#Sylvan Primarie
tanoraqui · 13 days
ok so the notable question for this au is,
Note: Option 4 is the only one that really works with an ironic, sylvan mirror of the Fall of Eregion in the Second Age. But we don't need to keep that in mind! This is a Beren & Lúthien au; anything else is beyond the scope of the project.
Note 2: Option 4 doesn’t necessarily remain uninvolved in this story. Just that he isn’t yet!
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thecreaturecodex · 2 years
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"maggot princess" © @bowelfly, accessed here
[The hargin is a monster I first heard of recently, thanks to @abominationimperatrix. They're found in the stories of Gilgit, a province of west Asia currently belonging to Pakistan. The idea of a shapeshifting, charming, monster bride being a giant maggot is delightful to me, a novel twist on the various swan maidens and selkies of Western Europe. As is the idea that bioaccumulation can result in scavengers becoming magical. In Gilgit, the ibex is considered a fairy animal, and so maggots that eat a dead ibex are those that turn into hargins. I expanded it to fey of all kinds.
Also, how cool is the art? @bowelfly knocked this one out of the park. I sent them references for traditional Gilgit-Baltistan clothing.]
Hargin CR 3 CN Fey This creature has the body of a woman, but the head of a giant maggot. Her neck stretches to impossible lengths. She wears fine robes and carries a stringed instrument.
A hargin is a fey creature that becomes a fey creature through unusual means—its diet. Hargins begin their lives as the ordinary maggots of flies, laid in carrion. The difference is that the carrion is a fey creature of some kind. By eating flesh imbued with fey energy, the maggots themselves become dimly magical and sapient, and then rapidly turn on each other. By the time one had devoured its peers, it has grown to monstrous proportions, and then molts not into a fly pupa, but into a humanoid hargin. The hargin is capable of changing its shape, and then proceeds to enter humanoid society in disguise.
Hargins differ in terms of their alignments, but most have acquisitive personalities. A hargin typically wishes to gain some sort of power, prestige or fame in their humanoid form, or barring that, get rich. Some hargins turn to performance, others to theft, and others seduce their way into the households of the nobility. Although hargins are somewhat naïve, they are charming and capable, and have a handful of magical tricks to assist them in either social climbing or larceny. They spend almost all of their lives in disguise, returning to their monstrous forms only in order to defend themselves.  Hargins are more likely to view other members of their own species as threats than allies. Hargins are sexually compatible with the humanoids they mimic, and some fey or aberrant blooded sorcerers have a hargin ancestor somewhere on their family tree.
In combat, a hargin uses its bite attack as its primary weapon, but may carry weapons to defend itself as a humanoid in order to not blow its cover. Its mandibles ooze digestive acids, and it can concentrate them into a caustic bolus. A hargin’s neck can extend impossibly far, even in humanoid form, and they are sometimes mistaken for rokurokubi due to this ability.
Hargin  CR 3 XP 800 CN Medium fey (shapechanger) Init +4; Senses low-light vision, Perception +5, scent Defense AC 14, touch 14, flat-footed 10 (+4 Dex) hp 27 (5d6+10) Fort +3, Ref +8, Will +3 DR 5/cold iron; SR 14 Offense Speed 30 ft. Melee dagger +6 (1d4+1/19-20), bite +1 (1d6 plus 1d6 acid) or bite +6 (1d6+1 plus 1d6 acid) Ranged shortbow +6 (1d6/x3) or acid spit +6 touch (2d6 acid) Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. (15 ft. with bite) Special Attacks extensible neck Spell-like Abilities CL 5th, concentration +7 3/day—charm person (DC 13), faerie fire, hypnotism (DC 13), ventriloquism (DC 13) 1/day—deep slumber (DC 15), invisibility, touch of idiocy Statistics Str 12, Dex 19, Con 14, Int 11, Wis 8, Cha 14 Base Atk +2; CMB +3; CMD 17 Feats Deceitful, Point-Blank Shot, Weapon Finesse Skills Bluff +10, Diplomacy +8, Disguise +10, Knowledge (local, nature) +6, Perception +5, Perform (string instrument) +8, Sleight of Hand +10, Stealth +10, Survival +5 Languages Common, Sylvan SQ change shape (humanoid, alter self) Ecology Environment any land or urban Organization solitary Treasure standard (lute, dagger, shortbow with 20 arrows, other treasure) Special Abilities Acid (Ex) A creature that takes acid damage from a hargin’s bite or spit attack must succeed a DC 14 Fortitude save or take half the damage again (minimum 1) at the beginning of the hargin’s next turn. The save DC is Constitution based. Acid Spit (Ex) As a standard action, a hargin can spit a bolus of acid. Treat this as a ranged touch attack with a range of 30 feet and no range increment. A creature struck takes 2d6 points of acid damage. Extensible Neck (Ex) A hargin has fifteen feet of reach with its bite attack, and treats cover as being one step less for the purposes of making attacks with her bite attack or acid spit. A hargin may extend its neck in order to make an acid spit attack, effectively increasing its range to 45 feet. A hargin may extend its neck even in humanoid form.
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rene-hl-trashcan · 5 months
Sylvan & Sylvia Character Sheet!
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I found this character sheet template on Pinterest and thought it would be fun to do one for all of my MCs. I already have an elaborated story of them in my head so this might motivates me to actually write it lol. Sylvan and Sylvia are a set so they get to go first!
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If I could sum up these "twins" in short warning tag, it would be :
Sylvan : Unhinged obsessive floof. Do not be deceived. Proceed at your own risk.
Sylvia : The ice and thorns are protection. Please proceed with gentleness.
(You can read the reasons below lol) 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Sylvan and Sylvia aren't actually twins or blood-related siblings but they're doppelgangers to each other from alternate universes. Sylvia's parents didn't marry out of love like Sylvan's so they didn't go through all the courting phases. They got together early and that's why in her world, she was born nearly a year earlier than him.
Sylvia was originally so closed-off and near-emotionless when she first joined the household. She also struggled to express her emotions or needs despite how welcoming her new family was. Those self-preservation defensive walls of hers were the primary catalyst and the beginning of Sylvan's absolutely unhinged obsession over the people he has came to claim as his. He did everything he could to ensure that she felt safe, warm and welcomed into his family; willingly giving up everything he has, unyielding and persistent despite her rejections, skirting around her boundaries and walls as he tried to find a crack where he could wedge his way into her heart. It were long arduous years for him to gain the trust of his new sister but when she finally opened up, he already developed the toxic yandere habit of obsessing over the people he likes.
