh and point, and you are like “yoooo wtf do i look crazy rn???” you turn your head to the side and gently pat the water out of your ears, and when you turn upright you hear lo’ak’s loud ass yelling at unimaginable decibels “OEL NGATI KAMEIE !!!!!”
LMAOOOO you come to an automatic halt, your body cringing (at the force of his love for you obviously 🙄), hand covering your eyes in disbelief at this man, and you turn around and start motioning for him to cut it out, but this kid continues to scream even LOUDER! you tilt your head up looking at the sky and sigh as if you're asking eywa why she made you fall in love with this absolute skxawng of a na’vi. you give up and embarrassingly run back over to him, in front of the whole clan (i am cringing so hard), and cover his mouth, standing on your tippy toes to whisper in his ear, “i love you too,” blushing indigo, giggling and all as you rock back to quickly kiss him on the cheek and then you make a quick escape away from everyone’s amusement.
lo’ak who now has literal hearts for eyes as he watches you run to your friends and they all start teasing you, tsireya vigorously thumbs-upping at lo’ak, and you slap her on the shoulder for encouraging his boldness. bro only sees this as an absolute win, he’s established his outlasting love for you practically in front of everyone, so…anyone who tries to steal him from you is pretty much asking to meet death :D
jake who was contently just watching this play out from a distance, and when lo’ak turns to find him, all he does is slowly nod at him proud that the rizz is genetic 😏
i hope you all enjoyed this! i’m going to try releasing smaller drabbles like this in between my bigger works. i got two requests for sure that i’m writing and releasing soon…. so slide me some more if you want to see more things like this 😚
much love, <3 kirby !!!
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© killakirby - piracy and plagiarism are not allowed. no reposts on any form of media.
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Me: I am gonna have a good time. I can do it.
My body: fuck you fuck you fuck you
Me: okay I clearly need to distract myself, I will get on tumblr
Tumblr: here have some traumatizing facts about your old faves that reopen old other trauma
Me: thanks. For. That.
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buckysboobs · 3 years ago
i'm a whore- wait i mean i'm here to provide some dark like DARK steve... whoops
minors go away or i'll stab you with steve's meat cleaver
also, i love your blog lol 😁💕
steve traces patterns across your quivering body. his smug grin pierces into your eyes, feeding off your pathetic struggle. your wrists and ankles burn from the restraints he previously manhandled your limp, exhausted body into.
the cool metal draws thin lines of blood across your soft flesh, steve guides it to your abdomen. "dumb girl, you know that struggling won't get you to where you want." instantly, you buck your hips as his grin quickly shifts into a fowl glare. his knitted brows, laced with faux pity, enlarge the pit in your stomach.
"you look pathetic squirming under my control. helpless little braindead pet, fucking pathetic."
while maintaining eye contact, the tip of the sharp blade grazes over your cunt. teasing your clit, a deranged chuckle emerges from steve's throat. you watch his tongue slide over his lips, your heart races. uncomfortably shifting, you turn your head, failing your attempt to break away from his fierce eye contact.
unable to control yourself, a minuscule cry, almost a moan, escapes from your trembling lips. instantly, steve detaches the flat side of the cleaver from your dripping cunt to your chin. "sh, shh, you know what happens when you disobey, huh? you wouldn't like that now, would you? or are you that much of a filthy little whore that you get off on this?"
"i'm sorry-"
"not one word be a good girl for me, pet. now open that pretty mouth of yours." obeying steve's orders, you hastily stick your tongue out. he watches your drool slowly spill from the corners of your mouth, steve takes his time pressing the metal covered in your arousal onto your needy tastebuds.
