v4nnyzzz · 5 years
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Scrapped painting sketch of a river from RDR2 + silly personal stranger things/rdr2 crossover doodle of Billy and my OC Syn lol
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v4nnyzzz · 5 years
Good morning my day started off with shitty thoughts and then I thought about post-mindflayed billy's death and Syn reacting to that now I am sadder tm oop
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v4nnyzzz · 5 years
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Based off of an rp(I guess you'd call that) I had with @losermultifandomidiot that ended up in syngrove angst lel
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v4nnyzzz · 5 years
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Shitpost doodles, the top being based off of this post, while the bottom is based off of this. Out of context The Good Place quotes are fun to redraw.
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v4nnyzzz · 5 years
Billy bein a mean' ol bully to Syn feat. Cowboy Syn that totally isn't because of RDR2.
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v4nnyzzz · 5 years
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me and a friend were discussing modern!Syngrove and we came up w/ eboy Billy and youtuber gamer Syn, so here’s eboy Bill.
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v4nnyzzz · 5 years
More syngrove development!!! bc i lov themb
My favourite personal interpretation of Billy is just lone wolf wannabe ass bitch. He's all "I don't want/need friends. I'm fine on my own. Fuck off."
He tries so hard to prove he's fine on his own even though he secretly wants more friends but won't admit it to himself. But he also convinced himself he doesn't want any because all his life he's been surrounded by "friends" who've only been there when they needed him and nothing else.
Under read more cos I don’t wanna clog peoples’ dashes!
After a few months he gradually befriends Syn and he's definitely much closer to him—and, in a previous fic I've mentioned before, being able to refer to him by his nickname and not his actual name is a sign of trust. He genuinely enjoys Syn's company and loves to hang out with him, which is absolutely flabbergasting to every other student who actually gives a fuck about trivial student population hierarchies in Hawkins.
I imagine Billy went from a bully to a friend over the course of those few months and he slowly realises that the entire time he spent bullying Syn was partially because he was jealous of Syn for who he was, yk?? But Syn also isn't what he comes off as all the time and in fact he's just. This really sad guy who goes through a fuck ton of shit and actually has a similar home situation as Billy's and that evokes a sense of sympathy within Billy. But he also bullied Syn in particular because he wasn't really sure how to go about befriending him, and he figured just being an ass was a lot better than subjecting Syn to all his perceived personality flaws, should he have initially decided to befriend Syn. In a way I suppose he was scared of scaring Syn off, hence why he'd rather bullied than befriended him(though in this case it seems he's bullied then befriended him).
Does it make sense? Most likely not. He is a troubled teenager with possible stunted emotional development or lack thereof, can't really expect it to make sense from an outsider's perspective. Billy hasn't exactly grown up with the best support system and care there is to offer, either.
He went from "Fucking lame ass nerd doesn't even know how to present properly in front of the class lol shy ass ugly bitch" to "Let me PIN YOU DOWN so I can GIVE YOU A KISS before SEEING YOU HOME you NERD!!! LET ME PUNCH U IN THE LIPS W MINE U DWEEB!!!!! YOU BEAUTIFUL LITTLE SHIT!!!!! FUMCK U!!!!!!"
uwu i love these two sm
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v4nnyzzz · 5 years
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Throwin' in some traditional drawings/sketches as well. Second one's prep sketches for that one piece I worked on.
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v4nnyzzz · 5 years
I don't wanna disturb my gf in her sleep so imma post shitty thoughts about synships
Syn, but he just casually answers the phone when fucking. Bitch has been a gangster for roughly 2 years in this AU timeline so like..... Learning how to be casual while getting pounded in the ass so you can complete business transactions and records over the phone? You just gotta.
Billy has his grip around the back of Syn's neck and suddenly the phone rings and the next thing you know Syn reaches for the phone and a "Yello, state your name and your business calling this line."
Steve cleaning his cum off of Syn's gapin' hole and both of them are in utter bliss because they love to please each other and suddenly, "'Ello. Eeyup, this is Iron Jaws speaking."
