arobbins · 18 days
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This vegan apple cinnamon cake is delicious, moist, and great for any event. When you mix sweet apples, warm cinnamon, and maple icing, you get a deliciously comforting dessert.
Ingredients: 2 cups all-purpose flour. 1 cup brown sugar. 2 tsp baking powder. 1 tsp ground cinnamon. 1/2 tsp salt. 1 cup unsweetened almond milk. 1/2 cup applesauce. 1/4 cup maple syrup. 1 tsp vanilla extract. 2 apples, peeled and diced.
Instructions: Preheat the oven to 350F 175C. Grease and flour a 9-inch round cake pan. In a large mixing bowl, combine the flour, brown sugar, baking powder, cinnamon, and salt. Add the almond milk, applesauce, maple syrup, and vanilla extract to the dry ingredients. Mix until well combined. Fold in the diced apples until evenly distributed throughout the batter. Pour the batter into the prepared cake pan and spread it out evenly. Bake in the preheated oven for 30-35 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean. Remove from the oven and let cool completely before icing.
Macie Downs
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junara-sims · 23 days
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This vegan apple pie is a comforting and tasty dessert that can be served at any time. Sweet apples, warm spices, and a flaky crust come together to make a delicious treat.
Ingredients: 6 apples, peeled, cored, and thinly sliced. 1/2 cup granulated sugar. 1/4 cup brown sugar. 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour. 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon. 1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg. 1/4 teaspoon salt. 1 tablespoon lemon juice. 1 vegan pie crust store-bought or homemade.
Instructions: Preheat the oven to 425F 220C. In a large bowl, combine the sliced apples, granulated sugar, brown sugar, flour, cinnamon, nutmeg, salt, and lemon juice. Toss until the apples are evenly coated. Line a pie dish with the vegan pie crust. Fill the pie crust with the apple mixture, spreading it out evenly. Cover the pie with another layer of pie crust or create a lattice pattern with strips of pie crust. Crimp the edges to seal the pie. Make several slits in the top crust to allow steam to escape. Bake the pie in the preheated oven for 45-50 minutes, or until the crust is golden brown and the filling is bubbly. Allow the pie to cool slightly before serving. Enjoy!
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kawaii-mbti · 27 days
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This vegan deep dish apple torte is a delightful dessert that combines the sweetness of apples with a flaky crust. Perfect for any occasion, it's easy to make and even easier to enjoy!
Ingredients: 2 cups all-purpose flour. 1/2 cup vegan butter, chilled and cubed. 1/4 cup cold water. 6 large apples, peeled, cored, and sliced. 1/2 cup brown sugar. 1 tablespoon lemon juice. 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon. 1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg. 1/4 teaspoon salt. 1/4 cup maple syrup.
Instructions: Preheat oven to 375F 190C. In a mixing bowl, combine flour and cubed vegan butter. Use a pastry cutter or fork to cut the butter into the flour until it resembles coarse crumbs. Gradually add cold water, mixing until dough comes together. Press dough into the bottom and up the sides of a greased 9-inch deep-dish pie pan. In a large bowl, toss sliced apples with brown sugar, lemon juice, cinnamon, nutmeg, and salt. Arrange the apple mixture evenly over the crust in the pie pan. Drizzle maple syrup over the apples. Cover the torte loosely with aluminum foil and bake for 40 minutes. Remove foil and bake for an additional 20-25 minutes or until the crust is golden brown and the apples are tender. Allow the torte to cool slightly before serving. Enjoy!
