#TF band AU
transformers-synergize · 10 months
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raoul n tracks stuff, wow
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franabz · 4 days
★ Task Force 141 Band AU
(my asks are open for whoever has questions or is interested in the concept!! feel free to slide in)
Soap would be the drummer, and a damn wild one at that. He was never really good at singing and has a tendency to hide away in his garage to slam away on his drum set like the gates of hell were opening up. He usually performs without a shirt due to how sweaty and overheated he gets while performing, simply personal preference. Like Price, he is also a massive enjoyer of mosh pits and sometimes begins playing even harder as he watches the crowd dance around and head-bang like a pile of fish. He loved it.
Gaz would be the bassist/background vocalist, always keeping on rhythm and adding that extra flair to each song that it just needed. He has a very nice singing voice, but is way too stage shy to be the lead vocalist, though many fans wonder how he could be so scared with the sultry voice of a godsend. Despite his shy demeanor on stage he is very upbeat and enthusiastic with each note played, whether it be head bobbing or full on hopping around stage like a lunatic when he is in the zone.
Price would be the manager and rhythm guitarist, easily the most experienced of the bunch. He is the one that organized the idea of a band and gets the group gigs and whatnot. On stage he is pretty laid back and reserved, though he does get very into the music. He also isn't very good of a singer due to constant voice cracks or flat notes because of his smoker lungs, something he refuses to quit despite best efforts. Despite his reserved demeanor, he absolutely loves it when mosh pits start, often tossing guitar picks into the crowd and watching the audience roar in shouting and cheers.
Ghost would be the lead guitarist and vocalist, though not very interactive with the fans. He has a deep and gruff baritone voice, one that makes the ladies swoon at just the mere thought, though he quickly learned to not pay any mind to it. When in the zone, he's an absolute beast. Fingers flying across the fretboard like it was the last song on earth, sometimes so hard his fingers would start bleeding all over his guitar; though he doesn't seem to care. Nobody had ever seen his face, which furthermore adds to the mystery of the masked guitarist.
The group was going through a dry spot in their gigs and decided it was time to find a new addition to the band; you.
Price decided to take the band to a local bar that was currently hosting a bands night, the perfect opportunity to find potential candidates to fill the secondary background vocals position. Everyone was on board with the idea of a new member, being enthusiastic about it if anything. But not Ghost.
"They'll all be shite." He'd repeat like a broken record, as if that would do anything to change Price's mind.
Now here they are, seated in a secluded part of the bar and scoping out the crowds like hawks, the soft intermission instrumentals and the dimmed yellow lights mixed with the lingering scent of alcohol and cigarettes filling the musky air.
Soap came back from the bar with four shots, setting the glasses onto the sticky wooden table and sliding into the booth beside Ghost, a small smirk across his lips.
"Figured ye needed some liquid courage b'fore tae bands c'me out." The Scotsman chuckled over the overlapping noise of crowded patrons, raising a hand to give Ghost a firm pat on the shoulder, one of which caused him to grumble something inaudible under his balaclava.
"Ts' all useless." Ghost grunted, raising the edge of his balaclava briefly to take a sip of his lukewarm bourbon, curling his lip in disgust. "You ever stop complainin', Si?" Price huffed, placing a cigar between his lips and lighting the other end with a cheep lighter, the thick smoke pooling from his lips and wafting into the air. "Jus' being realistic." He jeered, watching as the lights of the pub began to dim and the stage-lights brightened, illuminating the stage. A stage manager emerged from behind the wings and gently tapped the top of the microphone before clearing his throat and addressing the audience.
"Good 'fternoon everyone! I hope you are all havin' a good night!" The man spoke, his voice quickly followed by an uproar of applause and cheering. Gaz laughed lightly at the enthusiasm; mainly from the piss drunk bar patrons. "To start off this night, let's all give a warm welcome to the first band of the night, Woodland!" As he added that final segment, the audience roared even louder as the stage manager handed off the microphone to the lead vocalist of the band, a girl by the stage name Vixen.
As the band started loading on stage, Price was vigilantly scanning each member for potential candidates, already mentally rehearsing what he would say as a proposition to whoever he deemed fit for an invite. Ghost sat in his booth with a quiet scowl across his face, though it was mostly hidden by his balaclava. Everyone seemed the same as the rest; too cocky for their own damn good. He scoffed and leaned back in his seat, folding strong arms over his broad chest and reached for his shot glass, before pausing briefly, a flicker of interest crossing over his gaze as one member in specific crossed the stage and grabbed their microphone; you.
This was about to get interesting.
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twistedappletree · 2 months
honestly just want a modern comedy AU where the juniors get hardcore into the same masked metal band but whenever they try to schedule going to a concert together, LSZ always has something come up on the same dates as the concerts. eventually, he just tells his friends to go without him and since JL has money, he’s like “let’s go VIP so we can meet the band!”
and when they finally go backstage to meet them, guess who’s a member of the band? 🙃
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sodo-mizerr · 8 months
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More about Ace from the Kiss thing I was talking about in last post!! (tagging all the posts I make about it with #kiss au btw! So if u wanna search for the other post just look that tag up on my acc)
So basically the Spaceman is a alien who crashed on Earth accidentally after bumpin into a meteor on his way to a different planet (he forgot which one lol, so he was also kinda lost) When Peter and Paul found him he looked exactly like how he does in the og Kiss album's cover! (pics of that under here :3)
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After he adjusted to earth more he started dyeing it brown saying "It looks more natural I guess" His makeup (which ofcourse irl is just his makeup) in this storyline is just literally his face, he later on makes tech that enables him to change his face to a "normal human look" Ace loves being on Earth, which is why he never left the planet, sometimes sure he goes with his spaceship and just hangs about in our planet's solar system. But he mostly stays close to Earth, calling it his home :) That's all I got so far! Hope you guys enjoy!!
