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Just read a comment section filled with people who hate Sasuke. That shit was bad for my mental health.
#naruto#naruto shippuden#uchiha sasuke#Someone said Sakura baby trapped Sasuke???#No and in the same comment they were like “And i actually like Sakura”#YOU CLEARLY DONT!??#Would go back to the video to find the comment and sm more but i wanna stay away from all the negativity#THEY WERE CALLING HIM A SELFISH ASSHOLE AND SAYING HE DOESNT DESERVE KINDNESS IT MADE ME SO SAD#LIKE MY FACE WAS GENUINELY LIKE “D:”#IM LIKE SO IN DEEP TO MY OBSESSION W/ HIM THAT EVERY WORD WRITTEN I FELT MORE AND MORE ATTACKED#STOP BULLYING MY BABY PLEASE 😭😭#HES JUST A BOY#pro sasuke uchiha#😡😡😡
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I read a post that said that Bakugou was rebellious because he lacked of freedom when he was young. Fandom called Bakugou antis illiterate because we don't understand his character but then say things like this and I wonder if we really are reading the same manga or they just live in their own world. Horikoshi himself says that Bakugou has one of the better childhood in bnha, he always has freedom to do wherever he wants. Indeed he was an spoil brat that did everything he did because anyone stopped him. This fandom really likes Bakugou or just like the fanon version that they created?
Exactly there are 2 different bakugous that exist in this fandom. The canon and the fanon version. While we “antis“ see the canon version of him, the one portrayed with all his flaws, but also of his (almost non-existent) few good sides, his strenghs and weaknesses, his stans only see the version they made in their head and contradicts the canon one. Canon bakugou loud and aggressive, doesnt care about the feelings of others and is selfish as hell, only cares enough for izuku not to kill him, but otherwise insults and abuses him, even after his grand apologie, was spoiled rotten and admired his whole life by his parents, teachers and classmates for his quirk and wants to be hero for fame, money and because he sees heros as winners. Fanon bakugou is a soft boy with a nicer language, is deeply in love with izuku, cares only for others not for himself, was abused by his mother, shunned out by society because of his “villain quirk“ and always wanted to be a hero to protect and safe people. Oh yeah, and he also has some kind of disorder that explains his bad temper AND he needs to be angry 24/7, because otherwise his heart stops beating (please dont ask me HOW they came up with this crap, I have no idea 😵).
Espicially the bakudeku shippers tend to create a lot of ridiculus head canons regarding bakugou to be able to justify their disgusting and abusive ship! Any person with working brain cells can see that bakugou is literally the LAST PERSON that should be in an romantic relationship! WHO wants a partner that screams at you the whole day for stupid reasons, hits and kicks you, insults you and thinks about himself most of the time??? No matter if its izuku, kirishima or ochako, ALL of them deserve better then this aggressive and temper tantrum having brat with the mentally of a 5 year old child, that constantly screams if things dont get the way he wants them to go! As long as bakugous personality doesnt make a 180 turn he should NEVER end up in a romantic relationship! Thats why he is so ooc in his fans fanfictions and fanarts! Thats why they include “soft bakugou“ or “nice bakugou“ in the tags, thats why so often inko is portayed as abusive in their works, because bakugou needs to be the one who saves izuku from his terrible mother. They create all this headcanons to make him look better then he is in the real story and after a while they start to believe that the fanon bakugou is the real one. They NEED to do this, because they know otherwise their ship has no fundament to stand on and could never work out! Deep down they know their ship is a big no-go!
It was similar with dabi. Before the touya reveal, his fans headcanon him as a mamas boy who deeply loves his siblings and just wants to protect his baby brother from his asshole father, he wants to kill. But it turned out dabi is in fact obssessed with his father, sees his mother as weak and blames her for his fire weakness, doesnt give a shit about his siblings and wants to kill his baby brother to get daddys attention! His fans were and to some degree still are in denial after that whole reveal! Its very similar with bakugou fans. They only love fanon bakugou they made up in their heads, not the real one from the manga!
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Stop saying “(insert character name here) has never done anything bad in their life. They’re babie and are so innocent.” Or “(insert character name here) did this so they’re the worst most selfish character and deserve to die next season!!”
news flash! Every. Single. Character. In . Stranger. Things. Has. Made. A . Mistake.
All characters have flaws. If they don’t it makes them boring characters. I’ve seen FIVE. F I V E people say today that will is the most selfish character of stranger things and deserves to, and I quote, “die next season, #killwillbyers .” No. I’m not kidding.
For starters: Will may have been inconsiderate last season but reminder!! 1. He’s a 14 year old boy 2. Him wanting to play d&d doesn’t make him a bad character it makes him a DIMENSIONAL character. Stop expecting him to be perfect. He’s learning. He’s growing. He doesn’t deserve to die just because he wanted to play D&D. Him calling El stupid was a throwaway line. Mike didn’t even care that Will called El stupid because Mike understood Will didn’t mean it and that he was frustrated, so you shouldn’t either. I admit, calling El stupid wasn’t cool, but neither was El assaulting Max but apparently that’s justified. My point is: EVERY CHARACTER IS FLAWED. Every one. Stop pretending like Will is the worst thing that’s happened to the show and stop pretending like (insert character here) is the most small harmless bean ever:
This is coming from an EL STAN aswell. I’m just pointing out the hypocrisy in this fandom. Because it’s insane. Apparently Will calling El stupid (which I’m not saying wasn’t bad- I’m just saying you can’t seriously hate a character for making a realistic mistake and refusing to acknowledge all of the selfless things Will has done and only pointing out the one thing he’s done that makes him flawed.) but point is, apparently Will calling El stupid makes him the most selfish awful person ever but El assaulting Max and completely not being understanding in some elements of seasons 2 and season 3 and in ways being a brat, it’s fine because “it was a mistake”, which it WAS! El doesn’t deserve to be hated for those things because she’s a dimensional character and I love her. But stop ridiculing others for things you wouldn’t ridicule your fave for.
