legend-had-it · 4 months
nami and zoro instantly clock eachother as gay when they meet in Orange Town and it takes luffy about a week to remember that romance and attraction exists then Also instantly clocks them
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dnangelic · 4 months
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sometimes i think muns realize daisuke/dark is nice from an ooc standpoint or whatever despite being a thief and then don't want to do anything drastic in a thread. well, you can stab daisuke/dark a little bit. it's cool. all g.
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galaxygermdraws · 1 year
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Already did a Skizz doodle dump, only makes sense to follow it up with a Tango doodle dump. I gave them lil matching outfits. Tango has Skizz's tie as a wristband by the end of the series. I have thoughts about him. I have thoughts about both of them. I love him.
Other Team BEST Doodles Bdubs Doodles Etho Doodles Skizz Doodles
(reblogs with tags/comments are appreciated. Thankyuuu)
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bibliosims · 11 months
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@windbrook's SLASHED day 08 — THE KILLER .
marcus owens (deceased)
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jounosparticles · 1 year
one thing that concerns me a little about sigma’s fate is that fyodor would have definitely fully killed him if he either
- wasnt 100% sure sigma wouldn’t wake up
- didn’t have some plan for sigma in the future.
so either he’s 100% set on the fact that sigma is truly done for, or he’s expecting sigma to wake up and return to him due to whatever information he received. i don’t see him leaving sigma to just rest when he Could potentially wake up. wouldn’t it have just been best to kill him completely?
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tarohonii · 2 years
Gahin really said "bitch forget treatment go exact gods vengeance on that mcfrickin clown"
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I'm. I should be in bed. I should. But. Fucking hell is that a bad read lmfao. Just gonna go down the list shall we?
Stede starts off hesitant and asking about the rules because he doesn't KNOW the rules of a duel. Of which there are many, that he should have asked about before he accepted. Rules that Izzy, an experienced swordsman/fencer would know. Rules that Izzy, an experienced swordsman/fencer would follow, being 'the best sword on the seas'. Its not Izzy's fault or problem that Stede is overconfident and dumb. Stede isn't being 'proper' by entering a duel where he doesn't know the rules, he's being stupid. He’s TOLD this, in not so many words, by Ed (and the rest of the crew). Still not Izzy's fault or problem.
Izzy has been impatient with Stede throughout the season because he IS ignorant and naïve. And because he's arrogant despite being ignorant and naïve. And he's arrogant because he's a rich man/gentleman (in the original definition of the word: a land owner) who thinks he's better than people of lower stations than his own, even if its only subconsciously. Given that its subconscious and its a learned ideology that Stede is arguably working on, I'll give him the credit of 'he doesn't really mean it' but its an attitude he's turned on the crew as well and one that they haven't called him on (except Oluwande, but he was too gentle about it when Stede needs it to hit him like a brick) but they have narratively pointed it out.
He's not desperate, he's angry. And honestly, rightfully so, at least from his own point of view (and kind of like, in general too?). Stede has been nothing but unpleasant to him from the jump and his crew are following his lead. Izzy is not having a good time on the Revenge like Ed, Fang, and Ivan are. Nobody is letting him (even himself, in fairness). ANYWAY. Its not desperation, Stede is the desperate one if either of them are. He's not miraculously ‘out of reach’, he's running away. A lot. Not exactly in the spirit of the duel he accepted.
Stede's win is, by definition, unfair. He exploits a loophole, one that he didn't even know about, and he's lucky that Buttons did. Tossing the powder in Izzy's face is unfair. Getting Izzy's sword stuck is unfair. 'Rendering a weapon inoperable' in a traditional duel would likely mean 'disarming' the opponent with your own weapon. Getting the sword stuck fits on a technicality. Unfair. 'He just wanted to humiliate Izzy'? Have you been to like, kindergarten? Do you know what fairness is? That ain't it.
Izzy is a good swordsman and he's confident BECAUSE he's a good swordsman. He's not boastful/arrogant. He’s straight to the point. He's not the one who says 'he knows his shit' that's Ed. His confidence is earned. His downfall is not realizing he's one of the antagonists/the rival love interest in a rom-com. He can't adapt. If it were anyone else he was fighting but Stede Bonnet aboard the Revenge? He would have won. But because its Stede and because Izzy is following the rules of HIS world he loses. The same can be said for him in the rest of the season as well.
I can agree that the duel is a good show of personality but you're like. Wildly off about how it does so.
