#TDB rewatch What The World Needs Now
klaineship2 · 5 years
TDB Rewatch     6x06    FicRec What The World Needs Now
Not Just For Some  by @apropensityforcharm  Summary:   6x06 reaction. In which Blaine reconnects with his found family, and finds that he doesn't need Dave so much anymore.   Blaine POV
The One Where Kurt Doesn’t Know  by @flamingmuse​  Summary: “What’s going on with Blaine?” Rachel asks Kurt in a voice that isn’t quite low enough for his liking. Kurt POV during the party at Will’s appartment.
Like A Family  by Nightbirdrises  (aka @princehummel)  where Kurt and Blaine talk at the party in Will’s appartment. Summary: The New Directions are like a family. Kurt and Blaine are maybe a little bit more than that.
It Must Have Been Good  by  @likearumchocolatesouffle​  not specifically related to this ep but it fits here very well.   Summary:  “She was my wife. I spent more than half my life with her. Of course I still love her.” Kurt and Walter enjoy their date, even as they can’t stop talking about their exes.  German translation soon now on AO3 and Fanfiktion.de
Enjoy <3
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todaydreambelievers · 5 years
Throwback Thursday: What The World Needs Now
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Time to take out all the old gifsets, memes, interviews, fanfic, fanart, etc and pass it around :)
Okay - so we have a way throw back to when Chris and Darren were Kurt and Blaine on that EW cover that one time.  
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Tdb rewatch: What the World Needs Now
German title: Was die Welt jetzt braucht, which is an exact translation.
If we're honest, this episode is not what the world needs now. I mean it's not really bad, mostly boring, and filled with too much, not actually great music. I enjoy a few of the songs (I adore Arthur's Theme), but some I think they could/should have done without (Particularly Wtwnn and Alfie). There's so little Kurt and Blaine we all latch onto that little scene at the door in the end. It has nice Britanna stuff which I enjoy to a degree but I'm no shipper so....I do enjoy Queso por dos (the kids were very happy) even though I wonder how Brittany is apparently also a language genius on top of the maths, or at least speaks fluent Spanish.
There was one very specific thing that bugged me, and that is the scene between Britanny and her parents. And I don't even mean the absurdity of Stephen Hawking being her real dad and all that. If I had written that scene, I'd not have left it that way, so clearly split into two parts - kid, your real dad is Stephen Hawking- oh wow, by the way I'm getting married. Seemed very awkward to me and not at all like a natural conversation. (Even the other way round would have been better - I'm getting married - oh I guess then we should tell you who your real dad is. Something like that)
I like the part with Santana's abuela - even that she doesn't come around (although of course we know she will later). Brittany's speech is tough, but true.
What I don't get is pushing for Rachel to go back to New York and at the same time pushing for a romance with Sam. Also I have some doubts about the Glee kids being so supportive of her going. Wasn't that what Kitty was afraid of last episode? I do think it's very amusing (and telling) that Rachel's flashbacks are in the style of the flashbacks they're always doing for relationships, only with New York.
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spaceorphan18 · 5 years
TDB Rewatch: What the World Needs Now
This episode seems to be, idk, forgotten a lot? I mean - I don’t think it’s bad, it’s definitely not bad.  But also not always relevant to a lot of people’s interests? 
I felt like I was at a Burt Bacharach concert.  So. Much. Music.  And, you know, it was fine.   There was too much of it - to cover up that they only had two, thin, plot lines, but it’s fine.  
No Sue, No Will, no tons and tons of extra things - sometimes glee could have benefited from having a ton less characters. 
I’m... not sure how I feel about Brittana? On the one hand, I think this three episode mini arc that they get in season 6 works just fine as a narrative.  On the other - everything about this plot line seems more about servicing the LGBT message they want to get across more so than an organic story for Brittana.  I don’t really ship them, but I also don’t care all that much either.  It’s... there? 
There are elements of the Brittana story I really did like though - Brittany’s parents, hilarious.  Spanish Fondue for Two.  Brittany’s speech to Santana’s grandma. We also see a more mature and adult Santana - whom I wish had been developed quicker.  
Still not here for genius Brittany :P  Also, not sure I buy Artie as a wedding planner, but what else are they going to give him to do? 
Meanwhile in the other plot....  I actually love Rachel’s struggle with going back to New York, and I wish that the show had just been about her struggles with going back and not gotten into the weird school territory that it did at the end. 
I like this Rachel/Mercedes friendship, and again, wish that they had had this a long time ago. 
I do think it’s super, super weird that Mercedes is pushing Sam on Rachel though.  I mean... why?? 
I also don’t really buy the Rachel/Sam romance - it feels obligatory, especially when it ends up, kinda, disappearing.  
Virtually no Kurt and Blaine, but I’ll take the small snippets of things.  (I also love that Mercedes just does not care about their drama.) 
The ending though.... 
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todaydreambelievers · 5 years
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klaineship2 · 5 years
TDB  Rewatch  Episode 6x06 What The World Needs Now
“You could be Peter Pan in, like, a retirement home production sort of way. I know a guy.”
This is probably the most old school music episode Glee has ever done. There are 8 songs and most of them are quite nice but mostly boring. The funny thing is that the name, Burt Bacharach, didn’t ring a bell, but I knew most of the songs, anyway.
After last week’s emotional roller coaster ride in an elevator, Kurt and Blaine’s story is put on hold to make room for Brittana and the ‘Rachel Berry Rebuilding Project’: Of course someone has to bring Rachel back on track because she is the most talented person in the world and it would be a crime if she didn’t sing on Broadway- yada yada....  I am tired of the ‘Rachel belongs on Broadway’ tune. At least this time it isn’t Kurt who has to do all the pep talk, because Mercedes has taken over his job. All Kurt has got to do is showing his support by standing in the background, looking gorgeous and singing some harmonies. But why do Mercedes/Rachel still diminish his part of coaching the glee club? Haven’t they already realized a few weeks ago that they are better when working as a team and that Kurt is at least as good and important as Rachel?!?
Crazy Glee goes into round three and now it’s about Brittany’s parents. They seem to be very loving and supportive but I can’t help but cringe everytime they are on screen. But Brittany and Santana have some very sweet moments and I feel for Santana. I am 100 % with Brittany when she tells Santana’s abuela off.
My favorite performances are Wishin’ and Hoping (that might have to do with 2 adorable angels on swings) It’s the last time Artie’s out of his wheelchair and it’s a shame that he doesn’t get a chance to show off his amazing dancing skills for one last time. But why does he look so awkward in that white suit? Is it due to the cut of the pants and jacket? Or is it because of the angel wings? He looks weirdly stocky (? the German word is ‘untersetzt’) which he really isn’t.