Every character has messed up. Stop expecting characters to be perfect. I’ve seen people say Will was worse than Billy. Billy, the racist abuser. Exactly.
These characters need to have flaws to be good and entertaining characters. And remember, the party members are KIDS! They’re brains are still developing! They’re children! They’re learning and developing. They aren’t the Pope or Obama. They say and do mean things. Doesnt mean their actions shouldn’t have consequences, it just means that you have to understand that your fave isn’t going to be unproblematic all the time. Deal with it.
Every one of the party members has made a mistake or multiple.
MIKE: made out with el for 6 months straight and ditched his friends. Can be a complete asshole. Ignored the “best thing that’s ever happened to him”, tried to control El, is an ass to Max
LUCAS: was wary of El and insulted her. Can be too blunt and can forget about his surroundings and about others feelings
DUSTIN: kept dart despite knowing it was from the upside down. Can be selfish
WILL: was inconsiderate of Mike’s break up, called El stupid.
EL: assaulted Max, spied on mike despite knowing mike hated it, was very blunt and rude in ways, can be a brat and doesn’t understand some things that are meant to keep her safe
MAX: Can be a total asshole. Very set in her ways. Doesn’t like to understand peoples point of view
THIS DOESNT MAKE THEM BAD CHARACTERS! Instead of paying attention to their bad traits start recognizing all the good things they’ve done. All of their GOOD traits. This fandom can be so pessimistic at times.
Every single member of the party has made mistakes and have done morally incorrect things. But they’ve also done very good things too!!! 97% of the things the party members have done have been GOOD. Stop paying attention to that 3% that isn’t morally correct or selfless or kind. You’ve made mistakes and I’m sure you’d hate being ridiculed for the rest of your life over one thing you did months ago. Or one mistake you made when you were younger and more naive or when you were still growing.
Instead of pointing out the bad things each party member has done and holding them up to impossible expectations because they are CHILDREN, take a minute to appreciate all of the good things they’ve done, which include (but aren’t limited to)
MIKE: Loyal, kind, patient, understanding, puts his friends needs infront of his own, will do anything for the people he loves, trustable
LUCAS: rational, leaves no man behind, defends his friends no matter what, brave, fights for his friends
DUSTIN: Patient, uplifting, funny, always will be there for you and will listen to you. Super smart, can get you out of any scientific or mathematical situation. Unapologetically himself
WILL: loyal, kind, a great listener, the mediator, peaceful, selfless, loves you unconditionally, puts his needs behind everyone else so he won’t worry his mom or the party
EL: selfless, brave, would sacrifice herself for her friends and family. Kind hearted and genuine. Always forgives people for their actions
MAX: will beat someone up if she found out they bullied you. Very uplifting and encourages you to be independent and to love yourself
Appreciate the good traits your favorite characters have! I’m not saying you aren’t allowed to dislike a character but it’s complete bullshit that you’d create some personal head canon that so and so is an awful person or make up lies about a certain character just to get an excuse to dislike the character.
These kids have trauma. Stop expecting them to deal with their trauma in 100% healthy ways. This is the EIGHTIES. They can’t just go find a support group online or go on Quora to find the answer as to why they’re acting a certain way.
These kids are misunderstood and they really just need a hug. Stop making a certain character out to be something their not.
And for the love of god, El and Will are both great characters and are my 2 favorites so can we stop this war it’s pointless
If you wish death upon ANY of the party members I will personally kick you into orbit. They are 14. who wishes death on 14 year old children?! That is disgusting.
Anyways, have your faves. Enjoy the show. And I’m not telling you NOT to dislike a character but instead of hating on them, level with them. Put yourself in their shoes. Reason with them and ask yourself, “Well maybe I also would act like this if I went through what they went through.”
Character are going to have flaws! Don’t let that stop you from appreciating the parts of their character that are good and lovable.
I��ll say it again: a good character needs to have flaws to he entertaining.
So no: the statement “(character here) has never done anything wrong in their life ever.”
Because they have. And that’s OKAY! Normalize having flawed yet lovable and enjoyable characters. That’s why I love ST so much. The party is REALISTIC. The kids ACT LIKE KIDS. Stop expecting them to be and act like 45 year old men or women. They’re learning. Growing. And developing.
PS: this does not go for the characters that have no good qualities and simply are villains *cough, Brenner and Lonnie cough*
#stranger things#stranger things 4#mike wheeler#will byers#st4#dustin henderson#lucas sinclair#el hopper#max mayfield#the party
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I've been thinking about what you've touched on before, that Johnny doesn't think that he's good enough for V, and he's both too stubborn and too anxious to confess how he feels about them, and he sees them falling in love with other people and knows that the day they will have to split for forever in Mikoshi is coming soon... reminded me of "Something about us" by Daft Punk 😥
Oooh, thank you for the song rec!
And johnny hidden behind his arrogant front, knows how cruel hes been how far hes pushed everyone away. Calling himself a selfish bastard comes really easily, same with calling himself fucked up in the Sinnerman quest series.
