snudootchaikovsky · 11 months
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moonstruckme · 10 months
Hi lovely!!! As I mentioned earlier, I apologize again do sending so many asks, I'm sick and stuck at home rn, so my brain has been working on overtime, so if I have an idea and think u might like it, I am sending them lol.
I wanted to know if u could write spencer x bau!reader, where reader is a technical analyst with Penelope for the team. But the last case was a pretty big one and she ended up sacrificing her sleep and needs to Penelope and everyone else could rest? So now that the case is over shes beng kinda stubborn and doesn't really wanna adress it, nor rest till she finishes the few remaining things?
Like always, you don't gotta write anything I request!!! I hope you've had a good week so far and get plenty of rest lol <333
Sincerely, :]
Hi sweetheart! No worries, send as many as you like! I'm just answering them at my own pace :)
Spencer Reid x bau!reader ♡ 876 words
“Hello my favorite genius.” Penelope snags Spencer by his sleeve just as he’s about to step into the elevator, using his momentum to swing him around and start him back the other direction. “I need you to get your ladylove out of my office—” she winces. “Our office. Sorry. Old habits, they do die hard.” 
“She’s still here?” Spencer asks, having learned long ago how to bulldoze through the fluff of conversations with Garcia. “I thought she’d be home already.” 
“Oh, no,” she says gravely, voice dropping to a whisper as they near the tech room. “I don’t think she’s been there in days. You cannot say anything, but she’s starting to smell.” 
Spencer prepares himself for the worst as the door opens, but all he finds is you, cute if a little bedraggled, hunched over your keyboard. 
“Hi,” he says tentatively when your glassed-over eyes don’t leave the screen. Your face is awash in blue light, blank but for the determined pinch of your mouth as you work. “Ready to go home?” 
“You can’t kick me out,” you say. Spencer blinks in surprise and a bit of hurt at your blunt tone before he realizes you aren’t speaking to him. “You can’t make him kick me out, either. I just have a few things left to do.”
“Very admirable work ethic,” Penelope shoots back, her own voice chipper with a steel edge, “but you’ve done plenty. We can finish this tomorrow.” 
You don’t stop typing even for a second. “Go home, Pen.” 
She gives Spencer an emphatic, helpless look behind your back, and he nods, signaling for her to go. She backs out of the room with her hands held up in front of her like she’ll need to ward you off, grabbing her bag and shutting the door behind her. 
“Hey.” Freed from the last constraints of professionalism, Spencer slips into his most honeyed tone. “Let’s get out of here, sweetheart. I’ve got a bed and a fridge full of almost-bad takeout waiting for us at home.” 
“Just a couple of things left to do,” you mutter, but your tone is considerably less hard than it had been with Penelope. 
“There will always be things left to do.” He walks up behind your chair, setting his hands on your shoulders and his chin on your head. You smell a bit stale, a sure tell you’ve been too long in this room, but nothing so bad as Penelope had warned him about. Just day-old you. “I may not know the full scope of things, but I know you’ve been working really hard on this case. You deserve some rest. You need some rest,” he amends. “Let me drive you home.” 
Something like longing flickers across your expression, but then it hardens back into resolve. “Thanks, Spence, but I can drive myself once I’m done.” 
Spencer decides to switch tactics. Oftentimes, the best way to get you to accept help is to let you think you’re actually helping someone else. He straightens and takes a couple of quick steps back from your desk with your chair in hand, rolling you with him.
“Hey!” you reach for your keyboard, but Spencer’s already swiveling your seat, turning you to face him. 
He sets his hands on the armrests. “Sweetheart, I just got off a four hour flight after a three day case. I’d really like to go home, but I’m not leaving here without you.” The divot between your eyebrows takes on a new character, frustration softening into sympathy. “And you haven’t even let me say a real hello.” 
A spark of happiness lights your eyes a second before they fall closed, face tipping up in eager anticipation as Spencer dips down to kiss you. It’s soft and lingering, and you rub your lips together self-consciously after it’s over, realizing how chapped they are. Spencer wonders when the last time you drank water was. 
“Sorry,” you say softly. “I didn’t mean to hold you up.” 
“You’re not,” he reassures you quickly, wanting you pliant but not guilty. “I mean, I don’t mind. Of course I don’t mind waiting for you. But are you ready to go now?” 
You cast a hesitant, skeptical look back at your computer, but Spencer smooths his thumb over the inside of your wrist, and you relent. “Yeah, okay. I just have to come back early tomorrow to finish up.” 
Spencer hums noncommittally. He was already planning on disabling your alarms after you’re asleep tonight. You need rest more than the higher-ups need your reports. You stand, grabbing your bag from under your desk and letting him shepherd you towards the door. 
“Do you think we could order some new takeout?” you ask him. 
“Good idea,” he agrees, somewhat relieved. “The stuff in the fridge has chicken in it, I don’t trust that.” 
Your laugh is somewhat lighter than usual, exhaustion setting in now that you’re out of your cave, but Spencer relishes the sound regardless. “Yeah, me neither. Pizza?” 
“Pizza,” he confirms. 
You make it all the way downstairs before your eyes flare and you spin around. “Shit, I think I left the light—”
“Nope.” Spencer takes you by the shoulders, steering you towards his car. “Someone else will take care of it.”
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viridwns · 1 year
Things KNY upper moons + Muzan (and Y/N) said, but I'm quoting my friends and I (Like fr, I'm copy pasting the texts)
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Y/N: I'm stressing big time.
Y/N: But you know what's bigger?
Akaza: What?
Y/N: The distance between the ground and the top of the building I'm going to jump off.
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Douma: Time to behead my dolls!
Y/N: That's the most sane thing you have said all week.
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Gyutaro: I'm babysitting right now (Daki is the baby).
Y/N: Slay (Throw the baby).
Gyutaro: What no-
Douma: You scared you can't break my baby throwing record?
Gyutaro: You have a WHAT.
Muzan, done with everyone: Douma having a record in baby throwing is the least suprising thing about him.
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Gyutaro: I hate foreigners.
Y/N: The R in Gyutaro stands for racist apparently.
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Y/N: Guys I want to catch some pedophiles, but I got to lure them in first.
Akaza: There is no need, Douma is already here.
Douma: Excuse you?
Y/N: Don't act all suprised, you are banned from most places here. Parents tell their kids storoes about you so they'll behave.
Douma: Oh yeah lmao, valid.
Akaza: Bitch said valid to me calling him a pedo.
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Y/N: Selling my feetpics are going to make sure Muzan is able to live in a retirement home later in life.
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(We were talking about chocolate balls my friend makes for us every now and then. God bless her innocent soul)
Y/N: Who wants to taste my famous balls?
Muzan: I'm unadopting you.
Akaza: You don't have balls?
Douma: I want to taste them!
Kokushibo: I don't have my balls anymore.
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Douma: Guys, important question, would you fuck your clone?
Hantengu: Have done it, multiple times, would recommend.
Y/N: What if we let your clone and my clone fuck to see if we could start a p*rn career.
Hantengu: Genius idea.
Douma: I am on the FBI most wanted list and even I have to say Y/N's brain scares me sometimes.
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Muzan: Y/N, I will burn your house down if you don't finish school.
Y/N: I love how the alcoholic of this group is trying to stop me from hitting the pole.
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Y/N sending a pic of them on the ground outside with their bike next to them in the middle of nowhere: lol guys guess who got hit and runned.
Akaza: IS 911 ON THEIR WAY?
