Just thinking abt farm hand reader taking a nap on some hay bc you have a break between what you need to be doing but big daddy n Mrs bene finding you passed out. Mrs bene moves you so you're laying on her chest or round belly while big daddy scares off anyone who wants to come snuggle the sleepy human. His cock stirring at the sight of his mates laying together, imagines how you'd look stuffed with his cum and being smothered by his wife's tits...... tehe
🐮the other farmhands were terrified of trying to save you, the big bad bull guarding you didn't help the situation. Whenever one tried getting close he'd stomp and charge at them, sending them running over the fence
🐮the owners were no help, saying you'd be fine and safe but that didn't quell your colleagues worries. Mr's bené was softly Patting your head, humming a little lullaby
🐮earlier that day, you decided to take a nap under a tree and when the couple found you, they couldn't pass this opportunity up! Bené slowly picked you up and set you on her lap, combing her hands through your hair and kissing the top of your head
🐮she had to shoo big daddy away multiple times, she recognized that look in his eyes. She didn't want him to bruise your poor body, he could get very rough. And considering the fact he was pretty big "down there".. plus he hasn't showered all day. He stinks.
🐮 bené may or may not have tried coercing your sleeping form to suckle on her tits but somehow you'd always dodge her attempts.? It's like you developed a reflex for when the hybrids try anything
🐮so after a nice a nap, you wake up to see Mrs bené and the girls cooing over you, while big daddy and johnny were busy trying to hold the dog hybrids off. Brutus bit johnny in the ass, the latter punching him in the face. It's gonna be a long day..
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stevebabey · 1 year
@scooprtroopr ur tags on this post inspired a lil something and well, here you go friend <3 / also omg this fits for @steddie-week’s prompt pining! tehe / you can also read it over on ao3 :)
Steve gets that this is how karma works.
You do something bad, you don’t have the best intentions, you trample on one or two people’s feelings selfishly, yadda yadda. Then what do you know? Next month, it’s happening to you. What goes around comes around, right?
That’s how karma works. Steve gets that.
And yet, the sting in the morning when another hookup has crept out in the night feels so goddamn unshakeable. It slices through his ego, hitting every feeling on the way, and cuts right down the bone, and it hurts.
But it’s karma though, Steve knows that. He’s left a girl more than once or twice, and snuck back out the window he had crept into. Stumbled back to his car in the early morning hours.
(Steve pointedly ignores the old part of him that was- is so hesitant to stay — after the iciness of his first ever hookup, who had wrinkled her nose at the thought of him staying the night.
Who had patted him on the cheek in a near condescending way, a girl the year above him, and said, “Don’t overstay your welcome, yeah?”)
So when the other side of the bed is empty when he wakes, he knows he’s lost another game of ‘who can sneak out on who?’
Which Steve hates — it’s why he stopped going over to his dates house and instead started bringing them back to his. Hoping they might read that his invitation to stay the night extended right out til breakfast. Hell, til lunch if they wanted.
No one has come close to overstaying their welcome in the Harrington house.
Empty sheets rip a new ache in Steve’s chest and he groans, a pitiful noise because— of course, he hasn’t stayed.
Karma has the biggest bone to pick with Steve Harrington and he was really hoping it would be done after all these years. Evidently not.
But… Steve can’t help how much more this one hurts because this one was Eddie.
Steve tries to not let regret coil in his gut. Rolling over he buries his face into his pillow, eyes scrunched shut as he tries to think it over logically. Rationally. Ignores the burning in his throat.
Maybe he’s a fool for thinking Eddie would be different from the past.
But the buildup — before there had been flirting, there had been friendship, proper company between the two of them where there were no expectations. That may very well be due to the fact both of them were dudes but… Steve was so sure. So much of him believed Eddie would still be here when he woke up.
Steve huffs a loud sigh into the pillow. Pretends his chest doesn’t hurt a little bit.
“It’s fine,” He murmurs to himself, voice thick with sleep. His fists clench into the sheets for a moment. “It’s fine.”
He drags himself up and out of bed. Tugs on some stray sweats hanging over the back of his desk chair and ducks into the bathroom. Staring in the mirror, hair tousled and eyes still sleepy, Steve eyes the shower through the reflection. He should, probably, but he might get stuck on a loop in there.
Where did he go wrong this time? Why didn’t he stay? Why didn’t any of them stay? Why did—
Steve splashes cold water on his face instead, rubbing probably a bit too forcefully at his eyes. He spies the faint pink shape of Eddie’s lips, a mark left on his neck. His fingers grace over it lightly, softly, like a lover would.
Memories hazed with lust remind him of how it had got there, Eddie’s body on his, Eddie’s hands in his hair, Eddie— without thinking, Steve scrubs at the skin harshly. He wishes it wasn’t there. Wishes there wasn’t any remnant of Eddie left behind.
Steve doesn’t need any mementos to remind him he’s been left behind again.
He needs food, needs to get on with his day, Steve decides. The bathroom door swings closed behind him and Steve tries his best to wrangle his thoughts as he wanders out to the top of the stairs.
A run. That’s what he needs to clear his head. A long run til his heart is pounding in his chest so hard it hurts, til his muscles start burning, breathes coming too fast and his head is finally fucking quiet. Yep, that’s precisely what he needs to shake the sting of last night.
Steve’s so enwrapped in his head, thoughts swirling, that he get manages to get halfway down the hall to the kitchen before he hears the radio. It’s not loud, just enough to carry out the kitchen. Strange. He doesn’t remember leaving it on last night.
His feet carry him into the kitchen, another yawn creeping up and he rubs at his eyes, blinking a bit blearily and— and stops in his tracks. There’s someone at the stove.
Eddie’s at the stove.
Standing in the morning sunlight, hair lighter than ever, puckered scars along his arms standing out. He’s clearly ransacked Steve’s drawers, a pair of Steve’s plaid pj pants hanging low on his hips, his own softened band tee from yesterday still on. It’s had its sleeves hacked off, the fabric curling up into little rolls. Steve feels his stomach rise halfway up his throat, his hopes going with it. His heart does a strange stumbling pitter-patter.
He must make a noise because suddenly Eddie’s peaking over his shoulder and smiling at him.
“Hey,” Eddie says, shifting a bit to turn more toward him. Steve can see that he’s cooking, something delicious wafting up from the sizzling pan. His chest tightens, pure surprise wrapping around his sternum and gripping - so much, he can’t control the expression on his face.
“Hi,” Steve breathes. He’s still frozen where he is. He stayed. Steve blinks, taking in the scene before him; Eddie has clearly been puttering around, putting together some sort of breakfast. He fucking stayed and he’s cooking.
Eddie takes it the wrong way. He skittishly looks over the benches, covered in his mess, and tugs on the ends of his hair nervously. “I- it’s a mess, I know, I’m real sorry. I was gonna clean it, I just thought you might like…”
He trails off, unable to get a read on Steve’s expression. Steve doesn’t blame him but he can’t fucking stop his chest from feeling like it’s being pulled open, his heart from feeling like it’s soaring. He huffs an awed laugh, a smile curling at his lips.
Eddie deflates a bit in his relief, giving his own smile. He turns back to the stove quickly, giving the skillet a bit of a shake to keep it from burning and Steve draws closer, feet finally moving. Eddie watches him from the corner of his eye, barely biting back his grin as Steve gets closer. He hovers, feels the heat of Eddie’s back they’re so close.
He tries to feel brave — he stayed — and keeps his closeness, peering over Eddie’s shoulder at the skillet on the stove. It’s the Munson Special that Eddie’s cooked a few times for him over at the trailer; eggs, potatoes, shit tons of cheese, maybe a vegetable if he’s feeling healthy.
“Was gonna bring it to you in bed, but,” Eddie laughs, still tinged in nervousness. He sets down the spatula to tuck his hair behind both ears, glancing sideways at Steve as if trying to understand his silence.
He stayed and he cooked and he’s nervous. Steve thinks he might be holding his breath in disbelief, head dizzy with relief. With affection.
Very slowly, Steve’s hands move and, like he’s waiting for Eddie to flinch away, settles then very gently onto Eddie’s waist. His fingers curl into the soft fabric and Eddie makes a little chirp of happiness and leans back.
Leans into Steve a bit, like he wants his touch the morning after everything and Steve releases a shuddering breath, hooking his chin over Eddie’s shoulder. His hands grow a little more bold, sliding around to hug him around the middle.
Eddie’s cheeks have turned pink and his grin hasn’t faltered.
“Made me—” Steve starts, but his voice is a bit raspy. He clears his throat, avoids Eddie’s burning stare. “Y’made me breakfast?”
Eddie nods, his curls brushing against Steve’s cheek as he does. His tummy is warm beneath Steve’s hand and his hair smells good and Steve just wants to burrow into him- he tucks himself closer and is rewarded with a content noise from Eddie.
“That’s not weird, is it?” Eddie asks suddenly, picking up the spatula again and beginning to fiddle needlessly with the food. He flips it once, then again, so it’s on the same side as it was before.
He sounds a bit sheepish when he says, “I’m not sure- I haven’t ever really— I’m actually just gonna shut the hell up before I say anything stupid.”
Steve laughs quietly. His hands tighten around Eddie’s middle, head tilting so he can bury his grin into his shoulder— his heart is going haywire, going a million miles an hour, because karma is finally through with Steve Harrington and he gets to have this.
“S’not weird,” Steve mumbles. He thinks about pressing a kiss into Eddie’s shoulder.
“Ha, you said snot,” Eddie retorts with a childish snort and Steve can’t help it, he laughs at that too, muffled laughter into his t-shirt. Then he presses a kiss to Eddie’s shoulder, quick as lightning. Rests his chin back on it like nothing happened.
Eddie still stiffens just a bit- turns his head just a bit to glance at Steve and fuck, Steve can’t help the way his stomach swoops.
Because Eddie softens him unbearably with those nervous brown eyes, his pink lips twisted as he tries to hold back his grin. Steve’s beginning to understand that both of them seem equally surprised that this is happening.
Eddie’s free hand moves, pausing only briefly in a moment's hesitance, before it covers one of Steve’s on his tummy. It’s cold, much colder than Steve’s, and he covers it with one of his own instinctively.
Eddie’s trembling fingers give him a little squeeze. Steve thinks he must be able to feel how hard his heart is beating from where his chest is pressed against his back. It’s a lot to deal with; this perfect morning in the sun, the soft sound of the radio, the sweet boy in his arms.
They’re both grinning to themselves. Eddie focuses back on the food before him, doing all his work with one hand, and starts a little hum.
The radio switches to a love song.
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thatdammchickennugget · 6 months
can you do a reader with big thighs and like Theodore is absolutely in love and is like constantly touching them no matter what and if it's easier or something I like head cannons👹😘
Thigh-ly Adored
pairing -theodore nott x fem!reader
warnings - a teeny tiny bit of smut tehe, thick thighs!reader
a/n - thank you for requesting love!! 💕 as a fellow thick thigh girly, I strongly believe all of the boys would be obsessed with them. also, I might still write some headcanons about this soon
wordcount - 471
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You sit cross-legged on Theo's bed, a book resting on your lap as you read. Your boyfriend’s head rests against your legs, his fingers idly tracing circles on your skin. Every now and then, he looks up at you with adoration in his eyes, his gaze lingering on your face before drifting back down to your thighs.
