#Symptoms Of A Bacterial Vaginosis Infection
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fidicuswomen · 3 months ago
Call : +917997101303 | WhatsApp : https://wa.me/917997101505 | Website : https://fidicus.com
What happens if you Neglect Vaginitis? Treatment Cure Medicine Surgery | Gynaecology Women Female
Neglecting vaginitis can lead to severe complications, including chronic discomfort, pelvic inflammatory disease, infertility, or increased risk of other infections. In this video, we explore the causes, symptoms, and potential dangers of untreated vaginitis. Learn how timely diagnosis and treatment, including homeopathy, can prevent long-term health issues and restore your well-being. Watch now to understand why you shouldn’t ignore this condition and how to manage it effectively.
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batmanisagatewaydrug · 7 months ago
Hi sex witch! Does BV normally cause itching? I got fingered in a cave a few days ago by someone whose hands were a bit unclean and covered in cave dust and now my vagina is itchy. I assume it's a yeast infection but I can't see any discharge and I've seen different websites saying different things about whether or not BV can make you itch? (Side note, I will of course see a doctor if I'm unsure!! I would just rather pick something up from the pharmacy as it's quicker :) )
hi anon,
bacterial vaginosis doesn't always present the same way in everyone; sometimes it causes itching and sometimes it has no symptoms. best to check in with a healthcare provider if you're not sure exactly what you're working with, especially given the cave dust of it all. can't believe I have to say this but don't let people finger you when their hands are covered in cave dust. I try not to be judgmental but christ.
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theygender · 3 months ago
2024 Tumblr Top 10
1. 59,103 notes - Feb 18 2024
Having a vagina honestly sucks bc it's like you have to do fucking alchemy just to prevent yourself from getting sick. You've got an intricate ecosystem of microorganisms down there that you're dependent on for your own well-being and they can be set off by the tiniest fucking thing
Keeping your pubes too short can cause yeast infections, but letting them get too long can also cause yeast infections. Washing the area with specialized soap can help prevent yeast infections, but it can also cause them. Your periods can cause yeast infections, and so can the medicine you take to stop your periods. Having sex can cause yeast infections, especially if the person you're having sex with is diabetic (???). Being diabetic can cause yeast infections. Wearing the wrong clothes or eating the wrong things can cause yeast infections. Not getting enough fucking sleep can cause yeast infections. The list is neverending
Luckily, yeast infections are fairly easy to treat with OTC medicine that you can find at any Walmart. BUT! Even if all of your symptoms indicate that you have a yeast infection, you have to take a test first to confirm that it's a yeast infection (they do not sell the tests at Walmart) bc you might actually have the opposite of a yeast infection (bacterial vaginosis) which has the exact same symptoms as a yeast infection but is caused by an imbalance of different microorganisms. And if you use yeast infection medicine to treat a bacterial infection it will light your pussy on fire. So if you have a bacterial infection, you must instead visit your local witch doctor (gynecologist) and get prescribed special potions (antibiotics) to treat it
Antibiotics can also cause yeast infections
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You know I'm gonna be honest. I don't think all these apps really need access to my precise location
3. 4,152 notes - Oct 12 2024
Griddlehark isn't enemies to lovers. It's "crabs fighting to keep each other in a bucket" to "crabs sacrificing themselves to help each other out of the bucket"
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Here's a video of my new black kitten to celebrate Friday the 13th
6. 387 notes - Dec 4 2024
The reason your brain feels shitty when you don't shower is bc the human body remembers its humble origins as a protovertebrate aquatic worm that breathed through its skin so when your pores get clogged the worm part of your brain thinks you're suffocating and gets scared. Going into the wet regularly helps keep your worm brain calm and happy bc it keeps your skin clean and also simulates the worm's natural environment of the old mid-cambrian ocean. Take care of your worm brain. It's hard being the evolutionary remnant of a creature so tiny it can't understand lungs trapped inside the body of a large complex mammal
7. 265 notes - Oct 22 2024
So apparently the symptoms for chronic fatigue include loss of memory, reduced concentration, and fainting/lightheadedness when sitting/standing up?? Why didn't anyone tell me about this 😭
8. 196 notes - Apr 16 2024
Imagine how cursed it would be if tumblr had a memories feature like facebook. If I had to log on and see like "8 years ago today you posted [vent about how much you wanted to kill yourself]" or "10 years ago today you posted [0 note flop that you tagged #funny #meme]" I would just delete my blog
9. 156 notes - Jun 5 2024
Had a dream last night that the mushrooms in Mario games were realistic and you had to identify their species to find out if they were poisonous before you could eat them
10. 148 notes - Apr 10 2024
Harmonizing is gay as hell tbh. What are you singing alto for? Bc you want to be under another woman? Bc you want to support her and uplift her so she can achieve things that she never could have achieved alone, regardless of whether you get anything in return? Bc you want to entwine your body voice with hers until no one can tell where you end and she begins? I need to lie down
Created by TumblrTop10
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gynin · 1 year ago
The Best Vaginal Gel Brand for Vaginal Infection Prevention and Treatment
Introducing Gynin – Elevating Women's Intimate Health Naturally
Embark on a journey of unparalleled comfort and well-being with Gynin, a brand dedicated to redefining the approach to women's intimate health. In a world where self-care is paramount, Gynin stands as your ally, offering a groundbreaking vaginal gel that combines the potency of natural ingredients with a commitment to addressing vaginal discomfort without the worry of side effects.
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Understanding Your Needs
We recognize the unique challenges women face when it comes to intimate health. Vaginal dryness, itching, burning, and irritation can be not only physically uncomfortable but also emotionally distressing. Gynin aims to provide a comprehensive solution that goes beyond symptom relief – our goal is to empower you with a product that nurtures and supports your body's natural balance.
Natural Ingredients for Holistic Relief
At the heart of Gynin lies a carefully curated blend of natural ingredients, selected for their proven efficacy in addressing common symptoms associated with bacterial vaginosis or yeast infections. Our formula is designed to work in harmony with your body, providing relief without the potential side effects often associated with conventional treatments.
From soothing botanical extracts to time-tested herbal remedies, Gynin harnesses the power of nature to create a gentle yet effective vaginal gel. We believe in transparency, and our commitment to using natural ingredients ensures that you can trust every component of our product.
Embracing Wellness Without Compromise
Gynin stands out as a beacon of trust in the crowded landscape of intimate health products. Our vaginal gel is meticulously crafted to offer a soothing and non-intrusive experience, allowing you to address discomfort with confidence. We understand that your intimate health is an integral part of your overall well-being, and Gynin is here to support you on your journey to a happier, healthier you.
The Gynin Difference
What sets Gynin apart is not just our product but our philosophy. We believe in the power of nature to restore and maintain balance, and our commitment to quality ensures that you receive a product that aligns with the highest standards of safety and efficacy. Say goodbye to concerns about side effects – Gynin is your natural solution for vaginal discomfort prevention and treatment.
Experience the transformative difference with Gynin – where nature meets wellness, ushering in a new era of intimate health for women. Trust in Gynin to be your partner in embracing comfort and confidence in every aspect of your life.
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thescrumblingmidwife · 2 years ago
Sorry if I'm getting too to the point, but this question has been on my mind for quite some time and I'm embarrassed to ask my parents.
Is it normal for my vagina to have a fishy odor and to smell too much? It's usually not very strong, but sometimes I can smell the smell and I'm embarrassed that someone else can smell it.
Thanks for reading this question!
Hi Anon,
Without being able to examine you myself, or take a health history, I would err on the side of asking your doctor - even your pediatrician. I know you're embarrassed to ask your parents, but is it possible just to ask for a check-in? Do you have a mom/parent who needs gynecologic healthcare, who would be understanding?
This could be just that you are sensitive to what is a normal smell. During menstrual cycle fluctuations, the odors can vary, and sometimes even be mildly fishy. In this case, it's really unlikely anyone else is smelling it. Does the smell come and go? If you're a young adolescent who has never had intercourse, this is the most likely cause.
It's also possible you could have an imbalance in your normal vaginal flora that has allowed a bacterial infection to set in, called bacterial vaginosis (or BV, for short). BV usually comes with other symptoms, like a thin/watery greyish discharge; itching around the vulva; or a burning sensation when peeing. Although it's not a sexually transmitted disease, it's much less common in people who have not had sex. The treatment is a short course of an antibiotic. Do you have any other symptoms?
