bakudekublogblog · 2 months
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jwisdomhheartmmoon · 7 years
Concept Idea of Oumasai In Beauty and the Beast
I’ve taken the class, “Anime” in my college, my biggest project about a fairy tale. I’ve chosen “Beauty and the Beast” and I have a mind about Oumasai XD, Of course, I won’t reveal the whole about them of change some even one of main characters’ name to hide my fujoshi. Before my story, my professor wanted to us do research the history, analyze the story, and created a concept idea in order to understand the theme and narratives. It was so difficult to my professor confused us, but I strangely like it because it was very challenging for my creativity. I’ve decided to share mine here, but focus on only my story because researching and analyzing could be so boring read for you ^^”
Here’s it goes!: 
Notes: I used a different name in my project, but I’ll use the original name here. I also used female!Saihara too, I'd decided to keep it because it would be fit in my story. 
Most important for my story is the theme!
True love must pass beyond the mirror of their extremely external appearance and to internal identity.
I can start with the summary
A couple may be so happy together, but the problem is that the man has a secret identity of being thief with his gang. His girlfriend doesn’t know yet. She is aware he is a liar but does love the mystery of him and want to figure him to break out through his lies. One day, he decides to join in the war in order to turn over a new leaf for her. However, he is so tempted to steal the valuable treasure with unknown magic for his own selfish desire and his punishment is getting disfigured by the bomb while he’s in the war. Moreover, the curse magic makes them forget each other. A mysterious enchantress gives a white rose as a gift for no reason to him. Some years later, the man is a thief with the gang again, but never take his clown mask off because his face is very ugly. He happens to meet the same beautiful girl he loves in somewhere they try to steal, but the girl turns out to be apprentice detective with her uncle. He forces her uncle to exchange her for “payment” for helping him to solve the mystery. She once lives with him together, they may have forgotten each other, but will learn about each other in a new way and find a new love. The gift of white rose was a mysterious item, but they don’t know the key.
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Next is setting, I have to warn you, it will be confused, but I promise you will get see the story later. 
The setting in my story will be the fictional town, Toto NY City and Ouma’s secret organization room will be more like a blue cave outside the path of the tunnel. Their secret door is manhole cover in the alley that’s where no one knows and go to the location. Toto NY City will be the first scene in the movie and a mix inspiration of Tokyo, Japan, and New York City, but a less electric city in their time involve in the war. It also a very busy city that people walk on the sidewalks so crowd, focus on their career, and often crime scenes. People really care about the environment in their city to keep them being healthy, but it’s not easy to some areas are not good by many crimes scenes. That city has so strict rules that they must not use their cell phone during walking on the sidewalk and riding the trains. In their culture, people open their mind to giving hug to the public and freedom whatever they want to do with their family and friends. However, they have to save their face during their professorial career in order to keep their harmony is a top priority. For Ouma’s secret organization room, He and his gang trick to win the lottery by cheat the numbers. They found their secret location at first and then, bought their clothes, equipment, car, and more for what they need for their organization room even they build it together.
The setting will support my theme in the story, Toto NY City is the first scene in the beginning that Ouma and Saihara are introduced characters. Ouma’s secret organization room is very important setting when Saihara force to live with Ouma as she is very stuck in her whole life. Both setting is key for my theme, they first get the first bad impression with each other, but later develop their relationship with helping by Ouma’s gang. Ouma finally decides to take her out to Toto NY City outside of their organization room. Toto NY City is that where they teach each other about their external appearance, internal identity, perspective, opinion, and own world. Ouma and Saihara must break through their mirror by embrace and accept each other would create a true love. 
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Next two important main characters’ backstory before a cursed magic makes them forget each other.
