#Margaret smyth
berubara-4-ham · 5 months
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I remember I read someone's comment about about Death (Grim Reaper) is that they find Death more comforting. No matter how good or bad they we're. I interpret Death/Grim Reaper is like comfort character. Think of Der Tod from Elisabeth. This had me thinking of Margaret, Barbossa's late lover as his comfort mechanism by imagining her if she was still around. Like Der Tod, Margaret is our "Grim Reaper" as Elizabeth om first three movies.
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barbossas-wench · 1 year
I got bored and look through old posts on Geoffrey Rush fan site on livejournal
And then I read bits from the interview that's not available (cries) and Geoffrey Rush said he's "disappointed" that the POTC writers and producer never let him suggestions for his character, Barbossa, including they never let Barbossa GETTING HIMSELF A GIRL
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herwold · 2 years
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captainofthepearl · 3 months
"A belated Valentines to ye, Captain."
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"An ta ye~" he swiftly takes off his hat, bows and brings her hand to his chapped, calloused lips. "Me beauteous black pearl of the night."
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potc-musical · 2 years
POTC: Dead Men Tell No Tales Musical fan concept ACT 2 synopsis
TW: cannibalism (not actually happen), miscarriage mention, brief discussion of maternal mortality, grief and loss, suicide
Act 1 synopsis
The resistance still ongoing, between the living pirates and the bewitched seamen fought against the tyrannical sea witch Morgana and her minions on land of the ruins of the fort and on sea.
At the Queen Anne's revenge, Barbossa patiently waiting for meeting Salazar as La Silencia Maria approaches Revenge and finally met immortal Salazar to destruct the Revenge. Salazar boards on the Revenge and has his men killed the living crew until he gets Jack's location but Barbossa don't know where Jack was. Unfortunately, Salazar orders Barbossa and his crew to find him. Barbossa take Salazar's promise and some of his Barbossa's crew and him travel with Salazar.
At the Dying Gull, Carina having a breakdown. The crewmen watch Jack trying to calm her down and told her everything is okay. However, Carina being paranoid that Jack's about to hurt her, but he actually isn't until she pushed him on the floor. Carina began to realize what she have done to him and starts sobbing and apologizing that she wants to be a good friend to help for Jack and Henry but she felt like she isn't. She thinks it's her fault and Jack mention that she wasn't her fault. Jack comforts her and told the crewmen that he and Carina to be alone.
Back at the Revenge, as Barbossa traveled with Salazar to find Jack, Barbossa takes a different turn to the uprising. Salazar began to realize that Barbossa's turned against him. Salazar forces Barbossa if he takes Salazar to Jack, he'll kill him and his crew. Until Barbossa's tells him that he noticed the Dying Gull ship sailing up ahead. At this moment, Salazar was ready to pursue Jack. Back at the Gull, when Jack feel the sense of Salazar chasing him. Jack made a plan and told his crew that if they want to form a mutiny against Jack for caring Carina "the madwoman" . They agreed and Henry and Carina joined Jack in a row boat to the closest island.
Meanwhile, the uprising is still ongoing, Elizabeth hopes her son and Jack found the most powerful crystal, the Legendary Silver Crystal brought to the still ongoing uprising. Peggy hope if Barbara will be with her after long years of grief and found her "treasure"
At the sea, the three were on a row boat. It wasn't long until La Silencia Maria catches them up. Carina left the boat to the island, then, Henry, and leaving Jack alone until he left the boat and swims.
As Carina, reached the island, as well as Henry and Jack. Luckily, Salazar and his men unable to walk on land because they're cursed. Carina asked Salazar if he was her dad, and he said no. Carina groaned and runs off and Henry went after her. Jack meet Salazar again. Jack said he had enough for him and runs off after two.
As Carina runs off, she gets caught in a trap in a net. Jack and Henry found her and tried to free her until both got knocked out by three people.
