deathbxnny · 2 months
May I request Yanqing beefing with a cat?
Like, his S/O brought home a cute tabby cat and that cat absolutely adores them. Not Yanqing tho. It just silently hated the Lieutenant and the Lieutenant hates the cat for stealing his S/O away.
Lmao, I absolutely love this. Thank you for the great request, Anon!!<33
Content: Yanqing just has beef with a cat, unserious, established relationship, sfw
Reader has no set pronouns!!
((Not proofread))
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Yanqing knew that cat hated him from day ONE. It acted like an angel around you, always up for cuddles and kisses. You absolutely adored the cat and the cat loved you in return for being such a great owner!
But whenever you left the room, the cat turned into what the lieutenant can only describe to be a demon. It would attempt to scratch him, hiss at him when get too close to you, jump on him when he tried to just sleep after a long day of training. Hell, it even scratched one of his swords! Now that was unforgivable in the boy's eyes, who was convinced that the cat was praying on his downfall.
But he'll be damned before he lets a cat win you over. This resulted into a silent war over your constant attention in which even Yanqing resorted in laying sprawled out in your lap as a sign of dominance (The cat attempted to bite his arm once when you were both napping and it nearly learned how to fly, if Yanqing was any less patient-).
He doesn't get what the cat's deal is, but he doesn't have the heart to tell you to get rid of it either. So the beef just rages on between the two for however long it takes. The cat may even just live forever out of spite, so not even death will defeat its eternal vendetta against the blonde boy, much to his pure annoyance.
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overandundertarot · 1 year
Glimpse of a Cute and Comforting Moment Between You and Your Future Spouse.
Let's take a sneak peak into a moment between you and your future spouse that will bring you some comfort right now!
Piles 1-3
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Pile 1
Cards; 5 of cups reversed, The magician, 10 of cups reversed. Ouuu pile 1 this moment may come after a fight or just an overcharged, intense situation. Your future spouse would be feeling so emotional but you would be calm throughout, offering comfort and guidance. You are an optimistic person, you'll be thinking of how to make the best of what's happening. You may also have short hair. You could also try brainstorming with them. To them, it feels like anything can workout as long as you're by their side. They'll be thinking; damn! I'm so glad i have them on my side. They just think you're so dependable and honestly you're their emotional support. I'm getting that after this moment they might feel like they were underappreciating you before and become determined to cherish you properly going forward. A lot of whats coming forward is how your spouse feels for you and views you, they adore you! And in this moment they're feeling the full force of that adoration, even though they may not have realised it themselves before this. I'm seeing you two sitting down, close together; could be cuddling, but definitely holding hands. It would be a silent moment and they would just be staring at your face so hard, trying to comit it to memory. In this moment you give them the strength to go on, you're their comfort. For some this could be before you enter the relationship and this moment is what's going to endear you to your future spouse and make them start seeing you in a romantic light! They'll be freshly out of a breakup and think that the perfect person for them was here all along, im sensing that you may intuitively understand this as well and also start persuing them. You were waiting for a chance! You're quite sly pile one lmao.
Pile 2
Cards; 8 of pentacles, 5 of swords reversed, Justice. You and your fs are very much partners in crime. You work very well together. This moment is at a time of success for both of you. For you pile 2 though, you may be feeling a sense of loss, kind of like this success is bittersweet. The journey to where you are at the time of this moment was not easy, but you were determined to get through. It feels like because you were hurt in the past, you were worried about the situatuation but your future spouse is more practical and they're telling saying something like; "If you put in the work of course you'll get the results." Lmao, they may be quite stern faced and a no nonsense kind of person. Either way, it's a moment that you'll share with your community as well as one that you will both be absolutely engrossed in. You won't be thinking about anything else. I'm getting that you both are very involved in the welfare of others and this may be connected to both of your careers, like a philanthropist couple. For some, this could be a proposal amongst friends and family and you'll be so surprised, bursting into tears saying something like "I can't beleive this!" and your spouse would be disgruntled because to them it was very obvious that a quality relationship was built and that you were the one for them. It will feel like things are clicking into place for both of you. Confirmations/signs for this pile could be aries or leo, air signs and birds, law, mesmirising eyes and the night sky.
Pile 3
Cards; 4 of wands, 8 of wands, knight of cups. This is a pivotal moment for the expansion of your relationship. It will feel much worse in the moment than it will actually be. Your future spouse is so playful pile 3. They may appear unserious and withdrawn meanwhile you get jealous and insecure because of this. To be honest, both of your attitudes are quite different from the outcome of the situation. This may be a misunderstanding that resolves itself through sheer luck and coincidence. Your spouse is a dreamer, someone who loves to keep their head in the clouds but are afraid of attachment, meanwhile you feel too much and don't know how to translate that properly to other people so your feelings can come off as too much or simply not sincerely. Despite this you still end up in a successful relationship together and hold on strong. Regardless of that, this is a moment of separation. Your spouse may be interacting with someone which makes you jealous. It's clear that in this moment you decide to move on, your fs may attempt to chase but it just brings about a bigger misunderstanding. There's so much pining between you two, it's unreal. Your love story is filled with twists and turns. It's like evrytime you try to seek comfort from your friend as about your relationship they may be thinking,"What happened NOW?!" This is a moment that you both look back on, later in your relationship and laugh about. "Gosh, we were so stupid!" Confirmations for this pile are birds, all the cards I pulled for this pile had birds on them.