Finally, there is an uncommon condition called trimethylaminuria (TMAU), which is when you lack the enzyme to break down certain compounds, and it leaves your breath, sweat, and vaginal secretions with an odor that can be described as fishy or sulfurous. Is it just your vaginal secretions, or do you notice it elsewhere in your body?
Sorry I can't be more help here, Anon, without more information. I hope you can find a way to talk to your doctor or trust your parents, just so you can rule out anything.
Note to all teens: When you visit your doctor, you should be seen without your parents in the room, for at least a part of the visit. This is the time when you should be able to ask these kinds of questions.
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kiy8mis · 1 year ago
for anyone else coming from a similar background, because i believe everyone has a right to be well educated about their own bodies, here are some vaginal discharge facts:
1. it’s supposed to be there— it is completely 100% normal and healthy to be constantly throughout the day getting your underwear damp
2. the consistency and even the smell/taste change depending on where you are in your menstrual cycle. the thick, egg white consistency discharge happens during ovulation, and ��The Slime” is a thinner, slippery discharge that you tend to get right before and after menstruation (the consistency means it tends to get everywhere and feel like a period). as you approach ovulation, your discharge should get more opaque and less slippery— i hate the word creamy, but it’s the best word to describe what this texture is moving towards.
3. discharge contains vaginal flora (good bacteria that are necessary for a healthy vagina) which produce lactic acid, which keeps your vagina acidic to prevent infection. two effects of this are that your discharge will have an odor that may change based on your cycle and also as you age, and it will eventually bleach your underwear. these are both completely healthy and normal phenomena. there is no amount of washing, douching, or perfuming that will get rid of the smell or stop your vagina from secreting discharge, and doing those things disrupts the little ecosystem of helpful/necessary bacteria and yeast in your vagina (called your microbiome) and makes you significantly more susceptible to yeast infections and bacterial vaginosis.
4. here’s a list of discharge characteristics that ARE a cause for concern (likely not comprehensive):
- foul/fishy odor— the important thing here is to be sure that it’s the actual discharge that smells bad and that you’re not also smelling sweat/body odor. you sweat and have body odor in your crotch just like in your armpits, and that sweat/odor will get on your vulva and vaginal opening during the regular course of your day. if your actual discharge smells bad, you likely have an infection.
- ammonia/urine smell or anything chemical-smelling— also indicative of infection, be sure that it’s actually the discharge that smells bad and that you aren’t also smelling urine (easier to do than you’d think).
- grey, green, or yellow color— indicates infection, particularly if you have itching/burning/pain or if the discharge on its own smells bad
- pink/red/brown color IF you’re nowhere near your period and you don’t have a history of spotting (those colors are usually period-related but sometimes they happen for other reasons, this one is less concerning than the others but if it happens regularly when you’re not on/about to be on your period and/or if it comes with any of the above symptoms then please see a doctor)
- milky/cloudy white IF it looks different then your more opaque discharge normally does, if it has weird texture, if it smells like fish/smells foul (the actual discharge, not your vulva) and/or if it occurs alongside any kind of itching, burning, or pain
- chunky, cottage cheese texture, frothy/bubbly— indicate infection
- thick and creamy IF it seems like more than usual/comes out faster than usual, doesn’t look like your opaque discharge normally looks, smells fishy (again, make sure it’s not just body odor), or comes with any of the aforementioned symptoms.
side note about “fishiness”: between the natural odor of vaginal discharge, the sweat glands you have in your crotch area, and the fact that most of the time you’re probably wearing underwear and maybe even pants, it is normal for your vulva to have an odor that you notice when you take off your pants/underwear even if you just showered this morning. the odor is very likely to be stronger if your underwear/pants are made of synthetic fabrics that hinder airflow and prevent sweat from evaporating. the odor may also become stronger if you sit in one place for a long time, particularly with your legs crossed— you sweat more in that position and the sweat can’t escape as easily as when you stand/walk. anyone who tells you that “smelling fishy” is a sign of bad hygiene is either misinformed or bigoted (tends to be the same people that refer to vulvas as “roast beef” and claim a vagina can get loose from too much penetrative sex… i’m sure you all know the type).
having a uterus SUCKS man bc all day you'll be feeling the "hey bestie check your pants 😃 check it right now 😃 you might be getting your period 😃 hey bestie i think youre bleeding 😃" and then when you check if you got your period and your body is like WRONG ❌️ its The Slime
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nursingwriter · 2 days ago
Vaginosis A GROWING SCOURGE AMONG CHILDBEARING WOMEN Chief Complaint -- Julita, 22 years old, complained of abnormal vaginal discharge (Brown, 2007). She described the discharge as offensive and fishy-smelling. I last saw the patient two weeks ago on July 2, 2009. History of Present Illness -- She said she had no vulval itching, soreness or pain during intercourse, pelvic or abdominal pain. Menstrual History -- She had no bleeding between menstrual periods or dysuria. Her last menstrual period was three weeks before the day of consultation and was normal. Gynecological History -- She had no history of post-coital bleeding Reproductive History -- She is not married and has no children. Past History -- She had no concurrent medical conditions. Her only medication was the combined oral contraceptive pill. Family History -- there is no history of sexually transmitted disease in the patient's family Social and Psychological History -- Julita is an average woman with no remarkable or significant social or psychological abnormality. X Physical Assessment -- Examination showed thin, white or grey homogenous Discharge coating the vaginal walls. There was offensive or fishy odor but no vulvitis, or vaginitis, cervical discharge, cervicitis or contact bleeding. However, she had a raised vaginal pH of 6 (Brown). The patient was examined and tested for sexually transmitted infections, inflammation and any abnormality, such as cuts fissure, ulcers and blisters (Brown, 2007). She was also subjected to speculum examination for consistency of vaginal discharge, amount, color, odor, vaginitis, cervicitis, cervical discharge and contract as well as for the collection of specimen for further tests. Vaginal pH of higher than 5 indicates bacterial vaginosis or trichomoniasis. Endocervical swabs were taken to test for Chlamydia and gonorrhoea. The likeliest diagnosis is bacterial vaginosis, as it is the most common cause of abnormal vaginal discharge among childbearing women. Bacterial vaginosis is characterized by an overgrowth of mostly anaerobic organisms, which replace protective lactobacilli and raise vaginal pH level (Brown). XI. Differential Diagnoses -- the first is likelier to be trichomoniasis than bacterial vaginosis. Trichomoniasis produces a thin, frothy, green or yellow and foul-smelling vaginal discharge with a raised pH. The patient has no dyspareunia or soreness, no cervicitis and no erythema of the external genitals or vagina. The second is candidiasis, although unlikely because the vaginal discharge produced by the infective agent, candida, has a pH lessen than 4.5. The discharge is thick, white and looks like cottage cheese and has no odor. Associated symptoms of candidiasis include vulval itch, edema and fissures. The third and fourth diagnoses are Chlamydia and gonorrhea, which produce muco-purulent discharge from the cervix (Brown). XII. Final Diagnosis -- tests and examinations revealed bacterial vaginosis. XIII. Management -- this includes 2 grams of metronidazole as a single dose or 400 mg metronidazole twice a day for seven days (Brown, 2007). If the patient cannot tolerate oral metronidazole, she may use topical treatments, such as intravaginal metronidazole or clindamycin cream, although they are costlier options. She is advised from performing vaginal douching, washing the genitals with shower gels or soaps and using bath antiseptics. These will affect the vaginal flora and allow the recurrence of bacterial vaginosis (Brown). Vaginal discharge may be caused by non-sexually transmitted infections or sexually transmitted infections or STIs (Brown, 2007). Non-STIs are bacterial vaginosis and candidiasis. STIs are richomonas vaginalis, Chlamydia trachomatis, and neisseria gonorrhea. Non-infective causes are retained tampon or condom, allergic reactions, ectropian, cervical polyp, fistulae, atrophic changes and genital tract malignancy. The duration of the discharge, the amount, color, consistency, blood staining, odor, pattern of cycle, previous episodes and associated symptoms should be determined. These associated symptoms include dysuria, itching, soreness, bleeding between menstrual periods or after intercourse, superficial or deep dyspareunia or lower abdominal and pelvic pain. An assessment of the patient's risk and clinical history helps in diagnosing and managing her condition. Women at risk of STI are those below age 25, those who changed sexual partners within the previous year and those with more than one sexual partner in the