kaithesnek · 4 months
~ pinned post ~ hai! am kiru! i use it/its and she/her i mostly reblog stuff but i occasionally post about stuff ive made in blockbench! feel free to ask about my modelling!
OCs under the cut: (also im kinda. Simplifying their lore or else this post would be way too long kajhglkjh)
Kiru: she/her, it/its
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she's my main sona!! a sentient pool toy brought to life with magic, who ends up going on an adventure with maple, who gets mentioned latr!!! i dun hav much written yet fdlgkjdfd BUT she ends up defeating my world's "villain" who actually created her- x3 basically they wanna take over the world by turning everyone into Creatures and controlling them- but they still need desigining.. ill make a post about that if i ever finish it!! art is by @ xxthunderthedragonxx
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maple is also a living object, but this time a fursuit!! specifically an autumn-coloured floragato :3 she's also kiru's adventuring partner! she actually used to be human but got "cursed" by a mysterious fursuit maker, and forgot everything about her old self, but ended up finding a roommate to live with! said roommate is called jester and is actually a frien's oc x3 art is by @ bonnieflare
Kai: she/her
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kai is a silly trans girl who learned alchemy and turned herself into a snake! she runs a potion shop and is also helping supply kiru and maple on their journey, she's also obsessed with plants and uses them a lot for her magic! overall veri cozy and always accepts hugs ^w^
art is by @ twistingforce
she/her, it/its
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she's like. the classic werewolf but Dragon instead :3 the whole, being bitten and turned into a Creature thing- x3 veri close friens with kai, who helped her accept her new body, and taught her to change at will! (yea im. sure half of my ocs turning into creatures forever totally isnt saying something about how i feel about myself- hahaha....)
art is by @ Axelongis on twitter
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i made this kobold for a dnd campaign, but then i got really attached to her and now she's one of my most lore-heavy ocs x3 she may seem cute, being based on a cupcake, but uh. she has killed a lot of people =w="" i wont explain it all here but.. she replaced her tail and lower body with robotics after a long life in a wasteland-like desert- she also used her experience with robotics to make another oc of mine, a plane dragon called north! they're besties :3 speaking of north.... model is by me! i make these :3 North: it/its, she/her
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sprinkle's companion! can act as a mech for sprinkle, she can also just ride on it's back :3 not based on any particular plane but.. i never saw any plane raptors so. yea! it's usually quite calm but will Murder to protect her creator when needed- ...hence the blood! model is also by me!
so uh, ya! thas a basic summary of all my ocs... feel free to ask questions about them all!!! also theyre all trans and autistic because i am irl :3333
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legobatman08 · 2 years
you in a nutshell
i amf dark and emoj and i lOVE bullying my frien for mak g a smut fanfaic (ithink that's how it went down i think it was a poem??) of some dead pianist (lust??? something lime tha)
LMAOOO yes i do love bullying @lafayoot1 for being a @franzliszt-official simp. DARK AND EMO?? well um kinda true but not emo more punk ish but also yeah accurate :3
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ohlovxr · 2 years
if you keep going like this you’re never gonna stop being associated with stepcest lmaoo but.. thinking about the first time stepbro!james snaps 😵‍💫 like you’re bratting off to him just for funsies— it’s just another day for you, but suddenly you’re pressed against the wall with a fuming james telling you to repeat yourself
“‘s melted,” you grumbled under your breath as you stare down at the small tub of ice cream in your hands, “why’s it melted?”
you looked up to see james shrug, shoulders visibly tense from the day. “dropped off remus after i got it. jus’ put it in the freezer.”
you rolled your eyes and huffed dramatically as you pulled open the freezer and shoved the tub in. you opened your mouth to make a little comment before you’re stopped by your irritated stepbrother trying his hardest to be kind. “‘m really not in the mood to do whatever you’re planning tonight, love. so, please, cut it out. don’t have the energy.”
you, refusing to take his ask seriously and needing some time to kill while waiting for your ice cream to freeze, pouted and decided to poke at him, “had the energy to drop off remus tonight. maybe you just don’t care for me as much as you care for your weird frien-”
you were cut off when james pressed you against the freezer door, his hands wrapped around your wrists as they were held on either side of your head. “say that again,” his voice was low and threatening, something you’d never heard up until then, as he challenged you, “go on. tell me about how i don’t care for you as much as my friends after all i do just for you, go ahead.”
you only looked at him with your brows furrowed and a pout on your lips, not knowing how to response because you were only trying to have some fun.
“‘m not hearin’ much now,” he spoke again when he was met with your silence, “why’s that? ‘s it cause your bratty little brain’s still all dumb from last night; after i bailed on my friends just ‘cause y’wanted some attention?”
embarrassment sparked in your chest at that and a whine tore through your throat, “it was just a joke! stop bein’ so mean!”
“told you i wasn’t in the mood.” he sighed and released your wrists before backing away to lean against the island, crossing his arms over his chest as he looked at you with anger and betrayal written all over his face. you squirmed under his gaze, all playfulness having left your body and regret filling its place. “‘m sorry.” your voice was meek.
“don’t think tha’s gonna fix this, sweetheart.” his eyes bore into you still and he nawed on the inside of his cheek as he thought. his voice was firm when he spoke, “go t’my room, take off y’clothes, and - don’t - you dare interrupt me now. it’ll only make this worse f’you. tryin’ t’teach you a lesson about bein’ ungrateful, now’s not really the time to start bein’ a little brat again.”
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barbra-annbunny · 3 years
Ch. 8 - It was nice
Word Count: 1.6k
Why are we running? Why are we running?
"Hinata, huff, slow down!"
Before we knew it Hinata had broken into a sprint at breakneck speeds. Bokuto, Kuroo, Suga, and I were running after him. Kenma, however, was being pushed in a wheelchair by Kuroo. He had refused to leave the house unless pushed in it, once he'd found out how much walking happens at car shows. Bo was right behind Hinata, Kuroo and Kenma were hot on his heels, Suga had settled into a comfortable jog while I fluctuated between a sprint and jog. I looked over my shoulder to make sure I hadn't dropped anything. But, when I looked back, none of my friend group was there.
I couldn’t see hide nor hair of them. I stopped, looking around for the back of Suga’s jacket. Hell, even the mop of red hair attached to the maniac who’d started this whole crusade would do. But the harder I looked and saw nothing familiar, the bigger the pit in my stomach grew. I patted my pockets for my phone, just to remember that I’d given my backpack to Bo to carry. The backpack that has my wallet, keys but most importantly, my phone. I groaned and started playing with my ring as I thought of what to do in this situation. I’d started to panic when a large hand tapped my shoulder. I nearly jumped three feet into the air and let out a yelp like a kicked dog.
“Ah shit, sorry ah didn’ mean t’ scare ya.”
With a hand over my heart, I replied,” It’s-it’s okay. I’m sorry, I just can’t find my friends or my phone. So, I’m a little anxious.”
“Tha makes sense. Ahm, Osamu and ya are?”
“Y/N, it’s nice to meetcha Osamu.”
“Do ya know yer frien’s numbers?”
“I do!”
My new friend let me borrow his phone so I could Suga. I yelled at him for leaving me behind, for which he apologised profusely and told me that they’d made it to Kageyama’s station? Booth? Whatever, you get what I mean. Anyway, he’d hung up after hearing Bo yell something about how he touched something hot. I looked at the black screen and then back to Osamu.
“Thanks for letting me borrow your phone.”
“O’ course. Didja figure out where ya frien’s are?”
“Um, no. Well, kind of? They got to the section (seriously what do they call those??) we came for but, I still don’t know what the name of it or where it is.”
“Ah, geez. Do ya know anything about it?”
“I know the name of the friend we were gonna see… Oh! I know it’s in that direction!” I pointed directly in front of us.
“Ah, that’s exactly where ah was headin’. Do ya wanna come with me an see if ya can find’ja friens on the way?”
We started heading in that direction, talking the whole way. I found out that he’s a mechanic. As we walked around I pointed at all the cars I liked. Osamu would tell me what kind of car it was, the model, and the pros and to each car. Which was really nice since I know practically nothing about cars.
“Ya seem t’ like classic ‘merican cars.”
“I guess so.”
“Any reason fer that?”
“I dunno. They’re nice, sleek and the older ones come in really fun colours!”
That made him laugh. “They do ten’ t’ come in ‘fun’ colors. Wha’s yer fav’rite outta th’ ones ya’ve seen s’ far?”
“What, colour or car?”
“Car.” he chuckled.
“Uh, well it’s a tie between that Impala one and that VW Bus. At least in regards nto the older cars.”
“That is an… innerestin’ tie.”
“I dunno they’re both just too good!”
I couldn’t hear the rest of his sentence because Bo and Hina both glomped me to the point where I fell on my ass.
“WE’RE SO SORRY!” They cried.
I looked up at Osamu while I consoled the two crying overgrown men clinging to me. He looked shocked but then started laughing at me.
“Guys it’s okay. It’s not that big a deal.”
“Are you sure?”
“Can you get off of me now?”
The boys scrambled off of me, apologizing the whole way. Osamu offered me a hand, helping me up to my feet and Bo helped me dust off. I looked up to see the rest of the boys looking at me. Before anyone could say anything, an unknown voice spoke up.
“Oh, hello Osamu.”
“Hey ‘Kaashi.”
Behind the men I knew, was a group of 5 or so men that I didn’t know. I let out a yip and hid behind Bo. Kuroo laughed at me and called me a scaredy cat, to which I shot a dirty look before I peeked over Bo’s shoulder. First thing within my line of vision was a tall man with black hair, who was staring at me curiously. Directly next to him was Osamu.
“Aw, now come on sweetheart. Ya wer’n’t ‘fraid o’ me when I met’cha.”
“Well, yeah, but you were trying to help me!”
“How’d ya know tha’ when ya’d firs’ met me?”
“To be fair I did yelp like a kicked dog.”
“Y/N where’d you meet him?” Suga asked.
“Oh, he noticed that I was lost after y’all ran off without me!”
“Well, thank you for returning our y/n to us!” Hinata cried.
“O’ course, mah pleasure.”
