ato-dato · 1 year
yk i never understood when people said things like "i want to eat your art", then i came across your page and now your art is my breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert and snack (among many other eating times i can't recall rn). it's a whole ass restaurant and i wanted 2 thank you for feeding me and all the others :))
Im a business woman working like a dog day and night to feed the kids. You're the kids.
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abyslita · 15 days
explodes your rentry layiuts are all so freakint pretty.. takes them all and chews on them like gum :3c
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sniigura-archive · 4 months
So about that foot fetish, I agree with what a lot of people before me said. It makes you think, broaden the horizon maybe. And thats why your writing is such a prime example for good fanfiction to me. It's for fun, it's to break out and discover new things. Fanfiction has always been a way to express a shit ton of different things and I feel that got forgotten over the years? everything has to be safe and vanilla and people get way too heated and entitled over canon/ headcanon and shaming others for things they personally don't like. But your writing? it's refreshing, it breaks the conventionally comfortable in a delightful way while also being skillfully written and hot af
purity culture really has done a number on everyone’s perception of media 😭😭 censorship is also the worst thing that could have happened to us ngl
there’s one thing if you don’t want to consume something you 10000% aren’t into but that’s what tags, content and trigger warnings are for. which is something nearly all people, especially ones creating dark content, do.
i try to make everything fun and lighthearted since i think fanfiction is for fun. angst and dark content can be fun too!! we need to stop being so serious i mean it………
we need to stop being scared of taboo stuff and be able to explore dark things in a healthy manner. not being able to properly tell the difference between fiction and reality is poison in todays time. it’s all about media consumption
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x-ladydisdain-x · 2 years
""Mauwb cake woudl 2ork better than jotdogs" they hthoguthe wonderifnly.
"Avtusktl that coul wourk." Frankie respondeed. Gersrd nodded in sgreemejn45.
"Thank you framk3o. I appreciate 5ou4r suppo4t so m uh right nwo."
They tookca pause o thfink abotj something 3wlalt quickly. "Where is mieky? I need to insjt him lovelyingly right now. I love him vety micj. Wjere it he? Is he with his boyrrienr? Goh darn him for datingvright now?" Frankek seemed ssd aet getards sentences."
This is so brilliant like actually
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aquakris · 5 years
Tumblr media
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syven-siren · 4 years
Thank you so micj for pt 2!! Awwww Brucey ❤ I do hope you continue this , its just so good. Waiting to know how the mission goes and to see if Bucky or Natasha try to genuinely get ro know her, I want to know about her past and future. I read it once then lost it because of my internet connection, but it's sooo good. Go kick as baby girl!
Thank you so much! Your comments are very much appreciated! I’ve had a lot of fun writing this which is surprising. We’ll see where it goes from here. ✨💚
And I’m so sorry. It wasn’t your internet. That was me! Lol I had to delete and repost it a few times because Tumblr would not show it in the search. I had to continually delete items and links on it until I finally figured out it was the link to part one that Tumblr did not like. I almost gave up. Glad I didn’t though.
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dumbassv32 · 4 years
Go off you funky little watcher. Dance to the tune of these minecraft roleplayers and weep at the play they have fabricated. Revel with these blocky actors and weep when they suffer for they shall have you enraptured in every act. The day this play reaches it's grandiose finale you and many others like you shall have wept all the tears you had and danced all you could and your emotions shall compel you all to act as one. And where will the rest of us be? At the sidelines cheering y'all on! :)
,, , , hHGVHCHCHGNFNFKFJDMCNDKK F. .. . . . . . . . . . YOU. THANK YOU, , , , SO MICJ. this is like POETRY mate WOAH, , , , , , , , , thank u, , , , , , thank u for this gift anon
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searchingforbucky · 4 years
MEG! You changed your layour AND IT GIVES SO MICJ GREEK GOD BUCKY VIBES, I am loving it 💓
YES!!!! I WAS REALLY FEELING GREEK GOD BUCKY LMAO. He’s my fav and I love him 🥺💓 thank you honey 💖
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Turns out 11 hrs of work and so micj to do to make you forget taking breaks and eating all day makes life as meaningless as 2 months without work. Thanks for listening
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extraplanetarystory · 5 years
POV: Riche’e
“Arlyxe, jom, you live?” 
I felt a small, sharp poke on my cheek. I swatted, missing whatever hand it belonged to as my knuckles sailed into the ground, into concrete. I winced as the injured muscles in my upper arm involuntarily tensed.