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and What the World Needs Now because there is this sweet Klaine moment at the end, when Kurt opens the door for Blaine and they finally share a free and easy hug for the first time in this season - without the awkwardnes there has been before.
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Kurt-Blaine Things:
“If the Olympics had a gossip event, Kurt Hummel would be Mark Spitz.”
Kurt wears a pretty brooch and I like his turtleneck wool sweater.
Other Things:
There seems to be some disagreement among Sam’s hairstylists. He has three different hair styles during the first 5 minutes and it changes with every scene.
Queso por Dos!
“Family’s like fuuudge. Mostly sweet with a couple of nuts.”
“Family are the people who embrace you with open arms, no matter what.”
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todaydreambelievers · 5 years
TDB Rewatch: What the World Needs Now (6x06)
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Welcome to season 6! This week we’re doing What the World Needs Now (6x06)!
It was written by Michael Hitchcockand directed by Barbara Brown.
As Brittany and Santana plan their wedding, Artie is recruited to be the wedding planner. While Santana struggles with the fact that her disapproving grandmother – with whom she hasn’t spoken since coming out as a lesbian – refuses to attend, Brittany takes matters into her own hands. Fresh off their unexpected win at Sue’s Show Choir Invitational, Rachel and Kurt give the gleeks their weekly assignment: the music of Burt Bacharach, and recruit reigning diva Mercedes to act as a mentor for the new singers. While Mercedes is supportive of Rachel’s new career path, she is committed to convincing her to not abandon her dreams of something bigger and better… namely Broadway. To that end, she tells Rachel she’s arranged an audition for her for a new, upcoming Broadway musical, and tries to inspire a resistant and gun-shy Rachel to take another shot at her dreams of stardom. Meanwhile, despite agreeing to stay just friends, Rachel and Sam try to negotiate bigger feelings they may or may not have for each other, but it takes the advice of an interested third party to move things along; and Brittany learns a shocking family secret, including the origins of her remarkable mathematical prowess.
Sundays: Pretty much the kick off day for the week, and also where Meta Monday and First Listen Friday are distilled into.  So – do that rewatch, dust off that old meta, listen to that music again, then write about it and put it in the tags!
Tuesdays: Will remain the poll, the results will be on Saturdays as usual.  
Thursdays: Will remain TBT – and I encourage you to post the gifsets, old interviews, memes, and fanfics – anything related to the episode.  
Instead of doing a round up – tag with “tdb rewatch” “todaydreambelievers” or “spaceorphan18″ and I’ll reblog it here so everyone can take a look at it.  Also - have any prompts for fanfics related to the episode, or headcanon kickstarters? Feel free to tag me, too, and maybe we can get some good discussions going.  I hoping that by reblogging - it’ll start more conversations and/or get things moving a little more than things were in season 1.  
As usual - don’t feel bound to my schedule - if you have something from season 1 you’d like to have out there, still tag me! I’ll reblog it with the correct episode tag.
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todaydreambelievers · 5 years
The Newdie Awards!!
So, now that TDB is winding down - and in honor of the final podcast, I decided to hand out a few awards for all the people who’ve helped me along the way.  It’s a lot like The Office’s Dundie Awards! (only nicer).  
First of all, though, I want to shout a huge thank you to all the people who’ve donated so far to the TDB Pool - to keep the podcast hosted for years to come, so new people can listen, even if we’re not producing new content.  I’m amazed at how much we’ve raised so far.  Thank you so, so much for all your contributions! 
Secondly, a shout out to @seeroftodayandtomorrow - who diligently watched the show every week with me for the last two years.  That’s quite the feat and shouldn’t be discounted.  You guys try doing anything for two years straight! <3 
Thirdly, not sure how many of you realize this but @nikkisrandomthingsfan has been modding @todaydreambelieversfic for years now, and does an amazing job of it.  I can’t thank her enough for taking that over for me - and agreeing to continue to watch over the fic blog even after the main TDB blog ends.  In addition - to all the writers, including those who did the Author Spotlights with us back in the day, and to all the artists and creators out there - I hope you keep on doing your thing.  We’re blessed to have such creative talent in the fandom.  Thank you, thank you <3 
The Newdies!! 
The Matt Rutherford: Not Here but Not Forgotten Award goes to...��
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All of my lovely guests who weren’t here in the finale.  I’ve had the pleasure of discussing the show with so many wonderful people - and I’m grateful to all the people who took the time to be on the podcast an share your thoughts.  Thank you for being such wonderful guests <3 
The Blaine Anderson: Biggest Stan Award goes to... 
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@thedorkmark   There are plenty of Blaine stans around, but I haven’t met any that have surpassed Izzie’s passion and willingness to die on any hill.  And like Blaine, Izzie’s a sweetheart and a kind soul.  Thank you for bringing such joy and fire to the podcast <3 <3
The Mike Chang: All Around Awesome Award goes to...
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@somewhereonlyino​  Like Mike, Lauren’s sometimes quiet, but always brings a fun and warm attitude to the podcast.  Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and being such a team player.  <3 <3  The Tina Cohen-Chang: Don’t Cut Me Off Award goes to...
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@carojane​ - I’ve never met a person who stans Tina harder than Carly, someone who shares Tina’s strong will and ability to push through the hard parts with sheer determination.  You’re sweet and sensitive and kind but also won’t back down from a fight.  Thank you so much for everything you’ve shared over the years <3 <3
The Sugar Motta: Sweet’n’Spicy Award goes to... 
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@coming-up-rosie​ - Every time Rosie pops on to the podcast, she’s sweet’n’spicy and always knows how to liven up the conversation.  While not around a lot on the podcast, like Sugar, whenever you were on you brought joy and enthusiasm - especially lovely since I kept placing you on such random podcasts.  Thank you so much for your ability to go with the flow and have fun while doing it <3 <3 
The Sam Evans: Always Lending a Helping Hand Award goes to... 
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@klaineship2​ Over the years, Carmen has been such a hard worker! She’s done the entire rewatch with me, continues diligently to keep track of fics, and has even translated my and other’s fic into another language for more people to read!! Like Sam, you’re kind and dependable, and great friend who’s always there to jump in and help out.  Thank you so much for everything you’ve done over the years <3 <3 
The Adam Crawford: Cutie Across the Pond Award goes to... 