“Oh Samu, let me introduce you to my friends! This is Sugawara Koushi, Bokuto Kotaro, Hinata Shoyo, Kuroo Tetsuro, and the vampire in the wheelchair is Kenma Kozume. Guys, this is Osamu.”
“Nice tah meet ch’all.”
They all greeted him. Hinata then introduced me to the man with the black hair, who turned out to be the Kageyama that he’d wanted me to meet. Kageyama gave me an awkward wave before introducing us to the other six men behind him. Turns out they, along with Kageyama and Osamu, run an auto shop that transforms old cars. Once we’d all gotten past the introductions and whatnot we all started to get to know each other. Gonna be honest, was not a fan of Suckyshima. From the beginning the asshat was making fun of me. Hinata and Suga assured me that that’s just how he is but, he was just rude.
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After a couple of hours, we all started to get hungry. I offered to go pick up the food if someone ordered it. Eventually, after a lot of yelling from Hinata and Kageyama, we decided on Chipotle. (Listen, it’s relatively tasty, cheap, and has good portion sizes. Leave me alone.) Suga and Akaashi took the orders and put them in under my name. We continued talking and waited for the alert that our order was ready. Once I got the alert, I got up to head out. Osamu offered to come with me, but I insisted that I’d be just fine picking up the food by myself. After some light convincing, I got the boys to let me pick up the food. I walked to my car and drove off.
I walked in and fave the woman at the counter my name. She told me that it’d be another couple of minutes. I said that was fine and that I’d get the drinks while I waited. I filled the cups, covered them and put them into the cup holders. I reached for the straws as someone else did at the same time, resulting in us grabbing each other’s hands. I whipped my head up to see the guy from the bistro! He was even hotter up close; his head was shaved, and tattoos were visible through the very short hair. His eyes were a striking dark blue-grey colour; it felt like he was looking through me.
“Oh shit, I’ve been staring for a while, haven’t I? I should say something.” I thought.
“Oh, uh- sorry about that, I’ll just….”
He seemed to jump a little when I started speaking, and once I started pulling away, he straightened to his full height. He wasn’t short, but he wasn’t tall either; he was medium, I guess. But, with what he didn’t have in height he more than made up for in presence.
“It’s okay. No one’s hurt or anythin’.” he finally responded.
And there goes my heart. Of course, his voice is hot too.
“Uh, here’s the straw you were looking for,” I said, handing it to him.
He slowly took it from me as he said,” I hate to be weird but have we met before?”
“I think so, the bistro, right? I mean, I don’t think we actually talked, but-”
“Slow down, chatterbox. I just wanted to make sure you were who I thought you were.”
“Oh, right. Haha, sorry, I’m a little all over the place.”
“It’s okay, let me introduce myself. I’m Ryūnosuke Tanaka.”
“Nice to meet you! I’m Y/N L/N. I-”
Just as I was about to ask him a question, the lady walked over with the bags of food. Before I had a chance to take the bags off her hands, Tanaka (or should I call him Ryū?) took them. I looked at him in confusion and fear that he was stealing my food.
“Keep your shorts on, you worrywart. You have enough to carry. Let me help you get this to the car, at least.”
“Oh, what about your food?”
“I ate here. I was just going to refill my drink when I ran into you.”
“Lead the way chatterbox.”
I lead him out the door and across the street. As I started walking to the passenger side of my car I looked up to see he was not with me.
“Ayo! Where’re you going?”
“To the… Is that your car?”
“Yes, this is my car.”
“It looks like a truck and a beetle had a baby.”
“I know! Cute right?”
“Cute is one word for it.”
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Ooo the friend groups finally meet!
Masterlist | <Ch. 7 | Ch. 9>
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glorytoukraine2022 · 3 years
Hi everyone! Yep, I’m back with another post already!
I know I have my own peeson feelings regarding Rapunze, and it’s probably obvious to most p that I dont like her very much, but I feel like there’s a lot of confusion that people have regarding Rapunzel. I’ve read many comments and posts where people talk on and on about Rapunzel’s “supposedly” large and endless amount of compassion and empathy Asid from the fact that she showed little to neither for Varian in season 1, I would like to correct som people on ththe trms thy ar using to describe her
Thr is a different between compassion and empath A difference between being nic, and being kind
Rapunz is nice, not kind Rapunzel is compassionate, not empathetic It is important to acknowledge which of these traits apply to her and which of these don’, in order to fully understand her characte-even if it paints her in a darker light
It is understandable why these terms ar frequently used in regards to Rapunzel, given that she is compassionate, but having compassion doesn’t necessarily mean that she has empathy, or ma her a great person
Compassion is i sympathy for somebody and desiring to hp, but empathy is actually RELATING to th fings of another person Rapunzel is shown to b sympathEric towards other, but she lacks the empathy to truly rElat to th feelings of others Nohr is this better demonstrated than with Varian and Cassandra
Rapunz never is ab to understand ho she hurt Varian and what she put him through Sh doesn’t understand why h would hate he, Fredric and Corona, because SHE doesn’t hate them She dosn’t understand how VarIan felt during th snowstorm because she only understands her side of th story, that she had to look after her peopl, never occurring to her that Varian might not have been fully aware of th situation at th Capita, much th less that h was scared for his fathe’s lif Last, but not leas, sh has ZERO understanding as to why Varian would turn to crim to save his fathe, or why h would even WANT to save him at all
“I don’t even know what he is anymore“
No matter what your feelings regarding Rapunz ar, this NOT something that an empathetic or compassionate person would say regarding a grieving child who wants his father back
No for Cassandra I dont like this character much better than I do Rapunze, but I won’t dent that Rapunze treats her poorly and that her feelings and points ar valid
Th sho tries to frame Cassandra as in th wrong for not opening up to Rapunze, and ye, Cassandra shoudnt bottle up her emotion, Rapunze isn’t a saf person to open up to Cassandra is a private person, somthi that I can rat t As a private perso, Cassandra has boundarie, and Rapunze needs to respect those boundaris I myself don’t open up to many people beyond my parent If you f that something is wrong with a frin, than you can ask them about it, but if they don’t feel like talking you hav to respect them, but can still t them know you’re there for them. Rapunze doesn’t do tha Sh keeps on pushing and pushing Cassandra instead of respecting hr boundarie As a frien, you must always respect your friend and whatever boundaries they may have You aren’t a good friend if you don’t
Rapunz also constantly used her power over Cassandra to control her Cassandra wasn’t allowed to leave Corona and follow her dreams because Rapunze constantly pulled ran and authoriY over he Rapunze cared more for Cassandra’s companionship than her happiness
(Also, I know that Cassandra was a bad friend to Rapunze too, but since this post is more about Rapunzel’s lack of empathy than her toxic friendship with Cassandra)
As I said earlie, I understand why people claim that Rapunze is empathetic, since she is shown to b compassionate, but whi th two are related, they ar not th same So my suggestion, before describing Rapunze as empathetic or kind, I highly suggest that you look up the meaning of the words before associating them with this character
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trojc-rewrite · 3 years
The Rise of Jimmy Casket, Chapter 3
Toast awoke to the sun blaring in his eyes and pain. Everything hurt, his throat, his leg, his back. He frowned as he shifted upwards. More hot pain flared through his leg, scorching up his side. He let out a small cry, immediately recoiling and lying back down. He groaned, rubbing his head.
Spooker shifted beside him, blinking tiredly. Toast had never seen him so tired before, his eyes were droopy and his hair was a mess. His beanie had sticks and leaves stuck in it, dirt and soot were smeared across his cheek.
“You look well rested.” Spooker said in a happy tone. Toast mustered up a smile.
“Yeah, hardly.” He said, trying to lean up again. More pain seared through him. He toughed it out, ignoring his body’s begging to tell him to sit. He needed to get up. He wasn’t going to let himself give up on why he came out here.
Toast weakly got up, trying to not put too much wait on his bad leg. Spooker helped him up. Colon was already up, examining the damage from the fire.
The wood was blackened and burned, just the tiniest bit warm still. Cracks and splinters scored the planks, letting Toast see inside of them. Something that stood out to him was the rippling green that stained the inside of some of the cracks. It wasn’t grass, it was a weird lime green, faint but still there. ‘What on earth?’
He reached down and picked up a small burned chunk, it stained his hand with ash. He examined the green some more. ‘What could this even be?’
Colon wandered over to him, looking curious. “How are you feeling, Toast?” He asked, glancing at the red cloth around his wound. Toast shrugged.
“Still alive, yeah?” He said. Toast showed Colon the blackened wood. “Hey, do you know what this could be?”
Colon took the piece gently, studying the green that emitted from the cracks. He shook his head, placing the piece back in Toast’s palm. “No idea, my best guess is that it could be something the firemen put on the fire last night.”
Toast nodded, stuffing the wood in one of his back pockets. “Well, we should keep going. The nearest town isn’t tha’ far away.”
Spooker stared at him like he had just suggested a crime, “Are you crazy dude? You can hardly stand! How are you gonna walk?”. He held out his arms in exasperation.
Toast shrugged, looking towards the North. “We’ll get there.” Spooker and Colon shared a look, but they didn’t need to say anything for Toast to figure out what they meant. “I know he’s out there. Trust me.”
Colon sighed, worried. “But what if he’s not, Toast? What if you get even more hurt or worse, and we’re just chasing something because you have a hunch! Toast; we’re worried. We know you miss Ghost, we do to-.”
Toast looked at him, “Just trust me. I know Ghost better than anyone here, just trust me.”
Spooker blinked, not saying any input. Colon gave him an unreadable look. “Fine, but if you get hurt again we’re leaving.”
Toast bit back a sigh. “Okay; then let's go.”
They reached the town a little after noon, and the first thing Toast did was go to the library. The library was small, a line of old desktop computers filled a wall. Books of all volumes and colors sat in bookshelves that looked dusty. An older woman sat at a round desk in the middle of the room, flipping through a thick chapter book.
Toast limped up to her, Colon helping him while Spooker looked at a book shelf labeled “Romance”. She squinted up at him, fixing her glasses.
“Hello, how may I help you?” She asked, a small smile gracing her face. Toast returned it.
“Hello, I have a peculiar question. Would you happen to have any newspaper records on a man named Jimmy Casket?” He asked, feeling awkward. The lady blinked at him, a little confused.
