duskymrel · 2 months
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tangomango2017 · 5 years
Thoughts on the Chinese DotA Animated Series, The Tower Will Go On, and its two main characters
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It’s been five years since this animated series based on Warcraft 3 Dota was made. The fan forum is still alive, and it’s amazing to witness the fan dedication to this work, in the form of essays, debates and even a ridiculously detailed second-by-second analysis of the opening theme.
But I barely got a glimpse of those essays before they were removed, apparently to be scrutinized by their internet police for objectionable content. The series itself has also been taken off all China websites, such that China’s fans themselves can’t watch them even if they wanted to revisit. Which makes me so glad that I have all the episodes in HD.
Anyway, on to the show itself. It’s divided into two parts:
Season One is about Crystal Maiden forming her rag-tag team of Radiant/Sentinel heroes. It’s light-hearted and full of jokes. The heroes die a lot and revive at the fountain every time. Sniper’s death count reaches above 300 at one point.
Season Two (titled Death for the Reborn) is darker as the team clashes with the Dire/Scourge and the war intensifies. The plot gets more complicated with internal factions, spying and conspiracies. The rules change: the river that revives dead heroes gets corrupted, so deaths are permanent.
One’s reaction to this show would likely be: “No! This isn’t Dota. This isn’t Invoker at all! What travesty is this?!”
But first, let’s consider these two things:
Firstly, the story is set in the game map. All hero skills and items stay faithful to the game. There is no ‘lore’ to speak of, as this series came out before Valve took over Dota. During that period, ownership of Dota was attributed to Ice Frog, who’s referenced in episode 2.
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Eul’s Scepter in the show
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Old Eul’s Scepter in Dota 1
Secondly, it’s fan-made. And as with all fan creations, anything’s possible.
For example,
It’s possible for Bloodseeker to be gay with a jungle creep(centaur) and foster a baby centaur.
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Bloodseeker X Jungle Centaur in the show
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Old Strygwyr in Dota 1
It’s possible for a carry to be so fed, he’s ten times the size of another:
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Daddy Doom and his Little QuoP
Love it or hate it, this fan tribute to Dota is in a class of its own. It’s entertained me for hours, made me laugh, sigh, cringe, think; it was one hell of a nostalgic ride back to Warcraft Dota days. And it will always have a special place in my heart.
And now, on to the main characters…
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The protagonist - a tribute to Support Heroes
‘Little Ice’ (China’s pet name for Crystal Maiden) is a fan-service kind of character whose appeal is mostly sexual and emotional. I won’t talk much about her but I won’t write her off completely either.
So Little Ice starts off with a dream to rise above her destiny as a position 5 support. She’s left her team carry (Dragon Knight) as she resents him for being overbearing and overly task-oriented. (It’s unclear what’s the relationship between the two, though they hug a couple of times). She tries to carve a career for herself, forming her own rag-tag team. But reality is a wet blanket, and like her role in the game, her impact on the story is limited and she ends up having her heart broken several times.
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Old Crystal Maiden from Warcraft 3 Dota
In the show, she is depicted as a klutz with a bad sense of direction and is sometimes impulsive, casting Freezing Field at the most ridiculous, anti-climactic moment and generally doing stuff that would be considered ‘bad decision making’ in the game.
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But despite her limitations, the girl has a mind of her own. She stands firm in her beliefs and is courageous enough to try to protect her male teammates. Even when said teammate is the Dragon Knight being bashed up by Roshan.
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She is also fiercely loyal, refusing to abandon the dying Bristleback and instead managing to persuade DK to risk a Roshan fight to get the Aegis.
Overall, I’d say her character serves two purposes here: as a shoutout to under-appreciated Support players, and as a symbol of innocence. This trait of hers is seen as a weakness and is used to comical effect, yet, at the same time it is also something to be prized and guarded. The Queen of Pain (portrayed as a man-hater with lesbian tendencies) mocks her several times for her naivety, yet she admits that CM represents the innocence that she’s lost and that she needs to protect.