Camila P
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deardearestbrands · 3 months
#LiveEra #LiveDraw #HelloKitty s#Sanrio#SanrioFighterDigit
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downtoearthmarkets · 2 years
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Apple lovers rejoice as it’s peak fall apple season, y’all! Apples and apple pie may be touted as all American, however only one variety of the fruit -- the American Crabapple (Malus coronaria) – qualifies as native to the United States. Instead, the majority of apples that we know and enjoy today are descendants from species that originated in Kazakhstan, where the former capitol was once named Alma Ata, sometimes translated as “full of apples.” By 1500 BCE apple trees were being cultivated across Europe. It was the Romans who introduced the fruit to the British Isles where it thrived and spread in the country’s temperate and moist climate. British and other European colonists brought their apple seed cultivars to the shores of the North American continent back in the 17th century, with the first apple orchard planted in Boston in 1625. Today, New York produces an impressive 29.5 million bushels of apples annually, making it the second largest apple growing state in the country after only Washington. Many believe this explains why New York City is nicknamed the Big Apple, however the moniker has nothing to do with fruit production but rather has ties back to the city’s horseracing history. If you’re partial to the sweeter varietals of New York State and other locally grown apples, then you’re in for an unexpected treat this autumn. Due to the drought conditions that we experienced over the summer of 2022, many stressed and parched fruit trees have not produced the typically full and juicy orbs they do when rainfall is plentiful. But don’t be fooled by appearances, as orchard owners in this region report harvesting smaller fruit that is much sweeter and flavorful due to the dense concentration of sugars inside. Fruit that is too petite to sell is being diverted to the cider press which means it’s a good year for sweet apple cider too! Before you rush out to stock up on this super sweet news, here is a “sneak peek” of some apple varietals that are coming into “sweet peak” at farmers market this month: Jonathan Said to be one of the oldest New York State apple varietals, the Jonathan is believed to have originated in Woodstock circa 1826. This heirloom apple is medium-sized with a smooth, thin, red skin and a yellow or green underlay. What the Jonathan apple lacks in crispiness when eaten fresh, it more than compensates for in its sweet, slightly acidic juiciness. Jonathans are widely prized for their storage longevity and can last for up to six months in a refrigerator. Because they break down and lose their shape when cooked, Jonathans make great canning fruit which can provide out-of-season filling for your homemade pies, cobblers, crisps, strudels and other apple-based desserts. Cortland One of the earliest hybrids developed by crossing the McIntosh with other apples, the Cortland apple is named after Cortland County, New York. Sweeter than their McIntosh relatives, these apples are dark red with striations, and sometimes a green blush. Cortlands are primarily used in cooking for making apple sauce, apple butter and juices. They make a tasty and refreshing snack when enjoyed freshly picked but their sweetness and crisp texture tends to fade quickly. Cortlands are noted for their delay in browning after being cut open which makes them excellent for use in salads and cheese platters, as their flesh doesn't discolor quickly. Macoun Macoun apples were developed at the New York State Agricultural Experiment Station and introduced to the market in 1923. A hybrid cross between McIntosh and Jersey Black, these juicy apples are named after a famous Canadian fruit breeder. Macouns are harvested from September through October and are only available during the fall. Their crisp sweetness and creamy white flesh make them delicious as an eating apple with the flavors only improving after picking. Because they don’t breakdown during cooking, Macouns also make an excellent candidate for your apple tart, apple pie and stewed apple recipes. Empire A true New Yorker if there ever was one, the Empire apple was developed in 1945 as a cross between McIntosh and Red Delicious in Geneva, New York. With flavors of both sweet and tart mixed in one, these apples boast a shiny red skin and creamy white flesh. Available from fall through mid-winter, Empires are a versatile apple that can be used for standalone snacking, pairing with assertive cheeses, baking, roasting and making apple sauce.
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gumnut-logic · 3 days
The Awards (Part 2)
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Alexander Sweetapple series
This one was a challenge and being Australian and not a Kiwi, I beg forgiveness if I've messed up anything. Many, many thanks to @onereyofstarlight I owe her Haighs chocolate for consultation fees on this one (she actually wrote the intro).
Being a Sweetapple fic, this is m/m, and although they don't go beyond the occasional kiss and hug, if that isn't your thing, this isn't your fic.
I hope you enjoy it :D
“Tēnā koutou katoa.”
The room was already silent for the man’s mere presence on the stage. Scott Tracy stood tall, gazing out at the audience, and if he was honest with himself, Alex couldn’t help but feel proud to be an employee, sitting here in the audience, and represented by him.
“Ko Aerana te whakapaparanga mai. Nō Ngā Whenua Tōpū o Amerika au.” Scott straightened just a little. “My ancestry is from Ireland and I am from the United States of America.”