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lilnasxvevo · 2 years ago
Moving my car for the snow emergency take 2 bc I moved it to the wrong fuckinf place last time
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prettygirlgerard · 2 years ago
Emergency contact by Pierce the veil song of the fuckinf summer
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baroquebucky · 5 years ago
hi lovely! i adore ur writing :-) i was just wondering if you could write something about bucky being all soft and gooey around his gal and kissing her and being all lovey dovey with her in front of the team, and them teasing him for it. i’d love to see it if it inspires u! thank u!
a/n: okAY I HAVE RESTARTED THIS LIKE SEVEN TIMEs because i didn’t know how i wanted to write this and so i decided to do some headcanons about this !! if you want an actual imagine let me know !!! i hope you guys enjoy it :~)
Bucky was afraid of touching you the first time he met you
he was afraid that all the darkness and pain in him would ruin your happy, radiant demeanor, and he didn’t want that
but you didn’t allow that, giving him hugs for every little thing, bumping shoulders with him, grabbing his hand and dragging himself round to have fun
it was obvious the two of you would date, you made his life so much better and he did the same for you, helping you grow more confident and self assured
for years bucky only knew physical touch as painful, something he dreaded
and you showed him something completely different when it came to touch
the way your fingers gently traced every scar he had, the way they ghosted over his chest when he was asleep and you couldn’t sleep, the way you would pull him into you for a hug, wrapping your arms around him and squeezing him tightly
Bucky especially loved how you played with his hair, gently tucking it into place when the two of you cuddle or were kissing, the way you attempted to braid it and style it
Bucky couldn’t get enough
he missed out on this for so long so of course he would want your tender love any chance he got, he didn’t care who was around
the whole team thought Bucky was this brooding, intimidating man who was capable of killing them all if he tried, yet there he was, cuddled into you like a puppy
Bucky would kiss your face all over, making you laugh, planting sloppy kisses on your cheeks and forehead before finally connecting your lips.
“Fucks sake im trying to watch this show can you please do that somewhere else?” Sam would groan, annoyed at how soft Bucky was, Bucky only grabbed a pillow and threw it at him, never once disconnecting your lips.
You would smile into the kiss, pulling his hair slightly causing Bucky to groan a little, sam would make a gagging noise,” that’s it im out i hate you guys” you would burst out laughing the second he got up, immediately apologizing to him
he of course would accept, you were always too sweet and did so much for him, he couldn’t be mad at you.
At Bucky though? He couldn’t 100000% be mad at him
So Sam made it his mission to embarrass the metal armed man.
The two of you sat on the couch, cuddling.
Bucky snuggled so close against you if he moved a centimeter more he’d be on top of you. He had a hand in your hair, your arms wrapped around him, rubbing circles on his back.
he stared up at you, admiring how fuckinf beautiful you were
“how did i get the prettiest gal in the world hm?” he would smile, pressing a kiss to your arm, “oh shut up bucky” you blushed, refusing to take the compliment
“no I’m serious you’re so goddamn perfect doll” he whispered, moving to get comfortable enough to kiss your neck
“bucky stop we’re in the living room” you giggled, he continued to kiss you, placing a soft kiss on your jaw and then on your cheek
“what’s Sam gonna do? Get upset again?” He laughed and you rolled your eyes.
“I love you so much” he smiled at you, effortlessly lifting you and placing you on his lap
you smiled at the man, running your fingers through his soft hair, he smiled at you, his eyes fluttering closed at the relaxing contact.
“you know i love when you do that” he hummed and you smiled, leaning down to kiss his forehead you removed your hands from his hair and sat next to him, putting your head on his chest.
“why’d you stop” he pouted, looking at you as if you broke his heart in two
“Oh my god you are whipped” Tony laughed, you went red, Bucky felt slightly embarrassed but didn’t care too much, a smile creeping onto his face and he turned to look at you
“well how could i not be? i have the best girlfriend in the world” he spoke, you blushed deeper and tony rolled his eyes, turning around and leaving “yeah sam he isn’t gonna be embarrassed around us”
Sam groaned from the hall, emerging and narrowing his eyes at bucky, “I’ll get my revenge” Bucky only laughed and you but your lip to stifle your laughter.
