kissingwookiees · 8 months
watching a react channel watch nope and realizing i need to rewatch nope
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quiet-onset · 4 years
New Suit
Pairing: Sam Wilson x Black!Reader
Word Count: 3.8k+
A/N: it’s been forever since I’ve posted, but I have been writing since I was stuck at home with covid 😅 Hopefully I can post something else next week too! ANYWAYS, this fic does not have any TFAWS spoilers and (as usual) does not give a fuck about Endgame, meaning our favorite dysfunctional couple Tony and Steve are alive. Steve simply passed on the mantle. Enjoy!
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So Sam was Captain America. And he was proud of that fact. 
The day that Steve decided to retire and give him one of his most prized possessions was a day Sam would never forget. A whirlwind of emotions had swelled in his chest. Shock, unworthiness, gratitude. But after talking it over with Steve — and surprisingly enough, with Bucky — Sam agreed to take in the role.
The thing was, no one knew yet. At least, no one outside of the Avengers facility.
Immediately after Thanos, there weren’t really any Avengers level threats. Most threats could be handled by one team member, and it was usually one of the newbies — Peter, Scott, even Wanda. That being so, Sam didn’t have much of a reason to even make public appearances. So he didn’t.
Sometimes, he’d stand in the training room, the red, white, and blue shield strapped to his arm, and just stare in the mirror. Something felt wrong. Out of place. Like the reflection before him was almost right, but he still couldn’t tell what was wrong. Tony had caught him one time as he stepped into the room, a sports bottle full of ice cold water in his hand. “Mid-life crisis?”
Sam jumped at his loud voice and almost scrambled to detach the shield from his arm, like a kid caught with his grubby little hand in the cookie jar. “My bad, I’ll just—“
“No no, keep it on.” Tony waved a hand. “I gave it to Steve, he gave it to you. It’s yours, no give backsies.”
Sam nodded but took the shield off anyway. He decided that he didn’t need to train anymore and headed toward the door. “I’m just gonna go put this back.”
“What is going on with you, Wilson?”
“What do you mean?”
Tony raised a brow, “What do I mean? You staying cooped up in this facility. Barely training with the shield. Opting out of assignments. That’s what I mean.”
“There’s not much of a need.”
“There is. You just don’t see it yet.” Tony walked toward him. “Look, I know being the new Cap has you freaked out—“
“I’m not freaked out.”
“Sure. But Steve chose you and that should be good enough.”
“It is.” Sam huffed as he turned the shield in his hands. “I don’t know, man. I just… It’s just hard to believe. Hard to put in action, I guess.”
“Well, seeing is believing.”
“What the hell are you talking about?”
“Head to room 626 when you get a chance.”
“What’s in room 626?”
“You’ll see.”
Sam exited the elevator on the sixth floor to loud muffled music. Looking around, he realized he’d never even been to that part of the facility before. The white walls and obscure art seemed strange and misplaced in a building full of superhumans. Too clean, too elegant. 
Each of the rooms seemed that way too. Sam paused in the hallway, glancing through some of the glass doors with people’s names painted neatly at the top. Hardwood floors and marble countertops in each room. So impeccably clean that even dust bunnies wouldn’t dare step foot inside. 
Yet, when Sam approached room 626, he realized this was where the loud music was coming from. Different from the other rooms, this one was messy and colorful. He slid the glass door open, flinching at loud volume. 
He recognized the track — his father used to listen to it all the time when he was growing up. He could almost hear his dad’s deep voice teasing him: “You don’t know nothin’ ‘bout this, son. This was before your time.” Of course Sam knew the song. His dad was the one who put him on. Still, Sam’s dad always got a kick out the playful fight he put up. 
The long, seemingly endless hallway was painted a blinding white. He could make out a peculiar smell as he walked toward the end of the hall. Wet paint or fumes, he wasn’t really sure. He just pulled his shirt over his nose and kept looking for… well only God really knew. 
Finally, he arrived in the main room and saw you and your controlled chaos. You had ten or twenty different fabrics pinned to one wall and sketches of different outfits pinned to the opposing one. Against the back wall were mannequins wearing your works in progress. And just in front of Sam on a large wooden desk were schematics and what looked like engineering tools. Soldering iron, wires, circuit boards, and the like.
Everything seemed like a tornado of colors, clothes, and fabric. But you? You were as cool as a cucumber with your expensive looking spray painting mask strapped on as you sprayed the back of a jean jacket with bright pink paint. Sam chuckled when he heard your muffled voice sing along to the song, not noticing his presence. “Sherry bay-yay-by. Sherry, wontcha come out tonight.”
Sam pulled his shirt back down with a small grin on his lips, debating whether he should disturb you. In the end, he decided to save you the embarrassment, but by then, you’d already moved on to the next verse. You dropped your voice down low in an attempt to sound just like Nick Massi, singing, “Why don’t you come on.”
Sam let out a loud laugh, only covering it with his hand as you jumped, finally realizing someone else was in the room. “Sorry.” Sam chuckled. “Didn’t mean to interrupt your concert.”
You pulled the mask over your head, revealing a nervous smile. You jogged to the desk and grabbed the remote to switch off the stereo. “Concert’s a flattering choice of words.”
“Well you were really nailing that Massi.”
You raised a brow as you set down the can of spray paint. “You listen to Four Seasons?”
“Growing up, it was a staple in the Wilson household.” He offered his hand. “I’m Sam, by the way.”
“Y/N.” You shook it, an impressed smile on your face. “So what can I do for you, Sam?”
“I’m actually not sure. Tony just kinda sent me up here.” He raised a brow when you gasped, amused with your excitement. He smiled as the cute squeal that pushed past your lips. “I assume you know what that means.”
“I’ve been asking him forever if I could design your new suit!”
“New suit?”
“I mean, if you’re okay with it.” You added.
“I just don’t see why I need a new suit is all.” Sam shrugged as he looked around at all your work. He knew, way deep down in the rational part of his consciousness, that he needed a new suit. There wasn’t anything wrong with his Falcon suit, but wearing a new suit seemed too definite. If he put on a new combat suit, it meant that he was fully stepping into this new role. That he would be Captain America in more than just name. People would look at him, at his suit, and recognize that he was the Captain America.
“How about this?” You stepped toward him, prepared to bargain. “Let me make you a suit. If you don’t like it, I’ll just give your Falcon suit an upgrade. Deal?”
He let out a nervous chuckle at your offer. He had nothing to lose, really. Either way, he got upgrades. Still, he looked over at you and decided he couldn’t be the one to snuff the ambitious look in your dark eyes. He shook your hand, smiling softly at the triumphant grin that broke across your face. “Deal.”
“Great!” You were bouncing on your toes when he agreed. You practically raced back to your desk and started shuffling through your sketches and until you found the folder you were searching for. You handed them to Sam, “You can come back tomorrow morning so I can take your measurements. Till then, look through these sketches and tell me what you like.”
“So you’ve been working on this for awhile?” Sam asked, briefly flipping through the many colorful sketches.
“Ever since Tony told me about you.”
He let out a breath of amusement through his nose. Of course it was Tony, trying to set things in motion before Sam was even sure of what he wanted. Still, he knew Tony was trying to help. Sam gestured with the folder. “I’ll take a look.”
“Cool. Tomorrow?”
When Same woke up the next day, he found himself immediately thinking about meeting with you later. He felt weird. Nervous, even. Whether it was due to the idea of a new suit — of being Captain America — or seeing you, he wasn’t sure. All he knew was that he felt like a swarm of butterflies had flown from his stomach to his throat and decided to make a home there.
