#Sweet Moment
lokisam83 · 1 month
Rainy Day
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Hey ~
Here it's my first attempt with the Procreate app. Still a lot to learn, but it's not so bad for the first time.
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The X-Files 4x23 Demons
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esilher · 1 year
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"Are you flirting with me?" A little drawing for a story that sounds like a promise. We would be delighted to read more ;) For the story "Feel The Glass Start To Crack" from @daisyishedwig
Thank you for this story!
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Alastor are you ok?
Alastor: *laying in bed, completely distraught, exhaustion on his face, his smiling mask completely gone*
*knock knock knock*
Charlie: *pokes her head in as she was able to unlock the door with her master key* Alastor? Are you okay?
Alastor: *doesn’t respond*
Charlie: Alastor please talk to me. I know things have been a tad awkward with my Dad possibly carrying one of your babies and you carrying one of his. But you’re my family and I care about you. So please tell me what’s wrong?
Alastor: *shifts and looks at Charlie* I know I shouldn’t be this upset. Honestly I don’t know why I am…after all Lucifer was right. This had nothing to do with me. It was all Lucifer’s decision. So why am I so mad and angry?! Have I gone crazy?!
Charlie: You’re angry for my dad?
Alastor: I…suppose I am.
Charlie: It sounds like you’re upset because someone you love and care about was exploited or hurt. It’s okay to be upset for someone you love but you should take their feelings into account. And maybe talk to my dad about why you’re so upset over this.
Alastor: I don’t think he wants to see me. I was big crybaby a while ago. I’m too ashamed to let him see me. I’m not ready to talk.
Charlie: That’s fine too. Just get some rest and this mess may just blow over.
Alastor: *mood swing* Blow over?! How could you say that?! Your father is fully exposed and I’m acting like a nut job!
Charlie: Easy Alastor. I only mean that everything will be okay. My dad will be okay. And you will be okay. Just rest for a bit okay? Maybe sip some hot cocoa. Just breath.
Alastor: I…don’t have any hot cocoa to sip.
Charlie: I’ll go get you some! With the little marshmallows too! *leaves the room eagerly*
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starclast · 2 months
Where'd I put my handkerchief...!?
Uhh, you don't mind if its been used, do you...?
hey, don't laugh!!
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star-wars-writing · 8 months
Ripples of Serenity - follow up In Sickness and in health
A/N: Hey guys, a small follow up from the one shot "in sickness and in health" I hope you'll like it. this was my free card for the @codywanbingo, where I came up with the prompt: Body Pillow. It's not my best one, but I still thought it was nice to share this. Hope you'll like it.
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As twilight descended upon Coruscant, the Room of a Thousand Fountains transformed into a tapestry woven with the tranquil hues of evening. Shadows and light played a delicate dance across the water, each fountain casting its own fluid, shimmering ballet upon the ancient stones and verdant flora. The air, rich with the scent of damp earth and blossoming night-blooms, carried the symphony of water - a chorus of gentle splashes, serene trickles, and soft gurgles that whispered secrets of ancient Jedi who once sought solace here.
In this hallowed space, the chaos of the galaxy seemed like a distant echo, a forgotten storm beyond the serenity of these walls. The fountains, with their never-ending flow, spoke of timelessness, of moments captured and held in the embrace of the Force. The light of Coruscant’s setting sun filtered through the high, arched windows, casting a kaleidoscope of golds and ambers across the cobblestone paths, turning them into rivers of molten light.
Here, amid the harmony of nature and the crafted elegance of the Jedi Temple, lay Obi-Wan Kenobi and Commander Cody. Removed from the clatter of armor and the weight of sabers, they were but two souls adrift in a sea of tranquility. Obi-Wan, his head resting gently on Cody’s stomach, lay ensconced in the commander's warmth. The rise and fall of Cody’s breathing was a soothing rhythm, a living pulse beneath Obi-Wan’s ear.
Cody's fingers, calloused yet tender, wove through Obi-Wan's hair with a rhythm as ancient as the stars. Each stroke was a wordless verse, a tactile whisper against the Jedi's temple. In these motions lay unspoken stories, tales of battles fought and burdens shared, now melting into the quietude of this sanctuary.