Thanks for participating in this pick a pile reading! Any feedback would be awesome :)
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Hi everyone. I've been putting some thought into the best way to bring this up without making light of it, since this is a serious topic and this is a very unserious blog. I don't want to reblog a bunch of individual posts without context and explanations attached, but if I find posts that I feel are thorough and explain what is going on, I may reblog them. Here is a summary, for anyone completely unaware of what is happening:
A trans woman (Rita, URL was Predstrogen, now Cyprederone) has had her account falsely flagged as NSFW and banned multiple times as a result of a transmisogynistic harassment campaign against her. You may have seen people talking about how her transition timeline has been flagged mature content, multiple times.
Support have been unhelpful when it comes to the harassment, and dubiously helpful about restoring accounts until this latest event.
People reached out to Photomatt about the topic, who is the CEO of Tumblr. He decided to respond, claiming that Rita was personally harassing him and posting death threats about him. This does not line up with the official reason why Rita was banned, which was "sexually explicit materials". The "death threat" was a slapstick post about an exploding car full of hammers. Matt threatened to contact the police or FBI about the threat, used neutral pronouns for Rita despite being informed of her pronouns, and even referred to her as 'it' in one sentence. He referred to Rita as "pergstrogen" in one post, which may be a particularly unfortunate typo, but may also be an ableist slur. He also sent people direct messages about the topic. Matt denied any possibility of transmisogyny playing a part, and suggested that people who feel this site is not safe for trans women should just leave to a different site.
Rita has been banned for life. Several people criticising Matt for this have also been banned.
Please pay attention to this, read other posts about it, look at Photomatt's blog (archived as of 21/02) to see the way he has handled this and Cyprederone's blog to see Rita's statement.
Here are all of Photomatt's posts about the topic, please check the notes of them to see people's responses as well as people archiving his comments. Edit: These posts have been deleted. I'm unsure if there is an archive somewhere of the comments, but these links are now the webarchive links to these posts.
You gonna do anything or make any statement about the rampant transmisogyny on this hellsite (original post with they/them) (first edit with "the account") (second edit with she/her) (archive of most recent edit)
I love this site and I’m sorry so many people are determined to ruin it.
So, the terfs and neonazis are fine, but a trans women giving threatening you is where you draw the line?
You should really feel bad about how transphobic tumblr is
all you ever do is drop the ban hammer on trans women you don't like, while casually ignoring the harassment they face
can I report your beahviour, or?
it's been four hours and nothing you've said has made this decision look better
Why did you misgender her lmao
❤ (heart emoji) [I don't yet have an archive of this. Please reach out if you have an archive of this, although there wasn't much relevant in this post.]
I'm continuing to get harassment and death threats here
My Beliefs and Principles
Tweeting Rita's saved URLs
He is further arguing with people on Twitter.
[Edit] Staff have now made a PR statement about the topic.
Please give trans women your love and support, and remember that this is deeply serious transmisogyny, not just an excuse to joke about car hammer explosions.
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chiskz · 9 months
[ 😂▶️ ] CHICHI making Award Shows a whole mess... | CHICHI Funny Moments
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♡𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭: @amyysfics , @smh-anon , @neohyxn , @stealanity , @alixnsuperstxr , @juliawritingblog , @rizzshimura , @elizalabs3
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from video creator: hi hello! we all probably know how energetic chichi is, but what happens to her during the Award Shows goes beyond all scale and this has to be studied T_T enjoy the video!!
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[#1] Chichi Everywhere All Around The World
At first, the camera shoots her as she sits at the same table with the rest of Stray Kids, so everything seems normal. However, when IVE is shown a few shots later, Chichi can be seen talking to Seventeen in the background. When the cameraman walked over to Seventeen, Chichi crouched down and ran away from the table only to be seen moments later sitting in one chair with San from ATEEZ, very engrossed in a conversation with Yeosang [ this is probably the only time the idols can talk to each other for more than 10 seconds... ].
In the end, Lino had to bring her back to their table - this particular moment became a big viral.
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[#2] 3RACHA's famous award
Han and Seungmin had to turn back from the road to the restroom so that 3RACHA could take their award.
However, during this, two people were missing from the table - Hyunjin and Chichi. On a later live broadcast on Instagram, Hyunjin addressed the situation.
"I also really wanted to be present and show them the thumbs down along with the rest. But unfortunately I was with Chichi in the restroom [ with her??? why is he talking about it so casually?! ]. It took us longer than we planned, so we didn't make it... Too bad [ what were you two doing in the restroom together?! ] "
Chichi was present at the live and left a comment:
"kekekeke. next time we have to pee faster. hwang hyunjin, fighting! [ pls, she's so unserious 😭 ] "
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[#3] No One Is Left Behind...
At one Award Shows, where lightsticks were allowed, Chichi decided to take full advantage. After walking down the red carpet, she picked up a large white bag from a staff member. Security looked inside and, after a slight hesitation, let her go on.
It turned out that inside were the lighsticks of each group performing that day - Chichi made sure she remembered exactly which belonged to whom, and gave her all in support of the performing idols.
The idols, however, were not indebted to her, and during her solo performance (MAMA 2022) a Stray Kids lighstick appeared in the hands of most of them.
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[#4] Please Send Help (for them, not for me)
One of Chichi's most iconic moments at the Award Shows - when she was about to give a speech in Japanese, instead of approaching the microphone, she tilted it all together with the stand to her side so as not to make a fuss with the change of places... which resulted in making even bigger fuss [ Lee Know already knows who is sleeping outside tonight lmao ].