All at once, I registered the familiar and wholly unexpected sensations around me: Gravity was too light. My hand flew too hard and I sat up too fast. I felt dizzy before I realized it. The air was damp and cool, wafts of warm air blowing by at seeming random. The air smelled faintly of oil and electrically burned particulates. And there was the unmistakable, distant, terrible din of an ever active city—the sounds of ships, vehicles, people, and machines. 
I didn't understand how, but I was on Plott. 
"Jom, you drink or something? Only stupid sleep street." 
And of course, I had the misfortune of waking up next to a kjanxe speaking B-Copan.
Holding my head, I looked at the kid, waiting for my vision to stabilize. He couldn’t have been more than a denlol over a loliel. He scooted back, hugging his knees as he sat crouched. His eyes were brown-flecked-blue, like a puppy’s, and practically glowed. Maybe he was even younger than a loliel.
“Where am I?”
I scoffed. “Thanks.” 
He shrugged. 
“What, you don’t know where you are?” 
“I here. I see you, wake you. We here alley.” B-Copan may be the worst dialect in the galaxy, but at least it’s concise. 
I stood carefully and slowly, holding both my arm and head, trying to avoid another wave of dizziness. I failed. “Please, do me a favor and tell me we are on Mansheon.” 
The boy tilted his head, sitting straight. He seemed to be weighing my words. Then he grinned, “We are on Mansheon.”
I should’ve expected that from a puppy. 
He nodded, still grinning. “You drink, huh?” 
“No, I am not drunk,” I snapped. “Get lost!” 
Suddenly, he was glaring. He went from dog to cat. I watched as his pupils constricted right down to slits when he stood. His long ears lowered just a bit and his tail thumped against the trash bins behind him. He stepped forward. 
“Now you wait a minute.” Backing up, I was afraid that he’d attack the moment I turned around. He may have been tiny, but he was still a kjanxe. 
“Be sorry.” 
“I am sorry,” I nodded, “and I am going to be the one to go away.”
Taking the chance, I took my leave by rushing toward the street and casting my eyes skyward to gain my bearings. There was no sky—or, rather, no projection of sky—and that meant I was below the modern surface. The lack of anyone on the street meant I was on a street more than a couple levels down below. The farther into the old levels, the less life. That explained the kid. He was just some street rat that probably strayed away from his family group of squatters.  
How in death did I get to Plott? I went over the day in my mind, attempting to cast aside the headache quickly joining a steadily growing list of soreness and aches. I was exercising with the group, running up and down those Eight-forsaken stairs. I took a blissful moment of rest with Jiaal before… 
It was day seven. Micje, Kama, Panda, Jiaal, and I were on our third run up the stairs. We sat down. Micje, Kama, and Panda left Jiaal and me alone. Jiaal got it in her head that I should hear more about her Earth. Then… 
I stopped walking to turn around, looking toward the alley I’d just left in an attempt to jog my memory before turning around again. I paced back and forth. 
Surely there was… a reason… 
Where was Jiaal? Where was anyone? Did I… go on an interplanetary bender?
No, of course not, but… 
Oh, screw this. I could figure out the story later. Right now, all I needed to do was focus on getting back to Mansheon. At least it was only Plott. A planet hop wouldn’t be expensive to book at all. 
I reached for my paper-sleeve to connect to the planet's network, book my transport, and put this, whatever this was, behind me. 
Except the sleeve was gone. And the Balewez cuff was broken, smashed in such a way that suggested I fell on it during my blackout. Somehow, I felt I should have expected that. I really, really should have expected that. 
Well, I was going to have to hike to the docks anyway. I'll just buy my ticket there. 
With a sigh, I headed for the stairwell at the dilapidated side of a building. It vibrated, hummed, and banged from the life and activity stacked above. Halfway up, the dirty city smell was quickly covered over by a mix of scents so varied, I knew I was emerging in a good district. Knowing the vast majority of food available on Plott, everything about it would be insalubrious.
And yet, when I came upon a man huddled over himself with a bowl full of gooey bread and kimmen meat, my stomach got vocal.
Seemingly drawn by that growl, the man looked up. "There you are," he all but shouted, tossing his food over the railing. "It's about time you showed up!" 
I leaned back, looking the man over. Even sitting, he was tall. He had long legs, long arms, thick muscles, a strong nose, and just slightly too large a head. I didn't recognize him at all. "Do I know you?"
"Yes, and no. It's complicated." He stood and descended the steps to meet me, grabbing my hand with an enthusiastic yet offbeat shake. He grabbed my hand, not my wrist. His strange accent was familiar, but I couldn't place from where. 
"Complicated," I repeated. "Who are you, then?" 
