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queersatanic · 25 days ago
Worry feels like doing something, as if the more you experience distress, the more you’ve done. But feeling changes nothing.
A frenzy of sudden activity and quick, quitting exhaustion also feels like accomplishment. “I did everything I could!”
But things are very bad, and we need more than that.
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tparadox · 29 days ago
Trying to stay away from the news but thinking about the show TikTok put on did get me feeling like we're really cooked. The courts are still packed. They've had four years to plan how to get away with being even worse than last time. The mainstream news media spent the last four years playing into his hand, and now not only are the leaders of all the major US tech giants are in bed with the guy now, but Tiktok just showed us how willing they are to kiss up.
And I have to just remind myself, thinking we're already beaten is how they win, and this show of power and influence is part of that. You know what else has happened in the last few years that they can't play to their advantage? Mass dissatisfaction with the mainstream social platforms spurring a proliferation of alternatives they can't control so easily. Grassroots information sharing and citizen journalism. We've been able to study how they've used the avenues of information, misinformation, and disinformation and drawn some lessons we can hopefully use to bring the truth to people and places that have been closed off from it.
Things aren't going to get better the way he promised, and midterms are coming up. We can't stop everything they want to do, but we can sure slow them down until then.
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lebuc · 5 months ago
the work
* step aside, time - we're busy building a tower to the sky
requiring much thought & effort & fatigue is not an option. *
from far & wide they shall praise our yet unheralded mission with the attendant honor we so clearly deserve.
need i mention the great import i now compel you to validate by your presence, your body & your devotion? *
for those without the gate shall suffer the anguish of the lonely
& those without purpose or goal shall cower in the shadows of what we've wrought
& someday bow to the ineffable intent we portend, inherent within our very being. *
far be it for me to convey to you, further the urgency of my appeal...
by the way, Heather & Jamal are bringing snacks & refreshments to the staff meeting
an hour & a half from now in the big conference room at the home office... don't forget to bring the quarterly loss projections. * 10/24 - lebuc - the work
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Guys, i was thinking about this post, and i wanted to do some digging so-
Muriels playlist:
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For the cynicals (quoting @akari-ku for it is their post that inspired this)
GOOD TIME- 'Hmm-mmm-mmm: H
EVERYTHING IS AWESOME- 'Everything is awesome!': E
SHAKE IT- 'Lets drop!' : L
MMMBOP- 'Oh, oh oh, oh oh' : O
DOG DAYS ARE OVER -'Happiness hit her' : H
EVERYDAY- 'Everyday, its a-getting closer' : E
LET IT GO- 'Let it go, let it go' : L
DONT WORRY BE HAPPY- 'Here's a little song i wrote' : H
EVERY SUMMERTIME- 'Eighteen, we were undergrads' : E
LETS GROOVE- 'Let this groove' : L
GET LUCKY- 'Like the legend of the Phoenix' : L
WALKING ON SUNSHINE- 'Oh! Ooooh yeeh' : O
This is awesome im investigating them all now
Thank you @akari-ku for bringing this to my attention this is so cool
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paintingofapanicattack · 2 years ago
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unaturalhistory · 6 months ago
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The Work
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dreaminginthedeepsouth · 8 months ago
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[Vintage National Geographic Scans: Photo]
* * * *
"Finally, we should take seriously Gurdjieff's notion of the third world and put aside any notion that the Work is ultimately concerned with what we know as our 'inner world'. Here we may part company with those many people who reject the outer world as inferior and consider the inner world as more real—it is not so. The psychic world is not even more spiritual than the outer world of physical events and action: it is a very major step to become liberated from attachment to the inner life and discover that the mind is no nearer to God than our flesh.
That is why the tradition of the Work has always been concerned with practical action in the world and the fulfilling of the true needs of people. The Work is concerned with human progress, not subjective experience, and those that have eyes to see are under the obligation to act accordingly. To serve the Work consciously is a very great thing and among the last things for a man. But there is in this something in which we can all share, namely the need to make manifest the Work as we see it. In the Sermon on the Mount, it is put "Let your light so shine before men that they shall see your good works and glorify your Father which is in Heaven." Though a new statement of what is required is needed for the New Age, the words of Jesus point the way: there is an obligation to manifest. As we shall see, the way to this is not easy for we have to be free of dishonesty and self for it to be right."
~ J.G. Bennett, 'Teachings from Sherborne. Work & the 3rd force'
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yourfavealbumisgender · 1 year ago
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The Work by Rivers of Nihil is Transgender and Polyamorous!
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galaxysharks · 1 year ago
Adding to the list of Madlyn songs
Give your heart a break POV Ashlyn?
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leon-production · 1 year ago
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If you're looking for a monument, look around 🌈
The work of photographer Zach Nichols.
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uschi-the-listener · 2 years ago
Nightingales and Mockingbirds
don't look like much.
And their little voices
pure and clear
Are not Art.
That which is artfully constructed,
made by human hands,
not created by Nature
and only a part of the Universe
because there was a thought
and a plan
an idea
and Artifice.