Hence, that is also the reason Anne has no chance of dying, Sebastian would never walk the path of a murderer, and Ominis would be free from the Gaunts in the AU where Sylvan is the protagonist. He loves his Slytherin Trio so much to allow anything bad ever touching them lol.
That unhinged boy would fight god with a toothpick if it meant he got to secure your happiness for you. Best/worst part, you don't even have to like him or reciprocate his love. He understands that he can't force people to like him so he wouldn't expect you to do so. Which sounds good and all until you realised that he would also use the same excuse to justify the fact that he couldn't force himself to not like you and that he is unwilling to stop himself from bulldozing his way into your life.
Also, Sylvan loves cuddles and hugs. Boy has the horrible habit of pulling everyone he likes into a cuddle whenever he felt like it. When it comes to cuddles, he will hug first ask consent later. 🤣🤣🤣
TLDR; if Sylvan likes you, you're already his and he would do anything he is capable of to ensure that you feel safe, loved and happy.
Meanwhile, Sylvia is a squishy softy hiding under the icy RBF mask.
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crossdressingdeath · 2 years
Sometimes I just... Okay. Okay. Think for a moment about the lovely new gear you get in Awakening that is made by Wade. Best armourer in Ferelden Wade. And think for a moment about that whole situation from Herren's perspective.
You are now in Amaranthine. Wade does not like Amaranthine because it is cold and the perfectly nice fortress isn't good enough and this is your problem now apparently. But it's fine.
You are working for the same Warden who commissioned all that fucking drakescale armour but it's fine because now they have a whole fortress's soldiers to keep supplied, so clearly they are too busy for nonsense, right? Right???????
Apparently fucking not.
You've just got Wade settled down and at work on perfectly normal armour, and then this fucking Warden comes in.
"Wade, I've got heartwood from a wild sylvan." "Wade, I've got the shell of an inferno golem." "Wade, I've got bones from an ancient high dragon."
Where are they even finding these things.
The heartwood and the golem shell almost make sense but what were the bones of an ancient high dragon doing in a marsh.
Now Wade just has to drop everything to do commission work for this fucking Warden.
You can't even kick them out or refuse to work for them because they're your primary employer and also it's their house.
Also now the fortress is being attacked by darkspawn.
Being Herren is suffering even in timelines where he doesn't die and/or become a desire demon.
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sqider · 11 days
I usually make it a point to not apologize for being inactive because this is a hobby not a jobby but i would be lying if i said I didn’t feel the ittiest bit bad. So at least let me share what lore im working on so that you get how deep i am in lore trenches:
So, as it currently stands Vel’Narquel is a hidden Drow city based on the surface that is dependent on fey to basically both hide it & help defend it. This is going to shift.
- Instead of the Drow families who founded the city fleeing directly to the surface (which can still serve as surface rumors), they fled deeper into the lower dark, eventually hiding beneath the brush of a sussur grove, relying on its anti magic field to #1 make them undetectable by magical means #2 dissuade the Lolthite search parties from venturing deeper due to the massive toll a sussur can take as it eats the magic in its radius.
- Vel’Narquel will be split into TWO cities, an upper & a lower city. The lower city is seated beneath a great & ancient sussur tree that sits at the center of a sussur grove. The generations of exposure to sussur have made the Sylvandrow resistant to feeling any real fatigue from its magic sapping qualities. While not entirely inaccessible, the city is extremely closed off to surface outsiders & there is current pushback against the ruling council by outside drow in regards to their strict exclusion of non sylvan. These primarily consist of lolthite refugees & eilistraee Drow, so (in early drafts) there is the emergence of an external district just outside the city where the non sylvandrow populate. Sort of like Wyrm’s crossing.
- The upper city is easier to find & slightly easier to get access to, it is mostly comprised of their military forces, in particular their newly graduated students & soldiers who will live for a time in the upper city to gain valuable experience in the field. Once they reach an appropriate age or prove themselves as having obtained the experience & maturity necessary to be a full member of society, they are rotated out of service in the upper city & allowed to come home. There is a very common belief that the upper city is Vel’Narquel, due to how little is known about the location in general its mostly underdark denizens & sussur enthusiasts who know the heart of the city is in the lowerdark.
- The anti magic field of the sussur grove is a natural defense mechanism of the city & the trees are treated very carefully by the sylvandrow. Without proper permits or permissions, you best leave the trees alone because every bit of the damn thing (from bark to leaf) is valuable & considered quite precious. Their greatest export is byproducts of the trees but its a very controlled export, the most common byproducts of trade being Sussur blossom tea blends (from light tasting young spring blossoms to a floral & gently bitter blend comprised of old blossoms that naturally fall off the branches), to a variety of lovely blue dyes, etc etc.
- Blue petrified amber of the sussur is illegal to export outside of the city. The amber is naturally formed inside the magic eating trees & has natural magic exuding properties making it a perfect counter to the anti magic field. Besides being a breath taking jewelry piece, it has cultural significance & is a controlled byproduct of the tree that should not be falling in non drow hands.
- Sylvandrow are still matriarchal, these drow are far more united with each other because of their common enemy & the way they depended on each other for mutual survival when the city was founded. Many women are still family heads & political leaders while men occupy a great deal of military roles & service roles. Remember, these fleeing families that founded the city lost their wealth & didn’t have the numbers to have chosen relatives raise their kids. Men are considered the primary caretakers while the mums handle the family assets. ( Malewife abyssel is canon but he cant cook worth a damn 🤣he’ll learn )
Less developed concepts:
- They unseelie fey are still involved but i havent developed that far.
- Due to the sussur, obviously magic is not an easily accessible combat type on home turf. So, there will be a large emphasis on hand-to-hand combat, weaponry utilization & battle tactics to take advantage of an enemy who would also be sapped of magic in the anti magic field.
- I havent developed the education systems yet, i am very much interested in exploring a system of apprenticeship in some way depending on the skills being learned.
- Vel’Narquel is very beautiful & the entire city carries the honey sweet scent of the sussur blossoms down every pathway & in every window.
- The only companions who might canonically know of it are Gale, because hes well read, Minthara, because the betrayal of fleeing Lolth’s wrath & leaving alive is not a slight forgotten (aka lolth would greatly like them dead) & possibly Astarion because Neil had introduced the idea that he is aware of drizzt implying he might have spent a decent amount of time reading some books on notable drow things. Gale would likely know the most, tho, hes an adorable wizard enthusiast.