"Arim Ta'ash," he grinned, side-long and wide, "and I'm the hero of this story."
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mull3ts · 3 years
reallt im so proud odbyou and for all the shit you did this year!! all ur studying paid off <33 u are an amazing oerson i admire u so fucking micj YOU ARE WONDER WOMAN /?₩!₩!₩!!2!!
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blouisparadise · 7 years
OH my god .... thank you so micj!!!!!! you are the best i love your blog oh my goddddd
You’re welcome! 😊 Thanks for following us!
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syrisun · 4 years
~your drawings are so good ! i love how you draw frisk :0
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extraplanetarystory · 6 years
Part 12
Early the next morning, I found myself curled up on a couch in a lounge, staring dead-eyed at a television on a wall across the room. I could hear it, but it was just too far and the volume was just low enough that I couldn’t make out any words. But it looked like a newscast. For five minutes, it showed images of the destruction in Zennae and space shots of what I assumed was one of the Cerras. I couldn’t remember which one it could be. All I remembered from my research after Riche’e’s party was that the planets were both a dull green, and the image on screen was a dull green.
Then it showed an anchorlady. Then it moved on to a cityscape. That one I did for sure recognize. It was Plott, the tiny planetoid and giant city that used to be an just asteroid. They were showing destruction there too. Not as wide spread; it looked like a single building was bombed. A qicuqop was talking. Then it showed an image like a mugshot, some young, dark haired man. Well, good. They caught the guy.
“I am not looking forward to leaving this building.” Panda slid over the couch and sat down, startling me out of my daze.
“You are alive!” I sat up. She had several cuts across her face, the appearances of which it looked like she was trying to downplay by the way she brushed her hair to the side.
She just nodded, looking out the closest window. “Bronud’s only a little bigger than Zi’inra.”
“Thank good for this place.” I waved my finger in the air, indicating the building.
“Well, yeah, we would have died, otherwise.” She sighed. “I can’t believe I never thought about the gravity. I would’ve prepared myself.”
“What’s the biggest planet you’ve ever been on?”
“Rynka. I think. That or Creos. Neither of them are like here either.”
“How many planets have you been to?”
“Nine, plus Sacon 4.”
“You have been to ten worlds?”
“Why else would I want to join Zega? I like exploring, and we will be doing a lot of it someday.” She looked offended, like I should’ve known that about her already. “It’s my teajvij to visit all fifty-two planets, and then some. I’m going to go into colonization.” She looked around, then leaned in conspiratorially, lowering her voice. “Or the secret division.”
Of course there’s a secret division. “What’s that?” I lowered mine too.
“Sa’cra’s big, but Tabula’s bigger.”
“...Tabula?” I may have never heard the name before, but since she used Sa’cra, I could only assume it was another galaxy. Wait, she wants to go to another galaxy? We can do that?! Am I actually in the Milky Way?! No, I must be.
“Yeah,” she grinned, clearly not realizing I was actually asking for clarification on what it was. “It’s the ultimate frontier, and the secret division is supposed to be working on getting there.”
“Why is it ‘secret’?”
She paused, then leaned back. “I don’t know. That’s just what it’s called. It’s supposed to be only the best of Zega, though.”
I laughed. “Good luck, then.”
The lounge was filling up. I could feel the atmosphere slowly changing from that not-quite-awake morning idleness to an air of quiet eagerness and anticipation. I was starting to tense feeling it too. I wanted to know how our official planet conditioning was going to start. And since we weren’t told a time or place to go, I think we were all just gathering there and hoping for the best.
That was the reason, or it was just because it was sort of the only communal space inside the building.
Micje plopped down on a chair across from us, looking like a concentrated ball of energy. Riche’e trailed, sitting slowly in a chair next to his, looking like was savoring getting to do that. He leaned gratefully back and gingerly rested his hurt arm on the rest while Micje leaned on his knees and bounced his legs.
“You look like you’ve had a morning,” Panda said, eyes going back and forth between them.
“He convinced me to run with him.” Riche’e closed his eyes. “I let him convince me. Tooks us juls.”
“It’s your fault,” Micje grinned at him. “You’re slow.”
“My arm hurts.”
“That’s not your legs.”
“Doesn’t mean it’s not distracting!”
I tried to stop the laugh at the glare Riche’e turned on Micje but my hand covered my mouth too late. He was ticked. It just glanced off Micje’s shrug, though, seeming to affect him not at all.
“It’s too bad there’s no vissure court in the building,” he said.
“That would have been a hard no.” Riche’e started to speak before he even finished the sentence. “I’m not risking an actual injury.”
