leftistcrap · 6 months
Hey mate, I was wondering.
What's the actual benefit of not voting?
What does it achieve?
Cause honestly the anti-vote thing makes no sense to me. Someone is going to be US president (unless the US govt is overthrown before its next presidential election) whats the benefit to choosing not to have a say in it?
If you don't feel qualified to explain (or don't have the time), feel free to point me to someone who can.
Thanks in advance, a confused Aussie.
I've never advocated against voting, but as an Australian whose country has compulsory voting, you should know better than anyone that increasing voter turnout isn't going to keep the conservatives out of power, let alone transform a bourgeois democracy into a proletarian one.
I don't think there's any benefit to voting or not voting. Without an active, popular and class conscious worker's movement, the choices on the ballot are nine times out of ten going to be choices pre-approved by representatives of the interests of the capitalist class. You don't have a say in any of it because it's all been decided before the ballot was printed.
There is a tendency towards non-voting on both sides of the aisle. In the US, usually one third to one half of registered voters do not vote for one reason or another in the general election, and voter turnout is usually worse in local or special elections. Polls have shown that the political distribution of non-voters does not differ significantly from the political distribution of voters. So this idea that voter apathy is some particularly left-wing sin that will bolster the chances of a Trump or otherwise conservative victory doesn't hold water.
In the US at the present moment, the anti-capitalist left is disorganized and fragmented. There is no effective means at this point in time to organize a boycott of the next election or to promote a third-party presidential candidate. Most left-wing Americans who choose to vote will probably vote for Biden, and those of us who are not planning on voting or who are planning on voting for a third-party candidate are not going to be convinced by the same old moralizing arguments that tell us we're to blame if Trump wins. Most people don't live in swing states to begin with, meaning their votes aren't likely to impact the presidential race. I live in a state that has voted Democrat for the last nine elections and has only gotten more blue as time has gone by. I think it's safe to say my vote isn't going to change that this time.
Education and organization, in my mind, are far more important than voting. Workers as a class should be trying to gain enough power and influence to direct the decision-making, not fighting over which of our pre-approved decisions is least bad. Vote for whoever you like. At the end of the day, it's not going to be leftists on Tumblr who decide the next election.
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junkartie · 1 year
I'm hearing 2 opinions on Erdogan and idk I wanted to ask you bcs I got both of them from non-natives. So the first says that he IS a good president, there is just too many outside factors trying to bring him down. And the second told me that he WAS a good a help for the country until he decided to care about some other things (colonisation ?) which eventually led to the current downfall. Maybe both are right or both are wrong, what do you think?
(can you tell I love political discussions because I don't I'm just really invested cause you're one of my fav blogs hehe)
Non natives love to defend Erdo which is why us Turks have a whole term for them. Most of it however DOES stem from the second option being true.
Erdogan was in fact a very good leader in his first few years of power, now my family personally never liked him, he technically was in power on the sidelines for 10 years until he became president 10 yrs go. He did many things like make hospitals and healthcare way more accessible, fixed a lot of roads and built bridges etc. Now you may go “jay, isnt that what a normal president is supposed to do ?” Well, yes. But the guy before him didnt do a whole lot, so him doing his literal job was enough to convince people he was good enough to keep around.
As time went on he started to take a way harsher approach. Slowly but surely the price and tax on everything went up. Religion started to be the hottest topic in turkey despite us being a secular country on paper.Slowly festivals became too loud, protests were bothersome, pride parades were sinful, gays werent considered people, music after 12 wasnt allowed, Eurovision was something too embarrassing for our country to take place in, alcohol was a luxury that only the desperate & sinful tried to buy, women were not obedient enough, the legal age to get married was too high, sex before marriage became a big topic, rapists and murderers would walk freely, femicide got to a brand new high and a whole lot more.
This all happened slowly and gradually. By the time we thought to speak up on any of this the i-don’t-even know, 60% yearly inflation rate had worn us down. A dollar was no longer 2.5 TL, it was close to 25. Nothing could be bought with minimum wage. Whatever you bought, you bought a second one for the govt in tax (a phone here costs twice the price of one in america). People who vote for him mostly do so because all media outlets are heavily censored and totally in his favor. He has control of literally everything. Literally!! He hosted a referendum where he legally was given so much power that he can change whatever he wants on a whim. He will confidently lie out of his teeth and tell his supporters that the reason everything is so expensive is because of his opposition (who have virtually no power) + its fine because even if we’re poor we’re closer to god and his supporters eat it up because they have some fucked up parasocial relationship with him.