After stepping out of the shower, which took twenty more minutes than usual, he fumbled around for something to wear. What was he supposed to wear to fitting anyway? Sweats? Jeans? As his mind wandered, he thought of you. Rather, he thought of how you would see him. Maybe I should wear the green shirt, he thought. Girls always seem to like the green shirt.
He paused. Why was he thinking that?
He’d just met you. He knew a total of two facts about you: your name was Y/N and you listened to Four Seasons. That was hardly enough for Sam to be worried about how he looked for you. Yet, there he was, slipping on the dark green shirt that seemed to stretch ever so slightly across his broad chest. He settled on a pair of dark jeans before heading down to the kitchen for a cup of coffee.
As he stepped into the communal kitchen, Bucky was already sitting at the island, back facing Sam. He had just returned from his daily run, still in his sweatpants and white T-shirt with a cup of coffee in front of him. “There’s still fresh coffee in the pot.” Bucky mumbled into his cup as he flipped to the next page of the newspaper.
“Thanks.” Sam walked past him, slapping the newspaper into Bucky’s face as he walked by. “Why are you reading a newspaper?”
“To keep up with the news. Like a normal person.”
“There are these great new things called cell phones. Most people read the news on those now.” 
“Well, I’m not most people, am I?” Bucky lowered the newspaper and furrowed his brow at the sight of Sam. “What girl are you trying to impress?”
“What are you talking about?”
“Green shirt.”
“What about it?”
“That’s your ‘I want a girl to like me’ shirt.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Sam scoffed as he poured a second cup of coffee. “This is just a shirt.”
“The shirt.”
“I’m not having this argument with you.”
“Not much of an argument when you know I’m right.” Bucky smirked. “Who’s the second cup for?”
Sam paused as he realized he’d been caught, but quickly recovered with an eye roll. “For me. So I don’t have to come back and hear your annoying ass voice.”
“Mhm. Tell the girl I said hi.” 
“Screw you.” Sam left the kitchen to the sound Bucky’s chuckles, reluctant to admit that he was right. Moments later, he was waiting for the elevator, tapping his shoe to distract himself from the butterflies that were starting to flutter around again. When the doors slid open, Tony briefly greeted Sam before stopping and pulling off his glasses. “Green shirt?”
Sam stepped past him. “Shut up.”
Every step closer to your workspace had him jittery. Not only was he forced to deal with these unfamiliar feelings for you — if that’s what they were — but he was finally being confronted with his new position. One step closer to replacing Steve. To being Captain America. Yet, he couldn’t deny, he could envision himself in some of the suits you had sketched for him. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad.
When he entered 626, there was loud music playing once again. Another old song he recognized, Van Morrison. He smiled at the thought of you dancing around your space again, singing along to Brown Eyed Girl. It wasn’t so much about him catching you in the act. It was nice, a privilege really, to see the natural you. Eyes closed, arms up, hips swaying. Seeing how you act when you believed no one was watching was like strangely endearing.
And there you were, almost matching his wandering thoughts to a tee. You were setting up for work, once again not noticing Sam’s arrival. You danced across the room as you moved things from place to place. You began to sing out the words as you prepared to lift your tri-fold mirror. Sam broke from the trance and called out your name. You jumped and placed a hand over your heart, laughing quietly when you saw it was only him. “Caught me again.”
“To be fair, you seem pretty easy to catch with the way you get lost in music.” Sam smiled, placing the coffee cups on your desk, far from any of your papers. “Let me get that for you.”
“Oh, you don’t have to—”
“It’s no problem. Just tell where you want it.”
You stepped away from the mirror, tossing a stray braid over your shoulder with a smile. “Just over there, in front of that pedestal. Thanks.” When he went to lift it, your eyes were drawn to his arms, watching his biceps flex. You caught yourself before you could begin to stare, heat rising to your cheeks as you went to look for your measuring tape.
“Oh, by the way, I brought you a cup of coffee.” Sam mentioned as he set the mirror down. “You know, if you drink it? I didn’t know what you put in it, if anything, so it’s black. Is that okay?”
“That’s perfect, actually.” You sighed happily. “I’ve been trying to replace coffee with loud music in the mornings, hence the dancing.”
“Of course.” He chuckled in response.
“And while I love to blast Morrison at nine in the morning, it’s not the same without a hot cup of coffee.” You took the cup he offered with a smile. “Thanks for thinking of me.”
Sam couldn’t help how his heart skipped a beat. “Don’t mention it.”
You took a sip, “So, you ready to get measured for your new suit?”
“As I’ll ever be.”
“Great, just step onto the pedestal for me, and relax.”
“Got it.”
It was quiet as you brought the tape measure under his arms and around his chest. It wasn’t exactly uncomfortable, but Sam was sure his nerves had to be radiating out of him. The butterflies were beating against his ribcage as you pulled just tight enough on the tape measure. You took note of the number and bent over to write it down on your notepad. Being so close to you, Sam felt himself tense up as you measured around his waist. You chuckled and looked up at him. “You gotta relax.”
“I’m relaxed.”
“If you don’t loosen up, your new suit is gonna be super tight in all the wrong places.” You joked. “Talking usually helps.”
“About what?”
“Anything.” You shrugged. “Like why are you so opposed to a new suit?”
Almost as if it was a reflex, Sam tensed up again with a nervous and playful chuckle. “Way to get me to relax.”
“I’m just saying.” You laughed, adjusting the tape once again. “It’s not like you’re not qualified. I mean, Steve chose you.”
“Yeah, he did. I wish it were that simple in my mind.” He admitted.
“What’s your mind saying?”
“What isn’t it saying?” Sam rolled his eyes at himself. “It’s just… I don’t know.”
“Yes, you do.”
“I don’t want to put that on you. That’s not your job.”
“It’s not.” You agreed with a chuckle. “But that’s not why I asked. You can tell me.”
Again, with a wave of confusion, he felt the tension melt away. He didn’t know why he felt this way, like he could tell you anything and everything. There was a familiarity about you, like you were someone he’d known his entire life despite only meeting twenty hours ago. His father probably would’ve called you an old soul. Maybe in some other lifetime, in another universe, you knew each other. Or maybe, this was just fate coming to pass. Destiny finding, not two halves, but two wholes — putting them together like some sort of experiment to see what would come of it.
“It’s just… how am I supposed to follow after Steve?” He asked. “He has such a huge story, this legacy just hanging over my head. He’s been saving people since before either of us were born. And now here I am, some dude from the Air Force that met Steve completely by accident, about to take up his shield. It just seems unbelievable. Literally.”
You nodded as you measured around his left thigh. “First, let me say that your feelings are completely valid.”
“Why do I feel like you’re about to decimate everything I just said?”
“Not decimate!” You laughed. “Just gently prove wrong.”
“Oh, in that case.” He smiled down at you.
“Shut up.” You snapped him with the tape measure before measuring his other thigh. “Steve is not the only one with a story. I mean, Sam Wilson, the guy who grew up in Harlem, lost his parents and his best friend, and still managed to not give up? The guy Steve Rogers trusted with his life almost immediately after meeting him? The same dude who stole a top secret government project and used it to become a superhero? I think that’s pretty badass.”