And these tiny brown creatures
by instinct alone
(Not like Picasso
or Mozart
or Michaelangelo
or Kahlo
who created
But in the way of
a tall palm tree
or a cabbage rose
An ocean
A craggy cliff
that are beautiful
and do not know it.
It is called
A Work of Art
because it did not
grow or form or
randomly burst
into existence.
Work was done.
Creation occurred:
prodded, pushed,
carved and sweated over.
A sunset is not
A Work of Art.
Or a nightingale
or Mount Fuji
or a Redwood forest.
Works of Nature
do no work at all.
And Artists
Works of Nature
and may be beautiful
without effort
But their Creation
their tears, the ocean of sweat
frustration and eventual
partial success
surpasses their
little lives
as the music of the Mockingbird
surpasses his querulous
bid for a mate, a nest,
And they become Eternal.
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slwn · 2 years ago
This is me on a podcast! Listen to me talk about travel while driving through Alaska!
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gainesha · 2 years ago
I am gonna list my 15 favorite films as of this moment, for no particular reason other than it's Saturday noon (2/2):
The Passion of Joan of Arc
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Phantom Thread
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Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me
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The Work (2017)
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lary-the-lizard · 1 year ago
“There is no benefit to being a good person,” sounds a lot like something a not good person would say. Complaints I do hear often from good people, “I don’t understand why anyone would be mean to *some type of person*,” “Everything has been a lot recently and I’m just really tired,” “It does get to me sometimes but I’d never want anyone to feel bad for needing help,” “I honestly don’t care about *some type of social stigma or media* anymore,” “I just wish more people would try harder,” “I need a vacation.”
Most good people don’t sacrifice themselves to help others. Part of being a good person is being a good person to yourself. The only reason being a good person is so much work is because so many people aren’t putting in the effort to be good. A lot of our work is making up for harm others have done.
And something I’ve found is that a lot of good people are cowards. They say the truth. And they can admit not only to their own mistakes but when they’ve noticed that someone else was hurtful. We can admit that what the felt and did makes sense but also that it was wrong and also that punishment doesn’t solve the issue. Good people often give everyone the chance to do the right thing while not giving them the chance to make something worse.
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kaesileigh · 2 years ago
As I’m doing a gratitude practice this morning--adding to my joy jar--I am realizing how much I need to get into work with people.  The coaching.  The deep connections and soul work.  I know it will be symbiotic.  I know I can be a conduit for people.  I know the right people will find me.  
The details have been stalling me.  Fear of failing.  Not feeling ready or competent enough...forgetting that when I’m dialed in with a person, I am operating from a place beyond myself.  I am tapping into my deeper wisdom, their deeper wisdom and a universal knowing.  These are the gifts I’m sitting on.  I need to take the time to get organized.  I need to soften my resistance to discipline.  Shift my tension in relationship to money and abundance.  Within abundance I will reach more of the people who will benefit from my gifts.  Within abundance I can thrive.  When I thrive, there is an out-pouring of love.  
Step back to gain perspective.  Recognize how much work I’ve been doing.  Take a second to see myself through others’ eyes.  I received this message from a friend yesterday: “I see a lot of potential and drive from you.  I admire you so much.  I think to myself that I want to be like you.”  I was frozen for a moment.  This is a young woman who I feel very similarly about.  It didn’t occur to me that I was perhaps someone that she looked up to.  In my mind, her talent far exceeds mine.  Her sweet, innocent, authenticity is so pure and beautiful.  The nurturer in me wants to protect that.  Wants to honor that and make sure everyone sees that.  My shadow self, small self, ego self feels insecure, competitive against her talent and pure spirit.  My work is to hold the paradox.  To know that both the shadow and light of myself exist.  That I am not a shit human for my shadow thoughts, feelings, desires, reactions.  My work is to love (not shame) myself into my highest being.  
Similarly, my friend Emily--I see her as so grounded, emotionally level, wise, talented, beautiful.  Seeing glimpses of her vulnerability, her anxiety and questioning remind me that we all have our shadows that we are working through.  Reminds me that we are gifts to each other.  I am neither superior or inferior to anyone.  I so often mindlessly place myself into either of these positions, sometimes both even with the same person or situation on any given day.  
My work is to keep coming home to myself.  To not get carried away by the storm-induced tides that would have me floating lost forever.  
My work is to keep coming back to love.  To higher purpose.  
Remember who you are.  
Keeps doing the work.  When I’m tired, when I’m frustrated, when I am lost...sometimes the work is to rest.  Discernment.  Knowing what is right NOW.  The only way we can know that is to be in presence.  When we are not in presence, how can we know what our mind-body-spirit needs?  
My work is to focus.  Focus on what will get me where I want to be. 
Clarify.  Bring clarity to what I desire.  When I say desire, i mean on the deepest, most expansive, highest soul desire.  Passion.  Fire.  Contentment.  Home in self.  A deep peace.  Deep trust and confidence.  In self. in those in my life.  A deep sense of purpose.  Alignment between what I think, feel, say, do, desire, the way I am living.  A relaxation into joy.  Surrender to flow.  I desire effortless flow of abundance.  Abundant joy, abundant and authentic connection, abundant resources for travel and living.  Abundant opportunity for growth, experience, joy, love.  
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