“Ko reo kōrero ō Tracy Industries ahau. I am the spokesperson of Tracy Industries.”
“Ko Scott Tracy tōku ingoa. My name is Scott Tracy.”
His eyes raked the room.
“It is the difficult and the horrifying that remind us of who we are. When circumstances threaten us and those we love. It is those times our hearts must be strong. To reach out and help family, friends and strangers alike.”
“You are a community which has seen terrible loss and heartache. But you are also a community of strong and defiant people who saw suffering and stepped up to help.” A pause. “I know. I was there.”
The room rumbled in acknowledgement.
“This is an opportunity to thank those who were pillars in their community, the iwi leaders who organised food and shelter, those who volunteered their time and energy to look after one another."
“Every one who saw a need and offered to help, all of you should be proud to be a part of Te Tai Rāwhiti because the sun does indeed dawn first on a very strong and caring people.”
He paused a moment and the room was full of an echoing silence as if everyone was holding their breath, simply hanging on the words of Mr Scott Tracy.
“So, it was with great honour I accepted this opportunity to open the Tairāwhiti Super Hero Awards 2065. While International Rescue might make a dramatic entrance,” the crowd murmured and Mr Tracy smiled just a little, “we should never forget the real heroes amongst us - those who step up and do what needs doing.”
For the briefest of moments that blue gaze settled on Alex before drawing the rest of the room in behind him.
“So thank you to all of you, for great service rendered.” Another small smile. “Ngā mihi nui.”
Mr Tracy stepped back from the lectern and the room erupted into applause. Alex found himself clapping like a lunatic.
But then this was Scott Tracy, Thunderbird One.
Beside Alex, Virgil was clapping just as hard, but he was grinning at Alex, not his big brother.
Scott shook the hand of the Master of Ceremonies and quietly walked off the stage as the lights shifted, heralding the opening performance of the night.
Alex’s eyes widened as students from the local high school, one of the most damaged by the quake, stepped onto the stage and into the rhythm of haka and welcome.
Knowing exactly how these people had been affected, and to see them here, proud and defiant, Alex’s heart swelled.
He lost himself in the lights and sound.
At some point, Scott slipped in on the other side of Virgil. The two brothers acknowledging each other unspoken, but throughout the ceremony Virgil held Alex’s hand.
And it was ever so warm.
At the end of the welcoming ceremony, the Prime Minister took to the podium, her stance as strong as her speech. Her acknowledgement of those lost, those who suffered, those who stepped up, and those who saved - and yes, she mentioned International Rescue particularly - Alex squeezed Virgil’s hand. It was heartwarming, politician or no.
And then came the awards.
The Prime Minister stood beside the MC and as names were announced and people stepped up from the audience, stories were told of heroic deeds.
The woman who sheltered three children with her body as a building collapsed over them. Thunderbird Two had pulled them out, finding her physically holding a slab of concrete from falling.
Her hoverchair separated from the crowd and hissed down the aisle to the stage.
A mechanic who had set up a care centre in his backyard, gathering locals who had lost their homes, finding blankets and bedding, and offering shelter from the weather in his workshop.
Amongst the recipients there were those who could not attend and those who had lost their lives helping others. Family members and friends accepted the awards from the hands of the Prime Minister.
The mood was both somber and proud.
“Alexander Sweetapple.” Alex startled and suddenly found both Virgil and his mother ushering him to his feet. “Caught in the Tairāwhiti museum collapse, Alexander was able to save the thirteen people caught with him before the building slipped into the Taruheru River.”
Alex was walking down the aisle towards the stage. He stepped up into the light, the Prime Minister’s smile all for him, and he shook her hand and accepted the trophy and tried his best to smile and not drop it.
His fingers fumbled.
Not drop it.
“Thank you for your service.” Her brown eyes were sincere and both her hands clasped his. “Thank you.”
He managed a smile and a nod, before turning back towards the audience. Somewhere out there, in that haze of bright light, was his mum, Messrs Tracy, and Virgil.
