xxtwistieashleyxx · 2 years
"The Villain Himself"
TW: ! BL00D !
"no one knows who they are, he was a threat to Dreamland.. Rumors says that this mysterious borb has the ability to make anyone unrecognizable, however.. anyone Don't Know about her, but what they know, it was a Menace to society"
- Meta knight
Hehe New artwork goes brr
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Can you do something with dye it red by beadbadoobee it’s her best songgg 💕
Hi anon! this song fucking slaps, its one of her best songs frrr... i hope you enjoy <3
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This story is based off the song, Dye it red by beabadoobe, if you can please listen to the song as you're reading:)
Pairing: ellie x fem!reader
requests are always open, feel free to leave one:)
Warnings: murder, mentions of gore (not that graphic, but it's there), toxic situationship
Summary: In which you dyed your hair red
Authors note: thank you for 300 followers! I'm in tears, I love you all <3
Kiss my ass, you don't know jack
And if you say you understand, you don't
You don't
You don't
You don't
Fuck me, only when I'm keen
Not according to your beer
Your beer
Your beer
Your beer
you saw her contact name, appear on your phone. The red heart you put next to her name, mocking you.
god you were so stupid for falling for her
You hesitantly picked up the phone.
"Come over" you heard her demand from the other end. You could hear the music booming. She must've been at a party.
"Ellie" you said firmly. "You should stop calling me, I'm not a fucking dog that you can call, and expect to show up whenever you want"
"but I miss you baby" she slurred.
Yep, she was definitely drunk.
"Listen-" she started
"I know fucked up but I miss you-"
You didn't even let her finish before you ended the call.
You threw your phone onto the other side of the bed as you broke out in tears. You fell to knees as you held a pillow close to you. Normally Ellie would comfort you, but now she was the reason you were so broken.
You fucking hate love her.
Loud broken sobs left your mouth. She had no fucking right to call you. You deserved better, after what she put you through. The humiliation, the lies, the cheating- you didn't deserve that. No person does.
People like Ellie thought they were god. She always got what she wanted. She was always in control. She was attractive, confident. Narcissistic at times. She was a walking green flag.
Until the two of started seeing each other.
Ellie was nice to you in the beginning. She took you on dates, bought you everything, she spoiled you rotten. She made you soft.
When you thought the two of you were official, Ellie told you that she had been cheated on in the past and she couldn't commit. And you believed her.
You trusted her. You made excuses for her. You defended her.
The longer you and Ellie stayed in this 'relationship', the worse your life became.
You couldn't look in the direction of another women, but Ellie could flirt with as many as she wanted to. Ellie would go days without talking to you, only calling when she wanted a quick fuck.
It took you 7 months to realize that you meant nothing to her. And now here you were ignoring her calls, hoping that she'd leave you alone.
You couldn't block her, you loved her too much for that.
You were pathetic.
How could you love someone so heartless?
but the heart wants what it wants. And all you craved was Ellie.
You sobbed for hours.
Your eyes were puffy, your throat felt raw, before you picked up your phone again.
No calls or texts from her.
And here you thought she was trying to fix things.
So let me be what I've wanted to be
So let me cut my hair and dye it red if I want to
I haven't found myself so comfortable
I'm not stopping n
Touch me as if you mean it
Accept I'm getting tired of being all alone
And if it's not from you
Guess I'll find it on my own
you looked yourself in the mirror as you the red dye stained your hair.
You felt free. Like you could actually express yourself.
With Ellie you felt alone. So empty. She controlled your every move. What you wore, your hairstyles, everything.
She'd call you doll because you were only a doll in her eyes. Someone she could dress up, fuck and leave when she was done.
You thought she'd loved you.
The way she touched you, made you feel loved. Her warm hands on her waist, the tender kisses she left on your forehead. It felt like love, but it wasn't.
You saw the way she touched Dina. She looked at her with the same eyes she looked at you with. The same touches, the same smile, and the same promises.
You wanted to vomit when you realized that you weren't the only one.
There was before Ellie. A girl who was insecure, someone who thought she deserves to be alone. There was during Ellie, a girl who was controlled and suppressed, now there's after Ellie.
Who were you? Who were you without her?
Maybe dying your hair red, could give you the identity you craved.
You watched the dye color the water red, as you rinsed it out.
It reminded you of blood. It reminded you of Ellie's blood that flowed after you payed her a visit earlier that day.