“It’s for a school project for our little brother.” Colon said, trying to ease the tension off of Toast.
The librarian nodded, pursing her lips. “Well, we have a few I believe. You’ll have more luck in the towns a few miles over, dearies. But, I’ll go get the few that we have.”
She got up from her desk, and entered a room in the back of the library. Toast turned to Colon and nodded, “When did you pick up being that creative?” He asked. Colon shrugged.
“It’s probably the one thing Ghost taught me, to be able to lie on the spot.” He smiled playfully. Toast returned it solemnly.
A few moments later, the librarian returned with three newspapers, yellowed and crumpled a bit at the edges. “Here you are. I’m afraid it’s all we have.” She said, handing Colon the three newspapers. The two shared a look before Toast thanked her.
The two settled down on a table, opening the first newspaper. The title leaped at them in bold font, “Murderer struck down in South Carolina.”
Toast read quietly to himself and Colon. “ Yesterday, at 9:01 PM, a famous murderer in a small town in South Carolina, nicknamed “Casket”, was killed by police during one of his rampages. Witnesses say it was a horrifying experience. The man was no older than 18, and his step-mother, who preferred to stay anonymous, has told reporters that she ‘has no idea how he turned out this way.’
“ He was such a loving and kind child, accepting me right away as his father’s wife. When his father died, he took it upon himself to be the best figure possible for his family. I don’t know what happened to him.”
Police are still looking into possible victims of this man's heinous crimes. The towns folk are sending their regards to the families of his confirmed victims.”
Toast took a breath, finishing the paragraph. Colon blinked.
“Wait wait wait, who is this Jimmy Casket guy? How does this have anything to do with Ghost?” Colon asked, flicking the page of the newspaper. Toast traced a circle in the table.
“Let’s say I’ve met him in a few of my missions with Ghost.” Toast worded carefully.
The two finished reading the other articles and handed them back to the librarian. “You three boys have a nice night.” She said with a smile.
“You too ma’am.” Toast responded politely. Spooker was by the entrance of the library, reading Twilight on a bench. “C’mon Spooker put the book back, it’s time to go.”
Spooker frowned, sadly putting the book on a “put back” cart. He followed his co workers outside, it was night now. The moon shined down on the town, yellow lights dancing on the gravel ground.
“Well, we keep moving.” Toast said. Colon and Spooker groaned.
The three made it to the edge of town, making it out of a large pine forest. A river lay ahead of them, deep and murky. It was quiet and slow moving, but you could tell it was deep.
Spooker pointed to a bridge, “Let’s cross there.” He said. Colon and Spooker helped Toast to the stone and wood crossing. The wood was wet and rotten in spots, and it groaned as Toast stepped on it.
“Let me go first,” Toast volunteered. Spooker and Colon shook their heads at him, but Toast ignored them. He limped across the wailing wood, yelling under his weight.
As he got closer to the middle, a figure stepped out of the darkness. Long legs stepped lightly on the cedar, tapping away at the weak wood. Toast stared in confusion, trying to figure out who the person was.
His brother's face gleaned from the shadows, stepping out into the moonlight. Toast's eyes widened, blinking in shock.
“Gavin? What are you doing here?!” His brother's gray-green eyes glared at him.
“Sorry Johnny Boy, but I’m gonna have to stop ya righ’ ‘ere. Or else my frien’ might not be the happies’ with me.” Gavin apologized. Johnny could tell that his brothers apology wasn’t sincere in the slightest. In fact, it sounded more taunting than anything.
“What do you mean? Gavin, please what do you mean?” His brother stepped forward.
And then with incredible speed, green-orange fire erupted from his hand. Toast dodged out of the way, knocking into the railing. The bridge under him groaned in agony. Gavin’s hot flames flicked his face, burning his cheek
“Do ya like my tricks?! Pays when ya work with ghosts.” Gavin laughed. More flames shot from his palms, hitting Toast's feet. Toast tried to get away, but the movement was too much for the bridge.
His foot went through the rotten wood, and he grappled onto the jagged stone, barely saving himself from falling into the river. ‘I won't be able to swim. I'm too weak.’
Spooker and Colon cried out, “Toast!”. Colon stepped forward to charge at Gavin, but Spooker held him back.
Toast looked back up at his brother, begging for his remorse. “Please Gavin, I’m your brother!” He begged. His fingers hurt from grappling the wood, rotten splinters digging into his palms.
Gavin chuckled, “Yeah, but then ya got all lame n’ sappy with Mary n’ Ghost. You ain’t the same anymore. And Ghost is borin’ too now. Trust me, what we’re workin’ on, it’s for the good o’ both o’ ya’.”
Johnny glared at him, “Who’s we?” He asked curtly. Gavin growled at him.
“See ya’.” Gavin returned his brother's angry tone. He raised his leg to kick him. Toast grabbed his brother by the leg and yanked him down with him, letting go of the bridge. His brother yelled angrily.
“TOAST!” Spooker screamed in horror, racing to the edge of the bridge. Toasts world went deaf as he hit the water, slowing under it. His brother disappeared with a flash of green, leaving him alone to drown.
Toast tried to swim and kick his legs, but he just hurt too much. Everything hurt, he felt so heavy. Maybe he wouldn’t see Ghost, maybe he wouldn't hold up his promise to Mary.
‘Oh Mary, I’m so sorry.’ He rubbed his wedding ring necklace. He closed his eyes, sinking.
Then, something grabbed him by the torso. Gray and blue flashed hazily in his darkened vision. He kicked weakley, trying to help whoever had grabbed him.
He and his rescuer broke to the surface, and he gasped for air. Cold water trickled down his face, clogging up his senses. The world became hearable again.
His rescuer slapped him down onto the grass, and he could hear Colon and Spooker running across the bridge, ignoring the bridge's pleas.
“Didn’t your rich mother ever take you to swimming lessons?” A tired, sarcastic voice asked.
Toasts heart leaped in his chest, and he opened his eyes.
There, infront of him, was Ghost.
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neerasrealm · 4 years
Fresh Start
A story about Sally Williams finding a new home with an- odd pair of men. Fun fact but I’ve rewritten this story twice because I couldn’t decide on how to write this- I wanted it to be as good as possible and I think I’m happy with this version.
Word count: 1651
Laughing Jack hummed softly to himself as he quietly played his accordion. He had no song in mind, it was just aimless chords without meaning. It was dark now, the sun had gone down, and there was nobody in the park save for some teens or late night joggers. 
Looking down at his accordion, he realised someone was watching him. He looked to the side to meet the bright, green eyes watching him. The eyes belonged to a girl, who could only be about ten years old, wearing a pink dress. She had messy brown hair that fell in curls just past her shoulders. He smiled at her.
"Well 'ello there." He greeted. "Can I 'elp ya, kiddo?"
"...I like your music." She said softly. He smiled and tilted his head. 
"I recognize ya," he said. "Weren' you wiv th' other kids earlier, when I was givin' ou' balloons?"
She nodded and held up the balloon dog Jack had made for her earlier. She smiled, just a little bit. He chuckled.
"Wha're ye doin' down 'ere so la'e, Sally? Shouldn' ye be a' 'ome wiv yer ma an' da?" He asked. Sally's smile dropped and she looked at the ground. Jack frowned. "...'ave ya...go' a ma an' da?"
Sally sniffled. Jack watched tears fall from her eyes. He scooted up the bench and patted the space next to him. "Ey, i's alrigh', come ta Jackie." He said softly. Sally climbed onto the bench next to him, holding her balloon animal and an old stuffed bear. She hugged both of them tight as she cried quietly. Jack wrapped an arm around the girl and pet her head. "Shh, i's alrigh', Jackie's 'ere."
Sally snuggled close against him, her crying getting louder. The clown hugged her tight, rubbing circles into her back. The poor girl- she felt deathly cold, and so small- though that could've just been that Jack was very tall. 
Sally buried her face in Jack's shirt. He smelled of lavender and the rain. The smell was a small comfort. As she cried Jack could only watch in horror as a bloody gash formed in her head. Blood trickled down her face and through her beautiful brown hair. He reached into his puffy sleeve and pulled out a rag. He wiped blood from her face the best he could. 
Sally probably wasn't human like he'd initially thought. 
"Do ya 'ave anywhere ta go, kiddo?" He asked softly.
"I-I can go h-home but- my mo- my mom and d-dad moved aw-away." She managed to say in between sobs. Jack nodded slowly. "The n-ne-new people c-call me sc-scary." Her sobbing got more intense as she spoke. Jack hugged her tighter.
"Well tha's no' very nice…" He murmured. He stared down at her. He couldn't just leave this girl alone. Human or not, it wasn't right to leave a child alone in a park all night and day. It went against the very reason he existed. "E-Ey kiddo, 'ow abou' ye stay wiv me fer t'night?" He asked. Sally sniffled and looked up at him. "Wouldja like tha'?" 
"Okay." She replied oh so softly. Her voice was barely above a whisper. Jack scooped her up into his arms and held her close. He adjusted the strap on his accordion so it hung off his back rather than front, and stood up. 
"Ya like piggy-back rides?" He asked with a small grin. Sally seemed to brighten up a bit. She nodded, and Jack lifted her up onto his shoulders. "Now ya can see th' whole park." He chirped. Sally sniffled and grinned down at the clown. 
"Jack? Where are we going?" Sally asked. Jack had walked halfway across town and was now casually sauntering through a building site near the edge of the forest. 
"Hm? Oh! I live in th' woods, wiv a frien'." Jack smiled up at her.
"A friend?"
"Yeh! 'Is name's Slender. 'E's a bi' grumpy, bu' you'll like 'im." Jack replied. "Don' tell 'im I said this, bu' 'e 'as a sof' spo' fer kids."
Sally looked down at the clown curiously. "Will he like me?" She asked.
"Will 'e like ya?" He asked incredulously. "Of course 'e will! Slen loves kiddos, almos' as much as I do." Jack grinned up at her. "Th' two of us are gonna be fussin' over ya nigh' an’ day."