Sam considered your words with a small smile. Sure, he may have seemed normal — maybe even mundane — to himself, but the fact is that he had also been through a lot. Just like Steve, Sam realized that his life was no walk in the park. Not many people couldn’t have lived Sam’s life and come out the other side not just okay but strong. He wasn’t Steve Rogers, but that didn’t matter. He was Sam Wilson, and maybe that was okay. 
“You’re good at that.” He commented quietly, looking down at you. He just about caught himself staring at you. The bright smile across your ruby shaded lips, the almost childlike excitement in your eyes. And your eyes — jesus. They were the same color as his, a dark brown. Yet, he couldn’t help but find yours so much more interesting.
“At what?”
“Talking to people.”
“Not everyone. Just...” You shook your head as you stood up straight. There was something indecipherable in his eyes — or maybe you wanted to believe it was. Still, it was there. Admiration, confusion, gratefulness? You weren’t sure. But the intensity of his stare made heat spread across your cheeks one more, and you ducked your head, moving to the side to measure the length of his arm. “Just people like you.”
Minutes later, you finished his measurement and moved on to the designs. You and Sam went through each and every one, noting his likes and dislikes. As time went on, it became very apparent that he was ready to be Captain America. Even if he wasn’t sure yet, you were. Much too soon, every detail of his new suit was planned out, and it was time for Sam to go. 
“If I make this my top priority, I can have your new suit finished in two weeks, tops.”
“You don’t have to do that.” Sam said bashfully. “I’m sure you have other work to do.”
“None as exciting or as important.”
“Now you’re just stroking my ego.” He joked.
You scoffed painfully, “Like you need me to do that.”
You walked beside him, down the hall and to the elevator. He couldn’t help but wish he had some sort of excuse to stay, but leading the Avengers meant a mountain of responsibilities. Still, he wanted to see you again. Not for work and not for designing a new suit. He wanted to get to know you away from the fabric and tape measures. He wanted to find out how someone as sweet and breathtaking as you could even exist in a world filled with such evil left and right. So, he rocked back and forth for a moment before turning to you. 
“And um, Y/N?”
Sam fully intended to ask you out just then. But he felt like he couldn’t move. A feeling of nervousness he hadn’t gotten since he was a teenager, he was frozen. Staring at you like a deer in headlights, his brain screamed at him: Just ask her, you dumbass! Then, the elevator announced its arrival with a ding and broke his concentration. He cleared his throat and smiled nervously. “Thank you again. You’ve been a huge help.”
You blinked in confusion but stammered out, “Glad to be of service.”
It wasn’t until a few days later that Sam had gained the courage to do what he should’ve done in that moment. 
The city was in danger — some high-level Hydra threat — and the Avengers were needed. Everyone rushed off to suit up, including Sam. That’s when he saw it. You had just finished his suit, and it was more than Sam could’ve ever imagined. A shiny white breastplate with red decals on the torso, blue pants lined with bulletproof material, and to top it off, his signature red wings. That was something he wanted to keep. They reminded him of his humble beginnings, of what made him the man that Steve chose to be Captain America. 
And Captain America he was. 
Sam was aware of all the stares he got as he fought the Hydra agents and ended the crisis with the rest of the team. He knew it would take some getting used to. But he was pretty sure — no, extremely sure that he could do this. He could be the symbol that the public needed. 
He strolled back into the Avengers Complex, handing a handcuffed Hydra agent off to be questioned, when he saw you. You were usually there waiting, ready for feedback on your new toys and inventions. But what Sam said surprised you. 
“Hey Sam,” You started. “Did your new suit fare well? I was already thinking of some modifications based on —“
“Would you like to go out with me this Saturday?”
You blinked, lowering your clipboard in shock. “What?”
“Would you like to have dinner with me on Saturday?” He smiled wide and unabashedly. Then, with no hesitation, you smacked him on the arm with your clipboard, making him bark out a laugh. 
“Took you long enough.”
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moccahobi · 4 years
It’s Raining Sharks Part 1 [TaeGi]
Summary: A sharknado! They’re real! Follow surfer Tae, badboy Yoongi, drunk Jimin, and intelligent Namjoon as they try to survive!
Genre: Sharknado AU, Horror (if you count sharknado as a horror movie), action, angst, 
Warnings: Gore, Excess alcohol use, grossly incorrect use of sharks, smoking, cussing, blood, a few sharks eat people, sharknado, guns, major character death
WC: 3.7k
A/N: This is for @thebtswritersclub​‘s monthly prompt! This month is monsters! And... @aroseforyoongi​ wanted a sharknado au! So... BOOM! And I am activly working on a part 2! And is also my submission for the Taegi square for @btsholidaybingo​!
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Happy screams filled the cloudy skies as adults and children alike were running and playing along the soft sand. Frothing white waves crashed in the surf, people riding on top of them with concentrated faces. Despite the cloudy skies, it was a clear day and the lifeguards on duty were spread out on their perches, relaxing and taking the job easy. 
One of them, a caramel skinned man with deep purple hair and classic red lifeguard swim trunks on was even reading instead of doing his job. A slender finger pushed his round (and very dirty) spectacles back to a secure spot on his nose, the pair seeming to slide down endlessly in the heat of summer. Every once in a while, he raised his eyes and looked around the beach slowly to make sure that everything was ok and when everything was ok (as it always was), he went back to reading. 
Next to the reading lifeguard was a good looking brunette with sharp eyes and strong brows sprawled out on a rainbow beach towel, his other supplies sitting in the sand next to him. He’d been training for the past hour, his small speedo gently cupping and accentuating his body while allowing him to tan almost every part of him. Once he felt like he had been tanning for long enough, he got up and started to apply more low spf sunscreen. Through thick brows, the brunette checked out the lifeguard, his pink tongue momentarily peeking out and running across his lips, a small mustache and goatee framing them. The lifeguard didn’t notice or didnt care. 
Once the sunscreen had dried, the brunette took out a wetsuit from his duffle bag and got suited up, his board resting just a little ways away. Once suited, he picked up his board and ran off to the water. Silently, he looked back at the lifeguard to see if he was watching. His eyes were glued to whatever book he brought with him. 
In reality though, the water wasn’t nearly as safe as everyone thought it was. Rough skinned, mangled fanged sharks on their migration path south were passing by the beach. Blood thirsty and hungry, they could easily mistake a swimmer or surfer for a tasty snack. Yet as long as they didn’t breach, no one seemed to pay notice of the stalking swimmers as they leisurely patrolled from below, looking for a quick meal. One of the sharks wasn’t too stealthy though. It breached the surface of the water and its fin caught the attention of one of the working lifeguards. Very quickly after the fin was spotted, lifeguards were blowing their whistles, putting up a red danger flag and helping to get people out of the water. None of the sharks even had a nibble before the waters were cleared of people.  
Shortly after that, the purple haired lifeguard was back to reading his book and counting down the minutes until he could clock out and drink at the nearest bar. He had forty five minutes left. At the parking lot was the brunette, now in an unbuttoned hawaiian shirt (his chest was on display for all to see) and blue board shorts. He’d begrudgingly trekked back to his car after the red flags were raised, upset at only catching one good wave. The only thing that could have made his day worse was if it rained. That would completely ruin his plans of drinking a smoothie and relaxing in the sun. 
The sour stench of cigarette smoke drew his eyes up to a somber looking man in dark blue skinny jeans and a black leather jacket, his lips loosely puckered around a cigarette. He took one last drawl before throwing it on the ground and snuffing it out under chunky black boots, a wink shot at the surfer as he did so. 