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kades-rp-lore-hell · 17 days
are you ready for a long-ass tangent? good, because i've decided it's time for me to tell you sylvan's entire development history as a character.
so, first and foremost, sylvan was not originally made to be a roleplay blog character. his original and primary purpose is to be a self insert guy i can draw kissing and/or hanging out with characters i like.
the character that eventually became sylvan was made... about 5 years ago, i think. maybe. and he was originally made to be a sword and shield self insert. he had a different design, though i never drew it. i made it in gacha life or something and lost the screenshot.
that's usually how i start designing characters. i open up gacha life and/or picrew and start dicking around until i end up with something i like that i can mess with more when i eventually draw the character. which i never did with galarian sylvan. his name was originally oliver, by the way.
anyway, from memory, i think he looked something like this.
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do excuse the Slop, 'tis but a quick doodle.
i don't think i ever worked out much of a backstory for galarian sylvan. i didn't think about him for very long. he was kind of just... the sword and shield protagonist.
personality wise, i remember him being a guy who didn't talk very much, even when commanding his pokemon in battle. he was a very good battler, though. good enough to become champion. this is not a trait that stuck around.
anyway, galarian sylvan faded into the back of my mind eventually... until i played pokemon black. (cool kade fact: for some reason i played pokemon black and then pokemon white 2??? i don't know why i did that. it's not really relevant to this story.)
and i was like. hoo boy. i want to make a self insert guy i can draw kissing N. and THEN i was like wait a minute. don't i already have a pokemon guy i can recycle. i would kind of have to rework everything but idk i have a face and name to start with i guess.
but what do i make him wear. i contemplated this for a very long time. outfit design is not my strong suit. so i focused on backstory first.
in my first idea for his backstory, he was a team plasma member. he wasn't a normal grunt but i don't remember what was special about him. i didn't keep this idea for very long and don't remember most of the details, but whatever i had cooking i eventually decided "messed with canon too much."
so i tried something else. his second backstory is... closer to what he have now, but still some pretty notable differences.
so, he lived in lacunosa town, with parents who argued frequently and eventually split, his mom leaving after a big fight.
but sylvan (who was still called oliver by the way.) had something else going on. you see, he had this problem where he kept encountering legendary and mythical pokemon. like, at least once a year i think, some legendary pokemon, presumably including ones who aren't even unovan, would show up and just stare at him or something and then leave.
except one time he encountered a legendary pokemon who didn't just stare at him and leave. i think it was supposed to be either kyurem or one of the swords of justice. doesn't really matter. whoever it was became aggressive and attempted to attack him. pretty sure he got out uninjured.
and then, depending on which iteration of this backstory was currently in my head, he either left lacunosa town of his own accord or was sort of... exiled, i guess. either way, he thought of himself as dangerous to be around.
and then. uhhhhh. my memory of this backstory gets a lot fuzzier after that. i have a very vague little timeline i wrote out in the back of one of my sketchbooks at some point. apparently this version of sylvan had two exes? an ex girlfriend and an ex boyfriend. i only remember this version of him having an ex boyfriend and I don't remember what the ex girlfriend contributed to the story.
so, what i THINK happened next is that he moved to sinnoh with his boyfriend. but over time sylvan became very possessive over his boyfriend, who freaked out and abandoned him. or something like that. sylvan, unable to pay for the place they were living, proceeds to fuck off into the woods or some shit and live there.
so he lives in the woods for a little while. at this point he had grown to fear/hate humans and disown the title of human. and then one day he comes across an injured pokemon who he begrudgingly decides should be taken to the pokemon center.
on his way there he sees zekrom flying overhead and he thinks "oh god not this shit again." this leads into sylvan encountering N, and i don't remember many details beyond that, i don't think i thought about it much. i do remember that sylvan was afraid to fall in love with N because he worried that he would get all freaky possesive on him like he did with his ex.
pretty sure the "sylvan is weirdly yandere-adjacent" thing is one of the first things i got rid of in this backstory, lol. though he does still have a bit of a possessive/jealous streak, it's been toned down a whollleee lot. to the point where it hasn't even really come up on the roleplay blog i don't think. though there was a mmm event i was planning to do where it was a lot more appearent, but i ended up not doing it because i Didn't Want To.
ANYWAY. there isn't exactly any given point where the backstory i just described to you became the backstory he has now. just... over time, stuff got removed or changed or swapped out until we got here.
...but let's circle back to his clothing now, eh? because this whole time, i knew i didn't want his original outfit, but had no fuckin clue what he should wear now.
until i remembered this one time, a long time ago, before i even made galarian sylvan, i participated in an ask game on tumblr. someone made a post that was like "send me an ask with a character you like and i'll assign them an outfit from my pinterest board." so i gave them a character, and they gave me this:
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ohoho, it's all coming together. i thought, "i can put these clothes on a character." and i did! i also used tiktok at the time, and i thought about a tiktok i had seen recently where someone talked about why they liked the pokemon cherrim. and i was like. "what if i give my guy a cherrim." and i did!and a cherry blossom theming to boot.
unfortunately, i still have the first drawing i ever did of sylvan's current design. which means unfortunately i will be showing it to you. this was made in the summer of 2022, i think.
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i went through a few different eye shapes for him before i landed on how they look now. here are very quick doodles of two of his previous eye shapes:
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fun fact he wasn't originally meant to have a deerling. i looked at deerling and was like "oh i could give him that— wait they aren't always pink. meh, i'll give him something else." and then i changed my mind at some point and I don't really remember why.
over time his eye shape kind of slowly morphed from the second one in that image to his current eye shape. here's an old picture where he's kind of in that process:
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pretty sure most of the colors used in his design were color picked from pokemon he either had or was supposed to have at some point. though i couldn't tell you which ones are which, and some of them might have been color picked and then shifted slightly.
i think... if i were to remake his party today... it would be mostly the same, but he'd have a munna instead of a deerling. i mean, look at munna. that is a sylvan pokemon if there has ever been a sylvan pokemon.
and he did originally have a munna, in addition to the deerling and everyone else and also a shiny audino. but a little while after i made the roleplay blog, i retconned the munna and audino out of existence because i didn't do anything with them and wanted less characters to keep track of. a few months later i would finalize N's team for the blog and add his trainer card to the pinned, giving me six new pokemon to keep track of. whatever, me.
but if i redid his team now i'd replace sage with a munna because it fits him better, i like that he doesn't have a full party because he doesn't battle, and i like that all of his pokemon are from different regions. because he's been to many different regions. i guess giving him multiple unovan pokemon works because even though he's been to so many places he's still a unovan at heart, but idk.