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[#5] Chichi, Han and Changbin repair a broken table together
On the only video of this situation, the audio is unfortunately inaudible, so one can only guess that Chichi was telling some sort of adecdote, as she was gesticulating heavily and Han and Changbin were laughing. At one point, Chichi wanted to demonstrate knocking over a table as part of the story, but unfortunately she mismeasured the distance between the table and her hands, because the table really did knock over. She quickly covered her mouth with her hands, and Changbin picked up the broken, thin leg of the plastic table from the floor. He put it back on the floor, and Chichi and Han began to collect the water bottles that had previously been on the table and started to make a tower out of them - a new leg for the table. When the other Kids returned from the restroom, they began to bend in half from laughter.
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[#6] Award names too difficult, brain too small
Chichi has repeatedly confused or misrepresented the names of the awards she has received while giving thanks, which is later the subject of endless jokes.
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[#7] Let the light shine on me... or something
The clip is from the debut period. Chichi went to the restroom during the final rehearsal, so she arrived evenly on time. She was invited hurriedly to the stage because, as the gala staff informed her, her rehearsal had just begun. So she entered the stage quickly only to find that she had been mistaken for a TWICE member because she had been seen with them before the rehearsal. She seized the opportunity and mingled with the group, dancing with them as a joke. It wasn't until Jihyo at the chorus that she realized they were a bit too big group...
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[#8] Problem
Chichi on her recent live on Instagram told what happened to her at one of the Award Shows (she did not name it).
"As a member of Stray Kids, I always had a dressing room with them, that's logical, right? However, this time when we arrived I was informed that my dressing room was a separate room. I was surprised, and immediately asked the reason for this decision. It turned out that it was simply to separate the boys from the girls. I knocked immediately to KARD's room and asked if the situation was similar at their place, meanwhile our manager also tried to explain it. They answered me that they are together, but there is simply a screen in their room." Chichi laughed and scratched her neck. "Seemingly nothing, but I felt separated from the rest, such a situation had never happened before [ now they were reminded that Chichi is a woman?? ]. So I took my things from there together with the members and moved to their dressing room. Jiwoo and J.seph lent us their screen, which broke when we tried to fold it enough to get through the door." She laughed out loud. "I even have a piece of its decoration, as a souvenir."
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[#9] Get in line
Stray Kids were the first to enter the red carpet, right after the main MC of Award Show. However, Chichi came out a tad too quickly, which resulted in the male MC thinking there had been a change and handing her one of the two microphones he was holding. She, however, just quickly turned on her heel and hid behind Bang Chan, who eased the whole situation until the entrance of correct female MC.
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carlyleandco · 5 months
okay my fellow Cdrama fanatics, I’m in need of some recs as someone who is still fairly new to the scene…
Historical Cdramas I’ve enjoyed
Story of Minglan ~ this show is my Roman Empire…like I don’t go more than a couple of days without thinking about it. Love how much depth there was to the characters and their relationships. I got so much satisfaction from watching Minglan run circles around every one else using her intelligence and wits. Every time Gu Tingye popped up in the background as her backup support I lost it! Talk about power couple.
Love Like the Galaxy ~ first historical Cdrama I have watched and apart from Minglan, I think it has ruined the rest for me. This drama has so many layers. Niao Niao is an intelligent, and opportunistic female lead. She is unabashedly herself, and the story is not afraid to depict her as unlikeable at first instance. I deeply appreciated the focus on female relationships and family. And Ling Buyi has ruined all other antiheroes for me lmao
Destined ~ I thought this one would be on par with Minglan at first, but it did lose its way in the latter half. I felt the female lead was relegated to the background, which was frustrating as they built her up to be this shrewd businesswoman and then we never get to see her in action. I did appreciate how wholesome and untoxic Jiu Si was as a romantic lead. I thought her relationship with the SML could have been drawn out more, however.
Romance of Tiger and Rose ~ I don’t think this drama is anywhere on par with the above three, but I still enjoyed it. Definitely a fun and unserious romp. Zhou Lu Si is just so likeable in all her roles.
Xianxia I’ve enjoyed:
Love and Redemption ~ I literally fell down a hole with this drama. I could not stop watching. Even though the female leads starts with that token immaturity Cdramas are known for, it’s explained in-world and she goes through a noticeable growth/stepping into adulthood arc. I also LOVED how powerful she was and how often she got to use her powers. Also the romance? Sifeng?!!? Yeah I was a mess. However, one thing that irritated me was the lack of agency Xuan Ji had toward the end of the show.
Eternal Love ~ it’s a classic for a reason. I loved Bai Qian’s resolve, steadfastness, and maturity. Her relationship with Ye Hau blossomed naturally, and they had different obstacles to face as a couple as opposed to what I have seen so far.
Love Between Fairy and Devil ~ speaks for itself, and I love enemies to lovers.
Extra: points if the female lead is powerful, or is on a journey to realising her power. Whether that’s through her intelligence, empathy, or in the case of xianxia, actual mystical power. Bonus points if she’s a character like Xuan Ji who can go supernova and destroy everyone lol
Historical dramas I have not enjoyed:
The Sword and the Brocade ~ I didn’t even finish this one. My overall impression was, having already finished Minglan prior, eating cardboard after having been to a 5 star Michelin restaurant. Everything was so bland and dull, even down to the cinematography.