He made his way deep into the forest, with Sally clinging close to him. Jack patted her head reassuringly. Poor thing- he could tell why she'd be scared, being taken into the woods by someone she didn't know well after...well he didn't exactly know what had happened to her, but he knew it couldn't be good. Luckily, they soon came upon a clearing. Sitting in the middle of it was a large house. It was practically a castle to Sally.
"Tha's our gaf." Jack said, pointing.
"It's so big…" Sally murmured. Jack smiled.
"Sure is! Plen'y o' room fer ya t' run aroun'." He chirped. He walked to the door and opened it. Stepping inside, Sally stared around the giant living room. There was a couch, a couple armchairs, a very primitive tv, even by 70s standards and...well, not much else. The house seemed to be empty. 
"Slen, I'm 'ome." Jack called out as he walked towards a door next to the couch.. He grabbed Sally from his shoulders and held her against his chest instead as he opened the door. The girl looked around quickly, green eyes shining curiously. 
"Oh, Ja-" standing in the kitchen was a tall man in a suit. His skin was completely white, and his proportions were so unnatural- his arms and legs were far too long for anyone to realistically have. The thing that freaked Sally out the most, however, was his face, or rather- his lack of one. Sally clung tighter to Jack, staring in horror as this monster in front of her stared right back. In a movement too smooth and quick for any person, he crossed the room. "Jack, who is that?"
"This is Sally! Ain't she a righ' cu'e basin o' gravy?" Jack chirped back, adjusting his hold on Sally. 
"Jack, you can't just take random children! Especially here! Now she'll know about everyone living in these woods and tell all the other children and-" Slender's angry and panicked rant was cut off by Jack extending an arm and placing his index finger where Slender's lips would be.
"Cool i', china pla'e. I didn' 'alf inch 'er because she's cu'e, if ye're finkin' tha'." Jack replied. His accent seemed to thicken while talking to Slender. "She 'asn't go' anywhere ta go. 'Er ma an' da are gone."
Slender was quiet for a few moments before sighing. He rubbed his featureless face in irritation. "Alright, alright…" He looked from Jack to Sally. He tilted his head at her. "Well- hello Sally, I suppose you're staying with us for now." He said, softer this time. Sally still flinched away from him. 
"Ah, don' be scared o' 'im, Slen wouldn' 'ur' a 'air on yer 'ead." Jack said, rubbing Sally's back soothingly. He grinned at his friend. "Ain' tha' righ', Slen?"
Slender seemed to become distressed for a moment and he stepped away from Jack and Sally. "Oh I'm- I'm sorry I should've assumed you'd be scared...I always forget about that-" he glanced away nervously for a moment. He held out a hand to Sally. "I'm Slender. It's a pleasure to meet you, little one. I- apologize for the bad first impression, Jack can be...impulsive, at times."
Jack muttered something to himself and rolled his eyes. Sally looked at him and smiled, then at Slender's hand. She hesitated, then reached out to shake it. Her entire hand was barely bigger than Slender's palm. After she pulled away from the handshake she heard Jack chuckle, and she looked up at the clown.
"Ye okay, Slen?"
Jack barked a laugh and reached out, patting Slender's shoulder. "Ye big softie." He murmured affectionately. Slender shot him a look and adjusted his tie, trying to regain his composure. Sally giggled at the two of them.
"How old are you, dear?"
"Ten." Sally replied. Slender made an- odd- noise that made Jack snicker. 
"God she's only a toddler-"
"Ten year ol's aren' toddlers, Slen." Laughing Jack said. Slender ignored him. 
"Can we get you anything, Sally? A drink? Are you hungry?" He asked. Sally smiled shyly at all the attention. Sure her parents had treated her like a princess but this? This was the kind of fawning only a queen got. 
"Toast would be nice." She said. "And- warm milk…?"
Slender, despite his lack of face, seemed to radiate happiness. "Of course!" He chirped maybe a bit too eagerly. He turned and quickly moved to the fridge, pulling out some bread and a carton of milk. 
Sally watched him curiously as Jack moved to the dining table and took a seat. Sally was dropped into his lap. She looked up at him while he rubbed her cheek with the back of a finger. Sally hugged her bear and balloon animal as she looked around.
"Does anyone else live here?" She asked. Jack shook his head.
"Nah." He replied. "We've always wan'ed more though...lo'sa kiddos runnin' aroun' th' gaf, like a big ol' fam'ly." The clown smiled down at Sally. 
"What's a gaf?" Sally asked. Jack wheezed in amusement. 
"A 'gaf' is a house," Slender said. "I only understand him because I've known him too long." He added, nodding his head at the clown. Jack grinned at Slender.
"Ah, ye luv me." He said. Slender squinted at him.
"Well that's news to me."
Jack wheezed again, cackling loudly in amusement. Sally giggled in his lap. She liked these two, as strange as they were. Maybe- just maybe- this could be a fresh start. She'd like that.
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jocelyn-wellson · 4 years
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“It’s been too long, Jocelyn,” said Dr Hayes, shutting the door behind them. She watched as her patient sat on the velvet chaise across from her — it was her favourite chair, after all. The afternoon sun would fall on a patient’s torso and legs, warming them, keeping them safe. “How have you been?” 
Jocelyn crossed feet as she leaned back. “Ya always ask tha’,” she said. She looked out the window. “How’re ya doin’, doc?” 
Dr Hayes made a quick note. She set down her pen. “I’m doing just fine,” she said. 
“Ain’ no one doin’ fine who say they’re fine.” 
Dr Hayes stumbled a moment. She adjusted her spectacles. “Why the interest, Jocelyn?” 
“Don’ ya like ta know somethin’ ‘bou’ th’ people ya talk ta?” 
“It's my job,” she said, "to listen to you, to help you understand why you, other people, even myself, why we all do the things we do." 
Jocelyn clicked her tongue. “Tha’s no’ th’ same, an’ ya know et.” 
The doctor made another note: patient, assertive; attitude, neither hostile nor friendly. She frowned at it. That was not like post-inpatient Jocelyn at all. She looked her patient over, noting that her torso was bulkier than normal, and old, green bruises streaked up her neck from with under her clothing. “I suppose,” she allowed. 
“We frien’s, doc?” 
“...that... it’s...” she looked up at her patient. “Where’s this coming from?” 
Jocelyn pulled down the funnel neck of her tan cable knit fisherman’s sweater. She pointed to where her left ribs had been crushed by the encounter with the crocolisk. Dr Hayes winced. Jocelyn covered herself back up. 
“What... who did that to you?” demanded the doctor. 
“Ya woul’n’ believe me iffn I tol’ ya,” she said. 
“Are you in trouble? Are you ... are you using again?” 
“So we be frien’s," said Jocelyn. "You're worried." 
Dr Hayes sighed. She adored her patient as far as their professional relationship went, but she could not think of her outside of that. "Yes," she said, "I am worried about someone who I think has a great deal of potential." 
Jocelyn thought about this for a moment, and, realizing that she wasn't going to get a more solid answer, decided to take it. "Alright, doc. I worry 'bou' you, too." 
"Me?" asked the doctor, shocked. "You don't need to worry about me." 
"E'eryone 'as somethin' in their pas' they shoul' be worried 'bou'." 
Dr Hayes frowned. She wrote another quick note. "Do you?" 
"Do I what?" 
"Have something you should be worried about?" 
Jocelyn shifted in the chaise. She didn't like being placed on the hotseat, so she could only imagine how the doctor had felt. She uncrossed and recrossed her feet. 
The doctor pressed on: "Do you have something I should be worried about for your sake?" 
Jocelyn scrunched her brow. "Et ain' like yer thinkin'," she said. 
Dr Hayes maintained an unreadable pokerface. "You don't know what I'm thinking, you know." 
"Yer thinkin' fuckin' pimps an' thugs an' gods know who else are comin' from Boralus ta finish wha'evah job they coul'n' ..." 
Dr Hayes stopped her. "Slow down, Jocelyn. Breathe in, breathe out. Center." 
"I cannae, et ain' gonna 'elp, et ain' gonna 'elp keep all th' ba' ones 'way!" Jocelyn started sobbing. 
Patient shows extreme agitation; possibly experiencing post-traumatic flashback in the moment. Trigger of unknown etiology, Dr Hayes wrote. The doctor passed a box of tissues across the coffee table. Jocelyn sat up, draping her head between her knees. She attempted to breathe in slow, rhythmic fashion, eventually gaining control. She grabbed a tissue and wiped her nose. 
Dr Hayes poured a glass of ice water and passed it along. "What's going on, Jocelyn? asked the doctor, voice hushed. 
"I cannae... I cannae do anythin' alone anymore," she said. 
"What do you mean by that? You've done so much for yourself already." 
Jocelyn went on to tell her about the crocolisk and the wine cellar, the reinflating of her own lung, the collapse in Zeehva's arms, the plotting with Vyn and drinking with Myz. "I need people now, I need... I need people 'round." 
Dr Hayes finished listening. After a moment, she asked: "Are these the bad ones? The ones who you care about? You're afraid of betrayal?" 
"Aren't you?" 
"I think we all are..." she said, though continued to press the point. "Are these the bad people, though - the ones who could abuse your trust?" 
Jocelyn nodded. She grabbed the water and took a long drink. She set the quaking glass down. "Still donnae where th' Direc'or is.... been askin' roun'. Wha' iffn she comes back ... bu' she's no' the Direc'or?" 
"War changes people," conceded the psychologist. 
"She's been so goo' ta me. Made me believe people coul' care. Le' me meet all my new frien's. Gave me a job, a real job. Wha' if... wha' if she comes back an' she takes et all away?" 
Dr Hayes bit her lip. "I think a more salient question is 'what if she never comes back'?" 
"Wot's 'salien''?" 
"Pertinent... relevant... uh..." stammered the doctor, "meaningful to this conversation." 
Dr Hayes wrote another note on her notepad. She flipped it over and set it on the coffee table. She leaned in toward her patient, adjusting her spectacles. "Whatever happens, I'm here. Your friend Zeehva is there, and Mrs Stanley, too. I suspect Vyn would be there... and you'll get to know Myzariel. You will. Give it time, ok? Things will work out," she said sounding far more confident than she felt. 
"An' if they aren’?" Jocelyn looked up toward the doctor with glistening eyes. 
