#Sweet but make it Evil and Corrupted and literally difficult to swallow
famewolf · 1 year
just tasted possibly the worst energy drink ever. i took a single sip and recoiled and tried two more times but I thought I was going to be sick by the third.
it was like drinking cotton candy syrup but if the cotton candy was made of centuries old chemicals.
i like sweet, but this was like ....... so bad it made me grimace and turn my head away every time i tried to drink it
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Warlords React to Clumsy MC
anon:  Headcannon request for Ikesen Nobunaga, Mitsuhide, Kenshin, Hideyoshi, Masamune with an MC who is super clumsy and oblivious. Kinda like the female version of Mitsunari. THANK YOU!!!! :3 
anon:  Hey!!! Can I get a HC for Nobunaga, Kenshin, Mitsuhide, Masamune & Hideyoshi reaction to an MC who is super clumsy and always endangers herself, like always tripping or something xDD Thanks!!!
Alright, so I’m combining these two HCs because they’re almost the exact same (even ask for the same warlords-- maybe the same person requested twice?) Also it was a bit difficult because I felt like there would be a lot of overlap in some of the warlord’s behaviors, but I tried my best. Anywho, I hope you enjoy them!
Nobunaga is going to have a difficult time understanding how this woman (of all the people in the world) saved him from the deadly assassin. She can barely walk without tripping over her two feet, so he’s confused as to how she protected the warlord in the fire. Nevertheless, her clumsiness and angelic behavior prove to Nobunaga that she can’t be much of a threat and genuinely has his best interests at heart.
The warlord has a hard time flirting with MC (or showing any other form of attraction) because Nobunaga’s flirting often goes over MC’s head. She interprets his flirting as friendly comments that come with his charismatic and authoritative personality.  However, this doesn’t bother him too much. Instead, he makes his moves in a direct manner and clearly paints the correct image in MC’s head.  Poor MC can’t hide the red flush on her cheeks, which only increase’s Nobunaga’s teasing.
This MC is not ready for Nobunaga’s games of strip go. When the warlord first mentioned the idea, she didn’t realize that she’d actually have to take off her clothes. She thought the warlord was joking around. A few rounds later and our poor girl is trying to salvage her purity by peeling off her socks instead of her undergarments.  It doesn’t make it any better that Nobunaga can read her like a book, so he knows her next moves.
When Nobunaga takes her to the battlefield as his good luck charm, he’s aware that she can become a major liability. That’s why he always keeps her close when there’s no activity. When he’s out on the front lines, she is protected by special guards at all times.
He also uses MC’s clumsiness to keep his hands around her. He’ll tell everyone that he’s simply doing it to protect her, but the smirk on his face suggests otherwise. Nevertheless, MC has no issue with his overly-affectionate gestures because there’s no such thing as being “too loving” in her eyes.
Mitsuhide would have the TIME OF HIS LIFE messing around with MC. She’s clumsy, oblivious, and basically Mitsunari 2.0? If you ask him, she’s the perfect target for his shenanigans (of course he’ll deny his schemes with a questionable attitude).
When our residential snake corners poor MC for his tantalizing flirting, she’ll assume it’s for some friendly conversation. Although the look in Mitsuhide’s smirk literally screams DANGER, this MC will have no problem talking to him. In her eyes, there’s nothing romantic or cheeky about his approach-- just typical Mitushide behavior. 
She wouldn’t even realize that Mitsuhide was teasing her until the other warlords give her a detailed explanation with proof.
Despite all his teasing, Mitsuhide would most likely keep this MC at a distance (especially if there was a budding romance). He wouldn’t want to corrupt her childish innocence because it would only bring his misfortune and sadness. Mitsuhide wouldn’t want to be the reason that she returned back home in pieces.
However, this beloved MC would manage to grab his heart with all her kindness. She’s aware that he’s done some wrongs, but he can always turn a new leaf if he has the right intentions. She’ll go out of her way to help him fix his moral compass because it's her duty as his friend. However, only Mitsuhide himself can bring about the change to his moral compass.