The thought of his smile…and what happened after saving those thirteen people…
Alex really didn’t need the piece of plastic in his hands.
So, of course, that was when he dropped it.
The thud as it hit the wooden stage floor was loud, the echo bouncing around the theatre.
A rumble of amusement from the crowd swelled as he stumbled to pick it up.
Grab the piece of plastic and get off the stage.
He managed it with as much decorum as he had left, only tripping on the stairs once in his haste. Walking up the aisle again, however, all he could see was fond amusement in the eyes that caught his and it mollified him a little. That feeling of just ‘being in it together’ reassured his thudding heart.
His mum and Virgil welcomed him back to his seat, both hugging him, one after the other.
The gentle kiss to his ear as heavy lifting arms wrapped around him was enough to slow his heart rate down a notch…okay, not slow, really, but more redirect its passion from terror to…other things.
The rest of the ceremony was a blur. Panic was exhausting and he found himself resting his head on Virgil’s shoulder as hero after hero accepted their award.
At some point Scott climbed out of his seat and walked back down to the stage to accept a thank you to International Rescue from the Prime Minister - everyone knew IR didn’t accept awards, but Aotearoa had every right to say thank you.
Mr Scott’s smile and Erica’s favourite dimples charmed the audience and the Prime Minister…who, come to think of it, was single…
But the thank you was the last speech of the night. Scott returned to his seat again and the final performance roared onto the stage. Alex was quite comfortable with his head on Virgil’s shoulder, almost snuggled up beside him.
Sure, someone could photograph them, but at this point Alex didn’t care. Besides, it wasn’t like they were trying to hide anything. A good percentage of the world had already seen them playing tonsil hockey on social media, this was small time in comparison.
Virgil turning and kissing him gently on the forehead just sealed the deal.
But eventually the ceremony came to an end and the audience took to their feet. Alex straightened up, but his hand did not leave Virgil’s, even as they filed out with the crowd.
Iz, of course, appeared from nowhere, she and Kayo bracketing their party as they moved into the foyer where a buffet had been set up.
Alex brightened. A little kai and definitely some coffee would help.
Well, it would have if some of it hadn’t been thrown at them.
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sailing-on-a-puddle · 5 months
@idontknowreallywhy was kind enough last week to encourage me to write something. Then @gumnut-logic posted some fluffwhump prompts and, well, this happened.
Massive thanks to Nutty for letting me borrow Alex and for the readthrough. If you've no idea who Alex is you can find his entire story here and it's brilliant.
The whole series is a m/m romance so if that's not your thing it's best not to read. Otherwise I hope you enjoy reading my first go at writing a fic in a very, very long time.
Alex waited for the coffee machine in his mum’s kitchen, happily daydreaming.
He’d been looking after his niece and nephew whilst his mum and sister went on a spa day.  He’d agreed to it months ago, but he’d been gutted when it fell on one of Virgil’s rare days off rota.
Virgil solved the problem by coming along with him. He had drawn endless pictures of whatever James and Vicky wanted, whilst they painted and covered the pictures in various craft materials and stickers. The pile of art had been sent home when their dad had come to pick them up, and now Virgil was tidying up the mess whilst Alex made the coffee.
The coffee machine stopped, signaling the not quite Thunderbird Two but still very good coffee was ready.
“Aaaaaaaalex?” Virgil’s voice came through from the next room, sounding rather higher than usual.
“Erm, I need some help.”
Alex walked back through to the room he’d left Virgil in to be met with the sight of green glitter. Getting the large plastic tub of green glitter back on the high shelf clearly hadn’t gone to plan, and now it was all over the floor, the coffee table and the sofa, but most of all it was all over Virgil. He looked hilarious. His clothes and boots were absolutely covered, and his hair was now more sparkly green than black. Virgil was trying his best to brush it off, but the more he brushed the more glitter seemed to appear.
Alex’s urge to laugh won.
That earned him a full frown from the eyebrows. Unfortunately, said eyebrows were currently green and glittery too, so the effect probably wasn’t quite what Virgil intended.
“I’m sorry.” Alex made his way over to Virgil, getting the glitter on his own shoes in the process and desperately trying to hold in the smirk. “Just it’s usually me who ends up in dropping things.”