"You start again," said the doctor with a kindly smile. "And I'll be there every step of the way. I promise." 
( @zeehva @lovelydeadlysocialite @myzariel / @kat-hawke )
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humminghalo · 5 years
hi rain i would just like to say that you're awesome and great and amazing you funky lil otherdimensional being.
o oo h goodn es s ! ! ! T han k you , my dea r friend ! ,. ❤️
All of mm y frien ds make me fe e l so bless ed —
Oo o and , ther e are no w over 700 frie nds follo wing this blo g ! ! I am glow ing lik e the mo on in a cloudl ess autu mn nig ht , through a wind ow glitt ering fro m the cold . . . : )
Thank y ou so much f or your inte rest , my de ar frie nds , yo u ma ke me so happ y ! ! I ho pe I can gi ve all tha t love and happ iness back to y ou !
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dcusrclicta · 5 years
Character Bios
Parenthesis means they have a Harry Potter AU verse 
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Name: Severus Tobias Snape Year: Cute. House: Slytherin Blood Status: Befouler Antichrist Eye colour: Cobalt nowadays Age: Old enough to say no. Birthdate: 1/9 Height: 6′7 Patronus: Horned Viper Description: I still hate my job. I still hate people. I’m just immortal now. Please leave my office & don’t touch anything on your way out.
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Name: Brittnay Matthews Year: College Junior (House: Slytherin) Blood Status: Human (Pureblood) Eye colour: Blue Age: 21 Birthdate:  6/15 Height: 5′5 (Patronus: Pitbull) Description: Cross me & I’ll hurt you. Otherwise I’m Brittnay Matthews you’re new best friend. People think I’m arrogant but in reality they’re angry I’m better than them. I used to go to Overland Park high school. I’m glad I don’t anymore.
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Name: Rhaegar Daeron Targaryen (Year: Graduated/Verse Dependant) (House: Slytherin) Blood Status: ??? Eye colour: Violet Age: 34 Nameday: All I remember was being born in the high summer Height: 7’1 (Patronus: Hungarian Horntail) Description: I’m believed to be dead. Walking about when one is believed to be dead is actually quite boring no matter how much it may benefit the Realm. I do admit I made. Many mistakes however in my defence not all prophecies are interpreted in a straight forward manner. I did better than any of you would have in the situation so save your criticism for until you watch a man identical to you get his chest caved in by a war hammer.
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Name: Lilith “Lily” Sophie Evans Year: Graduated/Verse Dependant House: Slytherin Blood Status: Demon/Witch Eye colour: Green/Blue/ Sometimes they go crimson. Age: Doesn’t matter. I won’t die. Birthdate: 1/30 Height: 5’3 Patronus: Bold of you to assume I have one  Description: My sister was right. I’m a freak. Even my parents saw something... Wrong in me when I was younger. They tried to pretend I was fine. ”Just a few odd occurrences here & there.” Until an older boy who couldn’t keep his hands to himself suddenly found that a hand could very easily be turned inside out. In the long run it was a good result. They found quite a bit of child pornography in his little hovel of a bedroom. My parents knew I did it but couldn’t quite figure out how until the Hogwarts letter came. They were both horrified & relieved. But to make a long story short. Once I met Severus Snape & we put our interest in the Dark Arts together... I got WORSE. & it felt good. I became addicted to the draw of dark magic, occult magic in particular & now Tom Riddle wants me to tell him what I said to Lucifer to get this new body. I might tell him if he begs in the right tone.
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Name: Brahms Hillshire Blood Status: Half-demon Eye colour: Green Age: 16 Birthdate: Don’t care Height: 5′11 Description: I’m a child serial killer. I want to play around in your innards. & blood. I want to play around in your blood too.
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Name: “Andrew” Antisepticeye McLoughlin Blood Status: Computer Virus Entity/Demon Eye colour: Lime Green Age: 29 (Existing for 3) Birthdate: 10/10 Height: N/A Description: It’s better if ya dun run. It’ll just drag et out. Plus sometimes ya lot chip my knife on one of yer stupid bones. & I dun really li’e runnin much ta be honest.
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Name: Chase Brody Blood Status: Human Eye colour: Blue Age: 29 Birthdate: 4/11 Height: 5′10 Description: Hey bros! I’m Chase! Uh, some of ya already know tha! Anti brought me here! He said it’d be fun an’ I trus’ ‘im! I swear ‘e’s actually always been kinda nice ta me! Besides the ‘ole threatenin’ the kids thin’ but we’re frien’s now! He says he’ll teach me how ta shoot a real gun someday!
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Name: Brian Griffin Blood Status: Dog(?) Eye colour: Green Age: ??? Birthdate: ??? Height: 6′4 Description: I used to be an alcoholic dog. Now I’m an alcoholic. Not much to say after something like that happens. I’m really confused to be frank. Maybe now I can actually get someone to take me seriously & publish my book.
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Name: Carlos De Vil (Year: Sixth) (House: Slytherin) Blood Status: Half-demon/ Sorcerer Eye colour: Blue Age: 16 Birthdate: 3/20 Height: 5′7 (Patronus: Red Fox) Description: Hi, I’m Carlos & life is pain, only valid things in this world are only science & Evie Grimhilde, bye. Gemini De Vil is my midget brother who I love. Devil De Vil is my crazy ass dad. My mom is dead, thanks for asking.
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Name: Danny Flint Blood Status: Shade Eye colour: Grey Age: Old Nameday: ? Height: 5′4 Description: Being dead was less droll.  
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Name: Eileen Tabitha Prince Snape Year: Graduated House: Slytherin Blood Status: Pureblood Poltergeist Eye colour: Black Age: Well. I died at 35 so let’s go with that Birthdate: 12/18 Height: 6’11  (Used to be 6'6 but I had this weird growth spurt two days before I died.) Patronus: Didn’t have one apparently
Description: … I really don’t have anything to say to you. I died, I decided I wanted to come back. Er. Awkwardly enough the old castle I was haunting is now inhabited by my son and his family. They’re all really bloody loud. No wonder the rest of the ghosts make so much noise back. And no. I have not introduced myself to any of them. I mean. Sometimes I talk to ‘em but I’ve never gotten an answer. Plus unlike most of the floating assholes here I’d much rather keep to myself, thank you.
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Name: Griffin “Finn” Merterns Blood Status: Human(?) Eye colour: Blue Age: 19 Birthdate: 3/14 Height: 6′3 Description: Hey bros! I’m Finn, a radical kid that makes it his business to help people out and kickin’ monster tail! Mostly when I’m not doin’ that I’m chillin’ it up with my bro Jake in the tree house so as long as you’re not some wacko monster that wants to eat up my face you can swing by and we can fire up BMO or something.
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Name: Henry Harry Jameson Hook (Year: Slytherin) (House: Seventh) Blood Status: Half-demon/Sorcerer Eye colour: Blue Age: 17 Birthdate: 10/23 Height: 6′2 (Patronus: Savannah cat) Description: All it takes is one wrong look & I’ll EVISCERATE ya... Taken by Uma daughter of Ursula. Ya want me? Ya have ta ask her permission & pray she likes ya & is in a SHARIN’ mood. Jamie Hook is me mum an’ she taugh’ me all I know about bein’ scary. Me da??? He’s a dumbass.
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Name: Karl Vreski (Year: Graduated) (House: Slytherin) Blood Status: Human (Pureblood) Eye colour: Blue Age: 19 (Typically) Birthdate: 10/25 Height: 6′1 (Patronus: Jackal)
Description: I’m Karl. Lacrosse. Tacos. Boxing. American football. Whatever activity that involves either Hans Gruber or hitting something? I like it. Tony’s alright. Good brother at least. Not at all annoying like the normal younger sibling M.O. Far nicer than me. I’ll likely end up being a lawyer same as my father. Boring but Hans and I are already working at the damn firm so it’s an easy job. I’m sure Hans’ll come up with a more fun idea. He always does.
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Name: Tony Vreski (House: Hufflepuff) (Year: Seventh) Blood Status: Poltergeist (Pureblood) Eye colour: Blue Age: 17 (Typically) Birthdate: 9/3 Height: 5′10 (Patronus: Rooster)
Description: I’m Tony… I uh. I play some football. Real football not American. I’m Karl’s younger brother and… To be honest Hans scares me a little bit even if we’re all like brothers… Uh more often than not I just go along with their crazy plans because. Well because my brother says it’ll be fun. And. It usually is. Even if some of it’s a little illegal.
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Name: Loki Friggason (Year: Graduated) (House: Slytherin) Blood Status: God of Mischief & Chaos Eye colour: Green Age: Don’t be rude. Birthdate: Mind your business Height: 6′0 (Patronus: Corn snake) Description: I am Loki of Asgard. & I’m so fucking tired of all the gards.
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Name: Beverly Marsh Blood Status: Human Eye colour: Green Age: 14 Birthdate: 8/26 Height: 5′3
Description: I’m Bev. Looked into that stupid clown’s deadlights & lived. I’ll be a loser to the end & I’m honestly real proud of that. Losers have no where to go but up, after all.
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Name: Marceline Abadeer Blood Status: Vampire Demon Eye colour: Green Age: 1003, Approximately Birthdate: Unknown Height: 5′9 (Various) Description: Marceline the Vampire Queen, dude. Sure you’ve heard of me before so I wouldn’t be surprised to see you shaking in your boots right about now. Been traveling and terrorising the Land of Ooo for a while now though it’s nothing too irreversible. Mostly I’m just a radical dame that likes to play games as a very special someone once said about me.
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Name: Nathan Clarke (Year: I died in seventh) (House: Slytherin) Blood Status: (Verse dependent) Poltergeist (Half-blood) Eye colour: Blue Age: 17 Birthdate: 8/13 Height: 6′2 (Patronus: Some squiggly thing I dunno) Description: Hi I’m Nathan & I wanna die... Haha gottem!
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Name: Richmond Richie Wentworth Tozier Blood Status: Human Eye colour: Caribbean Green Age: 14 Birthdate: 8/10 Height: 5′10  Description: I’m only afraid of werewolves & girls with eyes that are hard to not get lost in.