“cmon angel” you spoke, standing up and grabbing his hand, leading him to your room so you guys could cuddle in peace.
The pda did not cease, Sam made every team member catch the two of you cuddling or being utterly adorable and yet nothing
Bucky has no shame showing the fact that he was wrapped around your finger, kissing your hand every chance, placing kisses all over your face and cuddling you at every chance
Then peter came to stay a night
he saw the way bucky would do everything for you, barely letting you do anything, he saw the way that if you asked for something he’d give it to you, the way that he cuddled into your side and was somehow always touching you
“oh my god” peter smiled to himself, texting ned and MJ quickly, guys mr barnes is a simp
He tried his best to hide his laughter but he couldn’t, wheezing as he picked up the Group FaceTime call
“no way the winter soldier is a simp??” MJ spoke and ned added on “he literally killed people how the hell did y/n manage to get him to simp so hard”
peter began explaining, giggling as he told them everything
Sam heard the loud teenage boy, immediately being struck with an idea
“hey Pete” he approached the boy in the kitchen and he gave him a small wave “i need you to do me a favor”
You and Bucky were in the garden, singing along to music and laughing, he held your hand, swinging it back and forth.
“I need to water the plants today but I’m so tired” you complained to your boyfriend, sitting under a tree, you were in between his legs and he rested his chin on top of your head
“I can do it for you doll face” he replied, you laughed shaking your head softly, “no i can do it lovely” but Bucky insisted
so there he was, watering all your flowers and getting bit by mosquitos, enter peter
peter was shitting himself, he was still kind of scared of Bucky, finding him intimidating despite knowing he could take the man
“what are you doing mr barnes?” Peter questioned, standing next to him and looking at the many plants
“y/n was tired so i told her I’d water her pants for her” he spoke, peter wrangled every ounce of courage he had
“huh so youre kind of a simp then” he spoke, Bucky turned to look at him, did he just-?
“what? no!” Bucky protested, suddenly feeling embarrassed because he was this little 18 year old calling HIM a simp
“i mean think about it, kinda yeah” he spoke, laughing softly, “it’s okay, in the end we all simp for someone” peter smiled, walking back inside, already wanting to apologize to bucky but instead searching for Sam so he could order him the pizza he wanted
Bucky stood in the garden, shock on his face. Sam watched from the kitchen window, laughing his ass off, finally embarrassing the super soldier
Bucky walked into your room, going to sit next to you, “am i simp?” He looked at you, troubled. You tried your best to stifle your laughter, composing yourself before looking at your boyfriend
“i mean yeah” you admitted, shrugging your shoulders.
Bucky was hurt for a couple of hours, vowing to himself that he would no longer simp for you, he could do that
right? wrong
by the end of the night Bucky was snuggled up to you side, eyes closed and mind at peace, you mumbled sweet nothings into his ear and he felt so- at home.
you were buckys home, he didn’t care if others saw it, he didn’t care if that made him a simp. He would be damned if he didn’t take every and any chance to kiss you and show you off and love on you
you did the same for him, Bucky was your safe space, your everything, your home
although Sam rolled his eyes when the two of you were cuddling heavily during movie night, he couldn’t help but be happy that bucky had found happiness in the world
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psychokangaroo · 3 years ago
We have an in person exam tomorrow
During omicron
After all of us were probably just exposed
And we are getting inclement weather warning for tomorrow morning
Our clerkship directors response was to "please prepare extra time for commute"
I can't tell if I'm angry because I'm depressed or I am just done with this rotation
Also FYCK I have a shift AFTER I finish the fuckinf shelf. On a fucking saturday
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sillyguyhotline · 3 years ago
our governor has literally declared a state of emergency and my school district is still twiddling its thumbs and giggling to itself. “well schools have to reach a 5% positive test rate before they close down for 2 weeks” they say . PLEASE CLOSE THE FUCKINF SCHOOLS ALREADY
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