pricemarshfield · 7 months
ocs as character tropes
tagged by @gwynbleidd thank youuu i love these uquizzes! speaking of, anyone can take the quiz here!
under the cut because it’s long, but i tag anyone who wants to do it! and please tag me if you do, i DO want to hear about your tavs or your farmers or your tarnisheds or your wholly original ocs, i love hearing about people’s ocs
hojo rine/wreck: the disqualified
the disqualified [noun, origin unknown] refers to a character who's became too numb to the concept of the world, to the point of deeming oneself not able to express any sort of emotion, whether positive or a negative one. this state is usually the one to follow after feeling too much, as if to balance out the overwhelming sensation of human emotion. living up to their title, they often consider themselves 'disqualified' from being a human, forsaken and unloved, abandoned by the world they've never had interest in. they don't know where they belong or where should they go - every second of breathing air is a waste of oxygen someone worthier could use. the disqualified symbolize the constant state of feeling nothing but tiredness, state where all is merciless but the end. this is the one and only test outcome where i as the writer shall personally interfere - please, my most beloved disqualified, keep longing to feel again. there's so much you've never felt and so much you'll desire to feel again. in the words of Osamu Dazai (who's the creator of the title 'the disqualified' I so happily stole) - "Everything passes." a statement as short as it is true - everything passes, even the numbness. after it, you'll experience so much more beauty of the world - beauty that might pass just as the numbness did, but in it's temporary and unique nature lies the reason why it's to be cherished. so, please, try to hold on a bit. sometimes, holding on is the best we can do and most of the times, it's just enough. - a (former) fellow disqualified
yeahhhh that’s her. sad butch views herself as a ghost among the living without believing in ghosts and flees to space just to avoid the aching numbness of being on a planet without the people she loves. that’s my girl…i love him
isabella ellis/hellborn AND tav khoury both got: the icarus
[noun, greek origin] refers to a character, first curious and childish, who got so bored of the world's rotten nature they lost all hope in living. as the last resort to find the spark in the world of dying stars, the icarus may have attempted numerous times to touch the blazing surface of the sun, hoping to see any kind of redemption in the reflection of their face in the sun's flames. as a result, their wings were melted down and their bones broken by the harsh landing, yet that still didn't stop them from trying all over again. the people of icarus' nature often believe their place is with the stars and their desire to burn amongst them causes them to forget the beauty of the land they've abandoned, merely flying over it - the world has stored so much beauty for them they often struggle to see through the rays of sun and yet, it is still there. the most beautiful of flowers grow upon the lands their feet haven't even touched and maybe, just maybe, if they spared a bit of their time to give the (them forsaken) world another chance, they'd see that sky might not be the home they truly desire, but one they've seeked just because they have seen only the worst of the world. - a fellow icarus
hmmm. that fits isabella but not really tav? she IS very determined and she IS very ambitious wrt seeing the bounds of reality but she’s grounded in a way that doesn’t quite fit this. isabella for Sure though, beloved infernal freakgirl of my heart. this is also not me bashing this quiz, tav is weird in oddly hyperspecific ways that are hard to pin as a specific trope. though maybe this is just more bad end tav than normal end tav…much to consider.
calypso park/the farmer: the saint
the saint [noun, latin origin] refers to a character that has taken upon themselves the role of saint via listening to prayers, concerns and troubles of others. characters falling under this cathegory are obviously merely metaphorical saints, which is a quality many people struggle to realize. the saints are said to be helpful and caring under any circumstance, believing that making themselves useful increases their self worth in the eyes of people they care about. they often forget that they are indeed humans in roles of saints, that they still have human limitations and problems that can potentially pile up until they fall from the metaphorical heavens they occupy...yet mostly, this doesn't stop them from taking burdens from people and putting it on their own back in hopes of being more responsible in taking care of them. there's strange naivety in the good they do, slight hope that they can take everything and anything they try to fix and help out with. this naivety is often replaced with denial and regret as soon as one realizes that sometimes, it's impossible to pose as a saint. but that's just the tragic cycle of them - trying to help out, getting dragged from heavens by the burden they voluntarily stole, falling, laying on the ground wide-eyed and tired before climbing back into the clouds again. as of now, there's no cure to being one of the saints - it is up to them to realize that they are not responsible for anyone's happiness apart from their own and that it's not selfish to put them before others. it's natural and - as much as they want to stray away from it - human. - a fellow saint
britney spears crying and nodding yeah gif…part of it’s a little bit just the nature of being a video game protagonist (the farmer’s really out here responding to everyone’s random entreaties for help in sdv, which is NOT a bad thing but it is what it is) but it also does fit calypso’s character. who is she if she’s not helping someone? who is she if she’s not running herself ragged to do so? who is she in the quiet moments? yeag…i like her
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mommymothman · 2 years
WELCOME BACK i missed your writinggggg can i request some villain x right hand or villain x hero but right hand is involved? ive been getting the henchies (it's like the munchies but for henchman content)
((speaking of munchies: welcome back here's some sustance 🥞🥞🥞))
HIII BREADDD!!! GLAD TO BE BACK! thank you for the pancakes <|:D
I had two requests to write before this, but I wanna get to this one first because of ideas, although I will get to those two requests soon.
“I’m sorry boss, but right now I’m gonna have to ask you to shut up.”
Right Hand doesn’t know what comes over them, what compels them to speak to Villain like that. They quickly lower their head, chewing their lip but their criminal only laughs dryly.
“There was no avoiding this conversation, Right Hand.”
“Just- just stop it okay? I don’t wanna hear it, please, just don’t.”
Right Hand begins to make their way out of the room but Villain lunges and catches them by the wrist, knuckles white with how tightly they grasp them. Their eyes shine with tears but they are adamant in the set of their jaw.
“You of all people know how dangerous this job is.” They rasp. “You’ve healed me enough times to know that one day I won’t come- I won’t be able to come back.”
“Don’t talk like that. You know I hate it when you talk like that.” Right Hand tries to tug themselves free, squeezing their eyes shut as they turn their head away from Villain.
They let go, but only so that they can cradle Right Hand’s face, so that they can draw them in closer, so that they can make Right Hand look at them.
“When that happens-“
“If,” Right Hand says, and it almost sounds like they’re begging.
“If that happens, I want you to take care of everyone here. Bring them to our other place, and lay low for a while.”
“I won’t let anything happen to you.” Right Hand whispers.
“You can’t possibly-“
“Yes I can. I am your right hand for God’s sake, Villain.” They bring Villain’s hands to their lips, then to their chest. “I am yours. I would kill for you. Die for you, live for you, whatever you would need. Everything I do, I do for you.”
Villain has no response to this, they only let their lip quiver slightly, eyes still locked on Right Hand’s.
Tipping their head forward to rest on Villain’s chest, Right Hand exhales shakily. Their hand is clutched in the fabric of the villain’s shirt, and they stay like that for a moment.
“You-“ But Villain doesn’t know what to say, so they just lean down and kiss the crook of Right Hand’s neck. The skin is soft there, and they close their eyes.
“No more of this talk,” Right Hand mumbles “you’re stuck with me.”
“Alright, alright.” Villain says, grinning fondly.
Looking at Right Hand, who was so devoted, so loving, who had never failed to make them laugh, who had never failed in seeing right through them, Villain finds themselves filled with a warm feeling. They can’t help the way relaxation seeps into their disposition, the tension in their shoulders fading away as they rub soothing circles into Right Hand’s back. Their beloved sighs in pleasure and raises their head to smile up at them.
Right Hand takes their hand again, this time tugging slightly, and Villain lets them lead them out the room and off to pleasantries of a normal domestic life.
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inky-duchess · 4 years
Writing Theory: Writing the Unsympathetic Villain
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In today's media, it is common for villains to be looked upon favourably by the audience. With villains getting redemption arcs left right and centre, it is the habit of the audience to ask why villains are the way they are and how they can become good guys. Characters are meant to grow within the narrative and while some writers prefer to offer the same chance to their villain (a perfectly valid choice), sometimes villains should not get the chance . If you don't want your work you put into your villain going to waste, then this is the guide for you.
Why Your Villain might be forgiven for being Evil.
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They are aesthetically pleasing. (Some audience members forgive villains because they are pretty. We've all done it. No judging. Y'all know exactly who I'm talking about.)
They are probably more fun than your hero. (why be Batman when you can be Joker)
They have a tragic backstory.
They have a reason for their evilness.
They are more charismatic than your hero.
What Makes a Villain Unsympathetic?
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What typically negates redeemablity for most villains in the eyes of the audience are the crimes. One cannot redeem Hitler, so to speak. If the crime cannot be forgiven it must be punished.
The Villains do not see anything wrong with what they did. Villains who do not repent themselves are unworthy of sympathy. Villains who continue believing in their idealogy long through the narrative, usually don't meet the audience's sympathy. We never ever forgive Dolores Jane Umbridge for her ideals and nor does she ever repent. When Voldemort rises to power, she stays at the ministry as his Inquisitor to interrogate muggleborns.
They have done terrible acts for their own gain. One could understand a villain destroying worlds for the protection of a beloved or an idea, such as Thanos wiping out the universe. We don't support it but we understand it to some extent. But to act out of greed for oneself is rarely sympathetic. For Example Emperor Palpatine turns Anakin's allegiances by playing on his weaknesses: his mistrust of the jedi council, the looming death of Padme and his insecurity. Even when Anakin has wholly given himself to the Sith, Paplatine informs him that it was his actions that killed Padme. There was no reason for this save to keep Anakin hating the jedi.
They are really just an unpleasant person. Villains who really feel villainy are those that make your skin crawl, they unsettle both the audience and the hero. Umbridge is magick Margaret Thatcher, Emperor Palpatine gives off groomer vibes, Warden Wharton is a greedy Bible-thumping slimeball, Percy Wetmore is a little shit, Claude Frollo is a racist piece of shit, Walder Frey is a creepy old guy and Joffrey Baratheon is a homophobic, racists, cowardly dickweed incest baby.
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seekfirstme · 3 years
The following reflection is courtesy of Don Schwager © 2021. Don's website is located at Dailyscripture.net
Meditation: What is the greatest act of love which one can give for the sake of another? Jesus defines friendship - the mutual bond of trust and affection which people choose to have for one another - as the willingness to give totally of oneself - even to the point of laying down one's life for a friend. How is such love possible or even desirable? God made us in love for love. That is our reason for being, our purpose for living, and our goal in dying.
God is the source and origin of love - divine and human
Scripture tells us that God is love (1 John 4:8) - and everything he does flows from his immense love for us. He loved us so much - far beyond what we could ever expect or deserve - that he was willing to pay any price to redeem us from our slavery to sin and death. That is why the Father sent us his beloved Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, who gave up his life as the atoning sacrifice for our sins. In this great exchange - the Father giving up his Son to death on the cross in order to give us abundant everlasting life and adopt us as his beloved sons and daughters in Christ (Romans 8:14-17).
God's love has been poured into our hearts
It is for this reason that we can take hold of a hope that does not fade and a joy that does not diminish because God has poured his love into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us (Romans 5:5). God's love is not limited or subject to changing circumstances. It is an enduring love that has power to change and transform us to be like him - merciful, gracious, kind, forgiving, and steadfast in showing love not only for our friends, but for our enemies as well. God's love is boundless because he is the source of abundant life, perfect peace, and immeasurable joy for all who open their hearts to him. That is why Jesus came to give us abundant life through the gift and working of the Holy Spirit.
A new way of loving and serving one another
Jesus gave his disciples a new commandment - a new way of loving and serving one another. Jesus' love was wholly directed toward the good of others. He love them for their sake and for their welfare. That is why he willingly laid down his own life for us to free us from sin, death, fear, and everything that could separate us from the love of God. Our love for God and our willingness to lay down our life for others is a response to the exceeding love God has given us in Christ. Paul the Apostle states,
"Who shall separate us from the love of Christ?... For I am sure that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord" (Romans 8:35,38-39).
Friendship with God
Jesus calls his disciples his friends. Jesus not only showed his disciples that he personally cared for them and sought their welfare. He personally enjoyed their company and wanted to be with them. He ate with them, shared everything he had with them - even his inmost heart and thoughts. And he spent himself doing good for them. To know Jesus personally is to know God and the love and friendship he offers to each one of us.
One of the special marks of favor shown in the Scriptures is to be called the friend of God. Abraham is called the friend of God (Isaiah 41:8, James 2:23). God spoke with Moses as a man speaks with his friend (Exodus 33:11). Jesus, the Lord and Master, calls the disciples his friends rather than his servants.
What does it mean to be a friend of God? Friendship with God certainly entails a loving relationship which goes beyond mere duty and obedience. Jesus' discourse on friendship and brotherly love echoes the words of Proverbs: A friend loves at all times; and a brother is born for adversity (Proverbs 17:17). The distinctive feature of Jesus' relationship with his disciples was his personal love for them. He loved his own to the end (John 13:1). His love was unconditional and wholly directed to the good of others. His love was also sacrificial. He gave the best he had and all that he had. He gave his very life for those he loved in order to secure for them everlasting life with the Father.
Love to the death
The Lord Jesus gives his followers a new commandment - a new way of love that goes beyond giving only what is required or what we think others might deserve. What is the essence of Jesus' new commandment of love? It is a love to the death - a purifying love that overcomes selfishness, fear, and pride. It is a total giving of oneself for the sake of others - a selfless and self-giving love that is oriented towards putting the welfare of others ahead of myself.
Jesus says that there is no greater proof in love than the sacrifice of one's life for the sake of another. Jesus proved his love by giving his life for us on the cross of Calvary. Through the shedding of his blood for our sake, our sins are not only washed clean, but new life is poured out for us through the gift of the Holy Spirit. We prove our love for God and for one another when we embrace the way of the cross. What is the cross in my life? When my will crosses with God's will, then God's will must be done. Do you know the peace and joy of a life fully surrendered to God and consumed with his love?
The Lord Jesus tells us that he is our friend and he loves us whole-heartedly and unconditionally. He wants us to love one another just as he loves us, whole-heartedly and without reserve. His love fills our hearts and transforms our minds and frees us to give ourselves in loving service to others. If we open our hearts to his love and obey his command to love our neighbor, then we will bear much fruit in our lives, fruit that will last for eternity. Do you wish to be fruitful and to abound in the love of God?
"Teach us, good Lord, to serve you as you deserve, to give and not to count the cost, to fight and not to heed the wounds, to toil and not to seek for rest, to labor and not to ask for any reward, save that of knowing that we do your will; through Jesus Christ our Lord. (Prayer of Ignatius Loyola) "
The following reflection is from One Bread, One Body courtesy of Presentation Ministries © 2021.
“The circumcised believers who had accompanied Peter were surprised that the gift of the Holy Spirit should have been poured out on the Gentiles also, whom they could hear speaking in tongues and glorifying God.” —Acts 10:45-46
We are two weeks away from Pentecost, a world-changing, life-changing outpouring of the Holy Spirit. God wants to pour out His Spirit on “all flesh” (see Jl 3:1), including on those like Cornelius who have never had the opportunity to hear the Gospel. If we refuse to receive the Holy Spirit in our churches, Jesus will still pour out the Spirit on the streets, in the ghettos, and in the jungles.
If the USA won’t open up to the Spirit, maybe China will. If the priests and ministers stifle the Spirit, Jesus will pour out the Spirit on transformed prostitutes and recovering alcoholics. We can get in on the worldwide movement of the Holy Spirit, or we can let life in the Spirit pass us by.
Let’s open up and receive the Holy Spirit now. “Now is the acceptable time! Now is the day of salvation!” (2 Cor 6:2) “Come, Holy Ghost, Creator blest, and in our hearts take up Thy rest.”
Prayer:  Lord, may the Holy Spirit descend upon all who listen to this message (Acts 10:44).
Promise:  “Love, then, consists in this: not that we have loved God but that He has loved us and has sent His Son as an Offering for our sins.” —1 Jn 4:10
Praise:  “Tell me, if Christ is preached as raised from the dead, how is it that some of you say there is no resurrection of the dead?” (1 Cor 15:12) Lord Jesus, I trust in You.
Reference:  (For a related teaching on Don’t Stifle the Spirit, order, listen to, or download our CD 56-3 or DVD 56 on our website.)
Rescript:  "In accord with the Code of Canon Law, I hereby grant the Nihil Obstat for One Bread, One Body covering the period from April 1,2021 through May 31, 2021 Reverend Steve J. Angi, Chancellor, Vicar General, Archdiocese of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio August 5,2020"
The Nihil Obstat ("Permission to Publish") is a declaration that a book or pamphlet is considered to be free of doctrinal or moral error. It is not implied that those who have granted the Nihil Obstat agree with the contents, opinions, or statements
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Utilizing what we by now experienced, we obtained the home furniture again in position! (Of course I painted that back wall a huge BRIGHT new color much too! We are engaged on a dining space transformation, so I'll show you more details on that before long!
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boythirteen · 5 years
Thank you, Rev. Pat, for asking me to preach today. The readings are about humility, which is, to me, a hard term to define. It has a paradoxical quality. It’s one of the mysterious spiritual concepts that’s bigger than itself. I need to think through so many things and balance lots of thoughts to even come close to having a grip on it. I know better what it means to not be humble than what it means to be it. It means to not be arrogant or prideful. But to not be self-deprecating, either. To not be prideful in a wrong, vain way. To not be egotistical. But to not be falsely modest. People so often say that they feel humbled when they win big awards and are showered with praise and adoration. When it seems that their egos would be inflated. Does it mean that they don’t feel deserving?
