sinew-lattice · 5 months
📙: what subjects engage/bore your ocs?
Lum will talk about literally anything without getting bored, they just like talking, really. though they especially enjoy ancient media. xe have seen tf2 ytps.
Shei likes to talk about weird stuff they see while traversing the sprawls, and will listen to Vidri talk about his work even though he doesn't understand half the terms being used lol.
Vidri in turn likes to hear about Shei's finds, and the both of them entertain Lum's ramblings. :>
⭐:what do your ocs fear?
Lum is surprisingly fearless, between simply having too much whimsy to be afraid and the time-proven strategy of launch-everything-not-nailed-to-the-ground-at-approximately-mach-fucking-one-towards-nearest-threat, she doesn't have much to worry about.
Shei is quite averse to drawing attention to himself, which can be a problem given it takes conscious effort to maintain a convincingly human appearance, and is much harder when overstimulated.
There's also The Fae, but Shei really doesn't like to talk about them, so good luck learning what his deal is with them.
Outside of home, Vidri can be rather skittish on account of being rather defenseless, there's a lot of things roaming the sprawls, so id say their fear is traveling alone.
💛: how in-control of their emotions are your ocs?
Lum is very excitable, and this can result of unconscious use of telekinetics, but ke does xer best to not damage anything at least.
Shei does their best to at the very least appear composed/positive, but if he's overstimulated or otherwise overwhelmed the mask very quickly falls to reveal a complete mess./aff
Vidri is just genuinely just a very level headed dude! they're like uhh what was that guys name. harry du buos's like bf or whatever. he like that guy but not as much of a stone wall. able to keep calm and think rationally as long as his isn't like. immediately in danger.
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wolfram-but-art · 4 months
your engie art literally gives me life
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answering 3 Engie asks at once here, because yes.
it's good that you like him, because you'll be seeing a lot of him here. he's all i think about. Engie eating away at my breain like RFK's brain worm
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can't get enough of this guy
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ashiyn · 6 months
ashy i fucking love u for all the gifs ur making of the irl stuff, it makes me so happy
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stop i might just start sobbing, have a cute zed and tango gif that i haven't posted yet as a massive thank you,
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gomzdrawfr · 2 months
every time you comb through my blog and like/reblog all my art i consider that a marriage proposal, so let me know if you want a spring or summer wedding
oh fuck i just saw this mb- UHHH *sweats nervously* + *rizz of a teapot*
if you're not allergic to pollen...👉🏻👈🏻 Spring wedding...hehe
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tadc-harlequin-au · 3 months
You mentioned how people tried to Turin themselves into puppets. And when you said that I had been thinking up another question but now it is this.
Are there any Frankenstein type puppets. Like puppets made out of human flesh in a desperate attempt to prolong their lives but ultimately creating abominations of flesh and steel.
I just was thinking that might be a fun concept. Just putting it out into the universe so you might see it. Love your au and just sprouting ideas.
Holy shit.
I haven't actually thought of that, but considering this AU is grimdark and borderline horror, I'm going to be taking that idea now, thank you very much.
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teecupangel · 1 year
Imagine if Desmond was turned into a slime when he touched the apple, like he ends up in the past and his ancestors just see this not-liquid thing following them around or something
When I read slime, my brain immediately went “which type?”. There are many variations of slimes but the main two versions of slimes I immediately thought of are:
A not-liquid thing that will devour everything and everyone that passes thru its gel-like body (like in D&D)
A not-liquid thing that can freely control its gel-like body to change shapes into whatever it wants, mostly long tentacle-like limbs, and, optionally, secretes thick liquid with aphrodisiac properties (like… uuuhhh… let’s just say works with ‘mature’ contents)
And then I remember…
This dude:
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Which is pretty much just a weak noob monster that can tackle your level 1 alchemist before getting bombed.
But, but, but, look how cute that slime is. I mean it’s called a Puni but we all know it’s based on a slime, Gust ain’t fooling anyone.
Just imagine Desmond taking that form and being adorable and making puppy dog eyes at his ancestors as he tries to follow his ancestors by jumping like a really bouncy pudding.
Just the sheer ‘you won’t leave this defenseless thing alone, right?’ potential of this form that Desmond could use to his advantage.
