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nart-is-a-monster · 1 year ago
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Ya know me I'm not normal Abt the fic, so here you go THE BLOODY MARRY SCENE BC I've been thinking of it lately :3333
AAAAAAAAND here's the link of the fic :D
And if you see this and have no idea why Varian is in that situation
Go read the fic so we can be not normal Abt the fic together U__U
And go follow @glitter-lisp @eggmuffinwaffles bc they have written the thing and I love them (and you should too) :333
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musicals-and-mushrooms · 2 years ago
so i watched the owl house finale. so many emotions i cant write it all out but it was amazing and the end sequence had the most beautiful fuzziest feeling ever like at the end of six or beetlejuice (musical) and it was perfect.
belos got what he deserved he was absolutely evil but also one of the best villians i have ever seen, right up there with ezra squall and the briarwoods.
THE NOW EAT THIS SUCKA I SCREAMED SO LOUD!! absolute perfection also titan luz was amazing and the whole fight scene was perfect
raeda and huntlow were really teasing us with the affection but no blushing, but im gonna say they both happened and even if they are just platonic soulmates thats all i need to hear
WAFFLES!! yes dana said that is hunters new palismans name and she is adorable
The matching flapjack tattoos ❤
Will be posting more but probably after the 16th because IM PERFORMING IN A MUSICAL IN 5 DAYS EEEEE
hey guys, love you guys (wait wrong fandom)
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art-i-choked · 2 years ago
thats all the doodles i got so ill see you guys another time byeeeeeeeeeeee :3c
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void-of-the-moon · 1 year ago
explodes idk i was bored so i made a whole intro thingy so here have a intro abt me
thats all byeeeeeeeeeeee
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gaygaara · 3 years ago
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*sand coffins you* *sand coffins you* *sand coffins you* *sand co
photo ref: @adorkastock
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noctomania · 7 years ago
me: *makes a post*
me, later: *reblogs post with addition*
me, even later: I got a note on this post?! Who and what could it be!
me, milliseconds later: I am but a fool, a foolish fool, I--
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confuzzled-crow77 · 2 years ago
For 👏🏼 The 👏🏼 Future
Okay, first of all, a good friend of mine recommended (and by that I mean bugged me until I caved) to watch the Owl House, and I half wished that they hadn’t. I now have a constant feeling of frustration and hatred toward Disney for canceling the show. Anyway…
Well, I’m here so might as well make the best of it. Random voice-acting bits that I ADORED: At the very beginning when King said, “goodbye” after the door exploded, and right after that when the Collector said, “I’m free, I’m free! I haven’t felt this good in forever and ever! It’s like the whole world is singing!” It’s just *chef’s kiss*
Also when Camila screamed after sitting down on the ground-eyeballs. It sounded so authentic and throat-ripping! (Should I be happy about that?)
Obviously there’s a lot more than that but I don’t feel like typing it out. Okay, but one more thing: I first watched it when I had by earbuds in, and I almost threw up when I heard Belos slooching and slawching around. It was disgusting and amazing.
I didn’t know that Huntlow was kind of a love-or-hate kind of thing in the fandom. I personally…llliiiiikkkeeeeee it. I get that Willow was one of the first people to show Hunter kindness and I love both of their characters but I just can’t get into it. Of course all characters and relationships are going to be rushed but at least Lumity had some semblance of development. Ugh, not their fault.
Eda and Lilith’s new hairstyles = yes. Raine’s new mullet = yes even though Belos is now currently eating away at their flesh.
I would feel bad that Odalia is a servant to the Collector but…it’s Odalia. Come now, let’s be real here.
Okay, I’ve seen numerous fanarts of how Flapjack’s powers could manifest in Hunter, and I love his teleportation ability but…red wings. RED WINGS PEOPLE!! *cough* anyway
Let’s address the elephant in the room. No, not Liz’s palisman. No, not Willow’s emotional scenes. No, not the Collector being a lonely, abandoned little guy. *deep intake of breath* MATT THOLOMULE PEOPLE WHAT THE SHI-
I will never spell it “Mat Tholomule.” Never. Steve is one of my favorite characters (he’s like my…sixth favorite), and I really want some scenes with him and Matty since they’re half-brothers and we were robbed of their backstory but it’s probably not important enough to include in the last episode. Steve Tholomule…
I adore Luz’s palisman, though I like the egg’s color scheme more. Hey, I’m not complaining though. I just have one problem…Stringbean brings up bad memories of expired baked beans that had been left in the sun too long. No hate, duh. Her lil’ kitten ears are so cute!
Boscha is a simp for Amity…
Kikimora isn’t dead…
My predictions for the last episode (*distant sobbing*): Raine is going to die, but the Collector is going to revive them. The dude has Belos eating away at them, and they doesn’t have a Flapjack. (…is that grammar?)
Owlbert, Lilith’s palisman, and the Bat Queen are going to fight for the Boiling Isles!! They’re nowhere to be seen, and they’re way too important to leave out.
The Collector and King are going to team up against Belos in a fight of Gods!! And the only way for the good guys to prevail will be the Owl Crew!
Caleb will talk and his voice will be Hunter’s. Maybe if/when Belos dies all the Golden Guards of the past and Caleb will come to thank Hunter or Caleb talks to Belos as he’s dying.
Belos will go berserk against Eda since with her new hairstyle, she’s the spitting image of Evelyn.
There will be a lot of crying involved, both for the characters and the audience.
My hopes and dreams:
Steve and Matt scene! (Highly unlikely)
Stringbean being OP as crap and using her snakeshifting ability in battle by stinging as a scorpion, blowing flames as a dragon, and flying as a bat. (Pretty likely)
A “some years in the future” scene/ a flash forward scene. (Dear GOD I HOPE SO)
okay thats it *owl house voice* byeeeeeeeeeeee
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zephyr-thedragon · 4 years ago
get to know me
hihello-  I’m zephyr >:)  I’m a minor, gender fluid, queer (he/they/she)
I'm a Sagittarius sun, cancer rising, cabin 8
I'm a singer/songwriter, self-taught musician and producer!
i also have a soundcloud which is where i post everything for the TLC musical and where i post my own stuff every once in a while!
hobbies include: READING, gaming, sleeping, singing & dancing,  listening to music, playing music, writing music, painting, doing my makeup at 2 a.m, hoarding pop figures, and i’m also a witch :)
here’s my carrd (youtube, insta, spotify etc)
favorite book series’ (in order): The Lunar Chronicles, The Medoran Chronicles, The System Divine Trilogy, The Poppy War Trilogy, The Renegades Trilogy
favorite stand alone: Cemetery Boys, Circe
I run a lunar chronicles roleplay blog as iko! @iko-theroyalandroid (with a couple of other people)
you could probably either find me in my backyard collecting rocks or in my bed reading with little to no light
I’ve been a gamer since I was like six and I have a youtube channel that I post Minecraft videos on like once every two months dhdjdd
if you have any questions feel free to ask! i’ll be happy to answer :D
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