Slowly he licked his lips and gave the brunette a once over, “I’m Yoongi.��
“I’m Taehyung.”
“Would you want to have a drink with me?”
“Well then… sure.”
Yoongi started to walk towards the closest bar as Taehyung quickly locked his car and ran to catch up with the gloomy man that he felt an attraction to. The two of them walked to the bar in silence, Yoongi focused on getting a drink in him and Taehyung struggled to find something to talk about. Once seated at the bar, Yoongi ordered two scotches.
“Oh. I don’t drink. I’ll have a sprite though!” Taehyung told the bartender.
Yoongi grunted, “How come?”
“I don’t like feeling drunk. Plus I don’t find most alcohol tasty.” 
“Makes sense. Alcohol is an acquired taste. I remember not liking it when I first had it.”
“And you like it now?” 
Yoongi snorted, “Yeah. Otherwise I wouldn’t drink it. Getting drunk is fun and all but I want to enjoy what I drink as well.”
While the two continued to talk (after finally finding something to talk about), the purple haired lifeguard came in, finally done with his shift, the man making a b-line to one of the bars regulars and a long time friend: Jimin. He had pastel pink hair that made him stick out like a sore thumb in the bar and always reeked of vodka… even when he wasn’t at the bar.
“They say a hoard of sharks are coming this way. Should we be scared, Doc Namjoon?” His words were slurred and he looked over at Namjoon with hooded eyes as he downed another shot of vodka. 
Namjoon snorted and rolled his eyes, “Of course not, Jimin. What the hell kind of conspiracy theories do you watch? Most sharks are completely harmless to humans. Some even really enjoy human interaction.”
“I watch really really…” Jimin smacked his lips, “Good things. Like three am documentaries on the… science channel.” 
“Wow. You must be so smart!” 
“I am! Like… I read one about… WOAHHH! You wouldn’t believe it,” Jimin giggled and grew animated, “A fucking tornado that… it… it sucked up sea life and took it allllll on land! It was… insane!”
“Sounds like a conspiracy theory. Or someone who doesn’t understand how nature works.”
“It’s true though! I promise!”
Namjoon snorted and gently patted Jimin’s shoulder, “Sure, buddy, and the movie The Meg is written about a real live event. Megalodons are totally real.”
“Well now you’re just being mean. Who's to say that sharks can’t be sucked into a tornado and survive?”
The two of them settled into a comfortable quiet, Jimin watching the nearest tv and Namjoon reading his book. The bar animated and alive as people celebrated a good day and relaxed after a hard day. Occasionally one could hear the loud laughs of a good conversation from Taehuyng and Yoongi, the two seeming to have hit it off well. The life in the bar suddenly stopped when the walls around them started to creak and groan, high winds pushing against them angrily. The only noise that one could hear was the newscaster on the tv talking about a tornado warning in the area.
Namjoon sighed and shook his head, turning to Jimin and speaking, “Whelp, you can’t drive and we should get somewhere safer than the beach so… come on up, Jimin.”
“What?! Namjoon, we have had so many tornadoes, why would this one possibly be different?” Jimin complained, grabbing the bar stool he sat on nonetheless and following behind Namjoon. 
“The fact that you haven’t been hunkering down is alarming.” Namjoon sighed and shook his head, not even paying mind to Jimin trying to steal the bar stool.
Before they even made it halfway across the bar, something heavy hit against one of the bar walls and shook the whole establishment. Everyone stilled as Yoongi slowly got up and looked out the window but aside from the grey skies of an approaching tornado, there wasn’t anything they could see.
Yoongi ducked down quickly, narrowly avoiding a whole shark as it came flying through the window, its tempered glass shattering into millions of small cubes. The thing flopped around angrily biting at anything and everything it possibly could. People anxiously jumped out of the way and ran towards the exit, even the bartender abandoned his post to leave the building. Yoongi was the first of the four left in the bar to reach, him grabbing one of the stools and jabbing it furiously at the shark with an angry yell. One of the dull legs of the seat punctured the sharks rough skin as blood spurted out from around it. 
Yoongi stabbed the shark a few more times, a grunt leaving him as he did so before the shark eventually stopped snapping at its surroundings. 
“WHAT THE FUCK! THAT WAS A FUCKING GREAT WHITE THAT-” Namjoon couldn’t believe what he just saw. 
A great white shark was flung through the bar’s window by a tornado.
“A SHARKNADO! I TOLD YOU IT COULD HAPPEN!” Jimin yelled happily, climbing over the bar to grab the entire bottle of tequila.
“Wha… what the hell?” Taehyung muttered, anxiously looking at the shark as if it was about to come alive again and kill him.
“It’s ok Taehyung. I will protect you. You have a big car right? I don’t think it would be safe for me to ride my motorcycle home.” Yoongi asked, turning his attention to Taehyung and trying to comfort the shocked man.
Taehyung could only focus on the blood splatter on Yoongi’s face as he silently nodded, opening and closing his mouth anxiously as he tried to formulate more words. 
“E-excuse me?” Namjoon spoke up suddenly, interrupting the tender moment between Yoongi and Taehyung and blushing as he did so, “Y-y-you probably don’t know me but I see you around a lot and I drank too much to be able to drive right now and,” He looked over at Jimin who was cuddling his chair as he nursed the bottle of tequila, “My friend is not in a state to drive… could you drive us to a safe place too? I promise we aren’t bad people!”
Yoongi coughed and gave Namjoon a once over, clearly not liking the idea.
“Namjoon, right? We’ve talked a few times. You’re the lifeguard who never actually works.”
Namjoon nodded.
“Sure… you can… just please make sure your friend doesn’t vomit in my car.” 
At that the four of them cautiously exited the bar before making a run (well as fast of a run as possible with Jimin) as people around them panicked and sharks were crashing into various objects. Namjoon even watched in horror as a large goblin shark crashed into his beloved lifeguard tower and started to eat the wood! Goblin sharks never got this close to shore, let alone on it! What type of craziness was this?!
By the time that the four of them had managed to get into Taehyung’s car, a fucking megamouth shark plowed through the bar. A gnarled brick and wood pile laying where the bar once was. 
“WHAT THE FUCK! WHAT THE FUCK! THIS CAN’T BE HAPPENING! THIS ISN’T LOGICALLY POSSIBLE! TWO DEEP FUCKING SEA SHARKS JUST… WHAT THE FUCK!” Namjoon was yelling, tightly holding onto Jimin in fear as he looked out as flying sharked swallowed people whole.
 “WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING, DUDE?! DON’T LEAVE- HE’S LEAVING THE CAR WHY IS HE LEAVING THE CAR?!” Namjoon continued to yell as Yoongi ran to his motorcycle and grabbed his concealed gun. 
“Woah. Yoongi, I don’t know about having a gun in here.” Taehyung said quietly as he cautiously eyed the gun that Yoongi clasped tightly. 
“Taehyung, how else are we going to fight these sharks? We don’t have another stool… other than… What’s your name?” Yoongi leaned back and looked at Jimin who scoffed and said his name. 
Taehyung sighed and shook his head before he started driving, quickly trying to drive away and avoid the flying sharks. Before their car could even get a mile, a large wave crashed over them and pushed Taehyung’s car almost half a mile away from where they had started. It shook the car violently and they could hear some sort of things hitting his car with loud THUMPS and THWAKS as water rushed by them. For the four of them, it felt like the moment was going to last a lifetime (and possibly be their last), but it only lasted half a minute before they had stopped moving, maybe an inch of water coating the ground now. 