At the Revenge again, Salazar and Barbossa got the confrontation. Salazar kill some crewmen until Barbossa tells him that he still got his promise to bring Jack since he can't escape the island. Salazar accepted and free Barbossa and his surviving men. Without Salazar knowing, Barbossa secretly break his promise.
Elsewhere, Jack awakens and found himself being and found Henry and Carina are also tied as well. He finds himself being with the group of deserted pirates who are supposed to go to the resistance and trying to survive on the island. The crew asked the  three who they are and the three introduce themselves. The deserted pirates told them they’re looking for a food to eat to survive. One of the pirate said he will cannibalized the Jack, Henry, Carina and this made the three panic. The three trying to disturbed the deserted pirates to attempt escape. Until, Barbossa rescues three and shots the person who wants to cannibalized the three. Barbossa scolds the deserted pirates not to be jerks to Jack, Carina, and Henry and ask them to search for the silver crystal and bringing them to the uprising and the deserted pirates fully agreed. 
Jack remembers that he has his pearl in the bottle and become aware that he’ll bring his Black Pearl to be restored to life to its original size. Jack and Barbossa together break the bottle and the ran off to the nearest open waters. Barbossa throws the ship to the waters until it grown on its original form. Jack began to his joy for his Pearl was restored until he get encountered by his former lover/FWB, Angelica. Angelica held Jack accountable and began to roast him for what his true intentions are and his reasons why he betrayed Angelica and feeling unsatisfied about that. Jack tried to excuse her but he finally realized what his true intentions are and his actions have consequences that he faced after he betrayed her and apologies for what he done. Angelica forgave him. Jack ask her what happen to their child, Angelica said she got miscarried.
In fact, Barbossa captained Pearl again from Jack and tying him up on mast. Barbossa need someone to navigate the ship. Suddenly, Carina will volunteer to navigate due to her determination of nautical mentored by Jack. While Carina steering the wheel, using her late-mother’s manuscripts, Barbossa noticed his late lover’s journal that Carina hold. Barbossa thought she was his late-lover hallucinated him. He apologized to her for mistaken Carina as her late mother, Margaret. But they quickly realized, Carina and Barbossa suprised that she’s a long lost daughter of Barbossa. Happily, the two tearfully reunited together. Barbossa went up to Jack and told him about Carina's mom and his late lover, Margaret (aka Peggy). Barbossa discussing about what happened to Peggy, he said few days after Carina came to the world, Peggy died of maternal mortality and leaving Barbossa single to raise Carina. And he said that it's difficult to handle grief and loss to raise his daughter and cause him to left Carina at the orphanage so he had slow recover from grief and wish he can be with her from cruel world since he aged. Barbossa went to his daughter and told her about her late mother and what happened to her. He said that her late mother is still with us and he showed his miniature portrait of his late lover to Carina and how beautiful her mother was and gave it to her.
But then, The Royal Navy caught the Pearl until  La Silencia Maria destroyed and attacked the Pearl. Carina went back to the steering wheel and using her late mother's journal and using North Star to guide her to find the island. The two crews battling each other. Barbossa’s arm got cut, Jack got knocked out and his sword flew away, Salazar tried to kill him until Angelica crucify Salazar. Despite Jack and Angelica’s remaining friends, they help to battling with La Selencia Maria crew. Salazar caught Henry and then possesses him. Up until the Pearl lands at Ouranos Island. They got off the ship and went to the seven stands that is supposed to be the open path to the crystal but one stone is missing. Carina pull out the ruby with “p” stands for Polaris and Barbossa said this is for her late mother. She puts the last ruby on the stand and the ocean opens to make a path for the Silver Crystal. Jack and Carina walked up to get the Crystal until Henry was possesses by Salazar strangling Jack and Carina throws the rock at Henry as Salazar got out from him. Carina apologizes to Henry for throwing a rock at him to stop Salazar possessing in him. La Silencia Maria crew attacked the three mortals and Jack is battling off while Henry and Carina quickly get the Silver Crystal. As they get the crystal, the time is running out as the ocean walls began to close. The anchor from the Pearl drops so Jack, Henry, Carina  climbs on the until Salazar caught Henry’s ankle and trying to let it go and leaving Salazar’s crew drowned as the anchor raised back to the ship.