Right now we’re screwed beyond belief. The election was rigged in his favor but despite everything he either wasnt able to end it on the first round or intentionally didnt so he could win by a higher margin on the next round. The house is fucked, the opposition lost a ton of seats to highly religious islamic fanatics who straight up advocate for sharia law. That and the president literally had an alliance with a terrorist organization who want 15 year olds to get married, theyre also in the house. Its great.
Now we wait for the 28th, but its going to take a miracle for Erdogan to lose. I have virtually 0 hope at this point. One thing is foreigners defending him, but any turk who does so deserve everything they get. I truly hope anyone who voted for him suffer a fate worse than death (at this rate, they will). It may sound harsh, but ive seen no one in power except for this absolute sorry of an excuse, cunt of a man. My teens and childhood was wasted away with terrorist attacks and a staged coup, along with a power hungry man who made every walking day of my life worse than what it could have been.
Basically, wish us the best of luck i guess lol.
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automatismoateo · 1 year
Made a stand against religion at work via /r/atheism
Made a stand against religion at work So I'm just sharing because I'm proud of myself for standing up and saying something to a coworker today. I'm not a confrontational person so it took some guts for me to do this. Around lunch today I was in my office with the door open as I rarely close it. My office opens up to a cubicle type area that in one direction you have to walk through to get to our front customer lobby and to the restrooms and the other direction to get to the break room. These two older coworkers were having conversation about religion. I had heard some religious chatter earlier in the morning while I was in the front lobby but I don't think it lasted long. However later, there was a conversation that kept going and going. I mean this was in depth, talking about how this coworker (I will call him religious dude) has never read the Quran but it says blah blah blah, and how watching pornography is as bad a sin as committing murder. The things coming from his mouth were mind boggling to me. Anyway I finally ended up mentally marking what time it was to see if this conversation would finish up on its own. I waited 18 mins and there was no end in sight so I worked myself up and walked over to say something. Me: Hey can we change the topic of conversation please? I don't think this is an appropriate conversation at work. Religious dude: You would say that. Hey you have a door why don't you close it? Me: I shouldn't have to close my door we're in a work area. Can you please change the topic of conversation? Religious dude: We're having an A-B conversation, you're not a part of it. You need to go back in your office and close the door. At that point I say ok and immediately go talk to my boss (who is also his boss) in her office. I tell her I'm just giving her a heads up in case religious dude starts talking crap about me and let her know what happened. She says ok thanks, I'll talk to him. I think she did say something to him but no one said anything to me, thankfully. Now this guy is a jerk. Like one of the typical I'm-so-religious but will treat customers or work employees he doesn't like, like dirt. And get this, another coworker told me he's a reverend or something but doesn't want people at work to know because he doesn't really act very godly at work. I'm not "out" as an atheist at work (I live in the bible belt and work in govt) but I think people suspect. So my petty revenge will be to kill him with kindness since I don't need a god to be good person. The big reason I got up and said something was because of this community. I've read others' stories and have taken them to heart. If some of you guys can stand up for yourself then so can I. I just wanted to give a thank you to you guys for helping me do so too! Submitted October 12, 2023 at 05:52AM by TelemarketerPie (From Reddit https://ift.tt/GPN0Xkf)
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skywisher · 3 years
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Granblue Valentine's 2021 💜 Azazel | アザゼル
悪魔への供物,しかと受け取ったぞ。 だが返礼も感謝もすることなどない。 なぜならお前が用意した供物は,俺が悪魔のかでお前から「奪った」物だからだ。 わかるか? だから今,お前が読んでいるこのメッセージも返礼ではない。 そこのところを十分に理解しろ。いいか? 大切な事だから,しかと記憶に刻んでおけ。 悪魔は返礼も感謝もしない。 そこに例外などないからな
I received it as an offering to the devil. However, there is no repayment nor gratitude. Why? Because I am a demon and the offerings you prepared are the ones that I have 'stolen'. Understand? So this message you're reading now isn't a reward either. Fully understand this. Is that clear? It's important, so remember that. A demon neither rewards nor appreciates. There are no exceptions. *this is my own novice translation it might not be entirely correct!