You dried your hair and you looked at yourself in the mirror. You looked good like this.
Dying it red was a good idea, after all.
Think I'd be better off alone
Now that I've had some time to think
I've had to put up with your shit
When you're not even that cute
And maybe it's time to change my ways
But that doesn't include you
you've put up with her shit too long. You knocked angrily at her door, you just wanted to see her stupid face and tell her what you fucking thought of her.
Ellie opened up the door, and she looked at you with grin on her face "I see you came.. I knew you couldn't resist me"
You wanted to punch her so bad.
You gave her a fake smile before answering "of course I did, anything for my favorite girl"
Ellie smiled at your response.
She's so pretty.
No, she's not. She isn't.
Pretty people aren't bitches you thought to yourself.
You were here for answers, not to admire her.
Ellie welcomed you in with open arms. You silently walked behind her, and you truly felt out of place in her apartment, even though you were here so many times.
Everything was fine before she had to open her goddam mouth.
"You're so fucking pathetic, you know that right? You ended my call, but yet you're here" she laughed.
You blacked out. You were so fucking angry.
In an instant you grabbed a vase that was next to you and you hit Ellie over the head. You fell to your knees as you repeatedly hit her head with the vase.
When you snapped back to reality the only thing you saw was, blood shards of glass and Ellie's bloody body on the floor.
The blood was oozing from her head as it colored her hair red.
You stared at the scene. You were a murderer.
You left her apartment instantly. Not looking back to see if she was alive, you just left. You couldn't be in the same room with the person you loved so much at one point. You took her fucking life.
You got the urge to dye your hair after you killed her. Her hair looked so pretty red, but yours looked better.
You were a new person now. With new confidence, looks and energy.
maybe she didn't die in vain.
The next month after Ellie's murder, it was all peaceful. No more calls, texts, or insults.
You were free. You weren't her toy anymore.
You were a new person, it's all thanks to the girl who hurt you so much.
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pokeshadow · 2 months
Hey man! I just wanted to say that you’re one of the few writers that seem like they have fun writing, especially about these characters whose back stories are not super fun! It’s really a different set of pace to see stuilly stuff where they’re actually talking and dicking around like people. I just find that so much fun to read. Not that there aren’t many talented authors that write insanely dramatic shit and it’s just as life changing, but I think of your work often, and I enjoy that you take your time to write it to. Gen/ bc that shit is hard to do frrr.
So long story short, ur writing makes me very excited to read every word of it, and it also makes me insanely inspired to not be afraid to drag on scenes especially ones where they’re just talking and kicking it. <3
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Keep forgetting to reply to this because I have the memory skills of a wet noodle, but every time I see this (and this oh I'll think of a really good response! Then forget again) it makes me feel so happy. I'm always so anxious about how long my works are and how filled they are with non plot relevant stuff, but knowing other people actually enjoy it means the world to me. I just love to write people as PEOPLE, you know? I love tough and mean murder scene Billy just as much as the next Scream guy, but I feel not enough people let them just be humans, you know? Billy and Stu had lives outside that one murder plot, and I love having fun in that space.
Also I swear I'm still working on Montero, I just have this thing where I feel if I'm not focusing on art all the time I'm not improving and will fail, so my writing sometimes ends up taking a back seat. Plus end of last year/start of this year I was part of the Miguel zine Enraptured which was a paid piece so I felt I had to put everything aside for that aha. I'm not ignoring it, I just like to write the things happening in my mind right that second before I forget them rather than going chapter by chapter like a normal person. My libreoffice doc with Montero says chapter 1 is just page 1-56 out of a 148 page work (35,982 words of 85,994...) so far.... I refuse to have chapter 2 take 2 years though I swear to god
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pugscoffee · 9 months
If your taking asks:
-Who’s your favourite Heavenhold Champion?
-Favourite 3-Star, 2-Star and 1-Star/NPC?
-What’s your favourite world (Story-wise?)
-What’s your favourite world (Mechanic-wise?)
-What’s your favourite element?
-What’s your favourite weapon class?
-If you were a character in Guardian Tales, what would your element, weapon class, and role be?
-What is your favourite boss fight? And which boss do you hate fighting the most?
-If you play Guardian Tales, who’s usually on your team?
-If you could fight/punch 1 character in Guardian Tales, who would it be?