if you ever wondered about sylvan's Triangles™ (his necklace and belt buckle), those are there because i like latias and latios. and i wanted to give my self insert something related to that. so, two little triangles in the color of mega latias and latios. yay.
anyway, his visual design has stayed mostly the same since this drawing. his hair has been simplified a bit though.
i don't remember at what point i gave him siblings. they just showed up in my brain at some point. i think that was after i changed sylvan's name to sylvan though, so let's talk about that.
so, as i've mentioned, sylvan was originally named oliver. at some point i decided that name didn't suit him. so i started looking for new names. it took a while, but there's not much of an interesting story to tell about it. it was just a lot of me browsing name websites.
i really liked florian, but that was taken by the male scarlet and violet protagonist. i was soooooo pissed about that.
briefly considered viorel, which would have been a funny name to pick since it's an anagram of oliver. but it didn't really suit him either. even less than oliver in fact.
anyway, eventually i ended up at sylven. that's not a typo. the issue here was that i did think the name fit his vibes, but i didn't actually like the name very much at first. i quickly learned that it had an alternate spelling, sylvan, which i liked the look of a little more.
so i was like. fuck it, sure. he's sylvan now. does he need a last name? i'll give him a last name. let's just throw the word cherry into google translate. yeaaaah, kirsche, that'll do. the name sylvan has grown on me quite a bit since, actually.
uhhh. OH, right, i was gonna talk about his family a little. there's not a lot to say about their development, i don't think. but they have gone through a few name changes themselves.
sylvan's mom went from holly to azalea
sylvan's dad doesn't necessarily have an old name that was ever canon, but he didn't have an Official™ name for a while. when i first made him in the sims i just hit the random button for a while until it gave me mason. it didn't fit the theme the rest of the family had but it was a fine placeholder name. eventually i gave him vernon.
sylvan's older brother was always oliver i think. for the funny.
sylvan's older younger sister (sister who is younger than sylvan but older than his other sister) went from poppy, to lilac after i realized poppy was taken, to laelia.
sylvan's youngest sister was fern for quite a while, before i noticed that all sylvan's family had names that were six letters long. so i gave her willow to fit that.
i THINK that's all my words finally. unless i think of more things to say later. if you read all this... why.
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vigilskeep · 2 years
Do u have any thoughts on the Spirit Warrior specialization from Awakening
spirit warrior specialisation my fucking beloved. it’s soooooo interesting. the fact that non-mages can make deals with spirits??? the fact that the templars apparently don’t draw a distinction???
also it’s described as “they flirt with inhabitants of the fade who agree to augment mortal abilities in exchange for a glimpse of the physical world” (emphasis mine). are they possessed??? do they give spirits little mortal world vacations like What Is The Deal. this is justice’s automatic specialisation in awakening so they do apparently function just as a spirit in the physical world does, implying possession. though of course not all spirit healers are actively possessed, and it’s a similar concept. the primary difficulty is that it’s much easier for mages to get in contact with a spirit than it is for a warrior, generally stuck in the physical world. (the fact that dwarves can become spirit warriors is Fascinating btw.) one has to imagine that a mage’s assistance is required to facilitate becoming a spirit warrior?
one of the most interesting things about the spirit warrior specialisation is of course the similarity to fenris’ lyrium ghost skillset in da2. i suppose it’s the same concept: giving a non-mage magical capabilities by adding something inherently magical, such as lyrium tattoos or the presence/assistance of a spirit. arguably it’s the same concept behind templar abilities. the distinction between mage and non-mage is not nearly as clear-cut as anyone would like to think
i love that the templars don’t draw a distinction. thedas is a world full of magic outside what mages produce, and awakening has a few nods to this as well as the spirit warrior spec; there’s a chanter’s board quest where templars want help researching ancient sylvans, for instance. it’s easy for us with our video game mechanics knowledge to see a character’s class and say oh obviously that isn’t a mage, but what does a templar see when they look at a spirit warrior? what do they see for that matter when they look at a reaver, or at fenris, or at someone who uses enchanted weapons? what do they see when they look at a golem’s master or ex-werewolves with strange-coloured eyes or those with magical injuries or healers who really do just work with natural remedies? i think that’s a really interesting dimension to add to the mage templar conflict and reflects the way definitions can often be broadened when it comes to real world prejudices if it suits someone’s purposes
i’d really like to see this one make a return :D it’s so cool. the Implications of it all
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archivestarlyht · 7 months
vivi’s first language is aquan, common is her second. she was taught to read and write fluently in both languages.
fox is also fluent in orcish in addition to thieves cant. orcish script gives him a little bit of trouble because he doesn’t read it often, but he can read in that language. i still have to decide how he came about learning it, but it was probably work related.
elvish kind of subsumed common as lex’s primary spoken language due to his circumstances, though it’s obviously spoken in the feywild. he learned sylvan to converse with a dryad he met when he was young. she did teach him how to read in that language but he isn’t really confident in his ability to translate.
sol’s first language is drowic, then undercommon and drow sign were taught at home. he learned surface common at melee-magthere, kind of painfully. reading does cause him problems generally, but surface common particularly considering it’s not his native language, and he’s dyslexic. generally avoidant about reading things unless he has to.
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trashcankitty12 · 2 years
I would love some touches on Salvador? Like hobbies and marriage and parenthood to Morgan. He is cool.
Salvador Sylvane:
(This is going to be long, so it's under a read more.)
Eldest of the Sylvane Siblings (By 2 Years)
His magic, like Griffin's comes from the energy of the world around him. Not like the elements or the animals, but the actual living auras around in the world they're on. However, Salvador is more into defense and healing magic, where Griffin was more the fighter.
(It's how it always was. Growing up as a dark realmer during the time of the Ancestral Witches' rule of Obsidian and the Councils massive hold on the Magical Dimension, it was hard.)
(He and everyone with dark magic were treated as less than, as corrupt or evil before even truly being understood.)
(So Salvador did what his mother did, try to assimilate. Be hidden and quiet. Don't make too much fuss. You don't want to make yourself a target. That makes things worse.)
(Griffin on the other hand, was like her father, and would openly defy and question the authorities. He's had to bail her out a few times before they ever joined the Coven. In fact, he joined the Coven to try and help her by, in his mind, finally being the supportive and protective brother she needed. And then he was called to bring her in and... Well that didn't quite go as planned.)
During his time with the Coven and the Company of Light, he became an excellent medic and healer. He also strengthened his potion-making abilities. Which also could be considered bomb-making in certain contexts...