Some of the synonyms for humility are modesty, meekness, diffidence, unassertiveness, lowliness. An upsetting definition I found for the word humble, as an adjective, was insignificant. It also means shabby or poor—from humble origins. And to humble a person is something terrible. It means to abase, degrade, demean, discredit, shame, take down, humiliate. None of this feels right at all. Being shamed is the absolute last thing I could ever believe would happen in relationship to a loving God. And there were at least 5 times as many antonyms I found for the word humble than there were synonyms, so I guess it is generally easier to define it by saying what it isn’t as opposed to what it is. Among the notable things it isn’t are arrogant, chesty, highfalutin, overweening, hoity-toity, or toplofty. It isn’t bumptious, either which is a new word for me. So we don’t want to walk bumptiously with our God.
The Latin root of the term humility is humilitas, which translates as from the earth or grounded. And this brings to mind the concept of being right-sized, which I remember as a recurring topic in AA meetings. It’s the opposite of being grandiose. It’s a balanced state of proper proportion—not bigger than others or smaller than others. A worker among workers. This sounds sort of right I guess. But is there something that feels deflating about it? Like taking away a special glow. It makes me think of a book cover illustration on one of my books stacked on the bookshelf. I can’t find this book and can’t remember the title but it’s a novel about a dystopian future. The illustration is of a simplistic, graphic outline of a human form, a gray form, repeated in crowded lines across the cover. Like paper dolls but more dense. It feels oppressive and flat and not at all gay enough. It doesn’t feel abundantly alive.
If humility is best understood in juxtaposition to its opposite, and all the opposite terms, such as assertiveness and boldness, feel energetic and dynamic, however negatively, then humility, too, should have an energetic quality—an oppositely positive one. Meekness, but not insipid meekness. A powerfully alive and exuberant sort of meekness that inherits the earth.  
And this feels especially necessary when so many of us struggle with believing in ourselves as worthy of any place at all at the table of life. To ascribe to something base-line and plain doesn’t feel creative or celebratory of anyone’s unique diversity. It feels at odds with the affirming certainty I want to have that I am a beloved child of God, a worthy child of God deserving of everything loving and good. I remember Rev. Pat preaching about humility many years ago when I was new at MCCNY. She said, or what I heard her say was that being humble was just this certainty of being a worthy and beloved child of God. Her definition has been whirling in my head and heart for all the years since. I feel what it means, the rightness of it, but still it is elusive and bigger than what I can hold and explain. What I have begun to understand, though, is that a key to it is in believing that All of us are worthy and beloved children of God, that believing in myself as God’s beloved opens me to knowing, sincerely, that everyone else is, too.
I think I need to pause here and read the gospel verses for today to get the sermon better underway. This introductory part has gotten kind of long, like when a whole lot of the movie happens before it gets to the opening credits. So this is the reading from Luke 14:
1On one occasion when Jesus* was going to the house of a leader of the Pharisees to eat a meal on the sabbath, they were watching him closely.
7 When he noticed how the guests chose the places of honor, he told them a parable. 8‘When you are invited by someone to a wedding banquet, do not sit down at the place of honor, in case someone more distinguished than you has been invited by your host; 9and the host who invited both of you may come and say to you, “Give this person your place”, and then in disgrace you would start to take the lowest place. 10But when you are invited, go and sit down at the lowest place, so that when your host comes, he may say to you, “Friend, move up higher”; then you will be honored in the presence of all who sit at the table with you. 11For all who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.’
12 He said also to the one who had invited him, ‘When you give a luncheon or a dinner, do not invite your friends or your brothers or your relatives or rich neighbors, in case they may invite you in return, and you would be repaid. 13But when you give a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, and the blind. 14And you will be blessed, because they cannot repay you, for you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous.’
So. What is most striking to me about the first part of this reading, the parable of the wedding banquet, is the practicality of it. Jesus isn’t admonishing anyone for wanting to be special or for craving special notice. He seems to be acknowledging that special attention is a desirable thing, but that claiming it for oneself, the presumption of such a claim, could backfire. Because there’s a likelihood of being asked “who do you think you are?” Jesus says, instead, that being an unassuming presence, being humble, while not assuring one’s chances of receiving positive notice, will certainly diminish the risk of being brought low and humiliated. (Isn’t it strange that being humble is a best defense against being humiliated?) But, anyway, Jesus isn’t saying that the circumstance of a humble person being raised up or of a presumptuous person being brought low will definitely happen in either case, but that the chances of either thing happening are much higher in both cases.
What Jesus is instructing is like “best behavioral practices” for success in social settings. It isn’t at all about being “good” for its own sake. It’s simply that the practice of being more gracious, less self-centered people will make life better for us, will make our life experiences more rewarding and enriching, will help us have our needs met. Because being less selfish is more likely to secure the fulfillment of some of our more selfish desires, such as having others look up to us and admire us.
So many of Jesus’s teachings seem to be this way, to me. That the point of changing our behavior isn’t so much about being good as it is about having more fulfilling lives. It’s like the law being made for us, not us for the law. Like what Jesus said about honoring the Sabbath. The law is something to benefit us, not a test of obedience or goodness by which to rate us. The teachings of Jesus are like a guide for how to live most optimally, that these behaviors of loving and caring for each other, of not exalting ourselves over other people, are simply the most advantageous ways for us to interact, the most efficient ways, the ways by which we most fully and ideally embody our human existence. Because behaving in these loving ways is who we innately are, by design. God’s beloved children. Which is why being our truest selves is the point of everything, because our truest selves are loving. And being these truest selves in relationship with each other is how humanity works the best, how we function most effectively with all of our parts enmeshed in the most fitting ways. Like when Con Ed sends the letters about how to have the most efficient, energy-saving home.
This is making me think of the creation story, how we hold a belief, however metaphorically or literally we choose to believe, that in the beginning everything was idyllic, how all of creation was working together in perfect harmony. How this was the intended design, the realized ideal, the way it was supposed to be. Because we have a deep down sense of ourselves as being capable of this ideal, of it being who we truly are. It’s what we have such dismay over having fallen from, what we strive to get back to. To be altogether loving children of God who are wholly loved.
So, the second part of the reading from Luke, the part about who to invite to the luncheon, feels like the advanced section in the instruction manual— the part that happens after we’ve had lots of practice with the first part about being humble, after we’ve come closer to being who we truly are. Something that’s been established in the first part, for me, is that practicing humility doesn’t mean that I’ve forfeited my wish to be loved and respected, or even to be especially loved and respected. It’s more about how this wish is a natural and fine one, but that shoving others aside to be in the spotlight is not the best way to make it come true.
Something I’ve always believed about people, or what I’ve always known about myself and suspected was true of others, is that everything people do, everything I do, is done in hope that I’ll be better loved because of it. Some of my actions are more obviously motivated in this way right on the surface, and others require a deeper honesty for me to admit, even to myself, that I want to be loved because of them. Sometimes it’s just one person’s love that I want, most times probably, but other times I want the love of anyone and everyone. I’m an artist, an illustrator, and every drawing I do is in hope that I’ll be better loved. Every good deed, too. It’s all kind of selfish, although I’ve learned that the craving for love is a good motivation, a creative and vibrant one, and one that can inspire compassion in me for others I recognize as sharing this motivation. But many years ago, before I’d learned to accept this part of myself and others as something tender and worthy, I felt a frustrated kind of guilt at not being an altruistic person who cared about others in a selfless way. I remember being at some type of literary event, a reading of some sort but with a spiritual theme. Rev. Pat had been asked to read, among others, which was why I was there. I can’t remember too much more about who organized it or who else spoke, except that another Reverend was there, Rev. Annie, who was a friend of MCCNY and someone I’d heard preach. She since has died. But what happened was that at some point there was a time for questions from the audience, which was something I never participated in at other events and couldn’t imagine doing so then, but I felt a burning in me to speak and so dared to do it. Probably I thought I would be better loved because of it. I remember I had to speak into a microphone and was scared. But what I said was something about this feeling of insincerity in my efforts to do good in the world. I said I wasn’t sure that I actually cared about doing good. I don’t know if I phrased this as a question or just stated my concern, but Rev. Annie chose to answer me. She asked the moderator if she could answer me. She told me that one day I would find a cause or group of people that I would care about outside of myself. She said this in a way of telling me not to worry. I think she used the word “special,” that I would find a special something to deeply care about. I remember feeling somewhat like a child being told that I would be a grown up person one day. I remember thinking it was a quaint thing for her to say, a sweet thing that wasn’t profound.
It was profound, though. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve thought of it since, as I’ve progressed through my life and felt myself caring a little bit more and a little bit more. I care about immigrant people and want to invite them to my luncheon. I feel myself caring about them in a way that is apart from my yearning to be better loved, although in telling you about this, I can feel myself wanting to be better loved by you because of my capacity for this selfless love I have for them. I want to tell you about other selfless love I’ve practiced and selfless things I’ve done for people who live on the street in my neighborhood, things I’ve done in secret like Jesus said to do. But here I am telling you I’ve done them. So let me move on.
But I do need to talk about the immigrants on our southern border, how they are humble—without possessions or status or any trappings of vanity. And about them being humbled in the debasing, dehumanizing, terrorizing way of having their basic human needs denied, their familial bonds spat on, their very right to exist mocked and slandered. And Trump the grotesque braggart and product of obscene privilege and greed as the extreme opposite against whom to compare these humble people. I want to say how much I want these immigrant people—these powerfully meek people—to inherit the earth, to be exalted and lauded and ushered by Jesus himself to their high place that towers over the tawdry ledge where Trump will find himself.
For all who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.’
I want this to be a literal event like a pageant. I want there to be glowing auras for the immigrants and tar and feathers for Trump. But in imagining this, I envision myself having a wild, vengeful look in my eyes and an ugly snarling mouth like someone consumed by hate. Someone on the wrong side. Over the course of Trump’s tenure I’ve seen myself in this way more and more, and also have looked for permission, I think from God or from Jesus, to just be it. I’ve looked hard. I want to give in to it and have claws spring out from my fingertips and foam bubble out of my mouth. I want all of us here to spring out claws. I keep thinking about shaking the dust off our sandals on the odious inhospitality being practiced by the Trump administration, that maybe at least we can do that. But I’m not sure what it really means in terms of what happens next. Do I get to not love my enemy Trump if I shake the dust from my sandals on him? I’ve googled “what does it mean to love my enemy” numerous times to try to find a way out of needing to do it. Defining what it means to love my enemy is in the same range of difficulty as defining what humility means, though. And it isn’t the theme of this sermon, anyway, but I kind of think that loving our enemies may be the same thing as being humble—the ultimate, advanced stage of being humble. In the most recent google search I did, I came across a sermon by Martin Luther King about loving our enemies and he said that yes, we most certainly do need to practice this. Oh well. He gave some practical guidance on how to go about it. He talked about agape love. He said that one way to practice love for an enemy was simply to not take a hateful action against them—that if an opportunity arose wherein you had power to hurt them, to kick them when they were down, you just didn’t take it. He made clear that this was different from holding someone accountable for hurt that they caused, which was a right and non-hateful thing to do. He also said this amazing thing:
When you rise to the level of love, of its great beauty and power, you seek only to defeat evil systems. Individuals who happen to be caught up in that system, you love, but you seek to defeat the system.
So how do we defeat evil systems? Jesus says to invite all the marginalized people to our table instead of those with status who could help us get ahead. He says to not cater to the well-connected in expectation that they will reward us, to not jostle for a high place at the table but to make room for those society has shunned, to fill the table with those who are outcast—those whom society has humbled in debasing, exclusionary ways. To be humble and to associate with the humble. And this is a way of defeating the hierarchical, patriarchal systems that rank people and give the most high-ranking people the honorable seats at the table. Practicing the humility of forfeiting rank and status is where equity happens, where everyone gets an honorable seat.
But I’m still trying to figure out what it means when a person who receives a high honor says that they’re humbled by it. Maybe if this person has been doing the good things they’ve done, the things that warrant being honored, at least in part because they want to be better loved because of them (like I want to be), as well as having selfless impulses woven in, then this experience of being praised, of feeling better loved, is what helps them to embody their truest self— their worthy, beloved self.
The first lesson for today from Sirach says:
My child, perform your tasks with humility; then you will be loved by those whom God accepts.
And those whom God accepts are the humble ones, the ones who don’t clamor for the high place, even if they do think it would be fun to have the high place. But they’re willing to give the high place to someone else, to bestow honor on another, because they’re humble and know themselves as God’s beloved.
Which is what Rev. Pat was saying those years ago when I first began to listen.  
The verse from Sirach also says:
For great is the might of God; but by the humble God is glorified.
So now I’m thinking of God being the one who receives the great honor of being better loved, best loved. And God accepts this great love. Is God humbled by it? Yes, I believe that God is humbled by the love.
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zhannabelle-eng · 5 years
The Ways to Find Your True Love: Practices from Zhannabelle
If you're still single, Saint Valentine's Day can help you to change it
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Love is a wonderful feeling. It contains our divine emanation; it is a marvelous superpower given to us by the Supreme forces. We all dream of true love, wait and believe that it will burst into our lives and the world will shine with bright colors with a wave of a magic wand. But is there a ready-made prescription of how to find it? Does this real love really exist or is it just the fantasy of novel writers and film writers for melodramas? Zhannabelle is sure that such love exists. And she reveals a secret to us of how to find it.
Miranda, Vienna:
“I became convinced from a very young age that love novels were written only for confusing the naive girls. Has anyone ever seen in real life that perfect soul mate who would be smart, and strong, and handsome, and rich at the same time? For forty-three years, I have not met anyone fitting this description. And I was completely sure that such men did not exist on this planet.
I came to the Zhannabelle’s seminar on the recommendation of a colleague. My colleague talked much about the courses and the volunteer projects of these people. So I was inspired to contribute to helping those who really needed it.
From here on in, my life has changed a lot and got a new meaning.
I had attended constantly group studies and seminars to learn the ropes of mental perfection. I helped Zhannabelle to organize seminars and trips to Places of Power. I felt that such way of living was right and that made me happy.
Yes, my life took on meaning, and I have changed myself a lot for the better. The only thing that hovered over me at times and did not let me sleep at night was my miserable loneliness. That is why at last during the visit to one of the most powerful Places of Power in the world with Zhannabelle, I decided to ask the Universe to help me in meeting my true love. What did I expect from the fate at that moment? I am at a loss to answer this question even now...
But the point is that just a month later an amazing story happened to me. Yes, it happened to me notwithstanding the fact that I don’t believe in romantic tales! This happened on the day of loving hearts - the Saint Valentine's Day. I sat in a small Italian restaurant, sadly watching the happy couples at the adjacent tables. No one cared about me. Even the nimble waiters scurrying around the restaurant hall for some reason ignored my table. It seemed that my appearance expressed such a desperate feeling of loneliness on Saint Valentine's Day that they preferred to avoid me.
So after waiting for the menu about some time in vain, I was about to leave, when the restaurant owner approached my table. He offered me the menu himself and talked to me about some trifles.
I realized that the man in front of me was My True Love from the first moment. He was just the same as the heroes from novels, melodramas and other romantic opuses.
Four years have passed and our family is still surprisingly strong and happy. We have a beautiful daughter. It's hard to believe, but she was born on the Saint Valentine's Day too! This day is such a special day for our family. And I am so happy! Just now I can see what I have been missing for years of loneliness. Zhannabelle helped me to find my happiness!”
What is True Love?
Saint Valentine's Day is extremely popular nowadays. It is celebrated with great relish in many countries. People in love prepare small messages for each other called valentines - in which they confess their feelings. On that day sometimes proposals of marriage are made, and flowers or sweets are presented. This wonderful tradition is rooted in a beautiful but very tragic love story.
A generic priest, Valentine, was devoted to his faith from a very young age. Each of his sermons carried the pure light of simple truths: people should value God-given life and love and value each other. However, the emperor of Rome, Claudius II, strongly disagreed with such speeches. He sacrificed his personal life for the sake of a political career, and did not like the calls for a peaceful life in love and respect.
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At some point, he hardened in heart so much that he completely forbade the lovers to marry.
His goal was to make men be ready for war constantly, and their excess attachment to the family was an annoying hindrance for the emperor.
The brave Valentine disobeyed the cruel emperor and continued to unite couples in love by marriage ties under cover of night. For that the priest was imprisoned. But he met his fate firmly and did not regret for his actions even a bit.
The love story of Valentine himself was very symbolic. The priest was a very talented healer. Once a prison guard turned to him with a request to heal his beloved daughter from blindness. Julia, the guard’s daughter, was beautiful, like an angel. And a tender feeling arose in Valentine's heart.
But unfortunately, he could not cure his beloved. By a twist of fate, Julia’s father subsequently turned out to be Valentine's jailer. So, with his help the priest sent to his beloved a declaration of love with saffron flower - the world's first “Valentine”. It happened on February 14, after the execution of Valentine.
Julia opened the letter and suddenly recovered her sight to read with tears in her eyes about her first and such tragic love.
That is how the Saint Valentine's Day holiday appeared.
Types of Love
True love is like a ghost. Everyone is talking about it, but no one has ever seen it. This is the conclusion of the vast majority of people. And with the increase of years, true love seems to us to be more and more ephemeral feeling. It lives in artwork, in music, in painting, in poetry, in films, but in reality everything is wholly different. Domestic problems, conflicts, fatigue and irritation - all these factors can make null and void even the loftiest relationships.
Is it possible to find true love at a mature age? Of course it is! However, first you should figure out as to what the uniqueness of a true feeling is.
It is common to distinguish three levels of love. And each of them has its place in the development of relations.