Princess Silver ~ I dragged myself to the finish line with this one. The plot just became so utterly ludicrous and relied on the audience being invested in the main leads without actually letting them spend screen time together. I also hated that we had glimpses of the female leads power but that she never got to fully realise this. Just overly contrived and trite.
Xianxia I did not enjoy
Ashes of Love ~ this was the first xianxia I ever watched some years back. Given I was new to the genre, I think I found some of the characteristic features a bit jarring and I stopped watching Cdramas as a result. If I watched it again I may be able to make it through. Ultimately, I just could not stomach how naive the main female character. I understand this is typical, but it was another level of nauseating that I have not found an equal to since.
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rjthirsty · 23 days
Obvs I need to know about "whose dick is that?"
Please and thank you 😂
Okay- Ahaha. How do I even explain this? A discord server I was on made some sort of joke about Ikemen Prince's MC having to identify the suitor based on how they fuck and... I thought it was worth writing about. Lol.
Look, a lot of my odd ball ideas start from something that influenced me, and I'm down bad for IkePri and I like dicks, so....
I only wrote the setup and the first suitor because it's hard for me to take it so unseriously. I've never written a crack fic, and this is what I thought would be my first. Lmao.
Just thinking about it now has me laughing all over again. Maybe a new project to do on the phone.
Here's a little taste of the ridiculousness.
He was moving on the bed again, and she could tell the moment was close. His thighs brushed against hers, the head of his dick rubbed between her folds to lube up with her own wetness along with what he had left from his mouth on her– though something was not quite right and it hit her all at once. There was something hard that pressed into her delicate skin a little too roughly, like metal… like jewelry.
"Oh,” Belle said as she realized who it was, but before she said his name, he pushed inside her and she felt the piercing that adorned the head of his dick drag against the bottom of her entrance. It wasn’t the only piercing that Silvio had, and while the metal wasn’t cold due to the location, it was a stark contrast between the way even a hard dick was still pliable. He felt good inside her, the way his cock filled her up was hot and comforting at the same time.
"Ah! W-wait, Silvio!” Belle gasped.
"I barely even got in. Guess I’m just that memorable” Silvio sounded as smug and full of himself as ever.
"Question.” Nokto spoke up from somewhere in the room. “Prince Silvio seems to have some identifying hardware that the rest of us don’t. Doesn’t that skew the results in his favor?”
"It ain’t my fault if you haven’t separated yourself from the rest of the pack.”
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sneckoil · 4 months
ok so i haven't watched housemd since i was a kid and just finished s1 and i am just. why is cameron written like that. genuinely her thing with house had me so completely lost this season. feels like a waste of a great actress but?? maybe I'm wrong?? she just feels so. empty as a character to me. regardless i would love to know what your opinion is on the character bc from what i remember it doesn't get better from here
I dont blame you ban-joey and I really appreciate your courage to send this off anon. We probably have the same experience. I watched house as a kid too (when I was 14, like 10 yrs ago) and hated her for being contrarian and inconsistent and in the way. But since then i’ve looked inward and found i was imposing double standards wrought by internalized misogyny. Anyway.
My opinions on cameron:
Number 1, if i were her i would shoot my shot with house too. excuse me. as if most of us on here are not just twenny… thirty somethings pining after old men. happily going on a monster truck date? getting a date in return for the old man to have me back on my team? Yeah. I respect the hustle. fuck that old man or whatever. marry him when he’s sick. phantom thread him
Number 2, liking Cameron is easy once you accept. That she is really really really not normal. I know this may be something you already know. But internalize it. She says something righteous but it doesnt mean that that is her defining trait. There is something so deeply wrong with her. I know you’re still on season 1 and Yes she Gets Worse but if you are working with the same lens as i am (that there’s something WRONG with her) then everything that happens makes sense. [spoilers] Of course youre only attracted to people when they’re sick and dying. Of course your reaction to being told youre boring is getting high on your patient’s drugs a few weeks away from your HIV test results. Of course you wanted to cheat on your dying husband with his best friend who comforted you while your husband was dying but you didn’t and you still haven’t after the fact he died. Of course you kept your dead husband’s sperm. Of course you wanted to kill a dictator but didnt, and then got pissed at your husband who Did kill him, a husband you actually felt nothing for and was hesitant to even let propose to you [/end spoilers] she’s so funny. If she were a guy they’d call her a messy bitch and love her for it. she has uncategorizable mental illnesses masking as a savior complex.
Number 3, you’re right about the emptiness on some level though. They wanted to write her out of the show and they did her so bad. And I’d say yeah she’s inconsistent as a character, but that goes for Everyone in this show. House isn’t consistent. Wilson isn’t consistent. None of them are consistent. Cameron is only as well-written as the writer who knows how to write her. I’ve suspected the only reason i hated her when I was 14 was she got in the way of hilson. But nowadays that stuff is so unserious to me. All i care about now is messy people being messy about other people
Number 4, she compels me. I like that she’s interesting. I don’t like most of her decisions, I disagree with her the most, but it’s interesting. She’s fun to Watch. She’s no Foreman (that guy is a case study in layers of character depth but that’s for another ramble) but that’s more than i can say for her than someone like, say, Chase LMAO
That being said if you dont like cameron then that’s fine 👍 we live in a society etc etc
I end with this (thank you jackie for putting this image on my feed)
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lemonhemlock · 2 years
Grrm was so unserious when made Rhaenyra based on Matilda and Aegon ii on Stephen... Like the only similarity between rhaenyra and Matilda is the fact that both of them were women fighting against men for the throne and that's where their similarity end . Matilda is not vain , coward, cruel, and tyrannical like rhaenyra lmao . Also Stephen (according to historians) is brave, fighting in his war, attractive, charismatic , generous and kind while Aegon on the other hand is brave true however he is just a lazy hedonist . Now I know they are not supposed to be copied and pasted From their historical counterparts , but i feel Grrm should have add more redeeming-compelling qualities to both of Aegon and rhaenyra , especially rhaenyra she is annoying fr. Also grrm did her real dirty when he made aegon her brother lmao like the only reason Matilda was named heir is because her brother died , so it will make since if grrm made aegon rhaenyra's uncle or cousin like being Rhaenys's son or something because him being Rhaenys's legitimate brother made her claim comically weak.