Meanwhile at the uprising set, both mortal and cursed seamen build a barricade and battling of Morgana’s minions and they hope they will be free from her.
Back at the Pearl, they finally brought the Silver Crystal for the uprising. Salazar is sad that all of his men are gone until he saw the crystal that Henry holds. Salazar tried to touch it until it sparks on him and his curse was gone. This surprised the Pearl crew. Carina said from her late-mother’s journal said that legendary Silver Crystal can revive from the curse and Henry said that  they should bring the crystal to the resistance that Calypso said. Jack thinks it’s cool to defeat Morgana and the Pearl sails of to the rebellion. However, Salazar now human was put in cell of the ship as they sail.
At the ruins of the Witch’s fort, Jack and others arrives, Henry carrying the crystal while the rebellion still ongoing. Until, the minions attacks them. The crew began to fought the, however, Barbossa is going to fight them by himself and told the others to go. Carina wants to help him but Barbossa told her and others to go while fighting of and the crew dragged Carina from her father. 
As the crew went to the rebellion where the barricade as at, as the rest of the people still rebelled, the crew saw Morgana battling with the cursed undead men on the sea. Jack calls the witch’s name and the witch teleports at the scene. Morgana was surprised about Jack was here. And then, Jack made a speech about how tyrant Morgana was. He said she shouldn’t silent all the voices of cursed undead men who are dying of being bewitched to charge her powers. Jack told her that her silence is not an answer and he grabbed the Silver Crystal from Henry and show it to Morgana and the crystal cause Morgana hurt and realized it works. Henry is trying to grab Jack's shoulder, the power from the crystal hurt Morgana more. Jack calls everyone come to join Jack together in hold to raise the power  more from the Silver Crystal until it finally defeats Morgana.
Moment later, the bewitched seamen are now finally freed from the curse. The freemen and other living pirates began to rejoice of victory against Morgana. Aside, Carina was deep blue that her father was scarified for her and others before. Angelica came to Carina and comforts her and told her that whether her father is alive or not. Carina began to hope. Henry reunites his parents, Elizabeth is happy to see her son was alive. And then, the Turner couple finally reunites Jack after many years. Elizabeth thanked Jack for helping her son to find the crystal and she said that the crystal must be safely stored. Elizabeth's old friend, Norrington finally reunited after long years. Jack said he was tired and need a hiatus from the adventures he’s been through. Later, Jack meet Salazar and freed him from the cell. Salazar is about to arrested him despite Jack’s still on parole, yet, Jack told him that pirates aren’t just sea criminals but rebellious human beings. This shocks Salazar for a moment for confronted by empathetic and compassion and consequences he faced, he decided to drown himself into deep sea.
Barbossa finally met Peggy in a dark place that is supposed to be an afterlife and happily reunited and walks off. 
Jack happily having a big break. Angelica and Elizabeth taking care of Carina and teaching her how to be self-aware. Carina feel home with others around her. Then, the dinner party is ready with others, the three ladies went to the Brethren Court to celebrate the victory. Henry and Carina fell in love together. 
At least, this not an end, this is the new beginning. 
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starwarsgirl198 · 1 day
Year 2
Margaret was swimming around the cove that was hidden from prying eyes, teaching her daughter how to swim. Carina was clinging onto her shoulders, the older mermaid would feel her tail brush against her every once in a while as she mimicked her mother's movements. Her daughter wouldn't be able to swim long distances just yet, her tail muscles needed to develop and get stronger so until then they will remain hidden in the water.
Away from prying eyes of humans, of those who would hurt them simply because they were mermaids.