When the waves finally did stop, the car was dead silent, Yoongi having instinctively grabbed Taehyung’s hand and Namjoon fearfully holding onto Jimin as he looked anxiously out at the car. 
Taehyung looked down at Yoongi’s hand and blushed, gently intertwining their hands before he looked around. He couldn’t be sure from the sharks squirming around the land and biting at everything in their path, but he was fairly positive that at least one of the things that hit their car was not a shark. Carefully he surveyed the road now in front of him. There didn’t seem to be any real dangerous things in the road that could pop one of their tires and with that in mind he once again started to drive, the car silent and tense. 
Of course none of them were prepared for what was to come. No one in the entire city would ever be prepared for the monster that the tornados had seemed to conjure up. The tornado seemed to suck up a beast that was more ferocious and scary than any of the other ones combined. And it was angry. Very angry.
Above the water, a water filled tornado had already made its way on land, spewing sharks every which direction that were causing mass destruction. From the tornado itself consuming whole buildings and leaving rubble behind to sharks flying angrily through the air and consuming anything that got in their paths before eventually dying from a lack of air, nothing and no one seemed to be safe. 
“All I am saying is that you often see these waves come in bouts of three… the last of which is always the strongest. If you really want us to get to safety, you need to put the pedal to the medal, Taehyung. I don’t want to be around water by the time the third wave comes.”
“I get that, I really do, Namjoon… but the cops here are ruthless. I don’t want a ticket. Natural disaster or not, I don’t want my record being tainted.”
Namjoon scoffed as Yoongi shook his head with a light smile, “Don’t worry, Namjoon. I’ll protect us.” 
“With your gun?! Are you crazy dude!? There are literal fucking sharks eating people whole and the water tornados! You really think a gun will do shit?”
“Totally. Plus, we can always stop somewhere and get extra stuff. I am pretty handy. I’ve dealt with sharks a ton in the past.” A distant look crossed Yoongi’s face, his mind clearly off in a distant land.
“Hey Namjoon?” Jimin mumbled from Namjoon’s embrace (who was still using the poor drunk like a stress ball), “Do you think that we’re going to die?”
“What? No, no. We won’t die, Jimin. Don’t worry. I’ll protect you. We’re going to survive.”  Namjoon punctuated what he said with another squeeze of Jimin before he finally let go and seemed to grow his composure.
“We probably want to actually think about where we are going… instead of just generally going inland.”
“Hmm… I was thinking that we could go to the inland. Like the part of town.” Taehyung said, anxiously tapping his steering wheel as he maneuvered around sharks.
“The inland isn’t actually inland… you know that, right? It’s literally half a mile from the beach! Just slightly north!” Namjoon started shouting angrily.
He opened his mouth to keep yelling at Taehyung, another harsh wave crashed into the side of the car. From the force alone, the windows shattered and from Taehyung’s reflexes with driving, the car suddenly stopped. Jimin, who forgot to put his seatbelt on, went flying forwards and roughly hit his head against Yoongi’s seat before falling limply in his own lap. Namjoon on the other hand, was once again screaming, salty water filling his open mouth as he looked into the mouth of a large bull shark excitedly swimming into the now broken passenger window. In the rush of the wave continuing to pass through the car, a new, redder liquid started to merge. By the time the car passed, everything (and everyone) was coated in a faint pink color. 
Once the wave had passed the car, Taehyung and Yoongi were left staring back in horror at the bloody and half eaten body of Namjoon, their minds rushing to process what had happened. When Taehyung’s mind finally caught up, he immediately rushed to leave the car, his fingers stumbling to unbuckle himself and unlock the door before leaving the car with a strangled cry and budding tears. By the time Yoongi had left the car and reached Taehyung, the man was hyperventilating and crying. He hadn’t known Namjoon well but the two of them talked every once in a while and he never wanted him to die. Hell before he met Yoongi (and if things with Yoongi didn’t work out), Taehyung was still playing with the idea of asking Namjoon out. 
Yoongi shushed Taehyung quietly and gently wrapped Taehyung in a hug, the soft gesture seemingly uncommon for the stiff man. The two stayed there for an unknown amount of time before a scream from the car changed their attention. Jimin was clambering out of the broken car window, his eyes wide with fear before they landed on Taehyung and Yoongi.
“Were you fuckers going to just leave me in there?!” Jimin yelled angrily, walking over to them and wiping the fresh tears off his face. 
“Sorry, Jimin.” Taehyung looked down sadly, “I was shocked too… I… Fuck. This is such a scary time. I don’t know what to do.” 
“We need to go to a gun store. That is what we need to do.” Yoongi said calmly.
“A gun store. We need to go get more guns. The wave ruined the only gun I had.” 
“We need to get to safety! That is what we need to do.” Jimin yelled again, “Namjoon said so!”
“And how can we get to safety without a gun?! We can’t use your fucking barstool to keep sharks at bay.”
“You used a stool before.”
“Guys…” Taehyung’s weak voice interrupted them with an uncertain wobble, “Can we please get a move on and not fight? We can find a store that sells guns and some other things… I don’t want to be here here or without something somewhat protecting us from any more waves.”
Yoongi looked over at Jimin as if to ask if that was ok before the three of them started walking along the road, neither of their electronics working. They were forced to walk along the road and take the first exit. At one point the three of them climbed up a tree at the edge of the road and waited for another wave to pass as wind dangerously whipped at their faces, hoards of sharks rushing past. They didn’t risk climbing down until all the sharks that were left in the area by the wave had passed. In the sky, they could see a tornado angrily throwing sharks left and right almost 100 miles ahead of them. None of them smart enough to notice that they couldn’t see its position change… which meant that it was on a path right to them… none of them observant enough to notice one specific, ancient looking shark that was angrily twisting and turning in the tornado. Somehow they managed to make it to an almost completely abandoned parking lot in front of a run down Hilton Hotel, one large, lone truck. 
Yoongi stopped and eyed it, Jimin distractedly meandering ahead and Taehyung waiting for Yoongi to say something, “We should steal it.”
“The… the car?”
“Yeah. We won’t make good headway on foot and we can’t easily guess when another wave will come. It would be safer.” 
“It’s illegal, Yoongi.”
“It would save us time and protect us from another wave, Jimin.”
“The last car didn’t protect Namjoon.”
“This one has larger wheels though. And it protected us during the first wave.” 
Before Jimin had any chance of arguing more, Yoongi tried opening one of the doors before grabbing a rock nearby and smashing one of the rear windows open to unlock one of the doors. 
“Well now that one of the windows is broken how will it protect us!” Jimin yelled angrily before going off on a rant as Yoongi worked on hot wiring the car and Taehyung floundered between the two. 
He had no idea what to do or what was better but as he anxiously looked at the still tornado, he knew he didn’t want to be outside for much longer and quickly climbed into the shotgun of the car. With a breath of relief from Yoongi, the car reved to life and Yoongi buckled in. 
“Well?” Yoongi looked over at Jimin who was angrily standing a solid ten feet away and gripping his barstool tightly, “Are you going to get in or is this where we part ways?” 
“I will not take part in illegal activities. A natural disaster or not. If you’re smart, Taehyung, you’d join me.”
Taehyung anxiously looked between Jimin and Yoongi, both of which were looking at him and waiting for his decision. What was he supposed to do? This was a matter of life and death… surely it wouldn’t be the end of the world if he did a few illegal things to stay alive… but did he want that hanging on his conscious? 