I always find his wording in that interesting. Because that mission series happens later on in the game. I believe you need to have Life During Wartime (panam main quest missions) done and maybe have a specific street cred level but im less sure on that part. Meaning its generally meant to be a later stage mission. Personally, I like to so it after the oil fields talk, so that also impacts my perception, so your mileage might vary on this.
In those main quests, Johnny largely is always trying to tease and taunt V that they're just as fucked up as him. That they were fucked up before he came along: "that makes you a real deviant", "you're more like me than you know", "you're starting to remind me of me, fifty years back minus the charisma and impressive cock". Yes, i had to fully quote that last one. V never hesitates to tell Johnny he's garbo in the beginning; they question his actions, his morality, his everything. And Johnny does what he does best when someones poking at his feelings and making him feel worse than he already does about himself; he lashes out and projects. Oh no no no no, you're fucked up too, V. Dont act like Im the only asshole here.
Then things change, V gives him more chances than he deserves. He starts to awknowledge his faults without projecting them on V and wants to change. Hell, if V at the oil fields mentions that sometimes they feel more like Johnny, do things he'd do and it feels right. He is terrified and says, we need to get this chip taken care of thats not good. The man who once was trying to convince V how similar they are; hates hearing V admit they may be becoming more like him and doesnt hesitate to blame it on the chip instead of implying V may just be as fucked up as him.
And again, the nonlinear nature of some of the missions can throw some of this off, but like in sinnerman, at the convo in the dinner, i feel like we see a subtle shift. Johnny does go his usual full lecture spiel in this mission, hes annoyed at V talking religion to him, and even jumps to try to make himself sound/feel badass about how V drops to their knees before gods and he pops them in the head. So, in general it has pretty usual Johnny lecture vibes. But this wording always catches me.
"Hes fucked in the head. And you're fucked in the head, cause my fucked up head is inside it. Maybe thats the trick to changing the world, first step gotta get fucked in the head"
Its subtle, but I think him fully saying he is the reason V is fucked in the head, says a lot. Hes no longer trying to act like V and him are both fuck ups, disasters, and morally bankrupt people. Hes the reason V is fucked up. And i think that, among other things, does help show that at a certain point he really does see himself a being this fucked up mess and V is this too good of a person, who for some inconceivable reason doesnt hate him.
Also while i dont have the heart to play it, but looking at some of his dialogue from devil ending and how he can literally tell V that the relic made them more like the old him and hes become more like how they were before the relic; the awknowledgement that before this betrayal, he saw them as good.
Like all of that tells me he does massively feel like V is this too nice for their own good, strangely kind merc. And hes just an asshole, finally trying to change after fucking up his first life.
This answer kind of went on a tangent, but i also wanna say with love interests and potentially watching V fall in love with someone else. I think Johnny gets real torn between that part of him that wants to be better, knows V deserves better and he'll be gone anyway...so he shouldnt even think of getting in the way of it. And this more selfish jealous part of him, that for as long as he is here, he wants to hold on to keeping V to himself and they can find someone else once hes gone so he doesnt have to see it.
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On tumblr, it appears that there’s more metas and appreciation posts for Scully. There is nothing wrong with that because I love these things as well, but I wish there was more of Mulder as well.
Many people make jokes about Mulder’s beliefs, in a loving way of course, or how he does baffling things, but I want to read the thoughtful metas too, you know?
Mulder is a flawed, but fundamentally good person. While writing a fic, I had Scully say something about how her and Mulder were after the truth and someone asked what the truth was. Her response was, paraphrasing, “no matter how big or small, everyone deserves to be heard.”
And something about that resonated with me, especially towards Mulder’s beliefs. The only people who Mulder was skeptical of were serial killers and religious people/extremist. But, Mulder was always on the side of the victim no matter how outrageous the story was. Even if he was duped or misled, he always wanted to get to the bottom of whatever was going on and give that person a sense of closure.
He’s so compassionate and kind and, outside of Scully, doesnt care what others think.
He almost never comprised his morals and the times he considered doing it was almost always due to Scully. Such as when she was returned post abduction and her cancer. He was willing to compromise who he was to get answers for what happened to her as well as save her life.
When Scully offered to lie on his behalf on her deathbed, Mulder refused because he wouldn’t ruin her reputation even in death.
Mulder loves so fiercely, is devoted, and selfless to a fault at times. He humanizes what other demonizes.
I think about the genie and his failed wishes and how he’s not only the only character, but his last wish is the only time I’ve ever heard of anyone wishing for the genie’s freedom. And, even tho his intial wish was somewhat misguided, his heart was in the right place. Almost everyone else made these super selfish wishes and he thought of other people and the world at large and that’s just who Mulder is.
And you think of the traumatic ordeal he witnessed and his fractured, shitty relationship with his parents. Or how people constantly took advtnsge of his vulnerability and eager to please.
I think about the times seeing Samantha was waved in front of him, which was positioned with Scully’s safety and, in both times, he refused to jeopardize Scully’s safety and well-being for his sister who he looked for for decades.
That, as much as he wanted Scully by his side, eventually he realized that his desire to want her there was selfish and he encouraged her to seek opportunities and life outside of the x files.
Like, yes, Mulder could be selfish and an asshole, but there were so many good and endearing qualities about him that he’ll forever be my favorite male character.