She didn't know if Hector had ever visited this island or their cabin, she never returned to it once she got closer to delivering Carina and returned to her home. Margaret knew it would look suspicious since there are no signs of a child being born there nor would there be signs of life within this past year.
The older mermaid had no need to return to the land or bring her daughter onto it, not yet. Soon she will, in order to teach her daughter how to blend in with humans.
How to hide in plain sight.
Carina chirped at her mother, shifting so she could peer at her face.
Margaret smiled at her and chirped back, she'd been teaching her daughter how to communicate underwater like mermaids do but when they surface, she'd been teaching her how to speak the words of humans. After all, Carina was half human and needed to know that side…other than the fact that human men were food for them.
When Carina got stronger she would also see if she was able to transform her tail into legs naturally or did she have to wait like the reborn mermaids did.
But for now, she was going to teach her daughter how to swim and how to avoid the ships and boats of humans…and what sea creatures to avoid completely. Carina would be a perfect snack for a hungry shark, though attacks from sharks are very rare since both predators tended to avoid each other when in deeper water or along the shore.
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queerquaintrelle · 2 months
Period Drama Appreciation Week 2024: Day 2 - Favourite Character(s)
The lead cast of Harlots on Hulu.
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lieutenantselnia · 2 years
Some thoughts on the choice of Carina Smyth's first name
Ngl even though there are many things I don't like about DMTNT, I think that Carina is like one of the best names that could be chosen for Barbossa's daughter. It sounds like a pretty regular name at first, but I think the backstory is what makes it actually a really great choice.
"Carina" is the name of a star constellation which is also known as "keel of the ship". In the german dub of the movie this is actually made more obvious, as Carina says that she's named after said star constellation, whereas in the original she says the the brightest star in the north (which is part of the constellation) gave her her name. Being named after a star constellation which resembles a ship (or at least a part thereof), her name is connected to both the stars and the sea, two focal points in Barbossa's life as a pirate and as a captain. He's a man of the sea and an exceptional navigator, and I think it's safe to assume that he has a very good knowledge of astronomy, particularly for navigational purposes. As he said himself, he knows which stars to follow home.
I like to think that Barbossa consciously chose his daughter's name because of its meaning. However, we unfortunately don't know under which conditions it was chosen, since we simply don't have enough information about his and Margaret Smyth's relationship. How many months before the birth did he learn that he was going to be a father? Were he and Margaret able to prepare for the changes in their lives that might come with having a child, did they make any plans for the future? Did they think up names together, and he suggested Carina, should they have a daughter? Or did Hector just return to land one day to learn his partner had died while he was at sea, and left him a child, and he had to come up with a name on the spot and the first thing that came to his mind were the star constellations?
I kind of doubt that we will get any canonical answers to those questions, so they are left to the realm of headcanons. I personally like to imagine that Barbossa chose the name carefully, and because of what it meant to him personally. Even though he kind of said in the movie that he never wanted his daughter to be associated with pirates (which happens to include himself), I think as her father he still wanted to make at least one meaningful impact on her life, which happened to be the choice of her name. Maybe also, in that way he would never forget her, since whenever he observed the sky and saw the star constellation Carina, he would also think of his daughter.
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darklinaforever · 3 months
Here is the first list of ships that may most likely interest you if you are a fan of Darklina ! Essentially it's about enemies to lover, or a dynamic reminiscent of Beauty and the Beast !
▪︎ Merlin & Morgana. (Mergana) | Show, Merlin BBC. [Tragical Ending]
▪︎ Halbrand / Sauron & Galadriel. (Haladriel / Saurondriel) | Show, The Rings of Power. [In progress]
▪︎ Rey & Kylo Ren / Ben Solo. (Reylo) | Star Wars, postlogy.
▪︎ Osha & Qimir. (Oshamir) | Star Wars Show, The Acolyte.