He's always been like this—unable to resist the urge to touch you, especially your thighs. And you don't mind one bit. In fact, you find his affectionate gestures endearing, a constant reminder of how much he loves every part of you. Well, especially this one part.
As you reach the end of the chapter, you close the book and set it aside, turning your attention to Theo. His eyes meet yours, a soft smile playing at the corners of his lips.
"You have the most beautiful thighs," he says, his voice filled with genuine admiration.
You fluster at his words even though he has told you that he loves your thick thighs many times before. "You really think so?"
Theo nods, reaching out to gently caress them with his fingertips. "Absolutely. I could spend hours just touching them."
You giggle at his earnestness, leaning down to press a kiss to the top of his head. "You're ridiculous, Theo."
He looks up at you with a playful glint in his eyes. "Maybe so, as long as I get to touch."
You laugh, leaning in to capture his lips in a tender kiss.  He tastes like chocolate and mint, and it's intoxicating. You pull away after a few moments, but not far enough for you to break contact entirely. Your foreheads rest together, and you sigh, savouring the moment.
And then you immediately feel his hands slide back to your legs and playfully roll your eyes.  You push his hands off and he chuckles, looking almost amused. Almost. You know that look—he's definitely plotting something.
Before you have the chance to figure it out however, he has already pushed you back onto the bed, trailing kisses down your clothed torso until reaching the soft flesh of your thighs, planting one last kiss right below the hem of your shorts before biting down.
Your breath hitches at first, but you soon melt back into the mattress when he starts nipping softly. You let out a quiet whimper of pleasure, arching into his touch. His hand travels upward, his thumb rubbing little circles through the cotton covering your core. Your body relaxes completely, your breath coming out shallow.
His hand slides beneath the hindering material and moves upwards slightly, teasingly brushing over your clit. Theo grins when you suck in a sharp breath through your teeth, his other hand squeezing where it still rests on your thigh. "Not pushing me away this time, huh, pretty girl?"
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perfect dimensions
(Carmy x Designer!Reader)
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Summary: The Bear is weeks from opening, and Sugar hires an interior designer to bring the vision to life. Part 1/3.
Warnings: cursing, WILL contain smut later 👀NO use of Y/N because this is the 21st century. Carmy x female!reader, reader is described as having longer hair but that’s it for physical descriptions. NOT EDITED because I’m lazy girl tehe
—————————MINORS DNI——————————
“I hired a designer,” Natalie tells them in passing on Thursday, waving a vague hand when both Syd and Carmy open their mouthes to ask, “She’ll be here in like, twenty minutes.”
“Okay, heard, but we already have a design,” Carmy says, gesturing to the wall covered in layouts.
“Oh, sorry, I didn’t know you had a degree in architecture and engineering. Those are fake dimensions, Bear; we don’t know shit about anything, so someone is going to come in and make sure that we’ve got the right fucking shade of white!” Natalie shouts before the office door slams shut, leaving Syd and Camry to stare after her with equal confusion.
“Pregnancy is making her…” Syd starts to say.
“Yeah, mean. Definitely a little mean,” Sydney sighs, “She’s right though. Vibe doesn’t get us to opening night.”
And that’s how Carmen finds himself stuttering through an introduction from a now much-more-pleasant Natalie when she shows a woman through the front doors.
Carmen extends his hand to you, clearing his throat, nodding like a fucking idiot when you tell him your name.
“Yeah,” he says, “I’m uh, I’m Carmen.”
“Nice to meet you,” you say, mouth spreading into a smile that makes his heart beat a little faster. “Walk me through?”
Natalie takes the lead while Carmy and Syd hang back. One glance at the look on his partner’s face should have sent Carmy scrambling for something else to do, but he’s not fast enough to remove himself from her presence before a laugh is bubbling from between her closed lips and he’s desperately hoping his face isn’t turning red.
“Im, uh, Carmen,” Syd lowers her voice in a mocking tone.
“Fuck right off,” Carmy shakes his head at her.
“You literally forgot your name!”
“I didn’t forget my fuckin’ name—“
“Like oh my god, a pretty girl with pretty eyes appears and you forget how to talk!”
“Are you done?”
“Absolutely not. I can’t wait for Richie to meet her.”
Carmen wishes the day would never come.
Ten minutes later you appear back in the dining room, Fak following close behind with a shit-eating grin that makes Carmy wish he had never gotten out of bed this morning.
“Carmy! Did you know she likes to bake?”
“No, Fak, we’ve only just met. Would you let her do her job?” Carmen sighs, rubbing his fingers into his eyes to stop an oncoming headache. Syd snorts.
“We’ll chat more later, Neil, I promise,” you say.
“You might have just made yourself a new best friend,” Syd laughs.
Carmy looks away the moment your eyes swivel over to his, trying to disguise that he’s staring as best he can.
“So,” you say, “Natalie said you had drawings. May I see?”
Camry’s fingers itch in a weird way, but he manages a nod before striding over to his backpack to pull out the notebook while you scan the wall of swatches and inspiration photos. You nods your head a little, like you’re concocting an idea.
Carmy wants to twirl a finger through the strand of hair hanging loose out of your updo.
“So, uh, this is what I’ve come up with so far.”
He then spends the next ten minutes walking you through each of the drawings, explaining himself a little too thoroughly, and making random comments about lighting and booth fabric. You look intent the whole time, brow furrowed at the page, occasionally pointing and you don’t even have to say anything—Carmy just starts to over explain immediately following the point of your painted fingernail.
When he’s done, you nod your head slowly, the corner of your mouth twitching up. You’re wearing some sort of lipstick that reminds Carmy of the stain of touching a cherry pit.
“These are amazing,” you say finally, and Carmy feels his face heat. “I like the vibe. I love the vibe, actually. Are you a sensitive person?”
You look up at him and Carmy short-circuits.
Syd says yes, at the exact time he says no.
“Conflicting signals,” you say, “Anyone else to weigh in?”
It takes a second for him to realize that you’re making a joke, and he has to shake himself out of a stupor caused completely by the sight of your smile.
“Uh, no, no I’m good. Gimme feedback,” he says, and you reach out to flip the pages back, landing on the entry.
“Great. I’m going to tell you what we need to fix,” you say, straight to the point. “This entry is too small. Either we need to extend out into the sidewalk, or we need to push the kitchen back by at least five or six feet. The bar is going to create a bottleneck right here, and we need to inset these shelves to give you a little more working room. The lighting here needs to be sconces, and the bathroom doors need to slide to maximize space—this is too small for a swinging door.”
Carmen is fully intent on taking in every word you’re saying, but out of the corner of his eye he can’t help but see Syd’s face transform into something mildly resembling devious.
“Heard,” Carmy says, nodding his head as you looks back up. “Let’s rock.”
You become a fixture in Carmy’s life in the same way that Sydney or Richie or Nat are, appearing every time he turns the corner and whispering a hello in passing before you start barking orders to the contractors who listen to your every word. Strangely, he can relate. A week ago you told him, Carmen, please decide which side of the bar you want the ice machine on, and do it quickly so I can tell the water guy when he gets here. He’s never made a decision so fast in his life.
Even Nat had popped an eyebrow when he replied, on it, before you’d even really finished your sentence.
Usually, he’s on autopilot—walking in and straight back to the office or the kitchen and hardly ever stopping to notice what’s going on. He’s the first one in and the last one out by design, so he doesn’t even see everyone else arrive until they’re already there.
This morning, though, Carmy walks into the kitchen to see you already there, writing something out in a notebook as Natalie talks, waving her hands wildly.
“Okay, I got you,” you’re saying only glancing up when Carmy’s shoes shuffle too loudly on the floor. “Oh! Good, you’re here. I need you.“
Carmy raises his eyebrows. “Need me?”
“To look at paint swatches,” you say, ushering him into the main dining area. The words ring in his head like bells as he follows you, the scent of your perfume surrounding him as he walks through the crowd of it. You smells so good, and it reminds him of New York City somehow, the faint scent of rain.
He figures that you must have come in even earlier than he and Natalie both, because you’re dressed more casually than usual, and there’s a charm necklace dangling over your tee shirt that he tries to identify when you turn without you realizing he’s staring. He makes out a paintbrush and nothing else.
“Right, so,” you start, gesturing to the wall. There’s a beat of silence with them both staring at the three swatches on the wall, and then Carmy turns towards you.
Your words overlap.
Carmy says, “I hate them.”
At the same moment, you say, “They’re horrible, right?”
Carmy laughs, shaking his head. “Yeah, yeah, not it.”
“Okay, so hear me out.” You say, leaving his side to pull something from your folder. “Pink.”
“Like, oyster shell pink. Neutral enough that in the low light it’ll look pale, almost indiscernible from white. And this wall—“ you point to the back where the booths will be and shake your head. “Has to be a mural. It’ll look unfinished if it’s bare.”
Carmy nods along with everything that you say, trying to envision it. “What kind of mural?”
You tilt your head, chewing at your lip. Carmy completely short-circuits for an embarrassingly long second.
“I might have some ideas,” you say in a soft voice, crossing over to the table where you’ve set your things and pulling out a black sketchbook.
“Two artists in residence, huh?” Carmy jokes, his stomach fluttering when you smile.
“Do you draw anything other than food and restaurant interiors?” You ask.
“Sometimes,” you repeat, looking up at him. He knows that you want him to elaborate—he would never admit out loud that he spends the hours he’s not cooking trying to replicate the way your necklace hangs off of your neck and the curve of your wrist.
Occasionally he doesn’t do weird, obsessive, borderline creepy things—sometimes he sketches the buildings outside his window as the sun goes down, or tries to remember what the boat in Copenhagen looked like, or that one place he used to drink coffee at in New York.
Your eyes narrow at him just a little, like you’re trying to read all the things he’s not saying.
He dips his head, half to look at the page you’ve opened the notebook to and half to get out from under the scrutiny of your pretty eyes.
“That’s insane,” Carmy finds himself saying, looking down at the waves of color on the page. “It looks like, almost like wood? Or marble. That’s—fuck, that’s so cool.”
The page is covered in shades of brown and deep green and black, melding together into something that reminds him of tree rings or stained wood panels, muted like an old chinoiserie river painting.
“You could hire someone to change it out seasonally maybe, it’d be cool, but I think something like this would look nice with the color of the wood we picked for the tables—“
“Will you do it?” Carmy asks, fingertips tracing over the edge of the paper and coming away brushed with color—oil pastels. “Could you, I mean, I wouldn’t trust anyone else to do it like this.” He tells you, rubbing the tips of his fingers together and watching the color meld together before meeting your eye.
Your mouth is parted, eyes wide as you look at him, and he gets the urge to flick your bottom lip to see if it’s as soft as it looks.