I have been losing my voice yelling over this. Stephen was able to mount a war over Matilda while being her cousin via Henry I's sister (not even brother!). No one, absolutely no one, in 12th Century England (where this storyline was taken from) would have looked 1 (one) second at Rhaenyra (when her brother Aegon was right there) and considered her claim.
Those entire plot points of the lords swearing an oath to Rhaenyra and the king "changing his mind on his death bed" were lifted straight out of The Anarchy as well. That didn't stop other people in real life from naming Stephen as their King, a result of which is that Matilda is not considered Queen within the historiography, only a claimant. Just like Rhaenyra.
For anyone who stubbornly refuses to accept that Rhaenyra's claim is very much disputable, a similar case has already been disputed in history to the detriment of the female claimant. Not to mention that Stephen's claim was a lot weaker than Aegon's is. All of this knowledge is a bloody Wikipedia page away. 🤷‍♀️
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the-kr8tor · 20 days
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This is the result of sleep deprivation and sudden urge to pick up the drawing pen lmao So, as a normal not really person would do, I start scribbling and redrawing a meme lolol And wanted to show you my reaction (inspo for this) after watching the last old COD campaign
BAHHAHAHHAHAHAHA Your oc is so unserious I love them! Imagine if it turns out that soap is alive and then they announce it like "capt mctavish is still dead, drop dead gorgeous!" And out comes soap looking exasperated 😂
Love the art, foxy!!
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i completely agree with everyone who’s expressed that one of the things they love most about the turn fandom is its lack of drama/discourse. i’ve been in the fandom since 2020, and i seriously don’t think i’ve ever seen a single instance of genuinely mean-spirited or aggressive discourse lol. imo it really says something good about us that the most intense we’ve ever gotten is during the sexyman poll and the hot bracket - which, apart from that one anon, i think we pretty much all view as unserious, all in good fun “debates” about an objectively silly topic.
honestly the main reason why i’m proud to have created the sexyman poll (and why YOU should be proud to be running this one!) is because it revived and energized the fandom, which as someone else said, is an impressive feat considering how small it is and the fact that the show ended years ago. so rather than feeling negative for some reason about all the hot bracket propaganda, i LOVE seeing it because it’s exciting when this fandom gets excited about something! for me, it’s never been about whether or not my favorite character wins, but about coming together to enjoy the process and having fun defending our faves regardless of the results. and personally i find it hilarious to say exaggerated things like “i’m storming the capitol because john andre is the rightful winner” LMAO, but obviously i’m just joking around.
anyway once again, thank you so much for doing this!! you’re doing such a service to this fandom!
awww thank you so much for this!! the sexyman poll and all the fun we had with it was a huge inspiration for this event, so this really means so much coming from you!!
all of the support for this bracket and the active participation has filled me with such a deep appreciation for this fandom. thank you so much to everyone who is having fun with this!!
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captain-hen · 4 months
I didn't hate the vertigo stuff until last night. Its unhinged that such a large character moment for Eddie and now Chris I guess has come as a result of such an unhinged and rushed plot. I don't know how to word it but the most serious consequences for his character could come from such an unserious plot is mind boggling. We know that boy is the most important thing in Eddie's life so I'm going to be seriously judging them next week for how they approach the Eddie/Chris stuff.
i'm just sitting here and asking myself WHY they had to include chris in this goofy-ass plot at all. eddie already had his come to jesus moment! he'd already snapped out of the delusion and ended things with kim! why couldn't it have just been marisol who walked in on them!! and i'm not saying this in a "eddie and chris should never have conflict ever" way i just mean that i think it's deeply stupid that the conflict is coming about as a result of a storyline like THIS. i'm just very annoyed about it now that i'm no longer distracted by ryan guzman's big brown eyes lmao
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deathbxnny · 1 year
Salutations good writer! I hope you're feeling better after your mental health break, and that whatever may have spurred it has been resolved! Now, if you are 100% open to taking reqs again, I'd like to propose a little platonic HC ask for the certain crew of a space-faring locomotive. Basically the, Astral Express crew (if you're cool with taking HSR asks, since I remember seeing you mention that you were feeling burnt out with those) finding out that their youngest (I'd say upper teens in terms of age range) member... has a lot of cybernetics. I'm talk an arm, half their upper body, and both their legs. And these cybernetics are a source of great insecurity for them, like they feel like they're beneath everyone, a lesser being, less of a human being. And as for why they hid it, well, it may have been an illogical train of thought, but it was because they, deep down, were terrified that the crew would end up validating those feelings if they ever found out. And this was information that they'd hidden from the rest of the crew for a good while, under layers of covering clothing, until during a recent mission that would result in their secret being revealed. I'm imagining it's either like, they jump in front of another crew member, or the crew need to urgently retrieve an item, or pull some sort of switch, but where that item or switch lays is too dangerous for any of them to just reach in unless to want their hand and/or arm melted or ripped off. Any of them, except for the reader. Who does just that. Either way, their clothes are damaged, and their secret is exposed for all to see.
