#dark is so easily mistakeable for a demon/vampire/monster/whatever.
dnangelic · 4 months
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sometimes i think muns realize daisuke/dark is nice from an ooc standpoint or whatever despite being a thief and then don't want to do anything drastic in a thread. well, you can stab daisuke/dark a little bit. it's cool. all g.
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dreamties · 4 years
Slashers W/ a Soft Pastel S/O
A/n - So this one actually wasn’t requested, I just thought it would be super cute. And what I mean by “Soft Pastel”, I mean being into soft/pastel/kawaii fashion, I just didn’t know how to phrase it. Since there’s so many subcultures.
Trigger Warning: Slight Cursing (I say f*ck)
Also- these are gender neutral, but a few describe you in skirts/dresses, so if you’re not comfy with that, just skip that part or the whole thing?? :/
I might do more like this for other types of alternative fashion- like punk or something? Or a S/O who has a lot of body mods, I think it would be fun.
Characters: Billy/Stu, The Lost Boys, Helen Lyle, Daniel Robitaille/Candyman, Brahms Heelshire, and Amanda Young.
I didn’t add Michael Myers, but can do so if y’all want it. I just think he’d be very indifferent about it...didn’t think that would be very fun to read.
Billy Loomis + Stu Macher
Stu would be the most like into your outfits
Billy? Not so much. he just thinks you look cute in everything.
but if you did more guro-kawaii looks? they would both be all over that shit. 
it combines more of the grotesque in with the cute- which is just perfect for the boys. they get to see you dawned in all sorts of blood, guts/gore, bandage patterns/aesthetics.
and maybe even tying in different monster-ish elements. 
like wearing funky white or other unnatural colored contacts, really intense makeup(especially around the eyes), and fuck it, maybe you’re wearing faux demon horns.
I think they’d find it kinda hot. if we’re being perfectly honest here.
Now- would you able to get them into it as well?
Stu will ask you, with excitement reverberating throughout out his body and his voice. of course he want’s to at least try it!
so many clips in Stu’s hair. you haven’t even had that many in your hair before!
he may also wear rings sometimes. he thinks all the colors and designs are just so fun!
and on the other hand...
Billy, the guy that basically wore the same outfit for an entire movie? who’s closet only contains jeans and white t-shirts? trying out your style? i don’t think so lol
if you do- somehow- get him to try...
then you might have pressured him into it a bit? very jokingly, of course. 
“C’mon, humor me, babe. Stu’s already dressed and everything!” You try giving him puppy eyes to seal the deal.
“Fine!” Billy says, grabbing the garment and a few clips from your hands. He shuts the door too harshly behind him.
A short silence is shared, before you and Stu burst out laughing. “Do you think he’s mad at us?” You’re hardly able to get it out. Of course he was, but in his own odd way appreciated this adventure.
He comes back a moment later, his white t-shirt replaced with a pastel red one, an especially gory character printed on the front. and a red clip barely hanging on to one of the side pieces of hair in front of his face. You try to suppress a giggle at Billy’s messily put together look.
for the love of gosh- don’t actually laugh when he appears. he is very outside of his comfort zone, and he’s only doing this because he loves you and Stu, and just,, don’t add this to his list of reasons not to try new things.
whatever your reaction ends up being, you’re absolutely obligated to tell them how attractive they look in it(even Billy who looks hella dorky).
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(my art)
The Lost Boys
the comparison between their dark, punk-ish style and then the sweet baby pinks and blues, and soft lavenders that adorned your form?? 
it’s just too sweet.
they are completely enamored by your style- even if certain vampires (and I’m not naming any names, but I definitely mean David) may not show his love for your look as openly
Marko- he’d get one cutesy patch for his jacket, so he has like a little piece of you everywhere he goes. also...he genuinely ended up really digging your style? but not enough to abandon his punk look completely. he is still totally dedicated to that.
the other boys will absolutely mess with him about the patch though
all in good fun!
David’s not letting you near his hair with any extra clips or accessories. 
Dwayne enjoys the quiet intimacy shared between the two of you. just sitting together, you might be styling his hair( super loose ponytail or braid- admit it, it would be so cute! and helpful so his hair isn’t always in his face!)...anyways, you’d use a colorful hair tie, and a few clips to help pin back his hair. 
he probably won’t go out with the clips in, but if it’s just the five of you at the cave? he’ll keep it in until it’s time to sleep. 
he loves seeing how happy and accomplished you look after finishing with his hair tho.
Paul is hands down the most likely to get into the whole look and go out in public with it on. 
makeup? hell yeah. it won’t be as intense as yours, and he probably only does the eyes and maybe some shine. sparkly vampire time
hair accessories? all of them
would try combining his look with yours, to have a perfect mess of it.
a light, light  blue mesh top, slightly darker blue jacket(with slight accents in pink, purple, white or black), and his usual sort of white jeans(?) would still look great with it. he’s absolutely rocking that look.
you are ecstatic to finally have someone else to share your passion with! (much harder to find similar folks when you’re a vampire,,)
Helen Lyle
she’s so used to the plain life around her, and she’d been living before you- you were such a breath of fresh air.
of course, you’re darling personality also drew her into you- but your fashion sense? it fascinated her.
she’s not trying it herself anytime soon, but she appreciates the fact that you enjoy it. 
the most she would ever try is a very natural makeup look. and a coat or two of a pastel color of her choice.
she would love watching you get ready. not so much help out though- she just likes seeing the way you approach things. how you choose to pair certain pieces with one another.
she’ll ask questions to better understand your interests! not that it’s weird or wrong that you’re into it, she’s just a very inquisitive person.
you’d wear a lot of blue though- because you know Helen likes that color.
imagine wearing coordinated looks for different events and such. so, when you go with Helen to help out with her Candyman thesis, you might wear candy-themed attire. (of course in this universe,, she wouldn’t die! so no worries of that! you get to keep you’re gf).
if you do gift her something, she keeps it on her bedside table(or dresser). so she can still admire it, and still serves a purpose. fun décor!
all around though- Helen would be very chill, but captivated, about you’re interests.
Daniel Robitaille - Candyman
 his life is so dark and gruesome, and he loves seeing you all dressed up. 
and while he’s dead- long dead- and isn’t really apart of the world in the same sense that you are- it gives him this happy sense of hope for the world.
because there’s this very small thing, that you hold close to your heart, that makes you smile.
even if they’re apart of a super awful, traumatic, part of his past- the bees are just a part of the family now.  
so cute yellow/spring/bee themed outfits?? yes. ohh definitely, yes.
As for him dressing up? He’d feel hesitant.
he’s filled with immense joy around you, but is almost scared with someone altering part of his attire or self in any way(rooted back to, again, past stuff).
but part of loving is to take the person as a whole, bad parts, good parts- insecurities- the entire package. and trusting one another.
he has his whole faith in you not to do anything bad.
and so, it becomes a habit for the two of you to spend mornings together, chatting and getting ready. well, you’re getting ready, it’s more for the quality time together for him.
things are little different for Daniel. for many reasons. 
one, he has very short hair. so the clips don’t really work there..
two- he only has one hand, and he’s “working” a lot with the appendages he does have. rings won’t work out because they might fall off- and he’d hate to lose something of yours.
three- he’s not a big makeup fan. he’s happy enough watching you put it on.
and then for his actual attire- he needs the coat to cover his insides. it’s also, in a way, his uniform.
you’ve settled on two things.
making homemade necklaces that can easily hide under his big coat (either sweets or honey/bee themed).
and sewing little patterns on the inside of his coat. other’s wouldn’t be able to see it, but he would know it’s there.
Brahms Heelshire
imagine being super into sorta ‘sweet lolita’, pastel/soft colors, bows, the big skirts, all the sorta ruffles(?)
 and then especially if your shorter than Brahms(which is really,, not hard to do unless you’re insanely tall cause he’s,, 6 foot 3.)- and he thinks you look like such a doll? 
but like,, in a nice way. 
I think he’d get pretty excited if he got to help you set up your outfits!
especially if you praised him for picking out a good combo, or organizing correctly.
and some of Brahms movements are a bit awkward, he’s spent most of his life in the walls and the attic...but imagine turning on his music, and just dancing with him. having him twirl you in his arms a few times.
Brahms loves having your hands through his hair. and if hair accessories means he gets more of that love and attention? then yes,, yes he will wear them.
he just likes feeling taken care of, and along with your usual duties, you help him figure out the soft fashion styles, and how to make it more appealing and suitable for his own tastes.
because- as you insist- you want it to be something he enjoys just because he does, and not just for the closeness. though you can’t deny you love that aspect, too.
i can tell you one thing right here, though. you’re never getting makeup on him. he does not like taking off his mask, even if you’ve been in a relationship with him for a while, he still hides his face a lot.
you’d offered to do his makeup once, since he was staring so intently as you did yours. you’d made the mistake of reaching for his mask. you’d usually ask before doing so, but sometimes you’d slip up.
You apologize profusely, offering your arms out to him for a hug. “There, there, Brahms.” You smile, giving him a slight squeeze of affection. 
he does take your stuff sometimes. 
it’s a little annoying when you think you’ve lost your favorite accessory or dress or etc and then you just realize,, oh, it’s my favorite wall boy again. thank gosh you love him, so you’re not really upset or anything.
he just likes having little reminders of you, it gives him reassurance. upon other warm and fuzzy feelings.
if you’re able to find time in your day though, you’ll make cute little trinkets or bracelets for him. you’ll gift them or purposely leave them out for him-  so you’ll still have some of your stuff when it comes to getting ready the next day.
in short- he’d much rather look at you than partake on his own. 
Amanda Young
she’s never seen anything like this! :0
everyone she knows, herself included, tend to wear more dulled, plain clothes.
she’s immediately very intrigued by your attire...sort of want’s to try it, but is a bit self conscious and embarrassed to ask.
So!! you start out with small things, and fairly early on you both realize that she loves when you decorate her hair with accessories. 
gifting Amanda a pair of little pig clips!!
or little stud earrings- those would be fricking adorable on her!
and she’s just so happy,, wtf
you dress mostly for yourself, but the more you’re in a relationship with your gf- the more you want to dress for her as well. 
you can see this little sparkle in her eye when she sees you, and you want to keep seeing that look for as long as you can.
you slowly get her into it. your relationship and Amanda’s interest in your style just gives her so much light in an otherwise dim world.
if she did get into it, I think she’d do more creepy/cute. as a way to sort of cope with past trauma. that this sort of “bad” thing (the creepy) can still coexist with the good (the cute). she admires that quality.
just very sweet partners, who happen to love similar types of fashion 
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Normal ~ A.L.
A/n: Ah yes, this is going to be fun.
Request: “...Alec lightwood x male reader. Maybe the reader is mundane and shows Alec what it’s like being human for a day and then Alec shows him what it’s like being a shadow hunter. And maybe the whole time Alec is like o my word I love this kid...” by anon
Word Count: 5100+ (this is why it took me so long CHRIST I’m sorry)
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You know, the thing that kept Mundanes seeing into the world of the Shadowhunters was a funny thing. It was supposed to always work, blocking humans from seeing monsters and those that hunted monsters. The problem was, nothing was perfect. Everyone made mistakes. Everything glitched from time to time.
I guess you could call Y/n a glitch.
The thing that kept humans from seeing things they shouldn't? It didn't work for Y/n.
When Y/n had first been seen facing down a vampire, it had seemed a little odd. The woman the vamp was going after seemed miffed that some dude was cutting in on her date, and everyone was confused. When they had killed the thing and Y/n had thanked them afterward, they'd all assumed he might have been like Clary - unaware of his Shadowhunter background somehow. But he had assured them he was human, and had proved it. Thankfully, since the plan had been to use a rune on him and if they had, he would have absolutely died.
Y/n was just immune to the magic that should have kept him far out of the knowing of what was really going on in the shadows of his town. Which left him unable to do anything, other than gather information and share it when he could. Y/n had no magic and no way to fight when he had no training or run protections, but he did have a talent for tricking monsters with their one weakness. He was human, and they were hungry.
Long story short: Y/n was really good at being bait, and he didn't mind it either.
Alec minded it a lot.
The two boys had gotten close pretty quickly. Alec refused to admit it, but Y/n was pretty charming. He had a nice smile and a contagious laugh, and a sort of lightness about him that was incredibly refreshing. It wasn't that he was untouched by darkness, or that he was fresh and innocent and waiting to be destroyed, like they all were before their line of living had ruined them. Y/n had been aware of monsters all his life, and being surrounded by people who could not see what he could see had landed him in either very near death situations, or mental hospitals a few times before he'd learned how to lie. He'd even been medicated really heavily a few times, but when that had done nothing, Y/n had come to terms that there was something going on that other people couldn't see. He had been in this business for a very long. No, Y/n was just the kind of person that refused to lose that inner child. He was soft and strong, and could make anyone smile and any situation bearable.
The way he made life so much more beautiful drew Alec in so aggressively, the Lightwood boy lost his breath every time.
Y/n was good at getting along with everyone else too. He wasn't good at much other than writing, leaving him to connect with Clary because of the similar vibes of their childhood, as well as their mutual passion for art. He and Simon bonded over poetry as well. Izzy enjoyed having someone who could keep up with her flirting, without it meaning anything or leading to something neither of them wanted. Even Jace was enjoying Y/n's presence when he proved that despite his lack of an ability to fight monsters and the such, Y/n WAS well trained in self defense. The two sparred while Y/n cracked jokes and made Jace laugh. Yeah, the blonde and brooding Jace was actually LAUGHING.
Having Y/n around was very refreshing.
So they all missed him a lot when he wasn't around.
Y/n attended college to chase am Arts History degree, and worked two jobs to keep himself afloat. The day Alec got permission to let Y/n move into the Institute was a great day for everyone. Now he was around a lot more- especially because now that he didn't have to pay rent, he could quit one of his jobs. In his free time, Y/n spent cleaning gear and learning how to hone his lame cooking skills. He wasn't great, but he was better than Izzy and was usually the only one with the energy to try it at the end of the day. When Hodge... went rogue, Y/n took charge of keeping up the Garden and learning all he could about how this world worked so he could take care of things and keep everything running smoothly. This left him spending most of his time in the library, reading up on history books.
One day though, Y/n needed Alec's help. Tensions between the two boys had risen almost to over spilling, but every time Y/n thought they were going somewhere, Alec stepped back. Y/n respected the boy's hesitance and never pushed, but the dragging was getting to everyone else. Izzy especially, who wanted the coolest mundane ever to get with her brother.
That wasn't why Y/n was bothering Alec now though. "Hey can I clean the glowing weapons things, or like... will those kill me?"
Alec couldn't help slip a small smile when he heard Y/n's voice. He turned around to see the boy coming in, a huge book in his hand but a confused look on his face. "Please tell me you're not talking about Seraph Blades."
"Those are the ones," Y/n confirmed without hesitation.
Alec shifted, raising an eyebrow. "They're just... fire."
"Well yes," Y/n drawled, rolling his eyes. "But the tubes. I mean, when they deactivate there's still something there, right? Doesn't that get covered in blood and stuff? Won't it getting all icky mess with the magic? And I've never seen any of them dirty. So do you guys have to clean them, or can I?"
That was very confusing to Alec. "Okay hold on. Have you never seen us kill a demon before?"
Y/n got rather sheepish then. "In my defense, I usually get in the way if I help, so I run unless there's someone in immediate danger. The last time, when I tried to help that girl, I almost got her, myself, AND Jace killed.
Alec flinched at the memory. "Jace is an idiot. Him jumping in when he did was his own fault."
"Wouldn't have been necessary if I wasn't provoking a damn vampire," Y/n mumbled.
"That girl probably would have died if you hadn't. We couldn't have attacked him with her there without chancing hurting her, or exposing ourselves. You saved her." Alec was ready to argue this, far too used to Jace's tendency to see the worst in himself despite the fact that he was actively a hero.
Y/n had to relent. "Fine, whatever. So, the blade?"
"Demons don't bleed," Alec explained. "They... well, it depends on the demons actually. Some turn to dust, or explode into fire. Some just kind of fade away. No need to clean blood off our weapons."
Y/n nodded, but obviously had a follow up question, so Alec waited for him to ask it. "Doesn't the dust get on your clothes? Does the fire ever burn you? Perhaps I should pick up some medical skills as well in case you guys come home hurt. Might make me more useful."
Alec rolled his eyes this time. "If you're seriously stuck on the idea of running this place instead of going out there and working in an art museum like you told Clary is your dream job, I won't stop you. That's not my decision to make." Y/n blushed, but Alec pretended not to see it. "However, if you're going to be one of us there are things you have to understand." He hesitated. "I want you to follow us around me around sometime. I can show you what it's like to be a Shadowhunter. You can even come on a mission if you want, but I want you to stay FAR out of danger, do you understand?"
"Yes sir." Y/n was grinning, and between that and what he had said, Alec felt his chest heat up with a weird emotion he refused to address. "When do we start?"
A soft chuckle came from Alec then. "How about tomorrow? I'll wake you up bright and early, so be prepared."
Y/n nodded eagerly, already walking backward - presumably to return the book so he could head to bed. "Great! See you tomorrow, Alec!" He turned around and jogged away then.
Alec couldn't help himself but appreciate the view as Y/n retreated down the hall. He heard someone clear their throat and looked over to see Clary, whose smirk was so wide it wiped the smile off of Alec's face. He turned away from her and moved toward his own room. What had he gotten himself into?
When Alec got to Y/n's room that morning, he was expecting to have to wake the other boy up. Unfortunately for him, when he opened the door, Y/n was already awake. And getting dressed. He wore the long, dark pants a lot of the guys around here wore when they weren't in Mundane clothes. He did not, however, have a shirt on. "Oh, good morning Alec," Y/n greeted brightly.
Alec almost exploded right there. Y/n wasn’t especially muscly, but he was rather lean. Y/n did a lot of walking, running, and casual work outs every once in a while before meeting the Shadowhunters. He knew self defense after all, and liked that the occasional work out filled him with energy after a while, even if it tired him out at first. Since joining the Institute though, Jace had enforced a daily workout. Some days Y/n got even more done when the two boys sparred, or when he had to move things around for research (those books were a lot heavier than they looked) or rearranged his room again because he liked to have a new layout every once in a while. Y/n had become the extra pair of hands everyone was excited to have. He was strong enough to spot for a lot of the other Shadowhunters even, leaving him in that comfortable middle between ripped and soft. He had angles and lines, but plenty of soft edges too. He looked like he could pick Alec up and then cuddle him just as easily. It was a body type that looked very good on the boy, and seeing him shirtless did things to Alec that should not have been being done.
It was then that Alec realized Y/n was talking to him. "I'm sorry, what?"
Y/n laughed, shaking his head in amusement. He put a shirt on, leaving Alec wondering if the boy knew what had left Alec so distracted. "I asked you what was first on the agenda today."
"Have you done your morning workout today yet?" Y/n shook his head. "Then that's where we'll start." And they did. Alec pushed himself further usual, and he knew he was doing it to show off to Y/n, but he also knew a little part of him wanted to outshine Y/n too. The boy kept up pretty well, and Alec didn't want to have a Mundane do better than him. After, they got breakfast, parted to shower, and then rejoined again to head to the sparring ring.
"You guys do a lot of training here," Y/n realized aloud.
Thankfully Alec had caught it, because he was super distracted by the way Y/n's wet hair shone under the lighting of the Institute, and the way it made his eyes look brighter. He didn't need to get caught for staring again. "Yeah. It takes up time, but it also keeps us ready for any surprise attacks, and prepared for nighttime hunts." Y/n nodded but didn't say anything else as they reached the rings. Alec grabbed two long staffs, passing one to Y/n as they stepped up to spar. Y/n knew what to do - he did it often with Jace. Alec was sure he'd claim victory over the Mundane.
Which left him rather speechless when Y/n pinned him. They were both out of breath and Y/n loomed over Alec, his feet planted and knees trapping Alec as the end of Y/n's staff rested threateningly against Alec's throat. "You're dead," Y/n joked.
Alec looked at Y/n with new eyes. What was with this guy? Why did Alec have to try so much harder to end up on top? Mundanes were like Clary and Simon, before they'd been trained. Alec could still remember how long both of them had lost time and time again to even the newest and youngest Shadowhunters. How could Y/n win against Alec? "How are you so good at fighting? I thought your thing was writing stories."
Y/n moved back, letting Alec go. He offered a hand and Alec took it. He was once again knocked breathless when Y/n hauled Alec to his feet without seeming to even struggle. "I'm stronger than I look. And... when I was younger, I didn't have shadowhunters and parabatai to have my back. I had to learn how to defend myself. Whether it was running from monsters, or making sure I didn't get pummeled by bigger kids who called me crazy and laughed at me because of the stories I supposedly made up..." He shrugged.
That didn't settle well in Alec's stomach. "I don't think any of us know what it's like to live like that. Clary doesn't remember, and the rest of us grew up with each other. I... I'm sorry, that's terrible."
There was a second when Alec saw the heaviness that Y/n hid so well in the boy's shoulders. Suddenly Alec was stunned by how someone so burdened by pain and sorrow could still radiate so much light and joy and comfort. How did Alec only now know that Y/n was capable of winning against even a well trained Shadowhunter, if he was really trying? Why was it such a shock that someone who grew up with deformed nightmares roaming around, would be able to kick some ass and defend himself? Alec realized then that Y/n made everyone feel safe. Y/n didn't seem able to hurt anyone, even if he wanted to. It made Y/n even more amazing that he was capable of defending someone if he had to, but chose not to in favor of making people feel safe around him. I dare say it made Alec feel even more safe.
Y/n sighed, and the moment passed. He was smiling again and Alec felt his heart swell with a feeling that terrified the dark haired boy. A feeling that also made him feel... really great too. "So what's next on the agenda, Lightwood?" "Jace will have our goal for tonight. Come on." Alec lead the way as they both headed to where Jace was. Alec explained the situation, and with Y/n's assurance he'd be plenty safe, Jace agreed. Y/n had been around a lot, and Alec was right - if he was up keeping the place, he had to know what being a Shadowhunter was actually like. After that had been settled, the trio headed to track down Izzy and Clary for the mission tonight.
"First thing first, Y/n's joining us tonight. He won't be getting involved, and will only be tagging along for educational purposes so he can know what he's dealing with as he gets more involved with how this place work, as well as the people in it," Jace began. Izzy and Clary both nodded, no arguments to be heard. "Okay, now down to business." Long story short, there were two demons who had teamed up and they had to kill it. Usual stuff.
Since when had demons and murder become Y/n's normal? Yikes.
The kill went rather smoothly, just like it was supposed to. It was a nice change from all the odd things that had been rocking everyone's world since Clary, Simon, and Y/n had joined the team. Very good for teaching as well. Y/n stayed back as promised, taking notes mentally and internalizing it. He thought about his thought earlier on how murder and demonic beings had at some point gone from nightmare to reality. Normal, even. For Shadowhunters, there was no shift. They grew up and lived a life where monsters were more than nightmare and you learned to kill from a young age. Perhaps it was fair, since they were bad guys surviving off of killing humans, but still. Alec knew how to kill Y/n. He probably could, if it was required or just if he wanted to. He could do it and he would get away with it too. Shadowhunters leave no trace and no Nephalim was going to care about Y/n being dead.
As the dark thought started to rise, Y/n pushed it down. As much as he seemed a bundle of effortless happiness and light, even he had his moments. He was just better at keeping them in check.
Everyone came home and got ready for bed as Y/n made food. He finished up before anyone came to eat so he killed time by making everyone's plate and putting them on the counter. When he was still alone, he sat on the counter and let himself get lost in thought. Just as he was, Clary popped into the room. "That smells amazing."
Y/n smiled. "I hope it tastes as good as it smells then." They both chuckled as Clary grabbed her plate and began to leave. "Going so soon?"
She nodded. "I have this... it's sort of um..." she seemed to be struggling. "Drawing. Can I show you later?" It was a habit she'd gotten from Y/n, losing her words when she was excited. She had been a little like that before being a Shadowhunter, when it came to art. Y/n fueled it again and set off her fire. She was more into art than ever and Y/n loved to see it, even if it meant one less person at the dinner table.
Y/n had been trying to have family dinners, but most of the time his efforts dissolved. Rarely did he get everyone. Usually he only managed to wrangle a few, and sometimes he ate alone. When a Clary left, it wasn't long before Simon and Izzy meandered in, lost in conversation about something. Y/n wasn't totally listening, as they were obviously midconversation and Y/n was lost as to what they‘d said up until now. They each grabbed a plate and headed out. Y/n sighed and watched them, but still said nothing.
Jace came next. "What did you think about the fight tonight?"
Y/n jumped and then chuckled. Jace gave a sort of guilty look. The blonde tended to hide his emotions, but when it came to Y/n he was always sorry to disturb the boy. Y/n had just seemed very pensive - nearly sad - and Jace hated the expression on Y/n's face. He was too used to the others who were trained to notice other people in the room even if they were quiet.
Quickly composing himself again, Y/n responded. "It was... cool, I guess. You guys are incredibly talented and there's something aesthetic about watching demons vaporize. It gave me a lot to think about."
"Like what?" Have asked, eyebrow cocked.
For a second Y/n hesitated but then Jace doned a prying look and Y/n was a terrible liar so he gave in. "You guys don't know what it's like to be human." Jace's expression darkened and Y/n flinched. "I mean, you have this angel blood that puts you above everyone else. You slay demons and purify the world and handle the boosting power of runes that any other creature would be destroyed by. You know what it's like to be angel. Except maybe the flying." The joke lifted Jace's mood a little. "But you don't know what it's like to... I mean, you're half human. But I can't imagine  any of you getting jobs or going to high school. Being vulnerable without the protection of your runes and the insane immunity they grant you. I mean- like earlier, I realized that Alec could one hundred percent kill me if he wanted to, and he would get away with it. No human would know, and no Nephilim would care so-"
"Clary, Izzy, and I would care." Jace seemed to have not meant to say it out loud. But he had and it stopped Y/n short.
He felt cared for and it made him uncomfortable. Jace could sense that. "Well that's... not the point." He blushed. "But thank you."
Jace nodded, then moved on to spare Y/n. The other boy obviously wasn't used to having people care about him. It made Jace remember that Y/n's life had been really hard. Y/n had spent almost all his life alone. Sometimes it was easy to forget with how kind and loving Y/n was. He was used to taking care of other people but being taken care of? Yikes. "Does it bother you?"
Y/n immediately shook his head. "Not at all. I don't feel in danger, at least. I trust all of you guys and know that none of you want to kill me. It does bother me though that you don't get to experience that normalcy. I mean does anyone here bake just for fun? Or have hobbies outside killing literal demons?" Jace went to speak but Y/n cut him off. "Clary doesn't count, she wasn't raised a Shadowhunter." Jace's mouth closed and Y/n sighed. "I just wish more... safe things for you guys. More fun and laughing and loving and less sneaking around in the shadows and killing. Thinking like that all the time... living a life where you only survive and hide and kill. I can't imagine it does good things for your mental health."
"I'm in perfect health," Jace reassured Y/n.
Y/n rolled his eyes. "No you're-" He stopped, shaking his head. He hesitated, perking up when an idea occurred to him. "What if I incorporated a little humanity into how we run things here? We can have like arts and crafts rooms and encourage people to utilize the library and the garden for things other than just necessities. I can enforce family dinners and we can congregate and have awkward family dinner discussions like normal people."
Jace smiled. "That sounds really nice actually."
That encouraged Y/n a lot. "Perfect, I'll start tomorrow."
"Start what?" Two sets of eyes turned to see Alec coming in the room. His eyes lingered on Jace, who seemed to be light on fire by the eye contact, as he was instantly on his feet, grabbing his plate, and heading out.
"Y/n can explain. He has a really great idea." He paused, smiling wider. "I'll see you at dinner tomorrow." Then he headed out, leaving behind a grinning Y/n. Alec snagged the last two plates, setting one by Y/n and the other on the counter next to him. He then pulled up a chair, turning it backward so the back of the chair was against his chest as he sat down, beginning to eat on the counter rather than the table to keep Y/n company. "What was that?"
Another idea hit Y/n then. "I'm going to bring some goddamn humanity to this Institute. You're all half human and you act like that's a bad thing or something! I'll start with a crafting room, and then using the garden and library for fun stuff instead of just what we need. We'll have a calendar with birthdays and celebrate each one with a proper little get together. AND, we're having family dinners from here on. Spread the word."
