birdy-babe · 4 months
Me resting 😌 peacefully knowing that although we are here
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We will be HERE one day
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I’m on my knees for whoever added that clip to the trailer. Only thing keeping me alive rn
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blitzwhore · 4 months
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Helluva Boss as textposts (more like The Full Moon as textposts) part 25/?
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16 / 17 / 18 / 19 / 20 / 21 / 22 / bonus / 23 / 24 / 25 / 26 / 27 / 28 / 29 / 30 / 31 / 32 / 33 / 34 / 35 / 36
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keepyourlife · 4 months
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Blitzø and Fizzarolli in "The Full Moon"
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lacrimosathedark · 4 months
There's something that's bothering me about Alastor
I noticed something about Alastor's magic.
So Alastor's magic has either a red or green color at any given time.
Usually, it's green.
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But, occasionally, it is red.
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It's always red in flashbacks, and the two other times it appears red, Alastor is being intentionally threatening. It also may correlate to his shadow being active.
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My concern with the green comes, partially, from this.
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The bright green of his magic is the same as those stitching his mouth and arm. (Also now I'm worried his arm was ripped off at some point)
This could entirely be a stylistic choice, but if his magic only started being mainly green recently, maybe it has something to do with his deal.
Alastor's mouth being sewn shut and could mean he can't talk about his deal, or otherwise relate to being forced to smile.
I also think this because the spooky ghosty motif is also green, and might be representative of souls, in regards to Alastor at least, considering this:
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and that Husk's leash is green too.
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He also repeatedly rejects offers of collecting souls.
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Rosie: Ya know, Alastor. I got a primo connect on a guy with about eight blocks of territory and not enough goons to run it. Prime pickins for a deal to be made, my friend. Alastor: Appreciate the offer, but we're here on business of another kind.
Gaining souls is how Sinners get stronger it seems. And we know he's not opposed to collecting souls as he already owns Husk and Niffty. So part of his deal could stipulate that he can't collect more souls for one reason or another.
What had me thinking, and what really worries me, is this.
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The shield he makes in The Show Must Go On sticks out to me. Because the base of it is shadows, and there's that eye motif that is likely indicative of Roo. All of that is black outlined in red. But the veves are all outlined green, and there's this green mist near the base of the dome. Why are the symbols green but the eyes and other crack-like shadows aren't?
I think it might be possible that Alastor had a deal of some sort with Roo almost as soon as he got to Hell. But more recently, he has a new deal, one that limits him in some way, and likely one that forced him to the Hotel if Roo herself didn't order him to. And it's likely got something to do with Lilith, given their absences of the past seven years coinciding and then Alastor returning and going straight to Lilith's daughter.
Whatever this deal is, it limits his abilities. His figurative wings are clipped.
But this raises more questions for me. If he made some sort of deal with Roo or another entity for power, but he still owned his soul, what did he trade in the first place?
If he had so much power already, what would he have to gain from a deal that limits his strength and growth so much, especially at the cost of his own freedom? His own soul?
Who is this new contract with? Roo? Lilith? Eve? And why?
That also leads me to question, are he and Lilith allies or enemies?
Can your soul be owned between multiple parties if they make a deal with each other? Like, if Roo owned his soul and made a deal with Lilith to effectively share ownership, would that work? And what would that mean for them?
And, quite frankly, why Alastor? Was it convenience? Was it his connection to Roo?
This is in conjunction with something I noticed about those eyes that are all over Pride.
They don't appear naturally in any other Rings. (<- explanation under the cut now) And the motif only happens in two places.
There's Loo Loo Land in the Greed Ring.
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Which, I'll remind you, is apparently a knock-off of a theme park Lucifer made, Lucifer's domain being Pride where these eyes are naturally occurring. Meaning the eye motif is probably just more mimicry. Especially since they aren't even red.
And then there's one room in Millie's family's house in Wrath.
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It's obviously just a design, since none of them move and they look pretty flat, but that stylistic motif is present. The wide red eyes and black shadow tendrils.
And it reminded me of something.
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Martha: Satan! We return your FILTHY creatures back to the pits of Hell! May the Root of Evil remain honored as we continue thy work!
If you look around during these scenes, you see a lot of eye imagery, both carved into the pole and scattered about the trees. And then on the top of the pole is Roo's emblem.
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So, like, there's some kind of human cult around the Root of All Evil. Enough that the emblem is known.
Martha specifies Satan, who is the Sin of Wrath, where Imps originate. Wrath is the only place there's imagery outside of Pride and Pride-adjacent areas (Loo Loo Land being a knock-off would be just replicating)
So, like...does Wrath or Satan have some kind of connection to Roo??? I mean, Lucifer and Satan are often mushed into one character but are separate here, so maybe it's just human error? Or maybe Roo has some kind of connection with Satan but her influence doesn't extend beyond Pride? I saw somewhere that Imps tend to treat Satan like a god (and they say shit like "oh my Satan" instead of "oh my god") but do they also worship Roo maybe? Or does Satan somehow serve her?