A/N: I love the way you talk like a mid-century, mysterious merchant, who sends you on a life altering quest, before disappearing into the shadows of the forest, satisfied with the evil they've committed for the day on the unsuspecting adventurer... Also, thank you for your interesting request lmao-
Content: Teen reader having robotic limbs, hurt/comfort, slight angst, unserious in some parts, sfw
Reader has no set pronouns!
((Not fully proofread))
》March 7th
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She found out about your robotic limbs during a fight against some enemies. Your arm malfunctioned, loosening off your shoulder, which made you instinctively grab it to keep it in place. March thought that you had gotten injured and quickly tried to aid you by grabbing your arm too, despite you telling her that it was alright.
She didn't listen and quickly had to pull you out of the way from an attack, making her accidentally take your entire arm off with her. You both stood there frozen, including the baffled enemy, as you just stared at your arm in March's shaking hands. Your insecurities quickly flared up, as you tried scrambling for an excuse. But you were cut off by March's high-pitched scream of horror, since she thought that she had somehow ripped your entire arm off.
The enemy eventually just left out of sheer embarrassment, as you had to be the one comforting March about your arm and explain to her that everything was fine. At least you didn't feel too bad about it anymore, if anything, it was maybe even funny for once.
》Welt Yang
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Welt always somehow knew that you were hiding something, but never dared push you on the topic. Instead, he made it clear that you can talk about anything that bothers you to him. He was open to anything, in fact, he has seen practically everything the world had to offer. Nothing surprised him anymore and he made sure you knew that. So really, he was just patiently waiting for you to one day tell him what it was, that visibly bothered you so much every day.
And the day finally came, when you couldn't fix your leg that was broken in a battle. You were frustrated and angry, unable to fix it no matter what you did. You didn't want anyone seeing you like this and therefore hid yourself in your room until you could solve the issue. But the crew eventually got worried for you and send Welt to check up on you. He knocked, asking you if he could come in and after an eternity of silence, you sigh and give up, before letting him in. You tearfully sat on your bed in defeat, your robotic leg on full display, thinking he'll now degrade you for it.
But he surprised you, as he simply kneeled down at your bed and asked you to give him your tools, so that he could fix it for you. He asked no questions and just worked away, until he finally fixed it for you with ease. He didn't need to say anything and you didn't either, just silently appreciating him for the wordless kindness he had just shown you.
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Himeko only noticed your robotic limbs, when you returned from a mission completely beaten up. Your sleeves were torn off your arms and your cybernetic limbs on full display for her to see. Your head was hanging in shame, as you nervously and anxiously waited for her ridicule you thought you'd get.
But that never came and instead, she just gently hugged you and quickly tended to your wounds. She asked no questions and just patiently waited for you to tell her all about your limbs, whilst she calmly patched you up. She wiped away your tears and patted your head, reassuring you that everything was going to be alright and that your secret is safe with her, if you don't want to share this with everyone just yet.
She from then on made sure you had better cybernetics that didn't break or malfunction and kept your secret just like she promised to. She was always to hear and still your insecurities, as she didn't think that they were anything to be ashamed of.
》Dan Heng
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Dan Heng once caught a glimpse of your cybernetic limbs, yet never said a word about to anyone. He for one didn't think it was his place to do so and also didn't think it was such a big deal in the first place. So he wasn't all to phased, when your arm shattered during a fight and was revealed to indeed not be real. The only thing he was worried about, was if you were alright or not.
He finishes up the battle quickly to make sure you're alright and not injured. Though seeing you so visibly shaken up and ashamed makes him freeze up with worry for a second. He certainly didn't except you to be so insecure about them, even if you hid them from everyone. He gives you silent support by helping you quickly get a replacement arm and making up some lies, so that the crew didn't know anything, until you were ready to tell them yourself.
He continues to not make a big deal out of it afterwards and instead tells you that your limbs make you even more interesting, in hopes of cheering you up through it.
A/N: Alright, I hope this was okay! Thank you again for the request!<33
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stackthedeck · 8 months
I fully recognize that being sad about losing my blorbos is not like a Real Problem, but I've decided that given the whole Sabra situation I can't in good conscience ever support Marvel again, and every day I remember another character that I'm never gonna get to see again and I get so sad. How are you dealing with it?
Okay fun answer that is like so deeply unserious but like i do think it is practical if you're like me and fandom has been your main hobby and identity for years. and then i'm putting the more political and upsetting answer under the cut because frankly they should be separate posts but I only got the one ask
I've been dealing with it but like forcing another hyper fixation lmao which you know doesn't work for everyone but like hey join me in booster gold and blue beetle brain rot!! It's super easy to not talk about marvel if all i want to talk about is other characters from dc and indie comics. I'm not buying marvel comics anymore because I've gotta save my money to buy the current blue beetle run. I can't post marvel fics right now, I'm working on boostle fics and I'm hoping that if I scream loud enough about them I'll have convinced enough people to read their comics and they'll have 1000 fics on ao3 by the end of the year
To some extent I still think about the characters in marvel that I hold dear, I'm still doing fandom for them through discord and continuing fics and i still reblog art on here. I do this because the cultural capital of those actions are negligible that the marvel brand and disney company really gaining nothing for it and i truly believe that all art needs to be discussed and thought about especially when the creator is problematic and like deeply involved in politics. I'm still thinking and talking about marvel because the space i gave it in my heart and brain never goes away and like quitting cold turkey this thing that's been in my life since i was 8 isn't super attainable. but I'm not doing these fandom behaviors on tiktok because it's a larger platform with no nuance, a younger demographic, and it's designed to sell you things. If I talk about marvel on that platform, aside from making people aware of the boycotts it is giving disney cultural capital and frankly it'll probably convince people to buy from the disney company. Still think deeply about these works because when we stop looking, we give ourselves permission to miss the actual messaging. when we say art has no value, we can't see it's values it portrays and we let too much shit slide.
