sebfreak · 5 months
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Sebastian Michaelis
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Have you every made a grimer or a muk?? I love those guys
Btw you're so talented I love all your little dudes so much
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Yeah! Here's a quick pic of the two of them ^^
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zelda-daily · 2 months
May I request a fairy! Absolutely loving all the art so far 💜
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Day 19: fairy
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barrenclan · 4 months
poems... i write poems i wanna,,, not very good at it but i wanna!!
"the intruige of a graveyard
little soldier
your paws were meant for fixing
and here you bury them in the earth
searching for memories that dont belong to you
the grounds of your foundation tremble
and yet you dive deeper
as the worms surface
as the vultures circle overhead
when you reach the core of your wasteland
when the cracks seep blood into your fur
will you dive deeper?
will you find it?"
(runs around in a circle) MORE POETRYYY
I love how this aligns with Pinepaw earlier in the story, and written like a plea. Maybe it's from the perspective of Nightberry?
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lyslsstuff · 1 year
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Kenshi then brought his hands down the sides of Johnny’s neck, pausing to feel the pulse of his carotid arteries, then sat his hands on his shoulders. He gave them a light squeeze then ran down the expanse of Johnny’s arms, his fingers running over the bulging muscle of Johnny’s arms until he reached his hands and intertwined their fingers together.
Kenshi then leaned forward, planting a small peck on Johnny’s lips so calmly, then reverting back to sit tall.
Go read You're welcome here by @apocalypseafic . It's so fucking awesome.
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star-trek-pop-quiz · 7 months
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Lovely new banner made by @wickedthing.
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littlesparklight · 7 days
Since Priam has a like a million kids, which of his siblings do you think Paris was the closest to? And do you have cute Paris and his siblings headcanons that you want to share? :D
hehe <3
Aside from the obvious one of Hektor (they bonded quickly and very well), Lykaon is another one - using the fact that he let Paris borrow his chest armour for the duel.
The others are Pammon and Polites, plus Dios - I chose a couple of the names out of the list Priam harangues in Book 24. Sure, those are presumably just the ones standing nearest Priam at the time, so that means nothing, and he's lashing out, so his insults also doesn't necessarily mean anything.
But, it's useful, and especially the (repeated/doubled) insulting over dancing (peacetime activity as it is, plus the connection to sex...) makes for a nice connection with Paris. I have only one of the brothers Paris is close to being effeminate (Dios), but that's absolutely partly why they're close to each other.
For headcanons...
Paris is rather popular with the younger kids. Whether they keep being as fond of him as they grow or not (some remain so, certainly!), a lot of them are all attached to his personality and especially his singing/playing. He's also all too happy to perform for them.
He and Laodike aren't necessarily super close, but they vibe very well with each other. They look really similar (both because of the simple fact of beauty and because they, even among their full-blooded siblings, look really similar even when not being part of a set of multiples) and share a similar attitude to physical decoration. Laodike, after Hecuba, was one of the female members who very quickly began to help Paris amass his own make-up/perfumes etc.
Lykaon and Paris aren't close because they share a similar gnc presentation or attitude or anything (unlike with Dios); Lykaon is just fond of Paris' personality, and Paris is drawn to Lykaon's steadiness (he shares it somewhat with Hektor, but he's not as down to earth as their older brother). One of their main shared interests is the horses/animals in general. Lykaon has learned a lot about cattle from Paris lol
Paris and Dios aren't the only effeminate ones in that group of 50 brothers lol but Paris is certainly the one most gnc. (The rest are more what you see otherwise with what seems to be the "effeminate-adjacent" characters; they show no apparent aversion for or "anti-heroic attitude" towards the martial culture, compared to Paris.) They have a loose little group, even if they're not all necessarily close! (Probably 5-7 of them altogether?)
I'm sure there's quite a few in that whole large sibling group that play instruments, so imagine them performing all together <3 Paris is either on lyre or lute, and definitely sings together with a couple sisters.
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gives u a banan
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You are my version of reading a reddit story while eating breakfast and I hope you know that you are appreciated
I am a servant of the people o7
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bobbinrobins · 1 month
Jason is a borrower thank to some tech Bruce got he's able to be human size. Do to a malfunction during a patrol he shrinks back down. Good think there's a certain bat stalker who saw it happen.
Tim is definitely very, very confused and very panicked when he sees Robin vanish one night. He decides to sneak closer to investigate, and manages to catch sight of Jason, now borrower-sized, trying desperately to call Batman for backup - except the tech malfunction has also impacted his comms, so he's basically stranded.
Tim hesitates until one of the very crooks Robin had been pursuing starts to double back, apparently sensing something fishy, and he realizes he absolutely can't leave Robin there when he can't even call for help, not when someone could discover him at any minute. So he whispers about a thousand apologies before scooping Jason up and tucking him into the chest pocket on his jacket and absconding to somewhere safe and deserted.
Jason is now even more freaked out, but when Tim takes him out, he realizes that Tim is a) a huge Robin fan who really, truly wants to help and b) extremely little-brother-shaped (even if Jason happens to be much smaller than him now). He pretty instantly warms up to Tim (it helps that Tim basically has starry eyes the entire time because he's speaking to one of his idols), who very eagerly agrees to help bring Jason back to Batman.