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barbnumber1fan · 9 months
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@year2000electronics sorry for all the tags. ur au is currently my hyperfixation and i had to draw John Dory singing taylor. HE WOULD
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semidecentpoet · 3 months
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mydemonsdrivealimo · 3 months
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xohmegax · 2 years
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Holy moly what a Goalie
Hockey au Mounty comin atcha…..would it be Marc André Mountain…? Mountain André Fleury??
Do I kinda hate it? Yes. Do I kinda love it? Yes. So fuck you and ya chicken strips
I think Dew is next….maybe Swiss cause Ik for a fact Swiss’ number is 69 and it’s funny
Hockey au belongs to @forlorn-crows I’m just here putting out nonsense
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b3ach-bunn7 · 23 days
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a random number starts texting you and you decide to text back
Or, the bassist of your favourite band accidentally messages you and u fall in love
inspired by this fic 😆 and my fav band the driver era
band!au, no quirks, text form, eventual romance
September 18th
10:37 pm
Unknown: Ask Shiggy to grab me a monster on his way back
You: a monster?? are u 12…
Unknown: Shut up and ask
You: sorry I think you have the wrong number
Unknown: No I don’t
You: lowkey u do..
You: r u trying to hack me
Unknown: You’re still texting me so u would probably fall for it
You: okay ur still textjng me genius
Unknown: Texting*
You: Shut up.
You: okay don’t actually shut up
Unknown: Thought I was a hacker
You: maybe I wanna be hacked
Unknown: Is this flirting
You: maybe
You: r u really sexy
Unknown: Extremely
You: 😍 feeling bashful rn
You: why r u drinking monsters anyways
You: Wait am i actually messaging a 12 yr old
September 19th
4:03 am
Unknown: I’m not 12 years old
Unknown: I’m 24
Unknown: And i drink monsters for energy
Unknown: And because they r yummy
Unknown: And cheap
You: omfg you don’t need a separate text for every word
Unknown: Oh
Unknown: Didn’t think you’d be awake so late
You: well I wasn’t but SOMEONE is messaging me at 4am
You: also I’m 24 2
Unknown: Didn’t ask
You: kys
Unknown: Ok bye
You: pussy
You: why are u even awake so late
Unknown: I’m writing
You: omg 😳 are u an author
Unknown: Lol no
Unknown: I write music
You: OMG
You: even better
You: what do u play
Unknown: Bass
Unknown: And I sing kinda
You: kinda?
Unknown: I sing backup mainly
Unknown: Or lead if I’m feeling extra generous
You: generous?
Unknown: To please all my loving woman fans ofc 😫
Unknown: 😭💔.
You: literally throwing up alllllxover my room
Unknown: Weirdo
Unknown: Go to sleep
You: don’t tell me what to do 🙄
Unknown: Okay don’t sleep
You: lowkey have to I have uni tomorrow
Unknown: Loser
You: shush
September 19th
8:47 am
September 19th
2:30 pm
Unknown: Meanie 😢
You: i overslept because of you
Unknown: Were you up all night thinking about me
You: i dont eben know ur name
Unknown: Dabi
You: oh ur sooooo emo and edgy
Dabi: Shut up
You: nobody... understands you😕⛓️🥀
Dabi: You gonna tell me ur name or what
You: Y/N
Dabi: Pretty name
You: dont stalk me plz
Dabi: No promises
September 28th
10:02 pm
You: so if u dont go uni what do you do
Dabi: I told you i write music
Dabi: Am also in a band
You: wait are u like
You: successful
You: like do u make money from it
Dabi: Well yes
Dabi: Its my job
You: wait thats kinda cool
Dabi:  😎 
You: take it back so fast
You: do u stream ur music on like spotify
You: let me listen
You: whats ur band called
Dabi: No
You: mid name but i will look it up
Dabi: I dont wanna tell you
Dabi: Not right now at least
You: r u like super famous
You: am i messaging harry styles rn
Dabi: Im sorry i kept this from u for so long
You: is 1D cming back
You: plz
Dabi: Never
Dabi: Narry ruined us😔
Dabi: I have a sister
Dabi: But seriously I'll tell you one day
You: how do ik ur not lying about ur music 🤔
Dabi: [image attachment]
September 28th
You: [image attachment]
You: just creamed my pants
Mina: GIRL
Mina: you dont even know what he looks like
Mina: he does have sexy hands tho
You: sexy hands = sexy face
You: its litch science
Mina: ur so whipped and its been a week
You: uhm
You: ten days actually
Mina: ur not right in the head
September 28th
10:22 pm
Dabi: Did my incredible bass shock u to silence
You: i literally collapsed when i saw it
You: i like the blue
You: also ur tattoos are cool
Dabi: Thanks babe
You: mhm
You: yh
You: did they hurt
You: when u got them done
Dabi: Nah they werent too bad
Dabi: Worst was probs the ones on my chest
You: r u like alll tatted up
Dabi: I am
Dabi: That okay?