With one anxious look back at the tornado… which… somehow… seemed to look a little close, he resolutely closed the door and buckled in a small “Sorry.” leaving his mouth before Yoongi drove off, leaving Jimin in the dust, his frame getting smaller the farther they went. 
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antman-56 · 5 years
The Long Night Pt. 13
It was STRQ’s turn.
Team SLVR won against Team STAR. It was an interesting battle. Team SLVR lost 3 members, but team STAR had all four members near the aura drop. 
One by one Team STAR was taken out when they decided to split up to find him. It was the comeback of the year to most of the students watching.
Team STRQ was against Team TZTE ( tanzanite ).
Theodore Spam was the leader. He was apart of a tribe that was forced to leave Vacuo due to Grimm when he was younger. He changed into his tribes battle outfit. It was a black fur kilt and war paint that represented his tribes history. His weapons were two hatchets that could turn into SMGs. His semblance was Insult, if he insults someone and they respond to it will be transform them into a rage induced maniac, solely targeting him.
Zane Rider was the stereotypical skateboarder. Flannel Jacket, half his hair was buzz cut while the other was long enough to cover his right eye, and black denim jeans with a flame on the end of his right leg. His weapon of choice was a hover board that can transform into a long sword and a SMG with a knife attachment. His semblance is “Now You See Me, Now You Don’t” ,as he calls it, he can create a clone anywhere and transport to it whenever he is an a tough situation, albeit it requires a lot of Aura.
Taylor Krell always wore a traditional Samurai robe. He was the tallest member of Team TZTE and he looked to be as strong as Theodore. His weapon of choice was a double bladed sword that can turn into a a regular katana if need be. His semblance was Adjust, whenever he fights someone for a extend amount of time he can predict their movements and his Aura gains a resistance against their weapon, however if he is against two or more weapons then it will not work and he will gain more damage.
Ezekiel Sax  was the weakest and smallest member of the team. He mostly avoided combat whenever possible, but that didn’t mean he was bad at it. He worn the school uniform with light white armor added on to it. His weapon is a sniper rifle that could turn into a bo staff. His semblance is Accuracy, every shot he takes always hit where his scope lands.
As STRQ went to their side of the Combat Room they were glared at by Team, TRBO, JACB, and BLAD.
They were still pissed at them. First Summer flipped Turbo over her shoulder, Qrow beats up Blif and Chip, the cafeteria fight, and then leaving them to “The Red Witch” after Summer bailed out her Team.
Now they were waiting for their turn to kick their asses and for it to be legal.
***Blue Corner of the Combat Room***
Tai : Soooo, anyone else see the death glare that Sir Duchebag and his group of bitches gave us?
Summer : Language and yes.
Raven : Which means they want us to win, so they can try to beat us.
Raven was still pissed that they had her trapped in the cafeteria. She doesn't care who it is at of the 12 of them, but someone is going to be in pain. 
Qrow : Keyword “Try”.
Tai : Look at you, trying to be smart.
Qrow : You just couldn’t let me have that one, could you?
Tai : Nope.
Summer : GUYS FOCUS!!
As if on cue the doors for their room opened and the the word “Begin” echoed thought out the room. 
It was show time.
Summer : Alright gang, Bad Dragon.
When the order was given, Tai and Qrow ran up front to be the main attack, Raven would be behind them in case one of them gets over whelmed, and Summer ran into one of the abandoned “buildings” to provide support.
Team TZTE had Taylor and Theodore up front, Zane right behind the, and Ezekiel was no where to be seen. 
Zane went behind TQ and used Raven as a pole to bounce off of. She blocked it and pushed him away from her.
Zane : Hey babe, follow me.
Raven ran towards him in rage at the fact he called her “babe”.
Taylor and Theodore were fighting Qrow and Tai. 
Qrow was having a hard time with Taylor. He had an unorthodox fighting style that literally made him a extension to his blade. After awhile Qrow could barely keep up with him and what was worse is that he seemed to be able to counter some of his attacks effortlessly.
Tai on the other was having an easier time. Tai was able to use Theodore’s momentum against him because the idiot was only thinking of hitting him hard. It was almost a shock to see know he was a second year and a leader. He could probably take on first years, but second years should be able to anticipate his every move.
Theodore : So, blondie are you just as stupid as the jokes.
Tai stayed quiet. This was coming from someone who wouldn’t be able to keep up with Glynda.
Theodore : What, cat got your tongue? or . . . ( lunges at Tai so he can block it, making them face to face) is your girlfriend the one with the balls.
Tai pushed him away and activated his claws.
He was starting to get annoying. 
He ran towards Theodore and started his attack.
Theodore : Maybe she needs a REAL man inside her? (goes for a strike ) Teach her how a woman should act. With a collar and all.
That did it.
Tai (Semblance activated) :FUCK YOU!!!
Tai was engulfed in flames that reached the ceiling of the room and all he saw was red.
Theodore was now sweating heavily from the sudden intense heat and from fear. Now knowing why Beacon called him “The Dragon”.
 Theodore was not the only one affected by the heat.
The rest of Team STRQ and TZTE were sweating from it.
***Peanut Gallery***
The students watching the fight were shocked to see a flame tornado in the room. A majority of the class felt pity for Theodore, seeing him right next to the source and standing still. 
Turbo ( internally ) : This is coming from the blond! He may be a problem for us. I wonder what other surprises these guys have.
He smiled, knowing he was going to have fun in his match against them. 
*** Elsewhere (Raven’s Fight)***
Raven was lead to a section of the room that looked like a ruined city hall. The pillars, stairs, poles, railings, and open street gave Zane a terrain advantage. Not to mention the sudden heat wave by her boyfriend.
That’s when she saw Zane run up to her. She was ready, all she needed to do was get him of his board and then kick his ass. 
Right when he was in front of her, he went around her with a spin out of her reach. He used her as a pole to guide himself onto her left side. She lost her footing a stumbled a bit before getting back to her stance.
This went on for awhile, she was getting exhausted from him evading her and using the terrain for tricks. He was in the middle of doing a 360 kick flip when Raven spoke.
Raven (annoyed) : Are you taking this seriously?
Zane : Nope love.
Raven ran to him until she heard the sound of a gunshot. 
She barley dodged it and ran to cover.
Raven (internally) : Great sniper fire. He was stalling for support and I fucking fell for it.
She hid behind a pillar, all the while listening to Zane insult her.
Zane : Really love. I couldn’t believe you didn’t catch on. I mean you look smarter than you look or are looks making up for the small mind you have.
Raven was livid, but knew if she rushed him she would get hit.
Raven : At least, I don’t need help fighting a girl. (internally) Great i’m pinned.(multiple shots fired at her pillar) Teleport to Tai? Qrow? No, they’ll target them. Summer? NO, shes worse case scenario.
Zane decided she wanted to play the hard way, so he activated his hover board and rushed her. He jumped on the left side of the pillar and dismantled his weapon before he was fully able to see behind the pillar. He emptied his SMG on the spot Raven was on only to find it empty. Raven used one of her blades as a stepping stone to avoid getting hit and used a blue blade to strike Zane. 
 Zane went to defend himself with his long sword but when the blue blade collided with Zane’s weapon it temporarily shutdown his hover board setting. He was grounded and it was looking bad for him. Raven was controlling his footing, making sure to stay behind the pillar. With her sword still using electricity Zane couldn’t leave, so he did the next best thing.
He activated his semblance right when Raven was about to get a direct hit.