Before starting i want to say what i won't be answering your questions with "Knight","Garam" or "Craig" as response because (i am literally obsessed with them 24/7,like,the brainrot is in fact real.) i want to take this opportunity to talk about my other favorite characters i am very fond of,so now,let's start!
▪︎Who is your favorite Heavenhold Champion?
-My favorite Champion is definitely Coco! (Sorry Lilith,she always wins my heart 🫶🏻)Ough I LOVE HER OKAY??? (Platonic) I'm being honest when i say what she is a very well written character (and World 16 truly showcases that!),i love her personnality so much ok??? I still don't understand why there is people what doesn't like her,she is so nice! her design is cute,it looks so warm and comfyyy,Coco is a very relatable character too-....at least for me (Me 🤝 Coco= Having trust issues ),honestly,i get very happy everytime i see more content of her ingame (like fr,when i saw what Coco appeared in the second Summer Side-story i legit screamed of happiness 😭).
▪︎Favorite 3-Star,2-Star and 1-Star/NPC?
-Favorite 3-Star: LAPICE MY BELOVED WIFE OF COURSE!!!💞🩷💞🩷💞🩷💞🩷💞🩷(Again,sorry Lilith)My silly wifeyyy i'm going to cherish your dreams forever,maybe you don't have that much content ingame (and the Devs are aware of it,and still decided to make fun of it) but i still love you so much 🫶🏻
-Favorite 2-Star: EVA‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ She is awesome! I love her like.....Ourg Eva my beloved you're so amazing I LOVE (Platonic) YOUUUUUUUUU 🩷💞🩷💞🩷💞,best AroAce icon to me frrr 🤞🏻,also! haven't you see the way what she cares about the Princess???? It warms my heart so much ahlskelwwkel🥹💞 She is a very determined person with a great heart,and her knowledge of magic is so interesting,i would like to see the game expanding more the lore of how the magic works in Tetis tbh,and let me tell you her use of magic is cool! Even if is kinda looking goofy ingame tho (like please i would pay a shit ton of money just to have a class about how magic works and how to use it if Eva was my teacher fr 🙏🏻)LET MY GIRL APPEAR IN THE MAIN STORY AGAIN RIGHT NOW‼️‼️‼️🫵🏻
-Favorite 1-Star: AILIEEEEEEE‼️‼️‼️‼️ *fucking explodes*💥💥💥She is my silly underrated girl,she is a bit traumatized but that's understandable,she is capable of committing murder,does shady stuff,her current job is collecting stuff from rotting corpses,a kind of manipulative girl (fitting knowing her job),an Asexual Lesbian with a Boomer Bi Paternal figure what she cares so much of and defend him to dead if possible (according to the worms in my head 💞🩷💞🩷).Someone was stalking her? She knows and completely gaves a fuck about it ma girl can smack their head with a hammer anytime✌🏻,she probably would be a Twitter user in real life and send death threats,she is such a fucking bastard and she knows it✨️
I'm so fond of her unfortunately.
Hoping for her 3-star version soon 🙏🏻 -
▪︎What's your favorite World (Story-wise?)
-Honestly? I don't know..... Maybe World 16? It has so much Lore to dissect here....
▪︎What's your favorite World (Mechanic-wise?)
-None! I have a love/hate relationship with any game mechanics i fear :)
▪︎What's your favorite element?
-Hhhmm this is a hard one.... Light? Because Lapice and my daughters FP and Priscilla are here i guess.
▪︎What’s your favourite weapon class?
-Staff! I love what we can use Scythes there :)
▪︎If you were a character in Guardian Tales, what would your element, weapon class, and role be?
Element: Dark
Weapon: Staff
Role: Support (I know what i would suck at having a fighting role in GT lmao 💀)
▪︎What is your favourite boss fight? And which boss do you hate fighting the most?
-Maybe it was hellish for other players but i love fighting Beth,it was a good challenge! BUT Raid Fairy. I FUCKING HATE FIGHTING HER.
▪︎If you play Guardian Tales, who’s usually on your team?
-Lapice,FP or Priscilla,Hana and Miya most of the time. I need a better team to advance story mode tbh
▪︎If you could fight/punch 1 character in Guardian Tales, who would it be?
-Let me change that "1" to "3" because I want to punch the shit out of Halbal,Kaden and Morrian,and more Kaden honestly 👊🏻.
