#THANK YOOOU !!! ❤️❤️❤️
burgeredagent · 4 months
drew ur boxcarsssss =:333
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fujii-draws · 9 months
your recent art of d-noir with ribbons and amillios fucked me up so bad that i just can't put it to words. how do you keep doing this fujii i can't handle it
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ms-oswald · 11 months
Hey Bhxrdy! 🦝 Just wanted to say you're the 🐝bee's knees. Thanks for being such a rad🌟 friend. Keep doing your thing💃🏻, you magnificent human.✨ XOX
(I stumbled across a greeting card generator and couldn't resist)
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wolfavens · 1 year
💕 self-love time! talk about which ones of YOUR creations (edits, artworks, fanfics) you like the most then send to other sim-blogs to do the same 💕
ughrrr you know we hit a wall when we insert self in front of love! 😅 idk things i do lately suck. i guess i'm partial to this post? yeah i really like that post i did like 7 month ago.
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strebcrarchivess · 1 year
Little late for the how I feel meme but- Man I’ve been following you longer than my memory allows and across many blogs! You’re always so sweet and I honestly admire how strong you’ve been in the face of everything. Even if you get knocked down you always find your way back up eventually and it’s seriously inspiring.
No matter the muse you play you always put so much love and attention into them that it gives that a wholly unique life. Witty and entertaining among so many other things that really tell you just what the core of your muse is. You’re a phenomenal writer, hon! I’m so honored to be able to call you one of my mutuals and have you as a joyous staple on my dashboard~!
Anonymously tell me how you feel about me. I can’t reply, I just have to read it and post it.
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ghost-of-you · 1 year
Check your ko-fi;)
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starlight-library · 17 days
mr. & mrs. 'surprise couple' | LS2 (SM AU pt 2!)
pairing: logan sargeant x reader (they/she pronouns!)
summary: logan and his partner decide to hard launch their relationship as casually as possible
warning: sweet sweet fluff
FC: @/desreii on instagram
a/n: better late than ever!
part 1 | now
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liked by logansargeant, alex_albon, yourbestfriend and 572,064 others
yourusername he’s so lucky i love him because this florida heat is NOT it. keeping my ass in this AC fr
view all 482,304 comments
user394 OMG OMG OMG Y/N IS HERE!!!
↳ user204 LETS GOOOOO ↳ user42 i know her fit EATS
↳ yourusername no ✨ ↳ lilymhe i have two hands! 😇 ↳ yourusername see?! ↳ alex_albon I DON'T WANNA SHARE ↳ logansargeant same!
logansargeant suddenly i have the urge to wander...
↳ yourusername i'll be waiting 🥰 ↳ alex_albon after we finish filming GET BACK HERE
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yourusername tagged logansargeant
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liked by logansargeant, oscarpiastri, alex_albon and 520,405 others
yourusername lego dates & a proper family movie night ❤️🙂‍↕️
view all 20,495 comments
↳ landonorris LOOK AT HIM!!! HE'S A SILLY GUY!!! ↳ oscarpiastri you brought the boy, this is the best news ever ↳ yourusername my son. he is just a wee guy and of course i brought him. ↳ alex_albon pls let me meet my fur newphew IM BEGGING 🙏
user59 GOALS!!!!
↳ user295 GOALS INDEED!!!
yourbestfriend MY FAVORITE COUPLE!!!!
↳ yourusername we better be! ↳ logansargeant 🥰
user472 LEGOS AND A CAT IM--😭😭😭
user10 honestly this is the best update ever
logansargeant our beautiful little family 🩵
↳ alex_albon disgusting cute ↳ landonorris PARENTS!!! ↳ yourusername ❤️
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alex_albon tagged yourusername and logansargeant
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liked by yourusername, logansargeant, landonorris, and 1m others
alex_albon hire me as your wedding photographer 😤
comments on this post has been limited
landonorris stunning photos for a stunning pair
logansargeant 10/10. no notes. go to photographer
↳ alex_albon DAMN RIGHT
oscarpiastri really captured their relationship in one
lilymhe my darlings 🥹
yourusername liked this comment
yourusername i'll call when the wedding is
↳ alex_albon good good
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liked by logansargeant, alex_albon, oscarpiastri, yourbestfriend and 573,205 others
yourusername the duality of my man 🩵
view all 203,506 comments
user205 HES SO SILLY
user10 god bless america
user46 USA!! USA!! USA!!
yourbestfriend bitch pose NASTY 😭
↳ yourusername honestly nastier than mine 😭
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yourusername tagged logansargeant
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liked by alex_albon, oscarpiastri, landonorris, yourbestfriend, and 703,687 others
yourusername he may not won points but he has won my heart for sure ❤️💍🩵
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landonorris OMG?? OMG OMG OMG CONGRATS!!