“I,” you start to say, “Yeah. I can do it. If you want me to.”
“I do,” he says, too quickly. “Want you to. Paint it.”
Because what else would he be asking you to do? He wants to throw his entire brain into the blender on high.
“Okay,” you say, “I’ll start tomorrow.”
He makes a mental note to make sure he’s there all day to peer through the windows and watch you work.
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papaya-twinks · 2 months
just an assistant - l.n
Warnings: self slut shaming, angst, swearing, ghosting
Pairing: Lando Norris x fem!reader
A/N - there might be a good ending in a bit but not this part tehe
Everyone had seen the article.
Your family, your friends, the McLaren team, and worst of all - Lando.
In Lando’s eyes, you were the worst person who could have seen the article, and in your eyes, he was. It would’ve been cute if it didn’t make you look like an absolute slut. (Sorry about this, but I love self-deprecation)
Lando still hadn’t returned from his little beach date, and you didn’t really want to imagine just what he was doing with your little dopelganger, as you sat in the lounge, watching TV, which he had surprisingly let you do.
You didn’t want to call him to ask if he’d be back for dinner, with the risk of getting an earful and half of his little ‘date’, so you chose to sit and wait to see how it’d unfold. And so you did, sitting there peacefully and quietly, just before the front door opened and you saw Lando walk in, his cool and calm exterior perfect as usual.
“Hello,” you said, unsure what else to say as you turned the TV off, standing up from where you were sitting. Lando didn’t look, his expression unreadable as he spoke a single word…or order. “Dinner,”.
You weren’t one to argue with someone who paid you so highly and just did what he said anyways, going to the kitchen and starting the stove, watching the door very few seconds to where Lando was sitting on the sofa, no doubt reading the article and tons of messages from his fans and team.
What to do, however, what to do?
To go onto social media and deny it? It wasn’t likely people would believe him. And that too, with the unwarranted hate you were receiving for apparently ‘only taking the job to get into Lando’s pants’? People really and truly had no shame.
You laid the pasta bowl in front of him, before moving back to the kitchen, you could cut the tension with a knife. The annoyance at the articles in Lando was palpable, and you understood, he wouldn’t want to be with a girl like you, surely? You were…lesser than him, no?
Being simply ‘nothing but an assistant’ as some of the comments on the twitter post put it. Quite lovely. “Y/N, we need to talk,” Lando said, looking up from his plate and at you for the first time in, well…ages. There it was, however.
The four words you’d been dreading. Well, five, you couldn’t be bothered to count properly now. You nodded slowly, sinking onto the sofa opposite him as he looked over you, almost taking in each individual (and extremely beautiful) feature of your face.
He’d never say you weren’t attractive, but neither would he admit that you are. Lando wasn’t a liar. He knew a pretty girl when he saw one, and right now, that’s who was sitting in front of him. It was like he was seeing you in a new light, your gorgeous features and just…everything.
Love? It simply couldn’t be. You were his assistant! His image…his media personality…his…oh but he’d ever so gladly get lost in your gorgeous eyes than have any of that. But he couldn’t. You’d think he was…weird, and obsessive.
Lando was snapped out of his wistful thinking by your eyes boring deep into his, expecting him to speak. “Ah, yes,” he said, his daydream fading away, the perfect reality he had dreamt of the last few days he had been kept with your blurring into the back of his mind.
“There’s this article going round…” he spoke, choosing his words carefully. “I’m aware,” you said, your voice a little sharper than you’d intended, Lando’s brow raising at the tone. You’d expected him to maybe yell at you, or tell you to stay in your place, but he didn’t. Instead he…laughed?
You had seen Lando laugh before, yes, but never in front of you…properly. It was hard to explain. But it was shocking, nonetheless. “Right,” he said, his eyes crinkling a little in amusement, his dimples evident. Wow, he was gorgeous. Truly.
With his chocolate brown curls, emerald green eyes that turned to icy blue or fading grey depending on the lighting, his soft rosy pink lips. And the little moles, one above his lip and one on his cheek. It just added an element of…well, him. Wow, you were getting lost in your own thoughts now.
And once again, you were dragged out of the by the sound of his voice, piercing through your day dream. How could you both sit and have a conversation without just getting lost in the other? This wasn’t right. It was wrong. But it felt so good to just…it felt so right to do the wrong thing.
You were his assistant, someone he had hired to work, not for him to gawk at. But he couldn’t help it. “Well, you know the girl’s not you,” he said, his voice back to serious once again. “Uh, the comments are a little…” he trailed off as you nodded, recalling a few of them.
They weren’t nice enough to be repeated, to say the least. “I feel the need to apologise for it,” he said, almost confused at his tone. No. Fucking. Way. Lando Norris apologising to his assistant for something that technically wasn’t even his fault? “For a lot of things,”. Ah, this was getting better and better.
“Keep smirking like that and I’ll wipe your wages,” in a tone which he had hoped would be serious, but came out slightly more amused than he wished, as you watched smugly. You knew what he meant by ‘a lot of things’ so shook your head signalling him not to force himself to say it.
Yes, it had taken a while, but yes, you had finally broken down Lando Norris’ barriers, and you were more than happy to be the one to do it.
A/N - chat is this real?
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toxic3mmy · 5 months
Alex making you squirt for the first time tho??
i love you for this🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
(i just had to jump on this request😫😫)
prompt: alex makes you squirt for the first time
warnings! smut!! squirting tehee
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it had been quite a long day. you worked overtime the entire week but it was finally friday. meaning you had a whole weekend to relax.
you reached your home and closed the door behind you after entering. you took off your shoes and put your bag away.
“y/n? is that you?” your boyfriend, alex, yelled out
“yeah, i just got home”
alex came from the kitchen, looking as if he was in the middle of cooking as he had an apron on and only an apron. you couldn’t help but let your eyes linger on his skin. his smooth, buff body..
“baby.. you okay?”
“what? oh yeah! just tired” you laughed a bit
“i asked how work was” alex chuckled
“it was okay.. i feel exhausted after this week. what about you? how was your stream today?” you said, moving towards the kitchen and sitting down at the counter as alex turned off the stove
“it was good. i was mostly just thinking about how tired my baby must be from working such long hours” he said as he stood behind you and began to massage your shoulders and back
you felt amazing relief when he did that. his fingers soothing over your tired back muscles. you sighed softly.
“you know, i make enough money for the both of us. you can quit your job and stay home with me.. be a good domestic girlfriend. i could take care of you y/n. why don’t you let me?” he cooed in your ear, still massaging your tense shoulders
“well… as tempting as that sounds, i do like to have my own money. and plus, i don’t want to make you support us, i think i’d feel too bad” you sighed once more, feeling a bit more relaxed
“maybe you can stream with me. get into making online content. if i had you on my twitch, im sure you’d get a head start at getting a nice following. you could even make more explicit content… i mean i would pay hundreds of dollars just to watch you touch yourself on camera… but i digress. for now, let me take care of my girl, okay?” his hands moved to hold your face
he leaned in to kiss you ever so gently. no matter how many times he’s kissed you, he always manages to take your breath away. you kissed him back and soon, you felt his tongue against your lips, asking for permission. you obliged and both of your tongues slid against one another. you moaned softly into the kiss. as you continued, you felt alex stand you up and carry you in his arms, not once disconnecting the kiss.
your legs wrapped around his torso as he walked you into your shared bedroom. you felt him gently lay you down onto the bed. he stepped back for a second to take off his apron, leaving him shirtless with only sweatpants on.
“just lay back and relax baby. you deserve to be taken care of right now” he said as he crawled onto the bed and hovered over you
he kissed your neck, mouthing wetly there and sucking the skin until it turned a dark red. his hands then worked on unbuttoning your blouse, bra and pants. he threw the clothing onto the floor and once again kissed your skin.
“you’re so beautiful y/n” he said, as he kissed down your chest
his mouth sucked and nibbled at your hard nipple while his hand was gently pinching the other. you let out little whimpers as he did this, instinctively bucking your hips into his. you needed friction
alex simply chuckled deeply and continued to give all his attention to your beautiful breasts. he moved his hand lower and began to rub your clit through your soaked panties.
“my baby is so wet, i can’t wait to taste you” alex whispered
he moved down and slipped off your panties, discarding them too. he was now in between your thighs, admiring your desire for him. he bent your legs up and held your thighs as he kissed the supple skin there.
he nipped at your thighs as he inched closer to where you wanted him most. you wanted to beg, to plead for him to touch you already but all you could do was moan out his name.
and finally, his tongue made its way in between your lips. he groaned at the wetness he tasted. he sucked on your clit, making sure not to be too rough. he then moved lower and entered you with his tongue.
“oh fuck…” you gasped
alex continued to enjoy the taste of you while you relished in the pleasure from his tongue. his tongue went back up to your clit, swirling at a painfully slow pace. he slowly pushed a finger inside your tight pussy. he explored you for a few minutes before entering a second finger, and then a third.
as he pumped his long fingers into you, he sped up his pace on your clit. you were letting out the loudest and most lewd sounding moans, your hands simultaneously gripped at the sheets underneath you.
alex stopped sucking on your clit and positioned himself to where he could kiss you while still fucking his fingers into you. his free hand went to your clit, applying pressure on the swollen bud.
he then pulled away to focus his hands on you. he curled his fingers up and into you with such dexterity that it almost made you cum right then.
“right there! do th-that again” you practically screamed out
alex smiled and obliged. he continued to hit that sensitive spot inside of you. your entire body reacted, wanting more and more. as he continued, he felt your pussy pulsate and clench around his fingers. he knew you were so close.
“come for me baby girl” he whispered huskily
and you did. your legs shook with pleasure as you climaxed. but he didn’t stop. he wanted to see how much you were able to withstand.
“n-no alex… it’s too much” you whined, but of course it still felt incredible
“aw come on, be a good girl and take it for me huh? i know you can take it. just lay there and let me have my way with you” he said as he didn’t stop finger fucking you and playing with your clit
his finger brushed against your clit in a way you’d never felt before. when he saw your back arch, he knew he was doing something right. so he would do it over and over again.
you felt something bubble up inside of you. it felt like you were going to cum again, so you let go. that was when you felt it. your eyes were wide in realization. you felt and even heard the amount that came out of you. as you caught your breath, you felt embarrassed.
“oh my god…” you whispered
“did you… did you just? oh my fucking god” alex said, his face in shock
“im so s-sorry! fuck, i made a mess. everything is wet a-and i’m—”
“baby its okay, i promise you. im literally the luckiest guy in the world! i have a squirter… i mean, this is a dream come true” alex said, looking up and drawing a cross along his shoulders and face, kissing it up to the sky
“shut up! i didn’t even know i could do that” you shoved him and he laughed
“i guess it’s thanks to me” he said proudly
“now i have to wash the sheets” you sighed
“it’s okay, i’ve got it. you go get cleaned up and prepared for round two, little miss super soaker” he giggled to himself
“alex!” you smacked his arm and huffed, leaving to head towards the restroom
and he indeed, made you squirt a few more times that night.