Y/N: Oh now I remember why I grabbed my phone out of my pocket.
Muzan: Oh yeah lol that was me, sorry about that.
Y/N: It's all good bruh, now I don't have to go to work.
Y/N: oopsie daisy.
(Akaza called 911 for them, Muzan did not hit them that was a joke, Y/N had a light concussion and a broken leg. They never found the person who hit them)
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Ok hihihihi so I'm a big fan of your tumblr in general (big thumbs up from me there) however I have recently stumbled across your youtube edits (good omens ofc) and at first i was like wait i know them but fuck fuck fuck im so so sooo obsessed you have such genius big brain ideas you are COOKING frfr
also your latest one to running up that hill im screaming banging my head against the wall I live for the drama? you don't usually see them edited quite like that and you brought the heat like damn im such a big fan in general but... the edits........ I am hyperfixating on all of them rn but especially running up that hill, holding out for a hero and hit me with your best shot because oof
now i will go back to watching on repeat pls excuse me-
oh my goodness gracious HELLO✨💕 yes it's me hi!!!
thank you SO MUCH for this fidkdksjl this is so lovely and AH oh my goodness that's so kind of you thank you so much!!!!
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IM SO PLEASED THAT SOMEONE ELSE is obsessing over the kate bush one, she's not done so hot on numbers but im proud of her and lose my mind over her anyway💕
it was really hard to make it!!!!!! god knows i love this show but it is first and foremost a comedy, so making something that deliberately tried to showcase it in a gritty, angsty, cinematic-epic light was sooooo difficult but it's wonderful to know it paid off!!! thank you!!!!💕
holding out for a hero was so dumb lmao but it fits crowley so well i couldn't resist it, but i do love the hit me with your best shot one, she's a special lady and whilst the tempo of it nearly killed me, it paid off pretty well 😅 my personal faves though, i have to say, are probably candy and cut to the feeling, i feel they were some of my best work on a technical level 🥰
(i also really loved making trouble coming, but that was about the demon gang/hell in general so naturally hasnt quite found the same attention as the blorbo ones, oops)
AHHHH needless to say this has made my day and i thank you muchly, so so lovely of you!!!!💖
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yuwumeniji · 2 years
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Luxiem x Persona
I am thou, Thou art I
A/N: A bullet pointed brainrot of two different fandoms i have rn.... mmmm.... many thoughts, head full ♡ also... when i think im done, i dont look back (no beta we die like men around here lmao) so im very sorry for the sloppiness lmao
i'm seriously in love with this artwork and it became my muse lmao || A lot of the references will be more on Persona 5/Persona 5 Royal || Proceed under the cut!
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Luxiem - a group of misfits turned phantom thieves who have shaken up society!
both shu and ike are third years, while mysta and luca are both second and first years respectively
vox is a student teacher at the same school as the rest of the boys. he is a history / language arts teacher.
the first palace was infiltrated by luca and shu
the last person to join was mysta due to his wariness of the others
they all meet up at vox's apartment since he's the only one out of the five that lived alone.
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A people pleaser; despite his good intentions, he has yet to realize that others are just using the goodness of his heart to fulfill their evil tasks.
Codename: Novelist (He wants to overwrite his past failures and see a brighter tomorrow for himself)
What Triggered A Change Of Heart? : tired of being taken advantage of, ike had realized that he has to be able to think for himself - bearing witness to how cut-throat society really is and how fiends would use his kind-heartedness to their advantage, his persona had manifested as the strength needed to stand on his own two feet and his desire to become independent.
What Is His Persona?: A grotesque, hulking ball of tentacles. no one can see the middle of the creature. ike says that it's a reference to his untapped potential (mysta dismisses it as just something mysterious and didn't want to pry)
His Position: the brains of the operation. leave it to ike to help navigate and come up with creative plans to infiltrate palaces
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a childish dreamer, blinded by his own ideals and has yet to be tainted by this cruel world.
Codename: Boss (He wanted to become Number. 1; actually based on an inside joke within their group as he is the one who usually lead discussions, thus leading to everyone in Luxiem calling him "Boss" or "The Big Boss")
What Triggered A Change Of Heart? : The realization that his dreams have long been crushed by the doings of a wicked adult. luca knew he was chasing nothing but a dream, yet it was what kept him going until he felt that it was time to face reality. the anger he feels over being stamped out like this and the idea that a new adventure awaits him had manifested as his persona.
What Is His Persona?: a humanoid like being with a lion's mane and strong arms. has the ability to stand on its hind legs. luca has thought about having a weight-lifting contest with his own persona (the others think it's a little absurd fighting himself since a persona is just an extension of oneself)
His Position: the brawn of the operation. being the massive ball of energy he is, leave the fighting to luca. even in dire situations where the team is surrounded by shadows, luca will find a way to break through via sheer will himself. he is also the most physically capable within the group.
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A genius who wishes to be recognized past his intelligence.
Codename: Sleuth (He wishes to seek the truth behind the wicked desires of others)
What Triggered A Change Of Heart? : pushed over the edge, mysta had enough of people blindly praising his intelligence as if his other achievements were only due to the fact of his genius-disposition or of other means - he felt as if this was what trapped in his own fame (or infamy), he wanted to live freely. the manifestation of this desire revealed itself as his persona.
What Is His Persona?: a fox like creature that seems cute at first. if anything is known about mysta, it's that appearances are deceiving - despite the cuteness, mysta's persona is quite vicious and has the ability to rip apart even steel with it's teeth. mysta and his persona surprisingly get along well; his persona has the unique sentience about it and often is seen hanging off of his shoulder or hat when they are in the metaverse.
His Position: the escape artist. leave the escape to mysta, he's the only one capable of driving everyone to safety when the palace starts to crumble into nothingness (at least only one able to escape in time, the rest either don't have a license or don't have a sense of how quickly they need to escape - ike was the one who asked mysta if there were speed limits when escaping.)
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The one who watches from the shadows, a witness to the everyday injustices.
Codename: Magician (Like a magician, his dexterity and adaptability in many and otherwise dire situations leave others in awe ; yet, he refuses to share how and why he knows such skills)
What Triggered A Change Of Heart? : the more shu bore witness to, the more he grew sick of it. he felt as though a bottomless pit had formed in his stomach as he watches wicked adults take advantage over the weak - and most importantly, how weak he was for hiding behind this fear, even if he had the means of helping others. his desire to see the world where the weak can live amongst the strong without cowering in fear has manifested into his persona.
What Is His Persona?: another humanoid like creature that stands on one leg. it appears to look like a shikigami with a magician's clothes. shu has tried drawing a face on his persona's paper-like face. he's surprised that it stays on sometimes.
His Position: intelligence master. from collecting data of the big bad they must face to finding who needed a change of heart within the depths of mementos, shu has it all covered. no one really knows how he gathers this much information and doesn't really want to know how either (shu says these are basic things you can find online about anyone, but none of the members want to question if he's actually telling the truth or not)
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A young adult pressured by society, once an overachiever now weighted by the burden of life after high school.
Codename: Oni (The group named him Oni due to the appearance of his persona. He went along with the name because he couldn't think of a better one, plus he found it endearing how the group of his closest friends gave him the name.)
What Triggered A Change Of Heart? : vox's anger and desire to do more despite the now limited resources and time he has in comparision to an older adult, or a child. despite being an honours student, vox was hit with the sudden reality check that he can no longer do what he was once able to without being compared to others. he didn't like that at all and wanted to change that perspective once and for all.