The authority in Y/n's tone took Alec off guard. "Will do." He found himself smiling a little. "I show you what it's like to be a Shadowhunter and you took from it that we need to be more human?"
Y/n mulled that over for a second, rather than letting it go as the joke Alec had intended it to be. "I don't want to erase your angel half. I know what you do is important, and that you guys save people and stuff. But even though you do good things for others, none of you do anything for yourselves. Self care isn't just staying in shape and getting food and sleep and healing yourselves when you get hurt. Do you have any hobbies other than fighting, Alec?" The Lightwood boy considered before conceding that Y/n had a point. "You showed me how to be a Shadowhunter. Now let me show you what it's like to be human." Alec's smile grew. "Tomorrow?"
"Tomorrow," Y/n agreed.
The day started the same, with Y/n respecting that Alec still had a routine and also that said routine was one some people carried as well. The waking up early and doing a morning workout, more than the killing demons and keeping vampires, werewolves, and fairies in check, but still.
Next, Y/n pulled him over to his laptop where he was going to online school. As Y/n worked, he answered questions about high school and even middle school. The more he talked the more Alec's face twisted in a bitter expression, like he'd bit into a lemon. Y/n busted up laughing when he got to math and Alec moved away from the screen as if it had offended him. "Not as glamorous as kicking ass and taking names and saving lives and shit, but it's cool. I guess."
Alec shook his head. "Is this... necessary?"
"I wouldn't go that far," Y/n snorted. "Do you use math like this? Ever?" Alec shook his head no. "And you're far more productive than most people who graduate college- and debt free!"
There was a moment where Alec seemed speechless. When he spoke again, it was slow. "This is kind of nice though. Easier to.. handle." He eyed the math page again. "No, I take that back. This is much scarier."
Y/n laughed at that. "Less deadly though. I get it." Alec smiled at him. It was so small it practically wasn't there, but it was, and it was sweet.
After a while, Y/n put his homework away. "That's not due for a while. Having to balance the human world and the shadow world was difficult at first so one night I pulled an all nighter and got weeks ahead on homework. My teachers were a little miffed since thy hadn't taught me the material yet, but easy ones like English were easy to swallow. Just, read a book and write an essay. You know?" Alec did nod knowingly at that. "My point is, we've had enough of this and don't have to finish it for tonight, so now is a good time for a break." He hummed to himself, thinking. "Do you guys have a TV here?" Alec rose his eyebrows. "That's what I thought. Come on we're going to go to my place."
So they did.
Alec had never been to Y/n's apartment before. Y/n had been clearing it out slowly, but there were still some thing here. Things that he couldn't take with him to the institute. Things like the fridge and the big furniture and, yes, the TV. It wasn't that he couldn't fit his bed and couches in the Institute, it was just that it would make it official if he did, and things still seemed to be up in the air for him.
"It's nice." It was perfectly clean and bright. The curtains were drawn to let the sun in and the walls were painted a light baby blue. The whole place made Alec relax his body. He sat on the very comfy couch and practically melted. There was just a sort of ambiance here that gave Alec the impression nothing bad could ever happen here. Which went against logic and reason and experience and training... but I guess that programming wasn't enough to fight the way the couch dipping with Y/n's weight, next to Alec, felt like... safety personified.
The two watched a few movies Alec had never seen or even heard of. Halfway through the Lion King, Alec felt his body lean into Y/n's. Without missing a beat Y/n shifted his arm so Alec could lean into in more, even rest his head on the other man's chest. Every time Y/n moved or laughed or spoke Alec didn't just hear it. He felt it. It was amazing.
All too soon, the sun was down and it was nighttime. "Do you want to watch another one, or should you be heading to bed soon?"
Surprise overtook Alec when he realized what time it was. His body was completely undone and his heart rate had evened out. He'd never been this calm in his life. "I'm surprised Jace hasn't come hunting me down."
That made Y/n smile. "I told him the plan for today. Told him that I was commandeering you and if he showed up to steal you tonight I'd kick his ass personally. I may be a Mundane but that won't stop me from finding a way to knock the blonde out of his hair." A jerking laugh bubbled from Alec then at the mental image of Y/n doing such a thing. "Yeah," Y/n agreed, chuckling along. "Took some convincing to get them to all take the night off. Jace argued, but as much as saving people is important, taking care of yourselves is just as important. And after you showed me what you guys do every single day... Holy shit."
Weird feelings began to twist in Alec's stomach. He could lie very well, about a lot of things. He could lie so convincingly that Jace would back off, and Izzy would let it go. He could lie to his mother to meet her ever demanding expectations. Unfortunately, he could only lie to himself for so long until his realist side kicked in and demanded him to accept what was.
He was in love with Y/n.
Well, shit.
"What are you thinking about over there?"
Alec felt his stomach flip. Double shit.
"Just... uh." He flinched at his sudden awkwardness. Y/n frowned, noticing it since they were so close. "I just want to thank you. The way you've thrown yourself into our lives and way of living and have done your best to keep everything going and then improve upon it? It's amazing. You work really hard to make life better for us."
Y/n swallowed, his face relaxed but his eyes intense. There was something in those eyes that was begging to be seen and known, but Alec was too scared to acknowledge it. What if Y/n could see through him and wanted to just be friends? What if Y/n was trying to be polite? But if that was the case, wouldn't he have pushed Alec away? Why was he pulling him closer?
Then they were kissing and it was all because of Y/n and Alec didn't have any doubts anymore.
When they parted again, Alec's mind was racing and Y/n's voice was soft. "I'll always be here Alec. All I want to do is make your life better and easier and more pleasant. You deserve it."
This time Alec kissed Y/n, and it lasted much longer and was much more intense. When they parted for the second time, Alec whispered, "Will you move in for real? I want you around all the time. I want you close and safe and I don't want you to go anywhere else. I don't want you to have to."
Y/n smiled. "Anything for you."
Male reader tags: @sheepfather​
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nekolatte · 5 years
Chapter 6: Quiet
Preview: A shiver had broken out over his skin despite his warm layers and the very real heat of Alucard looming overhead. His body had the instinctive urge to complyー but to what, he couldn’t say. Years of training were forgotten, as if never drilled for this exact scenario where it was meant to come as second nature to him. Trevor was prey, had been all along.
They were both breathing hard by the time they found adequate sanctuary beneath the thick canopy of trees, invisible to the flock of demons overhead following their blood trail. Reasoning they were as safe as they could be before sunrise, Trevor allowed them a moment to rest against the large, protective trunk of a willow tree.
Side by side, this was the closest Trevor had ever been to Alucard willinglyー and considering he hadn’t spontaneously caught some deadly vampiric disease just yet, he was reluctant to move away. Not because he enjoyed the proximity, but because Alucard looked ready to tip over and pass out.
A usually pale complexion looked worse somehow, green at the edges and eyes sunken. They lost a bit of their color, staring forward without an ounce of focus, and it felt like Trevor’s shoulder was the only thing keeping Alucard upright at the moment.
As much as Trevor enjoyed his new occupation as a resting post, there was no way they would get back to Sypha at their atrocious pace. And though he trusted Sypha not to do anything stupid to put herself in danger, he also didn’t trust her not to do that. If they were gone for too long, she might take it upon herself to search for themー right into the heart of some monster den, if she felt the need.
Cursing under his breath, Trevor hopelessly searched for some sort of miracle around them that could help with their current dilemma, but his life wasn’t made up of conveniences. He knew what he had to do while still having the energy to do it, and though the first offer had been almost instinctual, Trevor was wary about offering his blood again.
Never had he heard of a vampire turning down bloodー and the way Alucard had gone about it had him questioning the why.
It obviously wasn’t for Trevor’s sake. At least, he didn’t think so. It definitely seemed like the vampire’s pride had gotten the best of him and made him speak out against the offer. But little did Alucard’s pride help now when they were still stranded for a few more hours, monsters waiting on the fringes to pick them off in the dark.
And even once the creatures left, they would be forced to circle the town or risk Alucard dying from sun exposure. Trevor did not run back in and rescue him just to have the stupid vampire die from a little sunshine.
It took three nudges to the ribs to get Alucard to lift his head, but his eyes were still glassy and his breath was a little too sharpー too quick. Without thinking, without considering any consequences, Trevor lifted his palm to a clammy cheek and supported the vampire’s head within, watching as Alucard breathed a trembling sigh of relief and heavily leaned into the touch.
“What happenedー before you were separated?”
Alucard’s brows drew in, the vampire quiet as he seemed to ponder the question, though Trevor was certain he was only struggling against his fatigue. Trevor was patient, though, waiting for Alucard’s answer. There was no rush, not in the pitch blackness of the forest and the far off screech of hungry monsters.
It took a few starts before Alucard could find his voice. “Too many at once.”
“You’ve dealt with that many before.” Trevor was quick to retaliate, wanting a legitimate answerー more specifically, the answer he had been entertaining for the hour it took to find Alucard and bring him to safety. “What was different this time?”
Alucard bared his teeth, displaying fangs that still made Trevor twitchー recoiling enough for the vampire to take notice. Alucard leaned away, back to rest against the tree’s trunk for support. He drew in a breath and Treavor listened as it whistled. “It is as I saidー I underestimated them. I made a mistake.”
Trevor frowned, his irritation spiking sharply, though he refused to let it take hold. “You don’t make mistakes like that.”
“Because you know me so well?” It sounded close to a threat, the way it was hissed between sharp teeth, but Alucard looked too worn out to make good on it and thus looked more like a petulant kitten to Trevor. “I allowed them to circle, thinking they didn’t have the power or ingenuity to overwhelm me. I was wrong.”
Alucard sounded sincere in his own assessment, but Trevor still couldn’t accept it. He knew how Alucard foughtー he was good at managing multiple enemies and had a clear awareness of his surroundings. The latter not as good as Trevor, but better than anyone else he’d fought.
“So it wasn’t because you were feeling weak?”
The question dropped like lead, and any amicable mood that might have been between them caved under the weight of it. Alucard no longer made the attempt to look as if he wasn’t avoiding Trevor’s line of sight, turned away and a bit hunched over his injured leg. Trevor’s annoyance spiked more.
“It wasn’t because you’re craving human blood, right? For whatever reason, animal blood isn’t helping you a bit. Right?”
Fixated on the partial profile he could see of Alucard, Trevor watched the strong jaw workー watched it grind hard, and he could swear he heard it creek from where he sat. That couldn’t be good for such sharp teeth.
Why had Trevor been blessed to be surrounded by such stubborn people?
Scoffing rough and hard, Trevor reached for the small knife at his hip and unsheathed it with one smooth motion. The drag of metal on leather immediately got the vampire’s attention, head swiveled to see what Trevor meant to do with the weapon. Alucard hadn’t expected him to press the blade to his exposed armー vambrace removed and sleeve rolled up as far as the fabric would allow. The metal made his tanned skin indent though did not split it open, never having the opportunity to apply pressure when strong fingers caught Trevor’s wrist and held the weapon away.
Alucard’s entire arm was trembling from the effort, but still enough that Trevor couldn’t break from it easily no matter which way he twisted his wrist. The vampire had some fight left in him, and instead of using that energy to keep moving and get them to Sypha safely, he was using it to reject Trevor yet again.
Now he was getting angry.
“You’ve been hungry this whole time.” Trevor bit out the words, still mindful of their attempt to keep the horde from finding their location but needing his irritation to be known. He still struggled against the hold on him, now with his other wrist captured when he made the attempt to pry fingers off after his knife had fallen from numb fingers. The skin was reddening with the start of a bruise. “But too fucking stubborn to say anything . Too fucking prideful to admit you can’t win at some stupid game and lord how smarter you are than meー acting like a petulant child instead of a fucking adultー”
“Again, I must reiterate: ‘because you know me so well?’ Vampires are not meant to feast on the blood of animals, nor do they eat as humans do. But Iー am I to know everything about my kind, when I am the only one?”
There was a crack in Alucard’s voice that momentarily paralized Trevor, eyes wide and dumbfounded at the pained expression that passed Alucard’s face. It wasn’t one of injury, this was something else, something moreー a pain deep, deep down that had scabbed over with time. Something Trevor immediately understood.
Startled by his own admission, Alucard reacted strongly by punishing Trevor for bearing witness to it. He surged forward, though Trevor reacted quickly and kicked sharply into Alucard’s injured leg. The effect was immediate, and he used the opportunity to get to his feet, not really knowing what he planned on doing from there but knowing it would be required to get anything done. His victory, however, was short lived as Alucard recovered quickly and pounced, toppling them both onto the ground in a graceless heap. Limbs tangled and contorting every which way, tussling on the floor like schoolchildren over some petty argument.
Alucard managed to pin Trevor down in the end with wrists over his head and legs locked in place, making it difficult for Trevor to find purchase and fight back. This was not a position he ever found himself in and discovered was one he never wanted to be in again. Trevor’s stomach was rolling with too many emotions to pick out and name, heart fluttering like a bird seconds away from being caught in the mouth of a cat. A shiver had broken out over his skin despite his warm layers and the very real heat of Alucard looming overhead. His body had the instinctive urge to complyー but to what, he couldn’t say. Years of training were forgotten, as if never drilled for this exact scenario where it was meant to come as second nature to him.
Trevor was prey, had been all along.
But Alucard made no move to rip out his throat with teeth made for piercing, nor snap his wrists despite the pressure being put on them. He just stared down at Trevor, cast in shadow that Trevor’s human eyes couldn’t see through, just waiting . Enough time passed that Trevor’s jackrabbit heart was slowing, his mind coming back to himー his training that everything about this was wrong but able to keep himself from reacting out in fear or aggression. He thought back to what Sypha had said, to what Alucard was trying to say to him now with all the wrong words. Trevor may not have been fluent in twentysomething languages like they were, but he could easily read the nonverbal.
So he let the fight bleed out of him, pliant and trusting that Alucard meant him no harm. Above him, Alucard responded in kindー fingers loosening their hold, the sharp, rigid line of his body bowing beneath the weight of his pain and exhaustion. His head came down slowly, and Trevor had to keep from tensing when a golden crown came to rest on his shoulder. He, instead, allowing his more human, compassionate instincts to take over. A hand on the back of his neck, calloused fingers tangling in silky hairー and, really, they got to bathe once every other day if they were particularly lucky (which they usually weren’t), why was Alucard always so put-together?
Trevor banished the inappropriate thought by giving Alucard’s nape a reassuring squeeze, thumb idly brushing over smooth, pale skin. “What do you need?”
No more assuming, no more forcing Alucard into this pigeonhole Trevor made for him. He was more than a vampire, more than the son of Dracula and the fabled sleeping soldierー Trevor was neglecting the whole other half of Alucard that made him what he is, that Trevor might have been pretending didn’t exist.
“Tell me what you need.”
Trevor heard the gentle sound of teeth grindingー the rustle of fabric and shifting of hair. Breath wheezed, limbs moved. The long line of Alucard’s body fit against Trevor’s as he finally came to rest on top of him, heavy in a not-unpleasant way that Trevor didn’t know how to compartmentalizeー it wasn’t like having a lithe, soft woman sprawled over him after the throws of ecstacy. More like an old bloodhound settling in for a long afternoon nap, with unfamiliar, sharp angles and a heavy heat, but obviously comfortable that it felt a damn shame to move the exhausted creature aside.
Trevor found his fingers were caressing skin and hair of their own volition.
The night stretched on, with its ghastly sounds muffled off in the distance, and Trevor had settled on not having his olive branch taken when lips smacked with a soft sound, preparing speech.
“…an answer.” Alucard murmured, as if only just barely conscious. “Why did you offer?”
Blue eyes narrowed in the dark, watching the speckles of pale moonlight breaking through the heavy canopy overhead. Trevor took in a deep breath and answered honestly, having nothing else he could give that Alucard might want. “Because you needed it.”
No comment came, despite how long Trevor waited in the quietー the vampire’s only response was a gentle snoring muffled against Trevor’s shoulder.
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Snags and Snarls || Morgan & Kaden
Morgan and Kaden really just wanted to do the jacket exchange and leave, but there’s more than snark waiting for them in the darkety-dark. 
Morgan resented having to do anything nice for Kaden. She had considered turning the leather to plastic imitation, thinning out the thread along the sleeves so they ripped twice as easily, just to make his day a little harder. But she had made a bargain. She owed him. And she certainly didn’t want him to argue that she owed him anything else after this stupid drop off. So, Kaden’s leather jacket was restored to what she guessed was factory condition, and with the help of some clothes from her own goodwill bin, insulated with wool padding against the lingering cold. She told Kaden when it was ready and when to meet her at Flipped. It was eerie, driving up on what looked like a foggy night at all of--four in the afternoon. In March. She parked at the edge of the lot under a heavy fir tree and huddled in the safety of her Subaru, lights still on, since it was harder to see than usual. This should just be a quick exchange. Give him the damn jacket and get back home. When she thought she saw a particularly smug-asshole looking shape approach, Morgan opened her door a crack and peered out. “Are you gonna be creepy or are you gonna come take your jacket?”
Kaden wondered if he had wasted his $15 favor on a jacket but either way, he was pretty pleased to be getting it back. The wool one he’d been wearing in the meantime was fine, but he just didn’t like it as much. Didn’t have the right weight, not enough pockets, not as nice and worn. He looked around a bit as he approached the diner. Didn’t see anyone standing around. Made sense, though, it was a little chilly. Plus, probably not ideal to hang out exposed in the open during whatever bullshit eternal night that was happening in town at the moment. He had a feeling the car with the lights on was her, had to be right? Hands still in his pockets for warmth, he leaned down a bit to try and get a closer look when she pushed her door open. He scrunched his nose at her comment. “Creepy? The hell does that mean? You’re the one holed up in your car. I’m not going to be creepy, calm down.” He tried to resist rolling his eyes but couldn’t manage. “I just want the jacket and then you can feel free to write your debt off.” He reached out hand, waiting for her to hand over the jacket.
Morgan grimaced at Kaden as he came over, incapable of even admitting how he carried himself, how well he wore the ‘I’m a murdering asshole’ stamp over his head. “Oh, please,” she said. “You’re trying this on right now, because I am not coming back here in a week just because you decided ‘the lining isn’t right’ or ‘I made the sleeves too short,’” She mocked his accent in a baby voice as she got out of the car and handed him the jacket. “I have spare material in the back, so just make up your mind now, and no backsies later.” She glanced around them, arms folded over her against the cold. There was a strange sound above them, like the wind only not. She hoped Kaden would be quick so they could get the heck out of here. 
Kaden rolled his eyes again. He had a feeling if this interaction lasted much longer, it was bound to keep on happening. “Fine. And do not sound like that,” he said as he shrugged off his current coat, placing it on the roof of her car for the time being. He held out the jacket in front of him. It was impressive work, he had to admit. It looked good as new. Maybe a little better. No doubt it was a stark improvement over the sad charred shell it had been when he brought it to her. He swung it around and put his arms in it. He tugged on the lapels a little once it was, rolled his shoulders, then swung his arms back and forth in front of him to make sure it all moved fine, that nothing impared his movement, all that. With his arms crossed in front of him, elbow touching the inside of his arm, he met a touch of resistance. “Hmm, little tight right there,” he said, collapsing his shoulders forward into the seam. Nothing popped, though. “Should stretch out just fi--” A scraping sound in the nearby trees cut him off. He froze in place and his head shot up, trying to see where it came from. But all he could see was the strange pitch black of the afternoon night sky; he couldn’t make anything out beyond the first row of branches even if he wanted to. He waited a moment, but there was nothing more to hear in the following few seconds, just the wind. Maybe he was just hearing things.
Morgan rolled her eyes. Of course nothing was quite good enough. “It’s insulated, so it keeps you warmer,” she grumbled. “You don’t want that stuff to be too thin and bendy—” She was going to go on about the composition of the thing when the sound came again, closer. She gave Kaden a puzzled look—Did he hear that too? Did his hunter brain—then there were nails inside her shoulders, sharp and heavy, and she was off the ground. Morgan flailed in the grasp of whatever had her and shrieked to the sky.
“Putain!” Kaden shouted as claws descended from the fucking trees and into Morgan’s back. He reached out to try and grab her away from the monster, his first instinct. Not his best, admittedly, but keeping her on the ground seemed like the best plan he had at the moment. He got one of her calves first, then reached up to lock his arm around her hips, leaning back to pull her back down to the ground with all the strength and weight he could muster. Didn’t look like it was going too well. His mind raced to place the creature in his lexicon of supernatural creatures. Tree demon. Big ass claws. Night. Vampire? Asasabonsam. Had to be. “Hold on!” he shouted at her as he tried to pull her out of the monster's grip. 
“Hold onto what?” Morgan shrieked. She had a monster pulling on her shoulders hard enough to dislocate something, and Kaden was on her legs. Between the two of them, she might as well snap in half. That would be a fun hospital trip. The creature yanked on her harder, enough that she cried out, shrill and strangled with fear. She flailed to find purchase on something, anything, and caught her hand on the rough, cold skin on the creature. That was something. Good. Good something. But now what? She clawed her fingers up its arm, too breathless with fear to scream anymore, and pressed down her cuff. She opened herself up, desperate, and pushed. 
The creature let out a ragged, roaring cry of horror. It dropped its hold and Morgan plunked to the ground. She gathered herself up, heaving for breath, and went still again as the creature’s blood splattered down the tree and into her hair. She hadn’t thought about that when she’d made the skin on its arm turn to liquid. But looking up, stiff and trembling, Morgan knew that the creature understood plenty and was ready to make her pay. 
“Anything, pick something!” he shouted back. Kaden was going to have to let go of her if that piece of shit vampire was going to keep its yanking at her into the tree. He tried to keep his grip, pull her back, but it was no use, the creature pulled her up and away out of his grip. Fuck, shit, putain de merde. He wasn’t sure what to do next. Climb a fucking tree? He didn’t have a crossbow or anything like that with him. A gun? No gun. For once. Shit. He dug through his pockets to pull out a knife, still unsure of what good that would do in the immediate but having a weapon ready sounded like a better idea than not. He was about to climb up the fucking tree when he heard the horrfying shriek and saw her fall from the trees. He went to go catch her and got a face full of blood and liquid vampire skin. Perfect. He looked up and saw the monster lunging down at him, screaming and missing part of its arm. No mistaking it, it was angry. Merde, she really did a number on him. Kaden reached out for the arm, digging his fingers into the wound and pulling the beast downwards before plunging his knife wherever it would hit, sinking it into the monster’s ribcage. Wasn’t going to kill it but it sure looked like it hurt. “Get me a fucking stake!” he yelled out to the witch. 
“From WHERE?” Morgan cried. She was still shaking from end to end. Blood and liquified muscle soaked through her hair and sweater, sticking to her skin. She needed to think—of course. She was under a ducking tree, of course! Morgan pawed the ground for sticks, throwing them indiscriminately Kaden’s way. At last she pulled herself to her feet by the trunk and snapped off a low branch. “Uh, will this work better?” She said. She passed it over, still shaking. Were there more in the trees? Was it going to spring back up and try again because she hadn’t gotten a stake sooner? Morgan began to inch towards her Subaru, just in case she needed a faster escape. 
The wailing from the monster was fucking annoying. And loud. Made it hard to concentrate. Still, Kaden pulled out his knife and tried to take the monster down out of the trees, using all the strength he could muster while she fumbled for a stake. But he knew if he got this fucker down on the ground, they’d have the advantage. Problem being, despite the thing being injured, Kaden could feel his feet getting lighter, his grip on the ground slowly slipping away. Putain. Not good. Just as he was pretty sure he was about to be pulled up into the trees, he heard Morgan and turned back to grab whatever it was she threw at him, letting go of the knife still stuck in the vampire’s ribs and catching the branch. Fuck, a branch? Would it even go through? As he felt his feet leave the ground, he decided he didn’t have time to ponder it. He took the makeshift stake and rammed it where the heart should be. And nothing happened. Fuck. Kaden’s eyes grew wide a moment as the monster growled and lunged for his neck. He took a swing with his fist at the branch sticking out of the vampire’s chest, shoving it in farther. And then… poof. The creature burst into dust, its grip on Kaden gone like it had never been there and he fell to the ground right back into the pool of blood that had liquified off the monster earlier. “Merde,” he grumbled to himself as he tried to stand and brush himself off, dust sticking to the blood on his jacket. “You alright?”
Morgan watched with horrified fascination from her place pressed against her car. One minute the thing was there, with its strange, nightmare feet thrashing, and its throat warbling wounded, reedy cries. Then it was gone. If she hadn’t made such a mess with its arm, you wouldn’t have been able to tell it had been there before. It wasn’t like any death Morgan had ever seen. “Shit,” she whispered, groping for the door handle. “P-peachy with a side of keen,” she said, testing her shoulder. Oh. That...some of that blood was hers. “Only got a little maimed by...what was that thing? You’re um…” She grimaced, uncomfortable with her concern. “You’re not maimed either, right?”
“Little’s better than it could have been. You sure you’re alright?” Kaden took quick stock of himself, any injuries. His back hurt after falling but, minor, really. She looked worse, that was for sure. “I’m good.” He took a quick look at the jacket. Fucking hell. “Uh, this might not be, though.” There were new claw marks in it on top of the dust-caked blood. Lovely. “Oh and that? That was one of those tree vampires. Asanbosam, I think? Can’t say for sure if that’s the right name, probably. You’d have to double check with Al--” He stopped himself short of announcing his friend as a slayer. Not a great idea to someone he barely knew who didn’t seem to love the idea that he was a hunter. “With a book. Or something. Should be right, though.” He shrugged off the jacket, poor thing. It had gone through a lot. “Uh, I hate to ask but…” 
Holy universe, this was almost as bad as getting pulled up a tree by a monster. Kaden, ‘French asshole who treated people like stuff’ Kaden, was a hunter with humanity. It shouldn’t have been the most surprising revelation. Blanche liked him enough to involve him in tracking Miriam, and Morgan had been to many awkward holiday parties with people who would give her hugs and an extra casserole with $20 wrapped in a napkin and then stick a Bush-Cheney sign in their lawn. It was a familiar clusterfuck. She just didn’t think she’d have to have it with Kaden, who was at least some of the things she thought he was, but also didn’t seem to be striking deals over giving a crap now that she needed a lot more than a waffle plate. “I brought extra material in case you had a problem with it,” she said. “Hand it over. And uh--” she tested her shoulder again. “If you’ve got a first aid kit, that’d be great until I can get to--” She stopped short of saying Nisa’s name. “Somewhere to fix myself up better.”
Kaden handed her the jacket and took a look over at her shoulder. Yeah, didn’t look great. It didn’t look like it needed stitches from what he could see but there was no doubt it needed treatment of some sort. His brow furrowed a moment, she was asking for help? “Yeah, I’ve got one in my car. It’s around the corner, though.” Just a moment ago he would have guessed she was about to hop in her car and high tail it out of there as fast as possible. It wasn’t hard to see she wanted little to nothing to do with him. Still, the whole point of hunting was to keep humans safe, even if he wasn’t sure why that was so hard for so many to grasp. He wasn’t going to just walk away if she was injured. “It’s going to take me a minute to get it. Let me know if you want me to take a look when I’m back. I’m no doctor but I’ve dealt with my fair share of claws and teeth wounds.” 
That...did actually sound helpful. The less she had to put on Nisa and Deirdre, the better. Morgan gave Kaden a reluctant nod. “Yeah, that would be…” How was this more bewildering than scary tree vampires being real? “Great. Thank you.” She turned away from him quickly, too weirded out to linger on the moment, and opened the back of her car for her scrap bin. There was a pleather jacket Anya had raked her claws down. She had worked her head around the knack of thread thickness and ink and dye plenty in the weeks since Kaden had first given her the damn thing; it cost her little brainpower now to bring the two pieces together for a fresh repair. Good as new again. She sagged against her car, carefully holding the jacket away from her, and waited for Kaden to come back. “Give it another go,” she said. “Maybe the second time’s the charm.”
With a quick nod and the jacket now in her hands again, Kaden headed to his beat up Volvo station wagon down the street to grab the well-worn first aid kit out of his trunk. Some people had pristine first aid kits that they kept for an emergency that never came. His wasn’t like that at all. If he had to guess, there wasn’t one thing in that kit that had originally come with it. Every item had been replaced time and time again. When he got back to her car, he was surprised to see she was already down. He put the kit down a moment and tried on the jacket. Once again, he shrugged it on, rolled his shoulders a bit. Still felt good. “Good as new.” Honestly, he was a little shocked she was able to fix it up as well as she did, magic or otherwise. It should have been nothing but trash after the run-in with the mime cut out. “Uh, thanks. Let’s get that wound cleaned up, alright?”