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daringdarlingdt · 2 years
Guys I cracked the code as to why Mike is like totally a dick in season 3 and 4 even though he was such an earnest generous and good friend in season 1 and 2. And it’s not just about the internalized homophobia and whatever. It’s not that deep. He literally just turns 13. Like he hits puberty and it’s true that all of his friends are handling their hormones—plus all the trauma which we can’t ignore as a factor—a lot better than him but he’s literally just a 14 year old boy and he’s doing his best. He’s in his boys will be bugs era, just turned 14 thinks the world revolves around him etc etc. it’s fine he’ll be traumatized out of it in season 5 just wait and see. there will be bonding and apologies and we can all genuinely love Mike again without having to preface with “I know he’s kind of a jerk, but—” and I’m so excited for us.
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dyketectivecomics · 7 years
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the-empress-7 · 3 years
You know its funny how quickly people either forget or choose not to look into what the Queen & her commonwealth has done to combat racism in the commonwealth! I can tell you as the daughter of a gomeroi (aboriginal tribe) woman what the Queen & her commonwealth did to stop segregation of black aboriginals here in Australia when Australia had its own laws that forced aboriginal people like my nanna to live in aboriginal stations (think cattle stations)in terrible conditions, or where aboriginals were banned from pubs, shops, theatres, hospitals and aboriginal kids from the public pools (look up how hot Moree and Bourke get), or when women who wernt as lucky as my nanna to run away and change her Identity to mauri so her daughter (my mum) wasnt taken by the govt for having an aboriginal and white parent during to the stolen generation, many children were taken (watch rabbit proof fence). It was actually the constitutional referendum in 1967 where Australians voted overwhelmingly to transfer power over Aboriginal affairs from the Australian states to the Commonwealth! i.e: It was the commonwealth, the QUEENS commonwealth that stopped segregation and racism here!
Im a big believer that no child or person should be punished for the sins of their fathers, and in this case it is a very distant ancestor from hundreds of years ago. It was actually the Portuguese who started slavery and the African king who sold his people to everyone, I wonder if they are they going to demand compensation from them too?
Rant over (sorry)
Thank you.
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snsena · 3 years
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ayy it’s opening day wuhu! i’m gemma and i bring u this twice-divorced mess of a daddy’s girl paired w a smoking addiction, ms lee ‘ada’ sena! a few character inspos are sylvie from emily in paris and, more loosely, amy dunne in gone girl so u know she kinda crazy ♡ anw i’ve got her stats and bio here, and under the cut are some sparknotes and plot bunnies for her if you’re keen! as always, pls hit the LIKE button and i’ll come running to ur dms ( or discord if you have that bc tumblr ims n i are sworn enemies ) ♡
for all you astrology hoes ( me,, im astrology hoes ) she’s a libra sun / aries moon / scorpio rising
a daddy’s girl thru n thru bc he could never say no to her and gave her everything she could ever want, so u know she got some daddy issues when the govt threw his ass in jail
w her kid logic she couldn’t understand much so she ended up blaming them moving to russia + getting bullied for her accent + getting ripped away from her luxe life on her mom
when she’s of age, mom convinces her to marry husband #1 but the marriage was toxic asf and they divorced within a year ♡ she tried to salvage it for the g’s but alas it was too late
uses the spousal support to try different business ventures n to further her education but at the end of the day she just wants to be rich and comfortable, isn’t really the working class kinda gal
ends up being a personal shopper bc it’s the closest thing to her old life and that’s where she meets husband #2! he’s a loyal client’s fiancé who she hella seduced and ended up falling in love w
this dude is richer than the last and the marriage lasted 2 years ♡ sadly he was a cheater ( idk how she didn’t see it coming he cheated on his fiancée with her ) and in the end he asked for a divorce and she didn’t really fight it
from being ostracised by her friends in high society in her youth to marrying two (2) lame ass dudes from high society and being divorced, sena is really much Done w high society ( except is she rlly tho bc she still sorta views herself as part of it )
when yong sends her and her fam a letter, she immediately thinks this is her dad’s influence ( aka yong is her father’s friend ) who’s come to save them from their misery!! so she takes his offer to come to south korea n now she’s here!!
personality wise, i would say her intentions seem pretty elusive when she wants it to be!! she’s very good at hiding her true feelings and being cordial / polite, but she’s also too proud to be fawning all over you ja feel
beneath her cordial vibe, she’s hella proud and looks down on everyone and this mostly stems from her youth when she used to be a lot bit of a princess
when she’s nice to you, her baseline is pretty much “yeah i’m pretty much done w life but ig you’re my silver lining” ♡ realises the importance of making someone feel special bc it’s her line of work and also bc she knows people in high society like it when ppl stroke their egos
a chain-smoker but she masks the smell of smoke w musky perfume and mint, so that combo is basically all she smells like!!