And then they get into a fight and it turns out Desmond could shape his form into anything he wants so he’s suddenly making whip-like gel-like appendages to smack enemies around and even use one of Ratonhnhaké:ton’s rope dart finishers.
Weird liquid secretion optional (・ω<)☆
So, you know, we have variations. I guess we can’t really use the ‘devour everything’ type because that means no one can touch Desmond. It’ll be good angst fodder though, that’s for sure.
Also… if we’re going for Rimuru-OP route where Desmond can gain skills by devouring certain things, this would give him the ability to shapeshift into the human form of those he eats (but, in his case, maybe any human form he takes will have golden eyes?)
Just imagine the angst of Desmond devouring Kadar as he’s about to die because Kadar asked him to after Desmond tried and failed to save him and Desmond tells him how his power works when Kadar asked before, trying to talk about anything to help Kadar ignore the pain. Kadar wishes to thank Desmond and hopes he could receive a useful ‘skill’ from someone like him in the end and Desmond takes his form instead. Any time he looks at his reflection, he feels guilty for not being able to save Kadar so he wears a mask most of the time. Just imagine the angst that will happen once Altaïr and Malik see the face he has underneath the mask!!!
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arkiwii · 7 months
ask game
1, at what point did you start shipping your otp
12, what actually got you into the game
15, what character for the chopping block
thank you for the ask, and for adding the question with it!! seriously helps lmao <- too lazy to switch between replying to the answer and the post
1. I think I already explained it in the past, but it's still a funny fact to me; I actually started to ship them before I even played Arknights. For those who fell asleep and did not followed, my otp is Saria/Silence. Why? Because a friend presented me some characters, and explained to me that Saria and Silence were exes and had an adoptive daughter. Which is, not exactly canon! But I DID believed it was. When I actually played the game and checked their files, I realized that there was nothing in canon that stated they were in a relationship pffft - basically I got gaslighted and believed there was something canonically romantic between them
Well that doesn't stop me. I can't remember when I really, really got into the ship, but mayybeee after I read the manhua? Anyway, all of this to say, I've been shipping them for a year now, and the insanity can't be cured
12. The. the birds. Well! Technically, it's because a few of my closest friends were playing the game and I started to get intrigued, but maybe I wouldn't have started if it weren't for the Liberi. "Imagine I play the game just to collect the birds /j /j" I said a year ago. yeah. that statement didn't aged well.
But the game seemed interesting too! and most of all, I already loved some characters my best friend presented to me, which were Aciddrop, Projekt Red and Silence. So of course I wanted to get to know them more!
15. I'm not sure if I understand the question, but I suppose it means which character I'd pick to kill in the story? mmh. Oren 💥💥💥
Jokes aside (all my homies hate Oren), I don't really know who I could pick. Arknights is already doing a great job at killing characters and making these deaths memorable and justifiable (FrostNova and Outcast,,,), I never told myself "why they killed this character??", and it's very good for a story. So naturally, I don't really want anyone in particular to die, and if I do, that's because they were destined to die in canon anyway, like Parvis, Gertrude or Mandragora (she's alive if you're delusional). The only character I can think about, and it's a really big hot take but also my extremely angsty side talking, would be Ptilopsis. Don't get me wrong, I love her! But she's already dying in some way, her fate is sealed - and god, it would be so fucking sad and angsty if it were to happen. I love my meals SPICY
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Maybe a little thing with wooyoung or yuhno (because of yuhnos big ass hands)
Some fisting???
If not it’s okay I love your writing :)
the only fisting you'll catch me doing is fisting my mouth as i cry through the pain of living 😫✊
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cxpperhead · 9 months
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While Copperhead has been under Nehebkau's influence since the day he committed his first murder, only once has he actually been taken over by the evil spirit. Normally he is content to slumber, slowly regaining his strength through the 'sacrifices' he has his host commit so when that nourishment stops coming, Nehebkau gets angry. To punish Copperhead for denying him substance, Nehekbau waited until his host was alone with the first friend he'd made after the death of his family before taking over, brutally ripping Copperhead's friend to pieces and leaving the dismembered remains for him to find after regaining consciousness. While he never remembered anything of that incident, Copperhead always thought he'd been responsible for his friend's murder and didn't make another friend for years, for fear of hurting yet another person he cared about.