Morgan rolled her eyes. “I told you it would be,” she said. “You don’t have to be that surprised.” But she was glad he was, and the snip in her tone faded quickly. “And uh...thank you, too. Really. I appreciate this.”  It felt weird to offer him a smile, all the more so for knowing how little this changed anything. But what else did you do for the person who stopped you from being vampire food?
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tiny-ruby-seeds · 6 years
The Nature of My Game
Michael Langdon x Dean Winchester
AN- This is what I do on my birthday. 
I post strange crossovers with (not so much if you think about it) crack ships. It may not be everyone’s cup of tea but... Damn do I like this crazy thing and I hope you guys will like it too! Especially my fellow AHS & SPN lovers and my fellow Pisces whose birthday is tomorrow (you know who you are)!
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Graphic made by me, picture taken from Pinterest found here with credit to their owners
Trigger Warnings-  Blasphemy (It’s Supernatural and American Horror Story yo), Demonic Shenanigans (death, destruction, souls get barbequed... That stuff),  Language, Violence, Mentions of Blood/Gore/ Dismemberment (I mean cannot you guys not see it happening with these two? Don’t lie), Mentions of Solo (Male) Masturbation, and Slight Knife Kink
Word Count- 4206
It was first time in the past few minutes that the bar had fallen silent. There was an almost eerie quality to it after the carnage of a few moments ago, save for the terrible wet fleshy smacking sounds that rang over and over of the records clicking and changing in the jukebox in the corner. Soon that terrible sound went silent as the jukebox hummed.
A silence that was almost ringing between the two men (left alive) in the bar. The one closest to the jukebox surveyed his ruined clothes (he may have worn a red velvet dinner jacket it but blood had a tendency to dry to a disgusting dark brown if not washed) before looking to the bar around them.
Now, he hadn’t been keen on coming here in the first place. Had sighed and rolled his eyes when his companion insisted on dragging him into this place that stank like stale beer and made his stomach turn when seeing some over greased concoction that seemed to coat his veins just looking at it. But now…
It was filled with the scent of blood as patrons everywhere around them were slaughtered. Blood, a few limbs, and viscera covering the floor mixing with the bar peanuts and odd bits of silverware. Normally he didn’t mind the sight and smell of destruction, in fact, he would have dared said it was an improvement but right now was not the time to admire the chaos. This would be a problem soon enough.
“Was that really necessary?" He asked suddenly; voice silky, cool and calm above the notes that were starting to filter from the jukebox.
He could hear the drums of a famous band his caregiver (dear sweet black-hearted Ms. Mead, long gone) had once loved. He could hear the slight accent from the singer even as he sang the word he had once sung with her as a child.
“...Please allow me to introduce myself
I’m a man of wealth and taste
Been around for a long, long year
Stole many a man’s soul to waste…”
Maybe later the Antichrist, Michael Langdon, would chuckle at the irony that of all songs it was this one that the old jukebox decided to ring out and sing. Maybe later he would admit it was rather amusing that amidst the carnage of the bar that the jukebox was still rather untouched, as though it were a living thing thinking that playing that song would save it from any further damage save for the splatters of blood and gore (Seriously, that idiot had it coming thinking he could aim a shotgun at them both and that one of them wouldn't break his bones, snap tendons, before tearing his heart out). All of it would be funny later. Right now… Annoyance reigned supreme. It gleamed in his icy blue gaze, drew taunt in the line of his shoulders and the grip of his hands tightly behind his back, and all over his handsome (although slightly blood splattered) features framed in ginger blonde hair.
He had a reason to be annoyed, even angry. After all, this bar had been full of hunters before they had walked in and it was the blood, guts, and limbs of hunters that decorated it now. It had just taken one of them saying the wrong thing for his companion to finally explode. A companion who was already of short temper thanks to the ancient mark branded on his arm.
A companion was currently on the floor, resting slightly from pounding the remnants of blood, bone, and gore into the dark hardwood floor. Michael had no time to marvel at how, a few moments ago, that had been some poor bastard who had made the mistake of trying to make a break for it out of his hiding spot. Needless to sa,y he didn’t stand a chance when pitted with Dean Winchester. The man’s green eyes turning jet black before he all but threw himself at him as soon as Michael shouted at the former hunter to stop him (Good to see he can follow orders when it suits him, The Antichrist thought grudgingly).
There was a terrible dark chuckle answered Michael’s question, as Dean looked up. The once hunter was smeared with more blood than Michael was. It was all over his face, across the stubble of his chin, his black shirt, and red button up, even starting to stain his blue jeans, and it certainly covered the ancient jawbone fashion into a blade, the first blade in fact, in the man’s hand. It seemed oddly fitting in a way, the once hunter now Knight of Hell didn’t have the Antichrist’s distaste for getting his hand dirty.
No… He lives for it, Michael thought.
He was born for it.
"Nah but admit it, Princess," Dean said easily, a terrible grin crossing his face. “It was fun as hell.”
Michael felt his jaw tighten feeling a flash of anger in his gut. He couldn’t allow himself to think of how it had been a physical effort to pull his eyes from the newly turned demon as he watched him work. Even as a hunter, the older Winchester was something to behold. Movements sharp, precise, that mark of a warrior trained to hunt monsters But bearing the Mark of Cain…Dean turned killing into an art form. A primal dance that was hard to pull away from even after the newly turned Knight of Hell just fucked Michael’s plan off into the sunset.
Michael couldn’t let himself think of how this awful, horrifying, utterly beautiful being was how Dean was supposed to be. Nor could he allow himself to think of how the hunter’s dirty blonde hair was just a little too mussed from its normal look and he fought the itch in his hand to correct it. But he couldn’t ignore the simple fact that blood on the other man’s face seemed to bring out the deeper hazel hues hidden in his sage colored eyes.
Dean meanwhile couldn’t help but watch as Michael sighed, starting to pace the room, appraising the damage. If Dean didn’t hear it in the other’s voice he could see it clearly from how the blonde was looking over the carnage, eyes lingering in disdain on bodies Dean knew he could add to his ever-growing kill count thanks to the mark:
Michael wasn’t happy.
Of course, he wasn’t, this wasn’t the way he liked to do things, hadn’t been since before when Dean was the hunter. Of course, it would be the same when the tables had been turned.
Dickhead Antichrist is such a damn hypocrite, Dean thought as he wiped the blood off his face, smearing it slightly but it was enough to get rid of that sticky feeling as it was starting to dry.
A few of these bodies had their hearts torn clean out, the blood belonging to them had trickled down Michael’s plump lips in a way that had made it really damn hard to focus even with the mark screaming in his veins, Kill Kill Kill! Not to mention the pile of ash that was at the corner of the bar that had once been of the fuckers who thought an exorcism would do anything other than burn their ears.
He fixed the Antichrist, his so-called lord, with a glare. Trying not to notice how Michael seemed to blaze even brighter when he was angry. Not for the first time… Dean wondered what the hell was wrong with him after all… It was so very hard to look away even if he wanted to.
Stupid damned prince...
"What the hell is wrong now, Lestat?" The knight of hell finally snorted after a few beats getting to his feet once more.
That little dig was one the former hunter turned knight knew Michael hated. Dean didn’t want to give the other the satisfaction of thinking he cared or anything in the like (because he didn’t damn it), but he was pretty done with this silent treatment. Only watching Michael paced the room doing… Well, whatever weird demonic shit he was doing. Was he destroying their souls? Or did he have to burn them for that? Did have to eat their hearts? Who knows?
“Oh, whatever gave you the idea something was wrong?” Michael replied coolly without missing a beat.
Smart ass.
Dean fixed him with one of the looks he had learned from watching his once little brother (once, it was easy to say once now, Demons didn’t have family at least that’s what he told himself). The phrase that's bullshit showing on every feature.
“Cause you’re acting like a little bitch, Mikey.” He said with a smirk (if Michael hated being referred to as an Anne Rice vampire, he despised that nickname even more). “You can't tell me you didn't like every damn minute of that. Here I was thinking you were a better liar than that.”
Michael stopped in his pacing, turning to Dean. His face was expressionless but his eyes… Dean wasn’t sure if it was because of the slight trace of sunset crimson (how the hell Michael could wear makeup and look like that while doing it was always beyond Dean) or the blood splatter on his face but his eyes seemed to shine. Even in the dim light of this shitty bar.
“I’m the one acting like a ‘little bitch’?” The Antichrist snapped. “Odd… I wasn’t the one who fucking started this temper tantrum because of something some Neanderthal with half a brain said.”
The smirk on the demon’s face sunk into a dirty look as something deep within him whimpered at Michael’s tone. Not this crap again, Dean thought. Hating the strange instinct he had developed since waking to serve the Son of Satan before him. Damn Knights of Hell and their damn Knightley bullshit.
“Dick was asking for it,” Dean said with a shrug.
“Oh?” Michael said turning to him full. “And he told you this, did he? Got on his knees as begged you to gut him when you insisted going to the bar after his outburst earlier? I must have missed that as you were suddenly breaking a bottle over his head, as I had made it very clear to you to leave it alone.”
The knight shrugged.
“Didn’t see you doing anything about it,” Dean said. “You think I'm gonna let some backwater bitch say that crap to me?”
Or say that crap about you, a terrible little thought in Dean’s mind added but he locked that up. Not wanting to touch that with a ten-foot pole.
Meanwhile, Michael had fixed his knight with a glare that Dean half wondered if would cause him to burst into flames for a moment. He's probably still thinking about it so… Fuck it.
“You do realize I just had to whisper in the right ear and I wouldn’t have had to?” Michael said coldly. “There were some here who were thinking of getting revenge for a failed hunt he had been on and it wouldn't have taken much for them to seek it.”
“Cause that wouldn’t have taken too damn long.” Dean snorted, doubtful.
“It certainly wouldn’t have caused the entire bar to react when you decided to flash black eyes when started slamming his head against the bar repeatedly. Causing us to kill every one of them when I had made it very clear we were trying to keep a low profile-.”
“Yeah but that was awesome and you know it.”
“Dean...” Michael said as though he were dealing with an idiot child, something that grated on Dean’s nerves a bit up there with that annoying look on his face.
The knight tried not to think of how Michael hadn't ever called him that before. By his name. It was always Winchester, Hunter, or (quite recently) Knight or something like that. As if Dean were just another piece in the Antichrist’s game. This was probably the first time that silky voice had said it (his name, his) and something in him… Wanted to hear Michael say it just a few more times.
Just a few more.
Just one more.
“... Must I remind you again of what we are trying to do now that I have reclaimed the throne?” Michael continued.
Dean rolled his eyes, that feeling dashed with the reminder of the plan. Of course, he knew about the damn plan as Michael had all but beaten him over the head with it.
“We’re trying to take over hell, trying to get rid of the trash Crowley left behind, trying to start the Apocalypse up again,” Dean said, mimicking the Antichrist’s tone mockingly. “Blah be-blah blah blah.”
Dean could see a tick in Michael’s facade as he simplified this grand elaborate plan to just a few sentences. It was a small chink in the armor of Lucifer’s Kid but it was fun to see nonetheless. Just as he was about to try to put another chink in that armor, suddenly the Antichrist spoke.
“We’re trying to avoid the attention of those who would seek to thwart us before we set out what I was born to do… Righteous Man,” Michael replied.
Dean didn't just hear those two words, he felt them. Felt them as strong as the knife in his hand, tasted them as clear as the blood he felt on his tongue, heard them as clearly as the souls he had ripped apart what felt like a lifetime ago some days and felt like yesterday during others. He hadn't been called that in years but… Hearing it was like kicking a Pandora’s box of pain open, tearing open a scar that was barely healed.
Dean fixed Michael with an angry glare. The urge to attack starting to flicker in his veins.
“Or… Does something in you want us to fail?” Michael lilted suddenly
“Shut up.” Dean snapped.
The Mark branded on his arm started to ache as it started to awaken once more.
“It does, doesn’t it? You want them to find us, don’t you? That’s why you are not hiding it anymore aren’t you?”
“Shut your damn mouth.”
Dean could see red glowing at the edge of his vision. Knight or no, the mark was craving blood.
“After all… Any word of you would bring your beloved little brother running now, won’t it… Winchester? Do you think they would save you from what you have become? What you are? Your brother and that sweet little angel friend of yours… What were their names again? Castiel and Sa-.”
Michael didn't finish as, at that moment, Dean crossed the room in what seemed to be just a few steps. The hand without the blade going right to Michael’s throat, finger’s clenching. Instinctively the Antichrist’s arm raised and Dean felt the sharp edge of a blade Michael had claimed in the fray. In the hands of a normal human, it would be an annoying little pain. But in Michael’s hands though, with the power he possessed...
The hunter turned demon’s eyes locked onto the Antichrist’s, sage burning onto cerulean, as a war of instincts clashing in his mind. One crying KILL KILL KILL as the other screamed NOT HIM NOT HIM NOT HIM. Dean wanted to scream above the din in his seemingly empty soul for both of them to shut up but… He knew it was useless. Nothing every stopped it before and Dean was started to believe there was no force on earth that could 
“Ya gonna keep going, Princess?” The knight said with a terrible smile despite hating this, eye’s flashing black, raising the first blade as though to stab the man before him through the heart.
It would probably do nothing to Michael, it might do everything, but Dean was having trouble caring even though something in him knew he wouldn't be able to do it. Something would stop him before he tried. Something always did.
“I’m doing this cause I like doing it. You may be my king or whatever but don’t you think I give a damn about you or your little kingdom. I’m just here cause a regime change sounds like a hell of a lot of fun.”
To his surprise… Michael didn’t sputter, didn’t choke. Rather his blue eyes seemed to set alight, a slight smirk crossing his face for the first time since Dean had insisted that they go into this small hole in the wall bar. Dean wondered what it said about him that his black heart seemed to stop for a moment when he noticed it. Before he had the sense of danger that followed Michael like a shadow.
“Really?” Michael managed to get out, voice breathy, the sound going up Dean’s spine.
What was he-?
“Is that what you are still are telling yourself when you follow me, Dean?” Michael asked, silky voice honeyed. “I am to take that staring you have been doing as nothing more then forced devotion to your lord then? Defending him when someone slanders his name even among the the unwashed masses...”
That grin fell away from the former hunter’s face, replaced by an angry glare.
Damn it… He had thought he was being so careful sneaking glances when he could of the lithe man before him. Had thought the man was so focused on his plans of world destruction. Had thought he beat the bastard (the one who started all of this shit) into a pulp before Michael had heard what he had said to Dean… About him.
Dean really couldn’t be blamed for the way he was drawn to the man before him… Michael was far too damn handsome for his own good. The hunter had thought so when they first met the Son of Lucifer not long after his father had risen, and as a demon, as a Knight, it was far far worse.
Every awareness of him was heightened, maybe because Knights of Hell were created to serve their lord and thereby his son but it was true all the same. Dean could hear every sweet breath that left the Antichrist’s too soft lips, could feel the silky waves of hair when the blonde would pull those locks back on occasion, could almost sense that too hot skin when his lord would change in their shared room (because of course they had to share a fucking room as something in him felt the need to protect Michael even though he had the feeling Michael didn’t need protecting). Even he knew choking Michael like this wouldn’t do anything to him other then annoy him…
And give Dean an excuse to touch that golden sun kissed skin that he had craved touching since the day they met.
Dean had hoped that Michael was done. That he wouldn’t keep digging. He couldn't know could he? No, he couldn't, Dean was careful. Besides, Michael may have that night vision of the soul but his soul was too corrupted and black too see right? Dean’s answer came in the way that smirk became a full blown smile.
“... Not the sounds I have heard you make the shower when you think I’ve gone or when you think I'm asleep. When you moan my name… Should I call them false prayers of thanks to your savior?”
The blade almost tumbled from Dean’s hands in shock.
Son of a bitch!
Dean jerked his hand away from the man’s throat as if Michael had burned him, stumbling back from the Antichrist snarling as if the other man had struck him. Yet he didn’t have an excuse for that one ready. Wasn’t prepared. Rather he was kicking himself.
He had sworn he had been quiet.
Had sworn that Michael had gone.
Dean you stupid son of a bitch, He thought. Self hate was an old friend of his… Even as a demon. And he could taste it’s bitterness. He went to tear and stalk away when he felt something on his cheek. 
Long clever ringed fingers tracing the stubble on his face. It’s strange… But… The dance of those fingers across his face… They felt like home. The silence in his head, the ringing urge to kill... It was a barely even a rumble of thunder in a oncoming storm He heard Michael chuckle and looked up to see the devil’s smile… Yet there was something in it. Something that made something in him he thought was dead with his humanity stop.
Something fond, something almost sweet… Something that blazed and Dean suddenly had the urge to burn.
Michael was suddenly stepping closer and closer into his space. The scent of that spicy, musky cologne mixed with the metallic tang of blood washing over him. Dean was finding hard to breath as the Antichrist started to trace down his chest with the edge of the knife. As the fingers on his cheek started to leave scorching paths up his jaw, going to the small hairs on the back of his neck. A bit of tenderness followed by the threat of pain. Yet Dean had a feeling in Michael’s hands… It would be like heaven and hell rolled into one.
Michael was close now, so close that Dean could feel the heat of him. And the former hunter could feel his breath catch when the Antichrist forced his head down slightly. Dean's eyes slid closed as he could feel the Michael's breath dance across his lips, felt his nose nudge against his own.
“Pity you insist on being a fucking thorn in my side as your false lord would have been tempted to answer those cries for salvation.”
Dean's eyes snapped open, seeing that smug smile on Michael’s face.
“You bastard son of-!”
“Now now Dean, you went against my wishes. Do you really think I would reward such misbehavior?” Michael said, pulling his hand away. “Perhaps you will do well to remember. In the meantime do insist that if you must attack like a rabid wolf you do so when the occasion calls for it. Regardless of how... Amusing it is to see a wolf tear apart the sheep.”
Dean was tempted to snap back, tempted to grab that hand and put it back on his face, when he noticed Michael’s too blue eyes lingering on his own lips. Unconsciously, he couldn’t help but wet them, tasting the lingering bits of beer and whiskey. Trying not to wonder if Michael’s would taste like that red wine he had ordered (cause Michael would order wine in a dive bar, the high and mighty prick) or the blood of those hearts he had taken bites out of like candy or a mixture of the two. Something in Dean craved to find out but knew he couldn’t…
Not until his lord gave him leave. Although he didn’t give a shit about everything else Michael spouted or believed in or everything else… This was something that would be so much sweeter when he did.
And damn am I going to make that little shit pay for it when I fucking get it.
He swore he saw a spark in Michael’s eyes at that thought but it faded as soon as he tried to focus on it.
“Come,” Michael said. “We have work to do.”
“Yeah yeah,” Dean muttered.
The knight glanced over to the jukebox, the telltale clicking sounds making it clear it was changing records once more.
“Actually hang on…”
Dean put the First Blade in his belt as he strode over to the jukebox, he reached over grabbing a nearby unbroken chair (probably one of the few in the whole place), a grin crossing his face as the first few notes of a new song rang out. He could hear Michael sigh, could feel the Antichrist roll his eyes. He was betting through that the other man was probably eyeing him, could almost feel it with his demonic senses like he could sense everything to do with his lord. And for some reason, he wanted Michael to watch.
Dean pulled the chair close, pulling it so it would be easy to lift up and then…
Wham! Wham! Wham!
The music became disjointed, off-key with a loud sound of metal twisting, glass breaking, wood cracking as Dean took the chair to the jukebox. The sound of the new song sounding terribly discordant and broken.
Wham! Wham! Wham!
Soon the jukebox was sputtering.
Wham! Wham! Wham!
And with a few crackles and a few fading notes… The jukebox died.
“Do you feel better now?” Michael said with a chuckle.
“Oh yeah, that one from the Stones was the only decent song on that damn thing. I looked, everything else sucked. Lead on boss.”
Cause if you insist on being a tease then I'm gonna check out that ass of yours. Dean thought.
Not for the first time, he wondered if Michael could read minds as he tilted his head slightly. But he shook his head and led them out of the bar nonetheless as suddenly flames erupted behind them the scent of burning cloth, wood, flesh, and alcohol following them as they made their way to the door.
As they did Dean couldn’t help but think, Maybe this pain in the ass Antichrist ain't too bad after all. And Dean could swear he caught Michael trying to hide a smile as they stepped into the night...
Tagged: @sojournmichael (HAPPY BIRTHDAY BOO!)  @youshouldbescared and @eternally-jkatherinehale 
Trivia- Title and lyrics song from Rolling Stones “Sympathy for the Devil”
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galfridus1 · 6 years
Congrats on 1000 followers. For the prompt could you write a Mel and Zel bonding for 16 please? ^////^
Hi there! Thanks so much for your patience with this! Here are Meliodas and Zeldris with “is it over?”.
Fog, thick swirls of soft mist, dense and eerie, rolled like waves of cloud through the tall, dark trees. Zeldris suppressed a curse as he pushed carefully through the branches, wishing fervently he had not let his brother talk him into this ridiculous endeavour. It was alright for Meliodas, the second most powerful demon in all existence, but for him the atmospheric conditions were proving somewhat of a hindrance. 
He clenched his jaw, treading the ground as softly as he could as his power fanned out to scan the area. Moving with caution, his senses on full alert, he was thankful the fallen pine needles cushioned his steps, masking the sound of his boots as they padded on the earth. He could hear the soft song of the chaffinches, the rustle of squirrels as they searched for food, the strange call of the capercaillie as they moved in their dance. But there was no sign of the prey they were hunting, and the overwhelming aroma of resin which obliterated every other scent in the forest was doing his search absolutely no favours.
It was all so annoying. Zeldris silently pressed his lips together as he felt his brother’s signature in the distance. Evidently Meliodas had already reached their destination; the tremors of power Zeldris could detect on the air radiated that unbearable smugness that communicated self-satisfaction more clearly than any possible taunts. How Meliodas always managed to come out ahead was a genuine mystery to him: the eldest son of the demon king was of course powerful - one might even say obscenely so - but he had his faults. Sloppiness for one, Zeldris considered as he made his way with lightning speed past the copious pines, his form nothing more than a blur as he ran through the trees.
He stopped when he reached the loch, huge and shimmering like pewter with reflections of sky, grey as smoke with cloud and fog. The surface stretched for miles and miles, dark hills just visible past the far shore through the low-hanging streams of mist. Meliodas stood at the water’s edge, his eyes scanning the horizon as waves lapped musically at his boots, polishing the stones which littered the pebbled beach.
“You took your time,” Meliodas barked as Zeldris seethed, forcing his hands to remain at his sides. His palm itched with longing for the hilt of his sword as he stalked towards his brother, his jaw set and eyes narrowed.
“And you have made some sort of mistake,” Zeldris said triumphantly as he pushed his powers out in all directions, feeling no response to his investigations. “There is nothing here. Just a pine marten, several squirrels and a family of badgers. There are no signs of even humans in this part of Britannia, let alone some monster that will win us the war.”
Meliodas held up a hand imperiously as he cocked his head slightly to one side, the air ringing with silence as Zeldris bit down on his tongue. There really was nothing in the surrounding area; just trees and the faint smell of pine and moss and some sort of animal skat. Zeldris’s mouth twisted as he composed a retort in his head, before he saw Meliodas’s face spread into a grin.
“It’s clever, very clever but there it is,” his brother almost sang as he took a step closer to the lapping waves. “Don’t tell me you can’t sense it, little brother.” Zeldris growled, but sent out his magic into the depths of the loch, feeling along the rocky edges and through the ice cold water.
And there it was. He gasped, recoiling slightly as he felt a Goliath of a creature, so massive it was enough to encompass at least two tyrant dragons. There was no mistaking it, the signature was too forceful, its body too large for it to be anything other than some sort of magical beast. Yet why had he not been able to sense it before? Now that he had found it, the animal’s energy was like that of a lantern shining in the dark; bright and glowing and impossible to miss.
“Well, well, well,” Meliodas said thoughtfully as he bent down, trailing his fingers into the water. “Whatever is in there, someone powerful has attempted to conceal it. No doubt the goddesses wish to use it for their own purposes.” Meliodas leered, his grin lopsided and cruel. “We has better put the creature out of its misery. One way or another.”
“And how do you propose to do that exactly?” Zeldris huffed as he continued to press out his power. “This loch is fathoms deep. How will you encourage it to show itself?”
Meliodas cast a glance at Zeldris over his shoulder, his eyes flashing with a cold mirth. “I have no intention of encouraging anything. Watch and learn, little brother.” With that, Meliodas cast off his clothing, quickly covering his body in darkness, the substance flowing to form webbed flippers over his feet. He strode with purpose into the loch, sinking slowing into the shining grey water. Zeldris shuddered, wrinkling his nose before swiftly following suit, hissing slightly as the ice cold waves covered his skin.
The water beneath the surface was dark, and he struggled to see in the murky gloam. Weeds, stringy and slimy, brushed uncomfortably against his cheeks, and he swept them aside with growing impatience. He pushed out his powers once more, easily tracing his brother’s familiar signature which was heading rapidly towards the strange energy he had sensed from the surface. It was stronger here, and he had to suppress a jolt of surprise on feeling a number of other smaller creatures swimming in formation around the prey he was hunting.
As he drew closer, this darkness helping him to blast through the water, the felt Meliodas at his side. A few slight touches were enough to convey the plan of attack, and he swiftly followed his brother’s instructions. Carefully, so as not to give the beast cause for alarm, he wrapped tendrils of darkness around its body, tightening them at the very last moment. The animal struggled, writhing desperately in his grasp. He could feel the pull of Meliodas’s power as the two hauled the monster up to the surface.
And what a sight it was. Pushing through into the cold, autumn air the brothers looked at the creature they had managed to capture. The large, jade-coloured animal, with a long thin neck, bellowed forlornly as they examined it: it was indeed powerful, both in strength and magic and it took everything that they had to keep it still.
“This is not goddess magic,” Zeldris declared as he held onto the beast, lurching to the side as it whipped its head round in an attempt to strike. “Whatever it is this creature is not tied to them. It is unlike anything I have felt in all of Britannia.”
“It is ancient power,” agreed Meliodas. The demon grinned broadly as the monster flailed, and he clambered up over its back, holding on to its neck with his knees. “It appears to be one of the early creations that wandered the earth before the great darkness took hold.” Zeldris nodded, allowing his shoulders to relax just a little; if that were true the animal transcended current politics. It would steadfastly refuse to align with any clan, and as such it would be fruitless to try and secure it. He began to breathe more easily, planning in his mind the quickest route home.
Meliodas stiffened, obviously noting his change in demeanor. “I must be confused. Is it over?” his brother asked, every word he uttered emphasised with a brooding menace. “You would allow this creature to remain in Britannia? A source of power we do not control?”
“I do not see why we should feel obligated do otherwise,” retorted Zeldris as he returned his brother’s cold stare. “It will not be possible for the goddess clan to recruit it.”
“Which is exactly what Monspeet said about the giants.” Meliodas dug his knees into the animal’s flank, causing it to cry out in pain. “Ludoshel has his wiles. Though,” he added thoughtfully as he cocked his head to one side, “you may be right. This is hardly a sentient thing. It is running solely on instinct.”
Zeldris drew a deep breath, stretching his muscles which were beginning to feel the strain. The monster had not ceased its movements since they had brought it up to the air, and the continued exertion was beginning to take its effect. “All we need do is hide it,” he argued as Meliodas bared his teeth in a smile. “A masking charm should do the trick. It is so outlandish,” he added as he cast a derisory look over the animal’s ungainly form, “that even if it is spotted it is probable that their tale will not be believed.”
“Indeed, we can make sure of that,” Meliodas mused. “Very well.” With that, Zeldris felt the air around them shift, a warm glow spreading through his frozen limbs. Quickly he summoned his own magic, mulberry swirls melding together as they cast a masking charm over the monster. Then, as one, they released their hold, springing into the air, wings sprouting from their backs as they sped away from the vast loch. They watched as the animal slunk back beneath the surface, barely causing a ripple as it returned to the depths.
“Not a word of this. To anyone,” Meliodas commanded, Zeldris bridling slightly at the authoritarian tone. Still, he held his tongue as the sped back to the demon realm, pleased that the area so close to the vampires’ stronghold in Edinburgh was now safe from observation.
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fyrapartnersearch · 5 years
A chance meeting.