Like I love that he has a quip for everything, and then can turn serious when the situation calls for it: usually Scully. Lol
Or, regardless of whatever anyone says about him being “looney”, he’s a damned good agent. Which is why I bust up laughing at Kersh calling him a “lost cause” in Tithonus.
His wonder, his imagination, his enthusiasm for the truth...
And he wasn’t macho either, but he was masculine, which included: men can be nurturing too.
I just love him!
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A list of my favourite fictional grey characters (not in order) SPOILER ALERT!
Regina Mills (Once Upon A Time)
There is a reason why Regina is called «The Evil Queen» She was pure evil. A murderer, a kidnapper, a rapist, how could I like her? Well it wasnt before season 3 I started to like her. It took a lot of time. And I suppose I will never fully love her after she raped Graham for...years... and murdered people - children when she was a tiny bit frustrated. I would even say that she is irredeemable. And I thought her redemtion arc was unrealistic in the beginning, and for God’s sake, she should not have been crowned The Good Queen in season 7. But she tried to change so hard for Henry, she tried to redeem herself. Tried to be a good mother for a change. She saved multiple lives and souls. She didnt completely redeem herself, I must admit it. But she tried so hard and I feel like she deserves something from that. She eventually became a very good mother, even though it was a little late since Henry was already 12 when she became one. She was still a bitter bitch and blamed innocent people for unfortunate things that happened to her (Zelena, Mary Margaret, Emma) but by season 7, she became something more than that. She became half good. Grey. And even though she didnt completely redeem herself, she came close. Also, I love her sassy personality, she should be crowned The Sassy Queen, not The Good Queen.
Rumplestiltskin (Once Upon A Time)
The Dark One who after 7 seasons became one of the greatest heroes in OUAT. The man who was known as the village coward because he ran away from the Ogre War and was too afraid to fight for his wife became one of the bravest men. Like Regina, he was a murderer. He was super manipulative with all his deals and the «all magic comes with a price, dearie» thing. He manipulated people into getting themselves killed. Before he became The Dark One, he was a good man with a pure heart. But the power of the dagger took over him and his heart was all black. He was power sick. He always wanted power, but not for selfish reasons. He felt like he needed power to protect his son Bealfire/Neal and his wife Milah, but when he took that power, the darkness came over him and he, after time, became evil. It wasn’t before he met Belle French his heart showed a little bit of light. As he said, she was his light in an ocean of darkness. Their relationship was problematic and selfish in the beginning. He manipulated her into thinking he changed (which you know i detest *cough* James Potter) Rumple loved power more than he loved her, at least in season 4. He too often chose it over her, until season 6 when he started to properly redeem himself. His redemtion arc took over 300 years but it came in the end. His love for her changed A LOT. In the other seasons, his love was unhealthy and selfish. But in season 6 and 7, he changed a lot. This time it wasnt only for Belle, but Gideon too. They helped him let go of power and in season 7, he tried so hard to get rid of the dagger and the power so that he could live a normal life with his family. And after Belle died, he didn’t return to the dagger or the dark side. He helped the good side to defeat Drizella and the other villians in that season. He even became a father figure to Alice. And in the end he sacrificed himself to save Killian’s (Nook) life. And he got reunited with Belle. He is the most interesting character in OUAT, no doubt there.
Sawyer/James Ford (LOST)
Sawyer is without a doubt one of my fave characters from LOST (after Charlie and John) in his background, he was a thief and manipulated woman to believe he loved them, just to take all their money. (Maybe except Cassidy, since he fell in love with her later, but he still manipulated her AND got her pregnant) He’s a real asshole. Buuut - then he became an entirely different (and better) man. He meets Kate Austen and I feel like his love for her changes his character. In the beginning he was a bit of a perve with her (i mean, walking straight towards her completely naked...) he doesnt develope much in the 1 season, but later (beginning in the 3 season) he becomes quite selfless and protective. In season (was it 4? I dont quite remember) he falls in love again with Juliet Burke, and heeeeell, she was good for him. He also developes a nice relationship with Claire Littleton (platonic) he becomes protective of her. He attemts to comfort Hurley after Charlie’s death. In the rest of the seasons he is the born leader. He puts the team before himself (like when he sacrificed his chance to escape the Island) and in the paralell universe he is absolutely the best.
Heathcliff (Wuthering Heights)
Okay, no he’s not exactly a grey character since he’s a lot more dark than light, but I love him too much to not put him here. Differently from the other character I’ve mentioned above, Heathcliff doesnt have a redemtion. He died an awful person. He abused and manipulated a lot of people. Before he became this asshole, he was a much better person. He was an ass to those who deserved it (Hindley, That bitch deserved to die so young. Edward was a kind man, but I don’t like him, sooo... nevermind) The way he treated Isabella was sickening and awful, she had every right to leave him and take Linton away and hate him. I Don’t like Isabella, but she never deserved to be treated that way. His love for Cathy was unhealthy, but it was true and he would do so much for her. (They kinda remind me of Snily, so ofc I ship it) Heathcliff went through so much trauma in his life and never recovered. After Cathy died, he was practically dead too, then he killed himself years later. His life made me cry for days, especially the ending. He is such an interesting character with so many layers.