Zane’s aura was 78% when he left fighting Raven and now it was at 21%. He was still in, but on thin ice.
Ezekiel still had his eyes behind the pillar. He knew Raven was behind it and he was going to make sure to get a few hits on her.
 That’s when he felt something sharp stab his back. Ezekiel turned around quickly to see Summer transforming her spear into a sword. That attack dropped his Aura from 100% to 43%. He used his sniper to block her next attacks and was now pushing her back to the balcony part of the room they were in.
He was kicking himself for being stupid. The glare and the multiple shots gave him away. How could he be so stupid.
***Elsewhere (Qrow’s Fight)***
Qrow and Taylor where now in a area with Bridge about 10 feet from the ground with no railing. It was a fierce battle that got the most of the peanut gallery spectators on the edge of their seats. 
Both combatants were sweating from the being the closest to the heat and from the exchanges of swords. Qrow’s Aura was at 30% and Taylor’s was at 37%.
Taylor could read Qrow’s movements and could possibly know when he breathes now. Qrow on the other hand was struggling. He could only block Taylor’s attacks and that seemed to be working less and less.
Qrow got some distance from Taylor.
Taylor : Are you running away?
Qrow : You wish.
Taylor grunted and raised his blade to make a formal stance and Qrow got into his stance.
Taylor : I have to give you credit. I haven’t had a fight like this in awhile. But, the end results are always the same.
Qrow : Why’s that?
Taylor : I win.
Taylor ran to Qrow ready to end him, until Qrow did the unthinkable.
Qrow threw Harbinger at Taylor and he did not expect that. He got hit with the blade dropping his Aura to 32%. Taylor was so transfixed on what just happened that he didn’t notice Qrow was now in front of him.
Qrow began to attack Taylor with his fists and Taylor could do nothing, but take the beatings.
It ended with Qrow kicking Taylor of the bridge, dropping Taylor’s Aura to 13%
***Elsewhere ( Summer’s Fight)***
Ezekiel and Summer where fighting on the balcony of the room Ezekiel used as a sniper’s nest. 
Ezekiel was holding his own against Summer and was finally able to transform his sniper to a bo staff. They were both trying to avoid being at the edge and not get hit.
Summer took a hit to the head that dropped her Aura to 87%. Ezekiel was parrying everything she hit him with and almost kicked her off the railing at one point. Now both of them were tired and were waiting for someone to make a move. 
That’s when it happened.
A sudden kick to Ezekiel side sent him off the building dropping his Aura down to 7%.
Summer : I HAD IT!
Raven : True, but I want to leave now.
Summer sighed as Raven gave her a smirk.
***Elsewhere (Tai’s fight)***
Tai was still burning and Theodore was still standing still afraid to move. 
He could have sworn he saw a dragon’s face looking at him in the flames above Tai.
Tai deactivate his claws back into his brass knuckle setting and dropped his guard.
Theodore saw this and soon recovered enough courage to run up to Tai and attack him.  
He had to go through the flames Tai made around him. every time he made his way to him the flames became hotter.
He was finally face to face to him, but Theodore’s Aura was at 29% and was slowly falling. He raised his hatchets above Tai and attacked.
Tai caught them, threw them to the closest wall and unleashed his rage. 
He started with a gut punch, then a body blow, then another, another, and eventually threw a couple of kicks into the mix. All the while his flames grew brighter and brighter till the peanut gallery couldn’t see his fight.
Tai was building up a rhythm to the beating he was giving. It felt good to let go of all his pent up rage. He didn’t hear the announcement that Theodore was eliminated.
He ended his beating with a punch that sent him straight to the peanut gallery. The amount of force he gave to him was enough to crack the windows that were supposed to withstand a rocket launcher. 
Theodore left with his Aura broken when he made contact with the ground.
Tai fell to his knees and took deep breaths. He was panting and drenched in sweat.
His Aura still being at 100%.
A portal opened up next to him and he saw Summer and Raven walk towards him.
Raven : Sup.
Tai could do nothing, but smile and laugh at the woman he loved. 
***Elsewhere  (Qrow’s location)*** 
Qrow was walking towards where the flame dissipated. He saw the guy Tai was fighting fly and flinched when he saw where it landed. They will be having a talk with the Major that was sure.
It was then that Qrow heard the sound of a hover board making its way for him. He dodged just before it made contact with him.
It was Zane and he had a piece of the room that resembled a pole.
He pointed it at Qrow and smiled. Qrow knew what he wanted and he was going to give it to him.
Qrow jerked the hand that held Harbinger down and it transformed into the Sythe that almost every weapon enthusiast loved .
Both men looked each other in the eyes and waited.
A piece of the bridge broke off.
The ran at each other. Man vs technology who would be faster.
Zane fell off his hover board and was now on the floor with his Aura at 4%.
Qrow stood their his aura at 21%. Zane got his hit in, Qrow wasn’t fast enough and he hated that.
He was now in front of the peanut galleries view. 
He raised his Sythe up and pointed at them. He glare at the people who were next and smirked.
No words were need. Turbo met his gaze and glared back. Their eyes said everything they wanted to say to each other.
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losvcr · 7 years
escape (reddie)
Type: One-shot
Summary: Richie gets community service and convinces Eddie to begrudgingly come along one day, but when Eddie meets a little girl named Ellie, he realizes it was not what he thought it would be.
Pairing: Reddie
Word count: 1.9k
Warnings: illness, death
A/N: why do i write sad ass one shots? someone tell me to stop. anyway this is a revenge one shot i wrote for lauryn. i hope you guys enjoy!
“Richie, where are you taking meee?” His words were nearly a whine as his arms folded over his chest, Eddie’s head turning to stare at a grinning Richie Tozier in the driver’s seat next to him.
“You ask too many questions, Eds. Just let it be a surprise.”
“Uh, no. You’re the one who got community service because you don’t know how to act at school. The least you can do is tell me where the hell we’re going.” He huffed, his gaze returning forward with a small pout.
“You’ll love it, Eds. Just trust me on this one.” Richie glanced over at Eddie, thinking the pout on his lips was absolutely adorable.
“I don’t trust you on anything, Richie, so what makes you think I’m gonna trust you all of a sudden?”
Eddie’s eyes scanned the area they were in for clues, so preoccupied with the thought of where Richie could possibly be taking them that he wasn’t freaking out over Richie’s less-than-stellar driving like he normally did.
“Okay, ouch. We’re almost there, moody boy. In fact--” Eddie frowned when they pulled up next to a small, brick building, leaning over towards the car window to get a better look at the sign; Derry’s sick-house. “We’re here!”
That didn’t sound like a pleasant name. Not at all.
“Richie, what the fuck--”
“Shh, Eds, c’mon. Let’s go.” Richie was quick to hop out of the car, and Eddie stared at his boyfriend with an incredulous expression on his face.
Although he hesitated, Eddie pushed his car door open and got out to stand face to face with the building. “You’ve got another thing coming if you’re thinking I’m going in some place with the words ‘sick-house’ in the name.”
Richie smirked at Eddie’s frown, moving to stand in front of his smaller companion. “It’s literally not even what you think. C’mon Eddie, just give me a chance to prove myself.” A moment later, his face deadpanned. “Seriously. Please.”
Eddie fidgeted under Richie’s gaze, narrowing his eyes a little before huffing in defeat. “Okay, fine. Let’s go. But I swear to god, Rich, if this--”
“I know baby boy, I know.” Richie smiled and threw an arm over Eddie’s shoulders, ignoring the resistance as he urged Eddie forward.