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lit3rallyll0yd · 2 months
when you randomly jump on their backs: various ninjago x gn!reader
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I GOT MY HAIR DYED YAYYAYA ; i decided to put some of my old ninjago writing here tehe enjoy<3
art credit: min-play
warnings: uhm cringy? not new writing!!
· freezes. he's not used to any physical touch, so when he felt your body jump onto his he froze. he literally had no idea what to do- 
· does he hold you back? he leans forward a little bit so it's easier for you to keep sturdy, but he still has no idea what to do. his cheeks went red slightly when your legs wrapped around his torso but brushed it off. 
· he chuckles nervously as he grabs your hands, gently rubbing them due to nervousness. he bit his bottom lip before he heard you giggle, motioning him to spin you!
· he got the message and started to spin like nobody's business. he eventually got comfortable because one he knew it was just you, and two your laughter and actions caused him to let his childish side out. 
· that's what he loves in you. you can help him take his mind off all of his 'green-ninja' duties and just be his childish self. he circles once more before your body dropped to the couch. 
· " what was that? " he laughs, looking down at you while you're in a giggle fit. hands on his hips like a mom, 
· " hmmmmhmh, " you giggle, " ihi was bored? " 
· Lloyd playfully rolls his eyes and leans down, giving your cheek a quick peck.
 ↳ JAY
· screams. you scare the living bolts out of him causing him to screech like a 11' year old school-girl and fall down. 
· your in a fit of laughter as you both reach the wooden flooring. 
· " Y/N!! " he called out, his breathing was heavy but started to slow down. you apologized to him, trying to slow down your laughter as he stayed on top of you.
· you honestly didn't mean to scare him, but seeing his reaction was worth it. suddenly he rolled off of you, taking your hand into his and bringing you up with him, twirling around as you did causing you giggle.
·  " ohokay! ohaahky! how about- we try thahat again? " he laughs, motioning you to jump on his back. with a smile you took a few steps back before running towards him and landed on his back, wrapping your arms around your neck and your legs around his waist, locking your ankles together. 
· he grabbed the thighs to make sure you won't fall and literally started to sprint around the Monastery like children on a sugar rush.
 · panics. he quickly grabs onto your thighs as he struggles to not topple over. it was like a jumpscare. one second he was talking to Lloyd, the next second he's having you on his back struggling to not face plant.
· " crap!- " he mummers to himself when he barely caught you and gripped his hands to your thigh. meanwhile, you're giggling like a hyena over here. you can't stop while Cole finally managed to sturdy himself.
·  Cole smirks when he hears your giggles and quickly started to spin around, careful to not smash into a wall. now you are in full-on laughter as you grip tighter onto the Earth Elemental. 
· Lloyd rolled his eyes playfully at the couple as he watches Cole spin out of the room with you on his back. " is there an actual reason you jumped on me? " Cole asked, looking over his shoulder. 
· " thihink of this as ... extra training? " you respond. He just rolled his eyes as he playfully throws you to the couch and gently tackled you and place a kiss on your nose. 
· this is now a normal thing with you two. whenever Cole has his guard down boom you're on his back wanting a piggyback ride.
· like Jay he yelps. you jump scared him and he literally almost lit his entire body on fire. you included. thankfully he realized it was you due to your clothing and chuckles.
·  he was literally about to yeet you out the window, you are so lucky. 
· he eventually grabs onto your thighs and hoists you up to get both you and him comfortable. when his fingers purposely dug into your thigh you let out a laugh as you squirmed, causing the Fire Elemental to grin. 
· then...he started to spin. not like, his Spinjitzu spin, but just a normal spin. this caused you to giggle as you threw your head back as a reflex. 
· " ohohaky! okok! " " okay whaht? " he laughed still spinning.
· " puhut me dohown i'm gonna puhuke! " you suddenly felt your body fall and touch the fabric of the couch.
· visible confusion. he literally just stands there with you on his back, smiling like a dork.
· is something wrong? why did you jump on his back?
· you had to wrap your legs around his waist to hold yourself up as your arms locked around his neck gently. 
· " Y/N? is everything okay? " he would ask and all you would say is, " yeeup! just bored. "
· " so you proceeded to jump on my back because you were bored? " the Nindroid asks and you nod against his neck. this caused him to lower his guard and began to literally lecture you about the dangers of scaring somebody like that. 
· a little later he eventually got playful and started to sprint around the room, causing you to shriek with laughter until they were puddles of giggles. 
· you asked if he could Spinjitzu with you on his back and at first he was cautious, but he did one spin and that was enough to drop you to the couch.
· he apologized again and again, making sure you were okay. and of course, you were, you wanted to do it again.
· Zane refused because it can lead to something seriously dangerous.' pft, party pooper. '
· literally throws you back on the bed, couch, carpet etc. she felt her soul leave her body when you jumped onto her and she threw you causing you to let out a small 'ommfpt' but that was soon replaced with laughter.
· " Y/N M/N L/N, why the heck did you do that! " she cries, holding her heart as you stood up.
· " ihih wanted to sehe your reaction. ahand it was wororth it ! " the Water Ninja gave you a 'mom' look before grinning, 
· " you think scaring the living hell outta' your girlfriend is funny? lemme give you something to really laugh about! "
·  " wahait- wait Ny-AHA! "
· after that day when you jump on her back, she literally keeps you there and goes on with her day. 
· making a bowl of cereal, Kai will walk in and see you on her back. watering the garden? Zane comes to help but see's you on Nya's back.
· when she puts you down she literally finds a comfy space and lets go of you, literally dies when she hears your shriek as your body falls from his back.
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frogzxch · 8 months
CEO!Sukuna x Ex-Fiance Reader
This is basically a part two tehee enjoyyy this is the part 2 btw
There is no warning this is full of fluff but slight angst! Hihii
Genre: Fluff slight angst
Summery: Sukuna cheated on you and you got pregnant and left him then he saw you again and decided to take you back.
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Previously you had a daughter with him and you are still mad about him cheating on you thinking that you could forgive him easily was funny for you, you now in the mansion you use to live with him..it is still the same as back then nothing changed at all but still you we're not satisfied living with him again, His at work in this hours for now so it was you and your daughter and the other maids in the mansion, you felt like a dove in a cage again, captured forcefully, The pain in your heart still ache, and now here he is having a audacity to take you back to your so called "home" , suddenly little hands touch yours, you we're spacing out seeing your daughter bubbling some words while you hold her closely to you, it made you smile softly how adorable she is and how she gets her hair color from her cheating father....you could never blame her you really love her alot and you would do anything to protect your daughter. She has your eyes and your face it made you giggle and play with her for awhile before a maid knocks on the door, you suddenly look at the door " yes? " you replied to the knock on the door "Ma'am Sorry to disturb you, Sir sukuna wanted to see you downstairs" your smile on your face disappeared instantly just hearing the man name made your blood boil "Did he have to go home so early today" the maid just stayed silent for awhile and hesitated to speak back "W-well does madam not like Sir being home?" She sounded shaky it's like she is afraid of you or something, you sigh and roll your eyes standing up putting your daughter in her crib she was confuse where were you going she look at you with those starlight eyes so cute so innocent for this evil world. " Tell him I will be there in a minute. " you said dryly and the maid understood and walk away, you cupped your baby girl cheeks and kiss her forehead, and she instantly smiled " Mommy will be back dear " you smiled softly at her.
You then open the door of the nursery room and go out closing it softly then you walk through the hallways and now about to go down the stairs Sukuna was fixing his sleeves, you stop mid way of the stairs and cross your arms looking all slightly mad mix with cold like expression, he then notice you and chuckle " what's with the face doll? Aw, don't be mad " he smirk and you roll your eyes and look at him " what do you want? " you where not having it today for him, He then walk up to you on the stairs and wrap his arms around your waist you two where face to face now and also close you look up at him frowning he then raise a brow " Still mad about me? Look...im sorry...I- know I made a mistake...but just give me a chance... please " he then nuzzle his face on your shoulder " I miss you alot through those months.....I just want you by my side, no woman is like you no one can replace you....I just realized at that moment you left me...I really loved you... sorry...please forgive me...honey? Love? Darling..? " he sounded genuine but still you couldn't really trust him he already broke your trust already " Kuna....I really can't but if you can change....the way I see you now...then I might...forgive you...but for now it's a no. " he still holds you close to him his grip tighen slightly and groan " fine...what can I do for you to forgive me... " you close your eyes and you tried to make him let go of you but you couldn't his just stronger than you " stay... " he said softly your eyes widen and a little tint of blush started to appear and you look at him his still nuzzling his face to your shoulder " what the heck did you eat to act like this....are you drunk? " he then stop nuzzling your neck and look at you " I am not drunk.. "
He then reminds you where your daughter and you replied she's in the nursery he then nods " I wanna see her, can I have a permission from the mother of my daughter? " he playfully smirk you then smack him " stop playing with me!? " he always like to tease sometimes and he chuckle he then let go of you and he walks up the stairs walking where your daughter bedroom is you followed him he then open the door your daughter was in the crib drinking milk while watching a cartoon, Sukuna gently carried her up and your daughter was shock at first and her eyes widen and she giggled " Dada! " Sukuna smiled at the sight he can't believe it he never expect himself to be this gentle or be a father one day and he hug his own daughter gently your daughter then played with his hair, seeing this father daughter bonding makes you feel warm...but maybe he can changed...you smiled in the the door side.
That's all for now hihiii
Tags: @tojifreak
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utterlyazriel · 7 months
whom the shadows sing for— (and the thief's echoing hymn)
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a/n: it's time for some more ✨trauma✨ time to learn ur own backstory tehe <3 feel free to let me know what you think or any future... predictions... you think might be coming...
word count: 3.3k
synopsis: Azriel leaves for Velaris. You reflect on old choices and everything that you lead you to where you are now— and realise it's been awhile since you had anyone to miss. fem!reader, mulan-esque au
There's a girl screaming in the middle of camp.
Anguish, a pure guttural agony, litters her voice. She's shrieking, screaming herself hoarse, tortured cries piercing the air as a piece of her identity is ripped from her forcibly. The scream that you know only follows a wing clipping.
Fear rolls through your body, seizing every nerve til your limbs lock up. Your stomach lurches, nausea swimming and threatening to choke up your throat. The screams dive beneath your very skin and make a home there, unbidden.
The screaming isn't stopping and you acutely notice that you're crying because of it, big fat tears rolling down your face as though you're the one in pain, unable to quieten her suffering, because... because...
Because the girl is you.
The girl is you and they had found out somehow and they had come, they had held you down and taken the knife between your wings and starting slicing through muscle and sinew and it fucking hurts, it hurts so much—
A ragged gasp rips from your throat at the slice down your back.
You wake you with a violent twitch.
Your dagger is in your hand in an instant, stored beneath your pillow, always within reach. The cool leather beneath it is a comfort as your senses search blindly for any threat. The rabbiting sound of your heart looms in your ears and you keenly strain your ears to try listen over it.