He's a romantic at heart, always willing to play matchmaker. His primary victim is usually his sister, but he has helped others branch out. (Like with Saladin and the new library head in Magix City. Or the rekindling of Hagen and Faragonda's romance. Griselda and Zarathustra. And currently, he's working on Griffin again, and his new buddy and the new RF flight instructor: Spencer Novak.)
Salvador is almost as adept as Griffin when it comes to plotting and scheming, however he doesn't shy away from the flashy and loud methods like she tends to. Stealth isn't his favorite thing.
He's also the first one to scream out when something is a suicide mission. A good voice of reason... Usually. (Things get a little murky if family is involved however. Salvador is extremely protective.)
Not much of an astronomer like Griffin, or as into chess. Salvador is a bit more physical when it comes to his hobbies.
In the Coven:
He became friends with Valtor. Or at least, they were friendly. Salvador managed to keep Valtor out of trouble (to a degree) and Valtor found someone to assist in making trouble.
Valtor also is the one who taught Salvador to sword fight and helped him develop his more aggressive spells.
Salvador, in return, helped keep Valtor a fully-stocked potions pharmacy. (For his 'training sessions' with the Ancestresses. He did not envy his friend.)
Salvador also had a romantic interest in the Coven, Aro, a wizard with a penchant for causing absolute mayhem by hexing/cursing those around him with bad luck and misfortune. (This obviously didn't end on a good note when Salvador left with Griffin.)
In the Company:
Typically worked in the Med Bay and Infirmary with Ofelia and a few others.
Met and fell hard for Palladium, a woodland elf with attitude and a fascination with the dark realms.
Palladium taught him a few of the elven runes/spells, and Salvador helped him learn to tap into aspects of dark magic.
He tried to learn to pilot the crafts so he could be of more assistance, but it was quickly decided he shouldn't be a pilot. They had plenty anyway.
Salvador also quickly fell in love with his niece, making sure to spoil her when Griffin wasn't paying attention. (And promising to keep Griffin safe for the young girl.)
(Which isn't easy when his sister seems to have a death wish and a need for self-sacrifice.)
Palladium is his soulmate. The man who knows what Salvador has done, what Salvador is capable of, and still absolutely loves him.
(And also doesn't blame him for his poor choice in joining the Coven. Palla was well aware of the difficulties the dark-realmers had and why so many felt they had no choice but to turn to the Ancestral Witches. He understood.)
Of course, Palladium's family wasn't as thrilled. As an elf, he has a rather large family, as he's the middle of around 15 siblings. Some were happy for the couple, some were upset that Palladium fell for an outsider instead of another elf, some just didn't care so long as Salvador could endure a bit of elven hazing.
When Palladium was pregnant, he did everything he could to mitigate the discomfort and issues Palladium had. Thankfully, Morgan was rather peaceful... Though Palladium elven empathy was at an all-time high.
The two of them using convergence is powerful; pure dark energy and runic magic, it creates some interesting combinations of things. (Typically an overload to those around them, making friends and foes alike have issues keeping up with the fight as their magic drains faster. Sometimes it's an explosion that causes confusion and minor burns. And even more rarely, a vine trap will ensnare enemies. All depends on the runes used beforehand.)
During his final transformation, Salvador wasn't allowed to physically with Palladium due to the spiritual aspect (and the cultural one of Palladium having to be on his own in his own realm). It drove him crazy, which in turn meant he drove his sister and his daughter crazy.
(But when Palladium came back, he was so happy and did his best to come up with the best Welcoming Party he could muster.)
Finding out about Morgan was one of his happiest moments. He and Palladium came up with the name before finding out what they were having, deciding to wait until birth.
Her little pointed ears and little fingers and feet just melted him. And her eyes. Her Eyes. She had the elven pouty eyes!
Morgan, like Salvador, grew with a penchant for mischief. Always into something, typically their garden or books or paperwork or other things she shouldn't be into.
He could never stay upset with her though, often laughing off her antics. (Unless they got her hurt or into serious trouble. Morgan learned quickly what she could and couldn't get away with.)
Proud Papa. He'd take Morgan to RF and show her around whenever he could get away with it. Let her meet the dragons and other creatures in the stables. Allow some of the safer students to ride her on the levibikes. Let her 'help' with classes that involved magic.
(Palladium also took Morgan with him to Alfea at times. Showing her the greenhouse and his potions room. The Magical Reality Chamber.)
Family hikes are something the three often enjoy together, and Morgan thrives being in natural environments. (Her magic coming from both Elven and Energy based origins.)
Salvador often makes the dreaded "Dad Jokes", Morgan threatens to kill him at times because of how lame they are.
Salvador is also the one who, while not directly intimidating those interested in dating Morgan, will also openly remind those dates that he was once a magical terrorist and has no problems with holding back his morals.
(Morgan often reminds her father that she can very well take care of herself. And if need be, she has a cousin with the Dragon Fire who will happily roast anyone for her. Salvador still prefers his methods of making the poor date his potions tester.)
Of course, he breathes a sigh of relief when Morgan get serious with Helia. The boy, no, man, is soft-spoken and kindhearted, but not shy about doing what's needed and has always been there for Morgan. So, perfect.
(He is now in the stage where he's just waiting for Helia and Morgan to announce their engagement. It's not happened yet, but he won't be surprised when it does. He can just feel the love they share.)
This is about all I could think of in the moment. Sorry it took so long to answer!
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fernrisulfr · 2 years
Nations of the World
This is in a highly incomplete state, but I’m going to post it just for fun. Below is a list of other nations in my dnd homebrew world, other than the continent of Anoria. These originally started just to give the rest of the world some life and background lore, before going WILDLY out of control. 
Drakkon Tyranny -
Government Type:  Theocratic Dictatorship
Leader: Tyraxxus (Ancient Blue Dragon)
Capital City: Chromatia
Hemisphere: North
▪Theocracy devoted to Tiamat
▪ Leadership is an Ancient Blue Dragon claiming to be one of her 5 mates.
▪ Tried to Conquer the World in the name of Tiamat. Failed.
▪ Highly structured class society with Blue Dragonborn at the top. Metallic Dragonborn used as slaves. Mammals used as Slaves. Reptilian species can be lower-class citizens.
▪ Desert Nation surrounded by Mountains on all sides.
Var'Desh -
Government Type: Monarchy
Leader: Var'Drenn
Capital City: Var'Duul
Hemisphere: South
▪ Primary Export is Salt
▪ Land is a Salt Waste with high winds
▪ School for Alchemy (Water purification)
▪ Mostly Human & Elf. Tan or dark skin. Wear ponchos.