Ulrich Nielsen (Dark)
(Before I say anything, I haven’t finished the entire show yet, so this is gonna be short and probably not 100% correct)
To be honest, I don’t like Ulrich at all as a person. I look at him and I see a fully grown up man with no remorse for what he did to Regina as a teen. He cheated on his wife with a woman he didnt even love. He tried to murder a CHILD who hadnt done anything wrong (yet) because he thought he was going to kill his brother and son in the future (okay, i get why he did it. He was desperate to get Mikkel back and the whole time-tarvelig thing was extremely stressfull) BUT HE COULD HAVE DONE SOMETHING A LOT LESS HARMFULL TO PREVENT EVERYTHING TO HAPPEN. Despite this, i love him as a character. He is so interesting and there are times were I have to remind myself why i dont like him. He is brave and intelligent and... so fucking hot as a teen.
Hannah Kahnwald (Dark)
(Again, havent watched the whole show yet)
This girl is MESSED UP. When she was fourteen, she accused Ulrich of being a rapist, which is a very serious accusation and then blamed it on Regina who she knew was a victim of Ulrich and Katharina’s bullying. She is a home-wrecker, and when Katharina found out about Ulrich cheating on her with Hannah and confronted her, Hannah blamed it on Ulrich and said he pressed her and that she wanted it to end, but he refused or whatever, i dont 100% remember the conversation. But she was also a very good mother to Jonas and she was so sweet to Mikkel/Michael. She is a bitch, so much that its impossible to not like her.
Severus Snape (Harry Potter)
Saved the best one to last. The guy my whole account is about, ofc he’s on this list, and ofc this is gonna be the longest text.
This guy is a complete asshole. Always has been, always will be. He bullied Harry and Co (mostly Harry and Neville) he was a bitter and sarcastic bitch. He used to be a follower of Voldemort. Even in his youth he had a lot of flaws. We all know he became the bastard he was due to childhood trauma, mental illnesses and manipulation. I believe he had depression, grief and PTSD. At least in his 20’s he was suicidal, and I believe it remained like that til the day he died, because he had no one to help him or give him support. He turned to the dark side in an attemt to make his life better (as many members of gangs do) but he only stayed like that for two years, which is extremely impressive if you know what kind of person Voldemort is. As a 21 year old, Snape was a very different person from what he was as a 38 year old. If he was the way he was as a 38 yr old when Lily, James and Harry was in danger. First of all, he wouldnt start to try to save Lily by asking Voldemort, he would have went straight to Dumbledore, probably with his own brilliant plan on how to save them. Second, he wouldnt hesitate for a second to save James and Harry to. In canon, he needed to have a personal reason to save them, which was Lily’s feelings I believe. As a 38 yr old, he risked his life to save people he hated (Lupin) This is a great character developement. He went from being a selfish bitch, to become a selfless asshole. He was that kind of person who did anything in his power to protect someone, even if that person had nothing to do with winning the war and had nothing to gain himself.
#OUAT#regina mills#rumplestiltskin#mr gold#belle french#lana parilla#robert carlyle#LOST#james sawyer ford#sawyer#kate austen#juliet burke#wuthering heights#heathcliff#catherine earnshaw#cathy#catherine linton#dark#ulrich nielsen#hannah kahnwald#katharina nielsen#harry potter#severus snape#lily evans#snily
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hey so remember that post i made talking about how connor murphy is an abusive shithole? id like to make some adjustments to that.
in that post, i said that people are still allowes to like/relate to connor murphy and/or evan hansen. i only said that because if i didnt constantly cater to the opinions of deh stans, id be burned at the stake for it, and even when i did cater to them, i got people saying that connor actually isnt abusive, and that i should "let people enjoy things, karen".
well you know what? i literally dont give a shit right now.
dear evan hansen is a shitty garbage musical and anyone who tries to defend it needs to read the fuck out of this post.
lets address the elephant in the room. connor murphy abuses his sister. this shouldnt be up for debate, its literally part of his character, and basically stated in the script, which i own. if you "disagree" with this, i think you need to watch that show again.
so now that thats out of the way, i can go further into detail about this.
deh portrays connor murphy as a ~complicated~ individual, and says that even though he did bad things, the world shouldve been more welcoming and kind to him, and his parents shouldve tried harder to help him.
and sure, okay, his parents definitely sucked at trying to give their son the help he needed, but are we actually just going to skim over the fact that hes abusive? he threatened his sister and treated her like shit daily, thats not ~complicated~, thats called abuse, and the writers of this show cant fucking put this kid on the pedestal they put him on without giving the impression that they think abuse is justifiable.
you cant have it both ways. you cant have a character be irredeemable, then try to portray them in a sympathetic light. it makes you look like an asshole.
so if connors such a shithole, why do so many people like him?
well, lets just say that if sincerely me wasnt a song, people wouldnt give a shit about him. this is a classic case of "piece of media has a character say theyre gay, then pass it off as a joke to appeal to the straights, and lgbt+ fans eat it up." once fans had that impression of him, they couldnt let it go.
but that isnt who connor is. thats literally the point of sincerely me. connor isnt the cutesy sad baby you think he is, hes an abusive piece of shit who doesnt deserve the attention he got.
you might say: "but he was depressed!" "but his parents were neglectful!" "but he was ostracized!" and to that i say:
okay. that sucks. so?
how would any of that make him a sympathetic character? how would any of that justify giving the positive attention connor got? short answer: it wouldnt. long answer: you guys love saying "that doesnt make it okay, but..." but what you really mean is "i dont apply critical thinking to the characters i like because im stubborn about holding onto the first impression i had of them, so i dont care how objectively horrible they are, as long as i can tangentially relate to them via pride flags and neurodivergency, im good."
to portray connor the way he was portrayed is unacceptable. i literally cannot express how disgusted i am at this show and its fans.