previous year (Brown). Bacterial Vaginosis Bacterial vaginosis or BV is among the most prevalent lower genital tract infections among 25-36% of childbearing women (Mashburn, 2007). It is characterized by profuse vaginal discharge, bacterial adherence to desquamated epithelial cells, bacterial overgrowth, a specific odor revealed by the addition of potassium hydroxide, and the absence of inflammation (Monif, 2001). Many infected women do not have symptoms. The 10-66% who do, report foul odor as the most common symptom. Vaginal inflammation is caused by an excess of leukocytes in the vaginal wall, the condition in vaginitis rather than vaginosis. BV may bring on complications, such as second-trimester miscarriage, pelvic inflammatory disease, preterm birth, preterm premature rupture of the membranes, chorioamnionitis, postpartum endometritis, post-operative infection and increased susceptibility to HIV (Mashburn). The patient is among those who develop foul vaginal odor as a symptom. Other than this, she is asymptomatic. The normal vagina of a childbearing woman is full of lactobacilli, which produce baceriocins, hydrogen peroxide and lactic acid (Mashburn, 2007). Low pH is hostile to bacteria other than lactobacilli. A decrease in the number of lactobacilli and a lowering of pH level enhances the overgrowth of hostile bacteria and the development of BV. Gardnerella vaginalis, Mycroplasma hominus,, Ureaplasma urealyticum, Prevotella, Mobiluncus, Bateroides and Peptostreptococcus cause or are associated with BV (Mashburn). The patient has an above-normal vaginal pH of 6. Types I and II BV Studies in the 80s categorized Gardnerella vaginitis into Types I and II according to the presence or absence of large numbers of white blood cells (Monif, 2001). Type II was characterized by prevalent endocervicitis, similar to sexually transmitted diseases or STDs. Findings in the 90s supported the assumption that Type II BV develops from particular lifestyles with some negative consequences similar to those of STDs. These findings revealed that women with BV had their first sexual intercourse at a younger age than women without BV. The number of lifetime partners was also higher in those with BV than those without. The sexual behavior of women with BV was found to be similar to those at risk for STDs. Those with BV also smoked more and contracted chlamydial infection than those without BV (Monif). Type II BV could be considered an STD in that its mechanisms of spread are similar to those of STDs (Monif, 2001). The probability of co-infection with partners is high in both diseases. Attributing adverse consequences to BV -- uh as pelvic inflammatory disease, HIV, cervical intraepithelial neoplasm, ectopic pregnancy and secondary infertility -- is, however, without scientific basis at this time. Nonetheless, BV is deemed to be an STD from evidence. The concomitant infection induced by the major STD should be identified and treated along with the major disease (Monif). Risk Factors These are douching and race (Mashburn, 2007). Studies showed that BV occurs more often among those who douch once or more a week than those who do not. It occurs 44.8% among black adolescents who regularly douch and after their menstrual period. It is assumed that douching reduces the number of lactobacilli and encourages bacterial growth, although findings have been inconsistent. Vaginal flora is also unstable after the menstrual flora and may enhance infection (Mashburn). Studies also found BV to be more common among young African-American women at twice the rate than other races (Mashburn, 2007). Smokers and those in poor general health are more susceptible to BV (Mashburn). Symptoms Many women with BV present no symptoms (Mashburn, 2007). Fishy odor and vaginal discharge are not reliable symptoms. These were the main findings of a recent study on women, aged 15 to 44, at 12 health departments. They were subjected to a pelvic examination, which included gram stain, gonorrhea and chlamydia tests, and interviews about their symptoms. The results between those later found positive for BV showed that 82% had no vaginal odor while 75% did. Despite the negligible difference, vaginal odor is not considered a reliable symptom of BV (Mashburn). The patient reports fishy-smelling vaginal discharge. Diagnosis and Diagnostic Tests Signs and symptoms merely assist in diagnosing common infections, especially in women who show no signs or symptoms (Mashburn, 2007). Amsel's four diagnostic tests have been trusted in testing for BV. These criteria consist of vaginal fluid pH greater than 4.5; 20% fewer epithelial cells, milky homogenous vaginal discharge; and a positive amine test or "fishy" odor after 10% potassium hydroxide is added. Three out of the four criteria are recommended for an accurate diagnosis. In the absence of a microscope or a skilled practitioner, the Affirm VPIII microbial identification system may be substituted. This DNA probe system can detect significant levels of Gardonella, trichomonads and candida from vaginal fluid. Test results are ready within an hour. The Affirm VPIII Ambient Temperature Transport System keeps a specimen stable up to 72 hours after collection if it needs to be transported. One more test is the QuickVue Advance pH and Amines Test card. The card rapidly tests the pH level of a drop of vaginal fluid at a 94% precision. A newer and easy test is the OSOM BVBlue, which mixes a swabbed specimen from the vagina with a reagent. The test yields sialidase activity or presence in the vaginal fluid in 10 minutes. Sialidase is produced by BV pathogens (Mashburn). pH Level The most reliable criterion for detecting BV is a pH>4.5 (Mashburn, 2007). A normal pH should, therefore, rule out BV. A pH >4.5 can also indicate trichomoniasis or muco-purulent cervicitis. Vaginal inflammation more strongly suggests trichomonas or muco-purulent cervicitis, in turn associated with gonorrhea or chlamydial trachomatis (Mashburn). The patient's pH level is 6, indicating BV. Wet Smears These are an inexpensive and relatively easy screening procedure for the most common sexually transmitted diseases, such as BV (Iglesias, Alderman & Fox, 2000). The practitioner should be appropriately trained and experienced in using this procedure. Hence, the proper protocol and quality control are needed to insure accurate diagnosis. The wet smear is quite useful and reliable in diagnosing BV because of the presence of clue cells. These are epithelial cells, which have irregular borders, full of bacteria and appear granular. A diagnosis of BV, using wet smear, is made when three of four findings are present. These four are a vaginal pH greater than 4.5; an abnormal and homogeneous vaginal discharge, fishy odor and presence of clue cells (Iglesias, Alderman & Fox). A study undertaken by Schmidt and Hansen showed that the wet smear criteria are suitable for general practice (Iglesias, Alderman & Fox, 2000). Accuracy, however, depends on the practitioner's level of education, training and experience in conducting the test properly. Another study compared the wet smear with Pap-stained vaginal smear and the Gram-stain smear. It used 107 women, 34 of whom were diagnosed with BV. The study showed that the Gram-stain test correlated well with the diagnosis and the presence of clue cells on wet smears. Vural and co-authors examined wet smears, cervical smears and biopsies of 131 patients for criteria on lower genital inflammation. They found a close correlation between clue cells on wet smear, on examination and with the grade of inflammation on examination (Iglesias, Alderman & Fox). Data gathered by Judson and Ehret provided evidence that wet smears had a 54-80% sensitive and 96% specific in detecting C. albicans, 50-70% sensitive and 99-100% specific for T. vaginalis, and 72-80% sensitive and 71-95% specific for BV (Iglesias, Alderman & Fox, 2000). Chacko and Rosenfeld's review of the use of wet smears in the diagnosis of cervical infections showed that cultures were more sensitive to the cause of vaginal discharge. Culture techniques are, however, expensive and labor-intensive. The turnaround time can be long and not in routine use in diagnosing the conditions in many health facilities. Faster techniques need to complement wet smears (Iglesias, Alderman & Fox). The patient was subjected to tests for sexually transmitted infections, inflammation and to speculum examination for vaginal discharge. Gram Stain Criteria Federal regulatory agencies now acknowledge that these criteria have partly replaced the wet-mount criteria as the most reliable diagnostic test for BV (Monif, 2001). This shift brought about two significant conceptual changes. It broadened the conditions of inducible odor, the presence of "clue cells,: and Gram Stain confirmation. It also gave less value to the presence of inflammatory cells. The Gram Stain test is considered excellent in documenting bacterial overgrowth. Poly-microbial flora found in women with BV is also called BV flora. BV flora is associated with abnormalities in pregnancy and after delivery, urinary tract infections, secondary fertility, ectopic pregnancies, upper female genital infections, pre-malignant cervical dysplasia and HIV infection. Demographic studies strongly suggest that BV is "one of the most important diseases of the 20th century (Monif)." Management/Treatment The oral regimen for BV consists of 500 mg of metronidazole daily for 7 days (Mashburn, 2007).The recommended intra-vaginal treatment is .75% metronidazole gel daily for 5 days or clindamycin cream 2% once a day for 7 days. Other treatments are 2 grams oral metronidazole as a single dose or ofloxacin 200 orally twice a day. Those who are allergic to metronidazole should be treated with clindamycin. Those with gastrointestinal complications should use intra-vaginal metronidazole, instead. This cream, however, can weaken latex condoms and diaphragms. Another form of contraception should be used as