#Sven hoek
zlataisawsome · 1 month
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Happy 33rd, old friend :)
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"Mmmmmng... I hate rainy days."
"Ya, and me too..."
Sort of a screenshot redraw but not really.
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stimpiess · 10 months
Thank you so much for following me. What's your favorite and least favorite Ren and Stimpy episodes?
No problem! I really like your art and stories :)
My favorite Ren and Stimpy episodes... Gosh, there's so many, this question is hard to answer!
If I had to pick one, it would be My Shiny Friend.
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Such a gloomy, nightmarish, yet very fun episode (great, fitting color palette BTW)!
I like the two sided nature of this episode. Neither Ren or Stimpy is really in the right. While Stimpy's addiction to the television is concerning, it's not like Ren has the moral high ground either... he restricts when he goes to the fucking bathroom like an abusive boss, and he locked poor Stimpy in the basement for a year with no contact with other lifeforms! Do you know what that kind of solitary isolation DOES to a person?! It breaks them... I think it's worse than the time he tried to murder Stimpy in Stimpy's Fan Club, because that would at least be quick and painless, and he wouldn't have to live with trauma.
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Look at Ren, weeping at and comforting Stimpy, as though he's so concerned for him. He actually thinks he's HELPING by locking him away in the pits of the basement to waste away and suffer. It's so beautifully tragic.
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"Love You Stimpy" Yeah, given what Ren DOES to Stimpy in this episode, that could not be further from the truth. Or maybe he does love him in a fucked up, unhealthy way. Either way, Stimpy is still someone to be pitied. (Also I love the background music in this scene)!
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The suffering begins. Note the decrepit 5'o clock shadow on Stimpy. He has been rotting in this dirty ass basement for quite some time already.
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This nightmare scene always gives me the chills to think about. Not just because a distorted, heavily slowed down version of the Muddy Mudskipper song is playing in the background (love the atmosphere in this episode, did I mention that?), and the fact that we literally see Stimpy getting BLOODY eaten by Muddy, but also because of what it implies.
Stimpy has no real peers outside of Ren, who physically and verbally abuses him 24/7. Really, the only people who he can seek comfort from are idols like Muddy Mudskipper. So imagine being in a vulnerable position after being severely abused. You need someone to lean on so you can feel safe... That someone, for Stimpy, is Muddy. Stimpy states in this very episode he "loves" Muddy. Imagine that person you love, the only person you can count on to find comfort in when times are tough, the one single solace in your life, suddenly turns their back on you and beats the shit out of you and insults you. After you already had to deal with enough of that already. Not you too, Muddy! You can't be like that! You were... supposed to be... the only one... I loved... you... I thought you were different... I guess no one will love me. I have no one. Nothing...
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I love the way Stimpy gets into fetal position. He's so fragile and helpless. But look at that mattress- there's clearly red blood stains on it.
This implies that Ren has been BEATING Stimpy until he bleeds during his time in the basement. I love the subtle little way they implied that. These hidden easter eggs make these episodes so rewatchable, it's like I'm uncovering a new story!
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Love the dystopian, sad colors here. It looks so oppressive and I'm here for it! Stimpy looks like a helpless little kitten who has no idea where he is... I wanna hold his hand
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The way Stimpy breaks when he realizes his fate. Soft, silent weeping. No hope. No soul left. No joy. Just cynicism and sadness overtake him. Poor fucking guy.
I love this episode for the two-sided conflict, the gut-wrenching atmosphere, the ways it makes you feel for Stimpy, and all the dark little implications about the characters in their situation. Everything I like to see in a Ren and Stimpy episode bundled up into one package.
Episodes like Ren Needs Help, Stimpy's Fanclub, Double Header, It's a Dog's Life, and Life Sucks are also enjoyable to rewatch for similar reasons. Stimpy's Invention is also one of my favorites but it's been talked about to death so I won't talk about it here.
Now, as for my least favorite episodes: It's rare I have any episodes in this show I actually dislike, so I will just list them off:
Untamed World: So boring and slow. The joke is "look, all the animals on the island look like ren and stimpy!" Repeat for the entire episode.
Hard Times For Haggis: Character nobody cares about gets the spotlight and all the pity while Ren and Stimpy who are supposed to be the main characters get sidelined. Lame. They spend most of the bloody episode bound and gagged, they have no fucking agency! Who the hell even likes Haggis, he's just a guy who is also a Scottish stereotype, and he's ugly lol...
Sven Hoek: An absolute fan favorite... Why? I'll copy paste what I had to say about Sven Hoek (both the character AND episode) from a deviantART comment I made a while back because he doesn't deserve the extra effort.