I've found that the way i've distanced myself most from all my positive fandom feelings for marvel is through becoming more aware of the politics around comics. Getting really deep into the history of comics and the film making process of the mcu movies scratched a fandom itch in my brain, but most importantly I became so deeply and terribly aware of how the modern superhero genre has so deeply lost the plot. I gave a tedx speech about this on my campus and written a few papers about it but like Jack Kirby and Joe Simon made the character of Captain America to plead with their government to stop the oppression and genocide of their people in europe, they received death threats from nazis because they did that, despite the way people view the character as propaganda for the us military, steve rogers was first and foremost two men using fiction to beg for change and for their government to get involved to save lives. And now marvel studios is using the company they started to platform a character that represents the legitimacy of a settler state, marvel studios who is funded in part by the pentagon, who with every new movie results in increased enlistment in the military, is platforming a character that declares the right of israel to exist as it does now with the same tactics and symbols kirby and simon used to create a character that was made to stop genocide. It just makes me sick. It is a complete and total pervasion of who kirby and simon were and what they stood for. I respect their work too much to continue buying from marvel studios in any form and i can't stomach any of the new storylines the comics are telling because this isn't what comics are supposed to be
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I think about this spider-man costume that was found in the rumble of a home in Gaza (link to original post) and i think about how these stories connect us, how there was a little boy who need to feel strong and powerful who wanted to be a hero and he was killed for the crime of being born Palestinian but he's no different than any other child i've loved in my life. and this multibillion dollar company funded his death, sanctioned the idea of it through the art they create, and my tax dollars fund every step of it. When I look at Spider-Man, a character who i grew up with, I can feel only grief and rage.
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zukkacore · 8 months
Imo the new PJO shows greatest strength is definitely Riordon’s craft maturing since the lightning thief in terms of…. Thematic coherence?
I think PJO has always been fairly thematically coherent & impactful in its messaging but especially at first the books feels much more like fairly lighthearted action adventure road trip narratives that are extremely episodic and more focused on being entertaining than having something To Say. Which, they’re books for middle schoolers, I think an “adventure road trip with some unserious monster slaying” is a perfectly serviceable concept and in execution riordan is admirably gifted in that his writing can be entertaining for both the primary demographic kids but also adults.
But they’re not books that just suddenly decided to half-heartedly have a theme (unlike other kids fantasy from the period I don’t dare namedrop lmao), because of all the foreshadowing and the motivations behind the antagonists (one antagonist in particular), it’s clear he probably had a thematic direction for the series, even if I don’t know how planned the initial 5 book run was. I really do admire what the book has to say abt bad systems that are set up to leave certain folks behind, and what parents owe to their children, & abt how easy it is to fall for charismatic leaders promising for a return to glorious prelapsarian past instead of trying to provide real solutions.
In the series, what I’ve really been enjoying is how every interaction and monster doesn’t just feel episodic, each monster feels like a facet that is part of the central thesis regarding the gods & their relationship to their children. I think the writing strength does a lot of heavy lifting because while overall I think the show is pretty solid, I do have a few critiques.
Mainly one of the frustrating things probably has something to do with budgeting. Scenes that are very thrilling and action driven in the book are truncated & often replaced with a lot of kinda slow oddly paced walk-&-talk scenes. Probably bc that’s much cheaper to shoot. Riordan himself seems to be fairly transparent about the changes he’s made in adaptation due to those limitations.
The effects for tv show cgi are not perfect but pretty impressive (I’ll reiterate, for tv cgi, the bar is on the floor….) but there’s a weird emptiness or sterile quality that makes the world feel not so lived in. Idk I think this was the most apparent to me in the casino episode, which I know riordan hates the movie & we joke abt the poker face scene but I was honestly kinda bewildered at how lifeless and boring they made the intentionally enticing distraction of the lotus casino seem. I get there can’t be gambling, but maybe an arcade? A buffet? Something?
I sound like I’m really going in on the show but I’m really not, I’ve been really enjoying the adaptation so far. The flaws are not show-ruining but I do think they culminate in a result that struggles w pacing & lacks the propulsive energetic quality of the books. Which, adaptations can be different, but to me that quality was always a strength of the series that imo I would’ve prioritized in adaptation. What saves some of the problems for me is that even tho a lot content is kinda delivered in this weird inert way of the actors doing their best to bring life to scenes where people are standing around stiffly and exchanging dialogue, the content itself is really good. His knowledge of his own characters & their dynamics, their desires, their place in the narrative, is so clear. The emphasis placed on Sally Jackson in particular & her influence on Percy & his values is a great additive element to the show. Again, the thematic coherence that has evolved since the lightning thief is in full display. For example, before last nights episode, I was actually saying to my mom that I hoped they would cut the procrustes water bed scene bc that chapter always felt weirdly fillery and goofy in its tone, but it was integrated in such an organic way that I really liked it!