substitute while applying clindamycin vaginal preparations. HIV-positive women are treated the same way as those who are HIV-negative for BV. Oral metronidazole medicines cost much less than the two other recommended regimens (Mashburn). The patient's oral treatment consists of 2 grams of metronidazole as a single dose or 400 mg metronidazole twice daily for seven days. She may substitute intra-veginal metronidazole or clindamycin cream in case of intolerance for oral metronidazole. She is advised against vaginal douching and the use of genital shower gels or soaps and bath antiseptics. Recurrence of BV As high as 70% of women treated for BV experience a recurrence within 9 months after initial diagnosis (Mashburn, 2007). Realizing the problem, the 2006 Center for Disease Control guidelines recommend consultation with a specialist. Another recommendation is diagnosis by Gram stain as the gold standard technique, followed by a 10-to-14-day regimen of oral metronidazole 500 mg twice a day. One more regimen is vaginal metronidazole .075% cream once daily for 10 days and then twice a week for 4 to 6 months. Studies showed that the twice-a-week application for 6 months sustained a clinical cure (Mashburn). Tinidazole Relapse does occur after termination of even extended therapy, however (Mashburn, 2007). Furthermore, long-term use of vaginal metronidazole enhances vulvovaginal candidiasis infection. The use of nystatin and metronidazole combined is recommended following evidence of significantly lower recurrence in the combination treatment even up to 104 days after treatment. Tinidazole has also been recommended. It is a derivative of nitroimidazole with a higher peak of concentration and longer half-life than metronidazole. A case report found that treatment with tinidazole 500 mg twice daily for two weeks on a woman with refractory BV made her asymptomatic for 10 months. A 2-gram single-dose tinidazole was likewise effective on non-recurrent BV. Tinidazole also produced fewer gastrointestinal side effects than metronidazole. Recolonization of the vagina with lactobacilli is still under study for recurrent BV and has not been recommended (Mashburn). Sexual Transmission Australian researchers found that BV recurs because of sexual transmission (Kerr, 2006). High rates of recurrence were found among first-line therapy users of oral metronidazole, according to Carolina S. Bradshaw of the University of Melbourne and the Melbourne Sexual Health Center at The Alfred Hospital. This was the conclusion reached by the study undertaken by Dr. Bradshaw and her team on 121 respondents with BV symptoms. The respondents took 400 mg of metronidazole twice a day for seven days for the test. The team reported in the June 1st issue of The Joural of Infectious Diseases that 58% of the respondents had a recurrence and 69% at the 12th month of follow-up. The research team determined that the risk factors were a past history of BV, a regular sexual partner and a female sex partner. Dr. Bradshaw suspected an unknown and unresponsive virus or bacterium that disturbs vaginal immunity and kills protective lactobacilli. Current treatment did not treat the cause of the infection either in the woman or the sexual partner. In addition, there is substantial evidence that BV is transmitted between women. The team's position was that the definite cause of BV has not been established and practitioners only assume that it will respond to antibiotics. Dr. Bradshaw also said that new therapies were being developed. One of these is probiotics, which contain lactobacillus species (Kerr). Efficacy of Human Lactobacilli A recent study was conducted to determine if supplementary lactobacilli could improve cure rate after a vaginal clindamycin treatment and increase time of relapse (Larsson, Stray-Pedersen & Larsen, 2008). The study used the Amsel criteria on 100 respondents with BV who were asked to use the treatment and vaginal gelatine capsules or placebo. The gelatine capsules contained 109 freeze-dried lactobacilli. These were applied for 10 days during their menstrual cycles. The respondents were regularly menstruating women 18 years old and older. They had normal gynecological conditions, neither pregnant nor breast feeding at the time of the study and had no signs of other genital tract problems. Results showed that supplementation did not improve the effectiveness of BV therapy in the first month of treatment. But it increased the time of relapse up to 6 months during which the women were free of BV (Larsson, et al.). There is loss or reduction of lactobacilli in BV, which increases overgrowth of harmful bacteria (Larsson, et al., 2008). BV can also adversely affect pregnancy, so that treatment in early pregnancy is needed to reduce the chances of preterm deliveries. In a follow-up study on the efficacy of oral and vaginal metronidazole showed that only 48% of the respondents were BV-free in the 12 months after therapy. The presence of sufficient lactic-acid-producing bacilli maintains the normal bacterial environment of the vagina and maintains a low pH at below 4/5. It also protects against harmful bacteria. The most dominant strain is lactobacillus acidophilus. But tests run on women who had BV and received ovules with the bacterial strain were only initially cured. Read the full article
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medjournalhealthcare · 4 days ago
Common Gynaecological Problems and Their Prevention
Women’s health is a crucial aspect of overall well-being, and gynecological issues can significantly impact physical, emotional, and mental health. Many women experience common gynecological concerns at different stages of life, but early detection and preventive care can enhance their quality of life. At Sai Hospital Dombivli, we provide compassionate care for women, offering expert solutions for several health concerns. With access to a gynecologist in Dombivli. Our team, including experienced female gynecologist in Dombivli, ensures every woman receives personalized treatment and guidance.
In this blog, we discuss common gynecological problems and preventive measures to help women maintain optimal health.
Common Gynecological Problems
Gynecological conditions can range from mild and temporary concerns to severe and chronic disorders. Here are some of the most frequently encountered issues:
1. Irregular Menstrual Cycles
Irregular periods, including heavy bleeding, missed periods, or prolonged cycles, are often caused by hormonal imbalances, stress, or underlying conditions such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Monitoring menstrual changes and seeking medical advice when necessary is crucial for overall reproductive health.
2. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
PCOS is a hormonal disorder characterized by multiple small cysts on the ovaries. It can cause irregular periods, infertility, excessive hair growth, and weight gain, making it one of the leading causes of infertility among women.
3. Endometriosis
Endometriosis occurs when tissue similar to the uterine lining grows outside the uterus, affecting the ovaries, fallopian tubes, and pelvic region. This condition can cause severe pelvic pain, heavy menstruation, and discomfort during intercourse.
4. Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs)
Due to a shorter urethra, women are more susceptible to UTIs, which result from bacterial infections. If left untreated, UTIs can lead to kidney infections and other complications.
5. Vaginal Infections
Conditions like yeast infections, bacterial vaginosis, or sexually transmitted infections (STIs) can cause itching, abnormal discharge, and discomfort. Maintaining proper hygiene and practicing safe sexual habits are key preventive measures.
6. Uterine Fibroids
Fibroids are noncancerous growths in or on the uterine wall. While some fibroids are asymptomatic, severe cases can lead to heavy bleeding, pelvic pain, and fertility issues.
7. Ovarian Cysts
Ovarian cysts are fluid-filled sacs that form on or within the ovaries. While many are harmless, some may rupture, causing intense pain or complications requiring medical intervention.
8. Cervical and Ovarian Cancers
Regular screenings, such as Pap smears, are essential for the early detection and prevention of cervical and ovarian cancers. Early diagnosis significantly improves treatment outcomes.
9. Menopause and Perimenopause
The transition to menopause can bring symptoms such as hot flashes, mood swings, and hormonal imbalances, affecting both mental and physical health. Proper medical guidance can help manage these changes effectively.
Preventive Measures for Gynecological Health
Although not all gynecological conditions are preventable, adopting a healthy lifestyle and seeking timely medical care can reduce risks. Here are some expert recommendations from our gynecologists at Sai Hospital Dombivli:
1. Maintain a Healthy Diet
A balanced diet rich in leafy greens, whole grains, fruits, and lean proteins supports hormonal balance and overall reproductive health.
2. Stay Active
Regular physical activity helps maintain a healthy weight, reduces stress, and improves blood circulation, which can prevent hormonal imbalances and conditions like PCOS.
3. Practice Good Hygiene
Proper perineal hygiene, especially during menstruation, helps prevent infections such as UTIs and bacterial vaginosis. Changing sanitary products regularly and avoiding scented hygiene products can prevent irritation.
4. Schedule Regular Gynecological Check-Ups
Routine check-ups with a top gynecologist in Dombivli, like those at Sai Hospital, can aid in the early detection of potential health issues. At Sai Hospital Dombivli, our specialists provide comprehensive screenings and care.
5. Manage Stress
Chronic stress affects hormonal health, leading to irregular periods and exacerbating conditions like PCOS. Engaging in relaxation techniques such as yoga and meditation can help manage stress effectively.