Alex brushed some glitter off Virgil’s shoulders, and the laughing erupted again.
Virgil stopped brushing himself, got out his phone and had a look at himself in the selfie camera. A sigh, then a smile and a gaze up at Alex. “Ok you do have a point. But I can’t leave the house looking like this.”
“It’s fine. It’s green. It’ll go with your uniform. Imagine being rescued by somebody who actually sparkled!”
Alex found himself being picked up and slung over Virgil’s shoulders as if he weighed nothing at all, carried over to a chair on the other side of the room and placed feet first on it. Virgil then stood back and grinned, still holding Alex’s hands. “Like that?”
“Mmm hmm.”
Virgil moved his hands to Alex’s waist and lifted him down, again seemingly without any effort. Alex straightened up and ran a hand through Virgil’s hair, trying to do something useful since he could see the glitter in Virgil’s hair better. Nothing moved. At all.
Alex tried again. It was stuck solidly to Virgil’s hair gel. “I think you need a shower.”
Another sigh, then a defeated sounding “Good idea”.
Alex was enjoying a new cup of coffee on the sofa when Virgil appeared from his shower, smiling at Alex with an embarrassed smile. His clothes and boots were still a little shiny but nothing like what they were before, and his black hair had formed into the soft curls that were usually blow dried and gelled 5 seconds after getting out the shower.
As Virgil sat down on the sofa beside him, Alex pulled him in for a kiss and his brain dissolved for a while. When they stopped, the light caught Virgil’s face and Alex reached up a thumb and stroked one of Virgil’s eyebrows. “There was still some glitter.”
Virgil’s wonderful arms were wrapped round him, and to Alex’s surprise he just shrugged, smiled and said “I’ve got used to you doing that now.” Those arms pulled him closer again. “And it’s amazing.”
 Alex was reminded that his whole life felt like every dream he’d ever had had come true. “You are amazing.”
“Even with fluffy hair and sparkly eyebrows?”
“Especially with fluffy hair and sparkly eyebrows.”
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heavy-nfld · 1 month
Dave Sweetapple of the bands Witch, Eerie, and Sweet Apple, has passed away at the age of 58.
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idontknowreallywhy · 1 year
Shameless reblog because it’s the first TB thing I ever finished enough to put on AO3 so today is A Day of Note for me.
And I had so much fun :)
(Ficlet is based on absolutely gorgeous AU(ish) story by @gumnut-logic and a scene in that universe by @womble1 both of whom were so encouraging 🥰 - thank you)
Features Virgil and an OC, although we don’t meet them here - they are just on his mind. As is music, because it’s always about music for Virgil…
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rainingmusic · 4 months
Witch - Changing
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mistwalker-official · 2 months
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R.I.P. to the legend Dave Sweetapple of Witch (and numerous other bands). I never knew him personally but I always wondered if we were related somewhere down the line. The Sweetapple’s are a small family and I would’ve loved the opportunity to talk with him and do the whole “yes b’y, I knows him, who’s yer fadder, etc.” schtick, but alas, it was not to be.
Blasting some Witch and pouring one out for you today. 🍻🤘
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redwolf · 6 months
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MacKay-Lyons Sweetapple Architects designed House at 9,000 Feet in the Intermountain Region/  of the United States -- via ArchDaily
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timelessarchitecture · 8 months
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Waiting for Questions!
"Hi...mah name's Agnes...I've been here at the St. Ponyville orphanage for 3 weeks now....Ah got the idea that I should make an ask blog....bein' an orphan is kinda a sticky life..."
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gumnut-logic · 10 days
The Awards (Part 1)
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This is @womble1 's fault :D Writing all that Sweetapple while I floundered around without a muse.
It's a new one. Not intended to be hugely long or anything, maybe two or three parts (since when have I had control of these things?) But it is Sweetapple and a scene requested by some of you who read the first Sweetapple Talk. So here you have it :D I hope it lives up to expectations.