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@perfectanomaly  The thing about Anny is that she’s always coming at me with an unexpected, but welcome, new point of view, and challenging me on how I see the characters.  Like Adam, she’s sweet and friendly (and also European!) and reminds me that these character’s don’t always have to live in the boxes we sometimes place them in.  Thank you so much for keeping me on my toes all these years, and giving me new perspectives to think about <3 <3 
The Santana Lopez: Tell It Like It Is Award goes to...
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@honeysucklepink​ - Pink, you’ve been such a firecracker over the years!  Your deep love of music and glee and Darren Criss has driven your passion, and like Santana you’re never afraid to shy away from your opinions, even if they’re different from everyone else’s.  But also like Santana - you care deeply about the things and people are important to you.  Thank you for always bringing your massive knowledge of music and crackling stories to the podcast <3 <3 
The Sue Sylvester: Kicking Down the Fourth Wall Award goes to...
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@slayediest​ - No one on the podcast has had an insider view of production quite like Slayediest, so it’s always fascinating to hear your stories about how things probably happened on the show.  But also, like Sue, you don’t really give a shit about all the nonsense going on around you, and think that most of the drama is ridiculous and silly (and it is!) and I really appreciate it about you.  You have a great sense of humor, and are always reminding me to sit back and enjoy the craziness in the world.  Thank you for letting me drag you on all these years, I’ve always valued your input so much <3 <3 
The Marley Rose: Most Precious of Precious Muffins Award goes to...
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@sleepdeprivedmind - Connie, hands down, is one of the kindest, most positive, purest people I know.  I’ve never heard her say a bad word about anything, and even tries to bring a positive on some of the most negative subjects (like Will!!, lol)  Like Marley, you have such a big heart and warm soul and radiate joy whenever you come on the podcast. I’m incredibly thankful to call you my friend, thank you so much for all the great conversations we’ve had <3 <3 
The Mercedes Jones: Oh Hell to the No Award goes to...
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@black-john-lennon​ - Kay was the first guest I recorded with on the show, and I’m so grateful for that first conversation, because it helped me gain the confidence that this project was something I could accomplish long term!  Kay’s never been one to back down from a fight - but doing so from a place of passion and getting to the heart of the matter.  Like Mercedes, you do have a sassy, won’t-back-down attitude, but I think you also share her vulnerability and big heart, and I don’t think that’s appreciated enough.   Thank you so much for so many fantastic conversations, and becoming someone I can call a good friend <3 <3 
The Emma Pillsbury: The Gingers Always Know Best Award goes to...
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@redheadgleek​ - Oh, Julia, so calm and wise in her ways, she’ll always be there to lend a listening ear or be of service in whatever way she can be!  Like Emma - I think you’re smart and on the nose about a lot of things, but also incredibly kind and caring. And, many people may or may not know, the backbone of keeping a lot of fandom things afloat.  (She has every Klaine fic ever stored on a drive somewhere in case the apocalypse happens guys, lol <3)  Thank you for always being so sweet, and listening to me ramble on with an open mind and an open heart <3 <3 
The Kurt Hummel: There Are More Than Four Sides to Me Award goes to...
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@kurtmckinnon​ - Kelley helped me redefine what a Kurt Stan could be.  Believe it or not, being a Kurt fan myself, I always shied away from the term - but Kelley’s love and passion for the character, and the show, helped me be secure in my identification of being a Kurt Stan (lol).  But more so, like Kurt, there are far more sides to you and you’ve always come to the podcast with a new perspective and a way of thinking that I might not have been privvy to.  I appreciate so much that you kept challenging how I saw the world.  Thank you so much for being such a huge, positive champion of Kurt, and always pushing me to think outside of the box <3 <3 
The Finn Hudson: The Show’s Gonna Go All Over The Place Aware goes to...
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@notthatbea - My dearest Bethany, my goodness where do I even start.  Always there when I needed her, Bethany’s never been afraid to back away no matter what kinda crazy scheme I’ve got going on.  Like Finn, she’s sometimes bumbling along with me (in a good way!) but has a huge heart and always willing to go with it now how matter how crazy and out of control things get.  Thank you so, so much for becoming my good friend, for letting me take you on some of these insane adventures, and solidifying yourself in my heart - so much love <3 <3 
The Brittany Pierce: Special Unicorn Award goes to... 
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@slayerkitty​ - No one has a laugh quite like Kitty’s, and it’s a delight to hear it, even when it’s for the most randomest of things.  Like Brittany, she’s a little bit sweet, a little awkward, a little odd, and a whole lot wonderful unicorn - all of it wrapped up in such a delightful way.  I’m sorry I cancelled your contract so many times - know that I couldn’t really imagine doing the podcast without you there.  Thank you so much for your fountain of knowledge, your great sense of humor, and your deep love of all fandom things - you’re unique and wonderful in your own special way, and I appreciate that about you <3 <3 
The Cooper J Anderson Emotional Tornado Award goes to...
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@ckerouac​ - I mean is anyone really surprised by this??  RB is the ultimate emotion tornado, swooping in and creating a great time like like none other.  Like Cooper - your enthusiasm never wavers, your energy is inspiring, your sense of fun is endless, and you’re always pointing me (ha) in the right direction, and I’m guessing you probably have really great hair. 
Thank you for the phrase - ‘I wanna lick him nipple to navel’ and your vast knowledge of liquors, and the bangity-bang song, and the 2 out of 3 podcasters joke.  Thank you for jumping in on a podcast as a pinch-hitter even when you didn’t even know what the topic was.  Thank you for all the laughs and the sometimes tears and the driving me crazy but not really.  Thank you for becoming one of my greatest friends - I value your friendship deeply. Just - thank you <3 <3 
And one final thought - Iron Man’s better.  He just is, RB, I mean really ;) 
The Elliott Gilbert: Glitter Rock Vampire Award goes to... 
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@snarkyhag​​ - I’m not really sure I have words to express how I feel about the one and only Le Diva Hag.  You are the Glitter Rock Vampire of my world - always there, always helping, always being a life coach and a wonderful friend.  I can’t tell you all the things she’s done for me over the years - because if I did it’d take up another post entirely.  But know that sometimes you come to a fandom just wanting to hang out and enjoy the silly world that is your favorite story, and you walk away finding someone whose become one of your closet friends.  I have nothing but gratefulness for everything she’s brought into my life.  
I love you, Snarky, you are the Elliott to my Kurt, and I promise I’m never saying good-bye to you <3 <3 
and finally...
The Rachel Berry: Greatest Star Award goes to...