The surrounding greenery, lush and vibrant even as night approached, rustled softly in the gentle breeze, like discreet onlookers to this display of quiet intimacy. The water lilies, floating serenely on the surface of the nearest pool, seemed to glow ethereally in the dimming light, their petals delicate witnesses to the bond shared between the Jedi and the soldier.
Above, the first stars of the evening began to peek through the dusky sky, their light reflecting in the myriad pools, creating a celestial mirror that echoed the vastness of the galaxy, yet felt as intimate as the space between two intertwined hearts. In this moment, within the Room of a Thousand Fountains, time and duty stood still, held at bay by the simple, profound act of one man finding shelter in another's embrace.
In the hallowed serenity of the Room of a Thousand Fountains, beneath the velvety embrace of twilight, Obi-Wan Kenobi lay in contemplative stillness, his head cradled upon the rhythmic, life-affirming rise and fall of Commander Cody's stomach. Here, amidst the symphony of gently cascading waters and the subtle, sweet fragrance of night-blooming flowers, the tumultuous echoes of the Clone Wars seemed like distant whispers, relics of a past both harrowing and heroic.
As Obi-Wan lay there, his senses attuned to the comforting warmth of Cody's presence, his mind wove through the intricate tapestry of their shared history. The war, a saga of light and shadow that had defined much of their existence, now rested in the annals of history, a story of victory hard-won and sacrifices deeply felt. In the quiet aftermath, as the galaxy inched towards a semblance of peace, they found themselves navigating a world that was, at once, familiar and utterly transformed.
Obi-Wan's thoughts danced around the nuances of their relationship, a bond forged in the crucible of conflict and solidified in the stillness of peace. Cody, once a commander under his command, had become so much more—a confidant, a pillar of strength, a companion who had stood unwaveringly by his side through trials that would have broken lesser men. In the ebb and flow of war, amidst the chaos of battles and the burden of leadership, they had discovered in each other an unspoken understanding, a resonance that transcended the mere camaraderie of soldiers.
"The war is over, but its echoes linger," Obi-Wan mused, his voice a soft murmur harmonizing with the ambient chorus of the fountains. "Yet, here, in this moment, there is a peace that feels almost... unfamiliar."
Cody's hand, moving in slow, deliberate strokes through Obi-Wan's hair, was a tactile testament to the depth of their connection. "We've spent so long amidst turmoil, Obi-Wan," Cody's voice rumbled gently, a soothing vibration against Obi-Wan's cheek. "Finding peace... it's like rediscovering a forgotten language."
Indeed, the peace they now experienced was an intricate language to decipher—a language of stillness, of shared silences that spoke volumes, of understanding and acceptance found not in the heat of battle but in the quiet aftermath. Obi-Wan realized that their journey together had evolved, unfurling layers of companionship and trust that went beyond the mandates of duty and the rigors of war.
In the gentle cadence of Cody's breathing and the soft caress of his fingers, Obi-Wan found a solace that the roar of battle and the solemn halls of the Jedi Temple had seldom afforded. There was a simplicity to their interactions in this newfound peace, a simplicity that belied the complexity of emotions that ran like undercurrents between them—respect, admiration, and perhaps, something deeper, an uncharted territory they were only beginning to explore.
As the last vestiges of daylight surrendered to the embrace of night, Obi-Wan felt a profound gratitude envelop him—a gratitude for the peace they had achieved for the galaxy and for the peace they had found in each other's company. In Cody, he saw not just the stalwart soldier, the loyal commander, but a man of depth and resilience, a man whose presence had become an integral part of his own existence.
Lying there, in the embrace of the Room of a Thousand Fountains, Obi-Wan Kenobi allowed himself to simply be—to be present in the moment, to be receptive to the quiet joys of peace, and to be open to the myriad possibilities that lay ahead in this new chapter of their lives. For in the tranquil heart of the Jedi Temple, amidst the eternal dance of light and water, he and Commander Cody had found a sanctuary, a haven where the whispers of the past melded with the murmurs of a future yet to be written.
In the dwindling light, the Room of a Thousand Fountains became a realm of half-shadows and whispers, a place where time seemed to slow, allowing moments to expand and fill the space with their unspoken significance. Commander Cody, his fingers gently traversing the landscape of Obi-Wan Kenobi's hair with a tenderness that belied his warrior's hands, found himself lost in a sea of introspection.