moving on to the other huge asshole of this show, evan hansen himself.
where do i even start with evan hansen? well, lets make a list of all the reprehensible things hes done in the musical:
gaslighted an abuse victim into thinking her abuser loved her as a method to pursue her romantically
lied to said abusers entire family, painting a picture of a perfect child that definitely was nowhere close to who he actually was
antagonized his mother, claiming she saw him as "broken" when she was just trying to help him with his anxiety
hurt literally every single person in the musical and didnt hesitate to go straight for the jugular on every one of them
defended connor by saying "life is messy, people are complicated, blah blah blah blah false morality"
but sure hes adorable because anxiety.
evan hansen does not come anywhere close to what people call "morally gray" or "a good person doing bad things." i seriously cant think of a single thing he did in the musical that was solely for someone elses benefit. hes a selfish person. thats his whole thing. he wants attention so bad that he was willing to do outrageously bad things to get it. this isnt a matter of anxiety and getting caught up in a lie that got too big to let go, its a matter of being selfish. thats it. he isnt a good person. stop acting like he is.
the final thing id like to say is to those who identify as connorkin or evankin, or just relate to either of them as characters. to those people, i can say either 1) you dont know these characters as well as you think you do, and youre mistaken, OR, 2) you literally identify with one of these piles of human garbage, go away. im not going to waste my time arguing with people who relate to abusers/people who defend abusers
and if you think ive said "abuse/abuser" too much, and that i should find more creative ways to criticize connors character, i hate to break it to you, but theres not much else to say about him. the majority of whats said about him in dear evan hansen is a lie, so all i know about him is: 1) abuser, 2) some incident with a printer, so hes evidently a violent person, 3) weed, 4) depression? i guess? and 5) just a general asshole
thats kind of it
dear evan hansen spits in the face of abuse victims. it spits in the face of those who have depression or anxiety. it spits in the face of suicidal teenagers. it spits in the face of everything it pretends it cares about.
its a disgusting and damaging show, and id greatly appreciate it if i never had to see anyone sing its praises ever again.
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Persona 5 Royal - Thoughts with Coffee
So this is going to by my first Review-ish thing where i will give my opinions on this game however Im the best at transferring my true thoughts onto paper so if anyone see’s and reads all this i would love the feedback and to help me with my basic English because I lack common grammar and punctuation skills
I will try to make this as spoiler free as possible and i will make a post shortly after this one with spoilers in it however i will leave it with no tags so another person cannot stumble upon without getting spoiled.
In this post i will be talking about my general feelings and the background of some scenarios that i expierenced whilst i was playing and my opinions on those whilst trying to remain spoiler free
The game opens with a cinematic of all the characters that you will eventually met throughout the course of the game however the game semi-expects you to already know the cast of Persona 5 already. The thing is that Persona 5 royal is a retelling of the original Persona 5 with quality of life features and more gameplay time to for a newcomer to join in to. However this does not mean that newcomers to the series cannot jump into this game, they very much can and will fully understand the full story and plot, ALSO just because the game includes 5 in the name doesnt mean that you need to play the other 4 games in the series to understand this one. This game follows the final fantasy syndrome of which different numbers in front of the final fantasy means different world and different story but share some of the key aspects such as magic and names of abilities etc.
so the game begins with this fancy cutscene of the protag flipping about and doing super dope tricks trying to escape from the a security team?? the reason why this is a question mark is because when the protag encounters them they changed into this large creatures and they try to attack you. the protag uses some kind of power that remains nameless for the introduction however this is where the games new features take form in which the protags starts to use a grappling hook to move about the facility trying to remain sneaky and undetected and then the music (which is considered the best thing i have ever listened to from a video game soundtrack) cuts off and the enemy surrounds you. you start to hear voices coming from your allies saying that the have noticed some weird energy that is closing onto you and BOOM the new character appears performing an elegant dance whilst killing half of the enemies that protag was being surrounded by and another battle begins with new music that was included into this version truly showing that this is only the beginning of the new content . you quickly defeat them and you escape them and quickly get captured and integrated by the police. a prosecutor named Sae Nijima has demanded you to tell the full story behind several cases that all relate to the phantom thieves because the protag is the leader of this criminals and is going to be put on trial etc. this is the stage of the game where you get to name the protag and goes from the very beginning of the story to retell how the protag unlocked his powers and who the hell was the other folks that were talking to him and how he got there.
this is a very strong introduction to the story and to the whole game keeps up this trend of giving you information early on and then holding that over your head whilst you try and figure out in your head how everything goes down for example Sae says that the first target was a gym teacher who had admitted to his crimes and was the starting point of the phantom thieves, what the game does was showing the player who that character was and what he did but it leaves out how and why did these characters choose to go after that person and how were they able to make this person to admit to their crimes.
The game truly begins when you take control of the protag who i will call MC from now on saying that he needs to find the place he was staying at because he was moved to Tokyo because of a crime he commited in the past and this is apart of his probation that he has to complete and attend school etc.
the MC meets up with his care giver aka coffee dad called Sojiro Sakura and makes it very clear from the get go he does not care about you or the MC at all aslong as he stays out of trouble he can do what he wants. he also give MC a cute wee notebook that allows the player to finally safe the game. all of this happens within the first i would say 15 minutes so im going to speed it up.