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To all my listeners, and all the people who’ve contributed to TDB over the years, taking polls, giving prompts, writing stories, doing art, joining in on the conversation, or just hitting like or reblog.  This blog has been made special because you were a part of it.  To my real Daydream Believers - thank you for bring such joy to my life and others.  You all are the greatest stars <3  
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spaceorphan18 · 6 years
TDB Rewatch: Shooting Star
This episode feels awkward to discuss due to the nature of the content.  Do I think Glee should have done an episode like this? Actually - I think it’s fine that they tackle these subjects.  Do I think it was well executed? Sorta.  Do I think this is a good episode? No.  
Let’s start off by me saying this - as I’ve often said about this episode, the ten-ish minutes or so where they’re all stuck in the choir room is incredibly effective filmmaking.  The show becomes tense in the way you want it to be for this kind of story.  I mean - I watched this in the middle of the afternoon, without being that connected to anything that’s going on, and having moved (a little) past glee - and I still got some chills from some of the moments during the sequence.  It’s a very well done sequence, and I don’t want anything else I have to say undermine that.  The problem is that (most) everything around these ten minutes is mostly rubbish. 
Let’s start with the whole Brittany/end of the world plot line -- which I feel like showcases best how convoluted Glee will go to make the theme of the episode work.  It’s not the worst plot line of the show, or even this episode, and in fact, there’s some entertaining moments here, but the fact that Glee goes out of its way to this extreme ridiculousness is tiring.  I get that it’s probably intentionally ridiculous to play off the tone of the actual shooting sequence.  But they do this all the time, and sometimes the simplest way is best, show.  You don’t have to keep topping yourself with how crazy and weird you can get.  
Anyway - the show brings back Sam and Brittany as if to make it the heart of the episode.  Funny, it’s the only relationship (other than Jarley) on the show right now, and the only one that has ties to non-newbie characters.  Sam and Brittany have largely had nothing to do since Diva -- and yet the resurrect it here as if it’s the epitome of Glee relationships.  Oh show...  
That said, I think Sam and Brittany had some of the most solid and moving moments in the show.  Sam being incredibly upset that he can’t get to Brittany, and Brittany (seemingly) alone in the bathroom are some of the hardest (and best done) sequences in the show.  
Then there’s Ryder and the whole catfish thing.  Okay.  First of all, what a waste of a song -- while he sings to some random chick for five minutes.  (I feel bad for this Marissa chick - she’s had her identity stolen, and she’s more concerned about some random dude who’s semi-stalking her.)  As the plot line continues, it gets even more convoluted.  I didn’t mind it back in Feud, but one additional episode, and i’m already over it.  The biggest problem is that Ryder is a jerk.  There isn’t any reason I should feel his pain or what he’s going through -- and the fact that he’s completely overracting at everything doesn’t help.  I’m (kinda) find when Ryder is in the background, but (sorry) Blake Jenner can’t handel a story line on his own.  
And then we get the return of Coach Beiste.  Look - I adore Dot Marie Jones, and I don’t understand why she’s been missing since episode 11.  But I really can’t stand that they trot her out for a completely ridiculous story where she’s randomly in love with Will.  It’s out of nowhere and is one of the most painfully awkward things on the show -- and that includes the time Will kissed her because pity.  It ultimately doesn’t need to be in this episode or even exist.  
I did kind of like the nod to Ken Tanaka though. 
Then we get the stuff with Sue.  Omg.  Here’s my thing - which isn’t really a problem with this particular episode.  Sue’s speech at the end is honest and, actually, quite moving.  However - she is often the mouthpiece for truths the writers want to say - and they can give them to her so that if there’s any backlash they can say Sue said it and brush it off.  They make her a figurative (and literal in this episode) scapegoat. 
But more so - I would have been fine with her leaving - it would have been a good time to drop a character who’s mostly dead weight.  I get that it’s Jane Lynch.  (Jane Lynch is just amazing) But she just doesn’t have any function in the show anymore, and it’s time to let go.  
Meanwhile - I’m frustrated with Becky being the culprit.  It feels like an easy out, and it feels uncomfortable to throw downs syndrome girl under the bus like that. This story didn’t even need a culprit, the story is not about the shooter but about how people react in that situation.  But ah well.  
I did like Becky’s conversation with Brittany early on in the episode, it was sweet, sad, and heartfelt all in one.  Though I’d argue not enough for me to believe that she’d actually bring a gun to school. 
I think, something I’ve talked about before, one reason this episode doesn’t really work for me, though, beyond the crappy story lines capping the episode, is that I don’t feel attached enough to the members inside that classroom.  Would I feel different if it was the original crew?  Maybe.  But I also get a sense that the writers did this with the new crew as a way to possibly make us bond with them more.  Did it work? Not really for me, but maybe for others?  
I kind of wonder if Finn was supposed to be in this episode.  And if he had been in the episode, would it feel a lot different? 
I think the only really touching thing (besides the Sam and Brittany stuff) is Artie trying to film everyone’s last words.  Artie gets /nothing/ to do in this episode, which is unfortunate cause here’s a kid who can get away, but whatever, we need more time for Ryder to be upset at someone catfishing him.  But at least he gets to make these little moments on film, and I think the whole thing is quite nicely done. 
I also should say something about Tina - while there’s not much of her - I do like the moment where she’s on the outside and wants to get back in.  There’s a real survivor’s guilt thing going on with her - and it’s done the right amount.  
Alright, so let’s talk about Blaine, who really, also, has not a whole lot to do during this episode.  He kind of shuts in on himself, and while some people will dig into that -- that during these hard times he’ll go inward (sure! i’m not arguing that) - I think the reason he’s pushed to the background is A) they really wanted to showcase the newbies here and B) his story relates to outside the classroom. Sure - Sam’s there, but his story is tied in with Brittany.  Blaine really isn’t tied to anyone else there, so there’s not much of a story.  
Two thoughts stem from this -- 1. I do think Blaine’s story going forward is a ramification from this episode.  2. While I think it was the right choice not to include the NYC stuff, there’s another story here from Blaine’s POV that connects to NYC.  
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spaceorphan18 · 6 years
TDB Rewatch: I Do
Well, I’m glad I watched this episode while in a better mood -- I can’t say that I paid close attention to it, but it was fun and nice to have in the background.  For having about fifteen different plotlines, and nothing getting the time it actually deserves, it balances pretty well, and gives us each a little bit of what we want, so I’m still pretty happy with it.  
God, this show really has too many characters... 
The Will and Emma story actually makes a lot of sense! He’s been a total absent asshat.  She’s freaking out - while being the sole remaining adult on this show.  I give the writers a little bit of credit for throwing this wrench in, even if it’s ridiculous at this point to create more Wemma drama.  
Sue in that wedding dress - pretty funny. 
You sing it Jayma Mays! 