Ouma’s backstory:
Ouma grew up in the orphan and didn’t know his parents well, there was no evidence of them possibly died or abandoned. He really loves to prank and make the joke a lot, but the managers, staffs, and children gave their cold stares that’s cause he became distrust plus they kept to tell the painful truth to Ouma. A little boy decided to lie a lot to avoid getting feelings hurt. Other reasons, he couldn’t handle the ugly reality world, but he had lie for survival. Ouma has finally met his true friends when he cheered up some people by making funny when noticing them began sadly and other noticed them and then joined. That was how they created the “prank” group, they went to making their prank and stealing the foods and things outside of their orphanage when they had free times. Ouma was so trickster and good with strategic planning make him became leadership. That’s how they settled up their group called “DICE” they would trust no one expect the members and created only strict rule was never killing anyone. DICE wanted to make the pranks for fun to entertain themselves, but they could see how people been distrust and gave their cold shoulder in their reality world.
Ouma finally met and then fell in love with a beautiful girl named Saihara that would change his life, but he still not changed of being a liar. They often spent time together and enjoyed their company each other. A couple also slowly grew up to change their perspective by showing each other their own world. They had the main problem was lack of communication due to Ouma often told there was the part of the lie and another truth in his conversation that would very challenge for Saihara. They also won’t share their dark past each other due to they're fearful. Ouma heard the war would be coming soon and the militaries looking for soldiers and then he decided to join to turn over a new leaf for Saihara. Before he left, he gave a ring to Saihara. 
Saihara’s backstory:
Saihara may had her family, but her parents left for America for their overseas work and left her in taking care by her uncle. They didn’t give their attention love to her since she was a child and married with their careers. Her uncle worked at the detective agency and make her being be apprentice. He did give his love and care well to her, but her life was not very easy. Saihara was very shy girl in her school, many boys fell in love with her due her beauty that made girls being jealous. She made new friends, but she didn’t know they bullied and took the advantage of her by jealous of her beauty and dislike of her weakness personality. A timid girl was betrayed by her friends in many times that cause having the issue of self-esteem and dislike unnecessary lies. For worse, they didn’t understand her depression by trigging her from complain why she always sad and must be smile. Saihara gave up on making new friends and believed in better to be alone to avoid making the trouble for them. One worst event impacted on her, she happened to solve the mystery of murder during helping her uncle. The murder was very angry and gave the hate stare at her cause she decided to wear her hat. A shy girl also had the issue of communication from both events. Only thing calms down her by reading the books.
Saihara met a boy named Ouma that she got a first bad impression of his lies. She tries to stay away from him following her by suspect him might do the same thing like her ex-friends. However, he proved her so wrong that he did nothing, but just normal chat with her plus forced her to hang out with him. A girl made her decision of giving a chance to him and began to grow up to get close to him. She got many unexpected impression about his character traits like mischievous and intelligence and developed to fell love in with him. Seria still struggled to figure out him being a liar, but was so glad about someone like him accept her for who she is. When Ouma told, her he will join in the military, Seria wanted to tell him she didn’t want to him go and her true feeling, but she didn’t have her confidence in herself. She once received a ring from Ouma, she would put her faint in it about Ouma. 
About their relationship, you first need to know Ouma and Saihara in their wanting and evolving in improve.
Want- Ouma never thought of what does he want in whole life, but want to be with Seria and get to understand when meeting her does change his life again.
Evolve- Ouma will slowly evolve into telling the truth only Seria when they will learn about each other. He also realizes communication is the key that must work out their relationship if he wants to be with her.
Want- She thought she will work with her uncle in her forever life, but she later finds her purpose in her life relates to Ouma.
Evolve-Saihara is ashamed of her beauty from her traumatic past, but later accept her herself thanks to Ouma’s love for her. She will develop her confidence in expressing her feeling and speaking and stand up for herself from Ouma help her relate to a mystery. A girl also will improve her detective skill from keeping to figure out Ouma is a very complicated person.
Impedes from getting what they want:
Ouma and Saihara are struggling to try to break their wall each other by won’t sharing their dark past each other and he has a hard time of change his habit, unnecessary lie. Saihara’s neighborhood and childhood friends don’t approve of Ouma.  
Finally, time to tell my whole story in the outline, but I have to tell you, a magical white rose is not only important item, but a clown mask represent Ouma and a ring represent Saihara. Their biggest mistakes are Ouma’s scar face and Saihara’s lack of confidence.
Minor Characters:
-DICE gang is very supported toward their leader, Ouma and their purpose is help him to how to develop a relationship with Saihara.