Each stroke of his fingers was a silent language, a means of conveying what words often could not. In the soft, chestnut strands slipping through his fingers, he felt a connection that went beyond the physical—a bond that had been forged in the fires of war and tempered in the stillness of peace. As he gazed down at Obi-Wan, whose eyes were closed in serene trust, a profound sense of protectiveness welled within him.
Cody's life had been one of orders and duty, a path defined by the rigid structure of the military. Yet, in Obi-Wan, he had found an unexpected anchor, a presence that had gently nudged him towards depths of understanding and feeling he had never anticipated. The Jedi had become more than a General to him, more than a symbol of the Order he had vowed to serve. Obi-Wan had become a guiding star in the vast expanse of Cody's existence, illuminating paths not just of strategy and combat, but of empathy, introspection, and the complex nuances of the human heart.
"You always seem to find peace so easily," Cody remarked, his voice a low rumble, rich with warmth and a hint of wonder. "Even in the midst of chaos, you've always had this... this center of calm."
Obi-Wan opened his eyes, turning his gaze upwards to meet Cody's. In them, Cody saw a reflection of his own thoughts, a shared understanding that transcended the need for words. "You've helped me find it," Obi-Wan replied, his voice soft yet resonant in the quiet of the room. "In you, I've found not just a comrade in arms but a source of strength. Your steadfastness, your loyalty... they've been a light in some of my darkest moments."
Cody's hand paused in its motion, a wave of emotion washing over him. To be seen in such a light by Obi-Wan, to be valued not just for his role as a Commander but for the essence of who he was, felt both humbling and uplifting. He had always viewed Obi-Wan as a pillar of strength, a bastion of the Jedi ideals of peace and justice. Yet, in their shared journey, he had come to see the man behind the myth, a man capable of deep compassion, profound wisdom, and, perhaps most importantly, a vulnerability that he entrusted only to a few.
"It's been an honor, Obi-Wan," Cody said, his voice thick with unspoken emotions. "To fight alongside you, to learn from you... it's changed me in ways I'm still trying to understand."
Obi-Wan's hand reached up, covering Cody's where it rested in his hair, a gesture of mutual respect and connection. "We've changed each other, Cody. You've shown me perspectives I might have otherwise never seen. You've taught me as much as I could ever hope to teach."
In the quietude of the fountains, with the veil of night drawing close, their conversation unfolded like a gentle stream, meandering through topics both profound and mundane. Each word, each shared silence, was a testament to the depth of their bond, a bond that had grown in the shadows of war but now flourished in the peace they had both fought so hard to achieve.
As stars began to speckle the sky above, visible through the high glass dome of the room, Cody and Obi-Wan remained in their sanctuary of stillness and water. Here, they were not just a Jedi and a Commander; they were two souls who had found in each other a kindred spirit, a companion with whom the trials of the past and the uncertainties of the future could be faced with a quiet, unshakeable confidence. In each other, they had found not just an ally in battle, but a partner in the journey of life, a journey they continued to navigate with an enduring bond that was as deep as the fathomless depths of space, and as enduring as the timeless dance of the stars.
As the Room of a Thousand Fountains embraced the night, casting a tapestry of shadow and luminescence across its serene expanse, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Commander Cody found themselves adrift in a sea of contemplation, their conversation meandering into the realm of future dreams and aspirations.
The gentle cadence of water playing against stone provided a soothing backdrop to their dialogue, a harmonic counterpoint to the depth and weight of their words. Obi-Wan, his head still resting on the comforting landscape of Cody’s stomach, felt the vibrations of the commander’s voice resonate through him, a tangible manifestation of their connection.
“You know,” Obi-Wan began, his voice a soft murmur in the tranquility of their haven, “I’ve been thinking about taking on another Padawan. The Order will need to rebuild, and there are so many young ones who could benefit from guidance.”
Cody’s hand, which had been tracing idle patterns in Obi-Wan’s hair, stilled at the words. He felt a surge of pride at the thought, mixed with an undercurrent of something akin to apprehension. The war had changed them all, and the idea of Obi-Wan shaping a new generation of Jedi was both a testament to his resilience and a reminder of the inexorable passage of time.
“It’s a big responsibility,” Cody said, his tone thoughtful. “But one I know you’re more than capable of handling. You have so much to offer, Obi-Wan. Your wisdom, your strength…”
Obi-Wan turned slightly, his blue eyes reflecting the starlight that filtered through the room’s vast dome. “It’s not a decision I take lightly. But in these young minds, I see hope. I see a chance to impart not just the teachings of the Force, but the lessons we’ve learned throughout this war. Lessons of compassion, of understanding, of seeing beyond the black-and-white dichotomies of right and wrong.”