“I can’t live without him”
This is the very beginning of a bright beautiful feeling. The passion comes over like a snow-glide, the emotions makes you lose your head and the desire to dissolve in your loved one overshadows anything else.
But without trust and responsibility, any relationship is doomed to fade. The storm of feelings and emotions will gradually weaken, and the breach will be inevitable.
If you feel that you hit a rough patch, turn off all emotions and think about the reason of that. At the seminars, Zhannabelle analyzes the most typical situations in which couples most often make mistakes.
“From now on, wherever you go, I go, too”
The second stage of relationships is characterized by the joining of your interests and hobbies, making joint plans for the future, the mutual friends and acquaintances and the same view of the world.
Social compatibility demonstrates is the best way that you have not lost your head because of the boiling passion and are able to create reliable trusting relationships.
On this stage love needs the spiritual growth badly. At her seminars, Zhannabelle provides an opportunity to understand the very heart of your mission in this world and maximize your spiritual potential. She helps you to manage your internal and external energy, and gives recommendations for obtaining harmony in the family.
“We are together, which means that we are one”
Love of the highest level is an intuitive affinity of your souls, complete mutual understanding and self-sacrifice, support of a loved one in any circumstances, and constant help in the mental growth of a partner. Such a couple is connected by invisible threads of fate and their relationship cannot be destroyed.
The highest degree of love is quite rare.
Such a unique feeling can arise only for those people who devote their lives to continuous self-perfection and mental growth.
It is very difficult to achieve without the support of a mentor. That is why Zhannabelle invites everyone to her seminars.
In these courses, she will teach you the special practices and choose the unique amulets charged with the powerful energy of the Universe especially for you. The amulets will help you to discover your sleeping exceptional abilities and unique talents that will become for you one more step towards the highest level of spirituality.
What can you do to find your true love?
How can you to find your destiny? What should be done for this? There are several simple practices recommended by Zhannabelle to her students.
Practice No. 1: creating a list
Make a special list of the necessary qualities of your prospective partner. Describe what kind of person your perfect soulmate should be. For example, he should be gentle, generous, strong, caring, loyal, kind and reliable.
At the same time make a list of qualities for the partner of this perfect man. After all, a prince charming needs a no less splendid princess.
And then try on the qualities of this princess for yourself and analyze the situation. Do these qualities suit you? And if you see that your personal qualities are not enough to become that princess, you need to take oneself in hand and change! Make all the necessary changes and become that perfect woman! How? Courses of Zhannabel or her individual coaching can really help you in it.
Practice No. 2: assistance to the needy people
Help the suffering people, and God will help you too. It really works. We receive from the Universe as much as we give to it. Besides thoughtful women have always been held in high esteem by the men.
So, become our volunteer! Your help to those in need may be very small.
But still it will significantly increase the concentration of love in our world, and the love will finally burst into your destiny too!
Practice number 3: spiritual growth
Get ready to love and dream, share your happiness and improve yourself! Come to the Zhannabel’s seminars. The higher your energy potential and level of spiritual growth, the more you increase the opportunity to meet you true love. It's time to take decisive actions to find your love and happiness!
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superhenrydimo · 6 years
The Many Sides of February 14
By Philo Nnadozie (BA, PGD, MPA)
Valentine’s Day is a holiday celebrated on 14th February. In the west, it is the traditional day on which lovers express their love for each other. They do this by sending cards, presenting flowers, or offering confectionaries.
The celebration is named after two among the numerous Early Christian martyrs called Valentine (St. Valentine). These were Valentine of Rome, a priest who was martyred about AD269, and Valentine of Terni, Bishop of Interamna about AD197 and was executed during the reign of Emperor Aurellian.
The festival was marked with exchange of love notes. In the modern times, Valentine symbols include heart-shaped outlines, doves, and the figure of the winged cupid (the Roman god of love). But in the 19th century, mass-produced greeting cards replaced hand-written notes. However, nothing romantic was found in the biographies of either of these saints. St. Valentine of Rome was linked with romance in the 14th century, but by then there was no distinction between him and Valentine of Terni.
A version has it that St. Valentine was persecuted as a Christian and interrogated by Emperor Claudius II. Being impressed by Valentine, the Emperor had a discussion with him and wanted to convert him to Roman paganism in order to save him. But Valentine wanted to convert the Emperor instead. For this reason the Emperor had him executed before which time he was said to have miraculously healed the blind daughter of his jailer. But this had no connection with romantic love. In modern times it is believed that St. Valentine was against the emperor’s order that young men should remain single so that they could serve in the army. St. Valentine secretly performed wedding ceremonies for young men and so incurred the wrath of the emperor who jailed him.
On the eve of his execution, St. Valentine was said to have written the first ‘Valentine’ to the blind girl. The letter was closed with “From your Valentine”. They had become friends during his time in jail.
Today, a lot of vices are associated with the celebration of this sacred feast. Many forms of sin and/or crime are committed that day. Our youth engage in sexual immorality as a way of expressing their love for their ‘valentine’. Love is being expressed in a way that portrays hatred for both parties.
People kill and commit suicide as a result of jealousy for a love that is not genuine. Sexual promiscuity does not go without its negative effects ranging from the use of contraceptives (pills and condom), the so-called ‘unwanted’ pregnancy and its resultant abortion. It must be pointed out that love and life are inseparable, and any act of love must lead to life, otherwise it is not worth undertaking. With the use of contraceptives you are saying you accept sex but not with its natural, inbuilt consequences; you do not want to be responsible for your action and to face the consequences; you do not want what it was created for; you want to get what you want from it and not allow it do what it ought to do. This is quite illogical. Premarital or extramarital sex is more about holding back than self-giving (some people think that sex is the ultimate act of self-giving).
It is believed by many that on February 14 you show your partner how much you love them through sex. But sex actually shows how little you love each other. Sacrifice is what makes a couple great lovers. It is an integral part of love. Therefore, any act of love that is devoid of sacrifice is not love at all. To sacrifice, you think of the consequences of your action on your partner, not on yourself. Sex outside marriage says, “I love it’ instead of “I love you”. 
Another misconception is the belief that sex is freedom. But sex is bondage in all its ramifications. It instils fear into the partners – Will I get pregnant? Will he stay or leave me? Should we use pills? How about the side effects? What if our condoms burst or leaked? How about our parents? What happens to school?… you are worried about one thing or the other. Extramarital sex is guilt-laden. It is an action always hidden due to the sense of guilt that goes with it.
It is a widely held view that the highest incident of venereal disease transmission occurs on each year’s Valentine Day. Among these is the HIV. It is a proven fact that the condom does not prevent the transmission of the virus due to its porosity. It can easily tear, leak, pull off, and has holes through which many viruses can pass easily. It, therefore, has not been able to stop the spread of venereal diseases and countless ‘unwanted’ pregnancies.
The most unfortunate among these is that many young girls lose their virginity (the pride of womanhood) to men who entice them with their seductive “You are my valentine”. Any young girl who hears this becomes conceited. The men lure them into sex in the guise of celebrating valentine for them.
People with multiple sex partners would actually spend a very busy Feb. 14, going ‘ward round’ to let each think they are the only valentine. What an easy way of circulating diseases; what a terrible way of caring for the beloved; a very nice package for the valentine!
Love between married, courting, dating (or otherwise) couples is worth celebrating our coexistence is nurtured and lubricated with love, without which it loses its meaning. The feast on Feb. 14 should be celebrated with wisdom, rationality, caution and genuine love, both for oneself and others.
St. Valentine, being human, could not have known that his noble action would be so misconceived years later. Otherwise, who knows, he could have either kept to himself, or not express his sincere, innocent affection for the blind girl, or could not have cared for the girl at all; and she could not have experienced the healing power of God through this kind young man.
The good gesture of St. Valentine should guide 14th Feb. The expression of his love for the blind girl did not involve erotic feelings, infatuation, or lust. Our youth and some wayward adults, on 14th February and the days surrounding it, express carnal love for those who have no marital relationship with them. St. Valentine, on that fateful 14th February he was executed, dropped those parting words for the jailer’s blind daughter purely without any carnal feelings or an expression of such.
One worrisome fact about this celebration is that people behave as if something terrible will happen to them if they fail to sleep with their sex partners on that day. We should then try to learn from the person we are imitating. To enjoy the fruits of that noble celebration, we have to follow the footsteps of St. Valentine. Virginity is worth protecting. It is so precious that one cannot afford to lose it. Parents should, therefore, protect their children from this contagious act of premarital sex. When married, one can give oneself totally, entirely, wholly, guilt-free, to one’s spouse. If I were to see St. Valentine today, I would tell him to come to our aid; to help us understand his intention, his action and how he expressed it; I would tell him to help us out of this vicious circle.
The post The Many Sides of February 14 appeared first on Ehen!.
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wanderlearn-blog1 · 6 years
Not known Factual Statements About face mask
Use lukewarm drinking water and a facial cleanser acceptable for your skin variety. You can wash your face with clear fingers, a washcloth, or perhaps a soft sponge. Stick to up with a few toner and moisturizer. To finish your registration make sure you enter the verification code you gained on the cell. In case you haven't been given the verification code, remember to SMS REWARDME to 9223347100 Subscribe to America's premier dictionary and get thousands more definitions and advanced look for—advertisement free of charge! Disclaimer: The information on this site is generic, informational and adjunctive at most effective, but can not function a substitution for professional clinical suggestions. Little by little peel off the dried layer. You'll sense a sensation that is certainly like slight pinpricks as the facial hair is waxed out of your skin. Planning: Extensively blend every one of the ingredients in the bowl to get a uniform regularity into the lotion. We predict magnificence ought to be enjoyable and inspirational for everyone, so we set alongside one another out latest how-to’s and editorial leading picks in your case. Get pleasure from! Differing types of honey masks for acne are utilised for different skin kinds. For instance, dry skin, oily skin, and sensitive skin may well get pleasure from distinctive kinds of honey masks. Down below are many of the most generally utilised combinations, and you should be able to find the a person that fits your preferences. [ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FcIg5xpL80o ] Use brown sugar for a gentler scrub and white sugar for an everyday scrub. You should utilize any sort of oil you wish, but coconut oil or olive oil would get the job done very best. Want something more robust? Check out salt! • Give a healthier glow for your skin by mixing 3 tablespoons of orange juice in 50 percent a cup of organic honey and smearing this Remedy onto your face and neck for 20-25 minutes.   Thank https://www.wikihow.com/Make-All-Natural-Face-Masks to your report. I much like the way. You spelled out the honey mask Directions. Your mask is not difficult to help make. I'm likely to try it in my up coming spa therapy. I adore it. Mister healmunsta. Need to select the very best cleanser for your personal body? Address by yourself to refreshing showers daily with An array of bathtub and shower products like body washes, soothing shower gels, cleansers, deodorants, body creams and moisturisers from Amazon. Guantee that you happen to be applying products formulated for oily skin. Also, consider using a moisturizer designed for oily skin; In the event your skin lacks moisture, it's going to get started to provide additional oil to compensate. Hope you all are while in the pink of one's health and making the most of this lovely spring time. These days morning, I had orange marmalade and orange sandwich…oops veg sandwich in my breakfast.
The best Side of banana face mask
Develop the mask mixture. Crack a ripe banana up into modest items, and mash it in a bowl using a spoon or fork right up until all of the lumps are smoothed out. Blend in one teaspoon of honey, and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice.[one] Stir all of the components until eventually the are mixed wholly. When you are looking at using an egg white mask, the very best avenue of treatment would be to visit a skin care Qualified or possibly a medical spa, exactly where individuals that provide the treatment plans have the type of working experience and training to advise you on whether this type of mask are going to be advantageous to your skin. Though an egg white mask is simple ample to make in your house, developing 1 from the recipe located on the web is often harmful, especially if You aren't mindful of what more substances that are sometimes proposed, which include cornstarch and lemon, can perform in your skin. In case you have oily skin and they are suffering, the Increase of citric acid in lemon juice will really assist to cleanse and exfoliate skin. Mash a ripe banana with juice from fifty percent a lemon, rub on the face and leave for ten to fifteen minutes, and rinse. Turmeric is a typical ingredient in Southeast Asian splendor products and solutions. It really is beloved for its skin lightening capabilities. Just be careful, the orange can stain extremely gentle skin. My skin is Tremendous delicate and I crack out like ridiculous if I exploit coconut oil on my face. It seems to operate good if I use it pretty much any where else on my overall body…go determine. Individual the egg. Crack an egg about a bowl, and transfer the yolk from shell to shell. Each time you transfer the yolk, a small amount of the egg white must flow to the bowl. Retain undertaking this until eventually most of the egg white is from the bowl. This orange peel powder has reasons manifold. The peel has citric acid that assists in the brightening of skin By natural means. Final results from the use of any merchandise or expert services mentioned on the internet site may perhaps range with regards to the individual and thedermreview.com will make no warranty regarding the final results you could working experience. You need to use any that actually works nicely in your case, but if you utilize olive or coconut oil in the mask after which use an oil infused moisturizer, it could result in breakouts For those who have oily or blend skin. Use lukewarm drinking water and also a facial cleanser suited on your skin variety. You could wash your face with clear fingers, a washcloth, or even a smooth sponge. Observe up with some toner and moisturizer. Be careful to not scratch your self Along with the egg shells. Check out each egg batter for shell chips right before software. Now crush and powder your peels right into a wonderful powder employing a food stuff processor or blender, with out including any h2o. Be sure that you are working with merchandise formulated for oily skin. Also, think about using a moisturizer meant for oily skin; Should your skin lacks humidity, it's going to start off to create far more oil to compensate. Lemons incorporate citric acid that may lead to acidic burns if an excessive amount is made use of. When you have sensitive skin, be wary of citric acid elements inside the masks you utilize. To be sure to Will not harm oneself, do a patch exam of the again of your respective hand to view how your skin could react.
Examine This Report on banana face mask
(i) Defeat one particular egg white till you will get a foamy regularity. Message gently the egg white on the surface of the attention place and along the cheekbones. Leave it on for 10 minutes after which you can clear the area utilizing a cotton swab soaked in chilly drinking water. Try this 2 times every week. Breaks down grime and Filth, gets rid of surplus oil which otherwise can clog up skin pores and produce acne breakout. Functions as a versatile deep cleanser to unclog skin pores. I have quite oily skin and several open up pores on nose and chiks.What exactly i do for lowering these open up pores as quickly as possible "I like some truly straightforward technique to just take care the skin by Do it yourself, for the reason that I'm a rookie in caring for skin." KB Kathryn Bernardo A fantastic face mask for regenerating the skin and offering it a youthful glow. Well suited for https://www.pinterest.com/pin/722616702689410044/ , and all skin varieties. When you're feeling your skin tightening up, Carefully eliminate the egg white, having a cloth soaked in heat drinking water. (i) Acquire a little piece of banana peel and rub within it within the affected spot for a few minutes until eventually the inside from the peel turns brown. hi am Ruckshana now I've an issue that's skin turn and more pimples and likewise my skin has grown to be incredibly rough as well as dim circles also so please counsel any face mask you should And that i produced an answer of making tamotos day-to-day but its not Doing the job yha and in addition no soaps is additionally Doing the job i loathe of all this so make sure you i humbly requste you to offer me a good Alternative currently i’ll consider of with banana If applied with regularity, yogurt has Light bleaching powers that can minimize discoloration, age spots and blotches. Honey, Alternatively, is often a pure humectant that helps the skin retain its moisture. It works equally as correctly as a natural cleanser and exfoliant to promote distinct and glowing skin. Cut down your worry levels. Strain can not merely wreck havoc with your thoughts and rest, but your skin at the same time. It may lead to acne, breakouts, as well as other skin difficulties. Established real looking objectives and limits for yourself, and depart time each week so that you could do things that you love. This post was co-authored by our qualified group of editors and scientists who validated it for precision and comprehensiveness. eyerid serum is finest remedies for make skin glowing and smooth i am also using that same solution believe in me inside of a person week i acquired amazing consequence. When https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jPlOEudlCv0 is blended with egg white it offers an unbeatable mixture to tighten and moisturize your skin.