6. Practice Safe Sexual Health
Using protection during intercourse and undergoing regular STI screenings are essential in preventing sexually transmitted infections and related complications.
7. Limit Alcohol and Avoid Smoking
Excessive alcohol consumption and smoking can worsen hormonal imbalances, increase the risk of infertility, and contribute to various reproductive health problems, including cancer.
8. Monitor Symptoms
Women should pay close attention to unusual symptoms such as pelvic pain, abnormal discharge, or irregular bleeding. Seeking prompt medical advice from a female gynecologist at Sai Hospital can help ensure timely diagnosis and treatment.
Why Choose Sai Hospital Dombivli for Women’s Health?
Sai Hospital Dombivli is dedicated to offering expert gynecological care with a patient-centered approach. Here’s what sets us apart:
1. Experienced Specialists
Our hospital is home to some of the best gynecologists in Dombivli, ensuring top-quality care for both common and complex conditions.
2. Advanced Technology
We utilize state-of-the-art diagnostic tools and treatment methods, allowing for accurate assessments and effective treatment plans.
3. Personalized Care
Recognizing that every woman’s health needs are unique, we tailor our treatment plans to suit individual requirements, whether for routine check-ups, pregnancy care, or complex gynecological treatments.
4. Convenient Location
For those seeking a ‘gynecologist near me’ in Dombivli, Sai Hospital offers high-quality healthcare services in a convenient and accessible location.
Importance of Early Detection
Early detection is crucial in managing gynecological conditions effectively. Regular screenings and being vigilant about symptoms can prevent minor issues from escalating into serious complications. At Sai Hospital, we emphasize preventive care and patient education to empower women to take charge of their reproductive health.
Women’s gynecological health plays a significant role in their overall well-being. By understanding common conditions and taking preventive steps, women can lead healthier, more fulfilling lives. At Sai Hospital Dombivli, our compassionate medical team, including expert lady gynecologist, is committed to providing exceptional care. If you have concerns about your reproductive health, don’t wait—schedule an appointment at Sai Hospital today and take the first step toward better health.
Your Health, Our Priority. Visit Sai Hospital Dombivli Today!
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maheshnadgir · 4 days ago
Common Gynaecological Problems and Their Prevention
Comprehensive Women’s Health Care at Sai Hospital Dombivli
Women’s health is a crucial aspect of overall well-being, and gynaecological issues can significantly impact physical, mental, and emotional health. Many women experience common gynaecological concerns at different stages of life, but early detection and preventive measures can greatly enhance quality of life. At Sai Hospital Dombivli, a gynecologist in Dombivli, including trusted options like a Female gynecologist or a female gynecologist in Dombivli,, we ensure personalized treatment for every woman.
This article explores the most common gynaecological issues and effective preventive measures to help women maintain optimal health.
Common Gynaecological Problems
Gynaecological issues can range from mild and temporary to severe and chronic. Below are some of the most frequently reported concerns:
1. Irregular Menstrual Cycles
Irregular periods, characterized by heavy bleeding, missed cycles, or prolonged durations, often result from hormonal imbalances, stress, or underlying conditions like polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Women should track menstrual changes and seek medical attention if irregularities persist.
2. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
PCOS is a hormonal disorder that leads to the formation of small cysts on the ovaries, causing irregular periods, infertility, excessive hair growth, and weight gain. It is one of the leading causes of infertility among women.
3. Endometriosis
Endometriosis occurs when tissue similar to the uterine lining grows outside the uterus, affecting the ovaries, fallopian tubes, and pelvic region. This condition is known for causing intense pelvic pain, heavy menstrual bleeding, and discomfort during intercourse.
4. Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs)
UTIs are bacterial infections more common in women due to their shorter urethra, making it easier for bacteria to reach the bladder. If untreated, UTIs can lead to kidney infections and other complications.
5. Vaginal Infections
Yeast infections, bacterial vaginosis, and sexually transmitted infections can cause itching, unusual discharge, and discomfort. Maintaining proper hygiene and practicing safe sexual habits can help prevent these conditions.
6. Fibroids
Uterine fibroids are non-cancerous growths that develop in or on the uterine wall. While some fibroids remain asymptomatic, others may cause heavy bleeding, pelvic pain, and fertility complications.
7. Ovarian Cysts
Ovarian cysts are fluid-filled sacs that form on or inside the ovaries. Most are harmless, but in some cases, they may rupture, leading to intense pain or complications.
8. Cervical and Ovarian Cancers
Early detection is vital in preventing and treating cancers such as cervical and ovarian cancer. Regular screenings like Pap smears play a crucial role in early diagnosis and prevention.
9. Menopause and Perimenopause
The transition to menopause can bring various symptoms, including mood swings, hot flashes, and hormonal imbalances, affecting a woman’s mental and physical health.
Preventive Tips for Gynaecological Health
While some gynaecological issues cannot be entirely prevented, adopting healthier habits and seeking timely medical care can help minimize risks. Here are some expert recommendations from the specialists at Sai Hospital Dombivli:
1. Maintain a Healthy Diet
A balanced diet rich in leafy greens, whole grains, fruits, and lean proteins supports hormonal balance and reproductive health.
2. Stay Physically Active
Regular exercise helps maintain a healthy weight, reduces stress, and improves blood circulation, lowering the risk of PCOS and hormonal imbalances.
3. Practice Good Hygiene
Maintaining proper hygiene, especially during menstruation, helps prevent infections like UTIs and bacterial vaginosis. Change sanitary products regularly and avoid using scented products that may irritate the vaginal area.
4. Schedule Regular Gynecological Check-Ups
Routine check-ups with leading top gynecologist in Dombivli, like those at Sai Hospital, facilitate early detection of potential health concerns. Annual Pap smears, pelvic exams, and preventive screenings are crucial for identifying abnormalities.
5. Manage Stress Effectively
Chronic stress can disrupt hormonal balance, leading to irregular menstrual cycles and worsening conditions like PCOS. Stress management techniques such as meditation and yoga can be beneficial.
6. Practice Safe Sexual Habits
Using protection during intercourse and undergoing regular STI screenings can help prevent sexually transmitted infections and related complications.
7. Avoid Smoking and Limit Alcohol Consumption
Both smoking and excessive alcohol intake can disrupt hormonal balance and increase the risk of reproductive health issues, including infertility and cancer.
8. Monitor Symptoms and Seek Timely Care
Pay attention to symptoms like unusual pelvic pain, changes in vaginal discharge, or irregular bleeding. Consulting a gynecologist at Sai Hospital Dombivli can ensure timely diagnosis and treatment.
Why Choose Sai Hospital Dombivli for Women’s Health Care?
At Sai Hospital Dombivli, we are committed to providing comprehensive care for all gynaecological concerns. Our team of expert specialists ensures that women receive the highest level of medical attention in a comfortable and private environment.
1. Experienced Specialists
We have some of the best gynecologists in Dombivli, offering expert care for both routine and complex gynaecological conditions.
2. Advanced Diagnostic Technology
Sai Hospital is equipped with state-of-the-art diagnostic tools and treatment options to ensure accurate diagnoses and effective management of women’s health conditions.
3. Personalized and Holistic Care
We understand that every woman is unique, and our care plans are tailored to address individual needs — whether it’s routine check-ups, pregnancy care, or treatment for specific gynaecological conditions.
4. Convenient Location
For those seeking a gynecologist near me, Sai Hospital Dombivli provides high-quality healthcare services close to home, ensuring easy accessibility and convenience.
The Importance of Early Detection
Early detection plays a vital role in managing gynaecological conditions. Regular screenings, timely medical consultations, and symptom monitoring can prevent minor issues from escalating into severe health problems. At Sai Hospital, we prioritize preventive care and patient education, empowering women to take control of their reproductive health.
Maintaining gynaecological health is essential for a woman’s overall well-being. Understanding common gynaecological problems and taking preventive measures can help women lead healthier, happier lives. With expert medical care from lady gynecologist at Sai Hospital Dombivli, women can confidently address their health concerns.
If you’re experiencing symptoms or simply want to focus on your reproductive health, don’t delay — schedule your appointment at Sai Hospital today and take the first step toward better health.
Your Health, Our Priority. Visit Sai Hospital Dombivli Today!