↳ yourusername i know i know, thank you
oscarpiastri FINALLY!!! I was getting tired of him freaking out asking you this
↳ logansargeant SORRY I WAS STRESSED??? ↳ oscarpiastri it's fine, you're forgiven ↳ logansargeant 😑
↳ yourusername THANK YOOOU ❤️
↳ yourusername I KNOW!!! ↳ yourbestfriend RAAAH PARTY TIME!!! 🎉👯‍♀️🍾🪩🎉 ↳ lilymhe count me and oscar's lily in for party time! ↳ yourbestfriend of course!!!
carlossainz55 congratulations you two!
↳ yourusername thank you Carlos!
↳ yourusername thank you!
↳ yourusername that'll be hard when you're in Logan's party... ↳ logansargeant babe! that was a surprise! ↳ yourusername whoops! my bad! ↳ alex_albon IM IN THE PARTY?! 😭 I'VE MADE IT!
logansaergant forever and always baby 🩵
↳ yourusername forever and always ❤️
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mothwingwritings · 1 year
Y&B for taiju shiba I love you❤️
I love yooou and thank you for sending an ask for the LOML bless you <3
Warnings: Abuse, getting the shit beat out of you, brutality, mentions of murder (hashtag just Taiju Shiba things)
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Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
Taiju actually has the capacity to wait a rather long time before he snaps. Not necessarily because of patience, but more so because deep down he wants YOU to be the one to come running to him. He fantasizes endlessly about how you’re gonna fall into his arms, confessing to him how much you love and need him, crying over how hard it’s been living without him in your life. He’s had countless daydreams of you initiating the relationship, consumed with the thought of you whole heartedly reciprocating his affections just as strongly (if not more so) than he does.
He KNOWS you love him. He’s seen it in the way you look at him, how you get all blushy and bashful whenever he comes near, unable to even speak without stumbling over your words because of how excitable his presence makes you. When you flinch away from his touches and affections, or go out of your way to avoid him, he knows it’s only because you can’t handle the rampant feelings surging through you. It’s cute as hell, and only makes him want you that much more.
So though it’s nearly unbearable, he’ll wait for you. He knows the moment you finally give in and concede to him it will be the sweetest moment in his entire life, worth the wait and then some. Knowing the prize that is awaiting him at the end is the only thing that gets him through the excruciating waiting period. (Well, that and fucking his fist to thoughts of you, excitement coursing through him when he muses on all the ways he will be able to ravage you in the near future).
That being said, there are certain triggers that will make him IMMEDIATELY drop all pretenses and assert his authority right away, mainly if someone else makes a move on you. It doesn’t even matter how small that advance is, if someone so much as bats an eye at you in a way that can be mistaken as flirtatious it’s over. You’re his from that point on, whether you are ready for the relationship or not. He’ll be damned if he’s gonna let some asshole try and stake a claim on his darling-the mere thought of it makes him sick with rage.
If it’s the other way around and you happen to have someone else that you have your eye on, then it would be in both you and your crush’s best interest to nip that in the bud ASAP. The moment Taiju gets an inkling of it you won’t come out of it unscathed. Regardless of the fact that he never got your express consent to be in a relationship, your loyalty is something he expects unconditionally, and should it falter at any point he has no qualms over correcting your behavior. But while you may be holed up in bed for a few days healing from a brutal lashing, the person you are smitten with will get it 100x worse if they are even allowed to keep living. Needless to say, you will neither see nor hear from them again after that.
You belong with nobody else but Taiju, nowhere else than at his side. He’s not afraid to beat that into you. You’re lucky he’s forgiving, and that he loves you so much, otherwise you would be MUCH worse off for the shit you pulled. He’ll even tend your wounds once your properly apologize for what a harlot you’ve been.
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
Extremely. There really is no limit. He will destroy everything and anything around you to keep you at his side. He isn’t stupid about it either, which makes him that much scarier. He has the connections, the money, the power, and the brute strength to make just about anything happen for his benefit. Anyone trying to prevent you from being his, whether they are friend or foe, he will take care of them. The disposal can range from paying them off or heavily threatening them, too far worse things. He would destroy someone’s entire livelihood in the blink of an eye for you, and if he could get away with it strangle a person to death with his bare hands if they terrorized you.