Cody listened, each word sinking in, weaving a tapestry of possibility and potential. “And what of us?” he asked, a hint of vulnerability lacing his words. “With the clones and Jedi now living alongside each other, there’s a new world unfolding before us.”
Obi-Wan’s expression softened, a tender smile playing on his lips. “I believe our bond will only grow stronger in this new world. We’ve stood together through the darkest of times; now, we have a chance to build something. Together.”
The word hung in the air between them, a promise, a vow of shared tomorrows. Cody felt a warmth spread through him, a feeling that went beyond the physical proximity of their bodies. It was a warmth that spoke of partnership, of a shared path that extended beyond the battlefield, beyond the mandates of the Jedi or the duties of a commander.
“We could help shape this new era,” Cody said, his voice imbued with a sense of wonder. “Guide it towards a future where understanding and cooperation are the cornerstones.”
Obi-Wan nodded, his gaze fixed on the stars above. “A future where the scars of war give way to healing and growth. Where we, as individuals and as a galaxy, learn from our past to create a better tomorrow.”
The room, with its timeless dance of water and light, seemed to echo their sentiments, a silent witness to the dreams being woven within its walls. As the night deepened, Obi-Wan and Cody allowed themselves to drift in this sea of possibilities, each shared dream a building block for a future they would navigate together.
In that moment, the uncertainties of their paths seemed less daunting, overshadowed by the certainty of their bond. They were two souls, once thrown together by the tides of war, now choosing to walk side by side into the dawning era. Their journey, marked by battles fought and hardships endured, was also a journey of growth, of discovery, and, ultimately, of unwavering companionship.
And as they lay there, under the canopy of the cosmos, dreaming of what the future might hold, Obi-Wan and Cody knew that whatever challenges lay ahead, they would face them together, their bond a guiding light in the uncharted waters of the galaxy’s future.
In the tranquil cocoon of the Room of a Thousand Fountains, under the cloak of Coruscant's night sky, a playful energy began to percolate between Obi-Wan Kenobi and Commander Cody. The solemnity of their earlier conversation had given way to a lighter mood, the air now ripe with the possibility of mischief.
Obi-Wan, feeling a surge of impishness, glanced sideways at Cody with a glint in his eye. "You know, Commander," he said, his voice laced with mock seriousness, "I've often wondered how well your clone training prepared you for unexpected aquatic situations."
Cody raised an eyebrow, a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. "Aquatic situations, General?" he queried, playing along. "I assure you, we clones are prepared for all eventualities."
With a sudden, fluid movement, surprising for a man of his contemplative nature, Obi-Wan rolled, attempting to leverage Cody off-balance. The commander, caught off guard but quick to react, grappled with Obi-Wan, a laugh escaping him. "This is your idea of testing my training?"
The struggle, more playful than earnest, saw them rolling closer to the edge of one of the room's many pools. The water, reflecting the starlight from above, beckoned enticingly. As they jostled, their laughter echoing off the stone walls, it became a dance of sorts—a tussle between two warriors who had faced the gravest dangers yet now found themselves engaged in a battle of wits and play.
With a final, coordinated effort that spoke of their deep understanding and impeccable teamwork, both men tumbled into the pool with a resounding splash. The water enveloped them in its cool embrace, ripples cascading outwards, disturbing the tranquil surface.
Surfacing, Obi-Wan and Cody burst into hearty laughter, the sound bright and unburdened. Cody shook his head, droplets of water flinging from his short-cropped hair. "Well, General, I must concede, your methods are unorthodox, but effective."
Obi-Wan, floating leisurely, looked up at the night sky visible through the glass dome. "Sometimes, unorthodox methods yield the best results," he replied, his eyes sparkling with mirth.
The shared laughter, the unexpected plunge, had transformed the mood from contemplative to joyous, a physical manifestation of the ease and comfort they found in each other's presence. In that moment, they were not the storied Jedi General and his loyal Commander; they were simply Obi-Wan and Cody, two souls who had found in each other a kindred spirit, capable of finding joy amidst the remnants of war.