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fidicuswomen · 3 months ago
Call : +917997101303 | WhatsApp : https://wa.me/917997101505 | Website : https://fidicus.com
Precautions for Vaginitis Treatment Cure Medicine Surgery | Gynaecology Women Female | Dr. Bharadwaz
"Learn essential precautions to prevent and manage vaginitis effectively. In this video, we discuss hygiene tips, choosing the right clothing, and dietary habits that support vaginal health. Avoid common triggers and maintain a balanced lifestyle to protect yourself from discomfort and infections. Watch now to discover simple yet powerful steps to ensure long-term well-being and prevent vaginitis naturally. Don’t miss these crucial insights for better health!"
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govic17 · 10 days ago
Reclassifying Bacterial Vaginosis as an STI
This is a short post primarily for women and people who care about them. As the name sounds, BV is an infection of the vagina caused by a bacteria. Researchers have yet to find a specific bacteria that causes this infection. The assumption is that there are several. Until recently, little was understood about how women contract this infection.(1) A BV infection may have no symptoms, or create a…
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aloy-sobek · 1 year ago
That doesn't even include bacterial vaginosis of which the three main causes are:
Sex without a condom
Sex with multiple partners
Sex with someone who also has a vagina
Because everyone's vagina bacteria is unique to them foreign bacteria can fuck it up. So sperm? Congrats now you bacterias all out of wack. Shared toys with another partner or vag to vag action. Well we are having a pussy showdown as bacteria battles it out.
And doctors don't treat it unless you have symptoms that are causing problems so it's probiotics or hoping your immune system is good enough to fight it off on its own.
And then you can get cyst! Because the vagina is self cleaning and the labia comes covered in hair folicals, sweet glands and oil glands and those things can get infected at a drop of a hat on a hot summer day.
It's a damp, dark, moist, breeding ground for bacteria and problems.
Having a vagina honestly sucks bc it's like you have to do fucking alchemy just to prevent yourself from getting sick. You've got an intricate ecosystem of microorganisms down there that you're dependent on for your own well-being and they can be set off by the tiniest fucking thing
Keeping your pubes too short can cause yeast infections, but letting them get too long can also cause yeast infections. Washing the area with specialized soap can help prevent yeast infections, but it can also cause them. Your periods can cause yeast infections, and so can the medicine you take to stop your periods. Having sex can cause yeast infections, especially if the person you're having sex with is diabetic (???). Being diabetic can cause yeast infections. Wearing the wrong clothes or eating the wrong things can cause yeast infections. Not getting enough fucking sleep can cause yeast infections. The list is neverending
Luckily, yeast infections are fairly easy to treat with OTC medicine that you can find at any Walmart. BUT! Even if all of your symptoms indicate that you have a yeast infection, you have to take a test first to confirm that it's a yeast infection (they do not sell the tests at Walmart) bc you might actually have the opposite of a yeast infection (bacterial vaginosis) which has the exact same symptoms as a yeast infection but is caused by an imbalance of different microorganisms. And if you use yeast infection medicine to treat a bacterial infection it will light your pussy on fire. So if you have a bacterial infection, you must instead visit your local witch doctor (gynecologist) and get prescribed special potions (antibiotics) to treat it
Antibiotics can also cause yeast infections
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ranjith23uw · 21 days ago
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Michelle Roberts
Digital Health Editor, BBC News
According to researchers, bacterial vaginosis (BV) may actually be a sexually transmitted infection (STI).
The British Health Service (NHS) currently states that although it can be caused by sexual intercourse, BV is caused by "a change in the natural balance of bacteria in your vagina and is not a sexually transmitted infection."
However, according to the study, BV – which affects about a third of women worldwide and can lead to infertility, premature births and neonatal deaths – is spread during sexual intercourse and fits the definition of a sexually transmitted infection (STI).
The Australian trial, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, found that treating not only the patient but also sexual partners may be essential to clear the infection.
What is a sexually transmitted infection? How can you protect yourself?
What is BV ?
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Urealyticum are small polymorphic bacteria that lack a cell wall.
BV is a common cause of abnormal vaginal discharge with a strong odor (foul smell).
The color and consistency of the discharge can also vary, for example, it can be gray/white in color as well as thin and watery.
However, half of women with vaginitis (BV) have no symptoms.
Vaginitis usually does not cause any pain or itching.
It can be treated with antibiotic pills, gels, or creams.
In a trial involving 164 couples infected with BV, researchers achieved a high cure rate by treating BV as a sexually transmitted infection and giving antibiotics to both sexual partners, not just the woman.
Doctors stopped the study early when it became clear that this approach halved the incidence of BV recurrence.
Lead researcher Professor Catriona Bradshaw said: "Our trial showed that reinfection from partners causes women to experience recurrences of BV, so it provides evidence that BV is indeed a sexually transmitted infection."
"The difficulty in saying whether BV is sexually transmitted is that we still don't know for sure which bacteria cause it, but advances in genetic analysis are helping us unravel that mystery," she added.
In this study, led by Alfred Health researchers from Monash University and the Melbourne Sexual Health Centre, Half of the men were given an oral antibiotic and a topical antibiotic cream to apply to the skin for a week, while the control group of men received no treatment.
Based on the findings, the clinic has now changed its clinical practice to routinely treat both sexual partners.
"These findings provide valuable evidence that the bacteria associated with BV can be sexually transmitted, as has long been suspected - particularly in those who experience frequent infections," said the British Society for Sexual Health and HIV.
"This research advances our understanding of BV and provides promising insights to guide treatment approaches in cases where the infection is not curable," a spokesperson said.
*If you have STI symptoms or concerns about BV, see your doctor. More...
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kkm-daily-dispatch · 23 days ago
Bacterial Vaginosis May Be Sexually Transmitted, New Study Shows
Many women don’t have symptoms; those who do may experience increased discharge, a fishy odor and burning or itching in the vaginal area. Infected patients, whether or not they are symptomatic, are at greater risk of developing other sexually transmitted infections, such as chlamydia or H.I.V., as well as pelvic inflammatory disease. B.V. in pregnant women is also associated with an increased…
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nursingwriter · 2 days ago
Vaginosis A GROWING SCOURGE AMONG CHILDBEARING WOMEN Chief Complaint -- Julita, 22 years old, complained of abnormal vaginal discharge (Brown, 2007). She described the discharge as offensive and fishy-smelling. I last saw the patient two weeks ago on July 2, 2009. History of Present Illness -- She said she had no vulval itching, soreness or pain during intercourse, pelvic or abdominal pain. Menstrual History -- She had no bleeding between menstrual periods or dysuria. Her last menstrual period was three weeks before the day of consultation and was normal. Gynecological History -- She had no history of post-coital bleeding Reproductive History -- She is not married and has no children. Past History -- She had no concurrent medical conditions. Her only medication was the combined oral contraceptive pill. Family History -- there is no history of sexually transmitted disease in the patient's family Social and Psychological History -- Julita is an average woman with no remarkable or significant social or psychological abnormality. X Physical Assessment -- Examination showed thin, white or grey homogenous Discharge coating the vaginal walls. There was offensive or fishy odor but no vulvitis, or vaginitis, cervical discharge, cervicitis or contact bleeding. However, she had a raised vaginal pH of 6 (Brown). The patient was examined and tested for sexually transmitted infections, inflammation and any abnormality, such as cuts fissure, ulcers and blisters (Brown, 2007). She was also subjected to speculum examination for consistency of vaginal discharge, amount, color, odor, vaginitis, cervicitis, cervical discharge and contract as well as for the collection of specimen for further tests. Vaginal pH of higher than 5 indicates bacterial vaginosis or trichomoniasis. Endocervical swabs were taken to test for Chlamydia and gonorrhoea. The likeliest diagnosis is bacterial vaginosis, as it is the most common cause of abnormal vaginal discharge among childbearing women. Bacterial vaginosis is characterized by an overgrowth of mostly anaerobic organisms, which replace protective lactobacilli and raise vaginal pH level (Brown). XI. Differential Diagnoses -- the first is likelier to be trichomoniasis than bacterial vaginosis. Trichomoniasis produces a thin, frothy, green or yellow and foul-smelling vaginal discharge with a raised pH. The patient has no dyspareunia or soreness, no cervicitis and no erythema of the external