Greetings to you again my fellow drifters and roleplayers ~ I hope to catch some flies with some honey. I would like to post my ad once more with a more specific request / intent in mind. You may call me Aylo. I am specifically searching for partners who sport the same interests, passion and dedication as me. Regarding myself I’ll keep it short and sweet. If you wish to know more about me, feel free to ask me through email. Age: 20+ years Gender: Female Occupation: Full time student with a side job Timezone: CET 
Experience: 11 years If you wish to get in touch with me, here’s my email for contact :)
What I’m looking for in a partner: If you write to me, tell me about yourself, particularise what you would like to do, where your interests lie in and how far you will go limit-wise. To be clear, I will accept 20+ partners only! I am sure there are roleplayers below that age who are wonderful writers, however due to legality issues and the age difference, it would feel awkward… Sorry ;__;

This will be a mature themed RP and that means it will include very heavy topics that may not be for the faint of heart. So be sure to read every word carefully before you message me, because these kinds of misunderstandings can be easily avoided. I am currently on the hunt for a literate, erudite and witty writer with a creative mindset who can cross the line with me. I don’t care what gender you are or what your timezone is, as long as we correspond well, we should be fine.

Also to note, I am looking for a longterm and dependable partner. If you are not sure if you can fulfil either of these, feel free to scroll past my ad! It won’t be held it against you ^^
 Platforms I prefer to write on are: 