▪ Surname before Given Name with a ' in between (Eg. Var'Drenn. Var is the Surname. Drenn is the Given Name.)
5 Nations -
Government Type: Elective Monarchy
Leader: High King/High Queen
Capital City:
Hemisphere: North
▪ Leadership decided by a five person battle to the death by the heirs of the royal families of the nation's five provinces, upon the death of the previous monarch.
▪ Five Provinces consist of:
▪ Sylvan Isles - All Elves. Worship Sea Monsters. Celtic Inspired. Attempting to regain lost culture. Capital named Filogia.
▪ Losyke - Tundra and mountains. Very cold. Every Adult is ceremonially bonded to an Animal Companion. Capital named Mohr.
Holy Empire -
Government Type: Theocracy
Capital City:
Hemisphere: North
Veldtimere -
Government Type: Martial Dictatorship
Leader: Warchief
Capital City: Bastillionne
Hemisphere: North
▪ Militaristic Nation of Hobgoblins
▪ Contains Hobgoblins, Goblins, and Bugbears as primary citizens
▪ Slavery
▪ Gladiatorial Arena
Abore/Hellbore -
Government Type: Oligarchy/Constitutional Dictatorship
Leader: High Council/High Inquisitor
Capital City: Dunehwal/Doomwall
Hemisphere: South
▪ Originally a Penal Colony of the Holy Empire
▪ Infested with Devils after a particular deal was struck
A mixture of thick forests and hell scorched wasteland
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thecreaturecodex · 2 years
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"MythicMay: Cheeroonear" © deviantArt user ShadeofShinon, accessed at her art gallery here
[I am putting a bit of faith into the cheeroonear being an authentic Australian aboriginal monster. The only primary source I can find for it is W. Ramsey Smith's Myths and Legends of the Australian Aboriginals, which does not attribute its stories to particular groups of people. So it might be a creation of the author, or it might be legit. In that book, it's said that an unprecedented peace among animals and people were interrupted by Cheeroonear's arrival, which inspired my take on them as profligate hunters.]
Cheeroonear CR 6 NE Monstrous Humanoid This giant creature is roughly humanoid, with arms so long they drag on the ground. It has a dog-like face, and a pouch like a pelican’s hangs from its throat.
Cheeroonears are large humanoids with an outsized appetite and an outsized impact on their environments. They do not hate animals, but instead see them solely as tools or resources without caring about their lives, and view smaller humanoids with a similar callousness. They do not draw distinction between animal and human meat, and will eat whichever is easier to come by. Most druids view cheeroonears as a menace, as they disrupt ecosystems by hunting vulnerable species and set fires to smoke out prey.
Most cheeroonears hunt with animals as companions—dogs are just about the only animal they have any fondness for. The dogs are used to flush out and harry prey while the cheeroonear attacks with its incredible reach. If enemies have animal companions or mounts, the cheeroonear attacks them at a higher priority. The throat pouch of a cheeroonear is big enough to allow them to swallow man-sized prey whole, but they rarely do so unless it is unarmed or already unconscious. Cheeroonears value their lives, and are more likely to flee or surrender than they are to fight to the death.
Cheeroonears typically live in mated pairs or small families. They are nomadic hunters, but do supplement their diet with roots, berries and other plant matter—usually harvested in an unsustainable way. They are happy to raid the livestock of other people if that’s more convenient than hunting wild game, but view attacks on their own dogs as a violation to be avenged. Cheeroonears are not by and large religious, but they are superstitious. Many of them hold divination in high regard, and cast lots or consult the stars before making major decisions.
A cheeroonear is about eight feet tall while hunched over in their usual posture, and ten feet when standing straight.
Cheeroonear     CR 6 XP 2,400 NE Large monstrous humanoid Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, Perception +9, scent Defense AC 19, touch 11, flat-footed 17 (-1 size, +2 Dex, +8 natural) hp 68 (8d10+24) Fort +5, Ref +8, Will +8 Offense Speed 40 ft. Melee 2 claws +11 (1d6+4), bite +11 (1d8+4 plus grab) or masterwork longspear +12/+7 (2d6+6/x3), bite +6 (1d8+2 plus grab) Ranged javelin +9 (1d6+4) Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft. (20 ft. with longspear) Special Attacks biocide, swallow whole (AC 14, 6 hp, 1d6+6 bludgeoning) Statistics Str 18, Dex 15, Con 17, Int 10, Wis 15, Cha 10 Base Atk +8; CMB +13 (+17 grapple); CMD 25 Feats Combat Reflexes, Improved Initiative, Lunge, Self-Sufficient Skills Climb +11, Handle Animal +8, Heal +8, Knowledge (nature) +8, Perception +9, Stealth +3, Survival +13, Swim +11; Racial Modifiers +4 Handle Animal, +4 Knowledge (nature) Languages Common, Sylvan SQ domestic empathy +12 Ecology Environment warm and temperate land Organization solitary, pair or band (3-8) Treasure standard (masterwork Large longspear, 3 Large javelins, other treasure) Special Abilities Biocide (Su) A cheeroonear’s natural weapons are treated as bane weapons against creatures with the animal type. Domestic Empathy (Ex) A cheeroonear gains the wild empathy class ability of a druid of its Hit Dice, except that the cheeroonear can only affect the attitudes of domesticated animals. A cheeroonear gains a +4 racial bonus to this check.
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msb-lair · 2 years
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Dragon: Paradisi - Fae XYX Male
Purchased For: 20,000 treasure Hatched On: 2022-12-31 ID: 83211855
Parentage: Beat/Angel Flight: Light
Primary: Obsidian Tiger Secondary: Grapefruit Shimmer Tertiary: Obsidian Crackle Eyes: Unusual
Comments: Was just thinking I wanted another butterfae most of a week ago, and spotted a For Sale post on Tumblr about New Year’s Eve hatchlings that included this lovely male.
Accent: Gravedigger
Green Olive Wreath
Diaphanous Sylvan Headpiece
Sassy Sailor’s Scarf
Aquamarine Flourish Tail Clasp
Fiendish Emerald Taildecor
Familiar: Sundial Gem Guardian
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Progeny Testing: 
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spireflux · 4 months
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✹ :      PRIVATE & LOW-ACTIVITY RP BLOG FOR    KEYLETH: CR.      portrayed by jay     ( they / he.     26. )           [ tlovm-primary, with comic + c1 influences ]        𝙼𝙸𝙽𝙾𝚁𝚂 𝙳𝙽𝙸.ㅤㅤᵗᵉᵐᵖᵒʳᵃʳʸ ʳᵘˡᵉˢ ᵘⁿᵈᵉʳ ᶜᵘᵗ.ㅤㅤCANON-DIVERGENT & HC BASED.