You: mhm
You: very cool
You: i want a tatto but im lowkey scared like
You: what if it hurts
Dabi: Ill get one with you
Dabi: Ill talk you through it
Dabi: Distract you from the pain
You: mhm
You: yes
You: very good
You: my roomates calling me ttylxox
September 28th
You: [screenshot]
Mina: oh babe this reads like a porno
October 11th
8:37 pm
You: [link attachment]
You: listen to this song
You: LOV is the best band eva
Dabi: LOL
You: its so good its my fav band
You: im seeing them next month
Dabi: Really
You: r u jelly
Dabi: Very
Dabi: If only i could be there
You: i think theres still tickets for sale if u acc wanna come
Dabi: You tryna see me in person?
You: mayhaps
You: ur just so mysterious
You: what if ur actually like a pedo
Dabi: The fuck
Dabi: I’m no pedo
You: okay cool
You: you can come to the concert then
Dabi: Seriously?
October 11th
You: [screenshot attachment]
Mina: UHM
Mina: YES
Mina: concerts are public so if he’s actually a creep you’ll be safe
October 11th
You: okay omg
You: shall we actually do this
Dabi: Yeah
Dabi: You got another month to figure out if I’m a pedo
You: now I deffo think you’re one
October 17th
6:45 pm
Dabi: Does this sound good
Dabi: [audio message]
You: that sounds really good
You: is that u talking at the end
Dabi: Yeah my roommate walked in
You: ur voice is so deep
Dabi: Sexy right
You: gosh so modest too
Dabi: I’m working on a new song but I can’t tell if I like that riff
You: u should like it
You: it’s very good
Dabi: Thanks babe
You: soooooo
You: can u show me ur band now 😁
Dabi: No 😁
You: 🤬
October 21st
You: what would u do if we meet irl and IM actually famous
You: like u pull up to the concert and I’m there but I’m actually like Jojo siwa or something
Dabi: I’d be a bit disappointed
You: u don’t fw jojo??
Dabi: No but she’s gay and I’d hope all my flirting was being put to good use here
You: hardee har
October 25th
You: I’m supposed to be studying but
You: I can’t stop thinking if halloweeen😝
Dabi: You going trick or treating?
You: i wish
You: unfortunately too old for that now
Dabi: Loser
Dabi: My little brothers 11 so I get to do it with him
Dabi: But I gotta act cool like I don’t wanna do it
You: can I borrow ur little brother on the 31st of October plz
Dabi: No weirdo
You: sigh
You: I’m going to a party at least
Dabi: Oh yeah
Dabi: What are u dressing up as
You: me and my friend are going as monster high girls 😁😁😁
You: shes draculaura and I’m clawdeen 😜
Dabi: Sick
Dabi: U have to show me when you do it
You: gosh ur so obsessed with me
You: but okay
October 28th
You: [image attachment]
You: the fit is ready
Dabi: Why aren’t u wearing it
You: im gonnna do the full reveal ON halloween
Dabi: Sigh fine
You: what are you wearing punk
Dabi: Punk 😭
You: LOL
Dabi: U can’t laugh
You: okay…
Dabi: You know that show curious George
Dabi: You said u wouldn’t laugh 😔
Dabi: I got him a little monkey onesie
October 28th
7:10 pm
You: [screenshot attachment]
You: when he’s a good older brother 😍😍❤️😝
Mina: okay bare minimum 😍😍😍
October 31st
6:00 pm
Dabi: [image attachment]
Dabi: Ur favourite childhood father figure
You: OMG
You: crazy how ur face is covered🙄
Dabi: You love the thrill of the mystery
Dabi: Let’s see ur costume
You: my party starts at like nine bruh 😭
You: im in bed watching movies
Dabi: Loser
Dabi: Imagine not trick or treating
You: u suck so much
Dabi: Ofc I do 😋
You: VOMIT 🤢
October 31st
You: [image attachment]
You: Mina.
You: look at his ARMS IN THAT SUIT
Mina: it’s bright yellow
You: his little brothers the monkey
You: IK
Mina: and he does look sexy in that button up
You: the tattoos🤤
Mina: love a man with a dark past 😍
You: god im so scared to see him
You: the concerts on the 10th
Mina: you’ll be okay babe Dw
October 31st
You: [image attachment]
You: it’s…. A full moon.. I feel myself… changing 🐺
Dabi: Woah
Dabi: You look hot
You: omg
You: thank u
Dabi: You’re pretty too
Dabi: R u wearing that to the concert
You: I haven’t decided yet
Dabi: U have to show me
Dabi: So I can find you
You: and how am I gonna find you
Dabi: You’ll find me
November 3rd
Dabi: [audio attachment]
Dabi: Listen please 😄
Dabi: What do you think
You: why r u acc good at this
You: yk it kinda sounds like LOV
You: I think you’ll like their music
Dabi: Girl I listen to them
You: GIRL???