What Is His Persona?: an oni-like creature that towered over the rest. powerful and all-mighty, yet regal and somewhat refined. vox wants to invite his persona to a tea party one day.
His Position: the guardian angel. despite his mean appearance, vox cares a lot about the members of the team and shines the brightest during desperate situations. he's the hope and the eldest brother of the bunch and he'll do anything to make sure the operation goes as smoothly as possible with little or no injury to the rest of the boys.
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Quiet footsteps entered the cave. Smokey wasn’t sure if Don was here or not. He wasn’t at the cabin, and Smokey knew Don avoided the busier areas of the camp, so hopefully… hopefully he was here. And if he wasn’t, then that was okay too. Smokey would just leave his gift where Don could see it.
He’d made sure it was big. Don sized! It was actually a little awkward to carry and he was definitely having trouble watching his step around it. It was totally worth it though. If this was the last chance he got to give Don something, he wanted it to be good.
It was one of his best works, in his opinion. He’d glued down a large sheet of paper to a thin metal slab to give it some support. Hot glued down around the edges were seashells and dry bowtie pasta, acting together as a frame. He’d used glittery hot glue too, and drawn some little little smileys and swirls and hearts between the shells and pasta pieces before busting the shapes with some of the purple sand from the beach. The part Smokey was most proud of though was in the middle.
It was artwork depicting their nail painting party. Front and center was Don, exactly how Smokey saw him. He’d used acrylic paint to lay down the basic shapes, then gone in with sharpie and art pens to add the details. It was all warm tones, because that’s how Smokey thought of Don - warm. He was curious and inquisitive and patient and gentle and friendly and Smokey did his best to convey that through the color palette and soft lines.
Across from Don was a significantly smaller Smokey. He’d used paint for his shell and body, before going in with pens and markers to add details and texture. His mask was made of construction paper - and he’d been able to control his fire this time so it was purposefully singed and charred in the way he wanted it! And - he thought he was genius for this part - he’d used the nail polish from that day to paint the nail polish bottle on the ground by them, before going back in and adding some to Don’s claws, to make it look like they were in the middle of painting.
In the background, there were “decorative” scorch marks, courtesy of Sparky. They’d been the fire spirit’s idea. The spirit had fronted and carefully scorched the paper where their cabin would be in the background, before letting Smokey back to the front so he could use a thin tipped sharpie and draw in the cabin’s line art.
It was one of Smokey’s favorite memories from camp. The photoshoot had been a close second, making the box turtle smile whenever he remembered Don initiating a tickle fight. But this one, painting nails - it’d been really nice. He remembered holding Don’s massive hands as he painted and feeling deeply content and happy. Don’t get him wrong, camp had been fun, but it’d also been hard, being away from home and surrounded by people Smokey didn’t know. Painting his friend’s - his brother’s - claws was the first time Smokey felt comfortable at camp.
He’d signed his name on the back with a paint pen. Sparky had left a scorch mark as their signature. (Honestly, the turtle didn’t know how the spirit had avoided melting the metal.) He didn’t leave a message this time. Just a title for the piece. My Favorite Memory.
Smokey really hoped Don liked it.
He left it carefully propped up against the cave wall. Don was out. That was okay. He was…he was probably saying goodbye to people. Smokey would just have to catch him another time before the end of camp to give the giant turtle a goodbye hug.
Sparky sent a wave of comfort through the bond. The spirit was old enough to have experienced their fair share of goodbyes. This was Smokey’s first. The spirit knew it was hard.
With a shaky breath, Smokey quickly exited the cave and went back to his cabin to pack.
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If I didn't have soup brain hopped up on dayquil rn I'd have a proper little reply typed for this, so i'm sorry I can't manage a better reply! Just know Don came back to find the gift and curled up with it immediately, he might have knocked off a few of the macaronis with his aggressive nuzzling. He's going to run to give his baby brother a big ole' tackle hug right now! ~ Cadoo 🐾 @tmnt-fandom-family-reunion (Cabin 15)
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egg2k16 · 9 months
20. Which work of yours have you reread the most?
12. How many WIP’s do you have in your docs for next year?
6. Favorite title you used
ao3 wrapped ask list here
20. God, honestly, Third Man Factor, I popped off so hard with that one. My mind is incredible, I did so much research for that fic, n then I wrote all of it down, n then I wrote porn about it. The shyans r so so lucky I exist. Go read it. Go. do it. it's monsterfucking. AND I'm planning a sequel!!! Oh and also my other fic, for tears would fill my eyes. I'm so smart I was able to write unreciprocated love n not cry about it!!!
12. Technically speaking, I have a wip in mind to write for January, it's gonna be the first part of Kinktober 2016, cuz I thought to myself, "it'd be interesting to explore new kinks while also creating stuff for rarepairs", so I decided to simply do every kinktober. Aside from that, this entire year I've been planning an MCU rewrite for my current otp, Hawkeye/Loki, n bro my brain is so so big rn. I'm the smartest MCU fan alive. It's gonna be SO operatic my guy
6. for tears would fill my eyes !!! I got the genius idea to use era-specific songs for any Mash fic I write, n so this was the first one! It's from "I'll Never Smile Again" by Tommy Dorsey
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boxofthings · 2 years
You are the BIGGEST, absolute GENIUS in the ghostroach fanfic bracket. You are Midas in regards to writing, everything you touch is gold. Every time I read one of your fanfics I literally start tearing up. I love these army men with questionable mental health so much!!! And you make me love them more!!! Big men with matching lil stickers, it’s so cute. I love your fanfics to bits and pieces, and I will continue lightly stalking you for ghostroach content. You never disappoint with your fanfics!!! Thank you so much for writing this!!!!!! <33333
I am???in tears?? this is the BIGGEST compliment thank you so much for the kind words omg?? I am legit so flattered rn you have no idea like damn I wish I could tattoo this ask into my brain
Literally thank you so much for the support you have no idea how much it means to me and I'm so happy you enjoy my writing!! if I knew who you were I'd be sending virtual smooches 24/7 you are so kind!! <33
Still planning on writing more of these two losers for the foreseeable future, esp since I still have a couple more prompts to go through :) (and also a much larger fic)
(also if y'all wanna send in more prompts 👀 I would not oppose)
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ioannemos · 2 months
Would love to hear a little more about those who keep silent and silent like darkness!
those who keep silent: the title is from a quote (shocking, no doubt) by c. s. lewis
Those who speak about their misery usually hurt; those who keep silent hurt more.
the basic idea is that after gipsy danger goes down and his brother dies, raleigh stops talking - as in can't, not won't. he checks himself out of the hospital and drifts up the coast, picking up jobs here and there. yancy follows, always just behind him, heard but not seen. it's mostly disconnected snippets and emotional breakdowns so far. ya boy is Traumatized™️ and not even bothering to pretend otherwise
probably needs more specific yancy content bc i've mentioned him a lot but been kinda vague. i think raleigh's in alaska when pentecost finds him in the movie, so i'm trying to get him over the canadian border (tho, headcanon is the borders are a little less uh border-y now that they're trying to build walls to keep kaiju out. i know the jeagers are very "hoo rah our nation is the best" and that's fine but that's Big Government. Little Government is concerned with matters of the day more than patriotism)
i think this one started in second person tbh, as opposed to other stories where i started elsewhere and ended up there. i like the brand of distance it engenders which i talked about... at some point in the past lol. "first person is in their head, third person is overhead, and second person is riding their shoulder" is the gist of it. even raleigh doesn't wanna be in his head rn - it's not a good place to be! but he can't get out of it, so
the other epigraph is a quote from richard siken
what is a ghost? something dead
that seems to be alive. something
dead that doesn’t know it’s dead.
silence like darkness: already talked about the basic idea here. have a little more!
this title is also from a quote, this time from hanif kureishi
And silence, like darkness, can be kind; it, too, is a language.
the first chapter or section or whatever is from rodney's perspective and probably the only one from his perspective bc it's before his brain totally overloads and i don't think i could convey what his worldview looks like after. it probably wouldn't be fun to read, bc it would just be fragments and splinters of thought and feeling. lots of confusing run-on sentences. i like writing that kind of thing, don't get me wrong, just not when the character going through it is a math (amongst other things) genius and i flunked algebra lol
anyway. i mention this bc rodney's the one stuttering "keep" and by the end of the section we finally get the whole of what he's been trying to say
The world is shattering like a window, like a window in a high-rise in an earthquake, and he’s sliding toward it, toward the hundred-story freefall, and he has to get the words out.