The 5-Second Trick For skin care
I make use of a Uncooked honey mask several moments a week (in some cases every single day), and I’ve discovered a definite improvement while in the tone and softness of my skin. I like it much more for The reality that it’s entirely edible and doesn’t expose my skin to the chemicals located in most elegance merchandise. In the cult of Shiva, located in Anatolia from circa six,000 BC, the younger, bare ithyphallic god seems sporting a horned mask.[15] During the Greek bacchanalia and the Dionysus cult, which involved the usage of masks, the everyday controls on conduct were briefly suspended, and people cavorted in merry revelry outside the house their common rank or standing. René Guénon promises that in the Roman saturnalia festivals, the everyday roles have been frequently inverted. Shower soon after. If you shower prior to, the eggs will don't have anything to "get onto". Following, you need the mask to generally be very well and genuinely off your face, and a shower can help with that. Hi I am sixty six yr outdated woman. I've growing old itchy skin about my chin and below my reduced lip which won’t halt. I thought it absolutely was exma so I utilised exma product that has manufactured it even worse, could you advise some thing, be sure to. Several thanks for your personal reply. (ii) Once the mask dried up, it may get trapped in your skin in some areas. Don't pull it out of your skin even though washing. Carefully massage this kind of spots with drinking water till the mask slackens and will come out. No, as it has far too much oil in it. The easy mask functions since the lemon juice functions as an astringent, although the honey should help filter the acne-producing germs. Thanks! Indeed No Not Valuable fourteen Useful 46 So women, next time when you enjoy tangy oranges, don’t forget to feed your skin with each of the elegance great things about this Tremendous delicious fruit. That’s it for currently, until finally following time, get care and stay tuned to IMBB. Kindly suggestions on the most effective mix to initially obvious the black acne heads, which resulted from my finding the face. It happens unconsciously. 2nd is to revive my glowing easy skin texture. Hello chandni…plz assistance me am i able to retain milk right away on my face wil it have ny sideeffcts i apply milk with cotton n maintain it overnight n sumtimes i evn rub a Laptop of banana over it n wash it in d morng…plzz lemme knw wil it hve ny sideefcts…wtng fr ur response The egg white, lemon, and honey mask should help lessen blackhead and acne while the egg yolk, olive oil, and banana mask can help moisturize and nourish your skin. Browse this short article to find out how for making each! If you can get the mask in your eyes, It will likely be pretty irritating. Should you ingest it, the raw egg while in the mask can cause foods poisoning. (i) While applying a pure face mask like this, enable it to be confident to stand above your sink or in rest room to avoid slippage on the floor. I've troubled skin which includes clogged pores on my forehead and a lot of blackheads on my nose, what would you counsel is the greatest organic remedies for extracting the Grime and oil in my pores? my skin could get dry incredibly effortlessly nonetheless it tends to be pretty oily :(( Elizabeth may be the founder and artistic director at The Nourished Everyday living. Her mission is that will help people locate a a lot more balanced (less stress filled!) method of residing a happy, balanced existence. Read through more details on Elizabeth in this article.
What Does coffee face mask Mean?
Using masks in rituals or ceremonies is an extremely ancient human observe the world over,[5] Despite the fact that masks will also be worn for protection, in searching, in athletics, in feasts, or in wars – or simply utilized as ornamentation. Blend the egg white and lemon juice. Using a fork, quickly whisk The 2 substances right until the egg white becomes foamy and frothy. • Combine orange peel powder and Uncooked milk in equal amounts to sort a sleek paste. Set it apart for two or three hrs. The applying of an egg white mask can clog the pores and boost the opportunity of breakouts for individuals who have acne susceptible skin. Other Uncomfortable side effects involve the unfold of germs on the skin, as Uncooked egg whites consist of salmonella, a bacterium that might cause food items poisoning. I feel I’ll really combine 3 and four since I have dry and inflamed skin. https://www.pinterest.com/pin/722616702689548155 of the perks of making use of this sort of elements is that they gained’t react poorly collectively like atore bought ones may well! Adding whey to face masks is an excellent concept, Anne! You can use it rather than water, or simply just consider incorporating it in face masks, while you stated. That is utilised to gather knowledge on visitors to content articles and various internet pages on our website. Unless of course you might be signed in to some HubPages account, all personally identifiable data is anonymized. Hold the mask on for ten-15 minutes. If the mixture has totally dried with your face, Carefully scrub it off applying warm drinking water, tackling all areas of your face in a very circular motion. Pat dry by using a towel and marvel at The sleek really feel of your skin! You need to use any that works very well to suit your needs, but if you employ olive or coconut oil within the mask and then use an oil infused moisturizer, it could result in breakouts For those who have oily or combination skin. You can do the egg white facial as component of your respective weekly skin routine maintenance program. For face masks focused to avoiding excessively oily skin, check out this hub alternatively: ... One of the best things about using coconut oil for skincare is it suits all skin types. So no matter if you've dry, oily, acne susceptible, ageing or delicate skin, coconut oil can enormously benefit you. Wash your face with a delicate cleaning soap and pat it dry which has a gentle towel. Employing clean fingers, rub the mask into your face. Apply the mask in a slightly thick layer and preserve it on for 10 to quarter-hour making sure that it might soak in. Use a ripe avocado so that it's simpler to mash it right into a lump-cost-free paste. You may also freeze, then thaw it prior to mashing to produce factors less difficult. In case you have a blender, utilize it as an alternative to a fork to rapidly and proficiently blend the avocado into a lump-cost-free puree. A different tradition which has a incredibly rich agricultural custom would be the Bamana individuals of Mali. The antelope (termed Chiwara) is believed to possess taught guy the insider secrets of agriculture.
How Much You Need To Expect You'll Pay For A Good egg white face mask
In essence, the quantity of honey must be adequate To combine nicely With all the pulp. Blend effectively into a uniform paste and also your apple honey mask is ready to implement. one. Use further virgin olive oil for very best effects. Processed items may well irritate your skin or lead to acne breakouts. If made use of with regularity, yogurt has Light bleaching powers which can cut down discoloration, age places and blotches. Egg white has become Utilized in face mask recipes since historical occasions, especially in Asia, to achieve lovely radiant skin. You can make a mask with egg white by yourself, or you may include in other strong components to provide a lot more nourishing benefits for your skin. Egg whites are high in collagen and vitamin A (which is critical in the event of products that are able to take care of scars or burns). Once i was about fourteen, my hair got just a little oily from my actions. To help keep my hair fresh new lengthier soon after I washed it, I would use whipped egg white on it. I place it in my moist hair, and Allow it dry, then brushed it out. My hair experienced more quantity way too. Preparing: Scoop out via steptoremedies.com from the apple and operate The remainder by way of a mixer for making a wonderful pulp. Then, increase three to four tablespoons of honey to the pulp. The amount of honey will rely on the dimensions with the apple and the quantity of masks you intend to make with it. Yoghurt shares these antibacterial Houses as well as Carefully smooths the skin cutting down high-quality strains. Egg whites comprise a protein known as albumin that works to tighten your skin, shrink pores and so decrease the formation of blackheads. Egg whites are full of nutrients that nourish and moisturize your skin, providing it a lighter and brighter appearance. how frequently need to I take advantage of this mask to find out outcomes but i also dont want to damage my skin by making use of to Substantially if tht is sensible With each other, they crystal clear up the skin pores. Honey is usually a normal antioxidant and it's got antimicrobial properties. This eradicates the microbial bacterial infections that induce acne. Sit for https://www.facebook.com/steptoremedies/posts/2090901291003140 to half-hour to Allow the face mask settle and obtain absorbed deep into your skin. Once the time is up, rinse off with heat h2o, and pat dry by using a thoroughly clean towel. Warning: Kelp can be allergenic to some because of its high iodine content. Also, kelp may be rich in metallic pollutants like direct and cadmium, considering that nearly all of industrial sewage and wastes are finally dumped to the seas. Software: Utilize a layer of your apple honey mask with your complete face. Await ten to fifteen minutes and let the mask dry up somewhat. After that, wash the mask off Using the lukewarm water and watch for the effects!
Examine This Report on skin care
Wow! I'm really shocked to find the helpful features of banana for skin rejuvenation. I will surely test them out, as I'm searching for some purely natural elements for skin lightening and to struggle wrinkle in addition. Thanks a good deal for giving such important facts. Worn out and out? Spare on your own a time for Yogurt and Banana face mask to replenish your skin and mood. It energizes the spirit, clams the inflammation, and relaxes the skin. Ensure the combination is thick adequate. If it’s not thick sufficient it is going to drip down your skin, into your eyes and on in your garments and home furniture. Hi thanks for your reply. Let's say I include citric acid powder and geranium critical oil? Will these function great preservatives? If Sure for how long will https://www.wikihow.com/Make-a-Facial-Mask delay Otherwise refrigerated? Thanks a good deal. Have you ever attempted a variation of your honey mask? What are your preferred food-centered components to employ on the skin? Comment under! "My face is very oily and I've blackheads on my nose and chin. This labored really well, I'll be employing it two times weekly Any longer."..." a lot more AO Afi Owusu (i) Take a small piece of banana peel and rub inside of it within the influenced location for a couple of minutes right until The within of your peel turns brown. Orange is very advantageous in your skin since it has anti-ageing, toning and astringent Homes. This citrus fruit helps make improvements to skin texture and complexion. Rinse the mask off with cool drinking water. Just after fifteen to 20 minutes, rinse the mask off with interesting drinking water. The amazing water can help shut your pores and seal in dampness. Depart the mask on for 10 to quarter-hour. This mask is runny and could drip down your face. To circumvent your self from getting too messy, take into account laying down or sitting down again in a very chair with your head tilted back. You can even use this mask within the bathtub if you are having a comforting bathtub. Fights totally free radical problems, bolsters the skin’s UV resistance, helps prevent and lessens the looks of wrinkles. Is aptly referred to as "the protector." Using orange peel for skin care has various Rewards, among that's minimizing blemishes, specially when combined with honey. Yummy recipes – I like using and recommending honey in my recipes In particular UMF Lively honey as it’s Tremendous strong like a healing, antimicrobial and moisturising ingredient. I will have to Do that. You've got described what Just about every from the involved ingredient does And that i am persuaded. It's possible, I can use lime in place of lemon as there are lots of limes in which we are actually.
The best Side of banana face mask
Tech and M. Tech (Chemical Engineering) from IIT Bombay and has become actively crafting about overall health and nutrition given that over previous 12 yrs. When not Doing the job he likes to trek and do gardening. Software: Implement a layer of the Kelp – Aloe Vera – Honey Mask thoroughly on the face and also other influenced places. Leave it on for fifteen to 20 minutes and then rinse with lukewarm water. A few minutes later on, wash your face all over again with cold water. Goaltender mask, a mask worn by an ice or discipline hockey goaltender to safeguard the head and face from personal injury Steer clear of the eye and mouth region when making use of the mixture, as these are more sensitive in comparison to other parts of your face; along with the tightening and stretching in the mask may possibly bring about wrinkles. In that scenario, quit working with This system and take a look at among the other masks. You ought to talk to a practising aromatherapist in advance of utilizing any important oils. Now with this speedy and helpful cure, one can easily cleanse their skin working with just banana and milk. bdw I've a matter … Can a woman take in tangy oranges throughout her periods …. I indicate vitt c contented eatables You'll find a wide variety of masks Utilized in Africa. In West Africa, masks are Employed in masquerades that form part of religious ceremonies enacted to communicate with spirits and ancestors. Examples are definitely the masquerades in the Yoruba, Igbo, and Edo cultures, like Egungun Masquerades and Northern Edo Masquerades. The masks are often carved with a rare ability and selection by artists who will often have obtained their instruction as an apprentice to the master carver - regularly It's really a tradition which has been handed down inside of a relatives by way of a lot of generations. This mask is a tad sticky and might be a pain to get off. Simply just, use lukewarm h2o and Carefully scrub your face right until it starts easily coming off. You'll be able to use cold water to wipe off The remainder. 2. Lemon juice is electric power packed with the many goodness of vitamin C and is superb for oily skin. It clears blackheads and whiteheads as well as stops new breakouts. It clears current acne in addition and lightens complexion around a time period with normal use. The current utilizes are as miniature masks for vacationer souvenirs, or on cell phones, where they cling pretty much as good-luck talismans. Japan four. Rice flour can be a speculate ingredient In relation to tan removal. Making use of rice flour to the skin will let you in obtaining rid of stubborn age spots and tan and In addition it lightens complexion with regular use.  Despite the fact that there are many skin care solutions readily available out there but nothing at all can give you with the kind of best benefits that a humble fruit as banana can. The banana face mask will do miracles to your skin. Banana is regarded as one of the most mouth watering fruits all across the globe. Apart from The nice style, there are numerous skin great things about banana.
Rumored Buzz on orange face mask
[16] Attempt many of the following peace procedures: Have a wander around the block. This will assist you to work off some steam. The new air may also support tranquil your head. It’s deeply nourishing for the skin and loaded with protective antioxidants that secure the skin versus premature ageing and cost-free radicals.  It is actually quite frequent expertise that oranges undoubtedly are a godsend in your skin. What isn’t emphasised ample, nevertheless, is always that With regards to rejuvenating your lackluster skin, by far the most potent part of the fruit is, in fact, it’s peel. Also, you can include aloe vera to the combo. It really is rich in antioxidants that struggle free radicals together with vitamin E along with other nutrients that nourish and enrich your skin, making it much more elastic and smooth. I exploit yellow Element of the egg for thirty mins right before inportant function. it takes the useless skin absent and can make my skin clean and glowy It is totally Okay to implement egg white masks instructed earlier mentioned for oily face. In fact, it helps to deep thoroughly clean your pores and take away excess Filth. Ahhhh, The essential brown sugar scrub. There genuinely is just not a far better normal exfoliant than brown sugar. It isn't going to tear the skin like oatmeal or salt can do. Furthermore, it tastes scrumptious if it somehow will make its way into your mouth. Combining egg whites with honey and lemon juice would make a remarkably effective Do-it-yourself egg white face mask for acne. Honey has potent antibacterial and anti-inflammatory Houses that make it quite effective versus acne. Make use of a heavier, richer just one through the Wintertime, plus a lighter one through the summer time. Take into account a moisturizer that contains SPF to guard your skin versus the Sunshine's hazardous rays. Right after cleansing my face (oil cleansing during the night, raw honey each morning) I take a bit of aloe out in the fridge and rub it all over my face. It's so refreshing and seems to tighten and tone my skin. It’s a terrific makeup primer. Hey !!! Am content to get this coffee strategy … It’s greater to try instead enjoying sip over a mug Thanks all .. .. Orange peel powder is Employed in a number of skincare recipes to regulate acne by drying it out and to be a scrubbing agent to gently clear away worn-out skin cells and thus open up clogged pores and handle blackheads. Additionally, it allows rid the skin from surplus oil, even more mitigating the risk of acne and imparting a healthy glow for the face rather. Listed here are very best six Do it yourself egg white face masks that are quick to organize and can assist clear up an array of skin concerns to give you toned and beautiful skin. If required, you are able to master a variety of hacks to independent the egg’s yolk and whites. 1. As already outlined, orange juice is rich in ascorbic acid material and deep cleanses the skin totally. It lightens existing acne spot and blemishes. https://twitter.com/steptoremedies/status/1087123981155618816 brightens complexion and retains in Examine extreme oil secretion.
sugar face mask Options
For Innovative Dermatology, that affiliation features collaboration in making, maintaining, and funding This great site. For Formulyst, the affiliation consists of that we get paid a part of the proceeds on revenue of Formulyst products which are obtained as a result of our internet site as Element of our affiliate partnership. The associations with Highly developed Dermatology and Formulyst might influence how items are reviewed and rated on the site. Is it necessary to observe using a moisturizer following rinsing off the honey mask? I exploit Neutrogena Healthful Skin moisturizer. This articles is precise and true to the top of your writer’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for official and individualized tips from a qualified Skilled. Raw honey by alone is Attractive, but You may also mix and match other food-primarily based elements to tailor your mask towards your one of a kind skin sort. I’ve been making use of an historical Asian masks for a few days now and my skin feels good! The recipe for an enormous bowl is: one spoon of pure termeric powder (yellow-brownish spice), two spoons of pure honey, two spoons of all purely natural yogurt ( any will do), two spoons of brown rice powder, 50 % of the lemon, and you can insert 1 egg white although the egg white isn’t in the initial recipe. Do you've got any recipes for terrible acne employing cinnamon and coconut oil? I really need aid for my really really terrible acne.. This is often The 1st time I have examine egg whites as face masks. I locate the guidelines on how to use these actually practical. Although the niqāb normally displays membership of some Islamic Neighborhood, its function is to not hinder recognition, even though it falls beneath some anti-mask rules including the French ban on face covering. Occupational . Any a lot more than that and you’ll be dripping honey all over! I'd a dilemma with dripping at the outset, but once I Lower again on the amount of honey I applied, the issue fixed itself. Not to mention that it’s a little bit more affordable this way, way too! Get it done as soon as each week, ideally When you've got your 'spa day at your home'. When you have some time, get it done each individual other day. Be sure to test to make certain your skin just isn't sensitive to lemon. Attempt diluting the lemon juice with water to reduce irritation. Hope this assists. Thanks so much Eleanor! I actually have to consider the activated charcoal; I’ve listened to this kind of fantastic points over it! You may incorporate castor oil to further more soften your skin and do away with fantastic lines, wrinkles and crow’s-ft. Now, a lot of the recipes under are more powerful and should only be applied one-2 periods every week. Many others You should use day-to-day. I’ve built notes for how often Every mask ought to be applied. The nō or noh mask advanced within the gigaku and bugaku and so are acted totally by Adult males. The masks are worn all over quite lengthy performances and they are For that reason incredibly mild. The nō mask could be the supreme achievement of Japanese mask-generating.