Email and Google Docs. I try to get myself a Discord as soon as I get a new PC. How to I write, my limits and preferences. Be sure to read them carefully:
Cravings: What I crave at the most, almost always, is the topic of supernatural and urban fantasy. Though I can be persuaded to go more into pop culture (like superheroes or crime). Personally what I would like go for is an original story or anything fandom related that I have listed down below. If you are not sure which I am open to do at the moment, feel free to scroll down and see for yourself if we’re compatible or not. Although I am versatile when it comes to genres, I am only currently seeking someone who would rather do something more supernatural inspired, including demons, spirits, monsters, gods and angels. I do have a few ideas in my repertoires that I would like to pitch, but I prefer to talking to my partner first before setting anything in stone. Interests: My line of interests are very electric when it comes to genres. I love conceiving my own lore inside a stories, be it an original or a pre-existing story. Gothic fantasy among others are one of my favourites. I am not opposed to tapping into science fiction, conspiracies, intrigue, action, romance, crime, action or thriller genres, in fact I encourage it. Inspirations for me are Lovecraft, The Tudors, Gotham, Hellsing, Blade, Underworld, etc. As for the fandom inspired RPs, I am more than willing to bend some rules and be a little indulgent. Writing: 3rd person perspective. My writing is expansive and flexible, which means that frequently, word count will go up 1000+ per reply - though it highly depends on the situation and partner I write with. Quality over quantity as they say - but why not both? I love detail in description, and I am actively seeking someone of the same infamy. My partner should have a basic grasp on grammar, punctuation and somewhat of an interest in knowledgeable writing. I also double! (preferably, but we can always discuss whether it makes sense for our roleplay our not.) When I double, mostly I would like to do it in fandom roleplays. Originals are a different matter. World building & plot: You should be active and help me shape the world around our characters. Even if we discuss many things during and before the roleplay, how we wish for things to play out and take its course, I am always happy to be surprised with a secret of my partner’s character I didn’t know before. You don’t need to lay out all your cards on the table… keep it a little mysterious and suspenseful. Just enough so we can work with the ideas, but not completely kill off the suspense.
Characters: I write canon as well as OC characters. Faceclaims, GIFs, drawings, mood boards or just a plain physical description is absolutely sufficient. Whatever floats your boat when it comes to visualising your character and their backstory, I’m on board. Characters should be flawed, unique, talented, heroic, villainous, spiteful, angry, and everything in-between. In other words, don’t be scared of making them ‘human’, even when they are non-human. Romance: Openly play and accept characters of both genders, preferable m x f pairings, but I am open to m x m and f x f relationships as well. I have more experience with m x f relationships, so I might be more savvy in this one. If the chemistry of two characters compel me, I will ship them no matter what! Classic fangirl shipper here! Ayo, where my shippers at? 
When it comes to sexual scenarios and intimacy (intercourse, foreplay, all that jazz) I will not fade to black. I encourage erotism, but in a tasteful manner (that goes for romance as well). The passion must be felt through the screen, even if its just an description of someone’s deep train of thought. Content: Drama, violence, sex, metamorphosis, horror, symbolism, action, romance, pretty much everything is a-okay. I am unbothered by certain subjects that may or may not be uncomfortable for the general public. Roleplays are fictional stories and we best keep viewing them as such. If there are things you are uncomfortable with, name them and I shall respect those boundaries. But don’t be surprised when suddenly one of our characters bites the dust, or gets tortured. It may be difficult to write and read, but it is all part of the story and furthering the plot. My roleplays imply and involve brutality, mayhem, psychological and physical torture as well as other things. But I also endorse beauty, serenity and placid moments, scenes or characters. I love it when it comes full circle… everyone- and everything has their beautiful and hideous side. Both should be embraced. Communication: OOC-chat friendly! I love meeting new people and making potential friends. Plus it strengthens the compatibility between us. Communication is the alpha and the omega. If there is something that bothers you, or if you think you are left out in some way (be it a mistake on my part or we’re both at fault here), don’t be scared of telling me. Really, it won’t be taken personally - since I know that we slip up every now and then, we’re only human after all. It is also completely sufficient if you only type out a few messages per week. I am super chill about it. It doesn’t bother me re-writing a scene to fit the narrative more. If there are mistakes, they can be corrected - just to get that out there. We can always exchange opinions and see what would benefit the story most. I will also voice my opinion should something arise that could be bothersome. World building & plotting: An active roleplayer is wanted without a doubt. Can’t do the thinking for two now. Let’s row this boat together Limits: My only limits are pedophilia, bestiality, necrophilia , pedophilia, scat, furries and some other bizarre fetishes. Also no one-liners or text-talk messages. The sentences have to be cohesive, coherent and somewhat structured. On my shipping list, the ones that are marked in bold are the ones I am craving at the most right now!

Shipping list:
Corrupted x Innocent
Demon x Human
Devil x Human
Cop x Criminal
Bully x Bullied
Bad boy (delinquent) x Good girl (or the other way around)
Mentor x Apprentice
Angel x Human
Angel x Demon
Vampire x Human

Bureaucrat x Soldier
Scientist / Doctor x Patient / Experiment
Vampire x Vampire
Vampire x Dhampire
Noble x Peasant / Regular citizen
Vampire x Werewolf
Werewolf x Human
Monster x Human
Hybrid x Hybrid
Hybrid x Human
Hybrid x Full fledged (whatever it may be)
Dominant male x Dominant female (or other genders)

Fandom list:

Marvel cinematic universe
DC (preferably the comics or animated films / shows)
Alita Battle Angel
Harry Potter (Next gen)


Fate Stay Night / Fate Zero


Justice League (also Dark)