▪︎ Dracula & Mina. (Dracmina) | Movie, Dracula 1992. [Tragical Ending]
▪︎ Sarah & Jareth. (Sareth) | Movie, Labyrinth 1986. [Open Ending ?]
▪︎ Dongfang Qingcang & Xiao Lanhua / Orchid. | CDrama, Love Between Fairy and Devil. [Happy Ending]
▪︎ Xiang Liu & Xiao Yao. | CDrama, Lost You Forever. / Book, by Tong Hua. [Tragical Ending]
▪︎ Tantai Jin & Li Susu. | CDrama, Till the End of the Moon. [Open Ending] / Black Moonlight is Guaranteed a Bad Ending Script, by Teng Luo Wei Ji. [Happy Ending]
▪︎ Erik & Christine. (Erikstine) | Le fantôme de l'opéra, by Gaston Leroux. / Phantom, by Susan Kay. / The Phantom of the Opera, 25th anniversary, at the Royal Albert Hall, by Andrew Lloyd Webber. [Tragical Ending]
▪︎ Raistlin & Crysania. | Trilogy, The Legends, from Dragonlance universe, by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman. / Musicals. [Tragical ending]
▪︎ Warner & Juliette. (Warnette) | Book series, Shatter Me, by Tahereh Mafi. [Happy Ending]
▪︎ Julian & Jenny. | Trilogy, Forbidden game, by L.J Smith. [Tragical ending / Open Ending]
▪︎ Addie & Luc. | Book, The Invisible life of Addie Larue, by V. E. Schwab. [Open Ending]
▪︎ Vasya & Morozko. | Winternight trilogy, by Katherine Arden. [Happy Ending]
▪︎ Marya Morevna & Koschei. | Book, Deathless, by Catherynne M. Valente. [Open Ending]
▪︎ Kasta & Zahru. (Kastaru) | Trilogy, The Kinder Poison, by Natalie Mae. [Happy Ending]
▪︎ Jude & Cardan. (Jurdan) | Trilogy, Folk of the Air, by Holly Black. [Happy Ending]
▪︎ Corien & Rielle. (Corielle) | The Empirium trilogy, by Claire Legrand. [Tragical ending]
▪︎ Ruhn & Lidia. (Ruhnlidia / Daynight) | Trilogy, Crescent City, by Sarah J. Mass. [Happy Ending]
▪︎ Feyre & Rhysand. (Feysand) | Book series, ACOTAR, by Sarah J. Maas. [Happy Ending / In progress]
▪︎ Elain & Azriel. (Elriel) | Book series, ACOTAR, by Sarah J. Maas. [In progress]
▪︎ Emilia & Dorian. | French book series, Vila Emilia, by Elodie Faiderbe. [Happy Ending]
▪︎ Laila & Darius. | Trilogy, When the Stars Alight, by Camilla Andrew. [In progress]
▪︎ Jane Eyre & Mr Rochester. | Book, Jane Eyre, by Charlotte Bronté. / Show BBC, 2006. / Movie, 2011. [Happy Ending]
▪︎ Will & James. | Trilogy, Dark Rise, by C.S. Pacat. [In progress]
▪︎ Laurent & Damen. (Lamen) | Trilogy, Captive Prince, by C.S. Pacat. [Happy Ending]
▪︎ Evangeline & Jacks. (Evajacks) | Trilogy, Once Upon a Broken Heart, by Stephanie Garber. [Happy Ending]
▪︎ Agnieszka & Sarkan. | Book, Uprooted, by Naomi Novik. [Happy Ending]
▪︎ Auren & Rip / Slade. | Book series, The Plated Prisoner, by Raven Kennedy. [In progress]
▪︎ Ash & Mary-Lynnette. | Book series, Night World, volume 2 : Daughters of Darkness, by L.J Smith. [Hapoy Ending / In progress]
▪︎ Hades & Persephone. (Persades) | Webtoon, Lore Olympus, de Rachel Smythe. [In progress] / Greek mythology.