“Keep- Hey. Keep John out. John. Keep John out.”
he's saying it bc he realized that the machine was a trap for ancients and the only reason he's alive is bc he's not a real ancient (like the fear nanobot/virus/whatever episode where he got all the symptoms except death). it's probably the last time he's anything like coherent before they get his projection room set up! and john isn't there to hear it 🙂 teyla's the only member of ar-1 present and she doesn't hear it either bc she's at the back herding scientists 🙂🙂 i'm mean 🙂🙂🙂
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greenbeany · 2 years
I had a crazy idea.
Dream SMP Alex Rider AU. (mainly SBI cuz SBI my beloved)
Phil is John Rider(except maybe not dead??)
Technoblade is Yassen
MissTrixtin is Ian except she's Wilbur(Jack) and Tommy(Alex)'s mom(also maybe not dead)
Wilbur and Tommy are Jack(Starbright. Not Manifold of course) and Alex respectively, but they're siblings(biological or adoptive, idc)
Dream is a younger, greener Blunt
Maybe George is Mrs. Jones??? Or Captain Puffy if we want to go down the Jones-is-nice route. (I personally support the Jones-is-nice opinion, but ik some ppl don't, which is valid)
If Captain Puffy is Jones then George could be Crawley I guess
Either Awesamdude or Foolish Gamers is Smithers
Tubbo and Ranboo both serve as Tom
Niki Nihachu as Ben because Niki deserves to kick butt and be one of the only trustworthy ppl
Idk who any of the rest should be but Purpled and Punz should definitely be Scorpia operatives (or Purpled could be Julius??? If Julius even exists in this AU????)
...As you can see, I have been having brainrot.
Casting Techno as Yassen is GENIUS and is a sure fire way to make me sob. Him doing everything in his power to protect Tommy from Dream and MI6 and it just Does Not Work.
I'm also thinking of all of the book nine angst with Wilbur as Jack oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god.
I do love Phil, I do, but having him and Mumza both be dead is a really good set up for Wilbur having to take care of Tommy because of absent parents and MMMMMMMMMM ANGST I WANNA FUCKING WRITE THIS NOW MMM
Hear me out on this one, Jack Manifold as Wolf.
Bullies Tommy and Tommy bullies him back
He has the right accent and haircut for it (I'm so sorry he just does)
STILL has older brother vibes somehow
On the same squad as Niki and their dynamic is immaculate
Ok SOMEONE has to write or draw this because I am going feral and I have no new Alex Rider or Dream SMP content rn to get me through
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Buster & Rio
Buster: Cheers for ruining my birthday, like Rio: What are you on about? Buster: I'm not typing with my voice so I know I didn't slur on that Rio: Yeah, but you're chatting shit Buster: Am I fuck Buster: What did you come for? Rio: Your sister invited me Rio: as it's her birthday too Buster: She ain't even fucking invited Buster: It's my party not hers Rio: You're unreal Rio: neither of us wants to be at your shitty party Rio: which was lame before I got here and we'll be gone as soon as we can so calm down Buster: Then get out Buster: Neither of you are wanted here Rio: 😥 Rio: Like I said, go when we're ready Rio: Ignore us and have a fabulous evening Buster: Like I said, you're ruining it Rio: I don't really care Rio: I'm here to make sure Nancy has a good time, not you Buster: Yeah 'cause she's really gonna have a good time here Buster: You're unreal Rio: Are you thick? Rio: YOU stole her guestlist so she HAS to be here 'til your parents are satisfied Rio: you only have yourself to blame so don't cry at me Buster: Are you thick? My parents aren't. They know Nance ain't got no mates & what's happening here Rio: Take it up with them then Rio: Literally not my problem Buster: I'm taking it up with you Buster: 'Cause you & her being here are my problem Rio: She's your fucking sister Buster: Exactly Rio: You can't just pretend she doesn't exist Buster: What I can't have is one night where I don't have to beat up some cunt for trying to straighten her out, apparently Buster: Whether it's my birthday or not Rio: Sorry she's not hideous and your friends have no self-control Rio: not really an us problem though so Buster: Your nice act has vanished totally by now then, yeah? Rio: I'm not going to be nice to you when you're being a spoilt baby Buster: Literally has never stopped you before Rio: No saint Rio: sometimes it's easier to ignore, when you're not being a total twat Buster: That'll be why you're dressed like such a whore Buster: Did you want me to ignore that? Rio: Obviously Rio: Not for you or this shitshow is it Buster: It's for my sister then? Buster: Cute Rio: You're so fucking messed up Buster: It's a party Buster: That's the point Rio: Mm enjoy Buster: Do you want a line before you fuck off? Rio: Seriously? Buster: What can I say? Host with the most Rio: Fuck off Rio: I'd sooner die than be drug buddies with you after how you've just spoken to me and about your sister Buster: I didn't offer it off my body, calm down Rio: Regardless, I don't want to go anywhere with you Rio: if I want some, I'll get my own Buster: I weren't offering to hold your hand, babe Buster: You're a big girl now Buster: It's there if you want it, end of discussion Rio: Yeah, just hand it over in front of your 'rents Rio: fucking genius Buster: My bathroom's set up already you fucking amateur Buster: You know the way Rio: Bye Buster: For now Rio: Easy enough to avoid until we're gone Buster: You've had years of practice but there's still no calling it that Rio: How many lines of you had Rio: the shit you're spewing rn Rio: take a break Buster: Catch up Buster: It'd be more fun Rio: There's no chance of having fun here Rio: tah Buster: Maybe you'd at least be able to keep up if you caught up though that'd be fun for me Rio: I told you Rio: I don't care if you have a shit time Rio: sorry 'bout it Buster: Tell yourself how much you don't care a few more times Rio: I'm telling you Rio: fucking spoilt brat, don't see no actual 👑 and fuck you anyway even if there was, golden boy Buster: I don't believe you Buster: You don't believe you Rio: As thrilling as talking in circles with you is Buster: Fuck me was the only part that was real there, babe Buster: That's your circle Buster: We always come back to it Rio: YOU do Rio: your favourite topic of conversation Buster: What do you wanna talk about? My sister some more Buster: Jesus Rio: We don't need to talk at all Rio: sure my name was in the card from the fam, yeah Buster: & yet we are & we do Rio: You started it Buster: Yeah Buster: I own that Rio: Nothing to be proud Rio: of Buster: I've got plenty more shit I can be Buster: It's alright Rio: Where Buster: I'll show you Buster: Come here Rio: Yeah, that's happening Buster: Then don't ask stupid questions Rio: Not stupid just because you don't have a better answer than that Buster: I don't need a better answer than that Buster: Not for you Rio: Love that cop-out Rio: so convenient Buster: I know you do Rio: 😂 Buster: Just go Rio: Stop talking to me Buster: Stop showing up at my birthday parties Rio: Awh diddums Buster: I'm serious Rio: Ooh Buster: She invited you, you didn't have to come Rio: I like Nancy Rio: she's family Rio: why wouldn't I Buster: Then meet her somewhere else Buster: Wherever the fuck you're meant to be going Rio: Than her house? Rio: You ain't special Rio: where do you think I'm gonna stay, hotel by myself Buster: Her room isn't next to mine like yours is next to whichever one of your siblings drew that straw Buster: I don't have to