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Name: Robyn Black Robin Blood Status: Poltergeist Eye colour: Hazel Age: Hm Nameday: Some far off winter Height: 6′5 Description:  “The Gods above all knew his crimes The lord read off his lists The Gods above all knew his crimes The men's hands balled to fists His legs they kicked, they jerked, then slowed The crowd not once did cheer His legs they slowed, then finally stopped The crowd not once did jeer”
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Name: Sadie O’Connell Blood Status: ??? Eye colour: Blue Age: 19 Birthdate: I don’t remember Height: 5′6 Description: I tried to kill myself over a boy who didn’t love me back. Someone brought me back & now here I am, I guess.
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Name: Scorpio Felix Sepelio Tobias Exodus Snape Blood Status: Vampire Eye colour: One is jade one is cobalt and they swap sides frequently Age: 91 Died at 36 and it’s been a while. You do the math, mate. Birthdate: 11/10 Height: 5’3
Description: Surprise bitches. I bet you all thought I was dead…In a matter of speaking that’s still accurate. The greasy little snot did indeed best me when I was human. I respect that victory &even though I miss them.. My children don’t need me. I wasn’t good to them when they did. I doubt they’re aware I came back and I’ll keep it that way for all our sakes. There’s no point in asking me how exactly I returned to life. I don’t know and I don’t particularly care. Maybe Hell just can’t handle me yet.
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Name: Thomas Marvolo Riddle Year: Graduated House: Slytherin Blood Status: Demon Fledging Eye colour: Blue Age: Rude. Birthdate: 12/31 Height: 6′4 Patronus: Hmmm, my little secret. Description: Join my cult. Satanism is actually very beneficial if you’re respectful. No. You don’t have to slit your wrist to join... Please. Stop slitting your wrists to join.
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Name: King Aerys Targaryen Second of His Name King of the Andals & the First Men Lord of the Seven Kingdoms & Protector of the Realm (Year: Graduated) (House: Slytherin) Blood Status: Human Mine is the blood of Old Valyria (Pureblood) Eye colour: Violet Age: Hm. Nameday: High summer.  Height: 6′8 (Patronus: Gila Monster) Description: Burn them all.
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Name: Ser Jaime Lannister (Year: Graduated) (House: Hufflepuff) Blood Status: Shade (Pureblood) Eye colour: Green Age: I’m dead. Sorry. Nameday: Does it matter? Height: 5′6 (Patronus: Munchkin Cat) Description: I stayed loyal to the Targaryens & they won. But I died when Robert Baratheon caved in Rhaegar’s chest... At least I got to watch him die for it.
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Name: Daenerys Visenya Targaryen (Year: Fifth) (House: Slytherin) Blood Status: ??? (Pureblood) Eye colour: Violet Age: 15 Nameday: During a violent storm Height: 4′9 (Patronus: Blue-tongued Skink) Description: My family’s way is fire & blood... But my heart sings a softer song... & I don’t know which way is right.
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dontshootmespence · 7 years
Patience is Key
A/N: An anon request for a Spencer x Reader where the reader has auditory processing disorder. It makes it difficult to understand speech in noisy places, it can make you directionally challenged, and can make it difficult to identify noises. 
All five of my senses are cool; it’s my brain being an asshole.
If someone asks me one more time if it’s the same thing as being deaf, I’m going to burst.
My hearing is fine - it’s my brain that is unable to process things, leaving words said sounding different to my ears. I can’t tell you how many times I was “bent” in high school and college. My brain made me hear bent when the teacher said we were “presenting.” Basically, it’s like my brain is permanently playing Wheel of Fortune with an incomplete puzzle on the screen – but in hearing form.
It’s still unbelievably frustrating, but after I was diagnosed I was able to make some changes that helped me through school. I’d ask for class notes so I could see the words in front of me. I’d ask to sit in the front row to block out as much excess noise and distraction as possible. I’d take all my tests in an isolated setting and when all else failed, I was able to tell my teachers that I was just plain confused. People tend to talk fast when they’re passionate about something which makes it extra hard for someone like me to understand things, but I was able to advocate for myself and get the diagnosis and help I needed. And I made it through college - woo! Go me! 
You know how I said people tend to talk fast when they’re passionate about something? Well wouldn’t you know I ended up dating the fastest-talker, most passionate geek of them all? His name is Spencer Reid and he works for the FBI; he’s also a giant nerd.
When we first met, I had to be really upfront with my diagnosis because otherwise there was no way this was going to work - but Spencer was really understanding and always took things slowly with me. 
Now I was going to meet his friends. A lot of his friends. All at once. Derek, Emily, JJ, Penelope, Aaron and David. So. Much. Processing. 
I told him I was nervous. “It’s going to be okay,” he said slowly. “I ol my friens abou your A_D and tha they need to be atien.” He was talking fast again. I had to remind him to chill every now and then. 
“Was that you told your friends about my APD and they need to be patient? You were talking fast again.”
“Sorry,” he said, grimacing before giving me a kiss on the forehead. “I just kind of like you a lot so I guess I talk fast when I talk about you.”
“I’ll take that as a compliment.”
On the way to the restaurant, I vacillated between anxious and calm. “You told them to speak one at a time, right? Because with all the background noise this is going to be difficult enough as it is.”
“Yea, I told them. And I’ll remind them if they forget.”
Finally, we pulled up to the restaurant. “Oh, I’m so nervous!” Burying my head in his chest, I started to panic. I’m the one who had agreed to a restaurant; I should’ve asked to have this dinner at our apartment or one of their houses. Now I was panicking. 
“It’s going to be okay,” Spencer repeated. 
He kissed my head and smiled. His smile always made me a little calmer. It was then that a blonde with hot pink glasses and heels and a black dress came forward. “You ust e Y/N!” She said excitedly. “I’s so ice o finay ee you!”
“Garcia you have to slow down remember?”
“I’m assuming that was ‘so nice to finally meet you?’” I asked, passing off my originally lack of understanding with a laugh. Sometimes you just had to. 
“Yes, I’m sorry!” She hopped up and down on the balls of her feet as if replacing her speed talking with more kinetic energy. “It’s nice to meet you finally. Spencer talks a lot about you.”
We made our way inside to get a table and immediately noticed the garble of sounds that assaulted my ears when we walked inside. “I as-ed for a able in the orner. Block the noise a bit,” Penelope said.
“Corner table? Thanks.”
The corner table definitely blocked out some of the noise, and with just Penelope there it wasn’t too bad. She talked very slowly, which I could see was against her natural instincts, but she did it anyway with a smile on her face. The nerves evened out until the rest of the gang showed up. “Hi, I’m David Rossi,” the older man said, a warm fatherly smile on his face. “It’s so good to meet you.”
One by one, they all introduced themselves. I only had to ask for clarification once, and Spencer only had to remind JJ and Emily to speak one at a time once, so all in all not too bad. “Can you order for me?” I asked Spencer. “There are a lot of how do you want this and how do you want that so I’d rather not do that in here.”
“Sure. No problem.” He kissed the top of my hair. I felt a shiver roll through me. My APD was no joke, and sometimes it could be really, unbelievably frustrating, but having an understanding family and boyfriend made me feel a lot better. I just hoped that his friends liked me. 
After everyone ordered, the noise seemed to die down in the background. Maybe everyone else was getting their orders so they had their mouths full, but when dessert came around the noise started up again, and it got worse. Spencer had made sure that we got to the restaurant a little earlier, so we could hopefully beat the dinner rush, but everyone had been having such a good time that we went a little longer than anticipated and now the dinner crowd was here and they were really loud. 
Even with Spencer’s friends talking slowly, I couldn’t handle it. My heart started to race. “We need to get out of here ASAP,” I whispered to Spencer. “I can’t here a damn thing anyone’s saying anymore.”
The entire team was very respectful of my processing overload and waited until we had paid the bill to say anything else. “Feeling better?” Morgan asked as we exited the restaurant. 
“Much,” I replied with a laugh. “I probably shouldn’t have agreed to meeting at a restaurant when I was just meeting you all. I wasn’t as open as I normally am because the sound was just driving me nuts.”
Morgan clapped my shoulder softly. “Don’t worry about it, Y/N. As long as you make Pretty Boy happy, we’re all good. Plus, having to talk one at a time actually makes people listen more, at least that’s how I feel. Definitely not a bad thing.”
“I’d never really thought of it that way.” 
Spencer came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my chest, kissing the back of my head. “You okay now?”
“Yea, thanks.”
“We all really enjoyed meeting you,” JJ said. “We were just saying how we haven’t seen Spence this happy in a long time.”
I could feel my boyfriend smiling against the back of my head. “It was great to meet all of you too. Thanks for being so patient with me. Believe me, I know it’s a lot to get used to.”
“For you, I’m sure it is,” Emily said. “But it’s nothing for us. Like Derek was saying, it makes us all listen more.”
Spencer and I said our goodbyes and I gave each of his friends a hug. I had been building up meeting his friends in my mind to the point where I thought it impossible, and although it had been a little overwhelming, I’d say it went pretty well. “So it seems like your friends like me?” I hoped I wasn’t reading things the wrong way.
“They did. I told you everything would be okay.”
“I know. It’s just always nerve-wracking. I can’t tell you how many times I had people get mad at me because I needed them to repeat themselves.”
Spencer opened the car door for me and slipped into the driver’s seat. “The people who got impatient with you suck and aren’t worth your time.”
“True. And I know that now, but as a kid that was much tougher to handle.”
“Yea, kids can suck.”
On the way home, we sat in relative silence, full of food and no radio. We never listened to the radio unless that was the only thing we were doing. Otherwise, too much background noise. By the time we parked the car, I had a few texts from his friends. 
JJ: So awesome to meet you! We need to do a girls’ night one of these days.
E: I saw at dinner that you were a red wine drinker. I think we’re going to get along great.
P: Sorry I got so excited that I talk fast. Just tell me to chill if I do that next time.
I smiled down at my phone. Apparently, things had gone well. “What’s up?” Spencer asked.
Turning the phone around, I showed him the messages from his friends. “Told you.” 
“Yea, yea, yea.” I leaned in and kissed him. We’d been dating for quite a while, but whenever we went through a new experience together, I always felt warm and fuzzy inside. “Thanks for being so awesome.”