Throughout their journey, MC is bound to find herself in trouble. However, she won’t run into too many external problems because Mitsuhide tends to resolve the problem before it escalates. Whether it be with his sharp words or his accurate gunshots, there’s not much of an issue here. He’s always keeping an eye on her to ensure she doesn’t entangle herself in something dangerous. 
When Kenshin first meets MC, he is surprised that she is the chatelaine of Nobunaga’s palace. He immediately notices her clumsy demeanor as she bumps into the corners of the market stall. She’s dropping fruits from her arms as her other bags fall from her arm. How could the leader of the Oda forces trust someone like that to take care of his palace?
However, he finds himself drawn (both voluntary and involuntarily) towards MC. There’s an undeniable charm in her sincere and innocent attitude. The god of war doesn’t have to worry about being attacked, betrayal, or other darker behavior. By talking to her, he can relax and let his guard drop once in a while.
As MC skips around, humming her favorite tune, Kenshin can’t help but watch with soft eyes. All the time he spent with her was chipping away at his frozen heart, revealing that there was something underneath. If you looked closely, you could even see the corners of his lips tugging upwards.
The cage era in Kenshin’s route is definitely going to last longer with this MC. Because she’s so trusting, oblivious, and unwilling to be rude to Kenshin, it takes her much longer to vocalize that this imprisonment is unfair to her. To make things worse, Kenshin feels the need to constantly keep MC under his watch because she’s a walking target.
With due time, she’ll find her way out of the cage without hurting Kenshin’s feelings. However, he’ll still feel responsible for keeping her safe. He constantly has his arm around her or will be walking behind her for safety reasons. Every time MC notes that someone was being rude or perverted towards her, Kenshin makes a mental note to pay them a lovely visit later.
His heart melts when he sees her playing with the soft bunnies! The two most adorable beings have somehow united under his roof and the only threat MC faces here is the barrage of bunnies that might topple her over. However, there’s nothing but a smile on her face as she’s swallowed by the crowd of bunnies.
May the lord have mercy on this MC
Between Mitsuhide and Masamune, I feel like Masamune would be worse in terms of bugging MC. His attempts to hit on her are so direct that even oblivious MC cannot ignore his attempts. And whenever she tries to play dumb, Masamune sees through her and amps up his flirty attitude.
Don’t be surprised if she happened to trip over a stick in the middle of her conversation and he caught her perfectly in her arms. Our one-eyed dragon is ALWAYS looking for these convenient moments to swoop in and save MC. Plus, its a bonus to watch her cheeks flush as he holds her against his muscular chest.
However, its not all doom-and-gloom around this warlord. He’s always making mental notes about her favorite foods, especially sweets. Whenever he has free time or MC is feeling down, Masamune goes the extra mile to make her favorite dishes (down to the smallest details). If there’s less time, he’ll just make a bunch of sweets because they remind him of the sweetness of his lover.
You know how the sweet girl gets kidnapped by the evil bad guys, only to be saved by the oh-so-handsome lead male? That’s exactly what Masamune expects and tries to do every time that MC gets herself into hot water. For the first few times, MC is extremely grateful, but she soon realizes that she needs to learn to defend herself the next time someone tries to hurt her.
After lots of persuasion, Masamune agrees to teach her some self-defense techniques. Earnest MC tries her best to keep up with his moves, but she stumbles over from the force of her own kick. Masamune can’t help but laugh when she trips over her feet, but he’s always ready to help her get back up.
Not-so-earnest Masamune also uses these training as opportunities to get close and personal. He’ll grab her by the wrist and spin her to his chest. A soft smirk will rest on his lips, alluding to something more.