Finn’s a mess - does anyone notice? Even Rachel’s up to her ears in herself.  However, everything creepy about Finn/Emma. However still, Finn wins against his war on coffee.  Omg, there’s a through-line there.  
Do I care about the Finchel drama? Nope! But now that I’m past the point of caring - it doesn’t really bug me. 
The ‘endgame’ stuff is a little ridiculous.  So is Finn talking about ‘his’ girlfriend, as well as telling Will to go get his ‘wife’.  IT’s really the only cringey thing I found about the episode.  
Rachel - what do you want, girl? Not Brody - that’s for sure.  Oh, we’re almost at the end, whoo! 
I completely forgot about the pregnancy scare -- I kinda wish they had gone through with it, at least the story would have held more weight. 
Anything could happen! Except not, cause it’s Glee, and they really don’t like having to do something unless you yell about it online for long enough. 
This episode didn’t need the Jarley/Ryder triangle to take up half of it.  
However, Ryder did make me laugh. 
However still, Ryder creeped me out when he forced a kiss on Marley.  Ew. 
It’s nice that they regularly point out how creepy Puck is now.  
Brittany, Sam, and Mike have no lines but they are there if you look for them.  Mercedes gets two lines.  And they are delightful. 
So. Um. Artie gets a love interest and that was fun? 
Sort of?
Yes I know she’s a glee project person.  I don’t care.  All I could think about is how she probably has to go get tested for STDs.  
Santana and Quinn.  Win-win there.  They should have done that ages ago.  
Santana deserved a proper mid-game.  Quinn deserved a better ending to her story.  
Tina! You have got to let it go, man.  Embrace the Hagatha Christie.  
Am I forgetting anyone? 
Oh right the F-plot.  
KLAINE MAKES OUT IN THE BACKSEAT OF A CAR AND THEN DOES IT IN A HOTEL ROOM AND ALL IS RIGHT WITH THE WORLD .. except in real time it’s super short and super fast and, god dammit, I want more.  
Kurt’s super sexy voice.  
Blaine’s - I’ve been super fucked by Kurt look.  
Why is this show not a gay porno? 
Okay, that’s literally all I got.  
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spaceorphan18 · 6 years
TDB Rewatch: Britney 2.0
While the rest of you are watching the Emmy’s - I’m watching this lukewarm episode of Glee :P  
You know - it’s not that bad, tbh.  It’s definitely more interesting than the original Britney tribute (though I’d argue - did we need two? There are plenty of artists who deserved a first tribute).  The biggest crime this episode has is that it’s just boring.  It’s also slightly depressing - but that’s because The Break Up looms over the entire first arc of season 4.  
Plot lines centered around Brittany don’t usually work.  This one isn’t /that/ great either, but it’s not horrible either.  I still have a lot of issues with the way the treat Brittany, and her not being able to even identify presidents makes me question how she made it past the third grade, but whatever Glee-logic.  I will say, one thing that they did do well was showing Brittany’s depression -- I felt that, man.  I mean, I’m not even into Brittana, but I felt Santana’s absence.  
There are a lot of parallels between Klaine, Brittana, and Finchel in the first few episodes - if you’re looking for them.  I go into that during my Kurt meta, so I won’t be redundant here.  
I actually like Britney and Sam - it was kinda sweet, tbh.  
The Britney Spears parody is taken a step too far by the time they get to Gimme More.  I don’t think any of it’s funny - it’s just kinda sad, and there’s a real person out there you’re mocking.  They try to redeem it later by saying what inspiration Britney is but still.  
Will continues to be the world’s worst teacher.  God.  
I don’t think they could be disqualified for lip syncing when it wasn’t an actual competition.  
Meanwhile Marley and Jake and snoooooooooze.  
They’re just boring - there’s nothing fresh about this relationship. 
Womanizer was fun though. 
Jake a bad ass on a scooter, lol  What even?  At least Jacob Artist’s acting is a notch better. 
Why, why, why are they playing the Klaine theme during the Puck and Jake conversation? It’s incredibly distracting. 
Puck had a threesome at age 7 - eeesh’
Okay, I’ll admit - when Puck joins Glee - the little montage of him joining is fun.  
I feel like I should mention Blaine.  Blaine was very pretty in the episode.  And he also tried to help, but Will shut him down.  Will is the worst. 
Meanwhile - in New York, we get the continuation of the lesbian porno
Why, why, why are all the Cassie and Rachel scenes have this weird sexual tension in them? Btw, Cassie and Rachel have more chemistry than Rachel with Brody, lol. 
I’m over Cassie’s schtick.  I really hate this plot line (which is interesting, but not in the way I loathed Shelby/Puck).  
Rachel can’t pull off sexy (oops) 
Brody isn’t as bad this episode - but man Dean Geyer is as wooden as a block of wood.  That was a horrible metaphor.  But really, I’d rather watch the paint dry on loft wall.  
Did you know the loft had a fireplace? I never noticed that until just now. 
i missed Kurt in the episode.  He doesn’t do much worth noting, and nothing great - but man, season 4′s gonna be hard, huh. 
Just as a reminder - the cure for loneliness is cake. ;) 
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klaineship2 · 6 years
TDB Rewatch The New Rachel Episode 4x01
“ I’m here to give you a big NYC welcome. You suck.”
Who knew - getting into NYADA doesn’t mean you’ve achieved your goal, it means you are starting from the bottom of the pit: Cassandra July is aweful but I can’t really feel sorry for Rachel. Cassie in a way sees through Rachel’s ‘I am better than all of you-attitude and tries to cut her down to size.  And obviously you can be accepted at NYADA and still be rejected a few days in - why couldn’t Kurt get the now vacant spot of that poor girl in the round room?!? But I like Rachel and Brody’s scene in the bathroom and at the end of the ep . At least with him she is honest compared to all the lies she tells Kurt about her first days at school. And Brody seems to be a genuine nice guy.
Doesn’t she realize that it would be much easier for Kurt to know the truth than to be told these sugar-coated fabrications?! Staying back in Lima is hard enough on him, he doesn’t need Rachel’s lies to make him feel even more miserable. It’s too bad that we don’t know how they spent their summer but considering the fanfiction I’ve read there was a lot of moping!Kurt and reassuring!Blaine. Kurt has a hard time accepting that all he ever wished for (leaving Lima behind) didn’t happen. But in his typical Kurt-way he tries to not let it show but he’s not good at it, Blaine knows anyway how miserable he is and even Brittany sees through his facade.  It’s hard to watch Blaine nudge Kurt out of his life when you know how scared he is of losing the connection to him. He is on the same page with Burt, though. For him, as well,  it isn’t easy to send Kurt away. The scene in the car is a perfect Burt-Kurt-relationship-summary and as a parent who’s kids have both gone out into the world (literally) to live their own lives I watch it with mixed feelings.