And one of the few places in Pride free of Roo's eyes (to my knowledge at least) is Cannibal Town.
Where everyone's eyes are black voids.
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Idk I'm tired and Alastor's whole deal has my head spinning in circles if I'm honest. And I needed to get it out somewhere.
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Did the DHORKs testing their portal give her an in to other Rings? cuz it also looked like she was fucking them up.
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Which, btw, fucking YIKES
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solarisquid · 4 months
Okey, but could we talk about how the Asmodean Crystal came in a box that closely resembles a ring box and how that could possibly foreshadow a future plot line where Blitzø tries to make up for his mistakes with Stolas AFTER Stolas loses his powers and titles and so Blitzø asks Fizz and Asmodeus for help and they give him a ring with an Asmodean Crystal so Blitzø asks Stolas to marry him in the same spot Stolas gave him his Asmodean Crystal and then they go on a honeymoon around Earth???
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Been thinking after watching "The Full Moon", and rewatching the ending scene a few times, and listening to some videos about it. and looking at tv tropes.
And there's one thing I haven't seen mentioned by a lot of people that are mad at Stolas. I'm glad they finally made it clear the Stolitz ship wasn't being retconned to be cutesy and it still started with a creepy deal, and I won't pretend Stolas was at all in the right for doing that. And Blitz was right to be mad at him for everything, and should get time to think.
But so far, it seems like a lot of the people mad at Stolas are forgetting he's a domestic abuse survivor, and screaming is likely a trigger for him. Because that's what Stella always did, and that's what Blitz defaulted to. Screaming. I wouldn't be surprised if he assumed that Blitz was going to start throwing things at him like Stella used to. He stopped engaging because, to him, it was pointless, and he was trying to get away and get safe.
Blitz has been hurt, he's in his right to be mad, but whether or not he knows it's a probably trigger for Stolas, it isn't an excuse for him to hurt Stolas like that, and even Blitz realized that at the end.
I think these two need a lot of therapy and self improvement before they have a chance of getting together. A lot of couple's counseling, too. And I think Stolas in particular needs treatment for the verbal (and physical) abuse he's suffered.
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bathineegoztfukr · 4 months
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Is this a bad time to list stickers of these guys being happy 😂
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fallloverfic · 4 months
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Rating: Mature
Fandom: Helluva Boss (Web Series)       
Relationships: Blitzø/Stolas
Tags: Post-Canon, Men Crying, Angst with a Happy Ending, Canon-Typical Violence, POV Stolas Goetia, spoilers for The Full Moon, Relationship Discussions, More Tags on Ao3
Summary: Stolas cries in despair after teleporting Blitzø out of the mansion. Blitzø climbs up and breaks into the mansion to continue their conversation.
Not So Little (3,365 words, complete)
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birdy-babe · 4 months
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“He’s getting bored of you”
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“They probably want out themselves”
Loona, my sweet baby girl
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rickytickychow · 4 months
Ok uhhhh initial thoughts cuz I'm SO dazed
FIRST OFF THE ANIMATION KICKED ABSOLUTE ASS WHAAAAAT the fight scenes the goofy little gags the goddamn FIGHT fight everything was so smooth and atmospheric whaaaaat
This got way longer than I anticipated lmao enjoy?
Okay so uh. As cool and awesome as the Cherub b plot was (AND SWEET AND ADORABLE THAT THE REST OF I.M.P. FOLLOWED BLITZ??? AAAAAWWWWW) I think we all Understand What's Going On there so imma dive into the MEAT of this one pun intended lol
Ummmmmm so first of Blitz VERY CLEARLY CARES AND IS ANXIOUS ABOUT SHOWING STOLAS A GOOD TIME???? But since their relationship has been technically "friends with benefits+" all he knows about Stolas is the sex stuff. He didn't even know how to describe the mood!! The MOOD!!! Alexithymic whore. He had NO idea Stolas wanted an emotional conversation because their full moon meetings were Always "hey sexy let's do this" bc they both enjoy each other's company. Blitz's problem is that he sincerely believes that anyone could truly enjoy just his company.
As for Stolas???? Goofy ass bird. Good god. Like he's outta meds he very clearly didn't mean to start their meeting with such a somber tone or make it about his book. While he was talking about Blitz being tied to him, in Blitz's view it very easily sounded like Stolas was the one who felt "tethered." Blitz outright denies this at first because of the routine they've built; he is SO attached to the idea that Stolas only wants sex because it keeps his feelings safe, so when Stolas sprung this on him and actually meant it OF COURSE he got confused.