▪︎ Xibalba & La Muerte. (Xibamuerte) | Animation movie, The Book of Life. [Happy Ending]
▪︎ Beauty and the Beast. | Fairy Tale. / Animation Movie Disney. / Movie, Jean Cocteau 1946. / Show, Once Upon a Time. [Happy Ending]
▪︎ Chise & Elias. | Anime, Mahou Tsukai no Yome, 2017. / Manga, The Ancient Magus Bride, by Kore Yamazaki. [In progress]
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sag-dab-sar · 8 months
I wrote a post trying to figure out why on earth some Pagans & Witches refer to Imbolc (an Irish spring agricultural holiday associated with St Brigid, a potential Christianization of the Goddess Brigid/Bríg) as Candlemas, the completely Christian holiday celebrating The Purification of Mary & Presentation of Jesus at The Temple— which originated in the eastern part of the Roman Empire (which the only "pagan" aspect was it competing with Roman Lupercalia for celebrants).
Many pagan & witch spaces online have a constant disdain for Christianity thus I could not wrap my head around them using such an important point of Jesus' & Mary's life as one of their festivals/'sabbats'.... then, after writing a bunch of stuff, I stumbled onto the answer on Wikipedia's Wheel of The Year page, which has citations for its claims:
Margaret Murray (very early 20th century scholar) in her now discredited witch-cult hypothesis said that the Scottish "witch" Issobell Smyth in 1661 confessed to attending meetings for witches on the cross quarter days included Candlemas. Robert Graves (oh how I loathe you ehem I mean: poet folklorist), mentioned that Candlemas was part of the 8 ancient British agricultural festivals. And Doreen Valiente ("The Mother of Wicca") included Candlemas in her list of Greater Sabbat Fire Festivals, while also listing "Gaelic counterparts," in this case Imbolc.
Early (read: 19th-20th century) paganism and witchcraft, or scholarly work about it, really was just: put every claim regardless of accuracy from any culture in this jar, shake it up real good, see what pops out from the mix, then pretend its historically attested to and traditional despite any and all evidence.
Also whatever Wikipedia writer wrote this, I appreciate your sassiness ... even if it was unintentional:
Due to early Wicca's influence on modern paganism and the syncretic adoption of Anglo-Saxon and Celtic motifs, the most commonly used English festival names for the Wheel of the Year tend to be the Celtic ones introduced by Gardner and the mostly Germanic-derived names introduced by Kelly, regardless whether the celebrations are based on those cultures.
EDIT: To be clear, not all neo/pagans, witches, wiccans, occultists, people-who-use-wheel-of-year are anti-Christian! I'm not trying to say that. But as a worshipper of Mary now, I notice it more and more. Nor am I saying all those people follow Murray/Grave/Valiente blindly but published works and trusted blogs often seem to. This is simply an observation, I've taken notice of, its not the entire communities.