This wasn’t what Eddie had been expecting or picturing at all.
As they walked through the home and his eyes took in young children, he figured that maybe they should change the name of this place.
“Richieee!” Eddie flinched at the squeal he heard, eyes widening when a small body collided into Richie’s, nearly knocking him over.
“Ayo! Woah, kiddo, it’s good to see you too. Maybe a little less enthusiasm next time? My fuckin’ bones aren’t strong-- Ouch! Why’d you hit me, Eds?”
Eddie watched Richie hug the diminutive child dressed in flannel and jeans, taking note of their clean-shaven head. “Don’t swear in front of children.”
To say Eddie was surprised was, well, an understatement.
Richie grinned, pulling back to stare down at his companion. “What’s up, Ellie? Remember how I told you I’d bring my boyfriend here to meet you?”
Eddie blinked in surprise when the child, a female he realized, whipped around to face him with the widest smile he had ever seen. “Are you Eddie?”
Now that she wasn’t squealing, he could hear just how soft and small her voice actually was.
“Y-yeah. I’m, uh, yeah. I’m Eddie.” He stammered.
“Nice to meet you! I’m Ellie, I’m twelve, and I’ve got leukemia.” Ellie still had a grin on her face as she thrust her hand out towards Eddie, clearly expecting a handshake.
He wondered if this was how she introduced herself to everyone. “Nice to meet you, Ellie.” Eddie gave her a nervous smile, taking her smaller hand into his and giving it a firm shake.
“Now you and Richie are my new best friends!” She beamed, and Eddie found himself glancing over at Richie who was staring at him with a victorious smirk on his lips. “Richie, my mom brought me my guitar yesterday and you said you’d play so... On with it. Let us go.”
Eddie’s jaw was nearly slack to the ground when he heard Ellie’s mock British accent, and the laughter that Richie emitted next to him let him know that his boyfriend had every bit to do with it.
Everyday, after school, Eddie would join Richie in going to visit Ellie for a few hours.
She would always be so happy to see them, and Eddie thought that was precious.
Even though Richie wouldn’t say it out loud, Eddie could tell that this meant a lot to his boyfriend. He knew that their after school visits were the highlight of Richie’s day, and that Ellie was important to him. The bond that Richie and Ellie had was strong, in Eddie’s opinion.
On a few occasions, they had gotten consent from Ellie’s mother to take her out, and Richie would always panic about how it had to be perfect for her. It usually ended up with them taking her out to a movie and then getting pizza and ice cream afterwards. They would then end it with Richie playing and singing for Ellie until it was time to take her back.
Even after Richie’s community service was over, they still went back to hang out with Ellie.
Eddie remembered the best time they had. The home had a small dance for the residents, and Richie and Eddie had gotten clearance to attend. It was absolutely adorable to watch Ellie and Richie bounce around the dance floor to the music. He had never seen Ellie smile and laugh so much, and if he were being honest, he couldn’t even remember seeing Richie glowing that much.
Eddie made sure to get video footage of these cute moments when he could, knowing that they would be able to play it and reminisce later. Hopefully, with Ellie.
Good things didn’t last forever, however.
Ellie’s health had started deteriorating suddenly and aggressively, so much that the once bouncing and vibrant child started becoming weak and meek. It had gotten to the point where one week she was walking, and then the next she needed a wheelchair to get around.
Each visit got sadder and sadder.
Once Ellie was bedridden and emaciated with sickness, Richie was trying to smile and be cheery for Ellie so that she wouldn’t be so sad, but to Eddie, it appeared like it was becoming harder for his boyfriend to do so.
“Richie, c’mon, answer your phone...” Eddie mumbled to himself worriedly, pacing in front of the school. However, the phone went to straight to voicemail just like it had the other six times he tried.
Normally, Richie would meet him in front of the school afterwards and they would drive to the sick-house, but Richie hadn’t even been in school that day.
Richie always told Eddie when he wasn’t going to come to school. Richie always answered his frantic calls and texts. Not today, however.
After hitching a ride from Bill to Richie’s house, he tried not to think of the worst as he got out and thanked Bill.
Eddie used the key Richie had given to him a year ago, and pushed through the door, listening carefully for signs of anyone else.
It was quiet. Unsettling quiet.
“Richie? Are you here?” Eddie hated the way his voice trembled as he made his way through the house, looking for his boyfriend.
Eventually, he got up to Richie’s room, and timidly twisted the door open in hopes that Richie would be there.
What he saw, he would never forget.
He saw Richie curled up in the middle of his bed, his eyes bloodshot and tears streaming down his face as he held a jacket in his arms.
It was Ellie’s jacket that they’d bought for her months ago.
Eddie’s heart dropped as he came to the realization of what was going on, and he clasped a hand over his mouth, tears instantly springing into his eyes.
“Sh-she’s gone, Eddie... Sh-sh-she died th-this morning..” Eddie jumped slightly at the sob that left Richie’s lips, and he quickly rushed over, wrapping his arms around Richie.
“Fuck... I’m so sorry, Richie..” Eddie whispered, sniffling as his own tears began sliding down his face.
He had been close to Ellie, but not nearly as close as Richie had been. It hurt him to think that Richie had been alone all day to deal with this major loss.
“She... she was only twelve, E-Eds... How could this happen? She had so much life.” Eddie could feel Richie’s body begin to shake, causing Eddie to pull Richie closer as he ran a hand through Richie’s dark locks.
He didn’t have a response to it. They both knew that death for Ellie was always a possibility, especially once she started deteriorating, but he didn’t think either of them was prepared for it to actually happen.
“This is bullshit. She should still be here. She should be in school, she should be hanging out with other kids.” Richie’s shaky voice was growing angrier by the second, which startled Eddie slightly.
“Richie, please, calm down babe...” He tried.
“Calm down? Calm down, Eddie?! I can’t calm down. They didn’t save her, and they were supposed to save her.”
Suddenly Richie was up on his feet, and Eddie fell onto his butt on Richie’s bed as he watched his boyfriend in shock. “Richie, just-- Richie, stop!” He shrieked loudly.
Eddie flinched visibly when he watched Richie’s TV come crashing down to the ground and shatter under its own weight.
“She was only twelve!” Richie was like a tornado, flinging around and breaking everything in his sight while yelling about the unfairness of Ellie’s death.
“Richie please, stop it!” Eddie had scrambled himself up into a corner of the room, hoping to keep away from Richie’s frenzied destruction as he begged and pleaded for Richie to calm down.
Richie stood in the middle of the room after he dismantled it, his chest heaving up and down. “Why couldn’t they save her, Eds? W-why couldn’t I..? I...” Richie got out weakly through his ragged breathing, shaking all over. Without warning, he collapsed to the ground in his sorrow, gut-wrenching sobs ripping past his throat and lips.
Eddie quickly rushed passed the mess and over to Richie, collapsing next to him as he pulled Richie into his arms.
“It’s not your fault, Richie..” Eddie whispered, choking back his own sobs. “You gave her something to look forward to in her last days, Richie.. You were her hero.”
For hours, Eddie and Richie sat in that spot on the floor, holding each other and grieving together. 
One thing was certain; They would never forget Ellie.
They had petitioned for Ellie to get a memorial at the local park, and it was granted. There, Richie left a CD that contained all of Ellie’s favorites songs. He wanted to make sure that she always had his voice wherever she was.
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