This is m/m fic. If this isn't your thing, this isn't your fic. Alexander Sweetapple is an original character that was prompted by @flyboytracy , created by me, and then let loose in Thunderfam to evolve into who he is today through several different writers. I don't think Virgil minds, the two of them are a pair of lovey dovey goofballs and the majority of this series is them just being fluffy and goopy sweet :D Many thanks to all who have written, contributed and egged this series on, it wouldn't exist without you.
Many thanks to @onereyofstarlight for the read through this morning.
Anyway, bit of fic, first in ages.
I hope you enjoy.
“I still wish we could have flown in with the Tracys.”
His mother’s voice was wistful. It could have been interpreted as callous self-interest, but Alex knew better.
“Mum, Virgil apologised at least six times.”
She held up a hand. “I know, I know, and it’s not their fault.” She smiled softly. “I just know how much you were looking forward to this.”
He rolled his eyes as the city of Gisborne flashed past the car’s windows. The Tracys had sent them a chauffeured limousine, along with a security guard, currently staring at them cooly in the seat across from them.
She was an interesting choice. She appeared to have only half her hair and what was left was an assortment of colours enough to excite Erica. The tattoos and piercings…yeah, Iz and Erica would get on fine.
Yet again, he wished Erica was with him. But the venue was only so big and Alex’s mother was…his mother.
Erica and his sisters were watching the live stream apparently.
That didn’t make him nervous. No, not in the slightest.
There were going to be screenshots and clips galore in his future.
A touch to his cheek. “He’s going to be okay.”
Mum was looking up at him with a tenderness in her eyes.
“I know.”
Stupid volcano had to erupt today, didn’t it.
A sigh. The logic centre of his brain acknowledged that this was all part and parcel of dating a Thunderbird and that he would have to get used to it. It wasn’t Virgil’s fault that Sumatra needed him more than Alex did.
Way to compete with the rest of the world for your boyfriend’s attention.
Despite everything, the whole concept, as always, brought a smile to his face.
Virgil would be here as soon as he could.
And Alex would love whatever parts of Virgil the world could share with him.
“I’m okay.” He shared his smile with his mum.
“You sure?”
“I’m sure.”
The car drew to a stop in a line of vehicles in front of the War Memorial Theatre. The structure, like everything in Gisborne, was showing the remains of repairs. Most of the glass had been replaced, but there was a section still boarded up on one side. But unlike the rest of the city, this piece had been turned into an artwork. It showed an artistic rendering of Gisborne’s skyline, and amongst the buildings flew Thunderbirds.
There were no words on the piece, but it screamed pride and gratitude.
God, he wished Virgil was here.
The car moved forward into a crowd of people. Reporters babbled and holocams hovered as if it was the Academy Awards or something. Police stood solidly, manning the barricade keeping the press back.
Alex swallowed. They weren’t here for him. The Prime Minister was attending. And so was International Rescue.
He was only Virgil’s boyfriend.
He swallowed again.
Social media was still buzzing about the kiss. It had died down, a lot, but chances were that these people knew who he was.
Kayo had warned him of this possibility. This was why Iz was with them in the car. She was part of Kayo’s team and Alex had no doubt she knew how to do her job.
She was almost as scary as Kayo herself.
When the car finally stopped, Iz held up her hand. “I will exit first. You are to follow when I say so.”
Alex’s eyes were a little wide, but he nodded. Yes, ma’am.
His mum squeezed his arm.
The door opened and noise rushed in along with flashing cameras and the buzz of holocams. Iz climbed out of the car fluidly, six inch heels and clinging black dress, no hindrance.
A moment later, her hand signalled that they follow.
Alex ushered his mother out of the car. She may have stepped out less smoothly than the security guard, but no less elegantly. She looked amazing in her deep burgundy evening dress. His mum had gone all out for tonight, hair curled, dress purchased, she even dragged out the necklace his dad had bought her for their last wedding anniversary.
Dad would have loved to see her like this.
As if thought could make reality, a large hand appeared just outside the door, offering to help his mother from car.
Alex blinked.
And, as he followed his mother out, realised that the hand belonged to none other than the tall and domineering figure of Mr Jeff Tracy. Dressed in an elegant silver suit, he was smiling down at Alex’s mother, grey eyes twinkling.