see you then Buster: I'm only seeing you now 'cause you want me to Rio: Oh my God Rio: actually dellusional Rio: Halloween came first, kid Rio: or you really out here thinking the world is celebrating Buster: One day maybe Buster: For now, nah Rio: 🙄 Rio: Then get a grip and get over it Buster: Get a grip on what & get over what? Buster: That you still love me or my sister don't Rio: Jesus Rio: you got the nerve when you uninvited her from her own birthday Rio: you know she don't even wanna be here so it was an empty gesture and you still couldn't be nice about it Buster: I didn't say it weren't mutual Buster: She's weak & that ain't my problem or my fault Rio: Oh, I didn't know I was speaking to the fucking ubermensch here Rio: nothing like some german philosophy to bring out the cunt in a white boy, cool Buster: 😂 Rio: Seriously, quote some Rand at me so I can just write you off the christmas card list now Buster: 'The question isn't who is going to let me; it's who is going to stop me.' Rio: Thanks Rio: now we can give up this pretense once and for all Buster: I aim to please, babe Buster: Never let it be said you don't get what you want Rio: No one's ever said that Rio: 'cos you ain't the only person in the world who matters, Bateman Buster: That'd be so much more impressive if you meant it, Golden girl Rio: You're ridiculous Buster: So are you Rio: At least I'm not you Buster: If that'd make me you in this scenario then I'm glad too, like Rio: Everyone knows how glad you are to be you Rio: no need to go over that again Buster: & Everyone knows you want them to think you love yourself almost as much Buster: Shame you don't Rio: You're gonna psychoanalyze me now? Rio: glad the sessions are going well for you but that's a really annoying rookie habit Buster: I don't need to, you're obvious to even a casual fucking observer, like Buster: Give up that pretense if you're bothering to leave any behind Rio: Oh yeah, I'm whoring it up 'cos I'm desperate for validation and esteem from any cunt who'll give it Rio: Good one, Freud, such a hot take Buster: Not what I said Rio: Exactly what you meant Rio: worry 'bout yourself, I'm doing just fine Buster: I don't reckon you've ever had any idea exactly what I mean Buster: Probably don't try & start now Rio: That galaxy brain, whoever could compete Rio: I'm not trying, you're boring Buster: It ain't even that, you wanna deliberately misunderstand Rio: Yeah, love that Rio: blame me when you literally called me it Rio: gaslight some other bitch Buster: One day you're gonna stop fighting this if not me Buster: But yeah, there are plenty of other girls til then Rio: Fighting what Buster: Not today then, is it? Buster: Alright Rio: Wouldn't want to ruin your big day more than I already have Rio: how rude Buster: You've already shown up uninvited without a gift, taking all my spotlight, how much more out of order are you trying to be? Rio: Yeah, knew you loved it Rio: but protest some more, right Buster: What am I meant to love? Rio: Me ruining your life, apparently Buster: If that's apparent to you, you're fucked in more ways than I can start to try & analyze babe Rio: Again, you said it Rio: the drama is real Buster: & you said I was chatting shit Buster: So which is it? Rio: You are but you can believe and love the bullshit still Rio: hasn't stopped you before Buster: You wish Buster: But you don't get one, it's all me Rio: Thought you didn't need them Buster: I don't Buster: Maybe I want it Buster: Part of wanting everything, like Rio: Mhmm Buster: What do you want? Rio: I don't get one Buster: Doesn't mean you can't still want one Rio: You know you have to keep it secret or it don't come true, yeah Rio: that's wish law #1 Buster: What are you the fucking wish police? Buster: Come on Rio: Why do you wanna know Rio: got no ideas for when its time to blow out the candles or Buster: Christ, forget I fucking asked the question if you're gonna be such a pussy about it Rio: I will Rio: Nosy Buster: Better than boring Buster: Or scared Buster: If you don't ask, you don't get Rio: and sometimes, you still won't get Rio: there's a gift for you Buster: Cheers Buster: I'll wrap that bullshit back up for Nance, she'll take it wholeheartedly Buster: I always get what I want though Rio: Obviously not Buster: Where? Rio: Where to start Rio: [time to be properly chatting to that lad] Buster: [Oh good, time to be 😒 but also on the girl that you're meant to be about] Rio: [least you gotta go now so Nancy doesn't kill you, in a bit lads] Buster: [Leave him kissing & dancing & drinking & drunk taking] Buster: [drug* what] Rio: [idk what they're doing, maybe I'll look but let's assume it's cool] Buster: [lowkey anything's better than this] Rio: [soz rich kid party is not a mood] Buster: [it's really not & we all know it, him included even this early on] Buster: [later obvs] Buster: Where's Nance? Rio: She wanted to go bed and chill Rio: I'm not tired yet so Buster: Didn't ask for an update on your mood Rio: Not a mood but alright Rio: you got your answer as well Buster: & you got my point so calm the fuck down Rio: I'm chilling Buster: Good for you Rio: I'm not in your way so leave it Buster: You are in my way so leave though Rio: How am I Buster: How aren't you? Buster: We've been over it Rio: You're still getting attention, you're fine Buster: Fuck fine Buster: You're out of excuses, it ain't about giving my sister a good time anymore, so go, like Rio: I'm not going Rio: like him that much I'll go get a drink and you can slip back in, alright Buster: Shut up Rio: Exactly, you're being stupid Rio: you don't need everyone's undivided do you Rio: just hers, like Buster: You don't need to be here Buster: But you are Rio: 'cos I can Rio: I'm not hiding in your sister's room 'cos you're in a mood for some reason Buster: Some reason Buster: You know what the reason is Rio: Of course, I've 'ruined' your birthday Buster: You're still trying to Buster: Put my fucking mates down, yeah? Rio: Nah Rio: I'm over here trying to have a conversation Rio: not about you Buster: & you don't reckon he's gonna have a convo with me about it when you're done Buster: I don't wanna hear it Rio: Tell him to shut up Rio: What do you want me to tell you Buster: I'm telling you to shut up Buster: Before I have to tell him Rio: You don't tell me what to do or not Rio: if you reckon you got that kinda power over your friends go ahead Buster: Then tell yourself not to do it Buster: Fucking hell Rio: What Rio: Oh my God Buster: [is just fuming bitch like he's gotta go hit something probably excuse him] Rio: [just chatting to this lad oh girl] Buster: [when that girl he's with has probably gone to find him, oh girl x 2] Rio: [awkward, how this party going from bad to worse] Buster: [#hisinfluence] Buster: [When he probably shouted at her or told her to fuck off or something in private so then they gotta make up & everyone's gotta see it ew teens] Rio: [when you're lowkey disgusted] Buster: [aren't we all babe, at least she'd be cuter than most of the girls because one he was most bothered about/could have had something if he wasn't such a fake bitch] ] Rio: [take this lad to the garden for a hot sec 'cos don't need to be seeing this] Buster: [you brought that on yourself boy] Rio: [not gonna make you lose your v in the garden though bit rude, least they'd have guest rooms] Buster: [& a hot tub just saying] Rio: [potential] Rio: [boy should post a selfie rn 'cos duh you'd wanna brag] Buster: [that's so real] Buster: [Let's say Buster comes to have a word with said lad like just gonna pull him away