Syn probably in the middle of blowing Tommy and right as Tommy is about to climax, Syn reaches for the phone as if he wasn't just sucking a guy off. Wipes the saliva off of the corners of his lips and says, "What's up? Got the dosh already, Lambchop?"
Mans gives 0 fucks at this point and all three dumbasses gotta deal with Syn's weird bullcrap.
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v4nnyzzz · 5 years
For some reason I'm super interested in the exploration of the idea idea of Syn and Billy pre-acquaintanceship. Billy is just this ball of unbridled rage and confusion, and he's taking his anger and confusion out on Syn out of all the victims he could choose.
(Keep in mind these are MY interpretations for MY version of Billy! Don't take it for gospel.)
Poor lad doesn't understand his emotions, why Syn makes him feel things. Things he's never felt with anybody, ever. He's never been the guy to stay with a gal after sex, always quick to dip once he's done; three words("see ya around.") and then he's off. But with Syn, he wants to stay and he wants to cuddle and he wants to be with. Never been one for physical affection, makes him come off a pansy. The distance and hard-to-get demeanour serves to make him more desirable, too, among the girls of Hawkins' High. His confusion and inability to comprehend why he likes Syn and the way he acts out with violence—that's the thing, it's sometimes physical with Syn and sometimes not—doesn't excuse him, not at all. Yet it's also interesting. He hates gays, doesn't he?
Billy doesn't like to question why, never ask him why. Why does he hate gays, indeed? What about them is so repulsive he despises them so? He doesn't know, he doesn't want to know, hates thinking about why he hates 'em, don't ask him.
Perhaps he hates them because he adopts Neil's beliefs early on in life. Neil is a parental figure after all, as much of a piece of shit he was. Part of him, unaware as he is, wants Neil's approval. Maybe if he hated them enough and made enough of a show of it around Neil, Neil would finally compliment him on something. But say that to Billy, he'll call you insane and tell you to piss off because the next time he sees you you're fucking deadmeat.
Billy's always doing his signature annoying little licking of his teeth whenever he's in contact with Syn. Goading him in the hallways, taunting him in PE, swiping Syn's soap and shampoo and tossing then back and forth between himself and Tommy. Dirty-blonde bastard believes he loves provoking Syn, relishes in it. It's only worth it when Syn reacts.
Syn can fight, but for some unknown reason he acts so timid and tame during school hours. Billy hates that, thinks he's a pussy. He's got all this potential but Billy has to fuckin' push him, do all the work! Billy hates that. Hates him. Syn makes him feel things, makes him think he's a queer, makes him question things. He hates it when he spots Syn hanging out with that harringturd fellow, doesn't know why. Just knows that he hates that sight with all his heart. Syn thinks Billy's got this obsession with him, sure seems like it really. Can you blame him?
Even when Syn figured out when best to shower(when everybody is gone and he has peace and quiet), Billy who had no business there, was there. Approaching Syn, nude, and taunting him. Billy's waiting for the next punch, the next "Fuck you want with me, Hargrove?", so that justifies his retort in response. Wants Syn to react, to lash out and lose his cool. He'll take Syn down, no problem, chubby boy's got meat on him but it isn't for fighting. Or so Billy assumes. He'll call him "Princess" in an attempt to insult Syn's masculinity, or lack thereof. Pretty boy, Chubs, Dweeb, Dork. Syn can hold his ground fully clothed, but when exposed in a space as big as the showers(they feel so big despite Syn being so cornered), Syn feels helpless. Embarrassed and ashamed, he is insecure about his appearance and that's entirely why he feels particularly distressed that Billy's invaded not only his personal space but his safe space.
Billy doesn’t think about why he wants Syn of all people to react so badly, says it’s so that he can get a good punch out of his system and then some. Feel a great sense of relief at having beaten the poor boy to a pulp.