- Saihara’s uncle, a detective who dislike Ouma due to his personality and his goal is to find the way to get out and save Saihara from Ouma and his gang.
- Saihara’s neighbor and childhood friends, Maki, Kaito, and Kaede worried about her that they saw how she got through her difficult life. 
Finally, time to tell my whole story in the outline, but I have to tell you, a magical white rose is not only important item, but a clown mask represent Ouma and a ring represent Saihara. Their biggest mistakes are Ouma’s scar face and Saihara’s lack of confidence.
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Plot Overview: 
My summary story above “Summary”
Ouma doesn’t fall in love with Saihara at the first sight, but he develops his interest in her when he learns about her as feels something special her for him almost like a destiny and can’t figure out her. 
·    In their first bad impression, Ouma try to give things he steals to her, but she creates her wall by keeping to reject
·    Things get better when Ouma finally start to talk with her from helpful advice by one member of his gang
·    They grow to get close each other although few things bother Ouma’s clown mask, Saihara’s necklace with a ring, a white rose exist in Ouma’s room and their flashback start to appear.
·    Ouma finally allows Saihara take off his clown mask is next step in learning his internal identity. Another step, Saihara admit she has no idea why her ring exists
·    They finally tell each other about their dark past
·    Saihara learn her uncle get hurt while he’s on way to save her and Ouma deicide to let go her, but she doesn’t know murderous and violent leader of the gang go after Ouma.
·    Saihara realize Ouma will get kill by the leader that connect to her uncle’s injury and hurry back to him
·       Saihara finally go back, but it’s too late, Ouma gets shot by refusing to fight with the leader because his strict rule is never killing anyone
·       During Saihara holds Ouma’s hand in the hospital, he finally tells the truth as confess his love for her before he going to die. Saihara is crying so hard and finally confess her love too
·       Before Ouma almost die, an enchantress appears in front of them and give the reward them by healing on Ouma’s wound and scar or burn mark face and release their memory back about their past
·       They realize they finally learn their biggest mistake and create their new love by accepting each other for who they are.
·       Ouma and Saihara are so happy that they’re come back each other by everything mysterious (for example, a white rose and Saihara’s ring) solve that keys of their true love.
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akatsukigadaisuki · 7 years
My thoughts on the 1700 fujoshi discourse
hella long post, cuz i got a shit ton to say
I’m...so fucking confused??? I don’t support either side, nor do I hate every straight person or support ALL LGBTQA+ people because people aren’t defined by their sexualities alone,, just bc someone is straight doesn’t mean they are like the majority of assholes and not all lgbtqa+ people are nice people who just want to live in a world where their sexuality is accepted / homophobia doesn’t exist. 
even though i am a part of the lgbtqa+ community, i don’t really know much about where the line is drawn for certain things but I’d really like to learn about it. 
anyways, here’s where i saw faults on both sides:
rhov and her supporters:
– instead of accepting that what she was writing did offend people, she continued to state that she knew better than actual lgbtqa+ people who were clearly offended by her writing
– she should have tried to educate herself instead of being like a powerhouse and using the fact that she has ‘1700 fujoshi fans’ as a basis to support her knowledge of how gay / mlm relationships work
–– she should have never made this argument personal, it was based strictly on how she wrote this fic (which btw, i haven’t read, and it probably would make more sense for me to read it so i could make a better argument but as an asexual i prefer staying away from sexual fics) but she decided to say disrespectful things instead and hurt the admins of fairy-tail-salt. totally not mature, at all.