New Step by Step Map For coffee face mask
I have generally beloved all-natural splendor masks. I have discovered them successful and more healthy than chemical-centered types. At times they take a little bit extra operate to put them alongside one another and use, but the results is often fairly attractive. Thanks for sharing! Disclaimer: TheHealthSite.com doesn't promise any certain final results because of the strategies described listed here and the results may well vary from person to person. I soaked strips of paper towel During this Remedy then used it to my face to prevent dripping. I see why those material masks are so large in Korea (They are really just so not easy to get from listed here inside the US.) It definitely calmed my skin nevertheless I am going to should repeat to begin to see the Long lasting benefits. . I am Just enthusiastic to employ this face mask now and want to view the result can we use this face mask every day Banana, Honey & Lemon This face mask using banana, honey and yoghurt can help in balancing the normal oils of your skin and also restores the pure lustre of your skin. Thanks the two! I'm thrilled to get my hub picked as Hub of the Day! It's so remarkable and it helps make me very delighted! Thank you for the valuable comments! Wash your face 2 times each day to help keep it oil-absolutely free, make improvements to complexion, and stop breakouts. You must clean your face each morning after you rise up, and during the evening right before going to bed. It truly is something that the many cosmetic industries happen to be utilizing inside their products due to it a number of skin Added benefits. Avocado is a wealthy supply of natural fats and in addition contains omega 3 fatty acids. This makes it The best ingredient that could be utilized to restore the dropped humidity from the skin. I just used egg whites only, can it be okay? Could it be productive even theres no honey or lemon but an egg whites only? And also, is this appropriate for Young ones like 15 yrs outdated to use this type? Not only banana the fruit, but additionally the peel can be used to get rid of the good lines and wrinkles. The peel just like the fruit banana is likewise full of vitamin A and potassium. This aids in supplying the skin a radiant glow and can make the skin supple. This is made use of to collect data on visitors to content and also other pages on our web site. Unless that you are signed in to a HubPages account, all Individually identifiable facts is anonymized. It is best to always discard the employed facial mask since it can have the micro organism from your previous facial. We may use conversion tracking pixels from promoting networks for example Google AdWords, Bing Advertisements, and Facebook so as to detect when an advertisement has correctly resulted in the specified action, including signing up to the HubPages Provider or publishing an write-up to the HubPages Support.
Top latest Five banana face mask Urban news
Supply This can be utilized to identify certain browsers or devices once the access the company, and is also employed for protection causes. To work with orange peel powder as a normal cleanser, Merge it with slightly h2o to produce a paste. Implement it with your skin and go away it on till it dries fully. At last, rinse it off with lukewarm drinking water. We may use conversion tracking pixels from marketing networks including Google AdWords, Bing Adverts, and Facebook so as to detect when an ad has successfully resulted in the desired action, for example signing up for the HubPages Assistance or publishing an write-up within the HubPages Support. The orange peel and multani mitti, or fuller’s earth, mask eliminates tan, providing an excellent skin complexion. Orange peel will lighten the skin and fuller’s earth will soothe the irritated skin. Right here’s how one can use multani mitti or fuller’s earth for skin care challenges. These four honey face mask recipes use distinctive further ingredients, depending on your skin type. They can be all manufactured with meals-centered components which can be most likely within your kitchen right this moment. Uncomplicated and realistic! Everyone knows that oranges are great for overall health, suitable? But as with all fruits, the peel in fact features a Considerably larger focus of natural vitamins, minerals and nutrients than the fruit alone! Hi! I've essentially dried my orange peels but.. :-/ I forgot to not contain the white element (which you said it shouldn't be). Am i able to continue to utilize it? May perhaps I know what difference will it make, applying 'only the top rated most element' and 'such as the white part'? Mixing egg whites with corn starch makes a cleansing face mask for usual skin. https://steptoremedies.com/ginger-body-scrub-benefits/ absorbs and eliminates any Dust or impurities to provide you with sleek and clear skin. Reply: Any serious honey will do, but my own favored is raw, unfiltered honey as it retains more of its strong therapeutic Homes. I can in fact explain to the distinction between the types of honey I’ve utilized for my honey mask. Supply Rich in vitamin C, orange peel is great for lightening darkish places and acne scars. Evens out skin discolorations Following implementing honey compresses for eight days, he observed the microbes had entirely disappeared without having his taking one antibiotic. This skin-tightening mask for oily skin combines egg whites with freshly squeezed lemon juice that works to scale back oiliness in addition to acts for a natural bleaching agent.
Detailed Notes on orange face mask
Vitamin B – This vitamin aids in avoiding and treating the skin from your signs of aging. It also will help in lightening the complexion as well as nourishes the skin from deep within. hey I've pimple marks left on my skin from previous a person month and now am having tablets but I'm not able to eliminate those places from my face and am also possessing tanned skin as a consequence of my do the job from the fields. This is often utilised to collect information on visitors to content and also other web pages on our web-site. Until you're signed in into a HubPages account, all Individually identifiable information and facts is anonymized. Make sure to Obtain your hair absent out of your face just before making use of this mask. Placed on a headband or plastic shower cap to circumvent the combination from occurring your hair. Many thanks a lot Chandni for your rapid replies. Allah bless you enormously! I used to be going to use citric acid because it will decrease the ph stage. Don't just you may consume a banana for your General heath, but implement it also on the skin as being a all-natural face mask. Here's a rundown on 4 face masks which might be designed by using banana as the principle component, Specially chosen by our staff, that may present you with glowing, younger and wrinkle absolutely free skin. In accordance with the BBC, a man through the title of Sam Edwards from Wrexham, Wales credited honey with saving his leg! Right after getting cut by a koi carp, he turned infected with Mycobacterium marinum and made a uncommon skin affliction. In the event the offered time has become passed wash your face with chilly drinking water. As chilly h2o make your pores tight. Throughout this informative article, you will also discover important tips about making and applying banana face masks. Now let us explore a few face masks that could reward your skin in strategies pricey chemical-laden beauty creams are unable to. You can utilize this to streamline signing up for, or signing in on your Hubpages account. No knowledge is shared with Facebook unless you interact with this function. (Privateness Coverage) गर्म पानी से नहाना पड़ सकता है महंगा-बर्बाद हो सकती है सेक्सुअल लाइफ Combine perfectly and apply a uniform coating in excess of your face, Specially on the regions with extreme facial hair. Thank https://en.search.wordpress.com/?src=organic&q=skin+care+tips ! I'm thrilled to get my hub picked as Hub on the Working day! It's so fascinating and it makes me incredibly content! Thank you for your personal handy remarks! By Mary Smith. Up to date: June 5, 2018 A very good cup of coffee is, for A lot of people, The one thing that receives them to wake up in the morning. Excellent news, coffee lovers - your favorite seen can be a great Resolution to create your skin appear brighter, fresher and even more critical.
strawberry face mask Secrets
Im likely to try out your mask this week I just choose to make clear heat water to open pores, utilize mask crushed egg whites with witch hazel, usel facial cleanser and moisturizer right after On this face mask, I’m planning to use papaya in conjunction with banana mainly because papaya includes enzyme title as papain. Papaya also incorporates highly effective antioxidants which aid to remove dead skin cells, gives you a glowing skin, prevents getting older, acne and scars also. Following the tips right here and usually getting very good care of by yourself (consuming well, having adequate rest, performing exercises, taking care of worry effectively - you will find content articles on every one of these subject areas right here if you want them) can assist. Exercise excellent hygiene, steer clear of touching your face, wash your outfits and pillowcases/sheets consistently, use a organic laundry detergent if you can, and stay clear of making use of dryer sheets or material softener (they could aggravate acne for some individuals). Amazing hub. I am a Skin therapist myself And that i take a look at a lot of different skin care solutions in the marketplace right now. I do having said that concur with also building your own private selfmade skin care recipes! This a person does function and Many individuals Will not know how great egg whites are for that skin! Thx for sharing! Fantastic work! A further terrific read! Here's One more wonderful suggestion for honey: it works fantastic on pink eye and staph infections! I'd pink eye a number of occasions, about four a long time back when my oldest son was in daycare. None of the prescribed eye drops seemed to be serving to, but black tea and honey did the trick! Also, I'd a staph an infection and once again, the antibiotics were not executing Substantially to very clear it up. Your not long ago seen products and highlighted suggestions › See or edit your browsing history This is certainly my ‘go to’ face mask if I come to feel my skin turning out to be slightly as well oily, or if I'm struggling from an outbreak. I swear by it. Use a ripe avocado so that it is easier to mash it right into a lump-no cost paste. It's also possible to freeze, then thaw it right before mashing for making items much easier. When you have a blender, use it in lieu of a fork to quickly and competently Mix the avocado right into a lump-totally free puree. two. Lemon juice is electricity filled with the many goodness of vitamin C and is excellent for oily skin. It clears blackheads and whiteheads in addition to stops new breakouts. It clears present acne at the same time and lightens complexion around a length of time with standard use. Some fruits On this face pack like orange, lime and lemon is rich supply of citric acid. So be careful even though adding this fruit juice because an excessive amount can result in acid burns. In case your skin is delicate, you will need excess aware about this fruits. Writer Data Just take 1 fresh new banana and mash it in the thoroughly clean bowl, increase egg yolk and one table spoon of honey and mix every one of the ingredients carefully. Utilize this face pack around your face (continue to keep faraway from eyes), neck and cucumber slice on your eyes. I tried it yesternight …… The outcome were wonderful …… My face was truely glowy glowy ……. I utilized the rice powder wnich i have grinded myself…. It has a little gritty framework which gave a wonderfull scrubbing xperience ….. Totaly in like with the effects….. *Thankyou* *thankyou* I ponder what my Duchess will think of everything tasty egg on my face. Duchess is my gorgeous cat.
The 5-Second Trick For orange face mask
Indeed, Banana face mask with leamon and honey does assistance remove tan, but in addition softens your skin and makes it glow. In case you have dry skin, you'll be able to blend an egg yolk also. Involve inside https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9GA-ohYGt3c of fruits and greens of different shades. You may as well consider an over-the-counter day by day multivitamin with minerals to boost your nutrient intake if you’re not ingesting a well balanced diet. After getting a glowing skin through the use of this process, once i quit employing this , will I possess the similar glowing skin or not. And just how long is it lasted? Carefully do the job the sugar into your skin using your fingers. Using Light circular motions with all your fingers, get the job done the sugar in to the lather. Although it might not always be possible, consider making use of all organic and natural substances. The fewer artificial chemicals the greater! Hi there. I'm a rookie in applying DIY health and fitness remedies, so I actually preferred your facial recipes! I've discoloration on my face (which is not way too poor) from a human body allergic response. In my view it is a superb mixture for a mask to take care of acne and pimples, as a consequence of pursuing good reasons: (i) Cinnamon might help rid your face or back of acne by both of those drying out the skin and, again, bringing blood and oxygen to your skin surface. wikiHow is a wiki just like Wikipedia, which suggests that lots of of our content are composed collaboratively. To develop this short article, 84 people, some nameless, worked to edit and make improvements to it with time. Classes: Egg Face Masks Thnx quite a bit fr ur speedy rply chandni…m much relievd nw…m glad dat i cme on diz site n satisfy a frnd like u…thnx fr such practical n easy DIY dwelling fce packs little doubt as ud skin luks so obvious gorgeous n youthful wil attempt dem as i hve dry skin…can u advise a fairly easy treatment fr below eye darkish circles thnx in advnce Warning: Aloe Vera supposedly has no side effects, and there aren't any experiences of it being allergenic. Nonetheless, a number of people might be allergic to honey. Despite your allergen background, it is best to check it on the wrist before you decide to apply it in your face. Incorporate a mashed up banana for the egg yolk. Peel a banana open up, and Lower it to scaled-down items which has a knife. Use a fork to mash it to some pulp. The banana will help nourish your face. Implement the mixture on your face. Make use of your fingers to Carefully therapeutic massage the combination into your face. It’s crucial that you be Light normally you might induce the skin of your face to be irritated, which could lead on to breakouts. Hello Chandni, am https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wAWVh0hFGhI delighted to see the treatments for skin difficulties…….I've a oily skin plus much more acnes on my face,I attempted consulting dermatologist and employed number of medicines but nonetheless no luck…. -Whenever you rinse your face or other system elements immediately after making use of these masks, don't use any kind of soap. In reality, cleaning soap is not really advised to the treatment of acne, since the condition goes much over and above simple Filth or oil.
Everything about banana face mask
Tdas Face mask for dust pollution for men Females kids bicycle bikers air anti air pollution dustproof mask washable reusable (Navy Blue) Inside a bowl, get some orange peel powder, sugar and almond oil. Make certain the quantity of sugar is equivalent towards the peel powder and here you've got a simple recipe to a beautiful smelling lip balm that’s effective and simple to generate. Thanks for making your account on EverydayMe. This short article or item has long been added to the favorites. Thank you for developing your account on EverydayMe. This article or item is additional for your favorites. In accordance with the regulation of 8th December 1992, you are able to obtain the databases made up of your individual facts and modify this details at any time by getting in contact with Link to Media ([email protected]) [sixteen] Attempt a number of the subsequent leisure techniques: Have a walk round the block. This will let you perform off some steam. The fresh air could also enable serene your head. step toremedies is a wonderful skin-exfoliator. It helps slough off useless skin cells over the outer layer with the skin. This enables space for new healthy skin cells to regenerate and function properly. It will likely deep cleanse your skin, eradicating grime and germs from in just skin pores and preventing additional breakouts. It's the weakest finger and won't stretch the sensitive skin beneath your eyes as much. Stretching skin too much may lead to wrinkles. You'll want to always discard the utilized facial mask because it could have the microbes from your previous facial. Recommendations: The apple honey mask operates ideal when it’s clean. To paraphrase, just after preparation, you shouldn’t preserve it inside the fridge to apply later. As it is so brief and simple to arrange, help it become just before you want to use it. Will not be afraid to put on make-up, but get it done with care. Use make-up that is certainly ideal for your skin style, and take away it before planning to sleep to circumvent breakouts. Separate the egg. Crack an egg in excess of a bowl, and transfer the yolk from shell to shell. Every time you transfer the yolk, a little bit of the egg white really should stream into your bowl. Continue to keep executing this right up until all the egg white is inside the bowl. To employ orange peel powder to be a organic cleanser, combine it with a little h2o to make a paste. Implement it on your own skin and leave it on right until it dries totally. Eventually, rinse it off with lukewarm drinking water. To accomplish your registration be sure to enter the verification code you received on your cellular. In case you have not received the verification code, remember to SMS REWARDME to 9223347100
banana face mask for Dummies
Boling, expressing, “Bananas are large in potassium, which is superb on your lymphatic procedure. The lymphatic method is what can help your skin cleanse itself, and it provides nutrients to every cell in your body.” Your skin will sense clean and delicate immediately, but it may well have a number of programs to note a real distinction in scars and spots. More than many months and months, You might even see a striking difference in the looks of your respective skin. Bananas are rich in iron, potassium. Honey is often a natural healer. It was even utilized by Egyptians for managing there wounds and cuts. • Moisturize, smoothen, and brighten your skin by applying a mix of orange juice and coconut oil for approximately ten minutes and afterwards rinse it off with lukewarm drinking water.   No HTML is permitted in remarks, but URLs will be hyperlinked. Comments aren't for promoting your content or other internet sites. How I utilize it is usually that I blend orange peel powder as well as chickpea flour, lemon n a pinch of turmeric. My face is blessed having a great glow n shine Stick to the normal instructions for making use of the combination in your face: Clean your face and pat it dry. The ideal face mask for acne can’t be procured at a dear department retail outlet. Actually, it only is made up of one particular ingredient and it’s in all probability now in the pantry! It’s certainly one of my private favorites: the Uncooked honey mask. You'll want to generally discard the used facial mask since it should have the bacteria from a previous facial. You need to use this to streamline signing up for, or signing in on your Hubpages account. No information is shared with Facebook Except if you engage using this aspect. (Privateness Coverage) No, as it has excessive oil in it. The simple mask performs because the lemon juice acts being an astringent, when the honey may help filter out the acne-causing micro organism. Many thanks! Indeed No Not Handy 14 Valuable forty six Give attention to spots exactly where there is a lots of blackheads (generally around your nose and chin), as this scrub is particularly good at focusing on blackheads. Turmeric is a common ingredient in Southeast Asian magnificence goods. It is beloved for its skin lightening capabilities. Just be careful, the orange can stain quite mild skin. I'd no concept that orange peel was so fantastic for that skin! Definitely attention-grabbing, surely some thing to add to my Do it yourself to-do list!
The Single Best Strategy To Use For banana face mask
Blend lemon juice and olive oil in container. Be sure that They can be perfectly combined. You may use the container that you will be storing the exfoliating scrub in. https://www.wikihow.com/Have-Perfect-Skin advise exfoliating no more than two instances a week.[24] Although You should use any kind of sugar with your handmade facial treatment plans, authorities usually advocate utilizing brown sugar since it’s softer and it has smaller sized granules, making it not as likely to make microscopic tears within your skin. Stay away from working with any exfoliators on damaged skin including zits or cuts. The ingredients in the scrub may perhaps irritate any broken skin, as well as the friction of exfoliation could make breakouts even worse and in some cases trigger new types to kind. Whisk in the honey. Do this till the lemon juice, olive oil, and honey Mix right into a medium-thick Answer. You can change the quantity of honey and olive oil you employ based on how thick or slim you'd like the scrub to become. बिना एक्सरसाइज व डाइटिंग के आसान तरीके से कम कर सकते हैं वजन that goes well with ice product and pretty much any other form of dessert sauces or toppings.I had to look around for a while to uncover the correct kind of sugar to use on the best in order that it wouldn't dissolve The Senoufo people today of your Ivory Coastline depict tranquility by generating masks with eyes fifty percent-shut and contours drawn close to the mouth. The Temne of Sierra Leone use masks with compact eyes and mouths to symbolize humility and humbleness. They characterize wisdom by creating bulging forehead. Spoon the mixture into your storage container and shop. You should definitely shut the lid tightly. You are able to retail store the combination inside your refrigerator for nearly two weeks. Even though the Dogons and Bamana individuals equally feel the antelope symbolises agriculture, they interpret components the masks in another way. For the Bamana folks, swords stand for the sprouting of grain. 3. Your face may be a bit crimson following the scrub. It's because with the sugar scrub which stimulates proper blood circulation with your face. The redness will disappear after a while and your face might be glowing and absolutely free from peeling skin and dead cells. Just one skilled recommends including ginger for just a warming, spicy scent, or a combination of ginger and citrus oils for instance grapefruit or orange for your refreshing scent to give you kickstart.[4] Should you’re performing the facial at night, you may attempt employing a calming scent like lavender. Only Guys put on the masks and accomplish the dances with higher stilts Regardless of the masks representing Gals. One of the most attractive representations of feminine beauty could be the Idia's Mask of Benin in existing-day Edo Point out of Nigeria. It is thought to are actually commissioned by a king of Benin in memory of his mother. To honor his useless mom, the king wore the mask on his hip all through Particular ceremonies.[29] to.The peppermint sugar cookies alone are astounding and Tremendous fluffy. They have an ideal number of peppermint taste and make for a really yummy cookie.Although the white chocolate coating and peppermint Understand that introducing produce towards your combination will decrease its shelf existence. Quite simply, Really don't generate a huge batch, in any other case it could go lousy before You can utilize everything. Moreover, in the event you include fruits or greens on your facial cure, you'll want to refrigerate it.[19]
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apostleshop · 6 years
Daily Reading and Meditation
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Daily Reading and Meditation
Daily Reading and Meditation Sunday (May 6):  “I have called you friends”
Scripture: John 15:9-17
9 As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you; abide in my love. 10 If you keep my commandments, you will abide in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commandments and abide in his love. 11 These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full. 12 “This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. 13 Greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. 14 You are my friends if you do what I command you. 15 No longer do I call you servants, for the servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all that I have  heard from my Father I have made known to you. 16 You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit and that your fruit should abide; so that whatever you ask the Father in my name, he may give it to you. 17 This I command you, to love one another.