You: sassy man apocalypse is alive and well
Dabi: Whos ur favourite band member
You: hmmmm
You: I like the drummer
You: himiko she’s so cute
You: but the bassist 🤤🤤🤤
You: Touya
You: need him in ways I can’t articulate over message 😳
You: uhm where did u go
You: did my thirsting freak u out
Dabi: No ur good
Dabi: I thought you’d like the guitarist
Dabi: Shiggy
Dabi: Every girl is obsessed with him
You: yeah but Touya is all emo kinda
You: I love it
November 8th
You: [image attachment]
You: fit check for the concert😜
Dabi: I love it
Dabi: Very Blue
Dabi: That’s my fav colour
You: that’s why I’m wearing it??
Dabi: Blushing rn 🤭
November 10th
6:30 pm
You: On my way! now
You: tf
Dabi: Can’t wait to see you!
You: im nervous
Dabi: Don’t be
Dabi: Im excited to see you
You: me too 😆
November 10th
Mina: be careful plz
Mina: there’s loads of people around but still
Mina: he could be a freak in disguise
You: I know babe Dw dw
You: I’ll keep u updated
Mina: good
Mina: r u gonna give him a biggggg fat smooch 🤤
November 7th
You: are you here?
Dabi: Yeah
You: omg
You: im scared
Dabi: Lowkey same
Dabi: But im so manly and strong so im actually not scared
You: LOL
Dabi: Okay wait
Dabi: I need to tell you smth
You: is this u telling me the pedo allegations r true….
Dabi: Before we meet u need to know
You: yeah what’s up?
Dabi: Idk how to say this without u thinking I’m lying but
Dabi: I’m Touya
You: uh
You: what 😅
Dabi: I just didn’t wanna tell you because I thought you might like
Dabi: Idk people r so weird about it when they find out
Dabi: And I didn’t want you to just talk to me because of that
Dabi: Especially when I found out u listen to our music
Dabi: I’m sorry I never told u
Dabi: Y/N? You there?
You: yeah I just
You: slightly confused
You: idk how to tell if ur lying or not
Dabi: [image attachment]
Dabi: Theres the face reveal you’ve been after
You: what the sigma
You: okay
You: woah
You: so I’ve actually been dming a celebrity
Dabi: You prefer me or Harry styles
You: you deffo
You: but I think you knew that from my messages from before
Dabi: Yeah i remember
Dabi: Dw you can articulate all the ways you need me after the show
You: haahahahhahaha
You: 😁😁😁 okay
Dabi: I have smth for you though
You: you do?
Dabi: Yeah
Dabi: Go to the back door where that scary security guy is
Dabi: His name is Spinner
Dabi: Tell him Dabi sent you
Dabi: You like them?
You: I can’t believe u got me flowers 😢
You: thank you!!!
Dabi: That’s alright
Dabi: Okay I need to go warm up
Dabi: I’ll be looking for you in the crowd
You: I’ll be staring at you too
Dabi: I said looking
You: same diff
You: wait hold on
Touya: What?
You: nm nm
You: good luck for ur show 😆
Touya: Thanks babe
November 7th
Touya: Toga
Touya: Toga
Touya: Toga
Touya: If I was gonna get a girl flowers what should I get her
Touya: Literally fuck off never say that
Toga: is this that girl you’re always messaging
Toga: and smiling at ur phone 🥺🥺
Touya: Fuck off
Touya: Yes
Touya: I’m so happy ur having so so much fun
Toga: I so ammmmmm
Toga: but why don’t u ask her what she wants
Touya: It’s a surprise idiot
Toga: okay well if u wanna be so really romantic u could get her roses
Toga: or maybeee tulips or lillies
Toga: she’ll like whatevs u get her
Touya: Okay
Touya: Thanks
Toga: that’s okay lover boy 😍🥰
Touya: Kys
THIS WAS SO FUN TO WRITE OH EM GEE but it lowkey took longer than I thought it would… but i hope u all enjoyed 😁😁
also y/ns messaging is literally just how I message.. I fear this is the most self indulgent fic I’ve ever written
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franabz · 3 days
★ Band 141 AU !fem user (part 2)
(part 1)
Ghost wasn't very sure why he was suddenly so drawn to the absolutely bonnie young woman on stage, but something about her was like a moth to a flame to him in ways he couldn't really understand.
Maybe it wad the way she seemed absolutely terrified, practically hitching with every step she took on stage in front of rows of (mostly drunken) bar patrons. You'd almost feel sorry for how she was practically shaking like a leaf as the stage manager handed off her own mic and her eyes nervously darted over the crowds with a tremble in her knees.
The lead vocalist, Vixen, didn't seem as amused as the rest though. She subtly took a step back and nudged you with her elbow, snapping you a "Don't fuck up" look that made you swallow thickly. One by one each member of the band got to their respective places, then Vixen's voice pitched into the mic through the speakers. "Thank you all for having us here tonight!" She grinned widely, obviously thinking highly of herself in the moment.