Batman, meanwhile, is panicking since Jason's line suddenly went dead. Thankfully, Tim, with some commentary from Jason (who's back to chilling in his pocket), is able to find him relatively quickly and reunite them. After explaining everything, Batman is immensely grateful to Tim, although he is very concerned about what Tim is doing in the middle of the city in the middle of the night.
Soon enough, both Bruce and Jason are "accidentally" running into Tim on a regular basis as civilians, until Jason has managed to establish a solid friendship foundation and they start hanging out regularly. (Tim, of course, knows exactly who they are, but Jason and Bruce have no idea that he knows.)
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lizhly-writes · 2 months
a discussion on a character without tragedy for WIP Wednesday, please? Also I love your work! :D
There is a knife.  
Your father is on the ground.
There is a knife.
Your mother tells you not to worry.
There is a knife.
Everything will be fine.  It will all be over soon.
Except that can’t actually be true, can it?  You can’t just cut off this event and pretend it never happened.  Things will never be fine again.  Consequences spin out into infinity, leaving a trail of threads that will weave themselves in the tapestry of your being for years to come.  That’s just how life works.
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romanticatheartt · 11 days
What happening in the fandom...? Am I missing something?
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ochiody · 2 months
genuinely that Thanatos comic is so unfathomably good I'm,,,
him having long hair younger and then cutting it because it feels like a vulnerability, the erased "I" to "he" it's all so fucking good
ohh thanky ou so much!! im glad you liked it :) the whole concept has been stewing in my brain for a whole long while and i just had to shove it out and make it everyones problem lol
genuinely this means so much to me :)) that people are taking the time to notice the little details !! my hands are shaking a bit right now haha. or i need to drink juice who knows
i think his nature is portrayed so well in h1 ! it was easy to imagine him cutting out moments of weakness and by extension his childhood softness/naivete..isolating his trauma by treating it as a stranger and by extension protecting himself! he still obviously harbors resentment towards sisyphus so his imprisonment has affected him very deeply.. the question is how much he can/will acknowledge and embrace and heal from what happened to him haha
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nani-nonny · 7 days
It’s called 🎶exploring your interests🎶 and Nonny’s interest happens to be 🎶old turtle man🎶, ✨Leonardo DaToitle✨. They happen to have many other followers with 🎶the same interest🎶. So just lay off okay?
I can’t abandon my babygirl :D <3
It’s not my fault he consumes my every waking hour :( /j
I happen to have time to write it all out and share it all willingly to people who have the same interest :) I don’t have to share it so publicly…
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musical-dash-trash · 2 months
aaaaaaaahh! i forgot to ask if I could see some of yout pigeon drawings
!!!!!! you most definitely can!!! these are from about a year ago so my art style has changed a bit
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i’m currently redrawing dolly!
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millenari · 4 months
For the WIP ask game! The grief story (number six I think?)
It sounds so interesting but please don’t hurt me too bad (´∀`*)
Luckily that one is actually not terribly sad at all. It takes place in a kind of steampunk-y au in which society revolves around non-conventional family units referred to as colonies- a group of 10-30ish mostly non-related cats who all live together in large estates. Cats who do not have colonies or are kicked out of them are referred to as 'castaways', and are usually at the fringes of society. The fic is about the jellicles as a colony. When Misto and Tugger were young, a series of Very Bad events occurred, after which Macavity had been cast from the colony (with vehemence), Tugger had been grievously injured, and the jellicles (wrongly) came to the conclusion that a missing young Misto had been tragically murdered by Macavity. The reality was, however, that Macavity has simply stolen Misto away, and convinced him that the two of them were cast out. Misto grew up as a castaway, raised solely by Macavity, until one day while traveling, Munkustrap just happened upon the theater Misto worked at, and found him there. Delighted that the kitten they all mourned for a decade had actually been alive this whole time, he dragged Misto back home. But Misto had been changed by an adolescence under Macavity's eye, and Tugger never really got over the abrupt loss of his childhood best friend, so it takes them a while to figure things out. Man that summary was long. Anyways heres the snippet:
When he finds the mettle to look up he finds Tugger staring at him again, for what has to be the third or fourth time now, and Misto can’t help but let an awkward little laugh escape from between his lips, tenderly amused and a little intimidated both.
Tugger smiles when Misto laughs, but his brows rise too. “What?” he asks.
“I just— I just— sorry, I just feel like every time I look at you you’re staring at me.”
“Sorry,” Tugger says, but his gaze doesn’t budge.
“Am I that interesting?” Misto asks, mostly joking.
“Terribly,” Tugger responds with that same near-seriousness. “I remember Jenny and Dad used to say you’d end up short, but all this time I never imagined you quite so…”
He lifts a hand roughly level with Misto’s head, smile lifting at the corners; Misto rolls his eyes, fondness creeping up his throat. So much like the annoying little kitten he remembers.
But something about that statement quirks at him. Before he can truly wonder if it’s a good idea to ask, Misto finds his mouth already forming the words. “You imagined me? As… like as an adult?”
Tugger’s brows pinch together, high on his forehead. “Yeah,” he admits after a long while, in a voice that scrapes Misto’s ears. “Pretty much all the time. I didn’t know…” He clears his throat and looks down at the blanket. “It’s just kind of surreal.”
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