Hot-and-cold out of meds repressed emo bird or not, Stolas should Not have started it off so emotionally without warning; he then misinterpreted what Blitz was trying to do with the gifts and attitude the imp brought. He cares about Blitz's business, but didn't make it clear that that's what he wanted to talk about. Like starting that off with "I need the book back permanently" when he REALLY should've led with anything else shows how easily a conversation can go south when two people aren't on the same page.
They both tried to do something nice for each other that the other wasn't prepared for. Blitz does care about Stolas but IMMEDIATELY assumed Stolas was getting "creative" with his advances, genuinely confused by the tone-shift compared to their previous meetings. Given the joke sinstagrams and what little full moon fuckery we see in the show, their meetings probably ALWAYS started playfully. Stolas IMMEDIATELY threw a curve ball that Blitz wasn't ready for and takes the imp's Very Inappropriate response as rejection.
It wasn't a rejection, but the way Stolas didn't think for a second WHY Blitz might not believe him to have feelings??? Or even ask???? Fucks me up but at the same time makes sense. Stolas got up and walked away because he was upset, leaving Blitz to be confused and alone in that room.
Who wouldn't get angry at that? Of course Blitz, thinking all his worst fears were being confirmed, finally lashes out about how he feels in his position. He took Stolas's initial words as "I don't want to be stuck with you anymore," found that Stolas really did want to talk about deeper feelings but never clearly expressed it, and Blitz got confused about their normal routine getting disrupted and his own efforts seemingly going unnoticed. And then Stolas leaves him alone. So fast, all of a sudden. Of course Blitz screamed after him, and Stolas doesn't know that this is how Blitz is when he's hurt and angry. It doesn't excuse the lashing out, but Stolas should not have made assumptions so quickly or turned his back on Blitz just like that. But he did, for understandable reasons:
All Stolas knows about Blitz is that his business is important to him.
All Blitz knows about Stolas is that he likes getting laid.
They do not know each other well enough for Stolas to have started that conversation immediately. There should've been a warning, a greeting, anything, but since he's off his meds and on his feels shit, Stolas doesn't get that.
Like AT LEAST SAY "Can we talk first?" Maybe call Blitz and say you have something important to discuss before springing it out of nowhere?????? But of course Stolas didn't think to do that, because he has no idea how Blitz sees himself. He has no idea that Blitz ignores his feelings in favor of actions to the point he can hardly even name them because they do not know each other.
Blitz had no idea that Stolas was being genuine. He had no idea that his push to get back into a normal routine would hurt Stolas because Blitz is not used to those honest conversations. He didn't know Stolas wasn't in the mood based on his posture because they do not know each other. Also Blitz, as we all know, can observe a room to death but cannot READ a room for shit. Autistic fucks both of them.
Stolas ran away because he felt rejected. Blitz screamed at him because he felt abandoned.
Idiots. Queer hypocritical emotionally stunted situationship of situationships I love this cartoon so much
wish my ex-relationship wasn't an early-twenties rendition of this shitshow but thats life lmao (yeah you'll never guess which half I am /sarc)
(Also so fucking cool how the crystal is attached to Blitz's glove).
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themosthatedbeingg · 4 months
The only important thing from the full moon episode —-
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solarisquid · 4 months
The Duality of the Owl
Stolas: "Just look my waaaaaay!" 🎶 Also Stolas: "I'll look awaaaaaay!" 🎶
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petitprincess1 · 4 months
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miicycle · 4 months
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The fucking way his smile dropped
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His brows are then consistently FURROWED the entire time out of uncertainty
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Even here, they have that worryline. v
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And then
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He doesn't seem to want to take his word. "It's registered under your name." His brain is NOT focused on that. He's tryna figure out the implications. He doesn't even grasp this sudden shift.
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"You no longer need my grimoire"
Blitz saying "Whaaat?"- Fuck the way he says that is like he completely forgot about his job needing transport to the human realm. I percieve this more as him having come to the conclusion that Stolas is tryna get rid of him. He doesn't believe him at ALL
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"You are free of me."
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"Why are you giving me this?"
This man is hopeless.
Literally jumps straight to assuming he isn't good enough. Stolas doesn't want him anymore. No way. What.
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He's been left behind and abandoned so much man
The rejection in his eyes like dude cannot fucking grasp that Stolas just wants Blitz to be able to live freely from the routine they had.
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Punts this little piece of shit /affectionate
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angelshizuka · 4 months
Now I'm pretty confident this scene is from Apology Tour and the first time they see each other after Full Moon, because if these aren't "you called me a pompous rich asshole" faces, I don't know what is.
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greatalastoraltruist · 4 months
It's homophobic that this is the note we're left on going into pride month
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