genitals or vagina. The second is candidiasis, although unlikely because the vaginal discharge produced by the infective agent, candida, has a pH lessen than 4.5. The discharge is thick, white and looks like cottage cheese and has no odor. Associated symptoms of candidiasis include vulval itch, edema and fissures. The third and fourth diagnoses are Chlamydia and gonorrhea, which produce muco-purulent discharge from the cervix (Brown). XII. Final Diagnosis -- tests and examinations revealed bacterial vaginosis. XIII. Management -- this includes 2 grams of metronidazole as a single dose or 400 mg metronidazole twice a day for seven days (Brown, 2007). If the patient cannot tolerate oral metronidazole, she may use topical treatments, such as intravaginal metronidazole or clindamycin cream, although they are costlier options. She is advised from performing vaginal douching, washing the genitals with shower gels or soaps and using bath antiseptics. These will affect the vaginal flora and allow the recurrence of bacterial vaginosis (Brown). Vaginal discharge may be caused by non-sexually transmitted infections or sexually transmitted infections or STIs (Brown, 2007). Non-STIs are bacterial vaginosis and candidiasis. STIs are richomonas vaginalis, Chlamydia trachomatis, and neisseria gonorrhea. Non-infective causes are retained tampon or condom, allergic reactions, ectropian, cervical polyp, fistulae, atrophic changes and genital tract malignancy. The duration of the discharge, the amount, color, consistency, blood staining, odor, pattern of cycle, previous episodes and associated symptoms should be determined. These associated symptoms include dysuria, itching, soreness, bleeding between menstrual periods or after intercourse, superficial or deep dyspareunia or lower abdominal and pelvic pain. An assessment of the patient's risk and clinical history helps in diagnosing and managing her condition. Women at risk of STI are those below age 25, those who changed sexual partners within the previous year and those with more than one sexual partner in the previous year (Brown). Bacterial Vaginosis Bacterial vaginosis or BV is among the most prevalent lower genital tract infections among 25-36% of childbearing women (Mashburn, 2007). It is characterized by profuse vaginal discharge, bacterial adherence to desquamated epithelial cells, bacterial overgrowth, a specific odor revealed by the addition of potassium hydroxide, and the absence of inflammation (Monif, 2001). Many infected women do not have symptoms. The 10-66% who do, report foul odor as the most common symptom. Vaginal inflammation is caused by an excess of leukocytes in the vaginal wall, the condition in vaginitis rather than vaginosis. BV may bring on complications, such as second-trimester miscarriage, pelvic inflammatory disease, preterm birth, preterm premature rupture of the membranes, chorioamnionitis, postpartum endometritis, post-operative infection and increased susceptibility to HIV (Mashburn). The patient is among those who develop foul vaginal odor as a symptom. Other than this, she is asymptomatic. The normal vagina of a childbearing woman is full of lactobacilli, which produce baceriocins, hydrogen peroxide and lactic acid (Mashburn, 2007). Low pH is hostile to bacteria other than lactobacilli. A decrease in the number of lactobacilli and a lowering of pH level enhances the overgrowth of hostile bacteria and the development of BV. Gardnerella vaginalis, Mycroplasma hominus,, Ureaplasma urealyticum, Prevotella, Mobiluncus, Bateroides and Peptostreptococcus cause or are associated with BV (Mashburn). The patient has an above-normal vaginal pH of 6. Types I and II BV Studies in the 80s categorized Gardnerella vaginitis into Types I and II according to the presence or absence of large numbers of white blood cells (Monif, 2001). Type II was characterized by prevalent endocervicitis, similar to sexually transmitted diseases or STDs. Findings in the 90s supported the assumption that Type II BV develops from particular lifestyles with some negative consequences similar to those of STDs. These findings revealed that women with BV had their first sexual intercourse at a younger age than women without BV. The number of lifetime partners was also higher in those with BV than those without. The sexual behavior of women with BV was found to be similar to those at risk for STDs. Those with BV also smoked more and contracted chlamydial infection than those without BV (Monif). Type II BV could be considered an STD in that its mechanisms of spread are similar to those of STDs (Monif, 2001). The probability of co-infection with partners is high in both diseases. Attributing adverse consequences to BV -- uh as pelvic inflammatory disease, HIV, cervical intraepithelial neoplasm, ectopic pregnancy and secondary infertility -- is, however, without scientific basis at this time. Nonetheless, BV is deemed to be an STD from evidence. The concomitant infection induced by the major STD should be identified and treated along with the major disease (Monif). Risk Factors These are douching and race (Mashburn, 2007). Studies showed that BV occurs more often among those who douch once or more a week than those who do not. It occurs 44.8% among black adolescents who regularly douch and after their menstrual period. It is assumed that douching reduces the number of lactobacilli and encourages bacterial growth, although findings have been inconsistent. Vaginal flora is also unstable after the menstrual flora and may enhance infection (Mashburn). Studies also found BV to be more common among young African-American women at twice the rate than other races (Mashburn, 2007). Smokers and those in poor general health are more susceptible to BV (Mashburn). Symptoms Many women with BV present no symptoms (Mashburn, 2007). Fishy odor and vaginal discharge are not reliable symptoms. These were the main findings of a recent study on women, aged 15 to 44, at 12 health departments. They were subjected to a pelvic examination, which included gram stain, gonorrhea and chlamydia tests, and interviews about their symptoms. The results between those later found positive for BV showed that 82% had no vaginal odor while 75% did. Despite the negligible difference, vaginal odor is not considered a reliable symptom of BV (Mashburn). The patient reports fishy-smelling vaginal discharge. Diagnosis and Diagnostic Tests Signs and symptoms merely assist in diagnosing common infections, especially in women who show no signs or symptoms (Mashburn, 2007). Amsel's four diagnostic tests have been trusted in testing for BV. These criteria consist of vaginal fluid pH greater than 4.5; 20% fewer epithelial cells, milky homogenous vaginal discharge; and a positive amine test or "fishy" odor after 10% potassium hydroxide is added. Three out of the four criteria are recommended for an accurate diagnosis. In the absence of a microscope or a skilled practitioner, the Affirm VPIII microbial identification system may be substituted. This DNA probe system can detect significant levels of Gardonella, trichomonads and candida from vaginal fluid. Test results are ready within an hour. The Affirm VPIII Ambient Temperature Transport System keeps a specimen stable up to 72 hours after collection if it needs to be transported. One more test is the QuickVue Advance pH and Amines Test card. The card rapidly tests the pH level of a drop of vaginal fluid at a 94% precision. A newer and easy test is the OSOM BVBlue, which mixes a swabbed specimen from the vagina with a reagent. The test yields sialidase activity or presence in the vaginal fluid in 10 minutes. Sialidase is produced by BV pathogens (Mashburn). pH Level The most reliable criterion for detecting BV is a pH>4.5 (Mashburn, 2007). A normal pH should, therefore, rule out BV. A pH >4.5 can also indicate trichomoniasis or muco-purulent cervicitis. Vaginal inflammation more strongly suggests trichomonas or muco-purulent cervicitis, in turn associated with gonorrhea or chlamydial trachomatis (Mashburn). The patient's pH level is 6, indicating BV. Wet Smears These are an inexpensive and relatively easy screening procedure for the most common sexually transmitted diseases, such as BV (Iglesias, Alderman & Fox, 2000). The practitioner should be appropriately trained and experienced in using this procedure. Hence, the proper protocol and quality control are needed to insure accurate diagnosis. The wet smear is quite useful and reliable in diagnosing BV because of the presence of clue cells. These are epithelial cells, which have irregular borders, full of bacteria and appear granular. A diagnosis of BV, using wet smear, is made when three of four findings are present. These four are a vaginal pH greater than 4.5; an abnormal and homogeneous vaginal discharge, fishy odor and presence of clue cells (Iglesias, Alderman & Fox). A study undertaken by Schmidt and Hansen showed that the wet smear criteria are suitable for general practice (Iglesias, Alderman & Fox, 2000). Accuracy, however, depends on the practitioner's level of education, training and experience in conducting the test properly. Another study compared the wet smear with Pap-stained vaginal smear and the Gram-stain smear. It used 107 women, 34 of whom were diagnosed with BV. The study showed that the Gram-stain test correlated well with the diagnosis and the presence of clue cells on wet smears. Vural and co-authors examined wet smears, cervical smears and biopsies of 131 patients for criteria on lower genital inflammation. They found a close correlation between clue cells on wet smear, on examination and with the grade of inflammation on examination (Iglesias, Alderman & Fox). Data gathered by Judson and Ehret provided evidence that wet smears had a 54-80% sensitive and 96% specific in detecting C. albicans, 50-70% sensitive and 99-100% specific for T. vaginalis, and 72-80% sensitive and 71-95% specific for BV (Iglesias, Alderman & Fox, 2000). Chacko and Rosenfeld's review of the use of wet smears in the diagnosis of cervical infections showed that cultures were more sensitive to the cause of