Whatever is necessary, whatever is needed, he will do it without hesitation. He loves you. You are his family, his heart, his EVERYTHING. This man would rip God himself asunder to keep you in his life, so you’d do best to never question his devotion to you.
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redvelvetsource · 8 months
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RVsmtown: To Luvies who came all the way to wish me a happy birthday, thank you so so much Thanks to you, I was able to spend this birthday in a special way and with lots of love🥹🥹 I'll become a Seulgi who will be able to multiply and give back the love I received Thank yooou ❤️❤️ I love you!!! ❤️❤️
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tearwolfe · 1 month
i don't go here but i wanted to tell you i love your art ❤️ my boyfriend reblogs it sometimes and i look at your rui and go he's just like me forreal... big fan of the dtummy tag
HEHE THANK YOOOU <33 so glad u find joy here even if through reblogs. i do my best. also dtummy is a fav it's my most prized masterpiece 🫰
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ayyy-imma-ninja · 8 months
Happy Valentine's Day To You And Your Suns And Moons! 💝💖❤️🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫💐💐💐💐💐💐
thank yooou so much!!!
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desktopmermaid · 5 months
I hope you know how much i love jo id be ride or die for her ok. pls never stop oc posting (i mean take breaks if you need to ofc but i love your characters so much aaaaaa)
This is so sweet a message thank yooou 🫶❤️🥹 she’s very near and dear to my heart so I’m glad she had a ride or die HEHE
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yennas-stuff · 30 days
I agree. Sex is nice and all, but I definitely want there to be build up between Gwyn and Azriel. I want deep conversations, mutual healing, mutual respect, mutual admiration, and playful banter. I personally think in a relationship sex isn’t the most important thing, but I also don’t really experience much sexual attraction (I think partly due to my sexual trauma). If Gwyn and Azriel never have sex in their book then I would honestly be more than fine with that. I would rather those two have meaningful conversations and times of just comfortable silence than sex. I think we’re going to have a lot of non sexualized intimacy moments between Gwyn and Azriel. Emotional intimacy if very important. If anything, I personally think reading about slow burn tension is even better than the sex itself.
🍒 anon
(ps, hope your day gets better❣️)
Hi again 🍒 anon!
Sorry that I took your innocent fun post and turned it into a small rant about smut in acotar, haha. I know you want a deep connection between gwynriel, too. ✨️❤️
I like reading smut but without an emotional layer it's so boring... It should feel earned. Maybe that's why I can't see the appeal of the pairing from the other side of the ship war, lol.
Also, I'm so sorry to hear about your experience. I hope you're on the way to healing and happiness.
Thank yooou! I talked to my friend, and she inspired me to think about Eris being high on poppers and my day already got better. Lol.
Have a nice day too! 🥰
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ms-oswald · 1 year
I really just appreciate anytime you drop in my DMs and gush about whatever brilliance you are working on. I just adore you thoroughly.
OMG arcieeeeeee, thank you so much for your kind message 🥺 and thank you for indulging me with my madnesss even though i wonder if im being annoying like all the time 😅 i adore you ❤️
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sp00kymulderr · 3 months
Hi 👋🏻 For the Pedro Party!!
(since i have zero talent :p) im just randomly popping into inboxes of some of the people from the Pedro fandom that i really admire to leave some love. Here: 🖤🖤
And also?? Will you tell me your fav 3 pedro characters and why? (Careful this will have a follow up question :p)
( @ravensmadreads )
Hi darling ❤️ thank yooou 🥺
Well I think my answers won’t come as a surprise.
Dieter is my number one always. I just…I freaking love him. He’s so silly but also he has depth, somehow Pedro did that. Plus, canonically queer artist with issues? Yeah please thank you. Also he’s just hot. He’s the hottest Pedro character, fight me.
Ezra was my first beloved and has a special place in my heart. He’s sooooo weird and freaky and gross I wanna give him all my love. I enjoy strange fictional men what can I say
My third fluctuates a bit but right now it’s definitely Joel. He cares so hard and he feels so much. He has a heart of gold even if he gets a little lost in darkness sometimes. Plus he’s such a dad. I wanna give him a cuddle.
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whatsnewalycat · 3 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. (If you feel like it, no pressure.) Spread the self-love ❤️
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My favorite is Psychomanteum. That story is my baaaaabyyyyyyyy. These two incredibly strange and beautiful messy bitches… I loved facilitating their finding light in the darkness. Plus a touch of the paranormal??? Hell yeah. It was so fun and hard and rewarding to write.
2. Designated Person.
3. Passenger
4. Just Dumb Enough to Try
5. Ruthless
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