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im-smart-i-swear · 9 months
Does anyone among Funky Guys swear? Cause i can imagine it'd be like- Taks: Heck! Buddy: Dont fucking swear. Seriously where the fuck did you even learn that shitty language?? It is rude and I know the situation has gone to hell but doesnt mean we have to be assholes about it
bestie youre so right.. here have a shitty comic inspired by this for your troubles<3
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a more detailed answer under the cut!
Buddy started to swear a lot early on bc he was an angry mess and lowkey an asshole and also Shiro propably tried to swear as little as possible most of the time, and now hes NOT Shiro anymore, so who cares? Theyre all gonna die bc of hunger or dehydration or get killed by hostile fauna soon anyway so what's the point
Tashi tries his best to not cuss and to discourage others from doing it, not really bc hes all that morally appalled by it but bc in most normal situations You Shouldnt Swear Around Children and hes trying very very hard to keep up a charade of normalcy(hes constantly swearing in his head tho. Screams FUCKING HELL internally every five seconds). eventually(after about 2 years) he gives up and stops giving a shit. His constant nagging DID work a little bit tho and buddy eventually starts to swear less and also substitute the cuss words with the more kid friendly versions(they make sure to look extremely displeased the whole time though)
Soup and stickbug know so many swears in multiple alien languages its insane. Soup doesnt speak much but stickbug uses swearing as a means to calm down when hes alone(imagine him screaming into a pillow). when he was younger he was always careful to only swear when the adults(mostly tashi) werent around, and for a good year whenever taks or taka would tattle on his cussing, tashi would wave it off bc stickbug doesnt swear!! hes too much of a good nice kid to do that!!!!! hes just a shy little guy:)(<- in reality he is trying his best to appear harmless and obedient in front of The Authority Figure bc thats his survival strategy.). eventually after a few long months he calms down and gets comfortable enough to gradually drop the act and starts swearing more often(still tries to limit it tho). dw tho in his 20s he starts to cuss profusely to make up for that
taks and taka both didnt know many swears at the beginning but they quickly started to pick up new ones(mostly bc of bud)(and stickbug. but tashi didnt believe taka when he admitted that he was the one who thaught him 'fuck' and thought he was covering for taks lmao). as kids do, they LOVE swearing, do it every chance they get. later taka mostly stops swearing aside from slip ups and hanging around w/ his siblings, but taks? she cusses every chance she gets and tashi can do nothing about it(and believe me, he tried).
eenek knows galran swear words and tried to learn earth ones back in the day from stick..... it ended with stick lying to them and making them think random english words are cusses to fuck with them. they dont realise whats going on until after having spent years muttering shit like 'hydrazine thrusters' and 'screwdriver' under their breath whenever they stubbed a toe<3
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fictionalsillies · 2 months
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Btw your art is very yummy /pos
(Idk if I already told you this)
Aw - thank you so much !! I really appreciate it :D 👍❣️
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spaciebabie · 3 months
Hands you a coconut
'Cause you're totally tubular dude, and deserve an absolute gnarly and awesome day 🥥
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stonyponyofficial · 1 year
i was tagged by @cyber--grrl to list ten songs with food and or beverage in the title. thanks fer the tag :3
ill also rate how yummy each song is for fun! 😋
1. dog food - 100 gecs: mm yummy girlkibble just for me ^w^ also very yummy song. the beginning gives me goosebumps every time, and the ending vocal noise feels very eating kibblecore.... u agree right? umm 8/10
2. Chocolate Matter - Sweet Trip: if there were something out there generically called like "chocolate flavored matter" i think id eat it. also DELICIOUS song lots of variety and good texture here 9/10
3. Cream Soda no Yuutsu - ......... : ill admit im not much of a cream soda fanatic. nothing against it in fact it sounds quite yummy at the moment i just don't really have it ever. similar feelings about the song. good i just haven't listened to it much.. feels like im on a cream soda beach being soaked in the waves 7/10
4. Lean Beef Patty - JPEGMAFIA, Danny Brown: mmm yumm yummy yummy scaring the hoes for dinner AGAIN fuck yesss 🥰😻 however just a patty? in a state of being .. maybe cooked? could just be raw meat on a plate. hmmmm. while the song would be near perfect yumminess on my Violet Yumminess Scale the title brings it down a lot... ill say 6/10
5. honeydew blue - 800 Cherries: oooh double fruits on this one :3c melons besides the famous wawermelon aren't really my go-to fruit snack but id have a little if u were having some o_o and like u were making it look really good idk... oh and id have a few of those 800 cherries u have too even tho i said i didn't really like those too... also the song is what i hear when im full from a nice fruit meal. and the triannnggllleeee 😩 chews on it. it is metal. i was gonna give this song an 8 but me not liking honeydew that much should not bring it down this song is a 9/10 yumminess
6. Fresh Meat - Diet Tea Other Cola: yet again we run into the clash between song and title yumminess. fresh meat: the song's yumminess comes from dtoc's slick lyrics and how they mix like backing screams into these songs with little midi beats? i think they're an interesting artist but thats for another time. fresh meat: the food however? would maybe not be as yummy i think. 4/10 bleh!