Teen Titans
The Darkness
Loki - Tales of Asgard
X Men

Looking forward to talking to you ~ Adios
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dcusrclicta · 5 years
Character Bios
Parenthesis means they have a Harry Potter AU verse 
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Name: Severus Tobias Snape Year: Cute. House: Slytherin Blood Status: Befouler Antichrist Eye colour: Cobalt nowadays Age: Old enough to say no. Birthdate: 1/9 Height: 6′7 Patronus: Horned Viper Description: I still hate my job. I still hate people. I’m just immortal now. Please leave my office & don’t touch anything on your way out.
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Name: Brittnay Matthews Year: College Junior (House: Slytherin) Blood Status: Human (Pureblood) Eye colour: Blue Age: 21 Birthdate:  6/15 Height: 5′5 (Patronus: Pitbull) Description: Cross me & I’ll hurt you. Otherwise I’m Brittnay Matthews you’re new best friend. People think I’m arrogant but in reality they’re angry I’m better than them. I used to go to Overland Park high school. I’m glad I don’t anymore.
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Name: Rhaegar Daeron Targaryen (Year: Graduated/Verse Dependant) (House: Slytherin) Blood Status: ??? Eye colour: Violet Age: 34 Nameday: All I remember was being born in the high summer Height: 7’1 (Patronus: Hungarian Horntail) Description: I’m believed to be dead. Walking about when one is believed to be dead is actually quite boring no matter how much it may benefit the Realm. I do admit I made. Many mistakes however in my defence not all prophecies are interpreted in a straight forward manner. I did better than any of you would have in the situation so save your criticism for until you watch a man identical to you get his chest caved in by a war hammer.
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Name: Lilith “Lily” Sophie Evans Year: Graduated/Verse Dependant House: Slytherin Blood Status: Demon/Witch Eye colour: Green/Blue/ Sometimes they go crimson. Age: Doesn’t matter. I won’t die. Birthdate: 1/30 Height: 5’3 Patronus: Bold of you to assume I have one  Description: My sister was right. I’m a freak. Even my parents saw something... Wrong in me when I was younger. They tried to pretend I was fine. ”Just a few odd occurrences here & there.” Until an older boy who couldn’t keep his hands to himself suddenly found that a hand could very easily be turned inside out. In the long run it was a good result. They found quite a bit of child pornography in his little hovel of a bedroom. My parents knew I did it but couldn’t quite figure out how until the Hogwarts letter came. They were both horrified & relieved. But to make a long story short. Once I met Severus Snape & we put our interest in the Dark Arts together... I got WORSE. & it felt good. I became addicted to the draw of dark magic, occult magic in particular & now Tom Riddle wants me to tell him what I said to Lucifer to get this new body. I might tell him if he begs in the right tone.
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Name: Brahms Hillshire Blood Status: Half-demon Eye colour: Green Age: 16 Birthdate: Don’t care Height: 5′11 Description: I’m a child serial killer. I want to play around in your innards. & blood. I want to play around in your blood too.
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Name: “Andrew” Antisepticeye McLoughlin Blood Status: Computer Virus Entity/Demon Eye colour: Lime Green Age: 29 (Existing for 3) Birthdate: 10/10 Height: N/A Description: It’s better if ya dun run. It’ll just drag et out. Plus sometimes ya lot chip my knife on one of yer stupid bones. & I dun really li’e runnin much ta be honest.
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Name: Chase Brody Blood Status: Human Eye colour: Blue Age: 29 Birthdate: 4/11 Height: 5′10 Description: Hey bros! I’m Chase! Uh, some of ya already know tha! Anti brought me here! He said it’d be fun an’ I trus’ ‘im! I swear ‘e’s actually always been kinda nice ta me! Besides the ‘ole threatenin’ the kids thin’ but we’re frien’s now! He says he’ll teach me how ta shoot a real gun someday!
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Name: Brian Griffin Blood Status: Dog(?) Eye colour: Green Age: ??? Birthdate: ??? Height: 6′4 Description: I used to be an alcoholic dog. Now I’m an alcoholic. Not much to say after something like that happens. I’m really confused to be frank. Maybe now I can actually get someone to take me seriously & publish my book.
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Name: Carlos De Vil (Year: Sixth) (House: Slytherin) Blood Status: Half-demon/ Sorcerer Eye colour: Blue Age: 16 Birthdate: 3/20 Height: 5′7 (Patronus: Red Fox) Description: Hi, I’m Carlos & life is pain, only valid things in this world are only science & Evie Grimhilde, bye. Gemini De Vil is my midget brother who I love. Devil De Vil is my crazy ass dad. My mom is dead, thanks for asking.
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Name: Danny Flint Blood Status: Shade Eye colour: Grey Age: Old Nameday: ? Height: 5′4 Description: Being dead was less droll.  
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Name: Eileen Tabitha Prince Snape Year: Graduated House: Slytherin Blood Status: Pureblood Poltergeist Eye colour: Black Age: Well. I died at 35 so let’s go with that Birthdate: 12/18 Height: 6’11  (Used to be 6'6 but I had this weird growth spurt two days before I died.) Patronus: Didn’t have one apparently
Description: … I really don’t have anything to say to you. I died, I decided I wanted to come back. Er. Awkwardly enough the old castle I was haunting is now inhabited by my son and his family. They’re all really bloody loud. No wonder the rest of the ghosts make so much noise back. And no. I have not introduced myself to any of them. I mean. Sometimes I talk to ‘em but I’ve never gotten an answer. Plus unlike most of the floating assholes here I’d much rather keep to myself, thank you.
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Name: Griffin “Finn” Merterns Blood Status: Human(?) Eye colour: Blue Age: 19 Birthdate: 3/14 Height: 6′3 Description: Hey bros! I’m Finn, a radical kid that makes it his business to help people out and kickin’ monster tail! Mostly when I’m not doin’ that I’m chillin’ it up with my bro Jake in the tree house so as long as you’re not some wacko monster that wants to eat up my face you can swing by and we can fire up BMO or something.
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Name: Henry Harry Jameson Hook (Year: Slytherin) (House: Seventh) Blood Status: Half-demon/Sorcerer Eye colour: Blue Age: 17 Birthdate: 10/23 Height: 6′2 (Patronus: Savannah cat) Description: All it takes is one wrong look & I’ll EVISCERATE ya... Taken by Uma daughter of Ursula. Ya want me? Ya have ta ask her permission & pray she likes ya & is in a SHARIN’ mood. Jamie Hook is me mum an’ she taugh’ me all I know about bein’ scary. Me da??? He’s a dumbass.
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Name: Karl Vreski (Year: Graduated) (House: Slytherin) Blood Status: Human (Pureblood) Eye colour: Blue Age: 19 (Typically) Birthdate: 10/25 Height: 6′1 (Patronus: Jackal)
Description: I’m Karl. Lacrosse. Tacos. Boxing. American football. Whatever activity that involves either Hans Gruber or hitting something? I like it. Tony’s alright. Good brother at least. Not at all annoying like the normal younger sibling M.O. Far nicer than me. I’ll likely end up being a lawyer same as my father. Boring but Hans and I are already working at the damn firm so it’s an easy job. I’m sure Hans’ll come up with a more fun idea. He always does.
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Name: Tony Vreski (House: Hufflepuff) (Year: Seventh) Blood Status: Poltergeist (Pureblood) Eye colour: Blue Age: 17 (Typically) Birthdate: 9/3 Height: 5′10 (Patronus: Rooster)
Description: I’m Tony… I uh. I play some football. Real football not American. I’m Karl’s younger brother and… To be honest Hans scares me a little bit even if we’re all like brothers… Uh more often than not I just go along with their crazy plans because. Well because my brother says it’ll be fun. And. It usually is. Even if some of it’s a little illegal.
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Name: Loki Friggason (Year: Graduated) (House: Slytherin) Blood Status: God of Mischief & Chaos Eye colour: Green Age: Don’t be rude. Birthdate: Mind your business Height: 6′0 (Patronus: Corn snake) Description: I am Loki of Asgard. & I’m so fucking tired of all the gards.
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Name: Beverly Marsh Blood Status: Human Eye colour: Green Age: 14 Birthdate: 8/26 Height: 5′3
Description: I’m Bev. Looked into that stupid clown’s deadlights & lived. I’ll be a loser to the end & I’m honestly real proud of that. Losers have no where to go but up, after all.
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Name: Marceline Abadeer Blood Status: Vampire Demon Eye colour: Green Age: 1003, Approximately Birthdate: Unknown Height: 5′9 (Various) Description: Marceline the Vampire Queen, dude. Sure you’ve heard of me before so I wouldn’t be surprised to see you shaking in your boots right about now. Been traveling and terrorising the Land of Ooo for a while now though it’s nothing too irreversible. Mostly I’m just a radical dame that likes to play games as a very special someone once said about me.
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Name: Nathan Clarke (Year: I died in seventh) (House: Slytherin) Blood Status: (Verse dependent) Poltergeist (Half-blood) Eye colour: Blue Age: 17 Birthdate: 8/13 Height: 6′2 (Patronus: Some squiggly thing I dunno) Description: Hi I’m Nathan & I wanna die... Haha gottem!
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Name: Richmond Richie Wentworth Tozier Blood Status: Human Eye colour: Caribbean Green Age: 14 Birthdate: 8/10 Height: 5′10  Description: I’m only afraid of werewolves & girls with eyes that are hard to not get lost in.
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Name: Robyn Black Robin Blood Status: Poltergeist Eye colour: Hazel Age: Hm Nameday: Some far off winter Height: 6′5 Description:  “The Gods above all knew his crimes The lord read off his lists The Gods above all knew his crimes The men's hands balled to fists His legs they kicked, they jerked, then slowed The crowd not once did cheer His legs they slowed, then finally stopped The crowd not once did jeer”
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Name: Sadie O’Connell Blood Status: ??? Eye colour: Blue Age: 19 Birthdate: I don’t remember Height: 5′6 Description: I tried to kill myself over a boy who didn’t love me back. Someone brought me back & now here I am, I guess.
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Name: Scorpio Felix Sepelio Tobias Exodus Snape Blood Status: Vampire Eye colour: One is jade one is cobalt and they swap sides frequently Age: 91 Died at 36 and it’s been a while. You do the math, mate. Birthdate: 11/10 Height: 5’3
Description: Surprise bitches. I bet you all thought I was dead…In a matter of speaking that’s still accurate. The greasy little snot did indeed best me when I was human. I respect that victory &even though I miss them.. My children don’t need me. I wasn’t good to them when they did. I doubt they’re aware I came back and I’ll keep it that way for all our sakes. There’s no point in asking me how exactly I returned to life. I don’t know and I don’t particularly care. Maybe Hell just can’t handle me yet.
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Name: Thomas Marvolo Riddle Year: Graduated House: Slytherin Blood Status: Demon Fledging Eye colour: Blue Age: Rude. Birthdate: 12/31 Height: 6′4 Patronus: Hmmm, my little secret. Description: Join my cult. Satanism is actually very beneficial if you’re respectful. No. You don’t have to slit your wrist to join... Please. Stop slitting your wrists to join.
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Name: King Aerys Targaryen Second of His Name King of the Andals & the First Men Lord of the Seven Kingdoms & Protector of the Realm (Year: Graduated) (House: Slytherin) Blood Status: Human Mine is the blood of Old Valyria (Pureblood) Eye colour: Violet Age: Hm. Nameday: High summer.  Height: 6′8 (Patronus: Gila Monster) Description: Burn them all.
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Name: Ser Jaime Lannister (Year: Graduated) (House: Hufflepuff) Blood Status: Shade (Pureblood) Eye colour: Green Age: I’m dead. Sorry. Nameday: Does it matter? Height: 5′6 (Patronus: Munchkin Cat) Description: I stayed loyal to the Targaryens & they won. But I died when Robert Baratheon caved in Rhaegar’s chest... At least I got to watch him die for it.
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Name: Daenerys Visenya Targaryen (Year: Fifth) (House: Slytherin) Blood Status: ??? (Pureblood) Eye colour: Violet Age: 15 Nameday: During a violent storm Height: 4′9 (Patronus: Blue-tongued Skink) Description: My family’s way is fire & blood... But my heart sings a softer song... & I don’t know which way is right.
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astronomicalegotism · 6 years
And Winding Away
Revenge Is Best Served Together (BOOK ONE)
Part Thirteen
Nate screamed as the door slammed behind him, stumbling forwards a little and almost falling flat on his face. Eyes wide, he frantically turned around and tried to open the door again, only to find himself grasping at air.
"Oh fuck no!" Nate's eyes darted around, seeing only darkness. It was like he'd fallen into the void, the darkness both swallowing him and making him feel smaller. For some reason, this emptiness was worse than all of the bullshit from earlier. A sinking feeling settled in and he called out again.
There was a shift, and suddenly the darkness started to swirl around, like someone had pulled out the plug in a sink. Nate squinted at the sudden growing light. Soon, all of the shadows had congregated to form his copy. Except he looked...Different from when Nate had last saw him. Earlier he had looked purposefully deformed, Now he just looked positively demonic, although Nate noticed that the three shadows behind him were looming over him, almost like strings. Wait, Red Black and Blue? Wasn't that like Mark's...weird ass vampire roomie... Jesus Christ how badly was he hit on the head?
"You come here often?" Nate asked casually, wishing he had something to lean against for both dramatics and also because he still wasn't feeling all to good and was pretty sure he'd pass out. Something flashed in Natemare's eyes before his face went blank.
"It's six am." Natemare spat, causing Nate's eyes to widen.
"That's...Thats not possible, Time doesn't pass that fast." Natemare snarled, the action almost animalistic.
"This dimension is mine to control and do whatever I wish!"
"Natemare please-"
"SHUT UP!!" Natemare screamed, his own voice being underlaid by a deeper voice that wasn't his own. Nate shook his head, soldiering on.
"Natemare, I just wanna talk with you. Please, Just tell me why you are doing this, What I've done wrong! We can fix this, I'll try make up for whatever mistakes I've made. You seem like a pretty cool guy, We can work this out." Something in Mare must of broken at those words, as the empty black eyes shifted to a somewhat reassuring vibrant purple. The two stared at each other in silence for a moment, Nate's unwaveringly calm gaze meeting Natemare's now terrified one.
"I...I don't want to die." Natemare whispered suddenly, curling in on himself. "Not again, I can't...Please..." Nate could see the shadows looming over his double, looking ready to strike. Pools of black started to grow again in his eyes. No way, Nate was not having this.
"Natemare, What do you mean?" There was a choked sob and Nate yelped, jumping back quickly as the part of the floor underneath him seemingly disappeared.
"This whole place was falling apart!" Nate thought frantically as more pieces started to shatter or disappear as Natemare's distress grew. He had to hurry up.
"I'm an ego...A creation that's brought to life by the attention of its fans. We live on attention, it's what powers us and keeps us existing I guess." Nate listened carefully to Natemare, taking his words in. "Except... Attention it's reliable." Natemare laughed, Although it sounded horribly forced. "When people slowly begin to forget us be begin to fade, until eventually we are shattered from existence!" Natemare flinched, gripping at his hair. He mumbled something, practically inaudible to Nate. "Fuck I'm losing control..."
"Wait..." Nate's eyes widened. "You're saying that if everyone forgets about you, You die?" Oh god...
"WHY DO YOU CARE?! YOU NEVER DID BEFORE!! Fuck!!" Natemare repeatedly whacked himself in the head, like he was trying to get something out. Nate could only watch in horror as he double struggled, clawing at his own eyes. Nate wanted to stop him but the ground underneath his was unstable, the holes too big and preventing him from reaching him. When Natemare eventually did open his eyes, they were back to pitch black.
"They forget, find another toy to play with!" That part in particular was said practically murderously, almost like he was referencing someone. "They move on. They don't give a shit about us, even the dedicated ones loose interest when there's nothing new. Not that you helped matters at all." Natemare glared daggers at Nate.
"I couldn't of known!! Besides, The fans haven't lost interest in you, I've seen it!!" Nate was yelling now, but he was desperate for Natemare to hear him. "Fanart!! Mentions in the comments!! Hell, Even fanfiction!! They haven't forgotten you at all, despite you barely having anything they still love you, I know that!!!" It was true, Nate remembers it clearly. In the comments section, fans theorising and talking about even the smallest glance to the camera about what it could mean. The blue and red shadows around Natemare flickered.
"Then why did I... Why did I fade?!" Thick black tears were streaming down Natemare's face now. "You have no idea what it's like, having your entire being be ripped to shreds!! Having to live in constant agony for what feels like years, your mind scattered everywhere and burning burning burning!! It's just nothing but constant pain non stop!!" Natemare was shaking his head furiously. "I can't go back, I can't I can't I can't!! I had no one!! Those fucking Markiplier egos had Darkiplier to stop them from fading!! He brought them all together, knowing that that would protect them!! Even fucking Anti had the other septics, BUT I HAD NO ONE!!! The only person I could ever call a friend...I pushed him away, I acted like an ass and ruined everything..." Natemare looked like he was going to collapse, utterly exhausted and over whelmed.
"My thing is fears...I control them, Contort them, use them for my own means. I can see it you know? I can see when someone is scared, How it twirls around a person like smoke. I control that smoke, making it strike and overwhelmed. You'd think...I spend so much time around over people's fears that I would have any of my own." Natemare shivered. "And I didn't used to, But now look at me?! I'm fucking weak, so fucking terrified of dying again!! I'm pathetic and willing to do anything, So when Dark proposed a plan to help prevent that of course I joined in. I'm basically fading again already as it is, you saw earlier. I'm like a ghost, I'm not even supposed to be here. I only am because Dark went to the effort to bring me back.." Nate remembered the room with puppet, How Natemare seemed to keep flickering from existence, How he kept phasing through him. Nate didn't know what to say.
"How could Darkiplier help you then?" Nate settled for asking. Natemare hesitated before answering.
"Like Mark, Dark technically created the egos, him and Warfstache where were it all began. They're basically creators."
"The ones that have more power than the fans, the ones with the final say." Nate blinked, it all clicking. His face shifted into one of a smile.
"Well then why don't you come with me?"
"I'm your creator right? So I should be able to keep you from fading easily! You could be my weird demon like roomie." Natemare looked taken aback, and for a split second he looked almost exactly like a normal teenager. No creepy shadows, no flickering or grey skin, no tar like tears, just a scared pale face and a way too thin of a body. He was basically just a younger, annoying taller, version of Nate with too much eyeshadow on Nate realised.
"You'd...You'd really do that? After everything?" Nate nodded, like it was obvious.
"Yeah, Although you are going to have to let me and my friends go." Natemare nodded, and Nate noticed for the first time that the purple smoke around Natemare was almost hugging him.
"Yeah...Wilford's pocket dimension is getting hard to keep together anyways..." Natemare's eye suddenly widened, and the shadows came back at him with full force. "Shit."
Nate didn't have anytime to react before it happened. Nate was slammed back at full force, agony coursing through him body and his head feeling like it was going to split in two. Purple smoke was attacking him like wasps, engulfing him. Nate heard someone screaming, a horrific almost inhuman sounding scream and it took him a few seconds to register that it was him. Alarm bells were going off in Nate's head and he'd never felt so terrified in his life. Pure, unfiltered terror was coursing through his veins, all of his worst nightmares and more piercing at him brain and making it impossible to think straight. It was never ending and Nate knew right there and then, He was going to die. He was never escaping this hell.
Natemare started in horror as Nate's body contorted and twisted in agony, his owns powers ripping into Nate without mercy and tearing at his sanity. Nate's screamed filled the air and Natemare wasn't going to be sick but he couldn't move he couldn't control his own powers he couldn't do ANYTHING!!!
Suddenly, almost as soon as it started, Nate stilled. Natemare wanted to run over to him because he was still, unnaturally still why wasn't he moving why couldn't he sense anything?!!
Natemare felt like he was drowning, submerged in disbelief in horror because no, He couldn't of, He didn't, He was okay right?! Nate was okay!! Everything was fine everything was fine everything was fine fine fine fine-
Natemare could feel himself on the verge of a panic attack, unable to do anything as the energy was drained from his body. He trembled, a pathetic whimper escaping his lips.
"Quite a disappointing show that was." Mare sobbed, his legs giving way and feeling completely utterly drained. He didn't want this he didn't want this-
"Quit lying to yourself, you are just as much as a monster as I am." Natemare felt his head get yanked up, and he was met with two powerful red and blue eyes staring down into him. Darkiplier's suit was as perfect as ever, a bored expression on his face that Natemare wanted to rip to shreds.
"Fuck...You..." Natemare hissed, his eyes drooping against his will. He could do nothing but yelp as Darkiplier's grasp shifted from his hair to his neck, squeezing hard and almost crushing his windpipe. Stars exploded in Natemare's vision as he struggled for oxygen, his form flickering.
"No wait, You're not even that." Dark sneered, his face filled with some much hatred that Mare didn't even know was possible. "You are completely insignificant. A puppet, nothing more than a tool for me to use and now your use has run out. You. Are. NOTHING!! No one gives a shit about you and no one ever will!! You are nothing more than a stepping stone that I have to crush to get what I want. You're only purpose in life is to serve me, got it? You aren't your own person, you aren't anything. You are going to die without ever serving a purpose on this dead and empty rock."
Natemare was thrown harshly back down to the ground, but he couldn't find it in himself to move. The world around him was glitching violently, falling apart at the seams and he knew he would be able to hold it for much longer.
"I'm going to do the same thing that I've done to you to every single ego out there, I'm going to take your powers and use them for my own purposes. I'm going to create a world filled with fear and hopelessness and nothing with stand in my way. Course, don't worry, I won't kill you. I can't, If I get rid of you I'd loose your powers. But that doesn't mean I can't hurt you in other ways. Once again, Your cowardliness will be your down fall, You are so terrified of dying, so I'm going to make sure your continued existence is hell! You wanted to be able to live forever and I'm delivering just like the deal. You wanted revenge on Nate and you got that to, So why the long face? You got your wish!! Celebrate!! This’ll be the last chance you get after all.” Natemare squeezed his eyes shut, concentrating. He couldn't find enough strength to warp the pocket dimension as much as he would like but maybe he might be able to use its powers to-
The dagger materialised and Darkiplier laughed. Natemare used the remainder of his energy to get to his feet.
"Do you seriously think that you'll be able to kill m-" Natemare smirked, his throat burning but for the first time in a while he felt confident about something.
Darkiplier's eyes were wide, a look of utter shock on his face as Natemare did the last thing Dark ever though he would do.
There was the sinking of metal in flesh and a scream of rage.
Natemare had plunged the dagger right into his own heart.
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madebyloyalty · 3 years
The stirring in my head gilt very similar to that of the worst hangover of my life. Believe me, this pain couldn't hold a candle to that. It started in the back of my neck and worked itself down along my spine. It caused every fiber of my being to writhe in a stiff nearly unbearable pain. From there the pain clouded back to my head. At first I thought my body had gone blind from the aches— my senses dulling to compensate for all I had gone through. What had I gone through?
The question stuck in my mind like a heavy weight, trying to remember just why I had been where I was in the first place. Memories flashed through my mind, desperately trying to hang onto anything that would have given me some sort of clue as to why I had been left in the worst pain of my entire life thus far.
I ran through the concrete facts: I had arrived in Mystic Falls, Virginia a little over a week ago. I was looking for dad when I discovered a dead hunter just north of town. I was trying to keep low before Sam came... interviewing some locals, keeping a low profile. I had done this type of thing a million and one times before.
My brothers name shot out like a gun from its barrel, ringing my brain and memories back to life. I had been referring from errands to the bed and breakfast owned by the Flowers lady when I knew something was over. Going up the stairs, I saw my brother until... all went dark. How long had it been dark?
"Wakey-wakey." The echo of words drifted through my hearing from a voice that didn't belong to Sam or myself. I attempted to open my eyes, but my vision was still clouded. Through the ins and outs of my consciousness I saw what was dark black boots met with dark jeans. A tall man in all a leather jacket with even darker hair. The only thing that flashed significance between all of the darkness was the eerie flash of his blue eyes.
Somehow I knew Sam was near, even though I couldn't make sense of were he was.
"For a Hunter, I would have thought you would have put up more of a fight." The unidentifiable man spoke again, mocking me out of whatever agenda he felt like making. Finally with a groan, I attempted to move some of my limbs only to realize my hands were tied behind my back. I was in a chair, all but helpless. The feeling of betrayal against my own human body only lasted for a minute before I started to come up with a plan. But who was I kidding? What kind of plan was going to get me out of this shit?
"Fuck you," I retorted, trying to buy myself time.
The man, who I could only assume was more than human, laughed. His heavy booted footstep walked closer to me. "You have your fathers spirit. I like that."
The echo of words shot faster down my spine than that of the pain in my body. Dad. This bastard knew my dad. Of course he did, I should have known— how in the hell else would I have ended up here in this god damn situation? My eyes finally shot open and against all pain, I reared my head up to look at the son of a bitch. His eyes were mocking me, humored at my reaction towards the mention of my dad. "Didn't like that, huh?" He amused himself, damn near laughing.
"What is so funny?" I demanded, fighting back the pain in my body with every ounce in me.
"That look on your face," he added quickly, the smirk curled on his mouth making me hate him more and more by the minute. But all too quickly, the humor faded and he went straight to business. "Now I'll tell you the same thing I told John Winchester. You can get out of my town, or I can remove you myself. Permanently. Your choice."
"What did you do to him?" Angry didn't even begin to cover the emotion coursing through my body. If this man was suggesting he had done something to my dad I was going to make him pay for it; he wouldn't be able to live another day. I would personally make sure of that.
"Get your panties out of a twist," he mocked once more. "Your dad is... well, I'll let that be a mystery— but he knew you'd be coming here to Mystic Falls. And let's just say, you haven't made yourself a secret. That was your second mistake."
"And what was my first?"
"Coming here in the first place."
The man lowered himself down onto my level. Finally looking me in the eyes, I could see there was nothing behind those icy depths. Not human. Lifeless. A monster. It boiled something in the pit of my stomach that wanted to drive a knife straight through his heart. "I don't usually do nice, do take this as your one and only warning. Leave this town and do not come back. Or the next time you see me, it will be me ripping the head off of your brother. Do you understand?"
Of course I did. He expected me to bow down to the fear and follow what he said like some sort of bitch. He may have known my father, but not well enough to know the Winchester spirit. I was going to go down that easily. Not when matters of my family were involved. I would raise bell and bring this world down to the depth of the earth a million times over. I wasn't about to play his games or anyone else's for that matter. Not today, not tomorrow, not ever.
"I'm guessing my dad didn't give into your shit that easily?" The dark haired man smiled, if I didn't know better I would have thought he was somewhat humored by my words. "Who are you?"
"You don't already know? I would have thought the old man would have mentioned me a time or two." The humored remained even as he finally stepped away to create distance between the two of us. The silence that filled the air felt somehow tainted by darkness— a sense of evil I couldn't quite put my finger on. "The name is Damon. Damon Salvatore."
All too well, there was the darkness. It had a name— a man my dad had written in his journal as being the "blue eyed demon". The vampire with evil coursing through his veins. Whatever fear and pain that I had once felt before slipped from my body as cloud of memories washed over my brain. My father had an entire section of the vampire portion of his booklet dedicated to just the Salvatore's. Bothers torn apart by love of the one and only Katherine Pierce.
I knew why Dad had sent us here.
I couldn't stop the sudden urge to laugh before the vampire, it fell out instantly. I mocked him for all of this in that moment, unable to believe the truth that was laying out before my eyes. Mystic Falls, I should have known better you sick son of a bitch. Damon looked at me with fueled irritation behind his eyes. "What is so funny?" The vampire demanded, looking as if he were mere seconds away from ripping my heart out.
With my hands still strapped right behind my back, I shrugged at the vampire while attempting to lower my chuckles. As the words finally broke out, I spoke far more calmer than I had all night. "You're not going to kill me."
He looked shocked but still somewhat humored by my confidence. "And why is that?"
I let an air of silence hold in the quiet room. This entire house still loomed with death and pain, but somehow for the first time I knew I held the power. John Winchester wasn't a stupid man— but somehow I felt I was for worrying he had been in some sort of danger. He had sent Sam and I here intentionally while going off to finish what he knew was right. No vampire in this town was going to touch us— at least not when we held the upper hand. "I know how to get Katherine back."
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clown-bait · 7 years
29 Neibolt St (Monster Roommate AU) CH 13
GORE TIME!!! Guys I’ve been so excited to get to the murdering! Fluff is fun but nothing is more fun than gore fluff. So get ready for lots and lots of blood, destruction, fucking and combinations of all of those!
Chapter 13
Easier Said than Done
“Ok just lure them into the sewer and hopefully he’ll snap out of it when he smells food.”
Leech had been grumbling to herself for a while now trying to haul her eldritch horror clown boyfriend around the dark sewers of the town. He was still in a weird state like he'd been all night.The more she thought about it the more she realized its been weeks since he last fed, which suddenly explains the extreme moodiness. On top of near starvation the deadite incident had really rattled him, he was low on energy from fighting back so hard and his ego was severely bruised. The clown was in almost a catatonic state coming back to reality here and there to mumble something then retreating back to whatever dimension his brain was hiding in. He'd zone out like this on occasion when he was particularly hungry but it was never this bad before.
Leech collapsed against a wall the clown falling on top of her. She was stronger than the average human now but only after a good feed and it had been quite some time for Leech as well. She was worried she would die down here unable to hunt and too weak to fight back should the Kandarian Demons find her. Someone had to come along soon or she’d be in trouble. “Fuck what am I doing here Pen.” she mumbled in defeat gently propping him up against the wall. He must have sensed her fears as he was able to turn and place a giant hand on her leg “…..Rest…..feed…later…” she finally got as a response
“Wow, glad to see you’ve decided to join me. Where do you keep going anyway”
“…S-somewhere…. else….healing..”
“Oh we’re going to be cryptic now great”
“Pen by the time you're back up and running everyone is going to be fucked and or dead. I know you'll be fine but the rest of us wont be.”
He had already returned to his resting state. It was rare that he needed to do this, only in cases of a bad injury. He'd vanish for a week or two and return hungry ready to kill. Leech didn't have a week.