–– from what i read on her blog, i believe she didn’t properly write the kinks/rape and made actual rape into some sort of fetish instead of a problem and claimed it as healthy? (again, i have not read her fic so i can’t make much of an argument without just assuming things). that would clearly trigger many people, and she should have stayed away from that if she didn’t know how to write it well. it’s okay to not know, but what’s not okay is to publish it and have so many people read it and misinform them of how rape should be treated or how it actually works. 
fairy-tail-salt and others:
–– instead of making a meme out of it or just being angry (which is completely understandable) maybe you could’ve just educated her on the whole thing? like tell her what’s actually right and how to properly write mlm and what stereotypes to avoid bc rhov could’ve just not known and possibly wasn't doing all this on purpose, like maybe she wasn't purposely trying to mischaracterize mlm or make it into a disturbing fetish/yaoi but she just believed that it was how it worked or how she saw it? (if this sounds familiar to you, then yes, i was the one that sent that ask)
–– you can’t really expect a straight cishet woman to understand all concepts of what it’s like being gay, i mean, it’s a little impossible when she’s straight? to understand what it’s like being gay, i mean. like she could have a general idea of what it’s like but since she isn’t gay herself she could never fully understand what it’s like or what we all go through as part of the lgbtqa+ community.
––  i think the way you worded things could be executed better. i know you had good intentions and were upset at how she wrote mlm, but the way you said certain things is causing a lot of concern and fear for others as seen by how some people are now afraid to write mlm.
–– rhov may be popular, and since you are trying to stray away from that fact by claiming that it doesn’t justify her actions, then you probably shouldn’t have responded to her at all...but now that i look at other things you said, the fact that she made it personal was what made you get involved, right? but anyways, looking aside from that personal bit, i think that she made a point when she said there are many writers out there who don’t know how to correctly write mlm and make it into yaoi or a disturbing fetish by sexualizing them. but you guys responded to rhov and rhov alone and kind of reinforced her popularity by making her the main topic of concern when there are probably tons of other writers out there who do the same as her and weren’t called out. yes, rhov should have been called out for what she did, but to go this far is bad, isn’t it?
now what i’m confused about.... (feel free to clarify or correct me if i’m wrong on any of these, i really want to know what’s considered right and wrong)
–– this whole trope thing or whatever, like when writers who don’t know the true concepts of wlw or mlm write them, are people offended by the fact that some writers write one of the men as a little more feminine or one of the girls as a little more masculine just so one can top and the other bottoms or something? i mean, physically, when sexual activity is occurring, doesn’t one of them have to top and the other has to bottom at some point? they could obviously switch but maybe one of them prefers to be dominant and the other submissive. i dont entirely understand how that part is offensive, but i do understand being offended by the part that one of the males has to be more feminine just so the ship could work or be valid or one of the girls has to be more masculine for it to work because that would be homophobia and trying to force heterosexual stereotypes on gay people. (although, in some cases, that would be valid because we can’t just erase that sort of thing from all relationships as long as that one way of thinking doesn’t define every relationship.)
–– some people, and rhov could be one of them despite how she executed her argument + the stuff she said in response, don’t know all the rules of homophobia and transphobia or where the line is drawn and other people, the real bad people, know the rules and concepts and all that and yet still abuse the terms and have blatant hate whereas some people genuinely make mistakes and dont know and need to be educated instead of having hate thrown on them? 
–– for us to send hate to her and others for not knowing how to write mlm is a bit hypocritical. i mean, as part of the lgbtqa+ community we receive enough hate as it is from many people, but to do the same thing back to straight people or whoever is against us is not good either, since we are stooping to their level instead of being mature and level-headed.
–– to me, gay and straight relationships are basically the same, the only difference being gender. i mean, it’s just a relationship between two people, and as i said before, sexuality isn’t the only thing that defines you as a person. one half of the relationship doesn’t have to act a certain way to be accepted as “right” but even if some stereotypes are mixed in, it doesn’t make it awful or horrible. it’s not okay to have those stereotypes define the relationship or say that those stereotypes have to be how every relationship is like, but it’s not impossible for some aspects of those stereotypes to exist in some relationships. 
basically, my main point is, it shouldn’t matter too much how a relationship is written or executed, whether it’s straight or lgbtqa+ as long as it’s written in a healthy way and doesn’t state that any stereotypes used is how ALL relationships should be or how they should work. of course there are some lines drawn but overall it shouldn’t be too much of a problem. we are all human, we fuck up a lot and make mistakes, and we are all unique in our own way. there shouldn’t be strict rules for how things work but there are baselines and all and that is totally understandable.
i hope i made things clear in my argument, and please tell me if i am wrong about something. i am still new to the lgbtqa+ world and if there’s anything you want to tell me, hmu in the askbox or through the messaging thing. thank you.