"How 'bout tae brunette? She looks like'a bonnie lass." Soap commented, resting his forearms over the wooden table as he nodded towards one of the other female band members, the bassist stage named Robin. "We're lookin' for a vocalist, not 'nother bassist." Price sighed, taking another drag of his cigar before tapping it against an ashtray to take a sip of his whiskey. Gaz and Ghost were mostly silent, simply observing the potential candidates. At least Gaz seemed alive in his thoughts, his brows raised slightly in curiosity as the music finally began. Ghost however, ever the stone-faced man, was completely unreadable, per usual.
An upbeat and funky rhythm sounded through the speakers as each band member performed their parts with practiced ease, everyone giving it their all. Vixen's captivating alto voice being the main focus. You did your best to stay on-par with the rest of the band, yet remained significantly quieter. Ghost kept his eyes trained on you with laser focus, seemingly keeping a mental note of every flat, shaky note you managed to spew out like he was some sort of critic. "She's good." Gaz uttered quietly while resting his chin in his palm, subtly head bobbing to the beat. "Ah dinnae ken... Ye can barely even hear 'er over the blonde." Soap gestured a hand towards Vixen, watching as she was blatantly trying to steal the spotlight over the other band members, her voice considerably louder than the instruments. Price simply watched with a critical eye. You could practically hear the gears moving in his head.
Little by little you finally started breaking from that timid shell you were curled in and your true colors began to shine, your captivating soprano vocals mixing with Vixen's alto tone rather nicely, though it was obvious she was still trying to overpower you. Nonetheless you delivered with such soulful grace that rang out in the ears of patrons even after the song ended. Almost like a siren drawing in unsuspecting victims.
Though Price didn't say anything, it was obvious his face said it all. "I have to talk to her."
"Soprano and baritone? Not a bad combo." Gaz chipped in. "Wot's what mean?" Ghost finally spoke up, gruffly scowling as he tapped his foot against the wooden flooring below.
"Bloody 'ell, pipe down." Price grunted, waving away his smoke as well as waving away the chatter of the boys.
The rest of the performance the boys were relatively quiet, each going through their own inner turmoil. Well, everyone but Soap. He couldn't care less who joined as long as they were a decent person. As the band finally finished and the final notes rang in the air, the band roared in applause and cheers, some drunken bar-goers even going as far as to throw catcalls. As soon as the band finished and Vixen began addressing the audience while the others began loading off stage— "Be right back." Price put out his cigar and took one last swig of his drink before weaving his way through crowds with a small occasional "S'cuse me" or "Pardon me" just to get a chance to talk with you.
Sure she was as timid as a butterfly, but nothing some good practice and encouragement couldn't fix.
As Price disappeared into the crowd, Soap stood up to head back towards the bar to order some more drinks, leaving just Ghost and Gaz.
"So, what'd ya think, Si?" He smirked, his eyes flickering back up to meet Ghost's own gaze. Ghost stayed silent for a moment, avoiding Gaz's gaze slightly. He actually did enjoy the performance, though he would never admit that out loud. "T'was fine." He replied quietly, tapping a blunt fingernail against his empty glass. "Fine? That's all you can say? The girl gotta voice of siren. Bloody captivating."
He leaned back in his booth, the slight sound of denim rubbing against leather could be heard over the distant bar chatter. "Only the first band n' Price already has his eyes on a bird." Ghost subtly eye-rolled and met Gaz's brown eyes for a second, before drifting his gaze away as his eyes roamed over the crowds again, trying to find the girl Price went to talk to.
Meanwhile with Price, he managed to stop you in your tracks with his usual straight to the point charm, one that made you cock a brow subtly.
"Hey- I jus' wanted to say you hav'a lovely singin' voice, mate. A true talent." Price smiled respectfully, tucking a hand into his jeans pocket as his gaze stayed trained over you. "Ah... Thank you, sir." You replied with a small sheepish chuckle, idly fiddling with a loose string on the hem of your jeans at the compliment. Price could notice your unease and chuckled gruffly, finding it a bit amusing how sheepish you were. "Don' worry, lass. I don't bite." He reassured, a small amused huff escaping his lips. "Look, I won't sugarcoat this. I thin ya 'ave true potential, and I was wondering if you'd be interested in a little meeting, eh?" He pulled a small business card from his pocket and held it out for you between his rough fingers.
You glanced down at the card and could feel your face warming at the offer. "A business offer? Hell- I could barely hold a steady note..." You thought to yourself, before quickly snapping out of your stray thoughts and swallowed thickly, hesitantly reaching for the card. "We're currently lookin' for a secondary singer 'nd thought you'd fit in nicely. All of my details're on the card." Price added, handing the card off to you before folding his arms over his chest, watching your reaction.
You accepted the card in shaky hands, your eyes roaming over the "141" label in jagged fonts. "Right... I'll think about it." You muttered, before placing the card into your own pocket and looking back up at the man, exhaling deeply to release some nerves. "Thank you." You added quietly, shifting your weight from one foot to the other.
"F'course, lass. Hey, you have a true talent. We could use s'meone like you on our side." Price hummed, satisfaction crossing over his face at your acceptance.