Soaked and still chuckling, they swam to the edge of the pool, their movements languid and relaxed. As they pulled themselves out, sitting on the edge with their feet still dipped in the water, the serenity of the room embraced them once more.
This spontaneous moment of levity, a brief interlude of carefree playfulness, was a reminder of the resilience of their bond. It spoke of a relationship that had weathered the fiercest storms, yet still found space for laughter and light-heartedness. In the Room of a Thousand Fountains, amidst the gentle sounds of water and the whisper of the night wind, Obi-Wan and Cody shared a moment of pure, unadulterated joy, a testament to the enduring strength and depth of their connection.
Drenched and still emanating the warmth of shared laughter, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Commander Cody made their way out of the Room of a Thousand Fountains. Each step echoed softly in the vast corridors of the Jedi Temple, their wet clothes clinging to them, a physical reminder of their spontaneous plunge into the pool. The cool air of the corridor brushed against their skin, contrasting with the lingering warmth of the water, creating an almost ethereal sensation.
As they walked side by side, a comfortable silence enveloped them, a silence that spoke volumes. It was a testament to the profound bond they shared, a bond that had deepened and evolved, transcending the roles of Jedi and Commander. In the quiet of their walk, their eyes would meet, a silent exchange of understanding and appreciation passing between them. Each glance was a conversation in itself, conveying trust, respect, and a shared history that had woven their lives inexorably together.
The subtle nuances of their non-verbal communication - a slight smile, a raised eyebrow, a nod - were their own language, developed over years of companionship. It was a language born out of necessity in the heat of battle but had flourished in the quieter moments like these. In the way Obi-Wan's eyes crinkled at the corners with genuine affection, or how Cody's posture relaxed completely in Obi-Wan's presence, there was an entire spectrum of emotion and thought conveyed without a single word.
As they approached their quarters, the weight of their soaked garments seemed to anchor them in the present moment, a reminder of the spontaneity that life could still hold. It was these moments, unexpected and unscripted, that had become a vital part of their relationship, strengthening the trust and intimacy that had grown between them.
Inside the privacy of their shared quarters, they moved with an ease and familiarity that spoke of countless shared experiences. There was a rhythm to their actions, a choreographed dance they had mastered over time. As they shed their wet clothes, their movements were respectful yet intimate, a delicate balance between personal boundaries and the comfort they found in each other's presence.
In the quiet of the room, as they changed into dry garments, the air was filled with an unspoken promise - a promise of continued support, of shared futures, and of a bond that would endure whatever trials the galaxy might throw their way. This promise was not articulated in words but was understood and felt deeply by both men.
The tranquility of the evening, punctuated by their shared escapade, had not only provided a respite from their duties but had also served to reinforce the depth of their connection. In this space, away from the eyes of the galaxy, they were not defined by their titles or responsibilities. Here, they were simply Obi-Wan and Cody, two individuals who had found in each other an unwavering ally, a confidant, and a source of unanticipated joy.
As they prepared to retire for the night, the comfort and peace they found in each other's company was a beacon in the quiet darkness, a gentle reminder that amidst the vast and often turbulent galaxy, they had each found a harbor in the other - a safe haven where they could truly be themselves, unguarded and understood.
So that was it, I know it's not my best work, but I still hope you liked it, comments and likes are always welcome.
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la-squadra1234 · 2 years
Ok I got 2 I would like for you to do (not at the same time of course take your time) 1. “Hxh characters holding their newborn for the first time” 2. “Hxh holding their newborn grandchild for the first time”
Thank you so much for the request. Of course I can do it!
I am going to do the first one where the hunter X hunter holds their newborn for the first time and I will do the second one later
 Full credit to la-squadra1234
Feitan-“…..” he would honestly be a bit surprised that he is holding a newborn baby, and he would be very gentle and he wouldn’t really say anything. He would just stare at the baby in his arms
Phinks-“oh…wow it’s so small in my arms”  he would look down and smile at the baby. He would be fairly quiet, but he would make comments here and there.
Chrollo-“they are so small and fragile” there would definitely be a few tears coming out of his eyes and it would be pretty emotional, but not in a bad way. It would be very sweet.
Nobunaga-“wow I am finally a father’s They are so fragile and tiny” it would definitely be a enjoyable moment and a sweet one at that
Illumi-“…..” he would be very quiet, but he would put his finger on the babies hand, and he would let the baby hold his finger🥺 he would be very gentle and he would definitely shows some kind of emotion
Hisoka-“ how cute is small and fragile I wonder if they will do the hunter exam when they are older” Honestly, the moment is as sweet as it can possibly get.