"his voice is annoying, he's ugly, he and stimpy have no chemistry whatsoever and don't play off each other at all (anything sven likes, stimpy likes too, it's like watching a two-headed idiot talk to himself. i like stimpy and ren's dynamic more because it provides more contrast).
there is nothing to like about him. as dumb as stimpy is, at least there are other things to like about him, like his kindness, compassion, willingness to help others and talent as an inventor. he's not completely worthless as a person.
what the fuck does sven provide? the only thing he does is be stupid and derp around with stimpy for 22 minutes. he is a waste of space with not a single worthwhile thought or action to bring to the table. i wish ren really did rip his lips out and tear his arms out of the sockets and gouge his eyes out! xd"
This episode basically had no plot. Sven and Stimpy fuck around, that's it. The only entertaining part of this episode is the ending. I liked seeing Ren threaten and verbally assasinate Sven and Stimpy. The characters all going to hell after Ren whizzed on the electric fence was funny too.
Ren's Brain: This is a rare time where I am sympathetic to Ren. This entire episode is about Stimpy intellectually crippling Ren and taking advantage of that for his selfish benefit. I admire Stimpy's intellect in regards to his neuroscience and outsmarting Ren, but the way he treats him like a puppet is not fun to watch. It's cruel. Cruelty is not in Stimpy's character. Why did he do something like that?
Thanks for giving me an opportunity to dump my thoughts out onto the internet like that! I really enjoyed it and I hope to see more asks like this in the future!
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jaqs-art · 2 years
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drawings with actual backgrounds
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cooch1ecruncher · 1 year
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my hc was real this whole time
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angelamontoo · 2 years
I feel like Ren would get along with my boy Francis since they are both psychos
Ah! I assume you mean this handsome gentleman
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He looks quite friendly and I can kinda see Ren being initially pleased to have someone so intelligent to talk to, but becoming intimidated by Francis since Rens so petty and can't stand not being the smartest one in the room lol
But then again, I can also see them getting on well like you say because they're both so crazy and Ren sees him as a fellow intellectual. I wonder if Stimpy would get jealous of Francis
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renpimpiblog · 7 months
Yello..how are you guys doing today?
The next episode iisssss....
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The one where they say nipple a lot, that is almost like, the entire point of the episode??? I'm not complaining either way, It's funny
I really like this one, the premise is pretty simple, Ren and Stimpy try another idea to get rich, they become door to door salesmen of rubber nipples, encountering a good part of the supporting characters, like the fire chief, Mr horse, and others, even though the idea of the episode is pretty mundane, they use it to twist and stretch the crazyness and insanity that characterizes the show so much, so many bizarre things happen, and it all encapsulates so well in Vincent Waller's artstyle, which is my favorite artstyle from these episodes from season 2 (you know, before him and others ended up quitting alongside John K's firing..buh)
Despite all, I think that the ONLY bad point this episode has is the ending, I get that it's supposed to be a reference to the Three stooges??? So it's supposed to be nonsensical and out of place, but I don't knooooowwww, maybe the could've made a ending that blended a lot better with the episode itself and still maintaining the reference?, but overall I really love this episode (bonus POSITIVE points goes to the Latin American dub..I love how Ren sounds so pissed off there)
I give this episode a 9/10, amazing episode, I recommend it greatly teehee
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Join us next time where we'll be taking a look at "Sven Hoek" ooohohohohohhhh that one it's pretty well known so...I hope you're looking forward to it
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popculturebuffet · 2 months
Since it was fun doing Cartoon Network, let's try another network of shows. You already talked about The Hub/Discovery Family original cartoons on another ask, so gonna try Nickelodeon original cartoons next (split up by era). Who is your favorite character from each of the Nicktoons from the first half of the 90s from the shows you've seen like: Doug, Rugrats 1991, The Ren & Stimpy Show, Rocko's Modern Life, Aaahh Real Monsters, Hey Arnold, and KaBlam?