7. Princess Lunas Glorious Grilled Cheese Sandwiches - Cats Millionaire: i would do unspeakable things to a grilled cheese rn. especially if it was one of princess lunas 😳.... isn't my favorite off fun fun fun but is still yummy in its own right! 7/10
8. Hotel Breakfast - Bladee: listen if there's a whole buffet of shitty breakfast food im there. and if there's a bladee song about it im also there. wait he missed the hotel breakfast bc he slept too late? rookie mistake. 6/10 for missing it lol
9. Stir Fry - Migos: mmmmmm im just making myself hungry now. personally id fuck up some stir fry. chunky ass noodles. little corn. shit. and this Migos song? yummy enough to back it up 8/10
10. Piggy Pie - Insane Clown Posse: hmmmm if we're talking like a pork pot pie from the freezer section yeah sure yummy as hell. however im not sure about these fellas food handling credentials or their ingredients..... song is very crunchy and record scratchy and yummy however so to balance all this. a 7/10 yumminess :3
okay here is where i use my summoning spells.... in case anyone would like to show off their yummy songs as well ^w^ u don't have to rate them that was just for me hehe.... u don't even have to make a post we can just think about yummy songs together instead! ummm okay here i goes @numetalpuppygirl @metroid-fusion @transgirlmononoke @malicious-face @toriel-vapes @a-little-bit-poss SHAZOOO spell of increase ur notification number by one
and as always thanks for w
and as always anyone can lie and say i tagged them if they wanna do yummy song game!
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jellyphink · 5 months
i want to eat you and your art
you have my full permission to do so ❤️❤️❤️🥹🥹
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embersofhope-if · 1 year
Hello, reading previous I realized that Creon and Coriolanus are quite similar especially with their relationship with a tribute, both feel affection for her, being willing to do anything to make them survive but that affection is born from seeing them as a possession or prize. Does Coriolanus notice that resemblance, guide or manipulate Creon so that he doesn't make the same mistakes? Do you want Creo to possess MC as a twisted way of being able to re-possess Lucy Gray?
Hi!! Coriolanus did very quickly notice the resemblances between him and Creon, and that's part of the reason why Creon has kept his attention, however he does feel, despite their similarities, that Creon is a fool but that doesnt mean they dont have potential to do great things. I wouldn’t say that hes guiding/manipulating Creon to not make the same mistakes; he's more so just observing them and how they're going to attempt to win these Games. Overall, Coriolanus is relatively amused when watching Creon trying their best to pretend that everything is under control and that they know what they're doing. Coryo knows that they're lying because he was in the same exact position, but he'll let them keep playing out this charade of theirs as long as it doesn't cause any problems.
Now, with your second question, I don't want to get into too many details for the risk of spoilers but I am willing to say that what Creon feels for Mc is genuine or at least as genuine as they can be and because of that Coriolanus has a lot of control over both Creon and Mc and neither of them even realize the extent of that control.
I know i didn't get super into details, but if you have any other questions, please let me know!
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kandidandi · 2 years
It's okay, Kandi! You don't havta cry about the sticky hands! Here!
*I give you an absolute MOUNTAIN of your favorite candy and chocolate*
oh thank you thank you!!!
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i will gobble it all up!
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