You both respectfully bid farewells and went your separate ways, Price returning to the secluded booths and you being left to stand against the wall with your own thoughts. You couldn't lie, the offer was something that definitely caught your attention, but then again you were still technically in a band. Would they even notice if you left? You were barely even noticeable on stage anyways... Maybe if you—
"Y/N!" A familiar voice snapped you out of your inner turmoil, that of Vixen; better known as Crystal. "Where were you? We're packing up for the night." She sneered, placing her hands on her hips as she looked at you, almost silently judging you. "You're lucky you didn't completely blow it tonight. Everyone was too focused on me to care, anyways." Her comments definitely tugged at your gut, but you decided not to say anything about it.
"Right, sorry." You sighed, silently resenting Crystal for her constant jabs, though you couldn't say you didn't expect it. "Damn right you are. Now hurry up, Jayce is paying our tab." She stuck her nose up subtly, before turning on her heel to walk away. Your expression stiffened as she walked away, a small exhausted exhale leaving your lips.
You took one last look around the bar, your eyes falling over the booths where 141 was currently sitting, laughing it up and sharing drinks and smokes while other bands were loading on stage, before your eyes returned to the front of the bar where Crystal and the others were waiting. You patted the pocket that Price's business card was in and let out a controlled inhale, before slowly weaving through the crowds to get to them.
Though the thought of the offer hadn't left your mind yet.
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shroombell · 7 months
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oughh last night brainrot with @yeahimb0 for a tf music kinda au, with the main trine as an alt/rock band :3
drummer skywarp, electric guitar starscream, bass guitar tc <3
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andrevasims · 1 year
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TU-AU Nu Metal EAxis Tank Tops
Since I'm still playing The Sims 2, it should be obvious I'm forever stuck in the 2000s - This time I went back a little earlier, to the actual turn of the millennium with nu metal band logos!
As a sort of loophole for my Maxis match tendencies, I only used logos that looked like they could be interpreted as just an abstract design and not necessarily english words. Obviously some are literally the band's initial(s), but like I said they're abstract enough that I can pretend they're not for the sake of TS2 :P
Everything is on an EAxis mesh. Specifically TFtopBlousedWaist, AFtopBlousedWaist, TMtopNaked, and AMtopTankTop.
TF is repositoried to AF, so the AF files are required to see the TF textures. TM & AM are separate meshes that don't look the same at all, so they're not repositoried (I tried, it looked bad lol).
I also edited the TM/AM alphas so that the tank top goes down further than the original and looks better with lower waisted pants. They might still look cut off with certain pants, because of something in the mesh that I can't remember and idk how I'd edit since they're EAxis meshes.
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The swatch in the .zip folder is labeled with the names, so you can easily delete ones you don't want.
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sl-vega · 4 months
↳ my heart beats for you-a scaramouche smau
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additional notes:
@uuyuomi cameo cuz why tf not :3
if y'all also want your usernames to be used as fans just lmk :3
i like to think that 5wirl has a fairly large fan base (well for an amateur high school band at least)
just wanted to get out one more quick crack chapter before the plot actually plots yk
dw the next few chapters will actually work
totally didn't just write this as an excuse for side ships
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<prev ll next>
Pairing: [BASSIST!] Scaramouche x [GUITARIST!] Reader
Genre: rivals/enemies to lovers, rivals to friends to lovers, fluff, crack (?), comedy, angst (?), slowburn, high school au, band au, modern au, social media au, smau
Synopsis: You're the lead guitarist for your band, C✧LESTIA and Scaramouche is the bassist of 5WIRL. The two of your bands have a friendly rivalry, but you and Scaramouche don't. On top of being academic rivals, you and him have never been on good terms. Always one-upping each other in grades and in music. Even your bandmates have grown tired of your constant bickering with each other. But when your usual practice hub gets flooded, you and the rest of C✧LESTIA are forced to find a new place to rehearse. So when 5WIRL offers to share their studio with you who are you to refuse? Of course, this forces you to spend time with your sworn rival whether you like it or not. But maybe the two of you can overcome your differences and actually be friends?
Or maybe even more?