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Glee Club is finally cool (at least for one episode) because they won a national competition - and the kids enjoy it to be admired and it might have gotten into their heads a little bit. They have to find at least 5 new members but still they seem very reluctant against everybody who might be a good performer. Isn’t that what you need when you want to win competitions? Aren’t Sectionals less than 3 months away? Fortunately it doesn’t take long for them to come to their senses again.
The new kids are replacing the seniors:
Kitty is the mean cheerleader and although she’s introduced as ‘a young Quinn Fabrey’ (and even resembles her) she reminds me more of a mean first-half-of-s3-Santana. It'll take her a long long time to weasel her way into my heart. Don’t be so mean to my Kurt!!!
Marley replaces Rachel. She resembles her, her voices are quite similar (though I like Marley’s more) and they are paralleld a lot through song here. (Though later we’ll learn that Blaine will take the spot of New Rachel, because Marley is too kind a person for this job)
Jake is bad boy Puckerman (in every sense of the word)
Unique is a mix of proud, black woman with a great voice (Mercedes) and fashionable, queer person who shows their true self no matter what (Kurt)
Other Kurt/Blaine Things:
Chris Colfer has changed a lot during the summer hiatus. His face looks much thinner, more angular and mature.
“Rachel always made sure that everyone felt included” - Please Kurt, have you been brain-washed? When did she ever do that?!?
Kurt’s reaction when he realizes that Blaine is (again) serenading him in the court yard.
I love ‘It’s Time’ . it’s such a perfect Blaine song, all the clapping, the cups the rope-jumping and the choreography is great.
I like the Kurt-Rachel hug at the end. As much as I dislike Rachel, he will need a friend in the jungle that is NYC
Other Things:
Unique is part of the ND - yeah-finally - I love her
Will: “We don’t win with stars, we win as a team.” Really Will, you find out now, when Rachel has gone?!?
I love ‘Call Me Maybe’ - all the posing and 'fighting’ in the background. They are adorable.
“If you’re not scared just means you’re not sticking out your neck far enough”.
When Burt starts crying watching Kurt leave - it breaks my heart.
Kurt: “You truely are the world’s greatest dad.” Burt: “I know, it’s written on the mug you gave me for Father’s Day.”
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klaineship2 · 6 years
TDB Rewatch   The First Time   Episode 3x05
Blaine: "I‘m waiting for the right time.” 
This is one of my all time favourite Glee episodes. It stands out ‘like an island in the middle of many questionable plot lines’ (quote from TDB Podcast #33A - go listen to it, it’s fantastic) The way Glee paralleled the plot lines for Finchel and Klaine and the way they mesh the songs with the scenes is so perfectly working. (’A Boy Like That’ alternating with the Sebastian scenes gives me chills and ‘One Hand, One Heart’ at the end ist just..... *oh,my heart*) Did I mention recently that I love West Side Story and the songs and everything...
*sighs wistfully*
I will skip over all of the completely inappropriate conversations between Artie-Shannon-Cooter, but let me just say, the fact that Shannon doesn’t realize that Cooter’s trying to flirt and ask her out, because it’s just completely beyond her imagination that something like this could actually happen to her, makes me so so sad for her.
And now talking about the elephant in the roorm - first time sex!    Artie is wrong with implying that an actor can only act out situations and emotions he has experienced first hand (oh there would be a lot more cruel murders in the world!!) but he is the one who nudges both Blaine and Rachel into more thinking about a topic they have had conversations over with their significant others already. But there is a huge difference in the outcome of that. While Rachel just wants to ‘get it done’ for the greater good (her acting carreer, *cough*), Blaine really starts thinking and processing it, and though he very sincerely assures Kurt that he will never push him into doing something he isn’t ready for, he is also kind of admiring Sebastian for his confidence and forwardness and he’d clearly wish he was a bit like that as well. But you can also see how uncomfortable he is with Sebastian’s blatant and obvious remarks. His heart belongs to Kurt and he has absolutely no intentions to cheat on Kurt with Sebastian. He even refuses his invitation to Scandals because as much as he wants to be the forward and adventourous guy, that isn’t what Kurt wants and so he doesn’t want it either.
But when Kurt agrees to go to Scandals - they just go!. Kurt is the one to set the pace in their sexual relationship because he’s always been the one more reluctant and hesitant towards sex, and they set rules for their relationship in conversations. It is very obvious that Kurt is kind of torn between wanting more and thinking about taking the next step but still being nervous and worried about it at the same time. So when he agrees to go to Scandals and be adventurous, Blaine might hope that they are nearing the southern hemisphere finally. The problem is that they don’t actially talk about their altered needs and wishes and when Blaine gets drunk he just blurts it all out because his filter doesn’t work properly anymore. During that whole thursday Kurt obviously didn’t talk to Blaine, he had enough time to think things over and realize that he trusts Blaine completely to take that next step with him, but at his own pace, not rushed in the backseat of a car, but with all the romance and sweetness and love he always dreamed of.
I could quote every single Klaine scene of this episode, because every one of their lines is wonderful and perfect. They are both ready but they are both still nervous about talking about it properly and admitting their fears and wishes, so it boils up in the fight at the car. The auditorium scene is one of the most romantic Klaine scenes (besides the first kiss) and I love every second of it.
Klaine Things:
It’s also the first time, Blaine gets some screen time on his own (without Kurt)
“Yeah, we have urges, but whatever we do, I want to make sure that you’re comfortable.”
B: “Besides, tearing off all of your clothes is sort of a tall order.”  K: Because of the layers?” B: Because of the layers!”
The way Blaine walks down the staircase at Dalton (left hand on the bannister and looking around) mirrors exactly Kurt in the scene in NBK)
“I miss Dalton every day but McKinley is were my heart is.”
Kurt has a bucket list on his phone!  #86 Arrive at school in a hot air balloon.
The Noel Coward reference.
I love possessive Kurt and his bitch face for Sebastian.
“I just want to make art and help people.”
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Other Things:
“I’ve finally discovered my true passion - bossing everyone around. I mean, directing.”
No Artie, you don’t have to experience things yourself to be a good actor! Or did Darren have to murder someone to play Andrew Cunanan so convincingly?!?”
The Warblers are back! - Yeah :D
Santana is a wonderful, perfect Anita!!
Mike going on full confrontation with his Dad.
Drag Queen Wednesday!