Then there’s the incident where Billy tackled Syn to the ground, pushed him face-down and sat on him. Grabbed Syn’s arms and restrained them behind his back with just one hand, sitting atop of the brunet’s back. Syn was scared shitless, a fact which made Billy chortle sardonically(sadistic little shit he was). Syn hated having his body on the ground like that, it always made him anxious. Anxious that somehow, his ribs would end up fucked over by the hard surface. He doesn’t mind lying stomach-down on carpet or anything soft, but god forbid solid ground. Syn hardly cried in public, but this incident made him tear up and beg. With a man like Billy practically near crushing the poor boy beneath him, how could he not? Syn was in a gang, sure, but this was just one of the things he couldn’t handle very well.
Billy wanted to laugh in his face triumphantly, let go of his arms and grabbed his hair, but then a simple glance at Syn’s pained expression and tears streaking down his cheeks made Billy feel the slightest pang of guilt.
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v4nnyzzz · 5 years
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[insert Syn dragging Billy into the scene and saying “This is the stupid.”]
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v4nnyzzz · 5 years
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Good evenin' tumblr I fully expect these to flop but hey here's some syngrove, feat. A painting I spent a few days on on the veeery top.
Said painting is based on the prompts "Evil // Outfit swap", albeit toned down to just schoolyard bullies
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v4nnyzzz · 5 years
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assortment of things
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v4nnyzzz · 5 years
Syn's shapeshifting is something I really like to think about. I'm not quite sure if I wanna make it something that's physically comprehensible, I kinda always lean towards something more of a "blink once and suddenly he has the head of a hyena".
It's an interesting concept to explore, it's... The end product of it is physical, yes, but the process? What about the process? There seems to be no process, as if it's a trick of the light. But then you reach out to touch it and you can feel Syn's fur bristle(he is not a particularly big fan of being touched without permission), you can see the snarl on his face form and his brows furrow, you know his fur is real, his teeth more so then. You know better than to reach out and feel them, to see if they're real.
Billy doesn't, Billy reaches out, and he wants to feel Syn. "Bite me," he says, "I wanna see if your fangs are real."
Suppose that plays in with my idea of world building where you can't just explain everything away, in my world building there is no concrete when it comes to the paranormal/supernatural and un-human aspects of existence. Of course this post seems to intertwine the stranger things universe with my own personal worldbuilding. But what I mean to get at is that even with the strangers things version of Syn, I don't think I want to explain how his shapeshifting works. It's not quite physical, it's not comprehensible, you're forced to blink and see the end product. The start and end, with no middle. And you are curious but even Syn cannot explain it. Though sometimes it can be physical, that would be interesting. If he wanted to scare people, his skin could tear and his eyes could shift and he could show physical signs of shapeshifting if he wanted, maybe.
Billy doesn't get bitten that night, but he can feel Syn's tongue. Reminiscent of a dog's. Eerie. Billy is equal parts frightened and fascinated. The boy before him, he's the same age but he looks more boyish than a man, is like a secret. A personal secret that only Billy holds the key to. Syn is a person, his own entity, but it's so thrilling to Billy to have something so interesting in his life that he seems to have even a semblance of control over; whether to disseminate the information or keep it to himself. But he knows better than to betray Syn's trust, so he keeps quiet.
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v4nnyzzz · 5 years
When ur shapeshifter bf by the name of Syn turns into a horrible little goose terrorising the residents of Hawkins
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v4nnyzzz · 5 years
God it’s kinda funny thinkin’ about how oblivious Syn would act around Steve, Billy, and Tommy.
Tommy just laughing with Syn while Billy and Steve are trying to one-up each other in trying to woo Syn, and Tommy just suddenly being all “haahahah wouldn’t it be kinda cute if we were dating tho right hahahahhahh just saying hahaaah” and Syn’s just like “haha yea”
Syn just rolls with it. It’s not like he’s daft, he suspects Tommy is flirting with him when he says things like that but he’s also unsure so he just plays along honestly.
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