that’s ada / sena!! below are some plot bunnies hehe
she’s a personal shopper so anyone wanna be her client? she was also a personal shopper in russia so maaaybe ur muses don’t know abt her scandal w her client’s fiance hence why they’d hire her ( or maybe they hire her bc of it... listen i don’t determine their kinks )
anyone who maybe was childhood friends w her from before she left??
investors in her dad’s business? yall could hate her ass and blame her for her dad’s sins she would stick tf up for him she’s loyal like that
picture this: you private jet ur ass off to russia for an impulsive week and that’s where you meet her. maybe it’s a bar or maybe it’s a club, but the point is she takes u on an adventure u can never forget
fwbs bc she would
literally anyth i m too keen n rdy to brainstorm hoho
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its-mint-to-be · 3 years
tw: sikh hate crime
i cannot tell you how heartwrenching it is to wake up and find out first thing in the morning the cruel massacre of your brethren
my heart is in so much pain right now, i cannot imagine what american sikhs are going through right now.
I cannot help be outraged but i am bound my helplessness. i cant help but directly connect this to the farmer protests in India, the way the leaders have ostracized my community, my people who have and are feeding most of the country only to be called terrorists and khalistanis in return.
we are a peaceful joyous people. we work hard and we have a lot of love to give. all we want is the right to earn our livelihood peacefully and without exploitation. somehow, it is too great a sin for the prime monster and his govt of demons.
please educate yourself if you do not know, and please speak up. i cannot see more of this, more loss and death
my sincerest prayers for thr departed souls and their bereaved families in the fedex shooting
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goldtips · 5 years
like... idk if i like babylon or not honestly. i was really into it the first two eps when it was straight up mystery / investigation but....... magase’s entire characterization confuses me. she’s literally satan incarnate and we learn nothing about her except apparently shes a fucking sex devil ever since she popped out of the womb or some shit??? like. i literally cannot sense any type of complexity or motivation from her, i’m more confused than intrigued by all the cryptic dialogue / imagery that the shows trying to force 
also the whole suicide law debate was really dumb - you’d think that people wouldn’t be so easily swayed. like...im sorry just bc something was morally justified back in bce doesn’t mean you can just incorporate it into modern law/life and think that things will be 100% fine. the homosexuality argument is also not convincing bc homosexuality was condoned by the romans, so arguably we are returning to what was originally the norm??? also, slavery and pederasty were also condoned by the romans... and those two things are.... wrong on so many levels and have no chance of being accepted through our modern standards, must less be legalized, so...your point is what??? :))
second, how are you going to compare marijuana to suicide, marijuana has barely any fatal / long-lasting ill effects whilst suicide is literally DEATH OK. and where are the fucking statistics my man, you just pulled everything out your asshole huh? there are academic journals literally one (1) google search away that report of the increased problematic usage of marijuana after the legalization of it??? and thats still not counting the product thats still being circulated on the black market, like bro you really winged this one huh
third, the ??? economic implications would be fucking huge ok. think about it, if suicide was legalized and the drug was sold over the fucking counter how would it be controlled? what safeguards will there be? we dont know right? how will the system be refined then, trial and error? and in that span of time of that refinement, how many casualties will occur, or loopholes will be exploited, how many children or uninformed/mentally incapable persons will fall victim to weak/inadequate ass laws and/or that fucking pill due to misinformation or a poorly made decision? u know how much international backlash the govt will have if that happens? like? excuse me? no economic implications?????? UM your entire fucking system would collapse because of a lack of international or even local trust/support
ALSO how the fuck did the canadian govt get the senate / house of commons approval for the fucking bill, and why is the cia involved? they literally have no jurisdiction to investigate issues that aren’t directly related to matters of terrorism / american people,,,why are they here investigating magase :)))
also when the gamer presidents son asked him whether or not suicide is bad he literally said: oh well. i’m still deciding on it - heck, man, you dont fucking say that to a child??/ that is messed up? keep your fkd up thoughts to yourself gdi :)) and the whole rant about how the bible doesn’t disapprove of suicide? do you also want to consider how adulterers were stoned to death in the bible? how its sinful to wear mixed fabrics, ripped clothing or....eat ...small animals..? LIKE ARE YOU GOING TO SAY JUST BECAUSE the bible said that its sinful that you’re not going to ..buy clothes with nylon and cotton? or not eat escargot? i’m sorry but if you’re going to read the bible without any consideration for historical norms then go big or go home...bich.
