#Symmetra goes on dates with the dragon and Genji has to sit there as a third wheel scowling the whole time XD;
macabrecabra · 8 years
Symmetra approaches the shimada bros about their dragons because she's curious about how they work, what are they made out of exactly, etc., but besides the very basic info the brothers don't actually know too much about their dragons, which leaves Symmetra unsatisfied, so she decides to lure their dragons out so she can study them more closely.
I can give you a little somethingsure! A new prompt idea is always welcomed to bring in some fresh air
For anon! Title: In Regards toDragonsRating: PG-13Relationship: Symmetra studying themdragons
Sometimes, in the pursuit of betterunderstanding, it was better to ask forgiveness than to seekpermission. That was a lesson Symmetra had been taught from a youngage, well before she had enter the field itself.
As a smallgirl, she had learned quickly, as most children did, what was rightand wrong, what was allowed and not allowed, and also that there wererules and barriers. She had also learned that breaking those ruleswere sometimes, just sometimes though, a little necessary to find abetter way. The ends justified the means in the end and small slightscould be forgiven. What she was about to do now was just oneof those instances. In the name of understanding the Shimada dragons, she had to take things into her own hands.
Of course she had tried to play nice.She had spoken to both Hanzo and Genji about the object of herinterest, their dragons, but it was rather hard to get a straightanswer from either. “It has been in our family forgenerations, binding to those in the family who are proven worthy,”Had been what Hanzo had said solemnly with Genji's own remarks beingmore or less the same thing although phrased far more crudely andlaid-back.It was a pair of responses that had Symmetrafrowning as they held no sense of scientific or even rationalexplanation and fell back on wives tales and traditions. Two menhaving dragons was treated like a common place thing, not somethingof extraordinary revelation. Such answers could not be accepted andso Symmetra had went to work on finding a way to truly settle her curiosity and bring a more logical explanation for the dragons intobeing.There was always a way to explain myths.
Symmetra hummed to herself, a habit ofhers that came to light when in high spirits and dare she say giddyabout a particular project, as she began to power up her personallab. She had left the Vishkar Corporation, true, but she had notabandoned all the equipment she had picked up over the years. She hadsimply moved it to her own personal room, converting half of thesuite into her own working lab with her own security codes separatefrom Athena's control. Here, there would be no one to watch or evenknown she was the one that “stole” the Shimada dragons.
She wouldn't have used that word to describe what she had done though. She had simply borrowed the beasts and wouldreturn them when she was satisfied. That was all. Nothing more,nothing less. They would not be gone any longer than what wasnecessary to get her curiosity sated. As her lab finishedloading Symmetra extended a single finger to lightly tap against theholoscreen, flicking through the security codes without much thought,already bending her mind towards what she needed to accomplish thisday. To start, she would have to find a way to isolate  what thedragons were made of, or at least, what kind of light they were.  Herpersonal theory on the matter was that these dragons were a constructof light, not hard light, but some other form of undiscovered lightmanipulation that was more alive than the hard light creations sheutilized.
If that was true, with enough researcha combination of living and hard light could very well be used tocraft organs, maybe even new life. It would be the literallykey to godhood if someone were to master it, the very ability tomanipulate life as it was known.A touch of a smile came toher lips as she briefly entertained such lofty thoughts. Such dreamshad merit but now wasn't the time to get lost in the could be of herresearch and focus on the task at hand. The architect lifted hergun and loaded the muzzle carefully into a port, pressing the switchto let the dragons out into a larger containment field constructed ofthick glass that would allow her to observe them as she manipulatedthe strange energy that they were made up of. Blue and green serpentstwisted and twined about, clearly agitated and Symmetra even got thesensation they were watching her. In all honestly that didn'tscare her as much as it should have. It fascinated her that the beingwere sentient enough to know they were captured and being studied.Symmetra gave a small smile to the beasts, deceptively kind,as her fingers tapped across the keypad and began to scan and uploaddata to her lab. Her eyes flicked to the read out of numbers dashingacross the screens, pursing her lips thoughtfully. Her mind wasfocusing in on it all, soaking it up with the fervor she always hadwhen it came to matters of light and light research. The green dragonhad paused in its ceaseless meanderings of its new cage, watching thedate with an almost curious tilt of its head, tiny paws against theglass. It was cute she supposed but it did little to distracther from her work. The dragon was now pawing at the class, giving outhissing low growls that sounded so much deeper and louder than itssmall size would indicate but she suppose it only appeared small fornow due to being confined. It had been so much larger when Genji hadunleashed it.
“My, my aren't the three of youinteresting,” She murmured out loud, “Such strange photonmake-up, and to create such colors and diversity, yet behave thesame, so very peculiar,” She flicked her fingers over thescreen, sorting out data into the necessary categories, eyesnarrowing. The green dragon was moving at a slower pace, which madesense given its color while the blue dragons were far more energeticand more akin to hard light. Akin to, but not quiet. There was someother wavelength in their make-up, some other finely woven aspect shestill needed to unpack. Symmetra's eyes narrowed andcarefully she shifted to bring her hands to a small pad, brushing herfingers against it. Within the container, hard light erupted and thedragons scattered from the thin beam, hissing and growling. The greenone was the first to inspect it, snapping a small mouth at it beforesquawking as the beam of harmless light expanded as Symmetra began tomanipulate it from outside the containment chamber.Shesmirked, just a bit as she watched the dragons huff and hiss as shemore or less formed a copy of the green dragon out of hard light. Itseemed to be aware of this, letting out a surprised shrieking soundand starting to nudge and wrap around the construct, looking over atthe twin blue dragon's with a wide eyed, glowing look of shock as ifto say “That's me! This is me! Its me!”