“I want to go to your house.”
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spaceorphan18 · 7 years
TDB Rewatch: Born This Way
This might be the Glee-est Glee episode to ever Glee.  
And to be honest, like original song, I don’t know if I have anything new or profound to say about it. 
The episode does feel a little long, I mean I know it literally is the longest Glee episode, but maybe since I’ve seen it so many times, it drags in some places. 
Thank god there was no Sue though.    
I think the overall message is good, a little muddled, but good -- just like Glee itself. 
If changing yourself makes you be more you - then it’s okay.  But do it for you, not for the universe. 
I don’t like how Will handled Emma’s OCD.  However - he did have a point in that it’s preventing her from being her.  The therapist, however, was on point the whole way -- and one of the best scenes the show has done.  The show isn’t always good about mental illness -- but this was pitch perfect here.  
On a complete tangent - why would having red hair ever be something to be ashamed of? This seems super weird to me. 
Booty camp! I forgot it started in season 2.  Also - Finn whacking Rachel as pretty funny. 
Finn isn’t a dick in this episode - I can’t remember the last time that happened.  
Oh - and just throwing this out there -- Finn/Quinn are in a relatively happy place regarding their relationship -- and they’ve had almost zero screen time.  See -- it’s not just Klaine guys.... 
I don’t know if I just notice it more now, but man, there really was a ton of Faberry-ness in late season 2. 
I wish I had something more profound to say about Rachel and the nose job.  Weirdly, there’s not a whole lot about Rachel other than her episode long debate about the nose job.  
Meanwhile, Quinn and Prom Queen.  I don’t know if I’ll ever fully understand other than her desperate need to prove that she’s worth something to the world before she latches on to her inevitable mediocre life.  Man - that’s sad, Quinn. 
I may not have liked the whole Quinn reveled to be fat and ugly thing - but I do like Lauren in this episode --- and I like her confidence without the mean edge that she usually has.  I kind of wished they had kept this version of her around. 
My god - I hate the nameless fat girls club.  Fuck that, glee.  
Meanwhile - I’m sad that Mercedes doesn’t get anything to do in this episode. 
Meanwhile - Tina and Mike get to just make out in the background.  Eck.  
I don’t understand Santana’s logic at all in this episode.  
I’m glad Brittany calls her out on her shit. 
Is Karofsky actually sorry? Or is it all the blackmail? I’m having a hard time telling.  
For this being such a huge Kurt episode, Kurt’s not in it that much.  
but...  ALL THE KURT
Let’s talk about how pretty and confident Kurt is now that he’s getting some.  I mean damn, kid. 
I mean, the Kurt arc of season 2 -- just yeah. 
Can we also talk about how pretty Kurt looks in that vest? 
I somehow managed to forget how different Darren looks as Blaine.  Geez... 
Somewhere Only We Know always makes me sad :( 
I’ll never say goodbye to you
As If We Never Said Goodbye <3 
All the musical numbers in this episode are fantastic and worth talking about.  
What would your t-shirt say?
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spaceorphan18 · 7 years
TDB Rewatch: Britney/Brittany (2x02)
Back when I first was watching the show - after watching this episode, I nearly quit because I thought it was awful.  And up until today - I don’t think I really remember why.  But watching it in context of one a week, I’m pretty much back to my original thoughts on the episode.  It’s kind of awful, and I spent a good 90% of the episode wanting it to be over.  
Disclaimer: I’m not a fan of Britney Spears’s music.  I have no issue with her personally (I’m indifferent at most.)  But my issues with this episode aren’t really even with the music.  The performances of the songs were just fine, and well done, imo.  Just -- the plot.  
I mean, not only are the two main plots (Wemma/Finchel) kind of unbearable to watch because of how awful the characters are, the rest of what’s going on feels shoehorned in to fit around Britney Spears music.   I guess the whole point was the ending speech Emma said about taking the drive Spears gives you and channeling it into something good (I think?) but the whole message of the episode seems incredibly muddled and lost underneath spectacle of doing Britney music. 
Or.  It’s the first (real) time I really think the show forced its plot to wrap around the music and it felt that way.  This episode is a mess. 
Where to even start.  I guess with Finchel - because it’s what irked me most about the episode.  Season 1 Rachel always had a slew of insecurities, but season 2 has ramped them up big time -- first she sends Sunshine to a crack house for fear of losing her spotlight and now she’s so afraid of losing Finn that she’s trying to control him.  I get what they’re going for with her - but it’s sad, because while the other characters seem to be getting more development, Rachel feels like she’s taking a step backwards - into this shell of a person.  And she keeps making these choices I just can’t get behind. 
I guess one thing that stood out to me was when Rachel said something like the relationship works when they feel bad about themselves - which is something Terri said to Will in season 1.  Why, show?  Why would you take your main couple and give them the same issues as your toxic season 1 couple? I don’t understand this? 
Also interestingly, is that Finn doesn’t seem to come out as badly, even though he tries to control Rachel a bit, too. 
Idk - I don’t feel like psychoanalyzing Finchel in this review.  I think mostly, it reminds me why this couple doesn’t work for me -- even after the figure out they’re trying to control each other - it’s still very much a high school romance that doesn’t seem to be grounded in anything but that.  (I’m sorry Glee that I’m not buying what you’re trying to show me.) 
Meanwhile, I do think Rachel’s speech at the end of the episode about not controlling your partner has some similar echoes of stuff that will come up in the Klaine story late in the series -- bird metaphor and all.  
As a quick aside about Quinn -- she looks actually upset about having to ask Finn out to help Rachel test him (which, god Rachel, no.)  Quinn hasn’t really done anything yet in this season, but it’s a nice set up for her complicated feelings about the whole thing.  
Side note 2 - I feel like Rachel was given Baby One More Time to let Lea Michele be sexy -- but it comes off as really, super awkward.  
And then there’s Will, who is acting even worse than Finchel.  I wonder if they already started running out of ideas for Will - because he feels way more cartoonish and silly then he did in season 1.  Anyway, Will is trying to be impulsive for Emma because he thinks it’s what she wants.  It’s weird because he thinks he’s never impulsive -- but I’d argue that’s all he is.  He doesn’t seem to think at all about the consequences for his action, and the entire narrative of the show so far seems to be derived from Will making dumbass decisions on a dime.  Idk.  
I actually feel a little bad about the characterization of Will at this point.  He’s not allowed to grow - therefore he never learns from all the stupid things he does.  :/  
I don’t understand what Emma sees in him. 
Meanwhile, Carl.  Do people not like Carl? I think he seems fine.  And John Stamos is delightful and charming in the role.  Why does Emma not stay with Carl? I don’t get it. 