You know that period where Hideyoshi mistrusts MC because he thinks that she might be a threat to Nobunaga? Well, that probably doesn’t exist here. The longest it might last is about a few hours? Maybe a day? That’s because the moment he talks to MC, the warlord realizes that this MC wouldn’t be able to hurt a fly. In fact, he’s never met a female who literally embodies a cinnamon roll. 
Hideyoshi has a heart attack every thirty seconds around this MC. There’s so much that could go wrong in such a short amount of time, so he always holds her hand whenever they go outside. Besides, the warmth in her hands only made it more tempting to keep his hand in her’s.
This man would shower MC with the cutest gifts on the planet. Whether it's an ornate necklace or adorable little desserts, Hideyoshi would feel the need to constantly spoil MC. She could ask for almost anything and he’d rush to get it.
MC always wants to help out Hideyoshi because he can be quite swamped with work, but he’s a bit hesitant to let her around his stuff simply because she has the tendency to drop everything. Instead, he assigns her to duties that rely on her strengths, such as designing a new kimono for him.
When he’s out on the front lines, MC always lingers at the back of his mind. Is she alright? Have the warlords been bothering her or making any moves on her? While it stresses him out, it also provides the warlord with the motivation to return safely and soundly to his beloved.
Do you remember those women who constantly flirt with Hideyoshi? Well, they’d approach Hideyoshi and MC as the couple walk through the markets, fawning over the warlord. Poor MC sees them and immediately assumes they’re Hideyoshi’s good friends. Hideyoshi himself has to politely decline the invites of these thirsty brats, explaining to MC that they aren’t as friendly as they look.
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johnadudek248-blog · 8 years
Personality Words - Project 2
Dictionary Definitions:
Busy – adjective, busier, busiest. actively and attentively engaged in work or a pastime: busy with her work. not at leisure; otherwise engaged: He couldn't see any visitors because he was busy. full of or characterized by activity: a busy life.     4. (of a telephone line) in use by a party or parties and not immediately accessible.     5. officious; meddlesome; prying.     6. ornate, disparate, or clashing in design or colors; cluttered with small, unharmonious details; fussy: The rug is too busy for this room.
verb (used with object), busied, busying.     7. to keep occupied; make or keep busy: In summer, he busied himself keeping the lawn in order.
Funny – adjective, funnier, funniest. providing fun; causing amusement or laughter; amusing; comical: a funny remark; a funny person. attempting to amuse; facetious: Did you really mean that or were you just being funny? warranting suspicion; deceitful; underhanded: We thought there was something funny about those extra charges. Informal. insolent; impertinent: Don't get funny with me, young man! curious; strange; peculiar; odd: Her speech has a funny twang.
noun, plural funnies.     6. Informal. a funny remark or story; a joke: to make a funny.     7. funnies. A comic strips.Also called funny paper. the section of a newspaper reserved for comic strips, word games, etc.
Night Owl – noun, Informal. a person who often stays up late at night; nighthawk.
Crafty – adjective, craftier, craftiest. 1.skillful in underhand or evil schemes; cunning; deceitful; sly. 2.Obsolete. skillful; ingenious; dexterous.
Esoteric – adjective 1.understood by or meant for only the select few who have special knowledge or interest; recondite: poetry full of esoteric allusions.
2.belonging to the select few.
3.private; secret; confidential.
4.(of a philosophical doctrine or the like) intended to be revealed only to the initiates of a group: the esoteric doctrines of Pythagoras.
Rebellious – adjective 1.defying or resisting some established authority, government, or tradition; insubordinate; inclined to rebel.
2.pertaining to or characteristic of rebels or rebellion.
3.(of things) resisting treatment; refractory.
Disorganized - adjective 1.functioning without adequate order, systemization, or planning; uncoordinated: a woefully disorganized enterprise.
2.careless or undisciplined; sloppy: too disorganized a person to be an agreeable roommate.
Team Player – noun 1.a person who willingly works in cooperation with others.
Musical – adjective 1.of, relating to, or producing music : a musical instrument. 2.of the nature of or resembling music; melodious; harmonious.