“I’m just trying to be a good person,” he replied. “Everyone deserves to be understood.”
@iammostdefinitelyonfire26 @jamiemelyn @coveofmemories @kalie-bee @unstoppableangel8 @lukeassmanalvez @veroinnumera @lookwhatyoumademequeue @ultrarebelheart @rmmalta
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gayspock · 7 years
dont rb dont rply
m so fuck ing sick and fucking tire d with Some People(tm) and i know that isnt  fuck ing fair i know it isnt fucking f air i just. ggod i dont fucking know i know im jsut mad at myself and im mad at myself for n ot being enough for not being fucking goo d enough and i know im FUCING stu pid god i fucking really do i know im a fucking. fpofksdf. and its stupid and it s sselfish to get Mad at p eople then when they treat me for wha t ia m but i literally. you know when youre just so So fuck ing tired of just feeling so idiotic and worthless and hhehy MY FUCKING faault for just. fufkking being that way but m god if i dont. i now they don fucking owe me jack shit i know peopl e fucking don t bbut. you know when HELL i’d fuckin love it like. i dont even fcking want your ass to Care i’d just ador e it if you’d stop fucking talking to me in the most revoltingly patronising manner and dragging the fac t im a fucking worthless idiot through the fucking Mud repeatedly in front of my fucking f ace like i KNOW and  i KNOW you see me like that but jsut god leave me the fuck alone id much rather be fucking alone than fuck ing. jesus!!!!! fucking christ man.   
im also highke y done with some pepople fucking pretending to fucking c are when tis fucking obvious they dont give half a god damn fucking Shi t. like theyll fucking prof ess it constant ly but when it bo ils down to it youre too fucking stupid and idiotic and dont know sh it and nothing you a ctually think is worth a damn allyour eveyrthing FUCKIGN IDIOT and wont even lis ten to whats wrong just fucking sh ove down youyr fucking throat  right and wwrong andits clear the only fucking thing they wanted is to fee l good about themselves in some roundabout w ay and ye t again yrue nothing but  fuckin d sutpid id iot for thinking you re REALLY WORTH A DAMN dime because good evenin again its tha ttie when i lie down and curl up and cr y about how fucking much of a stupdi piece of shit i can be to repeatedyl fucking think im eve r fucking worth something like whens my ass gonna fucking le arn its le sson properly and realise  im nothing like my pare nts dont even  thi nk im worth a damn for christ s ake why do i so stupidly fucki ng think people are my damn frien d when i know in all actu ality im jsut there until someone who actually means sth comes along liek god am i fucking jacass idiot i wanna die im so . like i dont fucki snofisdiofss
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shisu-ffxiv · 7 years
🐺- A memory about being alone
“I’ll tell ye somfin’ from long ago, back when I was a wee trouble ma’er. Due tah a unfortuna’e si’uation I was ‘auled off tah tha stockades fer a goo’ while, maybe, a cou’le months. Goo’ be’aviour ‘n’ such. ‘nyways, I was tossed inta a dark, musty’n’pob’ly mol’y cell by meself, so there weren’ much fer me tah do in there ‘sides eat, sleep’n’thin’. As I was layin’ in bed one nigh’ I realized, no one from me crew were go’na ‘elp me, le’ alone be wai’in’ fer me when I go’ ou’a tha’ shite’ole. Tha peo’le I though’ were me frien’s all aba’oned me tha momen’ I stayed ba’ ‘n’ took tha fall fer a crime they commi’ed, an’ tha’ ma’e me feel li’e tha bigges’ fukin’ prick on tha face’a Eorzea. ‘cause no ma’er wha’, tha thin’s tha’ I did fer’em ‘ave alrea’y been done, meanin’ I’ve ‘urt many peo’le in many dif’ren’ ways all o’er La Noscea. My repu’ation there was now ruined. Bu’ bein’ alone in tha cell for those few months ma’e me thin’ o’er and rethin’ me life, entirely. I wan’ed tah ‘elp people, protect ‘em from tha kind’a pain me ‘n’ tha’ gang visited ‘pon tha’ man tha’ nigh’ I was arrested.” Shisu stops finally and takes a breather to settle herself. “Sorry, thin’in’ back tah tha’ ge’s me pissy, ‘ow’s ‘bou’ we go get a drink, aye? ‘ope ye li’e tah sing chanties!”
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drewxmay · 8 years
I’m making a Contestshipping MasterPost but I decided to release this part of it early.
and now... the best contestshipping episode of them all!!! yell it loud and clear (even though your parents will think you are weird)
Link to episode can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sbLuBt3YaKQ
whenever I say Why not I say it like a wynuat. This is the best episode.
Episode starts off with Ash yelling at a river. Wonderful. 0:06 Oh Pikachu too?
0:20 Best of luck to you on your contest May!
0:27 Hi Drew :D
0:37 hmm. Interested I see?
Masqurain Uses waves to complete his technique
1:27 Drew won 5 a while back! Remember when he had 3?
1:37 Well May will win the contest you two will battle for the 4th time!
1:42 Fancy words will only give May more determination to win... Drew knows this.
1:57 Okay so we have Mr.Perfect, Mr.Know-it-all, and Mr.Rose. Wonderful.
3:08 Ash saying the titles sometimes makes me laugh. "MAY WE HARLEY DREW'D YA!" Imagine him saying that. ya.
3:11 Narrator, she is working hard at her skill because Drew convinced her too in his own way.  ADVANCED SHIPPERS HE WAS NOT BEING MEAN AND THAT IS WHY SHE IS TRYING, SHE IS TRYING BECUASE DREW TOLD HER TO AND MADE HER WANT TO IN HIS OWN WAY.
3:23 Masquain flap your wings not your legs
3:26 Flirting!
3:35 Drew is teaching May some tactics :3
Also May has really improved! Character development and attack skills, and based off these episodes it was mainly because of Drew!
3:51 ... that was not somersault. Translations...
3:57 MAGICARP. this is just the best team rocket entrance. Ever. Just imagine a big magicarp jumped into the beach and said "MAGICARP"I laughed at this the first time I saw it~
4:06 :pulls up image of face swap:
4:19 Welp, it was a good run pikachu. Goodbye :)
4:22 :TAKES SCREENSHOT: Omg they are so scared for their pokemon
4:36 I love this pic... so much...
4:42 silly max! You pressed the hypo turbo engine switch! You should've known :P
4:56 they are now standing next to each other even though last time they were almost across the room, they walked next to each other and called their pokemon at the same time. This is what writers do when they foreshadow.
5:00 I dunno :Looks up I am going to on google: I am going to die. Jessie you are going to die!
5:15 and then you hear wabbafet
Hi team Rocket!
5:25 Imma look that on google... You are at my house.
5:29 No you are in my house
5:35 Thank you Wabaf- I mean James
5:40 but James was trying to cheer you up by being Wabbafet :P
5:49 Thank you Wabaf- I mean Meowth
5:54 Don't worry, their having fun Max.
6:08 People might say that Drew is being mean here and that Drew doesn't like May but this has a second meaning and May didn't get it (just like how she never noticed him flirting)
6:19 :Screenshots:
6:25 So ye ol' pirate likes eh story o' contest shipp'n?
6:30 :Looks up mirage: mi·rage məˈräZH/ noun noun: mirage; plural noun: mirages
   an optical illusion caused by atmospheric conditions, especially the appearance of a sheet of water in a desert or on a hot road caused by the refraction of light from the sky by heated air.
okay I get it now! The wynuat!!!
6:42 Leechy berry?
6:50 Teaching May about Leechy berries in his own way.
6:58 I find it amazing that May says she knows everything about them, proceeds to pronounce it wrong, and then Drew point that out. I didn't expect him to.
7:03 :Takes screenshot
7:19 ShuuHaru
I told you I love this episode AND WE AREN'T EVEN HALFWAY DONE MWA HA HA AH AHA HA
7:36 Swellow did you find contestshipping
7:43 Don't worry Max!
7:52 wynuat? Also while listening to this I heard Max say "Ya! They might've decided to-" finish this sentence please :3
8:21 Mudkip: points with fin
8:23 "You don't get out much do you..."  "Well you just don't know how to have fun!" -Contestshipping
8:33 you know what I want this man to be a chaperone at a school field trip.
8:48 in the time you were gone, James, Jessie and Meowth turned into wabaffets! :D
9:03 No james. did you hear it say Wabafett? No. It said wynuat.
9:08 at least Meowth knows!
9:12 let me tell ya' lads ye ol' story of how I got 'ere
9:58 People say Drew never gets exited.
10:20 HOLDING HANDS OMG LIFE SAVER SHIPPING BULBAPEDIA!!! One scene includes a closeup of May and Drew holding hands while falling down a cliff and into a river.
... I'm disappointed in you Bulbapedia
10:27 YOU CAN MAKE IT!!!
10:49 Bulbapedia: Then May sees that Drew has been knocked out from the impact of the waterfall, she becomes extremely concerned and tries to keep Drew's head above the water while telling him not to worry because she's got him. You missed something, when somebody passes out they stop holding their own weight, meaning that Drew is actually way heavier than if he were conscious, let's see an average 10 year old boy weighs about 90 pounds... May is carrying an almost 100 pound weight, above water, while also trying to keep herself over water
10:58 WYNUAT!!! HELP!!!
11:03 the mirage island.
11:24 Hopefully save with the wynuat!
11:46 You did as much as you could...
11:54: "Drew... are you okay? Say something please!" May said in a destressed tone of voice
12:02 omg I ship it so much Bulbapedia? how about you? After being pulled out of the river by the Wynaut, May is seen begging a still unconscious Drew to say something. When he finally wakes up, she is visibly relieved.
12:06 No May... you don't have to be so modest. If it weren't for you he would be dead. he would have drowned. May is too modest.
12:22 Wynuat is a light pokemon, so is there body an illusion? I saw somewhere a theory that their tails are the pokemon and their blue body is a shield... so the blue part is an illusion? "They travel in herds and at night sleep together in groups" all of the contestshippers are wynuats. We stick together.
12:30 Drew is happy :D
12:33 omg the wynuat are so nice!!! "Are these for us?" "Wynuat!" Omgggg I love them so much
12:39 I love Drew in this pic I dunno why
12:42 Your ship is strong.