LIke last time (Which wasn't commented on) I'll also give my general thoughts but I was hoping this would happen. Doug: Doug himself, a relatable likeable guy and one of Billy West's breakout roles. Though Roger is a close second as while he's an ass, he's one of the better bully characters out there. The show itself was nice, calming and pretty decent all things considered, a grounded slice of life show that paved the way for others. IT's outclassed by some later ones to be sure, but it's still pretty neat. Rugrats: Chucky. He was this when I was a kid, he still is now. I love this neurotic little mess. The show as a whole was pretty great.. I went through a phase of not liking it and while I still like most other nicktoons on this block better, I can't deny Rugrats staying power, classic characters or all time banger episodes. The Movies are also pretty good and something we may be covering at some point. The Ren and Stimpy Show: Not sure if I have a faviorite here. As for the show I didn't really watch it much as a kid or as an adult: I can admire it's craft, and the gag from sven hoek "BUT FIRST, BUT FIRST, BUT FIIIIRRRSSST I"m gonna take a whiz! Don't you go anywhere", was a thing with me and my friend mars back in the day but I just never was that attached. Which is probably good as John K is a monster, but the rest of his crew did a good job as was the voice acting. It was just never really for me.
Rocko's Modern Life: Rocko Himself. Yes once again i'm picking the main character though out of the side cast, you all know who my boy is
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But Rocko is such a relatable shy little guy he's hard not to love. Though again Wild Pig will always be goat too so they can share it I suppose. Point is Rocko is the best: a relatable show that hits for both adults and kids. As a Kid I watched it but wasn't really in love with it. As a young adult on the n, this thing became my religion and remains one of my faviorite nicktoons. A true classic with humor, relatablity and a whole lotta 90's nostalgia while still being mostly relevant. Watch this one if you haven't. Aaaah Real Monsters: Hard to say as it's been too long. I like Ickis design but all the design work here is awesome. The show itself is one worth revisiting, with great designs and a truly unique style. Wish I had more to say about it as I don't think Kid me was super on board.
Hey Arnold: Honestly? Harold. I thought this would be hard as the cast for Hey Arnold is truly one of the best in animation history, no exageration the amount of spotlight episodes means just about everyone's fleshed out. But Harold's tend to stick out the most with his Kitten Hostage Situation, Bar Mitzfah and especailly his job with Mr Green being some of the series best episodes. The kid was the right mix of obnoxious jerk and heart of gold. Also before we move on can we just.. appricate that the show has an episode where a child basically kidnaps a kitten, has the police called.. and he's STILL the most sympathetic one in the room next to the kitten's owner? It's a tesitament to the show's power: Hey Arnold is a charming, wonderful little show, one of the best slice of life shows period. Part of the reason doug isn't as good as it was in it's heyday.. is it made room for shows like Hey Arnold to exist. A truly wonderful show that gave depth to just about every damn character it had over time, had a lot of heart, charm and creativity. It's honestly one of the best cartoons period and I stand by that, also having a knack for atmsophere along with it's wonderful cast and shocking maturity (Seriously I had no idead Miriam was an alcholic as a kid or Mr Simmons was gay and had a homophobic mom but both are handled well for the time). True classic.
KaBlam: Character wise let's go by short: June (If Narrowly), The Chief (Tends to get the best lines and is enjoyably Da Chief type character boiled down to it's most hliaroius form), Sniz, Prometheus, Loopy Herself, Race Rabbit, and Tommy. As for the show I did a whole ass retrospective, but in short, it's fantastic. Not the biggest fan of prometheus and bob, but the rest of the recurring segments are all bangers on some level, though P and B is still gorgeously animated, it's simply not for me. It's a fantastic show, animation showcase and time capsule and well worth your time.
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videostak · 1 year
had to use the blu ray player in the living room cause i wanted to rly watch tht episode of ren and stimpy wheree they visit anthony cause i think abt it so much and rn my family went somewhere and they all hate ren n stimpy so i was like yayy perfect opportunity to watch it so i went on paramount but they dont even have all the episodes on theere wtf they didnt have that one or even the sven hoek one! thats crazyyy i kno that the anthony one thye might not have cause i think i reemember reeading that they didnt re air it often causee they didnt like paying the kid who voices anthony royalties lol. anyways i have the first two seasons on dvd so its on there but smthn insane is that like ive had it on dvd forever but havent actually sat and watched it all thru on dvd just watched it all thru once online forever ago but like the dvd with that episode was so horribly scratched like just deep ass cuts. which is insane cause ive never eaven used it before :O like thoes series boxes that have so many discs i think will come already scratched so often. cause i had heathcliff too and never watched that all the way thru and when i opened it it was scratched too D: anyawys the disc or atleasst that episode played perfectly and was v funny lol. rly funny when his dad walks out and goes “whats all the commotion” casually . anyways watching that also made me wanna rewatch mighty mouse the new adventures since i alsso have that on dvd and since thats shorter i dont think the discs were scratched. it ust comes in a standard dvd case with like multiple discs.