Did Terri really need to come back? I mean - was there any real reason for her to be in this episode? Nope. 
And that’s it for plot leaving -- the rest of this heap of mess, my god. 
Okay, so this was when they were still trying to do musical numbers grounded in some sort of reality -- to the point that they have a dentist use a drug to get kids to hallucinate so they all start seeing Britney Spears?  What even are you doing show?  Just --- let there be fantasies.  omg. 
Why does Brittany feel invigorated by Britney Spears? I feel like I don’t get it.  
I always felt like Brittany had more of an actual plotline here - but she really doesn’t.  That said -- I’ll give props to the actual productions.  Heather Morris (and Naya Rivera) really are amazing here, and even if I don’t like the songs, I’m sold by the music videos.  Great job all around.  
Meanwhile, Artie gets a number so Kevin McHale can have something to do.  I don’t understand why he thinks being on the football team will win Tina back.  
Why does Coach Beiste do a 180 about having Finn and Artie on the team? It feels a little random.  No idea.  
Meanwhile, Sue has some amusing lines.  The feud is getting old, but Sue’s crazy monologues haven’t gotten stale yet.  
Toxic.  **sigh** I realize this was supposed to be a bit like Push It -- funny in its fail at being provocative.  But I feel like it kinda failed with the inclusion of Will.  
I could also do without ever seeing JBI fake masturbating (twice-ish) again.  That’s not funny, Glee, it’s gross.  
It’s interesting to me that Azimio and Karofsky have shown up twice now bullying -- but it’s been all Finn at this point.  
Kurt’s not having a very good year so far.  It’s so in the background, but I’m enjoying this struggle Kurt’s going through being in a tiny plot line throughout this season.  Oh kiddo - you just need a bright ball of sunshine in your world, don’tcha.  ;) 
The best parts of this episode were Finn forgetting he was taking US History and Kurt saying ‘really?’ after Brittany thinks Finn can fly.  I had forgotten about both - and the only real time I truly laughed during the episode. 
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spaceorphan18 · 7 years
So @nadiacreek‘s finally getting her list out to the world - I thought I’d put mine in a single list so we can compare and contrast for the upcoming podcast she and I are doing for TDB Podcast. 
New New York (5x14)
Original Song (2x16)
Love Love Love (5x01)
The First Time (3x05)
2009 (6x12)
Tested (5x16)
Born This Way (2x18)
The Untitled Rachel Berry Project (5x20)
Prom Queen (2x20)
Dreams Come True (6x13)
The Quarterback (5x03)
Guilty Pleasures (4x17)
Loser Like Me (6x01)
New Directions (5x13)
Duets (2x04)
Laryngitis (1x18)
Dance With Somebody (3x17)
Puppet Master (5x07)
Never Been Kissed (2x06)
A Wedding (6x08)
Theatricality (1x20)
Big Brother (3x15)
Wonderful (4x21)
I Do (4x14)
Dynamic Duets (4x07)
Silly Love Songs (2x12)
Diva (4x13)
The Hurt Locker pt. 2 (6x05)
The Purple Piano Project (3x01)
The Back Up Plan (5x18)
Grilled Cheesus (2x03)
The Break Up (4x04)
Blame It On the Alcohol (2x14)
Home (1x16)
Jagged Little Tapestry (6x03)
Glee, Actually (4x10)
Girls and Boys on Film (4x15)
The Power of Madonna (1x15)
Frenemies (5x09)
Old Dogs, New Tricks (5x19)
Goodbye (3x22)
Homecoming (6x0)
A Katy or a Gaga (5x04)
Sadie Hawkins (4x11)
Makeover (4x03)
Extraordinary Merry Christmas (3x09)
Sexy (2x15)
Movin’ Out (5x06)
All or Nothing (4x22)
Wheels (1x09)
The End of Twerk (5x05)
Bash (5x15)
Bad Reputation (1x17)
Transitioning (6x07)
Trio (5x10)
What the World Needs Now (6x06)
Opening Night (5x17)
City of Angels (5x11)
Sectionals (1x13)
We Built This Glee Club (6x11)
Pilot (1x01)
Furt (2x08)
The Hurt Locker pt. 1 (6x04)
Heart (3x13)
Feud (4x16)
I Am Unicorn (3x02)
The Substitute (2x07)
Ballad (1x10)
Journey to Regionals (1x22)
Rumours (2x19)
100 (5x12)
Michael (3x11)
Preggers (1x04)
New York (2x22)
Tina in the Sky With Diamonds (5x02)
Thanksgiving (4x08)
Special Education (2x09)
Swan Song (4x09)
Saturday Night Gleever (3x16)
Naked (4x12)
Dream On (1x19)
Shooting Star (4x18)
Choke (3x18)
Yes/No (3x10)
Hold Onto 16 (3x08)
Funeral (2x21)
The Role You Were Born to Play (4x05)
Asian F (3x03)
The Sue Sylvester Shuffle (2x11)
Britney 2.0 (4x02)
A Very Glee Christmas (2x10)
Promasarus (3x19)
Hello (1x14)
Mattress (1x12)
The New Rachel (4x01)
Hairography (1x11)
Throwdown (1x07)
Mash Off (3x06)
Vitamin D (1x06)
Previously Unaired Christmas (5x08)
Props (3x20)
Showmance (1x02)
Britney/Brittany (2x02)
The Rocky Horror Glee Show (2x05)
On My Way (3x14)
Sweet Dreams (4x19)
The Rhodes Not Taken (1x05)
Nationals (3x21)
Child Star (6x09)
Comeback (2x13)
Glease (4x06)
Mash Up (1x08)
Pot o Gold (3x04)
Funk (1x21)
Lights Out (4x20)
A Night of Neglect (2x17)
Audition (2x01)
Acafellas (1x03)
I Kissed a Girl (3x07)
The Spanish Teacher (3x12)
The Rise and Fall of Sue Sylvester (6x10)
So - looking at this list, I can definitely tell I grouped things by tens when I originally did this.  There may be some minor differences now (and I’ll be interested to see the differences when I do my within the season rankings for TDB Rewatch recap week).  
Also - thinking season wise, I think it’s pretty clear how I feel.  
Seasons 2 and 5 are my favorites - though I think season 2 has extreme highs and lows, while season 5 is more consistent. 
Seasons 4 and 6 Idk if I could choose between - I think I like them equally, tbh. 
Season 1 - which has some great things in the back 9, but the Front 13 always feels like a slog.  
and Season 3.  Ug. But it does have some bright moments in it.  
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