A threat? An intruder? You're looking for anything hidden in the darkness, while your senses are still swamped by your nightmare. The effects of it are melting away too slowly. Your breath comes too fast.
Shadows loom. You're not sure what is fear is still lingering from the dream and what is real instinct, kicking in to protect yourself.
Worse is, your suspicions are not at all unwarranted.
Around you, the space is still. Dead air trapped within your shelter.
Outside, the howl of the Mother's Kiss sounds again, the rattling wind against the windows somehow grounding you into your home. You're in your home. You're not out in the middle of camp, not held onto that horrid stained piece of earth where all the clippings take place.
You're tucked away in your space, hidden beneath your secret still.
Your chest heaves rapidly, dregs of panic still running through your system. You force yourself to inhale slowly, blinking slowly and letting your eyes adjust to the night. It's still dark.
It's nighttime and you've had a night terror and you're still safe, still just like any other male in the camp.
Behind you, you give your wings a little shiver, just to check.
Still there, still working in every capacity. The relief that pours through you soothes like a balm, heady and overwhelming. You release a shaky breath and curl your knees up to your chest, wings cocooning around yourself.
The nightmares, this nightmare, has been unrelenting for as many years as you can remember. Well, since...
Since twenty six years ago, when you had made a very difficult choice.
Perhaps the only time you'll ever be thankful for being a bastard in this camps is when it had granted you the privacy to make such a choice. Nobody cares if a bastard child dies, male or otherwise.
It had made you dispensable and therefore, unnoticeable.
Nobody noticed when one more begging child, one more hungry face, went missing. And certainly nobody paid any mind when one more turned up again — hair cut down to the scalp, bleeding in places from the shoddy cut, and a gritty determination in their eyes.
No, in fact, the only time people started noticing you was when you started tasting the mixture of blood and dirt, knocked down in a fight you knew you had no chance of winning.
You had started it. Pushed your way into the group of boys and shoved one, hard. Fought back as best you could with half formed fists that quickly got pushed into the mud and held there as the boy you shoved wailed on you, hit after hit after hit.
By the time he had been pulled off you, your mouth was a river of blood and your face ached in a way you had never felt before.
The very bone of your skull felt bruised. Your nose was definitely broken. You wanted to cry but even scrunching your face up hurt too much. It was impossible to think anything beyond pure pain.
The group of boys were sneering as they left you in a crumpled heap on the ground, kicking mud in your direction and hissing the word bastard.
But not one mention of you being anything other than that.
Just a bastard. No slighted comment at being a female, at not being worthy of a fight for that reason.
In the Illyrian Mountains, being a bastard gave you very little in the manner of food, things, and choices. If you managed to survive past childhood, that is.
If you could scrape around for food to fill a belly that never seemed to stop growling and manage not succumb to icy embrace of the winter in the mountains, there was very little waiting for you. Even less so, if you weren't a male.
Males, at the very least, could fight for a sliver of something better.
And wasn't that just the Illyrian way? If you can fight, if you can beat and claw your way to the top, it's worth something. It's the only way to gain respect. To earn it, even when you came from nothing.
For you? Living past childhood would mean getting your greatest love torn from you.
You had seen half a dozen clippings before the age of eight. It was said that other camps littered throughout Illyria tended to be more gracious. Did it in private. Healers on hand. No excessive force.
But you'd believe that when you saw it — clippings were brutal.
Females having experienced their first blood were dragged out into the middle of camp, some kicking and screaming, others a ghostly quiet. Everybody watched and nobody stepped in, no matter the pleas.
You, no older than eight years old, had stared at the bloody patch left on the ground til your vision had blurred. It was crimson, mixing with the dirt of the earth. Beneath it was this horrid scorched brown colour.
Old blood.
The final straw for you had been Adesi— Lord Mylind's own daughter. You're not sure when or why some part of your had become convinced that she might be spared. That because her father held rank and could bend certain rules, that she might escape the fate you so feared for yourself.
She hadn't. Lord Mylind had done the clipping himself.
And she hadn't cried or fussed. There hadn't been a struggle, just this soft weeping as she kept her eyes on the ground, every pained sound that passed her lips lined with a bitter resignation of knowing this was always coming.
It had stoked a simmering ember within you — a furiously upset flame that burned hotter and hotter, til you were trembling with the force of it. Forced to watch yet another girl stripped of her freedom. Polished up for breeding stock.
If Adesi wouldn't be spared, neither would you. The future, you could see, was growing impossibly bleaker and would continue down that path if nothing radical appeared to change its course.
You had cut your hair that same very night.
It was a shit job. Trying to get it as short as you could manage without a mirror or proper tools to do so proved incredibly difficult. The lack of proper shelter didn't help either.
Bandages you were stock-piling for Mother knows what were used to bind your chest. Then you spent the rest of the night time scouring the mountain-side for those bitter herbs on the mere hope that the rumour that they would keep you from bleeding held an inkling of truth.
The next day had been the day you got into your very first fight.
The first of many. Lord Mylind didn't take kindly to bastards, especially when you paled in comparison to the size of the other novices. You had been refused to be allowed to join training the first time you had tried, his cold eyes narrowed with a cruel curl of his upper lip.
But you had, perhaps, what no one else did.
No other way forward. No other choice.
Every part of you that yearned to keep your beautiful wings, to keep your freedom, your autonomy, was channeled into your intense drive. You would not be so easily dissuaded.
You trained day and night, working up weak muscles til they hardened beneath your skin. Without proper training, it was nowhere near as efficient as it could've been. There was no-one there to soothe the aches of your growing pains, nor the sores that came with hitting the ground time and time again as you honed the balance and fluidity of your body.
A season passed. Your drive did not falter— not when half a dozen more females got clipped in that same period. A wedge drove itself between your ribs, attempting to crack open your chest; a heavy guilt at what they experienced... what you could not yet prevent.
It pushed you to train harder than before.
It took seven whole months of solitary training before Lord Mylind reluctantly allowed you to join the ranks— forced to when you disarmed and wiped the floor with Brudam in the ring to prove yourself.
By that time, the list of clipped females had climbed to nearly fifty. You kept track of every single one, forty-eight notches carved into your soul for every person you failed to protect from a terrible fate.
It killed you having to bide your time.
To train alongside the males of the camp who detested you as they did any such bastard. To hear their uncaring jeers of the clippings as they flaunted their own wings proudly. There was no shortage of things to stoke the fire within you, fury burning through every cell in your body. There was no distraction from the ultimate goal.
But between Lord Mylind's abysmal training, geared specifically at you, the purposeful way other warriors wouldn't hesitate to kick you while you were down, and having nobody else in your corner, you had no other choice.
Routines formed. Train. Eat. Train. Scrounge for ingredients, for knowledge, anything on healing tonics. Fail miserably at making anything. Chew the bitter herbs. Train. Sleep. Wake. Train.
Loneliness became a familiar companion.
Every creak in the dark was a potential threat that came looking to see if they could knock the unwelcome bastard out of the ranks. You learned to not just how to duel, but how to brawl and win. To fight dirty. To come out as unscathed as possible.
Your first bleed did eventually come, bitter leaves be damned.
They had done a decent job. They had given you a few crucial years to establish yourself as a worthy fighter, not to be messed with, and enough time to build the shelter you now called home.
It had been a saving grace. If you had been out and exposed, if any of the males in town came sniffing for a fight and felt entitled enough to challenge you, the lie that kept you safe would've come tumbling down like a house of cards.
All those years turned to ash. Wasted. For nothing.
And the only thing that terrified you more than that was... what you were certain they would inflict upon you if they ever found out.
In some of your worst nightmares, they do much worse than just clip you. They take them from you— saw them from your back, splintering bone and tearing muscle, not caring if you cry or scream — not caring if you die.
Around you, your wings give a shiver as if they could feel the ghost of pain that still lurked from your nightmare. You curl them up tighter around you. A blanket of softness, of warmth, finally breaks the chill on your skin.
Routine was easy. Your terror was manageable based on the familiarity of your life. The fact that you had nobody to lean on meant everything, every pillar of comfort, of tough love, of the extra push when you needed it, came from within.
Slipping away from training to deal with the excruciating agony of your cycle was a necessity, even if it pained you to do so. Avoidance of the Blood Rite was born from that too. It was too great a risk— too much time spent that you couldn't ever be sure wouldn't overlap with your cycle.
Besides, you already had the biggest target on your back — the label of bastard giving you more than your fair share of enemies.
They would hunt you down on the first night. That you had no doubt about. The killing would be slow and merciless. To you, the Blood Rite was just another brand of nightmares.
All this dread had become second-nature, stitched into the fabric of your angry and miserable life which seemed to exist against all odds. You were cursed with an ambition that would not let you rest. A compassion that drove you to keep training, to help others more than just yourself.
You were singular. A lone ranger who relied on nothing but your own instincts to keep getting you through the day.
You were solitary. You were lonely.
And yet, within the last month, something else had barrelling into your life and altered its course.
A Shadowsinger.
A Shadowsinger with hazel eyes that dance with mirth and a rueful smile that comes out far too easily for the battle-hardened soldier you know him to be. He's a conundrum. A mentor and a damn hard-ass when it came to training but also someone you could trust.
Calling him a friend felt too close.
A tenative ally, perhaps. A companion, even.
And the fact you can trust him — the fact that you do trust him — is perhaps the biggest change of them all.
All of your routines have been suddenly altered.
Because now, unlike ever before, there's someone there in the morning. Someone to notice your absences. To come looking when it takes longer to drag yourself out of fitful sleep. To comment on the circles under your eyes and roll back the punches accordingly.
He brings the things you need, a sudden plentiful stash of ingredients you wouldn't have dreamed of affording. The good stuff that makes a difference in the potency of a healing tonic. In turn, your feeble attempts at concocting have begun to produce far more useful results.
He brings food too.
No point in all this training if you look like your bones will snap. He had said, almost dismissively as he summoned the abundance of food from within that pocket in the shadow realm. You had been too startled by that alone to question how much he had brought with him.
A fucking feast. Enough food to last you at least half the year, if you stretched it.
Some withered, bitter part of you had shriveled up when you saw it. Your mouth watered and your stomach ached and yet still, you couldn't help how you snapped at him.
I don't want your pity.
Azriel had leveled you with a stare, his shadows roaming about his shoulders like wisps of smoke. He tilted his head to the side an inch, as if trying to pick apart the reasoning for you being so standoffish.
It's not a handout. It's part of our deal. Like I said, there's no point training you if you're starving all the while.
You bristled as his tone, even if there wasn't a hint of condescension to it. It was strong and sure.
When you still hadn't moved, Azriel had spoken once more. It's okay. To eat. I understand that generosity is not something you are familiar with but not eating will not help any of them. Getting stronger will.
He had spoken as if he knew that exact reservation on your mind — the sheer unfairness of having a platter served up to gorge yourself sick on, when so many others... So many others had nothing.
Eat. Azriel had murmured, turning for the door. He had paused just like he had on that first ever night, one scarred hand on the door. Please.