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askthedespairkids · 8 years
Future Shorts 2: Despair Boogaloo
//And the second set of short stories is here! FUn!
//Again, kinda shitty, not gonna lie, but it’s what ya’ll wanted the most. Though a lot of you wanted the Valentine thing so I’ll work on that as well in the meantime.
//I also have character playlists to post soon as well, so that’s fun.
-Designer Mind-
 “And now I present to you all…” Anya pulled away the sheet to reveal a rather complicated looking diagram. “The newest layouts of our building!” The rest of the 3rd branch simply stared at the woman who seemed overly excited by it. “Well, what do you think? Kizakura-sensei gave me the job of helping Gozu-san with the new design for the future foundation now that the membership is rising and we need to increase the space.”
 “I mean…” Nakashima seemed to be struggling for words. “I’m just confused about…well, all of it, really. Why does it look a jenga tower after a few moves?”
 “E-eh?! What the heck is that supposed to mean?!” Anya cried out. “The design is fine.”
 “There are so many indentations though, it looks like if it was built like that then floors would collapse instantly.” Naomi commented. “Really, did you put thought into this, Anya-san? You haven’t shown this to Gozu-san already, have you?”
 “N…not yet.” She admitted.
 “Thank god, the building is safe for now.” Nakashima sighed.
 “But do you really think it’s that bad?” Anya questioned as she looked back at her diagram. “It was inspired by abstract art, you know? I thought it look cool.”
 “Coolness doesn’t exactly equal safety.” Naomi reminded her.
 “Though, this could still very easily be fixed.” Daisuke smiled, walking over to the diagram. “If we expand this area to match the rest of the width of the building, move this section down to the second floor, and take away this extra structure…I believe the design would be fine.”
 “Think so…?” Anya cocked her head to the side as she tried to visualise the end result of Daisuke’s idea. “…you might be right. Thanks for the help, Takai-kun! I’ll work on the redesign right away!” The girl grabbed the diagram and ran off. “I’ll call you all when it���s done!”
 “…you really think that she’ll be able to make a proper design by herself?” Nakashima asked.
 “Nope.” Naomi shrugged.
 -Through the eyes of a Fujoshi-
 My name is Maemi Watanabe. I’m the former Ultimate Haram Mangaka and a member of the 79-C class in Hope’s Peak. And one of my worst kept secrets…is my love for BL. Whether it be Shounen-ai, or Yaoi, it matters not. My love for the genre is unbreakable…and whilst people most likely know about this, I’ve never truly admitted to it being true, for if I did…the horrible stigmas of a fujoshi would be attached to me forever.
 Though the problem with keeping it lowkey is…
 “Ah, Okanaya-kun, you’ve got sauce on your face again.” Ryuu frowned grabbing a napkin. “Seriously you’re such a messy eater, come here.” Kobo blinked and leaned down to Ryuu as the lucky student wiped his face gently.
 My class seems to be incredibly plentiful in BL moments…
 Maemi pushed her glasses up and looked away for a moment, trying to not let her mind run at the sight of Kobo’s and Ryuu’s interaction. “This class truly is a curse for someone like me…”
 “Why do you say that?” Karma asked as they sat next to Maemi. “Something wack happen…?” They looked over at Ryuu and Kobo before letting a small grin appear on their face. “Don’t you think Ryuu and Kobo have been getting pretty close recently…? Like…super close…?”
 “A…are you trying to imply something…?” Maemi asked, trying to act innocent, knowing full well what Karma was trying to say. “Nagata-kun and Okanaya-kun are just friends, you know? Also, don’t you usually sit with Yokozawa-kun and Kamisaka-kun?”
 “Orochi had a nightmare about Junpei dying last night, he hasn’t let anyone go near him today. Not even me, so I decided to sit next to you. Besides, I thought you sat with Sadao and Yuuki.”
 “I was but…” Maemi’s voice trailed off as she recalled the scene. Sadao requesting for Yuuki to try some of his food and then proceeding to spoon feed the explorer…it was a little much for the mangaka to handle. “…some complications came up.”