“What exactly is vissure?” I asked, hoping that wasn’t an idiot question.
“Only the biggest sport in the galaxy,” Micje answered. “Your parents never showed you to a game?”
Riche’e snorted a chuckle. “Tawyn hates sports. You should hear my dad rant about it.”
“But it’s vissure,” Panda added, turning to me. “How do you not know—”
“One thing you’ll soon learn about me is I do not know many things I should know. I am sheltered and not social, until now.” I’m not sure why the glimpse of Riche’e’s smile in the corner of my eye made me proud. “So please forgive me from here for any kuma questions I ask.”
Panda was quiet for a long moment, but nodded after it. “You went from that straight to Zega?” She seemed impressed. “You certainly got lucky. I’ll help with anything you need.”
I know I got lucky because I know I would have never made it through the test to be considered a Zega recruit before the attack happened. I wondered how many other people in the lounge were blessed that way too. I also wondered how many problems that was going to cause for Zega.
I’ll try not to be one of them. No, wait. I will not. There is no try.
“Thank you,” I nodded back.
“I’ll show you vissure when I find a court. I think you’ll…” Micje trailed off as his and Riche’e’s eyes were caught on something behind me.
“Arlyxe, all!” Pilot’s sudden voice startled me to turn and watch him walk by, followed by a group of qi’qop and a couple of men. Once they were roughlyin the middle and everyone’s eyes were on them, he continued: “Rest. Tomorrow will start to ease you into physical training. Today, you’ll start to feel just a little bit heavier. I would suggest you walk the stairwells once you do, but do as you will. We’ll see you all in the lobby in the morning.”
And then they left.
“What are we supposed to do then?” Micje all but whined, flopping back in his chair.
“Walk the stairwells,” Riche’e suggested. “That should wear you out.”
“Find food,” I suggested. And study. I need to study the galaxy. And sports, I guess.
“Throw things out the window?” Panda smirked.
“Oh, that would be fun,” I perked up. I wanted to see things fly between the different gravities.
“I don’t think the windows open.” Riche’e looked to one, shaking his head.
“Then I vote food,” she huffed.
There was a tap on my shoulder. A clawed tap. Nooo, I don’t want to talk to a qicuqop today. I knew I was going to have to get over my aversion at some point but they were the ones that abducted me. I don’t want to get over it today.
I looked up and they crossed their arms. He crossed his arms. He was smiling. He was on the blue side of gray. With his thick hair short and wild that humanized him more than the rest of his race and his larger than average ears softly pointing forward, my eyes widened as I completely recognized him.
“Hello, Savanna.” His big, silver eyes blinked. His already wide mouth was even bigger, lips stretched in a way that revealed even more of the two bottom teeth that jutted out of them. He wasn’t just smiling, he was grinning. And so was I.
My heart skipped a few beats when he called me my old name.
I jumped up on the seat cushion and turned to face him, throwing my arms around him in the tightest hug I could muster. He hugged me back. If his arms were snakes, they could’ve wrapped around me twice over.
“I never tought to see you again,” he said. “What are you doing here?” For a second, his words barely registered with me. Mostly because I never expected to hear that way of speaking here, of all places. But this is Eddie, and he was always too nice to me. He was speaking in English.
“You said I could try to make a life,” I answered. It felt so weird, and so good, to actually be speaking in English. To someone who understood. “So I am!”
When he first spoke it, back when he was my caretaker, it startled me. I asked him how he learned and he said he learned it from other rudkjurt to help teach them Copan. He told me he also knew Spanish, and at least understood Chinese.
“Tiss is quite tuh choice.” He laughed softly, a gentle bubbling sound from deep in his throat. “But wit your attitude, a good one.”
I beamed.
“Wait… Why are you here?” I asked. “Is the Unjanaxe part of Zega?”
“No,” he said forcefully, with the purpose of assuaging my sudden fears. “I quit chortly after Liqeor took all my charges.”
Someone cleared their throat. It was Riche’e, staring at us with wide (and concerned?, or startled?) eyes. They were all staring.
“Oh—uh—” I sat on the armrest of the couch, switching gears. “This is Ed— This is Uppau. He is an old friend.”
“I thought you said you weren’t social,” Panda said.
“That…that does not mean I do not know anybody.”
“What language was that?”
“Uppau, is it? Riche’e Talon.” Riche’e jumped up, extending a hand toward Eddie. They grabbed wrists. “Do you have any advice for us? Gravity acclimation, maybe?”
“Don’t force anything,” he said. “Listen to Pilot, but know the balance between rest and pushing yourself. That’s essential to making it here, and in Zega.”
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