and be like can you not bitch] Rio: Really Buster: Really Rio: Are you trying to be my dad Rio: what the hell Buster: You told me to have a word Buster: Just giving you what you want again, babe Rio: I thought you had some sense Rio: and enough pride to not Rio: fucking hell Buster: Back at you, Cavante Rio: What Rio: he's cute Rio: and the least annoying person at this party Rio: you should know, he's your friend Buster: Whatever you say Rio: Thanks for realizing that Buster: That you're full of shit Buster: Yeah, I did ages ago Rio: How am I Buster: Get some standards & get out of my party, like Rio: Easy Rio: [hit up that hot tub] Buster: [oh joy, I love that for us all] Rio: [when you're wearing a swimsuit basically so you good] Buster: [almost like she planned it] Rio: [at least it's died down enough you ain't gonna be the biggest spectacle ever] Buster: [don't need people filming you thanks] Rio: [chloe would sneaky rat] Buster: [girl you are the worst] Rio: [at least you gonna be looking good n doing but rude] Buster: [and at least it weren't the lad who filmed it & he's actually alright] Rio: [been a hater since day 1 i lol] Buster: [you put a baby in that boy, have a word with yourself] Rio: [yikes] Rio: [how we getting rid of this boy though 'cos he's gonna wanna stay and they ain't sleeping sleeping together 'cos too intimate not for you soz and also baze would find you in the morning and you'd be in the deepest of shit so?] Buster: [Maybe Chloe posts the vid & of course it gets to him really fast & when he sees it he's like THE PARTY'S OVER and kicks everyone out but he can't kick Rio out obvs] Rio: [sounds real, when you're just there like oh fuck] Buster: [when you go to your room in a huff slammed door and all like excuse you for not doing a Chris Ramsey drunk clean up tbh] Rio: Do you know who posted it Buster: Some girl Buster: Ask Nance Buster: [Because I feel like Chlo would have got one of her friends to do her dirty work cos sneaky rat who don't wanna get in trouble /get backlash cos she already likes Buster lbr] Rio: I'll just get it taken down Rio: doesn't matter really Buster: Good luck Rio: It's illegal, no one will want their name attached to that Rio: no one with any sense, I'll just remind them Buster: If they had any sense they wouldn't have posted it Buster: Clearly Rio: Yeah well Buster: Yeah well it's already been sent around everywhere anyway Rio: So what? Buster: So like I said, good luck erasing that Rio: I was just asking if you knew Buster: & I already told you Rio: Yeah thanks Rio: big help Buster: You didn't help yourself, that ain't my fault Rio: I'm not asking for your opinion Rio: it's your party, you should know who it was Buster: You wanted Nance to be included, let her figure it out Rio: She's sleeping Rio: and I'd rather not Buster: She's online Buster: So I doubt that Rio: Well I don't want to talk to her Buster: Well I don't wanna talk to you Buster: & I also don't care if you wanna talk to her or not Rio: I'm not trying to talk just find out Rio: how hard can it be Buster: Easy Buster: So easy that you don't need my help Rio: They're your cunty friends Buster: So's your new boyfriend Buster: Ask him Rio: Oh yeah, that'd be fun Rio: fuck sake Buster: Not my problem Rio: I hate you Buster: So what? Rio: So what I said Buster: Hate me then Buster: I'm not about to lose sleep over it Rio: I do Buster: You're not talking to Nance, I can read Buster: No need to repeat yourself, like Rio: Why can't you do this one thing Rio: I'm not asking you to care Buster: Why should I? Buster: I told you to leave my mates alone & you wouldn't Rio: So I deserved that to happen? Buster: If you're stupid enough not to fuck behind a locked door then yeah Rio: Fine Buster: Goodnight Rio: Right Buster: [time skip to the next day when everyone's talking about the vid & his mate is loving the attention or at least pretending to] Rio: Give me your postcode Rio: need to call a cab Buster: [Does] Rio: Tah Rio: If you're parents ask, I've gone home already Buster: Not me they'd ask Buster: I didn't invite you here Rio: Whatever Rio: You know the story now Buster: Whatever Buster: I'm inundated with loads of stories already, I ain't got time for yours Rio: 💔 Rio: Truly Rio: poor boy Buster: 'Course you are Rio: Nah Rio: I'm over it Rio: you should try it Buster: You should try not telling me what to do Rio: You should try not being so boring Buster: Says you Rio: That's the word you're using this morning Rio: makes a change Rio: just when I'd got used to my old title Buster: Get over that too Rio: S'alright Rio: don't need you when there's plenty other people dying for the chance to call me it Buster: 💔 truly Buster: Poor you Rio: Do I sound bothered? Rio: Keep up Rio: but don't, you aren't invited Buster: I'm not listening Buster: Keep up Rio: Too busy with the other stories? Rio: Cute Buster: It ain't cute Buster: None of it Rio: Leave your review in the comments Buster: Fuck off Rio: Go on Rio: give us something to laugh about Buster: Go on & fuck off Buster: How else do you want me to say it? Rio: Going, aren't I Rio: so touchy Buster: For someone who hates me, you're so chatty Rio: I told you, you're funny Rio: Hilarious, even Buster: I've told you, I aim to please Buster: Enjoy yourself Rio: Not the only one Buster: The only one who's funny though Rio: Not going to talk to him Rio: so I'm not too 💔 Buster: Lucky you Rio: Know you like him Rio: not exclusive and I'll be gone soon so don't be too jealous Buster: Shut up Buster: He's a cunt with a big mouth who I have to see every weekday until we graduate Buster: So cheers Rio: Lucky you Buster: Yeah Buster: I'm going out, try not to fuck anyone else & have it filmed before you leave Buster: Unless I don't know them Rio: Make no promises Rio: least of all to you Buster: I'm not too 💔 don't worry Buster: Doubt you could keep one Rio: Yeah right Buster: Right Buster: Don't hurry back, I won't have another birthday for you to ruin for ages now Rio: You still think this was in any way about you? Buster: For me, it's about me Buster: My birthday was fucked Rio: I don't feel sorry for you Buster: I don't give a shit Buster: & I also didn't ask Rio: That's ALL you're doing Rio: boohoo Rio: I'm glad it was ruined Rio: happy accident Buster: Be glad then Rio: Awh thanks Rio: so sweet Buster: So welcome Rio: 💕 Rio: Oh, you won't speak to your sister will you? Know you usually don't bother Buster: Do you not think before you type? Rio: Don't think before I do anything Rio: Obviously Rio: don't tell her where I've gone, she'll actually give a shit and I don't need that Buster: Obviously Rio: Thanks Rio: got some use Buster: Not doing it for you Buster: But yeah, go ahead & reap the benefits Rio: You think she hasn't seen it? Rio: Or actually tried to help already Rio: She's the decent one, remember Buster: I never said it was for her either Buster: I don't want to talk to her, it's that simple Rio: Can always rely on you to be simple Buster: Hilarious Rio: I already said you were, babe Buster: I was saying you are Buster: Except I wasn't Buster: Simple, yeah? Rio: More bullshit from you Rio: not so much simple as expected Buster: What can I say? You had enough disappointment in the hot tub Buster: No need for me to add to it Rio: That ain't what you saw, or heard Buster: What do you care, you're over it Rio: Changing bullshit for outright lying Rio: You're better than that Buster: Who says? Rio: You, constantly Rio: usually Buster: & You say I'm chatting shit Rio: You're the best, aren't you? Rio: Or that's another