3.fond of or skilled in music.
4.set to or accompanied by music : a musical entertainment.
noun 5.Also called musical comedy. a play or motion picture in which the story line is interspersed with or developed by songs, dances, and the like.
Laid-Back – adjective, Slang. 1. relaxed or unhurried: laid-back music rhythms. 2. free from stress; easygoing; carefree: a laid-back way of living.
Thesaurus Synonyms
Busy - active, unavailable, working, buried, employed, engaged, engrossed, hustling, occupied, overloaded, persevering, slaving, snowed, swamped, already taken, assiduous, at it, diligent, having a full plate, having enough on one’s, having fish to fry, having many irons in the fire, in a meeting, in conference, in someone else’s possession, in the field, in the laboratory, industrious, on assignment, on duty, on the go, tied up, up to one’s ears, with a customer.
Funny - absurd, amusing, droll, entertaining, hilarious, ludicrous, playful, ridiculous, silly, whimsical, antic, gas, gay, humdinger, jolly, killing, rich, riot, screaming, slapstick, blithe, capricious, clever, diverting, facetious, farcical, for grins, gelastic, good-humored, hysterical, jocose, jocular, joking, knee-slapper, laughable, merry, mirthful, priceless, riotous, risible, side-splitting, sportive, waggish, witty.
Night Owl - abandoned, corrupt, debauched, degenerate, depraved, dissipated, evil, fast, fast and loose, gone bad, high living, in the fast lane, intemperate, lascivious, lax, lecherous, lewd, libertine, licentious, light, loose, nighthawk, on the take, open, player, profligate, raffish, rakish, reprobate, slack, swift, sybaritic, unconstrained, unprincipled, unrestrained, vicious, wanton, wayward, wicked, wild.
Crafty - astute, cagey, canny, devious, insidious, intelligent, shrewd, slick, sly, smart, subtle, wily, adroit, artful, calculating, crazy like fox, cunning, deceitful, deep, designing, disingenuous, duplicitous, foxy, fraudulent, guileful, keen, knowing, sharp, slippery, smooth, street smart, street wise, tricky, vulpine.
Esoteric - abstruse, arcane, mystical, acroamatic, cabalistic, cryptic, deep, Delphic, heavy, hermetic, hidden, inner, inscrutable, mystic, occult, orphic, private, profound, recondite, secret, sibylline.
Rebellious - alienated, disaffected, fractious, recalcitrant, restless, turbulent, unruly, warring, anarchistic, attacking, bellicose, contumacious, defiant, difficult, disloyal, disobedient, disorderly, dissident, factious, iconoclastic, incorrigible, individualistic, insurgent, insurrectionary, intractable, mutinous, obstinate, pugnacious, quarrlesome, radical, rebel, refractory, resistant, revolutionary, rioting, riotous, sabotaging, seditious, threatening, treasonable, ungovernable.
Disorganized - chaotic, confused, haphazard, muddled, disordered, jumbled, shuffled, disorderly, mixed up, screwed up, unsystematic.
Team-Player - assistant, associate, co-worker, colleague, confederate, helper, partner, quisling, teammate, fellow traveller, running dog.
Musical - choral, melodic, operatic, rhythmic, symphonic, vocal, blending, consonant, melodious, pleasing, sweet, agreeable, chiming, dulcet, euphonious, harmonious, lilting, mellow, orchestral, silvery, songful, sweet-sounding, symphonious, tuned, tuneful.
Laid-Back - easy-going, mellow, lax, low-pressure, undemanding, unhurried.
Etymology (Origin)
Busy - Old English bisig "careful, anxious," later "continually employed or occupied," cognate with Old Dutch bezich, Low German besig; no known connection with any other Germanic or Indo-European language. Still pronounced as in Middle English, but for some unclear reason the spelling shifted to -u- in 15c.