So that would be! Thank you so much for the questions! They were fun to answer! 🫶🏻💞🩷💞
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Writing prompt: rival teams, Engineer finds the enemy Medic injured and waiting for recovery, instead of going for the killing blow he lets him wait for the respawning medikit and pretends to have not seen him
tweaked this one just a little, hope that's ok! might post this on ao3 later, i actually ended up liking it more than i though i would :0
A moment of fear. A chance untaken. Just your normal, everyday(ish) encounter in the Badlands.
A chorus of bullets and rockets rang through the air as one RED Engineer wiped the sweat from his brow with his one free hand.
It'd been a rough day. Another case of RED and BLU ping ponging between capturing the same point, neither having managed to capture all 5 for least 3 hours, much to Everyone's dismay. Engie himself had had his entire nest blown up twice, mowed down by an ubercharged Heavy once, and had gone through respawn at least 7 different times.
Needless to say, it hadn't been ideal, and getting a level 3 sentry up with no dispenser at his disposal was no easy feat. (It'd gotten smashed up as soon as he started setting up the sentry. Go figure.)
But enough mulling over the past. The present was now, and presently? BLU was still frantically trying to make their 5th repush for control point #3 and he didn't want to make it any easier for them.
He scanned the battlefield for a certain friendly face, attention grabbed by a muffled, triumphant yell and the faint smell of kerosene.
"Hey, Py, you got a moment?" He called out to them, the arsonist in question turning their head when they'd heard their name.
Upon seeing Engie, they gleefully trotted over, slinging their flamethrower over their back in favor for their shotgun.
"Mrr, hurr uhr?"
"I'm outta metal and I need a dispenser but I don't wanna leave the ol' girl out here by herself. Think you could cover her for me for a few minutes?" He grinned apologetically, lightly tapping his sentry a few times with his wrench as it proceeded to murder BLU's own Pyro in cold blood. They gave him a thumbs up
"Hhur, urr hurrf!"
"Much appreciated, buddy. I'll be back as quick as I can!" He yelled out over his shoulder as he started jogging toward where he was vaguely sure the closest (and biggest) ammo box was, wrench still in hand as he made his way up the creaky wooden steps and into the barren, wooden shed.
"Ammo, ammo... where on Earth is that damn box..." Engie frowned to himself, hoping that this building even HAD an ammo box and didn't just have like... a giant health kit in it.
Yes, he knows he should've memorized where resupply points were by now, but give him a break, they'd all been fighting in the blazing New Mexico sun for hours with no end in sight. Everyone was getting pretty frazzled at that point.
He was honestly getting ready to just give up and go looking for another one, not wanting to keep Pyro waiting for too long. RED still had a fight to win, after all, and they needed as many people bullying BLU for their control points as they could get.
That is.. until he heard a startled gasp as he stepped into the last room in the building. Panic rose in him as he put his hand over his pistol, turning his back to the wall to see... a rather injured BLU Medic.
Ok, 'rather' was a bit LOT of an understatement. From what he could tell, the Medic in question had some rather nasty looking gashes in his right arm and abdomen, as well as several different bruises and cuts that implied he'd been in a pretty brutal fight. There was literally no way he had more than say... 20 health points, give or take.
And he seemed to be in the middle of (attempting) to patch himself up just as Engie had entered the room, frantically reaching over for his Crossbow and color draining from his face as he aimed it at his newfound enemy. Engie braced himself for the incoming syringe, putting his gloved hand in front of his face as some sort of shield when...
Click. Click. Click...
Engie turned back around in time to see him close his eyes and let out a wheeze of defeat, slumping against the wall behind him as both his arms dropped to the floor.
"Please, just... make it quick," He croaked, more blood dribbling out of the side of his mouth and onto his already sullied coat.
A bullet to the head and all of this would've been over. A solid wack with his wrench would've done the same job. Hell, he was pretty sure he could shoot the wall NEXT to this man and he'd just about keel over.
But something about seeing BLU's Medic so... defeated, so vulnerable, made something in him... hesitate.
So he left. Just plain hightailed it out of there, leaving a completely confused enemy healer in his wake.
By the time he was able to find a full box of ammo, he could feel his heart about to beat out of his chest. Whether that was out of fear, adrenaline, or something... else, he couldn't say.
When Pyro saw him returning, they'd waved to him, the Homewrecker in hand and a broken sapper at their feet.