Alex’s eyes widened as the cameras and reporters went absolutely nuts.
“Mr Tracy! Are you dating again?”
“How long have you been together?!”
“Ma’am, how long have you known Jeff?”
Alex straightened his tuxedo, still standing on the gutter.
Mr Tracy was addressing the crowd, a suave smile on his face and Alex’s mother’s hand on his arm.
Kayo appeared beside them in a short, satin green evening dress, her eyes all business and, no doubt, her six inch heels just as deadly. She stood next to Mr Jeff Tracy. A glance in Alex’s direction came with a small smile before she turned back to the paparazzi.
Iz touched his arm. “C’mon, let’s go inside.”
“But mum-“
“The Chief’s got this.” She looped her arm in his. “C’mon.”
He was walked up the red carpet before he could protest further.
It was quieter inside the foyer, but that was a relative statement. The hall was large, but very full of people, all dressed to the nines.
Iz’s eyes were everywhere and she did not leave his side, navigating him through the crowd.
Alex glanced back towards the entrance, still worried about him mum.
Consequently, when the roar outside swelled beyond human capability and into rocket territory, he was able to catch sight of the silver body of Thunderbird One, lit up by holocam lights, as she touched down on the street outside.
The crowd swarmed back towards the entrance, taking Alex and Iz with it.
But the Thunderbird was only on the street for bare moments before launching up into the sky and disappearing, leaving chaos in its wake.
Beside him, Iz swore under her breath. “The Chief’s going to kill them for that.”
The spark of hope that went beyond the innate thrill of seeing the primary Thunderbird swelled in Alex’s chest…and burst into flame as Virgil Tracy, dressed head to toe in an immaculate black-tie tuxedo, hurried into the building.
His suit cut a beautiful line on his fit frame and Alex couldn’t help but stare, open mouthed, as his boyfriend caught sight of him and strode over. “Alex! I am so sorry.”
Alex was still staring.
Now Virgil was closer, and fiddling with his suit as if it wasn’t sitting correctly, Alex could see that it had been put on in a hurry. Virgil’s hair lacked its usual perfection, attended to, yes, but obviously rushed, and there was a smear of dirt on his ear.
Alex reached up and gently smudged it off with his thumb.
Virgil was staring up at him and frowning, his eyes darted to Iz. “Everything okay?”
A small smile forced its way onto Alex’s lips. “Yeah.” And as he was want to do after every rescue, he drew Virgil in for a hug. A whisper into his ear. “Thank you for coming.”
“Sorry I was late.” Virgil pulled away, still frowning. “Did I miss anything?”
Like a switch was flipped, Alex relaxed. “Oh, only our parents escorting each other on the red carpet.”
Of course, that statement demanded the culprits make an immediate appearance. Alex’s mum and Mr Jeff Tracy appeared out of the crowd. Her arm was still linked in his and Alex eyed it suspiciously.
He wasn’t the only one. Mr Scott Tracy, equally dressed in a suit, hair perfect as always, and standing beside his father, was eyeing him with a raised eyebrow.
Jeff played it innocent. “What?”
His mother giggled.
She giggled.
Like a teenage girl on a bus.
Oh, god.
Fortunately or not, that was the moment the crowd began moving into the theatre. Virgil had a suspicious smile on his face, but that smile soon turned towards Alex as he offered him his arm.
Alex took it and all the advantage of pulling his boyfriend in close as they filed into the theatre.
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fragbot · 10 months
Just as the sweetapple reddens on the highest bough, high on the highest, and escapes the apple pickers' notice -- no, it didn't escape them entirely; they couldn't reach.
οἶον τὸ γλυκύμαλον ἐρεύθεται ἄκρῳ ἐπ’ ὔσδῳ, ἄκρον ἐπ’ ἀκροτάτῳ, λελάθοντο δὲ μαλοδρόπηες· οὐ μὰν ἐκλελάθοντ’, ἀλλ’ οὐκ ἐδύναντ’ ἐπίκεσθαι.
- Sappho Fr. 105a; my translation
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