Not gonna reblog because anybody that has that bad a read of Izzy (and Stede tbh) is getting a block from me but I am happy to share my opinions. 3/10 read, you at least got the crew and Ed right.
IZZY. IZZY HANDS? HE doesn't care about rules or fairness? Off the top of my head, Izzy: buys the hostages from the natives instead of stealing them, apologizes to Ed when he believes he's wronged him, plays chaperone/teacher while the Revenge crew is learning pirating, reminds Ed of his OWN rules and holds him to them, challenges Stede to a DUEL instead of outright killing him, gets decked in the face by Ed for selling out Stede and calls it 'fair', he literally describes himself as captain as 'tough but fair'. THAT Izzy Hands doesn't care about rules or fairness? Okay. Okay sure. Totally. Right.
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butwhatifidothis · 2 years
It's official. The whole "Dimitri getting stabbed by Cornelia" just broke my brain.
What's gonna happen next? Woobiegard doesn't kill Rhea, Rhea just accidentally trips and lands head-first into Aymr?!
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nychthemeron-rants · 7 months
My personal headcanon for how Niffty died is that she killed her shitty husband, but her husband killed her back.
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crepuscularqueens · 8 months
anyway, john silver is a liar but there's an easy to see truth about himself in every lie he tells (which is part of why he's so effective at lying and why people trust him more easily) he also changes shape easily around his lies and truths which protects him to an extent
james flint is a liar who has thoroughly distanced the core truths of himself from the heart of his lies in order to protect himself, but it's still there if someone were patient enough to dig for it
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Takaaki: *eating and thinking while humming*
Kiyotaka: What are you thinking about, Father?
Takaaki: Oh, nothing, Son.
Takaaki: *thinking about stabbing Mondo in the chest 28 times for no reason*
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annyoingkid · 2 years
I know there are various ways to interpret the word the strongest in this case - I guess, interpret it however you like. The strongest as the most useful on the battlefield, the strongest as having the most magical power, the strongest as the most likely to survive anything, it's up to you.
**Obviously did not include Solas, he has certain shall I say advantages that would make any comparison unfair. Technically some of our friends have additional passengers (Anders and Wynne) but the games have shown that they still can be relatively easily defeated, somehow I do not feel like this will be the case with Solas.
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aria0fgold · 1 year
I feel like I'm reaching... But! BUT! What if... Mayumi is the killer? I think it aint her too cuz Ota is her son but I'm still thinking bout that moment where Date told her bout the rainy weather and she was unsure with her answer, and that thing bout her store having a lot customers too when the area close by is restricted. I'm waiting on getting more suspects in the list but Mayumi acted strange at the beginning.
Am also wondering why did the killer livestreamed Iris' murder but not Shoko and Renju's? What's different? The way she was killed is strange too, on the two previous murders, they were killed elsewhere and moved but Iris was killed on the spot without being moved at all. It's like a copycat of a copycat.
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blueyedgrass · 1 year
said i would not talk about cwilbur death yet here i am collecting things so i can draw a the best (worst) place he couldve been stabbed.
#trying to figure out what would be the quickest death where his ribs wouldnt have gotten in the way#unfortunately the heart is protected by the rib cage and the lungs are not actually ideal#but the stomach. youd bleed out. which is not the best way to go nor is it the quickest#its a very vascular area but bleeding out from an abdominal wound takes way too long#if we look at the video to see when wilbur stopped speaking (so we can presume that he is in fact dead at that point despite having actuall#been killed a few seconds earlier) then there was only a few seconds where he was speaking to phil after being stabbed but before shuffling#off this mortal coil#which is difficult for me because that could be a botched injury to the throat as long as the larynx and such remained in tact. however it#would be kinda hard to fuck it up in that specific way. it would have to be a very delicate cut and that just does not fly in this scenario#phil is shorter than wilbur whcih helps me cause if they were standing then it would be pretty easy for him to go under wilburs ribs but th#at only works to a certain point so a punctured lung is looking like my best option yeah? but no cause that can actually take a while to ki#ll you. depending on circumstance.#what phil would be going for is a quick death. unless of course he wanted to try and do something more mild in an attempt to save him later#which is a perfectly fine possibility but it maes my job harder so im gonna say that he was trying togive will a quick death#so the heart. the carotid artery. or the trachea#i hc the arm wound as being an attempt at cutting his brachial artery#which can kill you in as little as two minutes#but its not quite what him looking for
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pumpkinstabs-moving · 2 years
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godlovesdykes · 2 years
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