A particularly loud whirl of the Mother's Kiss outside shakes you from the memory.
You blink hard. Your wings twitch and curl in even closer as you realise you've been looking at the door. Looking at where he had stood all those nights ago.
That conversation had been in the first week of knowing Azriel. Back when you were still so wary it was impossible to not raise your hackles when he came knocking at your door, no matter how friendly he had seemed. Friendly, but not harmless you knew.
It took time to stop being constantly on guard around him. But if your lack of trust and general frostiness bothered Azriel, he never let you know.
And now... now you've known him for nearly a month.
A month of routine with him in it. With sparring in the morning, tiring yet rewarding drills beneath the winter sun, and quiet conversations in the evenings, his hazel eyes competing with the crackling fire with how they set your heart ablaze. A month of companionship.
A month, the first month in years, not spent entirely alone.
In the cool night air, knees pulled to your chest, something tugs at your throat at the knowledge he won't be back in the morning.
Last night, after an evening spent in comfortable company where you finally heard him laugh for the first time ever and nearly melted at the sound, he had told you he would be returning to Velaris.
Temporarily, he added on hastily at the flash of surprise in your eyes.
Business with the High Lord. Reports and assessments to deliver. I's to dot and t's to cross.
He assured you he would be back in a day or two, certainly no more than three. He had left ample food and generous tonic ingredients, with all the assurances to continue practicing during the evening.
With no Azriel, you had no reason to avoid training with the rest of camp.
Maybe that was why this particular nightmare had plagued you tonight. Something curdled up in your gut at the thought of returning to your old routine— another part relishes in how you will get to stand your ground as a better, hardier warrior now. To prove yourself worthy of the specialty training you were receiving.
You huff out a small sigh in the dark.
There's no telling what time it is. You force yourself to sit back, easing back into your bed gently til you're lying back under the makeshift duvet you have. It's moth-eaten and seen better days. You snuggle beneath it anyway.
It's been a long time since you've missed anyone, you think forlornly.
The thought surprises you. Staring at the ceiling, your brows furrow and you close your eyes but the truth of it rings clear throughout your very being. Undeniable.
The Shadowsinger has somehow wiggled into your life, burrowed into your routine and has begun to mean something to you. And when he's gone, you... miss him.
Your eyes flash back open, glaring up at the ceiling, and you huff as if that will change that fact.
Rolling over, you pull the duvet in closer, your arms tucking into your chest snugly. Your bed is a bit too small for someone with wings and they ache because of it. Sleep trickles back into your system, dragging your lids down.
As you fall into sleep, some part of you realises, faintly, that you haven't had anyone to miss in a long, long, time.
This time when you dream, it’s of hazel eyes.
tags below!
@strangerstilinski @janebirkln @itsswritten @mischiefmanagers @hnyclover @waytoomanyteenagefeels @idkitsem @illyrianbitch @jeweline16 @fightmedraco @iamjimintrash @maeandering @spideytingley @aneekapaneeka @cassianswh0reeee @viciane @astarlitsoul @mybestfriendmademe @archiveofcravings @reputaytionn-13 @bionic-donut @chessebookgirl @itseightbeats @littleblackcatinwonderland @twsssmlmaa
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starhvney · 6 months
Halo! Anon who said 'PLEASE KEEP LIVING' again ^^!! Anyway, I wanted to try requesting so can I request a Gene x reader oneshot where the reader has to babysit her little brother/sister (you decide the name and gender!) with the help of her boyfriend, Gene? I imagine their friends teasing them a little bit about it and when they go to the supermarket with the kid the cashier'll give a small comment about them being 'a cute married couple'
Thank you, and don't rush!
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𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: mystreet gene x fem!reader
𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘: after you were asked to babysit your little sister, your boyfriend helps you with the adorable task
𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐒: fluff, slice of life, established relationship
𝐂𝐖: none
𝐀/𝐍: i went ahead with little sister because i only have sisters so it was easier to write tehe. this is adorable btw thank you for the prompt anon! i am still living!
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come over?
i can’t today, have to babysit angie and get groceries :,)
you blink down at your phone, pausing while buckling angelina into her car seat as your eyebrows pinch together at your boyfriend’s message.
i’ll go with you.
you huff out a laugh, and angelina responds with a confused giggle of her own, her small hands bouncing against the sides of her seat in anticipation. you finish buckling her into her tiny constraints, to which she pouts at you, kicking her chubby legs in protest with a whine. you merely poke her nose, whispering a “shush” and clambering into the driver’s seat.
okay, i’m leaving right now though
ok, pick me up on the way then
i’ll be there soon
it’s only a few songs into your jam sesh with angelina before you make it to gene’s apartment. you decided to take her up to the door with you, knowing how excited she got to see your friends. before you could knock, gene opened the door for you, dark blue eyes crinkling as he smiled at the pair of you.
“hey.” he leans forward to greet you with a short-lived kiss.
“gaaa!” angelina calls out, leaning forward from your hold with outstretched arms as she eagerly babbles for gene to hold her.
it doesn’t take much convincing on her part, as he snatches her from you instantly, giving her a short toss in the air and planting a kiss on the small girl’s cheek.
“hello there, angel.” he whispers, voice uncharacteristically high as he hugs angelia to his chest.
“eeewwww, stinky baby!” zenix’s voice calls from deeper in the apartment.
soon both sasha and zenix appear by gene’s side, curiously peaking around him to gaze at the one year old like she was a spectacle.
“tell him he’s the stinky one, angie,” gene says, using his hand to raise her fist up in a threatening—as a baby could be—manner. “say you’re stinky!”
“ooohhhhoho, you just got burned by a baby, loser.” sasha laughs.
“not cool, angelina.” zenix pouts, poking her stomach and wiggling his fingers, causing her to break out into giggles.
as all of your amused laughter dies down, gene steps out of the apartment with you,  angelina still snug in his arms.
“see you guys later.” you say, turning and grabbing her tiny hands to help her wave goodbye at the duo still in the doorway.
“say bye bye, angie!” gene encourages her.
“look at them, they look like a cute family already.”
“sickening.” zenix jokingly scoffs.
“gene, who knew you’d be such a girl dad.” sasha says, her expression slightly perturbed by his sudden shift in character.
“are you kidding? if he had a son that ended up like him he’d go into cardiac arrest by thirty.” zenix leans forward with a teasing smirk on his face. “he wouldn’t know what to do.”
gene sighs and rolls his eyes at his friends’ conversation, knowing they were definitely right. 
“whatever,  byeee.” he sarcastically drawls out, beginning to walk away.
“bababa!” angelina waves her stubby hand over gene’s shoulder as you follow along beside them.
“bye mom and dad! bye little baby!” they call out behind you.
“since you’re holding her you get to try and put angie in her car seat.”
after gene gets her in her car seat with ease–much to your chagrin–the three of you are soon in the grocery store with angelina kicking joyfully in the basket seat. as you’re busy looking down at your list, gene races off down the empty aisle, giggling along with angie’s contagious laughter.
“gene!” you attempt to scold him, racing after him as he steers off out of sight. as you turn the corner you nearly run over an elderly woman holding a small basket of baking goods.
“oh, i’m so sorry, excuse me!” you frantically apologize, backing up to make sure she was okay.
you’re surprised to see a joyful expression on her face as she waves her worn hands in dismissal.
“oh, you’re alright dear. my husband used to do the same thing with our baby when we were younger,” she beams.
you don’t have the heart to tell her that you are, in fact, not married to gene nor is that your child as she reaches out to pat your arm.
“it’s nice to see young couples who aren’t so serious all the time. enjoy these moments while they last.”
“oh, um, of course.” your eyes dart down to the end of the store, where gene has now disappeared in another aisle with an ecstatic angelina in tow. 
looking back, the granny is already shuffling away, waving you to go on. “go on and make sure they don’t get up to too much mischief, now.”
“thank you, have a nice rest of your day!” you wave back. her face wrinkles joyfully as she disappears down another aisle, prompting you to take off after the runaway pair.
you turn into the toy aisle, panting as you finally catch up. gene is gently shaking an adorable duck plushie in front of angie, who is pointing and grabbing at it insistently.
“you like this one? yeah i was thinking the same thing. good choice, angel.” 
after handing the toy to angelina, he turns to look at you with puppy eyes and the face of a scolded child.
“yes ma’am?”
you lift your arms in exasperation, eyebrows raised to say, “what the hell, man?” without actually saying it.
“look!” he points insistently to your younger sister, who is donning a gummy toothed smile as her small fingers grip onto the small duck. she innocently lifts it up to showcase it to you, it’s beaded eyes somehow as pleading as the looks gene and angelina were throwing your way.
rolling your eyes, you give in, turning with your list in hand. “fine, but that’s it. we’re here for groceries.”
by the end of your perusal through the different aisles, gene managed to convince you that him and angelina absolutely needed ice cream, fruit snacks, and lollipops as a sweet treat. after the fourth item, you sent him a stern glare that he groaned at.
“your sister is so mean to me, angie.” he teasingly pouts, leaning in to you with a fake sob.
angelina stares at the both of you in confusion, before turning her attention back to the toy gene had snagged for her.
“wow.” he deadpans, sighing as he take his weight off of you to help place the groceries on the cashier’s conveyor belt.
the bored looking teen smiles at angelina, her face lightening up a bit.
“your baby is so adorable.” she gushes, reaching over to scan the teddy bear without taking it from her.
“thanks, but she’s not-“
“i know right, she looks just like her mom doesn’t she?” gene wraps an arm around your waist, slouching over to lean his head onto your shoulder. 
blood rises to your cheeks as you flusteredly go quiet, unable to come up with any words. you can’t see his face, but you’re sure he’s got a shit eating grin plastered all over it. the cashier nods, completely buying his lie.
“yeah! it’s funny, people usually the first born looks like their dad…” she shrugs, finishing up her check out with a content smile.
“have a nice day!”
the three of you leave the store, with gene snickering behind you. you shoot a side eye at him, but your resolve quickly crumbles once again.
“what?” he nonchalantly asks, shrugging his shoulders in faux innocence.
all you can do is merely sigh, the red in your cheeks still prominently visible.
“we got her, angie! look at her cute face.” he grins, reaching over to pinch your cheeks, planting a kiss to your forehead.
angelina cheers, lifting her new teddy bear in celebration. you finally break out in laughter, conceding to your loss as gene triumphantly smiles in victory.
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©starhvney, 2024. please do not steal or repost my works as your own.
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bunnyrafe · 17 days
something small but i’ve had this vision in my head for like the longest time & it predates my rafe obsession so it was always just like a nameless man lmao but now that i’m obsessed with rafe i can confidently say that this is him:
after he cums in your mouth he asks you ‘d’you swallow?’ you nod your head ‘mhm’ as you crawl into his lap ‘lemme see’ so you open your mouth and stick out your tongue for him to show as you often do (this whole routine has become just as much a reflex as your gag by now), while he holds your face to check ‘good girl’ and he smears double kisses on your hairline as he wraps his arms around you while you curl up in his lap purring like a little kitten<3
anyways i just wanted to share that tehe<3
OHHH HE’D BE SO SMITTEN— smitten with his kitten, if you will !!! especially if you’re super good about it ‘n never fuss or whine over his little inspections. that’s why he never has any problems cuddling & coddling you afterwards. daddy of the year.
but the way my brain would melt into nothing after hearing rafe say “good girl” … i need that immediately, in any context.