The notion of "anxiousness" has drained from the word since Middle English. Often in a bad sense in early Modern English, "prying, meddlesome" (preserved in busybody). The word was a euphemism for "sexually active" in 17c. Of telephone lines, 1893. Of display work, "excessively detailed, visually cluttered," 1903.
Funny - "humorous," 1756, from fun (n.) + -y (2). Meaning "strange, odd, causing perplexity" is by 1806, said to be originally U.S. Southern (marked as colloquial in Century Dictionary). The two senses of the word led to the retort question "funny ha-ha or funny peculiar," which is attested by 1916. Related: Funnier; funniest. Funny farm "mental hospital" is slang from 1962. Funny bone "elbow end of the humerus" (where the ulnar nerve passes relatively unprotected) is from 1826, so called for the tingling sensation when struck. Funny-man was originally (1854) a circus or stage clown.
Night Owl - "owl which flies at night," 1590s; applied since 1846 (American English) to persons who are up or out late at night. Compare night-hawk, also French hirondelle de nuit "prostitute," literally “night-swallow."
Crafty - mid-12c., crafti, from Old English cræftig "strong, powerful," later "skillful, ingenious," degenerating by c. 1200 to "cunning, sly" (but through 15c. also "skillfully done or made; intelligent, learned; artful, scientific") from craft (n.) + -y (2). Related: Craftily; craftiness.
Esoteric - 1650s, from Greek esoterikos "belonging to an inner circle" (Lucian), from esotero "more within," comparative adverb of eso "within," from PIE *ens-o-, suffixed form of *ens, extended form of root *en "in" (see en- (2)). Classically applied to certain popular and non-technical writings of Aristotle, later to doctrines of Pythagoras. In English, first of Pythagorean doctrines.
Rebellious - early 15c., from Latin rebellis (see rebel (adj.)) + -ous. Related: Rebelliously; rebelliousness.
Disorganized - 1793, from French désorganiser, from dés- "not" (see dis-) + organiser "organize" (see organize). This word and related forms were introduced in English in reference to the French Revolution. Related: Disorganized; disorganizing; disorganization.
Team-Player - 1885-90, Americanism
Musical - early 15c., "pertaining to music; tuneful, harmonious; adept at making music," from Middle French musical (14c.) and directly from Medieval Latin musicalis, from Latin musica (see music). Musical box is from 1829. Children's game musical chairs is attested from 1877, hence use of musical as a modifier meaning "changing rapidly from one to another possessor" (1924). Related: Musically.
Laid-Back - 1905-10, for an earlier sense; 1970-75 for current sense
Links to Images
Busy - http://az616578.vo.msecnd.net/files/2016/09/08/6360890219125892001111085486_busy.jpg
Funny - https://www.edutopia.org/sites/default/files/styles/responsive_2880px/public/cover_media/bellace-169hero-tough-istock.jpg?itok=vSvLRVnR&timestamp=1476733326
Night Owl - http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_v5h2qxDB1io/TS1e4jkkaaI/AAAAAAAABT0/MTIl__4IlzA/s1600/Wildlife%20Predator%20(29).jpg
Crafty - http://threecheers.co/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/craftyipad.jpg
Esoteric - https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/33/25/bd/3325bdb899460728c79323c6002333a3.jpg
Rebellious - http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-p7Gjb18mbdw/T44miqTehZI/AAAAAAAABdk/-2fA2kl1Vrw/s1600/3.jpg
Disorganized - https://thespacemaster.files.wordpress.com/2011/02/hires.jpg
Team Player - https://thumbs.dreamstime.com/z/team-player-rubber-stamp-15760079.jpg
Musical - http://thegraphicsfairy.com/wp-content/uploads/blogger/-ty4nFYoRN7U/T2EFU8DDv-I/AAAAAAAAQ8Y/nDYXeTWiacY/s1600/Printer-Orn-musical-Graphics-Fairy-rd.jpg
Laid-Back - http://www.nomeatathlete.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/HiRes.jpg
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