vaginal discharge. Culture techniques are, however, expensive and labor-intensive. The turnaround time can be long and not in routine use in diagnosing the conditions in many health facilities. Faster techniques need to complement wet smears (Iglesias, Alderman & Fox). The patient was subjected to tests for sexually transmitted infections, inflammation and to speculum examination for vaginal discharge. Gram Stain Criteria Federal regulatory agencies now acknowledge that these criteria have partly replaced the wet-mount criteria as the most reliable diagnostic test for BV (Monif, 2001). This shift brought about two significant conceptual changes. It broadened the conditions of inducible odor, the presence of "clue cells,: and Gram Stain confirmation. It also gave less value to the presence of inflammatory cells. The Gram Stain test is considered excellent in documenting bacterial overgrowth. Poly-microbial flora found in women with BV is also called BV flora. BV flora is associated with abnormalities in pregnancy and after delivery, urinary tract infections, secondary fertility, ectopic pregnancies, upper female genital infections, pre-malignant cervical dysplasia and HIV infection. Demographic studies strongly suggest that BV is "one of the most important diseases of the 20th century (Monif)." Management/Treatment The oral regimen for BV consists of 500 mg of metronidazole daily for 7 days (Mashburn, 2007).The recommended intra-vaginal treatment is .75% metronidazole gel daily for 5 days or clindamycin cream 2% once a day for 7 days. Other treatments are 2 grams oral metronidazole as a single dose or ofloxacin 200 orally twice a day. Those who are allergic to metronidazole should be treated with clindamycin. Those with gastrointestinal complications should use intra-vaginal metronidazole, instead. This cream, however, can weaken latex condoms and diaphragms. Another form of contraception should be used as substitute while applying clindamycin vaginal preparations. HIV-positive women are treated the same way as those who are HIV-negative for BV. Oral metronidazole medicines cost much less than the two other recommended regimens (Mashburn). The patient's oral treatment consists of 2 grams of metronidazole as a single dose or 400 mg metronidazole twice daily for seven days. She may substitute intra-veginal metronidazole or clindamycin cream in case of intolerance for oral metronidazole. She is advised against vaginal douching and the use of genital shower gels or soaps and bath antiseptics. Recurrence of BV As high as 70% of women treated for BV experience a recurrence within 9 months after initial diagnosis (Mashburn, 2007). Realizing the problem, the 2006 Center for Disease Control guidelines recommend consultation with a specialist. Another recommendation is diagnosis by Gram stain as the gold standard technique, followed by a 10-to-14-day regimen of oral metronidazole 500 mg twice a day. One more regimen is vaginal metronidazole .075% cream once daily for 10 days and then twice a week for 4 to 6 months. Studies showed that the twice-a-week application for 6 months sustained a clinical cure (Mashburn). Tinidazole Relapse does occur after termination of even extended therapy, however (Mashburn, 2007). Furthermore, long-term use of vaginal metronidazole enhances vulvovaginal candidiasis infection. The use of nystatin and metronidazole combined is recommended following evidence of significantly lower recurrence in the combination treatment even up to 104 days after treatment. Tinidazole has also been recommended. It is a derivative of nitroimidazole with a higher peak of concentration and longer half-life than metronidazole. A case report found that treatment with tinidazole 500 mg twice daily for two weeks on a woman with refractory BV made her asymptomatic for 10 months. A 2-gram single-dose tinidazole was likewise effective on non-recurrent BV. Tinidazole also produced fewer gastrointestinal side effects than metronidazole. Recolonization of the vagina with lactobacilli is still under study for recurrent BV and has not been recommended (Mashburn). Sexual Transmission Australian researchers found that BV recurs because of sexual transmission (Kerr, 2006). High rates of recurrence were found among first-line therapy users of oral metronidazole, according to Carolina S. Bradshaw of the University of Melbourne and the Melbourne Sexual Health Center at The Alfred Hospital. This was the conclusion reached by the study undertaken by Dr. Bradshaw and her team on 121 respondents with BV symptoms. The respondents took 400 mg of metronidazole twice a day for seven days for the test. The team reported in the June 1st issue of The Joural of Infectious Diseases that 58% of the respondents had a recurrence and 69% at the 12th month of follow-up. The research team determined that the risk factors were a past history of BV, a regular sexual partner and a female sex partner. Dr. Bradshaw suspected an unknown and unresponsive virus or bacterium that disturbs vaginal immunity and kills protective lactobacilli. Current treatment did not treat the cause of the infection either in the woman or the sexual partner. In addition, there is substantial evidence that BV is transmitted between women. The team's position was that the definite cause of BV has not been established and practitioners only assume that it will respond to antibiotics. Dr. Bradshaw also said that new therapies were being developed. One of these is probiotics, which contain lactobacillus species (Kerr). Efficacy of Human Lactobacilli A recent study was conducted to determine if supplementary lactobacilli could improve cure rate after a vaginal clindamycin treatment and increase time of relapse (Larsson, Stray-Pedersen & Larsen, 2008). The study used the Amsel criteria on 100 respondents with BV who were asked to use the treatment and vaginal gelatine capsules or placebo. The gelatine capsules contained 109 freeze-dried lactobacilli. These were applied for 10 days during their menstrual cycles. The respondents were regularly menstruating women 18 years old and older. They had normal gynecological conditions, neither pregnant nor breast feeding at the time of the study and had no signs of other genital tract problems. Results showed that supplementation did not improve the effectiveness of BV therapy in the first month of treatment. But it increased the time of relapse up to 6 months during which the women were free of BV (Larsson, et al.). There is loss or reduction of lactobacilli in BV, which increases overgrowth of harmful bacteria (Larsson, et al., 2008). BV can also adversely affect pregnancy, so that treatment in early pregnancy is needed to reduce the chances of preterm deliveries. In a follow-up study on the efficacy of oral and vaginal metronidazole showed that only 48% of the respondents were BV-free in the 12 months after therapy. The presence of sufficient lactic-acid-producing bacilli maintains the normal bacterial environment of the vagina and maintains a low pH at below 4/5. It also protects against harmful bacteria. The most dominant strain is lactobacillus acidophilus. But tests run on women who had BV and received ovules with the bacterial strain were only initially cured. Read the full article
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ladygynecologistindore · 1 month ago
Is Vaginal Infection: When to Worry and When to Relax!
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Vaginal infections are common and can occur due to various reasons, from hormonal changes to bacterial imbalances. While some infections are harmless and resolve on their own, others require medical attention. Knowing when to worry and when to relax is essential for maintaining good feminine health. A female gynaecologist in Indore can help diagnose and treat such infections effectively.
1) Common Types of Vaginal Infections
Reality: There are several types of vaginal infections, each with its own symptoms and causes. The most common ones include:
Yeast Infections: Caused by an overgrowth of Candida fungus, leading to itching, thick white discharge, and irritation.
Bacterial Vaginosis (BV): An imbalance of vaginal bacteria that results in a fishy odor and grayish discharge.
Trichomoniasis: A sexually transmitted infection (STI) that causes yellow-green discharge, itching, and discomfort during urination.
2) When to Relax
Not all vaginal infections require immediate medical attention. Minor irritations or temporary changes in vaginal discharge due to diet, stress, or hormonal fluctuations are often harmless. If the symptoms are mild and improve with home remedies like probiotics, hygiene maintenance, and hydration, you can relax. However, keeping an eye on persistent symptoms is crucial.
Also Read: Laparoscopic Surgery in Indore
3) When to Worry
If you experience the following symptoms, consult a female gynaecologist in Indore immediately:
Persistent itching, burning, or swelling around the vaginal area
Foul-smelling, unusual-colored discharge (yellow, green, gray)
Pain during intercourse or urination
Unexplained bleeding between periods
Recurrent infections despite maintaining good hygiene
4) Preventing Vaginal Infections
Taking preventive measures can help avoid infections and discomfort:
Maintain proper vaginal hygiene and avoid harsh soaps
Wear breathable cotton underwear and avoid tight clothing
Practice safe sex and use protection
Avoid excessive use of antibiotics, which can disrupt vaginal flora
Stay hydrated and consume probiotic-rich foods for a healthy balance
5) Consulting a Female Gynaecologist in Indore
If you're unsure whether your symptoms require medical attention, seeking professional guidance is always a good idea. A female gynaecologist in Indore can conduct necessary tests and provide appropriate treatment to prevent complications.
Vaginal infections are common, but knowing when to worry and when to relax can help you manage them effectively. If symptoms persist or worsen, don’t hesitate to consult a female gynaecologist in Indore for expert care and advice.
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