Symmetra couldn't help the slightchuckle that escaped her or the curl of her lips as she beheld itsantics, “My, aren't you a lively one?” she cooed.Thegreen dragon turned to regard her, looking more at ease, earsflicking about as it gave almost a smile and a purring rumble. With afew flicks of her fingers, her dragon of light began to move,tickling its own paws now over the belly of the green dragon. Thelittle glowing dragon shrieked and twisted about and if it had beencapable of blushing, Symmetra had a feeling it would. The twin bluedragons were curled up with each other, watching with a guardedinterest, hissing slightly as the green dragon was all but wrapped upnow with the dragon construct, purring happily and licking it.“Doyou like my little construct then?” She teased, for a momentforgetting her research to continue to more or less play with thegreen dragon, “I can make more,”In a flurry and few wellplaced twists of her fingers, three more much smaller little babydragons flitted in, twisting and turning and causing the green dragonto glow even more, lighting up as it swatted and chased the smallerdragons, sometimes nuzzling, only stopping when it had caught one andlooking to the twin blue dragons, tilting its head.
Hanzo's dragons though seemed to not beas social, only giving a hiss. It was honestly quiet fascinating how the dragon's seemed to have picked up on theindividual personality quirks of their owners. All in all though, itwasn't like she needed all three for her study. She pursed her lipsthoughtfully before flicking her fingers, dismissing the hard lightcreations. The green dragon whined, flitting about  before pressingits face to the glass in an attempt to give her a doe-eyed look. Shechuckled and raised a finger to tap the glass where its small nosewas.“How about we let your friends there go back to theirowner and you, my tiny green friend, stay with me for a while yes?I'll make more dragons for you to play with,” she cooed. Thedragon seemed to understand and nodded excitedly while the two blueones perked up at the mention of being able to go to their owner.Symmetra chuckled. She had the readings she needed and one of themwas willing to stay around. A flick of her finger opened the hatchand the twin blue dragons burst out and were gone in an instant outunder the door. The green one though slid out, growing larger andthen wrapping about her some. The touch of the glowing scaleswas warm, but not blistering so. More like a warm cup of tea on acold winter's day clutched between the hands. She reached out to petit slightly, earning a low purr as it rested its head on hershoulder, “You are an affectionate one, aren't you?”Thedragon's only response was a lazy yawn, exposing its teeth somebefore it settled to watch her work. As promised though, she created afew constructs, little dragons that danced through the air around thehead of the glowing green beast. Again this seemed to please thedragon and it was darting about the lab in dizzying patterns to givechase to the constructs, pausing at times to wrap about her as if toremind her it had not left. She had expected no visitors toher room. It was honestly a bit of a surprise for her door to swingopen and Genji to step in, crossing his arms as he leaned in thedoorway, “It is rather rude to steal someones' dragon withoutpermission,”“I did not steal the dragon. They seem morethan content to stay,” Symmetra responded idly, not about to lether surprise break through her calm facade, “Did you know it washere?”“Hanzo's dragon's told him and he told me,” Genjidrawled, stepping further into the room. Symmetra clucked hertongue, turning to the green dragon and giving it a tickle under thechin, “A dirty pair of snitches, aren't they my friend?”Thedragon purred in agreement and she saw Genji tilt his head some, hisposture a bit tense and he had a slight arch of his neck as ifsomeone had touched him there. Symmetra noted that it was the samespot she touched the dragon. She repeated the touch, quirking aneyebrow as she noticed Genji arch just slightly again before she gavea wicked little smirk and brought both hands up to ruffle and pet thedragon, turning her attention to the beast as if she hadn't noticedthat it seemed indeed the dragon and its owner shared a link andshared sensations such as touch.
Best not to let him know she found outand play innocent. Such a thing could be exploited for amusement andstudy after all. Mostly though for amusement as she couldn't help buttake a little mean sort of satisfaction in ruffling people in aspassive and elegant as a way she could.  “I want my dragonreleased back to me,” Genji growled out  slightly.“It isreleased and can return when it wishes,” she answered simply, “Ihave enough data to sort through for now but I would love to have mynew friend stop by,”
She pressed a kiss to the snoot ofthe beast and she swore she heard Genji curse under his breath in hisnative tongue. Oh she was going to have fun teasing the usually cockyand tranquil cyborg, that was for certain. She had been growing tiredof teasing that rubbish Australian, stalwart Pharah, and  the far tooAmerican cowboy. It was time to perhaps...expand her horizons. Hernew fascination with the dragons seemed to have yielded even more thansimple data.The dragon gave a long rolling purr, moving abouther before lazily returning to Genji, the coils starting to dissipateas it returned to its resting place, “We shall see. It is a clansecret as to what the dragons are,”“You never seemed likea man of traditions though,” Symmetra pointed out idly, turning herattention back to the data she had, flicking her eyes over it all,“Regardless, I'll sate my curiosity one way or another. You cannotimpede science,”Genji gave a snort, turning to leave, “Andyou cannot impede a Shimada if you cross their path one too manytimes,” he said, the tone calm yet carried the undertone of athreat. Symmetra ignored it and focused on the work in frontof her. Genji could threaten all he wanted but he really didn't havethe makings of someone who would go as far as to kill someone else.His nature was subdued despite his fearsome reputation. She didn'tfeel threatened, not in the least. Besides, his dragon wouldbe back. A quirk of a smile was curling her lips, her eyes narrowingin a pleased expression. She was missing the dragon already and itsantics. Perhaps sooner rather than later it would return. Shewouldn't mind its warm scaly company.
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