Meditation: What is the greatest act of love which one can give for the sake of another? Jesus defines friendship – the mutual bond of trust and affection which people choose to have for one another – as the willingness to give totally of oneself – even to the point of laying down one’s life for a friend. How is such love possible or even desirable? God made us in love for love. That is our reason for being, our purpose for living, and our goal in dying.
God is the source and origin of love – divine and human Scripture tells us that God is love (1 John 4:8) – and everything he does flows from his immense love for us. He loved us so much – far beyond what we could ever expect or deserve – that he was willing to pay any price to redeem us from our slavery to sin and death. That is why the Father sent us his beloved Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, who gave up his life as the atoning sacrifice for our sins. In this great exchange – the Father giving up his Son to death on the cross in order to give us abundant everlasting life and adopt us as his beloved sons and daughters in Christ (Romans 8:14-17).
God’s love has been poured into our hearts It is for this reason that we can take hold of a hope that does not fade and a joy that does not diminish because God has poured his love into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us (Romans 5:5). God’s love is not limited or subject to changing circumstances. It is an enduring love that has power to change and transform us to be like him – merciful, gracious, kind, forgiving, and steadfast in showing love not only for our friends, but for our enemies as well. God’s love is boundless because he is the source of abundant life, perfect peace, and immeasurable joy for all who open their hearts to him. That is why Jesus came to give us abundant life through the gift and working of the Holy Spirit.
A new way of loving and serving one another Jesus gave his disciples a new commandment – a new way of loving and serving one another. Jesus’ love was wholly directed toward the good of others. He love them for their sake and for their welfare. That is why he willingly laid down his own life for us to free us from sin, death, fear, and everything that could separate us from the love of God. Our love for God and our willingness to lay down our life for others is a response to the exceeding love God has given us in Christ. Paul the Apostle states,
“Who shall separate us from the love of Christ?… For I am sure that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 8:35,38-39).
Friendship with God Jesus calls his disciples his friends. Jesus not only showed his disciples that he personally cared for them and sought their welfare. He personally enjoyed their company and wanted to be with them. He ate with them, shared everything he had with them – even his inmost heart and thoughts. And he spent himself doing good for them. To know Jesus personally is to know God and the love and friendship he offers to each one of us.
One of the special marks of favor shown in the Scriptures is to be called the friend of God. Abraham is called the friend of God (Isaiah 41:8, James 2:23). God spoke with Moses as a man speaks with his friend (Exodus 33:11). Jesus, the Lord and Master, calls the disciples his friends rather than his servants.
What does it mean to be a friend of God? Friendship with God certainly entails a loving relationship which goes beyond mere duty and obedience. Jesus’ discourse on friendship and brotherly love echoes the words of Proverbs: A friend loves at all times; and a brother is born for adversity (Proverbs 17:17). The distinctive feature of Jesus’ relationship with his disciples was his personal love for them. He loved his own to the end (John 13:1). His love was unconditional and wholly directed to the good of others. His love was also sacrificial. He gave the best he had and all that he had. He gave his very life for those he loved in order to secure for them everlasting life with the Father.
Love to the death The Lord Jesus gives his followers a new commandment – a new way of love that goes beyond giving only what is required or what we think others might deserve. What is the essence of Jesus’ new commandment of love? It is a love to the death – a purifying love that overcomes selfishness, fear, and pride. It is a total giving of oneself for the sake of others – a selfless and self-giving love that is oriented towards putting the welfare of others ahead of myself.
Jesus says that there is no greater proof in love than the sacrifice of one’s life for the sake of another. Jesus proved his love by giving his life for us on the cross of Calvary. Through the shedding of his blood for our sake, our sins are not only washed clean, but new life is poured out for us through the gift of the Holy Spirit. We prove our love for God and for one another when we embrace the way of the cross. What is the cross in my life? When my will crosses with God’s will, then God’s will must be done. Do you know the peace and joy of a life fully surrendered to God and consumed with his love?
The Lord Jesus tells us that he is our friend and he loves us whole-heartedly and unconditionally. He wants us to love one another just as he loves us, whole-heartedly and without reserve. His love fills our hearts and transforms our minds and frees us to give ourselves in loving service to others. If we open our hearts to his love and obey his command to love our neighbor, then we will bear much fruit in our lives, fruit that will last for eternity. Do you wish to be fruitful and to abound in the love of God?
“Teach us, good Lord, to serve you as you deserve, to give and not to count the cost, to fight and not to heed the wounds, to toil and not to seek for rest, to labor and not to ask for any reward, save that of knowing that we do your will; through Jesus Christ our Lord.”  (Prayer of Ignatius Loyola)
Psalm 98:1-4
1 O sing to the LORD a new song, for he has done marvelous things! His right hand and his holy arm have gotten him victory. 2 The LORD has made known his victory, he has revealed his vindication in the sight of the nations. 3 He has remembered his steadfast love and faithfulness to the house of Israel. All the ends of the earth have seen the victory of our God. 4 Make a joyful noise to the LORD, all the earth; break forth into joyous song and sing praises!
Daily Quote from the early church fathers: Love encompasses the other commandments, by Ephrem the Syrian (306-373 AD
“This is my commandment.” Have you then only one precept? This is sufficient, even if it is unique and so great. Nevertheless he also said, “Do not kill” (Matthew 19:18) because the one who loves does not kill. He said, “Do not steal,” because the one who loves does even more – he gives. He said, “Do not lie,” for the one who loves speaks the truth, against falsehood. “I give you a new commandment” (John 13:14). If you have not understood what “This is my commandment” means, let the apostle be summoned as interpreter and say, “The goal of his commandment is love” (1 Timothy 1:5). What is its binding force? It is that of which [the Lord] spoke, “Whatever you want others to do to you, you should do also” (Matthew 7:12).”Love one another” in accordance with this measure, “as I have loved you.” That is not possible, for you are our Lord who loves your servants. But we who are equals, how can we love one another as you have loved us? Nevertheless, he has said it… His love is that he has called us his friends. If we were to give our life for you, would our love be equal to yours?… How then can what he said be explained, “As I have loved you”? “Let us die for each other,” he said. As for us, we do not even want to live for one another! “If I, who am your Lord and God, die for you, how much more should you die for one another.” (excerpt from COMMENTARY ON TATIAN’S DIATESSARON 19.13)
from Common Bible: Revised Standard Version of the Bible, copyright 1973, and Ignatius Edition of the Revised Standard Version of the Bible, copyright 2006, by the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.  Citation references for quotes from the writings of the early church fathers can be found here.
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fevie168 · 7 years
Friday (May 19): "I have called you friends"
Scripture: John 15:12-17
12 "This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. 13 Greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. 14 You are my friends if you do what I command you. 15 No longer do I call you servants, for the servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all that I have  heard from my Father I have made known to you. 16 You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit and that your fruit should abide; so that whatever you ask the Father in my name, he may give it to you. 17 This I command you, to love one another.
Meditation: What is the greatest act of love which one can give for the sake of another? Jesus defines friendship - the mutual bond of trust and affection which people choose to have for one another - as the willingness to give totally of oneself - even to the point of laying down one's life for a friend. How is such love possible or even desirable? God made us in love for love. That is our reason for being, our purpose for living, and our goal in dying.
Scripture tells us that God is love (1 John 4:8) - and everything he does flows from his immense love for us. He loved us so much - far beyond what we could ever expect or deserve - that he was willing to pay any price to redeem us from our slavery to sin and death. That is why the Father sent us his beloved Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, who gave up his life as the atoning sacrifice for our sins. In this great exchange - the Father giving up his Son to death on the cross in order to give us abundant everlasting life and adopt us as his beloved sons and daughters in Christ (Romans 8:14-17).
God has poured his love into our hearts It is for this reason that we can take hold of a hope that does not fade and a joy that does not diminish because God has poured his love into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us(Romans 5:5). God's love is not limited or subject to changing circumstances. It is an enduring love that has power to change and transform us to be like him - merciful, gracious, kind, forgiving, and steadfast in showing love not only for our friends, but for our enemies as well. God's love is boundless because he is the source of abundant life, perfect peace, and immeasurable joy for all who open their hearts to him. That is why Jesus came to give us abundant life through the gift and working of the Holy Spirit.
Jesus gave his disciples a new commandment - a new way of loving and serving one another. Jesus' love was wholly directed toward the good of others. He loved them for their sake and for their welfare. That is why he willingly laid down his own life for us to free us from sin, death, fear, and everything that could separate us from the love of God. Our love for God and our willingness to lay down our life for others is a response to the exceeding love God has given us in Christ. Paul the Apostle states,
"Who shall separate us from the love of Christ?... For I am sure that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord" (Romans 8:35,38-39).
Friendship with God
Jesus calls his disciples his personal friends. Jesus not only showed his disciples that he personally cared for them and sought their welfare. He personally enjoyed their company and wanted to be with them in a close and intimate relationship. He ate with them, shared everything he had with them - even his innermost heart and thoughts. And he spent himself in doing as much good for them as he could. To know Jesus personally is to know God and the love and friendship he offers to each one of us.
One of the special marks of favor shown in the Scriptures is to be called the friend of God. Abraham is called the friend of God (Isaiah 41:8, James 2:23). God spoke with Moses as a man speaks with his friend (Exodus 33:11). Jesus, the Lord and Master, calls the disciples his friends rather than his servants.
What does it mean to be a friend of God? Friendship with God who is our everlasting Father and with his Son, the Lord Jesus Christ entails a personal, close, and loving relationship and a union of heart, mind, and spirit with the One who created us in love for love. Such a relationship with our Father, Creator, and Redeemer involves loyalty, respect, and obedience. But it is even more than these because God has chosen to love us in the same way in which the Father and the Son love and serve each other - a total giving of oneself to the other in a bond of affection, esteem, and joy in each others company.
Jesus' discourse on friendship and brotherly love echoes the words of Proverbs: A friend loves at all times; and a brother is born for adversity (Proverbs 17:17). The distinctive feature of Jesus' relationship with his disciples was his personal, loyal, and sacrificial love for each one of them. He loved his own to the end (John 13:1). His love was unconditional and wholly directed to the good of others. His love was costly and sacrificial. He gave the best he had and all that he had. He gave his very own life for those he loved in order to secure for them an everlasting life of union and love with the Father in heaven.
Love to the death The Lord Jesus gives his followers a new commandment - a new way of love that goes beyond giving only what is required or what we think others might deserve. What is the essence of Jesus' new commandment of love? It is a love to the death - a purifying love that overcomes selfishness, fear, and pride. It is a total giving of oneself for the sake of others - a selfless and self-giving love that is oriented towards putting the welfare of others ahead of myself.
Jesus says that there is no greater proof in love than the sacrifice of one's life for the sake of another. Jesus proved his love by giving his life for us on the cross of Calvary. Through the shedding of his blood for our sake, our sins are not only washed clean, but new life is poured out for us through the gift of the Holy Spirit. We prove our love for God and for one another when we embrace the way of the cross. What is the cross in my life? When my will crosses with God's will, then God's will must be done. Do you know the peace and joy of a life fully surrendered to God and consumed with his love?
Love that produces abundant fruit and joy The Lord Jesus tells us that he is our personal friend and he loves us wholeheartedly and unconditionally. He wants us to love one another just as he has loved us, wholeheartedly, without reserve, and full of mercy, kindness, and forgiveness. His love fills our hearts and transforms our minds and frees us to give ourselves in loving service to others. If we open our hearts to his love and obey his command to love our neighbor, then we will know his love more fully and we will bear much fruit - especially the fruit of peace, joy, patience, kindness, and goodness - the kind of fruit that lasts for eternity. Do you wish to be fruitful and to abound in the love of God? Trust and obey him and he will fill you with his overflowing love.
"Teach us, good Lord, to serve you as you deserve, to give and not to count the cost, to fight and not to heed the wounds, to toil and not to seek for rest, to labor and not to ask for any reward, save that of knowing that we do your will; through Jesus Christ our Lord."  (Prayer of Ignatius Loyola)
Psalm 57:7-11
7 My heart is steadfast, O God, my heart is steadfast!  I will sing and make melody! 8 Awake, my soul! Awake, O harp and lyre!  I will awake the dawn! 9 I will give thanks to you, O Lord, among the peoples; I will sing praises to you among the nations. 10 For your steadfast love is great to the heavens, your faithfulness to the clouds. 11 Be exalted, O God, above the heavens! Let your glory be over all the earth!
Daily Quote from the early church fathers: Love encompasses the other commandments, by Ephrem the Syrian (306-373 AD)
"This is my commandment." Have you then only one precept? This is sufficient, even if it is unique and so great. Nevertheless he also said, "Do not kill" (Matthew 19:18) because the one who loves does not kill. He said, "Do not steal," because the one who loves does even more—he gives. He said, "Do not lie," for the one who loves speaks the truth, against falsehood. "I give you a new commandment" (John 13:14). If you have not understood what "This is my commandment" means, let the apostle be summoned as interpreter and say, "The goal of his commandment is love" (1 Timothy 1:5). What is its binding force? It is that of which [the Lord] spoke, "Whatever you want others to do to you, you should do also" (Matthew 7:12)."Love one another" in accordance with this measure, "as I have loved you." That is not possible, for you are our Lord who loves your servants. But we who are equals, how can we love one another as you have loved us? Nevertheless, he has said it... His love is that he has called us his friends. If we were to give our life for you, would our love be equal to yours?... How then can what he said be explained, "As I have loved you"? "Let us die for each other," he said. As for us, we do not even want to live for one another! "If I, who am your Lord and God, die for you, how much more should you die for one another." (excerpt from COMMENTARY ON TATIAN'S DIATESSARON 19.13)
0 notes
seekfirstme · 3 years
The following reflection is courtesy of Don Schwager © 2021. Don's website is located at Dailyscripture.net
Meditation: What is the greatest act of love which one can give for the sake of another? Jesus defines friendship - the mutual bond of trust and affection which people choose to have for one another - as the willingness to give totally of oneself - even to the point of laying down one's life for a friend. How is such love possible or even desirable? God made us in love for love. That is our reason for being, our purpose for living, and our goal in dying.
Scripture tells us that God is love (1 John 4:8) - and everything he does flows from his immense love for us. He loved us so much - far beyond what we could ever expect or deserve - that he was willing to pay any price to redeem us from our slavery to sin and death. That is why the Father sent us his beloved Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, who gave up his life as the atoning sacrifice for our sins. In this great exchange - the Father giving up his Son to death on the cross in order to give us abundant everlasting life and adopt us as his beloved sons and daughters in Christ (Romans 8:14-17).
God has poured his love into our hearts
It is for this reason that we can take hold of a hope that does not fade and a joy that does not diminish because God has poured his love into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us (Romans 5:5). God's love is not limited or subject to changing circumstances. It is an enduring love that has power to change and transform us to be like him - merciful, gracious, kind, forgiving, and steadfast in showing love not only for our friends, but for our enemies as well. God's love is boundless because he is the source of abundant life, perfect peace, and immeasurable joy for all who open their hearts to him. That is why Jesus came to give us abundant life through the gift and working of the Holy Spirit.
Jesus gave his disciples a new commandment - a new way of loving and serving one another. Jesus' love was wholly directed toward the good of others. He loved them for their sake and for their welfare. That is why he willingly laid down his own life for us to free us from sin, death, fear, and everything that could separate us from the love of God. Our love for God and our willingness to lay down our life for others is a response to the exceeding love God has given us in Christ. Paul the Apostle states,
"Who shall separate us from the love of Christ?... For I am sure that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord" (Romans 8:35,38-39).
Friendship with God
Jesus calls his disciples his personal friends. Jesus not only showed his disciples that he personally cared for them and sought their welfare. He personally enjoyed their company and wanted to be with them in a close and intimate relationship. He ate with them, shared everything he had with them - even his innermost heart and thoughts. And he spent himself in doing as much good for them as he could. To know Jesus personally is to know God and the love and friendship he offers to each one of us.
One of the special marks of favor shown in the Scriptures is to be called the friend of God. Abraham is called the friend of God (Isaiah 41:8, James 2:23). God spoke with Moses as a man speaks with his friend (Exodus 33:11). Jesus, the Lord and Master, calls the disciples his friends rather than his servants.