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(OPEN) TAGLIST: @featuredtofu, @levianamor, @danfelions, @thatoneswordgirl, @lolmeowing, @bananasquash, @xiaosantenna, @twilightclouds, @kaitfae, @mujiwuji, @zestyseggsydaddy69, @peaceindreams, @freyao7, @rinquin, @justpeachyteastea, @cobraz, @b2ne, @skyoverkill1, @scaradooche, @morallyrainyday, @adres-tia, @justadvena6, @agaygothicmushroom, @aiher, @kyon-cherri, @aether-darling, @ukinya, @sketcheeee, @ibawa, @shutingstar, @eutopiastar, @kunimix, @wonderful-worlds, @ectomotive, @yourfavoritefreakyhan, @b4tm4nn, @animegirl-12s-world, @h3xi2g0n3
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cowboy-robooty · 2 years
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LISTEN TO MY AU, BOY. zomggg check it out okay dish is mai hetalia middle school au ^_^ hope u like how half these draws are literally over two years old but i spliced in like two new images rodf. OKAY ANYWAYS THO. so in this au everyones a 7th or 8th grade because i love violence
- Germany - be careful who you call ugly in middleschool to da max. do not ask him if hes in republican club HES HAD IT HE JUST WANTS TO LOOK "SHARP" HES NOT A CONSERVATIVE STOP IT GUYS YOURE SO MEAN!!1!1!1!!! total A plus student yada yada u know him he also tried to run for student council president and actually won because his competator was england and everyone got their asses up to vote purely because they all agreed theyd fucking had it with englands bullshit but then the school was like wtf u know only 8th graders can be student president but england literally got one vote (from himself) so they have put the entire student body indefinately on hold since stopping people from making pancakes in the boys restroom is a higher priority rn
- Germany - be careful who you call ugly in middleschool to da max. do not ask him if hes in republican club HES HAD IT HE JUST WANTS TO LOOK "SHARP" HES NOT A CONSERVATIVE STOP IT GUYS YOURE SO MEAN!!1!1!1!!! total A plus student yada yada u know him he also tried to run for student council president and actually won because his competator was england and everyone got their asses up to vote purely because they all agreed theyd fucking had it with englands bullshit but then the school was like wtf u know only 8th graders can be student president but england literally got one vote (from himself) so they have put the entire student body indefinately on hold since stopping people from making pancakes in the boys restroom is a higher priority rn
- Germany - be careful who you call ugly in middleschool to da max. do not ask him if hes in republican club HES HAD IT HE JUST WANTS TO LOOK "SHARP" HES NOT A CONSERVATIVE STOP IT GUYS YOURE SO MEAN!!1!1!1!!! total A plus student yada yada u know him he also tried to run for student council president and actually won because his competator was england and everyone got their asses up to vote purely because they all agreed theyd fucking had it with englands bullshit but then the school was like wtf u know only 8th graders can be student president but england literally got one vote (from himself) so they have put the entire student body indefinately on hold since stopping people from making pancakes in the boys restroom is a higher priority rn
- Italy - Fucking Idiot. Besties with germany since forever cuz germany was/is autistic asf so he had mad trouble talking to people without sounding aggressive and italy is a fucking idiot who does not give a single shit. they bonded over germany being so fucking disgusted by italy eating grass and glue at lunch that he'd share half of his own lunch wif him and then told that his lunch tasted like his grandmas dentures <3 love wins. been in a friend group wif germany and japan since elementary school teehee!!!!
- Romano - twin brother (yes theyre twins here but romano is still older by matsuno rules) o' italy yeah romano already acts like hes 12 in canon theres nothin else to add
- America - unfortunately cursed with brother of england disease (god bless his soul) motherfucker also already acts like hes 12 in canon tf why do all these characters already act this way. okay but fr tho hes chill hes cool hes a weeb asf tho but pretty close to japan since they bond after school cuz america and englands parents drive china and japan home with them since china and japan's parents are too busy with work so china and japan just hang out at their house. Japan's forced to be apart of englands band but always ends up hanging out with america (because he actually has fun with him) despite how england keeps trying to say america cant hang out with them because hes a 7th grader
8th graders
- Japan - Straight A student as always but hes also the gateway for all the weeaboo infections at school. he introduced america to nico nico douga and hasnt recovered since. he tried to make takoyaki in the school restrooms once because he wanted everyone people to hopefully like them and stop making fun of him for loving balls (world peace will be achieved if i EVERYONE loves balls not just me) but unfortunately everyone kept buying only the pancakes :(((((( older cousin is china (they live in the same house basically tho cuz family lives close together n all). japans in 8th grade with him because he skipped a grade lol yeah japans 12 just like germany and italy
- England - Lead singer of his rock band "The Brapples" (fucking stupid ass name based off the beatles). its an after school garage band consisting of him, japan, and china but they dont even make any music they just hang out bc its hard to do punk songs with a keyboard on classic piano mode and a violin. He acts like hes a big punk rebel cool boy and all and wears cool jackets but hes actually a good two shoes snitch who is the only hall monitor at school because nobody wants to work wif him rodf. literally a fucking menace will rat out anybody instantly unless you bribe him and then he snitches on you for bribing. he tried to go for student council president but literally everybody agrees hes so fucking obnoxious fuck this bitch fr. dont get me wrong tho i luv england rodf hes the kid who everyone fucking hates but hes still accepted in da class friend group albiet with the role of "that friend nobody likes". the dee reynolds of the group if you will
- 7th and 8th graders have mixed P.E. together and everyone has last block P.E. yayyy everyones together!1!!1
- 7th and 8th graders also have mixed lunch together but 6th graders have their own seperate lunch
- prussia spain and france are the mfs who make pancakes in the school restroom
- japan draws ship doujins of germany x italy for cash (all his art looks like the classic how to draw manga books) he sells his doujins for a dollar and everyones thinking theyre getting a little stale but have faith okay americas helping him with his next one to bring new concepts!1!1!1! italy thinks its funnie and likes being drawn hot asf and germany acts scandalized but goes "BUT- WELL WHO AM I TO DISCOURAGE YOU FROM PURSUING THE ARTS.......... and uhm. as the subject matter i should see how youre portraying me as well so you got any spare copies-"
- germany has a secret crush on italy fr and italy doesnt have a crush but does want to marry and travel the world with germany and live with him forever. he doesnt think thats a crush
- they all use human names within the au rodf but for this info post i use country names since thats easier to keep track of
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torrentempress · 12 days
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working on a silly band AU as a side project and am stressed tf out bc of everything else.