MC starts to walk to school but starts raining and he goes for shelter he sees a cute girls and tries to slide into those DMS until some dude totally cockblocks you but offers to give you and the girl a ride to school. MC declines but the girl accepts and then they drive off. this is when you met the MC’s best friend Ryuji Sakamoto who firsts gives you small details on who those folks were aka the girl and the guy that pick her up. Those characters are called Ann Takamaki and a teacher called Kamoshida. according to Ryuji that kamoshida is an asshole and he totes deserved to get shot or something and that Ann is totally hooking up with him on the DL. this is when they start making thier way too the school but get transported to A big ass castle where the school is meant to be. this is the beginning of the second part of persona 5. the first being that of a ordinaray school kid hanging out with friends and then the second being going to this other world and killing monsters and fighting demons. they walk in get captured and try to escape only to find Kamoshida with underwear and cape on talking shit and trys to excute the boys. The MC is having non of it and goes berserk by hearing a voice inside of his head telling him to “break the chains of rebellion” and he awakens to his power of the persona called Arsene.
I will then leave the story details there because beyond this point this gets into spoilers however this is only the introduction of the game. eventually you met up with all the characters and save the world however 2 new characters that werent in the original being one called Kasumi yoshisawa and other being a counciler that all of the cast gets to have one and one convos with. To then unlock the new content you need to hang out with these folks until in game till a certain major key event in the story happens then after you make a couple of choices they new content for the story unlocks.
However new gameplay options appear such as better menus changing the battle combat a tiny but effective bit, a new area for the MC to explore and to gain benefits from for the second side of the game. and new areas to bring friends to and a new place called the theives den.
This is just my basic look outline of what the game brings to the table but in my own personal opinion i believe that this game brings alot to the table and however is done so well and brings this series into the mainstream media this has also increase fans expectations of previous and future games of the series and i now believe where this can become a problem. the orginal persona 5 was rushed although they had planned orginally releasing the game in 2014 it didnt land in our hands till 2017 and was still felt like the game could of landed with some polish with come characters not getting enought screentime or some elements of the game could be abused for High exp and money etc. however this version was then only a year later to be in the works and was set to be released for Japanese audiences for decemeber 2019 and for the rest of us sometime in 2020. this to me was a clear way of them saying he is the directors cut of the OG game however the only reason it was cut was because we wanted a second version of the game to be out there and i truly believe that although yes was a selfish marketing decision was a smart one because they know it works when the enhanced version of persona 4 called persona 4 golden came out it was the selling point of the console it came out on and for then the second console it came out on and was the only reason most gamers point that console to begin with creating alot of profit for the persona team. however i do believe that the changes to the game play not the story are incredible and im surprised that they made a game with interesting battle features to begin with feel even more polished. i just wish they spent more time on the story aspect of it all.
this is not to say that the story is bad infact i believe its one of the strongest stories that a persona game has developed so far its just with some aspects they fail at explaning things in full detail or they is some things that are completely overlooked and then forgotten about until the end where the player goes back and wonders when are they gonna answer that question.
My only other complaint about this whole game is that they have locked the new game added on story behind certain tasks that got to be completed and if a newcomer doesnt complete that they would need to either reload an early enough safe to hopefully met the requirements in time or to replay the game and to trial and error until they unlocked the new content that the bought the game for.
and that my thoughts with me coffee��
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Episode 16: “I’m a petty bitch betta know that” - Scott


Oh boy mo lost firemaking. Oh well. I tried. Not sure there is much hope in me winning, but guess I have to try. Ima be preparing a bomb ass speach, and a decent rites of passage. Not looking hopefully but like fingers crossed.
Also I think I’d make end either way now. Scott wants me in the end probably. Ryan wants me in the end probably. So if so. I get 2nd at the least. But I’m probably winning immunity anyway so ;).

ok its the day after.. n i finished my rop.. hopefully the jury likes it. LOL LIKE I WASNT GUNNA JUST KISS THEIR ARSES FUCK THAT im gunna be honest ab my feelings...
also like. kinda feel bad ab my confessionals last nite ab rhys.. i was a bit. excited. but. its tea. LAMFJBFHBFG

Final immunity is a little stressful. Like it’s the last one to win, if I win this that’s 5 individual wins. Just something more to put on my speech cause I’m gonna need it.
I’m feeling confident I can manage to pull out this win so like yeah I’m gonna have to work and try to win each part of this.

im actually gunna lose this fic which is super annoying bc it means i get 3rd LOL! aLMNFBFG
like memory lane i can win if im not dumb which i am so. winterbells i'll 100% lose like i lost to anna lol. endurance i'll 100% lose bc i'm such a forgetful slut i only lasted 40 mins in canadienne.... slide puzzles are legit my worst nightmare and then the mystery task i looked up from last ssn and it took them 11 mins so if i take more than that i lose... yay!