What does it mean to be a friend of God? Friendship with God who is our everlasting Father and with his Son, the Lord Jesus Christ entails a personal, close, and loving relationship and a union of heart, mind, and spirit with the One who created us in love for love. Such a relationship with our Father, Creator, and Redeemer involves loyalty, respect, and obedience. But it is even more than these because God has chosen to love us in the same way in which the Father and the Son love and serve each other - a total giving of oneself to the other in a bond of affection, esteem, and joy in each others company.
Jesus' discourse on friendship and brotherly love echoes the words of Proverbs: A friend loves at all times; and a brother is born for adversity (Proverbs 17:17). The distinctive feature of Jesus' relationship with his disciples was his personal, loyal, and sacrificial love for each one of them. He loved his own to the end (John 13:1). His love was unconditional and wholly directed to the good of others. His love was costly and sacrificial. He gave the best he had and all that he had. He gave his very own life for those he loved in order to secure for them an everlasting life of union and love with the Father in heaven.
Love to the death
The Lord Jesus gives his followers a new commandment - a new way of love that goes beyond giving only what is required or what we think others might deserve. What is the essence of Jesus' new commandment of love? It is a love to the death - a purifying love that overcomes selfishness, fear, and pride. It is a total giving of oneself for the sake of others - a selfless and self-giving love that is oriented towards putting the welfare of others ahead of myself.
Jesus says that there is no greater proof in love than the sacrifice of one's life for the sake of another. Jesus proved his love by giving his life for us on the cross of Calvary. Through the shedding of his blood for our sake, our sins are not only washed clean, but new life is poured out for us through the gift of the Holy Spirit. We prove our love for God and for one another when we embrace the way of the cross. What is the cross in my life? When my will crosses with God's will, then God's will must be done. Do you know the peace and joy of a life fully surrendered to God and consumed with his love?
Love that produces abundant fruit and joy
The Lord Jesus tells us that he is our personal friend and he loves us wholeheartedly and unconditionally. He wants us to love one another just as he has loved us, wholeheartedly, without reserve, and full of mercy, kindness, and forgiveness. His love fills our hearts and transforms our minds and frees us to give ourselves in loving service to others. If we open our hearts to his love and obey his command to love our neighbor, then we will know his love more fully and we will bear much fruit - especially the fruit of peace, joy, patience, kindness, and goodness - the kind of fruit that lasts for eternity. Do you wish to be fruitful and to abound in the love of God? Trust and obey him and he will fill you with his overflowing love.
"Teach us, good Lord, to serve you as you deserve, to give and not to count the cost, to fight and not to heed the wounds, to toil and not to seek for rest, to labor and not to ask for any reward, save that of knowing that we do your will; through Jesus Christ our Lord. (Prayer of Ignatius Loyola) "
The following reflection is from One Bread, One Body courtesy of Presentation Ministries © 2021.
“I no longer speak of you as slaves.” —John 15:15
Jesus calls us, His disciples, “slaves.” Later, He may call us “friends.” To be a friend of Jesus, we must first be His slave. To know what Jesus is doing, we must first obey without knowing what He is doing (Jn 15:15). To be aware of Jesus as Love (1 Jn 4:16), we must first know Him as Lord. God’s Word commands us to “be slaves of Christ the Lord” (Col 3:24).
The idea of being anyone’s slave is disturbing to us. We want to keep our independence. However, there is no such thing as our independence. This is a self-deception. “You must realize that, when you offer yourselves to someone as obedient slaves, you are the slaves of the one you obey, whether yours is the slavery of sin, which leads to death, or of obedience, which leads to justice” (Rm 6:16). We are automatically slaves to someone or something. The only question is: “Whose slave will we be?”
To be the slave of Jesus means to no longer have a life of our own (see Gal 2:20), but to let ourselves be consumed by the living God (see Heb 12:29). To be a slave of Jesus is a privilege and the highest honor a human being can attain. Jesus, as Master, protects, provides for, and deeply loves us, His slaves.  Jesus “emptied Himself and took the form of a slave” for love of us (Phil 2:7). Will you empty yourself and be His slave for love of Him?
Prayer:  Jesus, I am created to be Your slave. I will only be freed and fulfilled as Your slave. I choose You as Lord. I choose to be Your slave.
Promise:  “It is the decision of the Holy Spirit, and ours too, not to lay on you any burden beyond that which is strictly necessary.” —Acts 15:28
Praise:  As a husband, father and care-giver son, Alfred has grown more dependent on God. He says often: “As for me and my household, we will serve the Lord” (Jos 24:15).
Reference:  (For a related teaching on Developing a Deep, Personal Relationship with Jesus, order, listen to, or download our CD 52-1 or DVD 52 on our website.)
Rescript:  "In accord with the Code of Canon Law, I hereby grant the Nihil Obstat for One Bread, One Body covering the period from April 1,2021 through May 31, 2021 Reverend Steve J. Angi, Chancellor, Vicar General, Archdiocese of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio August 5,2020"
The Nihil Obstat ("Permission to Publish") is a declaration that a book or pamphlet is considered to be free of doctrinal or moral error. It is not implied that those who have granted the Nihil Obstat agree with the contents, opinions, or statements
0 notes
seekfirstme · 4 years
The following reflection is courtesy of Don Schwager © 2020. Don's website is located at Dailyscripture.ServantsOfTheWord.org
Meditation: What is the greatest act of love which one can give for the sake of another? Jesus defines friendship - the mutual bond of trust and affection which people choose to have for one another - as the willingness to give totally of oneself - even to the point of laying down one's life for a friend. How is such love possible or even desirable? God made us in love for love. That is our reason for being, our purpose for living, and our goal in dying.
Scripture tells us that God is love (1 John 4:8) - and everything he does flows from his immense love for us. He loved us so much - far beyond what we could ever expect or deserve - that he was willing to pay any price to redeem us from our slavery to sin and death. That is why the Father sent us his beloved Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, who gave up his life as the atoning sacrifice for our sins. In this great exchange - the Father giving up his Son to death on the cross in order to give us abundant everlasting life and adopt us as his beloved sons and daughters in Christ (Romans 8:14-17).
God has poured his love into our hearts
It is for this reason that we can take hold of a hope that does not fade and a joy that does not diminish because God has poured his love into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us (Romans 5:5). God's love is not limited or subject to changing circumstances. It is an enduring love that has power to change and transform us to be like him - merciful, gracious, kind, forgiving, and steadfast in showing love not only for our friends, but for our enemies as well. God's love is boundless because he is the source of abundant life, perfect peace, and immeasurable joy for all who open their hearts to him. That is why Jesus came to give us abundant life through the gift and working of the Holy Spirit.
Jesus gave his disciples a new commandment - a new way of loving and serving one another. Jesus' love was wholly directed toward the good of others. He loved them for their sake and for their welfare. That is why he willingly laid down his own life for us to free us from sin, death, fear, and everything that could separate us from the love of God. Our love for God and our willingness to lay down our life for others is a response to the exceeding love God has given us in Christ. Paul the Apostle states,
"Who shall separate us from the love of Christ?... For I am sure that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord" (Romans 8:35,38-39).
Friendship with God
Jesus calls his disciples his personal friends. Jesus not only showed his disciples that he personally cared for them and sought their welfare. He personally enjoyed their company and wanted to be with them in a close and intimate relationship. He ate with them, shared everything he had with them - even his innermost heart and thoughts. And he spent himself in doing as much good for them as he could. To know Jesus personally is to know God and the love and friendship he offers to each one of us.
One of the special marks of favor shown in the Scriptures is to be called the friend of God. Abraham is called the friend of God (Isaiah 41:8, James 2:23). God spoke with Moses as a man speaks with his friend (Exodus 33:11). Jesus, the Lord and Master, calls the disciples his friends rather than his servants.
What does it mean to be a friend of God? Friendship with God who is our everlasting Father and with his Son, the Lord Jesus Christ entails a personal, close, and loving relationship and a union of heart, mind, and spirit with the One who created us in love for love. Such a relationship with our Father, Creator, and Redeemer involves loyalty, respect, and obedience. But it is even more than these because God has chosen to love us in the same way in which the Father and the Son love and serve each other - a total giving of oneself to the other in a bond of affection, esteem, and joy in each others company.
Jesus' discourse on friendship and brotherly love echoes the words of Proverbs: A friend loves at all times; and a brother is born for adversity (Proverbs 17:17). The distinctive feature of Jesus' relationship with his disciples was his personal, loyal, and sacrificial love for each one of them. He loved his own to the end (John 13:1). His love was unconditional and wholly directed to the good of others. His love was costly and sacrificial. He gave the best he had and all that he had. He gave his very own life for those he loved in order to secure for them an everlasting life of union and love with the Father in heaven.
Love to the death
The Lord Jesus gives his followers a new commandment - a new way of love that goes beyond giving only what is required or what we think others might deserve. What is the essence of Jesus' new commandment of love? It is a love to the death - a purifying love that overcomes selfishness, fear, and pride. It is a total giving of oneself for the sake of others - a selfless and self-giving love that is oriented towards putting the welfare of others ahead of myself.
Jesus says that there is no greater proof in love than the sacrifice of one's life for the sake of another. Jesus proved his love by giving his life for us on the cross of Calvary. Through the shedding of his blood for our sake, our sins are not only washed clean, but new life is poured out for us through the gift of the Holy Spirit. We prove our love for God and for one another when we embrace the way of the cross. What is the cross in my life? When my will crosses with God's will, then God's will must be done. Do you know the peace and joy of a life fully surrendered to God and consumed with his love?
Love that produces abundant fruit and joy
The Lord Jesus tells us that he is our personal friend and he loves us wholeheartedly and unconditionally. He wants us to love one another just as he has loved us, wholeheartedly, without reserve, and full of mercy, kindness, and forgiveness. His love fills our hearts and transforms our minds and frees us to give ourselves in loving service to others. If we open our hearts to his love and obey his command to love our neighbor, then we will know his love more fully and we will bear much fruit - especially the fruit of peace, joy, patience, kindness, and goodness - the kind of fruit that lasts for eternity. Do you wish to be fruitful and to abound in the love of God? Trust and obey him and he will fill you with his overflowing love.
"Teach us, good Lord, to serve you as you deserve, to give and not to count the cost, to fight and not to heed the wounds, to toil and not to seek for rest, to labor and not to ask for any reward, save that of knowing that we do your will; through Jesus Christ our Lord."  (Prayer of Ignatius Loyola)
The following reflection is from One Bread, One Body courtesy of Presentation Ministries © 2020.
"It is the decision of the Holy Spirit, and ours too, not to lay on you any burden beyond that which is strictly necessary." —Acts 15:28
The elders of the church of Jerusalem and the Holy Spirit decided Gentile Christians did not need to be circumcised, but rather had to change their lifestyle, "namely, to abstain from meat sacrificed to idols, from blood, from the meat of strangled animals, and from illicit sexual union" (Acts 15:29). Meat sacrificed to idols was a major item in the marketplace. Therefore, to abstain from this was, in part, an economic decision. The Gentiles were also told to change their eating habits and their attitude toward sexual relations. In other words, the Gentiles were required to make lifestyle changes in the areas of money, food, and sex. This is comparable to telling a modern person, even a Christian, to stop buying certain foods, to quit eating meat or drinking caffeine, and to quit watching prime time TV with its pornographic innuendoes.
When the letter containing these rules was read, "there was great delight at the encouragement it gave" (Acts 15:31). If a similar letter requiring lifestyle changes was read at your church, would the people be delighted or defiant? Lifestyle is the false god of the modern American church. Our comforts, pleasure, and entertainment mean more to us than loving God. That's where our time and money goes, and God gets the leftovers, if there are any. Repent!
Prayer:  Risen Jesus, may I repent of living for selfish pleasure.
Promise:  "This is My commandment: love one another as I have loved you." —Jn 15:12
Praise:  St. Isidore was canonized in 1622. He's in good company: St. Ignatius of Loyola, St. Francis Xavier, St. Teresa of Avila, and St. Philip Neri were declared saints at the same time.
Reference:  (For a related teaching on Following the World (Spiritual Adultery), order, listen to, or download our CD 53-1 or DVD 53 on our website.)
Rescript:  †Most Reverend Joseph R. Binzer, Auxiliary Bishop, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, September 24, 2020
The Nihil Obstat ("Permission to Publish") is a declaration that a book or pamphlet is considered to be free of doctrinal or moral error. It is not implied that those who have granted the Nihil Obstat agree with the contents, opinions, or statements
0 notes
seekfirstme · 5 years
The following reflection is courtesy of Don Schwager © 2019. Don's website is located at Dailyscripture.ServantsOfTheWord.org
Meditation: What is the greatest act of love which one can give for the sake of another? Jesus defines friendship - the mutual bond of trust and affection which people choose to have for one another - as the willingness to give totally of oneself - even to the point of laying down one's life for a friend. How is such love possible or even desirable? God made us in love for love. That is our reason for being, our purpose for living, and our goal in dying.
Scripture tells us that God is love (1 John 4:8) - and everything he does flows from his immense love for us. He loved us so much - far beyond what we could ever expect or deserve - that he was willing to pay any price to redeem us from our slavery to sin and death. That is why the Father sent us his beloved Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, who gave up his life as the atoning sacrifice for our sins. In this great exchange - the Father giving up his Son to death on the cross in order to give us abundant everlasting life and adopt us as his beloved sons and daughters in Christ (Romans 8:14-17).
God has poured his love into our hearts
It is for this reason that we can take hold of a hope that does not fade and a joy that does not diminish because God has poured his love into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us (Romans 5:5). God's love is not limited or subject to changing circumstances. It is an enduring love that has power to change and transform us to be like him - merciful, gracious, kind, forgiving, and steadfast in showing love not only for our friends, but for our enemies as well. God's love is boundless because he is the source of abundant life, perfect peace, and immeasurable joy for all who open their hearts to him. That is why Jesus came to give us abundant life through the gift and working of the Holy Spirit.
Jesus gave his disciples a new commandment - a new way of loving and serving one another. Jesus' love was wholly directed toward the good of others. He loved them for their sake and for their welfare. That is why he willingly laid down his own life for us to free us from sin, death, fear, and everything that could separate us from the love of God. Our love for God and our willingness to lay down our life for others is a response to the exceeding love God has given us in Christ. Paul the Apostle states,
"Who shall separate us from the love of Christ?... For I am sure that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord" (Romans 8:35,38-39).
Friendship with God
Jesus calls his disciples his personal friends. Jesus not only showed his disciples that he personally cared for them and sought their welfare. He personally enjoyed their company and wanted to be with them in a close and intimate relationship. He ate with them, shared everything he had with them - even his innermost heart and thoughts. And he spent himself in doing as much good for them as he could. To know Jesus personally is to know God and the love and friendship he offers to each one of us.
One of the special marks of favor shown in the Scriptures is to be called the friend of God. Abraham is called the friend of God (Isaiah 41:8, James 2:23). God spoke with Moses as a man speaks with his friend (Exodus 33:11). Jesus, the Lord and Master, calls the disciples his friends rather than his servants.
What does it mean to be a friend of God? Friendship with God who is our everlasting Father and with his Son, the Lord Jesus Christ entails a personal, close, and loving relationship and a union of heart, mind, and spirit with the One who created us in love for love. Such a relationship with our Father, Creator, and Redeemer involves loyalty, respect, and obedience. But it is even more than these because God has chosen to love us in the same way in which the Father and the Son love and serve each other - a total giving of oneself to the other in a bond of affection, esteem, and joy in each others company.
Jesus' discourse on friendship and brotherly love echoes the words of Proverbs: A friend loves at all times; and a brother is born for adversity (Proverbs 17:17). The distinctive feature of Jesus' relationship with his disciples was his personal, loyal, and sacrificial love for each one of them. He loved his own to the end (John 13:1). His love was unconditional and wholly directed to the good of others. His love was costly and sacrificial. He gave the best he had and all that he had. He gave his very own life for those he loved in order to secure for them an everlasting life of union and love with the Father in heaven.
Love to the death
The Lord Jesus gives his followers a new commandment - a new way of love that goes beyond giving only what is required or what we think others might deserve. What is the essence of Jesus' new commandment of love? It is a love to the death - a purifying love that overcomes selfishness, fear, and pride. It is a total giving of oneself for the sake of others - a selfless and self-giving love that is oriented towards putting the welfare of others ahead of myself.
Jesus says that there is no greater proof in love than the sacrifice of one's life for the sake of another. Jesus proved his love by giving his life for us on the cross of Calvary. Through the shedding of his blood for our sake, our sins are not only washed clean, but new life is poured out for us through the gift of the Holy Spirit. We prove our love for God and for one another when we embrace the way of the cross. What is the cross in my life? When my will crosses with God's will, then God's will must be done. Do you know the peace and joy of a life fully surrendered to God and consumed with his love?
Love that produces abundant fruit and joy
The Lord Jesus tells us that he is our personal friend and he loves us wholeheartedly and unconditionally. He wants us to love one another just as he has loved us, wholeheartedly, without reserve, and full of mercy, kindness, and forgiveness. His love fills our hearts and transforms our minds and frees us to give ourselves in loving service to others. If we open our hearts to his love and obey his command to love our neighbor, then we will know his love more fully and we will bear much fruit - especially the fruit of peace, joy, patience, kindness, and goodness - the kind of fruit that lasts for eternity. Do you wish to be fruitful and to abound in the love of God? Trust and obey him and he will fill you with his overflowing love.