this show just. makes people seem like fucking sheep - and makes the govt and literally every political candidate apart from the mayor look fucking inept and it irritates the shit out of me holy hell. you’d think there would be more public outcry but people are so passive and utterly miserable in the babylon verse that i guess suicide is fine to them?? lmao
ALSO the main characters keep fucking dying and the whole idea of a show turning into a tragedy really turns me off, like we’re just supposed to accept that ai magase is some indomitable force that can never be overpowered or resisted like. ok. that is so un-fucking-satifying ??? also the fact that she chopped up the assistant for no reason apart from shock value. what was her motive, even. i guess shes just fucking evil ha.
like. this show started good, and its not that i dislike the horror/psychological aspect to it but unless some drastic plot twist occurs to tie up the loose ends and provide some consistency/realism to save this burning wreck of an animu, i dont think its going anywhere but the bottom of the proverbial ocean of mediocre seasonal animes
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hooned · 4 years
4/? But to join and help others get thru this trying time. You all can hate and blame the govt for being inefficient but that wont do any good now. I hope u can find it in your heart to forgo the hate and instead channel that into a more positive one. We all need that right now. Have a meaningful holy week! ❤
sorry bby but is there more to this ask? 😭 sadly, tumblr cut it and this was the only one sent to me. but i am assuming this was prompted by my tags in my last post.
i am very vocal about my stand about this and i do understand that unity and solidarity is important during times like this 😊 but i don't think staying silent would do us any good. maybe i can't speak for the entire country, but here in our province, there are still areas in which relief goods and money are nowhere to be found. food and money that were PROMISED to them by the government. where are we in this lockdown? we are nearing the end of it. and yet these people are being denied of their rights. people are hungry. they can't go out and make money for themselves. now the question is, where was the supposed food and money that the government promised them? it's hard to stay positive when there is literally no food in your table and your family is falling asleep hungry and tired.
i am not saying the entire government is at fault. yes there are politicians who do their job. but until when will our country suffer because of "some" inefficient, selfish politicians? people pay taxes. so we expect a certain amount of efficiency from the government.
if we enter a restaurant and the waiter gives us a wrong dish or not give us any food at all, we call their attention and voice our concern right? we don't just sit around and just watch them give us nothing. we went there for food, they promised us food, so we demand that they serve us food.
what is its difference in public service?
they all ran for the position that requires them to give service to people. they do a bad job at it. so it is fair that we ask for better service. especially when we pay right.
also look at what speaking up brings. now we'll have mass testing — something they said was not needed. distribution of relief goods is getting better. politicians start reflecting on their actions and start doing a better job. we criticize to let them know that there is something wrong. for them to fix what is wrong and give the filipinos the service they deserve.
so yeah. i do agree though that during these times prayers do help. we'll get through this, yes. but neutrality would be a sin to our oppressed countrymen.
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wearthegoldhat · 5 years
Returning to Family
I am going through a third phase of turning again to my roots to find comfort, hope, meaning, and a narrative to tether my life to. 
The first time I did this was my senior year in high school when I first discovered--through watching other Asian Americans, and there were a precious few to watch--the potentials for art and writing to tell important origin stories. My own singaporean and hongkongese background was exotic to me, and I wrote down tidbits of stories that slipped out here and there from my mom and dad’s dinner time talk, trying to comprehend the distant worlds they grew up in. It was like magic. My dad jumping into ponds to catch catfish with his bare hands or camping overnight in old, abandoned, and possibly haunted villages with his friends. My mom and uncle stealing bananas from street vendors or floating newspaper boats when the nearby canal flooded into their home during monsoon season. 
The second phase was the summer I took a trip back to singapore with my mom after I had graduated from college. I had spent college piecing together my asian american identity amongst so many other asian americans, and a trip back to Singapore was an additional layer of understanding my asianness, and forgiving my parents for the things they did not understand. I witnessed how much my mom was so at home in ways she would never be able to be in america, and how much my story was completely built upon the fullness of the stories of my parents, aunts and uncles, grandparents, their friends, and all of their origin stories. It brought a lot of confidence and wholeness to understand the place I came from even if I grew up somewhere else, and to see that it helped to explain the why of things.