wow i can't wait to get 3rd place;;;; i feel like scott has gotten into rhys' ear and now i'm not the prime choice to be brought to final 2 grrr. at least thats what it seems like idk. ugh rhys doesnt deserve to make final 2 and it will make for a boring ftc zzzzzz who knows maybe scott or i can pull out an upset. i lowkey think scott would vote me out tho which is ugly and i would 100% be bitter at him idgaf KLFADHSKF
earlier i wasn't really sure what rhys and scott were thinking in regard to who they'll bring to f2, but since then i've talked w both more and i feel like 80% confident both will take me to final 2 so that's cute 8~] i don't think i'm doing well in the final immunity so far so i'm honestly banking on that lol.... as much as I think I'd have better chances against Rhys as the end, I am rooting for Scott to win it and bring me bc that is the ending this season deserves imho. i don't think there'd be a clear cut winner going into it and the ftc would be contentious as fuck... i hope at least lol. Scott def played a really dominant strategic game but def has some iffy relationships with jurors. I played a really purposefully utr game for most of the time but i think it's respectable, although there are some point against me like sitting out of so many challenges, that tie vote with jones voting early being the reason i was saved... but i think i can make a good case despite those faults and i'm honestly excited to show a new me at the live tribal. like i've been nervous as hell every time we had to go to tribal bc calling makes me anxious af, and that was def a contributing factor to me sitting out of the spelling challenge and even the card stacking one. so I'm planning on forming my case around that anxiety, and hopefully the contrast between my ftc performance compared to every live one before that will bank me the jury's respect. kind of like Kristie from AU survivor where she stunned the jury bc all game she had appeared so timid and dumb at tribals. hoping i can channel that energy and pull out the win hehe

so we got 5 and a half ish hours until deadline. uhm. i'm honestly really happy with my scores? like. i feel as if i have a big chance of winning this and that would be SOOOOO fucking good like both of them can smd honestly if they think im giving this chance up and getting 3rd or getting 2nd to ryan... like i love him but hes beyond dumb if he thinks im taking him to the end i cant throw a victory like that lol.
i dont wanna get 2 confident tho bc knowing my ass i'll be crushed if i lose this fic lol like at least if i dont i know ryan wins so it isnt that bad but it should be me!!! im a selfish cunt i need this jsjsjs
i say this after doing endurance for 5 and a half hrs so my brain is a little floopy rn :) forgive me :) aLFMNHFG
uhm ya. rhys can suck my ass as well with his OH IDK WHO I'D PICK!!! like bitch if u pick ryan enjoy a rerun of canadienne only this time ur losing unanimously lol

Honestly im done with Scott. Like stop being rude okay. Like I GET IT. YOU DONT WANT TO BE 3rd!. I GET IT. Like quit it with the "I dont want to wait to be cut", cause honestly, I dont know who im taking, OR IF IVE EVEN WON YET. so like stop it. Like ive been told im gonna loose, stop attacking me, because i essentially chooses who wins.
I think my immunity went good. I did good in all the parts I think.

ok.... time to guilt scott into bringing me to the end lmfao

Dammit I was so close to winning, but in the end from what I’ve heard I’d be the best choice for Scott to take to the end. So fingers crossed. Scott will take me there cause I really want to make the end. Even if I loose. I’m proud of my game and I just want to get as far as I can.

BIG FUN! CUS TONIGHTS THE NIGHT. bitchhh i get to pick who i want in f2 with me!!!

i feel like scott is gonna vote me out and i’m a bit gagged sbdbjsjsjs i really didn’t expect him to slit my throat like dis but. ig he wants to win badly and rhys most likely secures him an easy win so i cant blame him. still sucks though :C i thot we were solid dndjjdjs and ugh i dont wanna join that angry ass jury
ok so i'm still not giving up on tryna convince scott lol. honestly like i've made it this far in the game, no way i'm gonna accept defeat so easily. i don't actually know if it's better for scott to sit next to rhys than me, it probably is but seriously my game isn't amazing and i very well could see scott beating me. i think he's really overestimating how much the jury "hates" him like idk they aren't that petty, if anyone is it might just be michael. but scott really has dominated this game and everyone is aware of it, he should beat either of us.

So, this could be my last confession.
Scott, I don’t know where he was thinking. I thought it was general concensous that I was the one to loose. Yet here I am Scott is still unsure about who to take and it’s an hour 40 untill tribal.
So like this could speak well about my game if Scott worries he can’t beat me. It could also just be him wanting to take his best friend to the end. So yeah. I’m like 50/50 when I thought I should’ve been 99/1 about staying.
I can’t believe I’m here. I have a half chance at winning. That’s if we’re even which were probably not.
This is probably an uphill battle for me, so I have to go hard or I’m going home empty handed. I haven’t lasted this long just to come second. I do think I’ve played a winning game. I think I can make a killer final tribal preformance just to solidify my case. Hopefully this will be the third winner of celestial.

So final tribal happened.
Funny how has mo won that tiebreaker I would’ve lost unanimously. So thanks scott for winning that, and the FIC.
I think this could go either way tbh. However if I win it’s because of Scott’s bad jury management which isn’t the way I wanted to win. I would’ve preferred people to see my game more and respect that but because my moves weren’t big or flashy I have been put down to doing nothing.

it's 2 and a half hours until we find out the winner. am i nervous? absolutely.
do i feel as though i deserve to win? absolutely.
it just keeps ringing in my mind what ryan said in his speech that the jury seemed to root for rhys and be bitter against me. i feel as though my speeches and answers were much better than his and i was able to explain my game so much more clearer so i'm hoping that they reconsider and see that i controlled the game.
if i lose i'll be gracious and nice to rhys because at the end of the day it was my own fault that my jury management was bad but it'll definitely sting because i don't really see that he did much tbh alkfjhfg. i love him but it's tea. especially when he's said that i probably deserve it more. ):
i'm really just hoping for the best at this point! anything can happen and hopefully it'll be in my favour hehe. it's been an incredibly fun season and i wouldn't change it for anything else.
this has been mr scooty toots with his finale confessional, and hopefully mr scooty toots will join the winner and the hall of fame. hehe. will lowkey be awkward if i lose tho!! LOL but oh well alkdjfg
Scott wins in a 8-1 vote!
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