From Zero to (Anti) Hero
The central character, Kael (pronounced Ka-er, I’ll refer to him as Carl since it matches the Chinese pronunciation) appears in the second episode and drives the entire story with his zero to anti-hero arc. The title of Season Two refers to him being reborn from the ashes (he was Doomed and almost killed in a fire). He is the only one besides QoP to have a backstory (both underwent the trauma of having their entire homeland and families destroyed).
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Invoker from Warcraft 3 Dota
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Invoker from Season One of the show
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Invoker from Season Two
While this Invoker is as OOC as he can get, there’s no denying the detail that has been put into his design. For example, in Season 2 his orbs are actually faces, perhaps representing the connection of Invoker’s volatile temperament to his elemental powers.
Just as the two parts of the show are divided into a dichotomy of light and dark, there are two different depictions of Invoker in each part.
Season One Invoker
If you’ve ever played this hero, Season One will remind you of how it felt the very first time you tried him in a game. Clueless, powerless, the butt of your teammates’ jokes perhaps.
Carl first appears in episode two quoting that famous line from Shakespeare’s Hamlet. It sounds really pretentious (not that surprising for Carl), but considering that Hamlet killed someone by accident in the play, it’s also a kind of foreshadowing of what will happen later on.
So Carl is introduced as a depressed guy trying to hang himself. In a comically tragic manner, he tells his story as a former prince who lost his home, sought refuge with the Dire/Scourge but is constantly scorned for being useless as he hasn’t figured out his spells.
With a background like that, who wouldn’t be damaged for life? But CM sees him as even more vulnerable than her, and he brings out the encouraging and protective side of her. Of course, the naive part of her ignores the fact that he is a defector from the enemy side.
Carl is of course extremely grateful, having found the acceptance he’s always longed for, and one can see the beginning of a pure, somewhat platonic love between the two.
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In China, Invoker/CM are almost regarded as canon pairing, with roots going back to Kael’thas/Jaina from Warcraft.
Initially, she brings out the good qualities in him, such as courage and self-sacrifice. Noob Carl is actually quite lovable, even willing to take one for the team by ‘donating’ blood to the Bloodseeker. He forges a strong friendship with the gang and they have a lot of fun fending off their one enemy in Season One.
Although he’s harmless at this point, his uselessness repeatedly emphasized by all characters, there are glimpses of his more complicated self, such as when he uses his knowledge and cunning to get the team out of trouble. More foreshadowing of who he is to become is given by the Queen of Pain, who tries in vain to warn CM about his potential for evil.
Meteoric Rise to Power
Two events serve as catalysts to the awakening of his powers. First there’s the excessively bloody whipping that Queen of Pain gives him, just because she feels like it. This happens in the middle of a team fight and in his state of desperation, it is his thoughts of CM (whose nickname is literally, Little Ice Ice) that unlocks his first skill, Ghostwalk. At the same time, the sinister side of him awakens as he turns the tables on the Queen and blinds her in one eye before burying her alive.
And then he gets punished by Doom, who’s rather high up in the hierarchy here. Doom (whom everyone calls ‘Daddy’) is furious to find out that his beloved god-daughter, his Little QuoP has been hurt. He finds out about this in an interesting manner - by devouring the jungle centaur that witnessed the incident.
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Tiny, CM, etc: (keeps quiet)
Doom: Very well, I shall find out the truth (devours jungle creep).
(everyone watches on nervously)
Doom: …CARL!
Carl: Yes Daddy?
Doom: How dare you eat my cookies!
Carl: I don’t get what you’re talking about, Daddy
Doom: You’ll get THIS, you little shit.
Season Two Invoker
After being doomed and running into the forest in agony, Carl goes missing for a while. A flashback later shows Dazzle’s saved him and bandaged him up like a mummy. By chance, Windranger finds him when her Powershot arrow accidentally hits him. Probably out of guilt, she brings him home and cares for him for three months. When Ogre Magi harasses WR and sets her house on fire, Carl rises from the ashes with a complete makeover, a costume change, full mastery of magic and a marked change in personality. The change feels really abrupt and I’d have preferred something more gradual. But the writers probably wanted a striking contrast between the two seasons.