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jazzyjj · 8 months
Hihelloholyshit I feel like I'm spam posting even those this is only my second one but seriously what the fuck was thiiissssss??
Face caressing!!?!!!
Nose Booping!??!?!?
Oh and this baby girl ass little "I don't know, tehe" pose from Ian. Fuck me dude, god.
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hungharrington · 1 year
looking at the sleepover prompt list and..
[ JOY ]  sender getting louder than usual which makes receiver start laughing affectionately,  taking the opportunity to check in. 
THAT IS SO REAL!! wbk steve gets incredibly loud and honestly sounds pained when he’s about to reach o-town so having his partner giggle and check up on him is just.. CHEFS KISS!! he’d get go embarrassed abt it too you can’t even deny it
oh hey ali :) thanks for sending one in! this is so totally meant to be sweet (and it is!) but it's also like tehe, a lil bit mean MDNI this entire blog is 18+
You would think, with his face buried in your neck, Steve can't make that much noise.
That would be wrong. There's already so much noise, the subtle slap of skin meeting skin, of your thighs hitting against his with every roll of your hips and the wetness. Your slick leaks out, squelching lewdly as his cock fucks in and out, smearing it across your thighs and his. And yet, there's nothing you can hear more than Steve's raspy low moans.
He's especially vocal tonight — though you have a feeling that's because of the distance from earlier, spending a couple days apart. It makes you feel all the more hot and bothered, listening to his guttural moans that seem to be getting louder and louder. His praise, which he;s been showering you in since he worked you up on his fingers earlier, moaning about how wet you are for him, hasn't stopped either.
"Yeah, f-fuck, good fucking girl, so wet— so, fuck," His hips buckup into yours, his pace ravenous and you try match it from the top. You're bent over him, chest to chest, sinking down on his cock while Steve fucks up into you. His cock fits snug in your cunt and you're taking great pleasure in fucking out cute little noises out of him, including his pussy-drunk rambles. "S-so pretty and wet just for me, mhm. Pussy so good, this pussy's all mine."
You moan at his possessiveness, your cunt gushing at his claim on you— it eggs on another louder moan from Steve as he fucks into the new slick faster, his noises beginning to get more high pitched. You take a page out of his book.
"All yours," you whisper, just to test the water. Steve whimpers and you take it as a good sign. "M'all yours, Steve. No- uh, nobody can treat me like you, baby— no one fucks me as good as you, mhm."
Steve shudders, a loud throaty moan that gets pressed into your shoulder. He tucks his face in closer, his thrusts getting sloppier as he gets closer to falling apart, your name falling from his lips.
You rake your hand down his chest, scraping your fingernails in a way you know he loves and this time, when he lets out another loud gasping moan, you can't help the little affectionate giggle that titters out of you. He's being so loud tonight, so much louder than usual.
Steve slows his hips just a bit, digging his face out of your shoulder to look at you.
"What?" He slurs, voice sounding a bit wrecked. His cheeks are pink, his lips pinker still. You clench around him purposefully just to see him moan and revel in the cute expression he makes, eyes scrunched closed for a second.
"You're so noisy tonight," You coo at him, bringing your hand up to card through his hair. Steve surges to press a kiss to your skin as you do, his lips dropping wet kisses along your forearm. He hums at your words. "That's all, baby. You all good?"
You're so glad he's looking at you so you can see the pure rush of blood to his face, embarrassment creeping over his features. He nods a bit sheepishly.
To drive your point home, you sit up a bit to take away his hiding place and start really fucking yourself down on him. It's glorious, watching him struggle for the first few seconds of you bouncing to try contain his noises— but when the first moan slips out, whines and whimpers follow it, building in volume.
You stroke down his chest again, harder, your fingers toying with his chest hair and smirk at him beneath you. "That's it. Lemme hear it, baby..."
Steve whimpers, loud, in response.
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solaanas · 2 years
𝐭𝐨𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐦𝐞.
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pairing, ellie williams & black reader!
summary, ellie was such a fucking tease especially when all you wanted her to do was touch you.
warning (s), established relationship, oral (r receiving), slight mention of weed, face sitting (tehe🫦🤭), slight praising, a little fluff if you squint lolz, and ellie being a dick🙄🙄
didi's notes, all i've been doing for the past two weeks is reading ellie smut INTENSELY. it's time i make one of my own.
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"if you really want it, you would beg for me again," ellie whispered, her breath tickling your inner thigh. you moaned at her statement, throwing your head back at how sexy her voice sounded.
she'd been at this for what felt like hours; just torturing you and getting so close to touching you before pulling her hand back, saying that you didn't want it enough since you weren't begging for it the way she wanted you to.
"i do want it- els, please," you moaned out pathetically, sitting up once ellie's hand came in contact with your clothed cunt. "tell me what you want, baby." she wet her lips as she said this, taking her hand away from your bottom half as she rubbed your thigh teasingly.
you told her what you wanted a thousand fucking times. she just liked hearing you say it because she loved how flustered you'd become whenever she asked you that fucking question. "ellie, stop fucking playing. you know what i want."
she shook her head: "nah, i don't think i do. you wanna remind me?" ellie looked up at you with hooded eyelids, the weed she'd smoked earlier finally taking effect. "want you to touch me, ellie," you finally said in a whisper, looking everywhere but at the girl between your thighs.
"huh? i'm sorry, baby, i couldn't hear you. say it again for me," ellie moved closer to you, peppering kisses on your neck as she kept a hand on your waist. "i want you to touch me, ellie. please- just make me feel good." you say this a little louder this time, the soft pants in-between each word you say made ellie groan softly.
"since you asked so nicely-" ellie placed a kiss on your lips before she took off her shirt, leaving her in just her sports bra. she then laid herself out on the bed, making you curious as to what she had planned. "what are you doing?" "you're gonna sit on my face," she smiled, causing you to roll your eyes at how excited she was. "c'mere."
she motioned with her fingers, making you slip off your panties and throw them somewhere across the room. you climbed on top of her and aligned your pussy with her face, gripping the headboard as you took in a deep breath.
"you're acting as if we've never done this before." "i know we have, els. you just gotta gimme a minute-" she chuckled at your response as you finally lowered yourself down her face, a moan immediately coming out of your mouth once her tongue came in contact with pussy separating your folds.
"fuck..." your fingers became intertwined in the girl's auburn hair, letting her tongue work wonders on your clit. soon enough, you began to ride ellie's face, wanting more than what she was already giving you. this felt like fucking heaven, causing even louder moans to come out of your mouth. with ellie's nose bumping your clit at just the right angle, you were bound to cum in the matter of seconds.
however, ellie wasn't gonna let that happen. she wanted to take her time with you; make you feel the way you deserved to feel. the last thing ellie wanted was a quick nut from you, but by the way you were moving, it seemed like that was all you wanted.
you were too caught up in your own pleasure to notice that she'd been telling you to slow down, finally getting the memo once she slapped your thigh. you yelped, finally realizing that she stopped lapping up at your juices. "slow down," she chuckled, bringing your pussy back down onto her face as you mumbled an "okay."
ellie quickly went back to pleasuring you, sticking her tongue inside of you as her nose bumped your clit once again. with how sensitive you already were from your actions prior, this made you go feral, letting out a loud moan as you threw your head back: "shit, ellie." you closed your thighs around her head, making her groan and then chuckle.
"am i making you feel good?" she muttered under you, making you nod your head quickly: "yeah, shit-" your fingers found their way back to her hair, pulling on it whenever she sucked on your clit. "ellie-" "i know baby, i know. just wait a little while longer for me, yeah?"
you decided to abide by her orders, holding back your climax as you kept your eyes shut. ellie saw this and tapped your thigh softly, causing you to open your eyes and look at her. "keep your eyes on me. i wanna see your face when you cum."
even though her speech was muffled, you were still able to comprehend every word she said perfectly fine. you nodded at her statement, trying your best to not let your pleasure overwhelm you so you could keep your eyes open.
"els, please. i can't hold it anymore-" you pleaded, looking ellie straight in the eyes as you said this. "let it out for me then." those words alone made the knot in your stomach unravel, causing you to let out a series of high-pitched moans as you came.
ellie watched as your eyebrows furrowed and how the grip on her hair became tighter once you released, causing her to grip your thigh and releasing moans of her own into your core. "that's it. good girl. let it all out f'me," she said, helping you come down from your climax as she licked you up proudly.
once ellie made sure that she'd licked every drop from you, you rolled off her face and plopped right onto the bed, looking at the girl as you caught your breath. her face was covered in your slick, causing you to let out small laugh.
"what?" "you got a little something right here." you pointed to her face and she rolled her eyes, shoving you playfully as your smile got wider. "oh, shut up. you did this to me."
"oh really? i don't recall. you wanna remind me?" you got closer to her side and traced her tattoo, a devious smile playing on your lips. ellie quickly noticed your motives and got back into position: "come and sit on my face then."
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strwbwoo · 1 year
this smut is a lik fluffy bc its my bday
cw : idol gyu and famous yn, piv, praises, fluff smut, very not like what i write, very fluff. like very. 500 words, soft service dom mingyu for my birthday tehe
looking thru mail, you find a letter adressed to you.. something about a acting gig, well known studio, “babe, look somebody offered a acting gig?” he shout across the open dining room to the living room, “should i do it?” mingyu now hugging you from the back, arms wrapped low on your waist, head in your neck, inhaling your scent, “why not” he mumbles. you stare at the paper a little more, “ehh i dont think i should..” now his nose is in your freshly washed hair, vanilla shampoo. “well i was gonna do acting gig.” now turning to face him at the mere thought of actor gyu. mingyu was well known and handsome, so it was well known that hes handsome. no one even for an act gets your handsome man,“mingyu..” hands on his chest, “yer okay with me kissing other boys?” you say to get the predictable response you want. hands tighten on your sides. head now in your chest, hiding his pink face but not his raging boner, “no” he muffles. you pick his head up, “and i dont wan’ other girls kissing you” you say before pecking his lips. only with mingyu its never just a peck, a hand on the back of your head to keep you in place. the kiss is deep, hot, and a little sloppy mingyu style. only when he asks th question “can i?” does he end the kiss. your pants turn him on more especially when you dont even bother to say yes and just nod. playing with the hem of your shorts and panties until shimmying them both down to one ankle in one motion. too eager to pull his pants all the way down before he hooks your legs on his shoulders while you lay your back on the table, papers spread everywhere now inorganized “m’gonna put it in..” he groans at the sight of your heavenly body splayed out like that just for him, “mkay.. go slow” you remind because hes still to big for you to fit him comfortably. and he listens to his pretty girl, every couple inches stoping and asking if your okay until hes snug in your pussy. mingyu is king of making intimate moments even with your legs folded by his big build, “so pretty…” he whispers while swiping hair away from your eyes and forehead. only you start clenching around him and squirming does he move. slow lazy thrust -to him atleast- thats still go deep enough to hit your sweet spot. gripping at his biceps he works hard for you to mark. you start to whine, “g-gyu..” his focus now on your face and soft voice, “wanna cum..” thats all you have to say for him to complay, “whatever you want princess” and his thumb on you slit covered in your juices, and he picks up the pace of his hips. eyes shut and brows furrowed when you hit your high. when you come down form such euphoria he pulls out slowly to get a rag, cleaning the sweat on your forehead, your pretty hole, soft thighs before getting your favorite chocolate covered strawberries in the fridge and settling you down the couch with you favorite blanket to watch one of your all time favorite movies..