"Hrr! Hurr huuf hur ffo mrrg?"
"Oh uh.. I got a little lost. All this sun is makin' my head spin. Sorry Py, I didn't mean to keep you," He chuckled sheepishly. He could feel them raising an eyebrow at him through their gas mask but they shrugged it off, getting their flamethrower out again.
"Drr hur frrr mrrd mrr?"
"Naw, you're free to go bud. Thanks again for your help!" Engie grinned, Pyro giving another thumbs up before turning and charging into the fray.
As Engie opened up his tool box and started getting his dispenser up, he couldn't help but start thinking about his... encounter with BLU Medic again, pausing only to shoot his pistol at a Scout that had somehow managed to evade his sentry's range of fire.
He couldn't remember a time he'd hesitated like that before. Even when he was first starting out, he knew his job included a rather hard and fast "shoot people first, ask questions later" guideline, it really wasn't like him to not take such an easy kill.
'It was just wanting to get back to Pyro before things got ugly,' he thought to himself. 'Wasn't good to ask a teammate for a favor and make them wait for you when they could be out causing havoc, after all.'
But deep down, he couldn't help but think it was more than that, which was a terrifying thought in and of itself.
So he pushed it aside, focusing on keeping his wits about him and his machines up and running. And if he paused every once in a while to see if he could spot a bloody blue lab coat and tousled hair curl in the sea of bullets and gunpowder before him?...
...well that wasn't anything anyone else needed to know about.
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s-oneireutika · 2 years
So basically life is shieeeeetttttt reallllyyy shiettt . Like this movies u know.. this aesthetic 2003 movies that stars life is destroyin shiet. My mom is a crazy bich my dad is a controlling piece of shiet ☆ My school counsellor trys to help me I have one friend but I don't mind cause I love her ♡ my mom was depressed she have been in psychiatrists and counsellors so many times she get so many pills . She blackmealed me so many times do this or I kill myself do this or I leave the house◇ BICH JUST LEAVE FR FRRR. School told that I do not have many clothes and rhat my clothes are weird. YEAH THAT IS BECAUSE THEY DO NOT GIVE ME MONEY TO BUY CLOTHES U KNOW. I cutted myself. I stopped eating. I smoked .I drinked. I almost killed myself because I drunk too much. I am killing the reality. So you see. You are not like me. Your parents do not buy u what u want my parents do not even want me. Dont you know how many times I have seen a knife in my mom's hand. Today she hold a knife and she told me that she will cutted herself . U know... me and you are not the same. I cried. I begged you too help me. You told me to go too church or that what I told u was a joke. Bich. Me and you are not the same. You are such a motherfucker . Life was easy to you . Life destroyed me. The day I was born I was born wrong and they have to put me in surgery because they said "I was wrong" well fuck you. Fuck you fuck you. This is not enough. No this is not enough. I am asking for help. Nobody else so we can be free. This is not enough.
So just for you to know. Maybe I grow up and be a murderer.
Or a drug addict.
Or killed.
But all these is your fault
I asked for help so many times .
So many people.
I told you. All of you .
This can be fixed. I can be fixed
I am sorry
I am sorry
I am sorry
I am sorry
I am sorry
I am sorry
I am sorry
I am sorry
I am sorry
I am sorry
I am sorry
I am sorry
I am sorry
I am sorry
I Am sorry
I am ssorry
I am sorry
I am sorry
I am sorry
I am sorry
I am sorry
I am sorry
I am sorry
I am sorry
I am sorry
I am sorry
I am sorry
I am sorry
I am sorry
I am sorry
I am sorry
I am sorry
I am sorry
I am sorry
I am not the one who put you there.....
I am sorry
I am sorry
I am sorry
I am sorry
I am sorry
I am sorry
I am sorry
I am sorry
I am sorry
I am sorry
I am sorry
I am sorry
I am sorry
I am sorry
I am sorry
I am a bad person an that can't be fixed I am sorry
I am sorry
I am sorry
I am sorry
I am sorry
I am sorry
I am sorry
I am sorry
I am sorry
I am sorry
So fucking sorry
I am sorry
I am sorry
I am sorry
I am sorry
I am sorry
I am sorry
I am sorry
I am sorry
I am sorry
I am sorry
I am sorry
I am sorry
I am sorry
I am sorry
I am sorry
I am sorry
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