So he helps her fend off the Ogre and she falls in love with him. But he stays true to CM.
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Despite what this shot in the opening theme suggests, WR doesn’t force herself on him. She’s really cool.
In Season Two, Carl’s personality becomes much more conflicted, longing to return to CM yet afraid to endanger her with Doom hot on his heels. While she thinks about him in her quiet moments, he watches over her in invisible form. The next triggering event is when the Dragon Knight beats him to rushing to CM’s rescue. He is consumed by jealousy and the fire element comes to the forefront. From then on, his emotional instability deteriorates further, and with some goading from Dazzle, he forms a plan to destroy DK with Ancient Apparition’s Ice Blast dealing the killing blow.
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However that plan goes tragically wrong when his old friend Bristleback walks into the Sunstrike spot. One mistake leads to another, and he ends up killing QuoP as well. That confrontation between the two is one of the most dramatic scenes I’ve ever seen. When the Queen threatens to reveal his bad deeds to CM, he starts grovelling and begging her for forgiveness, but it turns out it’s all an act allowing him to get close to her for a tornado. Despite the cringeyness there is a special kind of satisfaction in seeing one’s favourite video game character display the whole range of emotions, just as it’s satisfying seeing him perform the whole shebang of spells after being abused for the first ten episodes.
Carl’s final move is one that completely breaks CM’s heart. He steals the Aegis meant for saving Bristleback’s life. However, his motivation isn’t very clear and was the topic of much debate and speculation among the Chinese fans at that time. But going by his character’s trajectory, it’s highly likely he’s doing it for self-preservation. After all, Doom’s absolutely livid that he’s killed QuoP and the Aegis is his only chance at standing against Big Daddy Doom. But the ending leaves questions unanswered. Now that he’s pissed off both sides, what’s to become of him? Is his character totally irredeemable? How will the war end? Season Three was supposed to be in the works, but never materialized. 
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zenosanalytic · 7 years
DS9: Tribunal to Prophet Motive
Overall S2 wasn’t really that much better than S1, though it did have a handful of eps that were genuinely “good” television. S3’s also spotty but slightly better. One S3 trend I don’t like is the SUPER heavy-handed selling of Kira/Odo from basically the first ep on, and how it comes entirely out of nowhere. Also, Keiko is royally and consistently shafted and ignored, which is frustrating as hell. They FINALLY give her something to do, and not only is it presented as a “gift” from her husband(which, Ick! Like she’s not following the going’s on in her own damn profession???), they use it to effectively write her off the show! Ridiculous >:(
Tribunal: Bad. What’s the point of doing a courtroom ep that isn’t a courtroom ep? Sure, I can understand the theoretical appeal of the irony of a trial episode about a show trial, but you really need to embrace the absurdity of the concept for it to work and they didn’t. Also, the Cardassians are one-note(like all the non-human species in ST), and their one-note is “Order”, so Cardassian law, even if entirely show-trials in practice, really ought to be procedurally meticulous. An ep about Odo, skilled in these procedures from his time as a Cardassian security chief, out bureaucrating a culture of military bureaucrats to stall for time while the DS9 crew finds dirt to blackmail the Cardassians with would have been great and probably darkly funny; this was just dull. Also, there’s no way the Fed would stand for a Starfleet officer being snatched out of a Fed shuttle in Fed space like that, smuggling weapons or no, or believe for one second the Cardassian claim weapons were on the shuttle in the first place, given their past experiences. This would have caused a major diplomatic incident, and the Fed embassy corps on Cardassia Prime would have been all over O’Brien like ants on a summer picnic.
The Jem’Hadar: Fun and Good. Trying to do something simple and succeeds. Quark’s rant to Sisko about Ferengi history is obvsl convenient writing rather than fact -in TNG they’re aggressive, needlessly violent cruel pirates who, I’m pretty sure, are explicitly slavers as well- but it SHOULD be right. They’d be more interesting as a culture built around a capitalism that never saw any profit in compulsion. Historically, while slavery pre-dated capitalism in Earthican societies, slavery as we think about it -dehumanization, brutality, murderous forced labor- has nigh-universally been associated with capitalism, and quite frequently with commerce(Greek, Roman, and American slavery were all basically built around ag production for commercial markets[though slave-artisans based in cities was a significant part of the Greek and Roman systems as well]). That internal contradiction, attached to a larger ethical distaste for direct, personal violence(and valorization of tattling that’d go along with the instinctive distress-cry DS9 gives to Ferengi), while still being the profit-driven thieves and schemers they are, would have been Compelling.