12:48 yes. God I just wanna hug May and Drew. So. Flippin. Much.
12:54 aww poor team rocket
13:02 Why hello there
13:07 num num num num
13:12 Wanub nub nub nub nub nub nub nub
13:16 oh well hi there
13:19 nub nub nub nub nub nub nub
13:27 There right there
13:31 spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin
13:34 ye' ol' lad ta'ts t'a 'tory if I ever said i'
13:58 Imma not mention how his last statement was incorrect because this episode is so great.
14:04 You studied their shoes max?
14:08 actually Drew was unconscious so he didn't walk, and the wynuats were in the trees and picked up May and Drew. You are wrong guys.
14:23 wynuat join us?
14:30 Let's join the contestshipping celebration!
14:39 wynuat join us too Drew X3
14:47 Bulbapedia? Do you wanna say something? During the Wynauts' "party" shortly after, Drew is seen watching May intently.
Watching her intently ya say? He must be happy that she is having fun :D (btw he likes her)
14:53 After a long journey... we have finally found the thing we have been looking for: food. it has been many mins we have walks around this forest, searching and searching while following our mentorour, Wabaffet, but finally... nvm I'll stop.
14:58 James is great, so is jessie. Now have sour tastes :3
My shoulders heart from typing so I won't tag as much... :'(
15:29 Drew is still watching her have fun :3
15:33 wtf is that! D:
15:37 oh no!!!
15:40 Jessie you love romantic stories give them the berries
15:46 Dew: Oh no! The person who I helped grow as a trainer and saved my life is about to be taken away D:
15:47 unless y'know. You sell her as a slave.
15:55 The wynuat our us, the contestshippers, remember that. Also I love the episode and all, but I'm sick of the female being in danger, wynuat it be the male for once???
16:03 you wait for the wynuat of course :3
16:07 great job guys!!! Keep it up and we will help in the advencement of contestshipping!
16:27 you said sift her out at the end... why is she on a rope and you are still vacuming?
16:40 Shiiipppiiiinnnnnggggg
16:50 Aye re'ember 'is cave 'ike tha back o' me ol' 'and
17:13 remember kids, an Arbock turns into a Saviper!
17:23 Death by leaves
17:29 protect our ship!
17:50 ya but Drew didn't tell rosellia WHERE to shoot it, what do they talk telepathicly now?
17:57 Rip a rope with peatals. Sure I'll try that.
18:07 and then I remembered Advencedshipping and started to cry becuase even though this is the best contestsipping episode people are going to advanced ship becuase of this scene.
and then they beat team rocket :skips to after that:
19:52 Enjoy the rest of the contestshipping in this episode!
19:54 So Rodrick is actually older Pual. Cool.
20:23 And Drew got May to make pokeblock, in his own way :3
The end (that took me 4 hours to make wtf)
I prmise that once I am done editing the post it will have bold letters and screenshots :3
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jocelyn-wellson · 4 years
Tumblr media
Dr Hayes closed the heavy walnut door to her cherry-paneled office. She activated the magical wards - no one would hear what they would have to say. Jocelyn sat down on the leather chaise, her hair still growing, and a shy, coy smile on her face. Dr Hayes sat in her own leather office chair. She took up a glass of water, watching the young woman. Some of the tics were still there: the twitches, the hypervigilance, though she was showing signs of improvement. Of healing.
"Good afternoon, Jocelyn," she began, setting the water down and picking up her legal pad and fountain pen. "You seem... peaceful, at least more peaceful than I have ever seen you. Your skin is clearer; your weight, healthier; your hair is more uniform. Tell me about your week."
Jocelyn took a long deep breath. "Et's 'ard ta talk 'bou', doc..."
"Hard because someone doesn't want you to, or because the words are not coming?"
"A lit'le o' both," she admitted.
Dr Hayes made a quick note on her pad. She tapped the fountain pen to her lip. "What would help us talk about you this week?"
Jocelyn looked about; it was a sure sign she was uncomfortable. Dr Hayes was acutely interested, however, because she had never seen this manifestation of these symptoms with her current disposition. Jocelyn was nervous, not fearful. She made another note.
Jocelyn’s body language was obvious. She had no idea how to talk about good things occurring in her life. "I...," she began, fingers wringing. "I 'ave some people in mah life now, tho I cannae say frien's yet, I care abou' 'em."
Dr Hayes was a bit surprised, though she did not betray her thoughts. "You've met people? Shop keepers and the like? Or members of the public? Co-workers?"
"Combina'ion," she said.
"That's wonderful, Jocelyn," said Dr Hayes. She practically beamed at her patient. "What do they do?"
"Why's et mattah?"
"Just want to know who you are meeting, is all."
Jocelyn looked a trifle offended, though she entertained the question. "A stable maid, a wai'ress, an ol' lady, a saleswoman who's 'elpin' me ou' wit' a projec', an’ someone else."
Dr Hayes looked on impassively. "You are gravitating to the working class, and avoiding the criminal," she said.
"Ta th' bes' o' my thinkin'," she agreed.
Dr Hayes thought for a moment. She decided to address the largest hole in the entire list. "Who is this someone else?" she asked.
Jocelyn could feel herself flush, slightly at first and then blossom into a deep crimson. "Met a woman," she said.
"Followin' 'er place ta place 'til she go' th' drop on me."
"That's not healthy," said the doctor.
"Nah, nah, ya go' it all wrong," said Jocelyn.
Dr Hayes gestured for her to continue, though the look on her face was one of extraordinary skepticism.
"I tol' ya... back when I firs' was firs’ leavin’ th' monestary. I called ou' fer th' Director. And all I 'eard was 'Hawke'."
The doctor nodded. "I remember."
"Foun' a lead on a person in Unit 8. Din't recognize 'er. E'eryone else di' tho. Beautiful, she is. Curves..." her fingers retraced the route they had taken the night before.
"That's fine, Jocelyn. It's the following I am worried about."
"Yea, yea. So I talk ta people 'ere, people there. Et's 'ow I met all th' people I di'. Jus' talkin', wantin' ta know my mark before'and."
"Before we met," said Jocelyn. She gestured at the faint roadrash covering the left side of her face. "She foun' me firs'." She chuckled.
"I see. Work related, not ... something else."
"Good Gods, I ain' tha' crazy, doc."
Dr Hayes smiled gently. "No, you are not."
Jocelyn grunted an approval. She leaned back in the chaise, leather creaking. She closed her eyes and began deep breathing.
"So what is troubling about this person?" asked the doctor, noting her breath.
Breathe in... An image of blue lips rushing to meet her own. Breathe out... Her heart, fluttering. Her body and mind, so warm. She continued to deep breathe:
"Yanno I 'ave trouble talkin' 'bou' myself, my pas'..."
The doctor nodded. She started to write, taking note of the body language and the spoken dialogue.
"Donnae wha' et was 'bou' this woman, bu' et's like I donnae go' no armor, like I..." She looked distressed, but oddly happy at the same time. "...Doc, et ain' serious. I donnae think it'll ge' serious or nothin'. Bu' in tha' momen', bein' touch'd, bein' kiss'd... I ain' le' no one do tha' in a long time, no' on tha' level.”
The doctor finished note taking. She leaned back in her chair, steepling her fingers. "Who was the person before this?" she asked.
Jocelyn bit her lip. “Please, no...” She started to breathe faster. “I cannae...” Dr Hayes reached across the coffee table just to touch the back of her patient's hand. It seemed to help calm her.
"Me dea' baby's fathah," Jocelyn said after a moment. "'e was a goo' man by rights, ‘til 'e met me, an' then 'is life fell apart. We were gon’ be married: sea commandah ‘n’ ‘is wife. An' then the life we made ... et died inside me," she said. She swiped at her eyes. "Lemme tell ya... Tha' man... 'e 'ad a way o' makin' me feel safe, like I was needed, wan'ed, impor'ant. Beau’iful. Tha's 'ow Vyn made me feel for jus' a secon'."
Dr Hayes watched her patient grab a cloth and wipe her face. She remained otherwise neutral, though supportive.
"This encounter with this woman l, this Vyn ... it made you feel important and safe?"
Jocelyn looked at her boots. "Ya lef’ somethin’ ou’... et’s somethin’ I’ve been 'earin' et all week, doc."
"What's that, precisely?"
"Tha' I'm beau’iful, doc,” she replied. Her voice cracked. "Donnae think I though' tha' in years. Til this week. An’ yanno, I felt tha' way las' nigh'."
"Did you two..."
"No, no. No' like tha'. Jus' a kiss 'n' nudge 'tween new 'quain'ences."
Dr Hayes's eyes lit, ever so briefly. "You deserve these things, Jocelyn. You do. And they're coming to you."
Jocelyn bit her lip. She looked up at the doctor. "Yanno wha'?" she asked, thinking about that wine vault she had found, the people she had met, the job she had. "I'm... I'm thiknin' yer right. These are nice things, an’ they’re 'appenin' ta me."
"To whom do you think the credit belongs?"
Jocelyn flinched. She closed her eyes. "I cannae answah tha' now, ya see."
"Why not?"
"Et's no' th' righ' time, yea?" she sounded a little peevish.
Dr Hayes nodded. "If you're not ready, let's not talk about it just yet. Deal?" The women nodded to each other, a tacit, unspoken agreement. "Now, then. What else happened this week?"
( @lovelydeadlysocialite / @zeehva @kat-hawke )
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humminghalo · 5 years
hello, rain. your presence, your existence, it makes me feel what i believe is happiness. it-- no, you make me feel less alone. less... scared, of what my everything is. thank you for reminding me that someday, someday i'll find my way back home, but for now, its okay to rest here.
Hell o my dea r frien d .
I am s o gla d I mak e you fee l th is . It is th e trut h , my fr iend . You ar e not al one , you a re safe he re , and y ou are love d and nee ded . I am su re you will be abl e to li ve a wond erfu l lif e , if yo u let your s elf . Bei ng happ y is n ot a shame f ul thin g ! It is a th ing we all des erve , as lo ng as we do ou r best to be g ood . Rem embe r tha t tr ying you r bes t is of ten mo re th an ennough .
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