*ㅤㅤAN EXPLORATION IN:       found-family,     𝑺𝑬𝑳𝑭-𝑳𝑶𝑨𝑻𝑯𝑰𝑵𝑮,      are we really the heroes ?,     𝚘𝚞𝚝-𝚕𝚒𝚟𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚜𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎;      𝔡𝔢𝔰𝔱𝔦𝔫𝔶 𝔣𝔬𝔯𝔠𝔢𝔡 𝔲𝔭𝔬𝔫 𝔶𝔬𝔲,      moral hypocrite,      &ㅤ you can't save everyone, ㅤbut you sure as hell will try.
⥼ Ⅰ.      crrd tba.    ・    Ⅱ.    prompt tag.    ・    Ⅲ.    inbox count:    12.
・ TRAVELING WITH,   ♡ @deathwarde,   ♡ @fenthiras
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⁰¹ * mutuals only for all interaction.   please soft-block me if unfollowing, no hard-feelings.   i'll do the same.   sending in ask memes is the easiest way to interact with me, feel free to send anything from my tag.   my discord is also available on request.   i'll be writing triggers as "tw: trigger here", but be forewarned for typical fantasy violence tropes.   i practice multi-shipping and exclusivity, but on a heavily-plotted and talked-through basis.
⁰² * keyleth of the air ashari.    half-elf druid (circle of the moon).   25 - 47 depending, though i'll default to 25;    neutral good, demi-sexual.    speaks:   common, elvish, sylvan, druidic & primordial.   in bg3, keyleth is a recruitable companion at the druid grove,   but you have to side with the refugees.   keyleth will be at odds with kagha & will help in getting halsin back to restore order.   in dragon age, keyleth is a dalish mage that specializes in shapeshifting & spirit magic, who is her clan's first. ask me for more details depending on the game!   i'm cross-over friendly.
⁰³ * erm. don't be a weirdo 🧍‍♂️ general disclaimers apply.   in my silly little s3 waiting room.   psd + icon is from the lovely leif @/shirelike! icon & divider template is from faegfx!ㅤ i haven't watched c1 and don't really plan to,,, i can't get into it. ㅤbut i'm doing my research! i can also be found @benydikta ... sometimes
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dusk-epistle · 11 months
Tint the Oath.
Hand of autumn; the winds seem to softly echo your name through the leaves and branches, I remain the devotion of the sense nostalgia of vows and its sweetness on my palms. My Darling, I am aching to be near your sweet dust between your ribs once again.
A solemn prayer is murmuring, linking the earth and heaven; your name on my lips; catch me between the breaths in your chest.
The constellation of hearts and stars that sojourn in, Sylvan Miloslav, bestows upon you the tender warmth of a thousand autumn lights in the sweet dust and the wisdom whispered by the ages. I believe I was born for quiet moments when the world offers little chaos. In summary, I savor a cup of tea in the evening after returning from work and the gym, write love letters, and play the piano for those I adore, cocooned in blankets when it gets cold and my allergies relapse.
Remember me as the epitome of tenderness—there are so many things you have to be gentle with; let me show you. I communicate gently to foster understanding, avoiding harm with my words and actions. Emotional intelligence is vital to me, and I conduct myself with respect and appropriate behavior. Yet my dramatic behavior and quirky jokes may arise unexpectedly. I respond promptly, adapting my behavior to the situation, whether it requires seriousness or not—I am versatile in that regard. In conversation, my bubbly and expressive nature shines, as the word of affirmation is my primary love language. With that, turning to poetry became my foremost medium for voicing the honeyed devotion of mine; devoted shall I be, to the avower I long to be ours. I will treasure you like a tapestry, a gem among the stars—I hold onto you as dearly as the lifeblood coursing through my veins, one that keeps me alive, in hopes and oaths. I am hungry for your love; if you ever become greed, I am willing to bleed.
I am, My Darling; I am proud of all you do; my tenderness is to blend in; my sweet oath to hold—my desire is to hold and mold your love. My name, My Sweet Prayers, Miloslav—reflects my desire for peace, and you shall swallow the peace and tenderness I desire to pour within you, no cease; I am on my knees.
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cyclopeanpubco · 1 year
Vignette 6: Trackside
That elves long ago determined that the root of their success simply laid in outlasting their foes. When the humans (or orcs, tieflings, or hobgoblins; it mattered little which) would fall upon their cities with fire and steel, that was fine, they would simply depart for a brand new enclave. Whisking away in the night through their portals to far off places, the invaders would batter down secured gates to find the ghost of a city left. No inhabitants to battle, no loot to plunder, just a beautiful elven city left quiet and desolate for the ransackers to slowly wander through, weapons dangling pointlessly from their slack hands. Indeed, even as these elven cities would come to be occupied by the invaders, the elves in turn found the abandoned outposts of their enemies and came to call them home.
(1) The Staging Ground
The key to the elves success is their overwhelming capabilities when it comes to the use of magic. Some time ago they determined it was safer to simply pick up and go rather than deal with the messy realities of violence. As a result they have specialized their use of magic in three primary areas: teleportation, divination, and architecture. The council of elders that runs the settlement always has a variety of new destinations in mind and once they arrive in their new home the first building that is magically crafted into existence from the surrounding flora is the Staging Ground. From here, supplies are distributed and the council coordinates the activities of the new settlement.
(2) The Altar of Water
The elves venerate a pair of powerful genie lords from the elemental planes, a marid and a djinn. Each receives their own temple within the new settlement as they are viciously jealous of one another and vie for the attention of the elves. The Altar of Water is dedicated to the marid lord known as the Shah of Tide and Wave. Both genies have been instrumental in increasing the arcane potential of the elven society, and developing their strategy. Through their veneration of the Shah they have learned that while the soldiers who invade their lands might brag that their blades are so sharp that they would cut through the elves as easily as through water, the elves know to simply be the water, not registering at all that the blade had ever been there.
(3) The Cornucopia
The methods through which the elves express their magical ability are varied, with some utilizing the bookish study of the traditional wizard, while others have come to utilize music as their primary form of arcane expression. As such, often a grand shell is created from which music may erupt to fill the surrounding vicinity in the sonorous melodies of sylvan operatic triumphs, hauntingly beautiful orchestral productions, and enchanting soloists. Sometimes the music is performed for the sheer beauty of it, but on other occasions whole new buildings sprout from the earth to listen.