This third phase comes at the heels of moving back into my parents’ home after 8 years on my own, and 3.5 years of living as an asian american in east africa where my racial and geopolitical identity was further complicated (was I guilty for being a light skinned muzungu, and having the access of an american accent and passport? Was I guilty of the crimes of the chinese govt building highways with one hand and with the other siphoning out natural resources, or chinese businessmen flooding into nairobi with their crude rags-to-riches mannerisms? which hemisphere’s sins was I implicated in just by being there, the east’s or the west’s or both? questions not to be explored in this post, and possibly not to be answered ever)
In this third phase, I have been getting to know my family, my parents and my siblings again as an adult. The things I am learning are very sobering, and often darker than I want to admit. But they are also endearing, comical, and...whatever we make of it. So I am trying to learn how to do my best to live with hope, integrity, and resilience in this sphere of my life too. The family narratives we cling to have a powerful way of shaping what we believe about ourselves: what we despair of and what we fear will also become our own fatal flaws. They also shape what we hope for and aspire to, what we believe is possible. 
I will do my best to find a combination of being both clear-eyed about the hard-hitting realities, while sifting for what is good, human, humorous, and redemptive. So help me God. 
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martiriosfarm · 2 years
being norfamrican is a beautiful thing! like being from or born on or living on this part of the earth, i wish we honored it. w communism .. but when i began telling juan about cuba thing, we didnt get into it but im sure hes not w revolution or what he knows of it, but la mierda k hace los e.u. metiendose en todo, hes like let me give you example of my country, things we've talked about before, that when we were fighting les dieron armas, no 1,2 años, por 12 putos años vendiendo armas. n saying en mi pais, cualquier salvadoreño con quien hablas, ahi no estas libre. desde que naci no era libre. miedo walking on street que me maten por zapatos o gorra o algo, whole country trauma. i would be trabajando para la mara. que cuando vivio con su abuela, he told her one day quiero ir a escuela. n she wsnt really about it because they never went, during wartimes n pobreza, that they dont teach you right things or te metes en algo, she was protecting him from something she felt. dijo que si quieres ir habla con tu mama. so he went to kindergarten first grade, pero en su propia ropa, sin mochila, tenia mis libros en mis manos, the teacher pulls him aside and says you cant come to school like this you need your uniform. other stories he told me he got into fights too. tells his mama and she says ok lo puedo comprar poco a poco, zapatos y pantalones. frustrated walking home one day and throws his books down never goes back. dice a su mama, mejor comprame un machete para q puedo ir a cortar caña. they make him a little one bc hes too small to carry big one, nine years old. dueño at finca says no, debes estar en escuela. he says, solo dame media tarea. he goes w his sister sofia who goes in morning and then estudia en la tarde. its burned sugarcane n they cut it down get all charcoaly. dice one day hes so sleepy, goes to sleep against big pile of caña, his sister panicking cant find him. n machine coming to that pile, w two forks in front and claw to grab pile, was going to go right over him and she pulls him away right before, le regaña. i didnt hear it! tells him to stay at home the next day, but he never likes staying home. shes always w three other girls her age n the four of them always watch over him in the field, vigilando. vry cute. ella y su tio le enseñan leer cuando tiene 15, 16. once you know the letters then you just listen to the word n write it how it is. my baby is amazing. but also you see the shit that country needs n the gap they dont have it. bc of north, govt to pay for uniforms, food, but also sum kind of national education whch is actually good n which people trust. n instead bitcoin president. nyweys, lo amo. told me to try the fruit on tree next to car dealership n i did they were yummy tiny slightly sour red apples.
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the-firebird69 · 3 years
what I like is that he has the stipulation that he's not taking your ebike sin because he knows that you beat the crap out of them and they wear them down to nothing because he was listening to what the bicycle shop guy said and he said they bring them in and the motor is not good and the batteries are good in the bike is beat the hell so he's taking him trade-ins because some people trade them in and get new ones and it's probably a better shape by car even if it's not it's going to be screened. It's no joke that ppl try handing in junk in purpose try haggling rakes way too long they lie it's a used car scenario. We setup a scanner too and scan. SIM certify it warrantee guarantee. Lifetime offered as a small upcharge. Tune up anymore packages available. He starts a race circuit ok we do somehow tonight
...up in New Los Vegas and entertainment center. Use the existing no need new they hv off-road dirt bike cirvuors we setup a rave course for full electric battery. A dirt course class A B C amateur semi pro etc there. Races tonight. Jon type bikes too on the street course.