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shoefunhouse · 5 months
AZ bezorgt NEC volgende kater en pakt de winst in Nijmegen
NEC heeft na de kater van de verloren bekerfinale van een week geleden tegen Feyenoord (0-1) een nieuwe domper te verwerken gekregen in de jacht op Europees voetbal. De nummer zes van de ranglijst had bij winst in eigen huis op AZ nummer vijf Ajax kunnen passeren, maar verloor met 3-0 van de Alkmaarders.
AZ weet zich door de overwinning zo goed als zeker van de vierde plaats, die goed is voor de groepsfase van de Europa League. Ajax zou nog langszij kunnen komen, maar heeft een veel slechter doelsaldo.
Er was Goedkope NEC voetbalshirts veel aan gelegen om de teleurstelling van De Kuip snel van zich af te spelen en daar gaf de ploeg van trainer Rogier Meijer ook al na tien tellen blijk van toen Tjaronn Chery AZ-doelman Mathew Ryan tot handelen dwong. Maar daar bleef het lange tijd bij.
AZ stelde daar nog minder tegenover, maar kwam door een toevalligheid wel na een kwartier op voorsprong. Een steekpassje van Vangelis Pavlidis belandde via de voet van NEC-speler Mees Hoedemakers voor de voeten van Dani de Wit, die vervolgens weinig moeite had om de buitenkans te verzilveren: 0-1.
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Voetbalshirt Sale
Daarmee was het nog niet voorbij met de tegenslag voor NEC, want halverwege de eerste helft moest Philippe Sandler, door een enkeling bestempeld als de beste man op het veld tijdens de bekerfinale van vorige week, met ogenschijnblijk een hamstringblessure naar de kant.
Na de openingstreffer van De Wit, aanvoerder bij het ontbreken van de geblesseerde Jordy Clasie, viel er opnieuw weinig te beleven voor beide doelen. De enige scoringskans was voor Kodai Sano, die zijn hoofd zette tegen een voorzet van Rober González, maar verzuimde een hoek te kiezen.
Efficiënt AZ
In de tweede helft ging NEC met aanvaller Sontje Hansen voor rechtsback Brayann Pereira op zoek naar een doelpunt, wat dit seizoen in alle vijftien competitiewedstrijden in eigen huis gelukt was. Het was echter opnieuw het efficiënte Goedkope AZ Alkmaar voetbalshirts dat toesloeg.
Een passje van Ruben van Bommel, dat de buitenspel staande Pavlidis liet lopen, werd door Mees de Wit net binnen gehouden. Zijn voorzet kwam via de opnieuw ongelukkige Hoedemakers alsnog terecht bij Pavlidis, die met een schuiver doelman Jasper Cillessen bij de verre paal verschalkte: 0-2.
Zijn 27ste competitiedoelpunt van het seizoen bracht de Griek, die op de topscorerlijst PSV'er Luuk de Jong bijhaalde, naast AZ-icoon Kees Kist. Die scoorde in de jaargang 1978/1979 in 22 verschillende duels in de eredivisie en moet dat clubrecord nu delen met Pavlidis.
Een grotere achterstand bleef de thuisclub bespaard omdat Sven Mijnans, na goed voorbereidend werk van Pavlidis, rechtdoor schoot en zo Cillessen de kans gaf de inzet te keren. Aan de andere kant deed Mathias Ross, de vervanger van Sandler, het niet veel beter.
Kroon op werk
Het bleef voor NEC zoeken naar openingen in de Alkmaarder defensie, maar die gaf geen krimp. Integendeel, AZ zette in de extra tijd de kroon op het werk met de 0-3 van invaller Ernest Poku.
De achterstand van AZ op nummer drie FC Twente is nu weer vijf punten, in de wetenschap dat de de mannen van coach Maarten Martens volgende week de ploeg uit Enschede op bezoek krijgen. De derde plek levert aan het eind van de rit een ticket voor de voorronde van de Champions League op.
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Here are some little drawings I did in my sketchbook!:)
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nomlioart · 2 years
Ren and Stimpy at their wedding? 👀
plus a special guest, Sven as the best man
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partyexe · 2 years
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rendoodletoon · 3 years
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stoopid doggo
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Some Höek love... I know some people don't want Stimpy as a female or maybe Ren with a hair cut, but I know, know... But, at least, Tumblr needs more Rempy posts, is 95 days with no Rempy posts here in Tumblr (hoping, I don't want get in trouble at least)
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Also, who wants older Sven Höek with clothes as well?
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mityfresh · 5 years
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my work for the Ren and Stimpy reanimated project I’m happy I got to do work for one of my fav shows.
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