 “Guess you’re fujoshi mind was at it again, huh?” Karma grinned. Maemi let out a ‘hmph’ and continued to eat her food. “Meh, I don’t blame you, homeslice. I’m the same.”
 “I beg you not to call me…wait, repeat that.” Maemi looked at the secret agent with surprise. “You’re…”
 “Fujoshi? Totally! Nothing better than seeing some of the guys in our class getting a little closer than expected…though it’s like Rock and Sly are trying to avoid those situations on purpose. I never see them get close with the others.”
 “With how their personalities are, it’s more like they try not to get too close to anyone. Though Sly-kun is trying, I suppose…” Maemi paused. “…I guess it’s good to have someone I can talk to about it.”
 “If you come to my room later, I can show you my collection of BL anime and manga. I’ve even been working on a BL haram manga, though I need to professional opinion on the genre. Willing to give some help?”
 “You got it! Leave it to Karma!” The secret agent grinned again.
-Great Minds Think Alike-
 “And…boom!” Sadao exclaimed. “Now they’re totally under my control!” He turned to Tamiko and smiled. “That’s the basics of hypnotism anyways…I’m not sure how Kimura-chan is planning on turning into a cure for despair though…must be something important though.”
 “I think it’s a super cool talent to have!” Tamiko smiled widely, her eyes twinkling a little. “I mean, I love getting to do experiments, even if I almost burned my hair off a few times, and destroyed a few kitchens! It’s the best kind of experiments when that happens!”
 “I know exactly what you mean! Takai-chan, you just get it!” The boy grinned. “Alright, then we need to mark this occasion as soon as possible!”
 “Huh…? How so?” Tamiko asked.
 “Let’s see…oh! We could pull a prank on Kimura-chan! Though if we did that to our branch head, we might really get into some serious trouble, you know…? We got to think about this logically…who would people not care about getting potentially hurt from hypnotism and chemical-induced explosions…?”
 Tamiko paused. “Okanaya-kun?”
 “You read my mind!”
-A Surprise Request- 
“Huh…?” Mage tilted her head. “You want to learn how to cook…?”
 “Right.” Toson nodded. “To be honest, I’m not sure how it’ll go, though I think I can do it. See, we use a lot of kinds of foods as props in my movies, and some need to cook to a proper point…hiring someone that can cook the perfect food prop is expensive. I figured that it would be better if I just decided to ask for your help in teaching me.”
 “Is that so…?” Mage folded her arms and thought for a few seconds. “Well…I’m all for helping a friend, I suppose. But understand this!” She pointed a ladle at the horror movie director. “When you’re in my kitchen, you abide by my rules, alright?! I won’t stand for any lazing around, and I won’t take any backtalk!”
 “Alright, alright, got it. You can count on me to try at the very least.” The boy smirked. “I never knew how quickly you could get fired up just because of food. I guess that’s just part of being the Ultimate Baker.”
 “Ah…I guess, yeah.” Mage scratched the back of her neck. “Despite being only a baker you came to me for help…you would probably get better advice from Hanamura-kun. He’s the Ultimate Coo…Ultimate Chef…he has a more versatile list of foods that he can create.”
 “Maybe, but you’re a member of the 79-C class, like me. Hell, we sat right next to each other, remember? It’ll be a cold day in hell before I turn to someone else for cooking advice.”
 “Th-that’s…actually kind of sweet.” Mage seemed surprised once again. “Sorry, it’s just…you don’t really make statements like that a lot. I was a little surprised.”
 “I don’t huh…?” Toson ran a hand through his red and black hair. “Well, I’m a blunt guy, right? I’m not one for sugar-coating things, so at least you know that I meant what I said.”
 “I guess…thanks, Shinko-kun.” Mage smiled brightly, to which Toson looked away, a small tint appearing on his cheeks.
 “Well…we should probably head to the kitchen right about now, right? It’s bad to waste time.” Toson avoiding eye contact and started to head the kitchen ahead of Mage. The baker looked as the boy was walking away.
 “…nah. He’s just one of those people…right?”
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