The Search is… OK. I mean, as television it’s fine. The plot doesn’t make any damn sense though. The Dominion makes it clear they don’t want the Fed entering their territory and the Fed’s response is… to infiltrate deep into their territory to find the Homeworld of their leaders and confront them with the only warship in the Fed fleet? This move is basically designed to start a war. Also, they seem to forget that they’ve had Odo come to the Gamma Quadrant before, so his whole “I feel drawn to this nebula” deal seems out of left-field. Also Also, they should have used The Defiant to add the Romulan liaison as a regular cast member, instead of bringing on Eddington and doing nothing with him. Having Sisko, who has had an excellent relationship with Odo until now, suddenly giving this speech about how he doesn’t like that Odo isn’t “a team player” is pretty ridiculous as well(and out of character. Sisko’s not a team player. His WHOLE CREW is made up of square pegs just like himself). Also Also Also, a Romulan security officer who spends a season or two building up relationships with the maincast, sashaying around being arrogant and cynical in Romulan kimonos during her off-time, gradually developing Maquis sympathies, becomes Sisko’s evil!Valjean and remains so until nearly the end of the series would have been a genuinely surprising character-arc requiring consistently good writing to sell, and kind of explain why, in later eps, the Romulans wouldn’t require one of their own to protect and operate the cloak. Or hey! Maybe her becoming a Maquis could begin as a plot to foment rebellion in the Fed, that’d be neat.
Equilibrium: Meh
Second Skin: Good in some parts, but that the journals would be what starts cracking Kira up isn’t believable and it just isn’t mindfucky enough. Also, Kira’s warmth towards her fake dad at the end of the ep didn’t feel earned. Maybe if they’d had her bond with him over having lost family in the Occupation.
The Abandoned: pretty offensively essentialist, really. Especially given the plotline later in the series(iirc) about a Jem’Hadar trying to break his people’s addiction to ketracel-White, which kinda undermines this eps whole “the Jem’Hadar have no will of their own and are genetically programmed soldiers that it’s useless to reason with” line.
Civil Defense: good. It remains unbelievable to me, though, that Starfleet wouldn’t have done a complete refit of the whole station the minute the Cardassians left, especially given the Star Trek obsession with hard-wired, analog computing.
Meridian: a noxious pile of garbage all round. The subplot is skeezy, but at least it’s in-character, well-written, and believable which the main plot certainly is not. I kinda wish that, if they were going to include such a scummy sub-plot in the ep, they’d at least made it a bit interesting by subverting expectations. At the end, have Tiron be at first taken aback, and then surprisingly pleased with Kira’s modifications to the program. He walks out, “deeply satisfied” with the program and pays 20% extra for it, compliments Quark on his “creativity” as a holodesigner with a slightly amorous look, Quark is clueless and confused yet pleased, Kira and Odo are absolutely mortified. Then maybe leave it around as a Chekov’s Gun; Quark makes a secret copy(of course), offering it to only his best customers, it leads to a small but noticeable increase in custom, then someday in a later season he checks it out and is Horrified to find he’s unknowingly made himself one of the most popular porn-performers in the sector :|
Defiant: fine as it is, except there should have been a bit about HOW the Maquis found out about the Defiant and knew about its cloak. This would be a good time to introduce the long-arc of the Romulan officer’s Maquis sympathies/attempts to use her position on DS9 to co-opt the Maquis and undermine the Federation.
Fascination: dumb and really Skeezy, Ferrell’s is the only entertaining performance in the ep, but, again, the smooch-directing of this series is uncommonly good. Also: Miles is not just a bad dad, but also a bad husband. Also Also: Bajor’s only 3 hours away in a runabout or shuttle for Frak’s sake? You can’t be bothered to go visit her?? People in Texas regularly make three hour drives every DAY.