“Come back to me when I catch something.”
She roamed the street alone still in her dress heels left at the sewer entrance. She had to find someone to lure or Pen would starve. A dive bar caught her attention, drunks were easy to trick maybe shed be able to persuade a few to….help her with her problem.
She roughed up her hair a bit and smeared some of the makeup on her face hoping that she looked like she was in distress enough for someone to believe her act. Show time.
“HELP someone please help!” Leech threw open the door screaming. A group of friends took notice, two guys and a girl, they rushed over to her.
“What the hell happened to you miss? Are you ok?” one of the guys said.
“My friend! She-she’s missing we were walking home and I had to pee but when I came back she was gone!” Leech shouted expecting an oscar for this performance.
“We’ll help you find her! Harry here will call the police” the girl said
“NO!” Leech panicked a bit cops were the last thing she needed “um you cant! I’m-we were high!”she was mentally kicking herself for that.
“How do we know you're not just some crazy druggie then?” Harry asked
“I'm not lying please we have to find her right now!” already making huge mistakes she thought to herself. Penny and Dracula would be making her start over by now if this was practice.
She led them down to the drain pipe the one guy and girl were hanging on each other the whole time and Harry was constantly trying to touch and comfort Leech “oh you'll be getting something buddy just not what you expected.” The vampire thought to herself when she felt the human touch her shoulder for a little longer than she would have liked.
“PENNY?” she called out hoping the clown would hear and come out of his rest.
“is that your friends name?” the girl Maddie asked
“What? Um yes!” another slip up she scolded herself.
“Penny!!” Maddie’s boyfriend Dan called out.
“She must have ran inside the sewer because… of the drugs!” Leech suggested she needed to split them up somehow so she could at least get one back to the clown “we should split up to search for her!”
“haven't you ever seen a horror movie? Thats how people die!” Dan shouted.
“Yeah what if theres some weirdo lurking down there that took her!” Maddie added
“Right! You're right wow what was I thinking” shit  Leech cursed to herself.
She led them deeper into the drain praying that Pennywise would help her out with this shitty situation she got herself in. The vampire had to get one alone she couldn't take on 3 adult humans in this state. “What would Pennywise do” she thought aloud to herself.
“Pennywho? do you mean your friend penny?” asked Maddie
“Your friend what would she do?” Leech was internally screaming at herself now.
“Oh um just thinking if I was her where would I go?” the poor vampire wanted to give up at this point.
Fuck what would Pennywise do. She thought again and she realized her answer. Fear duh! She needed to make them afraid so they would scatter and panic like wolf running through the center of a herd of sheep. She screamed loud trying to sound as genuinely as possible (and to wake that lazy ass clown up)
“SOMETHING TOUCHED ME” she shouted grabbing Harry’s arm
“It was probably just a cockroach or sewer rat”  he said
“No I felt it on my back I-I think this place is haunted!” she shrieked
“Why would you think that?” he asked.
“Didnt you know this is where all those missing kids disappeared at!” Maddie spoke up.
“Missing kids?” dan asked.
“Oh shit! I heard of that!” Harry began “this place has the most amount of missing people in all the state!”
“Guys I don't like this maybe we should call the police…” Maddie was growing fearful. One down two to go.
Leech half faked a panicked frenzy running past the group screaming “OH GOD MURDERS????? WE HAVE TO FIND HER!” she had led them deep enough for the humans to easily get lost and hoped that now their fear would cause the group to split up.
Leech turned a hidden corner thinking she had lost them only to run smack into her servant Jim who had been looking for her after the party.
“FUCK! JIMBO” Leech yelled out in surprise.
“Lucy?! Lucy we have to stay together where are you?”Maddie screamed.
Leech covered Jim’s mouth telling him to be quiet “what the fuck are you doing down here” she hissed
“I came looking for you when you guys left after that dance number”
“Look Jimmy I'm hunting right now I cant have you getting in the way.”
“Master you seem to be the one thats being hunted…”
“Shut up Jim-jam”
“Do you um… want me to help?”
“Actually….. there is something you can do for me. Go find Pennywise and try to wake him up. tell him I fucked up bad.”
“Seriously that guy?”
“Jimbo listen to me, if they find out what I am I'm fucked. If I'm fucked you're fucked, you’re apart of this shit now the minute you signed up for this.”
“Master, you didn't really give me much of a choice…”
“Good boy Jimmy go get Penny for me.” she cut him off.
Leech took a deep breath and dug her claws into her skin shrieking through out the sewer. She had to make this next part look convincing. the vampire removed her jacket revealing all her bruises and bite marks Penny loved to leave on her and finally she sighed in sadness as she tore her dress leaving deep gashes in her own skin.
“HELP ME” she screamed laughing to herself at how convincing she sounded wincing in pain as she made another mark on herself. Shit I think I over did the monster attack a bit she mused holding up her scarlet covered arm admiring the way the blood looked in the sewer lamps.
“LUCY? ITS ME HARRY IM COMING” came her reply. Finally things are going right.
The group came back into view “Shit they're still fucking together.” Leech cursed. Ok new plan she faked a limp “I-it hurts so bad I-I cant walk”
“Quick Maddie! Give me your jacket babe we gotta stop the bleeding” Dan shouted. He was brave and heroic she would have liked him and Maddie if she wasn't so hungry and determined to help her monster.
The group attempted to patch Leech’s self inflicted wounds up while she spun a tale about the monster in the sewer. Hoping that the fear and panic would set in soon.
Meanwhile Jim made his way through the sewer nervously having only his phone light to guide him. He heard something around the corner it was like the snore of a terrible animal. Leech’s loyal servant cautiously peaked his head out to find the killer clown propped up peacefully against the wall clutching his vampire’s heels in his hands. It'd be pretty cute if the creature wasn't the most terrifying thing he’s ever encountered.
“U-uh um Mr. Pennywise?” he called out the clown didn't stir. Jim gulped and stepped closer leaning down cautiously to quickly poke the sleeping monster. “Mr Pennywise wake up…”
No response from Pennywise. He tried shaking him this time… nothing. His last attempt he kicked the monster hard in frustration and when that gave him no result he slumped down against the wall burying his hands in his face. “Great my one big break and I end up blowing it. Now were both going to die down here.” He looked back over and Pennywise was gone Jim sat up a cold sweat running down his back.
The servant turned back around only to be nose to nose with the apex predator himself he shrieked in terror at the demon clowns red rimmed eyes and drooling fangs. “Hiya Jimbo!” the creature said in a mock cheerful voice. Jim sat there hyperventilating a bit and the clown tilted his head jingling his bells “m-m-my mast-t-ter t-told me to um f-find you.”
“And find me you did!” he grinned inhumanly wide revealing even more teeth
“s-s-she n-needs-“
“S-s-spill it out Jimmy boy before I spill something else for waking me up.”
“She fucked up sir. Needs help.”
The clown sniffed the air placing his hand on Jim’s face to shut him up. The sewer reeked of blood and fear. Pennywise growled “Follow.”
Leech hissed as the humans tried to dress her self inflicted wounds “Who the hell taught you first aid?” she winced as Harry poured a flask of whiskey on her arm wound.
“Hold still Lucy we need to get you to a hospital” He said with concern.
“No! We cant leave…. My friend!”
“look Maddie and I will keep searching for her after we make sure you're ok.” Dan said reassuringly
“Why don't I stay here with her and you guys find the exit” Harry suggested. FINALLY Leech said to herself.
“You sure you guys will be ok?” Maddie asked. Poor sweet girl the vampire thought Pen will love  playing with her. Leech paused for a moment realizing what she was saying “What the hell is coming over me I really am a monster” she thought to herself as the couple left. Once they were alone Harry was getting more and more handsy touching her leg, her good arm, placing his hand on her head this human was trying so hard to get the damsel in distress. Leech pretty much had enough of it at this point but couldn't dispatch him until she was sure the other two wouldn't hear. She needed to get them to move. The vampire stood up, Harry reached out to steady her “we have to keep going.” she said to him fake limping down the tunnel. “Lucy no you cant you're too hurt!”
“I cant just leave her!” she turned a corner leading him to what she knew was a dead end ,away from the other two human’s line of hearing. Harry put his arm around her waist and let her lean on him for support. Pennywise had been watching the scene with Jim from a different pipe, the clown growling at the way this human was touching his girl. “Shit how'd that happen?” Jim asked
“Its an act. And a dangerous one on her part. She's taking stupid a risk bringing in so many humans.” the clown grumbled.
“Wait here servant, I will take care of the other humans if she is in trouble call for me.”
“You know just because you're dating her doesn't mean I serve you too.” Jim hissed but the clown was gone.
Leech continued to lead Harry down the dead end pipe path until they came to the finish. She faked falling over in order to drag Harry down with her causing him to cut his hand on a broken bottle on the sewer floor. “Shit!” he shouted
“oh dear Harry! I'm so sorry!” Leech faked concern the scent of fresh human blood in the air was becoming more and more enticing. She tired to remind herself to keep control she had to bring this one back to Pen still somewhat alive, but her hunger was becoming overwhelming now. The monster inside her had begun taking over and her breathing became more labored. She was zoning out staring at the bloody hand each drop felt like the beat of her own pulse. She was injured and starving. This was it she had to feed.
“Harry dear~” she cooed out to the human “Let me kiss it and make it better” she was feverish  sweat dripped down the side of her brow. At this point she’d take Pennywise being upset with her for a taste of the crimson life oozing from the wound.
“Wait your serious?! And here I thought you didn't like me!”
“Deadly serious darling.” Penny can wait she needed this.
The young vampire brought his hand to her mouth and licked, her eyes rolling all the way back into her skull with full teeth on display. Oh god the taste was incredible. Leech got high all the time but this was unlike any she’d ever felt. Fresh blood straight from the tap so warm so savory. More. She thought.
“wh-what the fuck?” Harry panicked a bit seeing her long serpentine tongue roll out of her fang filled mouth. The vampires eyes were hollow and her nails were growing with each lick of his palm. she was groaning obscenely every taste pure ecstasy in her mouth.
“what the fuck are you!” he screamed Leech’s soul-less eyes flashed up at him like that of an animal in the moonlight “I wanna taste the way that you bleed baby” she hissed out in a state that was somewhere between deranged and aroused. Leech bit down into the wound moaning from the gush of life running down her throat “so this is what Pen means by playing with his food” she thought and chuckled to herself.
Harry was screeching now his other hand punching the vampire hard in the face causing her to release him. “WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU” he shrieked.
Leech pulled off her wig and smiled eyes wide and shining in the dark. “I’m Hungry” The vampire tore off her dress as her body began to change, limbs stretching longer, ears folding up against her head even bigger now but still she kept her trade mark gauges. Her eyes grew larger, her cheeks sunk in to give her face a skeletal like appearance and her teeth that hung out of her mouth doubled in size as her jaw unhinged. She crawled along the floor towards him like a vampire bat that had landed on the ground, awkward long claws rhythmically clicking against the stone almost mocking her prey, who was shouting and crying at the horrific skeletal like creature before him. She charged with blinding speed finding the humans neck and biting hard laughing at the sound he made in pure deranged bliss as she drank. Harrys blood spilled out of her mouth as she came up from his neck, and she let out a horrible screech before ripping the human to pieces shredding the body with no mercy.
Jim watched the whole scene mortified and frozen in terror. The clown was behind him covered in blood from dispatching Dan and in a much better mood. He apparently had been there the whole time watching the scene as if he'd just found god.
“You know I was going to get mad at her for taking my kill, but I'm so turned on right now I don't even care” the clown said casually munching on Harry’s femur that had been thrown down the passage.
“Dude! What the fuck man” Jim turned to the clown in disgust.
“Don't kink shame me Jim.” Pennywise sucked on a piece of the bone admiring the flavor. “Not bad!” he mused.
“She’s turning that guy into fucking paste y-you’re back here pitching tents.”
“I know, I think I'm in love.” Pennywise grinned dreamily.
“Dude, why do you have to make this weird.”
“Dont you have somewhere else you can go? You're killing the mood.”
Leech looked up from her meal and shrieked at them. The clown grinned and stepped forward giving her a round of applause. “Thats my girl!!”  Pennywise shouted walking up to her “You’re a natural kitten!” the vampire screamed again protectively over her meal and Pennywise laughed “Oh ho ho! My dear I’ve had my meal for the day…which thank you by the way… don't worry I’ll let you keep your prize this time.” the clown continued to walk forward and Leech continued to screech at him. He furrowed his brow in confusion “Kitten?” the vampire crawled toward him. “Leech?” a claw wrapped around the clowns entire chest yanking him forward to her. “Uh oh.” Pennywise squeaked out before Leech shrieked into his face.
Poor Jimbo man he cant even get his master to say his actual name and now he has to deal with her irritable clown boyfriend AND her hangry mode. But anyway I loved writing the death and dismemberment. Expect more of that. Lots more. 
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Without You: Bloodstone (Part 16)
Genre: AU, bts!werewolf, fantasy, angst
Warnings: language, violence, suggestive content
Word Count: 3.5k
Summary: Werewolves, contrary to popular belief, are usually gentle creatures. Except for a very specific set of circumstances, they would never hurt a human (on purpose). The few unfortunate times when mistakes were made put a permanent dark mark on the beasts and people began labeling them as monsters. What the human population failed to recognize was the fact that they were protecting us from something much more sinister. Luckily, a few survived and the gene was passed down hereditarily until one day finding its way to me… in the form of my best friend.
Link to: Storyboard (reference pictures) | General lore post Prologue | Previous | Masterlist | Next
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Loyalty is often as blind as justice should be, as unstable as a lightning storm ought to be, and as misplaced as an opinion in the truth.
Chapter 16:
The doors to the mysterious hallway are locked again. It was one of the first things I checked after Munhee left to help train Jungkook about two hours ago. But naturally, it wouldn’t be that easy. So I’m left to wobble back to Jungkook’s room on unsteady legs, hugging the walls for support. Despite probably not having the physical strength for it, I feel disgusting enough that my mental willpower alone allows me to take a shower, wash away last night and this morning.
Hair dripping, I crawl over to the bed, deciding a nap is the best option. Sleep doesn’t come- well, not easily.
The thought stays firmly in my head. I cannot trust Munhee. Why lock the hallway doors unless she doesn’t want me snooping around? What could she be hiding back there? The demon? I force myself to take a breath, trying to remain skeptical. What if the spirit had just been trying to get under my skin? Munhee hasn’t harmed or wronged me yet. Maybe she locked the doors to protect me because she knew I might snoop around and do something I’ll regret. Maybe whatever she stores back there is dangerous. Magic is, after all, inherently hazardous to people who don’t know how to use it.
Behind my eyelids, I see the Hepatica field, the full moon, and the massive raven black wolf.
I should ask her about it. Woman to woman. Maybe should would just… tell me. I haven’t tried being upfront yet and everyone here seems to answer most of my questions to the best of their ability. Yes, when Munhee gets back from training, I’ll try to casually bring it up. But until then, I need to sleep.
My mind slips into a restless oblivion.
I wake up to the sound of Jungkook’s door opening. The thought of Munhee also being back shoots a burst of adrenaline through my system, shocking me into alertness, but my eyelids crack open to find Taehyung.
“Oh hey,” I smile at him, sitting up so I can greet the bronze haired boy properly. “What are you doing in here? I thought you were training with Jungkook.”
He pauses to audibly sniff the air, then flops down on the bed next to me, yawning, “Yoongi hyung sent me back to the bunker… and Jimin asked me to check up on you.”
“He did? Why couldn’t he do it?”
Again, there’s a small pinch of pain in my chest. I try my best to include him, to make him feel appreciated and validated, but he keeps avoiding me, pushing me aside. I’m not sure if it’s his nature and that’s why everyone dislikes him, or if he’s hesitant to let anyone in because he’s been socially ostracized. At this point, does it even matter?
Taehyung snuggles up next to me, resting his head on my shoulder and his arm over my stomach, “I dunno. He said something about you maybe needing someone to comfort you and that I’m the man for the job.”
He laughs lightly, nuzzling against my shoulder playfully. Jimin probably didn’t say anything like that, but I’ll believe he sent Taehyung.
“Thanks,” I reply, amused. “Does all this affection mean I’m out of menstrual quarantine?”
The bronze haired boy sniffs again, “Yeah. Tomorrow you’ll be completely fine- not that there’s anything wrong with you. Just that you won’t be leaking blood everywhere.”
“What a nice way to put it,” I elbow him gently.
“Sorry,” he shoots me a boxy smile. “Wolves just have a thing about… human blood.”
“What are you? Vampires?”
Taehyung snorts to hide a laugh, “Definitely not. It’s more of a bonding thing.”
“Bonding? Like imprinting?”
“Yes and no. It’s a little bit different. There are actually two types of bonding but-”
The sound of the door opening interrupts his explanation, something I’ll admit I’m a little bit curious about. A second type of bonding? What could that mean? We both look up to find Jungkook, a bit rigid, standing in the doorway. Taehyung easily rolls off the bed, landing on his feet and walking to stand in front of the maknae.
He puts his hands up in mock surrender, “She’s all yours, Kook.”
The raven haired boy’s gaze flicks between the two of us before settling on me. After taking a deep breath, a small smile suddenly pulls at the corners of his lips, voice quiet, “Eun’s not ‘mine.’ I just like making sure she’s safe.”
Pride surges through my veins. He hadn’t even growled. Jungkook is growing.
Taehyung gives him a gentle, but encouraging pat on the shoulder as he slips past, back into the hallway.
I turn my full attention to Jungkook, “So does this mean you guys are done for today?”
He shrugs, running his fingers through his hair, “For now. Munhee sunbae says I need to rest because I might have pulled a few muscles, but we’re training again in the morning.”
I gesture for him to join me on the bed, “Will those heal fast? I don’t want you hurting yourself more.”
He nods, gingerly walking over to sit beside me. We continue talking idly, him checking up on me, me inquiring about his training. I refrain from mentioning the hallway, not wanting to cause him any more stress. Only when Jungkook decides to take a shower do I tell him I’ll be right back. Why? I need to talk to Munhee. He lets me go, albeit reluctantly.
I find her in the kitchen with a beer in her hand. She’s standing alone, staring at her feet. It’s a strange visual, simply because it’s a very human one. Munhee, the kick-ass, mysterious, magic wielding mentor, who also needs alcohol to settle her nerves sometimes.
“Is everything okay?” I probe hesitantly, not sure how else to start off the conversation.
Munhee nods, “Yeah. Everyone’s just kind of resting. That demon was a bit tough. Sometimes, I wish I had fast healing powers too but at the same time, no thanks.”
We both laugh lightly, politely. To give myself something to do, I rummage through the cabinets to get a glass for water. The shower had helped, but I can’t seem to get the slimy taste out of my mouth from the… exorcism? Munhee hadn’t called it that. She said a “spiritual cleansing,” but what does that mean?
Filling the cup halfway, I take a sip before asking, “Sun- erm, Munhee? Can I ask you something?”
She hums in acknowledgement, gaze having slid back to the floor.
“Besides your workshop, is there anything in that hallway at the back of the bunker?”
I watch her expression carefully, probably even to the point of outwardly appearing suspicious, but she answers simply with another question, “Why?”
I decide to play toward her sense of practicality, “I’d like to know if Jungkook is or if I am in danger. I think I have that right, don’t I? And instead of me snooping around in the middle of the night and poking around places that might not be safe, I think the better option is to just get a straight answer.”
She looks mildly impressed.
“That’s very true. So, yes. There are other things in that hallway. Come with me.”
I follow her with the smallest bit of apprehension resting in my chest like a cold stone, or rather, pebble. She’s being transparent. Shouldn’t I be grateful? Still, as we pass Jungkook’s room, I can’t help but naturally contemplate telling him where we’re going… just in case. Just in case what? I’m not sure. And that’s what I’m afraid of.
Munhee pops the lock and I naturally take a step back, afraid of the silence and stillness that might come pouring out from behind the doors. And this is when I recall a train of thought from last night, an abandoned theory: that first night of wandering around… the strange beckoning, time skipping forward… that had been a demon. Not Halsahm, but it had to have been something like it. Which either means the pack or Munhee had been keeping one alive, or a demon had infiltrated the bunker. My bet is on the former, for the same reason Jungkook thought they brought Halsahm back. To train him.
I startle a bit as a green flame abruptly blossoms on Munhee’s palm. She smiles, as if my reaction amuses her, “Someday soon, you’ll be able to do it too.”
“What exactly is ‘it?’”
“A type of magic you’ll need to learn quickly. It allows you to ‘see things that are hidden’ according to the book. I think that’s the grossest, most cliched way to put it, but yknow, I’m not bothered enough to figure out a different description,” Munhee waves me over. “Here, let me show you something.”
I don’t hesitate to step a little bit closer, but my breath hitches in my throat when she grabs my wrist and flips my hand to pour the green fire in it. I am almost naive enough to expect burning. But this is magic, so of course it wouldn’t.
“You won’t have much energy after what happened this morning, but focus on the flame. Keep it going. All you have to do is concentrate.”
The green fire licks at my palm, dripping into it like liquid. It feels heavy like honey, but with none of the stickiness. The moment Munhee withdraws her hand, it ripples into a puddle the size of a match head. My attention instinctively zeros in on it, trying to keep the flame from dissipating.
“Just focus, Eun,” she encourages. “You can do it.”
I manage to keep the tiny fire going, but can’t make it any bigger, definitely not to the same palm-consuming size as Munhee’s. But that’s okay. I’m just happy it didn’t go out.
“Good job for your first time. Let’s go, kid,” her voice is soft with pride.
As I follow her into the hallway, I notice the flickering on the walls again. With the small green flame desperately gasping for breath in my hand, I approach the smooth concrete surface, which no longer appears smooth and concrete. A metal door lies before me, not at the end of the hall where I know the workshop is, but less than five steps away from the mistletoe doors. It has some sort of sigil carved into the front that dimly seems to flicker into and out of existence with every dimming and brightening of the flame.
Munhee walks down the hall with familiar surety, stopping about half way down. She extends her arm until the green fire reveals a similar door. Her voice is now quiet, “This is where we’re keeping the demon. Don’t open this door. It won’t be able to speak or influence you as long as you keep it sealed in there, behind this sigil. Understand?”
“Kind of,” I keep my voice at a level of volume that equals hers. Hushed, as if not wanting to disturb something. “But why keep it? Why not exorcise it?”
“That’s not how it works, Eun,” Munhee sighs. “They aren’t literally demons. It’s why Namjoon’s so hesitant to call them that. Think of it less like the stereotypical ‘filling a shell’ possession and more like a tumor wrapping around a soul, keeping it hostage. We can’t just force it out of the host body. It has to leave willingly.”
What kind of bullshit is that? It enters someone’s body by force and then leaves whenever it darn well pleases? How is that fair? My hands almost ball into fists, body trembling with anger, but then I remember the small pinpoint of green fire in my palm. I look down to find it has vanished. I now allow myself to clench my fists, trying to relieve some of the frustration that had just built up on my conscience.
“How long does that usually take?”
Munhee shrugs, her eyes suddenly looking tired in the green glow of the flame in her palm, “Days. Weeks. Months. Years. Sometimes not ever and death of the host body is the only thing that releases- or expels- the souls inside. It depends on the demon.”
A heavy, sickly feeling settles in the pit of my stomach.
“And what will you do with it in the meantime?”
Munhee continues staring at the door, her expression melting into something vaguely forlorn, “Usually, I’d have the wolves train with it, but this time, I’m not sure. After what happened to you, I don’t think anyone should go near it. This one is… like Hoseok said, different. I’ve never seen one be able to attack you like it did from that far away.”
“So it’s just going to rot in there?” my voice cracks.
She nods slowly, “The demon will be fine. It’ll keep the host body alive, but the girl…”
Munhee trails off, yet I don’t press her for further explanation. I don’t think it’s necessary.
I clear my throat to try and keep a steady voice, “Thank you for showing me.”
Munhee gestures toward the doors and we leave the hallway and demon behind. She goes back to using a normal volume as soon as the combination lock clicks into place, “Of course, Eun. Oh, also, I need you to be honest. Has Jimin checked up on you today? At all?”
For a moment, I’m tempted to say no. Since our brief argument earlier, I haven't seen the boy with the coffee colored hair. However, I also don't want to get him in trouble and technically, if Taehyung was telling the truth, Jimin had made sure I was okay, even if he hadn't done it directly.
I try to smile genuinely as I lie by omission, "He's not the best babysitter, but he made an effort.”
Munhee seems shocked for a moment, "He did? Wait. We're talking about the same Jimin right?”
We both laugh, again, politely.
"I kind of feel bad for him," I admit as we walk back to the kitchen. "He doesn't seem like an awful person, but-”
"I'm assuming he told you about the Blood Wolf thing," she interrupts, not sounding irritated so much as tired. "He's right in the fact that they do forget him, but it's always by accident. They instinctively don't recognize him as part of the pack, especially when feral. I hate to say this, Eun, but when we first found him, I tried.
"Like you, I wanted to be nice, to help him see that he needs someone, anyone," she continues, "But Jimin just kept... pushing me away. Pushing all of us away. So now we tend to leave him alone, which is what he seems to want anyway.”
It hurts me to think that he refused help. Does that mean I should stop trying too? Maybe Jimin had started out as cold and brooding. Maybe he hadn’t. Maybe he'd simply been hurt. By what? I'm not quite sure yet, but now isn't the time and this is definitely not the person I should ask.
"Thank you for looking out for me," I bow politely. "I'm a bit tired so…"
Munhee picks up her beer bottle, which she had left on the counter, "Go rest. I'd like to start your training in a couple days.”
I give her another polite bow before walking to Jungkook's room. I find him sitting on the bed, apparently worried sick about where I had gone, but he'd been determined to try to let me come back on my own. I tell him I'm grateful and reward my friend by letting him protectively snake around me as I drift off for my second nap of the day.
By dinnertime, the awful taste in my mouth has gone away and I feel achy instead of actively sore. I figure any progress is good progress. The atmosphere around the table as we eat is a little more solemn than normal and it seems to affect everyone save Hoseok and Taehyung, who are chatting idly. Everybody else is either staring at their food or into space. I have a feeling they have a lot on their minds. I don’t blame them. I have a lot to think about too.
Munhee had been more than generous with her information. She hadn’t even gotten angry at me for asking. The only thing I seem to be missing is solid proof. Sure, she showed me the door, but how am I supposed to know what’s inside it?
I’m not naive enough to hope that Munhee would show me. She thinks it’s dangerous to even be in close proximity to Halsahm. She would never open that door. I’m also not dumb enough to sneak a look. Munhee’s warning is probably for a good reason.
So with all that in mind, I’d devised a plan that puts no one in danger. Kind of. I’m going back to the Hepatica field with the bloodstone.
After dinner, it’s easy enough to persuade Munhee to take me to her workshop to learn where things are. “It’s not too strenuous and it’s something I need to do anyway” is the argument that ultimately convinces her. I don’t really absorb much information. There are some herb and stone names that sound familiar and I’m pretty sure I can read titles of books to figure out what’s inside them, but I’m so tired that most of the information slips right past my conscious mind. Of course, I also have to focus on slipping the bloodstone inside my pocket without her noticing and then there’s the matter of inspecting the pit in the middle of the floor out of the corners of my eyes.
It still makes me uneasy, like a presence looming in the room with an acrid smell that stings my nose. What could it be for? I can’t connect the dots and I’m a little afraid to ask, not because Munhee might not tell me, but because I don’t know if I want to know the answer.
It takes me fifteen minutes total to get the bloodstone from her workshop desk and fifteen more for me to find an excuse to leave. It seems tiredness is a valid reason when one was almost not-exactly-possessed by a demon earlier that morning.
I return to Jungkook’s room to find the bruised, raven haired boy fast asleep. Originally, I was going to ask him to go with me. At least that way he wouldn’t worry and I’d have a protector. And I’ll admit, I definitely do not know where the Hepatica field is. So I need someone who can sniff it out too.
Still, I don’t want to wake him up. He has training again in the morning. Thus the question once again becomes: who can I trust to come with me? It’s not that I’m breaking rules by leaving the bunker… I think. I just don’t want to upset anyone or go through the steps of explaining my logic. Namely, it’ll probably sound bad if I say, “The main reason I’m leaving is to see if I can actually trust Munhee.” Will Halsahm be behind that door? Is Munhee telling me the truth?
I can only hope that divination will answer these questions. Now all I need is a travel companion.
“What do you want?” Jimin opens his door to glare at me.
I try to smile, “You’re still responsible for watching me right?”
His lip twitches in what looks like distaste, “The maknae’s back. So no, I’m not.”
Well there goes my opening. I decide to pitch my idea anyway, “Sunbae, I need to ask for a favor.”
“No,” he closes the door.
I knock again, “Sunbae, I need you to take me somewhere.”
Jimin’s muffled voice reads easily as irritated, “What part of ‘no’ didn’t you understand?”
“Please? I can’t… I can’t ask anyone else.”
“That sounds like a ‘you’ problem.”
“Jimin,” I drop the honorific in desperation. “I just want to know the truth about what’s in that hallway.”
“Ask Munhee.”
“You want me to trust what she says when I have no proof? Look, I need to make sure Jungkook is safe,” I start rambling, not even sure if he’s still listening. “I don’t know anything about you or where you came from but I can tell whoever you imprinted on didn’t do their job. They were supposed to protect you as much as you were supposed to protect them. Please help me do what they couldn’t-”
The door opens and Jimin looks angry.
“Wouldn’t protect me.”
“Wouldn’t. Not ‘couldn’t.’ He left me. He made me a monster and left.”
My response is caught in my throat for a moment, but I somehow manage to say, “I- I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be.”
I take a deep breath, “He didn’t take care of you. But please, help me make sure Jungkook is safe.”
Jimin arches an eyebrow, his lip twitches, and he closes the door again with a cold, “No.”
EOPQ 20: Was this a good balance between magic and wolves? Should I include more or less of one aspect?
Send me your theories/answers here. Or just come say hi ;) ~🐰 xx Please include the End of Post Question number upon submission, thank you!
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Much love ~🐰 xx
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fyrapartnersearch · 6 years
A fortuitous request.