I’ve been saying for like a decade that I thought PJO’s monster of the week episodic structure would make a better show than movie, and like. All im saying is that being apollo cursed with the gift of prophecy isn’t always a bad thing
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royal-confessions · 9 months
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“It’s so funny to me how the UK media continued with the narrative that William was responsible and studios and Harry was an unserious prankster and class clown even after their A Level results were public LMAO getting those marks in the easiest subjects at one of the most prestigious schools in the UK when they had the means to have best tutors in the world? They are both clowns.” - Submitted by Anonymous
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thanathicca · 5 days
Pathologic Fest Day 17: Notoriety (1)
Part 1 - #crystalclaraity
This belated entry for @fellowtragedian is also crossposted on AO3! and yes, this is set in my 22nd century Thanatica AU, ISMIE (imperare sibi maximum imperium est).
Warning: medical scams, internet drama, ableism, xenophobia, suicide baiting, anti-vaccine behavior
Everything in this story is fictional. Any resemblance to real people, places, or events are purely coincidental.
posted July 13, 2165
you guys need to lay off of crystalclaraity’ accent guys. just because she’s russian doesn’t mean she’s a plot to undermine the us government via tocktick. get real
#crystalclaraity #crystalclaraity discourse #discourse #you USians are CRAZY #not everything revolves around y’all
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Do you forget that CrystalClaraity is literally scamming people by selling them rocks that “”””heal the plague””””??? She forfeited the right to not be insulted by making people disregard safety protocols just to watch her “”””perform miracles”””” holy shit!!!
@\illogical-conclusion those people in her videos are probably paid actors.
@\6969plaguefucker6969 THAT DOESN’T MAKE IT BETTER????????
@\illogical-conclusion i’m just asking y’all yankees to stop pointing out her accent. it’s literally embarrassing that you still mock foreigners for speaking english in their own accents in the year of the lord 2165
@\gemmedicine I’m not American???? LMAO???????
@\illogical-conclusion sorry
posted July 19, 2165
gem/medicine literally believes in crystal healing. So unserious. How does he expect anyone with half a brain to take him seriously? xD
#discourse #crystalclaraity #crystalclaraity discourse #xDDD #gemmedicine #crystal healing doesn’t work you guys xP #drama #internet drama
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@\bonked-silly-style some alternative medicine *can* work. my russian mutual @\prodxedwithgay ordered crystalclaraity’ stuff and it actually helped her.
As a Russian, I disown @prodxedwithgay WTF why would you buy from crystalclaraity. Go to the WHO website or whatever instead of using TockTick for medical information -_____________-
you say it like it is, man. my mom got into the alternative medicine pipeline cuz my little sister is autistic and she doesn’t want to vaccinate her 🙄 and now she’s totally entrenched in conspiracy and we’re not even allowed otc medication anymore. i have to wear crystal necklaces to school. i really need a new phone but noooo she had to use our savings to buy a mAgIc CrYsTaL i feel like i’m going insane.
like. crystalclaraity says shit like “this plague isn’t real” and like it’s “just the negative energy pooling in the world that my crystal can neutralize”. i bet she’s fully vaccinated and doesn’t even listen to her own videos.
@\never-traumadump you think Crystalclaraity’s thing is a bit???
@\crazy-poor-asian Just like a stand-up comedian, sometimes a bit can result in a career 😌
posted August 25, 2165
CrystalClaraity, the health influencer that has accumulated 3.5 million followers on TockTick, EyeTube, Twatter, and InstantGram, has been drowning in controversy. CrystalClaraity has been selling healing crystals that allegedly protect you from the virus and reduce symptoms of the plague since the pandemic began in January 2165.
Research has found that some of the crystals sold in CrystalClaraity’s shops contain lead, asbestos, and several radioactive materials
The hashtag #KillerClaraity has been used as a campaigns for mass recalls and refunds are surfacing on several social media platforms.
#crystalclaraity #pandemic #tw pandemic #cw pandemic #alternative medicine
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@\vigorovsky-trash how does it feel to know you support child abuse? kys <3
I hope they go to jail for this. This is unacceptable. Innocent people are getting hurt because internet social media platforms don’t have ways to prevent these scams from happening and getting bumped by the algorithm.
Isn’t Clara literally a teenager?
No one knows how old they are.
Speculation of CrystalClarity’s age by u/NotaConArtist
Cosplay Wig Expert Weighs In: Clara is Wearing Shitty Brand Wigs
CrystalClarity candid photos (unedited) (footage not from socials)
It’s not a Rickroll.
posted August 26, 2165
EAT THAT, @\gemmedicine!
#killerclaraity #crystalclaraity #discourse #gemmedicine #crystalclaraity discourse #crystal healing is stupid and anyone who thinks it works is an idiot
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…imagine listening to someone with a minion porn avatar
@\rationalhumanbeing What are you doing reading minion porn? xD Devil’s sacrament moment xDDD
Posted August 26, 2165
some people really be using serious cases just to further drama. touch grass. if you know who i’m talking about leave them alone btw. “touch grass” applies to everyone on this hellsite
#personal #crystalclaraity discourse #crystalclaraity #discourse #oh well #i’m gonna go touch grass #maybe remake my blog #moots dm me for new user
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