(4) The Alter of Wind
The other venerated figure in the elven community is the Keening Khedive, a whimsical and capricious djinn lord that inspires the elves to constantly explore the world that surrounds them. The Khedive has been instrumental in shifting the elves frame of mind from that of a landed empire to the realization that where they put down their roots matters little for there are always so many more beautiful places in which they might grow. While it took some time for the lesson to permeate the culture of the elves, they have wholeheartedly taken to the notion that their community matters far more than any patch of land or building.
(5) The Citadel
While the elves standard protocol is to use their magic to keep an eye on the area surrounding any town or city they found, with plans for where next they will teleport to should the need arise, they also are not so foolish as to think a martial defense is utterly useless. Monsters might wander in unnoticed, enemies might teleport to them in turn, or their divinations might fail to pick up on the impending danger. For these situations the Combat Coterie always exists in a Citadel at every settlement, housing a complement of warrior-mages that can handle virtually any situation that might arise.
(6) The Laden Bough
While this settlement (affectionately referred to as Trackside by the locals) has mostly been constructed inside the racetrack that dominated this portion of the sprawling derelict human city now occupied by the elves, the tavernkeeper/brewer decided to settle on the perimeter, nestled among the trees that have flourished since the demise of the city’s original inhabitants. The ruins are a popular spot for adventurers to seek treasure to scoop up and monsters to battle, and all of them end up amazed when they stumble upon a well stocked and totally functional tavern in the midst of all the surrounding desolation.
(7) The Ghoul Haunt
A small group of ghouls occupies this ruined haberdasher’s shop, and at first were overjoyed at the prospect of so many meals that teleported directly within their reach. A display of overwhelming brutality on the part of one of the warrior-mages of the Combat Coterie quickly put the ghouls in a less hungry mood. The elves now treat the haunt as their quirky neighbors, happy to have them close as an added line of defense against outside threats, and even occasionally engaging with them in conversation or sharing the spoils of their hunts.
(8) The Studios
In addition to constructing whole new settlements in their new homes, the elves will also happily occupy preexisting buildings. This building was once a grand adventurer’s guild when the city was bustling. Now that the elves call this place home it has been overtaken by the artists and artisans of the elves creating all their myriad works of beauty to fill the new settlement with and often taking inspiration from the new surroundings. Popular themes that have arisen from the budding settlement of Trackside have included graceful horses and lurking undead.
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lusifernocturne · 1 year
City of Atolla
The City of Atolla is a city-state located on the Eastern coast of Lothian.
Size: City with around 24,000 within the walls and surrounding farmland. 
Attitude toward Travelers: Fairly welcoming. 
Attitude toward Players: Neutral/a little nerves 
Architectural Style: Tudor 
Visual features and quirks: Lots of sea glass and pretty smooth stones, dirt roads despite being a city, a large cave system, massive coral reef nearby, and the ocean quickly gets super deep. 
Prominent buildings: Council building, meeting house/city hall, 3 guildhalls, 1 large temple to multiple gods, 1 large temple to the god of the sea, a druid's grove in the nearby forest, and a public arena(with a strict no kill policy for fights) 
Majority Race (or melting pot): Melting pot, but has a high concentration of draconic races(kolbolds, half dragons, dragonborns, and even dragons) and outer races(Tieflings, Aasimar, Genasi, ect.). Low number of humans. 
Common language(s): Common, Aquan, and Draconic are most common. Abyssal, Celestial, Infernal, Sylvan, and the other elemental languages are fairly common.
Economy Major trade in the city? Yes. 
Major exports: Elemental Crystal / Ore(water and lightning), fish, sea based gemstones, spices, local flora, and lumber. 
Major imports: Adamantine, Furs, Inks, granite, dyes, incense, exotic meats, and supplies for farming, fishing, and mining. 
Overall wealth: Fairly high
Taxation: Normally fair, but if the city is majorly damaged by a storm it can get kinda high until everything is fixed. 
Leader(s): The Council of Atolla
Police/Guards and Crime: Decent amount of guards and they mainly deal with petty crimes(thieving and vandalism). But there are still murders and such on occasion. The biggest problem is the gnolls that attack the outlying farms. 
Crime rate: Between Medium and Low 
Can they be bribed? No really, it'd be a very hard thing to do. 
How organized are they? How well-trained? How strict are they? Fairly well organized, pretty well trained, and semi strict.
Primary god(s): Mostly worship Abelus Saloninus but also worship The Phoenix Queen, The Raven Queen, Mask, and Pan.
Culture Unique traditions? Pray before ship travel. If a crew is going on a long voyage they hold a gathering at the harbor to set off the crew with food and well wishes. 
Important holidays?
They participate in the Festival of Pan from the 1st- 7th of First Seed. The Day of Tricks on the 31st of Harvestmere. Festival of the Ancestors in Wintermarch form the 20th to th 22nd.
The only fully unique event is The Festival of Atolla during the last week of Highsun(aka the last 9 days, from the 22nd to the 30th) to celebrate their independence from the Cloud Empire.
Guardians of the Vaults 
A major merchant's guild with plenty of members but few bases/guildhalls. It's main focus is to help new merchants set up and help one another grow through trade and tips. 
Allies: Shiphaulers 
Rivals: None
Otherwise known as the sailor's guild, it is a decent sized group made up of those who spend much time on the seas. 
Allies: Guardians of the Vaults
Rivals:  Hallowed Berserkers
Hallowed Berserkers
 A small mercenary guild with a guildhall outside of the city. They don't often allow new members and are thought to worship Eve but no one is sure. What is known, however, is that they have attacked many ships. 
Allies: None known 
Rivals: Shiphaulers and Memories of the Sea 
Memories of the Sea 
A group that worships Life and Death. They make sure the families of sailors are informed of the lost or disappearances at sea, as well as make sure those loses are honored and if possible makes sure the person is laid to rest. 
Allies: Guardians of the Vaults, The Fallingstar guild, and Guardians of the Vaults(who frequently make donations to make burial possible) 
Rivals: Hallowed Berserkers 
Inns and Taverns
The Lazy Bowl tavern and inn(located in the shopping district on the higher area)
The Grim Kraken(a tavern and inn right by the docks)
The Port's Hole(A tavern, inn, and brothel all in one, located on the far western side of the city)
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