lie Buster: Obviously Rio: To which bit Buster: Take it however you like Rio: Suddenly being generous Buster: That don't count as generosity unless you count ending this convo as that Rio: Nah Rio: Entertain me 'til I get there Buster: That wouldn't be generosity either Rio: Host with the most, you said Buster: That was last night Buster: & you didn't take me up on it then Rio: I am now Buster: Well it's not an offer I'm extending now Buster: Unlucky Rio: Come on Buster: Nah Rio: Pussy Buster: That's the best you can do? Rio: You said you don't wanna find out Buster: Now you're choosing to care about what I want Buster: Bullshit Rio: Not gonna do it just because I want to Rio: not that bitch Buster: & You're calling me a pussy Rio: You want me to jump you? Rio: The kind of preference that needs a safeword and you don't wanna talk so Buster: 😂 Rio: Such a joker today Buster: Laugh or cry, yeah? Rio: Nothing to cry about Rio: still got to make your wish, yeah Buster: Still according to you, I am Rio: Why else Buster: What? Rio: Why else wouldn't you take me up on it Buster: Why would I take you up on anything? Rio: You can't pretend this with me Buster: You ain't special, babe Buster: & I can do anything Rio: Bullshit Buster: Which part are you wishing weren't true? Rio: Didn't get a wish, don't need one Buster: Don't stop you wanting one though, does it? Rio: You're the only one who's gonna regret it Rio: like I said, pussy Buster: Like I said, nah Rio: And I told you, you can't lie to me Buster: I'm not Rio: Whatever Rio: I'm here so you can go bore someone else Rio: great chat Buster: Nice try on the sarcasm Buster: I thought you weren't gonna bother Rio: Obviously what you're into Buster: Cute Buster: But it'd take more than that for me to be into you Rio: You're so bad at this Buster: Stop trying to prolong it then Rio: Someone's got to teach you Rio: like old times Buster: You didn't teach me fuck all Rio: 😂 Buster: The only thing that I've ever learned from being around you is that I shouldn't drink brandy Rio: Yeah, and it's been how long since you ignored that lesson Rio: Hopeless Buster: Good thing I don't need hope then Rio: You know what you need Rio: so do I Buster: & You think I'm bad at this Rio: If you ever wanna stop being boring and bored, let me know Buster: If you're ever capable of being the solution to my boredom, I will Rio: Awh, but you don't need solutions to your perfect life, yeah golden boy? Buster: Being bored doesn't take the shine off my life, babe Buster: Name someone our age who isn't Rio: You're always gonna be bored Buster: & If I am, you won't be the solution Rio: You ain't looking Rio: wanna be prom king forever Rio: ain't fun and it ain't real but what's that matter to you Buster: What's it matter to you? Rio: I give a shit Rio: I can own it Buster: No you don't Rio: Do though Buster: Bullshit Buster: If you gave a single fuck about me you wouldn't fuck my friend at my birthday & make me see & hear about it Rio: I didn't think you would Buster: Even if there wasn't a video he was always gonna brag about it Buster: Come on Rio: That wasn't why I did it Buster: I don't care why you did it Rio: You can't say I don't care based on that Rio: is all I'm saying Buster: Yeah I can Rio: Alright but it's not true Buster: It is Rio: You wish it was Buster: Why would I wish for that? Rio: Easier Buster: Fuck that Rio: I'm sorry Rio: alright Buster: No, it ain't, 'cause you being sorry or saying it don't change anything Rio: They'll stop talking about it soon Buster: & Then it'll be like it didn't happen, yeah? Buster: Shut up Rio: Yeah, basically Buster: Nah, basically he was the least cunty of my friends & now he ain't anymore Buster: So cheers Rio: You can still be mates Rio: he'll get over it too Buster: I can't fucking look at him Buster: Try again Rio: You too Rio: come on Buster: Come on, what? Get some new mates so you can fuck them as well Rio: No like Rio: just forget about it Rio: don't think about it Buster: Yeah sure Rio: I said sorry Rio: it doesn't need to be this big thing Buster: It can be whatever the fuck you want, for you Rio: I'm Rio: just trying to help Buster: Don't Rio: I'm going, alright Rio: I can't do any more for you than that then, yeah? Rio: You hate me so just keep telling everyone that and they'll know you don't care Buster: I said, don't Buster: Even if I needed your advice, which let's face it I never fucking will, I ain't asking Rio: Let me do something Buster: Too late to start asking for my permission, babe Rio: Buster Buster: You can't use my name against me either, you ain't my mum Rio: I'm not trying to Buster: I know what you're trying to do Rio: I just wanna put it right Buster: How shit for you that you can't then Buster: You'll have to just want Rio: Fine Rio: spite yourself Buster: You think this is my loss? Nah Rio: Nah, you don't get to chat that when I ruined your birthday and took your bestest mate Rio: you don't get to have it both ways so how do you want it Buster: I get to have it any way I want, how haven't you figured that out yet, like Buster: I'll have another birthday in a year & some new mates you can fuck by then too probably Buster: Have another go then if you fancy it Rio: Because it's not true Rio: How fucking fragile is your throne if all it takes is one person who doesn't buy into your bullshit to come in and it's all gone Rio: you've got fuck all and it's sad and I do feel bad for you, really bad Buster: Cute Rio: Not even a little bit Buster: You said it Buster: Go whore around your own postcode for a while & we'll reconvene at the next family gathering I get dragged to Rio: Get some help Rio: Seriously Buster: Go work for the Samaritan's or some shit, you've really found a calling, like Rio: Thanks Buster: I'll catch you on the other end of a phone line then Buster: Clearly Rio: That's not funny Buster: I ain't laughing Rio: Stop it Buster: But if I keep going, I can offer you an apology and we'll be even, yeah? Rio: Say what you like about me Rio: you always have Rio: I don't need one Buster: Good Buster: I'd hate to keep you waiting on it Rio: This isn't about me Buster: Well it ain't about me Buster: You don't fucking know me Rio: They do, do they Buster: Irrelevant Rio: Do you enjoy it Buster: Obviously Buster: Can't you tell? Rio: You don't want me to tell you what I can tell Rio: not repeating myself, am I Buster: Doesn't normally stop you Rio: Well, I'm trying Rio: not afraid to admit it either Buster: Good for you Rio: What happened Buster: Do you wanna be any less vague? Rio: To you Buster: Really cleared things up, cheers Rio: You know what I mean Rio: and you probably have ideas too Rio: you can tell me Buster: Why would or should I though? Rio: What do you have to lose Buster: What the fuck is there to gain? Rio: Find out Buster: Nice try Rio: What do I gain Buster: Answers Buster: That's generally what people want when they ask a question Rio: Nah Buster: Then stop asking Rio: No Buster: Good talk, babe Buster: Cheers Rio: One day Rio: You'll actually do it and you'll actually mean it Buster: Yeah but not with or for you Rio: I don't care who it's with Buster: One day you'll actually mean that Rio: More likely than you finding anyone here to talk to Buster: I don't want to talk to anyone here Rio: I know Buster: Don't worry about my odds then Rio: I will Rio: because you need to Buster: I don't Rio: Yes you do Buster: Stop chatting shit at me Buster: You call me out for it enough Rio: You know why Buster: Do I? Rio: Yes Buster: No Rio: You do but we don't have to talk about that