Past Tense: One of my favorite eps of the series; heavily Nostalgic for me. Having now read To Say Nothing of the Dog, however, I do wish ST writers treated Time and Causality as more robust and stubborn than they tend to.
Life Support: The inevitable killing off of a past love-interest to free Kira up for Kirdo. Bareil was bland and boring anyway, even if his performances in S3 were much improved. Why the heck is the Kai negotiating treaties??? That the Kai and Vedeks plays a direct, institutional role in Bajoran politics needed to be established before jumping into a plotline about the Kai negotiating a secret peace pact with Cardassia. The subplot with Jake and Nog, which reduces the question of female personhood to a “cultural issue” in the context of Nog’s misogyny ruining Jake’s chances with a girl who never appears again(iirc), is repulsive in about a half-dozen ways.
Heart of Stone: Ho-hum. The Nog in Starfleet storyline is good, but they should have built up to it in previous eps. Wesley spends pretty much all his time before acceptance doing science experiments and apprenticing in various departments on Enterprise to build up his resume just to qualify to take the exams; having Nog accomplish the same task with a letter of rec is kinda |:T Also: wouldn’t Sisko have pointed out that, in the Fed and Starfleet, Nog’s “gift” would be interpreted as an attempted bribe and get him immediately arrested? Seems like an important cultural rule to point out to a Ferengi |:T |:T
Destiny: Good. Ulani and Gilora are obviously lesbians and I won’t hear another word on the matter u_u
Prophet Motive: Fun and Good, though the “evolved” talk re: social constructs and cultural modes was annoying.
Why are S3′s subplots so much better done than it’s main ones? I imagine the discipline of having limited time to complete them in has something to do with it. Some other observations:
A-plot B-plot structure is entirely standard in S2 and S3, probably because it’s an obvious way to include such a large cast, but then all the plots revolve around the same handful of characters, so the opportunity is wasted.
It’d have been nice if every species was given the same variety of clothing the Ferengi get to have. Having Caradassians wear mil uniforms IN THEIR OWN HOMES, and when they are scientists, is absurd.
DS9 continues the Trek tradition of having a real nebulous and unexplained relationship with money.
DS9 really needed more women writers and head-writers on staff. Why are male writers so bad at this???
I really need to get in the habit of taking notes while I watch so I can give more detailed reactions later -__-
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heroheart · 7 years
i really wanna watch s2 but is it That bad??? :((
ummm ok i'm gonna try and answer this as objectively as i can but it gets very very long so i’m putting this under a read more in case yall think i’m Whining
(ok it’s really long)
the one thing that makes me very sad about season 2 of sg is that, for me, it's lost the main feminist undertones™ that made me wanna watch it in the first place. (kinda comes with the loss of caIista fIockhart/cat grant, and the forcing of mon eI into the scene.)
james's character was almost completely binned.-- literally overnight from 1.20 to 2.01, kara, who'd spent the entirety of season one pining for him 'james is one of the most incredible people i've ever met. he makes me be a better superhero.' (paraphrased) immediately turns round and tells him that they're better off as friends, after one date (continuously interrupted by Crime™ which is ok??? that's what happens when you're secretly a superhero???) but she's literally... she was always smitten by him and i don't? know why they decided to get rid of a relationship built on so much respect and trust?
on the subject of james, i don't think their relationship would've worked out (purely because james has always been in the shadow, whether it's standing at sg's side or superman's, and as the season unveiled guardian, it kinda made sense tbh. but kara and james had so much chemistry which was immediately trampled all over with the arrival of mon eI.)
kara's relationship with mon eI has hindered a lot of her character growth, which is very sad. especially as the show is literally... about her... she's the titular protagonist... if anything, a character should allow her to grow (even negatively. for example, max Iord. even then, max Iord's character was a device for baby superhero kara to understand that she can't decide who lives and dies.)