"Teach us, good Lord, to serve you as you deserve, to give and not to count the cost, to fight and not to heed the wounds, to toil and not to seek for rest, to labor and not to ask for any reward, save that of knowing that we do your will; through Jesus Christ our Lord."  (Prayer of Ignatius Loyola)
The following reflection is from One Bread, One Body courtesy of Presentation Ministries © 2019.
  "It was not you who chose Me, it was I Who chose you to go forth and bear fruit." —John 15:16  
In the very first chapter of the Bible, we hear the Lord's first words to the newly created human race. He commanded us to bear fruit (Gn 1:28). We are chosen specifically for the purpose of bearing much fruit that will last (Jn 15:16, 5). Shortly before His Ascension, Jesus commanded us to go and make disciples of all nations, that is, to bear the fruit of holiness and evangelization (Mt 28:19). We will come to a tragic end unless we bear fruit (Lk 13:5-9), for we will be judged on whether we had the faith and love to obey His commands, particularly His command to bear fruit.
Because bearing fruit is so important, Jesus tries to make sure we bear fruit. He Himself will bear fruit through us. All we have to do is to remain in Him and He in us (Jn 15:5). A deep, abiding, personal relationship with Jesus always bears His fruit. A branch doesn't have to worry about bearing fruit. It just has to let the life of the Vine flow through it. Intimacy with Jesus is always fruitful. Abide in Him and He in you.
  Prayer: Father, make my relationship with You so deep that it bears a hundredfold harvest (see Mk 4:20). Promise: "When it was read there was great delight at the encouragement it gave." —Acts 15:31 Praise: Praying for holiness, Patricia thus began to see God in herself and others.   (Bear fruit by reading the Bible every day. We have several series to help you: Overview of the Bible is six CDs starting with or three starting with . Bible Testament is forty CDs starting with . An Introduction to Each Book of the Bible is CDs starting with or seventeen starting with .)  
  Rescript: In accord with the Code of Canon Law, I hereby grant the Nihil Obstat ("Permission to Publish") for One Bread, One Body covering the period from April 1, 2019 through May 31, 2019.
†Most Reverend Joseph R. Binzer, Auxiliary Bishop, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, November 28, 2018.  
The Nihil Obstat ("Permission to Publish") is a declaration that a book or pamphlet is considered to be free of doctrinal or moral error. It is not implied that those who have granted the Nihil Obstat agree with the contents, opinions, or statements
0 notes
seekfirstme · 5 years
The following reflection is courtesy of Don Schwager © 2019. Don's website is located at Dailyscripture.ServantsOfTheWord.org
Meditation: How does God reveal his glory to us?  During his last supper with his disciples on the eve of his sacrifice on the cross, Jesus speaks of his glory and the glory of his Father. What is this glory? It is the cross which Jesus speaks of here. The cross of Jesus reveals the tremendous love and mercy of God the Father and his beloved Son for the human race. John the Evangelist writes, "For God so loved the world that he gave his only-begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life" (John 3:16).
The true nature of love
There is no greater glory and honor that one can offer than the willing sacrifice of one's life for the sake of another. This is the true nature of love - the total self-giving and free offering of one's life for the good of another. A mother who loves her child will do everything in her power to nurture, protect, and save the life of the child. A soldier devoted to his country's welfare, will endure any hardship and suffering and willingly sacrifice his own life to defend his people. God the Father showed the unfathomable depth of his love and mercy by willingly offering his only begotten Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, as the atoning sacrifice for the sin of the world. To ransom a slave God gave his only Son. That slave is you and me and the whole human race which is bound in sin and death and separation from God.
The cancer of sin is healed by Christ's merciful love
Paul the Apostle tells us, "For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord" (Romans 6:23). The Lord Jesus died for our sins to bring us abundant new life in his Spirit and to restore our nature in the true image and likeness of God. The cancer of sin shows us the ugliness of greed, hatred, and envy which destroy the very core of our being and rob us of life and love. That is why evil infects the world which God created out of his boundless love and goodness. God did not create evil and suffering, but through suffering he conquers evil with goodness, truth, and mercy and righteousness.
That is why Jesus gave his disciples a new commandment and way of love - not a commandment that replaces the Old Covenant commandment to love one's neighbor as oneself. This new commandment transforms the old commandment with the love and mercy which the Lord Jesus poured out for us on the Cross of Calvary. There death was defeated, and sin was covered with merciful love and forgiveness, and Satan's power was crushed through Godly meekness and obedience. Jesus proved that love is stronger than death. That is how we overcome the world and conquer our enemies - Satan, who is the father of lies and a murderer from the beginning, the world which stands in opposition to God, and our own sinful pride and fear of death.
The love of Christ conquers all
The Father has glorified his Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, by raising him from the dead. And the Lord shares his glory with us and with all who believe in him as their Lord and Savior. Augustine of Hippo wrote, God loves each one of us as if there were only one of us to love. God's love is direct, personal, and wholly oriented to our good welfare and happiness. What can hold us back from loving the One who suffered and died for us and who offers us abundant joy and happiness with him forever? Nothing can separate us from that love except our own stubborn pride, envy, and self-deception. Satan rebelled out of pride and envy - he wanted to be God's rival. Adam disobeyed because he listened to Satan's lie and deceptive promise to glory apart from God. We sin because we love ourselves more than we love God and our neighbor. Only the cross can break the curse of sin and bring full restoration of body, mind, and soul.
We are called to love as Christ loves us
We were made for glory - the glory which comes from God and which lasts forever. That glory can only be obtained in the cross of Jesus Christ. And the price for that glory is the total offering of our lives for the One who loved us first and who died on the cross to save us from everlasting death and destruction. God offers us the free gift of faith which enables us to believe in his only begotten Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, who frees us from slavery to sin so we can live as sons and daughters of God. The distinctive mark of the followers of Jesus is love - a love not bound by fear, greed, or selfishness - but a love full of compassion, mercy, kindness, and goodness.
God's love has been poured into our hearts
How can we love one another as Christ has loved us? Paul the Apostle tells us that "God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit which has been given to us" (Romans 5:5). Jesus poured out his Holy Spirit on his disciples at Pentecost and he pours out his Spirit today on all who believe in him. If we yield our hearts to Jesus and submit to his will for us, then the Holy Spirit will purify all that is unloving, unkind, and unforgiving in us. The Lord wants to transform our minds so we can understand his word of truth and life which has power to set us free from ignorance, unbelief, deception, and prejudice.
This is the power that overcomes the world - the triumphant cross of Christ which breaks the destructive forces of sin, hatred, and division. And we share in the  power of Christ's victory by embracing the cross which the Lord Jesus sets before each one of us. What is the cross that I must take up daily in order to follow the Lord Jesus? When my will crosses with God's will, then his will must be done. The cross of Christ sets us free to live no longer for ourselves but for Christ and his kingdom of peace, joy, and righteousness (moral goodness). Our calling and privilege is to serve as Christ has served and to love and he has loved. That is the way we share in the glory of our heavenly Father who gave us his beloved Son who laid down his life for each one of us.
The distinctive mark of every disciple and follower of Jesus Christ is love - a love that is ready to forgive and forget past injuries, to heal and restore rather than inflict revenge and injury. The cross of Jesus is the only way to pardon, peace, forgiveness, and reconciliation. Every other way will fail or fall short of the glory and victory which Jesus Christ has won for us through his death and resurrection. If we embrace his love and truth and allow his Holy Spirit to purify and transform our hearts and minds, then we will find the inner freedom, joy, and strength we need to love without measure, to forgive without limit, and to serve without reward - save that of knowing we are serving the One who wants to be united with us in an unbreakable bond of peace and joy forever.
"Lord Jesus, your love knows no bounds and surpasses everything I could desire and long for. Fill me with the fire of your love and with the joy of your Holy Spirit that I may freely serve my neighbor with loving-kindness, tenderhearted mercy, and generous care for their well-being."
The following reflection is from One Bread, One Body courtesy of Presentation Ministries © 2019.
  "We must undergo many trials." —Acts 14:22  
At the close of the very first Christian missionary journey, Paul and Barnabas instructed their disciples: "We must undergo many trials if we are to enter into the reign of God" (Acts 14:22). Trials, in fact, many trials, are a given for a disciple, although Jesus gives a yoke that is easy and a burden that is light (Mt 11:30).
Life is hard. This is not the Lord's idea. He did not make original sin, "death or mourning, crying out or pain" (Rv 21:4; see Wis 1:13). He will eventually abolish all these evils. By our sins, we have made life hard, and the Lord has permitted this to continue.
By sin, we harden our hearts. Hard objects can be broken up by other harder objects (see Prv 27:17). The Lord can use hard lives to break up and open up our hard hearts. So He lets us "learn the hard way" so that we will repent (Mk 1:15), give our lives to Him, and not enter the everlasting hardness of hell.
"Oh, that today you would hear His voice: 'Harden not your hearts' " (Ps 95:7-8). Repent of any hardness of heart and go to Confession. If your heart is so hard that you refuse to repent, may the hard life you are making for yourself shatter the hardness of your heart.
Then if we open our hearts to the Lord, He will let us share in the hard sufferings of His cross (see 1 Pt 4:13) so as to open the hardest hearts.
  Prayer: Jesus, You gave us Mary to be our mother shortly before You died on the cross (Jn 19:26-27). Let Mary teach me the hard facts and sublime joys of the cross. Promise: "This is how all will know you for My disciples: your love for one another." —Jn 13:35 Praise: "Rejoice always." (1 Thes 5:16) "He has been raised up!" (Lk 24:6) Thank You, Jesus!    
  Rescript: In accord with the Code of Canon Law, I hereby grant the Nihil Obstat ("Permission to Publish") for One Bread, One Body covering the period from April 1, 2019 through May 31, 2019.
†Most Reverend Joseph R. Binzer, Auxiliary Bishop, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, November 28, 2018.  
The Nihil Obstat ("Permission to Publish") is a declaration that a book or pamphlet is considered to be free of doctrinal or moral error. It is not implied that those who have granted the Nihil Obstat agree with the contents, opinions, or statements
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tpanan · 5 years
My Sunday Daily Blessings
May 19, 2019
Be still quiet your heart and mind, the LORD is here, loving you talking to you...........
Fifth Sunday of Easter
Lectionary: 54
First Reading: Acts 14: 21-27
After Paul and Barnabas had proclaimed the good news to that city and made a considerable number of disciples, they returned to Lystra and to Iconium and to Antioch. They strengthened the spirits of the disciples and exhorted them to persevere in the faith, saying, "It is necessary for us to undergo many hardships to enter the kingdom of God." They appointed elders for them in each church and, with prayer and fasting, commended them to the Lord in whom they had put their faith.
Then they traveled through Pisidia and reached Pamphylia. After proclaiming the word at Perga they went down to Attalia. From there they sailed to Antioch, where they had been commended to the grace of God for the work they had now accomplished.
And when they arrived, they called the church together and reported what God had done with them and how he had opened the door of faith to the Gentiles.
Responsorial Psalm:  Psalm 145: 8-9, 10-11, 12-13
"I will praise your name forever, my king and my GOD."
Second Reading: Rev 21: 1-5a
Then I, John, saw a new heaven and a new earth. The former heaven and the former earth had passed away, and the sea was no more.
I also saw the holy city, a new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, "Behold, God's dwelling is with the human race. He will dwell with them and they will be his people and God himself will always be with them as their God. He will wipe every tear from their eyes, and there shall be no more death or mourning, wailing or pain, for the old order has passed away." The One who sat on the throne said, "Behold, I make all things new."
Verse before the Gospel: John 13: 34
Alleluia, Alleluia.
"I give you a new commandment, says the Lord: love one another as I have loved you."
Alleluia, Alleluia.
Gospel: John 13: 31-3a, 34-35
When Judas had left them, Jesus said, "Now is the Son of Man glorified, and God is glorified in him. If God is glorified in him, God will also glorify him in himself, and God will glorify him at once. My children, I will be with you only a little while longer. I give you a new commandment: love one another. As I have loved you, so you also should love one another. This is how all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another."
How does God reveal his glory to us?  During his last supper with his disciples on the eve of his sacrifice on the cross, Jesus speaks of his glory and the glory of his Father. What is this glory? It is the cross which Jesus speaks of here. The cross of Jesus reveals the tremendous love and mercy of God the Father and his beloved Son for the human race. John the Evangelist writes, "For God so loved the world that he gave his only-begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life" (John 3:16).
The true nature of love There is no greater glory and honor that one can offer than the willing sacrifice of one's life for the sake of another. This is the true nature of love - the total self-giving and free offering of one's life for the good of another. A mother who loves her child will do everything in her power to nurture, protect, and save the life of the child. A soldier devoted to his country's welfare, will endure any hardship and suffering and willingly sacrifice his own life to defend his people. God the Father showed the unfathomable depth of his love and mercy by willingly offering his only begotten Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, as the atoning sacrifice for the sin of the world. To ransom a slave God gave his only Son. That slave is you and me and the whole human race which is bound in sin and death and separation from God.
The cancer of sin is healed by Christ's merciful love Paul the Apostle tells us, "For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord" (Romans 6:23). The Lord Jesus died for our sins to bring us abundant new life in his Spirit and to restore our nature in the true image and likeness of God. The cancer of sin shows us the ugliness of greed, hatred, and envy which destroy the very core of our being and rob us of life and love. That is why evil infects the world which God created out of his boundless love and goodness. God did not create evil and suffering, but through suffering he conquers evil with goodness, truth, and mercy and righteousness.
That is why Jesus gave his disciples a new commandment and way of love - not a commandment that replaces the Old Covenant commandment to love one's neighbor as oneself. This new commandment transforms the old commandment with the love and mercy which the Lord Jesus poured out for us on the Cross of Calvary. There death was defeated, and sin was covered with merciful love and forgiveness, and Satan's power was crushed through Godly meekness and obedience. Jesus proved that love is stronger than death. That is how we overcome the world and conquer our enemies - Satan, who is the father of lies and a murderer from the beginning, the world which stands in opposition to God, and our own sinful pride and fear of death.
The love of Christ conquers all The Father has glorified his Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, by raising him from the dead. And the Lord shares his glory with us and with all who believe in him as their Lord and Savior. Augustine of Hippo wrote, God loves each one of us as if there were only one of us to love. God's love is direct, personal, and wholly oriented to our good welfare and happiness. What can hold us back from loving the One who suffered and died for us and who offers us abundant joy and happiness with him forever? Nothing can separate us from that love except our own stubborn pride, envy, and self-deception. Satan rebelled out of pride and envy - he wanted to be God's rival. Adam disobeyed because he listened to Satan's lie and deceptive promise to glory apart from God. We sin because we love ourselves more than we love God and our neighbor. Only the cross can break the curse of sin and bring full restoration of body, mind, and soul.
We are called to love as Christ loves us We were made for glory - the glory which comes from God and which lasts forever. That glory can only be obtained in the cross of Jesus Christ. And the price for that glory is the total offering of our lives for the One who loved us first and who died on the cross to save us from everlasting death and destruction. God offers us the free gift of faith which enables us to believe in his only begotten Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, who frees us from slavery to sin so we can live as sons and daughters of God. The distinctive mark of the followers of Jesus is love - a love not bound by fear, greed, or selfishness - but a love full of compassion, mercy, kindness, and goodness.
God's love has been poured into our hearts How can we love one another as Christ has loved us? Paul the Apostle tells us that "God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit which has been given to us" (Romans 5:5). Jesus poured out his Holy Spirit on his disciples at Pentecost and he pours out his Spirit today on all who believe in him. If we yield our hearts to Jesus and submit to his will for us, then the Holy Spirit will purify all that is unloving, unkind, and unforgiving in us. The Lord wants to transform our minds so we can understand his word of truth and life which has power to set us free from ignorance, unbelief, deception, and prejudice.
This is the power that overcomes the world - the triumphant cross of Christ which breaks the destructive forces of sin, hatred, and division. And we share in the  power of Christ's victory by embracing the cross which the Lord Jesus sets before each one of us. What is the cross that I must take up daily in order to follow the Lord Jesus? When my will crosses with God's will, then his will must be done. The cross of Christ sets us free to live no longer for ourselves but for Christ and his kingdom of peace, joy, and righteousness (moral goodness). Our calling and privilege is to serve as Christ has served and to love and he has loved. That is the way we share in the glory of our heavenly Father who gave us his beloved Son who laid down his life for each one of us.
The distinctive mark of every disciple and follower of Jesus Christ is love - a love that is ready to forgive and forget past injuries, to heal and restore rather than inflict revenge and injury. The cross of Jesus is the only way to pardon, peace, forgiveness, and reconciliation. Every other way will fail or fall short of the glory and victory which Jesus Christ has won for us through his death and resurrection. If we embrace his love and truth and allow his Holy Spirit to purify and transform our hearts and minds, then we will find the inner freedom, joy, and strength we need to love without measure, to forgive without limit, and to serve without reward - save that of knowing we are serving the One who wants to be united with us in an unbreakable bond of peace and joy forever.
Lectionary for Mass for Use in the Dioceses of the United States, second typical edition, Copyright © 2001, 1998, 1997, 1986, 1970 Confraternity of Christian Doctrine; Psalm refrain © 1968, 1981, 1997, International Committee on English in the Liturgy, Inc. All rights reserved. Neither this work nor any part of it may be reproduced, distributed, performed or displayed in any medium, including electronic or digital, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.
**Meditations may be freely reprinted for non-commercial use. Cite copyright & source: www.dailyscripture.net author Don Schwager© 2015 Servants of the Word  
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