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bsverryin · 1 year
: ̗̀➛ JJk men as your past life lover & reuniting again in your present life.
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╰┈➤ Geto, Gojo, Nanami
╰┈➤ How you reunite again after dying in your past lives.
✎ dying in past life but I'm still making it wholesome🙄, HEADCANONS ONLY!! I'm not a manga reader!! 🫸🏻🫷🏻 I'll try to make this a whole story because I really need more jjk men x reader here in tumblr (wholesome ones) 🥹 Nanami is my comfort character that's why I include him in almost everything tehee 🤌 cannot assure you of perfect grammar because idk how jkjk.. DMS are open 🫶
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Loving satoru in your past life was like the sun loving the moon, He was everything. Every part of him was perfect, but reaching him was never easy. Satoru was in one of the biggest clans in your country. Every girl wanted to be his bride. One for his money, two for his looks, never for his skills and for the person he is. Well, you were one of those princesses. You knew your land needed help and money, your clan wasn't powerful or even well-known unlike them, they have everything that your clan wanted. You had no choice but to try, you were devoted and loyal to your clan that you'd do everything to save it from falling apart that you'd join the party of the richest clan to find a bride for their son.
You weren't good with crowds not when you didn't know anyone there, you didn't know how to act too. The only thing you were doing was imagining what the person that you might be marrying looks like, what if he's actually old that's looking for a person to marry? The palace was getting louder and louder that you decided to visit their garden, good thing it was open for everyone. When you're on the way to admire the beautiful scenery from outside you saw someone sitting on the risky railings, one move then they'll fall. you immediately run to them and grab their arm.
"Hey! Hey!... Little guy do you wanna talk 'bout your problems? Dying is not the solution!"
".......little guy?" He was speechless at first but his voice wasn't that deep. His hair was white, His eyes were blue. He was so majestic that you became speechless too.
"don't die.. It's not worth it." He chuckled as he saw your worried face.
"What's your name, princess?" You gave him a confusing look, he was laughing?! How could he? You thought.
That was the first time that you met your future lover. You weren't expecting that he was gonna be the one you'll marry because he looked lonely, Satoru said that the only reason he chose you was because he didn't want to choose anyone else. His clan helped your clan and everything was just getting better. You were slowly falling in love with him too, When he's far away, you'd send him a letter and he sends you one too. You grew to love on another but then a happy ending doesn't exist especially in your world where the sign of living is when you get hurt. Your clan was bombed so was theirs, you tried to find him but when you saw a glimpse of him, you were shot in your back and he saw it with his own eyes. He was really powerful and strong but was distracted when he saw your lifeless body. He ran into you despite the mess that the other clan was making. He died right when you're in his arms.
Satoru, a special grade sorcerer while you didn't know what blood you had that you'd always see weird spirits, You ignored it at first but you knew if you kept ignoring them you'll immediately be killed. You're in high school and at the rooftop trying to appreciate the lovely nature, you felt a sudden push from your back as you tried to look, it was the weird spirits you've been seeing. When you thought it was the end of your life a man with white haired in a uniform. With glasses but you can feel his blue eyes staring at your soul, you didn't die because he saved you.
"Nice catch, satoru." A man with his hair tied said.
"Told you, suguru. We're the strongest!" He said enthusiastically and turned to examine you, he was relieved when he saw no injuries.
"From now on, you're our classmate okay?" The man named "Satoru" smiled and gave you a thumbs up.
It was the first time you met gojo satoru in your present life, you felt like you met him before and as if there were strings attaching you two together, you couldn't understand the feeling. You were there when his best friend left, you were there as he grew older. You both became parents to a little guy called "Megumi". You and satoru had liked each other for long but you decided to just stay together as sorcerer and help the kids have the youth they deserved but it felt like you were married and loving each other. For you both, it was more than enough than truly being in a relationship.
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Suguru in your past life was a normal human being, You were in highschool and had a little crush on him. He was nice and he'd help you study, he was a gentle man and everything that you wanted for a man, he's the same to everyone but he was always busy training, you'd ask him why and why and his answers are always the same. It was to create a world where people don't struggle. He was specifically training about how things work, those machines and how to use swords and anything else that exists, he was that kind of person who cares about others before him.
"I think the only thing you should focus on, is yourself" You said as he's trying to mind his own business making machine, you didn't know what machine was it for but he's really working hard that it got you really invested and staying with him until he finishes.
"Why is that?, Y/N" He wasn't focused on you, he was working hard for the machine he's making.
"You're always trying hard but I don't see anyone appreciating what you do, i think you should appreciate yourself first then others will appreciate you!" You said, not trying to be rude and hoping it won't come out the wrong way.
"It's enough that you're here watching me do this." He smiled when he heard your words. You were relieved that he didn't take it the wrong way. He was making a machine to make it easier for the soldiers to make it during some possible world war. You didn't really understand it but you tried your best to help him. Not just because you're his friend but because you liked him too, he was smart and handsome. What more could you want? He was in denial of his feelings that's why you thought he had been leading you on, you've been clinging to him that you thought it was fine. But still he lets you, he's sweet when you're alone together.
He loved you too but he's not strong enough for you. He knew the day would come where he wouldn't be able to protect you. Which was this day, He knew you had an incurable disease. When you're not there to help him, he has been trying to make and find medicine for you to cure your disease but he failed. He wanted you first to have good health and he'd date you but that time just didn't come. it's been 12 years since you died and all he did now was keep photographs of you and invent something useful for other people and waited for the time where you'll meet each other again, his body was strong that the reason of his death was his old age.
In your present life, Suguru was the sorcerer's biggest enemy. You knew the sorcerer world because you have been trained ever since you were a child, of course it was to be able to exorcist those monsters but you were pressured to do things that you didn't want. Your life was controlled by your family.
"y/n?" You knew who he was, It was Geto suguru. You tried to kill him but you just couldn't get him. He was good at everything, he can bring out enemies out of nowhere but despite that you still tried to kill him.
"How about a deal, Y/N?." You looked at him curiously, there were still no enemies or even shikigamis. He thought you're too weak for that.
"Live a life, and spread your wings." Geto suguru said, you didn't know what he meant but you know he's tricking you to go with him. You let him trick you but you had one in your sleeves too. You wanted to expose him and make your family proud but suguru was nice and made you believe in him. You were surprised when you realized you were following his footsteps. He didn't want anything in return. You met a lot of people who told you he helped them too that you started to doubt yourself. They weren't right or wrong. Suguru was a nice person, he saved you from the hell that your family has been causing you.
"Why are you doing this to me?" You asked suguru, you were both alone together in a sparkling fancy night.
"I want to make a world where suffering will end." You knew what he meant when he said that but why?
You created a whole new family by his side. They weren't tricking you, they even said about the plan where they are taking you as bait to make others surrender. Suguru confessed to you first, he said he sees you as a woman, he may look like he's not the type too. He doesn't want to let you go out of his side. He wasn't possessive just overprotective, you didn't understand why but it felt like there was some unfinished business that you had with him that you let your heart and destiny to control yourself this time.
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In your past lives, kento was the person you were most scared of. He was your boss specifically the strict and serious boss. There was nothing more to describe him. People often say that you're as smart as him and because of that he has high expectations of you, if he liked your work he'd give you a bonus if he didn't he sighs and gives you a disappointed look, thankfully he always likes your ideas. You never thought of someone like him to be in love with you.
One day, you had overtime. Loads of work that you wanted to finish so that you can have your break early. The only person left in that office was your boss and you, there were still guards down stairs of course. You and kento weren't talking, minding your own business. You stood up, about to leave when your boss called you.
"Y/N.." Your boss called.
"Yes, sir?" You immediately turned to look at him, he was always staring at you deeply that made you run shivers throughout your body.
"I'll take you home." He said as he stood up to get ready.
"Oh no sir, you don't have to I can-" He cutted you off.
"it wasn't a question, I have to make sure my employees get home safely." He sighed as you both made your way down the parking lot.
That moment made you closer to your boss, you couldn't keep your mouth shut that you asked everything to keep your conversation going. You weren't a fan of being awkward. Your boss has become more comfortable around you and when you're both on overtime he'd take you for a ride, you thought it was just twice or thrice moment but you both had been used to it. You both had been staying for so late in the office just so you both can go home together. It made you two friends, close friends and lovers, He had been calling you in his office often, shutting the blinds just to kiss you. You kept a secret relationship with him and you wish you didn't. Kento was on the other side of the street, you checked the lights and it was green, you were about to run when you felt a car crashing in your body, it wasn't just you. It was kento trying to save you but failed causing you both to die in the middle of the street.
You're the owner of one of the richest companies in the world in your present life, kento nanami was just one of your employees. He's working normally just like everyone else so why is it that you feel like there's potential in him? Well, you'd give him a random bonus when you felt like it. When he said that he's quitting for good, it kept you awake at night.
Why would he want to quit your company when you'd give him a bonus whenever you're feeling great? Does he not like the special treatment you give him? You tried and tried to find information about him that you found out he's a sorcerer, you knew what a sorcerer is. You knew how to exorcist, it was your side work when you felt sad. How could you just find out now that he's a sorcerer too? It made you more Into him than you already were.
"Nanami, fancy seeing you here." You smiled, you were both in a dark alley trying to find a monster to exorcist.
"Ma'am it's not safe for you here." He said formally.
"Why?" Your smile widens as you feel the monster on its way to hurt you. Before the monster can get near, you kill it by your aura without even looking. Nanami was shocked but he quickly regained his normal posture.
"I see, you're full of surprises madam." You both ended up exorcising the whole place until there was nothing left.
Nanami was always surprised when he saw you everywhere he went, it was as if you were stalking him. Well, it was much better than satoru following him everywhere. In the end, he had gotten used to you and your flirty jokes that he lets you hang around him. He often asks you about your company and you'll say someone else is managing it. This man was your type of man, he was a fine aged man, you couldn't stop yourself from falling, it's not like you're trying to stop yourself. Kento, found your presence comforting. He wasn't the romance type but you were. When you confessed to him, he didn't say yes or no. He just wanted you to make a decision where you're most comfortable, you still ended up dating him because he couldn't resist you and you loved spoiling him every single time.
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