Salutations to you my fellow hunters and roleplayers ~ This is the first time I post my request on a platform like this. I hope to catch some flies with some honey. You may call me Aylo. I am specifically searching for partners who sport the same interests, passion and dedication as me. I am very imaginative - I hope you are as well. Regarding myself I’ll keep it short and sweet. If you wish to know more about me, feel free to ask me through email. Age: 20+ years Gender: Female Occupation: Full time student with a side job Timezone: CET 
Experience: 11 years If you wish to get in touch with me, here’s my email for contact :) EMAIL: [email protected] What I’m looking for in a partner: If you write to me, tell me about yourself, particularise what you would like to do, where your interests lie in and how far you will go limit-wise. To be clear, I will accept 20+ partners only! I am sure there are roleplayers below that age who are wonderful writers, however due to legality issues and the age difference, it would feel awkward… Sorry ;__;

This will be a mature themed RP and that means it will include very heavy topics that may not be for the faint of heart. So be sure to read every word carefully before you message me, because these kinds of misunderstandings can be easily avoided. I am currently on the hunt for a literate, erudite and witty writer with a creative mindset who can cross the line with me. I don’t care what gender you are or what your timezone is, as long as we correspond well, we should be fine.

Also to note, I am looking for a longterm and dependable partner. If you are not sure if you can fulfil either of these, feel free to scroll past my ad! It won’t be held it against you ^^
 Platforms I prefer to write on are: 

Email and Google Docs. I try to get myself a Discord as soon as I get a new PC! How to I write, my limits and preferences: Cravings: What I crave at the most, almost always, is the topic of supernatural and urban fantasy. Though I can be persuaded to go more into pop culture (like superheroes or crime). Personally what I would like go for is an original story or anything fandom related that I have listed down below. If you are not sure which I am open to do at the moment, feel free to scroll down and see for yourself if we’re compatible or not. Interests: My line of interests are very electric when it comes to genres. I love conceiving my own lore inside a stories, be it an original or a pre-existing story. Gothic fantasy among others are one of my favourites. I am not opposed to tapping into science fiction, action, romance, crime, action or thriller genres, in fact I encourage it. Inspirations for me are Lovecraft, Hellsing, Blade, Underworld, etc. As for the fandom inspired RPs, I am more than willing to bend some rules and be a little indulgent. Writing: 3rd person perspective. My writing is expansive and flexible, which means that frequently, word count will go up 1000+ per reply - though it highly depends on the situation and partner I write with. Quality over quantity as they say - but why not both? I love detail in description, and I am actively seeking someone of the same infamy. My partner should have a basic grasp on grammar, punctuation and somewhat of an interest in knowledgeable writing. I also double! (preferably, but we can always discuss whether it makes sense for our roleplay our not.) When I double, mostly I would like to do it in fandom roleplays. Originals are a different matter. World building & plot: You should be active and help me shape the world around our characters. Even if we discuss many things during and before the roleplay, how we wish for things to play out and take its course, I am always happy to be surprised with a secret of my partner’s character I didn’t know before. You don’t need to lay out all your cards on the table… keep it a little mysterious and suspenseful. Just enough so we can work with the ideas, but not completely kill off the suspense. Characters: I write canon as well as OC characters. Faceclaims, GIFs, drawings, mood boards or just a plain physical description is absolutely sufficient. Whatever floats your boat when it comes to visualising your character and their backstory, I’m on board. Characters should be flawed, unique, talented, heroic, villainous, spiteful, angry, and everything in-between. In other words, don’t be scared of making them ‘human’, even when they are non-human. Romance: Openly play and accept characters of both genders, preferable m x f pairings, but I am open to m x m and f x f relationships as well. I have more experience with m x f relationships, so I might be more savvy in this one. If the chemistry of two characters compel me, I will ship them no matter what! Classic fangirl shipper here! Ayo, where my shippers at? 
When it comes to sexual scenarios and intimacy (intercourse, foreplay, all that jazz) I will not fade to black. I encourage erotism, but in a tasteful manner (that goes for romance as well). The passion must be felt through the screen, even if its just an description of someone’s deep train of thought. Content: Drama, violence, sex, metamorphosis, symbolism, action, romance, pretty much everything is a-okay. I am unbothered by certain subjects that may or may not be uncomfortable for the general public. Roleplays are fictional stories and we best keep viewing them as such. If there are things you are uncomfortable with, name them and I shall respect those boundaries. But don’t be surprised when suddenly one of our characters bites the dust, or gets tortured. It may be difficult to write and read, but it is all part of the story and furthering the plot. My roleplays imply and involve brutality, mayhem, psychological and physical torture as well as other things. But I also endorse beauty, serenity and placid moments, scenes or characters. I love it when it comes full circle… everyone- and everything has their beautiful and hideous side. Both should be embraced. Communication: OOC-chat friendly! I love meeting new people and making potential friends. Plus it strengthens the compatibility between us. Communication is the alpha and the omega. If there is something that bothers you, or if you think you are left out in some way (be it a mistake on my part or we’re both at fault here), don’t be scared of telling me. Really, it won’t be taken personally - since I know that we slip up every now and then, we’re only human after all. It is also completely sufficient if you only type out a few messages per week. I am super chill about it. It doesn’t bother me re-writing a scene to fit the narrative more. If there are mistakes, they can be corrected - just to get that out there. We can always exchange opinions and see what would benefit the story most. I will also voice my opinion should something arise that could be bothersome. World building & plotting: An active roleplayer is wanted without a doubt. Can’t do the thinking for two now. Let’s row this boat together Limits: My only limits are pedophilia, bestiality, necrophilia , pedophilia, scat, furries and some other bizarre fetishes. Also no one-liners or text-talk messages. The sentences have to be cohesive, coherent and somewhat structured.
On my shipping list, the ones that are marked in bold are the ones I am craving at the most right now! 
Shipping list:
Corrupted x Innocent Demon x Human Devil x Human Cop x Criminal Bully x Bullied Bad boy (delinquent) x Good girl (or the other way around) Warrior x Mage Mentor x Apprentice Angel x Human Angel x Demon Vampire x Human
 Vampire x Vampire Vampire x Dhampire Vampire x Werewolf Werewolf x Human Monster x Human Hybrid x Hybrid Hybrid x Human Hybrid x Full fledged (whatever it may be)
 Alien x Human Alien x Alien Dominant male x Dominant female (or other genders) Etc.

Fandom list: 

Marvel cinematic universe
DC (preferably the comics or animated films / shows)
Alita Battle Angel
Harry Potter (Next gen)


Fate Stay Night / Fate Zero


Justice League (also Dark)

Teen Titans
The Darkness
Loki - Tales of Asgard
X Men

Looking forward to talking to you ~ Dasvidaniya
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