now Buster: You haven't shut up about anything else Buster: Might as well Rio: You know it ain't the right time Buster: Like a right time exists Rio: Maybe not Buster: A maybe is ridiculous, even for you Rio: Probably Rio: oh well Buster: Are we done? Buster: I'm not pissing about with your one word answers Rio: Defensive 'cos you're not giving even that Rio: but sure, if you want Buster: I can be offensive if you'd rather Rio: How you usually do Rio: Not going to bring up your stamina right now but well Buster: Understandable, like I said, not gonna rub it in your face about the hot tub disappointment Rio: Is it helpful to reckon it was shit Rio: Genuinely Buster: It's honest Buster: But if you wanna pretend otherwise, go ahead, like Rio: Why are we talking about it? Buster: It's the right time for it Rio: Okay Rio: let's talk about it then Buster: I've said everything I've got to say Rio: Seriously? Rio: You can do better Buster: I'm flattered that you feel the need to say so, again Rio: Come on Rio: Already said, no apology needed Rio: so go for it Buster: Okay now it makes sense, you get off on it Rio: Yeah Rio: That'll be it Buster: Why you keep trying to make me angry, yeah Rio: Yeah Rio: was the plan all along Buster: It's the plan now regardless Rio: Okay Buster: Okay for you Rio: More than okay Rio: apparently Buster: It would be if I'd play along properly Buster: Sadly, I'm not aiming to please that hard Rio: Shame Buster: Again, for you, yeah Rio: I know Rio: but I don't care about you, do I? Buster: Not enough, no Rio: Just wanna make you angry Buster: Apparently Rio: Yep Rio: so angry Buster: Don't worry, it ain't too difficult Buster: Even someone as nice & polite as you can manage Rio: Yeah Rio: I ain't special, am I Buster: Not to me Rio: Say it Buster: What? Rio: Say I'm not special to you Buster: It's already there in black & white Buster: You're not my sister either, you can read Rio: Please Buster: Why? Rio: Because it gets me off, right Rio: why else Buster: 'Cause I'm not interested in doing that Buster: Try again Rio: Why? Rio: however I get you to say it, end results the same Buster: No it's not Buster: Whatever I say, you know how I fucking feel Rio: If you say it enough we might both believe it Buster: That's the lie of the day Buster: Well done Rio: Try my best Buster: Try harder & do better Rio: I can't Buster: Bullshit Rio: Not today Buster: Why not? It's a day same as any other, yeah? Rio: No Rio: I saw you Rio: that's different Buster: Barely Buster: & you barely saw me last night either Rio: It was still Rio: different Rio: still true Buster: I'm not gonna be your excuse for why you feel shit Rio: You know that's not what I'm saying Buster: That's what not trying is & you said you can't 'cause of me Buster: So that is what you're saying Rio: it's not an excuse, I know what I did Rio: but it still hurts it's still shit Buster: I'm not gonna feel sorry for you either Rio: I know Rio: that's the worst bit Buster: How the fuck did you think this was gonna play out? Rio: I didn't think Rio: and I didn't think someone would film it and make sure everyone saw Buster: You obviously did think Buster: You made a choice Rio: What, the choice to get with some cute lad at a party Rio: plenty of people were doing the same, you were Buster: It wasn't a random party or a random lad Buster: You can say it wasn't about me as much as you want but Buster: You made a choice that you knew would affect me Rio: And I've been making choices all morning to try and do anything to make it alright Rio: why do they could for shit and that one is everything Buster: 'Cause you can't unfuck him Buster: I can't unsee or unhear everything I have since Rio: then you have to stop Rio: you know Rio: it has to be you, if I can't do anything now, if I've made my choice Buster: Alright Rio: Okay? Buster: Easy Rio: I hope it is Rio: for you Buster: Everything's easy for me, babe Buster: Remember Rio: No Rio: but good Buster: Anything else? Rio: I'm actually going home now so you don't have to lie to your fam about it Buster: I wasn't planning to Rio: Alright Rio: Bye Buster: See you around when there's no other choice Rio: Not as hard to avoid each other still as we pretended before Rio: plenty been doing it just fine for years Buster: It's never been hard to avoid you, I just didn't wanna Rio: I know Buster: Unknow it Buster: Or at least pretend, like Rio: I told you Rio: I'll try Buster: You tell me loads of things Buster: 99% of 'em bullshit Rio: That's us Buster: There ain't an us, that's the point Rio: Was, then Buster: Fuck the past, it's gone Rio: Yeah Buster: Consider that kid dead & buried Rio: You can't make me Buster: Watch me Rio: No, I can't Buster: Don't be a pussy Rio: I can't watch this Rio: but that suits you fine too Buster: It only hurts if you let it Buster: That suits me fine too Rio: I don't have a choice in that Buster: Yeah you do Rio: No Buster: Seriously Rio: Seriously, I don't Rio: I meant it Rio: you have to stop it Rio: I can't do this Buster: I already said I will Buster: Consider it done Rio: Thank you Buster: Don't Buster: We ain't doing each other favours Buster: Whatever I do or don't is for me Rio: It helps me regardless so just take it alright Buster: I won't Rio: Buster Rio: Please stop replying now Buster: [does because ultimately always gonna give her what he thinks she wants]
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deepdonutkid · 4 years
I love Tommy/Alfie and rare pairs, haha 😊 but actually every ship can be nice if it's written in a cool way! Sometimes I don't like canon stuff or don't come up with ships, but then people write fics and I'm like "omg, that's wonderful" 😍 You like math? Not bad 😌 is there something you like most about it? I'm glad you're feeling better now! 😄 I don't have good cocktail ideas rn, but I'll let you know if I come up with something 🥰 Have a wonderful weekend! ❤
Yeah, I don’t always like canon stuff too. Sometimes rare pairs can be interesting too, but I don’t know... with some pairs I just don’t see the chemistry. Actually I rarely fics, but that’s a time problem. I still have three fics to read, because when I read something I like to reblog or comment on them more detailed then the usual “This was great!”, because I’m an author too and it’s really nice to read an elaborate comment on your story.
Math is awesome. Numbers can’t really lie, there is just one right answer and so there is no big discussion, whether you’re right or wrong. With art, it’s different, because you could argue all day long, what it means and what’s the best, because everybody has a different opinion on these kind of things... and it’s beautiful, but sometimes I need numbers to soothe me. I’m a very logical person, who likes to think in patterns and well... That applies to math and other stuff... I’m a big fan of grammar too, because understanding the system behind a language is very helpful to understand the language as a whole.
I’m this type of person, who can walk into a library of any size and find what I searched for in under ten minutes.
Actually, this doesn’t matter anymore, because I already drank some cocktails... maybe one or two too many, because I can’t remember the last 24 hours, but it was totally worth it. I’m kinda glad that I didn’t try to write something, because there is a thin line between genius-hemmingway-drunk and just stupid “my-brain-went-down-with-the-sound-of-Windows-XP-shutdown-drunk”
I hope you have a wonderful weekand too! Have fun and stay hydrated!
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