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j0eyj0rdis0n · 1 year
Ok so this has been on my mind for a MINUTE. So here’s my school AU! Please ask questions and please add your headcannons too!! If you want more in depth AU headcannons I’d love to write them!
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Football player and all the girls swoon over him for it. He’s not even the star player?? But hey I guess being a running back is pretty cool? (fuck quarterbacks!!)
Mans barely keeping his grades up
He’s only passing so he can stay on the football team
One of the “popular” guys since he’s just so well known by all the creeps. Everyone sits with him and the football team at lunch
Varsity volleyball player and she’s GOOD. Like she’d get a full ride scholarship for college
Star player unlike Jeff
She’s also in Choir! A soprano of course. It’s more of a just for fun thing so she doesn’t take it too seriously but she definitely tries her best (please come to her concerts)
Straight A student. Don’t play with her.
Cheerleader!! 100% a flyer. She cheers exclusively for Jeff too. Not quite the cheer captain but close in the ranks. One of the best at tumbling and gymnastics
Social butterfly and everyone knows her. She’s on hoco court for sure.
I feel like she’s always just a little short of the top. Socially, academically, athletically. She just seems to get overshadowed
Pretty decent student, she’s more interested in a social life than academics though.
Cross country/ track. She’s set the most records in the school history. She can compete in anything but prefers long distance or sprints
Super humble about her wins and records, not a fan of the spotlight that her athleticism gets her
Pretty damn smart, but she’s quiet about it. People just know she sits in the back and does her work.
High A grades
Varsity basketball. Definitely a starter too. Combo Guard 100%. She gives me Caitlin Clark vibes?? (look her up she’s badass)
Probably also does track but just because the coaches knew she was tall and she could jump hurdles like no one’s business
On the side she spends a lot of her time in the art rooms since it’s quiet and she gets some alone time
Also a pretty good student, more on the B sides of grades though,
I feel like this kid is in everything for some reason?? But definitely varsity soccer as his main activity. He’s a goalkeeper mainly but he can swing to whatever position you need him to be. He’s probably in bowling with Ben too
But he’s 100% in band too. He plays trombone (the best instrument) he’s in concert band, marching band, and jazz band.
He’s pretty popular too just because he’s cute and pretty much an all rounder
Average student, doesn’t have much time or attention for homework so that’s where his grades fall
HUNK. This man is the star wrestler of the school. Probably in the 182lbs weight class. People are SCARED to wrestle this man.
Doesn’t talk much, just does his work and gets tf out. Honestly most people avoid him
Pretty good student too, high B’s to medium level A’s
He participates in the field portion of track and field. Loves that he gets to throw shit
Baseball boy!! Those pants look damn good on him too. Usually a pitcher but sometimes a shortstop. Loves running so this shit is perfect for him. The girls LOOOOVE him. Like imagine Brian in the uniform with that goofy smile???
Also probably in yearbook (if he has time, he gives me lazy vibes)
Decent student too, probably high C’s and B’s
Honestly might dabble in bowling with Ben and Toby
No sports for him! If he was going to participate in any sports it would probably be swim team? Honestly not a sports guy though
But this man is in the honor society!! Like he’s SMART
Excellent student, like all 100%’s
Everyone comes to him for homework help, but of course he charges
Varsity bowling!! This man is a NERD and he’s damn good at bowling. Not quite a record breaker but definitely someone scouts look at
He started the team and reps it like no one’s business. He tries to get everyone to join.
He only gets good grades because he cheats
Also the leader of the gaming club!
She’s on the dance team 100%. Loves the outfits and looooves solo’s
But honestly she focuses more on 4H. She focuses on livestock and loves raising sheep. (Yes I know this is more of an out of school activity)
She’s probably in the garden club too! I feel like she just likes agriculture? Everyone gets along with her she’s just a sweetie
Great student! High A’s and she studies all the time
Either in marching band or color guard I can’t really decide. She either plays flute or trumpet! But if she’s in color guard she 100% has a solo/ feature moment in the show
She’s super shy but everyone seems to get along with her because she’s a sweetie #2
I also feel like all the guys try to get with her just because she’s so beautiful
Also a really good student! Studies all the time and probably has a study group
Another non sports guy! Doesn’t have anything against it but it’s just obviously not for him.
He’s the art club leader and takes it super seriously! He tries to get everyone’s art in papers, fairs, and exhibits.
Everyone thinks he’s kinda weird but they respect his dedication to art and others
Another really good student, he doesn’t have to study though
School newspaper editor/writer. He knows everything about everyone and has no problem writing a dark column about them
No one talks to him at all, they don’t want him to write about them
He’s also a theater kid, idk he just gives me the vibes
Decent student, he’s just casual about it
Non sports guy pt. 197583.
He’s in the sewing club and absolutely loves it. Everyone thinks he’s gay for it though (Jeff teases the shit out of him)
He’s also a theater kid, more on the props side of it though
Also a high B’s student
She’s in ROTC and she makes it her personality
Tries to get Clockwork to join all the time and they’re besties
I feel like she’s kinda dumb so probably high D’s to low C’s
This man plays golf and he’s super chill about it!
Wears his scarf out on the green lmao
Not popular at ALL and he likes it that way
Also a super good student and again, super chill about it
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