Silva-“ the baby looks a lot fragile than our other kids. I better pay close attention” this moment wouldn’t be too exciting for Silva because he already been through this five times and now a six but it definitely would be sweet, and a very happy moment
 that’s it for today everybody! thank you so much for the request. I’m sorry that it is taking me so long to make request. I am just overworking myself like crazy and I feel like I do need a break sometimes but I also don’t want to keep everybody waiting, so it just stresses me out.😅
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How sweet is this?!! Absolutely love this moment.
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unabashedqueenfury · 2 years
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Reign 2013-2017/01-07
Mary and Francis
"...because I love you!..."
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Chapter 3: Sweet Moment
Narrated by the agent.
Narrator: Dodora's interview makes headlines everywhere. The studio then holds a press conference to announce her entry into the idol selection.
Narrator: One camera after another awaits Dodora at the venue.
Narrator: This is her first press conference under the name of her own studio.
Narrator: All of the reporters start speaking to their respective cameras.
Reporter: Hello. As you can see, this is the first press conference from Dodora's studio.
Reporter: You must all be wondering if Dodora will lean into her scandal on the net and adopt a more mature, sexier look?
Reporter: Or will she be in something regal for a return-of-the-queen story?
Reporter: Oh, here she comes!
Narrator: The crowd stirs as countless lenses flash in succession.
Narrator: Everything is going great, yet I'm more nervous than Dodora.
Narrator: I stand backstage, providing moral support as usual.
Narrator: She takes the stage to a lively tune.
Narrator: No one expected her to be in a plain, cute wool dress with a girly handbag, looking like a show biz rookie
Dodora: Sorry to keep you waiting!
Narrator: Her sweet voice is music to the ear.
Live Fans: Dodora! Dodora!
Dodora: Be careful! Please watch where you're going and don't step on others!
Reporter: Excuse me, Dodora, but did you come in a mundane outfit because you can't sustain a more lavish lifestyle after losing the contract?
Dodora: No, of course not! I designed this cute outfit myself. Doesn't it remind you of when I first got started?
Dodora: I'm wearing this to let everyone know that I'm going back to the old me with my new studio.
Narrator: After that, she winks playfully to all the cameras.
Dodora: Hello, everyone, I'm Dodora and I'm back!
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
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captainofthepearl · 2 years
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A final Goodbye
Synopsis: The night after Barbossa's passing, Carina had a dream, a dream of his final goodbye.
//ooc: hello, I thought of doing something sweet like, an aftermath after DMTNT, Enjoy//.
Clothes for Barbossa:
The Jacket was made by bruxel
The pants were made by oranoTR
The pirate boots made by oranoTR
The hat made by History lover's sims
Clothes for Carina:
The dress made by History lover's sims
The hair made by wingsims
Clothes for Margret:
The dress made by revolution sims
The hair made by (sorry, if you see this, please comment so I can add your name)
NA_reverancepose pack
NA_Are you ok
Emotions by lealllai
Other comics in the process:
James and barbossa
Margaret and barbossa
Hope ye enjoyed, I'll be postin more of the others soon🏴‍☠️
What's this, Do I take requests; to answer your question yes, I do.
How Do I request:
submit a scenario you wish to see, if you have certain dialogue, please feel free to submit that or feel free to mention you wish to see me improvise.
tell me the characters you wish to use in it.
I have an oc can I request that: of course, just give me a detailed description or send me a reference picture.
I won't be able to do Davy Jones nor Salazar in their monstrous forms however I can do their human forms,
Do you only just do Barbossa: no, I can do other characters only involved within the potc verse.
How long will it take: 2 days to a week depending on my schedule.
to submit please use the asks, Dm me or use submissions.
Go on, request away I don't bite.
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The X-Files 6x3 Triangle
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whogirl2011 · 2 years
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@giftober 2022 | Day 10 : Comfort
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I haven't felt Alive for a while now. But today, I woke up with the sunrise and made my favorite breakfast and listened to some good music while making it.
And I couldn't be happier or more grateful.
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Mother/Son Holiday Moment
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demon-girl-1 · 2 years
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Shoutout to @sin1039 for letting me redraw their stuff
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