the writers handle a lot of scenarios quite poorly. for example, winn gets a girlfriend, Iyra. she's an alien refugee from starhaven and most likely has ptsd from the treatment she suffered. she had an anger outburst, and the writers tried to ??? make it funny??? like it was a comedic moment??? smashing beer bottles and yelling at winn (who, remember, was raised by a serial killer...buddy) and i think it's important to highlight mental illness, but it was so calloused??? the writing was so poor here and let down her character.
with a lot of scenes, and a lot of episodes, i've felt as though the writers have thought of a Really Cool Plot (for example, alex being kidnapped because someone figured out who sg is and therefore that she was her sister. having maggie and kara working together, when they've butted heads before, to save the person that they care about the most. that's a sick idea. i like that.) but they change the characters in order to service the plot. for example, kara relying on her muscle and powers to save alex, and having to be taught that she has to use her words sometimes by maggie. this is by no means anti-maggie. this is the writers forgetting the copious sg speeches™ that kara's delivered throughout the series about hope and humanity and how we can be better. to me, it's just... lazy. it’s lazy writing.
mon eI is a problem for me. that's it. that's the bullet-point.
(ok no. mon eI is a problem for me because the writers wrote kara rejecting his advances MULTIPLE times throughout the first half of the season, only to turn around and be like 'actually maybe i can have it all' and suddenly falling for him in like 2 episodes? he personally embodies a lot of traits i don't like in general so. douchebag mcgee)
all female characters' screentime has cut in half. even kara's. what are you doing with this extra screentime what is going on why is this happening
SO ! MUCH ! HAPPENS ! sooooo much. so much. it's so rushed. the plots are cool, but there are so many of them. they're like - piling every single cliche and every single possible story arc into thie season, and it's just... a lot. this leaves a lot of the other arcs rushed and unfulfilled, and it's kinda like ... weird... for example, jeremiah comes back and kara and alex butt heads because he's a cadmus operative, and there were some really quite nasty things said by both of them (for example, it became a kind of blood vs adoptive family thing and that...yikes. i feel for both of them.) this was not resolved. this was not spoken about. the danvers sisters did not talk about this. the danvers sisters, who talk about everything, who talk about homeland theories and what they're going to have for dinner, and probably kara asking alex stupid shit like 'why have i never seen a baby pigeon', did not talk about a possible schism in their family.
for every 10 minutes of screentime kara/mel gets, san/vers gets 30 seconds. i adore alex's coming out arc. and i adore her relationship with maggie. i really do. however, to me, it feels like the writers are  like 'haha, see, we've got a canon wlw relationship... as long as we give them 0.2 seconds every 5 episodes, all is well. we're progressive. we appeal to the lgbt community.' and from what i've seen, the audience is largely lgbt. (hey, it's rare to find canon f/f pairings that don’t die so when you do, boy you jump on that.) i would love to see more maggie/alex i love them:/
the writers have been pushing the fact that romantic love > familial love since the start of the season and it's a useless rhetoric which i don't need to see lol
tl;dr: a lot of the characters are ooc, mon eI is a problem, and the core of the show has been lost.
butttttttt i'm gonna give you some actual good things which happen in season two.
Iena Iuthor, love of my life, light of my world. possibly one of the only saving graces for the season for me. a Good depiction of a woman in science, a ceo, and overcoming previous stereotypes and crawling out of the shadow of her family. i love her and she deserves better than everything this show's thrown at her
san/vers... my daughters... making alex a lesbian was the best decision season 2 made. one of the worst is not developing maggie beyond 'she's alex's girlfriend, she has trust issues, and is a lesbian cop with a traumatic past'. 
superman being present when kara is able to actually step out of his shadow. cIark also beginning to understand and appreciate kara's feelings on the matter. 
james stepping out as guardian!!! my boy!!! please devote more time to my beautiful boy because he didn't get nearly enough screentime as he deserved. actually, he pretty much disappeared for most of it.
                        honestly if you want to watch it, then watch it. what i say isn't gonna change that, and it's not gonna change what happened. maybe i'm just bitter and cynical and maybe it's not actually that bad i really don’t know anymore 
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