Huge ideas pour in a cycling time early am. Rally for evil as if any and all kinds and an open day or datsys days it is. And we put in a new anime scooter dirt bike endure SIM MEGAPLEX. We add motorcycles and cars if asked for enough. Install a huge complex of SIM Vending Towers tonight as part if the MEGAPLEX he said tons of towers tons of dirt bikes light ultra light regular dirt electric kids and toy bikes metal ok plastic safety gear and foam covered pads. Gear up the ting yank in boxes from vending machines.
Hera Zues
This idea kicks we need him. Now too we help he needs money or we take over the USA govt either or not nothing
Thor Freya
We get it so we help. We Use it too. Duke Nukem Hardcastle are strapped now. It's huge. A SIM MEGAPLEX planned for new Vegas louisiana now. Amazing I call Bitol and Goddess Wife off stage.
Nuada Arrianne
Great going good ideas. Deliver bikes for your warehouse
Add ideas. Frame it. Drive the canyon. And the general Lee my car he would drive as the General Lee, he and Wie smile.
We use it s here slow retard responses. We install all the Simpson's restaraunts beer halls doughnuts a huge doughnut place at the one in Florida and much much more. He says MB we add faire style food big Tonkin turkey legs whole racks of ribs ears of corn. Parking is on well groomed watered grass to not create environmental issues in gmflorisa seashell lines no but lines and done with tact. Huge lines we add a tower vendor for SIM skate boards electric per state rules and sail skateboards and for street sand or both some convert fast turn over for water.
Hera Zues
Thor Freya our big bikes are there I want to see him in one we keep growing him
We try, and buy them as well tonight are there now buying. Use it too.
Nuada Arrianne
We use it too butches excited it's fluff off stuff I add cotton candy better sugar and popcorn sausage hot dogs hamburgers we have full beer. A new line if Wicked Ales are out Pirates Brew new today.
Bitol and Goddess Wife
We use it all and crash it. Tear it up. We can't beat bg makes sense he says. So we enter quietly. We grab you at the entrance and any who cause trouble. Not as you want bja. Ps bg races. Tonight. Your excluded. Ok I am I cause trouble..no Mac says it your fired for real. I wrestle him to the ground. I'm weak. We issue apb on you I order it you never win..oh I do so what. Pay me some of what you owe get in try beating bg he started all this sh Mac will finance. I agree.
William b.
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andygrayselfie · 7 years
At my school we have bible classes and we are finishing a lesson on sexual sin and the whole "gay is bad" and "not until marriage" thing. What is your opinion on schools teaching kids this without knowing what they are going through?
Andy: Depends on the school. If it’s a religious private school, that fully advertises the fact that it’s religious, there is literally nothing I can do about it. Do I think it’s wrong? Absolutely. But because they are a private institution (not govt funded) they have the legal right to add that part of their curriculum. Now for public school? Absolutely fucking not.
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This is a bit third tier but it is not my place to question what God gives me to speak; it is only my place to speak it.
The ark of the covenant is God's and Israel's most holy possession:
1: it is of the covenant, in the older languages to cut covenant is the word "karat". How we grade our precious metals and diamonds to know the quality of their worth.
2. The Bible begins and ends with a man and woman covenanting , the middle is filled with evil govt and righteous govt battling.
3. You yourself are the " most holy possession of god". The Bible is a way to be filled with enlightenment and defeat our lower and base vibrations to only seek a relationship for the benefit of sexual temporal pleasure.
4. This verse is a metaphor for a man distracted by his carnal nature and fornicating with a woman; you see how it displeased god.
5. On the larger scope the bill of rights is the " Diamond" between govt heads and people. In the verse it was the oxen that actually stumbled and not the man. Again god judges sin, not the sinner.
6. The oxen is a sign of the yoked laborer, the Egyptian golden calf and the bronze bull of market street.
7 in conclusion we see that being yoked to labor by the oxen of the elites wealth causes us to forfeit spiritual growth and then we are struck down to live sick and in poverty by our base vibrations with no time left to spiritually grow.
8. The man who knew this was assassinated after this saying:
J.F.K. quote: " This country cannot afford to be materially rich and spiritually poor".
Love y'all my kindred, if I was not of God I would fear to speak such truths. " You are the ark of the covenant, the bill of rights was made for your likeness"
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