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companion-showdown · 7 months
Who would make the best villain: Round 0 masterpost
voting should account for best in the sense of most entertaining and best in the sense they would be successful
Elimination Groups
Group 1
Bret Vyon
Sara Kingdom
Group 2
Jackie Tyler
Bad Wolf Entity
Luke Smith
Group 3
Ursula Blake
Elton Pope
Francine Jones
Group 4
Christina de Souza
Adelaide Brooke
Winston Churchill
Stormageddon Dark Lord of All
Group 5
Canton Everette Delaware III
Kate Stewart
Group 6
Mason Bennett
Lee Clayton
Group 7
Chris Cwej
Señor 105
Alice Obiefune
Child Master
Group 8
Margaret Hopwood
Fenella Wibbsey
Seeding Groups
Group 1
Susan Foreman
Barbara Wright
Ian Chesterton
Vicki Pallister
Group 2
Steven Taylor
Dodo Chaplet
Ben Jackson
Polly Wright
Group 3
Jamie McCrimmon
Victoria Waterfield
Zoe Heriot
The Brigadier
Sergeant Benton
Group 4
Liz Shaw
Mike Yates
Jo Grant
Sarah-Jane Smith
Harry Sullivan
Group 5
Romana I
Romana II
Group 6
Tegan Jovanka
Vislor Turlough
Group 7
Peri Brown
Mel Bush
Ace McShane
Chang Lee
Grace Holloway
Group 8
Charley Pollard
Evelyn Smythe
Lucie Miller
Liv Chenka
Group 9
Bernice Summerfield
Fitz Kreiner
Iris Wildthyme
Group 10
Rose Tyler
Mickey Smith
Jack Harkness
Martha Jones
Group 11
Donna Noble
Wilfred Mott
River Song
Amy Pond
Rory Williams
Group 12
Clara Oswald
Bill Potts
Yasmin Khan
Group 13
Graham O'Brien
Ryan Sinclair
Dan Lewis
Ruby Sunday
links to previous tournaments
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berubara-4-ham · 6 months
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Margaret Smyth redraw 🌌🔭
Apologize for awful lighting 🥲. The gold stars is metallic gold pen that's is hard to see. The last slide is the drawing from 2020!
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barbossas-wench · 2 years
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Barbossa x Margaret 😭💕
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herwold · 2 years
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Carina Smyth/Barbossa - moodboard
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captainofthepearl · 3 months
Ahoy, lads. I recently found a website that produces songs written with AI. I was inspired to write lyrics and create the song through this software, and it was about Margaret and Barbossa.
By no means I'm a musician, nor do I claim to be; I respect those who can create music. I do not own the rights to this song. I only wrote the lyrics :)
The Brightest Star Lyrics:
Verse 1:
Once I was a man touched by death's embrace, I rose again from the cold, lifeless space.
You came, a radiant light, in a hauntingly beautiful dance.
You wove new life within my soul.
and in your love, I found myself whole.
Like a phoenix rising from the ashes of despair.
With you, you're a treasure I have cherished more than any other silver and gold.
If I spread my broken wings and take a leap of faith.
O' Should I pray? Should I beg?
To free my blackened heart from the depths of hell.
So when I fall asleep, I'll gladly let you haunt me for eternity.
I am no man of god. I am a wrath of sin.
But tonight, I shall set sail towards the fair winds above the heavens.
My brightest star, o' how i'll find you in the afterlife
Verse 2:
I see you in the heavens, reaching out to me.
If only I could touch you, would it then end my anguish?
I made a promise to carry on my legacy, now in the arms of one whom I saved from a life of mine.
Should I poise to pray,
To embody saintliness,
To become a man of promise.
Because for you, I would shatter it all to hear the beat of your heart.
(Because for you, I would shatter it all to hear the beat of your heart.)
If I spread my broken wings and take a leap of faith.
O' Should I pray? Should I beg?
To free my blackened heart from the depths of hell.
So when I fall asleep, I'll gladly let you haunt me for eternity.
I am no man of god. I am a wrath of sin.
But tonight, I shall set sail towards the fair winds above the heavens.
My brightest star, o' how i'll find you in the afterlife.
Will ye find me? Will ye spare me? Free me from the clutches of hell.
Because for you, I'd walk through death and see the first sunrise over the horizon.
If I spread my broken wings and take a leap of faith.
O' Should I pray? Should I beg?
To free my blackened heart from the depths of hell.
So when I fall asleep, I'll gladly let you haunt me for eternity.
I am no man of god. I am a wrath of sin.
But tonight, I shall set sail towards the fair winds above the heavens.
My brightest star, o' how i'll find you in the afterlife
I am no man of god. I am a wrath of sin.
But tonight, I shall set sail towards the fair winds above the heavens.
My brightest star, o' how i'll find you in the afterlife.
My brightest star, o' how i'll find you in the afterlife
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awynter · 19 days
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FULL NAME. annelise sophronia shawcross (later, smythe-smith) NICKNAME. annie (by family only) ALIASES. anne wynter, mary philpott, lady winstead PRONOUNS. she/her. HEIGHT. 5'1" AGE. 27 (default), 25-30 (verse dependent) ZODIAC. scorpio SPOKEN LANGUAGES. english, minimal latin, conversational gaelic
HAIR. long, raven dark, wavy. often swept back into a neat bun EYES. 'dark ocean-blue' SKIN TONE. fair complexion, pale skin BODY TYPE. petite, slim VOICE. soft, but stern. very much the vocal tones of a teacher. she adores music, and she often hums or sings to herself in a very disney-esque type of way. DOMINANT HAND. right POSTURE. she was raised as a lady in society before she worked in service for over ten years, so her posture is typically straight and ladylike. when she's stressed or tired, she tends to slump, but most of the time she remains upright and poised SCARS. tba. BIRTHMARKS. n/a MOST NOTABLE FEATURES. long, dark hair that reaches the middle of her back when down & dark ocean-blue eyes that 'pierce the soul.'
PLACE OF BIRTH. northumberland, england, uk. SIBLINGS. marabeth & charlotte. PARENTS. edmund & margaret shawcross. ENEMIES. george chervil.
OCCUPATION. governess; countess (verse dependent). CURRENT RESIDENCE. partially in london, partially at whipple hill in the english countryside CLOSE FRIENDS. her sister, charlotte, is one of her closest confidantes. she also eventually grows close to her sister-in-law, honoria. other than that the people she is closest with are the three girls under her care, which she is hesitant to call 'friends' FINANCIAL STATUS. raised in high society, but lowered to middle working class when she was exiled. after marrying daniel, she becomes the new countess of winstead and she helps run the estate with her husband. CRIMINAL RECORD. anne wynter has none. annelise shawcross was exiled for assault (self defense) and defamation (literally and figuratively). because of george, she was also considered 'tarnished' and 'soiled' and wouldn't be thought of highly in society. VICES. anne is very much a self-saboteur. when things seem to be going too well, she checks out or purposefully ruins it to save herself the prolonged pain of it possibly going wrong. she is also prone to running from her problems, having done so numerous times and taking on new lives each time. she is also a firm believer in the 'i can fix him' trope and such a belief can lead to troubles her relationships.
SEXUAL ORIENTATION. pansexual with a preference towards men. she finds all genders attractive, but she is less open with her attraction towards women. PREFERRED EMOTIONAL ROLE. versatile, she's a shapeshifter by trade and she can be whatever the mood calls for. in general, she likes others taking the lead but she doesn't mind being dominant every once in a while. PREFERRED SEXUAL ROLE. submissive. TURN OFFS. cocky personalities, degradation/humiliation, fin/d.om; womanizing & using women as sexual objects is her biggest ick. TURN ON'S. praise, romance & chivalry, intellect and wit are big turn on's. anne's biggest desire is to be wanted and to feel secure, so she is often drawn to people of power, either physically or socially. LOVE LANGUAGE. acts of service, quality time, physical touch. RELATIONSHIP TENDENCIES. hopeless romantic with trauma-based detachments. she doesn't trust easily, especially when it comes to men, but once you've earned her heart, you have it forever--even if you break it in the process. she is protective but not obsessive. she's caring and nurturing, but can often forget to care for herself. she's flight versus fight whenever anything seems too good to be true. within a happy relationship, however, she is attentive and considerate, she loves romantic gestures and doing things with her partner, whether its reading, walking, or just talking.
CHARACTER'S THEME TUNE.  power of love by gabrielle aplin HOBBIES TO PASS THE TIME.  reading, playing the pianoforte LEFT OR RIGHT BRAINED.  right-brained SELF-CONFIDENCE LEVEL. mild to moderate, depending on present company
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